(Sub + V1 / 's' or 'es' ) 1. I usually ______(do) the home work in the night. H˚qT s√E sêÁ‹ |üP≥ Ç+{Ï |üì #˚kÕÔqT. 2. She ______(practise) the violin at this time everyday. ÄyÓT Á|ürs√E á düeTj÷ìøÏ ejÓTT*Hé kÕ<Ûääq #˚dü÷Ô ñ+≥T+~. 3. He ______(come) here on every Sunday. n‘&ÉT Á|ür Ä~yês¡+ Çø£ÿ&É≈£î ekÕÔ&ÉT. 4. If often ______(rain) in Waltair. $XÊK|ü≥ºD+˝À ‘s¡#÷ es¡¸+ ≈£îs¡Tdü÷Ô ñ+≥T+~. 5. She ______(attend) the classes regularly. ÄyÓT Á|ürs√p Áø£eT+ ‘|üŒ≈£î+&Ü ‘s¡>∑‘T\≈£î Vü‰»s¡e‘T+~. 6. We frequently ______(go) to the pictures. y˚TeTT ‘s¡#T>± dæìe÷\≈£î yÓfió‘T+{≤eTT. 7. We always ______(take) chapathi at night. y˚TeTT m\¢|ü&ÉT sêÁ‹|üP≥ #bÕ‹ ‹+{≤eTT. 8. It is something which ______(happen) daily. Ç~ Á|ürs√p »]π> $wüjTeTT. 9. We regularly ______(meet) at the theatre. y˚TeTT Á|ürs√p ~∏j˚T≥sY <ä>∑Zs¡ ø£\TdüT≈£î+{≤eTT. 10. The Sun ______(shine) during the day. dü÷s¡T´&ÉT |ü>∑{Ï|üP≥ Á|üø±•+#TqT. 11. I always ______(drink) milk for breakfast. H˚qT Á|ürs√E n˝≤ŒVü‰s¡+˝À bÕ\T Á‘ê>∑T‘êqT. 12. I donot know that the cook ______(cook) so well. e÷ e+≥yê&ÉT e+≥ u≤>± #˚kÕÔ&Éì Hê≈£î ‘Ó*jT<äT. 13. Babies ______(cry) when they are hungry. ∫qïSARMA'S |æ\¢\T Äø£* ENGLISH y˚dæq|ü&ÉT GRAMMAR@&ÉTkÕÔs¡T. & SPOKEN ENGLISH 14. The teacher ______(explain) the difficult points regularly. ñbÕ<Ûë´jTT&ÉT Áø£eT+>± ø£wüºyÓTÆq bÕsTT+≥¢qT ns¡∆eTj˚T´≥≥T¢ #ÓbÕÔs¡T. 15. My sister who is in Madras ______(write) to me every week. eTÁ<ëdüT˝ÀqTqï e÷ nø£ÿ Á|üryês¡+ ˝…≥s¡T‡ ÁyêdüTÔ+~. 16. At waht time ______(you, go) to Sree Sree everyday? ˙e Á|ürs√p ll dü÷ÿ\T≈£î mìï >∑+≥\≈£î yÓfi‘êe ?


17. English ______(speak) all over the world. Á|ü|ü+#+˝À n+<äs¡÷ Ä+>∑¢eTTqT e÷{≤¢&É‘ês¡T. 18. His friend ______(like) pop music. n‘ì ùdïVæ≤‘TìøÏ bÕ|t eT÷´õø˘ ÇwüºeTT 19. He ______for a walk in the evenings (go). n‘&ÉT Á|ür kÕjT+Á‘eTT q&Éø£≈£î yÓfi‘ê&ÉT. 20. The earth ______(move) round the sun. uÛÑ÷$T dü÷s¡T´ì #T≥÷º ‹s¡T>∑TqT 21. All that glitters ______(be) not gold. yÓT]ùd<ä+‘ê ã+>±s¡+ ø±<äT 22. The sun ______(rise) in the east. dü÷s¡T´&ÉT ‘÷s¡TŒq ñ<äsTT+#TqT 23. Uma ______(go) for a walk in the evening. ñeT kÕjT+Á‘+ düeTjT+˝À q&Éø£≈£î yÓfió‘T+~. 24. He usually ______(do) homework at night.He ______(do) home work now. kÕ<Ûës¡D+>± ôVAyéTesYÿ sêÁ‹ düeTj÷\˝ÀH˚ #˚kÕÔ&ÉT.n‘qT Ç|üŒ&ÉT ôVAyéTesYÿ #˚düTÔHêï&ÉT. 25. Mohan often ______(come) to my house. yÓ÷Vü≤Hé ‘s¡#T>± e÷Ç+{ÏøÏ edüTÔ+{≤&ÉT. 26. This pen ______(cost) my friend a hundred dollars in USA. nyÓT]ø±˝À á ô|qTï KØ<äT 100 &Ü\s¡T¢. 27. My brother ______(work) for eight hours a day in the office (Simple Present) e÷ ‘eTTà&ÉT Ä|ò”düT˝À 8 >∑+≥\T |üì #˚kÕÔ&ÉT. 28. Delhi ______(be) the capital of India. (Simple Present) uÛ≤s¡‘<˚X sê»<Ûëì &Ûç©¢. 29. ______(be) you all ready? (Simple Present) ˙e ‘j÷¬s’ ñHêïyê ?


30. Look ! it ______(rain) now. #÷&ÉT ! Ç|ü&ÉT es¡¸+ ≈£îs¡TdüTÔqï~. 31. See ! He ______(dance) here. #÷&ÉT ! Çø£ÿ&É Hê≥´+ #˚düTÔHêïs¡T. 32. Hear ! She ______(sing) the song now. $qT ! ÄyÓT Ç|ü&ÉT bÕ≥ bÕ&ÉT‘T+~. 39 SREE SREE ENGLISH GRAMMAR MATERIAL FOR SPOKEN ENGLISH

33. You had better take an umbrella, it ______(rain. ˙e >=&ÉT>∑TqT rdüT≈£îyÓ[‘˚ u≤>∑T+≥T+~. Ç|ü&ÉT es¡¸+ ≈£îs¡Tk˛Ô+~. 34. Where are the boys? They ______(play) at the club. Ä u≤\Ts¡T mø£ÿ&É ? yês¡T ø£¢ãT“ <ä>∑Zs¡ Ä&ÉT≈£î+≥÷ ñHêïs¡T. 35. It ______(rain) all day. s√»+‘ê es¡¸+ ≈£îs¡Tk˛Ô+~. 36. I ______(leave) for Hyderabad now. H˚qT Ç|ü&ÉT ôV’≤<äsêu≤<äT ãjT\T<˚] yÓfió‘THêïqT. 37. Look ! the boy ______(run) across the road. #÷&ÉT ! Ä u≤\T&ÉT s√&ÉT¶≈£î n&ɶ+>± |ü]¬>&ÉT‘THêï&ÉT. 38. I ______a letter at present. (write) H˚qT Á|üdüTÔ‘+ ñ‘Ôs¡+ sêdü÷Ô ñHêïqT 39. We ______(go) to buy a car. y˚TeTT ø±s¡TqT ø=q&ÜìøÏ yÓfió‘THêïeTT.


(Sub+ Has / Have V3)

40. My friend ______(arrive) just now. Hê ùdïVæ≤‘T&ÉT Ç|ü&˚ e#êÃ&ÉT. 41. My friend ______(not, arrive) yet. Hê ùdïVæ≤‘T&ÉT Ç+ø£qT ãjT\T<˚s¡˝Ò<äT. 42. I ______(not, receive) the draft till now. H˚qT Ç+‘es¡≈£î Á&Ü|òüºqT n+<äTø√˝Ò<äT. 43. He ______(just, leave) for Madras. n‘qT Ç|ü&˚ eTÁ<ëdüT≈£î ãjT\T<˚sê&ÉT. 44. The Chief guest ______(already, arrive) eTTK´n‹~Û n+‘≈£îeTT+<˚ #˚]Hê&ÉT. 45. He has been working at it since 8 a.m. but ______(not, finish) yet. SARMA'S ENGLISH GRAMMAR & SPOKEN ENGLISH n‘qT 8 >∑+ˆˆ \ qT+&ç |üì #˚dü÷Ô ñHêï&ÉT. ø±ì Ç|üŒ{Ïes¡≈£î |üP]Ô #˚jT˝Ò<äT. 46. I ______(just, finish) my home work. H˚qT Hê Ç+{Ï |üì Ç|üŒ&˚ |üP]Ô #˚kÕqT 47. We ______(have) no trouble so far. e÷≈£î Ç|üŒ{Ïes¡≈£î @ düeTkÕ´ ˝Ò<äT 48. I ______(not, have) a happy day since my marriage. Hê≈£î $yêVü≤+ nsTTq|üŒ{Ï qT+&ç dü+‘√wüyÓTÆqs√E ˝Ò<äT

40 SREE SREE ENGLISH GRAMMAR MATERIAL FOR SPOKEN ENGLISH 49. I ______(not see) the film Bahubhali yet. H˚qT Ç+‘es¡≈£î u≤VüQã* dæìe÷ #÷&É˝Ò<äT 50. She ______(not, give) reply yet. ÄyÓT Ç+‘es¡≈£î düe÷<ÛëqeTT Çe«˝Ò<äT 51. He ______(not, come) till now. n‘qT Ç|üŒ{Ïes¡≈£î sê˝Ò<äT 52. I ______(not wear) this dress for two years. ¬s+&ÉT dü+ˆˆ\ qT+∫ á <äTdüTÔ\T y˚düTø√˝Ò<äT 53. I ______(not find) a trustworthy man all my life. H˚qT qeTàø£eTT+#<ä–q eøÏÔì Hê J$‘+˝À #÷&É˝Ò<äT. 54. I ______(return) from Madras just now. H˚qT eTÁ<ëdüT qT+&ç Ç|üŒ&˚ e#êÃqT. 55. I ______him for a long time. (know) Hê≈£î n‘qT #ê˝≤ø±\+ qT+∫ ‘Ó\TdüT. 56. Have you ______your Homework? (complete) ˙e ˙ |üì |üP]Ô#˚kÕyê ? 57. I ______(just, finish) my work. H˚qT Ç|üŒ&˚ |üì|üP]Ô #˚kÕqT. 58. She ______(be) ill for the last two days. ÄyÓT >∑‘ ¬s+&ÉT s√E\ qT+∫ nHês√>∑´+‘√ ñqï~. 59. She ______(not, pass) the examination yet. ÄyÓT Ç+‘es¡≈£L |üØø£å bÕdt ø±˝Ò<äT. 60. They ______(have) busy for the last two weeks. (Present Perfect) yês¡T >∑&ç∫q ¬s+&ÉT yêsê\ qT+∫ |üì ‘=+<äs√¢ _J>± ñHêïs¡T.

PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE (Sub+Has / Have + Been + V+Ing) 61. I ______(read) this novel since 8 o' clock this morning. H˚qT bı<äT›qï 8 >∑+ˆˆ\ qT+&ç qe\ #<äTe‘÷ ñHêïqT. 62. I ______SARMA'S ENGLISH (suffer) GRAMMAR from typhoid for& 15SPOKEN days. ENGLISH H˚qT 15 s√E\qT+∫ f…ÆbòÕsTT&é |ò”esY‘√ u≤<Ûä|ü&ÉT‘THêïqT. 63. He ______(work) in this factory since his father's death. n‘ì ‘+Á&ç #ìb˛sTTqHê{Ï qT+N á bòÕ´ø£ºØ˝ÀH˚ |üì#˚dü÷Ô ñHêï&ÉT. 64. He ______(live) here since 1970. 1970 dü+ˆˆ qT+&ç Çø£ÿ&˚ ñ+≥THêïs¡T. 65. I ______(wait) since 5 o' clock. 5 >∑+ˆˆ\ qT+∫ H˚qT y˚∫ eHêïqT. 41 SREE SREE ENGLISH GRAMMAR MATERIAL FOR SPOKEN ENGLISH 66. We ______(read) this book since January. »qe] HÓ\ qT+&ç y˚TeTT á |üdüÔø±ìï #<äTe‘÷ ñHêïeTT. 67. We ______(climb) for an hour and a half. ˇø£ >∑+≥qïs¡ düeTjT+ qT+∫ yÓT≥T¢ m≈£îÿ‘÷ ñHêïqT. 68. He ______(sleep) for seven hours. @&ÉT >∑+≥\ qT+∫ n‘qT ìÁ<äb˛‘÷ ñHêï&ÉT. 69. What ______(you do) since yesterday? ìqï{Ï qT+∫ ˙e @$T #˚jTT#THêïe ? 70. He ______(work) since 7 o' clock this morning? n‘qT ñ<äjT+ 7 >∑+ˆˆ\ qT+&û |üì#˚düTÔHêï&ÉT. 71. The girl ______(wait) here since 3 p.m. eT÷&ÉT >∑+ˆˆ\ qT+&ç Ä ne÷àsTT ìØøÏå+#T#Tqï~. 72. She ______(type) the letters for the last one hour. ÄyÓT >∑+≥ÁøÏ‘+ qT+&ç ˝…≥sY‡qT f…Æ…|t #˚dü÷Ô ñqï~. 73. We ______for two hours now. (fish) y˚TeTT ¬s+&ÉT >∑+≥\ qT+∫ #˚|ü\T |ü&ÉT‘÷ ñHêïeTT. 74. I ______(try) to learn English for years. But I have not succeeded yet. H˚qT dü+e‘‡sê\ ‘s¡ã&ç Ç+^¢wüß H˚s¡TÃ≈£î+≥THêïqT ø±ì dü|òü©ø£è‘TDÏí ø±˝Òø£b˛j÷qT. 75. He ______here for the last five years. (work) n‘qT 5 dü+ˆˆ\ qT+∫ Çø£ÿ&˚ |üì#˚düTÔHêï&ÉT. 76. It ______(rain) since early morning. ñ<äj÷qTï+∫ es¡¸+ ≈£îs¡Tk˛Ô+~. 77. It ______(rain) since six in the morning. ñ<äjT+ 6 >∑+ˆˆ\ qT+∫ es¡¸+ ≈£îs¡Tdü÷Ô ñqï~.


(Sub : V2) 78. I ______(drive) a Mercedes car last night. H˚qT >∑‘sêÁ‹ Mercedes ø±s¡TqT q&çbÕqT. 79. She ______(not, attend) the classes yesterday. SARMA'S ENGLISH GRAMMAR & SPOKEN ENGLISH ÄyÓT ìqï ‘s¡>∑‘T\≈£î Vü‰»s¡T ø±˝Ò<äT. 80. I met him last night and ______(discuss) the matter with him. H˚qT >∑‘sêÁ‹ n‘ìï ø£*dæ n‘ì‘√ $wüjT+ >∑T]+∫ #]Ãdü÷Ô eHêïqT. 81. I went to Kishore's house, but ______(not, find) him in. H˚qT øÏc˛sY jÓTTø£ÿ Ç+{ÏøÏ yÓfi≤¢qT, ø±ì n‘ìqø£ÿ&É ø£qT>=q˝Òø£ b˛j÷qT. 82. She ______(kill) last night. ÄyÓT >∑‘sêÁ‹ #+|üã&ç+~.


83. He ______(work) for twelve hours yesterday. yê&ÉT ìqï 12 >∑+≥\T |üì #˚kÕ&ÉT. 84. Your father didnot tell me that you ______(pass) the exam. MT Hêqï>±s¡T ˙e |üØø£å bÕdüsTTq≥T¢ Hê≈£î #Ó|üŒ˝Ò<äT. 85. Yesterday evening, I found that I ______(lose) my pen. ìqï kÕjT+Á‘eTT Hê |üs¡T‡ b˛sTTq dü+>∑‹ ø£qT>=HêïqT. 86. He reported that his watch ______(steal) by a thief. n‘ì yêN <=+–*+#ã&çq≥T¢ ]b˛s¡Tº #˚ôdqT. 87. By the time, I reached the station, the train ______(already,leave). H˚qT ùdºwüHé≈£î #˚s¡T≥|üŒ{Ïπø, Áf…ÆqT yÓ[flb˛sTTq~. 88. When we get to the hall, he ______(finish) speaking. y˚TeTT Vü‰\T≈£î #˚πs≥|üŒ{Ïπø, n‘qT e÷{≤¢&É≥+ eTT–+#ê&ÉT. 89. I could not attend the meeting as I ______(break) my leg. Hê ø±\T $s¡>∑&É+ e\¢, H˚qT düe÷y˚XÊìøÏ Vü‰»s¡T ø±˝Òø£b˛j÷qT. 90. We ______(meet) him tomorrow. πs|ü n‘ìì ø£\TkÕÔeTT. 91. I would do it if I ______(go) there. H˚qT nø£ÿ&çøÏ yÓ[‘˚ |üì#˚kÕÔqT. 92. The train ______(leave) the platform half an hour ago. Ĭs’\T ã+&ç ns¡>∑+≥ ÁøÏ‘y˚T bÕ¢{ŸbòÕs¡+qT $&ç∫ô|{Ϻ+~. 93. A moment ago, I ______the strange news (hear). ˇø£ÿ ø£åD+ ÁøÏ‘+ H˚qT ÄXÃs¡´ø£s¡yÓTÆq yês¡ÔqT $HêïqT. 94. We ______our holidays in Kashmir last year (spend). >∑‘ dü+e‘‡s¡+ e÷ ôd\e\qT ø±oàsY˝À >∑&çbÕqT. 95. I ______a new bicycle last week. (buy) H˚qT >∑‘yês¡+ ø=‘Ô ôd’øÏ˝Ÿ ø=HêïqT. 96. We ______(finish) our breakfast half an hour ago. ˇø£ ns¡>∑+≥ ÁøÏ‘y˚T e÷ n˝≤ŒVü‰s¡eTTqT eTT–+∫‹$T. 97. India ______(win) independence in 1947. uÛ≤s¡‘<˚XÊìøÏ 1947 ˝À kÕ«‘+Á‘´+ e∫Ã+~. 98. LastSARMA'S month the ENGLISH cost of living GRAMMAR ______& SPOKEN (rise) to aENGLISH new high point. >∑‘ HÓ\˝À Jeqe´jT dü÷N u≤>± ô|]–+~. 99. My purse ______(lose) yesterday. (Simple Past) ìqï Hê |üs¡T‡qT b˛>=≥Tº≈£îHêïqT. 100. The boy ______(bite) by a mad dog yesterday. (Simple Past) Äu≤\T&ÉT ìqï |æ∫Ã≈£îø£ÿ#˚ ø£s¡eã&çHê&ÉT. 101. Why ______(go) to the hospital yesterday? (Simple Past) ìqï Vü‰dæŒ≥˝Ÿ≈£î m+<äT≈£î yÓfi≤fle ?


102. The minister ______(not attend) the meeting because he was not invited. (Simple Past) eT+Á‹>±]ï ÄVü‰«ì+#ø£b˛e&É+ e\¢ düuÛÑ≈£î Vü‰»s¡Tø±˝Òø£b˛j÷s¡T 103. I ______(not, go) to church last Sunday. (Simple Past) ÁøÏ‘+ Ä~yês¡+ H˚qT #]ÃøÏ yÓfifl˝Ò<äT. PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE (Sub + was / were + V + Ing)

104. I saw an accident when I ______(cross) the road. H˚qT s√&ÉT¶ <ë≥T‘T+&É>±, . ˇø£ Á|üe÷<ëìï #÷kÕqT. 105. The telephone bell rang when we ______(eat). y˚TeTT uÛÀ»qeTT #˚jTT#T+&É>±, f…*bò˛Hé ÁyÓ÷–+~. 106. I ______(be) a small boy when we ______(live) in Bombay. H˚qT ∫qï|æ\¢yê&ç>± ñqï|üŒ&ÉT y˚TeTT u§+u≤sTT˝À ñ+&˚yês¡eTT. 107. The light went out while I ______(read). H˚qT #<äTeø=+≥÷ ñ+&É>± |üesY b˛sTT+~. 108. She jumped off the bus while it ______(move). ãdüT‡ ø£<äT\T‘÷ ñ+&É>± ÄyÓT <äT$TøÏ+~. 109. When they visited me, I ______(do) homework. yês¡T e÷ Ç+{ÏøÏ e#˚Ã≥|üŒ{ÏøÏ, H˚qT |üì #˚dü÷Ô ñHêïqT. 110. He ______a sleep while he was driving (fall). yê&ÉT ã+&ç q&ÉT|ü‘T+&É>± ìÁ<äb˛j÷&ÉT. 111. I ______(listen) to the radio when he ______(come) in . yê&ÉT e#˚Ã≥|üŒ{Ïπø H˚qT πs&çjÓ÷ $+≥THêïqT. 112. I ______(find) this letter while I ______(look) for a book. H˚qT |üdüÔø±\T yÓ<äT≈£î#T+&É>± ˝…≥sY <=]øÏ+~. 113. It ______(rain) when I met him. H˚qT n‘ìï ø£*dæq|üŒ&ÉT es¡¸+ ≈£îs¡Tdü÷Ô ñqï~. 114. While he ______(go) to the college, he met with an accident. n‘qTSARMA'S ø±˝ÒJøÏ yÓfióÔ+&É>±,ENGLISH Á|üe÷<ëìøÏ GRAMMAR >∑T¬s’Hê&ÉT. & SPOKEN ENGLISH 115. It started to rain while we ______Tennis. (play) y˚TeTT f…ìïdt Ä&ÉT‘÷ ñ+&É>± es¡¸+ |ü&É&ÜìøÏ dæ<ä∆+>± ñ+~. 116. I ______(sleep) when he came to my house. n‘qT e÷ Ç+{Ï ø=#˚Ãdü]øÏ ìÁ<äb˛‘÷ ñHêïqT. 117. While I ______(wonder) whether to buy the sari or not some one else came and bought it. H˚qT ãC≤s¡T≈£î yÓ[fl Ns¡ ø=+<ëe÷, e<ë› nì Ä˝À∫dü÷Ô e+&É>± y˚s=ø£s¡T e∫à <ëìì ø=qT¬øÿfi≤fls¡T. 44 SREE SREE ENGLISH GRAMMAR MATERIAL FOR SPOKEN ENGLISH

118. While I ______(stand) at the bus-stop, you ______(pass) me on your bicycle. H˚qT ãkÕº|t˝À ì\ã&ç jTT+&É>±, qTe« qqTï <ë≥T≈£îì yÓfi≤fle.


(Sub + had+V3

(Sub + V2) 119. I could not attend the meeting as I ______(break) my leg. Hêø±\T $s¡>∑≥+ e\¢, H˚qT düe÷XÊìøÏ Vü‰»s¡Tø±˝Òø£b˛j÷qT. 120. The thief ______(escape) when the police arrived on the scene. b˛©düT\T sêø£eTT+<˚, <=+>∑ ‘|æŒ+#T≈£îHêï&ÉT. 121. I ______Bihar before the eqrthquake occured (leave). uÛÑ÷ø£+|ü+ dü+uÛÑ$+#ø£ eTT+<˚ H˚qT ;Vü‰sYqT e~* ô|{≤ºqT. 122. When we reached the feild, the match ______already _____(start). y˚TeTT Á>ö+&é≈£î #˚πs≥|üŒ{Ïπø e÷´#Y ÁbÕs¡+uÛÑ+ nsTT+~. 123. I know all about the film because I ______(see) it twice. e÷≈£î Ädæìe÷ >∑T]+∫ ‘Ó*jT&É+ e\¢ Ädæìe÷ì ¬s+&ÉT kÕs¡T¢ #÷kÕqT. 124. As soon as he opened the door, his dog ______(rush) out to greet him. yê&ÉT ‘\T|ü ‘Ós¡e>±H˚ n‘ì ≈£îø£ÿ $wt #˚jTT≥≈£î MT<ä |ü&ç+~. 125. I thanked him for what he ______(do). n‘qT #˚dæq<ëìøÏ ø£è‘»„‘>± <Ûäq´yê<äeTT\T #ÓbÕŒqT.

PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE Sub + V2 Sub + had been + V + ing

126. It ______before we reached the station (rain). H˚qT ùdºwüHé≈£î #˚s¡ø£eTT+<äT qT+∫ es¡¸+ ≈£îs¡Tdü÷Ô ñqï~.



127. I ______(finish) my studies next year. (Simple Future) eT∞fl dü+e‘‡sêìøÏ Hê #<äTe |üPs¡Ôe‘T+~. 128. I ______(meet) you tomorrow. (Simple Future) H˚qT πs|ü ìqTï ø£\TkÕÔqT.



129. If he ______(take) my advice, he would not have been in trouble. n‘qT Hê dü˝Vü‰ rdüT≈£îì ñ+&ç ñ+fÒ ø£cÕº˝À¢ |ü&˚yê&ÉT ø±<äT. 130. If he had known the whole story, he ______(not be) angry. n‘ìøÏ yÓTT‘Ô+ ø£<∏ä |üP]Ô>± ‘Ó*dæ ñ+fÒ n+‘ø√|ü+ e#˚Ã~ ø±<äT. 131. He will come if she ______(invite) him. ÄyÓT ÄVü‰«ì+∫ ñ+fÒ n‘qT e∫à e+&˚yê&ÉT. 132. We would have caught the train if we ______(take) a taxi. y˚TeTT {≤ø°‡ #˚düT≈£îì ñ+&ç ñ+fÒ Áf…ÆHéì n+<äT≈£îì ñ+&˚yês¡eTT. 133. If he had not taken a taxi, he ______(miss) the train. n‘qT {≤ø°‡ì ñ|üjÓ÷–+#≈£î+&Ü ñ+fÒ n‘qT Áf…ÆHé $Tdt nj˚T´yê&ÉT. 134. Had I known of your arrival, I ______(meet) you. ˙sêø£ Hê≈£î ‘Ó*dæñ+fÒ, H˚qT ìqTï ø£*dæñ+&˚yêDÏí. 135. If he had studied harder, he ______(pass) the exam.(Past Conditional) n‘qT ÁXeT|ü&ç #~$ ñ+&ç ñ+fÒ, |üØø£å bÕdüsTT ñ+&˚yê&ÉT.


136. I shall wait till you ______(finish) your work. ˙ |üì |üPs¡Ôj˚T´es¡≈£î H˚qT y˚∫ ñ+{≤qT. 137. We must reach home before it ______(get) dark. Nø£{Ï |ü&Éø£eTT+<˚ eTqeTT Ç+{ÏøÏ #˚sê*. 138. I ______(read) the novel after I finish my homework. H˚qT Ç+{Ï |üì |üPs¡Ôj÷´ø£ qe\ #<äTe‘êqT. 139. I will give you my book if you ______(give) your notes. ˙ |üdüÔø£+ HêøÏùdÔ Hê H√{Ÿ‡ ˙øÏkÕÔqT. 140. You might be ill if you ______(eat) to much. ˙e n‹>± ‹+fÒ, ˙e nHês√>∑´+ bÕ\e‘êe. 141. If you run, the police ______(suspect) you. ˙eSARMA'S |ü]¬>‹Ôqf…Æ¢‘˚, ENGLISH b˛©düT\T ìqTï GRAMMAR nqTe÷ìkÕÔs¡T. & SPOKEN ENGLISH 142. He will explain to you when he ______back (come). n‘qT ‹]– e∫Ãq|üŒ&ÉT ˙≈£î $e]+#>∑\&ÉT. 143. I ______(not move) from here until you return. ˙e ‹]–e#˚Ã+‘es¡≈£î, H˚qT Çø£ÿ&ÉqT+∫ ø£<ä\qT. 144. I shall talk to him when he ______back (come). n‘qT ‹]– e∫Ãq ‘s¡Tyê‘ H˚qT n‘ì‘√ e÷{≤¢&É>∑\qT.


145. If you pass the examination, I ______(buy) you a watch. ˙e >∑qTø£ |üØø£å\˝À ø£è‘ês¡Tú&ç$ nsTT‘˚ H˚qT >∑&çj÷s¡eTTqT ø=+{≤qT. 146. Don't get off the train till it ______(stop). ¬s’\T ã+&ç |üP]Ô>± Ä>∑≈£î+&Ü ~>∑e<äT›. 147. I shall see you if you ______(be) available. qTe« n+<äTu≤≥T˝À ñ+fÒ H˚qT ø£\TkÕÔqT. 148. What ______(be) the price of the book? Ä|üdüÔø£eTT KØ<äT m+‘ ? 149. We ______(start) as soon as you are ready. ˙e ‘j÷¬s’q yÓ+≥H˚ eTqeT+‘ê ø£*dæ ãjT˝Ò›s¡‘êeTT. 150. I shall give it back as and when he ______(want) it. n‘&ÉT n&ç–q|üŒ&ÉT H˚qT ‹]– ÇkÕÔqT. 151. The old man ______(shake) by the news. Ä eè<äT∆&ÉT Ä yês¡Ô≈£î #Ó*+∫b˛j÷&ÉT. 152. She ______(not care) for my advice. ÄyÓT Hê dü\Vü‰qT ‘|üŒìdü]>± bÕ{Ï+#˝Ò<äT. 153. Let us go since you ______(be) ready. ˙e ‘j÷s¡j÷´e ø±ã{Ϻ eTq+ ãjT\T<˚s¡<ë+. 154. He told me that she ______(be) a liar. ÄyÓT nã<ë∆\ø√s¡ì yê&ÉT Hê‘√ #ÓbÕŒ&ÉT. 155. I donot think he ______(wire) before he starts. n‘qT ãjT\T<˚πseTT+<äT bò˛Hé #˚kÕÔ&Éì H˚qT }Væ≤+#˝Ò<äT. 156. Can I have some milk before I ______to bed? (go) H˚qT ìÁ<äb˛j˚T eTT+<äT bÕ\T Çe«>∑\yê ! 157. I will have my record completed by the time you ______from excursion. (return) ˙e $Vü‰s¡j÷Á‘ qT+&ç ‹]– e#˚Ã≥|üŒ{ÏøÏ Hê ]ø±s¡T¶ |üP]Ô#˚jT>∑\yê&ÉqT. 158. He ______(have) five daughters. n‘ìøÏ ◊<äTs¡Ts¡T ne÷àsTT\T. 159. If SARMA'SI ______ENGLISH (be) you, GRAMMAR I would buy & a newSPOKEN one. (Imaginary) ENGLISH H˚H˚ qTe«sTT‘˚ H˚qT ø=‘Ô~ ø=+{≤qT.



Simple Present Tense KEY 108. was moving 55. have known 109. was doing 1. do 56. completed 110. fell 2. practises 57. have finished 111. was listening, came 3. comes 58. has been 112. found, was looking 4. rains 59. has not passed 113. was raining 5. attends 60. have been busy 114. was going 6. go 115. were playing 7. take Present Perfect Continuous Tense 116. was sleeping 8. happens 61. have been reading 117. was wondering 9. meet 62. have been suffering 118. was standing, passed 10. shines 63. has been working 11. drink 64. has been living Past Perfect Tense 12. cooks 65. have been waiting 119. had broken 13. cry 66. have been reading 120. had escaped 14. explains 67. have been climbing 121. had left 15. writes 68. has been sleeping 122. had been, started 16. do you go 69. have been doing 123. had seen 17. is spoken 70. has been working 124. had rushed 18. likes 71. has been waiting 125. had done 19. goes 72. has been typing 73. have been fishing Past Perfect Continuous Tense 20. moves 126. had been raining 21. is 74. have been trying 75. has been working Simple Future Tense 22. rises 127. will finish 23. goes 76. has been raining 77. has been raining 128. shall meet 24. does, is doing Past Conditional Clauses 25. comes Simple Past Tense 129. had taken 26. costs 78. drove 130. would not have been 27. works 79. did not attend 131. invites 28. is 80. discussed 132. had taken 29. are 81. did not find 133. would have missed Present Continuous Tense 82. was killed 134. would have met 30. is raining 83. worked 135. would have passed 31. is dancing 84. had passed Future Conditional Clause 32. is singing 85. has lost 136. finish 33. is raining 86. had been stolen 137. gets 34. are playing 87. had already left 138. shall read 35. is raining 88. had finished 139. give 36. am leaving 89. broke 140. eat 37. is running 90. shall meet 141. will suspect 38. am writing 91. Went 142. comes 39. are going 92. left 93. heard 143. will not move Present Perfect Tense 94. spent 144. comes 40. has arrived 95. bought 145. will buy 41. has not arrived 96. finished 146. stops 42. have not received SARMA'S ENGLISH97. wonGRAMMAR & SPOKEN147. ENGLISH are 43. has just left 98. rose 148. is 44. has arrived 99. was lost 149. shall start 45. has not finished 100. was bitten 150. wants 46. have finished 101. did you 151. was shaken 47. have had 102. had not attended 152. did not care 48. haven't had 103. did not go. 153. are 49. have not seen Past Continuous Tense 154. was 50. has not given 104. was crossing 155. will wire 51. has not come. 105. were eating 156. go 52. hava not wore 106. was, were living 157. return 53. have not found 107. was reading 158. had 54. have returned 159. were 48 SREE SREE ENGLISH GRAMMAR MATERIAL FOR SPOKEN ENGLISH TENSES - EXERCISES (SELF - TEST)

1. The earth is moving round the sun. 2. I am waiting here for the last two hours. 3. He is working in this office for three years now. 4. I have written to him yesterday. 5. He has returned from London Last week. 6. I am here since 1951. 7. I had written a letter to him last week. 8. We had gone to the pictures last night. 9. The man complained that his cycle was stolen. 10. The man complained that somebody stole his cycle. 11. I have returned all the books to the library yesterday. 12. I had visited Ooty last summer. 13. Newton has discovered the law of Gravitation. 14. I am waiting for him for two hours. He did not come yet. 15. The thief escaped before I opened the door. 16. He is suffering from fever since yesterday. 17. I am studying hard for the last two weeks. 18. I have seen the film last night. 19. Amala told me that she may go on leave. 20. He has left ten minutes ago. 21. We are waiting for him since four in the evening. 22. She did not yet see the king. 23. How long are you working here? 24. She has left for Madras yesterday. 25. He told me that he is busy. 26. He is living in Madras since 1970. 27. I have read this book long ago. 28. I amSARMA'S asking you ENGLISH for the last GRAMMARtwo hours to keep & SPOKEN quiet and yet ENGLISH you did not stop talking. 29. Yesterday I told you that I will help you surely. 30. I regret that I did not speak to my brother yet. 31. I am suffering from fever since last Sunday. 32. I have paid you that is due to you last year. 33. Gandhiji has spoken about love thirty years ago. 34. I had seen my friend last week. 35. I have posted the letter yesterday.

49 SREE SREE ENGLISH GRAMMAR MATERIAL FOR SPOKEN ENGLISH 36. I have not passed the test last year. 37. I have read an interesting book yesterday. 38. I have visited Kashmir last April. 39. I am here since 1960. 40. I am believing you. 41. We are going out for a walk every morning. 42. She is not belonging to our club any more. 43. That fat merchant is possessing two lakhs of rupees. 44. I am studying every morning from seven to ten. 45. We have received a message from his only six hours ago. 46. I have met you some where last month. 47. How are you? I did not met you for a long time. 48. I am working here for the last five years. 49. He is always shirking work. 50. We had gone to the cinema on Sunday. 51. I am living in Guntur since 1950. 52. He got angry before I said a word. 53. This was going on since a long time. IF CAUSE

1. They will come if you will invite him. 2. I shall call you when the dinner will be ready. 3. If he has time he would telephone. 4. If it will stop raining, I will take you out. 5. If you had telephoned him, he would come. 6. I would accept the offer if I am you. 7. You cannot pass the exam unless you will study hard. 8. He will tell us all about it when he will arrive here. 9. We shall wait till you will finish your lunch. 10. TheySARMA'S don't come ENGLISH if they will GRAMMAR hear this. & SPOKEN ENGLISH 11. I will give you my book if you will give me your notes. 12. They will write as soon as they will arrive there. 13. I shall tell you a story when you will come to see me tomorrow. 14. She will come when she will be ready. 15. Don't ring me up before you will finish. 16. He would have gone if she wished.



1. moves (q>∑ï dü‘´+ ø±ã{Ϻ Simple Present) 2. have been waiting (Present Perfect Continuous ø±ã{Ϻ) 3. has been working (Ç~ Present Perfect Continuous yêø£´eTT) 4. wrote (Present Perfect ˝À K∫ÑyÓTÆq Time #Ó|üŒ≈£L&É<äT. Ç~ Simple Past) 5. returned (Present Perfect ˝À K∫ÑyÓTÆq Time #Ó|üŒ≈£L&É<äT. Ç~ Simple Past) 6. have been 7. wrote (Past Perfect ˇø£ »]–b˛sTTq |üìøÏ ÁyêjT≈£L&É<äT. Ç~ Simple Past) 8. went (Past Perfect ˇø£ »]–b˛sTTq |üìøÏ ÁyêjT≈£L&É<äT. Ç~ Simple Past) 9. had been stolen (Past Perfect) 10. had stolen (Past Perfect) 11. returned (Simple Past) 12. visited (Past Perfect ˇø£ »]–b˛sTTq |üìøÏ ÁyêjT≈£L&É<äT. Ç~ Simple Past) 13. Discovered (Simple Past) 14. have been waiting (Present Perfect Continuous) 15. had escaped (Ç~ Past Perfect yêø£´eTT) 16. has been suffering (Ç~ Present Perfect Continuous yêø£´eTT) 17. have been studying (Ç~ Present Perfect Continuous yêø£´eTT) 18. saw (Simple Past) 19. might (Simple Past) 20. left (Simple Past) 21. have been waiting (Ç~ Present Perfect Continuous yêø£´eTT) 22. has not yet seen (Ç~ Present Perfect yêø£´eTT) 23. have you been (Present Perfect Continuous ˝À Á|üXï) 24. left (Simple Past) 25. was busy (Simple Past) 26. has been living (Present Perfect Continuous) 27. read (Simple Past) 28. haveSARMA'S been asking ENGLISH (Present Perfect GRAMMAR Continuous) & / SPOKENhave not stopped ENGLISH (Present Perfect) 29. would help (Simple Past) 30. have not spoken (Present Perfect) 31. have been suffering (Present Perfect Continuous) 32. was due (Simple Past) 33. spoke (Simple Past) 34. saw (ˇø£ »]–b˛sTTq |üìø Ï Past Perfect ÁyêjT≈£L&É<äT. Ç~ Simple Past) 35. posted (K∫ÑyÓTÆq Time #ÓbÕŒ+ ø±ã{Ϻ Simple Past) 36. did not pass (Simple Past) 51 SREE SREE ENGLISH GRAMMAR MATERIAL FOR SPOKEN ENGLISH

37. read (Present Perfect >∑‘êìøÏ #Ó+~q ø±\eTT #Ó|üŒ≈£L&É<äT. Ç~ Simple Past ) 38. visited (Simple Past) 39. have been (Present Perfect) 40. I believe you (eTH√uÛ≤yê\≈£î #Ó+~q~. Simple Present Áyêj÷*.) 41. go (n\yê≥T>± »]π> |üì Simple Present) 42. does not belong (Vü≤≈£îÿ\≈£î #Ó+~q ÁøÏjT\qT Present Continuous ˝À ÁyêjT≈£L&É<äT. Simple Present ˝À ÁyêjTe˝…qT) 43. possess (Vü≤≈£îÿ\≈£î #Ó+~q ÁøÏjT\qT Present Continuous ˝À ÁyêjT≈£L&É<äT. Simple Present ˝À ÁyêjTe˝…qT) 44. study (Simple Present) 45. received (Simple Past) 46. met (Simple Past) 47. have not met (Present Perfect) 48. have been working(Present Perfect Continuous) 49. shirks works (Simple Present) 50. went (Simple Past) 51. have been living (Present Perfect Continuous) 52. had said (Past Perfect) 53. has been going (Present Perfect Continuous) IF CAUSE : Note : - Future Conditional Clause ˝À condition uÛ≤>∑eTT Simple Present Tense ˝À e+&Ée˝…qT. 1. Invite 2. is ready 3. had 4. it stops 5. would have come 6. were 7. study 8. arrives 9. finishSARMA'S ENGLISH GRAMMAR & SPOKEN ENGLISH 10. they hear 11. you give 12. they arrive 13. you come 14. is ready. 15. finish 16. had wished 52