(FOOT-AND-MOUTH DISEASE.) mond Wolff, M.P., G.C.M.G., K.C.B., to be Her T the Council Chamber, Whitehall, the 18th Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister day of August, 1885. Plenipotentiary to His Imperial Majesty the A Sultan of Turkey, on a Special Mission with By Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy >articular reference to the affairs of Egypt. Council. npHE Lords and others of Her Majesty's Most JL Honourable Privy Council, by virtue and in Whitehall, August 17, 1885. exercise of the powers in them vested under The THE Queen has been pleased, by Warrant Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act, 1878, and of under Her Majesty's Royal Sign Manual, dated every other power enabling them in this behalf, ;he 13th instant, to place the names of Admiral do order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows : Sir Edward Southwell Sotheby, K.C.B., and 1. Each of the Areas described in the Schedule Sdmund Charles Johnson, Esq., on the Royal to this Order is hereby declared to be an Area Commission appointed to inquire into the Con- infected with foot-and-mouth disease.. dition of the Blind. 2. This Order shall take effect from and imme- diately after the twentieth day of August, one Whitehall, August 17, 1885. thousand eight hundred and eighty-five. THE Queen has been pleased in pursuance of C. L. Fed. the Secretary for Scotland Act, 1885, to appoint the Right Honourable the Duke of Richmond and Irordon, K.G., to be Secretary for Scotland. SCHEDULE. (1.) An Area at , in the county Whitehall, August 17, 1885. of , comprised within the following boun- THE Queen has been graciously pleased to daries, that is to say, commencing at Trafford ;onfer the " Albert Medal of the Second Class" Bridge over the river Gowy, thence by the upon Edward Charles Thompson, Esq., M.B. Chester high-road and Street-road to Four-lane Dniversity Dublin, L.R.C.S.I., and Surgeon of Ends at Newton Bank, thence by Green-lane over he Tyrone County Infirmary, for conspicuous the Lines Railway to the Chester high- leroism displayed in endeavouring, on the 4th road, by the Chester high-road to Hare-lane,, by April, 1885, to save the life of a child, named Hare-lane through Piper's Ash to Vicar's Cross, Herbert Mitchell, suffering from diphtheria. thence by the Chester and high-road to its junction with the road to Great Barrow, by that road through Great Barrow and Little Education Department, Whitehall, Barrow to Sailer's brook, by Salter's brook to the August 13, 1885. river Gowy, and by the river Gowy to Trafford THE Lords of the Committee of the Privy Bridge aforesaid. ouncil on Education have issued an Order this (2.) An Area at , in the county of day making the United School Board District of Chester, comprised within the following boun- Sfevern and Bayvil contribute to the maintenance daries, that.is to say,Commencing at the junction and provision of schools in the United School of the with the Holpool gutter, by Board Dislrict of Llanychlwydog, county of the said gutter and Hornsmill brook to Hornsmill, Pembroke. thence across the Chester high-road, along Peck- lane and the Helsby and -road to Alvan- Education Department, Whitehall, ley village, from Alvanley village by Toothill-road August 17, 1885. past Woodhouses to the Chester and THE Lords of the Committee of the Privy highway, by the said highway to its junction with Council on Education have issued orders this day Hatley-lane, thence by Hatley-lane under the for the election under Section 66 of the Elemen- London and North-Western Railway to Long tary Education Act, 1870, of a School Board in Length-lane, by Long Length-lane across Lord- the undermentioned United School District: — ship-lane and lane to Moorditch-lane, by Moor- Bromyard andNorton-with-Brock- ditch-lane and the lane leading to the river hampton (U.D.) with Linton and Mersey Embankment, thence to the river Mersey, Winslow (Contributories) ... Hereford, and along the river Mersey to Holpool gutter aforesaid. Westminster, August 14, 1885. THE CONTAGIOUS DISEASES THIS day the Lords being met a message was (ANIMALS) ACT, 1878. sent to the Honourable House of Commons by the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, acquaint- THE Privy Council, under and in pursuance ing them, that The Lords authorized by virtue of of The England Markets and Fairs (Swine-Fever) a Commission under the Great Seal, signed by Her Temporary Order of July, 1885, have granted the Majesty, for declaring Her Royal Assent to several following Licence : Acts agreed upon by both Houses, do desire the For holding a Sale of Store Swine at— immediate attendance of the Honourable House in Workington, Cumberland—in the Market- the House of Peers to hear the Commission read; place in Washington Street—on 19th and the Commons being come thither, the said August, 1885, and on every subsequent Commission, empowering the Lord Archbishop of Wednesday during the continuance of the Canterbury, and several other Lords therein said Order. named, to declare and notify the Royal Assent to Agricultural Department, Privy Council Office, the said Acts, was read accordingly, and the Royal 15th August, 1880. Assent given to Appropriation Act, 1885. Telegraph Act, 1885. Expiring Laws Continuance Act, 1885. Foreign Office, August 3, 1885. Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks (Amend- THE Queen has been graciously pleased to ment) Act, 1885. appoint the Right Honourable Sir Henry Drum- Crown Lands Act, 1885.