William Tilden Wins Stirring Battle on Tennis Courts at Forest Hills Giants Require Quaker City Player Mays Proves Good Things Uncorked Facts and Fancies But Fifty Seven An _By LOUIS LEE ARMS__ Reaches Semi-Finals Iron Man On Track at SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y Aug. 30..In the eastern skies last Minutes to Win Saratoga night there was a brilliant display of heat lightning. Thousands For Red Sox stood on the streets and marvelled at it. Unfortunately it did not Murray Also Works His Way Into Same Round His Overdue. Win Fourth fast long en°ueTh to put up a grandstand and sell ticket?. It was too bad. by Ticket and Star Ben, Horses Long to tourist Polonious Perritt and Defeat of Niles."Meteor" Boston Pitcher Wins Two B'it this is one of the Tew opportunities take the sportive Jack Will Clash With and Fifth Races. Anchored by .hat Saratoga has overlooked. There may yet be found a way to make Coombs in Snappy Lieutenant Voshell This Afternoon Games From Lcnnie boat lightning pay. Everything else does. Mack's Athk-tics Weight He Carried and Finishes Third "Saratoga," said a gentleman in the lobby of the hotel. "Saratoga is Pitching Duel town in the United State? for one month of the year. If By Fred Hawthorne the trimmingest BOS H '. > 7 30 Cm Ma By W. J. Macbeth want a stamp in Saratoga you've got to buy it out of a machine that William T. Tilden, 2d, of Philadelphia, in the most ed for the iron :h »OU stirring battle of 80..In the vernacular of the so called Charles A. .e nr: ri ¦» ' SARATOGA, N. Y. Aug. turf, one cent on the transaction. There is a battalion of lawyers here By Taylor the court.-' seen in this country since that memorable winning I .: ime pockets struggle between '-header were on that it is a man's to ^ake his brother It t.'ok the iants only fifty-seven Maurice K. and agai "¡rood thing's" that have been bottle«! up all the meeting uncorked at exist upon the proposit duty McLoughlin Norman E. Brookes, in the phia. : first a hat minutes to beat t.hc Dodgers yesterday matches Davis Cup game tvas Bost. rui the track this afternoon. Perhaps it was the heavy track that take him good." of 1914, defeated Walter Merrill Hall, Middle States ayi ay, 12 to 0, an ti»'» s« a helped and afternoon al the Polo Grounds. The champion, pitchei to them or be it was the influence that th© will In other words, to reach Saratoga from New York City you take the by a score of 3.6, 6.1, 5.7. 7.¦.">, 6 1, in the fifth lays, cvei bring may patent meeting »core was 1 to 0. if the McGra men round of the annual than ii the opener, was a win- and th.it owners must hasten if wish the back it is neces¬ national lawn tennis ¦¦ er i', end to-morrow the they to get boat and a thousand dollars to Albany. Going only had same singles tournament ri y and J ¦i-i; m, t to 1, i ight displayed the snap a few championship yesterday after¬ rhe co u* to take the night boat. weeks the» Cobs would not noon, at the West Pide Tennis Club of Forest Hills. sary ago Chicago GA.VIB or second reason or are gad here. The match was started Whether it was the first both, deponent sayeth Our wise men from Long Acre Square very, very up be dusting of!" their uniforms prepara¬ at the point where the rain of com¬ 'HILAD! IA \ toa'l n \ Thursday T it. certain: Ticket and Star two horses have been when break to Dats w th the Red Sou a with but this ia Ben, that and pelled sei re u .¦- haven't been breaking right, tilings don't right tory crossing postponement, the standing at 6.3, 7.5 on aon. rf f i« Things the 1.6, sets, long overdue won the fourth and fifth races, respectively, to the wise man from Long Acre Square is basted, and when be is busied he is for the bip; honor? next week. Tin» games at, 3.2 and the» points at "deuce," in Hall's favo-, great the with Tilden : and the financial of the of bank rolls. He wouldn't bet that the elm trees aid on metaphor may be faulty, but the fact serving. After the sixth Tilden their backers depression layers suspicious. along Broadway winning game, dropped the next two and * It ra;»:cd lust and this remains, the score stood at 5.3 airain^t him. with the heavily night, the level Polonious Perritt, who fell into evil points r.t 30. 15. Hall ?torm, landing on top of the previous who 'em so close to his chest that he has needed only two for the and he was Old Jim McGuire. playô ways when .lohn .1. needed him points match, playing such a flawless one, made the track deep and heavy of worst just irame. worn the buttons off his vest, says this has been one the very of moet. was the winning pitcher in yes¬ driving passing Tilden continually when the latter attempt! Captain Ty Cobb with mud the slowest of the meeting. for the wise man from Long Acre terday's abbreviated combat. Only reach the net. that, it did not .-.eem within the The time» in each rac.» showed that the all possible years Square. two hits did Polen.-cus altow, Jake bounds of possibility for Soon to "Go Over" "I've seen many of them come and po this season;" says Jim. "They Daubert and Wheat the the national clay court champion to stave off what looked like course was ahout nina seconds slow Zach, being ineviti le WASHINGTON. Aug. 30 . start out here on an à la carte basis and finish with a bowl of soup." lucky fellows, defeat. ^ \ to the mile.». This meant that only Poll's opponent on the mound was IL \i Captain Tyrus Raymond those that It is sworn to by the critics here that this meeting has been particu¬ But just here r"'.e im-io?H¡h!e hap-< strong-limbed horses, pos¬ old Jack Coombs, ami Jack deserved a Cobb, recently commim- sessed in addition to larly conspicuous for the inept manner in which it has beim run. Bad better fate. The Colby "grad" held the pened in fact, it happened twice.for sttength speed, (liants to seven scattered and rush to t.np. net a sioned in thee Chemical Warfare had the best chances to win. bad and an uncommon amount of juggling are alleged. bingles, Hall, ng In smash starts, judging for eight stanzas the 'liants and wealv .lob of Tilden's, the ball Told in Base, i iff Service, was to-day ordered to r«a- Ticket possesses these essential qual¬ an of but it seems run- missed Figures ...:.ff nnitign has been from epidemic burglars, Dodgers were equally remisa in - Saratoga suffering the score niicsoi . 5 to Major Gen¬ ities. He has always been a noted making, and it looked like» an extra- completely, making point ....! May » i'-.r. . port September half of them are at night. >son "mudder." well known that only working inning affair until the Giants brokf 30 all. Still flustered by the loss of NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP SINGLES bs Mas. foutu» ull i?r eral William L. .Sibert, director of Because of his are and as as usual. An average tout can loose ninth. Fourth SB».' \D ..A Mr. for the he was Tips everywhere expensive in the v/hat should have been a certain point, round Ichira ¡\umnirae defeateel the service of the army, for in¬ liking mud, heavily to the in a half hour. Doyle opened the final frame vit h a Boats C. Wrlaht, «3.10. 6 3.3 6.6 t. 6 2. ga» backed to win the Cohoes whisper his way from Canfield's old place postoffice Hall's heart mu3t have been broken Fifth round Ruben Cobb will be Handicap, single to right. Fletcher bunted 3afely feated L.indley Murray ds>- structions. Captain the featur» event of card. is essentially the of the whisper. Even such forthright citizens and on when Tilden won the next on a X^tlinniel W. Nilvs. 7 r.. 6 4. 2 8, the Among This city reached second O'Màra's poor point 7 5: William T. 2d. assigned to the office of General and others have become afflicted. throw to first. Doyle sped to third on Tilden, defeated Walter the five contestants was Exterminator, as Colonel Ed Curley, Old Bunk Macbeth wonderful full-volley, backhand shot Merrill Mail. 3 6, 6 '.5 7. 6 1. a brief for the error. Heinie Zimmerman was Sibert here for period nner of the He, will take a week after this meeting's close for them to regain their from close» to the net. sending the bail JUNIOR NATIONAL Derby. It purposely passed, filling the sacks. CHAMPIONSHIP instruction in his future duties too, is a but as he carrieei I.:,.-?, into Hall's court at an mudlark, voices. Pete Compton then banired a v.crie to unplayable SINGLES of the United i.'. across with the» gres fighters pounds, top weight, and was asked chance this is not the city of it is the city of IF. left, which brought Doyle the a ngle Semi-final round llnre.ld I,. I'aylor de¬ If by any whispers plat? with the biyr run. feated «>rnld i;m«»rsiin. 5 4, 6 S. 6 ', States Army. After completing to concedo many pounds to Ticket, th«e between the wise men from From h a mom mt the com plexi on ¦lohn Henn^nsev- defeated K. C. That single word is the only thing that stands The two hits off Perritt cam.» in the Simmoni. *his instruction, the former De¬ Derby winner been me a lukc- . of (he match Til¬ 6- 2, 6 2. 6 4. 4 24 I« 1 real« .' only men out. changed completely, ¦-'¦ If or that seventh inning after two .Un loi .- Long Acre Square and a million dollars. this hadn't happened troit baseball star \ ill probably warm favorite, while Andrew Miller's Jake Daubert made *!:<' first v. u le; aking f. :¦. game i in a row for VETERANS* NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP Philadelphia i else would have been lovely yesterday, and if this or that hap¬ to and Zach Wheat fo!-> be sent to France for duty. little colt was hacked from 9 to 2 everything single right, he set at 7 -5, bringing the n itch all SINGLES down 11 we will all be that is if nothing that is ¡owed with another blow to the same Third rnnnd (,. to to 6. to-day capitalists, happens square. In in.» (ii .: set he Frederick Anderson de¬ pens field, which Daubert on second 3¡mply feated I.. W. ( me. 4 it does we will ]f»se. and we can't win if we lose. put S. 6 -V. 6 3; Ross Hürden for Exterminator unexpected. If Every¬ Daubert advanced to third on Young* i ni o the re .i his oppoi.ent, p .vus: with Burchard dele-aud Or. V,'. T. Stephen», 6 ¦'.. a 6 1: Kdwin C. Sb.»niV upon IF. It is the -pina! vertebras of the racing lexicon. fumble. Hi Myers was dead loss in .. n »: ít and ,¡ world f confi- defeated C. I. Post, The weight fatly anchor«»d Extermi¬ thing depends the his best effort speed J'.. I r.. t> 2. 7 5. so that a man can't the doors crisis, being a; :. in Semi final nator. H- run under a with his The hotels are crowded get through to Zimmerman, which was whi reas Hall, ."tunned by the round Frederick '¦¦ Anderson pull, grounder evon from Dr. Willard Travell by défailli. head fur a mi'ie. Just as without squeezing a banknote out of his pocketbook. They still believe easily turned info an out. sudden turn of a tide that was swe« p Kiviat Beaten nodding, was the Hens- NATIONAL SIN- ask-e»d him t'> th.» is essential here. The sugar regulations are meticulously ob¬ Captain Arthur Fletcher ¡ng him to defeat, could never get h ¦.. CHAMPIONSHIP Knapp to go front dancing slugger of he trame, as he» was the GLES Reds Blank Cubs rickct moved on the outside with are until 2 a. m. líame worked un to the same high pitch up served, although bars open only player to get two hits. Fletch Final round Vincent Hii-hard« «defeated i; M VGO a ihar t i. Aug. iieir.nal rw-U from last place and Rondage race come to a close to-morrow. It singled in the sixth with no results,' had distinguished earl the Abraham Bassford, .r!. 6 ¿. 9 7, 7 j. led hits bel I In World Record This largest of all meetings will ig erratic closed on the munie. Between this but his hunt in the ninth helped m a t c h. F\THER AND SON NATIONAL rand ij to 0. one month to count another to finish laughing, and CHAM¬ r will take Saratosra up. mightily in winning the ball ¡rame. Mil le kept Ch ca iro's scat pa Exterminator was squeezed to do n to Now in Semi-finals PIONSHIP DO! BLES it will for 1919. Fletcher furnishes big contrast vas g v«n - rt '«»a-. Ticket opened up a winning gap, then prepare on the» First round Hr. I.inn Emerson and Gerald perfect pp« the other Giants. He is job Tilden'«! him in tha INXATl N I..) 'HL a«;.. -, in which Bondage tried to cut placed Emerson defeated !.. \V. Paris overcome, victory French lnd Race J. H. every minute, even if a reamo requires lemi-final bracki in the lower half, French, 3 6. ô 2. 6 2. fa d 120 minutes, or 57 minutos, an yester¬ Semi final round A. H. Chapín and A. H. Knapp, after finishing third with Ex- day. and the other player to work his « hapin. jr.. defeated W. D. Hadsell and E. F. rtator, complained to the stewards -..i. same was Lind- Hadsell, 6 6 2. Has Time in The score the round Robert I, The news arrived yesterda; from that Ticket had foule«! him on the turn Johnson M-7W YOHR V. T. for Easy BROOKLYN S. I. 1« .- California ° hnmc The stewnrds sent for Pa the Ar.»l R. ab r h one ab r h o a » Murray, spectacular if ... match ra bn»wr«»n -' .«¦ * o 1 trol and he declared th»* Winston i 0 0 I n 0 Burns, ß o 0 who defeated Nathaniel W. the man, whom he -, Judge Hall, .« '.il i o "Meteor," that Boston de K nt, the amateur of the Irlsh- oison -s i l « Young, rf t was not at fault. Iri the long ¦. '." the Dauben Ib 0 0 '. 2 n :>¦ 7» 4 11 lin at 5, 6.4, 2 6, 7 ".. Murray feated, by way. in the final .¦-.-.-. A, C. »rid holder of the of 7; ai 2 0 0 c J 0 J 1 3 " ry racine here Judge Hall the Yankee Team Z. Wheat :.' Fletrher will of the national "patriot c" tournament roíala \- 11 o r ta -, i 4 .: is Trimming Mvnrq -f 3 0 9 -, n 0 Zhn'man, 3b « il n 2 0 and Lieutenant S. Howard Voshell vorld's amateur record for the 1,500 never saw but one foul, end then he last was more on .iinati n rt 3h 3 11 o 12 1 fernipt. If. 4 0 1 o 0 year, than his match o ¡20 the» (VMara " « n meet th s afternoon at » o'clock ¡n the -' ) o o (I «i the blamed wrong horse. This is a Doolati 2b 3 0 0 0 11 Klrke, II... 3 11 1 ground cokes, c called upo.n metres, and Jean Vermeleun, mat o 3 0 1 2 n » ' ter of record. .f.lier .-. 3 0 0 110 McCarty, to into the final round. "¦".'¦ t. SI lg« o Sani« - i 0 0 ! struggle fret, tremend et game and his fie French champion, and, -, 0 O'Porriu. 3 1 0 professional Star p .) Il p.. service to Ben was selected In the fifth Senators Hit Finneran Hard Phillies and Braves Tiiden will have a day of rest to-day, pull him throug Niles be leath f Jean Bouin, regarded nice to the of TotaU --0 n 2 «21 12 ?, Tota 31 ! 7 27 10 1 and with wonderful ac¬ carry coin the wise men while ichiya K imagae, of Japan, and fought coolly as the fastest pedestrian alive. of the paddock. He was backed from Double-Header run made n n n n o.fl Lyle F.. Viahan meet the fifth -.vus like th v .:.! am1 ill ill, 4 aa .. ¦¦« '. Fai -i> distance selected was 2,50o P.mot i. Murray going PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 30..Philadel¬ at '.: o'clock this afternoon to decide was seemed to affect him to such an extent No« V rr!« .000000001.1 always pressing the al metres and the Frenchman won by a that he was Beaten 6 to 1 and Boston, a Double Play- 'Henn and vaux, s h u occupy the vacant semi-finul fairly intoxicated with joy phia split double-header Twoiuto hit.Burei.i. The feature matches for to day fol after a the when he left Dauben. IWt .m bases.No« l'or*. 8; Brooklyn bracket. The winner will face Tilden 1:30 Big League Stars in yard frightful struggle, the paddock for the pa¬ to-day. The Phillies won the first buae ..n «rrror Ne',v Tork, Bas.-s on low: p. m., final round of national to l. Ptrut. :i on afternoon, with the final crowd of 40,000 persons actually going rad,» the post. He and game, 1 to 0. in the ninth on baila -«.fl" Cootnüs, 2. Hit* Off e'oninbi 7 In Monday junior championship, Harold L. Tayl praneced inning .. Serie3 danced and then to ijinlmn fJiru.'K out.By Perrllt, 2. by Coombs, round match for the championship vs. John '2:','i in., Shipyards wild at the fin sh. It was reported that tried run away. WASHINGTON, Aug. 30. Walter Meusel's double and Cravath's single Tim»--77 minutes. for afternoon. Hennessey; p. Ichiya PHILAl Luck:¡y Taplln was able to control after two were out. Fortun was hit scheduled Tuesday Kumagae vs. Lyle E. Mahan; 1 r m KLPH1A, Aug. 30. Former mor« than half of the spectators were him, Johnson «ras in rare form to-day, with defeated the veteran inter¬ ¡g eague stars nr.» tn and this saved the bag of beans from hard in the second game, and Boston Kumagae Robert I.indley Murray vs. Lieutenant expected par¬ American soldiers, and there is further At the result that succeeded S to ;i. He nine nationalist. Beals ('. Wright, yesterday, S. Howard Voahell, ticipate in a series of ve jrair.es for being; spilled. the barrier Taplin Washington won, gave» bases on of th'» fact that a lot of to bails. The scores: in the continuation of their unfinished tho baseball championship of th« At¬ mention money manage«! aniicipate the start, and, in »Tening th« aeries with New York in .- his match of Thursday, by a score of 8-s 10, lantic ast hipbi ding yards to bo ihanged hands over the» defeat of rushing horse away on hi» toe», the second game her« to-day. The score FIRST GAME Motor Boat 6.3, 3.6. 6.1, tí. 2. They began play played at the Polo New kept him in front to the end. Grounds, York, Kiviat. The time was 7:20 1-5 second!*, fi to error Lavan on the BOSTON (N. L... PIUI^DFTLririA IN. U) with at ft.8 on games, and National Park in this Phalaris, the favorite, was the run¬ w»a 1. An by ai. r h o a e ab r h o a « Wright leading League city. 0 as the The establishing a ne»? world record. The ner-up all the It was first batter in th« seventh enabled the Herao«:. 2r> 4 1 0 10 rtir .mft m 4 « 1 2 5 0 and for a time it seemed though Indians Take contenders will be the Harlan way. these races T.iggart. 2b. 4 0- 1 2 o 0 Williams, -f 3 0 1 2 0 (1 "old master" would com.» through ream «if the Bethlehem Steel mark was 7:21 1-5 seconds by that turned the tide in the fortunes of to »core * run and avoid a l.'liadb'rus, erf 4 íV 7» ¡ill i4iior>k. 3b. 4 0] n ¡ q Corpora¬ previous Yankees sa... 71 0 2 5 0- HasClose the title chap from the tion at it many depleted bankrolls of the faithful Terry, I I/u.tnnis. :b 4 0 0 15 0 0 Record against tricky Wilmington. Del., penna win¬ Jean Bourn in 131!. shutout. Smith, 3b.. 4 0 0 110 Me.usol, If. 4 1 .1 4 0 0 Far East. ner of th-» Delaware River band of men who refuse to back favor¬ Knnatrhy, la 4 0 0 11 1 0' CTravath. rf. 4 4 1 2 0 1) Shipbuilding Vermeleun has done his bit for the it ex- Hut after winning the third set by and either the Standard ite?. Up to the second race, when Star Tha New York batters found YVajn.BT. 4 0 2 3 0 0 Pear-e?. 2i> :) .) 1 :) o «1 Two in a Row League, Ship¬ connection with Ben RawUnâ rf í n 0 s o o Adama, .. :< o o 4 o o splendid volleying and then enjoying building team of Shootera tri-color, and in the dashed home in front, New York ?retnely difRemlt fathoming th© slant3 di le O 0 110' Company Huclolph. i'íewibgpr. r>. 3 0 0 0 3 0 Call in Detroit the customary seven minute rest pe¬ Island "r the» Morse Dry Pock Company army has ha 1 a most sensational looked many miles away. of Johnson, who his lightning wilted in the displayed Te*al» 33 0 7 Ï« «13 I, TiVaj., ,32 1 T 27 10 0 riod, Wright completely nine, Brooklyn, who are leading for career He was in his native village of Good and Bad Lock Mixed speed and curve that sped by the bat¬ last two sets, and Kurnapac, playing the championship in the New York .Tn.j out wtien winning rem >u scored. with increasing strength and accuracy From district Turcoing when th. Germans captured Good and bad luck-were mixed ters. He held the visitors to five scat- Bost/in.or; i, o ¦> o o O Tigers '¡.-ague. it on the first drive at Paris in freely o 4 0 .i 30..Misa Detroit from hack court, marched straight 1914, with Ensor's services in the New York 1'hila.iejphi». n o o 0 o 1_i DETROIT, Aug. u be unable to the tered hits, and only three won to victory. Old to rig gam French third race, a dash cf five and Two-base hito.Williams, Meine:. Stolen b«*«v- 111, of the Detroit Yacnt Club, through Rivals Meet a one-half men to reach second. Cliadbiirna. Saerrflloe i h William». Vincent Richard.-, national doubles lines, with comrade, made his escape for managed |wn,hi, PUv . turlongs two-year-olds. He rode a I.udoru». ...uier'.f'. nui Ui lerus le-J:. heat for the gold To-morrow afternoon, at r« Belgium and and on base-e_ the first thirty-mile retained his title as national DETROIT, Aug. 30..Cleveland won Olympic igh Holland, masterly race on a Joe Finneran waa found for eleven Bon-un 7. PàUadclphla, G First t.aw- on error champion, Field, those two oldtime ;ind bitter made his way via to Paris, Thistledon, saving I. Base» un cup on the Detroit River by defeating England great deal of solid hits the who were Philadelphia hall «iff e>««irri*e.' challenge boy champion yesterday both games of a double-header with De¬ rivals, the Giants and tie been wounded twice and out ground and snatching vic¬ by Senators, Struck out By Ru.iolph. 2. . P 5 ;i !.. o 0 eFlUawald ; o o o o o miles hour. John Hennessey of Indianapolis, mg jockey and the assistant. Starter Cas¬ a to Shotton ne missed which Carroll Jones gave eight bas« hy Schulte and pa«3 gave ». lams, c... «i o o i i r, have to drive hard to lead worked their into the final round sidy then showed his three run« 2 course at an way on authority by sus¬ Washington a safe start of Fortune, p. 110 10 rhe record, doing the of the tourney and will meet balls. The scores SARATOGA, TWENTY-SIXTH DAY, AUGUST 30 pending Ensor for the remainder of in the added two ;1I'>FK 0 o 0 ü .1 an hour flat. juniors' the first. Washington i> e. 0 o average of 59 miles at for the FIRST GAME meeting- and for the Jacobs, 0 o 9 this afternoon 1:30 o'clock WEATHER i meeting at Bel- more in the third on Foumier's error Miss Minneapolis, representing the in veterans' title CT.ICVEJ.AM' \ 1. DKTROrr A !.. (LEAK; TRACK HEAV mont Park. Totals 36 S 12 27 6 championship, the al r .. -i i* ah r h ¿t - on Schalters and singles 0| Totals ..33 3 11 »26 14 Boat Club, finished second. r IKPT RACE for and a. pop fly by Minneapolis event, Frederick G. Anderson, the fam¬ He«.-lifr. rf. .- 0 i I) » 'i Rush, s.< i) ; 2 e) 2 550 Imlng; three-year-olds upward; J862.50 lead. 'ne at.a. ai poet But Cassidy so .1 learned that his an m ,. - lavan, Fester and Shanks. The locals .«TThadbourne out, hit by H<... » a ... K. .1 no», lb -t a 0 0 3 Start gexsd W ¦, east lila e same Time, I 4" Winner, b. g.. ball averaging ous old "war horse" of the courts, went m M.-: Be -u authority to inflict a scored another in the fourth, with ?Batted rotr Ii-mm hi eichth toning' 49 I miles an hour in her first .liapman s« I 0 'i 2 ', 0 .1 b rf e 0 II 2 .1 Drain« r .i si ,i. suspension only tBatted r,- Fortui « In eighth showing into the final bracket und on Monday Ppuakor .¦'¦ 0 0 Veaeh, If. :i U ¦) 'J 0 extended for the meeting in operation. Baker off a one with a Inning. '. It ::,; -, was shutting second Bmtnn 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 lap will meet the: winner of to-morrow's Wood, If.. 4 I 1 3 II .;.«>.l«gs 3 II ... 11 0 0 Fin pen. High. Close I'.a.-o. sh He then content to give Ensor one 2 1_I i 0 0 U ¦. fine peg to the home plate. Philadelphia o u o ,. o ,, ilinstc.il. lb 12 Ha per 10 i 0 o Then j> 5 ó match between Roas Burchard and Ed- ¡'..r. 2li.. 4 I 3 2 2 II Vltl lb :i 1 1 '. 3 1 5 3 2 3-10 1-3 4 day. another obstacle presented NUW TfJRK A h WAS1ÍIVOTOV A. I. Two-base ¦j El « hits- Chadboumo. :. . Devine (c.,, ,., .,,., Boote to Coach Wesleyan for the title. the Bvai 10 12 2 0 Spei L-er .: 0 >i 5 4 ' B-8 itself. Ensor had been to ride » r o win C. Yes. engaged tt> r ;, r, t. al> h t. . ¦lUwüugt. Tsggarr .2.. Sheafe, .. !'..¦¦-. s inu 5 7 8 -valtan rf 4 2 1 M.) Terry, rv..n«iwiy rvavatn win Mai 4 0 112 0 un limn .. 10 10 4] ;i 2 1 Hannibal in the rich Stakes 4 10 1 0 erHhixtnn, If.. Stock. Sacrtfleo hits CTravatli, VVUliams «aeriiiii Conn.. Aug. 30..The .'war horse" expects to the vets' Córele» lu y 4 0 i) 0 u \\ ,,«.( ru McAtee andall Mouse!. Double MIDDLETOWN, «.Val morrow and was Hi-«- .¦¦> U>... 71 1 1 il 1 0 «Hays.Konetoh fact that is to have honors. brought up here from 4 0 117 0 J-Kig»». anil fterry; I.udcnis Ilaneroft-aiKl Ludorus M nu Wesleyan planning II rtitl Bflmont Park under ITitt. üb. 1 M ¡ I 0 Milan, cf. 3 11 2 0 1 sol a-. ! Divine, le", on base* B team this in of Président R. T. 0 «rtori a PMI« a fo< tball fall, spite Tiliien Looks Nervous r'^imlnr ¡b 4 t : » o i K.-h'.i!t-« rf. 4 11 2 0 «teiphia. ... KlTlt basson --,¦ .«-s n.«i.m ¦'¦ Ha«?. on men made the Wilson, jr.'s, orders. When Trainer -.' 4 0 1 .) o rihinxs, 2l> 4 «> 1 5*0 on bail».«rjW 4. the heavy drain by nevvou but. ¡Jï«t«. | Haï,,,. .ff l'.,-.,..i.. ;, off'jaoùh« Tilden locked i, deter¬ Pu lui ;.-..'.:'..'-: iiiime Healy learned that Ensor had been of - i" ''.'i'-Kh. cu 4 i} <) 7s i \ Ijivan, «o. 4 0 1 15 1 Hits.Off Fortune, .2 ... 3 lit h war, is shown by the appointment -.,. »n j.. -,..,..- i ipn Sa '-e ground fast Innings mined, when lie started service from a 6 i»w ¦¦».' , an vt- on the a I .! ! 2 z 0 c 4 1 2 4 1 «i r,lu*w- By against l.efl ...- c the final placed ground by Starter Cas- g*Bll*h, Air./«ml«.h. Itajfoi» (William Strtek ,,., , Edward S. Boote, 1920, of Fast Orange, lolmstoi «veland, i: lietrol Land Lubi or rinr.írjn. r>. 11))" 0 Jihrnoo. p. 4 0-' 13 0 Uigoi*. ... by Fortuno. 4 Hall on the "championship" ap¬ Firsl as« ."¦¦ ¦.>rs levniuicl drive stoi td he and losing pitcher.Fortune N. J.. as of the team. Boote ccjjrt, First ba. sidy. got busy told Cassidy of captain parently realizing the size of the task Mi lit uni ïliai S! ru -., oui H, un SECOND H A «17 PHK ril.l.W A Kli TKEPI.E'JHASB HANDICAP; for the engagement to ride ÏWSli Î3 ; -, M ¡s J, T<*a¡» Ti» 6 12 27 14 1 i as been named Dr. Fauver, ?irbam, .'¦ üw .-s.oe 551 »e..lng, L-j-ee-year Hannibal. by Edgar by .-. cl ar A . Viw that faced him. lie vecju the game, .Ids up« 5' ,: eg At, i«n one minute: ott at :e 29 Start Cassidy saw a Ti»* i)t>00»100 0.l \'io is to coach 'he team, to succeed SECOND GAMK Won driving ina.-e eaaii * 7.-: ¦dricn i.aúv Alan thereupon great light. 1 0 0 0 0 x -1 Engineers' Country Club bringing the carnes to 3-all, but Hall «»wt.er f. He is a and as ^MhlnrJT, .1 i> i Ait' u i- of N. .-I.K\ KI.AM. A. I-, A .. Clsrli '!'. aiiiia >\ l- diplomat such realized Racrlrlc* Markthaler, Elizabeth, was not to be turned as de from the DETROIT I« it never to T*«>-yu» Uta.Jadas Misa, Hyi« as the men last. would do offend the main ¿irrV.rt, Doubl« relay Offers Golf Attraction J wl elected by to without a it'^-Ju.1», ity-^üso. that leads '¦ -.nana» baue» 1 in the path victory 1 11» (In key «»prn. High. CIo«e Place. Bh. prop of the .Saratoga Racing Associa¬ to Ut»;, ir, J ..¡ta. IxrTt. on -N»w Trie; fall t who left college spring bitter and he won the seventh tion. :,'."*¦ «, Washing! o, < rirv. bt-wi nn rr-rve^ Knjfineers' Country Club, a to e Aviation Corps. Boote will fight, >j .» Wi lams ¦1 7 2 18 .1 1 _.w!r.B«r. 2, \.-» T-vrV 1. n**» rx: l>a. s -off Roslyn, L. t., has arranged u jo*, and eighth games by the most power¬ I 2 «Trawl 1 14-0 1-3 How could he the iff III'. rrr l«y specis he a this fall and played on the " sidestep dilemma ^.»ierran, »; Jrjfmv»-.. 1. i.tt.-hc-r- for junior ful deep court Tracked up by » I'aylor in ¦vjunr, H.-r,»-... Streck oui. Kr Johnson. 5; golf programme Labor Day. Ther at fullback last season and .luJ driving, 41 ar -, Llghi 4 4 4 Campbell which he was placed by the suspen¬ will b«- an 'varsity overhead sion of play. ... ;. 18-hole and splendid .-.,",. .. Ensor? A r.ci.'.pfin. handicap a Re most of the punt ing-, Kn .in -, .¡- ...... ai »> Havel-, sain the remainder of hippy thought.he Cross handicap. Ch.e Middle States champion wa; had not entered the in aces with remark¬ suspension the During the» month of e-orr scoring placement HACE T ... -or book. Star Athlete» Enter September Fails to Show- able the ball down C'2 THIRD o Id «.:.-. Fire and a half furlongs. At poet secretary's It was, therefore, net petitions will be held for the g, If con Langford regularity, shooting two minutes .fl al art i ¦ .. \\ dug piare same Time. 1 i;*s. Winner, br. a suspension, He then called ihe lines as y .lámbala V!., ei; officially. mittee prize, the qualifying rounds t Sam Lang'.'ord failed to keep his ap¬ side Tilden c:yne charging Owner It P Wlls Prainer, T .1 .lealrj- it off, and Ensor will be able to ride The Caledonian Games be played on Saturdays and w:,f- Wills at ir.e for the ne'. .Not in years had Hal! B.'-tli.g Hannibal. Sundayi pointment Marry ternis that Fin Jo-key Hl*h. Cloee Pla.e. Almost athlete of The match play for the lower sixtee fc» -all last displayed the sterling he .-.or..lan»l.- . . . S « t 1 1 0.4 All's well with every prominence ¦Jersey City grounds at 2S Thlstled -ii 1% Enser-. 5 2 11-8 1 to-night Cassidy. Wil¬ will take in October. o showed against Tilden this stage of Detroit . 0 1 0 i o u o u ¦). j 2-S son, ¦a the Metropolitan district has ontered place night, where the- iv big negroes were ".20 Bright Uglii» .1 S Healy and Ensor. the match. Two i.n.ie ..:.¦ ïallo Stolen bas« O'Neill '. luneed Troiler 'or 'he of New York scheduled to box in the main bout. .: 7 The meeting ends to-morrow, with annual games the The looked a beaten ñutan fumer, Wood Rain« .::< Vesper Fiour KaúaUáS »- ', as Philadelphian llan.or (2), Vltt. Doeibl/i lia.'. a-.| J iluiä the worth at Mas- Women Act Caddies man for Hall \vn.- plaj* StmnlngdaJe M rfeswor 3 Hopeful Stakes, $30,000, the Caledonian Club Juniper Parle, then, clearly outplay¬ -,.i! I.i.ft .... baaea tTlerOajid 11: Denrott, u. 4.1 !. i" feature. Rain Halts Grand Circuit .' Lyka 6 i This is the richest two-yea P«th, L. !., to-morrow. À notable foat- MANCHESTER, Vt. Aug. río.- Th ing him and was forcing the issue with 1-..L-..-H on ¡..i..» Off lorn», S .IT Bagbj 5 -¦ I- old event of 'ire StrucK oui llv Jones '.' by Ilaí*>i 7 Paí-wl --¦. I,ai it the year, exceeding t.;e of the affair will be tho apj>earanco chief event on the Iiorso't. Field ac- a world of confidence. Just when those .- Clu READVILLE, Mass., Auff. 30..On ,.i fella 42Ü Brother Madman Futurity in value. All the best colts '/ s number «,f men in the uniform of links this season started fo-day as Re count of the conijhion of the in the stands, nnil they were openly for 71 8-5 muddy riilstledon broke ? enl around the field eleaed fast n a and fillies, with the of oftele foi now there are a Cross with a roun wore were to see Tilden the stretch won «tolr.g aerar exception Billy Sam, just Benefit, «rfualifying track, the Grand Circuit race<¡ post¬ Ha'!, prepared go flnleh«! Vounwd r.i l>u( i «. Saratoga Entries Bright Lights speed tliered through ...; by Bright Kelly and Dunboyne, will star*. The of local athletes doing their eighteen holes, which was won h poned until to-morrow. The first race» down to defeat, came the lightning Igl tl distance is six work in the different tratn- Richard D. W.-lliarr at in the match and the or FIRST H Air furlongs.. preparatory Campbell, former will be started noon, to permit of turning ceo foi RTii ha'Tj.-the cohoss Haxdicap ,r II ree » i The m ' change V,*J -:i.-»aJd. tl 29-77 .',0 ad.lxl. Saratoga Cup, at a mile and six ng camps the East. with TO, Tho ladies the -J events as the ide. i: à. ' ollege golfer, running off postpon ¦IT«) mile and a quarter AI poet one nilnu tt' a: Start fair Won .aa'.ir place the race ' ¦¦¦» ent re tram the Pelham the club loin« same Time : b. y »a furlongs, longest of the East, , of for the larrre Kl 12*» Wiener c, Ballot.Prit. Orna. Bay eaddied fiel well as thoso on C : regular pro¬ With Hull serving, the points stood K Whlppoiirwlll 104 *:.,lr»w MU.cr. Trr ner. A. is next in ..»»a! Station has been «ntered, and a* Threo division» qualified. at and Tilden atood to él)" Katla Cana T Maauiieracler 12! igh importance. The track is gramme. 30.15, waiting i';:' Manganese Crumpaall Hi heavy and will be at least **MI aggregation recently captured the receive, bent far forward, nlert, and 47. LTiolr Maater Sandman II 1JJ Be'tlr.g slow when Starte wt I II Jo. ¦ the is Potril of the of He lobbed to his 11H1 Sea .; .:. Bita Diuid; Dude IV» Ope-.. High. Cl-ee. P'.are Sh. race called. This may cause championship Metropolitan grim face. oppon- - A. .vcl Helen Atm... l:«7 Itiuv .1,-* .:,' Ticket '.'i'" 4» ah ! 14 Schuttlnger 71 4 11-1 4 Roarr.er to be withdrawn. If this Association of the A. U, their ap- ent's forehand and Hall, running in, 528 Bra Peddler 526« Dlmltrl .106 :.yj' Be* Ia«e 108 S 4- 2 KodrUue»-. s 2 4 S 9-1.' « should it will a P*aranee will inject »orno into hard to the far coiner of 187 Exterminator .... 11" 2V» 2" S ¦..» Knapp 1 5 3 Il-í 10 happen give "pep" smashed deep SECOND HACK- -5,Lr«!.)if» Steeplechajse ' 9- «e 7,18. 8S t 4 'r"r: » 20 hoilow varióos competition». court. sent a short tandlcap t tur real a., 1 *i».iit l-.v j Goldlng j 2« S 3 victory. Tilden up backhand upwaxd -,_L. Faire- Wanel 1934 1- -. Milglev 4 8 «-;, lob m return and the ball sailed almost id » half __« 5 «»ame here to-night to see his colt raee. Standing of Major League Clubs ,.te Ttekit found the trn -a to hi liking, moved 'ip fast In the »trefcih. to,/» »he lead and drew out. De Palma to Furnish straight upward and then dropped like idage waj »asUy a«,-.«¡.i bear. Exterminator urw! after >¡i furlonga. a the. net as it THIRD 1UCE T two u, plummet, touching iperul. year er4 FrFTH ILACTE..Seain«; for maidens three years old ar.d added in Hall's court. furlong* * upward. $882.19 Six fur- at landed -.4 :,ii-.g3 Al post lure«, minutes off at '. .>2 Start «poor ematly; place »ame Time, 1 Feature Big Games NATIONAL LEAGUE AMERICAN LEAGUE 1483) Eternal Sweep On wii.r.p Ben iy«fl :*=». The» New Yorker w.ss eager to score x-ïi C-wtnns el .-ear It-aim by Brush- Walde rVwner, rripie t'.;.ri:.^ l"ani "Valr.er, W S. Rouse International League A moniiter programm«, number.ng 'the but. he was also over-cauti- 522' War Marrol .11« r antli» «.AMES TO-DAY GAMES TO DAY "kill," .122 :¦.<* .in !>>.:» ulirty-ains even's, will termina'« the oils raised his for the W»r Pan lanl Queatlonnalr S'art-r Wt s: hi '-. S Fir, J.»«-kcy Open nigh Qoee ¡'-.ar». SI-,. Hronklt-n at Ne-w Yr>rk (two). \rw y'ork at Washinsrton. and racquet, Delaev« 541 ' Haï ni al GAMES TO-DAY ».eond field 'lay game* of the* New MoKWin at smash with perfect deliberation. Miss- Ladv -;.;. Ia4> Orlmalkln star Ben T^;::n « 4 7 I 2-4 York Police Philadelphia two). Philadelphia at Boston (two). (433) 1221 l-ha:«r.s 2 > Lyke 2 2 M Ml I Newark at Jersey City. at ir.9 Sir Barton ¦ D«-partm»nt the Sheep»- St. Louis at (Iwoi. ing it cleanly, the ball fell bark into -17 I- I« r- ixi *i : 4 18-5 .¦ hctad two mile track torn I'lltsburt/h ('Iceland at i'hicaRo. 537 Mormon 171 : ¡Cuietka MliB 6- 12 Baltimore at Ringhamton (2>. Bay Speedway Cincinnati at Chicarro. 'Tilden's court and Hall had lost the 514 Piiirr.» Wing i".-,. K.xIg.T-« F,\u;;'lrr>T 4J Praeca 211 afternoon. With a of aeldi- Detroit at St. Louis. : si Se astlai 5» An:r.-n-n I 20 Hamilton at Rochester (2). ' numbor Still at the threshold of Vlrlei US Hl l'..v 10 YESTi-RDAY-s point. victory, ¡50 Maipietlíd fl 7.^-.nv.r Toronto onal thrills reheduled, It is expected RESULTS v ESTERDAY'S in the next rOt'HTII RACE Ilia SaraUiga thre»-re»u at HufFalo. New RESULTS Hall, volleying exchange, Cup -¦.- Il ..-. oui o ' fiel "¦¦ ..«< never fhat the record ïork, I; 0. .. ., ilil» ..,..,! .»ce- mile 4 ». raught. Phalarts ajw«;.-» held !he bsJance «afe crowd of lOO.Ono which Brooklyn. _T ., . , , sent the ball at a '.ir"n.g. Point « Cincinnati. 0. * 6; Yo k. I. sharp angle» across I«¦¦ ': ,.im.-r '.-'7 (535) J.hreu113 il was a:-, easly bird Magnetite ad ...» -liante srtth ire r-»aa h- rew-eieel. ESTER DAY'S RESULTS witnessed the first meet last 5; Chira^o, ajhington Nfw the court. on Saturday, Tilelen, caught flatfootcd 529 Ticket L36| CEC SIXTH ".-. > -ear Newark, *i!l he broken. Philadelphia, I; Boston, 0. Bouton, 12; Philadelphia, 0. 000 RXCB rot old»; $«8T.5«i added Ft» ». a half furlongi At pr»t two 4; Buffalo. 2. .the centre line, lunged to the side and FIFTH FACE -Th« F. rt Edward; thrta-jBai-otilj minute»; off il s 31 Starr W^i d- fhe Hoston, 8: 8. Boston. 4; 1. ' g-od. auily pitas ng Tl-.n, 1 10H Winner, e.h. Newark. 4; Buffalo. 1. heFeaturing athletlo contests will Philadelphia, ( Philadelphia,2: sent the hall back to the op¬ a.vl upwartl handicap, telling; one ml » l.v frjcle.Planuteaa. Owner, W. R. i^oe Trainer W I! Karri. an a »tempt by de Palma, St. Loui« at Pittsburgh leveland, Detroit l of spinningthe S40 Dli'Ji Wlll'a 111 4.14 r..»T>al(flit 107 Toronto, ": Jersey City, S. P.alph (wit ( levHnnd. 4; 2. posite side court, »coring a won¬ 57 BetUr.g- Baltimore. 6; »printing champion of 191«. to brf-ak ground»). Detroit. derful ace. (54«) S!lei>.>rv E'm 115 7,1« Sánela nt Pre 1«>5 Index ^'nr^er F'n High. c~nee Piare Hajfttilton, L .' locke_"ve hi» ... -, '¦'' « Ringhamton. 5; 3. world's ».en-mile «atom ohil« record STANDING OF TEAMS STANDING OF TEAMS On the next Tilden cannonaded M inornny Waulteag113 recle t.aaale '.» i« [«ka 8 a »-3' 9-i T-'lo" Rochester, ef r>t»7 2 8, -whleh he set week game SIXTH IU.CE.Two-T»«r-oId muden fínica fifí '.ei Tapageur K:»nmer 13 13 * 3 Tie last W. L. Prt.' W. L. Vc*. W. L. Pet.! \V. L. Pet. over four servie» ares, and from that r,rLt,ng-i '¦ 0 T- le) M-ite*wortit STANDING OF TEAMS Palma will has-e «90m ion from 4--t petit Chicago. «2 43 .«5« Brooklyn Sfi 67 .455 Brw'on... 73 49..69H 87 63 t.im« on gave a dazzling exhibition of ÏI57 IllKiiPnc-n I.a.1? 11.1 405' Minuet115 Chris riolters ;n 15 5 ". 3 W. L. Pet. W. t R«jr ¡Chicago.. .475 : . WI Pet. GilhaoUy. New Y'k tit) 51 .575' Phil«. 63 66 .445 Clevel'd. 71§4.5«8St. 56 lawn Hal) two to ¦..'.( Ml a Vnakl llfl Brarlatnanta 115 Its Î 6 3 Toronto 8* 39 .683 1 I»uis 63.471 tennis, outplaying Kll ,-ii*«h II ItSI 5471 Jfad'a «nt'gham.'. r. (35,1) fiatli Kelaa; 5-J 8 1 4-8 Neewttrk. «SI I: ,RM .".¡Junta To-*J*j/ «rita Pittsh'h. 64 58 .525'Bostcw.... 51 69 .423 Wash't'n 69 58 .55« 52 .Î9 one. . .1I4» .I'.i.rgcw 80 38 .678 53 6» .1.10 ¡i.ii . im F. HroAklrK.. 2 «ïamefi Detroit... Carpe» Swueper. 419 Hallyr«mn«ll 115 -MrAtee 8-5 IMI T-10 Bfnr*t'n Buffalo. .449 H. pe»i« f>ro«in4a, A 4 m. »OA C'ln'iatL 63 60.5l2.St. Louis 51 7% .408 N>w Y'k 50 60,495'Phila.. 5071.40.1 Murray was always the leader in hi«« chimney Swift' llsl ,VJl Ta« 113 tipied B'more 73 48 .603 Hamll'n 37 73 .336 .Adirt j irle's I.aaita ted all the match with but when he found »ay and wem »asir». Tap&geur rewtrci a nor* brea* and riosai a big RochVr 58 39 .495 Jer.Cfty 28 91 .235 Nil*», *A»pr«nli«» ajlowafi«» alaloud. aap Tetlery alewed fa»« «aid hut got up to sejerur» third clara Oa»ath showed speed, then rtredL