Admission Arrangement 2015/16 - Appendix E

Determined Changes to catchment areas around :

1. parish

From September 2015 the parish of Crimplesham will be in the catchment area of and Stow Primary BUT transitional arrangements will be in place for pupils already on roll at Downham Market Hillcrest Primary and any younger siblings who will have protected in catchment rights to Hillcrest as well as James Bradfield. The School Admissions team will advise parents and manage application prioritisation to ensure that transitional arrangements are implemented.

Norfolk Determined Admission Arrangements 2015/16 – Page 1

2. Part of Stow Bardolph parish to the east of the A10

From September 2015 part of the parish of Stow Bardolph to the east of the A10 road will be in the catchment area of Wimbotsham and Stow Primary. No transitional arrangements are formally proposed as Wimbotsham and Stow is the nearest school, significantly nearer than Nelson Academy in Downham Market – the current catchment school. The School Admissions team will monitor applications and apply transitional arrangements as necessary.

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3. parish

From September 2015 the parish of Wereham will be in the catchment area of James Bradfield Primary, BUT transitional arrangements will be in place for pupils already on roll at Downham Market Hillcrest Primary and any younger siblings who will have protected “in catchment” rights to Hillcrest as well as to James Bradfield School. The School Admissions team will advise parents and manage application prioritisation to ensure that transitional arrangements are implemented.

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