T' r ---- N A T O


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PRESS 'COEMUNIQUE ISSUED ON N'TO-rl'VAL REVIE-.7 SPITHE,' D (as -published by CINCH'N on April 15th. at 12.OO hours)

A total 63of warships from 12 N.'TO countries are expected to take partR eviewin the at Spithead on Friday 16 Hay as part of the celebrations of the 20th .Anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, The Review will be taken by HM The Queen in the Royal Yacht Britannia, The countries represented at the Review are : Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States. The Queen will be accompanied by HRH the Duke of Edinburgh. The Secretary General of 11*.TO, Signor Manlio Brosio, will be in attendance, together with the Permanent Representa­ tives to the North Atlantic* Council, the Military Representatives to the NATO Ililitary Committee and the major NATO Commanders, On Saturday 17 May and Sunday 18 May, many of the NATO ships will be open to the public in Portsmouth Dockyard from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. The Review is being jointly organised by the Commander- in-Chief Portsmouth, Admiral Sir John Frewen, and the /llied ' Commander-in-Chicf Channel, dmiral Sir John Bush, who will fly his flag in the guided missile HMS Glamorgan. . The NATO ships, which are manned b y 1i+,5OO men, will comprise one , the USS Wasp, three - HMS Blake, newly converted to be a command helicopter , the Italian guided missile escort cruiser Doria and the Netherlands cruiser De- Ruyter36 and , four , one command ship, one , 14 and three fleet replenishment ships.' The Standing Naval Force Atlantic, consisting of six frigates and destroyers from five Navies who maintain a ll'.TOconstant naval force, is included in the total of 63 ships. The first ships will arrive at Spithead on Tuesday 13 Hay, and the majorityYJednesday on 14 May, with the four submarines taking up their positions on the morning of Thursday 15 May. The ships will then be at anchor in four lines stretching for nearly four from a point off Stakes Bay to the west, nearly to the Horse Sand fort to the east. The ships will be illuminated on Thursday and Friday nights.

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On 16 Hay the Queen will receive a salute from the 2CTO Royal Guard drawn from tho Standing Naval Force ships on her arrival at the South Railway Jetty, Portsmouth Dockyard, at 1 W ; . 0 a*m, HM S Britannia, with the Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Sccretary-GeneralH'TO of and the NATO representatives and Commanders embarked, will sail from South Railway Jetty at 12 noon. Shew i l be l preceded out of Portsmouth by the Trinity House Vessel Patricia, and the Belgian command ship Zinnia and HMS Y.’ak e f u lwill follow Britannia, At 12.1O p.m., while the Royal Yacht is passing Southsea Beach, the I`I‘TO ships will fire a Royal salute of 21 guns. At 12.20 p.m., the Royal Yacht will anchor on the eastern side of the Review at the head of the line. Before the Review commences at 3.20 p.m., it is expected that that the liner Queen Elizabeth 2 will pass down Spithead close to the NATO ships on a scheduled voyage from Southampton,

During the Review, ships’ companies will'bo fallen in on the upperKdecks,and guards andw i lbands be l paraded on the largest ships, HMS Britannia'will return to Portsmouth Harbour at 5.20 p.m. Special anchorages are being established for yachts and other vessels with spectators on board,lic will and the also pub find vantage points to see the Review on Southsea Beach, and on the waterfronts at Haslar and Alverstoke, For further information about facilities for press, T.V* and radio, contact :

Channel Command PRO, Northwood, Middlesex, England . Tel î Northwood 26161, ext*0 ,' 67 ,