Minutes of the Meeting of Parish Council, held at the Queen Alexandra Memorial Pavilion (QAMP), , on Tuesday 27th June 2017, starting at 19:30

Present: Mr J Hughes, Mr R Panes, Mr A Baxter, Mr A Williams, Mrs C Offer, Mr M Gibson, Mr M Riddle

Min 56/17 Visitors – None this month

Min 57/17 Declarations of interests

Mr Hughes – Allotments Mr Baxter – Allotments, Intelligent Solutions, Mike’s Maintenance Services, Mr Williams - Treasurer Olveston Sports & Social Club, Treasurer of Olveston United Football Club, and Managing Director of Britannic Furniture Ltd Mr Gibson - Church Warden of St Mary’s Church Mr Panes – GSH Architects

Min 58/17 Apologies for absence – Mrs P Savage, Mr N Gingell,

Min 59/17 Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 23rd May 2017 were circulated, reviewed by the Council (notes in the minutes below). Mr Panes proposed that they were a fair representation, seconded by Mr Gibson and agreed by all present. Mr Baxter presented the Googledrive spreadsheet, and offered to log the actions as identified during the meeting. Action 59/17/01 Clerk to add ‘Review Action List’ to future agendas

Min 60/17 Matters arising from the minutes

Review of land that has been promoted via the West of England Partnership Joint Spatial Plan and through the Council Local Plan – Following last months review, Mr Williams and the Clerk are drafting a response to a parishioners query that will be circulated for approval at the July Parish Council Meeting. Action 60/17/01 Mr Williams & Clerk to review

Olveston Parish Council Registered Address: 8 Orchard Rise, Olveston, Bristol BS35 4DY Email: [email protected] Phone: 07780 572594 Min 61/17 Meetings with Other Local Bodies – SGC Consultations

The modifications to the PSP have recently gone out for Consultation, this consultation is on the process used rather than the amendments incorporated. Mr Riddle advised that further Consultations on Strategic Planning will be consulted on later in the year. Action 61/17/01 Mr Lloyd to be invited to Comment

The consultation on the Council’s Supported Bus Services will run from 12th June to 3rdSeptember 2017. The survey can be completed online at: https://wh.snapsurveys.com/s.asp?k=148725959002. Hard copies will be available at all South Gloucestershire libraries and One Stop Shops, and there are posters and also a series of roadshows to promote the consultation. Action 61/17/02 Mr Lloyd & Mrs Grindal to be invited to Comment Action 61/17/03 Clerk to publicise

Public consultation (Opened 12th June 2017 and will close at midnight on 21st August 2017) on a new joint strategy to guide the work of the South Gloucestershire Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) over the next four years to improve the health of everyone living and working in South Gloucestershire. The JHWS sets out four key priorities where the Board feel their work can improve the health and wellbeing of people living and working in South Gloucestershire.

 Improve educational attainment and raise aspirations through promotion of health and wellbeing in schools and colleges  Promote and enable positive mental health and wellbeing at every stage of life  Promote and enable good nutrition, physical activity and a healthy weight throughout life  Maximise the potential of our built and natural environment to enable healthy lifestyles and prevent disease Action 61/17/04 Mrs Offer to decide whether Parish Council feedback is required

Min 62/17 Committee reports

1. Recreation & Leisure - Date of Meeting - Tuesday 13th June. The Parish Council were asked by Mr Panes to postpone the next Recreation & Leisure meeting to the 18th July.

New Tennis Clubhouse –  The Committee were somewhat dismayed by the lack of progress by the Tennis club on landscaping the area, it is a bit of a mess to say the least. Building material also left in ditch in car park. Claire Hawkins (OTTC) assured the Committee that work was going to be done over the next 2 weekends, if this does not happen then a stiff letter detailing concerns should be sent – The meeting noted that this work has still not been completed.  OTTC are to hedge across the boundary to the play area and put in a suitable gate.

Fencing around 3rd Court –  Mike Taylor has remounted the footpath sign by the Parish Hall  The Committee decided that the fence dividing the tennis courts from Mr Hicks field could be removed as it serves no purpose and is in poor state of repair. The fence separating the car park from the field does need to be repaired. Mr Panes noted the ownership of the boundary and the old fencing needs to be confirmed. Action 62/17/01 Mr Baxter to obtain Land Registry information 2 of 10 Green – Review required at the end of the season, whether the additional cost is justified

Tockington Ring – Following discussion the recreation & Leisure Committee were asked to arrange for RGS to prune the bushes, and for Mr Panes to review with Phil Dye, about how much could be removed from the central tree.

‘Special Expenses Charge’ & South Glos Council Localism contract - The meeting noted that the Parish Council needs to get a better understanding of the South Glos Council contracts and particularly the to ascertain whether savings can be achieved for 2018/19. South Glos are to be chased for the information to be loaded onto Parish Online so that the Parish can focus in on the work being claimed.

Play Areas and safety checks

Play Area Safety Reports – ROSPA Inspection reports have been used as the basis for the walk round the play areas. The May meeting expressed dissatisfaction that the inspections were not completed in early April as promised, and noted the inconsistencies of the reports - alternative Inspection Companies be considered.

Vicarage Lane Play area –  Clearing the top ditch continues to be a problem. In the short term the meeting agreed to fund the necessary clearances and then get South Glos to action future enforcement.  Strap on the baby swing needs replacement.  Up ramp needs renewing on the Junior Multiplay (and bolts replaced)  The fence around the Play Area needs requires stain/ treatment in the Autumn  Parish Council sign needs cleaning  Basket Ball net – To be removed, in the medium term it could be replaced with a 5-a-side net or a Junior Rugby Post.  Play surfaces in Olveston under the Multiplay Area, a tear under the swings and shrinkage adjacent to the seesaw all need attention. All-out-play have provided a quotation. The quotation doesn’t include photographs of the different standards available, costs for green grids under the seesaw, nor a price for a cut-out underneath the swings. Other Companies need to quote against the requirements.

Old Down Play Area –  The rough area adjacent to the Scout Hut looks untidy, and responsibility needs to be checked – could help be sought from the Scouts?  The top cross pole on swing area needs replacing.  Lower parts of ramp need replacement  Surface in Play Area needs some attention/ repair  Picnic benches need to be checked for damage  The fence around the Play Area needs requires stain/ treatment in the Autumn  The lower falls on front of QAMP need painting  Sucker saplings need removing from tree in overflow carpark

Tockington Play Area –  Frog foot, replacement parts procured from HAGS, but need fitting  Broken latch on gate into play area on footpath line needs repair  Fencing around the play area, requires stain/ treatment in the Autumn

3 of 10  Wobble Board on agility trail requires repair (?)  Uneven surface issues in play area.  Weed killing required in car park and 3rd court

New Issues raised by Parishioners

A Parishioner has complained about tree canopies on the South side of Daldry Gardens which does need sorting. We think the land is not earmarked as belonging to anybody and we feel it sensible to get the work done, also bushes on Vicarage Lane gate access need cutting back so Parish council sign can be seen.

The parishioners letter has also been forwarded by the Clerk to SGC Streetcare, and following discussions with Marcus Gill (who has visited the site) and views the overhanging trees as a minor issue – the main issue being that several land and house owners have allowed their trees and shrubs to overgrow the footpaths, SGC are now taking the first steps to enforce adequate property maintenance. As part of the discussions the Clerk has asked for all the lands and maintenance work (Special Expenses) to be added to Parish Online, and has involved Mr Baxter as to how this can be undertaken.

The Parish Council noted that several trees within the curtilage of the Elms have been allowed to grow out of hand and affecting the light of nearby residents. The three trees do need Crowned, shaped and the Canopy raised, Mr Riddle will arrange for Phil Dye (of SGC) to meet with Mr Panes to discuss.

The Parish Council noted that the Wall adjacent to the stone stile in Vicarage Lane has now been repaired. This was apparently funded through monies specifically distributed by our District Councillor on behalf of South Glos Council.

Old Down Quarry – Mr Hughes reminded the meeting that the area of the Quarry for which the Parish Council is responsible needs to be registered, and would like a clear definition of the boundary with the part of the Quarry owned by Rock Cottage. The resident of Orchard House is requesting clarification as to who owns the hedge, and the meeting noted that if shared then the Council would only be responsible for its side – Mr Panes was asked to get a quotation from Branchwalkers.

War Memorial – The Parish Council noted that further repairs are required to the War Memorial Steps, and asked Mr Panes to contact John Thiery.

2. Planning & the Environment

Mr Hughes updated the Parish Council on the sale of the Vicarage, informing the meeting that the Diocese of Bristol couldn’t attach conditions to the sale in the event it became a housing development. Mr Hughes asked Mr Williams to review with Mr Riddle as to how this can be taken further.

Planning Applications Approved/ passed/ Decisions Discharged by SGC since last meeting:

PT17/0946/F Tockington Court Upper Tockington Road Tockington Bristol South Gloucestershire BS32 4LQ { Single storey rear extension} PT17/1480/F Fernhill Court Fernhill South Gloucestershire BS32 4LX {Installation of patio doors to replace window in Unit 6 and creation of a patio/garden area to serve Unit 6.} PT17/2605/NMA 27 Russet Close Olveston Bristol South Gloucestershire BS35 4EF

4 of 10 {Non material amendment to PT17/077/F to change front porch windows from full length to half height corner, transpose position of bi fold doors and kitchen window and add bi fold doors opening to patio} PT17/2268/TCA Tockington Manor School Washingpool Hill Road Tockington Bristol South Gloucestershire BS32 4NY {Works to trees in accordance with submitted tree schedule dated 18/5/2017 in Tockington Conservation Area.}

Planning Applications Refused by SGC (or withdrawn) since last meeting - none

Planning Applications Pending Decision by SGC since last meeting - none

New planning applications received:

PT17/1863/F Lamda Haw Lane Olveston Bristol South Gloucestershire BS35 4EG {Erection of two storey rear extension to provide additional living accommodation.} PT17/2102/O School Garden Nursery Elberton Road Olveston South Gloucestershire BS35 4DB {Erection of 4no dwellings with associated garages (Outline) with access to be determined. All other matters reserved} PT17/2374/F 20 Bramley Close Olveston Bristol South Gloucestershire BS35 4EA {Erection of front porch} DOC17/0138 The East Barn Lower Tockington Road Tockington Bristol South Gloucestershire BS32 4LE {Discharge of condition 2 (Stonework samples) and 3 (roof samples) attached to planning permission PT16/1114/F Erection of single storey extension and first floor extension to south elevation to form additional living accommodation. Installation of conserve}

3. Projects (full referencing available from the Clerk) actively being worked on - Date of Meeting - Tuesday 13th June (with further updates presented at the Parish Council Meeting)

Project 05 – Traffic Calming (Mr Williams & Mr Gingell).

The meeting reviewed the traffic & parking issues, reminding themselves of the three recent accidents when fortunately no-one was badly injured, and the proposals from the Tockington interest groups. Mr Riddle updated the meeting that the Tockington Manor School (TMS), 20 mph Speed restriction is on hold at the moment until speed recordings through the village have been concluded (see point C below, speed reading are now being taken using strips across the roads in the village). There were no objections to the scheme, so it can go ahead. There were 16 responses asking for it to be extended into Tockington village.

Since the last Olveston Parish Council meeting, Mr Riddle has made the following suggestions to the SGC Officer: a. A ‘one way’ scheme along Washingpool Hill Road - SGC officers will NOT support this at all, mainly due the fact that one way schemes increase the speed of traffic b. A 30 mph limit along Washingpool Hill Road - SGC officers are happy to go out and consult on this aspect c. Extending the TMS 20 mph limit into the village - if existing speeds are 24 mph or over (not sure if this is average speed or 85th percentile speed?) then for a 20 mph limit to be implemented there will be a need for traffic calming measures installed AS WELL. This will be typically speed humps/ cushions.

5 of 10 Next steps : Speed readings are now being taken and should be available soon. Testing then might be needed on this point - if a 20 mph limit is extended into Tockington village, would residents be happy for traffic calming measures (speed humps/ cushions) as well?

Mr Riddle offered to obtain more information about the three accidents, and the associated findings, and the meeting recognised that following the series of meetings involving residents and Rob Wiltshire from South Glos Council, the meeting should await Rob Wiltshire’s report.

Project 11 – Sign Renovation (Mr Gingell, Mr Panes)

Road Signs – The road sign in Hardy Lane has been completed by Mike Taylor and looks very good (need to ensure that reference to Ferry is not blacked in) – project assessment needed

Walks & Map Boards - The map boards have been delivered. The free standing board (with the two maps) has been erected (near the QAMP). The two single boards for wall mounting are available in QAMP for the Parish Council to arrange their fixing - one for Tockington and one for Olveston as soon as the precise locations have been agreed. Once sited, Richard Lloyd wants to arrange a photo opportunity and get some publicity, and, of course, involve the Forgotten Landscape Project. Action 62/17/02 Mr Baxter to arrange

Project 12 – QAMP Renovation (Mr Panes)

The QAMP Development Group (Chaired by Robert Harris, Tony Williams -Treasurer, Richard Panes – Secretary and includes members from each of the sports & social clubs) have identified that the Building Regulation plans need to be sorted out before quotations can be sought, Mark Snook to be chased. Action 62/17/03 Mr Panes to circulate minutes

The Committee running the OSSC – The football club held a meeting on the 27th June to discuss whether they are prepared to take over responsibility for the Social Club, and have arranged a further meeting on the 4th July to see who else would help run the Club, with the intention of having everything in place by 1st September. Mrs Savage has offered to chair the new Committee. The intention would be for the new Committee to take over responsibility for the Bar using volunteers. Mr Gibson enquired as to who the suppliers are. This may affect the Leases that the Parish Council hold with the respective Clubs.

Project 13 – Biodiversity (Mrs Offer, Mr Baxter)

Mrs Offer informed the Council that an inaugural Meeting of the Biodiversity Group was held on the 8th June (Catherine Offer, Adrian Baxter, Richard Lloyd and Melinda Evans) with a second meeting on the 26th June. The meeting reviewed the original Parish Council Document prepared by Mr Baxter and presented to the 2017 APA, the SGC document relating to Biodiversity project plans & aims, and the SGC document relating to the Olveston Biodiversity plan. Contact made with most of the volunteers from the 2017 APA, and a meeting set up for 17th July at the Parish Hall from 7.30pm (TBC). A ‘Mission Statement’ (see Appendix 2) has been approved by Biodiversity Group, for use as introduction to the project as well as a simple handout.

Action 62/17/04 Clerk to formalise on Parish Council headed paper, and load onto the website

Ideas for name…… “Making Space for Wildlife” ….. is the Groups choice but we will be asking the volunteers or ideas too and making a final decision within the next week. Action 62/17/05 Clerk to forward other potential volunteers and interest groups to Mrs Offer

6 of 10 Plans for competition for Logo Design open to all children age 3 to 16 in 3 separate age groups. Contact to be made with all schools and youth groups in the area before the end of term. Mrs Offer is to write a Meeting Point Article to announce the project and competition. Mr Baxter is also designing a poster with all the information. The intention is to run the logo competition until the end of September, followed by judging [Judges from SGC and Avon Wildlife tbc], and have an ‘award ceremony’ with guest speaker [child friendly] to launch project with name and logo and award prizes and certificates. Mrs Offer suggested that the Parish Council should fund the prizes for each group winner.

Future plans include: - Mapping of all the areas of particular interest / concern; Continue to add contacts and sources of info to spreadsheet; Contact neighbouring Parish Councils; Set up meetings with Sally Pattison from SGC and AFL to share ideas and resources; Start planning practical steps to begin surveys and monitoring at appropriate times of the year; Training for surveying / monitoring / recording; Setting up survey groups with specific tasks and named Leader.

Mr Hughes thanked Mrs Offer for her work and suggested that it would be a wonderful opportunity to get a Biodiversity Guru to talk at the 2018 APA, and asked that Mrs Offer bear this in mind.

Project 14 – 25 Year Leases, Mr Hughes is now seeking another solicitor who can complete the Football and Scout group leases, and has suggested using a Thornbury based Solicitor.

Claire Hawkins (OTTC) has asked that their current lease be reviewed as it includes access for the tennis club through the 3rd court. It is unclear whether an amendment to the lease may be required, and Claire Hawkins to be asked for appropriate wording. Action 62/17/06 Clerk to ask Claire Hawkins for suitable wording

Project 15 – Old Down Play Area – Waiting for Parishioner group to form. Given the recent review of both the Old Down and Vicarage Lane Play Areas, some equipment is approaching the end of its life and help is needed to specify and seek funding for replacement items.

Project 16 – Housing – (Mr Hughes & Mrs Savage). The formal report from Tim Borthwick is due mid- August. The minutes for meetings held to date to be published on the Google drive.

4. Finance – none this month

Min 63/17 Correspondence – covered during the Meeting, see Appendix 1

Common Land Responsibilities – The newly appointed South Gloucestershire Council’s Commons Stewardship Officer has contacted the Parish Council to confirm whether we act as custodians, whether we have a Scheme of Management or actively manage the common, and act as the enforcement body should encroachments occur for the following:  G/CL197 Land on roadside near Ingst Hill, Olveston  G/CL198 The Washingpool, Olveston  G/CL201 Land at the top of Church Hill, Olveston  G/CL208 Land at Mead Lane, Olveston, section between A and B on Map is privately owned, the rest is without an owner.

Mr Williams offered an opinion that during the 50’s/ 60’s the Parish Council did register these pieces of land, but that confirmation needs to be sought. Several lines of enquiry were identified:

7 of 10 Action 63/17/01: Clerk to ask the new Commons Officer to access more information on each site, and whether he has managed to get the information uploaded onto Parish Online Action 63/17/02: Clerk to circulate email to all Action 63/17/03: Clerk to contact Eric Garrett

Parish Online – Mr Baxter has been in contact with South Glos Council about uploading information onto mapped layers (including information for Special Expenses), but has reached an impasse with the data being released. One reason being that SGC will be releasing the data in a different format later in the year.

Action 63/17/04: Mr Riddle to talk to Mark King about uploading the data

Deliveries to the Swan – Mr Gibson presented the letter from a Tockington resident, and proposed that the Parish Council send a letter to the publican of the Swan concerning the delivery times, this was seconded by Mr Panes and agreed by all. Action 63/17/05: Clerk to write to the Swan’s landlord.

Min 64/17 Financial report and Accounts for payment

Direct Debit Payments on 8th June, £52.20 to PlusNet, BroadBand @ QAMP (PNET2472604-1),

Cheque Payments 0 K Lazell Bus Shelter Cleaning 70.00 Mrs A Trott Bus Shelter Cleaning 70.00 Mrs V Ward Bus Shelter Cleaning 70.00 Internet Payments 0 EDF Energy Electricity 4th March 2017 - 30th May 2017 46.05 HAGS-SMP Inv 051533, New feet for Tockington Frog 32.71 OSSC Inv 121, Hire of Committee room for Biodiversity Meeting 15.00 R J Rogers Salary June - HMRC 3, Postage, F-Prot, School Prizes 677.44 HMRC HMRC Period 3 150.18 RGS May'17 Inv 4160 1,081.25 T Roper & Partners Inv C0680 - Strim, Cut & Remove Grass from Tockington Green 180.00 Olveston Parish Hall MC Invoice 1563, Hire for APA 2017 44.00 South Glos Council Inv 3803567029 SGC Localism Q1 2017/8, April, May & June 348.30 SARA Donation 100.00 Total £ 2,884.93

Mr Hughes proposed that the payments made, seconded by Mr Williams, and agreed by all.

Current account £21,472.15 cr Reserve account £40,081.03 cr

Min 65/17 Communications / Update on the New Website/ Meeting Point Article

The meeting noted that the Website needs updating with Mrs Offer’s and Mr Gibson’s contact details, and the 2017/18 contact list. Mr Hughes will forward other items that need to be included. Action 65/17/01: Clerk to update website.

8 of 10 Meeting Point Article – Map Boards, Traffic Calming Update, with a separate one on Biodiversity and possibly an article on defibrillators.

Monthly Surgery – 1st surgery booked for the Olveston Methodist Hall 6:30 – 8pm, with a plan to conduct further surgeries in August & September on the third Wednesday. Mrs Offer & Mr Gibson agreed to attend the first surgery, further support to be agreed at each Parish Council Meeting. To support this activity, Judy Else from South Glos Council has agreed to provide a Safeguarding Awareness presentation at the QAMP on the 11th July at 6:30pm, which is in line with requirements set by Glyn Varney who is the Safeguarding co- ordinator for the Olveston Methodist Church. Mr Baxter asked to co-ordinate advertising.

Honorary Titles – Mr Baxter noted that in the past the Parish Council have discussed honouring members of our community for outstanding contribution to the community and as it is within our powers felt that this should be considered seriously as a way to express civic pride. Mr Baxter suggested that it could be a tastefully designed coin or medal and presented at the Annual Parish Assembly as a feature. Mr Baxter felt that this would go a long way to recognising the efforts of the few and also communicate that we do value our communities efforts, and proposed that the Parish Council give this some consideration, this was seconded by Mr Gibson and agreed by all. The Council then asked Mr Baxter to take the project forward.

Communicating with Elderly people – Mr Gibson raised the question as the PCC are also investigating ways of improving this process. Mr Hughes suggested that this was within Mrs Savage’s remit and Mr Gibson agreed to contact Mrs Savage directly.

Min 66/17 Date of next Parish Council meeting

Planning 1 Monday 10th July 2017 at QAMP 7.30 p.m. Rec & Leisure Tuesday 11th July 2017 at QAMP 7.30 p.m. Planning 2 Tuesday 25th July 2017 at QAMP 7.00 p.m. Parish Council Tuesday 25th July 2017 at QAMP 7.30 p.m. Planning 1 Monday 14th August 2017 at QAMP 7.30 p.m. Rec & Leisure Tuesday 8th August 2017 at QAMP 7.30 p.m. Finance Thursday 10th August 2017? Planning 2 Tuesday 22nd August 2017 at QAMP 7.00 p.m. Parish Council Tuesday 22nd August 2017 at QAMP 7.30 p.m. APA Tuesday 1st May 2018 at Parish Hall 7.30 p.m.

The Meeting closed at 21:30

Appendix 1 – Correspondence

Tockington Resident Several residents have expressed concern about a Greene King food delivery lorry which goes weekly to the Swan Inn between 06:00 and 08:30. The lorry is too big to get into the Swan car park so stops outside the pub in the road. If it comes early, there is an issue with loud banging noises from off-loading which awakens the neighbours at an unreasonable hour, as the Swan is in the dead centre of the village, surrounded by residential properties. When the lorry arrives between 07:30 - 08:30 it causes traffic chaos. The road is narrow in any case, with parked cars along and countless commuters passing through it, making a large parked lorry a traffic hazard. This is then compounded when the various school coaches picking up children to go into and Bristol arrive. It would be much safer and easier and cause less congestion and nuisance if the Greene King delivery lorry arrived at a later hour. Would you please write to the managers of The Swan Inn, Mr & Mrs Alistair Scott, who hopefully may be able to influence Greene King. 9 of 10 Appendix 2 – Biodiversity Mission Statement Olveston Parish Council has decided to join South Gloucestershire Council’s initiative to protect and enhance the full range of wildlife in our parish. We live in a wonderful area and this project will make it even better and will fulfil one of the important actions in the 2015 Parish Vision. Biodiversity faces increasing pressure to our detriment and it is vital we take action to halt this trend.

The first step will be to observe and record the full range of birds, wild plants and trees, animals and aquatic creatures that currently share our parish. This information will be recorded and shared with other local and national groups.

We will aim to make changes to protect the most vulnerable species and to enable as many different wild creatures and plants to thrive here.

We will create protected areas and areas of ‘special interest’. We will try to involve farmers and landowners and work with other local groups such as the ‘A Forgotten Landscape’ project.

We will aim to ensure that changes we make can be maintained in the future and wildlife protected for the next generation to enjoy.

Simple changes can make a big difference and we can all contribute by sharing knowledge and learning from each other. We will aim to involve everyone who wishes to be part of these changes and we will involve schools and youth groups as well as adults. There will be opportunities to learn new skills and undertake practical tasks. There will be expert help, support and training for everyone. You only need enthusiasm to get involved.

The young and the not so young and those physically and mentally challenged can all be involved to enhance their own lives as well as improving our local environment. The benefits of activity and spending time out doors are well known. Involvement with this project will help those who want to increase their activity levels, get fitter, reduce their stress levels and improve their mental health whilst at the same time learning new skills.

Improving the Parish of Olveston as a home for wildlife benefits all of us. We will all be able to enjoy the more attractive verges, hedges and watercourses, a greater range of wild animals, birds and butterflies, the benefits of more bees and insects and more native trees helping to reduce the effects of pollution from traffic.

We will also aim to influence all proposed changes to buildings, roads and green areas so that the effects on wildlife will be considered and damage limited. We will suggest and encourage development that enhances wildlife. We will try to influence plans that improve road safety etc in ways that also enhance biodiversity.

Many of these changes can be achieved without spending large amounts of money. We will aim to obtain grants where funds are available. This project will not use money needed for other urgent schemes. The project will be dependant on voluntary practical support with the benefit of training from professionals.

We need to take urgent action. We can do it now with your help.

Thank you for your interest in this exciting project.

10 of 10