Monica Daly, Piano


Claire Cooper, Mezzo-Soprano Tess Ottinger, Soprano Jared Hancock, Baritone Kelly Timko, Soprano Colleen McGonigle, Mezzo-Soprano

Auf dem See, Op. 92 No. 2 Franz Schubert (1797-1828) Auf dem Wasser zu singen, Op. 72

La mer est plus belle Claude Debussy (1862-1918) La Romance d’Ariel

L’invitation au voyage Henri Duparc (1848-1933) La vie antérieure

Drei Lieder der Ophelia, Op. 67 Richard Strauss (1864-1949) I. Wie erkenn ich mein Treulieb vor andern nun II. Guten morgen, ‘s ist Sankt Valentinstag III. Sie trugen ihn auf der Bahre bloß

Sea Pictures, Op. 37 (1857-1934) I. II. III. IV. V.

Sunday, May 5th, 2019 12:00 PM Leith Symington Griswold Hall

This recital is offered in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Graduate Performance Diploma in Vocal Accompanying.

The use of cameras and video or tape recorders without prior permission is strictly prohibited. Notice: For your own safety, LOOK for your nearest EXIT. In case of emergency, WALK do not RUN, to that EXIT. By order of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore. !1 TEXT AND TRANSLATIONS Auf dem See On the Lake

Und frische Nahrung, neues Blut And fresh nourishment, new blood Saug’ ich aus freier Welt; I suck from these open spaces; Wie ist Natur so hold und gut, How sweet and kindly Nature is, Die mich am Busen hält! Who holds me to her breast!

Die Welle wiegen unsern The waves cradle our boat Kahn Im Rudertakt hinauf, To the rhythm of the oars, Und Berge, wolkig himmelan, And mountains, soaring skywards in cloud, Begegnen unserm Lauf. Meet us in our path.

Aug’, mein Aug’, was sinkst du nieder? Why, my eyes, do you look down? Goldne Träume, kommt ihr wieder? Golden dreams, will you return? Weg, du Traum! so gold du bist; Away, you dream, however golden; Hier auch Lieb’ und Leben ist. Here too is love and life.

Auf der Welle blinken Stars in their thousands Tausend schwebende Sterne, Drift and glitter on the waves, Weiche Nebel trinken Gentle mists drink in Rings die türmende Ferne; The towering skyline;

Morgenwind umflügelt Morning breezes flutter Die beschattete Bucht, Round the shaded bay, Und im See bespiegelt And the ripening fruit Sich die reifende Frucht. Is reflected in the lake.

Poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Auf der Wasser zu singen To sing on the water

Mitten im Schimmer der spiegelnden Wellen In the midst of the shimmering, mirroring waves Gleitet, wie Schwäne, der wankende Kahn; Glides like swans the rocking boat Ach, auf der Freude sanftschimmernden Wellen Ah, on softly shimmering waves of joy Gleitet die Seele dahin wie der Kahn; Glides the soul away like the boat. Denn von dem Himmel herab auf die Wellen For from the heavens down on the waves Tanzet das Abendrot rund um den Kahn. Dances the evening glow round about the boat.

Über den Wipfeln des westlichen Haines Above the treetops of the western glade Winket uns freundlich der rötliche Schein; Beckons to us amiably the ruddy glow; Unter den Zweigen des östlichen Haines Under the branches of the eastern glade Säuselt der Kalmus im rötlichen Schein; Rustle the reeds in the ruddy glow. Freude des Himmels und Ruhe des Haines Joy of the heavens and peace of the glades Atmet die Seel' im errötenden Schein. Breathes the soul in the reddening glow.

Ach, es entschwindet mit tauigem Flügel Ah, with dewy wings Mir auf den wiegenden Wellen die Zeit. On the rocking waves, time escapes from me Morgen entschwindet mit schimmerndem Flügel Tomorrow with shimmering wings Wieder wie gestern und heute die Zeit, Like yesterday and today may time again escape from Bis ich auf höherem, strahlenden Flügel me, Selber entschwinde der wechselnden Zeit. Until I on towering, radiant wings Myself escape from changing time. Poem by Friedrich Leopold zu Stolberg-Stolberg !2 La mer est plus belle The sea is more beautiful

La mer est plus belle The sea is more beautiful Que les cathédrales, than the cathedrals, Nourrice fidèle, faithful nurse, Berceuse de râles, cradler of deaths, La mer sur qui prie the sea over which La Vierge Marie! the Virgin Mary prays!

Elle a tous les dons It has all the gifts Terribles et doux. both terrible and kind. J'entends ses pardons I hear all its forgiveness Gronder ses courroux... scolding its wrath... Cette immensité In this vastness N'a rien d'entêté. there is nothing stubborn.

Oh! si patiente, Oh! So patient, Même quand méchante! even when cruel! Un souffle ami hante A friendly breath haunts La vague, et nous chante: the wave, and sings to us: “Vous, sans espérance, "You, without hope, Mourez sans souffrance!” die without suffering!"

Et puis sous les cieux And then, beneath the skies Qui s'y rient plus clairs, which laugh at it more clearly, Elle a des airs bleus, it takes on blue, Roses, gris et verts... pink, grey and green hues... Plus belles que tous, More beautiful than everything, Meilleure que nous! better than us!

Poem by Paul Verlaine La Romance d’Ariel

Au long de ces montagnes douces, Come, will you not cross these fair mountains, Dis! viendras-tu pas à l’appel When summoned by De ton délicat Ariel Your fair Ariel, Qui veloute à tes pieds les mousses? Who velvets the moss at your feet?

Suave Miranda, je veux Sweet Miranda, I would wish Qu’il fasse juste assez de brise For just enough breeze Pour que ce souffle tiède frise For its warm breath to ruffle Les pointes d’or de tes cheveux! The golden tips of your hair!

Les clochettes des digitales The foxglove bells Sur ton passage tinteront; Will chime as you pass; Les églantines sur ton front The eglantine will shed on your brow Effeuilleront leurs blancs pétales. Its white petals.

Sous le feuillage du bouleau Beneath the birch leaves Blondira ta tête bouclée; Your curly head will turn blond; Et dans le creux de la vallée And in the depths of the valley Tu regarderas bleuir l’eau, You will see the water turn blue, L’eau du lac lumineux ou sombre, The water of the luminous or dark lake, Miroir changeant du ciel d’été, A changing mirror of the summer sky, Qui sourit avec sa gaîté Which smiles in merriment Et qui s’attriste avec son ombre; And grows sad in its shadow;

Symbole, hélas! du cœur aimant, Symbol, alas, of the loving heart, Où le chagrin, où le sourire Where the sorrow, where the smile De l’être trop aimé, se mire Of one too well loved, is reflected Gaîment ou douloureusement… Merrily or sadly…

Poem by Paul Bourget !3 L’invitation au voyage The invitation to travel

Mon enfant, ma sœur, My child, my sister, Songe à la douceur dream of the gentleness D'aller là-bas vivre ensemble! of going over there to live together! Aimer à loisir, To love at leisure, Aimer et mourir to love and to die Au pays qui te ressemble! in the country which resembles you!

Les soleils mouillés The watery suns De ces ciels brouillés of those misty skies, Pour mon esprit ont les charmes for my mind, have the charms, Si mystérieux so mysterious, De tes traitres yeux, of your betraying eyes, Brillant à travers leurs larmes. shining through their tears.

Là, tout n'est qu'ordre et beauté, There, all is but order and beauty, Luxe, calme et volupté. luxury, calm and voluptuousness.

Vois sur ces canaux See, on these canals, Dormir ces vaissaux those vessels sleeping Dont l'humeur est vagabonde; whose disposition is to roam; C'est pour assouvir it is to fulfil Ton moindre désir your slightest desire Qu'ils viennent du bout du monde. that they come from the end of the earth.

Les soleils couchants The setting suns Revêtent les champs, reclothe the fields, Les canaux, la ville entière, the canals, the whole town, D'hyacinthe et d'or; in hyacinth and in gold; Le monde s'endort the world falls asleep Dans une chaude lumière. in a warm light.

Là, tout n'est qu'ordre et beauté, There, all is but order and beauty, Luxe, calme et volupté. luxury, calm and voluptuousness.

Poem by Charles Baudelaire La vie antérieure The previous life

J'ai longtemps habité sous de vastes portiques Long did I live beneath vast porticoes Que les soleils marins teignaient de mille feux, which the marine suns tinted with a thousand fires Et que leurs grands piliers, droits et majestueux, and which their great, tall and majestic pillars Rendaient pareils, le soir, aux grottes basaltiques. made them, at evening, resemble the basaltic caves.

Les houles, en roulant les images des cieux, The waves, while rolling the reflections of the skies, Mêlaient d'une façon solennelle et mystique mixed, in a solemn and mysterious way, Les tout-puissants accords de leur riche musique the all-powerful harmonies of their rich music Aux couleurs du couchant reflété par mes yeux. into the colours of the sunset reflected by my eyes.

C'est là que j'ai vécu dans les voluptés calmes, It is there that I lived among the peaceful pleasures, Au milieu de l'azur, des vagues, des splendeurs in the middle of the azure, the waves, the splendours Et des esclaves nus, tout imprégnés d'odeurs, and the naked slaves, saturated in scents,

Qui me rafraîchissaient le front avec des palmes, who cooled my brow with palm leaves, Et dont l'unique soin était d'approfondir and whose only care was to deapen Le secret douloureux qui me faisait languir. the painful secret which was making me languish.

Poem by Charles Baudelaire !4 DREI LIEDER DER OPHELIA I I Wie erkenn' ich mein Treulieb How can I tell my true love Vor den Andern nun? From another now? An dem Muschelhut und Stab By his cockle hat and staff Und den Sandalschuh'n? And his sandal shoes?

Er ist todt und lange hin, He is dead and long gone, Todt und hin, Fräulein; Dead and gone, young lady! Ihm zu Häupten grünes Gras, At his head, green grass, Ihm zu Fuß ein Stein. O, ho! At his feet, a stone. O ho!

Auf seinem Bahrtuch, weiß wie Schnee,-- On his bier, white like snow, Viel liebe Blumen trauern; Many lovely flowers mourn. Sie gehn zu Grabe naß, o weh! They go wet to the grave, o woe! Von Liebesschauern. From love’s showers. II II Guten Morgen, 's ist Sankt Valentinstag, Good morning, it's Valentine's Day, So früh vor Sonnenschein So early before sunlight. Ich junge Maid am Fensterschlag I, a young maid at the windowsill, Will euer Valentin sein. Wish to be your valentine.

Der junge Mann thät Hosen an, The young man puts on trousers, That auf die Kammerthür, Opened up the door to his chamber, Ließ ein die Maid, die als 'ne Maid Let the maiden in, who as a maiden Ging nimmermehr herfür. Went nevermore out.

Bei Sanct Niklas und Charitas! By Saint Nicholas and Charity! Ein unverschämt Geschlecht! A shameless sex! Ein junger Mann thut's, wenn er kann, A young man does it whenever he can, Fürwahr, das ist nicht recht. Truly, that is not right.

Sie sprach: Eh' ihr gescherzt mit mir, She said: Before you trifled with me, Verspracht ihr mich zu frei'n. You promised to wed me. Ich bräch's auch nicht, bei'm Sonnenlicht, I would not break my word, by the sunlight, Wär'st du nicht kommen herein. If you had not come in here. III III Sie trugen ihn auf der Bahre bloß, They carried him on his bier bare, Leider ach, leider, den Liebsten: Alas, alas, her darling! Manche Thräne fiel in des Grabes Schoß; Many tears fell in the grave’s womb; Fahr' wohl, meine Taube! Farewell, my dove!

Mein junger frischer Hansel ist's der mir gefällt "It’s my young, fresh Hansel, the one I like, Und kommt er nimmermehr? and he’ll nevermore return?" Er ist todt, o weh! He is dead, o woe! In dein Totbett geh', To your deathbed go, Er kommt dir nimmermehr. He’ll never come to you again.

Sein Bart war weiss wie Schnee, His bead was white as snow, Sein Haupt wie Flachs dazu. His hair like flax. Er ist hin, er ist hin, He is gone, he is gone, Kein Trauern bringt Gewinn: No mourning brings profit: Mit seiner Seele Ruh'! Peace to his soul! Und mit allen Christenseelen! darum bet' ich! And to all Christian souls! For that I pray! Gott sei mit euch! God be with you!

Poetry by Karl Joseph Simrock !5


I. Sea Slumber Song

Seabirds are asleep, III. Sabbath Morning at Sea The world forgets to weep, Sea murmurs her soft slumber-song The ship went on with solemn face; On the shadowy sand To meet the darkness on the deep, of this elfin land; The solemn ship went onward. “I, the Mother mild, I bowed down weary in the place; Hush thee, O my child, For parting tears and present sleep Forget the voices wild!” Had weighed mine eyelids downward.

Isles in elfin light The new sight, the new wondrous sight! Dream, the rocks and caves, The waters around me, turbulent, Lulled by whispering waves, The skies, impassive o'er me, Veil their marbles bright, Calm in a moonless, sunless light, Foam glimmers faintly white As glorified by even the intent Upon the shelly sand Of holding the day glory! Of this elfin land; Love me, sweet friends, this Sabbath day. Sea-sound, like violins, The sea sings round me while ye roll To slumber woos and wins, Afar the hymn, unaltered, I murmur my soft slumber-song, And kneel, where once I knelt to pray, Leave woes, and wails, and sins, And bless me deeper in your soul Ocean’s shadowy might Because your voice has faltered. Breathes good-night, Good-night! And though this sabbath comes to me Without the stolèd minister, Poem by Roden B.W. Noel (1834-1894) And chanting congregation, God's Spirit shall give comfort. He II. In Haven Who brooded soft on waters drear, Creator on creation. Closely let me hold thy hand, Storms are sweeping sea and land; He shall assist me to look higher, Love alone will stand. Where keep the saints, with harp and song, Closely cling, for waves beat fast, An endless sabbath morning, Foam-flakes cloud the hurrying blast; And, on that sea commixed with fire, Love alone will last. Oft drop their eyelids raised too long Kiss my lips, and softly say: To the full Godhead's burning. “Joy, sea-swept, may fade to-day; Love alone will stay.” Poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861)

Poem by (1848-1920)

IV. Where Corals Lie

The deeps have music soft and low Yes, press my eyelids close, 'tis well, When winds awake the airy spry, But far the rapid fancies fly It lures me, lures me on to go To rolling worlds of wave and shell, And see the land where corals lie. And all the land where corals lie.

By mount and mead, by lawn and rill, Thy lips are like a sunset glow, When night is deep, and moon is high, Thy smile is like a morning sky, That music seeks and finds me still, Yet leave me, leave me, let me go And tells me where the corals lie. And see the land where corals lie.

Poem by Richard Garnett (1835-1906) !6

V. The Swimmer

With short, sharp, violent lights made vivid, To southward far as the sight can roam, Only the swirl of the surges livid, The seas that climb and the surfs that comb.

Only the crag and the cliff to nor’ward, And the rocks receding, and reefs flung forward, Waifs wreck’d seaward and wasted shoreward, On shallows sheeted with flaming foam.

A grim, grey coast and a seaboard ghastly, And shores trod seldom by feet of men— Where the batter’d hull and the broken mast lie, They have lain embedded these long years ten.

Love! when we wandered here together, Hand in hand through the sparkling weather, From the heights and hollows of fern and heather, God surely loved us a little then.

The skies were fairer and shores were firmer— The blue sea over the bright sand roll’d; Babble and prattle, and ripple and murmur, Sheen of silver and glamour of gold.

So, girt with tempest and wing’d with thunder And clad with lightning and shod with sleet, And strong winds treading the swift waves under The flying rollers with frothy feet.

One gleam like a bloodshot sword-blade swims on The sky line, staining the green gulf crimson, A death-stroke fiercely dealt by a dim sun That strikes through his stormy winding sheet.

O, brave white horses! you gather and gallop, The storm sprite loosens the gusty reins; Now the stoutest ship were the frailest shallop In your hollow backs, on your high-arched manes.

I would ride as never man has ridden In your sleepy, swirling surges hidden; To gulfs foreshadow’d through strifes forbidden, Where no light wearies and no love wanes.

Poem by Adam Lindsay Gordon (1833-1870)