Wednesday 6 th March 2013 McSence Business Park

Attendance: Robert Hogg (Chairman), Sandra Halliday (Treasurer), George Jackson, Margaret Jackson, Michael Hogg, Pat O’Neill, PC Lindsay Hughson (Lothian & Borders Police), Nicki McManus, George Smith, Muriel Smith, Jose Kerr, Carol Kerr, Dan Burt, Kevin Quinn ( Advertiser).

Invitees: Ian Sloan (Melville Housing Association), John Young (Carillion),

Apologies : Lisa Beattie (Councillor), Peter De Vink (Councillor), Peter Boyes (Councillor), Theresa Hogg, Gina Hughes

Minutes of Previous Meeting

The following amendments should be made to the minute of the 6 th February:

Page 1: Mover: George Jackson (incorrectly stated as George Smith) Page 3: Removal of the last open sentence “Pat O’Neil raised issue….”

Sandra Halliday (Treasurer) also stated that the amendment to the minute of 9th January, which incorrectly stated her name as “Sandra Shiels” was raised but not detailed in the last minute.

With these amendments, the Minutes were approved by George Jackson and Seconded by Dan Burt.

Matters Arising

There is nothing which arose from the last Minute that will not be covered during the Meeting.

Energy Saving Improvements Update

The Chairman welcomed Ian Sloan, Project Manager (Melville Housing Association) and John Young, Project Manager (Carillion) to the meeting to provide a status update on the on-going Energy Savings Improvement project currently being undertaken in the Mayfield area.

Mr Sloan advised the Group that nearly 2 million pounds of Grant Funding was awarded to Melville to undertake this project, in conjunction with Carillion. The project was due to be completed in December 2012, however it is anticipated that this will now be completed by the end of March. He explained that the reason for the delay was a result of the low temperatures in the winter months as the material, which is used for rendering must be applied at a temperature of 5+ degrees to ensure the maximum weather proofing results.

Mr Sloan advised the Group that when completed the Project will see 300+ houses in the Mayfield area installed with external wall insulation; 16 blocks of flats will be fitted with new roofs and those houses which require an upgrade to their Central Heating, installed with new heating systems.

Michael Hogg enquired as to how the homes were identified for an upgrade and why given the materials used was the project started during the winter months given the requirement for it only to be fully effective if applied in temperatures 5+ degrees.

Mr Sloan advised that strict zone boundaries were identified by the Department of Working Pensions but was unsure how the actual zone boundaries were drawn up. He also explained that part of the funding requirements were that Carillion would be appointed as the main contractor and in order to meet key milestones/project objectives the work had to be done over the winter months.

Mr Young, Project Manager for Carillion advised that currently other contractors, mainly a company called SERS are also working in the area, installing external wall insulation to private home owners. He advised that you are able to identify the different contractors by the materials used. Carillion use green cavity boards, whereas SERS use white polystyrene boards. He also explained that unfortunately they had no control over the work undertaken by these contractors.

Mr Young also advised that for private home owners Green Deal Funding is also available within the area. If interested then enquiries can be made through the Energy Savings Trust on 0300 123 1234 or by visiting

The Chairman stated that on the whole the feedback he had received from the residents in the area was that these improvements made a fundamental improvement to the look of the area, however the only complaints were the parking of the vehicles and erection of scaffolding which has damaged grass verges and gardens. Mr Sloan advised at the end of the Project, a walk round will be undertaken of the area and where required a clean up operation will be completed.

Mr Young advised that some feedback which has been received in the Carillion office was that due to the nationality of some of the contractors, some issues had gone unresolved. An example being that a house was without a TV signal for over a week, despite the home owner raising this with a contractor on site. Mr Young advised that each squad has a translator and that they are identified by wearing a black hat, therefore to ensure that all issues are dealt with speedily any complaints/concerns should be directed to them in the first instance or by calling into the main office in Stone Place.

Satisfaction Surveys will be issued to all homes, who have benefited from these energy saving improvements and both Melville and Carillion urge Tenants to complete and return these forms, so that an accurate evaluation of the services can be undertaken.

The Chairman and the Group thanked both Project Managers for attending the meeting and providing an update.

Police Report

PC Linsey Hughson circulated copies of this month’s police report (copy attached).

In addition to the Police Report the Chairman asked if any further information had been received following an alleged incident at Mayfield Leisure Centre on Friday 1 st March, involving a small child. PC Hughson confirmed that following enquiries no child was reported missing or had arrived home with unexplained injuries.

A woman was robbed outside the Scotmid, Mayfield at the weekend and a sum of £85 was taken. PC Hughton was not aware of this but promised to investigate this on her return to the station and provide an update at the next meeting. Action: PC Hughson

What was highlighted during these discussions was that the local CCTV cameras, some of which were installed as a result of the Community Councils actions might not be working to their full potential. PC Hughton advised that the local Police Liaison Officer is currently undertaking a review of Midlothian Councils CCTV systems. The Community Council asked for re-assurance that the ones in Mayfield were working. Action: PC Hughson

PC Hughson explained as a result of the Police Reform Lothian and Borders Police will now be referred to a J Division, however advised that this should make little or no difference on the ground in relation to the services provided to the public. The main aims of the Local Policing Plan 2013-2014 are detailed in the attached report.

PC Hughson completed the report by stressing that police rely heavily on Community Intelligence and clarified the anonymity of the Crimestoppers service should anyone wish to report a crime.

Consultation/ Correspondence

Open Space Strategy

The Chairman advised that he had received details of the above Strategy from Midlothian Council on Saturday 16 th February, although the paper was dated the 4 th . The drop-in consultation events held by Midlothian Council within the local community have unfortunately already taken place. The Chairman is to raise the issue of consultation periods with Midlothian Council. Action: Chairman

For information the aims of the Open Space Strategy is to :

• Raise the profile of open space as an important and valuable community asset with benefits for all residents of, and visitors to, Midlothian • Seek to protect open spaces, now and in the future by developing robust planning policies; • Ensure an appropriate supply of high quality and accessible open spaces by developing new standards for open space which better reflect Midlothian's needs • Work in partnership with the development sector to ensure that new development makes proper provision for open space and improvements to the public realm within expanding communities • Involve public, private, voluntary sector partners and community groups in the preparation and review of the strategy • Keep the strategy under regular review co-ordinated with the preparation of the Midlothian Local Development Plan • Develop an appropriate action plan to ensure implementation of the strategy • Maximise and manage resources and external funding sources to support the action plan

Midlothian Council Meetings

E-Comms & E-Planning Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday 12 th March 2013. The Chairman is to provide a status report at the next Community Council Meeting. Action: The Chairman.

Local Planning & Developments

Newbattle Community High School

The Chairman confirmed following a Midlothian Council meeting on 26 th February that the location of the new Community High School has been agreed as Mayfield Complex (site opposite current School).

However consultation is still ongoing regarding the assimilation of local Community facilities eg Libraries and Leisure Centres into the New Community High School.

The Chairman stated that different Communities will have different arguments but stressed that it is the responsibility of Midlothian Council to sell the proposals to the local residents, however urged everyone to keep an open mind when considering the proposals. He re-iterated that as a Community we would want to retain our local services were possible.

As no Councillors were available to attend this meeting, the Group agreed that it is imperative that the Local Councillors attend the next Community Council Meeting to provide an update on progress and where possible levitate any concerns the Community may have with regards to the New Community High School and provision of local services.

Pentland Rise (Mansfield Farm)

The Chairman confirmed that the new Persimmons housing estate at the top of Mayfield, next to Mansfield Farm Cottages has been named as “Pentland Rise” with the show home being scheduled for completion in June.

The Mansfield Farm Road from Mayfield to Blinkbonny Farm is currently closed with road diversions in place, this is to allow for a de-tour road to be completed. He confirmed that local residents have been kept informed Persimmons of any developments.

Community Council Website/Social Networking Site

The Chairman advised the Group that following the last Community Council meeting Councillor De Vink had met with Midlothian Councils IT Department to discuss the possibility of them developing a website to serve the local Community Councils. The result of these communications was that a website was available, however on further inspection this would not suit the needs of the Group.

The Group therefore agreed to continue with the development of the website page being designed by Cowbrough Communications. The total cost including any associated training would be £1,200.

It was noted that some of this money could be recouped by selling advertising space to local Companies and/or selling the template to other Community Councils.

The link to view the proposed website is

Treasurers Report

The Treasurer confirmed that there was no change to last months report.

There is currently £1,573.319 in the bank account.

Any other Business

PC Hughson was asked to book the Quad bikes and the Police Information Command vehicle for the Galaday on Saturday 1 st June 2013. Action: PC Hughson

Mayfield and St Luke Primary Schools are currently running a competition to design a bag it and bin it poster to combat Dog Fouling in the area. PC Hughson and Izzy Allen, Library Manager will judge this competition. Two winners will be identified (lower and upper schools) with the winning designs being created and displayed in the local area.

The Y2K Project, based at the Manse, Mayfield is struggling for funds following a reduction in grant funding. The Chairman stated that any loss of services due to the reduction of funding is a major blow for the Community and local groups which use the facilities.

It was noted that the next Council Meeting will also be the Annual General Meeting. Details of the AGM must be published . Action: Kevin Quinn (Midlothian Advertiser)

This is a true representation of the meeting.

Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Mayfield & Easthouses Community Council (and AGM) will take place on Wednesday 3 April 2013, 7.00pm at McSence Business Park, Mayfield

Community Report Mayfield & Easthouses

DATE: 6 th March 2013


During the month of February in the beat area of ME04, Mayfield there were 42 recorded crimes reported of which 16 have been solved, a rate of 38.1% solvency. In the beat area of ME03, Easthouses, 4 crimes were reported and 1 crime solved, which is a 25% solvency rate.


Between 1am and 5.30am Tuesday 29 th January 2013 a Honda motorcycle was stolen from outside an address in Hawthorn Crescent, Mayfield.

Between 2.15pm and 4.50pm on Tuesday 29 th January a resident in Gordon Street, Easthouses was out of his house, on returning he found a glass panel of his porch to have been smashed. Enquiries are on-going to trace the culprits.

Between 4pm Wednesday 30 th January and 7am Thursday 31 st January 2013 a quantity of copper cabling was stolen from Mayfield Industrial Estate, , enquiries are on-going.

Between 4.30pm Thursday 31 st January 2013 and 8.15am Friday 1 st January 2013 entry to a Vauxhall Combo van parked secure at Gordon Street, Easthouses and tools were stolen, amongst which were 2 power drills valued at £350 each, a satellite navigation system valued at £120 were stolen. A member of the public was walking in nearby Easthouses park on Saturday 2 nd February and saw a drill and tools, these were recovered by police.

Sometime overnight on 15 th February 2013, a garden shed was broken into in Carrick Crescent, Dalkeith, and a strimmer stolen from within.

Between 1130 and 1300 on Wednesday 20 th February, a black Dell Latitude laptop and shoulder bag were stolen from an office in Stone Place, Mayfield.

On 22/02, 10 large bags of cannabis plants were discovered lying in a field at Double Hedges, near to McKinnon Drive. Enquiries are ongoing to trace the owner.

About half past midnight on Wednesday 27 th February 2013 a 21-year-old local male was stopped on Old School Crescent, Mayfield and following a search of his person was found to be in possession of cannabis. This male will be reported to the Procurator Fiscal.

Between 6pm on Friday 28 th February and 8.30am on Saturday 1 st March 2013 a childs off road bike was stolen from a shed in the rear garden of a house in Bogwood Road, Mayfield. Police are following a positive line of enquiry in tracing the culprits.

About 9.45pm on Saturday 1 st March 2013 two males were seen by police to dispose of a bag of brown powder, believed to be Heroin, out of a car window on Oak Crescent, Mayfield. The vehicle was stopped a short time later and the local males both aged 31 within were detained, interviewed

and later arrested and charged with being concerned in the supply of drugs, both males were held to appear at Sheriff Court on Monday 4 th March 2013.

On 04 th March 2013, a window was smashed at an address in Roanshead Road. The person responsible had thrown a concrete paving slab through the window.


About 0950am Wednesday 27 th February 2013 a 26-year-old female was assaulted on Sycamore Road, Mayfield by a 34-year-old female who was known to her. The female was driven away from the locus by a local 26-year-old male, both the male and female are to be traced.

A male driver was traced and warned under the Anti-Social Behaviour Legislation regarding his manner of driving. About 0600 hours, 21 st February 2013, he was seen travelling at speeds in excess of 60 mph on Easthouses Road and thereafter into Salters Road, Dalkeith.


The subject of vehicles parking on road verges and footpaths was again raised, in particular at Bogwood Road roundabout and Oak Crescent. The Council are currently applying for a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) to place Double Yellow Lines around Bogwood Road roundabout, which should ease the problem in that area. It is anticipated this will take about 3 weeks. As for the other areas, the vehicles are parking on grass verges and not causing an obstruction but are causing damage to the grass.

POLICE – update


Work to put in place the new police non-emergency number is now complete.

The new 101 service is due to be rolled out across Scotland from 21 st February 2013 and a briefing is being prepared for staff as well as external organisations who often refer members of the public to the police.

The new 3-digit number will allow members of the public to easily contact their local police and report crime.

When a member of the public calls 101, they will hear a recorded message telling them they are about to be connected to their local police. Their call when then be routed to the nearest contact centre.

Deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired callers will also be able to access the service via TextRelay by dialling 1 800 1101.

Each call will cost 15p, no matter how long the call lasts or whether it’s from a landline or a mobile phone.

Structure of new ‘J’ Division

Division Commander Chief Superintendant Jeanette McDiarmid

Midlothian Commander Chief Inspector James Royan

New division consists of West Lothian, Midlothian, East Lothian and Scottish Borders.

Midlothian - Local Policing Plan 2013 - 2014

Priorities and Objectives: Priority 1 – Protecting People Objectives: • Increase detection rates for crimes of domestic abuse • Increase the detection rate for sexual offences

Priority 2 – Reducing Antisocial Behaviour Objectives: • Reduce the number of antisocial behaviour incidents • Increase the detection rate for Hate Crime • Reduce the number of complaints regarding youth disorder

Priority 3 – Reducing Violence Objectives: • Reduce the level of violent crime • Increase the proportion of positive stop and searches for offensive weapons

Priority 4 – Tackling Substance Misuse Objectives: • Increase the proportion of positive stop and searches for drugs • Increase the number of licensed premises visits (on/off sales premises)

Priority 5 – Making Our Roads Safer Objectives: • Reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured on our roads • Increase the number of people detected for drink/drug driving offences • Increase the number of people detected for speeding offences

Priority 6 – Tackling Serious Organised Crime Objectives: • Increase the number of cash seizures and restraints through the Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA) legislation • Increase the number of people detected for supplying drugs

We are here to help

• If you have any concerns or issues you wish to discuss, contact your local Community Policing Team. • Dial 999 for an emergency that requires urgent police attention. • For non-emergency contact, call 101, the single non-emergency number. • If you have information about crime in your area and wish to provide it anonymously, call

CRIMESTOPPERS on 0800 555 111. • Service users who are deaf or have a hearing impairment can contact via TextRelay in an emergency on 18000 or non-emergency on 18001101.

Community Officers: Ian Kirkpatrick and Lindsey Hughson Community Sergeant: PS MacLean Email: [email protected] Tel. 0131-663-2311