h, I ernational Confe 9. n the ( ~ 1 U L~ L- I Sl- l L'­ I in English

\I tt2-\!~ ~ Ftu Lll t:1 ~ 1~li~ l. the Revisited

21..25June 2006 University ofLisbon PORTUGAL ~ Jl t ' ~ '~.L. cX-iSJ Pvogram Abstracts

Society for the Study of the Short Story • English Department of the Faculty of Letters University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES) SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF THE SHORT STORY

Board Members: Clark Blaise (President), Bharati Mukherjee, Maurice A. Lee, Allan Weiss, Claire Larriere, Velma Pollard, Juani Guerra


Conference Director: Maurice ALee, University of Central Arkansas

Lisbon Directors: Teresa F. A. Alves, Teresa Cid

Scientific program coordinator: Susan Lohafer, University of Iowa

Organizing Committee: Alexandra Assis Rosa, Diana Almeida, Eduarda Melo Cabrita, Isabel Mealha, Luisa Falcao, Luisa Maria Flora, Margarida Vale de Gato, Rita Queiroz de Barros, Rute Beirante

Secretariat: Claudia Pinto, Odilia Gaspar

Design: Ines Mateus

Registration and Hotel Reservations

Maria de Jesus - Viagens ABREU, S. A. / Congress Deparment Av. 25 de Abril, 2 ­ 2799-556 Linda a Velha, Portugal Tel: +351 21 41561 24 Fax: +351 21 4156383 Acknowledgements

The Organizers of the 9th International Conference on the Short Story in English wish to express their gratitude to the local sponsors of this conference:

• Reitoria of the University of Lisbon • Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon • Luso-American Foundation (FLAD) • Funda~ao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT) • Instituto Camoes •• Instituto Portugues do Patrimonio Arquitectonico (IPPAR) • ,,~amara Municipal de Lisboa • Camara Municipal de Oeiras • American Embassy • Culture Ireland • British Coundl • Livraria Escolar Editora • Clube Portugues de Artes e Ideias 1 Lugar Comum • Lusocede Recursos Humanos • Instituto do Turismo de Portugal • BP • Com pal • Delta Cafes • Aguas da Serra da Estrela

Conference Bookshops: Livraria Escolar Editora Edificio Caleidoscopio Jardim do Campo Grande 1700-089 Lisboa Tel. +351 21 7575055 Fax. +351 21 7572491

Livraria Britanica R. Luis Fernandes, 14/8 Tel. +351 21 3428472 Fax. +351 21 3478209 9th International Conference on the Short Story in English Views from the Edge: the Short Story Revisited 21·25th June 2006 Faculty of Letters University of Lisbon

Wednesday, June 21 2006

9:00 • 17:001 Registration Desk

10:00 ·13:00 Creative Writing Workshops Workshop 1 W0Ibh0p2 Workshop 3 Room: Instituto de Cultura Inglesa Room: Instituto de Cultura Room: Centro de Unguas Americana RuiZink: Amiri Baraka: Ana Castillo: "Snow White and Her 7 Shortcuts" "Culture, Language, Fact, Fiction, 'Unfinished Pieces: Keep or Media" Trash?"

15:00 -18:00 Creative Writing Workshops Workshop 4 WorkshopS Workshop 6 Room: Instituto de Cultura Ingless Room: Instituto de Cultura Room: Centro de Unguas Americana Francine Prose: Katherine Vaz: Robert Olen Butler: "Reading Like a Writer" . "Portuguese and American "Creating Fictional Art" Writing"

18:30 -19:15 The Theatre of SeH· Fernando Pessoa and his heteronyms Aula Magna a presentation Reitoria Building by Jonathan Weightman, Thorn Grigg, John Elliott. Mick Greer ~=-

Thursday, June 22 2006 I 1 II:~==-- I Thursday, June 22 2006 I I Opening Session: Welcoming Remarks by the Head cif the English Department, the Conference Director, Ie-::a I the Dean of the Faculty of Letters the University of Lisbon, and the Rector of the University of Lisbon of IR=- . 9:30 -11:00111ll1m11.J.l 1:F.lm11.;1 Ir;mm••11 lit=­ ~=====------~__ 19:30-11:00 Room: Anf. II IRoom: Anf. III Room: 2.1 .oom:Anf.IV Room: 5.2 The Short Story in the Poe at the Crossroads of The Art of Science Fiction Language-Learning Classroom Influence enre Theory: Models for r Construction: Nation, Choosing Words, Bridging Ia=­ ning and Comprehending er and Community in Cultures hort Story nadian Women's Fiction moderator: Luisa Flora, IrnodeI'ator: Teresa Malafaia, University ofLisbon ofUsbon r: Susan Lohafer, moderator: Belen Martin Lucas, moderator: Mano Jorge Torres, .=­University of Iowa University of Vi, University ofUsbon ·Cordwainer Smith: Centuriu of "Poe's Short Stories and the ~:a "Short Story as Basic Principle of "Resisting the Stereotype in the "Short Story Translation: Models and Human Future History Told Stories as Poetics In Mind" Global Market: Shauna Singh Norms Governing Acceptability in Tools' Short-Stories" Balwin's English Lessons' the Target Language" • Filch O'Connell, • Viarica Patea Bil1<, • Maria do Rosario Monteiro, la=­ British Council in Porlugal University ofSalamanca New University ofUsbon • Carmen M" Bretones Callejas, • Bellm Martin Lucas, • Maria Antonia Alvarez, • Romesh Gunesekera UniversitvofAlmeria '"A Wife's Story' by Bharali "From Novel to Tale, A "Asimov's Robots and 'The Iar­ "The Visual Image in the Mukhe~ee: An MI Approach to the Transatlantic Transposition: Frankenstein Complex'" Epiphanic Short Story" Short Story in the English Edward Bulwer Lytton's Paul IE::II Language Classroom" Clifford as a Multiple Source in Edgar Allan Poe's Short-Stories" IE:1I • Eduarda Melo Cabrita, Isabel Carrera Suarez, • Isabel Ferro Mealha, • Marta Miquel Baldellon, • Claudia M. J. Pinto, University ofOviedo • Maria Lucia Diogo Ayres d'Abreu, • Maria Luisa Falcao, • Aida Correia, New University of Catholic University ofPorlugal University of/JekIs University ofCoimbta r-. Lisbon University ofUsbon

"Short Story and Extensive 'Portuguese Short A I"A'!. Artificial Intelligence: The Film "Pervasive Torus: Fiction and the "'of mens and them': Caribbean Reading in the EFL Classroom" Paratextual Poetics Inlluenreo Recreation of Brian W. Aldiss's Figures of Life" English in V.S. Naipaul's 'Love, love, E.A. Poe" 'Supertoys Last All Summer Long" -=­ love, alone'" • Ma Elena Garcia Sanchez, • Erik Van Achter, • Maria Elena Rodriguez Martin, • Juani Guerra, • Rita Queiroz de Barros, Universitv ofAlmeria University ofUtrecht University of Granada -=­ University ofUsbon 11:00 -11:3OICoffee Break "J

11:30 -13:15 PLenary Session I Anf.1II1 Language to Language: The Problematic Art of Translation moderator: Joilo Flor, University ofUsbon

• George Monteiro, Brown University • Alexandra Assis Rosa, University ofLisbon • Giovanni Nadiani, University of Bologna • Marfa Antonia PJvarez, Distance Teaching University, Spain • Nicolas ShumwaY, University ofTexas at Austin

13:30 -14:00 Lunch Break 14:15 -15:00 Coffee and cake with Reading by Urbano Tavares Rodrigues Sala D. Pedro V ·I~.

I~. Thursday, .lune 22 2006 Thursday, .lune 22 2006 --­ IE3 ,5;00­ 16:30 'MIIM.! ... A : ·- - · • · 15:00 .16:30 Room: Anf.11I Room: Anf. IV Room: 5.2 Room: D. Pedro V Room: 4 Room: 2.1 Identity and Closure in the Short Australian Writers: Peter Carey Women at the Edge of Genre IE=­ Patterns in the Reception of Genre Ambiguity and Expatriate Experience Story and TIm Winter and the Publishing World -- IE=­ Translated literature Postmodern Anxieties moderator: Minoli Salgado, moderator: Per Winther, moderator: William Wall moderator: Billie Travalini, moderator: Eduarda Melo Cabrita, moderator: Patrick Meanor, University of SUssex University of Oslo Lincoln University UnivelSity of Lisbon State UniversitY of New York -Oneonta "Identity and Innovation in the "Fleshing Gender Out: "Elizabeth Bishop's 'In the Village': Ie;=­ "Short Stories in English "From Catastrophe to History: "Expatriates on the Edge: Garcia Modem Short Story: Whal is the Male Fantasies and Female Body Short Story or Long Prose Poem?" Translation: the Case of Brazilian Notes Toward a Categorisation of Marquez's Strange Pilgrims" Moral of the Story? An ongoing Issues in Peter Carey's 'Peeling'" Machado de Assis (1839-1908)" A History of the World in 10 Y2 process in Sandra Cisneros's The Chaptel'S' House on Mango street, Darrell I H.Y. Lurn's Encountering SOI1OW, ! ~: Farrukh Dhondy's 'The Great . • Mario Semiao, Satan,' and Chu-Ching Chen's • Valmi Hatje-Faggion, • Wendell Aycock, • Maria Sofia Pimentel Biscaia, • Ernesto Suarez-Toste, University of Brasilia UnivelSily ofLisbon 'The Returnee'" University of Aveilll University of Castilla-La Mancha Texas Tech UniversMy • Alicia Olano, University of Navarre "Canonical 191h-Century American "The Non-sense of an Ending: "Gems of Change Into Seeds of "The Trees at the Edge of the -=­ "Ekphrastic Desire and Anxiety in "'East meets West coming round Ih' Literature in Italian Translation: the Robert Olen Butler's Had a Good other way': Tangier in the Short Cardoso Pires and the 'Short- Fame: A Post-Colonial Account of Cemetery: Narrative Technll4Ulln I .-=­ Case of Rebecca Harding Davis's Time: Stories From American Fiction of Paul Bowles and William Story' in Portugal" Ipeter Carey's Stories in the 'Ufe in the Iron Mills'" Postcards" Context of the shadow industry'" I""' SM" Slay by C,'" Co""'" •.=11 S. Burroughs" • Silvia Oliveira, i Aurora Garcia Femandez, • Bruce Kohler, • Paola Gaudio, • Michael Trussler, - Maria Porras sanchez, Purdue University University of Oviedo Univers~y of Picardie Jules Verne C:II University of Bari UnivelSity of Regina University Complutense de Madrid

-~-. "Temporal Anomaly': Death and "Tuming' as Theme and Structure "As Told By Women' 1Il:ll '''The Inconceivable Man': "Displacing the Edge: Steven "Hybrid Stories, Mixed Identities: A Closure in 21 51-Century Fiction" in Tim Winton's Short Stories" Melville's Short Stories Lost and Millhauser's The New Automaton Quest for the Self in the Indo- Found in Translation" Theater" American Emigre Writers Lalita • Ailsa Cox, • Stephen Torre, • Katie Singer, Gandbhir and Hema Nair" Edge Hill Fairleigh Dickinson University .:11 James Cook University • Rute Beirante, • Andrzej Gabinski, • Juan Ignacio Oliva, University Complutense de Madrid University of La Laguna - ~-...... JJnivers~of LisbQt1 _ _ _ -- -- ­ - -- 16:45 -18:001Itmmluia...;, 1:l".F.r.II'i1I'aB;j rmUif1JW1J mlUJMDIiJ ., ~ •• t 1':41 ••1:00 Room:Anf.1I1 Room: Anf. IV IRoom: 4 Room: 5.2 Room: D. Pedro V Ana Castillo, Onesimo TeotOnio Henry Shukman, Claire Keegan, William Wall, Moira Crone, Cyril Dabydeen, Velma Pollard, '--____"Almeida, Nuala Ni Conchllir Jacinto lucas Pires Rui Zink , Joiio de Alexandre Andrade Mancelos, Tamas Coboli' [ 19:00 - 21:00lwelcoming Reception (at US Embassy) with Address by Katherine Vaz c ::-._] T"""C C:tI :~.=­ I Friday, .June 23 2006 Friday, .June 23 2008 I£~ 9:30·11:00 Im·IIM.' -. ~ ; 'M'''_ .. ::l 114111111 ,_"113 I... 19:30 ·11:00 Room:Anf.1I Room: Anf. III Room: Anf. IV Room: 2.1 IRoom: Salao Nobre, Reitoria building Characters, Types, and Cultural and Personal Isolation Genre Theory: WIYS of Framing lC=­ Translation: Some Pedagogical IManSfield, Bowen, and Carter: Short Story Sequences I Stereotypes inJhumpa Lahlri's Interpreter of Short Narratives I Uses Challenges to Selfhood moderator: Jeff Biri

"From One Misunderstanding to "Ethnicity, Class and Gender in "Runaway Shadows: Literary and lla=­ Another Misunderstanding: The Jhumpa Lahiri's Interpreter of Graphic Representations since Mirrors: Jean Cocteau Chinese Portrayed in Jack Maladies' 'The Strange Story of Peter u•• la Carter's 'Reflections'" London's Short Stories" Schlemihl' by Chamisso" • Maria Aline Seabra Ferreira, • E-chou Wu, • Blasina Cantizano Marquez, • Susana Oliveira, New U. ofLisbon I •Ana Cristina Aguilar Franco, St. Martin's University Universfty ofAveiro Providence Unive~__ _ ~rsity ofAlmeria Faculty ofArchffecture -UTL III • University ofLisbon I 11:00-11:30ICoffee Break la,,* r 11:30 -13:15 Plenary Session II 1•• . ~Iiio ~o~re'l Reflections on the Life of Teaching and Writing Reitona BUilding moderator: Clari< Blaise nil • • Charles E. May, California State Universffy - Long Beach • Bharali Mukherjee, UniversityofCalifomia-Berkeley • Per Winther, University of Oslo Ir•• • Francine Prose • TeoIinda Gersao, New University of Lisbon KIIt-::ll HIt:ll a&~ (.. &. m=!. Friday, .June 23 2006 J rw:. Friday, .June 23 2006] 15:00 ·16:30 1m'.·! IM'YW;' 'M'. 1••,W3 iN'.'II= 15:00 ·16:30 Room: Anf.II Room:Anf.1I1 Room: Anf. IV I.''''.'Room: 5.2 Room: 4 Room: 2.1 Black and White: Pushing the Limits of Genre: Visual Model••nd thl r&:. Short Story Sequences II The New British Literature Autobiographical Dimensions in Representations of Race From Midrash to Aesthetlca of the Short Story Stories by Selected Authors Postmodemism r~. moderator: Robert Luscher, moderator: Diana Reich, moderator: Luc Hem1an, moderator: Teresa Alves, University of Nebraska - Kearney Smell Worn:Ier - Artistic Director moderator: Isabel Femandes Allies, University of Tms-{)s-Mon/es eAlto Doom Univetsity ofAntwerp moderator: Tamas Dobozy, Univetsity ofUsbon r--'­ Wilfrid.L.aurier Univetsity I£;. "'Didn't Know Any Better': Early "Midrash, Kabbalah, and Short "Visual Images of the Sacred "Cultural Identity and the Haitian "What Has Happened to Martin "Autobiography and the Short Stories Pynchon and Race" Fiction: Borges and Kalka" Family in the Stories of Helena Diaspora in E. Danticat's Krik? Amis's Short Stories?" of Charles BukowskI" Maria Viramontes" lit" Krack!: The Use of Memory and

the Possibilities of the Short Story I • Luc Herman, • Rodger Kamenetz, • David Peck, Sequence" Univetsity ofAntwerp Louisiana State University California State University - Long Beach .... • W. Todd Martin, • Ana Raquel Fernandes, • David Boal, University ofUsbon University of Toulouse -_. -_. 1£;:11 HJl.ntington UniveJility "'Changing the Joke to Slip the "The Tem1inal Aesthetic of Paul '''Every feeling waits upon its Yoke' or How to Vitiate a Bowles' Late, Epistolary Stories" gesture': Eudora Welty's "Propeny Belonging Nowhere in "Bidding for 'home': "The Ghostiy Body of England in Stereotype" 'Snapshots' and the Art of Short Particular: White Migrants and Homelessness in Rushdie's 'At Mary Butts' 'With and Without a=­ Discontinuous Short Narratives" the Auction of the Ruby Slippers'" Buttons'" Fiction" • Jacqueline Berben-Masi, • Tamas Dobozy, • Diana Almeida, • Victoria Kultainen, • Ana Cristina Mendes, • Thomas Slingsby, University of Nice Univetsity ofUsbon 1It:ll Univetsity ofLisbon Wilfrid Laurier UniV(jrsf!l'.. I ~~ofQueensland University of Sussex "The Politics of Creation: The Short '''too weird, too edgy': Chuck ·Sister Arts: Sequenuality and "Clark Blaise's Pittsburgh Stories: "An Assault on the Short Story: "Short Story and Fact in Emest Story in South Africa and the Palahniuk and the Limits of the Synchronicity in K. Mansfield's (&=­ In Search of Lost Time" Anthologies by Young British Hemingway'S A Moveable Feasf' United States" American Short StOIy" 'Spring Pictures' and V. Woolfs 'In Authors at the End of the 20th the Orchard'" Century" • Lloren Foster, • Philip Coleman, 1&:11 • Robert Luscher, • Mario Vitor F. Araujo Bastos, • Silvia Mergenthal, • Jose Francisco Fernandez, Hampton University Trinity College Dublin Univetsity of Nebraska-Keamey University ofUsbon I University of Konstanz­.-.1&=11 University ofAlmeria •• ---.-­ - - ...... • =­ •• •• I~. IC=------:-::-:------. Friday, June 23 200e.-:J 1-=11 FrIday, ~.n. 23 2006 I

11):4:1-10:"" 16:45· 18:301IGT9". 1:F.1m11lTB:l IiIIIIII6 · Room:Anf, II Room:Anf, III ''''.Room: Anf. IV Room: 5,2 Room: 4 Room 2,1 Pedagogical Strategies in the Neglected Short Story Writers Narrative Exchlngl. eetw.en I&:­ Revisiting the Canon Portuguese I Alnerican Roundtable: Comparative Undergraduate Course on Story and Novil Crossovers Translations of O. Henry's ''The Reading or Writing the Short III:. moderator: Onesimo Teot6nio Gift ofthe Magi" Story moderator: Teresa Cid. moderator: Dean Baldwin, moderator: Richard Lee, Almeida, moderator: Maria Jose Figueiredo, moderator. Michele Morano, Penn State UnivelSity - Erie Siale University ofNew Yor/( - Oneont. University ofLisbon University of Lisbon DePaul Universi, lie:. Brown Universitv "From Judgment to Analysis in the "Lost and Found: The Ongoing I"From Story to Novel: Apartheid­ "Cross-Dressed Genre: Faulkner'S "Katherine Val's Portuguese- • Cristina Carvalho, Short Story Workshop: A Vital 'Rediscovery' of Ambrose Bierce" Era South African Narratives and l~~ 'The ' in Big Woods, God American Roots as Incentive for free-lance translator Transition for Undergraduates" Genre Distinctions" Down Moses, and The Saturday Short Story Writing Evening Post" • Francisco Jose Gonqalves, • Daniel Stolar, • Craig A, Warren, • Richard Lee. 1Il::ll • Susan Rochette, • Reinaldo Silva, DePaul University Penn State University - Erie State University ofNew Yorl< - Oneonta Ijoumalist and free-lance translator Univers~y ofNorthern Iowa Universitv of Aveiro "Elizabeth Bowen: Formal "From 'Wash' to Absalom, IK:8 "Among Gross Bodies and "Joyce Carol Oates's Azulejos: • Maria Jose Figueiredo, Qualities of the Short Fiction" Absalom!: Faulkners Narrative Caterpillar-Queens: The Carnival Fernando Pessoa in America" UnivelSity of Usbon Transformation" ill:=­ Perspective in Woolfs Short Stories" • Susana Isabel Costa Araujo, • Diana Almeida • Isabel Ma Andres Cuevas. • Aaron Zacks, • Charles Dameron, University of Lisbon • Kevin Quirk, University of Texas - Austin University of Texas - Brownsvll/t IR=­ University ofGranada UnivelSity of Lisbon DePaul Unive, "Writing Across Genres: The "Agatha Christie" 'Extraction as Siory: Rudolpho flllt:la "Truman Capote's 'The Bargain' "E. A. Poe and the Fanlastic Non/Fiction Workshop" Anaya's 'Salomon's Story' from and 'Preacher's Legend': The Portuguese Tale at the Tortuga" Return of the Old Storyteller" Crossroads of Modem Literature" • Michele Morano, • Sarah Whitney, l&=­ • Margarida Vale de Gato, • Emilio Cailadas. DePaul University UnivelSity of Virginia • Farhat Iftekharuddin, University ofLisbon Universitv Francisco de Vitoria Universitv ofTexas - Brownsville 11f=­ "Teaching the "The Wages of Popularity is Death: I"The Novel at lhe Edge of the "From Salem to Iraq: Yung "The Manipulation of Time in Marvels and The Case of H. E. Bates" Story" Goodman Brown at the Edge of Katherine Val' 'My Hunt for King Clustering" 1If::cl the Twenty-First Century" Sebasli~o'"

• Dean Baldwin, • Sena Jeter Naslund, IIJ-=II • Ruth Stoner, • Mario Avelar, Penn Stale University - Erie University ofLouisville • Morris Grubbs, University ofMalaga Open Universitv Lindsey Wilson College I is;:=II - , : 1 ~ ~~~~------~I&=-' 18:45·20:00 W!!t!IIit!1IiM '$.'13 18:45·20:00 Imlin4t'_~! liSmllll;'tlll:~ !m~I.~' 1-­ Room: 5.2 Room: 4 Room:Anf.1I Room:Anf.1II Room:AAl.IV ~ Claire Lamere, Jorge Vaz de Ewing Campbell, Michael Trussler, Katherine Vaz, Joao Aguiar, Sena Naslund, Kirpal Singh, Clark Blaise, Vijay Lashmi, .' Carvalho, Juliana Nfah Abennyi Julieta Rodrigues Minol! Salgado Marion Bloem Catarina Fonseca 18' • '1------,----. 20:30IBookshop Reception at I..~raria Escolar Editora,Cal~id~SC6pio I~ 1\ /lIt 4'/\ U4.(..(fAtC/ t!f.t..C~ p r' II III '.' MJt.Jlt{,,' ~ .IW: di I.: .: r lll;. ~ Saturday, June 24 2006 lilra Saturday, June 24 2006

9:00· 9:3OlMeebng 01 the Society for the Study 01 the Short Story 1-=:11

II:JU·11:QO IM'1. !~. '.t40:, IM',OM I_I,I.l IMI'9 IMItil; 9:30·11:00 Room:Anf.1I Room: AnI. III Room: AnI. IV Room: 5.2 Room: 4 Room: 2.1 Aging and Family Life: A Chopin and Porter: Women Wolff, Dubus, and Updike: I~. Thematic Approach Writers on War, Society, and Techniques and Themes in Beyond Plot: Modernism in National Literatures Theorizing and Thematizing Female Authorship Three Contemporary Authors Joyce and Carver Space in the Short Story IR:­ moderator: Patrick Meanor, moderator: Jose Antonio Gurpegui, moderator: Alda Correia, moderator: Alcinda Pinheiro de moderator: Katie Singer, moderator: Moira Crone, State University ofNew York - University ofAlcala New University ofUsbon Sousa, Fairleigh Dickinson University Louisiana State University Oneonta University ofUsbon I"-=­ "Glimpses of Old Age in Julian "Wars, Wonds and Ghosts in "The Smallness of Earthly Things: "Joyce's 'The Sisters': Male, 'The Anthology in Portugal: A "Short Story and Space: Genre Bames's The Lemon Table" Katherine Ann Porter's Short Updike's Art of Verbose Brevity" a=- Female, or Both?" Gendered Activity?" and Gender at a Crossroads" Fiction" • Patrick Meanor, • Patricia Anne Odber de Baubeta, • Ana Belen Lopez Perez, • Maricel Oro Piqueras, • Susana Ma Jimenez-Placer, • Joao Paulo Moreira, State University of New York­Universfty of Santiago de Compostala University ofL/eida University of Santiago de Compostela University of Coimbra 'Catedl'll GH Vicente', University of .=­ Oneonta Birmingham "Bordering the Edges: Towards a "Alcee ('the Decadent Man') and "Narrators in Tobias Wolff's Shari .=11 "American Epicleli: Using "Living at the Edge: A Few "Transversal space in the Short Redefinition of Family Roles in Calixta ('the New Woman'): A Stories" James Joyce to Read Raymond Considerations on the French Contemporary American Short- Victorian Reading of Kate Story: Space in Clarice Lispector's Carver" Contemporary Short Story"" Family Ties" Story Writing" Chopin's' 'At the 'Cadian Ball' and • Santiago Rodriguez Guerrero· ra=­ Its Sequel, 'The Storm'" Strachan, • Maria Rosa Burillo Gadea, • Ben Bennani, University of Valladolid • John A McDermott, • Claire Larriere • Duarte N. Drummond Braga, Ut:!~ Complutense de Madrid United Arab Emirates University 1&:1:1 Stephen F Austin State University University ofUsbon "Ann Beattie's Follies: Families - "Kate Chopin's Letter to the Wond: "Troubled Identities and Spiritual : '''From the edge of the red who Say Too Little and Feel Too 'Elizabeth Stock's One Story'" Crisis in Andre Dubus's Short .:1.1 sandstone cliff: Looking for a Much" Fiction" Beloved Landscape of Solitude • Maria Salome Faria Braga and Revelation" • Priscilla Leder, • Jose Ramon Ibanez Ibanez, Osorio, ~=­ Texas State University - San Marros University r:I Almeria • Isabel Maria Fernandes Alves, University ofMinho &--=C University of Tras-os-Montes e ANo I Douro ~~~~======~=­ 11:30 ·13:15 Plenary Session III &=11 Ant, IIII Cognitive Approaches to Short Fiction moderator: Susan Lohafer, University of Iowa 1&::11 • Catherine Emmott, University ofGlasgow' Capturing the Attention of Readers of Short Stories" &::11 • Monika Fludemik, University r:I Freiburg "Cognitive Structures in Narrabve and Metaphor" • Michael Toola n, University ofBinningham &:-II "Narrative Texture, Organisation, and Effect: Corpus Stylistic Evidence" • Juani Guerra, University of Las Paimas &:-II "Human Cognition, Linguistic Fiction and Literary Text: Topologicel Correlatives as 'Natural' Morals of Arlprose " • Susan Lohafer, University ofIowa "The Third Reason Why Alice Munro Does Not Write Novels: A Prec/osure Study of 'Hateship, Friendship, Courtshio, LOV6Ship, MarriaQem a. ~~------~~ r= r" ••~1 Saturday, June 24 2006 S. [ ------­ Saturday, June 24 2006 J 14:.w "lb:W !_W1UW.~ jMm"','·,' 'M"'41111 !.'111•1 !.,filla I.h'li 14:30 • 16:00 Room:Anf.1I II.i Room: Am. III Room: Ani. IV Room: 5.2 Room: 4 Room: 2.1 Lost Homes: Hemingway's Canadian Literature "Not Just for Children": Adult 1Il~ Editing and Publishing the Sunrounding Barth: Ambivalent Identities: Racial, River, Rhys's Volcano, and Themes in Literature For or Danticat's Caribbean Short Story Postmodemism, Paranoia, and Ethnic, and Social About Children Metafiction Representations in American moderator: Allan Weiss, ~ moderator: Cyril Dabydeen. Short Fiction University of York moderator: Vijay Lakshmi, moderator: Ann Luttrell, University of Ottawa, Canada. Philadelphia Community College II=~ Literature Development, Triskel moderator: Juani Guerra, moderator: Isabel Caldeira, University of Las Palmas University of Coimbra ''Walking into a Picture: 'Short Story as Hagiography: a ·On the Edge of Puberty: • Phillip Graham "The Revision and Construct of "Tricksterism ofToni Morrison's Hemingway's Big Two-Hearted Triptych by Alice Munro: 'Chance: Katherine Mansfield's 'The ~~ Authorial Self Wilhin the Postmodem Recitalif and the Metaphor of River" 'Soon: and 'Silence" Voyage'" I Short Story" Postmodemism" • Antonio Feijo, • Marijke Boucherie, • Antonio de las Nieves Lopez, • Luisa Costa Gomes University ofUsbon University ofUsbon University of Malaga .~ • Luisa Maria Gonzalez Rodriguez, • Anna Warso, University of Salamanca University of Warsaw • Clark Blaise "Jean Rhys's 'Heat' and the "Story-Telling Techniques in "The Indistinct Border Between ~~ Tragedy of Mont Pelee" 's A Short History of Moral and Immoral in Oscar "The Oriental Wife's Tale and the "O.Henry's Struggles for Indians in Canada" Wilde's The Happy Prince Ind • Claire Larriere Postmodem Chaotic Arabesque: Existence: Who is Barbarian, Who Other Tales" John Barth in Further Fridays" is Primitive in American Society?" • Lizabeth Paravisini-Gebert, • Teresa Gibert, • Mauricio D. Aguilera Linde, • Tiago Miguel Correia GuelTlllO ~ • Helena Vasconcelos • Jennie Wang, Vassar College National University of Distance da Silva, University of Granada ~., Furian University Education New University ofUsbon "CulturaVLinguistic Crossings and "Sociological Approaches to the "Strategies of Self-Construction In "Everything is Connected: Paranoia "Code-switching in Sandra (Con)fusion in Puerto-Rican Short Story {With Illustrations from E. E. Cummings' Fairy Tales" as Frame of Interpretation in Stories Cisneros' Short Stories" Dominican/Haitian Diasporic Canadian Short Fiction]" by Barth, Barthalme, and Coover" Literature" ., . • Consuelo Montes Granado, • Linda Maria Rodriguez • Anne Marit K. Barga. • Allan Weiss, University of York • M. Teresa Gonzalez, University of Oslo University of Salamanca Guglielmoni, English leacher in Madrid University ofPuerto Rico - Mavaq{iez

16:30 ­18:00 16:30 ·18:00 fmsmilflfL.II.~! tmmthli·j:ti"•• I:llIml1'lmllllllll] Room:Anf.1I Room: Antill Room: Anf. IV Room: 5.2 Luisa Costa Gomes, Mike Gayle Elliott, Allan Weiss, Bharati Mukherjee, Gon~lo M. George Monteiro, Lilia Momple, McCormack, Billie Travallni Helia Correia Tavares, Katie Sinaer Phillip Graham

C 20:30 IConference Banquet, with Address by Robert Olen Butler and Fado Singing

"<\ ->t" [ 1 Sunday, June 25 2006

9:30 Departure from Hotels to Oeiras

10:00 -10:30 Visit to the Portuguese Poets' Park in Oeiras

11:00 -12:30 Plenary SesslOn IV Fabrica da Personalized Art in a Globalized World P6lvora, Oeiras moderator: Maurice A. Lee

- Ana Castillo • Robert Olen Butler • Lilia Momple • Mike McCormack • Claire Keegan • Peter Behrens

12:30 -13:30 iili1!f.i1iI1!D Fabricada P6lvora, Oeiras • Teolinda Gersao and Francine Prose

13:30 -13:45Iclosing Session

13:451 Lunch at Jardim das Oliveiras

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Centro de Estudos Anglisticos Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa Alameda da Universidade • 1600-214 Lisboa. Portugal Tel.: +351 21 7920092 • Fax: +351 21 7960063 E-Mail: [email protected]