Allotey et al. Health Research Policy and Systems 2010, 8:32

REVIEW Open Access Social sciences research in neglected tropical diseases 1: the ongoing neglect in the neglected tropical diseases Pascale Allotey1*, Daniel D Reidpath1, Subhash Pokhrel2

Abstract Centuries of scientific advances and developments in biomedical sciences have brought us a long way to under- standing and managing disease processes, by reducing them to simplified cause-effect models. For most of the infectious diseases known today, we have the methods and technology to identify the causative agent, understand the mechanism by which pathology is induced and develop the treatment (drugs, vaccines, medical or surgical procedures) to cure, manage or control. Disease, however, occurs within a context of lives fraught with complexity. For any given infectious disease, who gets it, when, why, the duration, the severity, the outcome, the sequelae, are bound by a complex interplay of fac- tors related as much to the individual as it is to the physical, social, cultural, political and economic environments. Furthermore each of these factors is in a dynamic state of change, evolving over time as they interact with each other. Simple solutions to infectious diseases are therefore rarely sustainable solutions. Sustainability would require the development of interdisciplinary sciences that allow us to acknowledge, understand and address these com- plexities as they occur, rather than rely solely on a form of science based on reducing the management of disease to simple paradigms. In this review we examine the current global health responses to the ‘neglected’ tropical diseases, which have been prioritised on the basis of an acknowledgment of the complexity of the poverty-disease cycle. However research and interventions for neglected tropical diseases, largely neglect the social and ecological contextual, fac- tors that make these diseases persist in the target populations, continuing instead to focus on the simple biomedi- cal interventions. We highlight the gaps in the approaches and explore the potential of enhanced interdisciplinary work in the development of long term solutions to disease control.

Introduction - The neglected tropical diseases sustain poverty and its consequences. These have had a The Millennium Declaration provided a catalyst around significant impact on public health across a number of which the global community, particularly world leaders, areas. In the area of communicable diseases there has could refocus efforts and recognise responsibilities been significant, increased activity and progress across a towards the most vulnerable and least served in society. number of diseases that affect the poor. HIV/AIDS, It forced the world’s attention onto those sections of the malaria and tuberculosis (the “big three”)aregiven community left behind by the rapid progress in technol- priority in MDG 6 - collectively they account for over 5 ogy, highlighting the downward spiral of those unable to million deaths annually [1]. Several partnerships and access the advantages of development. initiatives have been created with more ‘ring fenced’ The operationalisation of the Millennium Declaration resources than have ever been available to global health through the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) efforts [2]. The funds support programs, drug and vac- attempted to target the various factors that cause and cine developments and the scale up of various interven- tions. The increase in global health activity across these * Correspondence: [email protected] three diseases is reflected in increased public awareness, 1 Global Public Health, Jeffrey Cheah School of Medicine and Health Sciences, access to treatment, funding for research and Monash University, Sunway Campus, Bandar Sunway, Malaysia Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2010 Allotey et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Allotey et al. Health Research Policy and Systems 2010, 8:32 Page 2 of 8

development and ongoing monitoring and evaluation to programs. Most recently, The Lancet journal published a ensure accountability and the achievement of targets. series in early 2010 on NTD programs (see for instance Others have argued, however, that the focus on the [13-16]. big three has been at the cost of other health priorities Although varied the range of programs share at least that also adversely affect vulnerable, disenfranchised and one of three goals; control, elimination or eradication. neglected populations [3,4]. Diseases such as schistoso- The strategies for achieving these include intensified miasis, soil transmitted helminths, lymphatic filariasis, efforts on single disease vertical control programs or co- onchocercias, dracunculiasis, buruli ulcers, leprosy (to implementation across multiple disease programs where nameafew)haveasignificantimpactonthepoor. co-morbidities occur [17]. The main intervention is pre- Described as neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), these ventive chemotherapy delivered through mass drug conditions fall within a category of infectious diseases administration of ‘rapid impact packages [9,3].’ The that predominantly affect over a billion of the world’s African Programme for Control (APOC), poorest people, are disabling, disfiguring and stigmatiz- with donations from Merck, for instance has delivered ing. They are ‘neglected’ because they are the diseases of Mectizan(tm) for onchocerciasis control since the mid “forgotten people” with high endemicity in rural and 1990 s. Similar programs deliver (donated impoverished urban areas of low income countries and by GlaxoSmithKline) for lymphatic filariasis. The distri- conflict and post conflict regions; the consequences are bution of additional preventive chemotherapies for de- impaired childhood growth and intellectual develop- worming as well as treatment of whole communities for ment, low worker productivity, high maternal morbidity. relevant diseases in order to interrupt transmission These are diseases that both cause and are the result of cycles[18-21]shouldthereforenotrequiremajorextra poverty. Furthermore, there is a shortage of safe and costs. There are also intensified efforts towards case effective treatments because these diseases present low management to identify and treat people with diseases priority markets for pharmaceutical companies [6]. and a renewed effort for surveillance, mapping of co- Over the last five years, the WHO and the Centers for occurrence of infections and vector control. Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta have The increase in resources for NTDs, has also seen an identified a group of these diseases that present “targets increase in advocacy for vaccine development described of opportunity” based on the potential for control and as the anti-poverty vaccine [22,23]. Hotez et al argue possibly elimination at a low cost [7,8]. There has there- that vaccines against the various stages of helminth fore been a significant lobby to develop a separate initia- development and administered at the same time as mass tive to tackle NTDs. The lobby has had some success. drug administration would be a more sustainable inter- Funding for NTDs has increased, as have commitments vention than existing NTD control strategies [24]. from the G8 countries and global health philanthropists. There are some broader non-disease focused plans New funds from USAID for instance have been released within the global plan to combat NTDs. The promotion specifically for NTD programs. Furthermore a number of intersectoral approaches under the plan is designed of pharmaceutical companies have donated products or to enable structural change as part of an integrated are supporting public private partnerships, under their package of multiple interventions. Intersectoral programs for corporate social responsibility, towards approaches theoretically consist of joint working across research and development for NTD control. Several glo- areas such as education, civil engineering and local gov- bal health initiative have also been established to address ernment, not just the health sector [25]. Unfortunately, NTDs including: a dedicated World Health Organization although there are good examples of where this department; a Global Network for NTDs, Research Part- approach has worked, it is usually implemented on a nerships and Research Initiatives and a dedicated peer small scale, relying largely on the goodwill of individuals reviewed academic journal. Given the current success of rather than at broader policy and implementation levels the NTDs in achieving the status as one of the 21st cen- [26-28] tury’s “gang of four” [9] [page e102], the issue of ‘neglect’, particularly by drug research and development, The gaps becomes difficult to justify. The current strategy is described as a comprehensive blueprint [19] towards “rescuing the bottom billion from Current efforts to address neglected tropical poverty” [29] and in general, there has been very little diseases criticism of the strategy and plans of various NTD pro- The WHO NTDs program published a global plan to grams. Programmatic indicators, such as increased dis- 2015 with details on the various strategic areas [10-12] tribution of drugs to vendors or distributors and and the web sites of various partnerships and alliances increased coverage of children through schools, suggest also provide updates on their activities and funded that there is cause for optimism [14,30]. However, there Allotey et al. Health Research Policy and Systems 2010, 8:32 Page 3 of 8

are some concerns. A major problem facing the commu- community and health service priorities [41]. This has nity working on controlling neglected tropical diseases is been particularly the case where there is a perception the lack of communication between the various players– that programs originate from foreign countries and may researchers, policymakers, clinicians, public-private part- not be in the best interest of communities [42]. These nerships, donors, and patient advocacy groups. This lack issues are often dismissed as quirky community based of communication and synchronisation of efforts repre- phenomena and seldom result in a significant research sents a significant missed opportunity for a comprehen- agenda. Where there is an associated research program, sive and holistic approach to sustainable outcomes. it is either focused on evaluation [42,43] or commis- Specific gaps are discussed below. sioned to explore the ‘bottlenecks’ that hinder what At the technical level, there remain questions about should otherwise be an efficacious intervention [44]. the appropriateness of integrated chemotherapy across Consequently, there is no significant interdisciplinary different age groups. There is also limited understanding research effort to explore solutions to NTDs that are of the most appropriate a) time intervals between var- acceptable and appropriate for communities. ious drug administration b) efficient delivery systems; c) There are also some more fundamental gaps that monitoring and evaluation systems; d)mapping of drug relate to understanding and addressing the more persis- interactions; e) monitoring of compliance; f) develop- tent social, cultural, economic and environmental factors ment and spread of resistance; g) parameters for move- that sustain vulnerability and high risk to these NTDs ment from morbidity control to transmission and other diseases of poverty. An understanding of the containment and then elimination [31]. More urgently, contextual factors that affect the neglected people who significant challenges have been identified in attempts to suffer from neglected diseases is essential to any inter- integrate these vertical programs into often weak, hori- vention. The proposed solutions under the current strat- zontal health systems [32]. Attempts to coordinate egy are public health, population based solutions, as national health priorities with donor reporting require- opposed to individual clinical treatments. Therefore the ments has resulted in further fragmentation of efforts to strategy needs to consider the individual within their strengthen national health system [16,33,34]. immediate social, cultural and physical environment, the Further concerns have been raised by researchers who structural factors that guide any choices they might have either collaborated with implementation teams or have to control their health - health infrastructure, worked with communities that have been targeted for health systems, issues of access - which are in turn integrated programs for NTD control [35,105]. Many of influenced by the political, policy and economic envir- the concerns stem from the community responses to onment within governance structures. These are all in ‘top down’ approaches that expose already vulnerable turn influenced by the social values that prevail within communities to further subjugation. There is also often the society - equity, inclusion, human rights, regulation a lack of understanding by programmatic staff, of the etc. Essentially there needs to be more than what cur- contexts in which these programs are implemented. rently is largely a tokenistic or rhetorical attempt to There is a further question, given patterns of re-emer- engage with other disciplines and sectors [12,26,44,45]. gence [36-38], about country ownership and sustainabil- This would require an understanding of what different ity once the attention of global health funders is turned disciplines could contribute. elsewhere. These issues relate largely to working with commu- Opportunities to address the neglected contexts of NTDs nities and health systems within a real life, uncontrolled There has been a tendency, particularly in public health environment and are raised regularly in community research, to assume that social science research comes based programs. There have been discussions for from a homogenous group of academic disciplines, and instance on mobile versus community based distribution provides a standard set of tools (usually interviews and of treatments such as Ivermectin [39]. This study high- focus group discussions) applied and interpreted in a lighted the gains in programs that involved community subjective manner. These tools then provide some infor- participation versus top down programs with expecta- mation to tell us what a handful of people think or feel, tions of community compliance. The study also empha- which may or may not have a bearing on a pre-ordained sizes the challenges of working with community health plan for intervention. For researchers working particu- workers who do not have a formal role in the health larly in disease focused areas, evidence that comes from sector. Some of these lessons have informed APOC and social scientists that is not presented in an empirically other community directed interventions [40]. Other based paradigm with which they are familiar, is dis- community based health programs have identified signif- missed as unscientific and incapable of making any real icant clashes between community and health service contribution [46]. The lack of understanding portrayed personnel where there was a clear lack of fit between in this assumption would be akin to an assumption that Allotey et al. Health Research Policy and Systems 2010, 8:32 Page 4 of 8

a biomedical scientist would be just as competent in stigmatisation, social isolation and disfigurement are pathology or genetics as they would be in molecular vulnerabilities that result from social and cultural norms biology or general practice. And further to that, an of what is considered normal and who is an acceptable assumption that there would be similar methods that member of the community [51,72,73]. We also know are used across all these disciplines. that while there are diseases that can result in stigmati- “Social sciences” represent a collection of academic, sation, stigmatisation can also result in increased expo- theoretically grounded disciplines that share a broad sure to disease and exacerbate the sequelae [74]. The interest in human society. The applied areas of various effects of these social determinants on health are less social science disciplines attempt to translate the theore- directly observable than bacteria in a Petri-dish and tical traditions into research and evidence for practice. therefore require interventions that are distinctly differ- Anthropology for instance attempts to provide a holistic ent from a drug or vaccine, operating at a socio-ecologi- account of humans within the context of their cultures. cal rather than simply biological level. This could include the systematic exploration of physi- The recent report from the WHO Commission on cal, biological, social, linguistic and historical artefacts Social Determinants of Health (CSDH) also provides that culminate to provide a picture of the area of inter- comprehensive data on the inequity in health outcomes est. In medical anthropology, studies explore aspects of for the poorer members of society [75]. The World the culture that relate to health, illness and disease; Bank produces regular global monitoring reports on from explanatory models of ill health; stigmatisation; poverty and its consequences [76]. There is also some and health practitioners usage and practice through to research on the effects of conflict and displacement reasons for compliance with treatment [47-49]. Simi- [77-79] and the lives of the rural poor and nomadic larly, economics provides an understanding of how people [80,81]. The research provides insights that are wealth is produced, distributed and consumed at the not only descriptive but also analytical in their ability to household level in microeconomics and at a broader identify complex relationships between various factors. societal or national level in macroeconomics. The The now extensive body of work in health and develop- applied area of health economics provides insights into ment economics supports a basic understanding of how to address the critical issues of catastrophic expen- household economies in families living in poverty and diture, providing cost effective interventions that are has also increased our understanding of poor commu- affordable both for governments and for consumers, nities’ willingness and ability to pay for health related questions of financing of health systems, implications of interventions [82-88]. providing good quality human resources, and tradeoffs To say the social sciences have been overlooked in between equity and efficiency etc. Other applied social global public health efforts would be inaccurate science disciplines with an interest in health are, inter [45,89,103,104] (see also Reidpath and Pokhrel in this alia, medical sociology, social policy, political science, series). The techniques and research approaches devel- human geography, social epidemiology etc. oped through these disciplines have been packaged and The social sciences have provided a robust evidence applied to good effect in other areas in public health to base and theoretical understanding for the description help in the translation of biomedical research into policy of the lives of neglected people [29,50-54]. Studies in and clinical and public health practice. These applica- anthropology and sociology provide insights into cul- tions include program evaluation, health services tural perceptions and practices and how these provide research, health systems research and implementation meaning and frame choices for livelihoods, health and research [44,82,90]. Health services research for instance health seeking. TDR, a co-sponsored Special Program develops the evidence base for financing, organization, for Research and Training on Tropical Diseases, exe- delivery, evaluation, and outcomes of health services. cuted by WHO, has provided strong leadership in the Health systems research is defined to include structures, development of research capacity and the evidence base equipment, supplies, policies, people and processes [82] to foster a better understanding of various social, eco- p0719. Implementation research is defined as applied nomic and behavioural factors in tropical diseases research that aims to develop the critical evidence base [55-57]. There has also been a recent interest in extend- that informs the effective, sustained and embedded ing research on the effects of the environment and cli- adoption of interventions by health systems and com- mate change [58,59]. TDR among others, has funded munities. It deals with the knowledge gap between effi- research which demonstrates the effects of stigma and cacy, effectiveness and current practice to produce the stigmatization [50,60-66]; and the fluidity with which greatest gains in disease control [44]. There have also gender dynamics support or hinder exposure to disease, been recent innovations to combine environmental access and ability to seek health care and the sequelae social determinants with epidemiological screening and of disease [67-71]. We understand for instance that surveillance tools [91]. Allotey et al. Health Research Policy and Systems 2010, 8:32 Page 5 of 8

The methods used for these applied areas include a supports the need for structural intervention is signifi- wide suite of quantitative and qualitative research tech- cant [96]. Tackling structural problems is harder niques driven by the specificresearchquestionandthe because the interventions required are more complex; particular conceptual framework which best captures some have suggested too complex to consider [97]. the issue. Rigorously undertaken these all produce evi- However not intervening at these levels compounds the dence in various forms that inform public health chal- futility of current efforts. The re-emergence of diseases lenges. In spite of the potential that this research has, that were supposed to have been eradicated 40 years and the growing evidence based that is being produced, ago [36] is a case in point. it is unclear how well this wealth of data is being The basic concern here is not new and to a significant applied and integrated into global health programs such degree, revisits the major, largely unresolved debates as those laid out for NTD control [90,92-94]. that raged almost 40 years ago between proponents and opponents of Primary Health Care (PHC) [98-100]. The Conclusion critical question is this: does one narrowly partition out The intense advocacy that preceded the profile that individual causes, in this instance one disease causing NTDs currently enjoy was remarkable and indeed a sys- pathogen or another, and address them as independent tematic analysis of this process would make an impor- context free problems amenable to context free solu- tant contribution to our understanding of advocacy and tions? Or alternatively is there a need for a different the dynamic research-policy-practice nexus in public approach which attempts to address the multiple causes health. The NTDs campaign has relentlessly highlighted of a disease (not just the infectious agent) within the the plight of the populations affected by the range of context in which they occur? The primary health care target diseases. A great deal has been made of stigmati- debate’s answer to this question was the introduction of zation, disfigurement, persistent poverty, poor maternal Selective Primary Health Care programs [101]. These and child health outcomes, poor health and education vertical programs were the precursor of the current con- of children caused by infectious diseases. The choice of text-free, pathogen focussed NTDs strategy. Under the the word “neglect” is pointed and loaded, forcing us to guise of a ‘pro-poor’ strategy and a vaccine against pov- reflect on our social obligations. Inherent in this cam- erty, it remains a medical and technological fix; the paign strategy is an appeal for the recognition of human “magical bullet” to combat disease and therefore a social suffering and the need for social justice [47]. However, problem [98]. while preventive chemotherapy and active case manage- We obviously do not underestimate the importance of ment might demonstrate a reduction in the incidence biomedical technologies to managing NTDs. However it and prevalence of specific diseases, they do not; in and is also critical that they should not be over-estimated. of themselves, alleviate poverty or stigmatization; Without significant efforts to address health and pov- improve equity or livelihoods, or change the environ- erty, along with the myriad marginalising factors in the mental conditions which present an ongoing risk for the social, cultural, economic, political and physical environ- poor. Notwithstanding the appropriation of these ments in which affected populations live, there will con- broader determinants and value laden constructs in the tinue to be neglected people and neglected contexts. NTD lobby process, interventions include very little to Vaccines and drugs do not cure neglect or poverty and address them. are not a sufficient condition (and quite possibly not A strategy that responds to the NTDs lobby, morally even a necessary condition) to “rescue the bottom bil- and ethically requires intervention addressing the root lion” from poverty [29]. causes of suffering and vulnerability. These causes are To obtain the higher objective of improving health not however, confined to infectious diseases. Critically, and reducing vulnerabilities, it is important for research- the cause-effect relationship is bidirectional - poverty ers, policy makers and funding agencies to broaden the increases vulnerability and exposure to disease and perspective on the range of research and the integrated affects access to treatment and the outcome of disease. of interventions that are needed to address neglected The futility of the removal of specific diseases without diseases of neglected populations, and to rethink the addressing poverty as well has been raised time and nature of evidence to show effectiveness. There is a again. More recently, the message features prominently need to refocus on the health of neglected populations onthehomepageoftheWHO/CSDHandreads:“why [98] - and not merely removing disease. treat people without changing what makes them sick” There are two major areas that need to be considered [95]. At the very least increasing standards of living, for a sustainable impact ‘neglected’ tropical diseases: provision of the basic human rights of food/water, shel- ter, and clothing are definitive interventions towards the 1. To extend the persistent, narrow view of health elimination of NTDs. The body of evidence that improvements based on medical interventions and Allotey et al. Health Research Policy and Systems 2010, 8:32 Page 6 of 8

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doi:10.1186/1478-4505-8-32 Cite this article as: Allotey et al.: Social sciences research in neglected tropical diseases 1: the ongoing neglect in the neglected tropical diseases. Health Research Policy and Systems 2010 8:32.

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