
Latin America Unit

Number 4, January 2010 Who does what in the Unit

EuroLat Parliamentary Assembly

Ongoing EuroLat Documents

Committee on Political Affairs, Security and Human Rights

A motion for resolution, drafted by Ramón Jáuregui Atondo (EP, S&D), Renate Weber (EP, ALDE) and Vilma Reyes (Central American Parliament) on ʺThe European Union‐Latin America Partnership with a view to the Sixth Summit in Madrid in May 2010ʺ, will be voted at the next EuroLat Plenary Session in Seville, on 13 May 2010. Members consider it essential that the partnership holds to its overall strategic vision, working towards its ultimate aim of creating a Euro‐Latin American Global Interregional Partnership Area around 2015 that will cover political, economic, trade, social and cultural fields and guarantee sustainable development for both regions. Actions which should be given priority in the framework of political dialogue include an agreement on common political, macroeconomic and financial positions in the UN and the G‐20, agreements on common positions on environment and climate change, deepening the dialogue on migration in the Latin‐American area and furthering the dialogue on energy, energy supply and savings.

In the draft resolution, EuroLat also makes a number of proposals regarding the Europe‐Latin America and Caribbean Foundation as a public‐private institution whose primary purpose would be to ʺprepare for summits, follow‐up on the decisions and political courses of actions adopted at the summitsʺ. The Foundation should be assigned a number of concrete tasks, including as a catalyst for the setting‐up and functioning of a Migration Observatory for the Euro‐Latin America Area, a Bi‐regional Centre for Conflict Prevention and a Bi‐regional Centre for Disaster Prevention.

In the field of economic and trade relations, the legislators reiterate their proposal for the creation of a Euro‐Latin American Global Interregional Partnership Area on the basis of a ʺWTO‐regionalismʺ compatible model. In the first stage, they recommend the conclusion of the EU‐Mercosur Association Agreement, the Multi‐Party Trade Agreement EU‐Andean Community Countries and the EU‐Central American Association Agreement, as well as the implementation of the Economic Partnership Agreements with the CARIFORUM countries and deepening of the existing EU‐Mexico and EU‐Chile Association Agreements. The second stage, to be completed by 2015, should be aimed at the creation of a Global Interregional Partnership Agreement, and making decisive progress towards achieving the objectives of social cohesion and cultural and human development.

They also consider essential correcting the deficiencies in infrastructure in Latin America, and welcome, therefore, the Latin America Investment Facility proposed by the European Commission with a budget of 100 million EUR until 2013. This Facility should allow the mobilisation of resources from other financial institutions, in three specific

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1/7 areas: inter‐connectivity and infrastructure, the social and environmental sectors which includes climate change, and private sector growth with particular reference to SMEs.

Consideration of amendments and vote will take place in the next Committee on Political Affairs, Security and Human Rights meeting in May 2010.

Contact person: J. Javier Fernández, tel: 0228 42381

Committee on Economic, Financial and Commercial Affairs

A motion for a resolution, drafted by Bernardette Vergnaud (EP, S&D) and Fausto Lupera (Parlandino) on the ʺReform of the World Trade Organisationʺ, will be voted at the next EuroLat Plenary Session in May 2010. In the draft resolution, legislators stress that the WTO is the ideal body to promote security, transparency and stability in world trade, and offers opportunities for developing countries to eradicate poverty. They believe, therefore, that the international community should continue the work begun at the Doha Round of 2001.

Members also consider that the institutional structure of the WTO could be improved by more clearly distinguishing the activities in relation to the negotiation of new rules and commitments from those relating to the implementation of existing agreements. They also stress that it is not desirable to put into question the principle of consensus in the WTO decision‐making process, and that the effective participation by all members, in particular the least developed countries, must be given priority in any reform of the multilateral trade system.

Members suggest that some leeway could be given to the WTO Secretariat, allowing it to take initiatives of institutional interest. The secretariat should have a proportionate representation from developed and developing countries.

Members believe that parliamentarians, as elected representatives of the citizens, should play a more prominent role in the WTO negotiations, and advocate the creation of a WTO Parliamentary Assembly with consultative powers. In this context, reference is made to the importance of the work done by the Parliamentary Conference on the WTO organised jointly by the EP and the Inter‐Parliamentary Union.

Consideration of amendments and vote will take place in the next Committee on Economic, Financial and Commercial Affairs meeting in May 2010.

Contact person: Pedro Valente da Silva, tel: 0228 44344

Committee on Social Affairs, Human Exchanges, Environment, Education and Culture

A motion for a resolution, drafted by Peter Liese (EP, EPP) and Carlos Baraibar (Parlatino) on the ʺTackling climate cahnge challenges togehther: for an EU‐LAC coordinated strategy in the framework of the UNFCCC negotiationsʺ, will be voted at the next EuroLat Plenary Session in May 2010. The draft resolution stresses the importance of the climate change mitigation for mankind, for the future of the planet and for the natural world, insisting that national and regional parliamentarians should be involved in the process.

Members make reference to the fact that according to the Intergovernamental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), emissions from industrialised countries must be reduced by 25‐40% by 2020 compared to 1990 levels, and by 80‐95% by 2050, whilst there must be a substantial deviation from the baseline in Latin America, Middle East and Centrally Planned Asia.

It is also underlined that any international agreement must include the appropriate transfer of financial resources

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2/7 from industrialized and emerging countries, especially to LDCs and small‐island states for mitigation and adaptation efforts. Such an agreement should also contain provisions aiming at stop deforestation globally by 2020 and the illegal logging of wood.

Consideration of amendments and vote will take place in the next Committee on Social Affairs, Human Exchanges, Environment, Education and Culture meeting in May 2010.

Contact person: Radka Hejtmankova, tel: 0228 32640

IV EuroLat ordinary plenary session will take place in Sevilla, 13‐15 May 2010

EuroLat Working Group on Migration in EU‐LAC relations

Co‐Chairs: Mr Agustín Díaz de Mera (ES, PPE) and Mr Jorge Pizarro Soto (Parlatino)

Meeting on 27 January 2010

The third meeting of EuroLat Working Group on Migration in EU‐LAC relations (WG) took place on 27 January 2010 in Brussels. The meeting was co‐chaired by Mr Agustín Díaz de Mera, the EP Co‐Chairman, and by Mr Jorge Pizarro Soto (Parlatino), the LAC Co‐Chairman.

Mr De Brouwer, Acting Deputy Director General of the Directorate General for Justice, Freedom and Security of the European Commission, described in detail the evolution of EU immigration policy and its latest developments, namely the adoption of the Global Approach on Migration, the European Pact on Immigration and Asylum, the Stockholm Programme and the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty. He also elaborated on the outlook for the EU‐LAC structured and global biregional dialogue on migration, taking into account the implementation of the above‐ mentioned instruments.

Professor Anna Ayuso from the Barcelona Centre for International Studies presented the conclusions of her comprehensive study on migration in the context of UE‐LAC relations and some recommendations on how to deepen such a relationship. Such an important study has been prepared with the valuable contribution of AFET, DLAT and DG EXPO Policy Department. Mr Hernández delivered a speech focused on the background and state of play of the EU‐LAC Migration Dialogue from a Latin‐American perspective. He also put forward proposals with a view to the establishment of the EU‐LAC Migration Observatory.

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3/7 Mr Elorza presented the programme of the Spanish Presidency on migration and asylum issues and its implications for the EU‐LAC Migration Dialogue. He identified potential instruments to be used in order to facilitate legal immigration into the EU for Latin American workers.

Subsequently, the co‐rapporteurs, Mr Pizarro Soto and Mrs Muñiz de Urquiza presented their working documents. Following an exchange of views, it was agreed to draft a common document containing the WGʹs recommendations for discussion at the WGʹs next meeting.

The Co‐Chairmen, with support from the other Members, formally requested Mr De Brouwer and Mr Elorza to invite both WG Co‐Chairmen to EU‐LAC Migration Dialogue meetings, in which high‐level officials of the Commission, EU Member States and LAC countries take part.

The WG next meeting is scheduled for 30‐31 March 2010 in Buenos Aires, in parallel to the EuroLat Executive Bureau meeting.

Contact person: Pedro Valente da Silva, tel: 0228 44344 EP Standing Delegations for Latin America

Delegation to the EU‐Chile JPC Chair: Ms María Muñiz de Urquiza (ES, S&D)

Extraordinary Interparliamentary meeting EU‐Chile

The Extraordinary Interparliamentary meeting EU‐Chile took place on 26 January 2010 in Brussels. This was the last meeting of the European and Chilean Delegations to the EU‐ Chile Joint Parliamentary Committee in the current composition. The new Chilean Delegation will be constituted in March 2010 following the Parliamentary election in Chile, December 2009. Thus, the main objective of the Interparliamentary meeting was to evaluate the work of the JPC over the past 5 years, and the follow‐up given to the JPC Joint Declarations by the Association Council and the European Commission. Another key point on the agenda was an exchange of views on the recent

Presidential elections in Chile, followed by an analysis of the impact of the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty.

The meeting was open with introductory speeches from both Co‐Presidents, Ms María Muñiz de Urquiza, and Mr Marcelo Díaz Díaz, H.E. Mr. Carlos Applegren Balbontín, Ambassador of Chile to the EU, and Mr. Angel Carro Castrillo, Head of Unit Mercosur and Chile of the European Commission. All speakers referred to the excellent European Parliament ‐ DG External Policies ‐ Latin America Unit 03.02.2010/RH/ml

4/7 relations between the EU and Chile, stressing the importance of the newly launched initiative, Association for Development and Innovation (ADI). The ʺfeuille de routeʺ of the ADI should be formally approved at the EU‐Chile Summit in May 2010 in Madrid. The Chair of the European Delegation and the EC representative also expressed their appreciation concerning the recent electoral process in Chile, which reflects the democratic maturity of this country.

Regarding the retrospective of 5 years of implementation of the EU‐Chile Association Agreements, and its tree main pillars: economic, political dialogue and cooperation, both sides welcomed the fact that the Association Agreement has led to the strengthening of bilateral relations and to a significant increase of bilateral commercial exchanges.

An exchange of views followed on the results of the Presidential election in Chile which, after almost 20 years in government, had brought to an end the ʺConcertación democraticaʺ coalition. The winner of the elections, centre‐ right wing candidate Sebastián Piñera, will take office in mid‐March 2010. Initial declarations made by him show his clear interest to continue with a large part of the reforms initiated by his predecessor, Ms Michelle Bachelet.

Other main topics discussed were: incorporation in December 2009 of Chile into the OECD, challenges Chile has had and will face in this context, proposals for establishment of the EIB in Chile and reasons leading to the delay in ratification of the Document establishing the EIB in Chile. The Chilean Delegation also put forward a point regarding the establishment of a new Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (RFMO) for non‐tuna species in the South Pacific. After a series of international meetings commencing in February 2006, an agreement was reached in Auckland, New Zealand in November 2009 on the text of the Convention, the final act and a Resolution for the preparatory conference.

Contact person: Radka Hejtmankova, tel: 0228 32640

Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America Chair: Ms Emine Bozkurt (NL‐S&D)

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5/7 Meeting on 1 February 2010

The DCAM meeting on 1 February was organised with AFET as a joint meeting. The meeting had two major issues on the agenda: the state of play of the negotiations for an Association Agreement with the countries of Central America and the political situation in Honduras.

The exchange of views on the state of play of the negotiations on the Association Agreement with Central America took place with Mr Mavromichalis ‐ Head of Unit for Mexico and Central America at the European Commission and Mr de Sicart, representing the Spanish Presidency. Mr Alvarez de Soto, Vice‐Minister of Panama in charge of Trade negotiations, presented the position of his country, Panama currently being an observer in these negotiations.

The situation they painted suggested a positive foreseeable trend, fuelling hopes for a rapid conclusion of the negotiations (next round of negotiations starting 22 February 2010, possibly final round mid‐April 2010), to allow signing of the Association agreement at the EU‐LAC Summit in May: The banana trade issue has been solved at the WTO. However, Central American countries might push for additional concessions within the Association agreement; normalisation of the political situation in Honduras should gradually make possible resumption of negotiations if the country fulfils the necessary requirements; Panama, the country with the highest EU investment in the region, appears ready to join the rest of the negotiating countries.

During the debate on the political situation in Honduras, Members expressed concerns about a possible forgive and forget approach with regards to the events in the coup of 28 June 2009 and afterwards. Both the Commission and Council clarified that the EU was expecting a clear commitment from the new government of Honduras to respect Human Rights and redress the wrongdoings before engaging further, and in particular involving the country in the next round of negotiations.

However, with the short timing scheduled for the Agreement negotiations, (next round starting 22 February, final round mid‐April), this commitment will have to be delivered in a very short period of time and may be subject to questioning.

Contact person: Thierry Jacob, tel: 0228 42277

Delegation for relations with Mercosur countries Chair: Mr Luis Yañez‐Barnuevo García (ES, S&D)

Meeting on 1 February 2010

Mr Luis Yáñez‐Barnuevo, DMER Chairman informed Members that the EP Plenary on 18 January 2010 had approved the request to change the delegation name to Delegation for relations with Mercosur countries. The Chairman also reminded Members of the ratification, on 19 December 2009, by the Brazilian of Venezuelaʹs accession to Mercosur and that a similar vote is scheduled in the Paraguayan Congress next month, allowing, if positive, full membership in the block.

The Chairman also briefed Members on his visit to Montevideo, Uruguay, from 29 November to 2 December 2009, which included an intervention at Parlasurʹs Plenary, meetings with its President and one Vice‐President, and participation in a ceremony commemorating the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty organised by the EC Delegation in Uruguay, as well as participation at the seminar ʺMercosur‐EU a strategic agreement?ʺ, organised by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.

Mr Yáñez then invited Mr Jorge Remes Lenicov, Argentinean Ambassador to the European Union, on behalf of his

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6/7 countryʹs pro tempore Presidency of Mercosur, and Mr Stefano Sannino, Deputy Director‐General of DG RELEX of the European Commission, to present their views on the outlook for re‐launching the negotiations of the EU‐ Mercosur Association Agreement (AA) in 2010.

Mr Remes Lenicov described the background of the dossier until the freezing of negotiations in 2004, following major divergences on the content of the commercial chapter of the Association Agreement and the launching of the WTO Doha Round. He considered that, if the technical experts, in the upcoming exploratory meetings, manage to reach common ground, there will be momentum to formally re‐launch negotiations at political level, possibly in the margins of the next EU‐LAC Madrid Summit in May 2010. He stressed that both current Presidencies of the EU and Mercosur share this outstanding political goal.

Mr Sannino also stressed both Presidenciesʹ strong commitment to re‐launching negotiations, this issue having recently been discussed at the meeting of the Spanish First Vice President and Minister of the Presidency, Ms. María Teresa Fernández de la Vega, with the Argentinean President, Ms Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, in Argentina. In addition, he stated that the stalemate at the Doha Round now favours the launching of bilateral and bi‐regional commercial negotiations. However, he highlighted that the EU is interested in concluding a balanced although ambitious agreement, since it cannot be less comprehensive than others already concluded by the EU. He elaborated on the need to resume the negotiations at political level only if a high probability exists to conclude the Association Agreement, as any further failure could be deemed detrimental.

Contact person: Pedro Valente da Silva, tel: 0228 44344

Political Groups

 Tendiendo Puentes: Blog del Grupo de la Alianza Progresista de los Socialistas y Demócratas en la Asamblea Parlamentaria Euro‐Latinoamericana (EUROLAT)


 Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the situation in Honduras: inauguration of Mr. Porfirio Lobo  Statement by the High Representative / Vice President Catherine Ashtonʹs spokesperson on the Presidential elections in Chile

External events

 8‐10 febrero: Foro ALC‐UE de Cohesión Social, Lima, Perú  15 febrero: Reunión ministerial de diálogo político UE‐Brasil  19 febrero: lCumbre de Grupo de Río, Cancún, México

For further information please consult DG EXPO EuroLat webpage Kindly send any comments on this Newsletter to: [email protected]

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