Board official: Settlements are best in last four years

•y DORIS HI I MAN with its threat of monetary loss for both employer and Monmouth County Education Association. "And the time fully, the word-by-word work will be over, arid after that, (Uil of Series) employe. lines don't work But then. PERC wouldn't have enough there won't be a lot of changes We'll be talking wages The Matawin Regional School District is strike- The Public Employment Relations Commission mediators to go around if every one declared impasse and fringe benefits, and we can start in January. We bound (PF.RC) law requires that negotiations begin 120 days be- when they were supposed to " won't need to start in September." In Manalapan Englishtown, where teachers staged a fore a school budget is submitted to the voters — which The intent of the time line is to have costs set before Contract language includes such items, as working one-day strike list month, school' secretaries walk the means that the board and teachers must sit down at the the school budget went to vote. conditions, class time, and procedures for terminating picket Use now table by Oct. U "But the deadline Isn't an incentive to bargaining be- non-tenured teachers. Settlement of • {3-month-long contract dispute avert- "That's just dumb," Mr. Taylor declared "Nothing cause the teachers know that the fact they haven't set- Some districts hire a professional negol lator to write ed a threatened walkout last month by the Brookdale gets done the first few months, except that, you increase the first contract, then do their own negotial ing. Community College (acuity the Ukllhood of hostility because of the things said over 'If either tide it unreatonable, if Uttle Stiver, (or example, hired Robert E. Murray, a Teachers also have struck two Somerset County the bargaining table If you condense the time period, people aren't ready to tvttle, it laket a hell labor attorney, two years ago "to get c

•y HII.DV McCORMICK (he quality ot nlui.iiion that ficient" education has tak- A news blackout was de- misslpn (PERC). and Jack has existed in the district en place la district schools clared Friday by James Mas- Tillem. New York attorney TINTON FALLS - As the since the strike was called since the strike was called. n lam director of impasse and an ad hoc PERC media- They are concerned, that, in Matawan Regional teachers "Our question as parents procedures for the Public tor. an abbreviate 4-hour school strike enters its eleventh day. and taxpayers is whether Employment Relations Com- See Matawan strike, page 2 day. students arc not getting and ties the county record for normal' is in keeping with a 'thorough and efficient'' Ik* longest strike on record. the requirements of the thor- education as mandated by there appeared early this ough and efficient provisions stati' law Algeria-bound? morning to be no hope for a of state law " Mrs Jetter quick settlement as negotia- Mrs Bernard .letter o( said The school board has tions resumed in the Hilton Matawan Township, said a kept schools open, hired sub- •Inn here yesterday community ICttOD group has stitute teachers to instruct students, and has reported 5 terrorists Teachers, in the meantime. been organized and was re arc prepared to go to jail and sponsible for filing the peti that education is proceding not capitulate in their de- lion «. normally mands for a contract settle- The KroaP *•* formed, Negotiations, meanwhile, The house is gutted inside at this point ment. They face a contempt she said, after residents of resumed yesterday afternoon still hold 19 bearing at I 30 pm today in Malawan and Matawan between the school board and Superior Court before Supen Township learned thai the Matawan Regional Teach- BEIRUT Lebanon (AP) - There was speculation that or Court Judge Merntt Lane Mayer Victor R. Arnirlllnn ers Association (NRTA) Five Japanese terrorists who if Algeria refused to give the Say house Parents of students in the ot Matawan sought to They were expected to contin- hijacked a Japanese airliner terrorists refuge, they would district filed a petition Satur- withhold (units from ihi- ue around the clock, with over India five days ago turn to Libya or South Yem- day with Fred G. Burke, com- Regional Board of Iduia money, make up days and headed for North Africa en, two Arab countries with blaze missioner of education, re- lion because he did not be- contract language the main today with ID hostages and radical governments which questing him to investigate lieve a "thorough and ef- issues six oiher terrorists looking (or have accepted hijackers and asylum other terrorists in the past The hijackers are members is arson As the Japan Air Lines l>rs of the ultra-leftist Japanese TINTON FALLS - Fire- started across the Mediterra- Red Army which works close- men quickly doused shooting nean from Syria, it radioed ly with the radical Popular flames in the rear of an emp- the Cyprus air traffic control Front for the Liberation of ty, two-floor house at 95 center that it was going to Al- Palestine. Hance Ave. and Orchard St. geria. about 2 a.m. this morning as The jetliner flew to the police determined the fire as One American was among Middle East Sunday after a arson. the captives still aboard the 4'^-dii> siege at the airport in Is she plane Just before leaving Bangladesh. Dacca, and re- While, temperatures Damascus, the hijackers told fueled at Kuwait and Dam- dropped into the 40s, firemen the control tower the rest ol ascus. The takeoff from the from three companies worked the hostages would be re- Syrian capital was delayed quickly as a cold breeze blew leased at their final destina- while Japanese and Syrian of- smoke and sparks through the tion But they did not disclose ficials tried to get more hos- surrounding trees. real? where that would be See Hijack, page 2 Patrolman Kermit Brown PORTLAND, Ore. said he and Patrolman Ken- (AP) — A woman shop- neth Arscott were on the per Hay have had the scene minutes after the call shock of her life when Freed missionary: came in to police headquar- she reached over to ters at 1:35 a.m. from William feel the sweater on a Bennett of 101 Hance Ave., a department store man Shouldn't give in house directly south of the •eqiii. small burning house on Plum "She suddenly real- DACCA. Bangladesh (AP) But "they didn't want to die; St The back porch . . . where it started ised that the flesh of — An American missionary they wouldn't have blown up He said the rear of the the mannequin was among the hostages freed the plane with themselves on house was so engulfed in house, vacated it two weeks pour from the roof and win- warm. She screamed from the hijacked Japanese it. They were too cocky for flames they only got three or ago. dows until almost 2:30 a.m. aid came about two airliner condemned the Japa- that." four feet into the front door to Assistant fire chief, Albert feet iff the floor," said nese government's capitula- Caldwell said the ordeal see if there was anyone In- Neis was in charge. Firemen Shrewsbury Borough fire- Beverly Kadow, who tion to the demands of the aboard the plane was "pretty side. from the Northside, Tinton trucks were also on the scene works as a living doll five terrorists. horrendous.. . . You were liv- Patrolman Brown also said Falls, and Pinebrook Fire but they left about 2:15 a.m. The borough's first aid truck Ms. Kadow, who pre- Jenabe Caldwell, 51. of An- ing in your own hell, the lack he thought a family by the Companies, all from this was also there but no injuries fers Ike designation. chorage. Alaska, said the 5>v of air. the stench, the com- name of Reilly, whom he borough, fought the fire and were reported. says her speciality Is day ordeal aboard the plane plete unjustified brutality." thought were renting the the smoke which continued to robot modeling, work- was "pretty horrendous, ter- lag alongside a regular ribly, terribly brutal, but I mannequin and holding wouldn't have let those guys a pose for up to 41 mln go" •tes. Sometimes she The Inside Story wiiks or sUghtly shifts "The minute we give in to her pose to startle pas- criminals we're finished, and that's just what we're doing." slag shoppers. THE WEATHER said Caldwell in a telephone "It's list great fun to Interview from the Holy Fam- hear people arguing Partly sunny and continued cool and windy today. Fair ily Hospital. about whether or not and cool tonight and sunny and cool tomorrow. you're real," she said. "While I was on the plane. I thought. 'This is war. and even The real secret of allure 12 "Thai's the nicest com- A smashing bathroom by an Interior designer 13 oilmen! a freeze or rob- if we're casualties, we shouldn't give into it.' Jets upset Patriots .'. 17 ot model can gel, and Paramus Catholic beats Mater Del 19 yoa have to fight to "Somewhere we've got to have enough guts to stand up keep from breaking the Bridge Advice 9 DAILY REGISTER for what we believe in." stone face to thank Business 7 PHONE NUMBERS Caldwell. a missionary for them." Classified 14 16 Main Office 542-4900 the Bahai sect, said the five Comics ; » hijackers were "mostly Toll Free HI-WOO boys." but "anyone who Crossword Puzzle 9 Toll Free 5K-8I00 thinks these Commies were Editorials 6 Classified Dept 542-1799 COMING TOMORROW - LAYERING, a fash- playing games, they should Entertainment, TV 19 Circulation Depl 542-4999 ionable trend that Is truly practical if one Is to have been on that plane Horoscope 9 Sports Dept 542-4994 prepare for the cold days ahead, literally has Lifestyle 12,13 Middletown Bureau 671-2250 reached the head, with knit and crochet caps "These guys called it war Make A Date 8 Freehold Bureau 431-2192 and I agree." he continued. that conceal every st|nd of hair. The Fashion Register for MAECOM Delectable Shrimp CLAM HUT STILL OPEN Obituaries 4 Long Branch Bureau ..222-0919 tabloid tomorrow gives clues to Ingenuity with classes tonight, Asbury Park, Cheese Fondue. Quiche and 7 days, lunch 4 dinner. Reser- Happy 40th Anniversary Mom Sports 17-29 Statehouse Bureau 699-292-9358 classic fashions in the wardrobe and the new- Long Branch. Red Bank Re- Crepes. Every Tues.' fashion vations for private parties ac- and Dad. Love, Elaine. Alan. est In styles. gional High Schools. show at Fromagerie, 842-H08K cepted. 872-0909. Lauren and Steven. I "he lhaly Heavier SHREWSBURY, N J MONOAY, OCTOBER 3.1977 -_ "People"" terview "But for me it's not undignified " The bodies of Elvlx Prr- Mrs Enos has been slty and his mother were swinging a baton for live transferred last night from years, ever since her hus- the mausoleum at Forest died and her son.John, Hill Cemetery to the Pre was inspired to form a sley estate. Graceland man- marching band during UP sion No announcement was sina's centennial celebra- made of the transfer, which tion "I can't really twirl." was approved by city zon- she confessed "1 just do ing officials Wednesday Al- em a little dance and though security was light. throw the baton in the air ' there were about 100 per- "Before I started marching. sons at the mansion's side I never went anywhere I gate when the two white stayed at home and raised hearses containing the cop- six children." she said per coffins arrived Capt Mrs Enos and the 20 W W Marlar. police com- member band march each mand duty officer, said the year in about a half dozen bodies were moved without parades in small towns in incident There were 13 law Pennsylvania and Mary- enforcement officers in- land They make about 1100 volved, eight policemen and Virginia Knurr Lllllai Carter Reberra Ann King per engagement, usually five deputy sheriffs. Marlar enough to cover expenses said. He said the bodies Mayaard Jarkson. who years later, he's bragging Klrlrr and City Councilman "Sometimes we have only were buried on the estate had to fight his way into a (hat he "brought this great, Joe DIRosa claim they 13 people who can make a grounds Sunday evening runoff election four years struggling city of ours sue placed second in a crowded trip." she said "It all de- and security arrangements ago before becoming At- cessfully through the worst field Saturday and will be pends on who isn't busy were turned over to the lanta's first black mayor, is national recession in 40 in the runoff with the first that weekend" The band, family heavily favored to win re- years with no deficits and place finisher. Judge Er- which includes Mrs Enos' ••• election this year against no laying off of any city nr-,1 "Hutch" Mortal. 8-year-old grandson, has no ••fMar MR 0MM »T t«rr Pan* four opponents Supporters employes " Twenty-three years after uniforms She generally In complete but unofficial TAKF BIKING TO HEART— Mr. and Mrs. Roger Mohlenhoff, Middle- predicted that Jackson "Your Show of Shows" left marches in black shoes and totals compiled by Ihe po- town, take n quii:k. break in yesterday's 25-mile Heart Fund Cyclethon to would get as much as 70 per Two white political in lice. Mortal had M2.185 jet their mileage checked by Dolores Shecket, left, of the Monmouth Coun- a generation roaring with lacy colonial gowns laughter, Sid Caesar and cent of the vote in tomor- claiming to have finished votes to 137.156 for Kiefer ty Heart Associa'ion More than 300 cyclists participated in the annual President Carters mother row's nonpartisan election second in the race for New and 137.549 for DiRosa Toni lethon, held at Naval Weapons Station Earle in Colts Neck, here. Imagtie C»ea have their act together - again The I Milan Carter will accom- Jackson. 39. made the ru- Orleans mayor, while the Morrison, son of a former team whose classic pany 250 area residents noff with white incumbent black judge who clearly fin mayor, was 5.000 voles be- sketches set a trend in tele- aboard a Friendship Force Sam Massell in 1973. then ished first predicts he'll hind DiRosa while none of vision comedy opened at flight (rom Des Moines to won nearly 60 per cent of beat either man in the Nov the other seven candidates 300 bicyclists pedal along Dublin. Ireland, on NOV. 8 the vole in the final Four 12 runoff Both Sei. Nat was in five figures the Fairmont Hotel Thursday in San Francisco Wes Boldt. flight chairman, for a two week-engagement said Friendship Force is a for heart fund dollars after a stay in Las Vegas private, non-rofit extension Caesar's manager. Irvin of a 1973 program started • NECK - More than American Heart Association is expected to raise over Arthur, claims credit for by then Georgia-Gov and Heart Fund 120.000, twice as much as last iiin bicyi '1 -1 - pedal ed the reunion "I told them. Mrs Carter According Io event co-chair- year's event. through the Weap Go out and make some Participants will pay 1250 1 man Reid B Cameron, this The number of nders this ojis sut i"i'. Esrle here > ej money. The public's ready and spend four days in Dub- 1 vear's Heart Fund Cyclethon year nearly doubled the 136 ten1a\ £0 raise inonv\ for tin for you again' " Both are lin with a host family They who pedaled the 25 mile will have a choice of course last year approaching 60 and neither is quite as sprightly staying with a second host Some riders, however, put family or traveling on their 10 die as train in more than 75 miles apiece own in Ireland during the in yesterday's marathon. Mr Virginia Knauer. who final four days of the trip Cameron said represented consumers ir Boldt said 700 persons ap- Riders ranged in age from the White House for eight plied for the program. Ap- rams into pickup young tots to older adults, years, had opened a Wash- plications were sorted on and Mi Cameron said that Florida Highway patrolmen ington-based consulting the basis of occupation and PI \\ [ i->"> Fla 1 IP) - his six-year-old son. who also at the scene of the accident firm to help companies and then names were drawn '1 did "everything in my pow- participated, was not the last night said there were no individuals deal with the de- from a hat from each oc- er t" wop • ••• tti'i youngest bicycler there yes- survivors in the camper-back- mands of consumers in cupational group wain 1 enough time." say' terday ed truck areas ranging from product •( an Amtrack pa-- Participants will now col- Rebecca Ann King, who None of the 40 passengers complaints to environmen- senger train thai slammed lect the pledges (rom their won the Miss America title in the train was injured tal worries broadside Into "a pickup trock sponsors in the Cyclethon. in 1974. is planning a career and killett 10 persons. <<••. ™ Troopers said they thought and a prize of a bicycle will as a lawyer and perhaps in .if them children the victims were migrant go to the top money winners Everybody calls Mary politics after passing the workers They said it may be in the Junior and senior cate- Enos "Cranny." but at 72. Colorado bar exam Miss a day or so before firm identi- gories the gray-haired majorette King said in Denver. "I'm fications are made This Pele According to Mr Cameron, from the southwestern pretty tired of using my Early reports indicated that the Heart Fund Cyclethon has Pennsylvania community of physical attributes ' as a iwo adults were in the cab a 99 per cent return on t'rsina says she feels sweet way to make a living and and one adult and seven chil- may outdo pledges It. "1 believe in doing what that she wants to "start us- dren, ages 1-10. were in a "It went very, very well." you want to do. no matter ing my brains " She said camper perched atop the Mr Cameron said of this what your age. especially if since winning the Miss truck bed The camper was The Pele year's Cyclethon "We're ex- it brings pleasure to oth- America crown she has wrenched off and crushed al- tremely pleased " ers." said the high-stepping been able to handle a lucr- 'KALAPAN \ HanrtUI (API. most beyond recognition grandmother of 13 "If my ative series of personal ap- . — Walter ^ amaguchi had. so Investigators said late last husband were alive, he cer- pearances while maintain- KISSES THE WINNER - Billy Carter plants'a kiss on the cheek of much faith in Madame Pele. night that they believed they tainly wouldn't allow me to ing her full-time status as a Linda LeClerc of Salem, Mass., winner of a pizza chain beauty contest Haw • idoess, had removed all of the bodies Hijack march in front of a band." student at the University ol in Boston, where Carter was one of the judges. Carter olso visited oth- that h (fed 11 official but because of the darkness (Continued) she said in a telephone in- Denver College of Law er Boston areas in his one day fling for the pizza chain. uale jncl kept his" and thick underbrush would open 'through the week- again sift through the lages released, but the hija- end as .! hut river oMiiva charred, twisted wreckage ckers refused : toward Kalapana today There were 156 persons 1 Mala wan ties county strike length record lent all along Police investigators said aboard when the terrorists (Continued) Van don't put this much the lava (low wouldn't hll the they found a purse with iden- seized control of the Paristo- to see anybody go to jail We cause the entire association have met all or a portion of : "The school board is adher- Into II and say It Is a sur- villa/ imaguchl at- tification cards indicating Tokyo plane early Wednesday- do want to see a settlement was subpoenaed That num- eight days The only day we ing to the news blackout." de- prise later. 11 'I that some of the victims were after it took off from Bomb- quickly One that is fair and ber includes, in addition to will not have met is Satur- clared Mrs Kathleen Mar- "It is a very reluctant type evacuated' residents sould re- from Bushnell in northern ay. equitable." she added teachers, the secretaries and day " shall, board member and a of thing." Mr Sculthorpe con- turn today-Because the lava Florida The hijackers freed 115 of As teachers and board bus drivers. "It has become a way of member of the negotiating tinued "It is hard telling flowing from Kilauea Volcano Pete Medley, engineer on their hostages in Dacca, sev- members fared each other The MRTA and 202 named life." Mrs Brenner said "I team. your little four-year-old girl was • her all. the Chicago-to-St Petersburg en more in Kuwait and 10 in away from the bargaining individuals were called to ex would hope that when nego- George Brembor. vice pres- ihat your daddy is in jail, but •espected route of the Flondian. said he Damascus That left 12 cap- table and In the hotel lob- plain why they should not be tiations come due again, ident of the MRTA and a it is a sacrifice I have to • taith in tiled his best to stop. tive passengers and the crew by, relations appeared held in contempt of court for enough lessons would have member of the association's take." he declared Ki nhu The engineer said he was of seven aboard along with amicable, courteous and failing to return to work as been learned from now so 1 negotiating team, said teach- But school board negotia- drive' 200 feet from the crossing the five hijackers and six ter- polite directed in a court order that this will not be re- ers are "prepared to go to tors do not want to see teach- : an) m i his tiny when he first saw the truck." rorists freed (rom Japanese As Mrs Marshall explained signed by Superior Court peated" jail " He said that is the feel- ers jailed. unit} said Plant City police Sgt prisons in response to the it. "We are at different ends Judge Thomas 1, Yaccarino Although negotiations have ing of most of the MRTA "I personally do not want to of the spectrum, but that has taken place over Ihe last 11 |l the Hawaii Candis "The crossing hijackers' demands The "We have no idea at this members "Eventually some- see any teacher go to jail. " nothing to do with the way I months, she said. "I really Vol< anoes National Park ob- was marked with flashing Japanese government also point what the judge will de- thing will happen." he said declared Mrs Marshall "1 feel about the teachers. I pre- feel that the teachers did not the How. would lights •' . paid a ransom of S6 million termine in terms of who was Stanley Sculthorpe. am not out for their hides 01 sume adults in business do start negotiating until this • continue 11 1 very Witnesses said the crossing served and how many were Twelve Americans were MRTA second vice president anything else I just want to this every day " last week We have been slow iys, bui lights were working and the served." Miss Panos said aboard the plane when it was also on the negotiating team, see an end to the strike that waiting for this thing to get would compjetelj ^plidil train whistle was blowing, but "No one has allowed per- "To avoid any confusion, we hijacked, the airline said said. "My suitcase is packed is fair to both sides — an going for a year. ,fnant the truck went across the sonal feelings to get in- all will be there." she added Nine were freed in Dacca and Stand up for what you believe equitable settlement ' • pr'i • ' the cbasi tracks in an apparent attempt volved." added Mrs Brenner She said there were cer- two in Damascus, leaving one in." he declared "I concur." declared Mrs Miss Marie Panos. MRTA •] i;. • -if die lava to beat the train The cross- tain irregularities In - Eric Weiss. 30. of San As a striking teacher he Marilyn Brenner, also a mem- president, said all of the 450 felong the time mile paid had ,nK ls located about 25 miles serving the contempt cita- Francisco — still aboard said of Jail. "You always ber of the board negotiating due east of Tampa in a rural MRTA members are expected tions, "We have people todav. know It Is a possibility. team "I certainly don't want Th> vo uen erupt- area billed as the "straw- to appear in court today be- named who were not lit'rry capital of the world " served, and people served who were not named. We Board official: Settlement best also have people who (Continued) ter of politics than of economics (ound contempt citations Negotiations in the public sector "just last longer" No one advances solutions, but some offer sugges- thrown Into their houses. Weather: Cool "We have reports of many because they are modeled on collective bargaining in pri- tions. . breezy TIDES vate industry and the pattern is a misfit. Mr. Metzler Mrs. Guerci says mediation is a waste of time and irregularities which will have today li * to mid Sandy Hook said should be shelved in favor of immediate fact-finding to be taken care of in court." While You wait t'inight TODAV - High 12:22 p.m The specter of a strike, which costs the boss profits when an impasse is declared. the MRTA president added Lows mi ' Ws Most- and low 6:54 p in and the workers wages, is a built-in mechanism that Mr. Metzler finds it "totally wrong" that the state Gerald L Dorf. professional rt'wolf press me Highs TOMORROW - High 1:10 forces compromise in private industry. pays the bill for fact-finding. The cost should be shared independent labor negotiator 170 Monmouth Start p m and low 6:49 am. and Public employes don't have the right to strike, "and by the board and the teachers union, he said, "and they hired by the board said, "Out R«d Btnk, 741-9300 ibility 20 " 51 p m practically speaking, there's not much possibility of ille- should have to look first at what it will cost if they go to of a nine-day period, from Foim&ty G'Wt Ptmttti] 1 10 per For Red Bank and Rumson gal strikes." Mr. Metzler said. "And the teachers have a it That's one of the only pressure areas we have." last Sunday to today, we will • \\ imls bridge, add two hours: Sea guaranteed annual increment. II may be late, but they Binding arbitration "is alright for grievances, but not Bright, deduct 10 minutes: know they'll get an increment." for wages." Ms. Guerci declared, while Mr Metzler said Long Branch, deduct 15 min- "No school board in New Jersey has sought to fire "we don't have enough experience with it yet" to ad- 1.H.1 in utes. Highlands bridge, add teachers who go on strike." Mr. Taylor said. "But even if vance it as a solution. 411 minutes we wanted to. we can't replace 600 teachers It would be New Jersey might get some clues to a solution when unwise and disruptive and bad (or the kids Private em-1 there is an accurate statistical reading of Ihe recurrence plovers can bring other workers in " of strikes in Pennsylvania where public employes are "The power is on the board's side." Ms. Guerci de- permitted to strike. Mr Metzler said The Daily Register clared "They have Ihe money." There is general expectation lhal as experience She suggested that some negotiations are being pro- breeds sophistication, school contract negotiations will The Sunday Register longed by boards which believe they "negotiated the become shorter, easier, and cheaper. ' ftt »ed Bank Register store away" in previous years, and see today's teacher The "cheaper" would come right away if the NJSBA • H Cooi> and Menfy Clo* surplus as giving them a bargaining advantage to get it would negotiate for its member boards Ihe way the tt«tn Oflici Mlbury N J 07701 back NJEA does for its member teacher associations. Don Branch Otftees Teachers are realizing that "there are certain areas Rosser. NJEA director of communications, suggested. ••Mown. N J Q71H that are management prerogatives, such as curriculum, "That way it would cost the taxpayer nothing, the •'- :. - g 9i o'ni ' N J CWUQ and we know we can't invade them.'' she said "But way it costs teachers nothing." he said N 08475 Mastercharge and Visa are now boards aren't as willing to realize how many areas are The NJSBA has only three employes in its legal re- • • • • ••. Thp Amounted pre« d intlllttf Dl 'if*ii piifieo in ihe npwipoper at negotiable " search department and spends less than 10 per cent of its available at all Colonial 1 One of the major problems is that the PERC law $2.2 million budget on negotiations. Mr Taylor said. "The First National rlpapCf PuDHirieri Ai)Qciai

Wherever you go, whatever you do... Master Charge can be with you every minute to pay your bills, or make it possible for you to purchase whatever strikes your fancy. You don't have to carry pockets full of cash... Master Charge will take care of all your VOTE REPUBLICAN needs! Let Master Charge be your constant companion ...and relax!

TUES., NOV. 8 Where banking is easy. 12th DISTRICT • RED BANK • UNION BEACH \ • OLD BRIDGE CENTRAL JERSEY BANK COMPANY • MILXXETOWN • MATAWAN • MONROE • KEYPORT • MATAWAN TOWN • JAMESBURG MEMBER FDIC • KEANSBURG Paid lor by Monmouth County Rapubtcan Campaign 77. F.C. Kntestof, Treasurer. P.O. Bo»312,Fr«.hoM, N.J. 29 CONVENIENT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU • MIDDLESEX • MONMOUTH • OCEAN • UNION MONOAY. OCTOBER 3. 1977 Five are hurt in Tinton Falls crashes

TINTO\ FALLS - Five, other borough man taken to the hospital by the Police said Mr Sharin was J Kelly. 17. of 5 Hialeah collision with one driven by persons sustained minor in- Police said that Ms Viola's borough First Aid Squad He traveling south on Hope Road Drive. Colts Neck Charles O'Neill. 20. of!» Na- junes in four separate acci- car was preceding down Wa-, was treated there for leg when he apparently lost con- Police said that Francesco veslnk Ave . Atlantic High- dents that occurred within ter St onto Tinton Ave when abrasions and released, police trol of his car at 10 33 p.m. at Ruscio. 58. of 101 Hope Road, lands, at Sycamore and Tin- hours of each other Saturday it was struck by a car oper- said the intersection's Northwest here, had stopped his car on ton Aves ated by Thomas H Nacleno. No summonses were issued comer Sycamore Ave and was pre- Police said that Mr O'Neill Donna C Viola. .'6. of 8711 19. of 7 Canterbury Lane, Patrolman Melvin McKeller Mr Sharin was transported paring to make a left turn failed to yield after stopping 25th Ave . Brooklyn, along here is investigating to the hospital by members of onto Hope Road, at 5 09 p m . on Sycamore Ave. Police said with D Assael, 31. of 400 Rt Police said that Mr Nacl- Later, Mark Sharin. 20. of the Eatontown First Aid when his car was struck in his car then struck another M. Matawan and R I. Irain- eno had the nght of way !M 17th Ave . Belmar. was Squad the rear by Mr Kelly's driven by Philip Rogers. 22. or, 34, of 99A Hockhockson The three persons in Ms treated for head and hip in- of 15813 Warwick Drive. Allen Road. here, received various Patrolman Preston Ham- Mr Kelly declined treat- Viola's car all sustained mi- juries at Monmouth Medical pton is investigating the acci- ment No summonses were is- Park. Mich injuries when their car was nor injunes. police said How- Center. Long Branch, and re- dent No summonses have sued by Sgt Wayne White, No one was injured, police struck bv a car driven by an- ever, only Mr Assael was leased, after his car struck a been issued who is investigating said. Sgt. White, who In- tree at the intersection of A rear end collision resulted About an hour later, a vestigated, issued no sum- Rumson schools Shafto and Hope Roads in a bloody nose for Patrick Michigan man's car was in monses. OVERPAYING FOR PRESCRIPTIONS ? host adult classes COMPARE OUR PRICES • • • RUMSON — Community Entre Nous. Rumson. on hair Education begins this week at care and styling The session the borough's two schools, Oct 30 will be conducted by with courses ranging from, a Weight Watchers; on Oct 27. RITE AID, A LEADER IN Beauty Clinic to canto-pul- Betty Blanc of the Berry monary resuscitation, from Patch in Fair Haven will give antique refinishing to in- fashion tips LOW PRESCRIPTION vesting in stocks, on the The last two sessions will schedule focus on skin care and make- PRICES Two courses, quilting and up, taught by Barbara Sher- T Larry '"" ballroom dancing, will be MISSIONARY SPEAKS - The Rev. Gordon L. man, cosmetics consultant of taught at Deane-Porter the Rumson Pharmacy and Bctftemiiler, who Is an American Baptist mis- School on Wednesday eve- sionary in Zaire, shares his experiences with the coordinator of the Beauty nings, with the rest of the Clinic course congregation at the First Baptist Church, 499 Bath courses on Thursday nights at Ave., Long Branch, at a special program yes- Forrestdale Other courses for the fall JOHNSON! terday. A special feature this year, session, which runs from Oct open to all county teenagers. 5 to Nov 17. include Animals BABY llllimilHIIIIIIIHIIIIIllllllllllllllHIIIIHIIIIIIIIIHIHHIIIIIHHIHHIIIItllllllllHIUIIMMIilltl Is a six-session Beauty Clinic, in the Home and Classroom. taught by experts in mod- Beginning Guitar. Bicycle and SHAMPOO eling, skin care, and weight- Moped Repairs and Mainte- H 11 OZ. BOTTLE Obituaries watching nance. Fire Prevention, (one The first session, this night only. Oct. 13); Macrame IHIHIIMIIIIliHIIIIIIIHIIIIHIIIilllHIIIIIIIMIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIinilllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIKinilllllllll Thursday at Forrestdale. will for plant hangers. Travel via be conducted by Barbara .la- film and speakers; Antiques neczko of the Barbizon School and Refinishing. Investing in Joseph Wardell, of Modeling, who will discuss Stocks and Bonds. Cardio- good grooming and person- Pulmonary Resuscitation. ality development Flower Arranging. Needle- a 139 The second session, on Oct point. Babysitting, and Creat- co-founded dairy 13. will feature Terrv Rizzo of ive Cooking TINTON FALLS - Joseph long area resident He was 92 E. Wardell. a cofounder of In 1900. he and his brother * Warden's Dairy and a long- Albert established Warden's time municipal official here, Dairy in Neptune, where it PHOTO FINISHING died yesterday at the Ocean continues to operate today Arrest man, seek Grove Nursing Home Mr Wardell was a member Mr Wardell, of 57 Locust of the borough Board of Edu- anotheTINTON FALLS - rOn e iAsn- break-in COLOR PRINTS Grove Road. here, was born cation from 1910 until 1955 inson. 22. of 1242 Washington in Wayside and was a ufe- During the 1920s, he was bury Park man was arrested Ave. Asbury Park, was ar- overseeer of roads in what and another person is being rested Saturday after he was DEVELOPED & PRINTED was then called Shrewsbury sought by police in connection allegedly seen by another per- 12 EXPOSURES 20 EXPOSURES Mrs. Elfie Duncan Township with a breaking and entry son leaving the Travis resi- RED BANK - Mrs. Elfie He was a member of the into the home of Earl Travis. dence at 2 p.m. D Duncan. 71. of 28 Riverside Garden State Milk Council. 61 Wardell Road. Saturday Police reported that Mr Ave., died yesterday at Riv- the Hamilton United Method- Police said that Leon Rob- Robinson and another person erview Hospital ist Church. Neptune, and were apparently scared away Mrs. Duncan was born in served on the church's board Campaign by Earl King who was staying Union City and had been a of trustees in the house while Mr Travis TYPE 110 OR 126 shore area resident since His wife, Margaret Jelliff. was away mi died in 1973 office set Mr King identified the li- Surviving are a daughter. cense plate number of the car RITE AID She was the widow of the Mrs Anna W Moore, with to open in which the men drove away CLOSE-UP late Kenneth F Duncan Sr whom he lived: a sister Mrs and identified one of the men PLASTIC Surviving are two sons. Anna Dangler of Fort Lauder- LONG BRANCH - Tonight for police, they said TOOTHPASTE Kenneth F Duncan Jr. of dale. Fla . six grandchildren marks the opening of Demo- Police later arrested Mr LAWN ft LEAF BAGS Lincroft and Albert C Dun- cratic Headquarters, at 12 and 15 great-grandchildren Robinson and issued a war- REGULAR OR MINT PKQ.OFS can of Denver. Colo; a The Ely Funeral Home. North Third Ave . here, which rent for the arrest of his al- daughter. Mrs Virginia E. Neptune, is in charge of the will be campaign headquar- leged accomplice 0 BUSHEL Shearer of Long Branch; a ters for Monmouth County arrangements Mr Robinson was then re- CAPACITY brother. Charles Abbiatti of Sheriff Paul Kieman. running leased without bail on his own Appalacia. NY. and a sister. for reelection, and for former recognizance Mrs Irene Gattis of Rumson Find one body Assemblywoman Gertrude Mr. King reported that' The John E Day Funeral at Round Valley Berman. who is running for nothing had been taken from Home is in charge of the ar- Assembly the Travis home, police said rangements FLEMINGTON (AP) - The opening scheduled (or 7 Patrolmen Kenneth Arscott Mrs. Sarah Strollo Two fishermen at Round Val- p.m., is open to the public and Melvin McKeller are con- ley Reservoir have dis- Essex County Assem- linuing the investigation LONG BRANCH - Mrs Sa- covered the floating body of blyman Eldridge Hawkins VICKS BAND-AID rah Strollo. 71. of 360 Willow one of six men missing and will be guest speaker at the BRAND Ave.. died yesterday at West- believed drowned in the man- event Mr. Hawkins is the Officers installed FORMULA 44 wood Hall Nursing .Horrte. made lake, police said. . son-in-law of Long Branch KEYPORT - Rantan Post PLASTIC STRIPS here Dental charts were used to COUGH SYRUP Councilman James Cofer 23 of the American Legion re- ASSORTED BOX OF 30 Mrs. Strollo was a lifelong identify the dead man as .Mi- Tenth district legislative cently installed new officers, 3 OZ. BOTTLE city resident and a commu- chael Powers. 25. of South candidates Mayor Richard J including Michael Denatzkoi, nicant of Holy Trinity Roman Amboy. who had been miss- Ro'oney. of Spring Lake commander; Edward Flynri Catholic Church, here ing since last October. Heights.* and state Sen Her- and Alfred Poling, vice com- Her husband, Anthony The body, recovered Satur- bert J Buehler. D-Monmouth. manders; Frank Laengle. fi- Strollo. died in 1961 day near the north shore of will also attend nance officer; Albert John- Surviving are a son. Ray- the reservoir, was one of six Freeholder candidates Ray- son, chaplain; Barbara Hess, mond Strollo. a daughter. persons lost in the water over mond Kramer and Thomas historian, and Antone Costic. Mrs Josephine Gizzi. a broth- the past four vears I.vnch will also be present. sergeant at arms. er. Rocco Coles, and a sister. Mrs Anna Falvo. all here; five grandchildren and one Now in Eatontown DI-GEL PLAYTEX great-grandchild The Damiano Funeral ANTACID TABLETS TAMPONS Home is in charge of !he ar- BEG.. OR LEMON/ORANGE SUPER OR REGULAR rangements. m. Dtoth Notices

WARDELL - E <*• t. 0I Locus! Qrovr Roo fton O1IId 1 Hutband at the lateNeptn Morooe ret (nee Jelliff). father ol Mrs Anno w Moore, brother of Mrs Anno Don our Funeral service. Wednesday Oct 5. ol I o m at the Ely Funerol Home, 3316 Rf 3}. Neptune Inter fnent. Hamilton united Methodiil Church cemetery Visiting hour} at [he funerol home. Tuesday II and ' 9 MASSENGILL CONSORT DISPOSABLE HAIR SPRAY UNSC, EXTRA HOLD DOUCHE OR REG. Flowers 6 OZ. BOTTLE 13OZ.CAN Comfort Our wooden shoes look better, aiKl tfKy fed betteii The finest clogs from Sweden—iaiKl tfKn thiscountry fey ds larges betteit selectioni of sizes, styles and colors WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES SALE ENDS OCT. 1,1177 -are available exclusively at Eskils Clog Shops Featuring Scandinavian alderwood soles, plus tops of genuine

leather % MM - RITE AID RITE AID RITE AID RITE AN) RIHAtC RITE AID MTE AID Slip on a pair at an Eskil s 1 PHARMACY DISCOUNT DISCOUNT PHARMACY PHARMAO PHARMACY PHARMAa For a complete selection location nearest you of sympathy flowers, LHluMKMDST. CENTER CENTER GrmdlMt* MHMtlTN NAVfMtl MA1I HMt WOf tn. IT. 36 i calyourFTDFIotisl •BUM mormon *W-44CMtow«


In Ihc allrrmjlh nl thi' Bert l.ancc ciw.*, il is clear thai 1'rcsidenl Curler h;^ much ground In make up if hi' is In rislnri' ihc level ul confidence his adminis Iratinn fiirmcrly enjoyed As a special ABC N'cwv Harris |>

There were alsn othi-r areas in which confidence in the President declined and these could prove us sale 15^90-29.90 cosily as the Lance affair $24-$40 MISSES' SWEATER JACKETS "His handling of foreign po- licy matters." which en- IN ACRYLICS, WOOLS AND BLENDS |oye4 a slim 41-4(1 per peal Fine tweeds, cables, ribs! Styles with hoods, positive rating in July fell shawl collars, wing collars! Novelty front to a 52-J4 per cent negative closings, button, wraps! Beautiful fall colors. rating in September (In particular. Americans now Sizes S-M-L give Ihe President a nega- tive score on the way he is tarrying on relations with both China and the Soviet Union ). On handling the economy. Mr Carter has also dropped from a ~> 1 41 per cent negative rating to 57-35 per cent during the same period

The decline in confidence in the way Mr Carter is managing foreign policy could have far-reaching im- plications II puts heavy pressures on the While House to try to score some early breakthroughs in highly sensitive areas such as the Middle East, the SALT talks with Russia or the highly volatile African situation Past expenence has shown that foreign p<>- licy decisions made to bol- der sagging public con- fidence at home can be fraught with serious risks and dangers The President may be headed for even deeper trouble in the area of the domestic economy His store on "cutting the rale of unemployment ' has now slipped to 1 low (2-32 per cent negative riling, and on "keeping down (he high cost of living" to MM per <9nt negative Declines in inese two key areas are usually a prelude to a lower overall rating ol the way a president is handling the economy The sustained im- pact of continuing high prices and high Joblessness is apparently taking its toll on the American people The President's ratings have also slipped In two other key areas, and here the Lance affair seems to have had an impact On his "handling of relations with Congress." Mr Carter has dropped to a bare 4641 per cent positive rating, down from a much higher 51-38 per cent in June While the acceptance of Lance's res- ignation eased the con- frontation betweem the White House and Capitol Hill on the matter, the President now must con- vince the public that he is capable of moving his energy program, the Pan- ama Canal Treaty and oth- er key issues through Ihe Congress.

On his "appointments to high office." the President has slipped from a 95-25 per cent positive rating last February, just after he made his major job choices known, down to a 46-40 per cent negative mark In this latest reading. From now on there will be a much closer and more critical scrutiny of future appoint- ments, and there may even be second guesses about the caliber of some of Ihe people he has serving in his administration. Of course, none of this sale 7.90 means that Mr. Carter's troubles are irreversible. A sale 14.90 y $12-$14 DRESS SHIRTS, 53 per cent majority still $25 MISSES' WARM ROBES IN sale 14.90 FINE TAILORING, GOOD FIT gives him positive marks LONG AND SHORT STYLES 22.50 MEN'S VELOUR KIMONO — Long point collars, placket front. Machine washable Dac- for Ihe overall job he is LUSH AND LUXURIOUS doing, and a 55-40 per cent \ Cuddly wrap 'baby bunting' robes in acrylic; ron poly/cotton in blue, tan, white. Also plaids and stripes majority gives him high acetate nylon fleeces, other styles and fab- Bold triple track stitching, two big pockets. Sizes 14V2-17. marks on "the way he has rics in the group. S-M-L. Loungewear. •Triacetate/nylon. One size fits all. " 6.50-8.50 NECKWEAR. Polyester solids, stripes patterns. taken over Ihe leadership nl Ihe country." While down 2/S7 from previous highs, these expressions of approval give Ihe President :i ban* 7.50-S8 FAMOUS 'KAYSER' NYLON SLIPS sale 4.90 $12-$13 INFANTS' KNIT SETS " sale 8.90 from which In recoup Whal Jimmy Carter must rtn is to Lace-trimmed tricots. Choose from 6 styles in sizes 34-40 average and tall Save 25-30% on legging and footed overall sets, Sizes 9, 12,18 mos. UNO presidential Inlilulivi1 In rebuild Ihc confidence he PANTY SALE! FAMOUS MAKE COTTONS, NYLONS sale 4/4.90 $13-$14 COTTON FLANNEL GOWNS AND P.J.'S sale 8.90-9.90 has lost from Ihe Lance .11 Briefs, bikinis, hip-huggers. Cotton shields. White, nude, pastels'. 5-6-7. Warm styles in pretty prints. Gowns S-M-L, XL, X^CL; p.j.'s 34-40; 42-46. fir The Daily Register CIA aided drug smuggler that "this case be discussed Their former chief. Richard Established in 1878 - Published by The Red Bank Register By JACK ANDERSON »d LKS WHITTEN with Department of Justice Helms, is now facing In- Secret House documents ac- WASHINGTON on the grounds thai they ask dictment for alleged perjury ARTHUR Z. KAMIN cuse the Central Intelligence the U.S. Attorney to drop the at a Senate hearing. President and Editor Agency of helping an Asian prosecution " Helms allegedly lied about opium ring smuggle drugs SCENE After detailing the contacts our story, first published in between Greaney and the 1972. that the CIA had worked Thomas J. Bly, Executive Editor William F. Sand ford. Associate Editor into the United States and then lying to Congress about prosecutors, another CIA with International Telephone it memo announced trium- and Telegraph to block Chi- and demanded hundreds of lean President Salvador Al- 8 SHREWSBURY. N J MONOAV. OCTOBER 3 1977 An intelligence report, pages of CIA documents phantly that it was "through quoted in the sensitive House Then (IA chief William Colby exhaustive effort by (CIA) lende from taking office. documents, charges unequivo- insisted to the subcommittee Office of General Counsel ANDERSON Both the CIA and ITT de- over extended period that nied our story. It took a Sen- 'Attaboy — you just run cally "The CIA was. in lad. that the agency had "fully co- Duckett wrote that Khramkh- facilitating the movement of operated" with the prose- case did not come to trial " ale investigation to get the Another document added ruan did not work for the CIA facts out Now a grand jury and get me some more* opiates to the U s They cutors And the CIA's associ- until 1972 But CIA documents steadfastly hid behind the ation general counsel. John that Khramkhruan "is bright has recommended multiple- enough to realize that the CIA quote Khramkhruan as saying count indictments against shield of secrecy " Greaney. even testified under in 197) thai he had worked for The strange drug case had oath that "we did not recom- was instrumental in causing Helms for misinforming the dismissal of charges against the agency for "several Senate its beginning in 1973 at New mend (hat he not be prose- years." York's Kennedy Airport cuted " him " This development has top States the secret House re- Drug sniffing dogs led author- These statements are flatly The House subcommittee CIA officials in a tizzy They ities to !5 film canisters also believes that Greaney in- port: "It was ironic that the fear Helms may be forced to contradicted, however, by the CIA sljould be given the re- loaded with millions of dollars CIA's own documents The tentionally withheld the name divulge national secrets In or- worth of opium. of Khramkruan's CIA con- sponsibility of narcotics in- der to defend himself censored CIA material that telligence, particularly since The guilty finger was point- was turned over to the sub- tact. Greaney had told the "Helms has the constitutional subcommittee that he didn't they were supporting the right to defend himself," one ed at a dapper Asian named committee shows clearly that prime movers Puttapom Khramkhman who. Greaney and the agency tried know the name of the smugg- CIA source pointed out to us it turned out. was not only a to kill the case ler's CIA case officer But the "Even though the CIA was. "This gives him the right to major narcotics smuggler but subcommittee report says in fact, facilitating the move- repeat in open court his most The plan to save Khramkh- there were "numerous refer- intimate conversation! with a valuable CIA agent in Thai- ruan. according to the docu- ment of opiates to the U S . land as well. ences" to the case officer in they steadfastly hid behind presidents. The damage that ments, was supposed to gothe CIA documents, adding: could result from this would The Justice Department like this: "John Greaney will the shield of secrecy and said proceeded to lock him up. but "It appears inconceivable Mr that all was done in the inter- be incalculable " attempt to plea bargain (to) Greaney did not have access He called the perjury the CIA protested that "na- have him plead guilty to some est of national security.'" tional security" was at stake to these documents in unsani- charges against Helms "as- lesser charge" The narcotics tized form." The CIA gave "inaccurate" tounding" and "unbelie- and refused to turn its docu- smuggler would then be "giv- ments over to the prose- Other CIA officials alle- information to Congress, the vable" Foreign intelligence en a suspended sentence and gedly also tried to mislead report declares, "to acquire services no longer will coop- cutors The CIA brought deported" enough pressure that the case Congress about the case Act- time to disengage from vari- erate with the CIA. he warn- was quietly dropped, and Another CIA memo de- ing CIA Director Carl Duck- ous groups who were involved ed, if a CIA director can be Khramkhruan slipped back scribes how a CIA lawyer ett wrote an "apparently in- in the (narcotics) traffic." compelled to divulge con- into Thailand would "attempt to negotiate complete, inaccurate and mis- For the CIA officials who fidences in open court. But in 1975. a House Gov- with the prosecutors to drop leading" letter to Sen. have been accused of false - Footnote Greaney did not ernment Operations subcom- the charges." Greaney him- Charles Percy. R-lll. accord- testimony the revelation return our calls. We were mittee teamed about the case self recommended in writing ing to the subcommittee comes at an awkward time unable to reach Duckett It's now Byrd's Senate

By JIM BISHOP mi iiiuiii IIIWII iiiiii" mi and won The mountaineers nedy he admired He is not a The United States Senate and the coal miners sensed socializer: he disdains par- has a boss He is a fragile po- that Bob Byrd was their kind ties pinjay, a man with a shrill THE Six years later, he was And yet he is unafraid to voice who walks the broad elected to Congress He care- assume a harsh position He corridors of the Capitol alone REPORTER fully straddled the coal min- is opposed to ghetto blacks He is Robert C Byrd of West ers and the mine owners In and shirtless whites "Wher- A case that ^reads' us Virginia, the majority leader the House well, he was silent ever some people go." he In the classroom discussion ear- white Mr. Bakke now invokes was His predecessor. Mike He grew an ulcer At night he says, "the rat holes will fol- in common was poverty Rob- low Wherever some people lier this year of the case of Bakke adopted to protect the rights of freed Mansfield of Montana, was attended George Washington ert Byrd grew up thinking it University, telling himself he go. the ghettos will follow " vs. the Regents of the University of content to allow the Senate black slaves. Yet the main line of Caucus to set policy The sen- was natural to dislike blacks could get nowhere without a This year he was elected California, a law professor at Yale constitutional interpretation has in- ator from West Virginia tells He graduated first out of law degree He won it in 1964 BISHOP majority leader It makes University paraphrased critic Lionel sisted that the amendment protects his august confreres that they Mark Twain High School - By that lime, he was a United him the third most powerful Trilling's famous observation about should not discuss the Pan- not through brilliance — but States senator Byrd sees the each county on an office map man in the nation, behind the whites as well, and that central to because of stubborn study He studied senate procedures the "great books." equal protection is the refusal to ama Canal treaty until "Ja- Senate as an august, dignified president and the speaker of nuary or February" because After school, he fed pigs group of honorable states- and rules until they were the House In any case, it is "We don't read the great treat an individual's race, over that is when he intends to from a slop bucket He took a men And yet. in a not to% committed to memory His now Byrd's Senate It is he cases," the professor told his stu-which he has no control, as impor- permit them to consider it on mall order course to be- subtle manner. Robert Byrd hero was Richard Russell of who sets up the schedules for dents. "They read us." tant in awarding benefits or impos- come a butcher At the age of became a man who piled up Georgia the rare floor debates seen' the Senate floor rl< ing hardships. The symmetry of 18. he married Era James, points. Byrd is a small and pale these days •" l The Bakke case, in which a dis- Byrd was bom Robert Sale who seems to be the only per- man. but he filibustered appointed white medical school ap- such color blindness has always in North Carolina His mother He achieved this by doing Some senators have 55 or son Byrd trusts completely against a civil nghts bill in more staff personnel Byrd plicant claims that he was rejected been thought to benefit blacks For died before he reached his all sorts of menial favors for 19(1. speaking for 21 hours first birthday His father, a When World War II started. other senators A good jour- has 27. Some will not emerge solely because of his race, is a great that reason, one scholarly ally of When Russell Long was Sen- into the corridors without a carpenter, snipped the baby Byrd took up welding and got nalist. Laurence Learner, got ate whip, the fiddler stood in case, perhaps the most important Bafcke has written that even a "be- to the coal mines of West Vir- a good job at a shipyard in to know Byrd. and wrote in clustering staff Robert Byrd nign racial classification "weakens the wings, waiting But inwalks alone He has never civil rights case since Brown vs. ginia to live with his uncle. Tampa. Florida. He joined his "Playing for Keeps in 1967. when Long stepped Board of Education in 1954. And like the government as an educative Titus Byrd the Ku Klux Klan He also be- Washington" that the senator spoken a bad word about tnjr^ down. Byrd was beaten by senator His ulcer is some-, few other cases, it does "read" — force." Nothing came easily to came a Sunday school teach- insisted that every letter from his constituents be answered the rich kid. Ted Kennedy times in flames. searchingly — every lawyer and lay- Byrd and he has never forgi- er at a Baptist church If The hard question facing the ven life for its harshness He there was a lighter side to the on the day of arrival, no mat- Four years later, he fought He has two married daugh- man who attempts to come to grips U.S. Supreme Court is thus whether grew up in Stotesbury think- young man. it was when he ter how late the staff had to Kennedy for the same job. ters, six grandchildren The with its legal and moral com- a widespread perception that blacks ing Southern The slatted dusted off his fiddle, rubbed work and beat him "I'm in a posi- coal kid is now U. He says there are four things his plexities. One's view of the proper as a group have a claim on society houses looked alike, but theresin on the bow. and sawed He makes 1.S00 random tion to do things for others." result in the Bakke case inevitably people were separated. Hog Holler tunes phone calls a year to West he said modestly "I'm in a people believe in: God Al- can be reconciled with a con- position to know what's going mighty; Sears Roebuck: Car- mirrors one's views about the ur- There was a foreign town; After the war. he returned Virginia voters On long stitutional tradition that stresses in- a native-born town: a colored to West Virginia He ran for weekends, he returns to West to happen tomorrow " Sena- ter's Liver Pills: and Robert gency of remedying the economic, dividual rights. town The only thing they had the state House of Delegates Virginia, carefully inking in tor Byrd never met a Ken- Byrd social and educational disadvantages Those who believe that the an- which continue to burden black swer to that question is yes —a Americans. group which includes The Register There are many formidable ar- — have been provided with some Illiteracy at Cornell guments against "affirmative ac- powerful legal ammunition by the tion" programs and the numerical Carter Administration. In a brief it By JAMES J. KILPATRICK iiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiHiiHimiiitmmimtHiiiiiiiiii ries affairs as he will from a horse with a cigarette In his quotas or goals widely used to im- submitted to the Supreme Court, the SCRABBLE. Va. - Among that point ' Worse still, the mouth To achieve clarity in plement them: That race-conscious the values that ought to be dean of writing wrote this: "I writing, believe me, is not an Justice Department attempts to CONSERVATIVE easy task programs perpetuate rather than conserved (I say this as a had communicated with Dean marry the individualist assumptions Levin on the general problem One of my editors lectured help abolish racial stereotypes: that practicing conservative) is of the Constitution and the need to the purity of the English lan- VIEW several times, starting last me the other day for using quotas based on a racial or ethnic alleviate disadvantages visited upon guage. Today's advice along spring, and the second, that hard words. This was Robert group percentage of the population blacks as a class. The brief insists that line is: Don't send your iiiiiiiliimiiiiiiilHiililiiiiimilliiiiiiimmii of over-acceptance, came to W Chandler in the Bend as a whole will lead to a pernicious that "the Constitution places re- son or daughter to Cornell ' Fan-ell's conduct of hostil- me in late August." (Ore.) Bulletin He com- debate about whether intellectual I see by the papers that ities A couple of weeks ago. The dean's letter provoked plained mildly that I once straints on the use of race as a sort- sent him diving for the dic- and other abilities are distributed Cornell has a dean of writing. the dean wrote a letter to the a thundering response from a ing mechanism because (quoting Cornell alumnus. Daniel Mar- KILPATRICK tionary to look up "lucubra- with a mathematically perfect even- Robert Farrell. who ha) been paper defending his program. from a Supreme Court decision) it gulis. who serves as technical m tions. " which is a good and serving as Commander-in- This proved a mistake 1 ness among various groups; that bears no relation to the individual's chief for a million-dollar "war Among other things. Profes- adviser to the student paper. some academician some- useful word for insomniac supposedly transitional affirmative ability to participate in and contrib- on illiteracy" on the campus sor Farrell hitched a singular Mr Margiilis said the Farrell where, chastising me for dan- editors to get to know. I action programs will quickly become Like most wars, this one has subject to a plural verb. He letter contained "no less than gling a participial phrase tossed "Sisyphean" in this ute to society." But the brief adds from the end of a sentence. column just to give my broth- permanent, because educational and its fired-up critics The Corn- also undertook to splice a bro- six outright, palpable, in- that in considering the application of defensible, grammatical or Even so, the labor of criti- er Chandler some further ex- governmental officials will be un- ell Daily Sun has been saying ken sentence with a comma: a black student, an admissions com- unkind things about Dean "I report to the dean, he car- technical errors" in the first cism must continue. It Is a ercise, but he probably knows willing to risk the political reprisals mitfte might well conclude that, be- paragraph Mr. Margulis also tedious labor — indeed, a all about Sisyphus, the old that would follow efforts to end such cause of racial discrimination, the assailed Dean Farrell for Sisyphean labor — and years rock-pusher of Corinth. pass with no visible evidence programs. applicant's- paper credentials might being "verbose and redun- All summer long, I waited dant." of reward. I have traveled not truly reflect his potential as a for an opportunity to use Against these and other in- And the moral to this part this broad land, howling "aestivate." but the opportu- student or as a doctor. against "the single most." but dictments of racial quotas or of the story is that any critic nity never came along. It the howls have accomplished means "to pass the summer "goals" can be set only one oppos- The Justice Department would who writes "less than six" when he means "fewer than nothing. We still read that In a state of relative in- ing argument — but it is a com- have the Supreme Court preserve six" ought to sleep on his ang- Mr. Lance was the single activity or torpor." The pelling one. Simply stated, it is that the possibility that whites and ry letters before he sends most important officer in the trouble with aestivation, as black Americans are so dramatically them In the morning, such a Carter administration. I have the Cornell Imbroglio in- blacks can compete for every single waged a 30-year war upon "it underrepresented in the mainstream vacancy. A black applicant's only critic might conclude that t<> dicates, is that professors, remains to be seen." The war technical advisers and stu- of American life, including the pro- jump on a professor for being advantage would be a sort of bonus verbose and redundant is to goes on. dent editors wake up mean in fessions, that it would be madness to for the assumed effects on his cre- be. sad to say. verbose and In lecturing to Journalism September. They fall upon pretend that the deprivation is totally dentials of racial discrimination. redundant. students. I have begged them one another with shillelaghs unrelated to two centuries of hide- The Bakke case involves far As every editor discovers to untangle the spaghetti and bicycle chains, but it's all ously injurious discrimination soon or late, writing the sim- threads of their syntax. Such in a good cause. High above moie than the professional aspira- Cayuga's waters, the students That belief is shared by many tions of its namesake — a fact re- plest paragraph is n risky strictures are mostly in vain. Some student of advertising of Cornell may yet learn the white Americans. The problem for business Grammar, construc- flected in the administration's tion and syntax lie in a mine- eventually will write that the English language, how she the courts is that what is essentially brief's suggestion that Mr. Bakke's field between an author and Marlboro ads depict a man on should be writ. a program of reparations is difficult claim be reconsidered by the state his thought. Clauses blow up: to reconcile with the individualist — courts in light of an eventual Su- the most innocent verb leaves and color-blind — assumptions of preme Court decision. What is of a poisonous bite: the quick- sand metaphor swallows an Today in history American constitutional law. overriding importance is that the idea whole. nam rejected U.S. proposals Allan Bakke is seeking redress Supreme Court not prevent state by me Associated Press For a professional writer to On this date in 1952. thefor Vietnamese peace talks. under the Fourteenth Amendment to universities and professional schools write about the writing art is British exploded their first Five years ago: Premier the Constitution which prohibits any from voluntarily trying to com- a riskier business still. Once atomic bomb, in a test off the Jens Otto Kray of Denmark state from denying persons the pensate blacks for past dis- or twice a year, the urge coast of Australia. resigned only a few hours af- "equal protection of the laws" — or. criminations. If the high court has overcomes me; I write a col- On this date: In 1866. war ter the Danes gave him a umn on usage or style, and between Austria and Italy decisive political victory by as constitutional scholars often gloss tho will to preserve affirmative ac- sure enough: The next mail 'Up boy! C'mon boy! Okay, then, lake was ended by the Treaty of overwhelmingly approving it, "the protection of equal laws ' tion, the Justice Department liricf brings a feverish letter of Vienna. membership in the European Ironically, the amendment which the has provided it with a way. il easy — He responds beautifully' criticism and complaint from ten years ago: North Viet- Common Market. SHREWSBURY. N J MONDAY, OCTOBER 3. 1977 The Dtfty Rcgfcler 7 U.S. and Japanese cycle firms wage battle

NEW YORK - It's the symbol of potency and speed of International trade by which they have to abide are fairly, to enforce the law." for millions of teenagers — and the despair ol many of disregarded by their Japanese competitors. If so. they A preliminary decision from the Treasury Depart- their anguished parents It is, unmistakably, part of the have a case under the U.S. Antidumping Act of Ittl ment is not expected until early next year. It's likely to dream of American youth. What Is It? A Japanese motor- The motorcycle version of this dispute is now care- be followed by another six months of legal wrangling and cycle. LOUIS ening toward a showdown. Harley Davidson, a subsidiary further investigation by the International Trade Commis- of'AMF. Inc. the oply American manufacturer of motor- sion If Harley-Davidson's petition is successful, motor- But hold on a second, here. What makes the Japanese cycles, has filed a three-inch-thick petition with the Trea- cycle prices probably would rise: special dumping duties so lucky? There was a time, not so long ago, when the sury Department, accusing the Japanese Big Four of would be Imposed on Japanese bikes, pushing the U.S. yearning was truly all-American: when the noisy demon RUKEYSER dumping motorcycles here as a means of boosting their prices to dealers up to the dealer cost levels in Japan racing through a rebel's heart, more often than not, was 1971 U.S. sales to almost (7 billion. (Harley-Davidson's (The petition argues that they now run 17 2 to 30 per cent a made-in-U S A Harley-Davldson. What made this por- sales were under $225 million.) lower.) tion of the American dream so easily exportable, to the detriment both of those who make the U.S. version and of What can't be argued is the degree to which Japa- The petition contains price comparisons of 83 differ- Davidson says the Japanese overestimated world mo- the country's overall balance of trade? nese motorcycle manufacturers — like their countrymen ent motorcycles, contrasting the cost to dealers in Ihe torcycle demand in the wake of the Arab oil embargo. In the production and sales of specialty steel, televisions, U.S. with that to their counterparts in Japan or Western "Rather than cutting production and laying off workers That high-gear controversy Is now raging at least 55 radios, calculators, textiles and automobiles — have been Europe. Its conclusion: only the U.S. and Britain are — a virtual Impossibility in Japan — the Big Four chose miles an hour between the U.S. and Japanese manufac- capturing dramatic shares of the American market. Last used — illegally — as dumping grounds to 'dump' their excess production and inventories of older turers of motorcycles The American agrument Is that, in year 780,000 motorcycles were sold in this country; 87 per bikes in the U.S. at the expense of the American in- a wheel-to-wheel battle, the domestic product could hold cent were Japanese In the first quarter of 1077 this rose John A. Davidson, president of Harley-Davidson (and dustry." he argues Its own in sales — but that the Japanese are cheating: to M.t per cent (Honda took 45 6 per cent, Yamaha 18.1, a grandson of the founder), insists that his firm's action selling their motorcycles to dealers here at lower prices Kawasaki 14.4 and Suzuki 10.7). is not protectionist in nature. "We don't want higher tar- A favorable decision presumably would boost both than they sell them to dealers In Japan or Western Eu- If the Japanese did so well simply by making a bet- iffs or import limitations." he told me. "we just want a prices and U.S. production — and jobs But Davidson in- rope. That's called "dumping," and if proved would be Il- ter, cheaper product, it would be hard for any believer in (air. competitive motorcycle market We asked the gov- sists that he is seeking not a screeching retreat into pro- legal here. Harley-Davldson right now Is revving up a free trade and competition to get exercised But Ameri- ernment to investigate the situation and. finding (he tectionism but a high-speed shift into fairness. Take that. major effort to prove It. can manufacturers Increasingly complain that the rules Japanese exporters are pricing their motorcycles un- Captain America. New law seeks to end unfair debt collection abuses •y SYLVIA PORTER out the debtor's whereabouts, fully intend to repay debts loss of a job. a very serious selves agree on this. caught in troubles they could The first important con- and even then he may not say they take on, and when a illness, marital difficulties, di- Only the behavior of a tiny not foresee have been treated sumer legislation in President the Individual owes a debt or default occurs, it is almost al- vorce. Numerous studies, law percentage matches the ster- as though they were no more Carter's term to date has just may not contact a third per- ways the result of some unfo- enforcement officials and eotype of "deadbeat." Yet. than deadbeais and deserved gone on our statute books — YOUR MONEY'S son more than once unless reseen problem — such as even debt collectors them- for years, millions of citizens all the abuse they got. but with puny, If any, credit reasonably necessary due to the Carter White (4) A debt collector who House knowingly violates the law It's the Fair Debt Collection WORTH can be sued for actual dam- Practices Act — an amend- ages as well as any additional ment to the Consumer Credit damages up to a maximum of Practices Act - and its basic 11.000. An individual who 1st goal is to wipe out abusive and consumers would be hurt. creditors who collect their brings a successful suit is en- and bitterly unfair debt col- Congress was not convinced own delinquent debts are ex- titled to receive court and at- lection practices, such as by these arguments This past empt. The latter were not torney's fees threats of financial ruin, loss August, it passed the debt col- covered because of their po- Celebration (5) The law becomes effec- of Jobs and reputation, late lections bill with the backing litical clout and also because tive next March 1978 night phone calls, the like. of state and federal law en. they need to retain custom- forcement officers and, even- ers' good will and. thus, usu- You. the consumer, will In dramatic hearings before tually, both national organiza- ally do not engage in strong- have the major responsibility the House Consumer Affairs tions of debt collectors. arm collection tactics. to enforce this new law subcommittee on an almost through the courts. But the identical bill in March 1(76. a (1) Only debts contracted (3) Specifically prohibited Federal Trade Commission masked former debt collector for personal or household pur- are such harassing and decep- will have the major adminis- testified that he and other poses — and not for com- tive collection practices as trative authority to see that It debt collectors used such tac- mercial use — are included in threats of violence or loss of is obeyed It has the power to WE'LL GIVE tics to frighten people into the law. It covers indepen- property, publishing of treat violations of this law as paying their debts. He also dent debt collection agencies, "shame lists," repeated or though they were violations of of which there are about 5.000 $ told the committee that he anonymous phone calls, im- a trade regulation rule. had posed as a lawyer, police- now operating In the US. and personating a lawyer or gov- man or court official and employing roughly 40.000 ernment official, obtaining in- In simple language, that bought protection from prose- formation under false pre- means the FTC can go di- YOU 1.20 cution by paying off local old In 1171 alone, more than 15 tenses, collecting more than rectly Into court to obtain re- ctals with a percentage of his billion of debts were turned is legally owed, misusing straining orders and seek profits over to these agencies for col- postdated checks Banned as fines instead of following lection i- and while, of well Is disclosure by collec- time-consuming, Internal ad- The disguised ex-collector course, they didn't succeed In tors of Information about a ministrative procedures. was denounced by other In- collecting this total, when person's personal or financial Not In any way does this dustry witnesses, who re- they do collect, they general- affairs to a third party law prevent collectors from torted that If debt collectors ly retain about half of the pursuing legitimate means to were forbidden to dun people amount collected. A collector, for instance, collect just debts, nor does it TO READ The Daily and by phone and at work, more (2) Mortgages and student may not contact a debtor's limit the responsibility of con- bills would go unpaid, busi- loans, banks, escrow com- friends, neighbors, relatives sumers to pay. The vast ma- i would grant less credit panies, other fiduciaries and or employer — except to find jority of Americans, though. Sunday Register For 3 Weeks Tax refund on inherited stock earnings for the fiscal year By DAVID R. SARGENT ended July 31. 1977. Sales y I wonder if you could were up slightly while earn- help me. I recently lost my ings gained sharply to II 40 a father and among his things share vs. (2 cents the pre- were certificates for 200 SUCCESSFUL vious fiscal year. Leading the shares of Associated Trans- improvement were the Indus- port and 100 shares of Meister It's our first anniversary and we'd like to give you a gift. trial systems and the profes- Brau I have been unable to sional services divisions One We want to moke it possible for you to read The Daily find these stocks listed Could INVESTING area of uncertainty remains, and Sunday Register for three weeks at a very low price. you tell me If they are still however, the outcome of its We'll even give you $1.20 to do sol All you have to do is valu")le7 JJ. Michigan dispute with the Navy on cost A. I am sorry that my infor- cost you under $100 in broker- systems contractor on the overruns. A settlement is an- fill in Ihe coupon below (or phone us) and you will receive mation on these stocks age fees. Today you should be Cruise missile program and ticipated by early 1978. While 3 certificates worth W each. Give one certificate plus SO* couldn't be more rewarding able to get a discount from plans to enter its DC-IO jum- Ihe shares are more specula- to your carrier at the end of each week. This represents financially Associated Trans- that rate by shopping around bo jet in the missile carrier tive than those of McDonnell. port Is still alive and listed on McDonnell Douglas has contest. Although there is talk Litton should be held for fur- the total cost (90*) of having the Register delivered to your the Philadelphia Stock Ex- plenty of military work and of stretching out the F-15 pro- ther recovery. home for one week. change. A bid on the shares has recently begun to ex- gram, orders are still ex- (Mr. Sargent cannot answer pected to exceed $11 billion. recently was at 10 cents. perience a resurgence in com- all mail personally, but will We know you will enjoy the livery news style of The. Meister Brau. however. Is a mercial orders for Jetliners. McDonnell should earn 13 this answer all questions possible dead Issue. The company was The company is the guidance year. Litton has just reported in his column.) Register, our own award winning reporters, plus inter- judged as bankrupt in 1973 nationally and nationally famous columnists, comics and so The administrator of the es- tate may file an amended re- very much more. We will phone you at the end of the turn Form 1040X for that three week period and if you desire to have The Register, year. Evidence of his author- LET US CONSOLIDATE YOUR doily and Sunday, delivered to your door, the cost is only ity must be filed with the claim. For complete details DEBTS .... AND REDUCE W per week. on claiming this loss, you should consult your accoun- YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS! tant or attorney. Q. I have 1(0 shares of McDonnell Douglas and 40 of Litton Industries, which were BORROW UP TO acquired as an employee at these companies. Would I be better off to sell these stocks $ and put the money in a sav- 30,000 AND MORE ings certificate at IV, per cent? If so. what is the best with a Secondary Mortgage Loan way and how much Is the 15 Year terms now available which may help you reduce commission to sell them? K.P.. California your monthly payments by hundreds of dollars. HELP YOURSELF TO $1.20 ' A. Although both stocks are No doting law — NO attorney to* on loans up to $30,000 Vee, plane haw The Dally end worth holding as long-term No prepayment penalties. Sunder BejMer delivered to my speculations, you should know home (or a twee week period. how to sell for some future Loans up to $30,000 date. You can sell (and buy) shares through one of the sev- •Term 7yrs. 1Oyrs. 15yrs. eral stock brokers in your Name area. Because commission Annual MAIL rates are in a state of flux, it Percentage 12% 13.5% 15% Addreu Is is difficult to say exactly what you will be Rate COUPON Town charged. Before fixed com- Mate missions were eliminated in Call for full details on how our 15 Year Loan Program OR PHONE 1175. these sales would have nan help you! City Consumer services 542-4009 A subsidiary of City Federal Savings Mall To (201)671-2021 The Daily Register Classified Way Village Mall Shopping Center TODAY 1060 Rte 35, Mlddlelown, N.J.DT74I One Register Plaza dial Or call Toll Free 800-492-4064 (or the location of Shrewsbury, New Jersey 07701 "The Action Line" our 9 offices In New Jersey 542-1700 S The DfeflyRegister SHREWSBURY N J MONOAY OCTOBER 3 1977 Legal test over access to news

B> ROBERTS THOMPSOV Rosen, one of l.ashinskv s defense lawyers been filed SAYREV1LLE (AP) - A fata! traffic acci- "The state trooper was a public officer in a "The law under which Mr Lashinsky was dent here and a photographer's obligation to public situation on a public highway." Rosen charged is not the problem The way it was ad- record the event have raised questions about said ministered is." Rosen said freedom of the press and access to news "The testimony shows we have a state The charge against Lashinsky does not men- Those questions and more were expected to trouper deciding information on the accident will tion profane language nor a fear of the over- be argued today when the trial of Harvey I.ash con* only through state officials and not a pro- turned vehicle exploding Nor do state police insky resumes in municipal court fessional newsman " property reports mention the $25,000 in cash and Ushinsky. a photographer for the Star Led- Trooper Erich Herkcloz testified last securities and alleged gold and jewelry strewn ger of Newark was charged with obstructing J Wednesday, the trial's first day. that he per- about the wreck site police investigation last March as he photo- mitted a State Police and parkway photograph- Herkloz has testified, however, he was wor- graphed a Garden State Parkwa\ accident in ers to photograph the accident as near as two ried about the threat of explosion or somebody which one woman was decapitated and $25,000 in feet away, but was concerned about the safety making off with personal property strewn cash and negotiable checks were strewn about of Lashinsky. standing 20 feet away , nearby He admitted, however, as many as 20 the roadside "We don't think an officer should limn the spectators were as close or closer to the wreck- The law under which Lashinsky was charged right of the people to know what went on." age than Lashinsky has two sections, obstructing and using profane Rosen said "Besides, maybe the Stale Police The trooper aiso said the' photographer was language could have learned something from us Our "a civilian" and his only job at the scene was to Testimony by state troopers has not clearly photos are better and we were there first " leave when the State Police told him to shown how Lashinsky. who was said to be up to Rosen and co-defense attorney Donald A "They're trying to say the photographer has 20 feet from the accident site, got in the way Robinson have asked for dismissal of the no place being there If they had charged him Testimony has claimed Lashinsky called a state charges on grounds barring the photographer with the language part of the statute, that's one trooper foul names from the scene violates First Amendment free- thing But this goes to the very heart of the First Lashinsky was arrested after he allegedly dom of the press guarantees and state law mak- Amendment." Rosen said made the remarks ing it illegal to interfere with a newsman while "If they had charged him with swearing, we Look for Columbus Day Values From "We view it as an issue whether the press he is reporting an event could have worked something out where Lash- has a right to news and whether the state has State Deputy General George Ciszak notes, insky paid something in a fine and we all went Merchants Throughout The County the right to control access. " said Marlr L however, no cross-claim interference charge has home " In the Friday, Oct. 7 and Sunday, Oct. 9 issues City man held on morals counts The Daily Register LONG BRANCH - A 33- The incident occurred Sat- the two boys' game while er, and the building superin- driver year-old city man who alle-urday afternoon their father, who had been tendent searched the building Patrolman Thomas C. gedly kidnapped and molested According to witnesses' working around the building, for the 10-year-old boy, police Rockhill and Detectives a 10-year-old boy during a ter- statements, police said. Mr took a trip to the bank, ac- said Bruce Newman and Robert The Sunday Register rifying game of hide-and-seek Durant allegedly accosted the cording to police According to police, the fa- Gant are the investigating of- MONMOUTH COUNTY'S GREAT HOME NEWSPAPERS was arrested here Saturday boy after forcing himself into The younger brother told ther and the building supenn ficers tendent found Mr Durant and Bail for two of the four of- Charles B Durant. of 132 a game of hide and seek with police that he had found Mr ONE REGISTER PLAZA, SHREWSBURY. N J 542-4000 Nbrth Fifth Ave . here, is the victim and his younger Durant and his brother in a the boy in one of the apart- fenses with which Mr Durant being held in county jail on brother The two boys, both closet, and that his brother ments was charged was set at more than 110.000 bail from Middletown. had accom- was sobbing Police said that Mr Durant $10,000 Bail set for the other He was charged with kid- panied their father to 40 The alleged assailant then allegedly threatened the 10- two counts was not known napping, sodomy, lewdness. Cooper Ave, here, where the told him to hide so that he vearold boy with a screw- vesterdav and impairing the morals of a incident occurred, police said and his brother could find • minor Their father owns the build- him. the young boy told po- The 10-year-old was treated ing, which contains a number lice and released from Monmouth of apartments, police said When the boys' father re- 24 hurt in jet blaze Medical Center Mr Durant allegedly joined turned, he. the younger broth- SHANNON. Ireland (AP) - plane was building up speed TOIWfS .. at our 52ndl Fire broke out in an engine of down the runway when one of a jetliner carrying ;'5fl Ameri- the engines caught fire, and cans as it was taxiing to take the pilot "managed to brake New attorney is appointed off here late yesterday, air- just before takoff ANNIVERSARY SALE port authorities reported The "The aircraft was on the pilot managed to bring the jet verge of take-off when he re- to a stop, but 24 passengers alized the engine was on to probe auto repair shop were injured escaping fire." he said "If the plane look What You Can had actually left the ground RED BANK - Borough Council acted Friday night dents had threatened to file The officials said most of many people could have been Buy For Only Council has appointed a new in response to neighborhood suit against 14 borough offi- the people on the plane were killed" attorney to investigate,an residents, who asked that an- cials if the council did not women and came from Texas About 10 of the injured pas- East Leonard St auto body other attorney be appointed take action on their com- and Oklahoma The DCS on sengers broke or injured their shop after its first choice re- to investigate numerous com- plaints charter from Capitol Airways ankles as they left the plane 99 vealed a conflict of interest if plaints against shop owner The residents say that the was bound for Dallas. Tex . by emergency chutes The he investigated the shop's op- Larry Cohen, since Mr Dra- borough has ignored alleged via Hartford. Conn other injued persons received erations zin had once represented a building code violations in the A spokesman for Shannon bumps and bruises as they 10 Harold Kuskin. a Perth Am- partner of Mr Cohen shop, and maintain that a OFF International Airport said the rushed to the chutes boy attorney, was named by Mr Drazin had offered to business of that type would SUNBEAM STEAM MON council to replace Dennis A withdraw from the case when not be allowed on the east ON ALL Drazin of Drazin and War- appointed last week himself side of town HONG KONG TOASTMASTER shaw. here raising the conflict of interest The problem is that the CUSTOM TAILORS In ASBURY PARK 2 SUCE TOASTER question When the com- commercial property at the Wall & Table Clocks plaining residents agreed with end of the street, owned by For 2 days Only, Oct. 4th, 5th, Twes. t Wed. ONLY Prodan the attorney late last week, Mr Cohen, has been ex- Cftoose from 8 000 fabrics — kVe M any size Revereware SUNBEAM 3 SPEED Finest Hand Tailoring — Casual & Dress. Formal council moved to appoint Mr panded and borders the resi- Corningware Sets HAND MIXER to aid Kuskin dential area ••i* (tap ^rj^nr,^ *169 Mr Kuskin is to report on The property has several h tNMtKt, •• and prosecute any violations tenants, including Red Bank • PLUS • • 11 CMfTMl SI •*!• and Open Stock by Mr Cohen in operating his Auto Exchange, and a used d 9 probe Red Bank Auto Exchange at I car rental known as "Rent a RIVAL #782 Leonard St Atk to, Mr. MH» Wan) Glassware Sets("4 ^ ) ELECTRIC NEWARK (AP) •+ A for- Wreck " All are operated by A number of Westside resi- At HOWAM) JOHNSON MOTM LODGE-Tel: 776-9000 mer Bloomfield bank presi- Mr Cohen CAN OPENER dent who pleaded guilty to Corelle Open Stock fraud charges has agreed to ANDKNfE help federal authorities in their probe of underworld Make A Date SHARPENER connections to New Jersey A paid directory of coming events for nonprofit organiza- The Soldiers of Christ will sponsor a Pot Roast Din- banks tions Rates 12 00 for 3 lines for one day. SI 00 each addi- ner, on Sat . Oct 8. from 5-7 p m Then' will be a min- Attorneys for Robert L tional line: 13 00 for two days. $1 25 each additional line. imum donation of S2 50 for adults: f 1.29 for children Bay- Prodan 35. of Morganville.. 15 for three to five days. $1 50 each additional line: 16 00 shore Community Church 185 Ocean Ave. East Keans- told federal authorities last for 10 days: $200 each additional line Deadline noon 2 burg Thursday that their client days before publication Call The Daily Register. 542-4000. was willing to cooperate in ask for the Date Secretary ECKANKAR presents ECK. the LIFE FORCE, the hopes of getting a reduced key to success in unfolding all spiritual powers! Oct. 8. sentence OCTOBER ! 1977. Monmouth Mall CIVIC Auditorium. Eatontown Kree He faces five years in pris- Fenn Vogt exhibits copper on wood sculpture through Introductory Talk iFilm. II :3u A M -12 30 P M. Two Ses- on and a $10,000 fine for con- October Reception Sunday Oct 2. 3-5 Guild of Cieative sions I PM & K :w P M spiring with fiye other per- Art 620 Broad St. Shrewsbury Gallery open noon to 5 sons to defraud the defunct OCTOBER 8. 9 Bank of Bloomfield of S3 mil- OCTOBER 2. 3. 4 Quality Antique Show, sponsored by SI Catharine's SAVE ON AU lion, some of which was used "Nearly New Sale." National Council of Jewish Wom- at CBA. Lincroft. Oct 8. 11 to B. Oct 9th. 10 to 4 pm to finance loansharking en. Middletown Shopping Center. Rt 35. next to-Sun Ray Tickets II.50 Dealers call 948-2723. T-FAL The five co-conspirators Good clothes and housewares at low. low prices. Sun.. OFF OCTOBER 9 SKILLETS have pleaded guilty and the Oct 2. 1 p.m. to 4 p m : Mon . Oct 3 and Tues. Oct. 4.10 The Calvary Gospel Chorus of Calvary Baptist bank has folded am to 3 pm ALL Church. 23 River St.. Red Bank, will be celebrating their Sources said an "unholly al- OCTOBER 4 liance" between organized 25th Anniversary on Sun . Oct 9 Rev Elmo Bean. Bethel SAVE $6.00 Auditions for the Monmouth Conservatory Children's AM E Church, Wilmington. Delaware, will conduct the F«rb«f 8-cup crime figures and banks was Chorus. Felix Molzer. Director, starting Us 9th season 7 s the target of the federal in- afternoon service at 3:30 p.m. In the evening at 7:30 p m CORELLE P M Church of the Nativity. Hance 4 Ridge Rds-.-'Fair there will be a Choir Festival. Everyone is welcome ELECIRK vestigation Haven, ages 9 to 13 accepted Further information: 741- U.S. Atty Jonathan L HM OCTOBER 10 PERCOLATOR Goldstein said in one case un- Flea Market, St Rose of Lima School. South St.. OCTOBER 5 SETS REG. der investigation, organized Freehold. Oct 10. 9 to 4 Space 15. Table S3 additional The United Methodist Woman Old First Methodist 3S.9S crime interests used a New Food available Rain date. Oct 15 4*2-5763 or 431-4238 Green & Gold White 29" Jersey bank as their own pri- Church will have a this and that sale October 5th. 9:30 a.m. to 3 30 p m A luncheon will be served. II 30 a m to vate lending instituion OCTOBER 11 CORELLE CORELLE So far. more than 50 per- 1 p m Jewelry, furniture, clothing, and home baked SAVE $10.00 goods Parents Without Partners. 644. meeting Don Quixote. sons have been indicted on Rt. 34. Matawan. 8:30 "Fathers United For Equal SETS SETS Otter 10-SpMd federal bank fraud charges as OCTOBER 6 Rights." Dancing. Live music Free hustle lessons 566- a result of the probe, and au- BLENDER Annual Card & Mah-Jongg Party, by Middletown 0170. 50 thorities say the list will Chapter Women's American ORT at Buck Smiths, Oct. 6. REG. grow. Investigators are said 8 P.M. Game demonstrations: door prizes: refreshments OCTOBER 13 34.95 22" &21 39.95 to be studying records of Chinese Auction to be held Thursday. Oct. 13th. 1977. 29" Tickets at door $2 donation about 20 financial instituuins 7:30 pm at Buck Smiths. Keansburg Sponsored by the in the state. Creative Arts for Children, a free demonstration by Vietnam Gold Star parents Absolutely no tickets sold at Will plant tree Helene Melnick of a unique method of relating the arts of the door Call 741-6016 or 741-6014 SAVE «25" music, movement, drama, poetry and visual art at the OFF Monmoulh Arts Center. Red Batik. 4:30 p m Call Mon- OCTOBER 15 in woman's honor mouth Conservatory of Music. 741-8880 October Fest. dinner, dancing, open bar 8 P.M. until Yellow— Gourmet Stainless Sleel 1 A.M. Dinner served 8 P.M. sharp. Donation: $12 50 per HAZLET - A tree me- OCTOBER 6. 7 Oven Proof person, sponsored by VFW Post 2179. 787-9897. 739-2508 COOKWARE morializing Theresa A Mai- Rummage Sale. St Lukes Methodist Church, corner evenings ANY IMA? toy, organizer and first secre- Washington & Broadway. Long Branch. Thurs., Fri.. eve- SOUFFLE SET tary of the Middle Road Se- nings. 5-8 P.M. LIU Price nior Citizens Club, will be Run For Rumson — a five-mile run through Rumson. 9995 or Rtg. 124 98 planted in Veterans Memorial OCTOBER 6. 7. 8 sponsored by the Rumson Community Appeal Trophies 198 Park In her honor. Rummage Sale. 9-4 pm. sponsored by Middletown for fastest runner, fastest woman runner, fastest over 50 6.91 $150 Open Stock Value LAMP SHADE The planting, for which no Elks. No 2179 Main St.. Port Monmouth 10:30 Race Victory Park Registration S3 by Oct II to Peter Dixon. 21 Sailors Way date has been set. will be OCTOBER 8 done by friends and neighbors Art Auction. Unitarian Church. West Front St., Lin OCTOBER 18 of Mrs. Molloy. Accom- We reserve the right to limit quantities croft. Benefit: Women's Resource & Survival Center Belford Engine Fire Co. Ladies Auxiliary 4th Annual panying the tree will be a Preview 1-2 PM. Free admission, refreshments, door Chinese Auction. Buck Smith's. East Keansburg. 8 p.m., plaque in Mrs. Malloy's mem- j prizes Call 2644111.' Oct. 18. 1977 Donation 11.75. 32 Broad St. 741-7500 Red Bank ory. Snuffy Smith Dennis the Menace \$HREWS8URY. N J MONDAY. OCTOBERS. 1977 9

( O\l BROWNIE I'M GOIN' FISHIN1 Crossword puzzle TODAV WITH MV OL' BUDDY ACROSS 26 Purloined 47 Take on an 10 Salamanders 1 Bedrooms 27 Deer apprentice 11 Captivate on a ship 28 Soft part 49 Labyrinth 12 Metal 7 Cheshire's 30 - bien 50 Seeded binder attribute 31 Peevish apples 13 Aspects 11 Seer's na ness 52 Helmdi 21 Goldbrick live gilt 32 Take to rection 22 Top room 14 Shiny glaze one's heels 53 Persians of 23 Flagellate 15 Run swiftly 33 Heavyweight old 24 Rabbit ' 16 Utmost 35 Itinerant 54 Affluent 28 Naval force degree vendor clientele 29 Stern 17 Predicament 37 Farm 57 Bonanza's 32 Join the IB Afresh machine yield jet set 19 Drivers' 41 Center of a 58 Scion 34 - Palmas group: abbr. hurricane 59 Finishes 36 Hold back 20 Purchaser's 42 Church 62 Legal point 37 Musical /I'M ALWAYS I'AA SO HAPPy. bonus ritual 63 Distinctive direction 23 After water 43 A Rogers style 38 Exploits f SO NERVOUS VOU ALL SEEM or Ferris 44 Smell- {be 64 RAF men 39 Seep WHEM I TRY TO LIKE IT 25 Before JFK suspiciousl 65 Pesticide 40 Breads 66 Bravos 42 Riding A NEW RECIPE. Saturday's Puzzle Solved: 67 Public academies quarrels 44 Bestow upon Hi 11 A N | ] 45 Raised the i r. 1, 1 1 ' w 1 DOWN roof ( M k M] I IN 1 w I 5 1 These: Fr. 46 Stem a flow AffTu 7|sb R M 1 2 Old: abbr. 48 Steam or M I) >i» • i) r A V 5 r ( 3 Exchanged diesel H IT { ii N 4 Inn for a 49 Be offi- w TJBT 0 A R 1 T 0 (i bey cious I uWT I H 5 Himalayan | u 51 Likewise SKIP THE . I (Be N land 53 In a frenzy p ft ! [•A c | 6 Husky's 55 Army acro- 1 i_ ^•T A 1 KIMH HAM6URSER DON'T NEED ANY HiiP.' ', « • vehicle nym M E |T|A I I 1 7 Spanish 56 Twills The Familv Circus Bv Bil Keane V 1 u i ni Nil Hf i\ 1 nobleman 60 Shoshonean Mary Worth I' M h \- 1 M HHHHM 8 Scopes 61 Addenda: •• 55= I WAS SURPRlSER YES, WELL-I YOU SOUND I WOULP NEVER . • 9 Glaciates abbr. HONEY AT MR. •••I PIPN'T FEEL EVASIVE/ AS KEEP A SECRET CRAWORO'S SAYING 1 NE£DEX> MORE IF THERE WERE FROM YOU, STAN.' AS STAN THAT lOU ONCE HI6H SCHOOL SOME BK3 *W KAREN CONSIDERED DROPPING CREDITS! SO- SECMT 1 i 1 TT 13 LEAVE AFTER SCHOOL' INVOLVEP.' TALKING i'i 1• i; • MTH FRANK _ 1 VI CRAWfORC W • ill • m m — : FT I n I Ii'. n I! | • • ill • • - - • I DREAMED THAT A CUD THAT KNIGMT I DONT KNOW-HE ' HONEY/ WAJT'U. | KMKjHTlN SHINIMG APMOO HAD HIS VISOR DOWN • P ( I TiU_VOU ABOUT ) J = BOO6 AWAY WITH ME' . - . V^, MV DREAM' (—' 51 •, i • • __ i SI •J ~ • 1 ¥ 61 1 <,! M I'm never wearin' this shirt to school again! I 1R 1i! I 1 got called on five times today!" L_ 1 L Your horoscope, birthday I he Wizard of Id MONDAY, OCTOBER 3- than your limitations can Jan.19) — If you are de- profits already in hand. Born today, you are a tolerate. Thus, though you pending upon the benefits This is an excellent time sincere, affectionate and may happily accept a chal- of an immediate success, for resting on your laurels. sympathetic person - but lenge, it is never a chal- you may be disappointed. Advise a youngster on his you are not inclined to lenge that comes equipped Success is sure - but dis- future. demonstrate your concern. with insurmountable tant. GEMINI(May21-June20) Many think of you as an obstacles. AQUARIUS! Jan.20- — Unless you can remain aloof and isolated individu- Feb.18) — Keep to your emotionally calm, you will al. In truth, you observe TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4 own concerns today. Oth- very likely upset your own and inwardly respond to LIBRAISept.23-Oct.221 — ers may ask for your and another's apple cart. everything that goes on You might be wise to keep advice, but you would do Rationalize difficulties. about you. As a very young negative responses to well to keep your views to CANCERCJune 21-July child, you may well have yourself, especially in re- yourself for now. 22) — What you anticipate been tempermental, but a action to another's recent PISCES(Feb.l9-March is worse than the reality lack of family encourage- efforts to succeed. 20) — Tact is essential in fast approaching. Relax ment in the display of SCORPIOiOct.23- your dealings with others and prepare to move Andy Capp emotion gradually caused Nov.21) — Important mat- today - and most espe- quickly, and accurately. you to develop a veneer of ters may take up more cially should you do busi- IWU6T un responsiveness. LEO (July 23- Aug. 22) — TRM time than you had hoped. ness with long-term Guard personal relation- A person of great deter- You have to put off leisure- friends. ships with the young. Chil- mination, what you decide time activity. ARIESl March 21-April dren look to you with trust to do you will do if you have SAGITTARIUSlNov 22- 19) — You are probably and confidence. Take care even a modicum of the Dec.21) — Morning confu- your own worst enemy at not to mar the image. talent necessary. You are sion could cause you to this time. Take advice VIRQO(Aug.23-Sept.22) not frightened by large react badly to another's from those who have an — Refuse to take sides in odds: rather, they, chal- suggestion for afternoon objective view of the situa- an argument that does not lenge you. At the same fun and profit. Make sin- tion. really concern you. You time, however, you are cere apologies. TAURUSfApril 20-May could easily be persuaded wary of taking on more CAPRICORNlDec.22- 20) — Take no risks with into an untenable position.

Doonesbury SheinwolcPs bridge advice South dealer North-South vulnerable loommus, I mm nor! WHICH by Alfred Sheinwold trumps left were dummy's to get two clubs, but all you NORTH I'M not/urn' tmtcfvm ism imtoffA TAK£ fctf HOMB, AND THIS! we KI6HT!SEE, The old records say that three and Bast's nine. got was one spade." • A32 m mission /m£HAEAc- OH., feu copies OF THE mcKiTOtir, Wisi tPSAUJT the trouble started when Abel proceeded to cash his That's where the story MORETW0- 752. What do J10 9


\'"jft •iifCLtHk \% SB 10 The Daily Regfcler •TOBER3 1977 fIndoor Sport' good comedy

R> MARVBKTH U I KN who is portrayed by Boul each character is totally Kathy Reed and Mr Miller It's n artiitic Miller believable Gary and Jeff watch Timing clicks, though, TINTON FALLS - If triumph Uatti i ul tad its tl per comedy, Gary re- couldn't be more opposite and the show—despite its there's one thins "The Indoor i enter lurns at the wrong time And The former dresses casually length—moves right along Sport" proves, it's thai Noil ms to -.u n with him is his Scotch-drink and minces nary a word The Nothing is spared when it Simon isn't the only ramie ttke audu inI buddy, Chip, who is latter comes impeccably comes to reality—and each playwright around 'The li which played to comic perfection by dressed and. each time he Wednesday. Friday. Satur- Jack Perry, who concocted revolves \*r\ • Don Brennan opens his mouth, forgets to day, and Sunday, a real pho- the alter-dinner confection lemut di ouple on \IMI in the picture are Pat close it tograph is torn to shreds, but- currently at The Dam SiU1 is • Kattrj Reed as Ellen Harndge. One ol the show's funniest tons are ripped off a shirt, no slouch—and is lo>- well Sheila Madison star Sheilt'l lovflorn sister, and scenes features Jeff making and Mr Lynch endures Ms. known than he dWCTves 10 b* tennis pi 'i I ^n( h Judy Newcomb as Maggie. an interminable toast while Newcomb trampling on his The Denkath Production li Gar> Madison II the snoopy maid emotions ranging from bore- back directed by Denis Lynch it t'lin^-p1, i are iim In an attempt to be utterly dom to disgust flash across "The Indoor Sport." which presented after a dinner ol li frs ) Civilized, Sheila. Gary, and the faces of everyone else will be presented for the next pnme ribs. Hungarian chick' 1 her hus- Jeff try to resolve their Lots of lines are priceless three weeks, is replete with en paprikas, or roast park band - frequent length) ah- triangle not only out in the — but there are also funny funny moments—and some- PREPARING FOR "COMPANY" - Rehearsing for a scene In "Com- It's a comedy that an .HI lencei M - romance open but with spectators moments during which no one times the show moves on be- pany," which is being presented by the Spring Lake Community Theatre dience can sit back and »njo> with Jeff Connall) ex-athlete Casting contributes greatly speaks a word as when Mr fore the audience has had a Association, ore Norman Hart, Terri King, and Gus Louis Crist, standing, — with a minimum of concen- turned li iltsman to the show's success and Lynch examines a toe while chance to finish laughing who will star as Robert. The show will be staged Oct. 13,14, IS, 2), and 27 at the Spring Lake Community House. I Dinner, dance ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS set for Oct. 9 Frankie Laine at Club Bene QNEMA WMIM '1.80 RED BANK - The ban MORGAN - Frankie Lame. when there will be two per- became a part of American or an architect — but the boy sot tho lIMImt ri'inrd by baldi Society Of Red Rank a singer who has been formances. The first, at « tradition with "I Believe. " knew what he wanted to do laslitiK I .01 hours - May 26 will celebrate Columbus awarded 14 gold records, will p m . will follow dinner at "Jezebel." "Mule Train. " and from the moment he was able to Oil 18, 1M! in Atlantic birthday by sponsoring a Iwf- be appearing Tuesday 6 30 pm The second, at mid- "Jealousy " lo carry a tune City For Ihon oflorts. they fet dinner and danci'Oil I at through Saturday at Club night, will follow dinner at One of his proudest achieve- split | pri/oiir <•• p m and the show will begin Lame, who started his sing- His father, a barber, wanted marathon dance contests He gin at s p m , is trw to mem- jit 9 pm except on Saturday ing career in a church choir. him to become a pharmacist and his partner. Ruth Smith. bers and their wives Frank Mazza. chairman, says that those wishing to bnn^: guests should contact him, Anthony -HU1~ DeStefano. president or inj •KOWLOON of the societv officers Television Today CONNECTION" COMTTWUOUI OAHV New York Channels — 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 " NOON TO MMMMOMT

1 performance of Fran; Liszt s A I'rankic laine Murder in Peyton Place Ed 3 57 J 1100.000 NAME THAT TUNE Faust Symphony *itn tenor Nelson Dorothy Malone The 4 NBC NEWS UPDATE 4 INSEARCHOf Kenneth Riegel and the men o1 bodies ol a young couple who 4IB. The Secrets ol Lite me Tanglewood Festival Chorus CORRECTION formerly lived in Peyton Place are 2 TATTLETALES under the direction of John discovered and the slaying } MIKE DOUGLAS Oliver Fall ailull program triggers an epidemic ol suspicion 4 ROBERT YOUNG FAMILY 1130 (5) CAMKIUtNnT and intrigue among the DOCTOR 2 10 THE CBS LA Tt MOVIE registration i> sot residents (2 hrs i 5 FRED FUNTSTONE • CAIOTS Letters From Three Lovers 1973 7 ABC'S MONDAY NIGHT MIDDLETOWN - Regis- S MCRV GRIFFIN June Aiiyson Ken Berry Three 7 EDGE OF NIGHT FOOTBALL letters delayed lor a year by a tration is under »j> at the Oakland Raiders vs Kansas City • MOVIE plane crash change the lives ol Hi • >r fall 5 CAROL BURNETT AND Cruets trom Kansas City. The Roaring Twenties three sets of lovers (fli Missouri adult prr. d by the 11 JOSIE AND THE PUSSYCATS J 4 THE TONK5HT SHOW 7 HOLLYWOOD SQUARES 1 NINE ON NEW JERSEY Guest host John Denver Bayshore R« • • 13 VILLA ALEGRE 9 NEWLYWEDQAME ft MEDICAL CENTER Guests George Burns Or John 430 11 MACNEH-LEHRER REPORT Pur' \i inmouth Road and 2 MIKE DOUGLAS Lilly I scientist) Terry Garr too ,1) MOVIE Kenny Rogers Br;i> Vvi East Keansburg s WOOOY WOODPECKER 2 10 ELVtS IN TASTE Reeler Madness W> Dave 5 LOVE AMERICAN STYLE 1 MOVIE A musical special starring the O'Brien. Dorothy Short Louis 1 MOVIE Wild in me Country Pin I late superstar The broadcast The programs include Fasmer s anti-mari|uana Pillow Talk 1950 Rock Hudson was videotaped this summer at 11 HECKLE ANOJECKLE melodrama emphasizes the Dons Day A wolfish song writer n it u »n ens v o I- *t the Omaha CIVIC 1} SESAME STREET harmful •fleets ol what the turn and an interior decorator become Center in Rapid City. S D EVERY WED. leyball which begin thi> 900 calls the killer weed in enemies without meeting 3 4 LJTTLE HOUSE ON TH€ week and 4 NEWS dramatizing us impact on IMOs because they are forced lo sha be obtained Ingaiis absence Caroline hires a MO 2 10 MAUDE handyman to complete work on The liberated woman has no from the recreation office m 3 6 10 NEWS 6 7 NEWS HflPPY , the unfinished kitchen, but his place in sociely-at least that is Bodman Park 5 FLINTSONES presence 13 a source ol gossip m 1*00 li II » U ELECTRIC COM- what Victoria Butterfield s fattier 11 TWILIGHT ZONE HOOKER town and tension in the Ingalis professes as Maude protests PANY 1*15 home t NEWARK ANO REALITY GOCSTO EVENING 5 CROSSWTTS 1040 7 MOVIE 7 THE SAN PEORO BEACH 2 ill RAFFERTY The Treasure ol San Gennjro WflSHI Film for seniors 1908 Harry Guar dmo, Senta LONG BRANCH - The MO Or Rafferty plays detective lor an Magnificent Moose The usually airline stewardess and mat- Berger (2 hrs i 2 3 4 6 7 10 NEWS 12 » ; brar) 5 BRADY BUNCH mild mannered Moose finds chmaker for a comic strip artist S MOVIE * HOLLYWOOD CONNECTION himseil in the boxing ring against and an orphan wili prv-' A Bullet lor Joey 1955 George 11 000 COUPLE a bully who wants to humiliate 5 11 HNEWS Is gity 'Business Raft. Edwara G Robinson M hr fur senior i itizehs of tl - 12 13 ZOOM him in front of his girl and the • MEET THE MAYORS i onict onw 7 r* 6 30 admiring Raipftie 1030 43 mm ) ie "Till the i loud; Roll B>' 11 MOVIE 3 NBC NEWS I NEW rORK REPORT ' ! ,p m Tho film .i 5 I LOVE LUCY Trooper Hoc* 1963 Joel Me- tl PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED Crea Barbara Stanwyck {1 hr 30 Frank Sinatra 6 ABC NEWS so/si mm ) 9 JOKER SWILO MUHAMMAD 11:00 and Refresh- 10 CBS NEWS 1:00 WHERE THE GOOD 1 Jj J, •A • 10 NEWS 12 NEWS • All, Th« Chomp, 5 FOREVER FERNWOOO 3 4 TOMORROW 13 PROGRAMMING UNAN- I LIFE Of RILEY Host TomSnyder TIMES ARE FOUND! NOUNCED The Man on That's II 000COUPLE 700 •:« UUAS YOGA AND YOU 1:30 2 CBS NEWS It In Sports 2 MOVIE Ham dunce Oct. /.> r tl GREAT PERFORMANCES EATONTOWN 3 EVENING MAGAZINE Mi. Leonard Bernstein conducts the fork City i950Chafiton Hesion, Monmouth Mall 542-9745 HOLM DEL - 51 4. NBC NEWS I PENN STATE FOOTBALL Boston Symphony Orchestra in a Luabeth Scott 0 hr Mmin \ HIGHLIGHTS edict's i'T\ x\\\ hold I Barn 5 BRADY BUNCH 6 TO TELL THE TRUTH Kentucky vs Penn State KEYPORT 7 ABCNEWS Rte 35 A Garden State Pkw in the school cafeteria friim 9 BOWLING FOR DOLLARS 11 DINAH! NEW 10 CONCENTRATION At the movies 264-9735 9pm' • Webber 11 ROOKIES • SEASON! REDD 7 30 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS STRATHMORC CINEMA II- i r and free re- FOXX I offers ATLANTIC CINEMA- Smohey and Ihe Bondit I PG < ' 9 freshmt 2 MUPPETSSHOW Trw Deep IPGI ' 'i « » MENLO PARK Guest Madeline Kahn Mf EATONTOWN CINEMA I- It DINAH COMMUNITY |- Slor Won IPG) 1 IS. 4 J5, 7 15 9 10 Guests Bob Barker. Redd fowi WotArtrmr (PG) J l),< K CINEMA II- Cheryl Ladd, Barry Crocker COMMUNITY II — Pardon Won Affair I PGl 2 4 6 I 10 Tnr Rtmoke of Beau Gttfe iP MtOOLETOWN Willy Gann U* MIDDLE TOWN I — IS EVENING AT SYMPHONY EATONTOWN DRIVE-IN- Pardon Won Affair (PGl ' M 9 IS 1072 Ocean Ave. The Boston Symphony. Orchestra The Spy Who Loved Mt 'S MocAflhiif IPGl ' 70 9 45 Sea Bright returns tor a lourth concert UAMIOOLITOWNHI- season with Music Director Seiji MALLI- IHOt Kenfucky Fried Wovie (Rl C 10 Ozawa conducting a program ol Tht Spy Wh'"o Loved °We IPGI 7 2S, OCEAN TOWNSHIP 842-9857 Bartok s Music for Strings 9 4S SEAV1EW SQUARE CINEMA- Percussion and Celesta" and MALL M StO' Wort I PG) 1 4 45. 7 JO 9 f> The Loll Remake of Brou Ge*te I PC I MIODLEBROOK MOVIES I- Vieuxtemps Violin Concerto No 1 iS.9 35 Gronrj Tnelt Aulo iPGl 1 H M0 9 15 "TELL THEM JOHNNY 5 in A Concertmasier Joseph MALL in MIDDLEBHOOK MOVIES II- WADD IS HERE" SOversiein solos on the violin The Hopoy Hooker Gael To Mothing Smokey and ine Bandit iPG 7, 7 i% ton (Rl 7 4S.9 30 9 » Plus 2nd Big Hit 1:30 RED BANK HAZLiT MOVIES Ill- Ih. Trouble With y«in StuH " S MERVQMFFIN PLAZA- Gone Wifh The Wind (Gl I 30. 7 30 8:57 The Happy Hooker Oats To Wtuhinq MOVIES IV- loniRl 7 JO 9 7S 3 4 NBC NEWS UPDATE Smokey ond the Bandit (PG) ?. 7 45. RT 1J DRIVE IN- 9 » 8:50 The Hoppy Hooker Go« To V¥0*hirw 2 NEWSBREAK ion 'Ri 7 IS. II j|; My Pieatur* li Mv Butmeit i Rl » 41 Ct7jABCNEWS8«EF The Spy Who Loved We IPGI 7 30. KIANSIURO 9 45 Presents a Ml COLONIAL- CINEMA II- 2 10 THE BETTY WHITE SHOW Smokfy ond the Bandit IPGI ? 10 9 IS You Light up Wy Life (PGl 7 30 9 10 THE SPY WHO LOVED ME When John Elliot learns the LONG BRANCH CINEMA Ill- FABULOUS GOURMET MOVIES I- Grand Theft Auto (PGl 7 10 9 30 laa. I p.m. |MS-MS-lltlS4et. ha. 1 im quickie divorce he and Joyce Trw Spy Who Loved Me iPG) 7. J W. WOOOBRIOGE obtained in Tijuana. Mexico, was 9 15 W0ODBR|O0E THEATHE- not valid, tie is put in the MOVIES II- Cloied lor Iwinning humiliating position ol having to The Loit Remake of Beau GeiAA RATINGS 7 15. t I}. I 45 10 IS G — Generol audiences ITALIAN FEAST beg her for another divorce. (First MATAWAN PG - AHoge* of a two-part episode) CINEMA M- R— Restricted iPenon«, under jj t*; NBC MONDAY NIGHT AT The Otrtf r side of UiOmghi i R i I odmitted unless octomponied by p THE MOVIES STRATHMOKE CINEMA I- or odull guardian] Tuesday & Wednesday One On One (PGl 7 IS. 9 IS X - Adulli only October 4 & 5

APPETIZERS RON HOWARD I|(A "umwHwuii : Sausages Genoa Salami If you can do this step... GRAND THEFT AUTO I 50MIO"Y *« TH °er: Caccialore Salami 1 MM:lS-M.lM. M5 OHHUII Supressate Salami rted and Domestic Cheeses Arthur Murray Danes Schools -famous lor over 65 years- • ra • Provolone • Mozzarella teaches Ihe current dances, HOMEMADE BREADS and all Ihe other popular Banei • Spinach • Sausage dances. You'll be surprised GENERAL CINEMA THEATRES SALADS how quickly you'll Shrewsbury-$1.50 til 2:30 P.M. - W.d., Sot., Sun. Esc-r • Caesar Salad & many more learn how lo dance No Borgoin Motinw - "Star Won" SOUP well-how much lun ills (a real favorite) you'll have. Develop a new lalenl. SEAVIEW SQUARE CINEMA ENTREES new feelings about your- I (FOPMIRIT CIRCtE THfATRE) • braciole (Rolled seasoned beel) self and about people! you can be an • BTS66I,35-NR CIHCU-7 7S-881C illel Parmigiana (milk-fed veal) Get out more-and into a new mood Y»ur accomplished Hustle II • Slutted Shells first lenon It Int. • Sausage & Meat Balls There's so much dancer in a few weeks. its the BIGGEST • Ihe halt shell your two leelcan SHREWSBURY PLAZA JAMES MNOOOr learn about moving ROUT! 35 • 543-5395 DESSERTS youi body! 2-4:45-7:30 THESPY WHO irray ol Italian Pastries, 9:15 *berne9 in Cannoli Filling Tortoni or Spumom Call for your FREE "INVITATION TO Coffee DANCE" guide SHREWSBURY PLAZA FRANCHISE" DANCE SCHOOLS 'OUTS 35 • 542-S39S with aeiy to follow We change sifangers inlo friends diagram! of Fox Trot, Rumba, 12 BROAD ST., RED BANK ALL FOR A FABULOUS 8.75 Cha-Cha, Tango and -Ihe HU8TLEI CALL NOW Plui FREE gift certificate GRAKD ALL YOU CAN EAT!! lor 1 private Ititon. 741-5858 HIGH FASHION ; Ruthanne (Mrs. James) Iselin, benefit luncheon and fashion show. Mrs. Iselin pro- TENT TALK - The vast yellow-and-whlte striped luncheon and fashion show, which raised funds for center, takes a quick time out for fashion con- vided o-"splrlted commentory to go along with the tent behind Arcadia, the Deal home of Doy D. Rlt- the Childrens Psychiatric tenter ana SEARCH sultatlon with New York designers Dominic Rom- presentation of the two designers'fall collections. tgers, shades the 500 luncheon guests and fashion Auxiliary for Autistic Children, polio, left, and Sol Cesaranl, right, at yesterday's . connoisseurs who attended yesterday's champagne • Afternoon at Arcadia filled with elegance By KOKIN (iOI.DSTKIN DEAL — Arcadia iccordln| to the dictionary, is "an Idealized scene uf simple pleasures, rustic innocence, and uninterrupted quiet " The Daily Register Arcadia is also the name of Doy D Rittgers' rather awe- MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1977 11 inspiring home on Ocean Ave\ here, and the scene yesterday of a benefit champagne buffet which was hardly simple, nev- er quiet, and rustic only by the wildest stretch of the imagina- adorned every table, the donation of Thomas B Kyle, artistic tion director of Source Perrier and honorary chairman of the Perhaps a new definition is in order luncheon, and Source Perrier President (lustave Levin. Many of Ihc Mfl people lollinn beneath the yellow-striped David Thorne. executive chef for Newsweek, donated his trnt in Arcadia's lush hack yard had come principally to sup- services as caterer of the luncheon and prepared the lood at port a good cause — the luncheon benefited the Children's cost. Psychiatric (enter in Katontown. and the SEARCH Auxiliary Contributed also were a number of elegant raffle prizes, for Autistic Children ranging in value from 150 to $1,500 Others kept Mealing ekpmtanl glaticei al the T-shaped And there were many other gifts, from make-up and hair- runway which helit center stage in the tent, awaiting the pre- styling courtesy Richard Vasquez of Subway Haircuts, West sentation of Coty Award Winner Sal Ceurani'l fall sports col- Long Branch, to the finely drawn fashion posters by Mrs AT HOME AT ARCADIA — Doy D. Rittgers, left, hurst, president of the board of Childrens Psy- lection for men and women, .mil Dominic Rompollo's fall col- Theodore Daunno welcomes some of his guests and co-creators of chlatrlc Center; Mrs. James Brucker, and Mrs. lection of sportswear and flualy evening wear But it was the fashion show, donated by Mr Kompolln yesterday's event at his Deal home, Arcadia. They Stanley Edeiken, co-chalrperson with Mr. Rittgers But still others admitted that they'd gladly paid their 125 and Mr Cesaranl. that trulv riveted the assemblage ore, second from lefl to right, Lois Lew of Oak- of the event. admission at the door just to gel a peek at Ihe marble floors, Mr C'esaram's sports wear was stunning the gilded piano, the Fountain! .mil the chandeliers of \rcadia A soft, white flannel blazer over a matching dirndl skirt The elegant crunching underfoot walking up the driveway, ^he A long shearling coat A flowing crimson blouse cinched at 'giddy first instant o( standing ht'neath Ihe high-arched por- the waist with a wide Ian leather belt. Cesaram's signature tico, one woman confessed made it all worthwhile gloves tucked casually in the belt "It's surh a nice lophlttlclted way to spend an after- The 1976 Coly Award winner for menswear was present- Jloon." Mrs Sidney Bragnifl Of Ocean Township, observed ing his first collection of women's clothes, alohg with some "'And its much mure interesting lhan anything going on today new designs for men for women, lots of tweedy and plaid inOakhurst1 ' Jackets, over dirndl skirts, many with vests and a grosgrain Mrs Nancy Blumenkrantl »l Wet Long Branch, con- bow al the neck. A big corduroy coat worn over another coat. curred A jacket worn over a jacket "The house is exqulllle." ihe said "It's all pretty and so- Sometimes it seemed that Ihe object was to put on as phisticated and Ihe people who want lo see or be seen all many different clothes at once as possible (one model wore come ' two scarves on her head ) On Ihe truly lovely and vibrant "You can enjoy a very frivolous afternoon and know Us models the designers brought down from New York, it all for a good cause." Mrs Bregnan ldd*d looked fabulous The elements took pity The gra) drizzling ceased, the sun Kompollo drew gasps particularly with his incredibly ro- appeared, and the party proceeded mantic evening wear He used soft fabrics, lots of chiffons The round tables to which Ihe lunchers brought their and jersey, and turquoise, electric blue, and shocking pink — plates ol watercress salad and tuna quiche were draped with a jolt to the eye grown accustomed to the earth tones which soft striped pastel cloths, designed especially [or the occasion are predominant in many of the new clothes by Mr Rittgers' company. Tressard Fabric and wall Cov- A long, bell-shaped white dress, trimmed with lacy fi- ering ligree, was a favorite. Two Tressard employes, Kivcir Tillberg and Kevin Clark, The neckline of a stunning chiffon-weight while jersey both with just a touch "f ratWUtUon alinul Ihe eyes, relaxed dress slipped asymetrically over to bare one shoulder at a corner table The last few weeks of preparations, they Even the less formal dresses are a little bit longer such admitted, had been chaotic as a soft grey chiffon wool, gathered softly from a round Although Mr Rlttgen has hosted other charitable func- yoked neckline, worn either belted or full. tions, this was the BEARCH'I first ihampagne-luncheoncum- A coachman plaid cape, worn with Rompollo's signature fashion-show at Arcadia, Mrs Ralph Angelillo, reservations tight-fitting cloche, was one of the lovely, tweedy, sportswear chairperson, noted Invitations Jiad been sent to .1.000 The offerings. people from CPC and "SEARCH were thrilled with how beau- "Gorgeous " "Fabulous ""Sensational." tifully all the complicated preparations coalesced yesterday, Mrs James Iselin. who provided a vivid commentary SPARKING — Drinking in the warm sunshine and she said FASHION PLATES - Providing stiff competition throughout the show, was running out of adjectives — just drinking up the Perrier water ore Gustave Levin, "It's all so elaborate. ' Mrs Agelillp confessed. "Even In their finery f6r the models on the runway are, like everyone else standing, of Cannes, France, president of Source though there's such a fantastic turnout, it's hard to tell how from left to right, John Allen of Monmouth Beach, Among the spectators were Mr. and Mrs Duncan The- Perrier, Thomas B. Kyle, also of Cannes, the com- much money we actually made for SKARCH ' Carmllle Daunno of Newark, Hal Denstein of Deal, cker, Colts Neck; Mr and Mrs. Frank De Gennaro. Little Sil- pany's artistic director and honoary chairman of It's a real concern, with Ihe SEARCH Auxiliary looking and Diane Vaccaro, also of Deal. ver; Mrs. Charles Ilvento. Long Branch; Mrs Ruth Samson. the benefit luncheon, and Mrs. Marty Patton of forward lo the dedication of the SKARCH program day school Deal; former Assemblywoman Gertrude Berman. Long Deal, mother of Doy D. Rittgers. in West Allenhurst next Sunday Branch; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Z. Kamin. Fair Haven, and Mr In keeping with the cause, there were great shows of gen- and Mrs. Simon Venskus. Lincroft. erosity from all corners As Clem Conover of Deal put it, the whole affair "bright- Register photos by Larry Perna Pear-shaped, pear-colored bottles of Perrier water ened up a blue afternoon." Film recalls spirit of raid By CAROL JACOBS)i\ decision I will stay alive and nese are doing now (Japa- Jews of Israel's monumental RED BANK - Col Shalom dedicate all my life to the nese guerrillas hijacked a decision to carry out the res- Eitan wasn't in Entebbe Air- security of the Jewish Japanese airline to Dacca, cue, which received world- port. Uganda. July 4 1978. people," he said Col. Eitan. Bangladesh, last Wednesday.) wide attention. when 200 Israeli combat men born in Kiron. Rumania, said Did you see in the film how daringly rescued 104 hijacked he was only Id in 1940 when those hostages reacted when Mrs. Gloria Pamm, Colts passengers in one of the most Six soldiers terrorized 10,000 they saw Israeli soldiers Neck committeewoman, said exciting and humane raids of town people "who dared not. come into the airport? she had seen all three ver- its kind. would not. could not. over- 'They're ours.' they said in sions of the Entebbe raid on runic them. Neither were the ISO people surprise' " television and felt this movie who paid 125 a ticket to "The raid's odds were low, Rabbi Alton Winters of was the best. Temple Beth Ahm ti 3.000 kilometers between En- Monmouth Reform Temple The film, made in color by not-yetreleased Israeli film tebbe and Israel, only six and president of the Shore Menahem Golan, is a theatri- about the raid, "Operation planes it was impossible Area Board of Rabbis, called cal production with Israeli Thunderbolt." at the Mon- thai lives wouldn't be taken, the film "wonderful" movie actors and spectators. mouth Arts Center but we cannot afford to let "It's a life struggle," he re- However, the scenes with the But when the Israeli colonel someone play with or terror- marked about the threat of former premier, Yitchak Ra- quietly told the audience how ists rule our lives." he ended terrorists hijacking in the bin, and other strategic mem- he (ell utter seeing the film a griml) "We hope we, never rravE to iisi- fni i r again on name of Freedom Fighters bers of the parliament, were swum! lime. rh"5 EFfl terroii "The real subject is freedom film clips edited in when nec- cident mparked even mow from fear for all human essary pride in Israel's unprece- Kali hi Dov I.erner, of beings". dented act Temple Beth Ahm. the man Hal Crane of Matawan. It captures, for the most "The Incident h responsible tor bringing the Temple Beth Ahm's presi- part, the terror, bravery, and pressjpn oj I Jewish. Lcajjedj film here, said 4QJ) i.hildren dent, said the synagogue tenacity of the victims and with a happy end a eou> Ihe film yesterday raised some monies for a per- the soldiers, and vividly AFTER THE FILM — Rabbi, and Mrs. Dov Lerner Monmouth Arts Center, Red Bank, for the Mata- rageous decision awd per Then he commented ang- manent sanctuary, but that presents all the events that of Temple Beth Ahm, left, talk to Rabbi and Mrs. wan synagogue. The movie depicted the rescue formance ol soldiers I spent iiiy. •Nut a country in the wasn't the total reason for culminate in the daring air- Alton Winter of Monmouth Reform Temple, about raid at Entebbe airport, Uganda, July 4, 1976, by ,1 14 years in a concentration world would stand up to ter- showing the Israeli-made port raid. The film is ex- "Operation Thunderbolt," a film shown at the the Israeli army. camp and made a personel rorists, i.ook what the Japa- movie — i t was to remind pected to be released in 1978. Fall nuptials The real Frost-Gleasoh Rl'MSON - Miss Leslie Hope C.leason ters degree at Wharton School of Business of and Christopher Frost were mamed yester- the University of Pennsylvania day in St George's by the River Kpiscopal She is the granddaughter of the late Mr secret Church The Rev George J Willis Jr offici- and Mrs George Homer Gleason and the late ated at the ceremony, and was assisted by Mr and Mrs Ralph Henry Perry of Mon- the Rev Alfred M Niese. a cousin of the tclair Her father is senior project manager bride A reception followed in Rumson Coun- for the Drive Corp in Pittsburgh Mrs. CkrUupkrr Frasl Mrs. DMUM Wiafei Jr. try Club Mr Frost is a graduate' of Suffield Nee Leslie Gleason Nee Kathleen McCarthy of allure The bnde is the daughter of Mr and Mrs (Conn ) Academy and I'nion College. Sche- Ralph Carlyle Gleason of 7 N Ward Ave nectady. N V He is executive producer for By KMII.V W1LKENS here, and Sewickley. Pa Mr and Mrs Fred Elliott Cnger-Elliol Screen Gems, a division What Is that special something, that enck Frost of Wilton. Conn are the bride- of Columbia Pictures New York He is the Whalen-McCarthy je ne sais quoi that glamorous women groom's parents grandson of the late Mr and Mrs Wilfred J MANASyi'AN - Miss Kathleen Elizabeth McCarthy, have that makes them extra attractive to FocTod Fawcett Majors Mrs Thomas Harrison was the bride's Matthews of Worthing. , and the late daughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas IV McCarthy of Marshfield. men? It you think it's sheer good looks Mass, was mamed Sept 24 in St Denis Roman Catholic alone, you're much mistaken, according matron of honor Bridesmaids were the Mr and Mrs Frederick W Frost of San how to turn men on "I sat across from Church, to Donald Vincent Whalen Jr. son of Mr and Mrs to Tony Carlyle Tony, a handsome Man- Misses Louise Potter and Alice Robinson Francisco, Calif His father is a retired vice Lauren and Kurt Reynolds at a party." Whalen Sr . 157 Hudson Ave , West Keansburg hattan man about town, dates New Jeremy Frost, brother of the bridegroom, president of Young and Rubicam. New York Tony said "The flashbulbs were snapping York's and Hollywood's most attractive was best man Ushers were Perry Gleason, For her marriage Mrs Frost wore with Msgr Joseph A O'Connor celebrated the Nuptial Mass but Lauren was totally unconcerned She and celebrated women He's at all the brother of the bnde. and Charles Claggett her ivory satin gown, an heirloom rosepoint There was a reception in the American Hotel, Freehold. was giving Hun her fullest attention " Attending the bnde were Mrs Dennis Cupido. matron of poshest parties and never misses an im- Mrs Frost was graduated from Kent lace wedding veil which had been worn by Consideration rates with an eligible honor, Mrs Robert Flanagan, and the Misses Patricia portant film premier or theater opening (Conn ) School and the I'niversity of Pennsyl- her mother bachelor, too That's why considerate McCarthy. Jean Marie Whalen and Noreen Murphy. Ellis Products Co. Atlantic Highlands, and After a wedding trip to Bermuda. Mr and Ruth Wamck. who plays Phoebe Tyler on Mr Cupido was best man Ushers were Thomas P has been accepted as a candidate for a mas- Mrs Frost will reside in Middletown the TV soap. "All My Children." is one of McCarthy Jr , John and Patrick Whalen, and James Whelan debonair Tony Carlyle's favnnties Mrs Whalen was graduated from Mother Seton Regional A NEW YOU "I escorted her to a charily affair High School She is attending Kean College of New Jersey. last year She had a high hairdo and ex- Biebel-Larson I'nion. and is a candidate for a degree in biology She is a CONCENTRATED Kr KORT tra high heels." he recalled, "but when SOUTH AMBOY - Mr and Mrs Steven Larson, to Jeffrey Robert Biebel. son of Mr member of Beta Delta Chi sorority and is employed in the "Glamorous alluring women have we were asked to say a few words on TV. W Larson. 421 Portia St announce the mar- and Mrs Robert E Biebel. 146 Coyne Place. electrocardiograph department at Jersey Shore Medical Cen- something in common." he told me as we Ruth slipped out of her shoes, hiding riage of their daughter. Miss Linda Ellen Belford ter, Neptune pursued the topic "Even though they them under her long dress, so she Mr Whalen is a graduate of Mater Dei High School, New The Rev Raymond Cole officiated at the might have a different date every night wouldn't appear taller than me" Monmoulh. and was awarded AS and BS degrees in business Aug 13 ceremony here in St Mary's Roman of the week, they make their date nf the K\KKAll FAN management from, respectively. Brookdale Community Col- Catholic Church A reception was in Cobbles- moment feel he's the only man in their Like hundreds of others. Tony Carlyle lege. Lincroft. and Kean College, where he was a member ol tones. Middletown life." admires Farrah Kawcett Majors — but Su Delta Pi fraternity He is manager of centralized accounts Honor attendants for the couple were Still with me readers" Then jot down not for her perfect smile for Universal Carloading and Distributing Co.. New York. Mrs Cheryl Littlejohn. the bride's sister, and the strategy "I like the way she handles herself." After a wedding tnp to Bermuda Mr and Mrs Whalen Michael Littlejohn, the bridegroom's brother- "Take Sylvia Miles, for example." he said "I watched her at one Hollywood will reside in Old Bridge in-law Tony suggested "When she talks to you party A continuous stream of guys came she's always looking at your lips It up to her table to say hello-but all the The bnde. a graduate of Hoffman High makes you feel as if you are being gently time Farrah kept stroking her husband School, here, and Trenton State College, is seduced She has the amazing capacity to Lee Majors' arm or rubbing his hand let- employed by the City of South Amboy hold the attention of several men at a ting him know he was her man And yet. The bndegroom. an alumnus of Middle- time " she was gracious to every man who cime town Township High School and Locksmith Lifestyle MAKQAUX'I MAGIC along " Institute. Little Falls, is self-employed as a According to Tony. Margaux He One of Tony's favorite women is Hope locksmith and also works for Pelican Pools. SHREWSBURY. N J MONDAY OCTOBER 3 1977 mingway uses a different technique Hampton. Broadway's perennial first- East Brunswick The couple resides in Eaton- "When I first met her three years ago. nighter town, after a wedding trip to California and she was just a tall good-looking girl. " he "Before a party one night. I left her MR. iad MRS. JEFFREY R. BIEBEL Arizona said "The name didn't mean anything in the lobby while I parked my car. " he Widdis-Bodine until later when her picture was every- said "Other friends wanted to bring her LONG BRANCH -Miss Claudia Jeanne where But I remembered her clearly be- up to the party but she insisted on wait- Hopfensperger-DeCorso Bodine and Harry Joseph Widdis were mar- cause she believes in direct eye contact ing for me It was a feminine ploy, one no risd Sept 3 in Our Lady Star of the Sea Ro- When they're introduced to a man. too man can resist " ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Miss Linda man Catholic Church by the Rev Vincent J many girls look past or around him rath- JUST FOR YOL' To sum up the Ann DeCorso and Kenneth Michael Hopfens- Rumain There was a reception in The Bar- er than straight .it him " strategy Make a man feel he's Mr Im- perger were married Sept 3 in St Agnes Ro- clay. Belmar Lauren Hutton. a, top model turned portant in your eyes and you can't help man Catholic Church Parents of the couple are Mr and Mrs actress, is another dazzler who knows but be a VIP to him Russell S Bodine. 571 Patten Ave . and Mr Parents of the couple are Mr and Mrs. and Mrs Charles C Widdis, 434 Westwood Carmine DeCorso. 5 Elmwood Place. Leon- Ave ardo, and Mr and Mrs Kenneth Hopfensper- Miss Sara Jane Graziano was maid of ger of Bristol, Conn honor Mrs Roxanne Wood was matron of honor C Michael Widdis was best man. and Dennis Freshnock was best man Mr and Mrs Widdis are graduates of Up- sala College. South Orange She is employed Mr and Mrs Hopfensperger were gradu- by Monmouth County Board of Social Ser- ated from Middletown Township High School. vices. Freehold The bndegr-oom is employed She is employed by Midland Glass. Cliffwood. by Charles C Widdis. civil engineer and Mr Hopfensperger is with J 4 J Corp . The couple resides here Union

The couple resides in Leonardo, after a MR. AND MRS. Opening wedding trip to Florida KENNETH HOPFENSPERGER Another new Carver-Read Elaine Powers Figure Salon! NEW MONMOUTH - Mrs Louise Marie MANHATTAN Read, daughter of Mr and Mrs Ernest J 1535 Third Avenue ot 86th Street - Second Floor Read. 46 Railroad Ave . Belford. was married 427-8483 Aug 27 in St Mary's Roman Catholic Church to William R Carver, son of Mr and Mrs Al- fred Carver. 454 Leonardville Road. Belford Msgr Robert T Bulman officiated Miss Joyce Read was her sister's maid of honor Neil Janowski was best man Mr and Mrs Carver are graduates of Middletown Township High School She is MR. AND MRS. HARRV WIDDIS employed by Howard Johnson. Middletown. and Mr Carver is with Atmos Tech In- dustries. Eatontown " We're America's #1 get back **lt's exciting —because the in shape place—and still grow- more we grow, the more of you After a wedding trip to Bermuda and REDUCE 15 LBS. ing »» we can help" Nassau. Mr nfl3 Mrs Carver reside in West MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM CARVER Keansburg 30 DAYS Mitroka-Restuccia ANOTHER SPA HEALTH CLUB NEW MONMOUTH - Miss Rosemary Restuccia. daughter of Mr and Mrs Felix Restuccia. 190 Bethany Rd.. Hazlet. became NOW ON RT. 34 MATAWAN the bride of James Mitroka. son of Mr. and : OUR GUEST FREE TONIGHT Mrs Georg Mitroka of Linden, on Aug 14 X HOW GREAT YOU FEEL here in St Mary Roman Catholic Church The Rev Francis D Bruno officiated IT'S FANTASTIC • *The secret of our success is 4* And every member gets a — our members get results!" personalized program, de- Honor attendants for the couple were • HeglhM Finnish Souno Bolrn signed just lor her!" Miss Carol Restuccia, sister of the bride, and Louis Messerle Jr. • Sdoninj Hydro S.irl Whirlpool Bolt.i • luiurioji Turkish Sleom Balhi The couple reside in New Brunswick, af- • Sltnderillo tin I Imhn tablet

ter a honeymoon in Bermuda • Ultra Modem filnet! Gym The bride, an alumna of Rantan High • Yi Sound Healed Swim Club School, Hazlet, is a sophomore at Rutgers • Florida Sun Room University, where her husband is a graduate • Personal Supervision student majonng in pharmacology He re- • Professional Physical Cultunsls

ceived a BS degree in chemistry from Mich- • Toilof Mode Personal Courses igan State University MR. aid MRS. JAMES MITROKA • Group t Pnvole Classes • NulnlHXi t Diet Guidorxe "With fun-to-do exercises and "And best of all—special s»v- Greene-Speed tips on how to eat sensibly but Ing* now, during our big Grand GUILFORD. Md - The James Robert Greene. 134 which was follpwed by a re- well. Unlimited salon visits, too!*' Opening!»» marriage of Miss Leslie Buttonwood Drive. Fair ception in the Speed home Bokee Speed, daughter of Dr Haven. N J . took place Sept The bride was attended by and Mrs William George 3 in the Episcopal Church of Miss Betsy LaCasse, maid of Speed 3rd here, to James the Redeemer. Guilford honor GRAND OPENING SPECIAL Whitney Greene of Denver. The Rev Lawrence Estey Michael Driver was best Colo . son of Mr and Mrs officiated at the service. man. Ushers were Douglas *O95 Hamill. Michael Madigan. mm per week Charles Millar. Daniel Sulli- for the complete 13-week program Todd-Zaborney van and Gary Roll NEW MONMOUTH - In St Foreign Wars Hall. Port Mon- The bride is a graduate of AT ALL AREA SALONS Mary's Roman Catholic mouth Bryn Mawr School, Balti- Church here Aug. 14. Miss more, and the University of The bride was attended by CALL NOW FOR AN APPOINTMENT! Deborah Jean Zaborney, Colorado at Boulder and ex- CALL NOW ... BE OUR ROY HILLiOAHN AGE St daughter of Mr. and Mrs her sisters. Miss Bettyanne pects to receive her degree In Robert S. Zaborney, was mar- Zaborney. maid of honor, and December from the Univer- GUEST FREE. SEE ried to Joseph E. Todd, son of Miss Susan Lynn Zaborney sity of Denver School of Law HOW GREAT YOU FEEL FOR MEN Elaine Powers X, Keepirfiton Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Todd Robert Rollin was best man Mr Greene was graduated Sr, 262 Harmony Road, Mid- and Robert Hickman was the from Amherst (Mass ) Col- SPA HEALTH CLUBS RgureSalons W thelghtskte dletown. usher lege and the University of Denver School of Law He STRATHMORE SHOPPING CENTER The Rev. Francis D Bruno Mr and Mrs Todd are has a law practice in Denver, RT. 34, MATAWAN CALL 566-7700 SHREWSBURY BRICKTOWN officiated at the ceremony. graduates of Middletown High where he and his bride reside Shrewsbury Shopping Plaza Bay Harbor Plaza which was followed by a re- School North They reside in after a wedding trip to Hilton OPEN DAILY 10:00 AM TO 9:00 PM 544-1773 255-3350 ception in the Veterans of Red Bank Head. S. C. MIMIHSHin GOOD IN OVH 1000 PRESTIGE Sf»S >Room at Woodland* SHREWSBURY, N J MONDAY, OCTOBER 3. 1977 The DMtyRcgfcteT 13 Class Booster for high heels \ with Dear Ann: May 1 respond I have suggested we call Al- to "Furious" who complained Anon or AA. but my family about the 'crippling, tor- ANN insists that she would never turous five-inch heels foisted go to "one or THOSE meet- on us by the women's shoe in- ings" because she might run dustry"? LANDERS into someone she knows For the last 20 years it has I'm only 14. so it's not like 1 glass been wedgies, platforms or can have any clout in this boots Women looked like 1 were discussing your col- By MARGUERITE HENDERSON family But I'd sure like to combat Marines or construc- umn on whether or not a (Slxii li i series) help Some of the relatives tion workers paid to trample woman should thank her hus- are moving away from the To anyone else, a bathroom; but to interior designer the asphalt Jody Miles. Le Jon band after having sex problem, instead of racing it. Let's face it High heels arc What was a typical old-fashioned third-floor bath at My friend's response was Please print this letter and sexy. They never were in- terrific. She said. "A wife give me some idea of what I Woodland Farm, had a typical old-fashioned tile Job. No tended to be comfortable or more Taking inspiration from the mother or pearl Inlaid should say 'thank you' only if can do to help our grandma. functional. The idea is to gel she has to say please '" I — Scaredv Cat In San Jose screen on loan from Heirloom Antiques in the Antique a woman up on her toes The Center of Red Bank (now used as a window panel behind couldn't agree more Dear Cat: Too bad people higher the heel, the smaller As for standing up and ap- a lacquered white cane 'Jon') Mrs. Miles set about creat- the foot looks, the arch and think it's degrading to go to a ing visual depth and Oriental ambience In the six-by- plauding (another reader sug- meeting where they meet oth- instep appear curvier. the gested that). I don't advise it. eight-foot room. legs look longer and more ers who are struggling with a dear A standing ovation calls common problem. I wonder i( One mirrored wall and a mirrored ceiling provide shapely. The hips wiggle for an encore Speaking more when she walks The alcoholics think -it is more part of the design solution; the black marble floor and strictly for myself. 1 wouldn't "respectable" lo go get plas- Mack plexiglas wall panels provide the rest. sexiest shoe has a very high want to embarrass the poor heel, is backless and loeless. tered, talk nonsense, throw up To add shimmer to shine. Jody Miles enlisted the tal- guy. I've been married for 15 on people's carpets and have ents of Manalapan artist Melvyn J Wilder who. using Maybe "Furious" is too old years and I know how long to be carried home K your white latex house paint, recreated the screen motif on to wear spike heels If so. she that would take I'm a work- Mom joined Al-Anon. it might the walla. shouldn't knock them They ing woman who needs her be the first step toward help- Color. Just dashes A drop o( red echoes that in the turn most men on I would sleep Sign me — Love Your ing Grandma. Suggest that antique Peking vase. A drop of green is reminiscent of rather hear clickety-click Column she look it up in the phone that In the ancient bronze ceremonial vessel Shocking coming down the street than Dear Love: Clad you do book and call and ask for pink cushions are used on the bench created (along with cloppetyclop At least Id Write again I like your style more information a console level table) atop the former bathtub. know it was a doll and not a Dear Miss Landers: I have The bare bones basics of this elegant room are the horse. — Roddy Teddy a serious problem Actually, Going to a wedding? Giving fining strips used to build out the old wall. The stunning Dear Red: those five-inch, it's my grandma's problem one? Or standing up for one? furnishings Include a custom black marble sink. Chippen- toeless. backless numbers She is an alcoholic Even if you're already mar- dale reproduction mirror and a modem chrome chan- nay be sexy but they can be My whole family is going ried Ann Landers's com- delier hazardous to life and limb If crazy trying to think of some- pletely new "The Bride's The result is .smashing they turn men on — and thing to do to help her. She Guide" will answer questions apparently they do — you can about today's weddings. For a This room Is one o( more than SO rooms redecorated makes our lives miserable be sure the ladies will buy copy, send a dollar bill, plus a at Woodland Farm, former estate of the late Amory L with calls in the middle or the them Vanity, thy name is long, self-addressed, stamped Haakell and site (or the annual Monmouth County Hunt night telling us she is going to woman! envelope (24 cents postage) to Race Meet since 1K5 Located on Cooper Rd . Middle- commit suicide When she is Dear Ann: Recently my 25- Ann Landers. P.O. Box 11995. town, the house is open to tour 10 am to < p m today drunk were all nervous year-old single girlfriend and Chicago. III. 60611. through Sunday, and tomorrow and Thursday evenings. wrecks » JO to 1:30 p.m. The showhouse project is sponsored by Le Jon, or bathroom to you Is shown after the Junior League of Monmouth County Tickets may be Register photo Jody Miles went to work on a typical old fashioned third floor bath af Woodland purchased at the door. by Don Lordi Farm. The normal bath has been turned inlo TOMORROW; Another room at Woodland a thing of beauty Antiques show About the designer... set for Oct. 8-9 r LINCROFT — An antiques er. Toms River. Victorian fur- Ellas Fahmie, Point Pleasant. 7 love interior design; absolutely eat and drink it. show and sale sponsored by niture and paintings. Dennis Oriental floor coverings, and St. Catharine's Roman Catho- Brochart, primitives; Blos- Doris Holloway. Allendale. When I do a room sometimes I can'f sleep nights just lic Church. Holmdel. will take som Antiques, jewelry; Step- pewter and primitives. 1 place here Oct 8 from 11 a.m. hen Paruta. Lanoka Harbor, Twenty-five dealers are ex- thinking about it.' to 8 p in and Oct 9 from 10 tum-ofthe-century furniture; pected to participate. a.m. to 4 p.m. at Christian Brothers Academy. Mrs. Marie fialbo here is JODY MILES attended New York School of Interior Design and New chairman of (he event and York Community College. She has been Involved In Interior design work Mrs. Dolly Hanrahan. Middle- How many for IS years, nine of those In Monmouth County. In March she opened Jody town, is vice chairman Coor- Miles Interiors, 300 Brood St., Red Bank. She resides in Mlddletown with dinator is Mrs. Peggy Lasky. her husband Stanley and their three children. In addition to those dear Holmdel, who is also dis- ones, her Interests Include tennis, gourmet cooking and plants. ways have YOU playing Victorian furniture and 19th century American paintings. triedit? Refreshments, including made-to-order roast beef, ham and tuna fish sand- Where did I put that phone number? wiches, will be available. Also, there will be homemade desserts, including old-fash- •y RELOISE soil, and soon you will again DEAR HELOISE: loned bread pudding, pre- have a fresh green onion to 1 live alone, and when cook- pared by the women of St. DEARHELOISE: serve. ing things in my slow cooker. Catharine's Rosary Altar So- I've always had a wall tele- HINTS FROM HELOISE You also can stick them- in I have discovered I can put ciety. phone. Near It my husband with any plant you have several things in at one time put up a piece of wallboard to be very helpful. A lot ol un- I measured the soap pow- Other exhibitors and their growing Also makes for a and save on electricity. use to tack up phone num- necessary steps and search- der, plus softemer and granu- specialties include Eldred conversation piece. - Mrs If I don't want them to mix. bers, blank papers for notes ing saved. — Heloise lated bleach, enough for one Stenzel. Holmdel, 18th and JD Bailey ,1 either wrap in roil and lay and business cards LETTER OF THOUGHT load, and put it in plastic 19th century furniture and DEARHELOISE: one on top of the other, or I lamps; Arthur Connally or On account of recent ill- DEAR BUSY MOMMIES: sandwich bags and filled a Our closets have louvered. have some small roil contain- Lighthouse Antiques, Barn- ness. I decided to change to When you're wondering how shoe box with them telescopic doors, which open ers that I put all in together. egat Light, Oriental art, an- wall plugs and a portable you are going to rind time to Now if he is going to do two all the way to the ceiling. They all cook, but the tlavor tique prints, English porce- phone. Instead of having to clip and save all those hints. or three loads of wash he just When our daughter married. I or taste doesn't mix, — lains and silver; Mary and copy all the phone numbers I Just remember how much takes what he needs with him converted one end of her M.M.W. Daniel Gleason. Sea Girt. decided to staple the business time you're going to save if and won't have to worry Bw those who have dieted closet into a "sewing room." Galle and porcelain plaques; cards to the phone book cov- you do! - Heloise about leaving the soap in the THIS COLUMN is written On the back wall, facing Bijou Jewelry, antique er. DEARHELOISE: laundry room again. — Velma for you the homemaker. liftim Line me. I hung a favorite picture II you have a hint or a prob- jewelry; Agnes Sheehan, mir- Now the addresses and also When you equip your dusl Woods and calendar. Wonderful hus- lem write to Heloise in care rors and antique glass; Doris the phone numbers are in one mop with a new head, brush What a great idea! Now band installed shelves at the of this newspaper. Because of Price here, antique dolls and has convenient place. When we down your walls and wood- moms, how about getting that an one end for patterns, etc. the tremendous volume of doll accessories; Larry get a new phone book I'll just work before you use It on the old shoe box out you've been We left the clothes rod and mail. Heloise is unable to an- Young. Morristown. clocks 'Re-Entry'Progfam. pull out the staples and res- floor. — Ra Dim saving for something and shelves above, the former swer individual letters. She and barometers; Audrey Lean Line knows the hardest time to start taple the cards on.the new DEAR HELOISE: start fixing the soap kit? handy for hanging projects will, however, answer your Young of Young Antiques. a diet, is after we've goofed the last one. phone book cover. — Viola That son or daughter will Doctors today have learned much about We have a freshman in col- and mending: latter holds questions in her column Belmar, turn-of-the-century Gillette think you're the most! - He- the problem, and our Dr. Hans Fisher has lege (a boy) and since he had pretty Inexpensive boxes (or whenever possible. glass and china; Eloise Bak- DEAR VIOLA: never done his own wash. I loise developed a "Re-Entry" program that helps you new fabrics, trims, etc. I also to "stay with it" this time. I can see where this would came up with a helpful idea. DEAR HELOISE: put a (lower arrangement This is Lean Line's exclusive technique, When serving fresh green there. so if you're losing confidence instead of MONTHLY MEETINp SPECIAL GUEST onions, cut about one-hair When I finish sewing each pounds, come join our "Re-Entry" program. MATAWAN - The Wom- WEST LONG BRANCH - inch off the root end (leaving time, can just close doors and Curl .1. (Jim pi hi. Undar Flihar Ph.D., an's Club of Matawan will Dr. Gregory H. Locke, chiro- root on) and plant in a flower leave it as is. - Mrs. Dexter R.P. meet today at 1 p.m. in the practor and kineslologist, will pot. using ordinary potting Inman clubhouse. Jackson St. be the speaker at today's Department chairmen will 8:30 p.m. meeting of the Ro- SCHOOL AGE outline plans for spring sary Altar Society of St. Je Achievement Day. The club rome's Roman Catholic HEALTH PROBLEMS will have a Day at the Races Church. The meeting in the Thursday at Freehold Race- church hall will be preceded Alienated Why docs • seemingly normal child have way. Proceeds of the outing, by Mass recitation or the ro- difficult; in lcarnin|? The first ihing lo test b the which Includes luncheon and sary at 7:30 p.m. child's hearing and viiion. Poor hearing can go a grandstand seat, will be Catholics undetected at home because many hard of hearing used (or a philanthropic proj- children can hear deep sounds, but not those of ect. higher pitch. They can hear "most" of what is said. ' Have you parted company with the church Vision, if deficient can usually be corrected easily by BACK TO SCHOOL over new liturgy, old rules, a marriage situ- the use of glasses. NAVESINK - There will ation, the clergy, or any other reason? Mental retardation and certain nervous system be Back to School Night to- problems also can be determined and special morrow at 7:45 o'clock at Na- Why not |oln us in an: education and medication arranged. Poor nutrition, veslnk School. AU parents will anemia, lick of sleep and chronic infections can be able to visit their chil- OPm MEETING, WEDNESDAY OCT. 5th also interfere with a child's ability to learn. dren's classrooms and meet 8 p.m., St. Mary's Church Hall YOU OR YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US the teachers. A PTA meeting when you need a delivery. We will deliver EATONTOWN - Monmouth Shopping Canlar, Community will foUow. Officers are Albln Highway 34 & Phalanx Road promptly without extra charie A ireat many Rm. flow** km*), Wtd it 7:15 p.m. Bertlcs, president; Jill Colts Neck, N.J. people rely on us for their health needs. We FORKED RIVER — Murray Orom., RL a. Lanoka Harbor, Rudolph, first vice president; welcome requests for delivery service and charge Tu»s. at 7:15 p.m. accounts, HAZLET— North CanteniUt Flra Co., 372 MMdte Rd., Thura. Muriel Thompson, second atfc15a.rn.iMon. at 7:15 p.m. vice president; Anthony Fal- No strings attached. Just a chance to talk, • LONG BRANCH — VMCA, 404 Broadway, Thura. it 7:1 S vo, honorary vice president; Shrewsbury Pharmacy Elfreida Neely, recording sec- listen, air your grievances. An attempt at un- THE SHREWSBURY SHOPS MATAWAN — American Ltglon Hill, 111 Main St., Wad. it 9:15 a.m. a 7:15 p.m. retary; Claire Fitzslmmons, derstanding. BROAD ST. 741-M74 SHREWSBURY. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS NEPTUNE CITY — United Fire Co. «1, Memorial Horn., corresponding secretary, and Laurel An., Thura. at »:15 a.m. a 7:15 p.m. Peggy S. Chromczak, treasur- SOUTH RIVER a Congregation Ansha Emtth, II Main SI, er. Mon. at 7:15 p.m. SHREWSBURY N J MONDAY OCTOBER 3. 1977 I Tiger l.Http Wonted 51 HtrpWonttd NURSE - RN or LPN, full tlm*. 7 1 3. Auto* For Solo shift Coll Modkenter. Ml 3MB. E.t Full tim* ham* Improvernonl person W00 5HOUU7geA6MAMgP) V4OOLP*)OU& WHAT HAVE Illint to s*ll kltchont, roofliios OMt FO»D LTD IMI - four door •litwM. No eworltnc* neeoed. iut «•- root Powar ttaerlna. power be _ tlrabll E«celiont companv ao to oood Itrei good body One owl 400 dor NURSE RN AAppll yP Personnel Offlct, Montfoy 7 Autos For Sole Drlalnol rnlleooe *• MO Eicel through Solurdoy, 10 0 m to noon. Art o tan. low MMga. arlalM own CHUYSLER NEWPORT Itn - Four rmnMig canaman ww s 'i S4Se STEADY DAYS ar Moat Mil! AttMa BHi Call VO door otr *ic*tlont condition good FOBO LTD It*) - Country Squire tltVfwl Hr*s AtfclngHJM 7*-»7« wogon WMM. X B> mllev orlalnol MON.TOFRI. Sears Roebuck & Co. on CHRYSLER l«M - Newport Cuttom owner Eicellent condition vl. air AUDI FOX TfTS - MMt mile* Clioco* Two-door AM FM. Otr. ttc Looks er broil oorn ••••rlinn'•lilX W dttlrabl* 1500 Hwy. 35 lota brown Air. oulomolu front rum flood IMM milM II.ISO 741 or thi» lorae Control Jersey manvfoc- mUMaei Call MMHI ar UliatS UN FORD 1*73 LTD - Fully eawlpped i „.. poctvaae To AUDI FOX IfTS - Four-dear, ak con CIRCLE CHEVROLET mlMas* Eki-ellent condttTon Pri range for Immodlat* (neorvltw, con SCHOOL IUS DRIVER - Mual New* illlwail IM rMii.llii li.iilinl mint Ave Shrewsbury •Bill *4t-tSS3 ' tod our Personnel Deport men! •peck* IICKkN Moori. II am, OIK I coMltlor, aim IMM turnolle *i. '411130 4 cm AM SuMtltvM mv Holm*! in» mm at tarn t— Mia f ORO MUSTANG* - t*M Goad condt CORVETTE - 1*77 Interested buyer* tton an MIDLAND GLASS CO. T«« con telrta. AUDI r>n - 1 only Mini condition Fully loaded Call in «if SICRITARV - Full lira aoilllax In >?S>ir»l>m Asking Iff W Cotl Otttr 4. H1-W4 FO»D THUNDEH.IHD M77 - INC. *rtor i tma Mr awwMiKM. will' Cllffwood IM., Cllttwooa, NJ ftaa parton. Long Srancri oreo Mtat ••ACUOA FASTIACk CORVETTE MM - Muff mi om) wMte. njlIv equipped KKIuOlnaoIr MM all tHIa Sll» todutlnl Hart OrfD or bMt *H* tondltlonlno. IgSt miln 15)» MI Mo-8081 hand Excellent ilorflwfl Mlary with Coll oft* 4 » )M DM Porkwo.E.II 1» oBportunlly tor —lwarmifwail. Sand ra •ume to lu E Hi. Ttie Doll, RaaU CREDIT PROBLEMS* FORD TORINO -Station Wagon VI. AnaojusJ oppartunfry amoi»v*r IM/F) H I N J tm\ No COtfi* It you're working, we con power iteering brakes Good condl URSES-HN'S - One full time, on* help to get you financed No money Ron II Its Cat) miW i. Auto* For Sole 2. Autos For Salt 4 Motorcycles ti.Htlp Wonttd port HRM. Ill shift One port Mm*, M UCDETADY/OFFICE MANAOIR - Sown Payment! wronged to hrit your FOWb~VAN 1H* - FuiTTTaTpetedT TOYOTA LAND CRUISER 1*7] - Sto CARPET CLEANER — E »- •Mil. Now salary seal* Coll for ap> Tyttaa anal occowillng Ullll. local • UHLEU I 4VTTER INC rteedi Many New ond Quality Used OLOSMOHLE U ROV»LE IN* - CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH sJ« n PREME - N««di work Autng |l« AM/FM talent. I •» mIM S GRAN TORINO WAGON running condition E alro llrtt Ond VEGA 1*71 - HoKMact rum ««ll wmaWe rotes Grossinger ond Heller CASHIER FOR CLUI -Full lima DODGE COLT GT - 1*74 AM FM ro - Power steering brakes, oir condl nlflhfi. Tuai rhrowoA Sol 4)1 P M RTMOOONTIC SSASSISTANS T AND CAOlLLAC COUPE DEVILLE «7* - *o outomotu eicelient Londltton •Mi UJO Coil on» 1.1*1 IH7 Aatncy. It Wlkolt PI . Rod tank. 741 tuning, radio, snows Included. 31.000 On* rtor aRP*rlanca In boilc book ECff PTIONIST - MutMll fy f p ll (.oodM including fuel injection HI tltJO Coil atttr t. »71 1771 mile* UWJO Eicellent condition *n C#EL GT Hit. NM* n«04r «•• tatam* Fo. hrtMr Wormotlon. con r»t*on» m 11*4 Got DOOGETOLT I*T1 - Two-door four 8*17 fviwlnfji, VEGA - 1*75. «._ _ YAMAHA hacTMri Loneloll. Fori Monmoulh. tilS. J I R CYCLE SERVICE, INC ART TIME CLERICAL WORK - CADILLAC SEDAN - DfVIHt 1*73 tptfd eRce4ien) running condition •oilofftr U1U0S. »»J>M Evan odooriunlly ACf EMPLOYMENT AGENCY fd GRAND PRIX - 1**1. oir condl Coll 7.1 tl.l Oftf i^ 171 w Front SI. Red tank n* full day p*r wee*, Friday only ICThomaiAv* ' Good condition Blue with dart tHu* %6X •"*£» tiorwrtg power .teef ing brakn selling OPEL KAOETT LS >«• - AuWmotlt, oil «n-MM *m»t root, white leather Interior £ for ports, new heads transmission nnl raosoraOM on* TRIUMPH T«» VOLARE rf74 - Four-door, Si 1*90 HARLEV PANHEAO - Custom SiCDETARY - Witti taaat tm.laaai U 000 mile* MostonHom «TOO Coll DODGE DART 1*70 SWINGER - ttorter carfiuretor and more. Buy In pom. oknMI mrr«s •'! W! Chopper, best otter Coll oner t p.m., IT TIME RECEPTIONIST -Eve T«o floor il« cylinder automatic • and w«Mk*ndt ol boo«ka«uy, tor «a« IiWe Ofllca ni» n37ii part or all *4*-*4Uafter tpm O SECRITAHICS SaNry cwnjuamwala with ••parlanca Hum good teJO 741-ACT •OOKKEEPEPIS aMokiiity SandRaumwkbi) III. CADILLAC 1«3 - Sadon Seville good DODGE 1H4 VAN - $>• cylinder. GDEMLIN ItH - tnree ipeed ... IMtd L cylinder eacettafit got mlieoge fiats Coll 7*1 « VOLKSWAGEN SOUAREBACK IfTO S Auto Services/Ports KEYPUNCH Th Dil Rll Sh NJ dltt Asking SIS standard lhrft Printm - Good condl tton II you hov« ony ol NM obovt ikllli and AYROLL'ACCOUNTS - Po.obla Cofli'+MO MMNI Jl-t«l> PLYKOUTH BELVEDERE l«7« - Coll after 1 p m , 7*7 MX FORD MUSTANG PARTS - Tram ort mfara*M In taiwaorury work, wrty ark IM/FI. with eiperlenca In ml CAOlLLAC - lttt riifftwnort Broug- SlicvllrKltf. ttanaard I* MAPG. good mission, three speed, from 1*** Mus- ond raflllarT wa pay lop SHEET METAL LAYOUT PEKSON - ham Air. leather Aitro Bool low DODGE H« STEP VAN - )*.000 A,lino Oil VOLKSWAGEN CONVERTIBLE - tang ISO Also two doors tor 1*41 Mus To taarlcoH praaoryva akieMnum i 1 mile* Got itove rtfrigerator and tone. sM tor both m «" •TOS anil pane 11 lipartenc* re mnrog* original owner Must Mil counhK HIM. in-13*4 IW, yellow, good condition 11000 Alklnfl «W toll SO43U toil »i sin X Thomn Av» UHK V»r«>bury _ id Eic*ll*nf cowtoony fttnofitt. PLVMOUTH DUSTER 1*7J - Agly Elocfro Irnourt*. NaptWM, IK CAMARO IT lfJ< l ,- DODGE It71 BJSS MAXI - With full JEEP SALES i SERVICE VOLKSWAGEN SOUAREfACK - i Auto Rent/Leose PERSON turtle tap JH ootomolic power ste«f TWIN 8ORO MOTORS 747-0040 1*78. runt ond looks OKCOlMnt. tlOSO Ing brake* Oir, AM FM eight trock ill E Newman Spring* Rd. Red Bonk "•"""• mm, RENT A VAN — Low. low rotts or cleaning up Service SHEET METAL MECHANIC - For Cl PA ivttem ovtrnrod console, in Coll 717 Sm Call Larry, TOM'S FORD. Hwv IS. KITSON CHEVROLET CO PLYMOUTH SATELLITE - IN*. )epartment and to drive residential and light commercial CAMARO 1*70 1* - V*r> good con* rug paneled, atorm i»»frm two-door, 111, power ti d VOLKSWAGEN 1US - 1*1*. Mrj Keyporl K4 UOO CLERK work Satorv open to gjuotmod person tton Monyevtrm. Hwy 3* Eotontown condition Asking 1500 cNwjn. metnonicolly sound, best otter ustomers home. mar «• Call win Mark t>MHS seir- PLYMOUTH VAN 1*74 - 7 Auto Insurance TYPIST CAPRI 1*7} - Four cylinder, new DODGE ItJ.VAN LAND CRUISER 1*7* - Low mileage, ^ust have valid driver's SNE L L il^k^6~l>t€ZLiWQ^ Hi cylinder power iteering/brokes AUTOANDCYCLE INSURANCE Full time pmltlon ovoMabic In Soitt World s roroest employment service. tlr*s. mtcttonlcaliy perfect ne*ds lIOOgmlM •ictltent condition WtSI CoM *U new brakes and tires Low mileage frktfit Thlt (Million InvolvM cense. point. 11*00 Call between * '0 p m •HI Clean Asking best oWf, ATMIe*. Free Quotes By Phone 170 Brood Sf. Rod Bonk. N. J. 74? 1111 Can ao-'na VOLKSWAGEN IHI fA5TBACK - Low Rotes SJI OM1 »alti ordcrt. onswtdng Itt* S T OC K~ H 00UA~ND.HI J PTNG DODGE lf7»VAN LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 1*74 da>fWolofl1c*(Mi.rt Mini Four-door Town Cor Stereo, full po* PLYMOUTH VALIANT STANDARD Robutlt I AUTO INSURANCE Bwp.m APPLY IN PERSON CLERK - Electronics manufoctwrIng CHEVROLET IMPALA 1«W - Good \H5 - Good condition. ttTJ. . USS.COJ ionl need* person for itochroom conoWon Asking OS0 er Excellent U000 tn IM MMti F,ee quotes ond binders by phone Coll GEORGE WALL TO-fill toll trot WATTS line. Nt>in *7» 74 For further Information. pi*ai« coll E•oping retorOi. receiving «na ship DOREMUSFORD MAVERICK GRABBER 1*71 - Two PONtlAt IATALINA H71 Air full hours, sever* days a week- Pevowl Managtr a* n*e«i»*rien<» In e CHEVROLET IMPALA ttet - Auto- SALES SERVICE -PARTS loor in cylinder automarlc. power power. rodhM (ires. 79.000 miles Good _... I oirS. itfonttflcv _ matic, power st**rlng,brok*v Mr coo 9 A H«B»J4l is required Coll Bft*7S7 tor on In*- jteerlng Eicellent shopc 44.0M condition t*7S JlQtt VOLKSWAGEN FASTIACK l«l - AUTO INSURANCE JMIonlng Powtf S*OtS Ond window! 544-9000 CHASER, WANTED - Thurs . DUSTER 1*77 miles 11 350 S**-1030or 717 3137 PONTIAC CATALINA 1*71 - Fo«r- Vory (Iron AM'FM. runi Ilki n«» j lot S p m to I O.m No •• vinyl *BO and utfjolshrrv Good cond. Perfect condHton SI TOO MERCEDES BENZ I*M - J*S. stick door oir conditioning, power steering, UH or bttl ofMr U4 11M Computerized Quotes An *qua. opportunity tmployw (M f) 'V • pVton. me Moor great on the rood, very brakes, radio, low miles ***3 CALL 747-2900 WBBWel «J a V BRTIIT « Uf* m *'•"%•• • VII 1IIITB W«| CHEVROLET MONIA J • I ItTS - power br i VOLKSWAGEN 1*77 BEETLE - port time Long lornv 0*0*1 ip>irtn Gr**n Nn tt**l bettM rad.oti outo " FALCON WAGON IH7 " tioo | Ca.lt4ft-J Good COfWjtton 11100 J. Reid Harrison CLEHK TYPIST n« A v* . Long O'onch nJt> Coll Ul 7* motk. rodto. CB antenna and mount tW or belt oftef MERCURY COMET - 1V71 sli-clln PONTIAC LrtdANS i«M Good run Coll **S l*s» Dlv*rtm*Ml ntvlllon, o»glnr*K comM- 741 7770 Agency PORTER IM'F) WANTED - Tempo If 400 mitt*, O. >W I7J-CS43 aer. motor good, body needs work mng condltton Good second car All VOLVO IM] - P 1100 Sport Modtl rory opining Midnight to / o m Vi riAT 5ALES AND SEHViCl It Asking COO ColteW-1111 power Convertible UK 143 1743. Rum *xcoll«nt Ntw tttdronlc Ignl YOUNG DRIVER SAVED OVER On ACE EMPLOYMEMT AGENCY (hts o week Musi to* rcllobl* ond ^rLq^'c^N,,. CHEVROLET STATION WAGON t*70 - At the AUTO INSURANCE CEN JO THxnot Ay W-M*4 Shrtwtbury 1 lino to work Apply In p*rion. opontwa tor master tailor to fit and ol VINE MOTOR CORP , Maple Avc MERCURY COMET - 1*77 tour-ooo* PONTIAC LE MANS 1*74 - Four " Hit Him TER. U Hwy 3t. Keyport. N J COM - HeM motor nwl be towed. IIMRed Bank 741-4570 Sedan, air conditioning, automatic door. AMFM stereo, eicellent condl COMMISSiOM SALESPBBSON - For runswld. Monmourft Lonos. IM Jo far quality men s ctofh+ng Must hov* n prlct »?i KM tlon mlOK VOLVO - IfTO. rour-Ooo. «IS Coll PARE Phatnli Brokerage M4 3M7 potkt tnj InduitrM *Oh#v tqulpmont •wptrlwx* TMs Is a perrnonnwl full FIAT 1*73 mSL - Needs some re transmhuon. power iteering. power Sot . Sun., or ofltr I. Monday Low down payment Open until tpm tlni* OOSrHon with ncollonl working CHEVROLET VAN 1»7J - AM'FM pair Low mlleagt B«t otTer Coll b»- brakes vinyl roof. AM radio tS 000 PONTIAC — 1171. Power steering, ond product* Call T4MB3. condllloni ond many bonoflts Coll itereo lope aert new front tires, good tw*«n*-*pm onty 717-1*39 Hes V360D M3 4KU new battery, muffler, and tires Regu- Svmt Mrs Hugh**. 777 nit ROOTS, IIS condition 7t7«*l WHELAN PONTIAC >UICK OPEL 10 Wonted Automotive COUNTER HELP - Fwt too*) Ptt FORD ECONOLINE LUXURY VAN MERCURY MARQUIS - 1*77. lour- larly moinfeined 74000 il Minor Hwy* FroonoU marwrit port tlmt Coll m 1001. tM Broad St. Red Bank, N J CHEVROLETVEGA - i*n. booVand 1V7S — Fully equipped Can be seen at aoor Sedan air conditioning, power tdv k d t 11 talpm RCSSMAN M/W - Eipwrlenced on *ngin« Mcellent condition All now Sherofon im, Hailct H* 1400 Aik forwindows, AM FM stereo, vinyl root HOW multl orfMt, tor South Plolnftetd tires. AM'FM top*-deck WOO 144 il 000 miles W«0 M2«*00 PONTIAC 1*7] LeMANS - AM'FM. •MMI DELIVERY PCKSON - Part time. GUtw, air conditioned, power Herring, power rvmhri Mutt hovt awn car Apply In publrsher All benefit. Including M dKoi^artground helpful StoVi llW. 3 Trucks ond Trailers 1 FORD FA^RLANE XLSOO i**7~- Good MERCURY STATION WAGON 1*7J - brokes. goad condition Situ Call Ol JUNK CARS WANTED - Puked uo Lulol * Fomout Plua. *11 Mono) profit shoring plan Coll 7SI ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY CHEVROLET VEGA WAGON If73 - running condition AiHIng UfS 741 Most factory options U»0 Call 471 BLAIER 1*71 - Four whttl drlvt. 44 Control Avt. Red Bank d Hltf, after 4pm 10 Thomas Av* 74JM* ihrioiBwrr Automatic Jl 000 miles, ntw dutomorlc. oowvr liter Ing ond broktt. Coll HI 107* Hrevpo.nt BwltrfTtr U? «U oir. AM'FMtidM trock. many titrtn. DENTAL ASSISTANT - Red ftanh WAITRESSES M/W - Mull (M ti FORraD GALAXIE JOB - 1*7], air con- sMERCUR» Y T*6* MONTEREY - Pow- nnlMnl condrHon UIO0 471 \ur flkW bl •frtoncotf Appty knperson. H«i Dtn*r. CHEVROLET W» MONTE CARLO - ditioning power steering brokes. er iteering brakes, oir. TOP DOLLAR REAL ESTATE Completely loaded Firm WJO0 Con CHEVROLET VAN l**7 — Clton Ro AM FM stereo, immaculate condition sTOO Must be seen W*ITBt \S WAITER Olnlng teom Must veil Coll 717 um RED BANK VOLVO dlo. CB onttnno. moa wtwtls. oood ... Write to BOH F IS? Th* vi oppoftunlty to bin on* of rh« llfE NEWMAN SPRINGS RD ond cocktail On can littormltlini llrn. plus two snow tlrts. «.0oo rnlhTS Sayreviiie. H J rj; IJOO Dally Register. Shrewsbury. N J •jty's most suctMSfwl firms Ovr Trtrt* months previous *ap*rl*nc* CHEW VEGA 1*71 — T»o door MG MIDGET If74 - Excellent condl RED BANK. 741 IBM Rum tkcoptlonolly wtll UK Ut 37M 17791. toff hoi InaooMtf Its solos by M0X In hutcttXK*. fo** wwed. lowr I opportunity employ MG IMS - Can be restored or good tor 0 HWY JS 77S 1500 OCEAN TWP Low RotM ill Ml A I uwd an and trucks Tap dollar pott. n*c*siory Hofl*t. Holmacl or»o ou will be tautM the basks of Real OASIS MOTORS ["JL7^.'™ Stare of the Century II Academy as TRUCK INSURANCE PMOM sand Rosumo to P 0 Bo. lrt. •II OS r*C*lv* on going In ftflUS* 2. Autos For Sol* 2. Autos For Sole WE BUV USED OkRS AND TRUCKS HatW. N J. otaina W* would prefer rettdents Ol WANTED - Sewage Operator. SM* __. RUSSCL. . Frtt quotes and binder) by phont Coll SCHWARTZ CHRYSLER License S ] or MgiW Soiory open MONMOUTH mobile CadiMoc Co 100 Newmor toll Iree WATTS lint. I00-I7J »7M 74 DINING ROOM CAPTAIN M/W - •ncron. Ntw Shfewvtmry Holmtfet Reply .toy-shore ft rat onol Itn iriw CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH SprinosRd Red Bank 7414*10 ix>uri n»in days a wnk PLYMOUTM Permanent full tlm* Apply In person. AJhorrfy. 1« Oak Sr Unton ItocK » Eotontown S43 SJOO «*d Bonk 74T^H7 Mr Roborson. The Molly Pitch** im. s wtm offbttnout _ , N j ivns m if»s 3 DAYS UNTIL MUSTANG FASTBACK i«*t - Mags. SHORE MOTORS with plow Don not run UOO I WE BUY USED CARS AND TRUCKS Red Bonk After Dam nftdent-ortnlervlew. coll Leo Cov CB. four speed Good condition Must Volvo-Triumph Deoier SCHWARTZ Chrysler Plymouth DOMESTIC COUPLE- Tfl doon. bo t ol th* Century 71i.. ColonCoi*ns AAgencyc . sell »7S or best ofte/ 7*1 774s Hw> H Moncssauan S» 7WC Red Bank. 747 9791 srt. gord*n One may hove Orfher too M0 Moll Mite Rd . LI 52 Baby Sitting THE STRAUS BUICK - OPEL 1«t INTERNATIONAL - •" itok* WE'NEEO USED CARS n_ v* In own coftoge MI tmi REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON Child Cart NINE ACRES Of New ond mad Con body- VI, automatic transmission, Top donor potd MULLER CHEVRO • are look I no tor a Sates AssocWf* to OLDSMO6ILE n 19«t - Foor door power iteering. oir conditioning Good l E T Hwy U. Motawon. SM-1000 DRAFTSA4AN JR M/W - For cite- SABYSITTER NEEDED t » am power brakes, steering, windows and Iwytt M4 «K0 Keyport condition Asking 11000. W-HST I our ttofl Prefer some nportonca. seat, air good condition Asking U00 tro mecttanlcol parti ond assembly t will train iMsporloncM person to ] 10 p m PkoM ca. 1 tor nx the* In THE FINEST SELECTION - Of new Eiperlenced required Coll Electro "ZEPHYR" or best offer Catl 741-0944 and used cors m Monmouth County EMPLOYMENT who rs Ik enwd Wt offer a fw|hw«y lo~ Over 100 air conditioned new cors In 4 Motorcycles impulse 7*1 M04 mornings lion, fully ooulpfwd offii*. 0«od • VSITTER MCEDCD Tues and OLDSMOBILE rfTJ VISTA CRUISER ENGINEER - EstobHsh*d central ommi»ton tp.ll with bonuses and a d nights t-lltm Own trans WAGON - Three seats, otr, power stock McCLOIN BUICK-OPEL INC , CYCLE INSURANCE ongenial olmospftert All Irtqulrlti iteering brokes. automatic, clean. Sfirewsoury Avc , New Shrewsbury Fr** quotes and binders by pnone Coll toiion and references retwlrod AT firm has an Immediate opening tor o lib* kojpt conrWinftol Cotl Mtr Ma loflorlpjn HI MM II67J 671-4)4* toll he* WATTVIIn*, IOt>t7J *7tt) 74 51 Help Wonted Senior Traffic Engtn**r •itf. staff foraot u7mB M4K hours, seven days o wook. ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER - En BABYSITTER Reliable pt'icn THUNDERBlRD CLASSIC l*4e - monog*m*nt oWiity A minimum of j MAPARA AGENCY INC hours variable. ne*d own trans GEORGE WALL LINCOLN MERCURY HA LTJ 100 1*73 - Sot up for dirt. e« perltrvced in occounts recelvatXt and live veors •«p*rlcn Y 117, the Dolly R*gt«t*r. ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY FULL AND PART TIME - School"biii 747-5400 E ARE GROWING' CAMASSA Snrrwibury, N J QtK\ 10 Thomas Avc 7IT-MM Shrewsbury drlvcrt wltt It ill ti A GENCY IS NOW OPENING A LIVE IN HOVSEKEEPER - For el In ptnon. RANCH OFFICE IN LITTLE SIL drrly womon Some cooking, refer WE WANT TO BE BOOKKEEPER ER GET INON THE GROUND Knowledge of poyovtes, receivaDieSj LOOK and learn new soles Itch •ntes Coll Ml 1144 or offer S. ft} nu YOU CAN STILL toi*s. ond iom* retail *Np*rlencc FULL-TIME MECHANIC - Ex YOUR CAR DEALER tajun ond recolvc on-fh* |ob trolnlng Start MX perlenced an but ertglrm and dtetctt Mktonts of Little Silver. Fair Haven, ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Muit haw own tool! Apply In per ton, umson and Shrewsbury area ore- 54 Situations Wanted Now Taking Orders » Thomas Ave 747 MM Shrewsbury S03 South Lourtl Av* , W*it Keani rrred, but will consider the RIGHT CAFETERIA WORKER~ ~~E^uo76V burp ERSON with or without *«p*rl*nt* Female For All pqrtunlty Employer Sli hours per ull or port Hm* For conflderrtkil In day Soiory *ji<*. U » lo(i» Good FUNDRAISER hwview call Mr Camasso, 777 4100 K CEP E W ^ Non profit Cefllrgl N J AM| agency WN do port e lot a 1978 MODELS benefits Tfnton Falls School Ei tceftlng ruret roller for capital ond on h perlenced In the areas of cooking food going operating compotgni Know I your pioce of buslnesi W »U preparation and cashier work Colt edge of propinol wrltina. gronl bock _ center n*eds profttil. _ W3O75S. lam.tolp.m. around tntcntlal Send detailed Re dei people to Mil and s*rvlcs ti Shrewsbury Ave Al Sycamore turn* and totorv r«oulr«m*rth) to P O odors ond homeowners Mint haw More Classified SELECT . . Box ttl, Freehold NJ t rterKe Satory and bontflts. U on Next Page 2. Autos For Sale GEf*ER iU LA UN DRY WORKERS - For shore's loading laundry and dry cleaning plant Free rurtpllolliotlon, paid vocation Apply Stor Cltancri ond lounderert, 111 Myrtle Aw* , Long YOU DON'T HAVE TO SETTLE GEORGE WALLS Branch Dorftmiss IF YOU ARE READING - Thli od, the boat UNCOLN-MERCURY oppolntrrwrt M7 4106, Mori* Ruftlnl KEYPUNCH-EXPERIENCED L.J GONZER ASSOCIATES DOWNTOWN IS3 Broad SI , Rod Bonk M2 W» LADIESMEN - Work at home on the phone, torn S25-U0 w**kty Mrvtclng SHREWSBURY our cuttormn. MtJM 1 LINCOLN LEGAL SECRETARY — For writ I© cotod oftlce Good wording conditions. W-O4M LEGAL SECRifTARY — With at Most USED CARS thr*« ytari experience Benefit* in clud* hospllolliatlon ond lit* Insur- ance Sa*ory commtnsurot* with ex I perlence Reply Box D MO. The Dolly Register, Shrowssury, Hi. 0770V This is a partial list LEGAL SECRETARY CollM3 1700 of our used cars ... stop LUBRICATION - And light mtchonl- col duties Apply fo Bill Grant. I a.m in today and see the rest. to 5 p.m. 231 Broodwoy. Long Broncft. MANAGEMENT: "We want to be your car dealer" RETAIL Because Our 1971 CHEVROLET NOVA ' 1495 Department Slock a 440 2-door. 6-cylmder, automatic transmission, CLASSIFIED LINES power steering, manual brakes, radio. 36,740 miles MANAGERS DOMESTICS Raady ta ltap-up and Olsurrw more ra ARE BUSY. 1977 LINCOLN MARK V •9920 loll monooamcnl raipomtbllltlcf? . . Stock #437. Blue/white, power steering, power brakes, Wa're ttlll axpandlng and hov« lull rN opportunltln for you . . Our Donni power windows, power seat, Cruise, automatic transmission, lie Daparimtnt Monagar I mint offar: AVOID THE WEEK-END RUSH V-B. atr conditioning, vinyl root 20,894 miles manl a«parlanc#. preferobly o dlicounl anvlronmfrr). CALL EARLY IN THE WEEK. 1975 FORD MUSTANG COUPE '3495 • Dry goods background. • In-dapm knowladga of time prod- Stock #439. V-8, automatic transmission, power steering, uctllnn: power brakes. AM/FM stereo, CB. red/white, vinyl root, air L£t one of our Classified specialists as- conditioning, tinted glass 35.570 miles Linens, Fabrics, sist you with your ad ... at a price you Sewing Notions, can afford. 1974 FORD T-BIRD Curtains, Drapes, •4495 Bathroom Accessories. Stock »4t1 V-8, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, power windows, power seat, sun roof, air We offer competitive tolory and com preriemlve benefitpockqae Including: conditioning, tinted glass, burgundy/white roof 49,960 5-DAY. U HOUR WORK WEEK ••Ming? DM Ml* miles FULL HOSPITALIZATION CREDIT UNION MERCHANDISE DISCOUNT "ACTION UN*' t, ADVANCEMENT OPPORTU 1975 FORD ELITE •3995 NITY Stock a 403. 2-door Hardtop. V-8. automatic transmission, INTERVIEWS WILL BE 542-1700 CONDUCTED AT THE UNBELIEVABLE VALUE! power steering, power brakes, air conditioning^tinted glass. ADDRESS BELOW. 14-HOUR aunvict AM/FM radio, silver/red. 25,561 miles. Hfe) TWO GUYS 1974 FORD GRAN TORMO BROUGHAM *2795 . Rt. 35 at Twlnbrook Rd. Stock *394 2-door Hardtop, cream color. V-8, automatic Mlddletown, NJ. The Daily Register transmission, power steering, power brakes, air conditioned, MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY - Will tinted glass. 56.239 miles train, musi have m*cnanlcal optltud* Apply Motion Syttcmt Corp., 61 Rlor dan Place, (off Shrewsbury Avc), HOLSEY PONTIAC SnrrwttmrY- BA-9DM. The Sunday Register All UMd cart exclude tax & licensing MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST - For busy oftlc*. Mutt b« nporleoted. ben eflti available. Send Hwutw to Box Y Shrewsbury Ave., At Sycamore 219, Tht Dally Reglitrr, Shrewsbury RTE 36 (Next to MV Station) N.J.077O). TOLL FREE: Matawan 566-8100 NEEDED BASS GUITARIST - Must NEW CAR • 542-7800 747-5400 A Mlddletown 671-9300 USED CAR • 542-7808 tor Drew or Phil. S4. Situations Wanted 71. Merchandise I Nubbin SHREWSBUflY. N J MONDAY. OCTOBERS. 1977 flu P»jl) ITl Ijhtl I 15 Ftmalt For Salt / COMPANION / 103 Rentals To Share 111. Houses For Sole 135 Commercial - Te out* lotfy. your Daily-Sunday UE PlDrJT WOULD WIDOW - Like lo (hare ntf HIGHLANDS - Colonial, three bed Property — area Half day A flATH. CMO home and fxpemn with another oc rooms, fully renovated Pallo Low UKB IT... live widow on ptntlon? Mlddlotown- (axes and utilities Near everything REGISTER AKlYTWWcSr WUEU VOU Atlantlc Hlgnlonos arta Call 6-f p m , 134.500 14900 co*h U54 monthly Fur STATEWIDE iff BUTMB- WtO HIM ? ^ M7IWJ niture available Owner 8734919 TYPINNG DONDONE AT HOME Classified Ads HUOtP JUST REDUCED US W0 COMMERCIALS FoilAFilAccuratc e IT. 104 Winter Rentals Four bedrooms, 17' master bedroom FALL RENTAL — Vacation horn* Mt 19' living room with fireplace, tormol VE APARTMENT HOUSES. » TO as low as Pocono. Ptnn Four bedroom chalet, dining room. eat-In science kitchen. 30' 80 UNITS EACH. private beocti club, tennli courti. golt family room with wet bar, utility 55 Situation! Wonted COUTM Weckendi. weekly, monthly room, full recreation basement, two MOTELS. 10 TO 100 EACH 38 cents • HMM luxury baths, large lot, two-car 90 Male •wr Mnr ptr day rage, all brick and stone LL PRICED RIGHT WITH GOOD »LL AROUND - Y.r« work Oo (DQMd on • day lnt*rtlon) SEA BRIGHT - Elfklency and Motel MELMED REALTY, INC 471 5650 NANCING CALL NOW . WE ARE "tp. cellar!, auflen cleoned. Ire. Until Weekly and monthly rote*, mold EN 7 DAYS! icrvlce. ullllfiei TV No lease Trade LINCROFT - Three bedroom ranch, cuWno.. Me Eirlmalei 741 4105 For FAST RESULTS tull basement, lorge screened porch, Wlndi Motel i, Morlna 143 1137 l( at LOW COST r T no-wax kitchen floor. j acre 149.500 542-9333 WEST^END ^Furnrtheo l 'r roomi. 747 2M6 ^ all utilities Included In rent Call W LITTLE SILVER M Classic Realtvfi|nLSbBJ *1 Butlntu REGISTER 1M Furnished Rooms EATONTOWN AREA - Furnished water baseboard heot %44,4_. 3? Lots And Acreage portunities Classified Ads 71. Merchandise 71. Merchandise 84. Merchandise 101. Aportments room Call between 4 9 p m LAWLEY AGENCY CREAGE - Two parcels each three 973 1111 Hwy. SSandNovetlnk River Rd res plus, in country setting Price CHiONim ran IAII - in For Salt For Sal* PORT MONMOUTH - Three room Mlddletown-Realtor-741-6363 *»Ct ond tutlMtl. Folmer Ave, 542-1700 Wanted FAIR HAVEN — Comfortable room ^^^ Evenings 842 SS79 negotiable Owner wonts foil sale be l Imtag. bt H IS FIRFWOOD - Finest quality ipllt RIDING MOWEBi ftolent 7 h p , detached apartment, unlurnlihsd. *1I5 for rent. With kitchen privileges Ft- use of purchase of new home. RED- Toll Frot from Motowon Aroo oak Seasoned Full cord guaranteed electric Hart, 40 cut, U»; Snapper, S plus month's security, plui utilities mote preferred Call In the mornings EN AGENCY, Realtor, 741 9100. Available Od 2 717 003? LIVE ON THE venlngi, 741-4510. 43 Monty To Loon 566-8100 Some day delivery 1*5 o cord Jtl mi h p , grottcotcner. %Vi; Yardman. 5 741 1939 SHREWSBURY RIVER or mm} tip-.OH,never uwd Aflwr I, t;i 0411 ANTIQUES - Anything old Furnl HIGHLANDS - Ocean/river view. MlDDLETOWN Toll Froo from MlddWlo«n Ar»o FOftMICA DINETTE TAtLE - SIX PIECC — Dlnlno room Mt. very lure, china, glass, dolls, [ewelry. rugs. RED BANK — Four room, two-fire single room Mature business gentle Beautiful view, dock, bulkheoded wo odjolnlng lots, almost an acre *.*• plus n" t*ot (Four) newly up- old Good condition I7J Plui contenti Top cosh paid Mary Jane Rooteurrl. placet, goroge, neor shopping and mon Neor oil transportation 177-1210. ' 133,000 for both. ..Jtf£i!9IB!f&,» 6719300 holstered choir*, gold Nougahyde ot old home 117 7th Street, Union IKE River Ha, Rumton I43 3IS9 transportation All newly decorated hMi, even benlnd. Hop worryinaH DESKl. FILES. loWM. CMIII. oddlng Asking 1I7S M3-7W. eves or week teocti. UMpm KEANSBURG — Furnished rooms ond MATAWAN hree acres plus, Chapel HIM area. COMMMrit every*** Into on* lower nvKMnoi. twpowrlloft. oMIct equip end. • ANTIQUES - GATEWAY AN- MNK furnished aportrnenti arse country, 137,000 mir%igi payment, and brMftw »> moot. Mi ol bargain prictt. Ntw or SIX - Well dcilgned, 4 ft by 7 ft , TIQUES, Rt U ond Homeiteod Ave , RED BANK — On the Naveilnk River, TtftU* or 7|7 W51 TWO-FAMILY RANCH UIM AAC DESKOUTLET, DM III FURNISHING ON A LOW BUDGET? Leonardo 7»l 52M contemporary Penthouse apartment Oflln Ltwlll oovtrnmtnl boctttd free itondlnrj peaboard pantli, dliploy RED BANK - Off Brood St.. room Consisting ot one apartment with 0 TINTON FALLS — Chech tht USED FURNITURE (rt, nverctaJUlM, etc Matte otter Ul with two bedrooms, Iwo baths, large one-acre unimproved lots, mop 4447. GREENHOUSE - Mult be In good dining room BODMAN ARMS, 741 and private bath Please coll 741 $m foyer, large living room, dining room, DEM - US. Heel Mielvlng. uo Drill CENTER OF RED BANK Fir* furnl otter 4 p m. gourmet kitchen, three bedrooms ond vaiioble. 1150.000 it. i;s Three ton chain block. MO rurttorlHt IHShrtwftburyAtft. thapt. able to disassemble and reason 031*. SOFA - THAYER COGGlN, brown ably priced Coll Ul STtt. bath The other apartment li beautiful LAWLEY AGENCY, 741 6267 K eaoi, e-ipm FURNITURE -- Four -piece •ectlonol, RED BANK — Three-room apartment RED BANK - Single furnished room with a living room, dining area, super LOAN BY PHONE! wool ihelitf, beil offer, like new Call NAN JOHNSON 1775 per month with no utilities Secu for lady Shore both 1100 per month DINETTE IET - Maple Colonial end and cotlit tablet, dining room, Ul -4171 BUYS AND BUYS cute kitchen ond lorge master bed 38 Mobile Homes Foil tervlcel Secendory mortgage labto. with leaf and live chain. ISO bunk beds, all In eicelltnt condition rlty required No pets 74, 1041, 16 Call 741 4797 oom ond tile bath. Separate en O Commode. l» Gld lt STOVE - Modern Mold, 30" got, itll From an entire household to a tingle p.m. * ranees One two car garage, one ARDEN PARK MOBILE HOMES - lOffWt MAJflTIC FINANCE CORP , Goltori and ompllfler 7*12434 cleonlna, 1)00 Pair ot loveteot., 1130 Item. Antique furniture, lewelry, sll SUITABLE FOR GENTLEMAN - ethany Rd , Hailet Adult park Walk 3StH| 9,Howell Atkfor Mr Ltwlt l rocker. US. *W MM FURNITURE — GoTdi barrel Vholr, ver Immediate cosh Top dollar RED BANK — Three bedroom opart Red Bonk. Private entrance, Near all single cor garage 67x751 park-like lot 741-171? foclllflei Porkirvg Coll 747 3000 All carpet ond oppliances Asking in shopping Call 364)911- CALL US TOLL F«E DINING ROOM tET — Mahogany S7i Library table, with carving, opent t S37S th d tiliti to oinino sl/«. 1)00 (Ul JetJ after $ and The USED FURNITURE (rNllk urnn curity ana reference, equired In the high U0 s Make an offer. CALL GHLANDS - Beautiful odult park. (BOO) 822-8989 Duncan Phvlt, table, tin chain, china OLD FURNITURE - Antiques. China, WEST LONG BRANCH- Beautifully PIPER REALTY. REALTOR. MLS, cabinet, buffet and game table, Shera 1f7 Shrewtvbury Avi. Red Bonk ire v> Wallace St , Reel Bonk, after furnished room tor rent by week or xS5. lots of extras Washer/dryer In Ion itylt. all UU Ulnu Beem, Hot-oeen» ond Why Not. glassware, art oolecicst and or Ic a-brae 717-7940. uded 391-0299. Tmmedlote tosh tor p month. Includes maid's service, Indi- MlDDLETOWN — Send for our TIRES — Five GM>1V> Three rMU- os or anything and tv- RED BANK — "Three bedrooms, kids, vidual control of heating ond air condi- 16O FURNISHED MOBILE - In OININO ROOM TAtLE — foul chair, alto lampt, U0 Call ei-vtt.1ng "Rtncll's, 35 East Front St., "Homes For Living" brochure, pics. chain Chlno Ctoert and Surlel Wai tar S p.m. lor Mock eO'i. and two Rood Max Del pets ok , Oct. I, only HIS. tioning, color TV, phone service. descriptions, prices on available lutlful park Adults only. nut. US III mi lo Snow Tlrei Uted 3,000 miles STATE RENTALS Bkr 747 9434 plenty ot porkimg, utilities included homes. APPLEBROOK REALTORS. 447I5W. 7 9om, 4S»p.m FURNITURE NEW - FIva-elK* bod- Sport never i/vM flH 717 4171 TURN YOUR DIAMONDS INTO No security required. Holiday Inn, HO Rt 35, Mlddletown, 671 2300 61NING ROOMTTATLE — AndlwtcK room. all wood, tl» M" »olo bed with DOLLARS - Convert Old Jewelry to Hwy3e, West Long Branch 239 9000 71 Merchandise pin*. Three leovei. Hide a bed, matching chair, Htrculon. ll» Will TINES — Five Unlroyol F 7| IS, with Cash DON PON'S JEWELERS Will MlDDLETOWN - Just reduced One 40 Real .Estate Wanted double, blue Colonial print TV < ttll pltfn ttporotely. After 1 p rlmt. tpare never u»eJ, Mb each. Buy from private owners ond estates. block from Bayvlew School. Leonard- For Sale »7113tJ ~ GOOD HOUSES NEEDED tole. double door, French Provlm 4fi»9i ANTIQUE CLOCKS REPAIRED AND mimJiR 108 Commercial vllle Rd Four-bedroom Colonial with family units from 20s to 50l In JEWELRY DESIGNED. 799 River kitchen, dining living family rooms ADMIRAL REFRIGERATOR HTMMB FURNITURE - Solid ook corvod di TIRES — Two mow tires, iteel~beiled Rd. Folr Haven, NJ 147 6357 LUXURY HIGH-RISE" Rentals them Monmouth County, 10 day •U G i DININO ROOM SIT - Rock Maple, Ing room ttt. Engllin Mrlod. %Vi. rodlali. BRTtall Like n*w |3S eocn Overlooking the Noveslnk River ond goroge 145,900 10% down finonc . /Ice, we pay cash Ovol glot* dining toblt wllh four HkAktt. We wont you!.. To help us keep rents ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - 13.000 sq ing available 717 1540 or 787 3SO0 ELMED REALTY INC. 471 5450 formica top, Ireitle table, two leovei ft. warehouse/light manufacturing SI. te»7otrer 7IH7O olwmv »I5 *oih U\ 69« Round tchool chair Tent, like new STATE RENTALS Bkr. 747 9434 garden apartment, all new G.E, appli- BIG DISCOUNTS Bett offer 49S 34M rooms) Prime location. Rt. 34. Avail- FAMILY AD ; ances, rug wait to woll. front and rear MUST SELL! f 136,900 ew boat trailers BOAT HOUSE, • IDROOM - While trlplo dretter GREENHOUSE - •'rt ;"oMo7tid~AT ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - BtOU- able October 1 5M-0934 1 WESTERN SNOW PLOW - 7'-V, entrance. 1320 plus ulllltiet. Call 142 Five large bedrooms, IS master bed n Ave, Sea Bright. 841-3211. ond kingili< headboard, good condl neon violet*, potting moll, clay and tlfully furnished, five room oportruert 1100. OFFICE FOR RENT - Newly deco- Hon. I7J0T bnl<» WlS ptrntlc poti Rratonablt Ul UK hydraulic tilt Two bedrooms, suitable business •oom, 15 guest bedroom, 18' living OAT INSURANCE - Reasonable 717 7471 couple Utilities Included except elec SEA BRIGHT - Paneled two bed .oom, 15' formal dining room, new atct. Immediate coverage, Gross! HS AND VEILS - Un trie. No pets. UOO per month Security room, kids ok, great locale, V235 kitchen 30' family room, utility room toer ft Heller Agency, 15 Wlkoff PI., LINES IPS required Wl w?7 STATE RENTALS Bkr 747-9434 Two full baths 100'lot. ed Bonk HHAMMOND OFFICE FOR RENT - Newly deco- MELMED REALTY INC. 671-S650, ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Two-bed SEA BRIGHT - Two-room apart- OCEANPORT - SLEEK RANCH IN BOSTON WHALER CALORIC OAt RANGE - *rowi) E. 7.000OLD ?t RECORDS room, heat paid, kids o k , near tram ment, furnished, »7lO per month, in- ABSOLUTE MINT CONDITION. to Marquis Duranautlc Sabre 23 - »I1S Coll ORGAN M cefih and 751 em i portal I on. 1190. cluding utilities. Security required. THREE BEDROOMS. LARGE LIV d Town and Great Canadian canoes - After o, n AAaln SI. Occonporl STATE RENTALS Bkr. 747 9434 •431794. ING ROOM, HUGE K ITCH- raltord Dory -Dlnghyt Johnson - OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE — New CARPET - Iil3, orange and gold II CU FT CHEST/FREE2ER - HS0 EAST KEANSBURG - Beochfront. SEA BRIGHT - Three-room apart- EN...DINING ROOM TOO DEN AND MC Sales, Ports and Service -EZ KutMwrM. with frlngt eic*tlent. US Of Asbury Park It' • block ond white TV, *73S building. 3000 iq. ft, will divide to suit, TWO-CAR GARAGE. GRACIOUS ooaer and Gator Trailers -Complete 5 tour rooms, utilities supplied: 1700 plus ment, bedroom, living room, kitchen, heating and air conditioning Included, Marine Stare -Electronics -Hardware. 747M7I security, available. 49S-3IS1. LIVING FOR ONLY 153,900 HUGE PIANO SALE 1300 a month Including utilities. Coll Highlands, N.J. Coll 173-1646. CB - n channel i-trocfc Solid Slot* DAYS EATONTOWN - fwo*edroom. wml- otter 5 pm ,143 9157 We Need Used Boats owiomobll* lop* dtck • track tap* SHREWSBURY ARMTAPART" PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SUITE — 72 Garage/Yard Sales furnished. Del 15, atllllles free, t315. Ground floor, suitable tor doctor or 542-9333 dert. olw AM'Fwt radki rt7 4*31 STATE^RENTALS Bkr 747 9434 MENTS - One ond two-bedroom ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Yard oportments from $210 Senior Cltlien dentist at 333 Broad St , Red Bank. 747 TRADE NOW! (IIK)NIM FURNITURI Iwo Mlc Three family, everything must FFFICIFNCV APARTMI-NT Polm 3730,9 a.m. to Sp m. wtnHwck choir* and wto, U» Win got Sun . Mon , Oct. 1 and ) 77, dUcount available Call MJ M/j Bry's Marine, Rt 35, Neptune IBM TYPEWRITERS tt Ave , West Keonsburg Newly deco- Marino on Shark River. 775 7364 a»#> MM teporatety Cotl MI »7» oner $3 \vt , off Ocean Blvd roted and furnished Convenient to SHREWSBURY AVE. — Three rooms, PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SPACE - transportation ond shopping Singles Tlnton Falls. (Sycamore Ave). Exist- GARAGE SALE - Two fomlUei Orl heot and gas free, |ust(17S. ing building occupied by GP and Den- OCEAN TOWNSHIP -Wayside COLONIAL SECTIONAL Thttt DOLLARS entol rug. household lltmi from Oct only S150 per month Annual teote STATE RENTALS Bkr 747-9434 Woods ond Long view Village Elegant JACOBSEN - 5 HP. Hat blower. Security and references required tist, being expanded Ideal tor most new homes from 179,900 Call 531 0505 FLAGSHIP piece 1100 Reund pint COff* toW. I to Ocf I, 10 to J 7M Wilton Ave . KIRWAN CO, Realtor, 711 MOO Atk SMALL APARTMENT - 199 Port medical specialists, will finish to lult lift Couch, chair. Colonial, 17) Sell merchandtte you no tanner n«ed Uted ftvte tlmet HO Excellent buy Port Monmouth. for Jon. occupancy Coll 543-4433 for Peggy Monmoutti Rd . Port Monmouth Bed- • in jwi- vi.vvsn^ivf VMM J^A ^JJ " REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE Trwf*tt, Mond. cote. IW 7e7eVM o» U» with o low lOit Family Pton room, kitchen, living room area and List ond buy with o member of Mon- both t!95 plus electric Coll 4950374 RED BANK - Office building, mutTf MARINE 77 Ptti And Livestock ELBERON - Two bedrooms, tire use. multilevel, lit floor showroom, mouth County's largest realty group. A COLONIAL SOFA - Choir. two torn** Avanobl* tor Mvrchondltt For Soil JOMM $f"uA~iTTATC"Er""no~ place, wall to wall, kids oh. I37S. Nopets. one-year warranty available on all AKCGOLOEN RCTRIEVER PUP STATE RENTALS Bkr 747 9434 7000 Sq Ft. Excellent location. 671- homes listed ond sold by a member of New Jersey's and .MptovtHt ERCttltftl condition Only. Article mutt original* from 0 Sloane i breoktroni. flOO Room dfvl THREE ROOMS O» C*t twtart • • am or oTt*r 4 howMnoM and may not .mMd a toit der, U0 Rattan alait lobte. I7S U\ PIES - Born July 30th. Mom and Pop the Real Estate Exchange, Realtors Complete Marine Center on prrmisn 671 V39t FREEHOLD — Country selling, one 747 6660 pm uintr ___^_ prlctof HOO Wll bedroom, heat poid. pets o.k., 1375 RED BANK — 1000 sq. ft building, COLO* TV - Ji ". comalnatlon KITCHEN TABLE - And tour cholrt, AKC REGISTERED - Yorkshire ler STATE RENTALS Bkr 747 9434 light industry or warehouse Catl after Power Boats Pi Urn MUST B« A<*vtfiiT.«d toth od formica lop, one leaf. ISO Antique rltri, seven weeki old. champion TINTON FALLS- Neor stores, ojualnl S, 543 1094 or 741 5073. REO BANK INCOME PROPERTY - FM'AM itarto. Ihrev-tpevd Cvrrord Slnoer IT wing mochlng. work.. IIS Sailboats tftrto pt*yar. beautiful map** ion»cir dtnonal lint 11 No copy cnonpti may sired GARAGE APARTMENT - Two-bed- studio, must see, 1175 RED BANK — 12 Brood Street. Pro- Two one-bedroom apartments, lovely •fllrtr. tell to ll« rJIOlM bt mado and no dlicounti or rtturrti Law bock living room choir with room, kids o k , West End. 1140 STATE RENTALS Bkr. 747-9434 area, ample parking, walking distance Trailers will bt moot tt Od li corxtlltKl btfor* tltpcover, ill 7ft M*f STATE RENTLASBkr 747 9434 to buses and shopping, 137,500. Coll ( ONTENT5OF MOMf -Living room ttl ANTIQUE KITTEN — Lovable, WE ARE NOW ACCEPTING - Appll owner after 5pm, 531-6794. healthy, block, tour monthi old, abon HAZLET — Three bedrooms, com- catlooi for late toll and winter rentals JOHNSON AAA plete utllltlei, m private home t360 o One bedroom from 1160 Two-bedroom Iti Including oil utilities. 750 Sq doned ot Red Bonk Antique Center In RUMSON AREA - Send for "Homes TO PLACE YOUR teorch of ontlqur cat collector 747- month Sb4-**73 from (315 Heat and hot water sup at 1170 per month Including oil utili- SERVICE CENTER DAILVftEOISTER LIVING ROOM SET - Kitchen ana piled Pool prlvlledge Included In rent ties. Minimum one year lease. Coll For Living" brochure, pics, descrlp- DISCOUNT SHIP'S KI» Andtwoend MMM 110 FAMILY AD, CALL 4W1 HIGHLANDS - One and two bedroom Call tor appointment, 391 0006 No owner. Walter Zlmmerer ft Son 946-tlont, prices on available homes AP- Wrowcti Itee bedroom %»u tobirv lamp*, imoklng oportmenti For oppointmeni PLEBROOK REALTORS, 117 Ave. STORE lornp*. Other Itrrm »l 1ITV BEAUTIFUL- Block port Per»lon 3400 or 946-4212. W-manor I Ml. cat. ill montfu old ond ockvoble Ca Two Rivers, Rumson. 841 7900 CUSTOM - furpl* velvet dropei. 542-1700 MATTRtSS - One full Hi* loom. Iko kitten Both verv offedlonott with WEST END - Lovely, quid, two-bed RED BANK - 90 Monmouth Street. trtfi* and a dMbtt. Ud Ltvlrw room HIGHLANDS Orve O^Jroom ot)O< t room In great area. 1/10 payi alt. Corner Hwy IS. Single room, ground RUMSON ELEGANCE - Over TMi Atlantic Highlands aood dltpoilt.or. and Utter trained ment Htat tupplled Partially tur acres ot privacy, yet walk to the bus- —mm htrtfwiahn. tso itvms 14 HOUR SIRVtCE STATE RENTALS Bkr, 747 9434 floor Professional office. Available Free to good home Mutt port with due nlihed I3IS Security. Nopett. Immediately. Carpet, air, on site re- line. Brick ranch with o great floor MINK COAT - BeoutlM 1401 or Mil ID atlM-gle, ("all SH US* WEST END - Vi, lurnhhed unfur plan for the large family. Ten years OftK - Lor at, offlc*. woMut. with BAHRS REAL ESTAT 6, 171 1400 served ond patron parking 1130 month FIREPLACES - Cut fuel coin «%. offer Mon or Tuei call all day. Wed CAT — Free to good home. Very pret HIGHLANDS" Two-oedroorrTopart- nlshed. full kitchenette, olr Pool, ter fitus utilities on minimum one year old ond In superb condition. Five-mas- 291-5600 •tf Iffy MMII, STOS Local distributors mutt dtipote of lefl t> andaffecttonati Altered race 1155 to 1175 2731335 ter bedrooms, 3'*j baths, galleries con- MM o(Mr 1 or vookondi ment Heot supplied 1100. Second ease Call owner. Walter Zlmmerer A over 1*7* model, woodburnlng lire Mumaa HI 1035 Son. 946-3400 or 946-4213, nect the living room, den, dining room, placet Complete with grate, boot. MOVING SALE - Like new Living floor Nopeti Security BAHRS ond breakfast room, (All open to the BMV. and fire screen Custom In room furniture wittt cuilom droptl, to REAL ESTATE, 173-1600 102 Houses For Rent Kir sundeck). two-fireplaces. Five 5T Help Wanted blet and lampt Family room furnl CHEAPEST IN MONMOUTH COUN ' i available Con TY - Bo. .torn for rent Full board. HIGHLANDS - Three bedroom, on ALLENHURST — Five bedrooms, ilnutes to the ocean. Just listed at turt. L a I Boy rectlneri, baby ittmi, HO and MS a month W> supply every 109 Buildings/Garages boy t clothing mutt, more Ul f?M the river, electricity included Call at fireplace, garage, near beach, kids, NEW BUILDING - Located in WINTER STORAGE SALES thing Rough board too Two horse* ttr 7 p m , 3*t 574t pets o.k. ORGAN' - Conn Coper No Ml, two lor tale olio One eight year-old Pali STATE RENTALS Bkr. 747-9434 Borough ot Shrewsbury, approximate- 'Independently Owned" Low, low rates 51 Help Wanted mlno, one ' HIGHLANDS - Three tHrdroomt~or7 ly 10,000 sq ft., divided Into five boys keyboardt, one finger chord octave lr> of different slies or con be combined. 813 River Rd Fair Haven Finest Service tower ktvboord. ll monlti, old 1W0 or rollonyiln (tie river, electricity Included Coll af- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Eight 741-7686 DRAPERIES belt offer 2 Atlantic Way. Seo Bright ter 7pm ,791 5744 rooms, three bedrooms, privacy plut Can be used tor goroge, warehouse, RUN'S QOTHING - SIR month, old, fe comfort U2S a month plus utilities etc., wllh office facilities All boys FLAGSHIP MARINA «iin» HIGHLANDS - 3"i roomi, near oil mole, hot oil ihoti, toil and eon cotiwi-om have 14' high steel overheod doors. RUMSON HOUSE HUNTER Atlantic Mighlands .'e*Flol clipped. USD or belt offer IfSoJW conveniences No pets Security re- Very suitable for plumbing, electrical, Which Is most Important to you? No. 1. SUPCOVERS SAUS quired S160 173 m\ A-1 RENTAL SERVICES - FuTrilshed generol, and trucking contractors. Call colon, U a gallon Coll FIT MM or 717- OOO OBEDIENCE TRAINING -Be Low price. No. 1 Great area No. 3. KEANSBURG -Clean, two-bedroom and unfurnished hornet ond opart 747-3866, preferably after S p m for Spectacular like-new house. No. 4. 291-5600 •Inner clones. Oct M ond Nov ]0 menti avollable. Short or long term more Information Low taxes. No. 5. Low maintenance. INTER STORAGE - Outbc_jfboord. .V Bayihore Componlon Doo Club. 741- apartment Available Immediately leases No tee to tenants CAMASSA PATIO ENCLOSURE - For Sllvertop itA Honcock St No. 6. Convenient location. No. 7. Su- ern drives, and boats. Why pay awning, J5 of ttorm windows anq AGENCY, Realtors, 55 Oceonport RED SANK - Two-car goroge, suit perior schools. Why not have all? ore? Come to. Ave.. West Long Bronch. 272 4100. tcf te«i. front and rear door, Included FUEE KITTENS - Lovable, need o KEANSBURG - Cute three roorr •' ' for storr Three bedrooms, formal dining and BRY'S MARINE 1300 Coll 773 MSI evening* good rtomc. One Mock, one, oronge tl suitable for Iwo people Security r ithly ?91- more. 19500 down, 1387 a month lo Rt. 3S, Neptune 775-7364. ' quired Immedlote occupancy II BELFORD — Three bedrooms, kids qualified buyer. 147.500. Coll 842 2666 PIANOS-ORGANS two, oranae and white Call after petio.k., batcment, porch, coil tor de • CHRYSLER SPORT FURY - TUt rolls 110 Wanted To Rent RUMSON — New four-bedroom Colo- oiler. 70 H.P. Chrysler, seals Hi, Many used trodelnt KEANSBURG - First floor Large STATE RENTALS Mr. 747*434 kit, gauges, full canvas. After ft, 747- Unlimited rental* FREE PUPPIES ATTENTION -Rentatt wonted nlol, decorator-designed. Beamed cell PART IRISH SETTER six room apartment. Three-bedrooms. nearly all winter. Coll 431 4032 Mon Ings, bookcases, corpetlr ~ ' from 17 SO per month 17 Lincoln Ave. 13IS month plus utlll BRADLEY BEACH - Small house, 3i4 7OU cleon and comfortable, tor two 0~ day through Friday 1:30 till 4 30 occupancy. 169.900, Call FT. LARSEN - FI berg lot RUTVO- ties and security Call 319 4561, 7-9 three people. Call S3102O3, Monmouth Mall Monmouth Mill OWNERS/LANDLORDS - Social Ser- RUMSON Older Colonlol with lorge bout, 1970 Mercury US H.P. Ski tow DELIGHTFUL RIVERSIDE - Three- vice Agency seeks rentals for clients. rooms, short walk to busline ond bor, trader, cover. Other extras. A»l KEANSBUHG - Modern apartment, bedroom, living room, dining, lire Call Jean Wolf. 431*070 beach, Holy Cross Parish. Living ondltlon S1950. 741-f"** neor transportation. Best time to call, plocc, iunroom, enclosed porch. Ga- room with fireplace, dining room plut POOL TABLE - fill tlote top H7S, before noon. 495-0416 roge References. No pets Immedlat SINGLE YOUNG MAN — Employed eat-In kitchen, sunporch, (den), three- HU WOODEN BOAT — Fun tune position lor person In Tlnton Falls, desires three-room nd trailer. Asking HOO Coll 741-OpH. Full time position tor person KEANSBURG - Modem one bed- ely 143-4141 or 477 8539 bedrooms This would be on Ideal first experienced in serving cus Also other puppies 2M064J apartment with heat, by Nov. 1. Refer- home tor your family. Coll today myllmt between 9-7. stalled m seling men's cloth- REFRIGERATOR - G.E.. 14 cu ft.. room apartment, tull tile bath. Apart- ences. 143-0117, evenings FT OPEN SKIFF - Convertible lomers m store and at home •Ide-by tide, harvtit gold, with Icc- ment ?A, 79 Grove PI lltS per month FAIR HAVEN - Cute cottage, two 148,500 ing Fitting experience es- moker. only two ytort old AtklnglSJO HORSE STALLS bedrooms. Immediate occupancy Can CENTURY 21 COZENS, Realtor p, new flberglos bottom. Trail*" m the sales ol draperies and plus eledrlc. Security Call between 7- be furnished. 1325 plus ulllltiet. Call TWO-BEDROOM - House or apart- sential or ortt otter Coll Ml 0544 F0 NT i, X3-4SU ment, Mlddletown areo 1200 without ''Irkdependenily Owned" needs work. $230, 747 1133 •kpcovars 741-4A36. 113 River Rd. Fair Haven REFRIGERATOR - Ten yeort old. utilities; 1375 with utilities 495 0661 af- 77 TROJAN F.35 ~ Express Cruiser. B,5f KEANSBURG - Two-bedroomi, liv- FAIR HAVEN - Two bedroom., din ter 3. 741-7M6 Slove. tour year* old Good condition KITTENS - Healthy, playful, litter ing room, enclosed porch, pets ok., 5 Chrysler, Iresh water cooled, VHF, Mutt be cleaned up Can bt wen all trained, free to good ham* 917 4671 of HIS per month plus utilities. One WOMAN ARTIST - Seeks large unfur SHADOW LAKE VILLAGE - Brand C'DC refrigerator. Coast Guard) doy? Jp.m 747-4M new Vlllo, ranch-style home- Two bed- equipped. Fair Hoven Yacht Works. For appointment can Man- For appointment call Man- month security. Go to 33 Lincoln Ct. nlshed room and bath, kitchen privi- tor Intormotion HIGHLANDS - One-bedroom, nicely leges In private home. References 142 rooms, two baths, two-tor attached ga- ' FORMULA CUDDY CABIN — ager's office at 544-8300 ager's office at 544-B3O0 SERVICE STATION EQUIPMENT - LHASA APSO - Btoutlful white pup furnished, fenced yard, only 121 s rage, central olr and fireplace Imme- , femali, Pick of the Utter. AKC ooded. Manv extras. Trailer. Must r KEYPORT P. Four-room apartment. STATE RENTALS Bkr. 747-9434 dlote occupanoccupancyc . 159,990 Call Norm Call 239-113f Whim. Apply 374 Washington Street, No dogs. HougH , 843-94008439400. HIGHLANDS - Small three room cot REAL ESTATE 34' ZOBEL Adults preferred. Immedlote occu- tage. suitable adults. tlSO per month „ FOR SALE SHREWSBURY TOWNSHIP — Two- pancy. bedroom bungalow. Volt Homes, large UOO. In the water 80. Bicycles/ plus utilities Security required. 291- 7476733 LONG BRANCH - Five rooms, fur fenced-ln yard, washer Included, Mini/Motor Bikes nlshed, Tile bath Utilities, heot. No 111,500. Call 741-2549 or 747 3436. SILVERTON 1*73 - FG, FB, 10V BICYCLES - Girls W thrwwttd. pets. Prefer adults. 177 Morris Ave. HOWELL — imagine three bedrooms, 131 Houses For Sale Ide, sleeps tour, like new, many ej- ' girl's 36" cooiter, boy't three-ipeed heated pool, porch, great tor fomtly. A FANTASTIC BROCHURE of homes TiNTON FALLS"RUSTIC FIELDS" as, reduced from U50C to 17000 for' polo, 113 eoch 143 MM LONG BRANCH - Five rooms, three S375. in Monmoutti County! It's yours If you — New four-bedroom Colonials, from Jlcfc soie Coll 787-WOjpr 787-O»F. large bsdrooms. For Information, call STATE RENTALS Bkr. 747-9434 write or call Betsy Ross Agency, 117 179,900, off Hope Rd., between Wycoff MOPED - Boiowis )»76 674-3120 otter S p m. Rt. 35, Keyport, N.J. 07735 Phone Rd. and West Park Ave. 531-0505. 6'COLUMBIA 1975 - Ready to Model HS 50 KEANSBURG - Three targe modern 364-3456. ulte. Konel VHF, Ritchie compass, 671O3M LONG BRANCH - Rear cottage, one- rooms. One months lecurlty. No pets. TWO-FAMILY LOW TEENS moln, |lb, 150% Genoa, electric itorf- room efficiency with large eot-(n kitch- 7»7-924«. ASSUME — Or conventional mort- Two large bedrooms, living room, 16' rlnrudc EZ loader trailer, priced to. BUSINESS DIRECTORY MOPED 1977 - Balavus. II miles, en and separate bath. Quiet street, gage. Two-year-old ranch, three bed- eat-In kitchen, fully fenced in. lorge II 113,500 firm. (609)493-3*^ . LITTLE SILVER - Three-bedroom three week* old. Like new, excellent own yord, furnished, all utilities sup- rooms, attached garage, low taxes, condition. 141-4654. home, J390 per month winter cental or ZOBEL SEA SKIFF - New f plied. 1190 o month covers oil. Unique. monthly. References, 747-5307. 495-3531. MELMED REALTY, INC. 671-5650 Good references ond security a must. A DAILY GUIDE PUCH MOPED - Yellow. Just tike A STEAL Ill.SOO TWO-FAMILY - One two-bedroom new. Asking G75. E xctllent condition. CLASSIC REALTY, INC.. Reoltors. LITTLE SILVER - Four-bedroom, ond one three bedroom apartment. Hot 542-9333 3Wbath Colonial, formal dining room, Three bedrooms, large living room, W 1-00*5 15' country kitchen, full bath, fully water baseboard heat Fenced In yard. CLASSIC CHRIS CRAFT CAIIN huge eat-In kitchen, family room with 145.000. 10% down. 717-3300. No doting RUISER - Double plunked Mono. OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS 1977 MALAGUTl — Excellent condi- o fireplace, private yard. 1700 per cost. oony hull, bool completely overhauled. tion. 1350. Moving, mutt sell. Call after ciency with separate bath ond kitchen, month, one yeor's lease. Oak Dale xcellent ihope In water. Twin en- LANDSCAPING LAWN PACKAGING 5 p.m., 944-1131. fully furnished, nice quiet street near Realty, The Real Ettate Exchange, 741-5900. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Nev UNION BEACH - Five-room ranch GARDEN MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES JO1 BO/SBIKE - Roadway, front hospital S170 a month Including utili- homes. Bi-level or Ranch. Buy dlrec vlth garage Fully fenced yard. Newly ties. References and security required. from builder ond sove Coll 391-1642. enovoled. 503 Clark Ave. Three and rear thocki, one year old. New. CLASSIC REALTY, INC . Realtors, MATAWAN -Spacious four-bedroom f ULRICHSEN - Cobln i«m. Depth CORRUGATED BOXES - Packing 1135, row 150.2*41313 Colonlol, two baths, oil on acre, 1375 blocks off Hwy. 36. 129.900. Terms or CLEAN YARDS Supplies for Industry ond Moving ond 542-9333. onged 787-2803. ered twin 225 Chryiler enojnei, fly- Cellars—ottlct-gar eges Storage. Coll 747-W or 463-46T7, STATE RENTALS Bkr. 747-9434 Brand New-Mlddletown ridge. In the water. Call oner S:M ADDINO MACHINES Call after 1 p.m. 741 ll» 83, CBs, Electronics LUXURY HIGH-RISE APARTMENT MIDDLETOWN - Option lo buy, love- WALKER AND WALKER - . 364 7540 REALTORS TYPEWRITERS SHARPININQ CB — Courier Horn* 8as«, Solid State, — On river. Two bedrooms, Iwo baths. l twobedroom roncn baseent. 1250 Quality built four-bedroom, 2v» bath two microphones, antenna originally $410 per month. 143-4165 747-9434 Colonlol home on treed lot. Center holt Shrewsbury Office 741-5213 54 Recreational ADDERS - Tflwwrlrefi. Colculotori, DRIVEWAY SKRVICE MOO, wiling tor »00- 7173^7. entry, living room, fornul dining SI7,000 PER BEDROOM - Is the •old, rraded. reajlred LUXURY HIGH-RISE APARTMENT MONMOUTH BEACH — Colonial fur- room, kitchen, paneled fgfnlly room CONSTRUCTION SKIPS' ALL SHARPENING SER — On river, One-bedroom. S300 per nlshed, unfurnlthed. Completely re- price of this lovely ranch. Owner will Vehicles DISCOUNT Prices CB - 73 channel solid ttott mobile, with sliding doors. Incredltny priced at throw in two baths, central olr, living SEKCICOS ltl-VU VICE — preclsslon equipment used squelch control, ANL switch, Delto month. I41-4US. decorated, living room, fireplace, eat- 165,000, WHELAN REALTY GROUP, AIRSTREAW BY ANGELL, INC. SOUTH JERSEY CONSTRUCTION - Pldi up ond delivery. TfiepM In kitchen, four-bedroomt, two baths, room, dining room and kitchen, ond o tune ond 5.0 watts output. »» WHOi MATAWAN-CROSS ROAD MANOR Realtors, 194 Rt. J5, Mlddletown. 142 spacious '/.-acre with large fenced unction Rtl. J3 ond it, Colllngtwood Aipnolt, concrete driveways, walks, One and two bedrooms. Htot, hot wa- sun porch, near beach. 14S0. Refer- 7565. Ircle. FormlngOole, N.J. MirJI 1777. ALTERATIONS curbed and landscQped. Free esll- EXPERT FCC LICENSED CB - Re ences, security 729-1711 or 1431144 yord at no additional cost 147,900. pen Mon through Fl 9 I St mates. 17115}t After j p.m., 717 JJ41. PLUMBING * pair and Installation. K & H Elec- CENTURY 71 COZENS, Realtor OCEANPORT - Two bedroom ranch, BROKER'S BEST 136,900 ADDITIONS - Rooting, ildlng. ce- HEATING tronics, 37IHwy U. Belford 717-3331. Five super bedrooms, ir master bed- •Independently Owned" romlorflle Corrolete line of remodel- MATAWAN — Ken Gardeni, big one lust remodeled, yard lor kids, pets. 740 Half Mile Rd., Llncroft, N J. RAVEL TRAILER 197J - IT, little SEARS 2JCHANNEL CB - SO' coax STATE RENTALS Bkr. 747 9434 room, 70' living room with brick fire 741 A9W ing. Call Rich Molmbera, 717-3341. DRIVEWAYS PLUMBING AND HEATING — Re- co&Jt, power mike, 175. and two-bedroom apartments storting place, 15x12' formal dining room, IS' ml Serving Monmoutti County 12 Vtora. Atpnott l_... pair ond emeroency service. Reoion 741 4**9after 4 p.m. at 1770. Carpeting throughout. Air con- OCUST - Edwardlon Waterfront Es- eat-In country kitchen, dtn, 32' tun- paflM. ItFre drlvete ettlmotM. concret. e vrolki i oWe rales. WlM or 4S5 oil?. ditioning. Lots of parking, Swimming tate. Scenic landscaped room Luxury baths. Goroge. Utility BUILDING ALTERATIONS - Addl WANTED - Motor home rental Hem ART-CO PAVING 73-CHANNEL CB — Complete with an- oool ond Tennis Courts. Your very acre with boat houie, three-car go- room. Basement, ".-acre plus 132 Condominiums ct. ITIti lo Nov. ljth. lor two aeulti tlomandrepaln. FlnanclngArrgnged. tenna ond mountings. Asking 150 own patio, Walk to shopping and N.Y. rooe, 33 ft. living room, six-bedrooms, MELMED REALTY INC. 671-5650 *av Head Comrructlon Cl. Jomei Church. Red collar ond Initrucllon" toched goroge, large lot, oreo plus, appliances. Corpeted. Extras De- eoth. no llcente. Coll 747 S477, * LOCKSMITHS FORD RENTACAR MELM^D REALTY, INC. 671-5650 tached goroge Immediate occupancy FAIRWAY FORD RED BANK - Three bedroom., fire- 142,000. LAWLEY AGENCY, 741-6262 EXERClJfTNSfliUCTION place, basement, fcldi, pets ok, must CUSTOM HOMES - 5% down fir,or.< Ewert arm perionollieo enerclM In. SPECIAL, FREE ESTIMATES VALUABLE COUPON see. 1350 Ing. From 134,900, New locations and IN. Commercial strvcilons In me pf Ivocy of youf home. STATE RENTALS Bkr. 747-9434 over si led lots available. Hoilet ond Rentals Ullllie your awn ovollawe eaulpment. RUMSON AREA — Secluded Carrloge Mlddletown. 787-3500 or 787 1540. barbelli, dumbbells, iprlndi, ex Home, ideal for ilngli person or EAST END OF RUMSON - Five bed- ponOeri ond ilonl board, etc. Spaclal couple. Large roomi with picture win- rooms, 3VJ baths, two fireplaces, brick programi deiloned for Ihe tludenti, PAINTING A 50 CENTS OFF dows, dishwasher. 1350 per month plut PMME INDUSTtiAl SPACE othlete. housewife and buslneilmon. AVIS and aluminum siding. Sale by owner DECORATING utilities. No Pets Write to: Boi Y-770, 1125.000.747 6483 Results I WE TRY HARDER The Dally Register, Shrewsbury, N.J. MM » «M *wen leel Tel (ek eluded. I HOUSEPA1NTING - I om a painter Your Next 07701. ELEVEN-ROOMS - 2V. baths. Mint 133 Income Property after 5 p.m. wim nine yeors iKpcrlence and itorted Rent a Plymouth condition. Top nelohborhood on Fair my own butlnett. I'm looking (or »ot- RUMSON — Three-bedroom house Haven border. River rights Many ex RED BANK — Licensed rooming lifted cuitomeri lo ntabllih a reputa- or other tine car available Immediately. References trm. U3.000.747-5038 otler 5 p.m. house, income 115.000 annually, 13 ren LANDSCAPING LAWN tion for Quality work and reawnabli DAILY REGISTER OASSfflED AD ond minimum one year leose required. ling units Best offer over 160,000 747-1100, »-5. 291-505* GARDEN MAINTENANCE price*. Innrlor and interior. For free 747-0300 By presenting this coupon Pltote colt 729-7911 otter 6 p.m. and oil ELLEN S. HAZELTON, REALTOR • properly Mtlmote* coll Sol. 9M-4405. day weekendi. Member Real Estate Exchongt •«« 6 |>.m. Whan placing your classified ad M7-32O0 ATTENTION MdmE OWNERS - RUMSON _ Two bedroom, dining RED BANK plnn, tprucei. tin, at low prices. Call PAINTING AND DECORATING fSorrjr, not good tomnte Ftmlly Ad KEANSBURG - Just reduced agalnT MM311 offtr 6 and on weekend.. room, great for family, nice area, Three-family Carl B, Jonei Fully Iniur* BUDGET or CoMrfct AdnrVun) 1215. Terrific buy. Income property. Two Call 747 1681 lor oppolnfment after 5 M BROAD ST., RED BANK For free eitlmatet call 7W-3IM STATE RENTALS Bkr. 747-9434 family ond two-one family. All sepa- p.m. COMPLETE LAWN MAINTENANCE rate healing units. On large lot cem^emeen cenTBiTf IVCIIBV BiPiBSe — Dependable work, residential, com- Rant a Car or Van AD MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE SHREWSBURY - Two-bedroom. 135,000. •eaa eeta. OH MMre MO. 4e>5i mercial. Over IS yean experience. PAINTING porch, lorge yard for kids, 1715 Free estimate*. 741-7755. Interior-Exterior & Popsrhonglna eMHe ree. >4ke. im wen kel) STATE RENTALS Bkr 747-9434 ONE-FA 1 heot, 135 Commercial k mull IH>| •*» prMMi eeA. Coll 717 «4I7 114,500, LXNMCAPING - Lawn care ana Call 542-1700 Property He, elr LineMiiiii. keel nlUh< tree work. In business lor 15 yean. WATERBLAST — Before pointing. 103 Rentals To Share teM eenleee |K4*44M. New method. Great remits. Mall chtcki to: Th« Daily Rtglittr EAST KEANSBURG - One-family va LITTLE SILVER - House and born, Free estimate! SO 10*4 or 741 5073 ol 842-6800 YOUNG PROFESSIONAL MAN - canl. Clean. 120.000. One family va- 747-1100, »-5.291-SOM, terlsun. Watty's Palming 671 l?» heart ot business areo. Lease or sell. one-Refllite. Plaza, Shrtwabury, N.J. 07701 Desires to shore modem ranch, with Excellent terms. 842-6616 or 842-8793 oil conveniences In Rixmon. 741-1517 C.DELUCIA AGENCY. 717-4424. *1\*r t p.m. 16 The Drily Regfctei SHREWSBURY, N J MONOAY. OCTOBERS. 1977 Suspected cancer agents 210 Los' And Found 222 Eatontown UI Holmdel FOOMO - Mai I Mia. lOnvaol In Borough of Eotontown for not less UTIMW SMtrlghlPueiictnx* than ten per tent i ION I of the amount '»' nio or rtmoin .n a puO'-i pork ok) eicept thai the bid guarantee need tcept Ourmg me noun ">* park it due for quicker study unm noi r •>.** AGES No proon tfwn or IN rmiMM tar> funds have been provided bv the >ltt>napuOii{ pai k *htie ..otJet Ihe -n moutti MUtfuu •wddmg or porhing lot government says red (ape is put out a fire with an eye longBroncri »' teU Reword delaying derisions on whether dropper." Labor Secretary LOST-REWARD 1500 The torouah or the Engineer re Ray Marshall said in an- For return of two rlngi Itft In Shadow serves the right to require a complete rages at jn, time m any pubix park hundreds of chemicals sus- brook Restaurant Ladies Room Sep* •manual ond esperlence statement • itn the e«cepf>on at beer or wme >n from prospective bMiaers showing that pected of causing cancer nouncing the plan, designed 17 40V*SS1»«B (.ant a> otner nun glass conta.nert the> have satisfactorily completed SECTION 4 REFUSE LITTER should be banned from the to pick out those substances work of the nature required before fur POLLUTION No person snail leave 311 Special Notices Alstons proposal (arms or ueclflca or th'o* bo'ttes araken Qtoss osftn that need emergency action tiora or before awarding me Controcl American workplace DIVOBCE pp w g f Do It yourself hti thoi* how Get no The right is also reserved to rtlect M arty ftwttiic pork licepl to a (n ot>*r In a plan expected to have "This new policy will allow tautt utKontniio #«tfit in N J and an* or all Ma* or to waive any Into* H (MOviOtd rKrplocIf Mtiona'ed for where such mformoltty is twi "vj'Pu'pose No iwrion ihoil tf>row O' a far reaching impact on bust OSHA to respond to threats to detrimental K> the best interest of n^ P«Kt an* dirt Mone roc* UNKD to- workers' health with much •orouoh of Eotontown The right is r>gn or atnlt \u(n'onc* increase or decrease o' a (tubi'i park and no ptrton than GOOD MUSiC MAKES A GOOD PAR greater speed and effi- (he Quantities specified in the monn«i couw any portion ot a PWOIK pork to Department today proposed T>- - We've 00» » W «n hove it designated tn me Spec in cations twtome POltutM or O'MrMisf ui»it Or iChMp'l Coll Wttn or John * W eliminating the slow, item-by- ciency." Marshall said This proiev-i is being funded by the unio>e lor ut* t» me puonc u S Deportment of Housing and Ut SECTION S CROUP USE MEET item review of suspected car- After public hearings some- bar Development Community Devel 'NGS EHHlBHiONS NO group or o< Psychic Clairvoyant opment Block Grant Program goniration of twtnty ,JOI or moo per cinogens it says has stymied time in the next several Afterrtion ot bidders ts porticutorly MK>s tha'l u%f or occupy a Dut>\ brtorr ine propoied dgit oi AvW'ONffof Oil MK«I ( VW requirements of P L 1*'5. c iV %i\t Thf granting or denial ot tucri as potentially causing cancer. The new approach is likely and P L \rn , u THE HAPPY D*VS STRING BAND pen i inoii t* basta upon tn« rtrtn The successful bidder shall be re - Of Monrnoufh County is now accept regu'otioni ond >'a'>doiat tromui the Occupational Safety and to be welcomed by labor and quired to comply with the provisions ot Ing engagements for me fall season aatM t» tne Govr'img Bodv G'Ovp me equal opportunity douse Of E *ecu u»r sholi b* nm-tfd to dcngngtvd Health Administration has environmental groups, while Your ctuo or organ!lote required at an t>met i me i qmred to comp't w»th the o»^*>sion» o' starring mg»u ot "PhHod*)phio tame SECTiON 6 PICNICS FiRES No the New Jersey PevaHing Wage Act on only 17 in its five-year his- Enforcement of many stan- For mart information coll the Dlrec pfr»on -n a pork tkoli picnic at lunch Chapter )» ot me Laws a* i«*J <«»* tor ot WH3* offer 1pm •n o ptact oin«r it\an tho\e designated tory dards issued previously by tlve Jonuory 1 ifM or Section 10* of >oi 'nj> purpoie No pe'son inaM PL M>*f regarding wage rates as de 1 build i.ght or mamtom a lift *>th>n a The proposal by the Labor the agency has been delayed 213 Instruction hrrmined bv me Secretary ofLooor ^ public pork ticept ii a come Hove or >>rr pioce m an aim aevgnottd tor Department agency would set through court challenges A TWO WEEk - Morning Real £ i Davis »ocon*Aci a* amended (« USC that purpose All tiret than be t> tote Licensing Course Oct IT H :'w?7*oi) whichever provides tor i "iju lf>»d immediOteU upon com standards for identifying and from business and industry %n Coll Monmouth Institute '41 0"« me htgher rate of pay for each specific pietion at uie o< tn« camp tto«e or GUITAR~A>ib~PTAHO~LE"SSdMS - ioe classification regulating all potential can- groups beginning students In me Middktown Each t>td must be submitttd on tht STCT'ON ' FiREwORttS No De- cer-causing agents, often AHontit Hignionm area N J certlfled prescribed form and occomponied by «v> vwu mtcnorgt or wt off an* «or«t lir« rocker 1 torpedoes rock music teoct^r '41 WOs after 6 Contractors Certification Con without the need for lengthy cerning Labor Stondard* ond Pre ert or no<« mokert Ol any kind m a Red tor* fttottter nailing wage Requirements Form pwb'Cporfe hearings as now required Man faces TUTORIAL* SERVICES - in Spanish MUD Hoi lt>n> ond ' Subcontractor s SECTION • COMMERCIAL USE and French For Junior High and High Certification Concerning Labor Ston No p*r*on man engage ID on, com "Trying to control carcino- dords and Pevoinng Woge Require T^COI J« Or tn'f'C" \f, ii to ind<«n South Ave. faces a prelimi- jr>* OVbliC Park nary hearing in Municipal "sv OHDER OF THE MAYOR AND SECTION )0 VEHICLES PARK OT . during butlnttl hours BEAMING — Actress Farrah Fawcett-Ma|ors beams on her arrival yes- 221 Colts Neck BOROUGH COUNCIL OF THE 'NG NO Off ion itiail use orty portion Bidders will be furnished with a Court today on motor ve- BOROUGH OF EATONTOWN ' i C par f the Controcl Documents and terday at Newark Airport as she faces photographers on hand to welcome There It one vocortcy each on m« J JOSEPH FRANKEL 'no' pu'POte lor tne ry the Engineer upon proper rt© hicle violation and resisting Board of Ad lust—rent and mi Safety Mayor ovpoie or '-o,«i * th or parh-ng ot her. Plans call for her to film some television commercials. In back- •tftiClM nc'jdng rnopem FoO'pOtrlV t m pwye a a giumuii Committee Cotti Nn.* rtiidwh wish- MAJORiE L BECKER Chant Of Twenty five Doltars («« 00) arrest charges OrxJ *ai«\ MfQblitned tor pedeilrian ing to volunteer Should send relume to Clerk to defray tht CM* there* ground is Richard Barrle, president of the Faberge cosmetic concern, who Mayo< Bruce S Eogleson Box 'SI ute tAon not be uted 'or .ene' Pr opowrt mon t be made on the Stan Police said Mr Robinson T was also on hand to greet her. Com Net*, N j orrtf 0c» 3 «i W *»e o« ot or»y uniicented mo'or «e dord Proposal Forms In the manner n c«e mow moone "aii thke or mmi dntgnattd In MM Contract Documents was stopped by Patrolman Od 3 II 17 NOTICE D>ke >• prohibited •« gn, pvoi>c park mutt be enclosed In sealed envelopes • OROUGH OF EATONTOWN SECTe a The oward ol tht Contract tor this Robinson allegedly damaged Contract Documents and Plans tor ERNiNG THE USE AND 0P£R O work wltl not be made until the necet tie proposed arwk prepared by Rich ATlON OF PUBt-iC PARnS v*y funds have been provided by the a fixture in the cell, police ard M Schuli PELS Eatontown OWNED AND OPEHA^EDBY TH£ TowniMp ot Middletown In a lawful Borough Engineer of the firm of T ft TOWNSHIP OF HOLWDEL NO ?I p gy said M ASSOCIATES. Contufllng and Mv Ol tn# vonpui rut« and <-egu>Otiont or The Township or me Engineer re rMclpa. Engineers hove been filed tn SE iT ORDAiNEO B> THE Go. oor'-om tnereo' tef 'or'n -n tun ord serves tht right to require a complete He is charged with speed- the office of laid Engineer! at 213 e'npno. Body o* tne Townsfl'D o» Ho.m nonce Ho pe'ion %na-< jomogr or oe flnonclol ond experience statement ing, driving under the in- Highway IS. Middletown Township del *Wonmowtn County Ne* Jff^e. 'OCFOnv fuel »i t>pon Cofl.iC'on Be tions or before owortHnf tfst Cofitroct. pecttve bidders during business hours mctpai 'y i«c tfd'nfl drtvt*Oy} i de f harm, interfering with the f ioe ec' 'o J ' "e o io* more than f<»e Tne right li olM reserved to relect Bidders will be furnished with a •ran* oo'hi po'« "9 o * Ov'dings rtundred dO"dr| 1S00) 0' impmon any or oil bMs or to wotve any mtw copy of the Contract Documents and ana o • toe11 t ei oca'ed #-tn n ana mtfll in ff»e county ,a<< lor o ptrtpd 0' rrtoiitles where such informality Is not duties of a police officer, and Plans by the Engineer upon proper no JDOr- puCi,c pa'Kt no' more than»* U'Oi days or detriment* to tne best interest of the ( causing damage to borough tic* and payment of o nonrefundobic SECT.ON ' SUPERVISION AH 0o " n ine diicrf'0" o' e tudgc ith desigiMteditd d in tthhe Controcf Documents •rom time to '.me delegate on or ony o' *»»* tudge o' "*e Municipal Cou't oe me requirements of P L itTS, c. 117 man Tiedeman, Patrolman must be enclosed m sealed envelopes aspect* of $ucn sjpe'.'von 'o tne 9ec mprioned .n tne COunty a, tor a oe andP L If77c 33. bearing the ram* and address of the 'KJf'On Commission o' any Qt*e' o«i rod 0' 10' -nor» tftort mn*l» i«0' OOyi The successful bidder snail be re Franklin Roberts and Sgt Mi- Bidder and me name of the work on ignateo ogency Of 'n* Mymcpoi''* SECTION 'S SEvERABiLiTY if quired to complv with the provisions of the outside, addressed to me Mayor SECTION 1 HOURS O* OPER an* sect of Dorogropri tuOPOrog'Ctpri tht New chael Katz. he was released and Borough Council of the Borough of ATlON Putiic PO'M *«OM DC open Ciouie Or p/OvtiO" o' '"H or a nonce Chapter l__ _ 1 Eatontown and must be otcompanled ihe nou'i o^Xi"' J1"1 w iM oe M udged >nvai>a tucn Jdi.Oi tlvc January 1. TH4 in 12.500 bail pending his by a statement ot Consent of Surety let eocn ao* e>ctc>' 'no* •«* c os "xj cation iho'. apply oniy 'O *ne iec'01 BY ORDER OF THE MAYOR AND court appearance. from a surety company oufhorlied to time o' Q puoi'C oar* ma, be cnangeo OO'OQfODT SUSO'*

T NOTICE a' ">e o«n" D at Hoimde< n«i The Monmouth Beach Planning Sep'«TtDer 3b ifli and *>n oe co Board met on Monday Sepitmber 7b Register fed far tmoi poiiage a*a adop'> 19TT ot • oo P M a* BorouQh Hon. ?; Super Easy! 3 ot loid To*n,n Comr 0 Bepcn Road Monmoutn Brocn New •0 Oe nwd Oc'OM' " '•** at Tow Jersey anQ took action as follows HDI• oi 1 JO o m at »n [f time Classified Ads Dioce an perions Oei'^ to oe n Mr Sneed offered ine following Res oiut^( the present sponsors ol Channel Clerk Club Toweri have presented a propas NOTICI TO B1OO»S o-vn V Co< Mayor al seeking a resolution ot the problems NOTICE i* hereby given that sealed Cozy up on cold days, concerning the completion ot the pOr« bid* wilt be received by The Mayor Ui 1ft '"g Qcoae m accord with tht or>g>noi and Council al Ihe Borough of West ights with this beautiful. site plan approval ond Long Branch tor the improvement ol 229 Keansburg warm afghan 'eels tnot me proooso> made by A & 5 Long Branch >n the County of Mon- NOtlCidP Development me ot a pub'tc meeting mouth Tht moior construction items, Fun to crochet in a fasci- CONTRACT AWARDED r»id tor that purpose on September 36 units ond quantities ore ?t 000 Sa 1 nating, easy ripple, mesh Tn« Borough ot Keonburg Muiic ' '"' mould be accepted tubiect fo cc Yds < i FABC opened and read in pai UtHitm Au*r>ori(, itne Author 'Oincond'tions. public at Municipal Building on Odo •>y i has awarded a contract tmtnou' lesign. Use synthetic wor- NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE ber K H77 ot I 00 P M . Local P'e compe'>tje pro ghan that makes a lovely '•'m fjf Kro't & HugtieS Of NeiVOrk posed worh prepared by Eugene Am Ne* jeriev to provide toeooiized If- evidence on the present parking ga ran P E & L S Engineer and ap- gift Pattern 974: directions, 9di scvicm n(ce«o'y >o tut ouinor rage in the locations shown on a ctr proved by the Commissioner of Trans color schemes included • lot'on issuance ond ia«e o' bonds Dy tain rendering maraed A] .n evidence portotton. hovt been tiled m the office the Autnority The lee lor the per m accord wiin the oroceduret and ol the said engineer the Municipal Bund- That the matrfioi to be «upf»>ef KeontOurg K M U A paneling aforesaid ond address ot bidder and name ot me Aolter Roeseman vice president; Andrew Dovl, the school's regional manager, and Register, Box 161, Old Idl That an eder>or tteei surfaces rood an outside addressed to Mayor Eire Sec to K M U A on eocn of Ine sides to be covered bv Rose Ann Morris, manager of the Red Bank school. Chelsea Sta, New York, the o'oremenfioned paneling bom vr Oct W it NY 10011 Print Name, t'caiiy and homontaiiy jnoii be prop Branch and must be accompanied by o NOTICI occord wiin the requirements ot the affidavit ond o certified check lor not Address, Zip, Pattern NOTICE OF REGULAR MttET Building Inspector. Itsi than ten ( 101 per ctnt ot Ihe Number. INGS TO BE HELD FOR THE YEAR lei That all etttrirjr planting ana amount bid. provided said check neeo 1977. BY THE KEANSBURG MUNICI fencing on the West Street side oMhf not be more tnon 170,000 00 nor shall PAL UTILITIES AUTHORITY, SAID oarage be completed in accord with a not be lest ihon *W0 00 ond be aein NEW! 200 designs to MEETINGS WILL BE HELD AT Oian submitted on May <0 lt?7 by A & ered of the place on or belare Ihe hour Keansburg Borough Hall, Church S Development. coned to the requirements as to condi Printed Pattern WALTER ROESEMAN Exec Sec , K M U A Sew, Wrap, Go! rjpment fnc and tne Borough Build Ort 1 J5 ?j •no inspector

NOTICE OF ADOPTION adopted on ro" call by the following within X dayi after Ihe actuol da OF BONO RESOLUTION vote the opening thereof THE BOROUGH OF Aye* 1 By Ordrr ot Mayor and Cou KEANSIURG MUNICIPAL Nat tt Borough ot West Long Branch UTILITIES AUTHORITY Absent 0 FRANCES L TOWNSENO EASY' Sew. wrap, go in PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- I hereby certify thot the foregoing Borouoh Clerk EN, mot a retoluitan entitled Reso Resolution was odoptrd by the Pion this soft two-piecer Jusl 2 lutton Authorlilna the ItSuonce ot main pattern parts — one Keomburg Municipal Utilities Author ItmDtr. 1977 for wrap top — one for skirt Ity" was adopted by The Borough ot Patricia Chrys'al Secretary Keansburg Municipal Utilities Author lo the Planning Board 250 Other Public Notices Travel near and far in fash- ity on Seplcniber 71, 1977. copies of this Resolution hove been filed with NOTICE TO ionable duo and ore available for public Inspection AlSENTDEFENDANTS at the office of the Secretory of the Au SUPERIOR COURT Printed Pattern 9104 thonty and me Clerk of the Borough of 244 Tinton Falls OP NEW JEUSE Y Keamburg. ond thai any action or pro- ADVERTISEMENT CHANCERY DIVISION Misses Sizes 8. 10. 12. 14 16. ceeding ol any kind or nature In any The Board of Education of Tht Tin- MONMOUTH COUNTY court questioning the validity or prop ton Foils School District In tht DOCKET NO FtStf-7< 18. Size 12 (bust 34) two-part rr authorization of bonds provided for Borough of Tinton Foils, Monmoulh Slate o' New Jersey: by the Resolution, or the validity of County, New Jersey, a»k.s for sealed To H. W. SCHULZE dress 3 yards 54-inch any covenants, agreements or contract bids for asphalt paving worh at Ihe At provided for by the Resolution must be You are hereby summoned and re- chlson School, locottdot Ml Sycamore commenced within M days after Ihe quired lo serve upon Parson*. Can Avenue. Tinton Falls, New Jersey. first publication of this notice iona Blair. & Warren, plaintiff * at- Send $1.25 for each pat Sealed bids will be received ot the torney, whose address I* H Wolloce This Notice Is published pursuant to Admlnlstrotlon Oftlct of tht Tinton Street. Red Bonk. New Jersey 07701, tern. Add 35c for each pat Section 71 of the Municipal Utilities Foils School*. tt« Tinton Avenue, Tin an onswer to ihe complaint filed in a tern for first-class airmail, Authorities Low, constituting Chapter ton Falls. New Jersey until 7:00 P.M. civil oction. in which Twin Boro Fed 113 ot the Lows of ltS7 of New Jersey. on October 14, 1*77. at which time ond erol Savings ond Loan Association, o handling. Send to: Marian m amended and supplemented place olt bids will be publicly opened Savings ond Loan Association orgo< and read nlied and existing under the law* ol The date of the first publication of me united Slate* ol America is plain Martin, Pattern Dept 420 this Notice is October 1. 1977 Tht specification* may bt examined till and Karl A Schulie, el al are de The Red Bank Register, WALTER ROESEMAN at the office of the School Business Ad tendonti. pending in tht Superior Secretary ot minlstrotor, 651 Tintort Avenue, Tinton Court of New Jersey, within thirty-five 232 West 18th St., New Falls, New Jersey between 9 00 A M (3Si doys oiler October >, 197/. CM. ond i 00 P M Monday through Friday elusive ol such dote n you ion to do York, NY 10011. Print ond coplei thereof obtained t'om lold so. luoqment by defoull may be ren Business Administrator dered ogams! you for Ihe relief de- NAME, ADDRESS', ZIP All bid* tholl be addressed or dehv manded in the complaint You iholl 236 Middletown ered fo the Board of Education. Tinton file your answer ond prool of itrvlct. SIZE and STYLE NUM Fall* Schools, 6SS Tinton Avnue. Tin in duplicate, with tht Clerk ot the 5u NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS ton Fall*, New Jersey CO Mr Michoel penor Caurl. State House Annex, BER. Notice Is hereby given that sealed J Hammer, Business Admimslrolor. Trenton. New Jersey, in accordance Proposals wtil bf received by Ihe ond be marked plainly on Ihe outside. with the rule* of civil practice and How to get MORE FOR Township Administrator ot the Town- Bid tor Asphalt Paving work at At procedure ship of MlrJdletown, Monmouth Coun chiton School. Tinton Foils, New Jtr- YOUR MONEY? Send ty. New Jersey for Sidewalk Construe The ocllon has been instituted for the now for New Spring-Sum lion ol Various Locations 1977, Main Each bid mutt bt occompoojed by a purpose of loredosmg o mortgage Street between N.J.SH. Mond Woloda Bk) Security In the amount of .10% of doted January 73, 197). mode by Karl Avenue, East Road Between Allen meboiebid A Schulie as morlgogor and payable mer Catalog — save up to Ploct ond Eoit End Avenue. Contrac' Bidders are required to comply with lo Twin Boro Federal Savings and "06, and opened ond read In public oi Loan Association as and $100 on the clothes you Mlddlelown Township Hall, Kings the requirements of Chopttr 177, Pub- lic Low* of 1973, and Chapter 10, Lows concerns real estate located al B 8 Highway ond Route 35. Middletown Mill Circle, in the Bi sew youreeif. Free pattern Of 1977 Borough ol Ocean Township, New Jersey on Frldoy, Oc port. Monmouth C The Board of Education reserves The unly. New jeriey coupon, too. Send 75c tober 14, 1977 at 1 00 P M Prevailing poy . d Time. right to wolve IrVimaterlal Informal- you mt be< v\r now! ities or to rt|tct any or oil bids or veyfd to you by a deed 'Contract Documenti ond Plons for doled August 13. 1976 ond recorded m ••fllttr IM) HWM UMLM Sew + Knit Book $1.25 the proposed work prepared by Rich The Board of Deed Book JVB/. ot page 64F. which ord M SctHilr P.E., L.5., Middletown Educntion conveyance was subiect lo the li«n ol FENCE ART — Patricia Fisher,age 12, left, and Tonl-Ann Laskowskl, age Instant Money Crafts $100 Townttilp Acting Township Ermtneers, Tlirton foils )cttoots theptpintitf i mortgage', fl» me firm o' ' t. M ASSOCIATES, Borough of Tlnlon Foils DATED Septemberffl. I9» 9, arrange the works of ortist Susan Tumblet ln_prepargtlon for a combined Instant Fashion Book $100 Consulting ond Municipal Engineer* Monmoirth County. Hm Jernv W Lewis Bambrick. Clerk ol the Superior Court pet, art and antique car show held Saturday at Veterans Memorial Park, 9104 SIZES 8-18 Instant SewinR Book..$1.00 have been filed In tht office of Mid tn October 3. OT7 Oct 3 111 '< Oct 3 113 ;i Hazlet. The show was sponsored by the Hazlet Recreation commission. SHREWSBURY. N J MONDAY. OCTOBER 3. 1977 The DUfyRcgMCT 17 Jets sack Patriots on Leahy's FG By MARTY HM IIBUN onds left for rookie head zone himself on a quarter- coach Walt Michaels' first back keeper to forge a brief NEW YORK - New York NFL victory 14-7 lead. Jets' placekicker Pat Leahy Fumbles and penalties On the ensuing kickoff went from goat to hero yes- which had been the Jets' ne- rookie Raymond Clayborn re- terday as the Jets edged the mesis in prior games plagued turned the ball 100 yards and New England Patriots 30-27 in the Patriots all afternoon and the teams were tied 14-14 at a the inspired Jets took advan- the end of the first period AFC East game at Shea Sta- tage of all the breaks The Jets were stalled in the dium It appeared as though the third quarter as Todd's pas- Leahy missed an extra Jet players got Michaels mes- sing went a bit off target and point conversion and had an sage (safety Tom Marvaso 44 and 24 yard field goals by attempted field goal blocked and Duane Carrell Jon Smith put the Patriots earlier but a recovered were dropped after com- ahead 20-14 fumble by Al Palewicz on mitting errors against the Linebacker Greg Buttle put Mike Haynes' punt return set Colls), and played almost er- the life back into the Jets as the stage for Leahy's heroics. rorless football. he intercepted a Grogan pass It was a frustrating after- The Jets discarded their and ran it back 46 yards for a noon for the PATS (1-2) as conservative style of play as touchdown. last second rallies went for quarterback Richard fodd The Jets got a big break naught twice in six days came out throwing on first when Richard Neal recovered In a Monday night encoun- and second downs a Patriot fumble on the 36 ter with the Cleveland A 39-yard pass to rookie yard line and moments later Browns the Patriots tied the Wesley Walker and Todd's Todd teammed up with Walk- score at 27 with a last second quarterback draw for nine er for the latter's first touch- field goal yards sparked a seven play down as a Jet Yesterday they drove 75 60-yard drive with Todd firing Leahy missed the con- yards with quarterback Steve to rookie Charlie White in the version which opened the Grogan hitting Darryl end zone for an early 7-0 lead ,door for a possible overtime Stingley in the end zone with The Patriots came right game 1:27 left and another overtime back for a 76 yard march The Jet defense which has . game almost inevitable. with Don Calhoun skirting come of age was led by the But the hard fighting Jets end for the final eight yards front four of Lawrence Pll- were not to be denied and and a 7-7 tie. lers. Richard Neal. Carl Bar- PATS ON THE MOVE - New England Patriots halfback Don . quarter. Trying to stop Calhoun Is Jets Burgess Owens, right, Leahy calmly booted the ball Todd completed a 49-yard zilauskas and Abdul Salaam Calhoun, third left, takes a big step through the while Sam Adams, second left, runs defense against Jets Greg through the uprights for a 32- pass to David Knight and lat- with a big assist from substi- * defense yesterday to score first Patriots touchdown In the first Buttle, left, Jets won, 3° 27. yard field goal with 23 sec- er took the ball into the end tute Joe Klecko Yankees soap opera season ended happily

By HAL BOCK "This has got to have been last moment. President Gabe Paul and catcher to the roster. That re- kees still were struggling on bull and start playing base- When It was over. Paul and my toughest year in base- Before that, there had been some criticism Martin had sulted in a $2,500 fine by the an off the field when Paul is- ball" owner George Steinbrenner. NEW YORK (AP) - Like ball." he said a collision with the front office leveled, over the reluctance club. sued a memorandum, implor- They finally did. soaring to with whom Martin has fre- any good soap opera, the Asked how it felt to nail over a missed meeting.with of management to add a third In early August, the Yan- ing the club to "cut out the the top of the division with a quently battled, both con- Gothic novel that went on In down the division title. Martin string of 40 victories in 50 gratulated the manager. Det- the New York Yankee dress- answered with a question of games that clinched a tie for roit Manager Ralph Houk. ing room this season had a his own. "Have you ever felt the title who piloted the Yankees for happy ending after ill. like you had a 500-pound They lost their next two 11 years, also stopped by. In a sea of champagne cele- weight on your back?" He games, missing opportunities brating the team's second asked "Well I feel like I had to clinch the crown each "It's worth it all." said straight American League one Just slip off mine " time. And they lost again Sat- Paul, his hair dripping cham- East Division champlofflhip. Martin said he was really urday, but the mathematics pagne. "There's nothing like Manager Billy Martin and proud of the team for Its abil- of the situation added up in winning." controversal slugger Reggie ity to overcome adversity their favor as Boston's loss to Houk left quickly, returning Jackson staged in emotional "It took a melting pot to Baltimore eliminated the last to the Tiger dressing room af- embrace bring this team together." the of the opposition. ter congratulating Martin "I'm quite proud of you." manager said "It takes to- said Martin. "You showed me getherness to win The play- something." ers did this themselves — not Playoff schedule Just over three months be- me When they became Tuesday's Game fore. Martin and Jackson united, both the manager and Philadelphia at Los Angeles. 8.15 p.m. nearly came to blows in the management have nothing to Wednesday's Games dugout during one of the soap do. It took longer than it Kansas City at New York. 3:15 p.m. opera's deepest valleys Now. should have, over 100 games. Philadelphia at Los Angeles. 8.15 p.m. they were hugging Winning But we seperated the men Thursday's Game does wonderful things some- from the boys." Kansas City at New York. 8:15 p.m. times Jackson, whose hot bat Friday's Games II was th* fourth division spiced a 4010 pace that en- Los Angeles at Philadelphia. 3:15 p.m. title for Martin, who pre- abled the Yankees to rise to New York at Kansas City, 8:15 p.m. viously won with Minnesota the top of the division, called Saturday's Games and Detroit, and it came In a It his hardest year in base- New York at Kansas City. 1:15 p.m.. if necessary season in which he was ball Los Angeles at Philadelphia. 8:15 p.m.. if necessary nearly fired at least twice be- HO HUM, ANOTHER SEASON — New York Yan- Yanks will play Kansas City for the American "It's very gratifying," he League pennant starting Wednesday. Yank coach Sunday's Games cause he seemed on a con- said "This has been my hard- kees manager Billy Martin yawns while watching Los Angeles at Philadelphia. 4:15 p.m . if necessary stant collision course with play In yesterday's final regular game of the sea- Yogi Berra is to the rear. Yanks won the game, 8- est year by far but it im- 7. New York at Kansas City. 8:15 p.m.. if necessary management proved me as a human being son at Yankee Stadium against the Detroit Tigers. "If 1 get fired four or five I think I'm a better ball play- times and we still win the er now. But I wouldn't wish pennant, that's all right with this year on anybody " me." the manager said. "But Martin's mid-June dugout 9 if you fire me, I'll haunt you clash with Jackson was the and I'll beat you That's my low point of the club's season history." Carew s year a hit! according to the manager He That history is dotted with came agonizingly close to pock marks of controversy being fired following the in- By The Associated Press Dave Goltz became 20- season ended. gels 2-0 as Kansas City, the ind 1177 was no exception cident, surviving at the very Kansas City's Dennis game winners Sunday as Leonard and the Royals American League West Leonard and Minnesota's the baseball's 1977 regular blanked the California An- champion, finished with 102 wins and the best record in the major leagues. Leonard scattered six hits, struck out nine and walked one NL playoffs: while George Brett slammed his 22nd home run of the season. Goltz hurled a seven-hit- Hard to pick ter while American League batting champion, Rod Carew, knocked in his 100th LOS ANGELES (AP) - A Los Angeles Dodgers-Phila- run and finished with a .388 delphia Phillies playoff series, some feel. Is a little like getting average, the best in the ma- your dessert before you get through the liver and peas — the jors since Ted Williams hit National League playoffs figure to be the best of baseball's .388 tor the Boston Red Sox postseason fare. in 1957, as Minnesota de- Los Angeles and Philadelphia square off Tuesday night for feated the Milwaukee Bre- their best-of-five playoff set. a series that's expected to be so wers 6-2. good it threatens to make baseball's annual fall classic, the Kurt Bevacqua slammed World Series, seem anticlimactic. a two-fun double as Texas Los Angeles, which seemed to have the West Division- erupted for five runs in the clinched last April. Is a team eager to make a hero of its nov- third Inning to lead the ice manager. Tommy Lasorda. who last Spring promised any- Rangers past the Oakland body who'd listen that the Dodgers would win it all. A's 8-7. Philadelphia with its Intimidating lot of brutal sluggers, is in the playoffs for the second straight year, and Manager In the National League, Danny Ozark swears the experience will tilt the scales the the Pittsburgh Pirates Phils' way. "I can't say one team will take three in a row." HATES TO PACK — Philadelphia Phillies' man- swept a twinbill from the Ozark says, "but I feel confident. Our team Is on the brink." ager Danny Ozark puts clothing into suitcase Sat- Chicago Cubs, 3-2 and 5-1. And if the experience doesn't do it. there's always a fellow urday morning at his baseball season home at Cle- In the opener, rookie Mike named Steve Carlton. menton, N.J., near Philadelphia. Ozark, preparing Easier drove in three runs Carlton. considered by many to be the best pitcher in base- for his team's trip west, said, "The only part of my with his first major league ball, will carry the Phillies' banner in the opener Tuesday |ob that I hate is this packing." The Phils meet the home run and a pair of sin- night in Los Angeles. Going for the Dodgers in the first of the Dodgers beginning tomorrow night In the best-of- gles. Easier doubled in the best-of-five series will be Tommy John, the ace of the pitch- five playoff for the National League pennant. ninth inning of the nightcap, ing staff Lasorda says he wouldn't trade for any in baseball. scoring the winning run on John. 20-7. was asked recently to compare the Phillies' awe- a single by Ed Ott. some power with that of the Reds, a team that has been mig- JR. Richard gave up four hty unfriendly to Dodger Pitching in the past few seasons. How They Stand hits and struck out 14 bat- ters in hurling the Houston "It's like comparing the A bomb to the hydrogen bomb." John AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUE said. Cost East Astros to a 6-3 victory over W L Pet. 01 W L Pet. the Los Angeles Dodgers. But John Is going Into the game with his famous philosophy > New York 100 61 .617 - » Philadelphia 101 61 .613 Boston 97 64 .607 7"i Pittsburgh M 66 5 Dave Winfield's triple back- of hope, the philosophy that brought his injury-shriveled pitch- Baltimore 97 64 607 IVi St. Louis 13 TV .51! II Ing arm back to Cy Young Award potential in two seasons, Detroit 74 H .457 M Chlcogo II 10 .SOU 10 ed Bob Shirley's five-hitter Cleveland 71 10 .441 IIW Montreal 75 17 .463 M says of his date with the Phils: "You jusl hope on that day Milwaukee 67 « .414 33 New York 64 M m 37 as the San Diego Padres Toronto 54 107 .335 4SVi downed the San Francisco you are better than their offense and that your offense is bet- West ter than their pitching." I KonsosCltv 101 60 630 - west Giants 3-1. Te«os M 41 .510 I «LosAnoelei n 60S - Barry Bonnell drove In Statistically, for what It's worth, the Dodgers and Phils Chlcogo I H .» II Cincinnati • 543 10 Minnesota 14 77 S77. 1 V'r Houston .500 17 two runs and scored anoth- could hardly be more tightly matched. John and Carlton. who California 74 • .457 » Son Francisco 75 I 463 23 is 23-9 on the season, have won a game apiece in heads-up Seattle 64 n 315 > Son Diego 69 1 .436 31 er pair to pace the Atlanta Oakland 63 * .311 3I'1 Atlanta 61 K 371 37 Braves over the Cincinnati competition this season. K clinched dlvlilon title x-clincheddivision title Sunday's Games Reds 6-3. The New York The Phils and Dodgers have split their 12 games: both are Toronto 1-4, Clevetond IS. II Innings, capable of demoralizing the opposition with multi-run ex- first gome Sundov's Gomes Mets downed the St. Louis Baltimore at Boston, pod., rain Philadelphia 5. Montreal 3 BATTING CHAMP — Rod Carew of the Minnesota Twins connects for Cardinals 6-4 behind Joel plosions and both are blessed with above average fielders. New York I, Detroit J Pittsburgh S3. Chicago 17 Seattle I. Chlcogo 1 New York 6. St. Louis 4 a hit In the seventh Inning of game with Milwaukee as he wins the Youngblood's three hits and After two games in Los Angeles, the teams travel to Phila- Atlanta 6. at Cincinnati ] Kansas City I. California 0 Houston 4, LOT Angeles 3 American League batting title with a .388 average. two runs batted in. Minnesota 6. Milwaukee 7 San Diego 3, San Francisco 1 delphia for the third and. if necessary, fourth and fifth games. Teios I, Oakland 7 Falcons miss opportunities, but still top hapless Giants THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

ATLANTA — Holland Lawrence set up a second-period NFL roundup touchdown with a JOyard punt return and Atlanta salvaged only a field goal and a late touchdown out of six other op- portunities as the Falcons downed the New York Giants 17-3 in a National Foorball League game Sunday RedsklasM. t'ardlaals 14 Quarterback Scott Hunter swept right end (or 1H yards to WASHINGTON - Bill Kilmer threw touchdown passes to the one following Lawrence's punt return and then Monroe Frank Gram. Jean Fugett and John Riggins and the Washing- Eley scored the touchdown ton defense stopped the fourth-period threat as the Redskins However, the Falcon offense sputtered in scoring situ- edged the Cardinals 24-14 in a nationally televised National ations thereafter until the Giants had closed the lead to 10-] Football League game. when the Falcons put together an sn-yard scoring drive that Kilmer hit Grant over the middle for 12 yards early in the ended on Kim McQuilken's eight-yard pass to Alfred Jenkins first period and then passed 27 yards on a post pattern to Fu- with only 2 JO left in the game gett to give the Redskins a 14-0 first-half lead while the Wash- Nick Mike-Mayer booted a 35 yard field goal early in the ington defense kept the Cardinals from getting out of their third quarter but missed attempts from 31. 27 and 30 yards own territory that could have put the game on ice early in the third quar- Kims M. 4>en 14 ter LOS ANGELES — John Cappelletti and Lawrence The victory lifted Atlanta to 2 1 for the season and the Gi- McCutcheon each ran for two touchdowns Sunday as the Los ants fell to 1-2 Angeles Rams blasted the 34-14. outshining The victory was produced by a devastating Falcon defen- them on defense as well as offense sive unit that sacked Giants' quarterbacks nine times for 81 Cappelletti. a Heisman Trophy winner, scored on one- yards in losses and also recovered two fumbles and intercepted yard dives in the second and fourth quarters and a pair of passes McCutcheon's touchdowns were on prances of six and one LIMS 17. Eagles 11 yards In the second and fourth periods. PONT1AC, Mich — Dexter Bussey ran for one touchdown Outstanding kick returns by Wendell Tyler and Cullen and scored another on a pass from Greg l.andry as the Det- Bryant set up two scores, a blocked punt led to another and roit Lions took a 1713 National Football League victory Sun- two pass interceptions brought two more day over the Philadelphia Eagles The favored Rams sent their National Football League Bussey's first score came on a 14-yard sweep on the first record to 2-1 for a first-place tie on the NFC West as San play after Levi Johnson intercepted a Ron Jaworski pass late Francisco absorbed its third loss in the opening quarter Dolphins 27. Oilrr- 7 Seattle's Terry Beeson (58) and Charles McShane ABOVE THE CROWD - Denver's Otis Armstrop Bussey's other touchdown came late in the third period to MIAMI - Duriel Harris caught five Bob Gnese passes for (59). Denver scored on the next play and went on (24) is stopped on Seattle's one-yard line on a third bring Detroit. 21. from a 1310 deficit lo their final margin of 87 yards and a Miami Dolphins touchdown In a 21-poinl first- to win the game, 24-13. down play yesterday in their NFL gome in Seattle. victory Bussey caught a three-yard pass from quarterback quarter blitz Sunday, sparking a 27-7 National Football Reaching up to get his hands on Armstrong is Landry at the left front corner of the end zone League victory over the Houston Oilers Benny Malone ran for 53 yards and a touchdown and Sleetrrs », Brtwas 14 CLEVELAND - Pittsburgh quarterback Terry Bradshaw Norm Bulalch scored on a one-yard plunge to add lo the ac- National Football League summaries threw three touchdown passes, two to Lynn Swann. and ran for tion in the opening quarter another as the Steelers took advanlage of numerous Cleve- The Dolphins, now 30. equaled a first-period club scoring 14 1 1 7-0 • I • 1-3 • !»•-. record set against Buffalo set In September 1970 Houston NVJtff Mil le-M • 71 »-" SWf 7 T 7 3-M land errors to beat the previously undefeated Browns 28-14 in Chi-Poyton O po» f'om Aveliini Ati - Fie-v I run IWIkrMavef kick) SO-Jolner 30 pass from Horrl* (Ben slipped lo 2-1. NY-WMte J poet from Todd ILK** inchkekick) a National Football League game Sunday hick) (ThomOikichl Aft -FG Mike Mayer 15 NO—Manning I run (Szoro kick) NY-FG Daneh>47 SO- FG Banr 13 Braares 14, Sraaawks II NE-Cothounlrun (Smith klct) AH-Jenfclm • Pas* Irom McQullken SO-Joln*r IS pots from Horrls (Ben The Steelers. 2-1. went into the lead for good on a 14-yard NY Todd 7 run (Leahy klct) NO - Mowing 1 run iSroro kick) Inchke kick) SEATTLE - Wily veteran Craig Morion teamed with N6-Ctavboo< too fclrtoft return (Smith NO-Munct* » pow from Manning (Mike Uav*r kick) Bradshaw to Swann early in the third period, moving the final A—U.V4 SO—Horrls 1 run iftenlrscfcMkick) kfcfcl (SnrQktck) rookie running back Rob I.vile on a 47-yard scoring pass and SD-FG Btnlnchkt 47 18 yards following a fumbled punt by Cleveland's Reggie NE FG imtlfl 44 Chi FG TTtomm 11 G.Ont\ FOICMS A-40. IS} scored on a one-yard run late in the third period to lead the NE FG Smith M NO—Manning II run tSiorokick) Craig Swann had a career high of seven receptions in the NO-Poltord S3 run with tvmble iSloro Fintdowm 10 II NY-Burtte u Inter ctvHon return (Leahy * CMrfin unbeaten Denver Broncos to a 2413 National Football League Weft) kick) Rusftei yards 7V-1U «-lSl game Chi—Peyton 11 run iThomaiiicH Passing yards t First downs IS 29 victory over the Seattle Seahawks Sunday NY Mother IS pom from Todd ikick Ceils 17. BlUs 14 MMI NO—Merlo S7paulnterceprlon (Siaro Betumyonh Rushes-yards nn a i*s MMI Passing yords NE-Sttngtey 77 pou Grooon kick) POSSM 177 OT BALTIMORE — Bert Jones tossed a 15-yard touchdown Morton, in his 13th pro season but first as Denver's quar- (Smith klcit) CM - PQYton l run (Thomas k I ck) 7-44 Return yards 3 45 Passes IJ-X3-1 17-14-1 terback, hit Lytle with a picture-perfect pass in (he fifth play NY-FGLeaitv MMI FumWrs-lost 4-3 pass to Don McCauley in the third quarter, following Buffalo's A-M.7T7 Penart***- yards J- » Punts 3-34 4 M of the second half that gave the Broncos a 17-7-lead FumMei-lost fifth turnover, and provided the winning margin for the un- c Penalties yards Patnatt Jets First downs INDIVIDUAL LEADERS beaten Baltimore Colts in a 17-14 National Football League First downs » 10 Rvshn yards RUSHING-New York. Cwnko 10-37, INDIVIDUAL LEADERS victory over the Bills Sunday r Rirtftes yards Jil» 17 107 Pouing yards Kotar M33 Attanta Stantwck 77 M. Return yora* lie M RUSH ING-Cincinnati, Griffin «••. El Posting yards Hunter )-fl Jones completed 20, of 30 passes for 175 yards as the Colts. HOMEUTEtmm SAWS llott 4-37. P Johnson 4-1) Son Dieao. Return yards " '•»• Pattes W0 It Ml PASSiNG-New York. Golsteyn 4-111. Pane. *MJ IMW Punti 75 yards, Plsorclk 1-5-0. 71. Alton to Hi*nl Young 1442, Woods 13-51. C Willloms I 30 had difficulty holding off the winless Bills. 0-3. despite a Pun* Mf Kl H M no iw MtOoilkeo S4-0 47 P ASS ING -C inclnnatt. Anderson 14- 31 ] XI Hem Me nXCHMMlM* Fumbtei ioat 4-2 00 RECEIVING—Ne« York. Roo.nion * subpar performance by running back O J Simpson, who 141 yards. Cot* CM 0.0; Nklnollv 11*4. Penorrie* yards Ifr WO )B Ptnamei yards MO IM11 111. Tucker 1-33 Allonto. Stanbock *-« gained 52 yards on 16 carries Cfceiii !M«/HK Mitchell 4-31 Son Diego. Horrls 14-30-). 200 Munwo J INDIVIDUAL LEADERS INDIVIDUAL LEADERS JO * Wood)0-1-0, 0. Vlkiags IS. Packers 7 RUSHING—NewEngWnd. Cunningham RUSHING—HewOrteom.Goltyeorh 71 RECEIVING-Clnclnootl. Grltfln S-5». TUT $IM 99 l»45. Catnoun 14 57 New Yorh. Horper I 61, Muncle l*-44. Manning Mi Chkogo Elliott 4 ii Brooks MS. Curtis 1 12 Son BLOOMINGTON. Minn - Fran Tarkenton directed three firtuwrfh 7 T T 7-H n wrwte ton Peyton 1*140. Harper 11-57 Diego. Joiner 4-70. McDonald 3-44, ttiein 7 7 t -u 3-33, J Washington M» long scoring marches and Sammy Johnson scored the clinch- Mt» HUM %JF* LASSING-New England. Grogan 14-34 PASSING—New Orleonv Manning • 17 0 141 yards Chicogo. Avellml )•<]•-?. ?3t " pin-Swonn 4 pass from Brodshaw ing touchdown in the fourth quarter Sunday as the Minnesota 3. B» New York. Todd 1111 3.1S4 RECEIVING-Ne*Orleans Tho»lonl (Gerdoklck) Tompo 7 • 0- I RECEIVING-New England. Cunning U. Maun 1-a. Muncle 1 IS Chicogo Cle-Looan 23 pass from Slpe (Cockroft Dolkn t-n Vikings turned back Green Bay 19-7 ham 4-14. Morgan 116. Colhoun lM Rather 6-113. Pavton *a Horoer *" kick) Dot—FG Herrwa 33 MONMOUTH BlJILDING CENTER Francd 7 4S Stlngley 3 3*. Burki 3-71 icon 7 71 Clc—Miller 1 run (Cockrort kick) Dal—Hewltrson If interception return The victory was the 100th regular season win for Min- New York. Games *-», Walker 7 *3. HOT Prrt-Lewls 45 pass from Brodshow Iherrera kick) 777 SHMWaWY AVI. per?-17. While 3 S (GereJokick) Dai-Newhouse)7run (Herrerokick) nesota Coach Bud Grant, with the first coming ten years ago SHMWaWY t 7 4 t—11 Pitt-Swonn 14 past from Brodshaw • T TS-Wood J7 fumbe return (Leovltt over Green Bay His Minnesota teams have lost only 39 l«(Me I 7-14 Detroit 7 3 7 t-17 Del (&*f eio kick) kick) ' • 1* 7 • " Mt) Inert Phl-Krepne 33 pats from Joworski Pltt-Brooshaw I run IG«relakick) (220 £L Ool-FG Herrero It games and tied four Bal-Leetltun(Unl wriktck I IMuhlmann kickl ferf-Chandler IS Ptrss from Ferguwn Dot—FG Herrero 70 Otf-FG Mike Meyer 45 A-S5.J14 lODonoghuehicfc) Phi—Cormichaei lipasitrom Jaworski Steelrs Brtwns Sol-FC L inhori 45 (kick tolled) First Downs C»y Bal-McCautey IS poll from J Det-BussevSpa is from LaneIry (Mike- Rusrie*-yords First downs -QDQD- 10 33 iLinrwrtklckl Mayer kick) Passing yords 1 trom Ferguson Rushes-yords 32-74 41100 ftuf-Brown 17 pm A-S7.I34 Return yards lO'Oonoonue h(ck) , Pesiingvords 17 310 Posjn 10-17? 10-14-} Return yards ef \U A-4TMT Eoi i*s Liens Punts 3-31 4-33 Posses in? 1*14-1 First downs If 11 %UH Colli Fumbles- lost 10 M Punts 10 41 S-43 Rusnev yards 35-137 45-140 Penottiev yords II IW 9-17 Fumbies-loit 34 1-7 Flntdowm Passing yard* 1f3 95 Rmnnraras 41-1SnS Penoitte*-yards +25 MO Ml Rrturn yords 53 75 INDIVIDUAL LEADERS Panlnfl-rarih 154 n* Posses U34-1 u no RUSHING—Pittsburgh. Harris 33 73; INDIVIDUAL LEADERS Return-yards S4 7-41 17 Punts M) Bleler 15-47, Harrison 13* Cleveland G SniNG- Tompo. Dovls '5 30. Du Posses If-}*-3 »»0 11 FumWes-IOSt 4-7 Pruiti 17-34, Miller 11-49 Boise 4-33. Oalkn. Darsett 10-77. New Punti t-34 Ml Prnoltlrv yords 7 55 7-47 PASSING-Plrrsburgh. Brodshaw 10-!' house 1541 Fumbtevlosi 4-3 4-1 1, U] yardi Cleveland. Slpc » » ' Hi PASS ING-Tompo, Hurt 1-23-1, 17 Penartievyard MO 7 SS INDIVIDUAL LCAOERS Mays 1-3-3, 4 yards DolWs, Stouboch 15-34-1,213. RUSHING PhiladeipMo Hogon »6' RECEIVING-Plttsburgh. Swann 7 71 RECEIVING-Tompo. Owen* 4-57. SyllivanUJt Detroit. King »61 Buiiey INDIVIDUAL LEADERS Lewli I «5 Bluer ? 7 Cleveland. Boon 1 Davis 1 30 Oollos.P Pearson 5-45. OuPr Rushing-Bufno.Slmpsonl4-57.Bra»ton Ml 43. Logon 3 17, Miller 4-1 eeWT 3-13. Fergason4-t Baltimore, Mitchell 73 PASSING Ptiilodemia.JoworskllJ-74-1 WJ, Lee 13-44. McCoutey 3-S 307 Gabriel 0-7-M Detroit Londry 13 1» Possino-Buflalo. Ferguson 1»-»1. 334 O-tZS yards, Simpson 0-1-0.0 Baltimore, Jones RECEIVING-PhlMdelpMo. Cormtchoc »30-0. 175 447. Smith 4-40. Sullivan 3-33, Krepfle, 1 Recelvina— BumnoChandlef 7 -TI.Gont 13 Detrbll. King 7-40. Bussey 3 33. Jar 1 m Koiiood >J» Simpson 3-1* Baltl Ml more: Scott 4-44. Mitchell 7 33. McCouley Denver It • '* »- 4-32, Chester 3-34. Venttle 7 B 4 •- Den—Perrlnl run (Turner kick) Crteii MY 7 t t t- 7 Seo—Howard 7 po» from Myer (Ley MtoneMM 7 I t 4—1* poMtkkk) GB-Odom « pas* from Dickey IMor Den -FG Turner 36 col kick) Den-Lytle47po*sfromHorton I Turn Mln-S. White 14 pass from Torkcnton (COB kick) er kick) Seo—Lorgeni 43 poss from Sims (kick Mm - Foreman 3 run (kick tolled) Games played weekend of Oct. 7th ed foiled) Mln-S Johnson }run (kick blocked I INTRODUCING THE NEW LARGE A-47.W3 Den—Morion l run tTurner k'Ckl Deadline Thuraday, Oct. 6 al 5 p.m. A-S3.IM D Columbia D Princeton D Packers Vlktitf* Brences Seahawks First down* First downs D Rutgers • Cornell D Rvshet-yords flushes yords Passing yards Pasting yards D New York Jets • Buffalo • Return yards Return yords AUDI 5000 Passes 1-70-0 19170 Passes 1M1-1 31-311 D Philadelphia Eagles D New York Giants D Punts 7-44 542 Punts 4-34 4-37 Fumbleviast FumWevlost M 3-3 D Neptune D long Branch • Penalties-yards PenaHles-yards t-n 7-40 AND THE ENGINEERS WHO DESIGNED IT INDIVIDUAL LEADERS Q Matawan • Middlelown North D RUSHING-Green Boy. Torkeison • W RUSHING-Denver. Perrln 14-55. Mor to do much more. Besides performing well, it must last B Smith 7-27. Minnesota S Johnson 17 Ion S-3S, Armstrong 11 79 Seattle. Smith D Middletown South D Ocean D ftS. Foreman if^3 13-47. Tester man 10-16. Sirm6-14. a very long time I knew we hadassembled remarkable PASSING-Denver, Morion 12-21-1. Ill • Wall • Rariton • PASSING-Green Boy. Dickey t-70-0. engineering talent. But they surprised even me. 10 yards Minnesota. Tarkenton 19-77-0. yords. Seattle. Myer 2O-7V-1. 165 Sims I D Keonsburg D Mater Dei D \U 1-0. 43; Preece 0-1-0. 0 Werner Schulzc. A high-performance car doesn't RECEIVING-Green Boy, Votoha 7 70. RECEIVING— Denver.MosesS- *7.Arm- D Red Bank Catholic D St. John Vianney • Odom l-tj Minnesota. S While 5-73. «rong3-7,Odoms7 34 Seattle. Ferger*on Imcrior Desw* have to have an interior like the Foreman 5-40. 6-41. Testermon 5-19, Loent 3-71 D Holmdel D Red Bonk • cockpit of a fighter plane I felt it was important for the D Asbury Park D Manasquan D Audi 5000 to have a comfortable atmosphere that was NFL standings • Rumson • Monmouth . • not distracting, the same as a driver would find in his D Freehold • Manolapan • home It makes-him a calmer, better driver. AMERICANFOOTIALLCONFERENCE NATIONALFOOTIALLCONFERENCE Eostem OlvlstM Eeilern Divtiien D Shore D Keyport D Dr. Amon Wimmer, A man named Timoshcnko had a W L TPC1 LF PA Dolkn •oltlmore 3 0 0 1000 66 40 Phiiodeipnio 3 0 • Brick D Southern • Siruciura!Salei>: theory of construction which could Mloml 3 0 0 1 000 59 23 NewYorkGlnts 3 0 12 0 333 75 77 Washington • Freehold Twp. D Point Boro D help make safe cars. Yet no one had ever tried it. I did Hew York Jets 3 0 333 43 It. Louis 17 0 333 X 44 try it, and the results were remarkable. I believe it will ButTolo 0 10 000 30 56 • Howell D T.R. South • Central Division Central Division Detroit 7 I 0 667 60 take our competitors years to utilize this theory Some- 3 10 .647 57 51 D Jackson D lokewood D Green Bay I 3 0 Houston 3 1 7 43 37 m 4i Chicago 1 3 0 day, perhaps, thisconstructioncould save your life. ClnclnnoM 1 7 0 333 41 57 D Central D Absegami G Minnesota 1 1 0 Prttiburoh » 447 U 30 TompoBoy 0 3 0 000 13 Dr. rranz Hchlcv The Audi 5000 is the largest Ger- western Dt lrfi TIE BREAKER - Totol number of points scored by all teams • Oakland 3 0 0 I 000 Wtslern Division AithuuM Directmi man car for the money Yet for all 3 0 l 000 Atlanta 3 10 667 40 19 Name Son Diego 7 10 647 LnAngeles 110 647 60 31 its size, it is also surprisingly lively. At about S8,50O,' we Seattle 0 3 0 OX NewOrlcans 17 0 333 II 71 KomaiCltv SonFronclsco 0 3 0 000 79 10 feel (here is no other car with our combination of room, 0 3 0 000 34 Address Sunday's Gome Sunday. Oct t handling, acceleration, and comfort. New York Jets 30, New England 17 New York Jets ot Buttoio. 1 P m City and Slate Franz Hank, When I pruposcdthc 5-cylindergas- Atlanta 17. New York Glonh ] Ooklond ol Cleveland, 1 p m Pittsburgh 31 Ctevelond 14 Philadelphia ot New York Giants. I Seattle at New England. I p m Minnesota If, Green Boy 7 Telephone Engine lk-.ii

PICK-IT Precision Porsche Audi, Inc. JERSEY NUMBER GAME Highway 35, Oakhurst Pick any three numbers — your can play By participating in Ifis conlesl. the winner oi winners expressly (201) 493-8000 from 7 A.M. to 10 P.M., 7 days a week consenl lo the use ol their name, add'ess and photograph m news stones and or advertising promotion ol this contest WE ARE A CLAIM CENTER without further remuneration SHREWSBURY, N j MONOAv. OCTOBER 3.197/ The DailyRegister 19 Kicker made a difference, but not the one Bo thought So Bo Schembechler was right after all when he said that and kicking." said A&M Coach Emory Kellard "They did a Texas A&M's great placekicker. Tony Franklin, could make thoroughly complete job on us " the difference Without Franklin's efforts. Michigan would But Michigan's Schembechler wasn't doing any crowing have beaten the Aggies 410 He didn't even ask anyone to vote the Wolverines back into As it was. the third-ranked Wolverines — and won't this the No 1 spot in The Associated Preil poll week's ratings be interesting?— had to settle for a 41-3 "The final score is not Indicative of the strengths of the triumph over No 5 Texas A4M as Russell Davis plowed for two teams." he said graciously Texas A4M is a lot belter 110 yards two touchdowns. Rick Leach Ihrew a 35-yard scor- than it showed Were not going lo savor this victory I've got ing pass to Curt Stephenson and Harlan lluckleby ran eight to get my boys to remember next week we're back in the Big yards for a 'I'D Ten race " All that scoring enabled a Michigan Stadium 50lh anmver- Elsewhere in the Top Twenly there were some squeakers, sary crowd of 104.802 to blissfully ignore the fact that Frank- but only three ranked teams besides Texas A&M came out lin's 24-yard field goal - the equivalent of a Jack Nicklaus losers — Kentucky over No 4 Penn State 24-20. Louisiana tap-in putt for him — gave A&M a .1-0 lead after one period State over No 8 Florida 36 14 and Missouri over No 20 An But even the Michigan defense got into the scoring act af- zona State 20-0 ter that. Jim Pickens recovering a blocked punt in the end Top-rated Oklahoma downed Kansas 24-9. No 6 Ohio State zone for a touchdown and Mike Jolly scampering 50 yards trimmed Southern Methodist 35-7. No 7 Colorado blanked with an interception for another Army 31-0. No 8 Texas massacred Rice 7215 and No 10 Ala "They beat us in every area of football — offense, defense bama defeated Georgia 180. The Meadowlands ltl — Punt 17.*M Maidin Claiming: Limiled Fund* IH9) Cottanedo New Scent (111) nb Say Yes LOdy 1116) Solomone iii.OMgoM ] y» 4 up * twrt Ticket Toylor flic) MocBetn I? l Zombia (117) Coitaneda Council Ring (1)61 Solomon* Dough Box (M9l«l) WopiiM - Arron Lokt (116) Thomos 10 1 Sans Arc I MB) nb Diplomat Lady 1117) nb Brian s Burr (114) Rim Speak Murphy* ii' ivi Trtoi i en fcvening Mitt (116) Whited IM Brookward(ll2) Miceti >n»»' •'•« PMN «r Carl Reserve Native IDA) nb Rich Soil (171) nb Rough Eagle 0171 Aristone " II Pre« 1119) Whiltly Borachu IHIl Maple ...... Axeu(H6) Moyeri . . NOT THIS TIME ^ Mater Dels Keith Smith Sir JohnC 1119) Arnlone !}! Time Bali (117) Perret up short yardage In yesterday's game. Se Tohnec (MS) Nltd Monsieur Cyanne 1119) nb South Run I IN) Brocklebank CatChorning!lor (1 111 Hokft Way To Peace 11)6) Maple I Dashing Native (110) nb. '.' eludes a Poramus Catholic tackier and picks raphs dropped their second In a row, 8-0. Borrotp (119) DlNICOlO General Intrigue 11III D6) Maple 15 Captain s Galley (170) Thornburg 6 _ [HOI t _ Tartan John 11161 Santos IS Vanish (170) Whited 4 Three Seller (116) Rmi Dime i Ad (171) Smith 10 Fost Quest (116) Brumfleld Too Tall Due ili6) MacBeth . 10 Rim Man 1116) Thornburg Bywater (119) Velei . I Rooco Sonsone (116) Arellono Dimestore Romeo (109) Novedo S Bethel Place (109) Klidna Close to Glory (IMl Khdilo 15 1 Border Bnti (1161 Money Duplicate Prince I nil nb 17 Anemos 1106) 0 Hora Proud Khale 11161 nb 1? I Woltr King (116) nb.. Cary Street IM&) Boltoior Angelt Pathway Illfi) Rmi IV Pichm nG'inoifi (H9i Moroles Ml - Pwm Itl^M Maidw I yo tiliie* i Amove (1161 Solomone . .41 Bockitoge Gossip (106) Wne tun • th - Purtt flO.OM Claimining liftlift,M, O Royal Ooullon ('111 UN i 12 1 lose to Paramus, 8-0 Fortescue 111], Moseley Flower Legion (1)9) Cordero 3 1 i. 70 yds News Break (106) O Haro l • 1, Doctor Mossier < lOfll Khdno Queen Lib 1119) Thomas . 17 > td Good Quality (lift) nb I? I Cracker Barrel (1111 Nied Fence Stre'chtr (119) Nied 10 l Doctor Dyn O Mite 11071 Nied . 70 1 B* JIM HIM hi MANN raphs were stopped on their first series and had to punt Ro/accord 11 Hi Kiidiio Forbidden Isle (119) MacBetn m i from their own 17. Prince Borbore (116) Solomone Slady sLody (109) O Haro II I NEW MONMOUTH - Although its defense held Courtny Call (1161 Thornburg Dungarven 1119) Thomas 41 Mike Oxley got off a good punt to midfield but an ille- Paul S No Fool 11161 Pogano El Barodo(1)9) FernanaX 8 1 Paramus Catholic to only 23 yards total offense. Mater Bid A loon (1)9) Ballaiar 6-1 Dei was unable to generate much offense Itself and gal procedure penalty on the Seraphs nullified the kick ll»,MO ) yo * fun National Velvet 1119) Saumell 8 dropped an B-0 decision yesterday and forced Oxley to punt again Big Whistler 1116) Trotclair Grondiiond Man (116) Cordero •Iff* - Purn IMJM Handicap 1 yo ffllti The Seraphs, in dropping their second in a row, made This time, however, the snap from center went over Be An A»rt (119) Solomon* "The 1 ikt A Charm Handicap im his head and out of the endzone for the safety and a 2-0 Voung Chief 1119) nb l'U(T) Sports Schedule only one threat in the game They moved to the Paramus MumBoid(l)6) McCouley Council Housed?)} nb 3 Fixed To A Star [II]) DiNicoio Irish Sweetie (110) Saumell 17 Today Gymnas Paramus lead Boys Long Branch at Middle Catholic 2] in the third quarter before losing the ball on Grondviile (116) nb. Time For Soiling 1109) nb • IS Not Me Boy (116) Perrit Soccer Henry Hudson ot Tom; downs Joe Finizio set up the lone Paramus touchdown when Pt«rle»j Choroer 1109) nb 15 Long Branch al CBA Monmouth at Madison he returned a Mater Dei punt 40 yards to the Seraphs 18 Red Bonk Cathl t Mddi' Sth Toms Rer North ot R Paramus took advantage of a first quarter safely and Toms River South at Wan a long runback of a punt in the third quarter which set Toms River North at Cherry Hill West Shot Five plays later. Joe Gomez scored on a four yard, Sf Joseph s at Southern up Its lone touchdown offtackle run Quarterback Brian Carlson's run for the St Rose of Middlelown North Henry Hudson at Holmdel Cross Country MoninouMuil Martasquon "Our defense played well." said Mater Dei coach Henry Hudson at Maler Dei Point Boro a< Red Bank Regional two-point conversion was stopped leaving the score. 8-0 Rumson FH at Marlboro Prank Rezzonico "But we are a small team and most of Freehold Oirli Point Beoch at St Benedict I The Seraphs then put together their only sustained Cross Crounlrv Olrli our players have to go both ways drive going from their 36 to the Paramus Catholic 2.1 fol- Henry Hudson of Mater Dei Fitld Hocktr Moncheiie' a I Neptune Middlelown South ot Brick "We have a good bunch of kids, and we just can't lowing the kickoff Toms River North at Middletown Nc think about this game as we have Keansburg Saturday I Held Hockey Keyport al Poml Boro A 23 yard pass play from Johnson to Kevin Roman Tomorrow Red Bank af Neptune Neptune ot Sout/iprn still think that we will get better as the season progress- Monmoulh at Monosquan Raritun at Toms River South Holmdel ol Manchester • was the big play in the drive 1st— Pott 1 Mll.SWCImt Ttflnti tth Put* 1 Mil ,900 Lokewood af Ocean es." ' Ariette Smith (Kavoielt) Freehold al Red Bonk Regional Johnson, however, was dropped for an II yard loss on Latin Knight (Scarpoi Keyport ot Poml Bo-0 Long Bronch ot Monosquon The lone bright spot for the Seraphs offensively was Volo Vic IParola'i) Adios Flight i Sparacino) Rumsan at Wall Monmouth ot Central a third and six and a fourth-down pass was incomplete Kiily Bobv iKommi Yankee Style I Stafford) Toms River South at Neptune the fine play of freshman quarterback John Johnson who Hurricane I Finoni DanndSnell A (Brunei Tennis Asbury Park at Manolapan Late in the game a 26-yard pass from Johnson to Bill Mighty Rhea iPumol Foresees O'egm (Luttl Moncnester at Red Bank Shore ol Hoier j Pick (Brisioni Armbro Tom N IMinteilgi Southern al Middletown North McDavitl put the ball on the Paramus 41. McDlVlll pick- Edens Flash Joseph^ at Toms River South St Mary s (SA1 ot St John Johnson completed seven of 15 pass'es for 77 yards Typhson iPeigeibeckl Mater Dei of Shore , Middletown South ot Toms River Nc ed up lour more yards but two more plays lost four yards It N Ann IPicardl Avon Siandish INo dnver) te a strong rush by the I'aramus defense SI John at Raritan Manchester at Keansburg and a last ditch pass was intercepted Rumson FH al Middletown South Lokewood at HoweM "Johnson has a lot of know how." said Rezzonico hd-Poc«t Mft1,SMCIm| 10th Pacti M 11,400 Wall at Monasquan Ocean ot Raritan Asteroid IFiliont Pat Bret (Fiiion) Marlboro al Wall PC - SolHv Itwfl snop on "And he throws the ball fairly well " 1 o e o-l Ceredna Goldberg iPaqueti Times Squore N I Dairjneoulli 77 tomorrow Rumson FH ot Freehold Township Mountain G Man I Worono) Beauty Collins (No driven 97 CroiS Country Paramus Catholic picked up Us safety aflcr Hir Se- Sea Baby (Bonoccn Arnva Hobby (Spnggsl Cross Country Mida>etown North ot Long Branch Bohannon (No driver) Shirting Sun iQuortifr) Howell ot Brick Bushing (McGoverni Browngate Gilbert (Kelly) Middlelown North of Lono Branch Southern at Toms River South Adios Ceil (Bulk) Solellite Hanover (Morr Game Step (Mitchell) Sf Mary S (SA) al SI John St Mary s (SAl ot SI John Shore at Keonsburg Shore at Keansburg Ira - TrollMSl.tM Asbury Pork at Manaiapan Toms River North at Ranton nth - Pact l M li.m Clntf. Freehold af Henry Hudson Speedy WocEwen (Porolori) Asbury Park ot Manchester Wyoming Joe (Fiiion) Nepluneat Run ton Gymnastic* Great Crusader I No amen Meg Roper (Gallagher) Coptam Allen I Dancer) Freehold at Long Branch Miss Willy WidOw^Porolanl Keyport al Point Beacft Keystone Holiday (Cobb) Red Bank Catholic al B,nck Heytesbury Lad iConsol) Freehold Twp at Monasquon Toms River Soulh at Middletown No Great Adventure INO driven Dork Damsel (Rodacrs Jrl Manchester at Red Bonk Regional Middletown Soulh ot Monmouth Atoitreofc (Puma) Point Boro at Marlboro Keyport tops Bankers Pmeblutf Prince (Thomas) WaM al Toms River North Red Oaks Helen I Kelly) . Southern ot Toms River Sogth D'exel Dma (Nodriver) J P Stevens ot Oceon ACs Homiet (Unoen Lakewood Ot Toms River North Freedom Chick I Br issoni Ranton at Neptune Bob Clayton returned me Point Pleasant has a tie on its as Atlantic Highlands topped Long Branch romped in the Central at Jockson Jackson Ot Shore Keansburg peewee game. 48-0 4tti - Pacti M 1MM Clm« opening kickoff 70 yards for a record Follow Me Home (Fiiion) touchdown to get Keypnrt Holmdel crushed West Long Rich Zentz passed seven Jeff Scott scored one touch- Buckeye Billie (Bcesnahani Fly Fly Pete I Kelly) started to a 26-6 1) Division down on a three-yard run and Chris Royal ivitenn passed 35 yards to Mike Dodd Lot* Knight (Fiiion) Pop Warner football victory Mooas Trick I Wothen) over Red Bank yesterday in a for the other score as Eaton- Trovhng Joe (Finonl Jersey Barbra (Pantano) Pop Warner town-Fort Monmouth downed battle of unbeatens It was GOOD f\EAR the third victory for Keyport Southern. Chip N Time (Bergeron while Red Bank dropped to 2- Chip N Time I Bergeron) Branch. 40-0: Wall topped yards to Bill Stewart for Eatontown also won the Blue Fireball (Norway) SERVICE * STORES 1 Keansburg's only louchdown Glens Gift (Mintello) Fair Haven. 60 and Point peewee game 24 0 Merlon (Kolbel Steve l.awson ran 70 yards. Pleasant defeated Manas- Greg Bruno and Kevin Mike Handler and l.iimonl Krng Abbot (Luchentol lBnruilr, IMannellil Ron Boyle added a three-yard quan. 12-6 Rumson downed McConnell scored touchdowns Golden scored touchdowns on Ftre Ben (Pui al run and John Sauickie had a River Plaza, 12-6. in the other as the Atlantic Highlands 15-yard runs and Vince Taylor Fly Fly Solly (Fihon) . 75-vard pass interception to B Division game peewees won. 12-0. to remain passed 30 yards to Ken Buck 4th - Poet 1 M II.ON Big George I Ralhbone) account for the other Keyport unbeaten and unscored upon for the other score as Tinton Grondmom Morns (Blum) In the C Division. Long ToiKFerrierol stores touchdowns in four games Falls beat New Egypt. Greg Branch tied Lakewood in an- Siiii Faiiwui (Scarpa) Duane Smith threw a 43- Rich LoBello scored three Montgomery kicked the two- King Cotton iParolan) other battle of unbeaten J M Les iPollastroi yard touchdown pass to John touchdowns and added a pair teams: EatontownFort Mon- point conversion. J M Frill (King Jrl Richardson for the lone Red of two-point conversion kicks Star Flite I Norway I mouth beat Southern. 12-6. The peewee game went to Bank score to lead Holmdel past West 7fti - Pact) MIMMCImf. Tinton Falls blanked New Red Bank's peewees re- Long Branch. Tinton Falls. 60. Ray Got! (Koth) . . Dreiei vmnie (Porolori) closed Tuesday Egypt. 21-0 and Ocean Town- Chad Watkins scored twice mained unbeaten and un LoBello scored twice, on Diana Adips (King Jr) . ship routed Berkeley. .16-7 on runs of 34 and 77 yards Winter Symphony (Vanderpaeltl scored upon with a 32-0 romp runs of six and 20 yards and Justly Smoke (Baldachino) while Vance Martin. Jeff San- Vic(Dewiand) In another D Division Brick crushed Middletown. added his third score on a 70- born and Ivan Wilson added L T Acres (Dandeo) game. Atlantic Highlands 50-0. in the A Division yard kickoff return Solicitors Break iBresnahan) the other touchdowns to lead edged Keansburg. 7-6. Matt Roden went over from Rich Hoheb scored twice on Ith - Pace l M u OOO cimg Ocean past Berkeley. Dancing Rose (Dohertyl Holmdel. Wall and Point the one on a quarterback runs of 75 and seven yards ti t r« October 4 for Troy Hines kicked three ex- Pleasant remained unbeaten sneak and Bill Quinn added while Jeff Todd had the other Lee Fall (Sparacino) tra points (or Ocean which Stralo IZeilmer) In the B Division although the game-winning extra point touchdown on a 75 yard run Waitaki North (Kelly) also won the peewee game. Fourth Estote IFjIion) Holmdel's peewees also 14-6 Volet Hanover (Tafone stayed unbeaten with a 13-0 Rods Rudi IFerence) triumph. People in sports Wall overcame 155 yards in inventory penalties to defeat Fair THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Haven as Bill Shimko scored SAVE 10% TO 30% All Goodyear Service Stores will be closed all day on the lone touchdown on a 75- Tuesday, Oct. 4,1977 for inventory. Customers needing FRANCONIA, N.H - World heavyweight boxing cham- yard run after faking a punt. pion Muhammad Ali and social scientist Kenneth Clark were Tony Burr and Jeff Dittilo emergency service on that day should call 671-2415 awarded honorary college degrees at New Hampshire's Fran- of all your led a tough Wall defense that Stores will reopen Wednesday, Oct. 5th conia College Sunday. never permitted Fair Haven A minor accident involving a bus carrying Ali and his to make a serious threat. with a Giant Inventory Clearance Sale! family In Connecticut on Saturday did not keep him from ap- Frank Forbes and John Today's Special Store Hours; 7:30 til 6:00 pearing at the school. oil heating bills Morrow scored touchdowns •*» on short runs to lead Point Pleasant (2-0-1) past Manas- NORTH WILKESBORO, N.C. - Darrell Waltrip. with quan. Cale Yarborough hot on his heels for most of the race, pushed Stack Master" Ken Bols raced over from GOOD/YEAR l§*«/i\'A his Chevrolet to victory in the Wilkes 400 slock car race Sun- three yards out lo give Ma- THE DEVICE THAT MAKES YOUR FURNACE day. nasquan a 6-0 halflime lead. Waltrip averaged 86.714 miles per hour in his race for the DELIVER MORE HEATI Manasquan won the peewee $12,550 top prize money. Yarborough. also in a Chevrolet, • Fits right onto your existing heating system game. 12-7. came away with (8,925 for his second place finish and Neil • Installed by Felix Auto Supply '3.00 OFF John Caruso passed 25 Bonnett came in third in a Dodge for $5,800. • Usesthe principle of heat conservation yards to Pete Gilbertson and Front-End Alignment Richard Petty, who won the pole position and might have tested & acknowledged by the U.S. Present this coupon and we'll give you Max Snith added a 45-yard been a competitor for the top money, crashed after 240 laps of Government to be highly ellective $3.00 oil on a complete front-end align- scoring strike to Bill Steele as ment, providing a thorough analysis and the 400-lap event. He wasn't hurt but he was out of the race. Rumson downed River Plaza Your Stack Mntor alignment correction. Coupon expires Petly's total purse was $6,560. including his winnings for being Unit I* alto pra tested 10-8-77. Reg $13.86 price Quarterback Mike Selgfrii'd •t tht lictwy, and the top qualifier. STACK MASTER scored the lone River Plaza co™» with » one yt«r •*• FITS INTO YOUR touchdown. CLIP AND SAVE EXISTING warranty. All operating NAPA, Calif. — Miller Barber, one of golf's million-dollar The peewees fought to a HEATWO SYSTEM winners, captured his 10th tournament title in a 19-year ca- scoreless deadlock. U.S. Hated. reer on the tour by closing with a 65 Sunday and edging Malcom Rogers scored one Dealer Inquiries Invited George Archer by two strokes in the $200,000 PGA event here touchdown on a 65-yard kick- 1030 HIGHWAY 35, MIDDLETOWN Archer, who began the day with a four-stroke lead on the off return and added the oth- FEUX AUTO SUPPLY field and six strokes ahead of Barber, finished wilh a 73-one er on a six-yard run to enable 89 HIGHWAY 35, EATONTOWN, N.J. over par on the Silverado Country Club North course and 10 IdUH! Branch to lie Lake- (V. Mile North CylO MDA strokes higher than his Saturday score. wood. Both learns are 2-0-1 ol Eatontown Circle) O»t«t- IUOU PHONE 671-2415 20 The Drily Register SHREWSBURY N MONDAY, OCTOBER 3 1977 Major League Northern pike record shattered ^^" , .__bein; g manage.»dJ »„fo_r ..l.tirainbomw lenntroutl onanHd Inniamnnllargemouih huebass illals HHIHIHIINIIIIIINIIIIMMMMMimiHI niiMi HwnrnmiHi Herb Hepler ol Huumi Brook. rUIUA| from Ihe bank at primary game species Spruce Run Reservoir nn Ftlda) dulltred Ihe slate ivcunl box scores for northern pike with •> |l«nl «eij;hing 30 pounds anil l«" It seemed that Ihe fisheries people and the fishermen ouniYS It was weighed ll Dan t Spoil Shup in Clinlon. close who wanted Ihe pike, felt that the northerns would fallen on to the huge impoundment Ihe abundant sucker population in the reservoir They .seemed I NEW YORK The former stale record northers »;•> a :'l pounder taken to feel that the pike wouldn't do much damage to the rainbow HENRY OB t h k< i and brown trout thai the stale was slocking in Ihe reservoir S 1 J 0 MOfO C through the ice nf H'l'wiygwda lake li> Kilward KMMI '" 3 1 0 D RWTtttecf 31 e i 0 G«n*r n 1971 too SIM Chrrtblslt) 4 10 0 1 Porhf M 4 0 11 CJtwwic oooo 0 EoVe« i> Hepler was fishing wilh a live shiner and apparentk (or My guess isthat the fish Hepler eMajM ale Us fair share SCHAEFER 7 10 0 McCollpt 0 10 0 1 One of ti out plus all other fish to put.on HII pounds A impound pOu 3 11) Hndrksc JO I 3 ? Macho *er flri 111 for, and received, ihe green li^hi on pike stocking from A Kluffut 1111 Cimet il ' 10 0 jaw p 0 0 0 sportsmen to stock more northern pike in New Jersey water imliiiimmiiiimoimHHiiiHomiitiiiiHHiiiiiiiiiHlHMHmiHtiiiti Zfltwrft 4 110 Bruce P>le. chief ol Ihe fisherleii bureM ol Ihe State Division FStnlyJb 4 0 10 Totals J! I 6 TotOlt 3J t t: of Fish. Game and Shell Fisheries They have now been stocked in a number of New Jersey as ing his heavy deep water pollock outfit with an eight ounce DIM TMW u i in Ctticago DOO 000 «' -1 well as Pennsylvania waters diamond jig and big tube lure with an 8/0 hook above the jig P.niburgh O'l 000 '?. -S The stocking ol Ihe'voracious pike In the reservoir dis- 1 I I 1 • 1 E - S*iihef DP - P.rntKirgn i LOB On this too-large outfit he proceeded to catch IS weakfish New York ItltllMi I - Cn^cogo 6 Pmiburgn t j| - o«'i Wins Tuna Rvtll vt'O) B«"o O't Oomei MR — Eaiier mayed many angler* because the reservoir nt that (line was E-Lodilffar OP—N#«* Vork I LOB — I Ol'Vfr IV Werctr r SB - PQrKtr George Chhsloff of Mountainside and Monmoulh Reach weighing from four to eight pounds apiece The other fish- Detroit f. New York tO IB-Corcoran 3 IPHIERII SO NeftiMl M*rv»khi Alston HR OglMt caught a 61-pound tuna and Frank Mascuih of Short Ihlh ermen aboard all had no trouble loading up with weakfist 171V Mufti (I) S WiiNMti Tromel Surrtl (I 14 II) 3 l t loo Attton SF-RWhlte Opttvlt caught a Md pound white marlin in the fourth annual Channel 7 0 i Alleged takes Triompe IP M R ER •• SO Tjonet iinf i-0> 0 0 1 Club Invitational Tuna Tournament Monmoulh Reach The boat has two more special cod and pollock trips Runtt S 14 4 14 scheduled for Wednesday and Saturday There are openings Crawford 1 ? 3 3 1 I I 3 Jochiohio"n I 7 1 I L 0 PARIS (API - Irish challe into the straight Chnstoff's was the largest tuna taken II was caughl on Foocowrt(L.» 7) 1 I 3 J J 3 1 1 t - Jochion 4 HBP - By Burn* Ed Mascuch's Doat. llighliner declared the winner on points for both trips ClOV 4 4 I : J 3 ttomi Boik — Tjone* .faction nger Alleged, ridden by Crow, one of France's lead- Tidrow 1 110 13 T-2 U ter Piggott. held ofl in Enjinj hn|H's. made a challenge .Second was Gerry Kaplan of West Long Rranch on his The party boat Fishermen docked at Atlantic Highlands TrwmoilW 3*1 t 4 4 4 '4 0 on Saturday with a very large catch of medium sized blues PB-PotriWi HBP-By Runle (CJohn lish-trained Ralmennn to take with two furlongs to go, but it boat Three K's Following were Mukev Mendlen on Water ion) T-3 B A-I«.77I Sunday's $240,000 Pn\ deM.IS shortlived Then came Whjtktra. Frank Cozzoli on Impulse, and Harland A taken on the Farms Individual catches were reported to 40 PITTSBURGH I'Arc de Triomphe. Europe's an effort from Cryalll I'al •Hutch" Miller Jr of Monmouth Beach on Main Mahi fish ob r h bi ab > htti Stewart Russ of Woodbridg^ caught an eight pound alba- 4 0 10 »ce. Baron (iu> de Ruthch- Thirty boats, ranging from a 4S-fooi Pacemaker to an IS- 1110 Broctif 10 10 DeJtutu i 0 0 0 Morenocf richest horse race 4 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 BoMttici 10 0 0 Bllttntrll 4 0 10 Garrwf2b tld'i French-trained 3-year- foot outboard competed The awards banquet at the Channel core in the surf on Friday He weighed it at Glglio's bait and 4 B 0 0 Piggot had his 3-year old Sl]1 Hrottvp 0 0 0 0 Buctnrlb 4 0 0 0 BerroJb 4 17 0 tackle shop in Sea Bright Jim McElwep of Cranford caught a 5 111 FrMdpO 10 0 0 Murcerrf 7 0 0 0 Easierri colt smartly out of the stalls old, who also was beaten off Club was hosted by Bob Massey. vice president of Navesink Cllrwtrt 1 1 1 0 Ottc 4 7 11 1 4 3 3 1 Mufnrvct 7 0 10 3 0 2 7 Balmenno. last year's lead Yacht Sales. Sea Bright, sponsors of the tournament ll ^ pound stnper in the surf yesterday 4 0 1 0 lore" 7 10 0 OnltvrOb 4 17 0 MocfMib and challenged for the lead 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tmoltnu 100 0 Grosscf 3 0 11 Holrftnlf Club to Meet Walt Rieger of South Amboy caught a 23-pound 10-ounce 1 0 0 0 from the early ^tai;e> He ing i year-old on New Zea- 4 0 7 1 OtfctNJb 10 11 Tritio* 3 0 10 EdwrdtTb 00 00 stnper in the Sandy Hook surf on a mossbunker on Friday He 4 0 3 7 Stmonic 10 10 Swshcrc 40 7 1 Parktrpn took the lead spot with juit a land and Australia tracks, Ocean County Fish and Game Protective Vuoctatlon will 7 0 0 0 Rodff c 1000 Bonhmp 10 0 0 Mendiau 0 0 0 0 stood in eighth place at the meet at headquarters on Wednesday night Neal Much ol weighed the fish at Julian's Sport Shop. Atlantic Highlands 4 0 10 TomrffOC 10 0 0 Cordnloh 10 0 0 Whirvnp 1 0 0 0 mile to run over the |ty-mile 0 00 0 KMnvblb 1 S 0 0 Sufttrp 0 0 0 0 f reooilpn I 0 0 0 turf track at Longchamp; on turn for home. He came on Freehold is secretary • On Saturday Leonard Castle of Atlantic Highlands caught 0 0 0 0 HHTl* 1000 Rowllooh 10 0 0 Tekulvp 0 0 0 0 with a storming run that Dun con* 10 0 0 Lamap 0 0 0 0 Ollvvt-ph 1 0 0 0 the edge of the Bois de Bern Wrakflsh Takrn a 19-14 striper at Sandy Hook on a plug Bob Bennett Sr of 1110 Goiogep 00* proved just too late The Super Spray II. Belmar Marine Basin lucked into a Belford caughl an 1H1? striper on an Atom plug John and 1000 Tttot 11 1 I J T«tat Mil) logne Piggot showed brilliant 0 0 0 0 Non« Mit «>nen winning run tctrtt) tactics to sneak a thnv Piggott had l'-j lengths to huge school of large weakfish only a feu miles off shore on Barbara Prell of Atlantic Highlands caught three 10-pound 1110 CfKCOf* ••••OB II •— 1 4 13 1 Pitntwrfh 000 I I 0 i I )- ) length lead as the field turned spare at the line Saturday Capt John De Rose took part in Ihe festivities us- bluefish trolling bunker spoons 0 0 0 0 DP-ChlcogoI.Pimburghl LOB-Chl oooo coao 7. Pfthborgh i 7B-Ontlwerot, Eos 100 0 ler SB-Ort S-Boonom \Barnegat Bedminster Berkeley Heights Bernardsville Blackwood/Brick Town Camden'Carteret Cherry Hill Cranford/East oooo ER IB SO 4 1 3 N»*y*% i* i • i • ••*— « 1 SI LMI« 111118 1)1- 4 whinon E-Broct Manajuol OP-N«wYork7. Tefculve I 5 11 St Louis 4 LOB-New York 7 5f Louis Gouoor(W,n-?| 3 10 1 5 4 3fl-Moulin.LFosferBottcialr.Brock WP-5ff»er T-3 11 A-J0.41I Andenon P*illlDi.Tr«on IB—Yngjb'ood. Pfillllpi IP H R ER SB SO HOUSTON LOS ANGELES Zacttrxw 10-13) 7 1-3 7 3 1 1 3 irlli I ab r n bi Stobert 717 1 1 1 0 I&W: Pay Bills... B JCruiff S 1 2 0 Davlllorf B 3-10 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 C obeli 3D 4 12 0 Ruucllii RFortCML.70-71 13 6 4 4 0 0 1 0 00 Cedenod i 2 3 I WaiMnu ScTtum 3 3-3 3 1 1 1 0 10 0 0 Watson tb 12 2 2 Lndttyu 2 0 0 0 9 UTM - 3 3 117 1 Cannonpn 10 0 0 Bokrrtf ISufton 3 7 0 0 11 3 12 1 SperngJb 0 0 0 0 Slmpsnita Hratwiky 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 Wollmglf 4 0 13 Garveyib Saw-Boidwlril i) T-2 71 A-7.3U 7 0 0 0 MOW* 2b 4 0 0 0 Burkecf 3 111 Earn Interest! Hermnc 4 0 2 0 GoooViS) 4 0 0 0 RMetiru 4 0 10 Monday 1b 3 0 0 0 Ricnordp 10 0 0 Webbp 0 0 0 0 Ok r DM ab r h bl 0 0 S I 7 0 GWodurf 4 M 1 LscyS 1000 Oliver » SOM Bollortf 4 00 0 0 0 0 0 Blonhi* i 0 7 0 Howell* 7 0 0 0 Oateu 10 00 S 0 I 0 Rjirlylt) 2 0 0 0 Cast! lop 10 00 Bocftteif 4 0 10 EwlngdTi 1000 Motopn 1111 Later: Checking... Lwmtndr 4 0 0 0 Roderdh 10 0 0 Lewtlynypp 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 Bowlngri 3000 ,1" 1 0 0 0 Pruittc 4 0 0 0 McKovTb 4 0 0 0 37 I 1] 4 T«t«t 3 4 3 4 0 4 0 Alftbyc 3 10 0 1 <• !•• 411- t GrtfTlnu 4 0 00 NordMis 2 000 OOt••3 tOO— 1 10 0 0 E-Wcanirtgton. Burke LOB— Momlon 1 0 0 0 J Los Angetet 3 IB—Cideno IB-Woll With Interest! HToretts TKot 41 1 11 1 T«tal 2t 2 I 1 Ing. Hfl-Watwn (71). Mota (t), Baker Two etrt wtten winning rvn fifed (30). Burke (I) S—Richard cicvtund i a • e o I IOIII- I IP H R ER Bl SO T K onto 100101 •••0 1- 1 RlchrdlW.lHI) f 4 3 3 3 14 E—Bibbv DP—Cleveland 1 Toronto] CatillO 6 117 0 4 LOB-Clevelond I. Toronto « It-Mar, LwllynlL) II 1 3 4 4 10 nlng. Thornton 38-Otlver SB-JNorrli 7 0 0 0 0 S-Ewmg, Fairly 1. Sailor T-I13. A- »! IP M H ER BB SO Blbbv 6 110 9 4 HOOd 4 0 0 0 1 I CHICAGO An6*ri#n(L.0-M 3-3 1 1 1 1 Mr ft ai obrnti LmnciiilW.imi 11 11 1 \_ • 1 I 1 3 0 GOT nf 1 0 0 0 WP-AndVien T-1:JJ 4 1)0 Stlllmnlt 1 0 0 0 4 0 11 OrtoZb 1 0 0 0 SECOND CAME 4 0 0 0 BrtimerR) 1 0 1 E Steln3b 44M 110 0 Zllkdn 3 0 0 0 n r h b abrrtbi Braundh 100 10 LJhntndh 1 0 0 0 JNorrltrf 4 110 GWodscf 5 0 0 0 CRytdsu 4 0 1I 0 GomblerGomoterf 3 0 0 0 110 0 Bailor If S 0 1 0 PaHevc 13 0 >' 1I MinororMlnororft 10 10 BkmkiX) 5 13 7 Ewingdh 3 0 11 4 0 0 0 Spencrib 40 00 ThortnlD 110 0 Rodtrph 0 0 0 0 SdrMmJb 3 17 1 6ocM*ff 7 117 HowHUb 4)10 Lemon pr 0 0 0 0 Pruintf I 0 0 0 Auttlb 4 0 10 Coluclocf 10 00 Wonlnocf 4 0 0 0 McKay* 1)2) 1 0 0 0 Slkd 7 0 0 1 Ccrontc 3 10 0 Kungru 3 0 0 0 l 0 0 Q Bowir.grf 4 17 1 HCruipn 1 0 0 0 GrifTlnu 4 0 10 Nordbfcll 7 0 0 0 Nhrdnyc 4 0 7 ' veinpri 10 0 1 TMil 15 ) 10 1 Totoi 11 1 * 1 HToretu 10 0 0 Seattle 0 1 • • 1 0 1 I •— 3 Toioi 11 S I S Toioi IS 4 I 4 Chico*« IIIIM 101- 3 Cltvttond 410 00* l»t- J E-Keutrtger DP—Seattle 3 LOB- TtrMitt t«0 1 17 III- 4 Swttie I. Chicago 7 M-Nonrodny. Mev E-Cloncv. Griffin DP-CltvflO 1 er HR-Sodernolm(25) SB—Crut.Moil- LOB-Cleveland 10. Toronto 7 2B- nora S-Crui. Broun JNorrtj. Bochtr. HowtH. Bowling SB-' IP H R ER Bl SO Thornton S-Otivtr Att»mW,1M3> 7 3 1 1 3 J R ERBB SO Bomo I 1 0 0 0 I rlW 5 1-3 3135 Froit(L.M) 7 )0 3 3 t I 12-3 122 2 1 I Verrtoeven : HIM Clancy (L>f) 1 11 3 S Sov«~Romo (H) WP—Romo HBP — Wlllii S M 3 0 By Abbott fZljk) BvAbDoHfSoderftolml VuchOvlcri 3 3 0 T-l 33 A-».tS3 Sove-Woift (31 WP-Ctancy. WIIMj, Camper HBP-By Vuckovich (Kendain By Vuckovlch (Thornton) T-!M A- Tl 77 7H Mr h bi RoystrTb S 1 2 I Rose3b 3 0 10 Bono«ilrf 13 3! Capillop 0000 SAN DIEGO SAN FRAN Mtrnwill 1110 Sumerspn 1 0 0 0 0 Ob r hbi ab r n t> Montrtiib S011 AToresp 0 0 0 D GRnrdilb 4 0 4 0 Thomerry Oakland oio i IO i i l- i The time to act is HR-GBr»«(n) SB-Remy 5F-O1li TMOS OO S o JO oo«- i who you want to pay and how much and we will han- IP M R ER BB SO E—Keovgh,Pkelo(o.Newmon,K5ml»n, HortilUL.Ull 0 7 7 7 14 Tyrorte.McKlnney DP-Ooklond2.Te«Os dle everything. LenrdlW,30-13) • A 0 0 1 9 3 LOB-Ooklond S. Texas 6 2B-tte WP-L«orwrd3 T-1 SS A-77.404 vocqua. Sonoulflen. LMurroy, Newman. Plcclolo HR-joroemen2 (I) flow-V—will pay your credit cards, your utilities, your City Federal Savings and Loan Association IP H R ER BB SO PHIL* KeoughlL.t-3) 4 6 7 4 3 7 loan payments, your department store charges—yes, « rhbl Lonaford 4 1112 4 Co»r)7b 4000 Mori In d 400 0 P0lonl(W.M| S 6 4 4 11 even your monthly mortgage or rent. We'll even for- NOW Account Center PaplSb 0 00 0Bowau 7 7 7 0 Moret 4 6 3 3 3 1 Speltru 7 0 0 0 10 0 0 Save-Moret (41 T-7 » A-S,77f. ward a check to you at anytime, just tell us how much. Dawwnct 4 0 0 0DJhnmJb 3 13 1 K-MART PLAZA — ROUTE 3? Ptreilb 100 0 FAdwt2b 10 0 0 & BETHANY ROAD MINNESOTA MILWAUKEE Whlttlt 1 000 JhtttWrt 3 117 EVltnert 4 00 0Hetonerlb r h bl ob r h bl f-eliminates envelopes and stamps ... check HAZLET NEW JERSEY 07730 4 0 10 Bntchir NOW- Carftrc 327 1 »cf 0 0 0 0 1 Cooperlb 4)40 Ptrlioft 4 110 Dovlilf Duttp 0000 Huttonlf 117 0 0 O J 0 00 writing and trips to the post office. You simply call us, Carewlb 4 7 3 1 Jaihuad Porrlthpli 1010 Boonec 3000 4 0 0 0 Gentlemen: SIM Leicnorf Umertf 4 0 0 0 Foortc 10 0 0 tell us who to pay, how much and when should we 3 111 Moneylb nu D Enclosed find check for $ Mctnlnft 3 113 Mor»on3b 3 0 10 KmickOi 10 11 2000 Cbrjtjnp 7 0 0 0 3 0 0) Bondodh make payments. One short phone call takes care of it Wolf** 40 00 MrlK t 000 Vckvchph 10 0 0 4 0 0 0 Younttl 4 0 0 0 McGrwp Gomcfli 4 12 1 Gontnrlb as the opening deposit in my new NOW account. 4 0 0 0 all. Gorberp Brgmnc 4 0 10 wonifdir I 10 00 Total J2 3 * J Total Oulrkpfi d PlBase send me more inlormalion. Moorec 10 0 0 Honeye 10 0 0 Montreal 01003000 0- 1 If-you'll be able to make withdrawals and cash Krkptklb 10 1 0 NOW- PhUodflpnlo 3 0 1 i 1 0 0 0 »- 1 NAME M * 10 4 Total 10 00 E-Hormon, Mockonln DP-Montreal 11 1 73 checks at more than 2,000 participating financial- in- 1100 0 11 1 ADDRESS 1 LOI-rAAonrr«il4. Phflodelphlo 5 3B- MJhinNkii* 010— * Bowo, DJotinson, Huflon, Corter HR — 10 0 10 0 010-7 stitutions across the nation. I Carter (31), Mockonln O>. Jonnttone CITY STATE OS) SF-Johnstorw 1 LOB-Mlnwiola 7. Milwaukee t 3B- P H R ER BB SO Hlile. Cooper 3B-Perlo»o, FOrd HR- PHONE Rogeri(L,17-le) • I S 4 I 6 Lmono (21) SB-Cooptr. Corew. Hlsle LATER—you'll be able to write checks on your NOW Out* 7 10 0 10 5F~A«ney, Bostock. Kuilck. ! SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Critnui(W,1t-«l 7 3 3 3 3 3 . IP HUH IB $0 account and continue to earn interest. McGrow 1 0 0 0 0 1 T •'.,,,, ,* '7231 1 10 0 0 0 *•'!>) 7 10 6 I 2 4 $ a v f-Gorfter (It). WP-Rooer», 7 0 0 0 3 0 ChTttnwn T_7:O7 A-2S.413. -veri. ERdrfQuei T-2I7.A- ' Phillipsburg, Perth Amboy / Parsippany / North Newark / North Elizabeth / New Providence / Morristown / Moorestown / Menlo Park /