Iceland reject irradiation Does not stock irradiated products says that all suppliers for Iceland own-label products go through a stringent Public pressure is approval and monitoring procedure. keeping irradiated Marks & Spencer Does not stock irradiated products foods off the M&S says: ‘The source and standard of all Safeway shelves Marks & Spencer products and ingredients Does not stock irradiated products are specified to the manufacturer and are Safeway says that it sends samples for audited by Marks & Spencer technologists.’ laboratory testing, and stated that it was in hile doubts remain about the safety favour of labelling any irradiated products. of, and need for, irradiated food, Asda W consumers continue to send the clear signal to food manufacturers and Does not stock irradiated products Sainsbury’s retailers that they don’t like the technology Asda says it makes its policy clear to suppliers, Does not stock irradiated products and they won’t buy food treated with and relies on suppliers to check their products. Sainsbury’s says: ‘We don't sell irradiated irradiation. Supermarkets know that the market Asda said that it was influenced by customer products – our customers don’t want them.’ for irradiated food is almost non-existent. views on irradiation, and this guided its policy. Those in the food industry who want to irradiate food are trying to get the rules on irradiation labelling abolished, or to get the Does not stock irradiated products process re-named as ‘electronic Does not use any irradiated ingredients in Tesco says it does not stock irradiated foods pasteurisation’ (see FM52). One way Somerfield own-brand products in response to ‘customer demand’. consumers can ensure that these sneaky Somerfield says it sends samples for methods don’t succeed is to call on laboratory testing and carries out surveys on supermarkets to publish their policies on food 'high risk' own-label products, and has made irradiation. Supermarkets know that if they let suppliers aware of its policy. Does not use irradiated ingredients in irradiated foods sneak onto their shelves, they Waitrose own-brand products would lose customers. After all, supermarkets Waitrose says: ‘Suppliers ensure that a suit- sell more than two thirds of all food that is Co-operative group able traceability system is in place to ensure consumed in the UK. Does not use any irradiated ingredients in Co- that any Waitrose product is not irradiated.’ The Food Irradiation Campaign asked the op own-brand products major supermarkets for their policies on The Co-op says its own-brand specifications irradiated food and asked how they check that prohibit the use of irradiated ingredients.The ■ For details of the Food Irradiation Campaign, their standards are being maintained. Co-op sends samples for laboratory testing contact Merav Shub at the Food Commission on 020 This is what they told us: and is committed to full labelling. 7837 9229; email: [email protected].

Swedes challenge EU Patented chips that the government’s failure to act information and inspect company In Sweden, consistent government The development charity ActionAid could be seen as a deliberate attempt records, in relation to a recall of action over 15 years has shown has lodged a patent application for to undermine family farms. canned hot-dog sausage imported by that pesticide use and residues can the ready-salted chip, as part of a ■ Source: The Ecologist Ye Olde Oak Foods Ltd. Products had be cut significantly through a campaign to draw attention to been described as ‘fizzing, exploding stringent regulatory system, ‘biopiracy’ – the patenting of staple Low-fat lorry drivers and foul smelling’ on opening. government and industry targets, foods such as basmati rice, wheat Haulier Eddie Stobart has employed a ■ Source: Food Standards Agency and cross-sectoral commitment to and soya. nutritionist to tell his 1,200 drivers environmental and health ■ Visit: how to improve their diets and to Multiple residues improvements. stay away from unhealthy fry-ups A report on the potential dangers of Sweden has launched a Legal challenge after he discovered that his own foods containing cocktails of challenge to the EU chemicals The government is to be challenged cholesterol level was too high. pesticide residues has been policy by declaring it will use any in court over its decision not to hold a ■ Source: EHN News released by the government’s means possible to block marketing full public inquiry into the outbreak Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals on its territory of EU-approved and handling of Foot and Mouth Fizzing sausages in Food, Consumer Products and the pesticides that are currently banned Disease (FMD) in a Judicial Review The Food Standards Agency has for Environment (known as CoT). under Swedish law. action backed by The Ecologist the first time used its statutory powers ■ Details from Keith Butler, Food ■ Source: Environment Daily magazine. The Ecologist speculates to enter food premises to obtain Standards Agency, 020 7276 8507.

Food Magazine 57 14 Apr/Jun 2002