The News of the By the Progres- sive Bulletin S4 M kt Races Given to Evening HOURS - - ahead of the Public Bulletin Its After the Progressive Bulletin, the Others Came First. competitors. Vol. VII. No. 1323. HONOLULU, H. I., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1899. Pbiob 6 Cents. very patriotio citizen of Honolulu WEL. KA HAO AND BRYAN DR. N0BL1TT IN COURT IN THE EXECUTIVE so muoh liko it that one of the COUNCIL REGATTA DAY CELEBRATION NEWS NOTES FROM MAUI Honolulu contingent expressed surprise that "they didn't put P.O. iHtiail Delegation at Omaha Attends Appears On the Charge of Practicing Matters Minded to Jones out." at This Forenoon's Men In Charge Are Making All Kinds Something About Hoi Now It is a wonder Honolulu wasnjt Trying to Get a State Cooienilon. Without a License. Session of Cabinet. of Arrangements. put out when the clamor was Back Property. nj heightened, from the top of the gallery, with yells of "Wela ka Crowds Hare Yet Coma at (be Arguments ' lo Exposition bHo," "Auwp," "Matai," etc of Attorney Hankey and Marshal Mailer of tho Peacock Charter-- A Clause That A Holiday Will Be Taken By Eieryone Resolution Passed and Further Business Deferred k x- - Interested" In After former Governor Silas A Brown-Ju- dge De- f " Ewybody There Ha Wilcox's Decision Host Neids Be Inserted - Other Petitions Business Will Be Suspended Baud Holcomb bud been accepted from Until a Later Date Pol Bel and Sketches., fendant Found not Guilty. For Charter Amendment). Will Play Along Wharves. tbe Populists as tbe fusion nomi- Its Draft. nee for Supreme Court Judge, i If t loud ories for Bryan brought the Omaha, August 20, 1899. You orator forward, ibis shortly before Dr. W. S. Noblitt apparod in A short session of tbo Saturday, Soptembor 1G, promi- Cabinet A Hawaiian young man who aeo tho date. People outside of ten o'clock. HiB speech whb but tbo Police Court this forenoon on was hi-I- this forenoon for the ses .to bo a repular gala a slightly amplified from of tbo dy hat jmt ruturued from Maui has tbe immediate neighborhood have- that tbe charge of practicing medicine transaction of timo picnic, but the delivery was much routine husmoi. for everyone to dress in cool the following to say n't begun to come to the fair yet. without a liceuBO. Ho was repro about matters raoro impassioned. At all events, Tbe uwetidmnut to the Peacock slothes and flock to tho water on tht island: Tbe managers and concessioners wo beard Bryan at nearly his best souted by Humphreys & Hankey olmrier allowing the u to front to witness the nquatio iinpatiy events "A very important meeting of keep sayiug: "We'll hive tbe -- be needs the antagonism de- Marshal Brown appeared of for the buy aud (II stock iu other com- set for that time Tho men who tbo native crowd soou. Septem- bate to fully develop his powers land hui the majority Wnit until prosecution. , panies to an amount less than tho have tbo day's program in band of oratory aud nnno of un wore of whoso lauds are now iu tbe ber and October." Hope so. Id Various letters wore placed io majority of stock in any of havo mado up their disappointed nor given any other tbo minds that bands of the Maui Sugar Co., was tbo menutime Captain Towae aud evidence and witnesses examined compatiips was grantod there shall bo no de- impression than tbnt, whatever unnecessary Wai-luk- held last Thursday uigbt in u. tbe writer are makiug tbo best of might be said of his theories, the by tbe prosecution. No defense Two or three other corporations lays. One evont will follow an- There were CO nut of 70 of our oppotunities, while growing man himself is as honest and ster was put on and Attorney Hankey aiked to bo allowed to make other in quick succession so that ling a Bgn re as evor appeared iu the members preterit. A resolu- so "vicational" that we aball have moved for tbo discharge of tbo eirnilat amendments to their the public may have no complaint politics sinco Wash- tion was unanimously par-ed- , to be introduced to our former defendant. charters but permission to offer in ington. wns re the direction of dis- disapproving tbe oction of K. selves when next we face news He contended that, accordion to fused bocau'O J. Papers have been forwarded tbo damn "to on patch. Smytbo in Bellini; the paper drudgery iu tbo earthly tbo Penal laws there wni abso- amount loss than the muinrilv nf land and with rpport of the victory of The events will bo fnlu up to tbe demanding tbo return of paradise. lutely no provision tuado for tbe stock iu any " was uot in- - the Harold Dillingham and Albert mark of tho !at two years. Tho money paid to hi ui on behalf of AinoDg introduotions received WaiortiouHH punishment of a man who, having as soon as this is in tho swimming bad trtu. done outcome of tho championship mo uui. as mis action was taken was one to Mr. Morton, who was here his license revoked by tho by the corporations concerned the match last Wednesday. As , aaces has created great interest iu when tbo hour unit., u ,t Secretary of Agriculture in Cleve- proper aulhoritio-i- continues tko ainoiidmt'uts whb Dillingham only came off the will undoubtedly bo tbo coming races between tbo was decided to tiler land' Cabinet. Saturday week wo practice of medicine. Tbo law (I. defer matters train that mm nine, bis winning allow. Myrtles and Healanis. Tbe form- until tho next attonded tbn Jaskioniau picnic at was oertaiuly clear on that point. A liig raeetiuir. All the of first medal was particularly blanket clnnter from tbo er will keep thoir regular crews TJOOr Wllllt in In Syudiott7 Park, South Omaha. A man who had never obtained a Oceanic nallVoH nut Imik a matter of pride to bis friends. Gas & Eloctrio Oo. was while the Healnni, seeking to put their lands. Wo Heard Champ Ulark, tbe great license could certainly ho punish received but no Besides, the boys had only want action was taken up a stronger front, will make "The taro hui is working along Missouri stumper for democracy ed but not so in the caso of a man as t lii i is ed to enter the fifty yards race, uot uecesnary. Such some changes. Tho yacht races n irond whnno hut Ilin pmnmiiin. and member of Congress, then ft suoti as tho defendant. At-- but, when told there were too matteis are always loft to the t too will bo events of great in charge of few remarks from Bryan in tbr Just here Attorney Hankey cit- inter drawing up n chartor many kids in that for bin obap-- t irney Gouoral. If charters are est, both on acouut of the larger anu afternoon. Tbe prorono of Bry- ed an ideutioal caso in one of maiuug preliminary arrange- liko them, they pluckily entered the fouud to bo in regulation form uumber of competitors and ments, will g the come to Houolnlu to an's principal speech in tbe even-nin- bundrpd California courts. Th-- defend- and acanrdina in law ilmv nm for the ratber than miss better condition of tho boats this cousult witb W. O. Achi, one of glued s to tbe sward. the chance of sport at tbe Expoii ant bad been discharged. Per granted without further ado. year. 'lUe great "sixteen haps the Legislature bad me important members, before to one" lion. Jaok Maua of the Hawaiian been All the stores close obampion appeared again at 8:80 short sighted iu failing to will aud holding anothor meeting. hula troupe also defeated a pro make a WHO GAVE TBE business will bo totally suspend- p. m., aud was reoeived up- law covering a ANESTHETIC? "Tbe Snreckelivilln nnrrnr rvln with fessional swimmer from an aquatic snob oase as that ed. The band will play roarious applause and cries of of Dr. Noblitt bnt that was alone tho tations are spreading up towards ido show in the 150 yards raoe. neither wharves and every thing will be Makawao "Wel ka was a here nor there. was busi- very rapidly just now. hso." It rare Jaok is going to swim against tbe It the Th Coronor'e Jury in tho case so arranged to make decide-au-oor;5'.r- g ss Saturday The land that has been ploughed treat to hear tbe free silver leader, champion of ness of the Court to of William J. Mardon. tbe soldier y tbe tanks tomorrow a as ha aonnrlod tho hattln n,-- nf to the law. complete noiiaay. far as Hamnkua poko is of tbe at thfl Thio io noiilhor UUl day. So wuo died at Uuena Vista a few , Chicago platform to very finest kind. summon all please excuse any more for this Marshal Brown oontrnded that days wince, finished its work yes- The Bonnie; Dundee, Gladys, W tbe "forces of reform," as he put such a construction would be ab- terday afternoon aud returned tho Hawaii and "While in Maui I called on am mall. Marion are the four old Paa-wel- It, for the fray of 1900, and des- surd. Tbe law as a wbnl was native woman living in a. Daniel Logan. rolhiwinu verdict: "That tbe said yachts entered for tho challenge I had heard thinoa canted in almost heavenly phrase a meaut to cover suoh cases. A William J Murdon came to his ahnnl - cup contest ber and wantnri in unn tmr upon tbe aooessory issues of AUTOMOBILE t'OWINQ. phyaician who has bad his license dentb in Hnuolnlu, Island of Oa that is to take plaoe mn.ll 1 if they wero i' trusts and imperialism. revoked is certainly in tbe same hu, on tbe 7th day of September, tomorrow afternoon. Tbe Gladys really true. I waa "1 do not want to be con- That tho horseless carriage poiition as a man who perfectly satiified. Living see," has bad never A. D, 1899, of catarrhal puourao-nio- . is tbe favorite of tho four with boats WOre four nil! mnn nil cluded- in trumpet tones, "tbe come to stay is best evidenced by obtained a license and should he although nnoB statue of Liborty Enlightening be punished there are a great many eighty yoarB of ago and afflicted as suoh. Tbo jurors wero e, the inability of American manu- William who contend that tho Bonnie will .!. Il. .. I . .. tbo World" in New York harbor Judge Wiloox stated that It was H. A. Giles, 8. Kubey, W. nnu iiuuuucBM, lameness auo tne sent back to , want to factures to fill orders. Manufac- none of his business, win out. While all tho noieo liko. They are nimble to but I tories are running what tbe E. Hivous. E. O. White Hnd sup. i iseo erected in Manila harbor a night and day Legislature did. He would have about tbe Gladys and Bonnie port themselves and tho old lady, and still they to George DilliuRham. new statue of Liberty enlighten- are not up the to place the striot construction on Dundoo is going on tbe Hawaii is herself about ixtr nun nt ura& orders. A gentleman who order Dr. Grossman testified that he "laying low." This does ing all the Orient." the law which was clearly for tho did uot yacht is look all tho fishing, potato and ed a boreolouB carriage several give Murdon any anaes- od upon somewhat as taro Before tbe speaking began in discharge of the defendant. thetic when be a dark planting, besides conking the J- ago called at hiB office months baa been waitiua im horse. Sho certainly could havo i uou anu iBKing care 'the afternoon, tho Hawaiian re. After the trial Dr. Noblitt said: fel-lo- ot the house patiently for bis "new machine." 8 ptombor 1. He found tbo no preBeotatives Bought a local lead- "I havo beat thorn Miouda down.' witb more experienced man than works. A letter from the a very sore mouth. Upon m er through whom to present American Electric I consider Judge Wiloox's deci- Judge Wilcox at tho helm. Tho Yebiole Oo. with which then tryinu to extract tbo remnant Messrs. Bryan and Olark tbo the oder sion as being olo.irly Marion is of course not in it for a Farewell I with was placed a declaration of a tnotb Mardon acted in a very PirnfMlon. calls attention to tho Bo-tr- minato bnt Dr. Humpbris bna 'Government Handbook and the that the action of tbe of childish way and hence the work Tho last appearanco in Honoln- - two last issues of tbe Paradise of faot that horseless carriage, raanu Health in my case was illegal. entered her just for tbe sport of Iu of the popular Maggie faoture is a new industry aud could 'not be done. the thing. Moore-- 'the Pacific They were introduced tbe Yes, I shall go on prastioiug now H. R Robert's Company will raw material has to be made spe- Dr. Yule's testimony was, iu bif to Attorney General Smyth of for I have a right to." in "Tbe Silence of Dean Mail-- "! cial. With special castings, spe part, as follows: A post mortorn TAPPED TIIK TIIX. .Nebraska, who kindly suggested On being told of tho decision a land" at tbe Opera House tomor-- Vt cial wnai not and rush examination of the body of Mur that it would be better for us to physician of Uonolula said: "Ac- don was held iu tbe undertaking Bernard Aylett, a Hawaiian row night. . M preseut the literationa to the orders, completing orders in cording to that, anyone who has The great Australian Company! time to satisfy demands is prac parlors. I sinned tbo death certi. boy, has been arrested by Detec- gentlemen in person. MrSrayth bad ms pbysioian's licensu revok- - have cortaiuly' gained es-- uoauy ticate ' Death was duo to catarrhal tive Kaapa for tho of a roost S conducted us before the meeting impossible, it was pro e I may keep right on practicing theft over viable reputation for themselveili b-t- pneumonia induced by au anaes- raised that what will probably $790 from the of Nakaikua-hin- o, to Mr. Olark, and at reoess to Mr. and tho action of tbe authorities thetic and in my till in this oity. A crowded bouse wM first i Ho- opiuion death Bryan. The Democratic orator horeless carriage i in suoh simply goes for tho milk shako mm. at tbo Buro to witness nolulu was to be caies resulted from the uso of an anaes- their last success, reoeivad us very affably and amidst shipped from nothiug. Having decided once as fisbmarket, last Sunday. Aylott, Obicago Sept. 4th, and may be thetic." a through pressing around him to bo has, all euah cases must bo de- upon being caught by Kaapa, lloaifkd.u'ri' I.rxrn.. V? Ooto-be- r. Dr. Olark stated tbathe.did not avj-- shake hands spent some minutes' expeot'.'d to arrive early iu cided in the way." made a oloau breast of tho whole i This with same know Murdon but that a soldier The first annual mei ting of the irt pleasant conversation witb tbe promise of a m affair. .Ho had boon shootinc. Honeekopner ub. thp Automobile Company that its wont to bisollico about tbo middle Tien mi i. will l,nM He remarked that he bad met our t Y. M. O. A, Uall. of craps in the vicinity and bad lost Friday carriages will he iu operation here July. No nnaoHthotio was used all his money. Knowing morning, September 15'ai Mr Thurston. In answer to a re- Tho Triangle Literary Club rapt on that that the o me tbe oarly part of the year gives occasion. He bad used milk shake man hud a lot of gold iu ciocic in i. m (j. a. ban,' mark about the pleasure of an op- iast night for tbo first titno iu tho anaesthetic on All ladies are invited tie of tho horseless vobiole soldiers last year. and silvor in bio drawer he opened to precent portunity to see and bear him, he Eromiflu hall of tho Y. M. O. A. There and hoar the plons for the work? his common use in Honolulu Th Orplivum. it whilo tbo native was at the intimated that main speech at waa a full attendauoe and two All member are especiully iiskedl ocoasiou would be within a very short time. Thomas J. Williams' farcical other end of the market cleaning Omabu on that m w now membors wero elected, Heury uo une III. Rtfi oomedy N-at- " ' delivered before a nominating con- Loo Kong "My Turn was pro bis wheel, and took out a few WONGS FOR TUB CUILDIIBN. and George B. doced last night. These vention the following Tuesday. Edwin was elect Written many coins. ho lost at tbo samo Johnny Poe the famoue PriccfrB Irish years ago this skotoh baa It was a great pleasure, when "Simple songs for title ed temporary treasurer plaoe ever game and returned for more ion looiDMi piojor bas enutted-ia- l singers" in held its own as a Tuesday evening came round, to is the little of a book of of F. J. Oody resigned. After tbo clevor and money. Becoming tired of going me sixieentu rsgnlars. songs original composition. Boggs back and ho have the company of Senator published by Un. Anna B. Tuck- business meeting tbo following and forth took all that re- Waterbouso and family, Rev. Hueward as tbo German druggist mained of tho $790 and went back er, one of tbe well known mmio. pleasiug program was rendered: A runt anurt cbcam or .Moists Timojeo and lSzera and his wifo faithfully portrayed to rejoin his comrades. vinxn rowoi and ians of Honolulu. Tbo book is Piano Solo E. Davis. '. J. tho authors sentiments whilo Wil- Miis Nape at tbe convention in compiled witb a view to meeting Essay1, "Locomotives" R. C. Axtell. Detective Kaapa has arrested Dlaloeue-- A. Tem-pleto- n, liam Shaw as Tim tbe Orpbeum theater. A re- kint-ergate- J. Ferrelra, A. Bolus nnd W. five or six boys who were DR, tbe demands of primary and n J. other J. M. Moore. D. Adams as Tom Trap ably fill, rob-bor- quest to strangers at tbe door work among tbe cosmopo- with Aylett at tho timo of tho Song R. Weedon. ed thoir respective parlB. All procured the Hawaiian party ssats litan children of Hawaii, and well Reading J. F. Kennedy. the The ooae will very pro y. artists comprising tho tomorrow foro- together in tbo placo of the gods, is its object Essay, "Liquid Alr"-- Wm. McChes-ne- vaudeville bably come up fulfilled. Besides portion of tho urogram just over the heads of delegations words and musio by Mrs. Tuokor were well noon. from various counties. There was 'lolln and Piano Duet E. . Irish and received, several showing in their a there is also included contributions J. E. Davis. last uight's a botutiful uproar in the conven- from Miss Oordolia Olymer and preparatory to tho Kd. Tw, Unpaged, .i noar arrival ot now F" rnFAUff 1 tion as we settled down. On the Miss Edith Eldregdo. This book Store Dncrtrd. talent. Tho engagement of Captain Ed. stage nnd tbe main floor, as well will unquestionably have a wide This Four doop water vessels arrived Towso to Miss Kathorino Uou has ao iu tbo gallery, moat of the off- foronoon the contents of circulation in these islauds and tbe store at Camp iu port today, the American barks been announced in Omaha. Miss icials and delegates were in their will MoKinloy that appeal to all persona interest was ruu by tho late Mrn. Cowles, Alden Busso and Martha DaviB Bon is a sister of Charles Bon of BAKING shirt slnevoB, tho evening being ed in work among tho children. from San Franoico, tbo ship this city. very Bultry. Tho chairman's gavel wero all taken out and the police This book is on sale at tbe Ha- officers on duty Yi8emito from Newcastle and tho was Ivating a tattoo nlraoU incos-sant- ly left thd'place for waiian News Company Ltd. good. Hawaiian bark Fo ihne Suev from Barkentino S N CaBtle is lond POHTriR on tho tablp, n hundred New York. The first two boats ing sugar at the Oceania wharf. Highest Honors, World's Fajfl delegates wore bowling enoh for Tbe Hankow iuciduut between Cadet Smith who hazed tbo son left the Coast on the samndity, A largo amount of sugar await" Qold Medal. Midwinter recognition. Abovo tbe clamor Russians and' Britons is to be set- of Gon. ed TWtl Fred Grant has been August 25, and inado this port in shipment in tho ebods tit ruil- arose a voioo liko uuto of a tled by tbe - AtoIiI llaldnf; that arbitration. from West Point. tbo uamo time. I l'omlru way wharf. alum, 'ineynivi lnjnru to heals

.. . V i tth TDK EVEUIK .j:nu V10N0MJM), 'B. I., SEPTEMBER 12, .1800. ftrMf4VMll MCnnuMiu Henry R. Worthinyton, LUGAL AND bBNKKAL. We liave been authorized (INCORPORATED;, Orphi'iitu Tlifiitic tonight. BnglneerB niitl lUillders of lllfili Duty Pumping Engines Good to sell CvolllliU OrllULMIIU U1U lllU VV and Irrigation. ifht . h for liter Works and ulit'hpost. Illfc SPECIAL AITfcNTION OF PLAN TAT ION MANAGERS AND carry In at our Queen street warehouse Ainuriciiij MeHMtiupoi Thing AGENTS Is called U the fact that we stock Service larE assort meiit of pumps lor all Uimls of sugar house service, Including vacuum open i,ll niL'iif. T.-lf- . 441. " indens-rs- , feed pumps, juice pumps, mol.isjcs pumps, etc., to- : SAUERBRUNNEN pump, air rnirm, lit' To know about your food is HARZER gether with complete stock of spare parts and valves for all sizes. Cartful attention TiD I'toiHo liiiit)rt 0'i. will t iven all oider, and prompt shipment Kuaranteed. ol 'M'il on Lliuiniliiy in'Xt, Si'pt. its purity. No one can afford Estimate! furnished for complete Irrigation pumping plants of any capacity or Mth power. to overlook this important At $c;.oo per case of 50 bottles. Honolulu, II. I. Lost tour iroiui"ry nntcB Cor. Fort nnd Queen Sis., Ithvm) hi H thing in beverage. People Telephone $06. fnor of Mhik low. AAtAMVWkVVWVW 1260 Lt)tt column who know say that women Owing to spurious imitations having been brought to Prtarul Directory. Di. l'-i- j, Kpociiilist fur Eye, and children can use and be SALICYLIC ACID. Eiii,Thiimt nml NiiKcdiHHHKOH iitni this market, the public is hereby notified that the only LalHrrli. Aliihoiiic I f iiiplc. " sure of its absolute purity-m-ild E1AHMOXY LOUGE No. U, SI. GiHii-'- t fi r n iit-- i tiino and delicious "GENUINE SAUERBRUNNEN" is bottled by the Harzer i. O. O !., Sallcy Ic add Is an organic rutd. It Ins T Mnmlnv evoiilnj Rt 7:30, wiilt tii niiAns C. Koenigsbrunncn-Quell- e, Moet cr powerful antiseptic qualities, prevents the h and every bottle bears their trade In IlKrmouv Mull. King streot. Ji"H en uivt'ii it )oiiiion uitli J. I). MnVKIUlI, N. O. souring of beer, also the development of Mncfnttauo it Co Rainies mark and stamp. fw 11UNDKY, Scoretary. It. bacteria contained In fluids. Applied ex- A bpecinl ineHuit? of tln Hnum All lfJtlnt? UrothorH very cordially Invltml. ternally It will remove corns and warts. inn Loilpo, No 21, F. .mil A M, tnhcb (lu ovi-uiiii- TAKEN INWARDLY salicylic add rap- pinoi Woik Beer. HXSTIC LODGE No. 2, K.o P., in thu thud dt'erto. idly lowers the bodily temperature, re It's ideal for home use a trial Meots evurv Wednesday evening at The fifth nsHPBHiaiMit of leu per h: & co. T:J0 o'clock, Castle Hitfl, Fort street. duces the pulse rate, blood pressure, and hackfeld ltd mhhi'biiIiIi- - i convinces Yisltlng brothers conllnlly luvltdto cent on tlie stock of lie Hawaiian attend. rapidity of respiration ; some people being Wninlut Afj' icultm rI Co., Ltd, Sole Agents for the Islands. 1115 A. E. MURPHY, K. B. B. peculiarly susceptible to Its action. due ami pnynbl Sept. lClh. See Now Today. HONOLULU CHAPTER No. 1, The Board of Health has condemned Desks! TRYc R. A. M., all beers containing salicylic add. Among Charley McCnrthy of tho Crite Thursday ovoulng In be from adulter- rion enloon banded cvr his ! Meetsvory third those proved to free this Desksm Ifaeonlo Temple. All visiting oonvpn- - cheque for fifty dolltrs to Mnitlu Cream ant was the OLYMPlA BEER, sold by tona cordially Invitou. Denny ba donation to the Oceauic ! A. P. GILFILLAN, H. P. Larry Dee of the Hoffman Saloon. Athletic Clerk. Desks J. D. TUCKKR, Bocrctary. Mechanic's Homo, corner Hotel Chairs! Chocolate HONOLULU OOMMANDEBY and Nauano stroets, lodging by No 1,K. T. day, week or month. Tenna: 26 ! Tablets. ICeeta Masonic Temple on the second 60 Chairs in and cents per night. $1 and Delicious, Bating. ( Thursday evening of each month. All S1.25(per week. Also received, FRESH CAKES ardjCRACKERS, and Visiting Sir Knlghta courteously Invited. Just a full line of i HENKY E-- COOPKlt, B 3. The Honolulu Sheet Metal Chairs! J. D. TUCKKR. Recorder. Works are prepared to sup- Fancy and Staple Groceries. ply kiods of iron akylightc, At lowest market rates. OAHU LODGE No. 1, K..o P. Ji ventilators and metal' roofing in OFFICE FURNITURE Iteeta every Thursday evening atthelr any 'quality.' See New Today. Outle Halt, 42X Fort street, at 7f30. Itembors of Mystic Lodge No. 2, and Miss Taylor, formerly1 school OF EVfeRt - Chas. Hustace, vial ting brothors, oordlally Invited. 'at1 (his island, . jIHJI llJIJ.I teacher 'Eabukh. Telophona 119. y 212 King O.E. WARD, 0.0. i v left for Waiohiuu, in the rtre.t. net to tho Arlington. F. H. K1LBEY, Kan, DESCRIPTION! 1019 K. of R. and 8. Manna Eoa this forenoon. She Here has beerf elmiced to that place as LUNALILO No. GGOO, principal of the school. COURT Best Goods! Lowest Prices ! EisDON mm WOEES, A. O. F., Tho use of the Winger in mil- Meets every first and third Friday, at and lions of homes street. shows tho unpre- K. of P. Hall. Fort A Cordial cedented Bacceps of ideal .nvlutlnu l extended, to visiting broth these San DF', Oal. ers. Per order C. It. Everynrhere sowing mochiues. It is convinc- Hair Walerliouse Co V. A. FETTER, ing proof that tho Sincer excel k 1023 Secretary. in all kinds of family sewing nnd Y'ou aro worn out, tlrod, can't! put art needle work. Wnrerooms, Merchant street. CHAPTER ROSE All our sowing EngiDeers and I .NUUANU tho onorgy yon deslro into your machines are of tLi ''oet construc- Telephone, 313. Builders. UllOli, duties. Well, then, you must try beautifully A.-- . tion, 'decorated, and - No. 1, & S. R. PUMPING P- A. something that will ovorcome this a mounted on ualcoted woods in MACIIINKHY, IIEINR nOILERS, 1 ''Meetsthe (list Thursday In each month, PLAIN TUMUL.AU COItLISS fooling and restore you to (aorfect fiht'ly fiuiBlird noiLKItS. ENGINES, at MrwiiiIi Temple. Sojourning and ciibiuetH of nrtistlc Mattings, CANE CAItS, VACUUM PANS, rlsltliiK brothers ronliiilly lnvltod tout-ten- d health. deeit'DB. 13. Urgo!dOji, agent, 1GJ all inUiiK. BUiol Btteet. - Anil nil Machinery for U10 cpmploto oqulpniout V M .KKANKH. AUKRHACH. ot,Suuar Mill. " U.S('KIMCIEOUIt,Socrotnry. ALLAN NAD Mats, Pleasant ACCIIJI.NT. OFFICE, Room 9, Spreckels Block, Honolulu, H. I. rrom childhood wo are taught to LODGE No. 21, 1200 I J Itox 651. HAWAIIAN rokpett tho ruratl vo features of herbs. A veiy accident occurred nt 3go AND A. M. F. Our grandu others used llietn, tho homo of J. 15. Atlierton I Uonlc T.mjle N t. corner Alakta an4 Hotel Stf and jester, ' Special Meotlm,' THIS (luosday) were, as a rule, vorsod In the art of day afternoon. Muriel, the two- - EVENING, Sort. 12, ISiiQ, at 7:30 o'clock. romodlos Rugs, Protect Your Family and" preparing from various I ypar-ol- d daup liter of Prof, and Property Work in thu third Degroo. plants. Mnuilxtrs Lodge lo I'rogres, Puclflo Theo. ltichards, weut out into tho Lodgo, nml all sojourning brethren cor- - back yard, climbed a fence and JAP ANES ECHINESE iiaUy invited. finally fell into one of tho tanks of (0 ED. I. SPALDING. W.M. as ii c ' C R. G. WALLACE. Secretary. water, some distance to the rear. 1) 13 c S3 "O' M (0 a o IN SPECIAL DESIGNS CO We havo a preparation that is of When found, the child was almost C 3 B CO c CO OF vege-tnbl- e, 09 03 KAMEHAMEHA LODGE the oid.fashlonod typo purely dead. Physicians were summon- AND COLORS V u o PERFECTION, niado of herbs with wltio. For ed but all to no purpose. The j 2SS5tu tt 09 . No. I, A.-- & A.'. R. a genoral tonlo to produce vigor and ,will take plaoe 8. funeral from tho New Stock Just Opened. ." Meets at Masonic Temple the fourth strength ( you cannot And a better residence of J. B. Atherton at 4 t Thursday in each mouth. Sojourning one. l ' Lansing1 .Co., and visiting brothors aro cordially In- o'clock this nfiernonn. Gear, vited to all meotlngs. attend. Trmiavaal r for War. INSURANCE V.'. M.-- FRANK B. AUERBACH. Lewers & Cooke, DEPARTMENT. CLARENCE L. ORABBE, Secretary. Wine JohauueBtJurc, St-pt- . ,1. The 'Mercdndluiied1n,df!' EMMETTMAYManager. For malarial disorders, loss of ap- town is preparing for the (event LODGE PROGRE8 LE DE petite! that tired fooling, loss of en- ualities of war. The inmates of FORT ST. rrnr L'OGEANIE, ergy, it is a true panacea. the Children's Homo are going to No. 124, A. &A. 8. Rite. Natal. The Town Council ie pro-- , Royal Bitten u 'the name, Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Dogs fttatad mnAtlnm on the last Mnndnv of ( viding a three months' i,i i' jA-L- ' They gave'me al'my supply L fBCA.-ir3- TJEJiniR each month, in its hall, Masonic Temple. birth, food for tho men and animals I ILLS. UKU. UAM1TUN, W. M. From: Royal noone need refrain, iMi'rtuI connected with the scavengers de-- MADE WM. P. JOHNSON, Secretary. lit vte will turely bring mirth. ' , REMEDIES BmiSSTTit & SONS, partment. All outgoing trains uuri Veterinary Surgeons pf. World-wid- e Fame, will 8E0. W. DeLONG POST No. Pat up in pint bottles at 50 cent. aro crowded and most of the pro- V V M Ml I I Only of THO'SH 45, G. A. R., minent men have alreadv left Money OUB1 Saved by( Investing in Pottle's:ILL8.'Remedies. .. riAnnritTinnf...... rit Pflllfnrnln. anil..- -. TCntrnilA- ,- Johannesburg. .r--. w. ... Black OHs for Sprains Gall Salv.e.for SoW Necks, Whlte'OIH for Swollen Glands. Ur, meets at llarmony Jiau, King street, Pretoria, September 1. The Green Lotion, great healg agent, Soothing Oils for mrst evoning or every montu. Hollister Drug Co. 'inursiiay Volksraad has deferred the dis " Black Ointment for Horses' Feet,, ElectrTc,Olls,a mild blister, - Sojourning comrades aro cordially In- - cussion of correspondenoa'ex- - Pottle Eye Salve for Sore pyes, iritnil to attend. the tJ Soap for Dogs, between "V 'Vermin Sheep, Cattle, Horses, Shrubs and Trees. E. L. LaPIERRE, P. 0. changed the Imperial and iWThls, is only a partial list; If you don't see what you "!1 (i i want'ask JAS. T. CQPELAND, Adjt. Transvaal Governments until R I'ln Monday, when a motion i C. W. MACFARLANE, ' regarding r Agent for the Hawaiian HONOLULU SCOTTISH mo presence or mniRii troops on Islands. THISTLE CLUB, the Transvaal border will de- bo Latest styles. A' large Love Block, Tort street. Reading room bated secretly. Co. open day and evoning for reading and invoice just received. Mem! octal intercourse. Regular meetings Enlargements Tlie t,at Car. Coney Estate Limited,Prli .Friday, 7:30 p. in. Visiting Scotsmen The last care of tho King street f especially welcome at all tlmos. lino going to Waikiki and Palamn to GEO. L. DALL, Chief. Our Grdat Wilder W)o Ltd. pass tho Anchor Saloon. The LANDS. ran Specialty " oleverest mixologists in tho city 1231 ENSIGN WORTH BAGLEY aro there always to put you up A FEW VERY DESIRABLE BUILD- O.ARUISON, Many of you have small negatives con- anything you may desire. Drop ING LOTS on Nuuanu Avenue, at Nlo No. 171, taining some picture that Is of value to in and take a drop before yon take lopa, Nuuanu Valley, for sale. Apply to Regular rmyand Navy Union of the you. the car. The celebrated Seattle j&WW M. 119 King TJnltfd Statos of Amorlca, meets at HAVE IT boor is to be had here on draught. J. MONSARRAT, St. Harmony Hall, King street, overy se- A full liuo of liquors including tho Cartwrlght Block, Merchant street. Church and Society Work. oond ami fourth Friday in each month. ENLARGED! 1258 yii Visiting comrades aro cordially invited. famous A. A. Jesse Moore Whisky Usually the enlargement is etc, always on hand. MARCUS H. SAUNDERS, Received NEWS, ADVERTISEMEN.T ANp FOR SALE, GK Commander. BETTER THAN per Warrimoo, Itainior Bock Beer H. BIAET, Bhsfthan. Adjutant.' I. E. THE ORIGINAL! on draught. Tho Anchor Saloon is here to please its patrons. General Writer at' I Manufacturing Jeweller, THE WAVERLEY CLUB. Our enlarging rooms are of GREATER BUSINESS AGENT. Waverley DIock, Dethel (trett. Standard macailnes SIZE than the entire PHOTOGRAPHIC A valuable residence lot situated n one 404K ud uerloilcI: library; bllllarJ.pool anil card tables fort Street. ' lor free us of members. Arrangements for transient DEPARTMENT of most of com- of the best locations on the Walklkl beach, Entrance lee I1.95, monthly dues Open our II4 King P. Box visitors. Ii. St. 0. 93. having a sea frontage of about from 8 a. m. 10 11 p.m. petitors. and 25 The latest designs In Bracelets, A. V. GEAR, Presldont. feet. This property Is well laid out with Pins, Rings, on hand 'JAMES T.COPELAND.RecordlngSep'y. BEN HAAHEO, fruit and ornamental trees. There Is a &c, or made H. HtmiMGEOUR, Fin. Beo'y. THE ALLEN King streot, near Railroad Depot, comfortable dwelling on the property,wIth to order. Stones of all kinds neatly CHAS. D. WALKER, , cottages, stables and bath houses. Detlgntr and Builder Hlgb-Gra- Pluinbor and Tinsmith cut, polished and mounted. One coupon and 2; cents secures Lc Mityyou riiolo. .JdupIv Co. of For terms and' other Infoimatlon to Yachts, Satisfaction guarantood. apply ou a splendid historical review of Boats and Launches I GEAR, LANSING tye Evening Bulletin givet.ALL All work promptly and carefully &,CO.,, J ,Spanlsn war in tne rnuippines. 4526 Worki.ilCINaST. the news Fort Street. P. O BoiJji. Ttlwboai ro. attended to. 277 1293-t- f Judd Building. for 75 cents a month. i- - i THE EVENING BULLETIN: HONOLULU, H. 1., SEP.'EM EU 12, 1899. faMJI1 J" J1 "yypgnwti11 wwm miim9iimii9iBsisii9iioag Terrible Pains THE OPERA SEASON Heal Estate and Insurance. Agents, Brokers and Jobbers. FUK WEMWI M In, the tomach-Dread- ful Head The ealo of season tickvtB for liV.G. Irwin & Go. aches Face and Neck Covered the coming ongngouient of the With Bolls-CurW- tJy flood's 8ar-aparlll- a, Boston Lyrio Op rn Compnpy Limited fc Skin le Now Clear. v aPEBFUMES fefe opened yesterday at Wnll, NiobolB Agents for Ilt "JIwm covered wlthinjlljiUIovermyfoa fifliijMcJt, I Jiad, dreadful and Go. and nraountel to $920.00 Western Sugar Kofinerj Co. of I, headache L,iJBM and JPLRh, Bar Roger and Gallet, riln l'nrnyitoratct.,.,!, took medicines, Whiob oan bo taken as a very Franoisco. bat was not much .'benefited, and I Baldwin Looomotive Works ot PMla LundbbPg's, ol HoodBariaparllla. strong evidence (but tbo Houololu dclphia, I'enn.. D. B. A. ''AJtrffaklHfc'tlrt'dri't Bottle I could mo an public wnnt opera. Newell UnlTorsalUlll Co. (Nsoa Rlcksecker's. 'imDrbvement.' Cane Shredder), N'T York, U. B. A, Wheh'I had taken a few N.Ohlaudt & Co's Chemical Iii all (more rortllim, Gosnell'e, odors bottlea the bolls had all' gone, ray AGENTS FOB .. Ales Cross 3c Sons, high stradi fertle SB skin.was clear, my appetite returned, and izers for Cauo and Coffee. Bottles, my health ,wa entirely restored. I am New England Mutual Life In- Reeds Steam Pipo Covering Toilet Sets, Perfume thankful layer found such a blood purU surance Co. of Boston. Sachet Powders, ler,as flood' 8rprllla. I paid out 4ISO good deal o "money for useless medicines Fire Insurance Company Offer for Sale Malle Cologne, a Rival. before taklnir frbod'a Sarsanarllla ." W. P. Etna 'BecxwitH, Hurlock, . of hartford. Parafflno Paint Co's P JcUPatnUaM. -- o If yon decldd to try Hood's SarsaparllU Papers) Lucol and Linseed oils, raw M HENRY ST. GOAR. and bollod. do not be induced to buy any EDWARD POLLITZ. other. Indur! J, (a oold water paint) in whlat Members Stock and Bond Exchange. and colon. Benson,SmithSCo.,Ltd SpIrMla Filter Press Cloths, Cement, Lima as4 FORT AND HOTEL STS. 2H HOOCl'S BrioKB. Is tbo nest In fact the One True Blood Purl. EDWARD POLLITZ&Co ncr. Be sure to get Rood's, rrlce It. six for $5. CASTLE & are ine oniy puis 10 uur.e COMMISSION BROKERS GOOKE, (10001 S FHIS with Rood's SarsaparUIa. AND DEALERS IN I INVESTMENT SECURITIES LIMITED. Furniture at San Francisco Prices Hotels and Restaurants. Particular attention given to purchax an! tale ol Hawaiian Sutar Stock. H01VOJJJL.lJ. Loans NgotlatJ. Eastern and Forelja Stocks and Bonds. Commission Merchants. WE OFFER YOU THE 403 California St., San Francisco, Cal. H 73 SUGAR FACTORS. I.X. STORES, AGENTS FOR Corner Nuuanut. and King Streets, Honolulu, Best 5c. Cigar To Ewa Plantation Co. in W. & CO., The nixivn a perfect piotnre C. ACHI The Walalua Atrlcultural Co., LU, fine of SETS, CHIFFONIERS, MATTRESSES, of Miss Josephine Stanton, prima Ttw Kohala Surar Co. a Are now selling a lot BEDROOM To be had for the money. Tba Walames Sugar Mill Co. 1 & CHAIRSf &C.r &C, at remarkably low rates. CLOSING OUT ALIi OUK DOMESTIC dobna of the company Miss Brokers Dealers TtM Koloa Atrlcultural Co. Stanton is no nrtial in the very The Fulton Iron Works, St Louis, Me. V QrCall In and Inspect the goods. CIGARS. Th Standard Oil Co. S. W. LEDERER, front rank in hor profession. She TtM Geo. F, Blake Steam Pumps. revived her first mnsionl inftrno Weston's Cenrrlluijals. P. O. Box5JS. Telephone 478. Proprietor. Beaver Lunch Rooms. ine new cns;ianiiLiieinsuranee(.o,orBi in inecma ins. uo. ot namors, 1 tion the BostoD.Oouservatoryof REAL The Alliance Assurance Co. of London. H. J. NOLTE. iuubic, in tue cJUfiuBion 01 wuicu ESTATE she was advised by tho entire fn- - XT We will liny or Hell Real Estate it oultv to uo the LieiDRiK. Uermabv. .11 parts of ,the gronp. Alexander&Baldwm Bedroom Suites! We will Bell Properties on Reason for the tiiiisbiiiL! touuhoa CW fn'her hle Commissions I $35. art. ouo wisely followed tbeir SUGAR A splendid variety of Bedroom Suites just landed coodbo! nnd spent two yearn andor )FFICE. 10 West King Street .Before purchasing elsewhere see oar goods and get our During June, July too instruction of tbe greatest of FACTORS and August, the above rate for the Qftrman mustorB nf tho day. DAVID DAYTON, 0 prices. . , Hor first public appearanoe was COMMISSION Board and Lodging per month will made in Lnndon, at n Qrand Real Charity couc- - rt given nndor thti Estate Broker. MERCHANTS. -- prevail at the Coyne Mehrten Furniture Co., Ltd. auspices of tho Princess of Wales. 223 MERCHANT ST. Agents for the California and , m At the end of the performance tbe Orient. 8a Steamship Company. Progress Bloolc, Port Beretania Sts. waB wnited upon by D'Oylo Carlo Queen Hotel. tbe eminent English impresario FOR SALE. THE. .who engaged her for 11 two year's Twelve Chlnose Granite Hltohlng JUDD BUILDING, Ocean View Saloon, London season, fulfilling which Posts, $5 each. FORT STREET. abo turnod hpr eyes toward her Property in town. 1180 ORPHEUM HOTEL, native land, determining to come HOUSES TO TjETT. home win in own m,G. Irwin & Co. 1 :: End of Cap Line and lauibU her Orpheum Building, Fort Street. country. A renewal of the engage- Real Estate TransaotloDr-- MMamHeiiaaaaaiatteaBaiBiBBBl (uvrrao). f ment with Carte was refused and Bnbsoriben ate tarnished with from Hii . W. OTTMAN, Proprietor. hIiq came to America under con- to six lists per week, giving an aooorali Vm.a.Irwin, President and Mana tract with Cn, W. A. Thompson, (eoord of all deeds, mortfrAres, leases, f nans Bpreokels, ... Vioe-F-r Is a first-cla- modern hotel. A German chef has been Draught leasos, powers of attorney, ete., etc., whlcl V. M. Oiffard. - Seoretarr and Tn A and Bottled Deer. aiHtiager of the HoBton Lyrio plaoed O. - - speclally.imDorted. and every attention will be riven to the culinary department. Wines of all of ire on reoord. 'heo. Porter, AnrUtai short-orde- r bill fare.- - Regular brands the best quality. Cnmpnny, with whiob or- hrst'clas of dinner at 5:30p.m. Dining hall 60x30. The only Opera iubscrlptlan Price, 92.00 per Voati, sun per rooms; billiard tables; barber shop, and every convenience. licensed establishment In ganization she has beeu connected s the district. 1230 G-EA- A to let'ln'the building. tao6 ever since. A. V. Suar Faciora AMD i.vMeiaf&mjsimsi9Biaimw38&a essiaais Notice. Judd Bnlldlns. Rnw1' rAYORARLK POR ORBTF(lB. Commission Persona wishing to obtain board at OHAS. J. PALK, Agents MaltAWAO. M All I. h IMVimmAil. Xjandedy nfl Bennes, September 1. This AQIKT8 OF TUB Just EX MOHIOAN, at MRS. H. B. BAILEY'S wns a very nntisfHOtory day for 110 STOCK BROKER Terms, nor wnnk. wit-ues- ANDBOND 'UEANIO STEAMSHIP COMPANT A Splendid Oonsignmont of Surreys, Pliiotons, Dreyfus. The Beaurepairo a, ' Gorraaio.wbo was to prove OF BAN FHANOIBOO. OAIa. Buggies, ltoad Oarts, and Harness. Bear and Wtne Dealers. Member Honolulu Stock Exohango. v that Drey fuatteuded the Alsatian Room SOI, - Judd Building. BREWER COMPAN UMITH . , I, . for maut-uveis- 0 Specially Selected Local Requirements. tound his statements Queen street, Honoluln, H.L ;l Having thoroughly renovated the denied by a reputable witness, I.' JAS. P. MORGAN, LOUVRE while Germain himself, it was AGENTS FOR Honolulu Carriage flariufactory SALOON proved, was twice convicted of OOTIONRER AND STOCK BROKJUI Hawaiian AKhailtural Company, Onomca Saaat iimpany, ltonomu Sugar Company, Weilak XV. and resumed Its original awii)dinK. This was the only No. 45 Queen Htroet. logu Companjr, Walbee Sunr Companr, Mill sal W. WRIGHT, Prop'r. name, ngarCompanr, llaltakala Ranch Cominr. Ea. FORT STREET, ABOVE HOTEL. testimony against Dreyfus, the apala Kaucb. Planters' Line San Fraadaaa) V Expert Appraisement of Ben) HcketS. Chaa. Brewer A I.lne nt 'WicitsjiGiaBaiisiaiMBiE. remainder of tho rlispositions bo Cn't favor, 5rftnte and tckets. Agents Boston Board of On Jerwrlttai "Bee inu iu his several of them Furniturd vscuia rauaucipaia noamoiiinaenrntcra. Hive," very beinif weighty, a in the case list or omegas t I will be pleased to see my friends and of Captain Garvallo, General So- WILLIAM SAVIDGE, patrons as before. CM Oooko,President! QuorKon Roberta laVj ber) and Major Hartmann, tbeir lAnADATl K F BUhnn. TrAAanrae anrl "" Uryj Col. WF Allen, Auditors H. A. JUEN. dvidenoe kohik to show that par-ticulx- rs OMCeota. ' Stock and Bond ( Watcrhonee, A W Carter. Dhetora. Ll Telephone 589. 1287 of the firing manual of Broker the "12 gun" and hydro pnuema Member ol Hawaiian Stock Exchange. VI. PHILLIPS & CO., 1 " LOVEJOY&CO. V . tio brake were almost matters nf Molnerny Block, Fort Struct. IMFORTKRS, AND W HO LB8 ALB cotnmou knowloge among tho iThulesale Importers and JoMxini o' - GREEN Olil elH P. E. R. STRA.TJOH, liDO aid Llpr Dealers. laropjaD nnd American Dry Qoo Af nt for thi Bottltd Kainltr Btcr ol Stattlt. "Clrcamatanrrs Alter Caws." Real Estate Fort and Qnoen Streete. No. 19 Nuuanu Street In chhi-- of dyspepsia, nervous Broker Foster Block, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. uen8, catarrh, rheuiUHtism, orup-tion- s, Financial Agent Colloctor. I HACKFELD&CO..LW i P.O. Box in. Mutuil Tltphon )o. and RIVER! olo. , tho eircunistanoes may Lincoln 039 Block, King stroct. GONSALVES & CO., Ltd be alteied by purifying aud en- 1148 Telephone 641. P.HERU COMMISSION mm riching tbe blood with Hood's WHOLESALE OROOEBB AM A. J. CAMPBELL, Sarsaparilla. Good appetite and Jar. Fort nnd Unen Htrcets HonolttteV WINK MEROHANTH Liioil digeHlion, strung uorvoa and Stock and Bond Broker. peifrct horfltli take tho plnce of JfiQuemi Btroot, Honolnlu, 11. J, Member ot the Honolulu Stock Each ante. these diseHsos. Hood's Sarsa-ptrill- a Office Queen stroot, opposito Union CITY REPAIR SHOP' America's Medi-cin- e Feed Company, onsoliflatfirt Sfl Water Co., W is Greatest 115 Bethel Street, opposite Water' H:i w;i ii:ui S'ongs, aud the best that monoy can Telephone too. P.O. Boa l. house & Co. ENpl,mid.o, buy. Strictly new i8o3 Cleveland Bicycles lor Rem ' S3.00-S3.00-S- 3.00 JAS. F. MORGAN, n. 404040 for :irner Alton & Fort St$ Honolulu, Hood's Pills cure billiousness, Repairing rromftly and thoroughly attendee "'J sick All WOIK guarantied 7i Cents a Song headaahe. B.J'JNEb HOLI.ISTER A CO.. U ( I.AUi . Wint Optra, lluusn Last Night, Aloha Collection of Hawaiian Songs The second production of Membei ol Honolulu Stock Exchange, Honolulu Iron Works Oo. Queen street. Contains 40 of the prettiest, sweetest and most popular Hawaiian Songs "David Garrick" was wimossod by Telephone Dpi , Improvod anil niodorn 8UQAU MA.J Myrtle Soda Stand, ts. P. O. sti ' known. Buy It for home, for dear ones away, for departing friends, for your a iood sizHil audienoo lait night JIIINKHY of evory capacity nnit dec of at tlio Opera House. BRUCE CARTWRIQHT, jrlptlon made to ordor. Bollur vrorti girl. For sale by CHARLES A. K. HOPKINS, at the Mauka the Orpheum Block. 3 llohoriri itid RrVIfrKD IT1-F.- for Irrltratlesi Aerated drinks of every description. satisfied all with bis General Manager ot piirtocs ii upoclalty. ftirtlctllar BtteB.7n HAWAIIAN BAZAAR, MASONIC TEMPLE. Milk Shakes a specialty. tiHtial excellent and finished Hon paid to The Equitable Life Assuntnco Societ mil WORK, and ruplrsez. innniinnnnniiimiiiiiii mi Cigars, Tobacco, Stationery, etc. 1263 while tho support ctittMl nt Hlnrtnt notice showed a marked degroo of cluvor Ot the United Utates for the UawuUan R. M. DUNOAN, FOR SALE, aotinp. Islands. 0rrv Merchant street. llnnr'ln Collector and General ButU - THY Haattla Deer. This ovor popular Rainier boor EDMUND H. HART ne83 Hgeni. . 4.1 Milk Olllco, . Il'l ICiilimnaiiii Htroot Fresh is becoming a household word prepared onlorH Notary Public and Typewriter Also totuko for tilling ( 0YALiAsm HANS aud "will you have a glass of In low lantlH mill tornicini; Work' 10 is promptly ntuuuli'il to. at cents Seattle" more often board than Conveyancer an i Searcher ol Records, ' ''.', anything nlso. Tho Criterion Up-to-D&- te AiORRIS K.KTjnHOKALULB Hj&h grade 811I0011 hiWH the boor ou tap or in HSrOIIlco No 15 Kaahunianu strnct. a Quant! lQy'Mo))lioiiu No. 870. United RUitos Cimtom FIoiiwi Droken " S ' 0 bottles. flMNKB-PETERS0kC- SANS- - Oollvorod In any qiiiiiiiltldri to Biilt, N FERNANDEZ! Aeonnutniit, fiiarclinr of Titlut aotf Francuco. Onroaritio Iiiih jiiit di- finnornl liu.-uin- Acont. . U.K Lonvo your nrilnnt nt STAR .11 DAIRY, NOTAPY PUBLIC anA TTPEW .iTEL T..l..i..i,i,.'III' ruf . efl Ss Lthly. n.conMigu-me- nt j'.. .,' $ rect from Lucia, orTKLKPHONK 101. OKFIUIB 10 olive Offlra sol Merchant street Cample bccU r.a, "o. Knrthuininn streot 1247 of puro oil. Try it. O. Cartel I office P. O Box io Honolulu, l'oriLuily A. luivi'at

't- - ca&Mij miLslklik iM-'iA":- . y

THE EVENING BVLL1-T1N- : HONOLULU, H. I., SEPTEMBER 12. 185)9. tmMMxataxBKUWJZzra: they are worth, and not as coming UICYCLCS VS. CARS. Evening Bulletin, from the people of Hawaii. Good It btllhl Kvtfy Day. encept Sunitr. at to Klni If the people desire a eppcial Don't pav ten cent car fares, Is much ttHt, Honolulu, tl. I,, by ib cheaper to ride a Sterling blcvcle. The Salesmanship agent to argue tho cause of man Reminders average person rides four times dallv.nt to ULLBTIN PUBLISHING COMPANY. hood suffrage or a restricted fran amount In to cents a ride, this a week ISN'T EVERYTHING to good T FARMIMITON .... Editor chise, ht tho people contribute $2.40 or 12.00 per month. The Pacific City Editor storekerplng j even a good salesman received aNIEL ICXMN the money aud Bend their man: if Cycle & M'f'g. Co., on Fort street, will We have just another sell viiu the hlehest trade Sterling blcvcle falls when he tries to sell, cautious- TUESDAY, SEPT. l'i, 1899 the bar association want the ever manufactured fur $63.00 on small ly, lothlng that Isn't made as It ooarts to remain as they aro or to weekly or monthly Installments. should be. In the long run only choice selection of ROUGH STRAW undergo a thorough rennova'iou, the best clothing pays; especially nsauined l.y tbp pro. After you have once experienced the can be Th.i liiak let tho bar association contribute when the best clothing had 5AIL0RS, in the newest shapes. posed special agortt of the Gov- pleasure and advantages of cycling, you at the price of the next bert. Our the money aud send their special will not want to ride on tram cars at even clothing Is so well made, so at- ern in put will indeed hy "nnornuH, 3 cent fare. counsel. There is nothing to pro- - tractive in appearance, and looks so Black ud uumitirii'iiclory," and White. vexntioiid n desirable that It requires less energy vent anyone and overyono appear The rocky road to Dublin, or any other he will lie nqqatuing n role and breath nnd persuasion on the ing beforo Gmurese, if they cwj place will not annoy you when you are tlirtt ia it luUrnprcBeiitntioiJ of Ihe part of the salesman to sell It. got tho wherewithal to pay ex equipped with Sterling from After we have sold It once, we people i ud receiving raouoy blcvcle. Thev will stand mure rough peupes. It is not right, however, sell It effort tbo putdio treasury to which hi usage, while loiklng graceful and riding 'an with still less to N. S. SA6HS DRY GOODS GOMPANT, LIMITED. for the govornmout to assume the easVi of any wheel made. Their construc- the same customer. It Is the kind lias no rfclit- - anthority to pay oat funds for any tion Is perfect, and they are light, strong of clothing that bring your custo- nnd speedy, and built like a watch. Tli People's Providers. of those object mer bick ag lln and ng tin the kind TIIK WAHIIIXflTON IlKLKOATION. with which we can build up a last- Down und;r ths highly polished enamel ing trade. And tint is what we Fort Street. llnwainu Exe-'cati- TIIK SUNDAY VOM'ANO." 8iuco the and glittering nickel U the real bicycle; are doing In all our lines. Iirb been prone the thing you're paying your good money evjr EniTon The Evenintj Bul-LEri- of strength SPECIAL SALE OF to it notion by the -- no ca for, and on ths of whl:h, may uiingu I have desire to dejend your life. Are you going to buy col-utnu- ndvico of "frionilB in Wash- cadtt my pers malty into the B a bicycle of known reputation? of a kind be-- n lash," 1 .1 why ia it that the oflicinU of the Evening Bulletin. of kind that has never known tn "The RIBBONS AND LACES! ington," shall cftaoade that personalty into "fall down" unJer any ordinary accident of life In Commencing August apparently fall to Bte the force or will you take your your hands 9 Hotel 7th, at the tho coming Volcano. I doiro, and ride recklessly to no one knows what, Street : : WaVGTlCy BlOCt Cl-uk'- s suggestion that Senator however, to lliauk my friends on a wheel that U without a reput.tion. Hawaii bo represented before for, what mauy think i tho ex- just because Its first cost Is a few dollars Wo Make Shirts to Order. of an American less. TEMPLE OF FASHION Conrfhs by a delegation of busi- - piring breath Telephone No. No. Hotel psper in tboso Inlands for their 676 9 11, St. men Z mny be assumed netB It kindness of expression aud prof- officials that Agents for Dr. Delmel's Linen Mesh by the government fered assistance. Underwear. Send for Catalogue. ! ! I puhlieued Five Miles Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Senator Clark's inter An appeal has boon made to the ! ! ! viowBnretoi be interpreted to mean cupidity of the community. It ia AUTOMATIC Laces Laces Laces that he f.ivors the delegation of asserted that Tbo Sunday Volcauo of At that can't be duplicated; at is not paying institution. prices buMnoAB men in addition to the a Permit me to diiabueo the pub- PICTURE Executive'! special representative. lic mind of that erroneous state- Blua Flame Senator Clnrk ha taken cire. not ment: The Sunday 'Volcano i'b and in no now paying 10 por cent annually MOULDINGS to eay no holwevor, there Have been received by the Hawaiian Dry Goods Association. ToaBon why he should not have on an mvistment of $5D,l)00; or mado etatemont if be endorsoil lu other worris, it is netting its PACIFIC the publisher $600 '. HARDWARE Oil Stoves MOSES PALATJ, Manager. the plan. The government cue The editor of Tho Sonday Vol CO., Ltd. find no straight out endorsement does not owe a dollar this rano in The Bulletin told you a few days ago ex town. Haye Yon Seen Them ? for its special agent scheme of the scarcity of hard woods such as are Hia paper owing to this perse- DRY GOODS cept from- - a few pergonal frionde used for mouldings, and the large advance EGAN CO.,, cution, is greater than over. V hile WICK.-H--- H- Hubsidized organs. In price of the same. NO and its not a lenrnfd entomologist, in If the best in'oresta of Hawaii some futuro issue of Tho Sunda Our orders were placed at old prices, One Lever Operates the Whole Thing. and the goods have just arrived. Simple, Safe, Clean are to be taken into consideration, Voloauo, ho will discuss mos JTOIT street, With these we have received the very Economical and Good Cookers. of will quitoes. Reasonable. the Chamber Commerce latest designs In PICTURE FRAMES Prices Fraternally youra, One Burner. A Fine Line of take up thi matter of thu repro and EASELS an assortment such as Wm. H. MaiirhaMi. has Two Burners. I lit ion of Hawaii lirfoiv Con never before been seen In Honolulu. Three Burners. RIBBONS, VEILINGS, SIDE COMBS, BELT BUCKLES, Ben Honolulu, Soot. 12, 18!)!). gross and prpvido for a delegation Call early and have ynur choice. Four Burners. WOIIII4 K.NOINU IN "llOUN." And Ovens for Same. of not leVg tliati three business Call In and .see one In operation. A New Shipment of the Famous men to lie preBont when CoogreBu Editoii of The Evening Bur, No Trouble to Show Them. SONNETTE CORSET. shall tke. up the discussion of : Can auy of your renders SEE OUR Hawaiian affairs. Let the Exe tell i ne how many words in the Art Rooms I'ln'jmort havo tho enil-iii- i: for in Hh fast Ueotinu Euilili Knrt ? I, Mslilig DfiprM'l cutive oner "dous"? Hero is a, atiokler Ita Egan Dry Goods Co,, Fort Street. (low i high, in tho-M- life com' fiom its for ) interested in word liuut- - SECOND FLOOR. dependent olliciitl horsoaml accept inu and the peculiarities of the Take the Elevnt ir. the plnvH fir representation in hi gliHh language, lake trom Timely SOMETHINQ 3rEW ! that will iicompliili , hnzanlntiH, nnd Biupendnus W, W, Dimond & Co,, aud see how mauy words of THE GENUINE IMPROVED to the LIMITED. tho grenteht henelit the couutiy name ending can bo added to this It is an utter impossibility for list. Woitn Hunter. --Von Holt Blimk, King street. ! the Executive' oflioials of Hawaii Importers of Crockery, Lamps and House Alpha Home Pudding Furnishing Goods. to honestly a representative :tp:r,ogkr..a.:m: Topics Sole Acents Jewel Stoves, for coal or - ; Pudding you ever ate. Not slmplv a cornstarch preparation, SOMETHING who u ill bo fairly representative of OF THE wood Gurney Cleanable Refrigerators, Nlcet Fourth Celebration New Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stoves, NEW. FIVE KINDS TO CHOOSE FROM, AT 10 CUNTS EACH the people of Hawaii. The as Germ Proof Filters, Primus Oil Stoves. Cocoanut Farina, Cocoanut ChocoUte, Cocoanut Rice, Cocoanut Tapioca, Cocoanut of authority proposed .OF., Lemon ream. Any one puuui ig enougn rorsix persons, uuy one to try money-bac- eumptiou If dissatisfied. Saves time, labor and money. At bo a by the lixfcutivo would on A well selected stock with a good as with appoiutmoat by Gen-nor- al par the Regatta Day! sortment of goods are both the buyer's Leonard "Wood of a special NEWJBOOKS! To be held In and seller's delight. agent to ropro-ieu- t tho people of HONOLULU HARBOR, Grocery We have just received a large assort Salter's before Congress, or the ap- Oaba Telephone 680. Orpheum Block, Fort Street, pointment by Gen. Otia of a Saturday, September 16, 1899, ment of special Hgent to represent tho. Commencing at 9:30 a, m. New Filipinos bofnre Congress. Mr. 1. Whale Boat Race. Iron Wire Dole is as completely under the Clw. Drl.. C r..Anl Slx-oare- d Sliding Seat Barge. Nos. 5 6. of 2. 4, and direction President McKinley 550 1 ropny. bb any militaiy governor in any 3. Diving Contest, for time. Galvanized Fence Staples, In Kegs, Prize J5- - Inch. assorted sizes, itf i M and 2 KG pOHHUBeion; spe- Two-oare- d Books! new by sending a 4. Shore Boat. cial representative to Washington First Prize Mo, second $5. RECEIVED BY" THE 5. First and Second-Clas- s Yacht Race. Mr. Dole placa'Presidont McKin- Prize Paints in Oil ley in the positi u of roceivinu a 6. Slx-oare- d Gig Race (stationary seats). rnze delegate fpr wliiali he, McKinley, jo. PIONEER AND HUBBUCK'S WHITE GoldenRule Bazaar 7. Swimming Race (100 yards). Baking LEAD. ' is practically responsible. M- ti 5 Trophy. 8. Canoe Race. BOILED LINSEED OIL. cKinley sending a delegate to First Prize $1 s. second S?. RAW LINSEED OIL, "In the Forbidden Land," 2 vols., by A. ' Third-Clas- s himself. 9. Yacht Race. WHITE IN OIL AND JAPAN, Henry Savage Lnndon. Prize ZINC Whether President McKinley INTbRMISSION FOR LUNCH. ASSORTED COLORS. "My Lady Rotha," Stanley Weyman. "The Castle Inn," Stanley Weyman. approver of this" propped action 10. Punt Race. Prize f 15. ADAM'S FLAT PAINT BRUSHES, 3 11. Slx-oare- Slldlng-sea- t Barge., "Ttkla," Robt. Barr. Powder. "'-- X Hawaiian Exeontive wo TO S INCHES WIDE. of the f 30 Trophy. 'Heart and Sword," John Strange Winter. 12. Tub Race. First second ADAM'S VARNISH BUUHES, AS- dou't know, and it ia safe to Bay Prlze$5, 2.50. "An Original Sinner." Albert Ross. 13. Diving Contest, distance. Pfize 5. SORTED SIZES. tho Hawaiian Executive does not 14. Steamer Boat Race. "The Gift of Bonaparte," Shortz. know. We do kuow, however, thut First Prize f25, second I15, third $10. "A Lost American," Gunter. HENRY MAY & CO., Ltd. 15. Sailing Canoe Race. "The Dreamers," Bangs. SUCCESSORS TO the people of Hiwaii do not ap First Prize ?i 5, second f 5. Oils. Cruise of (In paper Half-Mil- e Machine "The the Cachalot," prove tho proposition. iC. Swimming Contest. J. T. Waterhouse, H. B. Mclntyre & Bros., Trophy 1 1 edition). j. iw, 1 uiiu & engine vJH y- - uuiu v;ii, Henry May & Lot tho Chamber of Gommorce 17. Four-oare- d Dingy Race. "DAVID HARUM." Co. ' In tins and barrtK eood tho delegation of business First Prize 515, second f 10. "Our Navy in the Spanish War,' John nared Slldlng-sea- t Spurn Oil In tins and barrels, 18. Six Barge Race. R. Spears. ' men. There will he no question of "Old Timers." Prize Neats Foot Oil. Cnrbollnlum. Scape Hall Wholesale and Retail Grocers theirstatus.Thoy will stand for just Above Program subject to change. Races Coal Tar. Axle Grease. Best Refined "The Gnat," Calne. open to all; no entry fees. Swimming. "The Swallciw"-H:tgga- rd's Best Book I thoy Tallow, what are, representatives of Diving aim 1 ud Knees, entries open until "From Sea to Sea," (2 vols.), Kipling. Coiton Waste. Varnish of all kinds. TEA DEALERS and COFFEE MERCHANTS Hawaii's business interests whoie the start of the races. Kipling's Complete Works, 4n 15 vols., All nwing races are to be governed by Packing, Asbestos, Soap Stone, Sheet RETAIL STORES: to is - i5.oo. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT right recognition unquestiou- the Racing Rules of the Hawaiian Rowing Rubber. "Reminiscences," Justin McCarthy. Aswcljtlon. "Heart of he Haggard. Fort and Kino Streets, Bethel Street. ' od. Tint Chamber of Commerce of Pipe Covering, assorted sizes. World," For the other races entries must be made "Waldtrant," M. Rudlger. Waverley Bhck, Bethel St. Honolulu and Hilo aro quite as to J. W. Smithies at the Pacific Hardware "Joan Haste," Haggard. 22 02- - capable) of selecting local encyclo Co.'s. Entries close Thursday, September "The King's Rivals," E. N. Barrow. , Fort Stroot, and TKMtwioNKs: IJothol Stroot, - 24 and 019 14th, at 5 p. m. Each entry bhall Include The above are only a few of the many V. O. Hox 38l "pOvlirtB as the Executive officials of the name of the boat, or If It have none, articles we keep constantly In stock, Over 900 Hawaii, If thefeo delegates wish to the name of the person who enters It in and our prices will stand competition the race. There must be at least three New Books 0. A. GROTE, CHARLES CRAMER, , "Jo politics" on the side, they with any other dealers. boats entered before the second prize can Ex Australia ! MERCHANT : TAILOR. hive a petfet right to do go, and be awarded, at least four boats before the third prize can be awarded. Clothes mado to order at a reasonable Merchant Tailor riaocomplish whatever they may by For further Information apply to the cost. ClotlieH cleaned, repaired and , 534 FORT ST., REGAT TA COMMITTEE-- W. C.Parke, Ttic Co, dyed. First-clas- s work guaranteed. 1 personal nciivity. Tueir personal Hawaiian Hardware M. -- Netr comer of CbipUlo S. E. P. Taylor, and Walter E. Wall. J. WEBB, O, box 280. Union street. Honolulu Um viows will bo accepted for what Glcanlne mil Repairing it Short Notice, 1322 Fort streets, opposite Spreckels' Bank. 316 FORT STREET. H. I. 1208 ana in me Mil posucie Banner

jvtv-t- : ' cia-- , JA&a Jhrtfcgfr ?Mtdi&4. t &k t,v. mm THE EVENING BULLETIN: HONOLULU, H. I., SEPTEMBER 12, IrtW. "!. THE DAY'S STOCK REPORT LOCAL AND GENERAL, J IJ!St Kingsbury : HONOLULU EXCHANGE m Judge Porry ia again undor the WMiWSMi&'iwWwWSmmmmm Pianos SALES. ? Monther. Between DoarJ Yesterday attefnoon 45 Ola raa L HF" as paldup 1), sdopali up it. 05 Ea iky,, iidoaoJi. Tbo schooner Bnnsor leaves in )M 180, 0&2ijB&& aoOahu 5 walmanalo 150 Between Hna'ds This piirnlnjs wo Ookata a... billiiBt for the Bound tuia after-boo- n. $2.50 Session Yesterday afternoon 400 Hawn. (jot.os This j8-i- Session morning ji McBryde too ;' KlheljM. Tribune! Mrs. Howard Humphris issuf NEAT, per ,'-- HAWAIIAN EXCHANGE. - feriug from a blightly epraiuod DRESSY, AND SALES. I ankle. STYLISH. Detween Boards looOokala ai,. eoda water, beat in M Pure the Another winner In this week. !'; HAVHU A LI PH. towu. Hawaiian Soda Works. celebrated make. "' Moutitrd Pninlmtn Gumpher Tol. 032. leaves for Kauai Easy, comfortable and Hear avt'd 11 child from drowning in Judge Stanley tbe Nuiiiinu Btreiui nt'r tbo Hna this afterno'in to attend the Cir- sensible. A combination of lilintunuti brlduu on King cuit Court Term. everything that denotes re- Sharp ..4$8 at nhout 1 o'clock yesterday after Tribune! Board with uicoly furnished finement. Jir I t,xn fiO'2 cor- noon. roonH at IJiTttauia Btreet, There 1$ nothing that we ner Alapai street. The child in cjupition, nn II can add to Increase the repu- Play ,.iV on At a meeting of tbo Y. M. 0. A. whh plxyiug the bridge tation of the JOHNSTONE wheu suddenly Iih slipped aud Hoard lut ovfiiini.' sevornl iuiprov-inoui- a W$IBMMiM$$llMM$m & MURPHY Shoes. They stand In a distinct class of 'vMw-i- j foil into (lie wider. Umupher, iu the building were paB-sr- d the who was on the KnpnlMinn bene, on. their own. If you haven't worn a J. & M. you don't know what com- was mar ly and, jainpinu flora AssiBt'int Sporetary Ooitos of fort is. bis linrcp, h whh boon down the Y. M.C. A. id expected iu the Ala latest. side of tbo bridge. Ah the child meda from tuo (Joutit tomorrow camo up IIih Hfuoud time, he moruiug. caught the clothes and dragged Tribune! WALL, NICHOLS CO. . Wright's Villa, Waikiki. Bath- S'f SSf bitn out. Mclnerny Shoe Store, lUMtTFre. m m IF YOU WANT A SUBSTANTIAL, ing aud surf boating. High tide next Sunday at 8 p. m. Diuuer at Dr. an 5 Mib. Dewey havt EASY-RIDIN- WHEEL, BUY A Election oT OiVicere. John G movoii from the (Jostle collage iu TRIBUNE! o'clock, titty couio, In the High School building At a meeting of the Stockholder Manoa Vtdley to the homo of Mib. HENRY MAY & CO., LTD., held on (hi Dodge on Vineyard Btreet where WHITMAN & CO., this evening at tbe uduil time Dr. John Dewy will lecture ou ''The 22nd day of July, the following officoi tbey will ruiuiiu until the date of Tribune Agents. were duly elected to serve imtil.ithe sac Telephone n&. Ethics or Social Welfa.o." thoir departure, J9. annual meeting : - At the meeting of tin- Triangle T. May, President and Manager. Club in tbo Y. M. A. last u in lit, HHMnH 0. H. E. Mdntyre, a Haihliuht piclurnof themomberri AWNINGS! F. T. P. Watuhouw, SecreLiry. was tnkeu by Dr. Garvin. F. B. Auerbach, Treasurer. We are pleased to announe that we are now In position to take meas- Pacific Heights Notice. There is only one Jeese Moore F. W. Mactarlane, Auditor. urements, give estimates, make, deliver and put up, anything In the line of white, E. F. Bishop and E. D. TenneyjJB Whickoy in tbe world and that is plain or fancy stripe duck awnings, at short notice. Nothing so rectors. cold and puro. Lovejoy fe Co., adds to the comfort and beauty of a house as handsome lanal, porch and F. T. P. WATERHOUSE, window awnings. Telephone us and we will show you samples and make 30o-i- Secretary. are dintributors for the Hawaiian estimates. .w Applications will be received at the office of BRUCE Islands. WARING & CO. for the purchase of Lots on Mtuon Loa'a passengers today PEARSON & POTTER CO., Ltd., MAOTEL NTJNES, Minu(cturr included Geo. Clark, G. E. Uryaut 312 Fort street. Telephone 565. ol I gyPACIFlC HEIGHTS,1 W. A. Wall, H. R Hitoucnek and family, 1). Pttris aud Ilev. O. Guitars. Ukulele, Situated on the magnificent hillside between Nuuanu and J. TAHO PATCH KIDDI8. Valleys, and commanding a superb marine and scenic H. Gulick Workmuthlp and Matnlil Outinu4. ke Pauoa a Head to Among tbeOlandiue's passengers Postal have specially. view stretching from Diamond over Punchbowl the Scenic Cards 1130 -- Nn.SIRK KINQflSa for LnLniua, Hilo and way ports w. f T. kt m, iff, w w w m range ot mountains. Gal-hrnit- Waianae today wero Doctor W. J. h, become a fad in Europe, Ger- k A broad, winding Boulevard giving access to the property E. N. Hitchcock, J. M. THIS COUPON, Jose. riB Espirito Santo. of construction, and choice lots of sufficient Ortt and L. N. Gay. many being the starting point. is now in course fc.t And 25 Cents, gg King alreet. - two doora ttluw Punchbowl a(aM.' area for magnificent homesteads will soon be available. The tiUBiueas house of CaMle & The craze has spread until MANUFACTURER O' F GOOD FOR ONE COPY f On the Nuuanu side of the hill is a Pali protecting it from Cocke in cloned t' day on aconiut even Hawaiian Scenic Postal GrxxitnrH, : ITUnloieA, and heavy showers of Nuuanu Valley, ensuring of the death of Mnrell lticliatdn, TARO PATCH FtnDLES. the high winds prir.fl1 Cards may now be had, in Workmanship and material euarantecd. Rcpakt the daughter of Mr. aud I'On to Manila,! a apeclaliy. a salubrious climate. Mrs. J. B. Atheiton. property is from to feet fifty different subjects, at 2$ elevation of the ISO 7S0 - By DOUGLASS WHITE, The the Polio- this fore-noo- u In Court cents per dozen. On-T- o Manila, a complete his- sea level. "Enamlner" above Niidiida wa tiued $5 and Wr CorresbnJtnl M tory of the Philippine campaign will and filed, and choice will coxtB on tlie cruelty to KING BROS., Applications be numbered nharue of handled inclusively by the BULL-TI- -- nnimuls. Ah nud Tau ... be allotted according to the numher of the applications. Sun Ah 110 Hotel street. weie each lined $50 m'mmmmm . Only $1,000 for a lot 100 x 200 feet. Terms easy. and oust. J. W. Hll. F.S.Dunn, Mr. and Mm. II. P. Baldwin aud J, P. BRUCE WARING & CO., Conk- - are some of those booked Rooms 7 and 8, Process Block. on the Maui for Ltlmiun, Kihu lui aud way p.irtu this afti-ruoo- The ca.o of William Woolbam the haok driver who was arrestod yesleiday for waiting for two mtttcmttttin : JUST OUT : ladieB who had encaued his back was nolle proid in tbe polioe court tui morning. Iu respect to exoellencoof work- Aloha Collection 0P manship, perfect adjiiHtment, ease - of running gear aud beauty of ap- pearance the Tribune is in a olaes by ituelf. Call at Whitman &Co.'s f Hawaiian Songs. and see their stock. The members of tbo Amateur Real Maltese, Orchestra are expcted to bo in f PUBLISHED BY CHARLES A. K. HOPKINS. tbo Y. M.C. A. hall at 7:46 o'clock ! Ihurtulay ovening to play for a Price $3.00, Ta cents a Song reception aud entertainment to and Following Ct.oice Selections: Mr. Ooates, the new asaietaut Valancenes Contains the secretary. m Oe (Farewell to Thee). 20. bweet Lei Lehua. i. Aloha At the railway wharf the bark 21. Ni'I Aupunl. 2. Ua Like no a Like. Mouican ta loading sugar for ban : : I Mai. 22. Kaplllna. Fraucisco, the ship Charmer is Torchon Ke Aloha Hlkl 3. unloading coil, sobooner Erio is Forget-Me-No- t. Remember, Be Sure and Be 4. 23. diHcbargiug lumber and tbe bark There. 5. Maul (Two Step). Albeit is preparing to receive 600J bags of sugar for tbo Coast. 6. Kalakaua's Serenade (Duet). 24. PuaokaHe-- l (Sweet Rose Bud). ." Laces and At tbe meeting of tbe director! Ser Pua Sadlnla (Gardlnlas). 7. Makalapua, Lllluokalanl's 25. of tbo Oceanic Athletic Club last enade (Duet). 26. Akaht Hoi (For Once Again). evening the following o Alcorn were presi- 27. Ol Hoi Ha. elected: Will E. Fitdior, 8. Awalaulu. dent; 0. J. McCarthy, vice, preai Ke Aloha (Adieu, My Lei Ponl Mol (Wreath of Car 28. Adlos sec- also deut; A. St. M. Mackintosh, Insertions, 9. nations), Love). retary; O. St. John-Gilber- t, trea Walplo. Martiu Denny, manager lo. Vloleta. 29. and instructor. '.' Paahana, "Hula." ii. He Lei No Kalulanl (Wreath for 30. & Na Molokama. Tuckings, Kaiulanl). 31. & Eakin Haiti Po I ka Lehua. Ballentyne 12. Alnahau (Kalulani's Home). 32. 33. Sunny Manoa. 13. Nu'ao la Palal. RECEIVED. Maunawlll, "Hula." REAL JUST Nuuanu Walpuna. 34. Hone of Puna-lau- ). 35. Sakala. 15. WaloPunalau (Waters ESTATE 36. Moanl Ke Ala (Two Step)...... AND... 37. Toral, Toml, "Hula." 16. Sweet Violet. - . (Beautiful' Wal- - 38. Lei Ohaoha. 17. Malkal Walplo. STOCK Wlllwill Wal. plo). 39. B. W. JORDAN'S, 40. Sweet Lei Mamo. 18. Poll Pumehana. BROKERS

19. Ka Inu Wah If you want to buy either Real Estate or Sugar Stocks, call and No. 10 FORT ST. see us. BERGSTROM MUSIC CO.,Ltd. Careful attention given to every makmL commission. Progress Blools.. MclNERNY BLOCK COHNKH TOUT AND HEHETANIA BTKEBTS. FORT STREET HONOLULU

gH&L JiHtitiisAa'yJ'. " HSkyaaAJiiJigAMaK ...MMimMMklM THL EVENING BULLETIN: HONOLULU. H. 1., SEPTEMBER 12, 1899.

COIIKKOTKO nlBTOHIOAI, UATA. Attorneys. by autiioki:: Bankers. Bankers. The Only High Grade Baking Editor EvENiNa Bulletin: Olaos Sprioeils. Wm. Powdor Offered at a Mod The "HistoticHl reference" iu yoar Irrigation Notice. O. lawnr. . C. ATKINSON, rate L. Prloe. iitsne of the 9th iost., from Tho Holders of water prlviletri. u: those paying water rates, are bettDv notified tiWeckBlguo. Attorney-at-La- w. Hawaiian of Maroh 5, 1898,euoull (BUILDING. that the hours for IrrlgatLti (.Lapses are JUDD have recoived Beveral corrections Incorporated Undir thb Laws 1 from 6 to 8 o'clock a. m.and from 4 tc 6 I Of thb Hawaiian Republic. ftffloe, oornor King andBothel streets, CALUMET bofore.repoductioo. o'clock p.m. BflCElS. Up Stairs. 12271 jcirm. jluojq were no gnei ANDREW BROWN, Capital. $400,000 MOMOIWUJaU M. Z. NOT mllla rtn t4l Ufa.i.1. i.. 1 HIO Superintendent Water Works. T. MoOAtfTS .STgWABT, M....V ""x " iniauup ,1. Approved by J. A. KING. San Franciico Agtnti This Nkvaba MADE BY IoBFend or.,4 there being "two to Minister of OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS! National TIAntr n I THE NONESOCOOD, lnten:r Hn rnivmun Attornoy and 'handle' tbtwKeat harvest of Alnui," Honolulu, June 14. lBy. Chab. M. C.OOKY, JPjrp&ldent. San Francisco Tho National V nt at Law. TRUST. J 1244 tr I O. Jones, isanic or tun Francisco. Counsellor wneat grofing at mat ume was in C. H.CooBLKj.Caahler.' but tbooxperimen(al in 'ho London Tho Union Bank of London, Prou;rem Block, opposite Cathollo Church a'tauf F. O.AtHtyvroiV Assistant Caahior. Ltd., Fort street, iionoium, u. i. , Olakavrao district, reporting pro- - Certificate. Henry WatothoUso, Nkw York American Exchange Na- 125 Telophono in I860, with'1 only about KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRES Tom MAy, y tional Bank. 'rocers. F."VV. Macfarlano, CniOAao OOJbnshels. ENTS, that I, JAMES A. KING, Minister Merchants National Bank. J1LBERT F. LITTLE, E. D. Tenney, .. Pakm Credit Lyonnals. Second: The Brat flonr mill of the Interior of the Hawaiian Islands, do JA. McCandlesa. Berlin Dresdner Bank. was ereotpd in Honolulu in 1854, hereby certify and make known, that 1 ITTQHNEY AT LAW. Frean Sl Co.'s Solicits tlfo Accounts of Firms, Cor- and Yokohama Honkong A Peck, near tho site of the present boiler have examined into the condition of 'THE porations. will bhanghai Banking Corporation. Trusts, Individuals, and Nkw ' nAWAii1 shop of the Honolulu Iron Works, AMERICAN BANK HA carefully to Zealand and Australia Bank niLO, FIRST OF and promptly attend all of Now Zealnnd. and the following year, 1855, tbe WAII, LIMITED," and It satisfactorily business connected with banking PETERSON to II. Soli purchase Victoria and Vancouver Bank of CHARLES F. first export of flour, 463 bbls., ap appearing to me that the sum of Five and Foreign British North Amorica. CELEBRATED Jixcuango, issue letters or credit. peara in onr Custom House Thousand been a at and slat Hundred Dollars has paid Transact General Banting ani) Eicbange Bumes Attorney Law istics. In on account of Its capltil stock, that the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT! uepouu Kecoivea. Loans made on Ap- Notary JPublio. Third: Upon tbo destruction Directors of said Bank are B. F. Dilling Ordinary and Torm Deposits recolved. proved Security. Commercial and Travelers Urfldlta Tmmiuf. ntlla nt Kaahnmaun Htreet, of this flour mill by fire in 18G0 ham, owning 200 shares of stock, Mark P. and Intorost allowed in accordance with London Biscuits ruloa and conditions printed in Pass and told. "" a uow ono was erooted in 0. H. Robinson, owning 200 shires, G. W. Mac- - COLLBOTiows JOEN L. KA.TJLUKOU, books, copies of which may bo had upon Pkomftlt AocoitHTap Fob. Lowers' lumber yard and com- farlane, owning 2; shares, Bruce Cart- - application. menced operations May 21, 1861. wrlgnt, owning 50 shares, and Cecil mmmQV ? go. This new mill was situate well off Brown, ownlne 16 shares, and that all are Doliciously residents of Honolulu, in the Island of O. G. TRAPHAGEN, King street between tbo rear of Oahu ; and it also appearing to me that BETHEL ST., HONOLULU. Appetizing Lowers & Cooke's Fort street store said corporation has complied with all the and their yard office, not near tbe provisions of the Banking Act of 1884, A.ROJEIITEOT (J. Johnson. W. Aom. Enoch Biscuits for site of Hall & Son's store on the required before commencing business, and 323 Merchant St.. Honolulu, &.TOHNSQN, is lawfully entitled to commence the busi- Between Fort and Alakea, SavingsBank AOHI corner of King and Fort streets as of banking, Is ness permission therefore Telephone : : : 784 Lttornoys and Counselors Delicate stated. MbKttJT uivkin to - 1 HC, flKSl at Law. , Fourth. At no time durine the AMERICAN BANK OF HAWAII, LIM- Digostions.-- existence of tho ITED," to commence such business. Building Materials lOWest King street. Honolulu and tbe flMWltlOr Office No. GIVEN under my hand and the OF ALL KINDS, TaAIUMliai will t Tolepnone 884. flour - Wailuku mills was their oro- seal of the Department of the received and Interest allowed by this "ship-load- Dealers in Lumber Goal. and ir A.MOTT-SMIT- H, duot ever eentforth by " SEAL. Interior, this 5th day of Sep- uum mur aim one-na- per cent, 6. to or any tember 1800. per annum. The terms, rules, and ABERT, ARROWROOT, "urba iiaena" other rnolll&tlnna nt tlin a ATTORNEY, port from the fact that wheat was (Signed), JAMES A. KING, ALLEN & ROBINSON, TT.w.ll... nn1 Minister of Interior. ings Bank have been adopted as ATLANTIC, BOUDOIR, not grown in soffioieut quantity to the. Queen street, Honolulu, far u JAS MOVED to the Judd j. 10 iirautiuiuia vo ppiy tuem, and the warrant our "sending coals to The above Is a true and faithful copy of .1. Cash Reserve of 50,000 as required un- Block, Fort St. CELERY. COLONIAL, Newcastle." the Certificate granted to The First Ameri- OTJDERKIRK, der the Postal Act will be maintained. can Bank of Hawaii, Limited, under the Printed ooplos of tho Rules DINNER, GINGERBREAD, The above can be verified by re- Contract Builder. and provisions of the Banking Act of 1884. x and may bo obtained on application. . ference to tbe Reports of the Ha- Moving--, - Snrgftons and Pnyslclans. e. m. buiu, Hout i4 ll Kln4t ol Heavy Weight mijxain- K W. WHOLE MEAL, OATEN, waiian Agricultural Society and 1319 Secretary. nanaiea. tbe NO 617 KJRT STREET. HONOLULU. Katabliahed 18S8 REMOVAL. FLORENCE, OPERA, several papers of those years. (Oppoilti Club Sublti). Yours in the intarest of truth, RctlJeno Telephone 490. 1167-t- f DR JENNIE L. HILDEBRAND. AND MACAROONS, T Q. TimuM. H.'L. KERR & CO., His removed from Fort street, m BISHOP&Oo. Denlh of f. OKKIOE, 612 Beretanla street, two In tins Frederick Iloirati, BANKERS. loom nthor stdo of AUpal. The following clipping from the Architects and Builders 0 to 12 n. m.; 1 to 4 p. m. 'HOURS, Albany, (N. Y.), Evening Journal Room! "? KljKPHONnOlS. 1314 was kindly furuitthtd tho Bdl PROGRESS BLOCK. Transact a General Banking LKTIN by Chief Telethon tn and OR. WALTER HOFFMANN. Lewis & Go. Clerk Dow of the Exchange Business. Marshal's office: JAMES T. TAYLOR, Commercial and Traveler! flEUKTANIA STREETS, (opposlto the 111 FORT Frederick Hogan, one of Al- M Am. Soc C. E. STREET. Letters of avail-tbl- e Hawaiian Hotel.) bany's1 prominent young business Credit issued, Telephone 340 CONSULTING in OlUre Hours: 8 to 10 a. m.; 1 to 8 men, died Saturday night after a all the principal cities - ,tu.; 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays : 8 to 11 abort illness of appendicitis, aged Hydraulic Engineer. f the world. . in. Telephone 610. P.O. Box 601. Markets. 27 years. His death was a shook 806 Judd Block. Tele. 633. Interest allowed after tTuly to his many friends in business R. A. GORDON , HQDGINS. 1,1898, on fixed deposits and military circles. Of a genial Before Buying a Typewriter, see the F. W. THRUM, 8 MBTBOMM HUT CO. disposition he made a host of months per cent., 6niontha 'CFIflOE AND RESIDENCE, GEDQE friends. H graduated from the Surveyor. 3J per cent., 12 months 4 COTTAGE, corner Hotel and Richards 108 KING STREET. College of Pharmaoy in 181)3 per cent. . and "Oliver," SOOM NO. 10, SPRECKELS BLOCK Offlce Hours: fl to 11; 2 to for nearly two years bad oonduot-e- 'rcota. G. TTalleb, : Mamaqeb d Specialty. 4. 7 to 8. Telephone 953. 1246 J. a pharmacy on of Plantation Work a the corner .AT.. 1SM3 Pioneer Bul'dlng and Wholesale and Retail Madison avenue and Dove stroet DR. A. N. SINCLAIR, with his brother, Qeorge Hogan. O.W.Kinney J.K.Nahakn Loan Association- - 118 KINO ST., NEXT OPERA HOUSE. When Wall.NicholsCo.'s Assett, Dee. the war with broke 9 SI, 1898, fU8,803.38 out Fred Hogan, fired with patrio- CABINETMAKERS. 0 m.,1-- 3 p. m., Money loaned on approvod Hours: a. ButchersAND tism, enlisted TURNERS AND POLISHERS of all kind, of Native security. in the First New HOME MA.DE A Savings Bank for deposits. tandays, 12-- 2 p. in. Wood. CALABASHES In itock and to order. monthly York Volunteers as a hospital WKRepalra Effected., Houses built on the monthly install- T.'Uphono 741. 1107-3- m Navy Contractors. steward. In this capacity he KINO STREET. ALAP ment plan,' Eighteenth Series of Stock Is now DR. C. L. GARVIN BEST OP MEATS. served throughout tho term of the SAUERKRAUT opened. 's service. When tbe FRED J. CROSS, OrnoBRs: T. Punch- Consulting and Superintending F. Lansing, President: iffiue: 637 Kino Street, near Families doslrlng ten'dor roasts, First loft Honolulu Sergeant 8. B. Rose. n n n- - bowl, Honolulu, II. I. Juloy steaks and chops should Hogau remained there, narsing J pounds for 2J cents. Treasurer; A. V. Gear, Secretary. .TELEPHONE No. 448 call on the bis sick hospital. 60-pou- nd Electrical Hydraulic uuuhttohs: x. jj.iansmg.M.u.Kose, comrades in the casks, $4 per cask. A. V. nar. A. TV TTa..1. I n Ioui-h- : 9 to 11 a. m. 1 to 3 p. m.j and it was not until thev were all ENGINEER, diu 7 to 8 p. m. weU, Henry Smith, J. J. MoLean, J. D. Central Meat Market out of danger that he left for home, .AT.. Eloctro-Hydraul- Powor Transmission non, u. a. uray. unuging most or tuom witu Dim. REPORTS. AND ESTIMATES For further particulars apply to DR. T0MIZ0 KAT8UNUMA, . . . We make specialty Upon the return of tbe 1ST. A. V. GEAR, Secretary. a of family trade Tenth Bat BREHAM'S Catton-Ne- ll Co., Queen street. VETERINARY SURGEON. sell the best talion With and at reasonable to the state service he was Hop Beer Depot, No. 11 Eonla (formal )j Office next to Postofflce. 1223 Chamber of Commerce rooms. j Skin Disoasos of all kinds a specialty. figures. appointed hospital Smith) street. Offlce Hours: 12:801:80 p. m. 11, Sprocklos Building. steward of the Ollleo Room battalion, whioh rjosition he bad To Patrons and the Iluura 9 to 4. 214 Nuuanu St. Telephone 104. Lf Mile. Vok-oha- lelephono 474. Residence telephone since held. He was president of A GOOD THING TrjB Specie Bank 1WJ. 1246 the alumni of Having reooverod from my re- " the College of XJ LIHID Pharmaoy. The funeral will occur 4 s c cent illness, I am again prepared Paid Up Capital Yen 12,000,000 Reserve Fund -- Yen ' DR. I. MORI, tomorrow aftornonn from his late Ohin, Algeroba and Pine Firevor to do all kinds of Tinsmith and 7,300,000 HONOLULU UNDERTAKING CO, rpsidonce, o. 164 Dove Plumbing work as heretofore. 136 Beretania street, between Emma street. Oat and Bplit (ready tor the Htove), HEAD OFFICE, YOKOHAMA. and Fort streets. Tlii flag on tbe armory is display- Thanking yon for past favors, I ED. A. WILLIAMS, F. D., Also, IVilophone 277. P. O. Box 813. ed at half Htaff. respeotfolly solicit a continuance BRANCHES AND AGENCIES. MANAQER. STOVE, STEAM & BLACKSMITH CO A Kobe, London. Lyons, OUlixi 9 to 12 a. tn. and 7 to 8 Hogan was very well known to of the same. New York, Houn: Ban Franoisoo, Shanghai, 11 ; Hundays, 1) to 12 1229 large of WHITE AND BLACK BAND i. a. in. a number Honolulu peo Bombay, Hong Knng. ple woo win no very sorry to learn It lowest Prices, delivered to any par JAS. NOTT, Jr. Toklo Nagasaki M1TAMTJRA, tbe City. DR. T. EMBALMING of his death. Tel. H44. Tho Bank buys andrecoives for collec- lonsultiDo Rooms. 427 Nuiiaou Street. VBkBPHONB 14 tion Bills of Exchange, Issues Drafts and 0 A specialty. The most popular portrait of Letters of Credit on tbo above Branches Llv- .Clophono 132. P. 0. Box 842. HUSTAOE & CO., and Agoncios, and transacts a general tusldcnco, t'H Nuuami St. 1) Onnnn "Irrt. Artistic Graining banking business. 9 12 7 to 9 p. the late Princess Kaiulani is the to a. in. and m. Office and Parlors INTEREST ALLOWED-- On 2 fl 1212 o? jnnditys, to 0m Notice Assessment. Fixed Depoilt lor n monthi, 4 per cent p. a. 614 & 510 , one taken by Taber showing Notice Is hereby given the third DECORATING AND NATURAL On FUeiJ Depoilt for monthi, ,K " Fort St. near HoteL that On Fixed Depoilt Telophoue 179. assessment nf ten (10) per cent on the capi- Hnag WOOD FINISHING A SPECIALTY. for J noi, 1 her in street tal of the INTEREST ALLOWE-D- Hawaiian Medicine Co,, dress in easy pose stock HONOLULU RAPID House Painter, By TRANSIT & LAND will be due the Head Office, at Yokohama, on Current Df CO., Paper Hanger, poilt. 1 io ten per day. KING ST., NEAR ALAKEA. with purse in hand and wear- and payable at the Company's office, 411 On Flaad Depoilt lor 11 months, jH per cent p.a. rort street, nonoiuiu, on me 1st uay or Grainer, Glazier, and Hew Republic Building, ting a full line of .... a September, proximo. The shares upon TlNTER : : : ill St, Honolnli, Manufacture ..TOE., ing very becoming hat with which anv assessment mav remain unpaid PURE FAMILY MEDICINES. ostrich olumes. KING BROS. after thirty days from said date will be EC. IMoKeolixiie, I HQomnfiiinn declared delinquent. MERCHANT STREET, The . . . - ilf Tree consultation 11 a.m. to 12m. Sales- If Co., have Honolulu. 26th August, 1809. Nexttn Pollen Station UOlllllglUll them for sale. CHAS. H. ATHERTON, ro m open from 0 a. m. to 6 p. m. 1 309-- 1 m Secretary H. R. T. & L. Co. Hawaiian Electric 1 clephone No. Cor. Queen and Fort Sts. American Alenoenger Service 6t. 1283 Masonic Templo. Telephone The World Register 444. Company, Dentists WHOLESALE Artesian Wells. Keeps tho Cash whllo you are busy. Honolulu de- Try one o GROCERS AND Messenger Service Cor. Alakea & Halekanwila Sts. livers messages and packages. L. E. PINKHAM, CONTRACTOR. A. CWALL.T. D.S., IMPORTERS" Rook Prices Hub u Telephone 378. OfllcH with the Pacldo Hardware Co., large assortment of O. D. D.'S., Sole E. WALL, Agents for PORT COSTA FLOUR. ftjinalv fnvniaVial wma of tlia Honolulu, II. I. On Marble and Granite, ! 'PHONE 422. Popular House, 154 Fort street, Ohandeliers and Elec- DENTISTS. from S1.00 Estl ntOH given and contracts nmdn MONUMENTS Telephone 1086 & per week up. of V Now Love's Hulldliifc, Foit Street. 456. p. o. Box 79, for wells on any tho Islands. SIX -- trical Goods TKi.Ki'HQNi; n-i. Now Encland Bakerv &. Candv NEW PLANTS for heavy work operated and CEMETERY . Constantly on HAWAIIAN Co., Hotel street manufacture a by the most skillful highestclass drillers. hunt'. lSJ7ft WORK. . . . TJR. I. One of 1H., R. MOORE, lino bread, pastry, wed v.tiiuiJt(WRivo:i foi hwi st v:r .Mercantile. Agency ding cakes, ice creams, shorbota Notice. Ponces and Lawn 'Tiu mid EJootricul plants. Dentist. ,, and candies luieat in the city All bills against the ship Antlope are Frju'Mvture.' 3d.trinfa u r u nennev . iring npeomlt, r V ' manager. and prices very low. Teleplioue to he rendered '. uuiiiii,Judtl Bulldlntc. requested under cover to (1. J. U8WALD LiUTTED, Mima, Cnptain Murray not later than September Haw'D Iron Fciics anil iloiiuuicntal Co THBO. HOTTMANK, ",ErSirta.m.rn,doplloon40S Difficult collections a Specialty. gor. - wr 15th, 1899. 1319 611 Kluy Struct. Managet, r '. THE .BH8NIWGJ J3Ut)iMri.N: HONOLT1LU, H. I., PEPTEMBELi 12, Ib'JJ

Chinestt and Japanese Firms. Lines of 'rravel. SHIPPING NEWS THE0.E DAVES &C0.,Ltd; Additional, anJ the latest Shipping Newt, will be ORPHEUM CAFE lound on the eighth pa?e. Oceanic Steamship Gompsir,,; tYlercliants and Commission AgentsY tidi;.s. " 1Ijh Cluvntrecl Hands Carry a Complete Line of Hardware, Crockery, Saddlery, &c. Paint; a Oils and White TIME TABLE. ell Lead. . Will Day. 3t! a Thf Ftnu Passenger Htoainers o This Lino auo ..Will be thoroughly renovated.. &:!) E.H i Hcnmiidpr. H:d- GENERAL PLANTATIOH SHPPT.fKS. Loavo Tliis Fort na ' t. c

From dan Francisco: For San Francisco Meals at nil hours, ; 11. 25c. in ). III. ,11. 111. p. ill, Agents fop Clariphos & ALAMEDA PTEMHER l, MAMIPOSA SEI'TEMDFfi it .. S.30 3.21 4.0(1 Dick's Balata Belting I: OCTOHLK Monday..... II n.ltl AUSTKAUA.. !EI TI:M ti AUSTRALIA j POUT STREET, Is MAHIIWA OCTOIIhR u MOANA OCTOHFHijI This Belling acknowledged by several of the most expert engineers on AUtTKALlA ...... OCTOu:j AU.STHALIA OCIOlibK ji' TltPStlity..; ). 7.41 1.4 11 to be thr best, n.ost durable, and least e.x)enslve. 'I . . 5.20 MOANA Ai AMI DA NOVbMhl.K 10 .. lust above Orplietim Theater. Also Agents for Kelchefer Bros.' GRAY ..KOVbMllliU AUSTRALIA KUVIi.MUliK S AGATE WARE, of which .1 full Ilia AUSTKAUA g WotlliUBtlay.. Is r ALAMEDA... IlliCl MllbK 6 MAKII'OSA UECMMIIHN .. J3 tll.ol U.23 2.B0 0.20 carried. AUSTKAUA ...DLCEMULK w AUSTRALIA .. DECEMBER so CITY MILL C0..LHI., Tliursdny IJ 11.52 ll.ol 4.1B 7.fl lu connection win tue nailing of tho (ibovo uteatnoro, tho Agents I )iii.n.iii. ilili'is iiiiii i.iiiiti'jiclors. Friday 15 0.40 11.111. 7.41 fi.30 Lime, Cement, Fire Clay aro prupuruil to isHite, to iuteudinn piiHiioiiRerH, coupon through Saturday in 1 ;) u. ill H.I l 0.17 and Fine Bricks. tiokets by any railroad from 8ivu ITrnuoiflco. to nil points ifo r'jj Hiatus, anil from Now York by nny Btoauiship lino to all Queen and ckatilikc Sis., utu1ay. 17 2.15 1.P l, .vi porta. ' (EwailJe of Oil Pish Market.) European Now union 011 the 4th itt 5 03 p. in. Wt&si&Eg$sgSE&ra lor further pnrtioular apply to P. O. Box o;t Telephone 101 Thu yiuudurd tlmu wlilstle Hmiiuls at 12h. Oni. (niltliilght), Greenwich Beg to announce that they are now pre- 0. lionoiuiu uo., time, which Is Hi. 30m. p. in. oflla-wull- nn lobacco Limited, t Co., pared to undertake nil branches of the Standard time. Wm. 0. Irwin & Limited. above business. IMPORTERS OF Co, Work undertaken by the day or by con-trac- t; MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. Goncnil Agonta Oceanic S. S. estimates furnished. 1204 HAVANA AND MANILA Stearaera due and talllnEtoday and lor the neat tlx CIGARS, days are as (ollowi: ARP.IVI. SMOKERS' ARTICLES, W. W. AHANA Steanera From Due Co. Upolu-Koha- la... , , Septi. of Pacific sMail Steamship Alameda SamFranclsco Stpti) Pino Grades Smoking Tobacco. manpoM .9ioniei sni H Oriental Sfiaisnip Co. Tojo Kisen, Kafsba f2"!,nvr.uJ.-"vv"v- . Cor. Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu. Occidental and chum phuui a.iu banal...... ((.....tdepl'M10 1 Merchant Tailor Mokolll-Mol- olul , .Sepi6 W. O. Hall-rC- ona and Kau.. ... Sept Honolulu anil liava this port on or about . it . Steamers of th above companies will call at th. ...i.....i i.Septiy '. ' 't ..ifdatesbelowsienttonedt.... - Nlptnn Mary San Francisco Sept to ' ' 323 Nuuanu St. Maunatoa Maul and Hawaii...... Septio For Japan and China': ' For; San'FranolMo : America Maro-Oil- and Japan., ..Septt Rio da Janeiro Sao Photograpftrir .Barbers, AMERICA MARUa.,..1, .....'.....SEPt; io ErinclKO.,.. SeptM 1 RIO DE "JANEIRO SEPT. ti CITY" OF PEKING.. ;.... SEPT. r) fine Suitings In EngUab,'Soo(h,;and OIPART. rnPTic. OCT. 6 GAELIC i i ;..' Sttamcrt For Dim AMERICA MARU. ,... IH.I. 1 HONGKONG MARU OtT. 14 '"AmoHUn'GfoJ nuicio w'ordor. , ClaualneT-Hl- lo Septta Gr. S.'86'iaiMA, i oct. .' china j;.r oct. m Mautia tea Kona Sept Alaneda-Colonl- n The rel6honeib68--HPoaAoffleebo- x 886.' Sept Scfeu::::;::;::::::::::::: Martpoa-Sa-n Francisco .Sept'iin RIO DE JANEIRO.. . NOV. Barloei Sixoix it JflHr:hl" Sept i ORPHEUM .'BjLQ OK. ..j...... I...... I. Fad;;, Latest Two Chairs.. - America Maru San Francisco ...ISept'to , BootbUclc Stand. to mm": BuiWers. . For (wral Information apply q UUIUItfl Nippon Maru Yokohama-.- Sept io in RlodeJaaetror-YoEona;i....- .i ,.Sept-t- 4 And HOUSE. PAINTERS. H- - HacKf8Ul;;& Ltd., Notice. rCo Agents. " : Havtnc returned and established U$)i Nuuanu street', , .'Ho'nolulu.'fj. 1; Photos ayattfal 1TEHSFR0M HARBOR FRONT European Shavlna; Parlor, Merchant street. opa- -t r- Jodd Bulldlnr, I wish to call the attention . "if ol net. ' S'.TnOELT; - custossers and new ones who wish to favor as wM. Twelve different positions on their trad.. 1 MA. PIXOTO. Royal Steamship - 81 Forsserly ot tne.Unlon Barbet Sataf. O duo toDigbt one sheet - ft 00 f r H ikmmmi mm from SaD,j?ranoieco. Twenty-fou- r different positions on Steamers of th llne running In connection with the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO Taper HAiigbr. Victoria. B, Honolulu and Brlsbar. 'iid Tomorrow 'morn ing the Iwalani Silent -- S..I .n C. 133 Nuuanu AYo'nue,," .Honolulu, on or about th. dates belo stated, vis i H. I. t an JKAT IIOlOIU,tI 1270 will sail'for Honnkaa. one sheet - 50 FROM SYDNEY AND BRISBANE. Barber Shop. VANCOUVER AND VICTORIA. B. C, Hack-fol- d FROM . The German ship Mario ...... -.- - -- rUI TKlVlltl aUU aiilVUHT M. Vi,i ror - , c.,.mh., , IWAMOTO, ArUngton Block, Hotol Street. i "," : which arrived from Hamburg Aoranjl."".... ucrowr.?" Mlowtra.... October ij Mlowera. . November Warrlmoo. .November tinnday rtftcrnoon mado perhaps , is , ti Joseph Fernandez, Prorjr Warrlmoo.. December a Aorangl.. December o Watchmaker and Jowellor. tbo fastest pns(n.'rt over recorded IB. LIOHTIG-- from that port, 105 (lays. GOLD AND SILVER, PLATING. tj-- o o United and Europe, Freight and a? t rv. '"'IiWrouVhVtckVtiV Honolulu to . States for TAHSENaEltS ARUIVED. 33'l .'rsri?"LiB. Pattace and all Rtnrral miormaiion. appiy.iu 2I3K King street. 1277 Tent, l , Gen-- Agents. From Yokohnain, per stmr Cop-lie- 1104 Theo. H.Davies&Co.,Ltd., FORT ?ritKET. NKVR ORIMIRHM. CHIN SING 00, Srpt 11 Mr nnd Mtu 100 E 0 Wost King Stroot . Lines of Travel. lines of Travel. J. J. WILLIAMS' Contractors aid Builders rAsauaEitH depahted. Alt employees of the Company uro Photo Gallery. Jobbing promptly nttonded toj also forbidden to rucelve frnlKht without all For Kilnuen, per stair Wnialo-al- n, Ito, Ltd. kinds of Furniture on l.lO-O- Wife's a fclilpplng rccolpl tliornfor In hand. 8opt 11 Goo York Keo. tahif tie forui prt'crll)od by the Company ititl which may" be seen by shippers TING OHAN, For Kapnn, por stmr Jntncs Ma Call and see our Life-Siz- e Collection of ThntdlHagronablo atnto of mind, frsy STEAMERS: upon application to the pursors of tho keo, Srpt 11 Mr nnd Mrs 1$ L qucnl Ios.h of toinpjr and conmtijlfcrn StvamurH. EUIINITURE DEALER, -- tnentai worry ;:KmAn, CwuniNK, Hui.f.nk, Maui, (;oiiimtiy'H Tnp'o, Mrs J M Obnse, M A Royal H- Ntiiwrimlucod by tho Hawaii, Lkhua, Mokolii, Shippers aro notified that If freight Is 100 Nuuanu Stroot. Farkor, Miss Nelson. of PIHCKLY 1IEAT, is finfe-- ly shipped without such receipt, It will bo 0 dlnpellfld by 0110 or two applipatlooi of solely attho risk of the shipper. Chairs of all kinds, Matting, i I)AN1)RUKF K1LLKR. Whll ;ia This company reserves tho right; ito Cigars, Silk and Chlnose Teas. Merchandls. for Honolulu. From Kamehameha I. up to the late Queen olloctslntho eradication and final cur TIME, .TABLE. make changes In tho time of departure Dowager. of nandruir nro romarknblo,. tho'aM and arrival of Its steamers WITHOUT San Francisco, Sept 2 Tbo with which It stops Prickly Hoat U Notice. NOTICE, and it will' not be responsible Seasonable Goods. barkentiuo W H Dimoud was The Latest. Styles in Crayon, nono tho Joss so. consoquonces there- . ealo by and' at.-- ha of. "Klnau." for any arising cleared yesterday for Honolulu Sepia, and Water Colons., ., For all druggists, Change In Sailing Steamer ' TJnlori Darbor Shop. , from'. CHAIRS of aU kinds, Matting, witb nn car- Fjnest,, Selection of Sou- ' o; Ii. WIGHT, President.! assorted merchandise Thet F. PAOHECOlf about .September. Chinese Grass Linen in any color, go,- Views,- - i. Commencing, on ipr B. Amofag' tbo principal ship venir Island. Tel. 696. Sole PropritkW. B. ROBE, BeereUry;or Fanoy Chi na 811k 8th next, the Steamer K. CLARKE, Supt. Handkerchief. ments wero the following; "Powder OAPT. T. Fort KWONQ UINO CHONQ CO,, At the Old Stand 60 .08, 250 kgs white lead, 250 bdls Bay, Klhelf IrVaUemJir KawalhaeKJ Mahu-- Nuuanu' above King sti . Ou Fort Street :: Laupahoehoe and Hllo, as follows, R, & B. JCb. abooks, '10 bales dry Roods,, 3281 kona, 0. ' The Club ... leaving Honolulu at) I, P, ..on (Wondavs, ni, eh 118TIUUIT lbs bread,' 0 bx'candleB," '6 pkgs Stable arrlVlng'at Hllo TIME TA15IiE. Alakea, between. Merchant and 'King Fridays and Yjtdnesdw, onions, 29 pkgsgi'ocerieB and ipro-visio- Volcanos ILeimitecl. ' ' streets." the following Vtcrnbons. r i Ml' '&v'4MHaB A All 12,8(nb8 rolled bailey, Leaving Hllo at P; on Wednesdays, ' I A ( IHHaw--gat-- n Wrof fflaea Mail af TTmiw. , .: T -l ' on Mondays and Fridays, arrivlng-ln- Hono- le'nwuTMei "",, 100 bales hay, 20 eks pota(oe8,,44 Inaction O. Bblmna, : Manitgei, lulu the,followlngievf ping. ,. , . . bbls salmon, ?s hats abd c.ips, S ! received at Honolulu, A-- Luncheon 'Rooms for Ladies cs drags, 800 gals 3 cs Mauria Loa FORT 8TREEY, ' ontheday prevU and Ocnto.: Give us a trial; wine, fuse, attheftKlnau" wharf, , onsalllng-days- up to Prom and'Xtter 'jatiiVapy 1, 11S09. 1070 tctls. barley,, . 33, cb, canned FOR SALE. ous to sailing, and K Telephone 477 ' ia'M.,'fori MaUena,LKawalhae,-Hp- . TIUIN.a YEB OHONG, goods, 1 cs arms, and ammunition, Honomu,., . STATIONS:1 Dally J Dally (Successor to c, Llnd). 74 5U Co & Pepeekeo and Dally.ia-.Su- cs hardware. ca obamDadne. PHOTOGRAPHIC Livery, Boarding Sale SUIli Klhel, (Outward) Sun. a.. Dally, Dalty DAM Freights for Uhalha. artd.Manu: i.i.A.M. A.M:-- ' A.M. 2Sestai-va.ra;ri,t- r j I, c bpdfs and" 161 ahd'MaUena, 'rM.r'P.M. . shoes, lbs (LIMITED), knu, and from KaWalhae' Honolulu ..... t:io 9:1; 1 , s:o Prompt Service. Stylish TiarrtMh. beans, 32 pkgs 'railroad material, Mott-Sml- th will be taken by 4he steamer "Kllauea S"walf.Wsr'"-ff:0V- b:2. 111:40 tint.!i:t 1:50 - Nuuanu and Hotel' street; Building, on Mondays :) ,o;o i:oo ' 4j' 6:10 La to oi oau bks Safe Drivers. Hou" sailing from.Honolulu .Walana. lotjo .... 4:4s of.Hotel atreeCwpposlto Panthoou. iDB.ouiier, Dran, iuoub Cop. Hotel will not take First-clas- s 2Qo. Fort and Sts. P.M. The "Klnau" Walalua n:ss .... !40 .... Hotel. moal 1270 pais.' . . is?S We are especially equipped to o-t-er ,t5 (abuku k otherthan those Indicated liita .... i:i Mt-vic- freight for.Ports STATIONS. Dally ...f Tho Lark Aunio Jobnsou clear- your trado. Fair dealing and good above. (Inward) ax Sun Dally Dally Dally Y. MAN SING ed from San Francisco August 30 Is what we depend upon to get it. A.M. A.M. H.M. rtlti We have for sale Family Carriage- -. Cabuku..... j:iS .... a:o for Ho'ndluld with a general mer-chaud- ieo S.S.CLAUDINE, Has Removed From Fort Street to 311 UrlvinK Homos, slnsle or double leaaai Commander. Walalua , 6:10 . a:0 ' cargo, W:H.SEA, Cameron, Walana. t:io .... j:ji PHi;ENuuanuStreet,'opp. Goo.Klm's. Amont. the prin- Thoy aro in good condition and wlDjla MAUI BwaMIII vv Tt4t 4! cipal shipments' were tho follow- 91a on favorable terms. , 6 PeailClty Oil5 :oj isi:jo 4:ja TEACHER OF Dr.'Rowat is always Will loavo Honolulu every Tuesday, at Honolulu...' 6:50 itu i w LADIES' UNDERWEAR. ing: 2885 gala wine, 05 pkgs rail ln'atUindn' touching at Lahalna, fc the Stables. o'olook p. m F. O. Smith, Gen'l Pass. Ticket Dresses Made To road material, 3 cs dry goods, 88(10 Hana, Hamoa and Agent. Order. Guitar, Mandolin, Zither, .Kabnlul, Nnblku, feet 1UU 0 Bks Klnaliulu, Maul. KoturnlnB, tnuohos O. P. Uknibon, Superintendent. L. AHLO, lumber, salmon, 42 and Ukulele Ciub Stables Hack Stan. .tllanii Kuliulu! and Lahlna, arrlvlnR middlings, CG8 ska bran, 1758 Honolulu Sunday mornings. Doalor in Dry GooiIr, Grocer- bales hay, 12U0 bdls shingles, 181' Cor. Union k Hotol Sts, t onco eaon Hell Tower). Will call at Nuu, Kaupo, STAGJKIvITE ies, Hardware, pkgs groceries nnd provisions, 31 -- "During my absence at Omaha (Old month. OAREKULL AND WELL INX)nMH Roots and Shoos, oto. cs uaunfd goods, 1571 ctls Imrloy, Mr. Ames, of Wall, Nichols Co., DRIVKItS. Al, quality L. for 00 S.S. LEHUA, HENRY BRYANT, Prop. A. Rico salo. 278 cs hardware, 3G5 lbs lard, 50,-0- will have charge of my pupils. FIRST CLASS CARRIAGES. No 400 Nuuanu street, cor. Chaplain sU lbs rice, 914 oats, 191,501 HACKS AT ALL HOURS. Donnott, Commander. P. 0. Rox 1014. 1271 ctls I.ANAI Ordors forSurroys, Wau;onnttos, Sla MOI.OKAI, MAUI, e, lbs rolled barley, 250 bbls flour, Tho stage for Kaneohe, Heela, Wal-kan- E. K. KA.AI, or Double Teams at a moment's no-t- at - Mopday-r'oi- Kaunakukal, 175 BalU- eyery. , 15 oyliudera ammonia, 4 cows, 125, 183, Kalatipapa-- Lalialna, Kunloa and way points, will HOP HONG, Hack Nos. 100, 70, 77. fi Kamalo, Maunalol, Post Ofllce, Botliel street sltlo. lbs dritd fruits, 100 bxa paste, 50 O. nELLINA, 11 Olawalu. Kfturnlug arrtvoil leave Teacher of Guitar, Mandolin, Zither, Mkt Honolua, at 1) a. m., Mondays, Wednesdays and clay, 1000 bran, 85 cs Honolulu Saturday mornings. Merchant Tailor, bbls sks Ukulele" nnd Taro Patch. at Fridays, calling for passengers and goods, 27 1 liovejoy A Co's, No. CO HAS MOVED canned mules, horse, INT bo at the landing nackuges at 42i) mid- Conslnneea must Niinniui Btreet From 314 Ninmini Htroot to larger prem- lbs chocolate, 250 sks Orders to be left caro of Wall, Nichols John oft, This company ,to frelnW. ises, No. 310, on the opposito sltlo of tho dlings, 72 cs hardware, , 1U hold ItaolU responsible for Co. P12?0. not ft trcot. I293 Sept 1 Tho lat- freight afier it ba been'landod. San Francisco, r fye Btnnk, fragile articles, plants and IWAKAMI SHETJ LTJN, est additional manifest include tho Annie Montague Turner. PLUMBER, Uaulds recelvod only at owner's risk., following: Remaining In Honolulu for a few months responsl. jos Nuuanu St;, flat Exchange Saloon, Mils "company will not bo by a or pupils for of passen- gbiat SEE To Honolulu barkontino 8G will take limited number Wo for money or valuables Wilder-163,- fli the care of purs- - mm 492 lba rolled barley, VOCAL INSTRUCTION. gers unless placed, in ONLY TVVO 75 and 79 King Street FOR Merchant Tailor zOU outs, iJ tons Terms by-- the lesson .or month. Com Clothing, etc., made to ctls coke, 200 bbls !rpasflon'geni to purchase order. mencing on me or juiy. are requested DAYS comeut, 327 pkgs railroad materi- and alter low TELEPHONE NO. 31. embarking. Tho) fal MOREfciS All Suits guaranteed to Fit. and In the Latest Style. "MIGNON," tiokets before 1188 al, 1100 bxs soap, 1 cs dry goods, to do so Will be Bubject to an addl. It 720 Beretanla Street, Honolulu. Ins e 1 pkg msobinery. to get Uonal charge of twenty-dy- per cent. 1' L. CHONG, IJ. NOW Is tho timo leaks aa4 The company will not be liable for Now is the time to come and get MKS. A. TUOKEK, broakagos soon to, and your No. 6 Nuuanu St., below Merchant, Honolulu. If you want a moo rubber tiro Vmw of, nor Injury to, nor delay In, the GREAT BARGAINS I Daggage ur v-j Days Only 2 buck with a careful driver ring up Vocal jjiurJio, delivery ol amount of 2 MERCHANT : TATXOR. ef the pawtonser beyond.l"""tho IWAKAMI, Olub Stable Haok Stand Tol. 819, Roofs Put In Order unloM tho valuo of the same guaranteed to fit and. In latest ,'ttylea. ' ' 00, 16-1- 8 RoblnsbntDfock1, .JVSults jtnd we guarantee you will be HIGH SCHOOL GROUNDS, i . i i at or before the lsauo of Clothing made toordrt Uniforms' declared, Hotel street. - By competent workinep, , Ike ticket, and freight Is paid thereon. 1306 Clothes cleaned and repaired at reasonable jretea. ..csnea. 1313 '..MMM.Emma strut.

iJM&&&JL& taia-j-f-1!- j7 y;m--''- - - - &2 r4LAikmak l4?'tt-- ! LilE EVENING JJLUJ.KTJ : HONOLULU H I., SEPTEMBER 12, 18519 WANTS. SHIPPING MULIGENCE MIS5 MAGGIEOPERA.MOORE AND MR. II. R. ROBERTS ....SOLE LESSEES ' "" column will h iitutlld tl Ifttntt rtfSi1'Jw lllti tint (nurtlonl In nail itcemj faff r. For additional Shipping News see seventh page. Won; M ctntl a uttk tnJ to emu t moult. 7 Ml i FURNITURE tbiapnl tJvtthiint ntr offtnd tbiptoplt of Honolulu. LAST NIGHT! Diamond Head SlKtial Htatlon, Bent FAREWELL TO We you In LOST. 12, 1 pm Weather Lazy, wind light FAREWELL TO can show I OST Two PROMISSORY NOTES In favor o( N E. - Mirk How Finder pleas return to Lei Sln Weather Bureau, Punahou, Sept 12. ' Kef. Nuuanu street, opposite Queen Lmma Hill, and Temperature Morning minimum, R, receive MaggieMoore H. reward. iij 70) Midday maximum, 84. Roberts (Barometer corrected - ,oo.) GOODS WANTED. for gravity- Farewell to their Popular AUSTRALIAN COMPANY. St NEW 0 A Barometer, a m, 29.94. Irregular. Full Line of Cheap SECOND-HAN- BICYCLE. Rainfall, WANTED do. .03. To-morro- price, make, all particulars. P. O. Box 9 w, 61O. Humidity at a m 70 percent. !) Dow Point 09 F. Wednesday, Bedroom Suits, WANTED Cheap for cash, single-seate- d SUR. Last REY In first-cla- condition. Address W.M. of M", this office. iijo AIUUVALS. rf"cVA Chiffoniers, Monday, 11. lt ANTED Bookkeeper and cashier, ? years ex- - Bept. vv Derlenee Si otih law nffifa. rnmme-- Sohr Malolo, Ncilson, from Hawaii. ctal training, desires clerical or other POSITION In The Silence of Dean Maitlandt Wardrobes, Chairs, town. Exceptional references. Address J. F . Bul Tuesday, Sept. 12. Cyril Maltland (afterwards Den) mo u 1 R rorprtc: letin office ISO Lillian .V Bark Alden Besae. Potter. IRtlavn Maltland (his sister) .. Z..MISS AGGIE MOORE - f- WANTED A position bv an Intelligent, educated from Ran Francisco with general car- by the FuUStrength ol"the Company! Hft- -f Tables, Shades, youne American, Good address; references Bulletin 1)18 go to Wm G Irwin & Co. 'K." office. ANNOUNCEENT.-T- Bark Martha Davis. MoAlmnn. IK he Prices for the remainder of the season URITING AND ACCOUNTING DONE accurate-- are tSd S"""0 Sideboards,Buffets, ly: moderate rates. MR. MUM care Petiole's days from San Francisco with W,00O Express Co ; or General Delivery, P,Q. i)o8-i- ions general cargo to i; Brewer & Co. Dress Circle UANTED-POSITI- ON by Expert COFFEl Man. Haw bk Foolmir. riuev. from New $1.00 China Closets, W Planter and Miller, several years experience York wlih general cargo. In thru IstanJs and In Guatamata Aaarcss, Balcony u;6-t- ZILT50' Extension Tables, COFFEE." Bulletin office. f Am sh Yosomlte. with coal from Cents XXANTFD 500 Men to eet shaved for 15c. (white Newcastle. T W barbers) II. JEffS. fimU Fort street, odd. nailery 25 DEPAItTtJUEB. "l"l aIm &a id ekae a Cents taoo-t- lf Wm mt aTAIt ajflt Secretaries, Club Stables f iui an pans ui me nouse ai wan, Nichols Co.'s JOSEPH FYNNEY. Representative TO LET. Monday, Sept. 11. &c. O &. O S 8 Coptic, Binder, for San Bookcases, &c, LET AN OrFICE of two compartments In the Francisco. TO OCCIDENTAL HOTEL, nn the first floor and fronting on Alakea street Suitable to any kind of Stmr James Makec, Tullett, for ! ! bulrwss. more particularly to barbers. Apply on Kapun. Brushes premises. Brushes iio Stmr Nooau, Wyman, LET- -A FURNISHED HOUSE of forLahalna WHITE-ENAMELE- BRASS-MOUNT- ED TO and Knanupull. D, 6 rooms and bah Sltoat.d on Klxe street, near - t Walklkl turn Address "A." this office, or trie- - Stmr Wulnleale. Green, for llntin- - Poi a, CJlotln.e phone No. Hail n)6. )'9 niaulu, Ahuklnt and Kilauea. We have ourchased a fine, line nf rtRIIMMRDCi ciudico . FOU RENT 1. The Residence, with Mokolli. Dllclolt, selected brush), Bedsteads, Dressers, nn Fmma street, neir School, reientlv Stmr for Knmaln. at manufacturers' cost price, which we offer at a slight advance above Kuluupa-p- a occupied by J. W. Podmore. Piikuii, Htlowu, Polen.itiu, .v.Jit MS.V lllllll 111 UUI WIIIUUVV. Commodes. y outhouses, , Chiffoniers, 9. The Reldenre. with on and Will luu. Also, a few dozen TOLII TfHI.PT sriAP frnm last School street, near Emma street, adjoining number only week's soap sale one Apply to Stmr Lehua. Mitchell. fnrKniinn. 15c a box, 2 for 2SC 1)10 A. I"KKY. kakal. LET On Punchbowl corn.r Magailnt and StinrKllauca Hou. Mitchell, for Ka TO Prospect resident e, of rooms desrable halepuluott, Klht-1- . Honolulu Drug kltihen and bath Stib e, sevts quarters' ant chicken Olowalu and Co., house. Good elevation, fine view. iH sens of Am bklu Planter. McNoIll. tor Ran w ground, imentai and fruit tres, for further par- I, on Frantlhco with 10,000 bags of miliar Von Holt Block, King ticulars, apply In Gear, Lansing & Co Judd Building. st. C8 O mo vulutdut $.33,658. LET- par- - 3 3 TO A NICE COTTAGE of j bedrooms, Tuesday, Sept 12. Ainesby, Mias Wnikala, Miss 0 ' lor and kitchen, and outhouses Apply 10 j. m. Stmr Clautliue. Freeman, for T.n. a O VIVAS in Gsspn, Mins Sumter, Mb W J CO 9) haliiu, Illlo and way ports. AT WAIKIKI, 4 bedrooms. Wiight. Hov D L Ai. 'J Gteig, Possession given bept Two Mauna Loa. ffiSffiii&lfM o O Lnal, etc ij Stmr Slmerson, for MrsJPLi'in, Mis Lino, Mnria JasF.Morgan ;,V o near town. 1 bedrrnms each. Arofv o Lalmlini, Mualuea, Kona und Kau. o WILLIAM SAVIDGE, Mabplonn. Mn D L Ai, Mrs S A o No 1 10 Tort street. rf Mil TO SAIb THIS AFTE11N00N. Sumter, Miss Mlllio Morris. II R 3 A LARGE HOUSE, AUCTIONEER FOR RENT suitable for a blitcb-ock- , Wife AND O c OR BOARDISG HOUSE, cnntalntng Stmr Maul, Cameron, for Lahntua, and 5 childreu, 11 rooms and kitchen Desirable location In town. wuy porta 5 Mrs M F Scott, D Paris, Mrs newly p tinted and papered 9 patent closets, a porce- Kalitilul und at o'clock. J lain baths, with hot and cold water laid on. Electric Stmr W O Hull, Thompson, for Paris. L M Auncst, F Greenwell. 33 Queen $ light throughout Reasonable rent to a desirable Street o tenant, runner Bleule at 5 o'clock. MisH Lul i Kinnalii, Mrs Ayeip, R CD rr particulars apply to ucak. o LANSING & CO . Judd Bulldlni. Mlkahnla, PedorHuti, EJe-ol- e, Kh-un- a CO mi Stmr for Makaluilupt, Mfs EauHkauui, TO LET Furnished house of six rooms Young St., Hauapepe, Makuwell, Walmea Etuiwoole, Rev O H Gulick, between Keeaumoko and Pllkol. Call between and Kekahu at 6 o'clock. and 5 o clock, or address "L." this office. 1 yoS-- tf J LeHdenbam, W Hayselden, Tong VESSELS LEAVING TOMOHHOW. Keo and wife, 0 Abee, Tong Yin. o FOR SALE. a Stmr Iwalanl, Qregory, for Hono-k- aa c RENT Suite of Rooms suitable for a gentle- and Kukulhaelo at 10 a m. DIED. V man, or lleht housekeeping. Inaulre at HONO LULU DRUG CO S. ' CLEARED TODAY. RICHARDS In Honolulu,8eptember J. I EASE FOR SALE. COTTAGE on large lot near II, IBftO.Murlel, the beloved daugh-toro- f Porter Co., - Pauoa Bridge, 11 years to run from Nov, 1, 1899; Am schr Bangor, Aspo, for Port Mr. and Mrs. Theo Richards, Furniture ; cneaper man rent Apply to price faying Townsend. mikiun MriLfuci aged 2 years. Funeral at 4 o'clock WAVBRLBY BLOCK, COR. HOTEL AND BETHEL 8TS. no uo Fori Htttt. this afternoMi from the residence SALE-Sev- of COR eral LOTS In the KEWALO Tract. A (tiled is lining constructed to J. H. Atliorton. 1 near town, on the Installment JLn Lots at Katlhl; lots on Young stret Easy terms. Apply to nhelir the ealt WILLIAM SAVIDGE. No Fort street. ut the bunt land- Hit io ing. Notice. SALE A SURREY, almost new. Apply at CITY FEED STORE. Beretanla St Transpnrt baa Ledanaw shifted Notice Is'hereby' given that at a meeting TOR SALE One second-han- d Dow STEAM to tun PaoiGo Mail wharf I PUMP: In. suction, a In. discharge: brass where of the Directors of the Honolulu Rapid Residence Sites' All water chamber with rubber valves. Apply to J. alio in unloading considerable EMMELUTH CO . King street. Transit & Land Company, held at the Sorts & 191 feed. MANOA COR SALE- -A California MILCH COW; good Company's office, on the 25th ultimo, Mr. AT 1 breed. Apply to J. M. VIVAS. usi-t- f Ship Marie Hackfeld has moved W. R. Castle was elected a Director In 99 And conditions of wheels In the bike trade In Honolulu, For Sale. COR SALE-O- ne SHIPMAN ENGINE In perfect up to thelrrngard wharf to unload the place and stead of Mr. C. S. Desky, but still the old standbys, "Columblas" and "Ramblers," sell. An aver- r order. Apply to H. G. Blart, Fort St. noi-t-f a general cargo, the baikentino resigned, and Mr. Chas. H. Atherton was Having purchased a tract of the finest age of 40 wheels a month for each month of 'oo Is our record, with L and Pedal Bass REED ORGAN i$ A Suitable for chapel or residence. Bergstron Amelia has also secured a berth. elected Secretary,- - In the place and stead of land In Manoa for residence sites, I wilt In first Music Co.. Fort street rooy now receive wheels sold the four working days of September. Quality, finish MHBMM.. Steamer Kinau went on the Ma Mr. J. A. Glltnan. reslened. applications from parties ds and price Is what makes these wheels so popular. Columblas at 50.00, rine Railway Ibis morning to have CHAS. H. ATHERTON, siring to purchase. Secretary H. R. & L. Co. TO-DA- Y bottom scraped paiutnd, T. These lots are Immediately In front of $60.00, and $85.00, and Ramblers at $45.00 for cash, and only $5.00 more ber and Honolulu, Sept. 1899. NEW will bo ready to 11, ijjMt the residence of H. E. Cooper, Esq., and If on easy Installments. she resume her W. II. BARTH. II. W. DARTII. run in a few days. command a grand view of Manoa Valley Art Department of and the picturesque country to Diamond Honolalu Sheet Metal Works. The usual crowds waved aloba to the departing Head. Galvanized Iron Skylights and Ventilators, Olaudine and Manna Loa today. (Mm College, There are 10 lots In 2 series, 51 fronting metal Hooting, TLe latter boat was two hours late on the west, or main, Manoa road, and J Conductor Pipe. and Gutter Work. fating on Llhollho street. Richards Street, bet. Queen and Merchant. Honolulu. in getting away on ncooant of the CLASSES OPEN TO ALL at moderate E. promptly attended to."Si 0. HALL & SON, Ltd. WJobblng regular heavy freight. tuition rates. The lots are each 100 feet wide, and un 160 286 OIL, WATER-COLO- PAS TEL and from to feet deep. Government PABSENQEna ARRIVED. Waialua Agricultural Co.i China Painting; Charcoal and Pen and water main laid past the lots on West From San Franoisoo, ppr btrk Ink Drawing. Manoa road. Ltd. Terms one balance Oor. Martha Duvis, Sept 12 Qeo Al- STUDIO CLASSES: Tuesdays and third cash, In on Fort and Kine Sts. The fifth assessment of 10 per cent and two years 6 per bert Olark and Thomas A Jack- Thursdays, 2 to 4:30 p. m.; Fridays, 9 at cent. (f 10.00 per share) on the assessable stock Early application necessary. Waialua Agricultural Co., Ltd., Is son. a. m. to 12 m. Columbia and Rambler Agents. of the PRIVATE LESSONS may be arranged. JAS. F. MORGAV, due and payable September 15th, 1899, at PA88ENOEI18 DEPARTED. 1322 33 Outen streetj the office of Castle & Cooke, Ltd. Ten percent ($10.00 per share) additional Is For Ltbnina, Kahului aud way Htmr Maui, Sept 12 due and payable November 15th, 1899, ports, per J W and every two months thereafter up to Hull. J J Drumuioml, FS THE ORPHEUM Mrrt U and Including May 15th, Duuu, N H Hitchcnck, MULES Others Out, 1900. Ohrt, Voss, H T Marsh, A N FAMILY THEATRE. W. A. BOWEN, 0 Mrs Treas. Waialua Agricultural Co., Ltd. Kepnikai, aarah Kama, 0 liHyselden, Misa Bella Miller, H TO-NIGH- T ! -- MULES L33 P Baldwin, Mrs Paldwin. T S hh Soutuwiok, J P Cooke, Mis 0 The Talented Sketch Artists, We Out, Ferguson, 0 Amana and Miss BOGGS AND HAEWARD REAL M(6ser. In, "MY TURN NEXT." Young and Sound. For Labaina, Hilo and way r The Society Duetists, 1-- 3 ESTATE ports, per stmr Olaudine, Sept 12 CHANDLER AND MCPHERSON. At Lower Figures Than Ever Off on d if Woods ana wlfo, Ur W J The Charming Soubrette, Galhraitb, Mr Yon Botn Laubun, TRIX1E COLEMAN, Before Offered. LI HavB and wife, L A Audriwa, Premier Buck and Wing Dancer. H Deaoon, D W Napibaa, S Miue-kisli- i, ! Uamp-b- e Bouquets Inspect Them in Our Paddocks Popular BARGAINS! Q Asagawa, Mina M LYNWOOD, - The Human Knot, II, Geo Oruiksbauk, Geo Brand, World's Greatest Contortionist. A." C L N Gay, H T Hambly, MrB The Novelty Musical Artist, B 1. Withdrawn. Hnyaelden, Jauo Massy, Miss ORDWAY. 2. Lot at Palama, about H acre. Josephine Deyo, E N Hitchcock, Stock-yard- The Handsome and Charming Honolulu s Co Sheet 3. A4o-roo- lodging house, ivlth a Miss Walker, Mrs Walker. Rev D PINKE '& CO " LILLIAN LESLIE, lease. Sitsakura, Akonn, Miss Htrnalu, 4. A Rood paying business and large lot Descriptive and Comic Vocalist. of land, centrally located. Mnuel Ross and wife, J M Out, W. S. WITHERS, 5. Farm at Hamakua, Hawaii; part In Miss Ross and servant, Miss By Boggs and Haeward, . In an original sketch, s- - MANAGER. Music . . coffee. Ahrne, Miss Lily Hapai, Miaa 6. Lot x 120 Quarry street, near H. Supply every variety of Cut Flowers and 50 T S South-wic- k H.irkfr il. Hsn. Emma Akarau and "An Old Man's Way!" Growing Plants. Sprays, Bouquetsyand 7. Farm at S. Kona, part In coffee. General Admission, a!c. nj 5oc. Corner AlaUea and street (Ka- - Last sl rows tor Children under years, toe. 8. Lot 75 x 200, lieretanla For Labaina, Maalaea, Kona is Funeral and Wading Floral Designs sup- Hawaiian paakea). Reserved Chairs, 50c, Queen streets. and K'iu, per stmr Mauna Lou, 5eats can be tooVel bv rlnplne up Telephone 440 Sopt 12 Geo Sen, Geo Olurk, plied on short notice. For further particulars apply to Change ot Program Mondays On To Manila devotes an inter- News Co., Mib M Gapar, Mrs O M Kekue and Office, corner For street and Chaplain W A MisB Thursdays. r esting chapter to the reception of M. VIVAS, wa, G E Bryant, Wall, Lane, opposite J. B Tavlnr. Sam Kauhano. W F the Catholic Mission, .American troops in Honolulu. Limited. G Post OIIIcc Lane, - Honolulu, ' Family Matinee Every batunlay, 2:30 p.m. 1317 I ' fc J&iiiTfSfefm &;jyM

WHIBMIl3B8aWaMiBaWslBa j-L- ,, ? Tamil" iMig, fcritiifllaWlillMlJ'iin i ifJl vf .JfCv - $ iV