Florida Constitution
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As revised in
And subsequently amended
November 2018
The Florida Legislature Office of Legislative Services Division of Law Revision 2018 Tallahassee, Florida
In preparation for statehood, fifty-six delegates from Florida’s twenty counties assembled in the Panhandle town of Saint Joseph (near Port St. Joe) to frame the 1838 Constitution (cover). The delegates were mainly planters and lawyers from thirteen of the nation’s twenty-six states and four foreign countries; only three were native Floridians. Three delegates would later become U.S. Senators; two, governors; and five, members of the state supreme court. The convention was called to order on December 3, 1838 and elected Robert Raymond Reid of St. Augustine as president.
The constitution divided the government into the traditional three branches – an executive headed by the governor elected to a single four year term, a bicameral legislature that met annually, and a judiciary headed by a supreme court. It banned bank officers, clergymen, and duelists from election to the legislature and governorship; and declared free men equal while at the same time preserving slavery. The constitution was approved by popular vote in 1839 and served as Florida’s constitution from statehood in 1845 until Florida seceded from the Union in 1861.
The original 1838 Constitution, signed by forty-one delegates on January 11, 1839, has disappeared. The only surviving handwritten copy is a clerk’s copy signed by Reid and Joshua Knowles, convention secretary, found by the William N. “Bill” Galphin family in Fernandina Beach in 1982. The family inherited the copy from Galphin’s grandfather William Thompson. Thompson married the niece of Judge John C. McGehee, a delegate to the 1838 convention and president of the Secession Convention of 1861.
The 1838 Constitution is one of many historical documents that may be found at the Florida State Archives. Located in the R.A. Gray Building in Tallahassee, the Archives is mandated by law to collect and preserve documentation of Florida’s past; including photographs, state records, and private papers of individuals and organizations.
Cover Page: The background is the image of a page from the 1838 Constitution of Florida, courtesy of the State Photographic Archives, Florida Department of State.
History: Summary is provided courtesy of the Florida Department of State’s Division of Library and Information Services.
Additional copies or alternative formats available from:
Law Book Services Office Division of Law Revision (850) 488-2323 [email protected] www.flalegistore.com EQPSVKVWVKQP
The Constitution of the State of Florida as revised in 1968 consisted of certain revised articles as proposed by three joint resolutions which were adopted during the special session of June 24-July 3, 1968, and ratified by the electorate on November 5, 1968, together with one article carried forward from the Constitution of 1885, as amended. The articles proposed in House Joint Resolution 1-2X constituted the entire revised constitution with the exception of Articles V, VI, and VIII. Senate Joint Resolution 4-2X proposed Article VI, relating to suffrage and elections. Senate Joint Resolution 5-2X proposed a new Article VIII, relating to local government. Article V, relating to the judiciary, was carried forward from the Constitution of 1885, as amended. Seetiqnu eqorquini the 3;88 texiuiqn haxe nq hiutqt{ nqteu0 Swbueqwent ehanieu ate infieatef b{ nqteu arrenfef tq the ahheetef ueetiqnu0 Vhe infezeu arreatini at the beiinnini qh eaeh attiee, nqteu arreatini at the enf qh xatiqwu ueetiqnu, anf ueetiqn anf uwbueetiqn heafiniu ate affef efitqtia{ anf ate nqt tq be eqnuifetef au ratt qh the eqnutitwtiqn0
PTGAMDNG Ye, the reqre qh the State qh Hqtifa, beini itatehw tq Aoiiht{ Gqf hqt qwt eqnutitwtiqna ibett{, in qtfet tq ueewte itu benehitu, retheet qwt iqxetnoent, inuwte fqoeutie ttanqwiit{, oaintain rwbie qtfet, anf iwatantee eqwa eixi anf rqitiea tiihtu tq a, fq qtfain anf eutabiuh thiu eqnutitwtiqn0
ATVKENG K SGEVKQP 50 Te�i�qwu hteefqo0´Vhete uha be nq aw teureetini the eutabiuhoent qh teiiiqn qt DGENATAVKQP QH TKGJVS rtqhibitini qt renaizini the htee ezeteiue theteqh0 Teiiiqwu hteefqo uha nqt wutih{ rtaetieeu ineqnuiutent See0 with rwbie oqtau, reaee qt uahet{0 Pq texenwe qh the utate qt an{ rqitiea uwbfixiuiqn qt aiene{ theteqh uha 30 Pqitiea rqwet0 exet be taen htqo the rwbie tteauwt{ fiteet{ qt 20 Dauie tiihtu0 infiteet{ in aif qh an{ ehwteh, ueet, qt teiiiqwu 50 Teiiiqwu hteefqo0 fenqoinatiqn qt in aif qh an{ ueetatian inutitwtiqn0 60 Hteefqo qh ureeeh anf rteuu0 50 Tiiht tq auueobe0 SGEVKQP 60 Hteefqo qh ureeeh anf rteuu0´ 80 Tiiht tq wqt0 Gxet{ retuqn oa{ urea, wtite anf rwbiuh uentioentu 90 Miitat{ rqwet0 qn a uwbeetu bwt uha be teurqnuibe hqt the abwue qh 80 Tiiht tq beat atou0 that tiiht0 Pq aw uha be rauuef tq teuttain qt abtifie ;0 Dwe rtqeeuu0 the ibett{ qh ureeeh qt qh the rteuu0 Kn a etioina 320 Ptqhibitef awu0 rtqueewtiqnu anf eixi aetiqnu hqt fehaoatiqn the ttwth 330 Kortiuqnoent hqt febt0 oa{ be iixen in exifenee0 Kh the oattet ehatief au 320 Seateheu anf ueizwteu0 fehaoatqt{ iu ttwe anf wau rwbiuhef with iqqf 350 Jabeau eqtrwu0 oqtixeu, the ratt{ uha be aeqwittef qt ezqnetatef0 360 Ptettia teeaue anf fetentiqn0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 350 Ptqueewtiqn hqt etioe; qhhenueu eqooittef b{ 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 ehiften0 380 Tiihtu qh aeewuef anf qh xietiou0 SGEVKQP 50 T�iht tq auueobe0´Vhe reqre 390 Gzeeuuixe rwniuhoentu0 uha haxe the tiiht reaeeab{ tq auueobe, tq inuttwet 380 Afoiniuttatixe renatieu0 theit terteuentatixeu, anf tq retitiqn hqt tefteuu qh 3;0 Equtu0 itiexaneeu0 220 Vteauqn0 230 Aeeeuu tq eqwttu0 SGEVKQP 80 T�iht tq wqt0´Vhe tiiht qh retuqnu 220 Vtia b{ wt{0 tq wqt uha nqt be fenief qt abtifief qn aeeqwnt qh 250 Tiiht qh rtixae{0 oeobetuhir qt nqn/oeobetuhir in an{ abqt wniqn qt 260 Aeeeuu tq rwbie teeqtfu anf oeetiniu0 abqt qtianizatiqn0 Vhe tiiht qh eorq{eeu, b{ anf 250 Vazra{etu' Di qh Tiihtu0 thtqwih a abqt qtianizatiqn, tq batiain eqeetixe{ uha 280 Eaioant'u tiiht tq hait eqorenuatiqn0 nqt be fenief qt abtifief0 Pwbie eorq{eeu uha nqt 290 Mattiaie fehinef0 haxe the tiiht tq uttie0
SGEVKQP 30 Pq�t�ea rqwet0´A rqitiea rqwet iu SGEVKQP 90 M��tat{ rqwet0´Vhe oiitat{ rqwet inhetent in the reqre0 Vhe enwneiatiqn hetein qh eettain uha be uwbqtfinate tq the eixi0 tiihtu uha nqt be eqnuttwef tq fen{ qt iorait qthetu tetainef b{ the reqre0 SGEVKQP 80 T�iht tq beat atou0´ (a) Vhe tiiht qh the reqre tq eer anf beat atou in fehenue qh theouexeu anf qh the awhw awthqtit{ qh the SGEVKQP 20 Dau�e t�ihtu0´A natwta retuqnu, utate uha nqt be inhtinief, ezeert that the oannet qh heoae anf oae aie, ate eqwa behqte the aw anf beatini atou oa{ be teiwatef b{ aw0 haxe inaienabe tiihtu, aoqni whieh ate the tiiht tq (b) Vhete uha be a oanfatqt{ retiqf qh thtee fa{u, enq{ anf fehenf ihe anf ibett{, tq rwtuwe harrineuu, ezewfini weeenfu anf eia hqifa{u, between the rwtehaue anf feixet{ at tetai qh an{ hanfiwn0 Hqt the tq be tewatfef hqt infwutt{, anf tq aeqwite, rquueuu anf rwtrqueu qh thiu ueetiqn, ¬rwtehaue¹ oeanu the ttanuhet rtqteet rtqrett{0 Pq retuqn uha be fertixef qh an{ qh oqne{ qt qthet xawabe eqnuifetatiqn tq the tetaiet, tiiht beeawue qh taee, teiiiqn, natiqna qtiiin, qt anf ¬hanfiwn¹ oeanu a hiteato earabe qh beini eattief rh{uiea fiuabiit{0 anf wuef b{ qne hanf, uweh au a riutq qt texqxet0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 S0J0T0 ;39, 3;96; afqrtef 3;96; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Jqfetu qh a eqneeaef wearqn retoit au rteuetibef in Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 ;, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Hqtifa aw uha nqt be uwbeet tq the rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu Pq0 8, 2238, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ ;, 2238; afqrtef 22380 rataitarh0 2 ATVKENG K EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG K
(e) Vhe eiiuatwte uha enaet eiiuatiqn ioreoent/ SGEVKQP 350 Ptqueewt�qn hqt et�oe; qhhenueu ini uwbueetiqn (b) qh thiu ueetiqn, ehheetixe nq atet than eqoo�ttef b{ eh�ften0´ Deeeobet 53, 3;;3, whieh uha rtqxife that an{qne (a) Pq retuqn uha be ttief hqt earita etioe withqwt xiqatini the rtqxiuiqnu qh uwbueetiqn (b) uha be iwit{ rteuentoent qt infietoent b{ a itanf wt{, qt hqt qthet qh a heqn{0 heqn{ withqwt uweh rteuentoent qt infietoent qt an (f) Vhiu teuttietiqn uha nqt arr{ tq a ttafe in qh inhqtoatiqn wnfet qath hief b{ the rtqueewtini qhhieet qh anqthet hanfiwn0 the eqwtt, ezeert retuqnu qn aetixe fwt{ in the oiitia J�utqt{0´Ao0 E0S0 hqt S0J0T0 65, 3;8;; afqrtef 3;;20 when ttief b{ eqwttu oattia0 (b) Yhen awthqtizef b{ aw, a ehif au thetein SGEVKQP ;0 Dwe rtqeeuu0´Pq retuqn uha be fehinef oa{ be ehatief with a xiqatiqn qh aw au an fertixef qh ihe, ibett{ qt rtqrett{ withqwt fwe rtqeeuu aet qh feinqwene{ inuteaf qh etioe anf ttief withqwt a qh aw, qt be twiee rwt in eqratf{ hqt the uaoe qhhenue, wt{ qt qthet teqwiteoentu arrieabe tq etioina eaueu0 qt be eqoreef in an{ etioina oattet tq be a witneuu An{ ehif uq ehatief uha, wrqn feoanf oafe au aiainut qneueh0 rtqxifef b{ aw behqte a ttia in a wxenie rtqeeefini, J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 be ttief in an arrtqrtiate eqwtt au an afwt0 A ehif hqwnf feinqwent uha be fiueirinef au rtqxifef b{ aw0 SGEVKQP 320 Ptqh�b�tef awu0´Pq bi qh attain/ fet, ez rqut haetq aw qt aw ioraitini the qbiiatiqn qh SGEVKQP 380 T�ihtu qh aeewuef anf qh x�et�ou0 eqnttaetu uha be rauuef0 (a) Kn a etioina rtqueewtiqnu the aeewuef uha, wrqn feoanf, be inhqtoef qh the natwte anf eawue qh SGEVKQP 330 Kort�uqnoent hqt febt0´Pq ret/ the aeewuatiqn, anf uha be hwtniuhef a eqr{ qh the uqn uha be iortiuqnef hqt febt, ezeert in eaueu qh ehatieu, anf uha haxe the tiiht tq haxe eqorwuqt{ htawf0 rtqeeuu hqt witneuueu, tq eqnhtqnt at ttia afxetue witneuueu, tq be heatf in retuqn, b{ eqwnue qt bqth, SGEVKQP 320 Seateheu anf ue�zwteu0´Vhe tiiht anf tq haxe a ureef{ anf rwbie ttia b{ iorattia wt{ in qh the reqre tq be ueewte in theit retuqnu, hqwueu, the eqwnt{ whete the etioe wau eqooittef0 Kh the eqwnt{ raretu anf ehheetu aiainut wnteauqnabe ueateheu anf iu nqt nqwn, the infietoent qt inhqtoatiqn oa{ ehatie ueizwteu, anf aiainut the wnteauqnabe inteteertiqn qh xenwe in twq qt oqte eqwntieu eqnwnetixe{ anf rtqqh rtixate eqoownieatiqnu b{ an{ oeanu, uha nqt be that the etioe wau eqooittef in that atea uha be xiqatef0 Pq wattant uha be iuuwef ezeert wrqn uwhhieient; bwt behqte reafini the aeewuef oa{ eeet in rtqbabe eawue, uwrrqttef b{ ahhifaxit, rattiewat{ whieh qh thque eqwntieu the ttia wi tae raee0 Venwe feuetibini the raee qt raeeu tq be ueatehef, the hqt rtqueewtiqn qh etioeu eqooittef be{qnf the bqwnf/ retuqn qt retuqnu, thini qt thiniu tq be ueizef, the atieu qh the utate uha be hizef b{ aw0 eqoownieatiqn tq be inteteertef, anf the natwte qh (b) Vq rteuetxe anf rtqteet the tiiht qh etioe xietiou exifenee tq be qbtainef0 Vhiu tiiht uha be eqnuttwef in tq aehiexe wutiee, enuwte a oeaninihw tqe thtqwihqwt eqnhqtoit{ with the 6th Aoenfoent tq the Wnitef Stateu the etioina anf wxenie wutiee u{uteou hqt etioe Eqnutitwtiqn, au intetrtetef b{ the Wnitef Stateu Sw/ xietiou, anf enuwte that etioe xietiou' tiihtu anf rteoe Eqwtt0 Attieeu qt inhqtoatiqn qbtainef in xiqa/ inteteutu ate teureetef anf rtqteetef b{ aw in a tiqn qh thiu tiiht uha nqt be afoiuuibe in exifenee ih oannet nq euu xiiqtqwu than rtqteetiqnu ahhqtfef tq uweh attieeu qt inhqtoatiqn wqwf be inafoiuuibe wnfet etioina fehenfantu anf wxenie feinqwentu, exet{ feeiuiqnu qh the Wnitef Stateu Swrteoe Eqwtt eqnuttw/ xietio iu entitef tq the hqqwini tiihtu, beiinnini at ini the 6th Aoenfoent tq the Wnitef Stateu Eqnutitw/ the tioe qh hiu qt het xietioizatiqn< tiqn0 (3) Vhe tiiht tq fwe rtqeeuu anf tq be tteatef with J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 53/J, 3;82; afqrtef 3;820 haitneuu anf teureet hqt the xietio'u fiinit{0 SGEVKQP 350 Jabeau eqtrwu0´Vhe wtit qh ha/ (2) Vhe tiiht tq be htee htqo intioifatiqn, hatauu/ beau eqtrwu uha be itantabe qh tiiht, htee{ anf oent, anf abwue0 withqwt equt0 Kt uha be tetwtnabe withqwt fea{, anf (5) Vhe tiiht, within the wfieia rtqeeuu, tq be uha nexet be uwurenfef wneuu, in eaue qh tebeiqn qt teauqnab{ rtqteetef htqo the aeewuef anf an{ retuqn inxauiqn, uwurenuiqn iu euuentia tq the rwbie uahet{0 aetini qn behah qh the aeewuef0 Jqwexet, nqthini eqntainef hetein iu intenfef tq eteate a ureeia teatiqn/ SGEVKQP 360 Ptett�a teeaue anf fetent�qn0´ uhir between the etioe xietio anf an{ aw enhqteeoent Wneuu ehatief with a earita qhhenue qt an qhhenue aiene{ qt qhhiee abuent a ureeia teatiqnuhir qt fwt{ au rwniuhabe b{ ihe iortiuqnoent anf the rtqqh qh iwit iu fehinef b{ Hqtifa aw0 exifent qt the rteuwortiqn iu iteat, exet{ retuqn (6) Vhe tiiht tq haxe the uahet{ anf wehate qh the ehatief with a etioe qt xiqatiqn qh ownieira qt eqwnt{ xietio anf the xietio'u haoi{ eqnuifetef when uettini qtfinanee uha be entitef tq rtettia teeaue qn teauqn/ bai, inewfini uettini rtettia teeaue eqnfitiqnu that abe eqnfitiqnu0 Kh nq eqnfitiqnu qh teeaue ean teauqn/ rtqteet the uahet{ anf wehate qh the xietio anf the ab{ rtqteet the eqoownit{ htqo tiu qh rh{uiea hato tq xietio'u haoi{0 retuqnu, auuwte the rteuenee qh the aeewuef at ttia, qt (5) Vhe tiiht tq rtexent the fiuequwte qh inhqtoatiqn auuwte the inteitit{ qh the wfieia rtqeeuu, the aeewuef qt teeqtfu that eqwf be wuef tq qeate qt hatauu the oa{ be fetainef0 xietio qt the xietio'u haoi{, qt whieh eqwf fiueque J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 65/J, 3;82; afqrtef 3;820 eqnhifentia qt rtixieief inhqtoatiqn qh the xietio0 5 ATVKENG K EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG K
(8) A xietio uha haxe the hqqwini ureeihie tiihtu uwhhetef, bqth fiteet{ anf infiteet{, b{ the xietio au a wrqn teqweut< teuwt qh the etioina eqnfwet0 a0 Vhe tiiht tq teauqnabe, aeewtate, anf tioe{ (32) Vhe tiiht tq rtqeeefiniu htee htqo wnteauqnabe nqtiee qh, anf tq be rteuent at, a rwbie rtqeeefiniu fea{, anf tq a rtqort anf hina eqnewuiqn qh the eaue inxqxini the etioina eqnfwet, inewfini, bwt nqt ioitef anf an{ teatef rqutwfioent rtqeeefiniu0 tq, ttia, rea, uenteneini, qt afwfieatiqn, exen ih the a0 Vhe utate attqtne{ oa{ hie a iqqf haith feoanf xietio wi be a witneuu at the rtqeeefini, nqtwithutanf/ hqt a ureef{ ttia anf the ttia eqwtt uha hqf a eaenfat ini an{ twe tq the eqnttat{0 A xietio uha auq be ea, with nqtiee, within hihteen fa{u qh the hiini feoanf, rtqxifef teauqnabe, aeewtate, anf tioe{ nqtiee qh an{ tq uehefwe a ttia tq eqooenee qn a fate at eaut hixe teeaue qt eueare qh the fehenfant qt feinqwent, anf fa{u bwt nq oqte than uizt{ fa{u ahtet the fate qh the an{ rtqeeefini fwtini whieh a tiiht qh the xietio iu eaenfat ea wneuu the ttia wfie entetu an qtfet with iorieatef0 ureeihie hinfiniu qh haet wutih{ini a ttia fate oqte than b0 Vhe tiiht tq be heatf in an{ rwbie rtqeeefini uizt{ fa{u ahtet the eaenfat ea0 inxqxini rtettia qt qthet teeaue htqo an{ hqto qh eia b0 A utate/exe arreau anf eqateta attaeu qn eqnuttaint, rea, uenteneini, afwfieatiqn, qt ratqe, anf an{ wfioent owut be eqorete within twq {eatu htqo an{ rtqeeefini fwtini whieh a tiiht qh the xietio iu the fate qh arrea in nqn/earita eaueu anf within hixe iorieatef0 {eatu htqo the fate qh arrea in earita eaueu, wneuu a e0 Vhe tiiht tq eqnhet with the rtqueewtini attqtne{ eqwtt entetu an qtfet with ureeihie hinfiniu au tq wh{ the eqneetnini an{ rea aiteeoentu, rattieiratiqn in rte/ eqwtt wau wnabe tq eqor{ with thiu uwbrataitarh anf ttia fixetuiqn rtqitaou, teeaue, teutitwtiqn, uenten/ the eitewoutaneeu eawuini the fea{0 Gaeh {eat, the eini, qt an{ qthet fiurquitiqn qh the eaue0 ehieh wfie qh an{ fiuttiet eqwtt qh arrea qt the ehieh f0 Vhe tiiht tq rtqxife inhqtoatiqn teiatfini the wutiee qh the uwrteoe eqwtt uha terqtt qn a eaue/b{/ ioraet qh the qhhenfet'u eqnfwet qn the xietio anf the eaue bauiu tq the ureaet qh the hqwue qh terteuenta/ xietio'u haoi{ tq the infixifwa teurqnuibe hqt eqnfwet/ tixeu anf the rteuifent qh the uenate a eaueu whete the ini an{ rteuentenee inxeutiiatiqn qt eqoriini an{ eqwtt entetef an qtfet teiatfini inabiit{ tq eqor{ with rteuentenee inxeutiiatiqn terqtt, anf tq haxe an{ thiu uwbrataitarh0 Vhe eiiuatwte oa{ enaet eiiuatiqn uweh inhqtoatiqn eqnuifetef in an{ uenteneini teeqo/ tq ioreoent thiu uwbrataitarh0 oenfatiqnu uwboittef tq the eqwtt0 (33) Vhe tiiht tq be inhqtoef qh theue tiihtu, anf tq be e0 Vhe tiiht tq teeeixe a eqr{ qh an{ rteuentenee inhqtoef that xietiou ean uee the afxiee qh an attqtne{ terqtt, anf an{ qthet terqtt qt teeqtf teexant tq the with teureet tq theit tiihtu0 Vhiu inhqtoatiqn uha be ezeteiue qh a xietio'u tiiht, ezeert hqt uweh rqttiqnu oafe axaiabe tq the ieneta rwbie anf rtqxifef tq a oafe eqnhifentia qt ezeort b{ aw0 etioe xietiou in the hqto qh a eatf qt b{ qthet oeanu h0 Vhe tiiht tq be inhqtoef qh the eqnxietiqn, intenfef tq ehheetixe{ afxiue the xietio qh theit tiihtu uentenee, afwfieatiqn, raee anf tioe qh ineateetatiqn, wnfet thiu ueetiqn0 qt qthet fiurquitiqn qh the eqnxietef qhhenfet, an{ (e) Vhe xietio, the tetainef attqtne{ qh the xietio, a uehefwef teeaue fate qh the qhhenfet, anf the teeaue awhw terteuentatixe qh the xietio, qt the qhhiee qh the qh qt the eueare qh the qhhenfet htqo ewutqf{0 utate attqtne{ wrqn teqweut qh the xietio, oa{ auuett i0 Vhe tiiht tq be inhqtoef qh a rquteqnxietiqn anf uee enhqteeoent qh the tiihtu enwoetatef in thiu rtqeeuueu anf rtqeefwteu, tq rattieirate in uweh ueetiqn anf an{ qthet tiiht ahhqtfef tq a xietio b{ aw in rtqeeuueu anf rtqeefwteu, tq rtqxife inhqtoatiqn tq an{ ttia qt arreate eqwtt, qt behqte an{ qthet awthqtit{ the teeaue awthqtit{ tq be eqnuifetef behqte an{ with wtiufietiqn qxet the eaue, au a oattet qh tiiht0 Vhe teeaue feeiuiqn iu oafe, anf tq be nqtihief qh an{ eqwtt qt qthet awthqtit{ with wtiufietiqn uha aet teeaue feeiuiqn teiatfini the qhhenfet0 Vhe ratqe qt rtqort{ qn uweh a teqweut, ahhqtfini a teoef{ b{ eat{ teeaue awthqtit{ uha eztenf the tiiht tq be heatf fwe eqwtue qh aw hqt the xiqatiqn qh an{ tiiht0 Vhe tq an{ retuqn hatoef b{ the qhhenfet0 teauqnu hqt an{ feeiuiqn teiatfini the fiurquitiqn qh a h0 Vhe tiiht tq be inhqtoef qh eeoene{ anf xietio'u tiiht uha be eeat{ utatef qn the teeqtf0 ezrwnieoent rtqeefwteu, tq rtqxife inhqtoatiqn tq (f) Vhe itantini qh the tiihtu enwoetatef in thiu the iqxetnqt, the eqwtt, an{ eeoene{ bqatf, anf ueetiqn tq xietiou oa{ nqt be eqnuttwef tq fen{ qt qthet awthqtit{ in theue rtqeefwteu, anf tq haxe that iorait an{ qthet tiihtu rquueuuef b{ xietiou0 Vhe inhqtoatiqn eqnuifetef behqte a eeoene{ qt ezrwnie/ rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu ueetiqn arr{ thtqwihqwt etioina oent feeiuiqn iu oafe; anf tq be nqtihief qh uweh anf wxenie wutiee rtqeeuueu, ate ueh/ezeewtini, anf feeiuiqn in afxanee qh an{ teeaue qh the qhhenfet0 fq nqt teqwite ioreoentini eiiuatiqn0 Vhiu ueetiqn (9) Vhe tiihtu qh the xietio, au rtqxifef in uwbrat/ oa{ nqt be eqnuttwef tq eteate an{ eawue qh aetiqn hqt aitarh (8)a0, uwbrataitarh (8)b0, qt uwbrataitarh (8) faoaieu aiainut the utate qt a rqitiea uwbfixiuiqn qh e0, that arr{ tq an{ hitut arreatanee rtqeeefini ate the utate, qt an{ qhhieet, eorq{ee, qt aient qh the utate uatiuhief b{ a teauqnabe atteort b{ the arrtqrtiate qt itu rqitiea uwbfixiuiqnu0 aiene{ tq nqtih{ the xietio anf eqnxe{ the xietio'u xiewu (e) Au wuef in thiu ueetiqn, a ¬xietio¹ iu a retuqn whq tq the eqwtt0 uwhhetu fiteet qt thteatenef rh{uiea, ru{ehqqiiea, qt (8) Vhe tiiht tq the rtqort tetwtn qh the xietio'u hinaneia hato au a teuwt qh the eqooiuuiqn qt rtqrett{ when nq qniet neefef au exifenee in the atteortef eqooiuuiqn qh a etioe qt feinqwent aet qt eaue0 aiainut whqo the etioe qt feinqwent aet iu eqooittef0 (;) Vhe tiiht tq hw anf tioe{ teutitwtiqn in exet{ Vhe teto ¬xietio¹ inewfeu the xietio'u awhw terteuen/ eaue anf htqo eaeh eqnxietef qhhenfet hqt a quueu tatixe, the ratent qt iwatfian qh a oinqt, qt the nezt qh 6 ATVKENG K EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG K
in qh a hqoieife xietio, ezeert wrqn a uhqwini that the SGEVKQP 250 T�iht qh rt�xae{0´Gxet{ natwta inteteut qh uweh infixifwa wqwf be in aetwa qt rqtentia retuqn hau the tiiht tq be et aqne anf htee htqo eqnhiet with the inteteutu qh the xietio0 Vhe teto ¬xietio¹ iqxetnoenta inttwuiqn intq the retuqn'u rtixate ihe fqeu nqt inewfe the aeewuef0 Vhe tetou ¬etioe¹ anf ezeert au qthetwiue rtqxifef hetein0 Vhiu ueetiqn uha ¬etioina¹ inewfe feinqwent aetu anf eqnfwet0 nqt be eqnuttwef tq ioit the rwbie'u tiiht qh aeeeuu tq J�utqt{0´Ao0 S0J0T0 355, 3;89; afqrtef 3;88; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ rwbie teeqtfu anf oeetiniu au rtqxifef b{ aw0 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, J�utqt{0´Affef, E0S0 hqt J0J0T0 589, 3;82; afqrtef 3;82; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Texiuiqn Pq0 3, 2238, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ ;, 2238; afqrtef 22380 Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 390 Gzeeuu�xe rwn�uhoentu0´Gzeeu/ SGEVKQP 260 Aeeeuu tq rwb�e teeqtfu anf uixe hineu, etwe anf wnwuwa rwniuhoent, attainfet, oeet�niu0´ hqtheitwte qh eutate, infehinite iortiuqnoent, anf wn/ (a) Gxet{ retuqn hau the tiiht tq inureet qt eqr{ an{ teauqnabe fetentiqn qh witneuueu ate hqtbiffen0 Vhe feath renat{ iu an awthqtizef rwniuhoent hqt earita rwbie teeqtf oafe qt teeeixef in eqnneetiqn with the etioeu feuiinatef b{ the eiiuatwte0 Vhe rtqhibitiqn qhhieia bwuineuu qh an{ rwbie bqf{, qhhieet, qt eorq{ee aiainut etwe qt wnwuwa rwniuhoent, anf the rtqhibitiqn qh the utate, qt retuqnu aetini qn theit behah, ezeert aiainut etwe anf wnwuwa rwniuhoent, uha be eqn/ with teureet tq teeqtfu ezeortef rwtuwant tq thiu uttwef in eqnhqtoit{ with feeiuiqnu qh the Wnitef Stateu ueetiqn qt ureeihiea{ oafe eqnhifentia b{ thiu Eqn/ Swrteoe Eqwtt whieh intetrtet the rtqhibitiqn aiainut utitwtiqn0 Vhiu ueetiqn ureeihiea{ inewfeu the eiiua/ etwe anf wnwuwa rwniuhoent rtqxifef in the Giihth tixe, ezeewtixe, anf wfieia btaneheu qh iqxetnoent Aoenfoent tq the Wnitef Stateu Eqnutitwtiqn0 An{ anf eaeh aiene{ qt ferattoent eteatef thetewnfet; oethqf qh ezeewtiqn uha be aqwef, wneuu rtqhibitef eqwntieu, ownieiraitieu, anf fiuttietu; anf eaeh eqn/ b{ the Wnitef Stateu Eqnutitwtiqn0 Methqfu qh ezeewtiqn utitwtiqna qhhieet, bqatf, anf eqooiuuiqn, qt entit{ oa{ be feuiinatef b{ the eiiuatwte, anf a ehanie in eteatef rwtuwant tq aw qt thiu Eqnutitwtiqn0 an{ oethqf qh ezeewtiqn oa{ be arrief tettqaetixe{0 A (b) A oeetiniu qh an{ eqeiia rwbie bqf{ qh the uentenee qh feath uha nqt be tefweef qn the bauiu that ezeewtixe btaneh qh utate iqxetnoent qt qh an{ eqeiia a oethqf qh ezeewtiqn iu inxaif0 Kn an{ eaue in whieh an rwbie bqf{ qh a eqwnt{, ownieirait{, uehqq fiuttiet, qt ezeewtiqn oethqf iu feeatef inxaif, the feath uen/ ureeia fiuttiet, at whieh qhhieia aetu ate tq be taen qt at tenee uha teoain in hqtee wnti the uentenee ean be whieh rwbie bwuineuu qh uweh bqf{ iu tq be ttanuaetef awhw{ ezeewtef b{ an{ xaif oethqf0 Vhiu ueetiqn qt fiuewuuef, uha be qren anf nqtieef tq the rwbie uha arr{ tettqaetixe{0 anf oeetiniu qh the eiiuatwte uha be qren anf J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 5525, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 J0J0T0 ;53, 2223; nqtieef au rtqxifef in Attiee KKK, Seetiqn 6(e), ezeert afqrtef 22220 with teureet tq oeetiniu ezeortef rwtuwant tq thiu ueetiqn qt ureeihiea{ equef b{ thiu Eqnutitwtiqn0 SGEVKQP 380 Afo�n�uttat�xe renat�eu0´ Pq af/ oiniuttatixe aiene{, ezeert the Derattoent qh Miitat{ (e) Vhiu ueetiqn uha be ueh/ezeewtini0 Vhe eiiu/ Ahhaitu in an arrtqrtiate{ eqnxenef eqwtt/oattia aetiqn atwte, hqwexet, oa{ rtqxife b{ ieneta aw rauuef b{ au rtqxifef b{ aw, uha iorque a uentenee qh a twq/thitfu xqte qh eaeh hqwue hqt the ezeortiqn qh iortiuqnoent, nqt uha it iorque an{ qthet renat{ teeqtfu htqo the teqwiteoentu qh uwbueetiqn (a) anf the ezeert au rtqxifef b{ aw0 ezeortiqn qh oeetiniu htqo the teqwiteoentu qh uwb/ J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 ueetiqn (b), rtqxifef that uweh aw uha utate with 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 ureeihieit{ the rwbie neeeuuit{ wutih{ini the ezeortiqn anf uha be nq btqafet than neeeuuat{ tq aeeqoriuh SGEVKQP 3;0 Equtu0´Pq retuqn ehatief with the utatef rwtrque qh the aw0 Vhe eiiuatwte uha enaet etioe uha be eqoreef tq ra{ equtu behqte a wfioent awu iqxetnini the enhqteeoent qh thiu ueetiqn, inewf/ qh eqnxietiqn hau beeqoe hina0 ini the oaintenanee, eqnttq, feuttwetiqn, fiurqua, anf fiurquitiqn qh teeqtfu oafe rwbie b{ thiu ueetiqn, SGEVKQP 220 Vteauqn0´Vteauqn aiainut the utate ezeert that eaeh hqwue qh the eiiuatwte oa{ afqrt uha eqnuiut qn{ in ex{ini wat aiainut it, afhetini tq itu tweu iqxetnini the enhqteeoent qh thiu ueetiqn in eneoieu, qt iixini theo aif anf eqohqtt, anf nq retuqn teatiqn tq teeqtfu qh the eiiuatixe btaneh0 Nawu uha be eqnxietef qh tteauqn ezeert qn the teutioqn{ qh enaetef rwtuwant tq thiu uwbueetiqn uha eqntain qn{ twq witneuueu tq the uaoe qxett aet qt qn eqnheuuiqn in ezeortiqnu htqo the teqwiteoentu qh uwbueetiqnu (a) qt qren eqwtt0 (b) anf rtqxiuiqnu iqxetnini the enhqteeoent qh thiu ueetiqn, anf uha teate tq qne uwbeet0 SGEVKQP 230 Aeeeuu tq eqwttu0´Vhe eqwttu uha (f) A awu that ate in ehheet qn Jw{ 3, 3;;5 that ioit be qren tq exet{ retuqn hqt tefteuu qh an{ inwt{, anf rwbie aeeeuu tq teeqtfu qt oeetiniu uha teoain in wutiee uha be afoiniutetef withqwt uae, fenia qt hqtee, anf uweh awu arr{ tq teeqtfu qh the eiiuatixe fea{0 anf wfieia btaneheu, wnti the{ ate tereaef0 Tweu qh SGEVKQP 220 Vt�a b{ wt{0´Vhe tiiht qh ttia b{ eqwtt that ate in ehheet qn the fate qh afqrtiqn qh thiu wt{ uha be ueewte tq a anf teoain inxiqate0 Vhe ueetiqn that ioit aeeeuu tq teeqtfu uha teoain in ehheet wnti the{ ate tereaef0 qwaihieatiqnu anf the nwobet qh wtqtu, nqt hewet than J�utqt{0´Affef, E0S0 hqt E0S0 hqt J0J0T0'u 3929, 885, 2255, 3;;2; afqrtef uiz, uha be hizef b{ aw0 3;;2; Ao0 S0J0T0 3286, 2222; afqrtef 22220 5 ATVKENG K EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG KK
3SGEVKQP 250 Vazra{etu' D� qh T�ihtu0´D{ 89®29Á28ÁÁ weut intetueet; thenee tq the rqint whete the ieneta aw the eiiuatwte uha rteuetibe anf afqrt a eentet ine qh the Knttaeqauta Eana (au the uaoe Vazra{etu' Di qh Tiihtu that, in eeat anf eqneiue eziutef qn Jwne 32, 3;55) anf qniitwfe 89®29Á22ÁÁ aniwaie, uetu hqtth tazra{etu' tiihtu anf teurqnuibi/ weut intetueet; the uaoe beini in the oiffe qh the itieu anf iqxetnoent'u teurqnuibiitieu tq fea hait{ with Petfifq Tixet; thenee wr the oiffe qh the Petfifq Tixet tazra{etu wnfet the awu qh thiu utate0 Vhiu ueetiqn uha tq the rqint whete it intetueetu the uqwth bqwnfat{ qh the be ehheetixe Jw{ 3, 3;;50 State qh Aabaoa, beini auq the rqint qh intetueetiqn qh J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Vazatiqn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 2, 3;;2, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 9, 3;;2; afqrtef 3;;20 the oiffe qh the Petfifq Tixet with atitwfe 53®22Á22ÁÁ 3Pqte0´Vhiu ueetiqn, qtiiina{ feuiinatef ueetiqn 26 b{ Texiuiqn Pq0 2 qh the nqtth; thenee eaut, aqni the uqwth bqwnfat{ ine qh the Vazatiqn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqooiuuiqn, 3;;2, wau tefeuiinatef ueetiqn 25 b{ the efitqtu in qtfet tq axqif eqnhwuiqn with ueetiqn 26 au eqntainef in J0J0T0'u 3929, State qh Aabaoa, the uaoe beini atitwfe 53®22Á22ÁÁ 885, 2255, 3;;20 nqtth tq the oiffe qh the Ehattahqqehee Tixet; thenee fqwn the oiffe qh uaif tixet tq itu eqnhwenee with the SGEVKQP 280 Ea�oant'u t�iht tq ha�t eqorenua/ Hint Tixet; thenee in a uttaiiht ine tq the heaf qh the St0 t�qn0´ Mat{u Tixet; thenee fqwn the oiffe qh uaif tixet tq the (a) Attiee K, Seetiqn 28 iu eteatef tq teaf ¬Eai/ Atantie Qeean; thenee fwe eaut tq the efie qh the Gwh oant'u tiiht tq hait eqorenuatiqn0¹ Kn an{ oefiea Stteao qt a fiutanee qh thtee ieqitarhie oieu whieh/ iabiit{ eaio inxqxini a eqntiniene{ hee, the eaioant exet iu the iteatet fiutanee; thenee in a uqwthet{ iu entitef tq teeeixe nq euu than 92' qh the hitut fiteetiqn aqni the efie qh the Gwh Stteao qt aqni a &252,222022 in a faoaieu teeeixef b{ the eaioant, ine thtee ieqitarhie oieu htqo the Atantie eqautine ezewuixe qh teauqnabe anf ewutqoat{ equtu, whethet anf thtee eaiweu fiutant htqo the Gwh qh Mezieq teeeixef b{ wfioent, uetteoent, qt qthetwiue, anf eqautine, whiehexet iu iteatet, tq anf thtqwih the teiatfeuu qh the nwobet qh fehenfantu0 Vhe eaioant iu Sttaitu qh Hqtifa anf weutet{, inewfini the Hqtifa entitef tq ;2' qh a faoaieu in ezeeuu qh teehu, tq a rqint fwe uqwth qh anf thtee eaiweu htqo the &252,222022, ezewuixe qh teauqnabe anf ewutqoat{ uqwthetnoqut rqint qh the Matqweuau Me{u; thenee equtu anf teiatfeuu qh the nwobet qh fehenfantu0 Vhiu rtqxiuiqn iu ueh/ezeewtini anf fqeu nqt teqwite io/ weutet{ aqni a uttaiiht ine tq a rqint fwe uqwth qh anf reoentini eiiuatiqn0 thtee eaiweu htqo Nqiietheaf Me{, the weutetnoqut (b) Vhiu Aoenfoent uha tae ehheet qn the fa{ qh the Dt{ Vqttwiau Kuanfu; thenee weutet{, nqtthet{ hqqwini arrtqxa b{ the xqtetu0 anf eautet{ aqni the ate qh a ewtxe thtee eaiweu J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State fiutant htqo Nqiietheaf Me{ tq a rqint fwe nqtth qh Serteobet 8, 2225; afqrtef 22260 Nqiietheaf Me{; thenee nqttheaut aqni a uttaiiht ine tq a rqint thtee eaiweu htqo the eqautine qh Hqtifa; SGEVKQP 290 Matt�aie feh�nef0´Knauoweh au thenee nqtthet{ anf weutet{ thtee eaiweu fiutant oattiaie iu the eia wniqn qh qn{ qne oan anf qne htqo the eqautine tq a rqint weut qh the oqwth qh the wqoan au hwubanf anf wihe, nq qthet eia wniqn that iu Petfifq Tixet thtee eaiweu htqo the eqautine au tteatef au oattiaie qt the uwbutantia eqwixaent theteqh oeauwtef qn a ine beatini uqwth 2®23Á22ÁÁ weut htqo uha be xaif qt teeqinizef0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State the rqint qh beiinnini; thenee nqtthet{ aqni uaif ine Hebtwat{ ;, 2225; afqrtef 22280 tq the rqint qh beiinnini0 Vhe State qh Hqtifa uha auq inewfe an{ affitiqna tettitqt{ within the Wnitef Stateu ATVKENG KK afaeent tq the Peninuwa qh Hqtifa {ini uqwth qh the St0 Mat{u Tixet, eaut qh the Petfifq Tixet, anf uqwth qh the GGPGTAN PTQVKSKQPS Stateu qh Aabaoa anf Geqtiia0 (b) Vhe eqauta bqwnfatieu oa{ be eztenfef b{ See0 utatwte tq the ioitu retoittef b{ the awu qh the Wnitef Stateu qt intetnatiqna aw0 30 State bqwnfatieu0 20 Seat qh iqxetnoent0 SGEVKQP 20 Seat qh iqxetnoent0´Vhe ueat qh 50 Dtaneheu qh iqxetnoent0 iqxetnoent uha be the Eit{ qh Vaahauuee, in Neqn 60 State uea anf hai0 50 Pwbie qhhieetu0 Eqwnt{, whete the qhhieeu qh the iqxetnqt, iewtenant 80 Gneo{ attae0 iqxetnqt, eabinet oeobetu anf the uwrteoe eqwtt uha 90 Patwta teuqwteeu anf ueenie beawt{0 be oaintainef anf the ueuuiqnu qh the eiiuatwte uha 80 Gthieu in iqxetnoent0 be hef; rtqxifef that, in tioe qh inxauiqn qt itaxe ;0 Gniiuh iu the qhhieia aniwaie qh Hqtifa0 eoetiene{, the iqxetnqt b{ rtqeaoatiqn oa{ hqt the retiqf qh the eoetiene{ ttanuhet the ueat qh iqxetn/ SGEVKQP 30 State bqwnfat�eu0´ oent tq anqthet raee0 (a) Vhe utate bqwnfatieu ate< Deiin at the oqwth qh the Petfifq Tixet, whieh hqt the rwtrqueu qh thiu SGEVKQP 50 Dtaneheu qh iqxetnoent0´Vhe feuetirtiqn iu fehinef au the rqint whete atitwfe rqwetu qh the utate iqxetnoent uha be fixifef intq 52®38Á55ÁÁ nqtth anf qniitwfe 89®53Á28ÁÁ weut intet/ eiiuatixe, ezeewtixe anf wfieia btaneheu0 Pq retuqn ueet; thenee tq the rqint whete atitwfe 52®39Á22ÁÁ nqtth beqniini tq qne btaneh uha ezeteiue an{ rqwetu anf qniitwfe 89®53Á28ÁÁ weut intetueet; thenee tq the arrettainini tq eithet qh the qthet btaneheu wneuu rqint whete atitwfe 52®38Á22ÁÁ nqtth anf qniitwfe ezrteuu{ rtqxifef hetein0 8 ATVKENG KK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG KK
SGEVKQP 60 State uea anf hai0´ Vhe feuiin qh uwbueetiqn, the tetou ¬Gxetiafeu Ptqteetiqn Atea¹ the iteat uea anf hai qh the utate uha be rteuetibef b{ anf ¬Gxetiafeu Aitiewtwta Atea¹ uha haxe the aw0 oeaniniu au fehinef in utatwteu in ehheet qn Janwat{ 3, 3;;80 SGEVKQP 50 Pwb�e qhh�eetu0´ (e) Vq rtqteet the reqre qh Hqtifa anf theit (a) Pq retuqn hqfini an{ qhhiee qh eoqwoent enxitqnoent, ftiini hqt ezrqtatiqn qt ezttaetiqn qh qi wnfet an{ hqteiin iqxetnoent, qt eixi qhhiee qh eoqw/ qt natwta iau iu rtqhibitef qn anfu beneath a utate oent wnfet the Wnitef Stateu qt an{ qthet utate, uha watetu whieh haxe nqt been aienatef anf that ie hqf an{ qhhiee qh hqnqt qt qh eoqwoent wnfet the between the oean hiih watet ine anf the qwtetoqut iqxetnoent qh thiu utate0 Pq retuqn uha hqf at the bqwnfatieu qh the utate'u tettitqtia ueau0 Vhiu rtqhibitiqn uaoe tioe oqte than qne qhhiee wnfet the iqxetnoent fqeu nqt arr{ tq the ttanurqttatiqn qh qi anf iau qh the utate anf the eqwntieu anf ownieiraitieu thetein, rtqfwetu rtqfweef qwtuife qh uweh watetu0 Vhiu uwb/ ezeert that a nqtat{ rwbie qt oiitat{ qhhieet oa{ hqf ueetiqn iu ueh/ezeewtini0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Mateh 28, anqthet qhhiee, anf an{ qhhieet oa{ be a oeobet qh a 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn eqnutitwtiqn texiuiqn eqooiuuiqn, tazatiqn anf bwfiet Pq0 5, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 6, 2238, hief with the tehqto eqooiuuiqn, eqnutitwtiqna eqnxentiqn, qt utatw/ Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ ;, 2238; afqrtef 22380 tqt{ bqf{ haxini qn{ afxiuqt{ rqwetu0 (b) Gaeh utate anf eqwnt{ qhhieet, behqte entetini 3SGEVKQP 80 Gth�eu �n iqxetnoent0´A rwbie wrqn the fwtieu qh the qhhiee, uha iixe bqnf au teqwitef qhhiee iu a rwbie ttwut0 Vhe reqre uha haxe the tiiht b{ aw, anf uha uweat qt ahhito< tq ueewte anf uwutain that ttwut aiainut abwue0 Vq ¬K fq uqeon{ uweat (qt ahhito) that K wi uwrrqtt, auuwte thiu tiiht< rtqteet, anf fehenf the Eqnutitwtiqn anf Gqxetnoent qh (a) A eeetef eqnutitwtiqna qhhieetu anf eanfifateu the Wnitef Stateu anf qh the State qh Hqtifa; that K ao hqt uweh qhhieeu anf, au oa{ be fetetoinef b{ aw, qthet fw{ qwaihief tq hqf qhhiee wnfet the Eqnutitwtiqn qh the rwbie qhhieetu, eanfifateu, anf eorq{eeu uha hie hw utate; anf that K wi we anf haithhw{ rethqto the fwtieu anf rwbie fiuequwte qh theit hinaneia inteteutu0 qh (tite qh qhhiee) qn whieh K ao nqw abqwt tq entet0 Sq (b) A eeetef rwbie qhhieetu anf eanfifateu hqt her oe Gqf0¹, uweh qhhieeu uha hie hw anf rwbie fiuequwte qh theit eaoraiin hinaneeu0 anf theteahtet uha fexqte retuqna attentiqn tq the (e) An{ rwbie qhhieet qt eorq{ee whq bteaeheu the fwtieu qh the qhhiee, anf eqntinwe in qhhiee wnti a rwbie ttwut hqt rtixate iain anf an{ retuqn qt entit{ uweeeuuqt qwaihieu0 infweini uweh bteaeh uha be iabe tq the utate hqt a (e) Vhe rqwetu, fwtieu, eqorenuatiqn anf oethqf hinaneia benehitu qbtainef b{ uweh aetiqnu0 Vhe oannet qh ra{oent qh utate anf eqwnt{ qhhieetu uha be hizef b{ qh teeqxet{ anf affitiqna faoaieu oa{ be rtqxifef b{ aw0 aw0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 3838, 3;88; afqrtef 3;88; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ (f) An{ rwbie qhhieet qt eorq{ee whq iu eqnxietef 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 qh a heqn{ inxqxini a bteaeh qh rwbie ttwut uha be uwbeet tq hqtheitwte qh tiihtu anf rtixieieu wnfet a SGEVKQP 80 Gneo{ attae0´Kn retiqfu qh eoet/ rwbie tetiteoent u{uteo qt renuiqn ran in uweh iene{ teuwtini htqo eneo{ attae the eiiuatwte uha oannet au oa{ be rtqxifef b{ aw0 haxe rqwet tq rtqxife hqt rtqort anf teorqtat{ (e) Pq oeobet qh the eiiuatwte qt utatewife uweeeuuiqn tq the rqwetu anf fwtieu qh a rwbie qhhieeu eeetef qhhieet uha retuqna{ terteuent anqthet ret/ the inewobentu qh whieh oa{ beeqoe wnaxaiabe tq uqn qt entit{ hqt eqorenuatiqn behqte the iqxetnoent ezeewte the hwnetiqnu qh theit qhhieeu, anf tq afqrt uweh bqf{ qt aiene{ qh whieh the infixifwa wau an qhhieet qt qthet oeauwteu au oa{ be neeeuuat{ anf arrtqrtiate oeobet hqt a retiqf qh twq {eatu hqqwini xaeatiqn qh tq inuwte the eqntinwit{ qh iqxetnoenta qretatiqnu qhhiee0 Pq oeobet qh the eiiuatwte uha retuqna{ fwtini the eoetiene{0 Kn ezeteiuini theue rqwetu, the terteuent anqthet retuqn qt entit{ hqt eqorenuatiqn eiiuatwte oa{ feratt htqo qthet teqwiteoentu qh thiu fwtini teto qh qhhiee behqte an{ utate aiene{ qthet than eqnutitwtiqn, bwt qn{ tq the eztent neeeuuat{ tq oeet wfieia ttibwnau0 Sioiat teuttietiqnu qn qthet rwbie the eoetiene{0 qhhieetu anf eorq{eeu oa{ be eutabiuhef b{ aw0 (h) Vhete uha be an inferenfent eqooiuuiqn tq SGEVKQP 90 Patwta teuqwteeu anf ueen�e eqnfwet inxeutiiatiqnu anf oae rwbie terqttu qn a beawt{0´ eqoraintu eqneetnini bteaeh qh rwbie ttwut b{ rwbie (a) Kt uha be the rqie{ qh the utate tq eqnuetxe anf qhhieetu qt eorq{eeu nqt within the wtiufietiqn qh the rtqteet itu natwta teuqwteeu anf ueenie beawt{0 Afe/ wfieia qwaihieatiqnu eqooiuuiqn0 qwate rtqxiuiqn uha be oafe b{ aw hqt the abateoent (i) A eqfe qh ethieu hqt a utate eorq{eeu anf qh ait anf watet rqwtiqn anf qh ezeeuuixe anf nqnwfieia qhhieetu rtqhibitini eqnhiet between rwbie wnneeeuuat{ nqiue anf hqt the eqnuetxatiqn anf fwt{ anf rtixate inteteutu uha be rteuetibef b{ aw0 rtqteetiqn qh natwta teuqwteeu0 (h) Vhiu ueetiqn uha nqt be eqnuttwef tq ioit (b) Vhque in the Gxetiafeu Aitiewtwta Atea whq fiuequwteu anf rtqhibitiqnu whieh oa{ be eutabiuhef eawue watet rqwtiqn within the Gxetiafeu Ptqteetiqn b{ aw tq rteuetxe the rwbie ttwut anf axqif eqnhietu Atea qt the Gxetiafeu Aitiewtwta Atea uha be between rwbie fwtieu anf rtixate inteteutu0 rtioati{ teurqnuibe hqt ra{ini the equtu qh the abate/ (i) Sehefwe´Qn the ehheetixe fate qh thiu aoenf/ oent qh that rqwtiqn0 Hqt the rwtrqueu qh thiu oent anf wnti ehanief b{ aw< 9 ATVKENG KK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG KKK
(3) Hw anf rwbie fiuequwte qh hinaneia inteteutu qhhieet, qt an eeetef ureeia fiuttiet qhhieet in a ureeia fiuttiet with af xaqteo tazini awthqtit{ uha nqt qbb{ hiu qt het hqtoet aiene{ qt iqxetnini bqf{0 uha oean hiini with the ewutqfian qh utate teeqtfu b{ (6) Vhiu uwbueetiqn uha nqt be eqnuttwef tq rtqhibit a rwbie qhhieet htqo Jw{ 3 qh eaeh {eat a uwqtn utateoent uhqwini net eatt{ini qwt the fwtieu qh hiu qt het rwbie qhhiee0 (5) Vhe eiiuatwte oa{ enaet eiiuatiqn tq ioreoent thiu uwbueetiqn, wqtth anf ifentih{ini eaeh auuet anf iabiit{ in ezeeuu inewfini, bwt nqt ioitef tq, fehinini tetou anf rtqxifini renatieu hqt xiqatiqnu0 qh &3,222 anf itu xawe tqiethet with qne qh the An{ uweh aw uha nqt eqntain rtqxiuiqnu qn an{ qthet uwbeet0 hqqwini< (i) Vhete uha be an inferenfent eqooiuuiqn tq eqnfwet inxeutiiatiqnu anf oae rwbie terqttu qn a eqoraintu eqneetnini bteaeh qh rwbie ttwut b{ rwbie a0 A eqr{ qh the retuqn'u oqut teeent hefeta qhhieetu qt eorq{eeu nqt within the wtiufietiqn qh the wfieia qwaihieatiqnu ineqoe taz tetwtn; qt eqooiuuiqn0 (h)(3) A eqfe qh ethieu hqt a utate eorq{eeu anf nqnwfieia qhhieetu b0 A uwqtn utateoent whieh ifentihieu eaeh uera/ rtqhibitini eqnhiet between rwbie fwt{ anf rtixate inteteutu uha be rteuetibef tate uqwtee anf aoqwnt qh ineqoe whieh ezeeefu b{ aw0 (2) A rwbie qhhieet qt rwbie eorq{ee uha nqt abwue hiu qt het rwbie rquitiqn &3,2220 Vhe hqtou hqt uweh uqwtee fiuequwte anf the in qtfet tq qbtain a fiurtqrqttiqnate benehit hqt hioueh qt hetueh; hiu qt het urqwue, tweu wnfet whieh the{ ate tq be hief uha be rteuetibef ehiften, qt eorq{et; qt hqt an{ bwuineuu with whieh he qt uhe eqnttaetu; in whieh he qt uhe iu an qhhieet, a rattnet, a fiteetqt, qt a rtqrtietqt; qt in whieh he qt uhe qwnu b{ the inferenfent eqooiuuiqn eutabiuhef in uwbuee/ an inteteut0 Vhe Hqtifa Eqooiuuiqn qn Gthieu uha, b{ twe in aeeqtfanee with tiqn (h), anf uweh tweu uha inewfe fiuequwte qh utatwtqt{ rtqeefwteu iqxetnini afoiniuttatixe tweoaini, fehine the teto ¬fiu/ rtqrqttiqnate benehit¹ anf rteuetibe the teqwiuite intent hqt hinfini a xiqatiqn qh thiu ueeqnfat{ uqwteeu qh ineqoe0 rtqhibitiqn hqt rwtrqueu qh enhqteini thiu rataitarh0 Arrtqrtiate renatieu uha be (2) Petuqnu hqfini utatewife eeetixe qhhieeu uha rteuetibef b{ aw0 auq hie fiuequwte qh theit hinaneia inteteutu rwtuwant tq (i) Vhiu ueetiqn uha nqt be eqnuttwef tq ioit fiuequwteu anf rtqhibitiqnu whieh oa{ be eutabiuhef b{ aw tq rteuetxe the rwbie ttwut anf axqif eqnhietu uwbueetiqn (i)(3)0 between rwbie fwtieu anf rtixate inteteutu0 (5) Vhe inferenfent eqooiuuiqn rtqxifef hqt in () Sehefwe´Qn the ehheetixe fate qh thiu aoenfoent anf wnti ehanief b{ aw< uwbueetiqn (h) uha oean the Hqtifa Eqooiuuiqn qn (3) Hw anf rwbie fiuequwte qh hinaneia inteteutu uha oean hiini with the Gthieu0 ewutqfian qh utate teeqtfu b{ Jw{ 3 qh eaeh {eat a uwqtn utateoent uhqwini net J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Jw{ 2;, wqtth anf ifentih{ini eaeh auuet anf iabiit{ in ezeeuu qh &3,222 anf itu xawe 3;98; afqrtef 3;98; Aou0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, tqiethet with qne qh the hqqwini< Texiuiqn Pqu0 8 anf 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; a0 A eqr{ qh the retuqn'u oqut teeent hefeta ineqoe taz tetwtn; qt afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 9, b0 A uwqtn utateoent whieh ifentihieu eaeh ueratate uqwtee anf aoqwnt qh 2238, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ ;, 2238; afqrtef 22380 ineqoe whieh ezeeefu &3,2220 Vhe hqtou hqt uweh uqwtee fiuequwte anf the tweu 3Pqte0´Seetiqn 58, Att0 ZKK, State Eqnutitwtiqn, rtqxifeu in ratt that ¬]t_he wnfet whieh the{ ate tq be hief uha be rteuetibef b{ the inferenfent eqooiuuiqn aoenfoentu tq Seetiqn 8 qh Attiee KK anf Seetiqn 35 qh Attiee V uha tae ehheet eutabiuhef in uwbueetiqn (i), anf uweh tweu uha inewfe fiuequwte qh ueeqnfat{ Deeeobet 53, 2222; ezeert that the aoenfoentu tq Seetiqn 8(h) qh Attiee KK uha uqwteeu qh ineqoe0 tae ehheet Deeeobet 53, 22220¹ Vhe aoenfoentu tq u0 8, Att0 KK, whieh tae ehheet (2) Petuqnu hqfini utatewife eeetixe qhhieeu uha auq hie fiuequwte qh theit Deeeobet 53, 2222, inewfe the affitiqn qh a new uwbueetiqn (h), whieh wi teuwt in hinaneia inteteutu rwtuwant tq rataitarh (3)0 the tefeuiinatiqn qh uwbueqwent uwbueetiqnu0 Au a teuwt, the aoenfoent tq u0 8(h), (5) Vhe inferenfent eqooiuuiqn rtqxifef hqt in uwbueetiqn (i) uha oean the ehheetixe Deeeobet 53, 2222, wi arr{ tq ewttent u0 8(i), wnti the teoainini Hqtifa Eqooiuuiqn qn Gthieu0 aoenfoentu tq u0 8, Att0 KK tae ehheet anf u0 8(i) iu tefeuiinatef au u0 8(h)0 Ghheetixe Deeeobet 53, 2222, u0 8, Att0 KK, ezeert u0 8(i), whieh wi tae ehheet Deeeobet 53, 2222, anf wi be uwbueqwent{ tefeuiinatef au u0 8(h), Att0 KK b{ the aoenfoent SGEVKQP ;0 Gni�uh �u the qhh�e�a aniwaie qh ehheetixe Deeeobet 53, 2222, wi teaf< SGEVKQP 80 Gth�eu �n iqxetnoent0´A rwbie qhhiee iu a rwbie ttwut0 Vhe Hqt�fa0´ reqre uha haxe the tiiht tq ueewte anf uwutain that ttwut aiainut abwue0 Vq auuwte (a) Gniiuh iu the qhhieia aniwaie qh the State qh thiu tiiht< (a) A eeetef eqnutitwtiqna qhhieetu anf eanfifateu hqt uweh qhhieeu anf, au Hqtifa0 oa{ be fetetoinef b{ aw, qthet rwbie qhhieetu, eanfifateu, anf eorq{eeu uha (b) Vhe eiiuatwte uha haxe the rqwet tq enhqtee hie hw anf rwbie fiuequwte qh theit hinaneia inteteutu0 (b) A eeetef rwbie qhhieetu anf eanfifateu hqt uweh qhhieeu uha hie hw anf thiu ueetiqn b{ arrtqrtiate eiiuatiqn0 rwbie fiuequwte qh theit eaoraiin hinaneeu0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Awiwut (e) An{ rwbie qhhieet qt eorq{ee whq bteaeheu the rwbie ttwut hqt rtixate iain 8, 3;88; afqrtef 3;880 anf an{ retuqn qt entit{ infweini uweh bteaeh uha be iabe tq the utate hqt a hinaneia benehitu qbtainef b{ uweh aetiqnu0 Vhe oannet qh teeqxet{ anf affitiqna faoaieu oa{ be rtqxifef b{ aw0 ATVKENG KKK (f) An{ rwbie qhhieet qt eorq{ee whq iu eqnxietef qh a heqn{ inxqxini a bteaeh qh rwbie ttwut uha be uwbeet tq hqtheitwte qh tiihtu anf rtixieieu wnfet a rwbie tetiteoent u{uteo qt renuiqn ran in uweh oannet au oa{ be rtqxifef b{ aw0 NGGKSNAVWTG (e) Pq oeobet qh the eiiuatwte qt utatewife eeetef qhhieet uha retuqna{ terteuent anqthet retuqn qt entit{ hqt eqorenuatiqn behqte the iqxetnoent bqf{ qt See0 aiene{ qh whieh the infixifwa wau an qhhieet qt oeobet hqt a retiqf qh twq {eatu hqqwini xaeatiqn qh qhhiee0 Pq oeobet qh the eiiuatwte uha retuqna{ terteuent anqthet retuqn qt entit{ hqt eqorenuatiqn fwtini teto qh qhhiee behqte an{ utate 30 Eqorquitiqn0 aiene{ qthet than wfieia ttibwnau0 Sioiat teuttietiqnu qn qthet rwbie qhhieetu anf eorq{eeu oa{ be eutabiuhef b{ aw0 20 Meobetu; qhhieetu0 (h)(3) Hqt rwtrqueu qh thiu uwbueetiqn, the teto ¬rwbie qhhieet¹ oeanu a 50 Seuuiqnu qh the eiiuatwte0 utatewife eeetef qhhieet, a oeobet qh the eiiuatwte, a eqwnt{ eqooiuuiqnet, a eqwnt{ qhhieet rwtuwant tq Attiee VKKK qt eqwnt{ ehattet, a uehqq bqatf oeobet, a 60 Swqtwo anf rtqeefwte0 uwretintenfent qh uehqqu, an eeetef ownieira qhhieet, an eeetef ureeia fiuttiet 50 Knxeutiiatiqnu; witneuueu0 qhhieet in a ureeia fiuttiet with af xaqteo tazini awthqtit{, qt a retuqn uetxini au a ueetetat{, an ezeewtixe fiteetqt, qt qthet aiene{ heaf qh a ferattoent qh the 80 Nawu0 ezeewtixe btaneh qh utate iqxetnoent0 90 Pauuaie qh biu0 (2) A rwbie qhhieet uha nqt qbb{ hqt eqorenuatiqn qn iuuweu qh rqie{, arrtqrtiatiqnu, qt rtqewteoent behqte the hefeta iqxetnoent, the eiiuatwte, an{ 80 Gzeewtixe arrtqxa anf xetq0 utate iqxetnoent bqf{ qt aiene{, qt an{ rqitiea uwbfixiuiqn qh thiu utate, fwtini hiu ;0 Ghheetixe fate qh awu0 qt het teto qh qhhiee0 320 Sreeia awu0 (5) A rwbie qhhieet uha nqt qbb{ hqt eqorenuatiqn qn iuuweu qh rqie{, arrtqrtiatiqnu, qt rtqewteoent hqt a retiqf qh uiz {eatu ahtet xaeatiqn qh rwbie 330 Ptqhibitef ureeia awu0 rquitiqn, au hqqwu< 320 Arrtqrtiatiqn biu0 a0 A utatewife eeetef qhhieet qt oeobet qh the eiiuatwte uha nqt qbb{ the eiiuatwte qt an{ utate iqxetnoent bqf{ qt aiene{0 350 Veto qh qhhiee0 b0 A retuqn uetxini au a ueetetat{, an ezeewtixe fiteetqt, qt qthet aiene{ heaf 360 Eixi uetxiee u{uteo0 qh a ferattoent qh the ezeewtixe btaneh qh utate iqxetnoent uha nqt qbb{ the eiiuatwte, the iqxetnqt, the ezeewtixe qhhiee qh the iqxetnqt, oeobetu qh the 350 Vetou anf qwaihieatiqnu qh eiiuatqtu0 eabinet, a ferattoent that iu heafef b{ a oeobet qh the eabinet, qt hiu qt het hqtoet 380 Neiiuatixe arrqttiqnoent0 ferattoent0 e0 A eqwnt{ eqooiuuiqnet, a eqwnt{ qhhieet rwtuwant tq Attiee VKKK qt eqwnt{ 390 Koreaehoent0 ehattet, a uehqq bqatf oeobet, a uwretintenfent qh uehqqu, an eeetef ownieira 380 Eqnhiet qh Knteteut0 8 ATVKENG KKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG KKK
See0 aitee wrqn a tioe hqt afqwtnoent, the iqxetnqt oa{ afqwtn the ueuuiqn uine fie qt tq an{ fate within the 3;0 State Dwfietini, Pannini anf Arrtqrtiatiqnu retiqf awthqtizef hqt uweh ueuuiqn; rtqxifef that, at Ptqeeuueu0 eaut twent{/hqwt hqwtu behqte afqwtnini the ueuuiqn, 220 Stanfatfu hqt eutabiuhini eqniteuuiqna fiuttiet anf whie neithet hqwue iu in teeeuu, eaeh hqwue uha bqwnfatieu0 be iixen hqtoa wtitten nqtiee qh the iqxetnqt'u intentiqn 230 Stanfatfu hqt eutabiuhini eiiuatixe fiuttiet tq fq uq, anf aiteeoent teaehef within that retiqf b{ bqwnfatieu0 bqth hqwueu qn a tioe hqt afqwtnoent uha rtexai0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 E0S0 hqt S0J0T0 582, 3;8;; afqrtef 3;;2; Ao0 S0J0T0 2828, 3;;6; afqrtef 3;;6; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 SGEVKQP 30 Eqorqu�t�qn0´Vhe eiiuatixe rqwet 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 rtqrquef qh the utate uha be xeutef in a eiiuatwte qh the State qh b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 5, 2238, hief with the Seetetat{ Hqtifa, eqnuiutini qh a uenate eqorquef qh qne uenatqt qh State Ma{ ;, 2238; afqrtef 22380 eeetef htqo eaeh uenatqtia fiuttiet anf a hqwue qh SGEVKQP 60 Swqtwo anf rtqeefwte0´ terteuentatixeu eqorquef qh qne oeobet eeetef htqo (a) A oaqtit{ qh the oeobetuhir qh eaeh hqwue uha eaeh terteuentatixe fiuttiet0 eqnutitwte a qwqtwo, bwt a uoaet nwobet oa{ afqwtn htqo fa{ tq fa{ anf eqore the rteuenee qh abuent SGEVKQP 20 Meobetu; qhh�eetu0´Gaeh hqwue oeobetu in uweh oannet anf wnfet uweh renatieu au it uha be the uqe wfie qh the qwaihieatiqnu, eeetiqnu, oa{ rteuetibe0 Gaeh hqwue uha fetetoine itu tweu qh anf tetwtnu qh itu oeobetu, anf uha biennia{ ehqque rtqeefwte0 itu qhhieetu, inewfini a retoanent rteuifini qhhieet (b) Seuuiqnu qh eaeh hqwue uha be rwbie; ezeert ueeetef htqo itu oeobetuhir, whq uha be feuiinatef ueuuiqnu qh the uenate when eqnuifetini arrqintoent in the uenate au Pteuifent qh the Senate, anf in the tq qt teoqxa htqo rwbie qhhiee oa{ be equef0 hqwue au Sreaet qh the Jqwue qh Terteuentatixeu0 Vhe (e) Gaeh hqwue uha eer anf rwbiuh a qwtna qh itu uenate uha feuiinate a Seetetat{ tq uetxe at itu rtqeeefiniu; anf wrqn the teqweut qh hixe oeobetu reauwte, anf the hqwue qh terteuentatixeu uha rteuent, the xqte qh eaeh oeobet xqtini qn an{ feuiinate a Eet tq uetxe at itu reauwte0 Vhe qweutiqn uha be entetef qn the qwtna0 Kn an{ eiiuatwte uha arrqint an awfitqt tq uetxe at itu eiiuatixe eqooittee qt uwbeqooittee, the xqte qh reauwte whq uha awfit rwbie teeqtfu anf rethqto eaeh oeobet xqtini qn the hina rauuaie qh an{ teatef fwtieu au rteuetibef b{ aw qt eqnewttent eiiuatiqn renfini behqte the eqooittee, anf wrqn teuqwtiqn0 the teqweut qh an{ twq oeobetu qh the eqooittee qt uwbeqooittee, the xqte qh eaeh oeobet qn an{ qthet SGEVKQP 50 Seuu�qnu qh the ei�uatwte0´ qweutiqn, uha be teeqtfef0 (a) QTGAPK\AVKQP SGSSKQPS0 Qn the hqwt/ (f) Gaeh hqwue oa{ rwniuh a oeobet hqt eqnteort teenth fa{ hqqwini eaeh ieneta eeetiqn the eiiua/ qt fiuqtfet{ eqnfwet anf, b{ a twq/thitfu xqte qh itu twte uha eqnxene hqt the ezewuixe rwtrque qh qtiani/ oeobetuhir, oa{ ezre a oeobet0 zatiqn anf ueeetiqn qh qhhieetu0 (e) Vhe tweu qh rtqeefwte qh eaeh hqwue uha (b) TGGWNAT SGSSKQPS0 A teiwat ueuuiqn qh rtqxife that a eiiuatixe eqooittee anf uwbeqooittee the eiiuatwte uha eqnxene qn the hitut Vweufa{ ahtet oeetiniu qh eaeh hqwue, anf qint eqnhetenee eqooit/ the hitut Mqnfa{ in Mateh qh eaeh qff/nwobetef {eat, tee oeetiniu, uha be qren anf nqtieef tq the rwbie0 anf qn the ueeqnf Vweufa{ ahtet the hitut Mqnfa{ in Vhe tweu qh rtqeefwte qh eaeh hqwue uha hwtthet Janwat{ qh eaeh exen/nwobetef {eat0 rtqxife that a rteattanief iathetiniu, between oqte (e) SPGEKAN SGSSKQPS0 than twq oeobetu qh the eiiuatwte, qt between the (3) Vhe iqxetnqt, b{ rtqeaoatiqn utatini the rwt/ iqxetnqt, the rteuifent qh the uenate, qt the ureaet qh rque, oa{ eqnxene the eiiuatwte in ureeia ueuuiqn the hqwue qh terteuentatixeu, the rwtrque qh whieh iu tq fwtini whieh qn{ uweh eiiuatixe bwuineuu oa{ be aitee wrqn hqtoa eiiuatixe aetiqn that wi be taen at ttanuaetef au iu within the rwtxiew qh the rtqeaoatiqn, a uwbueqwent tioe, qt at whieh hqtoa eiiuatixe aetiqn qt qh a eqoownieatiqn htqo the iqxetnqt, qt iu iu taen, teiatfini renfini eiiuatiqn qt aoenfoentu, inttqfweef b{ eqnuent qh twq/thitfu qh the oeobetuhir uha be teauqnab{ qren tq the rwbie0 A qren oeet/ qh eaeh hqwue0 iniu uha be uwbeet tq qtfet anf feeqtwo0 Vhiu ueetiqn (2) A ureeia ueuuiqn qh the eiiuatwte oa{ be uha be ioreoentef anf fehinef b{ the tweu qh eaeh eqnxenef au rtqxifef b{ aw0 hqwue, anf uweh tweu uha eqnttq afoiuuiqn tq the (f) NGPGVJ QH SGSSKQPS0 A teiwat ueuuiqn qh hqqt qh eaeh eiiuatixe ehaobet anf oa{, whete the eiiuatwte uha nqt ezeeef uizt{ eqnueewtixe fa{u, teauqnab{ neeeuuat{ hqt ueewtit{ rwtrqueu qt tq anf a ureeia ueuuiqn uha nqt ezeeef twent{ eqn/ rtqteet a witneuu arreatini behqte a eqooittee, ueewtixe fa{u, wneuu eztenfef be{qnf uweh ioit b{ a rtqxife hqt the equwte qh eqooittee oeetiniu0 Gaeh thtee/hihthu xqte qh eaeh hqwue0 Dwtini uweh an ezten/ hqwue uha be the uqe wfie hqt the intetrtetatiqn, uiqn nq new bwuineuu oa{ be taen wr in eithet hqwue ioreoentatiqn, anf enhqteeoent qh thiu ueetiqn0 withqwt the eqnuent qh twq/thitfu qh itu oeobetuhir0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 S0J0T0'u 3;;2, 2, 3;;2; afqrtef 3;;20 (e) ADJQWTPMGPV0 Peithet hqwue uha afqwtn hqt oqte than uexent{/twq eqnueewtixe hqwtu ezeert SGEVKQP 50 Knxeut�iat�qnu; w�tneuueu0´Gaeh rwtuwant tq eqnewttent teuqwtiqn0 hqwue, when in ueuuiqn, oa{ eqore attenfanee qh (h) ADJQWTPMGPV DY GQVGTPQT0 Kh, fwtini witneuueu anf rtqfwetiqn qh fqewoentu anf qthet an{ teiwat qt ureeia ueuuiqn, the twq hqwueu eannqt exifenee wrqn an{ oattet wnfet inxeutiiatiqn behqte ; ATVKENG KKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG KKK it qt an{ qh itu eqooitteeu, anf oa{ rwniuh b{ hine nqt itu qwtna0 Kh the qtiiinatini hqwue xqteu tq te/enaet a ezeeefini qne thqwuanf fqatu qt iortiuqnoent nqt xetqef oeauwte, whethet in a teiwat qt ureeia ezeeefini ninet{ fa{u, qt bqth, an{ retuqn nqt a ueuuiqn, anf the qthet hqwue fqeu nqt eqnuifet qt oeobet whq hau been iwit{ qh fiuqtfet{ qt eqnteor/ haiu tq te/enaet the xetqef oeauwte, nq hwtthet twqwu eqnfwet in itu rteuenee qt hau tehwuef tq qbe{ itu eqnuifetatiqn b{ eithet hqwue at an{ uwbueqwent awhw uwooqnu qt tq anuwet awhw qweutiqnu0 Sweh ueuuiqn oa{ be taen0 Kh a xetqef oeauwte iu rteuentef rqwetu, ezeert the rqwet tq rwniuh, oa{ be eqnhettef at a ureeia ueuuiqn anf the qtiiinatini hqwue fqeu nqt b{ aw wrqn eqooitteeu when the eiiuatwte iu nqt in eqnuifet it, the oeauwte wi be axaiabe hqt eqnuifeta/ ueuuiqn0 Pwniuhoent qh eqnteort qh an intetio eiiua/ tiqn at an{ intetxenini ureeia ueuuiqn anf wnti the enf tixe eqooittee uha be b{ wfieia rtqeeefiniu au qh the nezt teiwat ueuuiqn0 rteuetibef b{ aw0 (e) Kh eaeh hqwue uha, b{ a twq/thitfu xqte, te/enaet the bi qt teinutate the xetqef ureeihie arrtqrtiatiqn qh a SGEVKQP 80 Nawu0´Gxet{ aw uha eobtaee bwt ieneta arrtqrtiatiqn bi, the xqte qh eaeh oeobet qne uwbeet anf oattet rtqret{ eqnneetef thetewith, xqtini uha be entetef qn the teureetixe qwtnau, anf anf the uwbeet uha be btieh{ ezrteuuef in the tite0 Pq the bi uha beeqoe aw qt the ureeihie arrtqrtiatiqn aw uha be texiuef qt aoenfef b{ tehetenee tq itu tite teinutatef, the xetq nqtwithutanfini0 J�utqt{0´Aou0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pqu0 qn{0 Nawu tq texiue qt aoenf uha uet qwt in hw the 8 anf 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 texiuef qt aoenfef aet, ueetiqn, uwbueetiqn qt rata/ itarh qh a uwbueetiqn0 Vhe enaetini eawue qh exet{ aw SGEVKQP ;0 Ghheet�xe fate qh awu0´Gaeh aw uha teaf< ¬De Kt Gnaetef b{ the Neiiuatwte qh the State uha tae ehheet qn the uiztieth fa{ ahtet afqwtnoent qh Hqtifa<¹0 uine fie qh the ueuuiqn qh the eiiuatwte in whieh enaetef qt au qthetwiue rtqxifef thetein0 Kh the aw iu SGEVKQP 90 Pauuaie qh b�u0´An{ bi oa{ rauuef qxet the xetq qh the iqxetnqt it uha tae ehheet qtiiinate in eithet hqwue anf ahtet rauuaie in qne qn the uiztieth fa{ ahtet afqwtnoent uine fie qh the oa{ be aoenfef in the qthet0 Kt uha be teaf in eaeh ueuuiqn in whieh the xetq iu qxettiffen, qn a atet fate hqwue qn thtee ueratate fa{u, wneuu thiu twe iu waixef hizef in the aw, qt qn a fate hizef b{ teuqwtiqn rauuef b{ twq/thitfu xqte; rtqxifef the rwbieatiqn qh itu tite in b{ bqth hqwueu qh the eiiuatwte0 the qwtna qh a hqwue uha uatiuh{ the teqwiteoent hqt the hitut teafini in that hqwue0 Qn eaeh teafini, it uha SGEVKQP 320 Sree�a awu0´Pq ureeia aw uha be teaf b{ tite qn{, wneuu qne/thitf qh the oeobetu be rauuef wneuu nqtiee qh intentiqn tq uee enaetoent rteuent feuite it teaf in hw0 Qn hina rauuaie, the xqte theteqh hau been rwbiuhef in the oannet rtqxifef b{ qh eaeh oeobet xqtini uha be entetef qn the qwtna0 ieneta aw0 Sweh nqtiee uha nqt be neeeuuat{ when Pauuaie qh a bi uha teqwite a oaqtit{ xqte in eaeh the aw, ezeert the rtqxiuiqn hqt tehetenfwo, iu eqnfi/ hqwue0 Gaeh bi anf qint teuqwtiqn rauuef in bqth tiqnef tq beeqoe ehheetixe qn{ wrqn arrtqxa b{ xqte qh hqwueu uha be uiinef b{ the rteuifini qhhieetu qh the the eeetqtu qh the atea ahheetef0 teureetixe hqwueu anf b{ the ueetetat{ qh the uenate anf the eet qh the hqwue qh terteuentatixeu fwtini the SGEVKQP 330 Ptqh�b�tef uree�a awu0´ ueuuiqn qt au uqqn au rtaetieabe ahtet itu afqwtnoent (a) Vhete uha be nq ureeia aw qt ieneta aw qh uine fie0 qea arrieatiqn rettainini tq< J�utqt{0´Ao0 S0J0T0 356;, 3;82; afqrtef 3;820 (3) eeetiqn, wtiufietiqn qt fwtieu qh qhhieetu, ezeert qhhieetu qh ownieiraitieu, ehattetef eqwntieu, ureeia SGEVKQP 80 Gzeewt�xe arrtqxa anf xetq0´ fiuttietu qt qea iqxetnoenta aieneieu; (a) Gxet{ bi rauuef b{ the eiiuatwte uha be (2) auueuuoent qt eqeetiqn qh tazeu hqt utate qt rteuentef tq the iqxetnqt hqt arrtqxa anf uha eqwnt{ rwtrqueu, inewfini eztenuiqn qh tioe thetehqt, beeqoe a aw ih the iqxetnqt arrtqxeu anf uiinu it, teieh qh taz qhhieetu htqo fwe rethqtoanee qh theit qt haiu tq xetq it within uexen eqnueewtixe fa{u ahtet fwtieu, anf teieh qh theit uwtetieu htqo iabiit{; rteuentatiqn0 Kh fwtini that retiqf qt qn the uexenth fa{ (5) tweu qh exifenee in an{ eqwtt; the eiiuatwte afqwtnu uine fie qt taeu a teeeuu qh (6) rwniuhoent hqt etioe; oqte than thitt{ fa{u, the iqxetnqt uha haxe hihteen (5) retit wtieu, inewfini eqorenuatiqn qh wtqtu, eqnueewtixe fa{u htqo the fate qh rteuentatiqn tq aet qn ezeert eutabiuhoent qh wt{ eqooiuuiqnu; the bi0 Kn a eaueu ezeert ieneta arrtqrtiatiqn biu, (8) ehanie qh eixi qt etioina xenwe; the xetq uha eztenf tq the entite bi0 Vhe iqxetnqt oa{ (9) eqnfitiqnu rteeefent tq btiniini an{ eixi qt xetq an{ ureeihie arrtqrtiatiqn in a ieneta arrtqrtia/ etioina rtqeeefiniu, qt ioitatiqnu qh tioe thetehqt; tiqn bi, bwt oa{ nqt xetq an{ qwaihieatiqn qt teuttietiqn (8) tehwnf qh oqne{ eia{ raif qt teoiuuiqn qh withqwt auq xetqini the arrtqrtiatiqn tq whieh it teateu0 hineu, renatieu qt hqtheitwteu; (b) Yhen a bi qt an{ ureeihie arrtqrtiatiqn qh a (;) eteatiqn, enhqteeoent, eztenuiqn qt ioraitoent ieneta arrtqrtiatiqn bi hau been xetqef, the iqxetnqt qh ienu bauef qn rtixate eqnttaetu, qt hizini qh inteteut uha ttanuoit uiinef qbeetiqnu thetetq tq the hqwue in tateu qn rtixate eqnttaetu; whieh the bi qtiiinatef ih in ueuuiqn0 Kh that hqwue iu nqt (32) fiurqua qh rwbie rtqrett{, inewfini an{ inteteut in ueuuiqn, the iqxetnqt uha hie theo with the thetein, hqt rtixate rwtrqueu; ewutqfian qh utate teeqtfu, whq uha a{ theo behqte (33) xaeatiqn qh tqafu; that hqwue at itu nezt teiwat qt ureeia ueuuiqn, (32) rtixate ineqtrqtatiqn qt itant qh rtixieie tq a whiehexet qeewtu hitut, anf the{ uha be entetef qn rtixate eqtrqtatiqn; 32 ATVKENG KKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG KKK
(35) ehheetwatiqn qh inxaif feefu, wiu qt qthet (b) TGPTGSGPVAVKVGS0 Meobetu qh the hqwue inuttwoentu, qt ehanie in the aw qh feueent; qh terteuentatixeu uha be eeetef hqt tetou qh twq (36) ehanie qh naoe qh an{ retuqn; {eatu in eaeh exen/nwobetef {eat0 (35) fixqtee; (e) SWANKHKEAVKQPS0 Gaeh eiiuatqt uha be at (38) eiitioatiqn qt afqrtiqn qh retuqnu; eaut twent{/qne {eatu qh aie, an eeetqt anf teuifent qh (39) teieh qh oinqtu htqo eia fiuabiitieu; the fiuttiet htqo whieh eeetef anf uha haxe teuifef in (38) ttanuhet qh an{ rtqrett{ inteteut qh retuqnu wnfet the utate hqt a retiqf qh twq {eatu rtiqt tq eeetiqn0 eia fiuabiitieu qt qh eutateu qh feeefentu; (f) ASSWMKPG QHHKEG; VAEAPEKGS0 Meobetu (3;) hwntini qt hteuh watet hiuhini; qh the eiiuatwte uha tae qhhiee wrqn eeetiqn0 (22) teiwatiqn qh qeewratiqnu whieh ate teiwatef b{ Vaeaneieu in eiiuatixe qhhiee uha be hief qn{ b{ a utate aiene{; qt eeetiqn au rtqxifef b{ aw0 3(23) an{ uwbeet when rtqhibitef b{ ieneta aw rauuef b{ a thtee/hihthu xqte qh the oeobetuhir qh SGEVKQP 380 Nei�uat�xe arrqtt�qnoent0´ eaeh hqwue0 Sweh aw oa{ be aoenfef qt tereaef b{ (a) SGPAVQTKAN APD TGPTGSGPVAVKVG DKS/ ie xqte0 VTKEVS0 Vhe eiiuatwte at itu teiwat ueuuiqn in the (b) Kn the enaetoent qh ieneta awu qn qthet ueeqnf {eat hqqwini eaeh feeennia eenuwu, b{ qint uwbeetu, rqitiea uwbfixiuiqnu qt qthet iqxetnoenta teuqwtiqn, uha arrqttiqn the utate in aeeqtfanee with entitieu oa{ be eauuihief qn{ qn a bauiu teauqnab{ the eqnutitwtiqn qh the utate anf qh the Wnitef Stateu intq teatef tq the uwbeet qh the aw0 nqt euu than thitt{ nqt oqte than hqtt{ eqnueewtixe{ 3Pqte0´See the hqqwini hqt rtqhibitef uwbeet oattetu affef wnfet the nwobetef uenatqtia fiuttietu qh eithet eqntiiwqwu, awthqtit{ qh thiu rataitarh< qxetarrini qt ifentiea tettitqt{, anf intq nqt euu u0 332089, H0S0 (Pettainini tq rtqteetiqn qh rwbie eorq{ee tetiteoent benehitu)0 u0 32303;3, H0S0 (Pettainini tq utate/afoiniutetef qt uwrrqttef tetiteoent than eiiht{ nqt oqte than qne hwnftef twent{ eqn/ u{uteou)0 ueewtixe{ nwobetef terteuentatixe fiuttietu qh eithet u0 365038, H0S0 (Pettainini tq eqorenuatiqn qh feuiinatef eqwnt{ qhhieiau)0 u0 38;0253(2), H0S0 (Pettainini tq inferenfent ureeia fiuttietu)0 eqntiiwqwu, qxetarrini qt ifentiea tettitqt{0 Shqwf u0 3;2026;, H0S0 (Pettainini tq the eteatiqn qh inferenfent ureeia fiuttietu that ueuuiqn afqwtn withqwt afqrtini uweh qint teuqw/ haxini the rqwetu enwoetatef in twq qt oqte qh the rataitarhu qh u0 3;20232, H0S0)0 u0 2350865, H0S0 (Pettainini tq the oaziowo tate qh inteteut qn bqnfu)0 tiqn, the iqxetnqt b{ rtqeaoatiqn uha teeqnxene the u0 2;8098(3), H0S0 (Pettainini tq the itant qh awthqtit{, rqwet, tiihtu, qt rtixieieu eiiuatwte within thitt{ fa{u in ureeia arrqttiqnoent tq a watet eqnttq fiuttiet hqtoef rwtuwant tq eh0 2;8, H0S0)0 ueuuiqn whieh uha nqt ezeeef thitt{ eqnueewtixe fa{u, u0 5950525(2)(b), H0S0 (Pettainini tq aqeatiqn qh oiaie hqt watet oanaieoent rwtrqueu)0 fwtini whieh nq qthet bwuineuu uha be ttanuaetef, anf u0 3233099, H0S0 (Pettainini tq tazatiqn hqt uehqq rwtrqueu anf the Hqtifa it uha be the oanfatqt{ fwt{ qh the eiiuatwte tq afqrt Gfweatiqn Hinanee Ptqitao)0 u0 3235059(5), H0S0 (Pettainini tq the ¬State Wnihqto Dwifini Eqfe hqt Pwbie a qint teuqwtiqn qh arrqttiqnoent0 Gfweatiqna Haeiitieu Eqnuttwetiqn¹)0 (b) HAKNWTG QH NGGKSNAVWTG VQ APPQTVKQP; JWDKEKAN TGAPPQTVKQPMGPV0 Kn the exent a SGEVKQP 320 Arrtqrt�at�qn b�u0´ Nawu oaini ureeia arrqttiqnoent ueuuiqn qh the eiiuatwte hina{ arrtqrtiatiqnu hqt uaatieu qh rwbie qhhieetu anf qthet afqwtnu withqwt afqrtini a qint teuqwtiqn qh arrqt/ ewttent ezrenueu qh the utate uha eqntain rtqxiuiqnu qn tiqnoent, the attqtne{ ieneta uha, within hixe fa{u, nq qthet uwbeet0 retitiqn the uwrteoe eqwtt qh the utate tq oae uweh arrqttiqnoent0 Pq atet than the uiztieth fa{ ahtet the SGEVKQP 350 Veto qh qhh�ee0´Pq qhhiee uha be hiini qh uweh retitiqn, the uwrteoe eqwtt uha hie with eteatef the teto qh whieh uha ezeeef hqwt {eatu ezeert the ewutqfian qh utate teeqtfu an qtfet oaini uweh au rtqxifef hetein0 arrqttiqnoent0 (e) JWDKEKAN TGVKGY QH APPQTVKQPMGPV0 SGEVKQP 360 E�x� uetx�ee u{uteo0´D{ aw thete Yithin hihteen fa{u ahtet the rauuaie qh the qint uha be eteatef a eixi uetxiee u{uteo hqt utate eorq{/ teuqwtiqn qh arrqttiqnoent, the attqtne{ ieneta uha eeu, ezeert thque ezrteuu{ ezeortef, anf thete oa{ retitiqn the uwrteoe eqwtt qh the utate hqt a feeatatqt{ be eteatef eixi uetxiee u{uteou anf bqatfu hqt eqwnt{, wfioent fetetoinini the xaifit{ qh the arrqttiqnoent0 fiuttiet qt ownieira eorq{eeu anf hqt uweh qhhieeu Vhe uwrteoe eqwtt, in aeeqtfanee with itu tweu, uha theteqh au ate nqt eeetef qt arrqintef b{ the iqxetnqt, retoit afxetuat{ inteteutu tq rteuent theit xiewu anf, anf thete oa{ be awthqtizef uweh bqatfu au ate within thitt{ fa{u htqo the hiini qh the retitiqn, uha neeeuuat{ tq rteuetibe the qwaihieatiqnu, oethqf qh entet itu wfioent0 ueeetiqn anf tenwte qh uweh eorq{eeu anf qhhieetu0 (f) GHHGEV QH JWDGMGPV KP APPQTVKQP/ MGPV; GZVTAQTDKPATY APPQTVKQPMGPV SGS/ SGEVKQP 350 Vetou anf qwa�h�eat�qnu qh ei�u/ SKQP0 A wfioent qh the uwrteoe eqwtt qh the utate atqtu0´ fetetoinini the arrqttiqnoent tq be xaif uha be (a) SGPAVQTS0 Senatqtu uha be eeetef hqt binfini wrqn a the eitizenu qh the utate0 Shqwf the tetou qh hqwt {eatu, thque htqo qff/nwobetef fiuttietu uwrteoe eqwtt fetetoine that the arrqttiqnoent oafe in the {eatu the nwobetu qh whieh ate owtireu qh hqwt b{ the eiiuatwte iu inxaif, the iqxetnqt b{ rtqeaoa/ anf thque htqo exen/nwobetef fiuttietu in exen/nwo/ tiqn uha teeqnxene the eiiuatwte within hixe fa{u betef {eatu the nwobetu qh whieh ate nqt owtireu qh theteahtet in ezttaqtfinat{ arrqttiqnoent ueuuiqn whieh hqwt; ezeert, at the eeetiqn nezt hqqwini a tearrqttiqn/ uha nqt ezeeef hihteen fa{u, fwtini whieh the eiiu/ oent, uqoe uenatqtu uha be eeetef hqt tetou qh twq atwte uha afqrt a qint teuqwtiqn qh arrqttiqnoent {eatu when neeeuuat{ tq oaintain utaiietef tetou0 eqnhqtoini tq the wfioent qh the uwrteoe eqwtt0 33 ATVKENG KKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG KKK
(e) GZVTAQTDKPATY APPQTVKQPMGPV SGS/ rtqhibitini eqnhiet between rwbie fwt{ anf rtixate SKQP; TGVKGY QH APPQTVKQPMGPV0 Yithin hih/ inteteutu uha be rteuetibef b{ aw0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 teen fa{u ahtet the afqwtnoent qh an ezttaqtfinat{ 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 arrqttiqnoent ueuuiqn, the attqtne{ ieneta uha hie a 3Pqte0´Vhiu ueetiqn wau tereaef ehheetixe Janwat{ 5, 3;;;, b{ Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 35, 3;;8, hief with the retitiqn in the uwrteoe eqwtt qh the utate uettini hqtth the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 See u0 5(e), Att0 ZK, State arrqttiqnoent teuqwtiqn afqrtef b{ the eiiuatwte, qt Eqnutitwtiqn, hqt eqnutitwtiqna ehheetixe fate0 Kfentiea aniwaie tq u0 38, Att0 KKK, State Eqnutitwtiqn, wau enaetef in u0 8(i), Att0 KK, State Eqnutitwtiqn, b{ Texiuiqn Pq0 ih nqne hau been afqrtef terqttini that haet tq the eqwtt0 35, 3;;80 Eqnuifetatiqn qh the xaifit{ qh a qint teuqwtiqn qh arrqttiqnoent uha be haf au rtqxifef hqt in eaueu qh SGEVKQP 3;0 State Dwfiet�ni, Pann�ni anf uweh qint teuqwtiqn afqrtef at a teiwat qt ureeia Arrtqrt�at�qnu Ptqeeuueu0´ arrqttiqnoent ueuuiqn0 (a) APPWAN DWDGGVKPG0 (h) JWDKEKAN TGAPPQTVKQPMGPV0 Shqwf an (3) Geneta aw uha rteuetibe the afqrtiqn qh ezttaqtfinat{ arrqttiqnoent ueuuiqn hai tq afqrt a annwa utate bwfietat{ anf rannini rtqeeuueu anf teuqwtiqn qh arrqttiqnoent qt uhqwf the uwrteoe eqwtt teqwite that fetai teheetini the annwaizef equtu qh the fetetoine that the arrqttiqnoent oafe iu inxaif, the utate bwfiet anf teheetini the nqnteewttini equtu qh the eqwtt uha, nqt atet than uizt{ fa{u ahtet teeeixini the bwfiet teqweutu uha aeeqoran{ utate ferattoent anf retitiqn qh the attqtne{ ieneta, hie with the ewutqfian qh aiene{ eiiuatixe bwfiet teqweutu, the iqxetnqt'u utate teeqtfu an qtfet oaini uweh arrqttiqnoent0 teeqooenfef bwfiet, anf arrtqrtiatiqn biu0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 8, (2) Wneuu arrtqxef b{ a thtee/hihthu xqte qh the 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 oeobetuhir qh eaeh hqwue, arrtqrtiatiqnu oafe hqt teewttini rwtrqueu htqo nqnteewttini ieneta texenwe SGEVKQP 390 Koreaehoent0´ hwnfu hqt an{ hiuea {eat uha nqt ezeeef thtee reteent (a) Vhe iqxetnqt, iewtenant iqxetnqt, oeobetu qh qh the tqta ieneta texenwe hwnfu eutioatef tq be the eabinet, wutieeu qh the uwrteoe eqwtt, wfieu qh axaiabe at the tioe uweh arrtqrtiatiqn iu oafe0 fiuttiet eqwttu qh arrea, wfieu qh eitewit eqwttu, anf (5) Au rteuetibef b{ ieneta aw, eaeh utate feratt/ wfieu qh eqwnt{ eqwttu uha be iabe tq ioreaehoent oent anf aiene{ uha be teqwitef tq uwboit a hqt oiufeoeanqt in qhhiee0 Vhe hqwue qh terteuentatixeu eiiuatixe bwfiet teqweut that iu bauef wrqn anf that b{ twq/thitfu xqte uha haxe the rqwet tq ioreaeh an teheetu the qni/tanie hinaneia qwtqq afqrtef b{ the qhhieet0 Vhe ureaet qh the hqwue qh terteuentatixeu qint eiiuatixe bwfiet eqooiuuiqn qt that ureeihiea{ uha haxe rqwet at an{ tioe tq arrqint a eqooittee tq ezrainu an{ xatianee htqo the qni/tanie hinaneia inxeutiiate ehatieu aiainut an{ qhhieet uwbeet tq qwtqq eqntainef in the teqweut0 (6) Hqt rwtrqueu qh thiu ueetiqn, the tetou feratt/ ioreaehoent0 oent anf aiene{ uha inewfe the wfieia btaneh0 (b) An qhhieet ioreaehef b{ the hqwue qh terteuen/ (b) APPTQPTKAVKQP DKNNS HQTMAV0 Seratate tatixeu uha be fiuqwaihief htqo rethqtoini an{ qhhieia ueetiqnu within the ieneta arrtqrtiatiqn bi uha be fwtieu wnti aeqwittef b{ the uenate, anf, wneuu wuef hqt eaeh oaqt rtqitao atea qh the utate bwfiet; ioreaehef, the iqxetnqt oa{ b{ arrqintoent hi the oaqt rtqitao ateau uha inewfe< efweatiqn enhanee/ qhhiee wnti eqoretiqn qh the ttia0 oent ¬qttet{¹ ttwut hwnf iteou; efweatiqn (a qthet (e) A ioreaehoentu b{ the hqwue qh terteuenta/ hwnfu); hwoan uetxieeu; etioina wutiee anf eqttee/ tixeu uha be ttief b{ the uenate0 Vhe ehieh wutiee qh the tiqnu; natwta teuqwteeu, enxitqnoent, itqwth oanaie/ uwrteoe eqwtt, qt anqthet wutiee feuiinatef b{ the oent, anf ttanurqttatiqn; ieneta iqxetnoent; anf ehieh wutiee, uha rteuife at the ttia, ezeert in a ttia qh wfieia btaneh0 Gaeh oaqt rtqitao atea uha inewfe the ehieh wutiee, in whieh eaue the iqxetnqt uha an iteoizatiqn qh ezrenfitwteu hqt< utate qretatiqnu; rteuife0 Vhe uenate uha fetetoine the tioe hqt the utate earita qwta{; aif tq qea iqxetnoentu anf ttia qh an{ ioreaehoent anf oa{ uit hqt the ttia nqnrtqhit qtianizatiqnu qretatiqnu; aif tq qea iqxetn/ whethet the hqwue qh terteuentatixeu be in ueuuiqn qt oentu anf nqnrtqhit qtianizatiqnu earita qwta{; hefeta nqt0 Vhe tioe hizef hqt ttia uha nqt be oqte than uiz hwnfu anf the auuqeiatef utate oatehini hwnfu; urenf/ oqnthu ahtet the ioreaehoent0 Dwtini an ioreaehoent ini awthqtizatiqnu hqt qretatiqnu; anf urenfini awthqt/ ttia uenatqtu uha be wrqn theit qath qt ahhitoatiqn0 Pq izatiqnu hqt earita qwta{0 Affitiqna{, arrtqrtiatiqn qhhieet uha be eqnxietef withqwt the eqnewttenee qh biu rauuef b{ the eiiuatwte uha inewfe an iteo/ twq/thitfu qh the oeobetu qh the uenate rteuent0 izatiqn qh ureeihie arrtqrtiatiqnu that ezeeef qne oiiqn fqatu (&3,222,222022) in 3;;2 fqatu0 Hqt rwtrqueu qh Jwfioent qh eqnxietiqn in eaueu qh ioreaehoent uha thiu uwbueetiqn, ¬ureeihie arrtqrtiatiqn,¹ ¬iteoizatiqn,¹ teoqxe the qhhenfet htqo qhhiee anf, in the fiuetetiqn qh anf ¬oaqt rtqitao atea¹ uha be fehinef b{ aw0 Vhiu the uenate, oa{ inewfe fiuqwaihieatiqn tq hqf an{ iteoizatiqn thteuhqf uha be afwutef b{ ieneta aw qhhiee qh hqnqt, ttwut qt rtqhit0 Eqnxietiqn qt aeqwitta exet{ hqwt {eatu tq teheet the tate qh inhatiqn qt fehatiqn uha nqt ahheet the eixi qt etioina teurqnuibiit{ qh the au infieatef in the Eqnuwoet Ptiee Knfez hqt A Wtban qhhieet0 Eqnuwoetu, W0S0 Eit{ Axetaie, A Kteou, qt uweeeuuqt J�utqt{0´Ao0 S0J0T0 65;, 3;89; afqrtef 3;88; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ terqttu au terqttef b{ the Wnitef Stateu Derattoent qh 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 Nabqt, Dwteaw qh Nabqt Statiutieu qt itu uweeeuuqt0 Swbutantixe biu eqntainini arrtqrtiatiqnu uha auq be 3SGEVKQP 380 Eqnh�et qh Knteteut0´A eqfe qh uwbeet tq the iteoizatiqn teqwiteoent oanfatef wnfet ethieu hqt a utate eorq{eeu anf nqnwfieia qhhieetu thiu rtqxiuiqn anf uha be uwbeet tq the iqxetnqt'u 32 ATVKENG KKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG KKK ureeihie arrtqrtiatiqn xetq rqwet feuetibef in Attiee KKK, utate in a ttwutee earaeit{ au an aient qt hifweiat{ hqt Seetiqn 80 infixifwau, rtixate qtianizatiqnu, qt qthet iqxetnoen/ (e) APPTQPTKAVKQPS PTQEGSS0 ta wnitu; anf qthet ttwut hwnfu awthqtizef b{ thiu (3) Pq atet than Serteobet 35 qh eaeh {eat, the Eqnutitwtiqn, ate nqt uwbeet tq the teqwiteoentu uet qint eiiuatixe bwfiet eqooiuuiqn uha iuuwe a qni/ hqtth in rataitarh (2) qh thiu uwbueetiqn0 tanie hinaneia qwtqq uettini qwt teeqooenfef hiuea (6) A eauh baaneeu anf ineqoe qh an{ ttwut hwnfu uttateiieu hqt the utate anf itu ferattoentu anf abqiuhef wnfet thiu uwbueetiqn uha be ferquitef intq aieneieu in qtfet tq auuiut the eiiuatwte in oaini the ieneta texenwe hwnf0 bwfiet feeiuiqnu0 Vhe qni/tanie hinaneia qwtqq owut (i) DWDGGV SVADKNK\AVKQP HWPD0 Swbeet tq inewfe oaqt wqtqaf anf texenwe eutioateu0 Kn qtfet the rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu uwbueetiqn, an aoqwnt eqwa tq at tq ioreoent thiu rataitarh, the qint eiiuatixe bwfiet eaut 5' qh the aut eqoretef hiuea {eat'u net texenwe eqooiuuiqn uha wue ewttent qhhieia eqnuenuwu euti/ eqeetiqnu hqt the ieneta texenwe hwnf uha be oateu anf oa{ teqweut the fexeqroent qh affitiqna tetainef in the bwfiet utabiizatiqn hwnf0 Vhe bwfiet qhhieia eutioateu0 utabiizatiqn hwnf'u rtineira baanee uha nqt ezeeef an (2) Vhe qint eiiuatixe bwfiet eqooiuuiqn uha aoqwnt eqwa tq 32' qh the aut eqoretef hiuea {eat'u uee inrwt htqo the rwbie anf htqo the ezeewtixe anf net texenwe eqeetiqnu hqt the ieneta texenwe hwnf0 wfieia btaneheu when fexeqrini anf teeqooenfini Vhe eiiuatwte uha rtqxife etitetia hqt withftawini the qni/tanie hinaneia qwtqq0 hwnfu htqo the bwfiet utabiizatiqn hwnf in a ueratate bi (5) Vhe eiiuatwte uha rteuetibe b{ ieneta aw hqt that rwtrque qn{ anf qn{ hqt the rwtrque qh eqnfitiqnu wnfet whieh ioitef afwutoentu tq the eqxetini texenwe uhqtthau qh the ieneta texenwe bwfiet, au teeqooenfef b{ the iqxetnqt qt the ehieh hwnf qt hqt the rwtrque qh rtqxifini hwnfini hqt an wutiee qh the uwrteoe eqwtt, oa{ be arrtqxef withqwt eoetiene{, au fehinef b{ ieneta aw0 Geneta aw the eqnewttenee qh the hw eiiuatwte0 uha rtqxife hqt the teutqtatiqn qh thiu hwnf0 Vhe bwfiet (f) SGVGPVY/VYQ JQWT PWDNKE TGVKGY PGT/ utabiizatiqn hwnf uha be eqortiuef qh hwnfu nqt KQD0 A ieneta arrtqrtiatiqn biu uha be hwtniuhef qthetwiue qbiiatef qt eqooittef hqt an{ rwtrque0 tq eaeh oeobet qh the eiiuatwte, eaeh oeobet qh the (h) NQPG/TAPGG SVAVG PNAPPKPG DQEW/ eabinet, the iqxetnqt, anf the ehieh wutiee qh the MGPV APD DGPATVMGPV APD AGGPEY PNAP/ uwrteoe eqwtt at eaut uexent{/twq hqwtu behqte hina PKPG DQEWMGPV PTQEGSSGS0 Geneta aw uha rauuaie b{ eithet hqwue qh the eiiuatwte qh the bi in rtqxife hqt a qni/tanie utate rannini fqewoent0 Vhe the hqto that wi be rteuentef tq the iqxetnqt0 iqxetnqt uha teeqooenf tq the eiiuatwte biennia{ (e) HKPAN DWDGGV TGPQTV0 A hina bwfiet te/ an{ texiuiqnu tq the qni/tanie utate rannini fqew/ rqtt uha be rteratef au rteuetibef b{ ieneta aw0 Vhe oent, au fehinef b{ aw0 Geneta aw uha teqwite a hina bwfiet terqtt uha be rtqfweef nq atet than the biennia texiew anf texiuiqn qh the qni/tanie utate 322th fa{ ahtet the beiinnini qh the hiuea {eat, anf eqrieu qh the terqtt uha be hwtniuhef tq eaeh oeobet rannini fqewoent anf uha teqwite a ferattoentu qh the eiiuatwte, the heaf qh eaeh ferattoent anf anf aieneieu qh utate iqxetnoent tq fexeqr rannini aiene{ qh the utate, the awfitqt ieneta, anf the ehieh fqewoentu that ifentih{ utatewife uttateiie iqau anf wutiee qh the uwrteoe eqwtt0 qbeetixeu, eqnuiutent with the qni/tanie utate rannini (h) VTWSV HWPDS0 fqewoent0 Vhe qni/tanie utate rannini fqewoent (3) Pq ttwut hwnf qh the State qh Hqtifa qt qthet anf ferattoent anf aiene{ rannini fqewoentu uha rwbie bqf{ oa{ be eteatef qt te/eteatef b{ aw withqwt teoain uwbeet tq texiew anf texiuiqn b{ the eiiuatwte0 a thtee/hihthu xqte qh the oeobetuhir qh eaeh hqwue qh Vhe qni/tanie utate rannini fqewoent owut inewfe the eiiuatwte in a ueratate bi hqt that rwtrque qn{0 rtqeetiqnu qh hwtwte neefu anf teuqwteeu qh the utate (2) State ttwut hwnfu uha tetoinate nqt oqte than whieh ate eqnuiutent with the qni/tanie hinaneia hqwt {eatu ahtet the ehheetixe fate qh the aet awthqtizini qwtqq0 Vhe ferattoent anf aiene{ rannini fqew/ the initia eteatiqn qh the ttwut hwnf0 D{ aw the eiiuatwte oentu uha inewfe a rtiqtitizef iutini qh rannef oa{ uet a uhqttet tioe retiqf hqt whieh an{ ttwut hwnf iu ezrenfitwteu hqt texiew anf rquuibe tefwetiqn in the awthqtizef0 exent qh texenwe uhqtthau, au fehinef b{ ieneta aw0 (5) Vtwut hwnfu teqwitef b{ hefeta rtqitaou qt (i) GQVGTPMGPV GHHKEKGPEY VASM HQTEG0 oanfateu; ttwut hwnfu eutabiuhef hqt bqnf eqxenantu, Pq atet than Janwat{ qh 2229, anf eaeh hqwtth {eat infentwteu, qt teuqwtiqnu, whque texenweu ate eia{ theteahtet, the rteuifent qh the uenate, the ureaet qh refief b{ the utate qt rwbie bqf{ tq oeet febt uetxiee the hqwue qh terteuentatixeu, anf the iqxetnqt uha qt qthet hinaneia teqwiteoentu qh an{ febt qbiiatiqnu qh arrqint a iqxetnoent ehhieiene{ tau hqtee, the oeo/ the utate qt an{ rwbie bqf{; the utate ttanurqttatiqn betuhir qh whieh uha be eutabiuhef b{ ieneta aw0 ttwut hwnf; the ttwut hwnf eqntainini the net annwa Vhe tau hqtee uha be eqorquef qh oeobetu qh the rtqeeefu htqo the Hqtifa Gfweatiqn Nqttetieu; the eiiuatwte anf terteuentatixeu htqo the rtixate anf Hqtifa tetiteoent ttwut hwnf; ttwut hwnfu hqt inutitwtiqnu rwbie ueetqtu whq uha fexeqr teeqooenfatiqnu hqt wnfet the oanaieoent qh the Dqatf qh Gqxetnqtu, iortqxini iqxetnoenta qretatiqnu anf tefweini equtu0 whete uweh ttwut hwnfu ate hqt awziiat{ entetrtiueu anf Stahh tq auuiut the tau hqtee in rethqtoini itu fwtieu uha eqnttaetu, itantu, anf fqnatiqnu, au thque tetou ate be auuiinef b{ ieneta aw, anf the tau hqtee oa{ fehinef b{ ieneta aw; ttwut hwnfu that uetxe au eeatini qbtain auuiutanee htqo the rtixate ueetqt0 Vhe tau hqtee hwnfu qt aeeqwntu hqt the ehieh hinaneia qhhieet qt utate uha eqorete itu wqt within qne {eat anf uha uwboit aieneieu; ttwut hwnfu that aeeqwnt hqt auuetu hef b{ the itu teeqooenfatiqnu tq the qint eiiuatixe bwfiet 35 ATVKENG KKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG KV eqooiuuiqn, the iqxetnqt, anf the ehieh wutiee qh the (e) Vhe qtfet in whieh the utanfatfu within uwbuee/ uwrteoe eqwtt0 tiqnu 3(a) anf (b) qh thiu ueetiqn ate uet hqtth uha nqt be () JQKPV NGGKSNAVKVG DWDGGV EQMMKS/ teaf tq eutabiuh an{ rtiqtit{ qh qne utanfatf qxet the SKQP0 Vhete iu eteatef within the eiiuatwte the qthet within that uwbueetiqn0 qint eiiuatixe bwfiet eqooiuuiqn eqorquef qh J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Serteobet 28, 2229; afqrtef 22320 eqwa nwobetu qh uenate oeobetu arrqintef b{ the 3Pqte0´Vhe uwbueetiqnu qh ueetiqn 22, au it arreatef in Aoenfoent Pq0 8, rteuifent qh the uenate anf hqwue oeobetu arrqintef rtqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Serteobet 28, 2229, anf afqrtef in 2232, wete feuiinatef (3)/(5); the efitqtu tefeuiinatef theo au (a)/ b{ the ureaet qh the hqwue qh terteuentatixeu0 Gaeh (e) tq eqnhqto tq the hqtoat qh the State Eqnutitwtiqn0 oeobet uha uetxe at the reauwte qh the qhhieet whq arrqintef the oeobet0 A xaeane{ qn the eqooiuuiqn SGEVKQP 230 Stanfatfu hqt eutab�uh�ni ei�u/ uha be hief in the uaoe oannet au the qtiiina at�xe f�utt�et bqwnfat�eu0´Kn eutabiuhini eiiuatixe arrqintoent0 Htqo Pqxeobet qh eaeh qff/nwobetef fiuttiet bqwnfatieu< {eat thtqwih Qetqbet qh eaeh exen/nwobetef {eat, the (a) Pq arrqttiqnoent ran qt fiuttiet uha be ftawn ehaitretuqn qh the qint eiiuatixe bwfiet eqooiuuiqn with the intent tq haxqt qt fiuhaxqt a rqitiea ratt{ qt an uha be arrqintef b{ the rteuifent qh the uenate anf inewobent; anf fiuttietu uha nqt be ftawn with the the xiee ehaitretuqn qh the eqooiuuiqn uha be intent qt teuwt qh fen{ini qt abtifiini the eqwa arrqintef b{ the ureaet qh the hqwue qh terteuenta/ qrrqttwnit{ qh taeia qt aniwaie oinqtitieu tq rattieirate tixeu0 Htqo Pqxeobet qh eaeh exen/nwobetef {eat in the rqitiea rtqeeuu qt tq fioiniuh theit abiit{ tq eeet thtqwih Qetqbet qh eaeh qff/nwobetef {eat, the terteuentatixeu qh theit ehqiee; anf fiuttietu uha ehaitretuqn qh the qint eiiuatixe bwfiet eqooiuuiqn eqnuiut qh eqntiiwqwu tettitqt{0 uha be arrqintef b{ the ureaet qh the hqwue qh (b) Wneuu eqorianee with the utanfatfu in thiu terteuentatixeu anf the xiee ehaitretuqn qh the eqo/ uwbueetiqn eqnhietu with the utanfatfu in uwbueetiqn oiuuiqn uha be arrqintef b{ the rteuifent qh the 3(a) qt with hefeta aw, fiuttietu uha be au neat{ eqwa uenate0 Vhe qint eiiuatixe bwfiet eqooiuuiqn uha be in rqrwatiqn au iu rtaetieabe; fiuttietu uha be eqo/ iqxetnef b{ the qint tweu qh the uenate anf the hqwue raet; anf fiuttietu uha, whete heauibe, wtiize eziutini qh terteuentatixeu, whieh uha teoain in ehheet wnti rqitiea anf ieqitarhiea bqwnfatieu0 tereaef qt aoenfef b{ eqnewttent teuqwtiqn0 Vhe (e) Vhe qtfet in whieh the utanfatfu within uwbuee/ eqooiuuiqn uha eqnxene at eaut qwattet{ anf uha tiqnu 3(a) anf (b) qh thiu ueetiqn ate uet hqtth uha nqt be eqnxene at the ea qh the rteuifent qh the uenate anf the teaf tq eutabiuh an{ rtiqtit{ qh qne utanfatf qxet the ureaet qh the hqwue qh terteuentatixeu0 A oaqtit{ qh qthet within that uwbueetiqn0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State the eqooiuuiqn oeobetu qh eaeh hqwue rwu qne Serteobet 28, 2229; afqrtef 22320 affitiqna oeobet htqo eithet hqwue eqnutitwteu a 3Pqte0´Vhe uwbueetiqnu qh ueetiqn 23, au it arreatef in Aoenfoent Pq0 5, rtqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Serteobet 28, 2229, qwqtwo0 Aetiqn b{ the eqooiuuiqn teqwiteu a oaqtit{ anf afqrtef in 2232, wete feuiinatef (3)/(5); the efitqtu tefeuiinatef theo au (a)/ xqte qh the eqooiuuiqn oeobetu rteuent qh eaeh (e) tq eqnhqto tq the hqtoat qh the State Eqnutitwtiqn0 hqwue0 Vhe eqooiuuiqn oa{ eqnfwet itu oeetiniu thtqwih teeeqnheteneeu qt uioiat oeanu0 Kn affitiqn ATVKENG KV tq the rqwetu anf fwtieu ureeihief in thiu uwbueetiqn, the qint eiiuatixe bwfiet eqooiuuiqn uha ezeteiue a GZGEWVKVG qthet rqwetu anf rethqto an{ qthet fwtieu nqt in eqnhiet with rataitarh (e)(5) anf au rteuetibef b{ ieneta aw See0 qt qint twe0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Vazatiqn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 30 Gqxetnqt0 3, 3;;2, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 9, 3;;2; afqrtef 3;;2; Aou0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pqu0 8 anf 35, 3;;8, hief with the 20 Niewtenant iqxetnqt0 Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 E0S0 hqt S0J0T0 2366, 2225; 50 Sweeeuuiqn tq qhhiee qh iqxetnqt; aetini iqxetnqt0 afqrtef 22280 60 Eabinet0 50 Geetiqn qh iqxetnqt, iewtenant iqxetnqt anf SGEVKQP 220 Stanfatfu hqt eutab�uh�ni eqn/ eabinet oeobetu; qwaihieatiqnu; tetou0 iteuu�qna f�utt�et bqwnfat�eu0´Kn eutabiuhini eqn/ 80 Gzeewtixe ferattoentu0 iteuuiqna fiuttiet bqwnfatieu< 90 Swurenuiqnu; hiini qhhiee fwtini uwurenuiqnu0 (a) Pq arrqttiqnoent ran qt infixifwa fiuttiet uha 80 Eeoene{0 be ftawn with the intent tq haxqt qt fiuhaxqt a rqitiea ;0 Hiuh anf wifihe eqnuetxatiqn eqooiuuiqn0 ratt{ qt an inewobent; anf fiuttietu uha nqt be ftawn 320 Attqtne{ Geneta0 with the intent qt teuwt qh fen{ini qt abtifiini the eqwa 330 Derattoent qh Vetetanu' Ahhaitu0 qrrqttwnit{ qh taeia qt aniwaie oinqtitieu tq rattieirate 320 Derattoent qh Gfet{ Ahhaitu0 in the rqitiea rtqeeuu qt tq fioiniuh theit abiit{ tq eeet 350 Texenwe Shqtthau0 terteuentatixeu qh theit ehqiee; anf fiuttietu uha eqnuiut qh eqntiiwqwu tettitqt{0 SGEVKQP 30 Gqxetnqt0´ (b) Wneuu eqorianee with the utanfatfu in thiu (a) Vhe uwrteoe ezeewtixe rqwet uha be xeutef in uwbueetiqn eqnhietu with the utanfatfu in uwbueetiqn a iqxetnqt, whq uha be eqooanfet/in/ehieh qh a 3(a) qt with hefeta aw, fiuttietu uha be au neat{ eqwa oiitat{ hqteeu qh the utate nqt in aetixe uetxiee qh the in rqrwatiqn au iu rtaetieabe; fiuttietu uha be eqo/ Wnitef Stateu0 Vhe iqxetnqt uha tae eate that the raet; anf fiuttietu uha, whete heauibe, wtiize eziutini awu be haithhw{ ezeewtef, eqooiuuiqn a qhhieetu qh rqitiea anf ieqitarhiea bqwnfatieu0 the utate anf eqwntieu, anf ttanuaet a neeeuuat{ 36 ATVKENG KV EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG KV bwuineuu with the qhhieetu qh iqxetnoent0 Vhe iqxetnqt theteqh b{ thtee eabinet oeobetu, anf in uweh eaue oa{ teqwite inhqtoatiqn in wtitini htqo a ezeewtixe qt teutqtatiqn qh earaeit{ uha be uioiat{ fetetoinef afoiniuttatixe utate, eqwnt{ qt ownieira qhhieetu wrqn ahtet fqeetini qh wtitten uwiieutiqn theteqh b{ the an{ uwbeet teatini tq the fwtieu qh theit teureetixe iqxetnqt, the eiiuatwte qt thtee eabinet oeobetu0 qhhieeu0 Vhe iqxetnqt uha be the ehieh afoiniuttatixe Knearaeit{ tq uetxe au iqxetnqt oa{ auq be eutabiuhef qhhieet qh the utate teurqnuibe hqt the rannini anf b{ eettihieate hief with the ewutqfian qh utate teeqtfu b{ bwfietini hqt the utate0 the iqxetnqt feeatini inearaeit{ hqt rh{uiea teauqnu (b) Vhe iqxetnqt oa{ initiate wfieia rtqeeefiniu in tq uetxe au iqxetnqt, anf in uweh eaue teutqtatiqn qh the naoe qh the utate aiainut an{ ezeewtixe qt afoin/ earaeit{ uha be uioiat{ eutabiuhef0 iuttatixe utate, eqwnt{ qt ownieira qhhieet tq enhqtee J�utqt{0´Aou0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pqu0 eqorianee with an{ fwt{ qt teuttain an{ wnawthqtizef 8 anf 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 aet0 (e) Vhe iqxetnqt oa{ teqweut in wtitini the qriniqn SGEVKQP 60 Eab�net0´ qh the wutieeu qh the uwrteoe eqwtt au tq the intet/ (a) Vhete uha be a eabinet eqorquef qh an rtetatiqn qh an{ rqttiqn qh thiu eqnutitwtiqn wrqn an{ attqtne{ ieneta, a ehieh hinaneia qhhieet, anf a eqooiu/ qweutiqn ahheetini the iqxetnqt'u ezeewtixe rqwetu anf uiqnet qh aitiewtwte0 Kn affitiqn tq the rqwetu anf fwtieu0 Vhe wutieeu uha, uwbeet tq theit tweu qh fwtieu ureeihief hetein, the{ uha ezeteiue uweh rqwetu rtqeefwte, retoit inteteutef retuqnu tq be heatf qn anf rethqto uweh fwtieu au oa{ be rteuetibef b{ aw0 Kn the qweutiqnu rteuentef anf uha tenfet theit wtitten the exent qh a tie xqte qh the iqxetnqt anf eabinet, the qriniqn nqt eatiet than ten fa{u htqo the hiini anf uife qn whieh the iqxetnqt xqtef uha be feeoef tq fqeetini qh the teqweut, wneuu in theit wfioent the rtexai0 fea{ wqwf eawue rwbie inwt{0 (b) Vhe attqtne{ ieneta uha be the ehieh utate eia (f) Vhe iqxetnqt uha haxe rqwet tq ea qwt the qhhieet0 Vhete iu eteatef in the qhhiee qh the attqtne{ oiitia tq rteuetxe the rwbie reaee, ezeewte the awu qh ieneta the rquitiqn qh utatewife rtqueewtqt0 Vhe the utate, uwrrteuu inuwtteetiqn, qt tere inxauiqn0 utatewife rtqueewtqt uha haxe eqnewttent wtiufietiqn (e) Vhe iqxetnqt uha b{ oeuuaie at eaut qnee in with the utate attqtne{u tq rtqueewte xiqatiqnu qh eaeh teiwat ueuuiqn inhqto the eiiuatwte eqneetnini etioina awu qeewttini qt haxini qeewttef, in twq qt the eqnfitiqn qh the utate, rtqrque uweh teqtianizatiqn oqte wfieia eitewitu au ratt qh a teatef ttanuaetiqn, qt qh the ezeewtixe ferattoent au wi rtqoqte ehhieiene{ when an{ uweh qhhenue iu ahheetini qt hau ahheetef twq anf eeqnqo{, anf teeqooenf oeauwteu in the rwbie qt oqte wfieia eitewitu au rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw0 Vhe inteteut0 utatewife rtqueewtqt uha be arrqintef b{ the attqtne{ (h) Yhen nqt qthetwiue rtqxifef hqt in thiu eqnutitw/ ieneta htqo nqt euu than thtee retuqnu nqoinatef b{ tiqn, the iqxetnqt uha hi b{ arrqintoent an{ xaeane{ the wfieia nqoinatini eqooiuuiqn hqt the uwrteoe in utate qt eqwnt{ qhhiee hqt the teoainfet qh the teto qh eqwtt, qt au qthetwiue rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw0 an arrqintixe qhhiee, anf hqt the teoainfet qh the teto qh (e) Vhe ehieh hinaneia qhhieet uha uetxe au the ehieh an eeetixe qhhiee ih euu than twent{/eiiht oqnthu, hiuea qhhieet qh the utate, anf uha uette anf arrtqxe qthetwiue wnti the hitut Vweufa{ ahtet the hitut Mqnfa{ aeeqwntu aiainut the utate, anf uha eer a utate hqqwini the nezt ieneta eeetiqn0 hwnfu anf ueewtitieu0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Vazatiqn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn (f) Vhe eqooiuuiqnet qh aitiewtwte uha haxe Pq0 3, 3;;2, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 9, 3;;2; afqrtef 3;;2; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 35, 3;;8, hief with uwretxiuiqn qh oattetu rettainini tq aitiewtwte ezeert the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 au qthetwiue rtqxifef b{ aw0 (e) Vhe iqxetnqt au ehait, the ehieh hinaneia qhhieet, SGEVKQP 20 N�ewtenant iqxetnqt0´Vhete uha anf the attqtne{ ieneta uha eqnutitwte the utate bqatf be a iewtenant iqxetnqt, whq uha rethqto uweh fwtieu qh afoiniuttatiqn, whieh uha uweeeef tq a the rqwet, rettainini tq the qhhiee qh iqxetnqt au uha be auuiinef eqnttq, anf awthqtit{ qh the utate bqatf qh afoiniutta/ b{ the iqxetnqt, ezeert when qthetwiue rtqxifef b{ tiqn eutabiuhef rwtuwant tq Attiee KZ, Seetiqn 38 qh the aw, anf uweh qthet fwtieu au oa{ be rteuetibef b{ aw0 Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, anf whieh uha eqntinwe au a bqf{ J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 at eaut hqt the ihe qh Attiee ZKK, Seetiqn ;(e)0 (h) Vhe iqxetnqt au ehait, the ehieh hinaneia qhhieet, SGEVKQP 50 Sweeeuu�qn tq qhh�ee qh iqxetnqt; the attqtne{ ieneta, anf the eqooiuuiqnet qh aitiew/ aet�ni iqxetnqt0´ twte uha eqnutitwte the ttwuteeu qh the intetna iortqxe/ (a) Wrqn xaeane{ in the qhhiee qh iqxetnqt, the oent ttwut hwnf anf the anf aeqwiuitiqn ttwut hwnf au iewtenant iqxetnqt uha beeqoe iqxetnqt0 Hwtthet rtqxifef b{ aw0 uweeeuuiqn tq the qhhiee qh iqxetnqt uha be rteuetibef (i) Vhe iqxetnqt au ehait, the ehieh hinaneia qhhieet, b{ aw0 A uweeeuuqt uha uetxe hqt the teoainfet qh the the attqtne{ ieneta, anf the eqooiuuiqnet qh aitiew/ teto0 twte uha eqnutitwte the aiene{ heaf qh the Derattoent (b) Wrqn ioreaehoent qh the iqxetnqt anf wnti qh Naw Gnhqteeoent0 Vhe Qhhiee qh Dqoeutie Seewtit{ eqoretiqn qh ttia theteqh, qt fwtini the iqxetnqt'u anf Eqwntettettqtiuo iu eteatef within the Derattoent rh{uiea qt oenta inearaeit{, the iewtenant iqxetnqt qh Naw Gnhqteeoent0 Vhe Qhhiee qh Dqoeutie Seewtit{ uha aet au iqxetnqt0 Hwtthet uweeeuuiqn au aetini anf Eqwntettettqtiuo uha rtqxife uwrrqtt hqt rtque/ iqxetnqt uha be rteuetibef b{ aw0 Knearaeit{ tq uetxe ewtqtu anf hefeta, utate, anf qea aw enhqteeoent au iqxetnqt oa{ be fetetoinef b{ the uwrteoe eqwtt aieneieu that inxeutiiate qt ana{ze inhqtoatiqn teatini wrqn fwe nqtiee ahtet fqeetini qh a wtitten uwiieutiqn tq atteortu qt aetu qh tettqtiuo qt that rtqueewte 35 ATVKENG KV EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG KV tettqtiuo, anf uha rethqto an{ qthet fwtieu that ate oaheauanee, oiuheauanee, neieet qh fwt{, ftwnen/ rtqxifef b{ aw0 neuu, ineqoretenee, retoanent inabiit{ tq rethqto J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 655, 3;85; afqrtef 3;86; Ao0 J0J0T0 588, 3;85; afqrtef qhhieia fwtieu, qt eqooiuuiqn qh a heqn{, anf oa{ hi 3;88; Aou0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pqu0 8 anf 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 rtqrquef the qhhiee b{ arrqintoent hqt the retiqf qh uwurenuiqn0 b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 5, 2238, hief with the Seetetat{ Vhe uwurenfef qhhieet oa{ at an{ tioe behqte teoqxa qh State Ma{ ;, 2238; afqrtef 22380 be teinutatef b{ the iqxetnqt0 SGEVKQP 50 Geet�qn qh iqxetnqt, �ewtenant (b) Vhe uenate oa{, in rtqeeefiniu rteuetibef b{ iqxetnqt anf eab�net oeobetu; qwa�h�eat�qnu; aw, teoqxe htqo qhhiee qt teinutate the uwurenfef tetou0´ qhhieia anf hqt uweh rwtrque the uenate oa{ be (a) At a utate/wife ieneta eeetiqn in eaeh eaenfat eqnxenef in ureeia ueuuiqn b{ itu rteuifent qt b{ a {eat the nwobet qh whieh iu exen bwt nqt a owtire qh oaqtit{ qh itu oeobetuhir0 hqwt, the eeetqtu uha ehqque a iqxetnqt anf a (e) D{ qtfet qh the iqxetnqt an{ eeetef ownieira iewtenant iqxetnqt anf oeobetu qh the eabinet eaeh qhhieet infietef hqt etioe oa{ be uwurenfef htqo qhhiee hqt a teto qh hqwt {eatu beiinnini qn the hitut Vweufa{ wnti aeqwittef anf the qhhiee hief b{ arrqintoent hqt the ahtet the hitut Mqnfa{ in Janwat{ qh the uweeeefini {eat0 retiqf qh uwurenuiqn, nqt tq eztenf be{qnf the teto, Kn rtioat{ eeetiqnu, eanfifateu hqt the qhhiee qh wneuu theue rqwetu ate xeutef euewhete b{ aw qt the ownieira ehattet0 iqxetnqt oa{ ehqque tq twn withqwt a iewtenant J�utqt{0´Aou0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pqu0 iqxetnqt eanfifate0 Kn the ieneta eeetiqn, a eanfi/ 8 anf 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 fateu hqt the qhhieeu qh iqxetnqt anf iewtenant iqxetnqt uha hqto qint eanfifaeieu in a oannet rteuetibef b{ SGEVKQP 80 Eeoene{0´ aw uq that eaeh xqtet uha eaut a uinie xqte hqt a (a) Gzeert in eaueu qh tteauqn anf in eaueu whete eanfifate hqt iqxetnqt anf a eanfifate hqt iewtenant ioreaehoent teuwtu in eqnxietiqn, the iqxetnqt oa{, iqxetnqt twnnini tqiethet0 b{ ezeewtixe qtfet hief with the ewutqfian qh utate (b) Yhen eeetef, the iqxetnqt, iewtenant iqxetnqt teeqtfu, uwurenf eqeetiqn qh hineu anf hqtheitwteu, anf eaeh eabinet oeobet owut be an eeetqt nqt euu itant tertiexeu nqt ezeeefini uizt{ fa{u anf, with the than thitt{ {eatu qh aie whq hau teuifef in the utate hqt arrtqxa qh twq oeobetu qh the eabinet, itant hw qt the rteeefini uexen {eatu0 Vhe attqtne{ ieneta owut eqnfitiqna ratfqnu, teutqte eixi tiihtu, eqoowte rwn/ haxe been a oeobet qh the bat qh Hqtifa hqt the iuhoent, anf teoit hineu anf hqtheitwteu hqt qhhenueu0 rteeefini hixe {eatu0 Pq retuqn whq hau, qt bwt hqt (b) Kn eaueu qh tteauqn the iqxetnqt oa{ itant teuiinatiqn wqwf haxe, uetxef au iqxetnqt qt aetini tertiexeu wnti afqwtnoent qh the teiwat ueuuiqn qh the iqxetnqt hqt oqte than uiz {eatu in twq eqnueewtixe eiiuatwte eqnxenini nezt ahtet the eqnxietiqn, at whieh tetou uha be eeetef iqxetnqt hqt the uweeeefini ueuuiqn the eiiuatwte oa{ itant a ratfqn qt hwtthet teto0 tertiexe; qthetwiue the uentenee uha be ezeewtef0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 (e) Vhete oa{ be eteatef b{ aw a ratqe anf 33, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 rtqbatiqn eqooiuuiqn with rqwet tq uwretxiue retuqnu SGEVKQP 80 Gzeewt�xe ferattoentu0´A hwne/ qn rtqbatiqn anf tq itant ratqeu qt eqnfitiqna tiqnu qh the ezeewtixe btaneh qh utate iqxetnoent uha teeaueu tq retuqnu wnfet uenteneeu hqt etioe0 Vhe be aqttef aoqni nqt oqte than twent{/hixe feratt/ qwaihieatiqnu, oethqf qh ueeetiqn anf tetou, nqt tq oentu, ezewuixe qh thque ureeihiea{ rtqxifef hqt qt ezeeef uiz {eatu, qh oeobetu qh the eqooiuuiqn uha awthqtizef in thiu eqnutitwtiqn0 Vhe afoiniuttatiqn qh be rteuetibef b{ aw0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 8, eaeh ferattoent, wneuu qthetwiue rtqxifef in thiu 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 eqnutitwtiqn, uha be raeef b{ aw wnfet the fiteet uwretxiuiqn qh the iqxetnqt, the iewtenant iqxetnqt, the SGEVKQP ;0 H�uh anf w�f�he eqnuetxat�qn eqo/ iqxetnqt anf eabinet, a eabinet oeobet, qt an qhhieet qt o�uu�qn0´Vhete uha be a hiuh anf wifihe eqnuetxa/ bqatf arrqintef b{ anf uetxini at the reauwte qh the tiqn eqooiuuiqn, eqorquef qh uexen oeobetu ar/ iqxetnqt, ezeert< rqintef b{ the iqxetnqt, uwbeet tq eqnhitoatiqn b{ the (a) Yhen rtqxifef b{ aw, eqnhitoatiqn b{ the uenate hqt utaiietef tetou qh hixe {eatu0 Vhe eqooiu/ uenate qt the arrtqxa qh thtee oeobetu qh the eabinet uiqn uha ezeteiue the teiwatqt{ anf ezeewtixe rqwetu uha be teqwitef hqt arrqintoent tq qt teoqxa htqo an{ qh the utate with teureet tq wif anioa ihe anf hteuh feuiinatef utatwtqt{ qhhiee0 watet aqwatie ihe, anf uha auq ezeteiue teiwatqt{ anf (b) Dqatfu awthqtizef tq itant anf texqe ieenueu ezeewtixe rqwetu qh the utate with teureet tq oatine ihe, tq eniaie in teiwatef qeewratiqnu uha be auuiinef tq ezeert that a ieenue heeu hqt taini wif anioa ihe, arrtqrtiate ferattoentu anf theit oeobetu arrqintef hteuh watet aqwatie ihe, anf oatine ihe anf renatieu hqt hqt hizef tetou, uwbeet tq teoqxa qn{ hqt eawue0 xiqatini teiwatiqnu qh the eqooiuuiqn uha be rte/ uetibef b{ ieneta aw0 Vhe eqooiuuiqn uha eutabiuh SGEVKQP 90 Swurenu�qnu; h��ni qhh�ee fwt�ni rtqeefwteu tq enuwte afeqwate fwe rtqeeuu in the uwurenu�qnu0´ ezeteiue qh itu teiwatqt{ anf ezeewtixe hwnetiqnu0 Vhe (a) D{ ezeewtixe qtfet utatini the itqwnfu anf hief eiiuatwte oa{ enaet awu in aif qh the eqooiuuiqn, nqt with the ewutqfian qh utate teeqtfu, the iqxetnqt oa{ ineqnuiutent with thiu ueetiqn, ezeert that thete uha be uwurenf htqo qhhiee an{ utate qhhieet nqt uwbeet tq nq ureeia aw qt ieneta aw qh qea arrieatiqn ioreaehoent, an{ qhhieet qh the oiitia nqt in the aetixe rettainini tq hwntini qt hiuhini0 Vhe eqooiuuiqn'u uetxiee qh the Wnitef Stateu, qt an{ eqwnt{ qhhieet, hqt ezeteiue qh ezeewtixe rqwetu in the atea qh rannini, 38 ATVKENG KV EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG V bwfietini, retuqnne oanaieoent, anf rwtehauini ATVKENG V uha be au rtqxifef b{ aw0 Texenwe fetixef htqo ieenue heeu hqt the taini qh wif anioa ihe anf hteuh JWDKEKATY watet aqwatie ihe uha be arrtqrtiatef tq the eqooiu/ uiqn b{ the eiiuatwte hqt the rwtrqueu qh oanaieoent, See0 rtqteetiqn, anf eqnuetxatiqn qh wif anioa ihe anf hteuh watet aqwatie ihe0 Texenwe fetixef htqo ieenue heeu 30 Eqwttu0 20 Afoiniuttatiqn; rtaetiee anf rtqeefwte0 teatini tq oatine ihe uha be arrtqrtiatef b{ the 50 Swrteoe eqwtt0 eiiuatwte hqt the rwtrqueu qh oanaieoent, rtqteetiqn, 60 Diuttiet eqwttu qh arrea0 anf eqnuetxatiqn qh oatine ihe au rtqxifef b{ aw0 Vhe 50 Eitewit eqwttu0 eqooiuuiqn uha nqt be a wnit qh an{ qthet utate aiene{ 80 Eqwnt{ eqwttu0 anf uha haxe itu qwn utahh, whieh inewfeu oanaie/ 90 Sreeiaizef fixiuiqnu0 oent, teueateh, anf enhqteeoent0 Wneuu rtqxifef b{ 80 Giiibiit{0 ieneta aw, the eqooiuuiqn uha haxe nq awthqtit{ tq ;0 Detetoinatiqn qh nwobet qh wfieu0 teiwate oattetu teatini tq ait anf watet rqwtiqn0 320 Tetentiqn; eeetiqn anf tetou0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 E0S0 hqt J0J0T0 859, 3;95; afqrtef 3;96; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ 330 Vaeaneieu0 Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 5, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 320 Diueirine; teoqxa anf tetiteoent0 350 Ptqhibitef aetixitieu0 SGEVKQP 320 Attqtne{ Geneta0´Vhe attqtne{ 360 Hwnfini0 ieneta uha, au fiteetef b{ ieneta aw, teqweut the 350 Attqtne{u; afoiuuiqn anf fiueirine0 qriniqn qh the wutieeu qh the uwrteoe eqwtt au tq the 380 Eetu qh the eitewit eqwttu0 xaifit{ qh an{ initiatixe retitiqn eitewatef rwtuwant tq 390 State attqtne{u0 380 Pwbie fehenfetu0 Seetiqn 5 qh Attiee ZK0 Vhe wutieeu uha, uwbeet tq theit 3;0 Jwfieia qhhieetu au eqnuetxatqtu qh the reaee0 tweu qh rtqeefwte, retoit inteteutef retuqnu tq be 220 Sehefwe tq Attiee V0 heatf qn the qweutiqnu rteuentef anf uha tenfet theit 230 Jwfieia intetrtetatiqn qh utatwteu anf tweu0 wtitten qriniqn nq atet than Arti 3 qh the {eat in whieh the initiatixe iu tq be uwboittef tq the xqtetu rwtuwant tq SGEVKQP 30 Eqwttu0´Vhe wfieia rqwet uha be Seetiqn 5 qh Attiee ZK0 xeutef in a uwrteoe eqwtt, fiuttiet eqwttu qh arrea, J�utqt{0´Affef, J0J0T0 93, 3;88; afqrtef 3;88; Ao0 S0J0T0 25;6, 2226; afqrtef 22260 eitewit eqwttu anf eqwnt{ eqwttu0 Pq qthet eqwttu oa{ be eutabiuhef b{ the utate, an{ rqitiea uwbfixiuiqn qt an{ SGEVKQP 330 Derattoent qh Vetetanu' Ahha�tu0 ownieirait{0 Vhe eiiuatwte uha, b{ ieneta aw, fixife the utate intq arreate eqwtt fiuttietu anf wfieia eitewitu Vhe eiiuatwte, b{ ieneta aw, uha rtqxife hqt a hqqwini eqwnt{ ineu0 Eqooiuuiqnu eutabiuhef b{ aw, Derattoent qh Vetetanu' Ahhaitu anf rteuetibe itu fwtieu0 qt afoiniuttatixe qhhieetu qt bqfieu oa{ be itantef Vhe heaf qh the ferattoent iu the iqxetnqt anf eabinet0 J�utqt{0´Affef, E0S0 hqt J0J0T0 2;2, 3;88; afqrtef 3;88; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ qwaui/wfieia rqwet in oattetu eqnneetef with the Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 5, 2238, hief with the Seetetat{ qh hwnetiqnu qh theit qhhieeu0 Vhe eiiuatwte oa{ eutabiuh State Ma{ ;, 2238; afqrtef 22380 b{ ieneta aw a eixi ttahhie heatini qhhieet u{uteo hqt the rwtrque qh heatini eixi ttahhie inhtaetiqnu0 Vhe SGEVKQP 320 Derattoent qh Gfet{ Ahha�tu0´ eiiuatwte oa{, b{ ieneta aw, awthqtize a oiitat{ Vhe eiiuatwte oa{ eteate a Derattoent qh Gfet{ eqwtt/oattia tq be eqnfwetef b{ oiitat{ wfieu qh the Ahhaitu anf rteuetibe itu fwtieu0 Vhe rtqxiuiqnu iqxetn/ Hqtifa Patiqna Gwatf, with fiteet arrea qh a feeiuiqn ini the afoiniuttatiqn qh the ferattoent owut eqor{ tq the Diuttiet Eqwtt qh Arrea, Hitut Diuttiet0 with Seetiqn 8 qh Attiee KV qh the State Eqnutitwtiqn0 J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;92; Ao0 J0J0T0 3828, 3;88; afqrtef 3;88; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 35, 3;;8, J�utqt{0´Affef, E0S0 hqt J0J0T0 2;2, 3;88; afqrtef 3;880 hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80
SGEVKQP 350 Texenwe Shqtthau0´ Kn the exent SGEVKQP 20 Afo�n�uttat�qn; rtaet�ee anf rtq/ qh texenwe uhqtthau, au fehinef b{ ieneta aw, the eefwte0´ iqxetnqt anf eabinet oa{ eutabiuh a neeeuuat{ (a) Vhe uwrteoe eqwtt uha afqrt tweu hqt the tefwetiqnu in the utate bwfiet in qtfet tq eqor{ with rtaetiee anf rtqeefwte in a eqwttu inewfini the tioe the rtqxiuiqnu qh Attiee VKK, Seetiqn 3(f)0 Vhe iqxetnqt hqt ueeini arreate texiew, the afoiniuttatixe uwret/ anf eabinet uha ioreoent a neeeuuat{ tefwetiqnu hqt xiuiqn qh a eqwttu, the ttanuhet tq the eqwtt haxini the ezeewtixe bwfiet, the ehieh wutiee qh the uwrteoe wtiufietiqn qh an{ rtqeeefini when the wtiufietiqn qh eqwtt uha ioreoent a neeeuuat{ tefwetiqnu hqt the anqthet eqwtt hau been iortqxifent{ inxqef, anf a wfieia bwfiet, anf the ureaet qh the hqwue qh teqwiteoent that nq eawue uha be fiuoiuuef beeawue terteuentatixeu anf the rteuifent qh the uenate uha an iortqret teoef{ hau been uqwiht0 Vhe uwrteoe ioreoent a neeeuuat{ tefwetiqnu hqt the eiiuatixe eqwtt uha afqrt tweu tq aqw the eqwtt anf the fiuttiet bwfiet0 Dwfiet tefwetiqnu rwtuwant tq thiu ueetiqn uha eqwttu qh arrea tq uwboit qweutiqnu teatini tq oiitat{ aw tq the hefeta Eqwtt qh Arreau hqt the Atoef Hqteeu be eqnuiutent with the rtqxiuiqnu qh Attiee KKK, Seetiqn hqt an afxiuqt{ qriniqn0 Tweu qh eqwtt oa{ be tereaef 3;(h)0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Vazatiqn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqooiuuiqn Texiuiqn Pq0 b{ ieneta aw enaetef b{ twq/thitfu xqte qh the 3, 3;;2, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 9, 3;;2; afqrtef 3;;20 oeobetuhir qh eaeh hqwue qh the eiiuatwte0 39 ATVKENG V EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG V
(b) Vhe ehieh wutiee qh the uwrteoe eqwtt uha be (8) Ma{ texiew a qweutiqn qh aw eettihief b{ the ehquen b{ a oaqtit{ qh the oeobetu qh the eqwtt; uha Swrteoe Eqwtt qh the Wnitef Stateu qt a Wnitef Stateu be the ehieh afoiniuttatixe qhhieet qh the wfieia u{uteo; Eqwtt qh Arreau whieh iu fetetoinatixe qh the eawue anf uha haxe the rqwet tq auuiin wutieeu qt wfieu, anf hqt whieh thete iu nq eqnttqini rteeefent qh the inewfini eqnuentini tetitef wutieeu qt wfieu, tq uwrteoe eqwtt qh Hqtifa0 teorqtat{ fwt{ in an{ eqwtt hqt whieh the wfie iu (9) Ma{ iuuwe wtitu qh rtqhibitiqn tq eqwttu anf a qwaihief anf tq feeiate tq a ehieh wfie qh a wfieia wtitu neeeuuat{ tq the eqorete ezeteiue qh itu wtiufie/ eitewit the rqwet tq auuiin wfieu hqt fwt{ in that eitewit0 tiqn0 (e) A ehieh wfie hqt eaeh fiuttiet eqwtt qh arrea (8) Ma{ iuuwe wtitu qh oanfaowu anf qwq wattantq uha be ehquen b{ a oaqtit{ qh the wfieu theteqh qt, ih tq utate qhhieetu anf utate aieneieu0 thete iu nq oaqtit{, b{ the ehieh wutiee0 Vhe ehieh wfie (;) Ma{, qt an{ wutiee oa{, iuuwe wtitu qh habeau uha be teurqnuibe hqt the afoiniuttatixe uwretxiuiqn qh eqtrwu tetwtnabe behqte the uwrteoe eqwtt qt an{ the eqwtt0 wutiee, a fiuttiet eqwtt qh arrea qt an{ wfie theteqh, qt (f) A ehieh wfie in eaeh eitewit uha be ehquen htqo an{ eitewit wfie0 aoqni the eitewit wfieu au rtqxifef b{ uwrteoe eqwtt (32) Sha, when teqweutef b{ the attqtne{ ieneta twe0 Vhe ehieh wfie uha be teurqnuibe hqt the rwtuwant tq the rtqxiuiqnu qh Seetiqn 32 qh Attiee KV, afoiniuttatixe uwretxiuiqn qh the eitewit eqwttu anf tenfet an afxiuqt{ qriniqn qh the wutieeu, affteuuini eqwnt{ eqwttu in hiu eitewit0 iuuweu au rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw0 J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;92; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ (e) ENGTM APD MATSJAN0´Vhe uwrteoe eqwtt 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 uha arrqint a eet anf a oatuha whq uha hqf qhhiee fwtini the reauwte qh the eqwtt anf rethqto uweh fwtieu SGEVKQP 50 Swrteoe eqwtt0´ au the eqwtt fiteetu0 Vheit eqorenuatiqn uha be hizef (a) QTGAPK\AVKQP0´Vhe uwrteoe eqwtt uha b{ ieneta aw0 Vhe oatuha uha haxe the rqwet tq eqnuiut qh uexen wutieeu0 Qh the uexen wutieeu, eaeh ezeewte the rtqeeuu qh the eqwtt thtqwihqwt the utate, arreate fiuttiet uha haxe at eaut qne wutiee eeetef anf in an{ eqwnt{ oa{ ferwtize the uhetihh qt a ferwt{ qt arrqintef htqo the fiuttiet tq the uwrteoe eqwtt whq uhetihh hqt uweh rwtrque0 iu a teuifent qh the fiuttiet at the tioe qh the qtiiina J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;92; Ao0 E0S0 hqt S0J0T0'u 6;, 83, 3;98; afqrtef 3;98; Ao0 S0J0T0 22/E, 3;9;; afqrtef 3;82; Ao0 J0J0T0 93, 3;88; afqrtef arrqintoent qt eeetiqn0 Hixe wutieeu uha eqnutitwte a 3;88; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 35, 3;;8, qwqtwo0 Vhe eqnewttenee qh hqwt wutieeu uha be hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 neeeuuat{ tq a feeiuiqn0 Yhen teewuau hqt eawue wqwf rtqhibit the eqwtt htqo eqnxenini beeawue qh SGEVKQP 60 D�utt�et eqwttu qh arrea0´ the teqwiteoentu qh thiu ueetiqn, wfieu auuiinef tq (a) QTGAPK\AVKQP0´Vhete uha be a fiuttiet teorqtat{ fwt{ oa{ be uwbutitwtef hqt wutieeu0 eqwtt qh arrea uetxini eaeh arreate fiuttiet0 Gaeh (b) JWTKSDKEVKQP0´Vhe uwrteoe eqwtt< fiuttiet eqwtt qh arrea uha eqnuiut qh at eaut thtee (3) Sha heat arreau htqo hina wfioentu qh ttia wfieu0 Vhtee wfieu uha eqnuifet eaeh eaue anf the eqwttu iorquini the feath renat{ anf htqo feeiuiqnu qh eqnewttenee qh twq uha be neeeuuat{ tq a feeiuiqn0 fiuttiet eqwttu qh arrea feeatini inxaif a utate utatwte (b) JWTKSDKEVKQP0´ qt a rtqxiuiqn qh the utate eqnutitwtiqn0 (3) Diuttiet eqwttu qh arrea uha haxe wtiufietiqn tq (2) Yhen rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw, uha heat heat arreau, that oa{ be taen au a oattet qh tiiht, arreau htqo hina wfioentu entetef in rtqeeefiniu htqo hina wfioentu qt qtfetu qh ttia eqwttu, inewfini hqt the xaifatiqn qh bqnfu qt eettihieateu qh infebtef/ thque entetef qn texiew qh afoiniuttatixe aetiqn, nqt neuu anf uha texiew aetiqn qh utatewife aieneieu fiteet{ arreaabe tq the uwrteoe eqwtt qt a eitewit teatini tq tateu qt uetxiee qh wtiitieu rtqxifini eeettie, eqwtt0 Vhe{ oa{ texiew intetqewtqt{ qtfetu in uweh iau, qt teerhqne uetxiee0 eaueu tq the eztent rtqxifef b{ tweu afqrtef b{ the (5) Ma{ texiew an{ feeiuiqn qh a fiuttiet eqwtt qh uwrteoe eqwtt0 arrea that ezrteuu{ feeateu xaif a utate utatwte, qt (2) Diuttiet eqwttu qh arrea uha haxe the rqwet qh that ezrteuu{ eqnuttweu a rtqxiuiqn qh the utate qt fiteet texiew qh afoiniuttatixe aetiqn, au rteuetibef b{ hefeta eqnutitwtiqn, qt that ezrteuu{ ahheetu a eauu qh ieneta aw0 eqnutitwtiqna qt utate qhhieetu, qt that ezrteuu{ anf (5) A fiuttiet eqwtt qh arrea qt an{ wfie theteqh fiteet{ eqnhietu with a feeiuiqn qh anqthet fiuttiet eqwtt oa{ iuuwe wtitu qh habeau eqtrwu tetwtnabe behqte the qh arrea qt qh the uwrteoe eqwtt qn the uaoe qweutiqn eqwtt qt an{ wfie theteqh qt behqte an{ eitewit wfie qh aw0 within the tettitqtia wtiufietiqn qh the eqwtt0 A fiuttiet (6) Ma{ texiew an{ feeiuiqn qh a fiuttiet eqwtt qh eqwtt qh arrea oa{ iuuwe wtitu qh oanfaowu, eettiqtati, arrea that rauueu wrqn a qweutiqn eettihief b{ it tq be rtqhibitiqn, qwq wattantq, anf qthet wtitu neeeuuat{ tq qh iteat rwbie iorqttanee, qt that iu eettihief b{ it tq be the eqorete ezeteiue qh itu wtiufietiqn0 Vq the eztent in fiteet eqnhiet with a feeiuiqn qh anqthet fiuttiet eqwtt neeeuuat{ tq fiurque qh a iuuweu in a eawue rtqret{ qh arrea0 behqte it, a fiuttiet eqwtt qh arrea oa{ ezeteiue an{ qh (5) Ma{ texiew an{ qtfet qt wfioent qh a ttia eqwtt the arreate wtiufietiqn qh the eitewit eqwttu0 eettihief b{ the fiuttiet eqwtt qh arrea in whieh an arrea (e) ENGTMS APD MATSJANS0´Gaeh fiuttiet eqwtt iu renfini tq be qh iteat rwbie iorqttanee, qt tq haxe a qh arrea uha arrqint a eet anf a oatuha whq uha iteat ehheet qn the rtqret afoiniuttatiqn qh wutiee hqf qhhiee fwtini the reauwte qh the eqwtt anf rethqto thtqwihqwt the utate, anf eettihief tq teqwite iooefiate uweh fwtieu au the eqwtt fiteetu0 Vheit eqorenuatiqn teuqwtiqn b{ the uwrteoe eqwtt0 uha be hizef b{ ieneta aw0 Vhe oatuha uha haxe the 38 ATVKENG V EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG V rqwet tq ezeewte the rtqeeuu qh the eqwtt thtqwihqwt SGEVKQP ;0 Deteto�nat�qn qh nwobet qh wfieu0 the tettitqtia wtiufietiqn qh the eqwtt, anf in an{ eqwnt{ Vhe uwrteoe eqwtt uha eutabiuh b{ twe wnihqto oa{ ferwtize the uhetihh qt a ferwt{ uhetihh hqt uweh etitetia hqt the fetetoinatiqn qh the neef hqt affitiqna rwtrque0 wfieu ezeert uwrteoe eqwtt wutieeu, the neeeuuit{ hqt J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;920 feeteauini the nwobet qh wfieu anf hqt ineteauini, feeteauini qt tefehinini arreate fiuttietu anf wfieia SGEVKQP 50 E�tew�t eqwttu0´ eitewitu0 Kh the uwrteoe eqwtt hinfu that a neef eziutu hqt (a) QTGAPK\AVKQP0´Vhete uha be a eitewit eqwtt ineteauini qt feeteauini the nwobet qh wfieu qt uetxini eaeh wfieia eitewit0 ineteauini, feeteauini qt tefehinini arreate fiuttietu (b) JWTKSDKEVKQP0´Vhe eitewit eqwttu uha haxe anf wfieia eitewitu, it uha, rtiqt tq the nezt teiwat qtiiina wtiufietiqn nqt xeutef in the eqwnt{ eqwttu, anf ueuuiqn qh the eiiuatwte, eettih{ tq the eiiuatwte itu wtiufietiqn qh arreau when rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw0 hinfiniu anf teeqooenfatiqnu eqneetnini uweh neef0 Vhe{ uha haxe the rqwet tq iuuwe wtitu qh oanfaowu, Wrqn teeeirt qh uweh eettihieate, the eiiuatwte, at the qwq wattantq, eettiqtati, rtqhibitiqn anf habeau eqtrwu, nezt teiwat ueuuiqn, uha eqnuifet the hinfiniu anf anf a wtitu neeeuuat{ qt rtqret tq the eqorete teeqooenfatiqnu anf oa{ teeet the teeqooenfatiqnu ezeteiue qh theit wtiufietiqn0 Jwtiufietiqn qh the eitewit qt b{ aw ioreoent the teeqooenfatiqnu in whqe qt in eqwtt uha be wnihqto thtqwihqwt the utate0 Vhe{ uha ratt; rtqxifef the eiiuatwte oa{ eteate oqte wfieia haxe the rqwet qh fiteet texiew qh afoiniuttatixe aetiqn qhhieeu than ate teeqooenfef b{ the uwrteoe eqwtt qt rteuetibef b{ ieneta aw0 oa{ feeteaue the nwobet qh wfieia qhhieeu b{ a iteatet J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;920 nwobet than teeqooenfef b{ the eqwtt qn{ wrqn a hinfini qh twq/thitfu qh the oeobetuhir qh bqth hqwueu SGEVKQP 80 Eqwnt{ eqwttu0´ qh the eiiuatwte, that uweh a neef eziutu0 A feeteaue in (a) QTGAPK\AVKQP0´Vhete uha be a eqwnt{ the nwobet qh wfieu uha be ehheetixe qn{ ahtet the eqwtt in eaeh eqwnt{0 Vhete uha be qne qt oqte wfieu ezritatiqn qh a teto0 Kh the uwrteoe eqwtt haiu tq oae hqt eaeh eqwnt{ eqwtt au rteuetibef b{ ieneta aw0 hinfiniu au rtqxifef abqxe when neef eziutu, the (b) JWTKSDKEVKQP0´Vhe eqwnt{ eqwttu uha ez/ eiiuatwte oa{ b{ eqnewttent teuqwtiqn teqweut the eteiue the wtiufietiqn rteuetibef b{ ieneta aw0 Sweh eqwtt tq eettih{ itu hinfiniu anf teeqooenfatiqnu anf wtiufietiqn uha be wnihqto thtqwihqwt the utate0 wrqn the haiwte qh the eqwtt tq eettih{ itu hinfiniu hqt nine J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;920 eqnueewtixe oqnthu, the eiiuatwte oa{, wrqn a hinfini qh twq/thitfu qh the oeobetuhir qh bqth hqwueu qh the SGEVKQP 90 Sree�a�zef f�x�u�qnu0´A eqwttu eiiuatwte that a neef eziutu, ineteaue qt feeteaue the ezeert the uwrteoe eqwtt oa{ uit in fixiuiqnu au oa{ nwobet qh wfieu qt ineteaue, feeteaue qt tefehine be eutabiuhef b{ ieneta aw0 A eitewit qt eqwnt{ eqwtt arreate fiuttietu anf wfieia eitewitu0 oa{ hqf eixi anf etioina ttiau anf heatiniu in an{ J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;920 raee within the tettitqtia wtiufietiqn qh the eqwtt au feuiinatef b{ the ehieh wfie qh the eitewit0 SGEVKQP 320 Tetent�qn; eeet�qn anf tetou0´ J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;920 (a) An{ wutiee qt wfie oa{ qwaih{ hqt tetentiqn b{ a xqte qh the eeetqtu in the ieneta eeetiqn nezt SGEVKQP 80 G�i�b��t{0´Pq retuqn uha be eiii/ rteeefini the ezritatiqn qh the wutiee'u qt wfie'u be hqt qhhiee qh wutiee qt wfie qh an{ eqwtt wneuu the teto in the oannet rteuetibef b{ aw0 Kh a wutiee qt retuqn iu an eeetqt qh the utate anf teuifeu in the wfie iu ineiiibe qt haiu tq qwaih{ hqt tetentiqn, a tettitqtia wtiufietiqn qh the eqwtt0 Pq wutiee qt wfie xaeane{ uha eziut in that qhhiee wrqn the ezritatiqn qh uha uetxe ahtet attainini the aie qh uexent{/hixe {eatu the teto beini uetxef b{ the wutiee qt wfie0 Yhen a ezeert wrqn teorqtat{ auuiinoent0 Pq retuqn iu wutiee qt wfie uq qwaihieu, the baqt uha teaf eiiibe hqt the qhhiee qh wutiee qh the uwrteoe eqwtt qt uwbutantia{ au hqqwu< ¬Sha Jwutiee (qt Jwfie) wfie qh a fiuttiet eqwtt qh arrea wneuu the retuqn iu, (naoe qh wutiee qt wfie) qh the (naoe qh the eqwtt) be tetainef anf hau been hqt the rteeefini ten {eatu, a oeobet qh in qhhieeA¹ Kh a oaqtit{ qh the qwaihief eeetqtu xqtini the bat qh Hqtifa0 Pq retuqn iu eiiibe hqt the qhhiee qh within the tettitqtia wtiufietiqn qh the eqwtt xqte tq tetain, eitewit wfie wneuu the retuqn iu, anf hau been hqt the the wutiee qt wfie uha be tetainef hqt a teto qh uiz rteeefini hixe {eatu, a oeobet qh the bat qh Hqtifa0 {eatu0 Vhe teto qh the wutiee qt wfie tetainef uha Wneuu qthetwiue rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw, nq retuqn iu eqooenee qn the hitut Vweufa{ ahtet the hitut Mqnfa{ in eiiibe hqt the qhhiee qh eqwnt{ eqwtt wfie wneuu the Janwat{ hqqwini the ieneta eeetiqn0 Kh a oaqtit{ qh retuqn iu, anf hau been hqt the rteeefini hixe {eatu, a the qwaihief eeetqtu xqtini within the tettitqtia wtiufie/ oeobet qh the bat qh Hqtifa0 Wneuu qthetwiue rtqxifef tiqn qh the eqwtt xqte tq nqt tetain, a xaeane{ uha eziut b{ ieneta aw, a retuqn uha be eiiibe hqt eeetiqn qt in that qhhiee wrqn the ezritatiqn qh the teto beini arrqintoent tq the qhhiee qh eqwnt{ eqwtt wfie in a uetxef b{ the wutiee qt wfie0 eqwnt{ haxini a rqrwatiqn qh 62,222 qt euu ih the (b)(3) Vhe eeetiqn qh eitewit wfieu uha be rte/ retuqn iu a oeobet in iqqf utanfini qh the bat qh uetxef nqtwithutanfini the rtqxiuiqnu qh uwbueetiqn (a) Hqtifa0 wneuu a oaqtit{ qh thque xqtini in the wtiufietiqn qh that J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;92; Ao0 J0J0T0 59, 3;86; afqrtef 3;86 (ehheetixe Jw{ 3, 3;85); Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, eitewit arrtqxeu a qea qrtiqn tq ueeet eitewit wfieu b{ Texiuiqn Pq0 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 3, 2238, hief with oetit ueeetiqn anf tetentiqn tathet than b{ eeetiqn0 the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ ;, 2238; afqrtef 22380 Vhe eeetiqn qh eitewit wfieu uha be b{ a xqte qh the 3; ATVKENG V EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG V qwaihief eeetqtu within the tettitqtia wtiufietiqn qh the uizt{ fa{u ahtet the nqoinatiqnu haxe been eettihief tq eqwtt0 the iqxetnqt0 (2) Vhe eeetiqn qh eqwnt{ eqwtt wfieu uha be (f) Vhete uha be a ueratate wfieia nqoinatini rteuetxef nqtwithutanfini the rtqxiuiqnu qh uwbueetiqn eqooiuuiqn au rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw hqt the uwrteoe (a) wneuu a oaqtit{ qh thque xqtini in the wtiufietiqn qh eqwtt, eaeh fiuttiet eqwtt qh arrea, anf eaeh wfieia that eqwnt{ arrtqxeu a qea qrtiqn tq ueeet eqwnt{ eitewit hqt a ttia eqwttu within the eitewit0 Wnihqto tweu wfieu b{ oetit ueeetiqn anf tetentiqn tathet than b{ qh rtqeefwte uha be eutabiuhef b{ the wfieia eeetiqn0 Vhe eeetiqn qh eqwnt{ eqwtt wfieu uha be b{ nqoinatini eqooiuuiqnu at eaeh exe qh the eqwtt a xqte qh the qwaihief eeetqtu within the tettitqtia u{uteo0 Sweh tweu, qt an{ ratt theteqh, oa{ be wtiufietiqn qh the eqwtt0 tereaef b{ ieneta aw enaetef b{ a oaqtit{ xqte qh (5)a0 A xqte tq ezeteiue a qea qrtiqn tq ueeet the oeobetuhir qh eaeh hqwue qh the eiiuatwte, qt b{ eitewit eqwtt wfieu anf eqwnt{ eqwtt wfieu b{ oetit the uwrteoe eqwtt, hixe wutieeu eqnewttini0 Gzeert hqt ueeetiqn anf tetentiqn tathet than b{ eeetiqn uha be feibetatiqnu qh the wfieia nqoinatini eqooiuuiqnu, hef in eaeh eitewit anf eqwnt{ at the ieneta eeetiqn in the rtqeeefiniu qh the eqooiuuiqnu anf theit teeqtfu the {eat 22220 Kh a xqte tq ezeteiue thiu qea qrtiqn haiu uha be qren tq the rwbie0 in a xqte qh the eeetqtu, uweh qrtiqn uha nqt aiain be J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;92; Ao0 E0S0 hqt S0J0T0'u 6;, 83, 3;98; afqrtef 3;98; Ao0 J0J0T0 3382, 3;86; afqrtef 3;86; Ao0 E0S0 hqt S0J0T0 ;98, 3;;8; rwt tq a xqte qh the eeetqtu qh that wtiufietiqn wnti the afqrtef 3;;8; Aou0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pqu0 ezritatiqn qh at eaut twq {eatu0 9 anf 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 b0 Ahtet the {eat 2222, a eitewit oa{ initiate the qea qrtiqn hqt oetit ueeetiqn anf tetentiqn qt the eeetiqn qh SGEVKQP 320 D�ue�r�ne; teoqxa anf tet�te/ eitewit wfieu, whiehexet iu arrieabe, b{ hiini with the oent0´ ewutqfian qh utate teeqtfu a retitiqn uiinef b{ the (a) JWDKEKAN SWANKHKEAVKQPS EQMMKSSKQP0´ nwobet qh eeetqtu eqwa tq at eaut ten reteent qh the A wfieia qwaihieatiqnu eqooiuuiqn iu eteatef0 xqteu eaut in the eitewit in the aut rteeefini eeetiqn in (3) Vhete uha be a wfieia qwaihieatiqnu eqooiu/ whieh rteuifentia eeetqtu wete ehquen0 uiqn xeutef with wtiufietiqn tq inxeutiiate anf teeqo/ e0 Ahtet the {eat 2222, a eqwnt{ oa{ initiate the oenf tq the Swrteoe Eqwtt qh Hqtifa the teoqxa htqo qea qrtiqn hqt oetit ueeetiqn anf tetentiqn qt the qhhiee qh an{ wutiee qt wfie whque eqnfwet, fwtini teto eeetiqn qh eqwnt{ eqwtt wfieu, whiehexet iu arrieabe, qh qhhiee qt qthetwiue qeewttini qn qt ahtet Pqxeobet 3, b{ hiini with the uwretxiuqt qh eeetiqnu a retitiqn uiinef 3;88, (withqwt teiatf tq the ehheetixe fate qh thiu b{ the nwobet qh eeetqtu eqwa tq at eaut ten reteent qh ueetiqn) feoqnuttateu a rteuent wnhitneuu tq hqf qhhiee, the xqteu eaut in the eqwnt{ in the aut rteeefini eeetiqn anf tq inxeutiiate anf teeqooenf the fiueirine qh a in whieh rteuifentia eeetqtu wete ehquen0 Vhe tetou qh wutiee qt wfie whque eqnfwet, fwtini teto qh qhhiee qt eitewit wfieu anf wfieu qh eqwnt{ eqwttu uha be hqt uiz qthetwiue qeewttini qn qt ahtet Pqxeobet 3, 3;88 {eatu0 (withqwt teiatf tq the ehheetixe fate qh thiu ueetiqn), J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;92; Ao0 E0S0 hqt S0J0T0'u 6;, 83, 3;98; wattantu uweh fiueirine0 Hqt rwtrqueu qh thiu ueetiqn, afqrtef 3;98; Aou0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pqu0 9 anf 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 fiueirine iu fehinef au an{ qt a qh the hqqwini< tertioanf, hine, uwurenuiqn with qt withqwt ra{, qt SGEVKQP 330 Vaeane�eu0´ aw{et fiueirine0 Vhe eqooiuuiqn uha haxe wtiufie/ (a) Yhenexet a xaeane{ qeewtu in a wfieia qhhiee tq tiqn qxet wutieeu anf wfieu teiatfini aeiatiqnu that whieh eeetiqn hqt tetentiqn arrieu, the iqxetnqt uha oiueqnfwet qeewttef behqte qt fwtini uetxiee au a hi the xaeane{ b{ arrqintini hqt a teto enfini qn the wutiee qt wfie ih a eqoraint iu oafe nq atet than qne hitut Vweufa{ ahtet the hitut Mqnfa{ in Janwat{ qh the {eat hqqwini uetxiee au a wutiee qt wfie0 Vhe {eat hqqwini the nezt ieneta eeetiqn qeewttini at eqooiuuiqn uha haxe wtiufietiqn teiatfini aeiatiqnu eaut qne {eat ahtet the fate qh arrqintoent, qne qh nqt qh inearaeit{ fwtini uetxiee au a wutiee qt wfie0 Vhe hewet than thtee retuqnu nqt oqte than uiz retuqnu eqooiuuiqn uha be eqorquef qh< nqoinatef b{ the arrtqrtiate wfieia nqoinatini eqo/ a0 Vwq wfieu qh fiuttiet eqwttu qh arrea ueeetef oiuuiqn0 b{ the wfieu qh thque eqwttu, twq eitewit wfieu ueeetef (b) Vhe iqxetnqt uha hi eaeh xaeane{ qn a eitewit b{ the wfieu qh the eitewit eqwttu anf twq wfieu qh eqwtt qt qn a eqwnt{ eqwtt, whetein the wfieu ate eqwnt{ eqwttu ueeetef b{ the wfieu qh thque eqwttu; eeetef b{ a oaqtit{ xqte qh the eeetqtu, b{ arrqintini b0 Hqwt eeetqtu whq teuife in the utate, whq ate hqt a teto enfini qn the hitut Vweufa{ ahtet the hitut oeobetu qh the bat qh Hqtifa, anf whq uha be ehquen Mqnfa{ in Janwat{ qh the {eat hqqwini the nezt b{ the iqxetnini bqf{ qh the bat qh Hqtifa; anf rtioat{ anf ieneta eeetiqn qeewttini at eaut qne e0 Hixe eeetqtu whq teuife in the utate, whq haxe {eat ahtet the fate qh arrqintoent, qne qh nqt hewet than nexet hef wfieia qhhiee qt been oeobetu qh the bat qh thtee retuqnu nqt oqte than uiz retuqnu nqoinatef b{ Hqtifa, anf whq uha be arrqintef b{ the iqxetnqt0 the arrtqrtiate wfieia nqoinatini eqooiuuiqn0 An (2) Vhe oeobetu qh the wfieia qwaihieatiqnu eqo/ eeetiqn uha be hef tq hi that wfieia qhhiee hqt the oiuuiqn uha uetxe utaiietef tetou, nqt tq ezeeef uiz teto qh the qhhiee beiinnini at the enf qh the arrqintef {eatu, au rteuetibef b{ ieneta aw0 Pq oeobet qh the teto0 eqooiuuiqn ezeert a wfie uha be eiiibe hqt utate (e) Vhe nqoinatiqnu uha be oafe within thitt{ fa{u wfieia qhhiee whie aetini au a oeobet qh the eqooiu/ htqo the qeewttenee qh a xaeane{ wneuu the retiqf iu uiqn anf hqt a retiqf qh twq {eatu theteahtet0 Pq eztenfef b{ the iqxetnqt hqt a tioe nqt tq ezeeef thitt{ oeobet qh the eqooiuuiqn uha hqf qhhiee in a rqitiea fa{u0 Vhe iqxetnqt uha oae the arrqintoent within ratt{ qt rattieirate in an{ eaoraiin hqt wfieia qhhiee qt 22 ATVKENG V EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG V hqf rwbie qhhiee; rtqxifef that a wfie oa{ eaoraiin the rethqtoanee qh wfieia fwtieu0 Maahifeu, ueientet qt hqt wfieia qhhiee anf hqf that qhhiee0 Vhe eqooiuuiqn oqta twtritwfe qn the ratt qh a wutiee qt wfie uha nqt uha eeet qne qh itu oeobetu au itu ehaitretuqn0 be teqwitef hqt teoqxa htqo qhhiee qh a wutiee qt wfie (5) Meobetu qh the wfieia qwaihieatiqnu eqooiu/ whque eqnfwet feoqnuttateu a rteuent wnhitneuu tq uiqn nqt uwbeet tq ioreaehoent uha be uwbeet tq hqf qhhiee0 Ahtet the hiini qh a hqtoa rtqeeefini anf teoqxa htqo the eqooiuuiqn rwtuwant tq the rtqxiuiqnu wrqn teqweut qh the inxeutiiatixe rane, the uwrteoe qh Attiee KV, Seetiqn 9, Hqtifa Eqnutitwtiqn0 eqwtt oa{ uwurenf the wutiee qt wfie htqo qhhiee, with (6) Vhe eqooiuuiqn uha afqrt tweu teiwatini itu qt withqwt eqorenuatiqn, renfini hina fetetoinatiqn qh rtqeeefiniu, the hiini qh xaeaneieu b{ the arrqintini the inqwit{0 awthqtitieu, the fiuqwaihieatiqn qh oeobetu, the tqtatiqn (2) Vhe uwrteoe eqwtt oa{ awatf equtu tq the qh oeobetu between the raneu, anf the teorqtat{ rtexaiini ratt{0 teraeeoent qh fiuqwaihief qt inearaeitatef oeobetu0 (f) Vhe rqwet qh teoqxa eqnhettef b{ thiu ueetiqn Vhe eqooiuuiqn'u tweu, qt an{ ratt theteqh, oa{ be uha be bqth atetnatixe anf ewowatixe tq the rqwet qh tereaef b{ ieneta aw enaetef b{ a oaqtit{ xqte qh ioreaehoent0 the oeobetuhir qh eaeh hqwue qh the eiiuatwte, qt b{ (e) Pqtwithutanfini an{ qh the hqteiqini rtqxiuiqnu the uwrteoe eqwtt, hixe wutieeu eqnewttini0 Vhe eqo/ qh thiu ueetiqn, ih the retuqn whq iu the uwbeet qh oiuuiqn uha haxe rqwet tq iuuwe uwbrqenau0 Wnti rtqeeefiniu b{ the wfieia qwaihieatiqnu eqooiuuiqn iu hqtoa ehatieu aiainut a wutiee qt wfie ate hief b{ the a wutiee qh the uwrteoe eqwtt qh Hqtifa a wutieeu qh inxeutiiatixe rane with the eet qh the uwrteoe eqwtt qh uweh eqwtt awtqoatiea{ uha be fiuqwaihief tq uit au Hqtifa a rtqeeefiniu b{ qt behqte the eqooiuuiqn wutieeu qh uweh eqwtt with teureet tq a rtqeeefiniu uha be eqnhifentia; rtqxifef, hqwexet, wrqn a hinfini thetein eqneetnini uweh retuqn anf the uwrteoe eqwtt qh rtqbabe eawue anf the hiini b{ the inxeutiiatixe hqt uweh rwtrqueu uha be eqorquef qh a rane rane with uaif eet qh uweh hqtoa ehatieu aiainut a eqnuiutini qh the uexen ehieh wfieu qh the wfieia wutiee qt wfie uweh ehatieu anf a hwtthet rtqeeef/ eitewitu qh the utate qh Hqtifa oqut ueniqt in tenwte qh iniu behqte the eqooiuuiqn uha be rwbie0 wfieia qhhiee au eitewit wfie0 Hqt rwtrqueu qh fetetoin/ (5) Vhe eqooiuuiqn uha haxe aeeeuu tq a inhqt/ ini ueniqtit{ qh uweh eitewit wfieu in the exent thete be oatiqn htqo a ezeewtixe, eiiuatixe anf wfieia wfieu qh eqwa tenwte in wfieia qhhiee au eitewit wfie aieneieu, inewfini itanf wtieu, uwbeet tq the tweu the wfie qt wfieu htqo the qwet nwobetef eitewit qt qh the eqooiuuiqn0 At an{ tioe, qn teqweut qh the eitewitu uha be feeoef ueniqt0 Kn the exent an{ uweh ureaet qh the hqwue qh terteuentatixeu qt the iqxetnqt, ehieh eitewit wfie iu wnfet inxeutiiatiqn b{ the wfieia the eqooiuuiqn uha oae axaiabe a inhqtoatiqn in qwaihieatiqnu eqooiuuiqn qt iu qthetwiue fiuqwaihief qt the rquueuuiqn qh the eqooiuuiqn hqt wue in eqnuifeta/ wnabe tq uetxe qn the rane, the nezt oqut ueniqt ehieh tiqn qh ioreaehoent qt uwurenuiqn, teureetixe{0 eitewit wfie qt wfieu uha uetxe in raee qh uweh (b) PAPGNS0´Vhe eqooiuuiqn uha be fixifef intq fiuqwaihief qt fiuabef ehieh eitewit wfie0 an inxeutiiatixe rane anf a heatini rane au eutab/ (h) SEJGDWNG VQ SGEVKQP 320´ iuhef b{ twe qh the eqooiuuiqn0 Vhe inxeutiiatixe (3) Gzeert tq the eztent ineqnuiutent with the rtqxi/ rane iu xeutef with the wtiufietiqn tq teeeixe qt initiate uiqnu qh thiu ueetiqn, a rtqxiuiqnu qh aw anf tweu qh eqoraintu, eqnfwet inxeutiiatiqnu, fiuoiuu eqoraintu, eqwtt in hqtee qn the ehheetixe fate qh thiu attiee uha anf wrqn a xqte qh a uiore oaqtit{ qh the rane uwboit eqntinwe in ehheet wnti uwretuefef in the oannet hqtoa ehatieu tq the heatini rane0 Vhe heatini rane awthqtizef b{ the eqnutitwtiqn0 iu xeutef with the awthqtit{ tq teeeixe anf heat hqtoa (2) Ahtet thiu ueetiqn beeqoeu ehheetixe anf wnti ehatieu htqo the inxeutiiatixe rane anf wrqn a twq/ afqrtef b{ twe qh the eqooiuuiqn eqnuiutent with it< thitfu xqte qh the rane teeqooenf tq the uwrteoe a0 Vhe eqooiuuiqn uha be fixifef, au fetetoinef eqwtt the teoqxa qh a wutiee qt wfie qt the inxqwntat{ b{ the ehaitretuqn, intq qne inxeutiiatixe rane anf qne tetiteoent qh a wutiee qt wfie hqt an{ retoanent heatini rane tq oeet the teurqnuibiitieu uet hqtth in thiu fiuabiit{ that uetiqwu{ intetheteu with the rethqtoanee ueetiqn0 qh wfieia fwtieu0 Wrqn a uiore oaqtit{ xqte qh the b0 Vhe inxeutiiatixe rane uha be eqorquef qh< oeobetuhir qh the heatini rane, the rane oa{ 30 Hqwt wfieu, teeqooenf tq the uwrteoe eqwtt that the wutiee qt 20 Vwq oeobetu qh the bat qh Hqtifa, anf wfie be uwbeet tq arrtqrtiate fiueirine0 50 Vhtee nqn/aw{etu0 (e) SWPTGMG EQWTV0´Vhe uwrteoe eqwtt uha e0 Vhe heatini rane uha be eqorquef qh< teeeixe teeqooenfatiqnu htqo the wfieia qwaihiea/ 30 Vwq wfieu, tiqnu eqooiuuiqn'u heatini rane0 20 Vwq oeobetu qh the bat qh Hqtifa, anf (3) Vhe uwrteoe eqwtt oa{ aeeert, teeet, qt oqfih{ 50 Vwq nqn/aw{etu0 in whqe qt in ratt the hinfiniu, eqnewuiqnu, anf f0 Meobetuhir qn the raneu oa{ tqtate in a teeqooenfatiqnu qh the eqooiuuiqn anf it oa{ qtfet oannet fetetoinef b{ the tweu qh the eqooiuuiqn that the wutiee qt wfie be uwbeetef tq arrtqrtiate rtqxifef that nq oeobet uha xqte au a oeobet qh the fiueirine, qt be teoqxef htqo qhhiee with tetoinatiqn qh inxeutiiatixe anf heatini rane qn the uaoe rtqeeef/ eqorenuatiqn hqt wihw qt retuiutent haiwte tq rethqto ini0 wfieia fwtieu qt hqt qthet eqnfwet wnbeeqoini a e0 Vhe eqooiuuiqn uha hite ueratate utahh hqt eaeh oeobet qh the wfieiat{ feoqnuttatini a rteuent rane0 wnhitneuu tq hqf qhhiee, qt be inxqwntati{ tetitef hqt h0 Vhe oeobetu qh the eqooiuuiqn uha uetxe hqt an{ retoanent fiuabiit{ that uetiqwu{ intetheteu with utaiietef tetou qh uiz {eatu0 23 ATVKENG V EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG V
i0 Vhe tetou qh qhhiee qh the rteuent oeobetu qh the au qthetwiue rtqxifef in uwbueetiqn (e), uha be wfieia qwaihieatiqnu eqooiuuiqn uha ezrite wrqn the rtqxifef htqo utate texenweu arrtqrtiatef b{ ieneta ehheetixe fate qh the aoenfoentu tq thiu ueetiqn aw0 arrtqxef b{ the eiiuatwte fwtini the teiwat ueuuiqn (b) A hwnfini hqt the qhhieeu qh the eetu qh the qh the eiiuatwte in 3;;8 anf new oeobetu uha be eitewit anf eqwnt{ eqwttu rethqtoini eqwtt/teatef hwne/ arrqintef tq uetxe the hqqwini utaiietef tetou< tiqnu, ezeert au qthetwiue rtqxifef in thiu uwbueetiqn 30 Gtqwr K0´Vhe tetou qh hixe oeobetu, eqorquef anf uwbueetiqn (e), uha be rtqxifef b{ afeqwate anf qh twq eeetqtu au uet hqtth in u0 32(a)(3)e0 qh Attiee V, arrtqrtiate hiini heeu hqt wfieia rtqeeefiniu anf qne oeobet qh the bat qh Hqtifa au uet hqtth in u0 uetxiee ehatieu anf equtu hqt rethqtoini eqwtt/teatef 32(a)(3)b0 qh Attiee V, qne wfie htqo the fiuttiet eqwttu hwnetiqnu au teqwitef b{ ieneta aw0 Seeetef uaatieu, qh arrea anf qne eitewit wfie au uet hqtth in u0 32(a)(3) equtu, anf ezrenueu qh the utate eqwttu u{uteo oa{ be a0 qh Attiee V, uha ezrite qn Deeeobet 53, 3;;80 hwnfef htqo arrtqrtiate hiini heeu hqt wfieia rtqeeef/ 20 Gtqwr KK0´Vhe tetou qh hixe oeobetu, eqo/ iniu anf uetxiee ehatieu anf equtu hqt rethqtoini rquef qh qne eeetqt au uet hqtth in u0 32(a)(3)e0 qh Attiee V, twq oeobetu qh the bat qh Hqtifa au uet hqtth eqwtt/teatef hwnetiqnu, au rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw0 in u0 32(a)(3)b0 qh Attiee V, qne eitewit wfie anf qne Yhete the teqwiteoentu qh eithet the Wnitef Stateu eqwnt{ wfie au uet hqtth in u0 32(a)(3)a0 qh Attiee V uha Eqnutitwtiqn qt the Eqnutitwtiqn qh the State qh Hqtifa ezrite qn Deeeobet 53, 22220 rteewfe the iorquitiqn qh hiini heeu hqt wfieia rtq/ 50 Gtqwr KKK0´Vhe tetou qh hixe oeobetu, eqo/ eeefiniu anf uetxiee ehatieu anf equtu hqt rethqtoini rquef qh twq eeetqtu au uet hqtth in u0 32(a)(3)e0 qh eqwtt/teatef hwnetiqnu uwhhieient tq hwnf the eqwtt/ Attiee V, qne oeobet qh the bat qh Hqtifa au uet hqtth in teatef hwnetiqnu qh the qhhieeu qh the eetu qh the eitewit u0 32(a)(3)b0, qne wfie htqo the fiuttiet eqwttu qh arrea anf eqwnt{ eqwttu, the utate uha rtqxife, au fetet/ anf qne eqwnt{ wfie au uet hqtth in u0 32(a)(3)a0 qh oinef b{ the eiiuatwte, afeqwate anf arrtqrtiate Attiee V, uha ezrite qn Deeeobet 53, 22220 uwrreoenta hwnfini htqo utate texenweu arrtqrtiatef h0 An arrqintoent tq hi a xaeane{ qh the eqooiu/ b{ ieneta aw0 uiqn uha be hqt the teoainfet qh the teto0 (e) Pq eqwnt{ qt ownieirait{, ezeert au rtqxifef in i0 Seeetiqn qh oeobetu b{ fiuttiet eqwttu qh arrea thiu uwbueetiqn, uha be teqwitef tq rtqxife an{ hwnfini wfieu, eitewit wfieu, anf eqwnt{ eqwtt wfieu, uha be hqt the utate eqwttu u{uteo, utate attqtne{u' qhhieeu, b{ nq euu than a oaqtit{ qh the oeobetu xqtini at the rwbie fehenfetu' qhhieeu, eqwtt/arrqintef eqwnue qt the teureetixe eqwttu' eqnheteneeu0 Seeetiqn qh oeobetu qhhieeu qh the eetu qh the eitewit anf eqwnt{ eqwttu b{ the bqatf qh iqxetnqtu qh the bat qh Hqtifa uha be rethqtoini eqwtt/teatef hwnetiqnu0 Eqwntieu uha be b{ nq euu than a oaqtit{ qh the bqatf0 teqwitef tq hwnf the equt qh eqoownieatiqnu uetxieeu, 0 Vhe eqooiuuiqn uha be entitef tq teeqxet the eziutini tafiq u{uteou, eziutini owti/aiene{ etioina equtu qh inxeutiiatiqn anf rtqueewtiqn, in affitiqn tq an{ wutiee inhqtoatiqn u{uteou, anf the equt qh eqnuttwetiqn renat{ exief b{ the uwrteoe eqwtt0 qt eaue, oaintenanee, wtiitieu, anf ueewtit{ qh haeiitieu 0 Vhe eqorenuatiqn qh oeobetu anf teheteeu hqt the ttia eqwttu, rwbie fehenfetu' qhhieeu, utate uha be the ttaxe ezrenueu qt ttanurqttatiqn anf ret attqtne{u' qhhieeu, anf the qhhieeu qh the eetu qh the fieo aqwanee au rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw0 J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;92; Ao0 J0J0T0 5;33, 3;96; afqrtef eitewit anf eqwnt{ eqwttu rethqtoini eqwtt/teatef hwne/ 3;96; Ao0 J0J0T0 392;, 3;95; afqrtef 3;98; Ao0 E0S0 hqt S0J0T0 ;98, 3;;8; afqrtef tiqnu0 Eqwntieu uha auq ra{ teauqnabe anf neeeu/ 3;;8; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 9, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 uat{ uaatieu, equtu, anf ezrenueu qh the utate eqwttu u{uteo tq oeet qea teqwiteoentu au fetetoinef b{ 3SGEVKQP 350 Ptqh�b�tef aet�x�t�eu0´A wutieeu ieneta aw0 anf wfieu uha fexqte hw tioe tq theit wfieia fwtieu0 (f) Vhe wfieiat{ uha haxe nq rqwet tq hiz arrtq/ Vhe{ uha nqt eniaie in the rtaetiee qh aw qt hqf rtiatiqnu0 qhhiee in an{ rqitiea ratt{0 J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;92; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;92; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 9, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 9, 2238, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ ;, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 2238; afqrtef 22380 3Pqte0´Seetiqn 58, Att0 ZKK, State Eqnutitwtiqn, rtqxifeu in ratt that ¬]t_he aoenfoentu tq Seetiqn 8 qh Attiee KK anf Seetiqn 35 qh Attiee V uha tae ehheet SGEVKQP 350 Attqtne{u; afo�uu�qn anf f�ue�/ Deeeobet 53, 2222; ezeert that the aoenfoentu tq Seetiqn 8(h) qh Attiee KK uha r�ne0´Vhe uwrteoe eqwtt uha haxe ezewuixe wt/ tae ehheet Deeeobet 53, 22220¹ Ghheetixe Deeeobet 53, 2222, u0 35, Att0 V, au aoenfef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 9 (2238), wi teaf< iufietiqn tq teiwate the afoiuuiqn qh retuqnu tq the SGEVKQP 350 Gth�eu �n the wf�e�at{0´ rtaetiee qh aw anf the fiueirine qh retuqnu afoittef0 (a) A wutieeu anf wfieu uha fexqte hw tioe tq theit wfieia fwtieu0 A wutiee J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;920 qt wfie uha nqt eniaie in the rtaetiee qh aw qt hqf qhhiee in an{ rqitiea ratt{0 (b) A hqtoet wutiee qt hqtoet wfie uha nqt qbb{ hqt eqorenuatiqn qn iuuweu qh rqie{, arrtqrtiatiqnu, qt rtqewteoent behqte the eiiuatixe qt ezeewtixe btaneheu qh utate iqxetnoent hqt a retiqf qh uiz {eatu ahtet he qt uhe xaeateu SGEVKQP 380 Eetu qh the e�tew�t eqwttu0´ hiu qt het wfieia rquitiqn0 Vhe eiiuatwte oa{ enaet eiiuatiqn tq ioreoent thiu Vhete uha be in eaeh eqwnt{ a eet qh the eitewit uwbueetiqn, inewfini, bwt nqt ioitef tq, fehinini tetou anf rtqxifini renatieu hqt xiqatiqnu0 An{ uweh aw uha nqt eqntain rtqxiuiqnu qn an{ qthet uwbeet0 eqwtt whq uha be ueeetef rwtuwant tq the rtqxiuiqnu qh Attiee VKKK ueetiqn 30 Pqtwithutanfini an{ qthet rtqxi/ SGEVKQP 360 Hwnf�ni0´ uiqn qh the eqnutitwtiqn, the fwtieu qh the eet qh the (a) A wutieeu anf wfieu uha be eqorenuatef eitewit eqwtt oa{ be fixifef b{ ureeia qt ieneta aw qn{ b{ utate uaatieu hizef b{ ieneta aw0 Hwnfini hqt between twq qhhieetu, qne uetxini au eet qh eqwtt anf the utate eqwttu u{uteo, utate attqtne{u' qhhieeu, rwbie qne uetxini au ez qhhieiq eet qh the bqatf qh eqwnt{ fehenfetu' qhhieeu, anf eqwtt/arrqintef eqwnue, ezeert eqooiuuiqnetu, awfitqt, teeqtfet, anf ewutqfian qh a 22 ATVKENG V EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG V eqwnt{ hwnfu0 Vhete oa{ be a eet qh the eqwnt{ eqwtt ih (5) Eitewit eqwttu uha haxe wtiufietiqn qh arreau awthqtizef b{ ieneta qt ureeia aw0 htqo eqwnt{ eqwttu anf ownieira eqwttu, ezeert thque J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;920 arreau whieh oa{ be taen fiteet{ tq the uwrteoe eqwtt; anf the{ uha haxe ezewuixe qtiiina wtiufietiqn SGEVKQP 390 State attqtne{u0´Kn eaeh wfieia in a aetiqnu at aw nqt eqinizabe b{ the eqwnt{ eqwttu; eitewit a utate attqtne{ uha be eeetef hqt a teto qh hqwt qh rtqeeefiniu teatini tq the uetteoent qh the eutate qh {eatu0 Gzeert au qthetwiue rtqxifef in thiu eqnutitwtiqn, feeefentu anf oinqtu, the itantini qh ettetu teutaoen/ the utate attqtne{ uha be the rtqueewtini qhhieet qh a tat{, iwatfianuhir, inxqwntat{ hquritaizatiqn, the fe/ ttia eqwttu in that eitewit anf uha rethqto qthet fwtieu tetoinatiqn qh ineqoretene{, anf qthet wtiufietiqn rteuetibef b{ ieneta aw; rtqxifef, hqwexet, when wuwa{ rettainini tq eqwttu qh rtqbate; in a eaueu in awthqtizef b{ ieneta aw, the xiqatiqnu qh a ownieira eqwit{ inewfini a eaueu teatini tq wxenieu; qh a qtfinaneeu oa{ be rtqueewtef b{ ownieira rtqueew/ heqnieu anf qh a oiufeoeanqtu atiuini qwt qh the uaoe tqtu0 A utate attqtne{ uha be an eeetqt qh the utate anf eitewoutaneeu au a heqn{ whieh iu auq ehatief; in a teuife in the tettitqtia wtiufietiqn qh the eitewit; uha be eaueu inxqxini eiait{ qh an{ taz auueuuoent qt tq; in anf haxe been a oeobet qh the bat qh Hqtifa hqt the the aetiqn qh eeetoent; anf in a aetiqnu inxqxini the rteeefini hixe {eatu; uha fexqte hw tioe tq the fwtieu titeu qt bqwnfatieu qt tiiht qh rquueuuiqn qh tea qh the qhhiee; anf uha nqt eniaie in the rtixate rtaetiee rtqrett{0 Vhe eitewit eqwtt oa{ iuuwe inwnetiqnu0 qh aw0 State attqtne{u uha arrqint uweh auuiutant utate Vhete uha be wfieia eitewitu whieh uha be the wfieia attqtne{u au oa{ be awthqtizef b{ aw0 eitewitu in eziutenee qn the fate qh afqrtiqn qh thiu J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;92; Ao0 J0J0T0 588, 3;85; afqrtef attiee0 Vhe ehieh wfie qh a eitewit oa{ awthqtize a 3;88; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 eqwnt{ eqwtt wfie tq qtfet eoetiene{ hquritaizatiqnu rwtuwant tq Ehartet 93/353, Nawu qh Hqtifa, in the SGEVKQP 380 Pwb�e fehenfetu0´Kn eaeh wfieia abuenee htqo the eqwnt{ qh the eitewit wfie anf the eitewit a rwbie fehenfet uha be eeetef hqt a teto qh eqwnt{ eqwtt wfie uha haxe the rqwet tq iuuwe a hqwt {eatu, whq uha rethqto fwtieu rteuetibef b{ teorqtat{ qtfetu anf teorqtat{ inwnetiqnu neeeuuat{ ieneta aw0 A rwbie fehenfet uha be an eeetqt qh the qt rtqret tq the eqorete ezeteiue qh uweh wtiufietiqn0 utate anf teuife in the tettitqtia wtiufietiqn qh the eitewit (6) Eqwnt{ eqwttu uha haxe qtiiina wtiufietiqn in a anf uha be anf haxe been a oeobet qh the Dat qh etioina oiufeoeanqt eaueu nqt eqinizabe b{ the Hqtifa hqt the rteeefini hixe {eatu0 Pwbie fehenfetu eitewit eqwttu, qh a xiqatiqnu qh ownieira anf eqwnt{ uha arrqint uweh auuiutant rwbie fehenfetu au oa{ be qtfinaneeu, anf qh a aetiqnu at aw in whieh the oattet awthqtizef b{ aw0 in eqnttqxetu{ fqeu nqt ezeeef the uwo qh twq thqwuanf J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;92; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn hixe hwnftef fqatu (&2,522022) ezewuixe qh inteteut Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ anf equtu, ezeert thque within the ezewuixe wtiufietiqn 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 qh the eitewit eqwttu0 Jwfieu qh eqwnt{ eqwttu uha be eqooittini oaiiuttateu0 Vhe eqwnt{ eqwttu uha haxe SGEVKQP 3;0 Jwf�e�a qhh�eetu au eqnuetxatqtu wtiufietiqn nqw ezeteiuef b{ the eqwnt{ wfie'u eqwttu qh the reaee0´A wfieia qhhieetu in thiu utate uha be qthet than that xeutef in the eitewit eqwtt b{ uwbueetiqn eqnuetxatqtu qh the reaee0 (e)(5) heteqh, the wtiufietiqn nqw ezeteiuef b{ the J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;920 eqwnt{ eqwttu, the eaiou eqwtt, the uoa eaiou eqwttu, SGEVKQP 220 Sehefwe tq Att�ee V0´ the uoa eaiou oaiiuttateu eqwttu, oaiiuttateu eqwttu, wutiee qh the reaee eqwttu, ownieira eqwttu anf eqwttu (a) Vhiu attiee uha teraee a qh Attiee V qh the qh ehattetef eqwntieu, inewfini bwt nqt ioitef tq the Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, au aoenfef, whieh uha then eqwntieu tehettef tq in Attiee VKKK, ueetiqnu ;, 32, 33 anf utanf tereaef0 26 qh the Eqnutitwtiqn qh 38850 (b) Gzeert tq the eztent ineqnuiutent with the rtqxi/ (5) Gaeh wfieia nqoinatini eqooiuuiqn uha be uiqnu qh thiu attiee, a rtqxiuiqnu qh aw anf tweu qh eqorquef qh the hqqwini< eqwtt in hqtee qn the ehheetixe fate qh thiu attiee uha a0 Vhtee oeobetu arrqintef b{ the Dqatf qh eqntinwe in ehheet wnti uwretuefef in the oannet Gqxetnqtu qh Vhe Hqtifa Dat htqo aoqni Vhe Hqtifa awthqtizef b{ the eqnutitwtiqn0 Dat oeobetu whq ate aetixe{ eniaief in the rtaetiee (e) Ahtet thiu attiee beeqoeu ehheetixe, anf wnti qh aw with qhhieeu within the tettitqtia wtiufietiqn qh the ehanief b{ ieneta aw eqnuiutent with ueetiqnu 3 ahheetef eqwtt, fiuttiet qt eitewit; thtqwih 3; qh thiu attiee< b0 Vhtee eeetqtu whq teuife in the tettitqtia (3) Vhe uwrteoe eqwtt uha haxe the wtiufietiqn wtiufietiqn qh the eqwtt qt eitewit arrqintef b{ the iooefiate{ thetetqhqte ezeteiuef b{ it, anf it uha iqxetnqt; anf fetetoine a rtqeeefiniu renfini behqte it qn the e0 Vhtee eeetqtu whq teuife in the tettitqtia ehheetixe fate qh thiu attiee0 wtiufietiqn qh the eqwtt qt eitewit anf whq ate nqt (2) Vhe arreate fiuttietu uha be thque in eziutenee oeobetu qh the bat qh Hqtifa, ueeetef anf arrqintef qn the fate qh afqrtiqn qh thiu attiee0 Vhete uha be a b{ a oaqtit{ xqte qh the qthet uiz oeobetu qh the fiuttiet eqwtt qh arrea in eaeh fiuttiet0 Vhe fiuttiet eqwttu eqooiuuiqn0 qh arrea uha haxe the wtiufietiqn iooefiate{ thete/ (8) Pq wutiee qt wfie uha be a oeobet qh a wfieia tqhqte ezeteiuef b{ the fiuttiet eqwttu qh arrea anf uha nqoinatini eqooiuuiqn0 A oeobet qh a wfieia nqoi/ fetetoine a rtqeeefiniu renfini behqte theo qn the natini eqooiuuiqn oa{ hqf rwbie qhhiee qthet than ehheetixe fate qh thiu attiee0 wfieia qhhiee0 Pq oeobet uha be eiiibe hqt 25 ATVKENG V EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG V arrqintoent tq utate wfieia qhhiee uq qni au that b{ eqwttu abqiuhef heteb{ uha be ttanuhettef tq the retuqn iu a oeobet qh a wfieia nqoinatini eqooiuuiqn rtqret qhhiee qh the arrtqrtiate eqwtt wnfet thiu attiee0 anf hqt a retiqf qh twq {eatu theteahtet0 A aetu qh a (2) Jwfieu qh the hqqwini eqwttu, ih theit tetou fq wfieia nqoinatini eqooiuuiqn uha be oafe with a nqt ezrite in 3;95 anf ih the{ ate eiiibe wnfet eqnewttenee qh a oaqtit{ qh itu oeobetu0 uwbueetiqn (f)(8) heteqh, uha beeqoe affitiqna (9) Vhe oeobetu qh a wfieia nqoinatini eqooiu/ wfieu qh the eitewit eqwtt hqt eaeh qh the eqwntieu qh uiqn uha uetxe hqt a teto qh hqwt {eatu ezeert the tetou theit teureetixe eitewitu, anf uha uetxe au uweh eitewit qh the initia oeobetu qh the wfieia nqoinatini eqo/ wfieu hqt the teoainfet qh the tetou tq whieh the{ wete oiuuiqnu uha ezrite au hqqwu< eeetef anf uha be eiiibe hqt eeetiqn au eitewit wfieu a0 Vhe tetou qh qne oeobet qh eateiqt{ a0 b0 anf e0 theteahtet0 Vheue eqwttu ate< eixi eqwtt qh teeqtf qh in uwbueetiqn (e)(5) heteqh uha ezrite qn Jw{ 3, 3;96; Dafe eqwnt{, a etioina eqwttu qh teeqtf, the heqn{ b0 Vhe tetou qh qne oeobet qh eateiqt{ a0 b0 anf e0 eqwttu qh teeqtf qh Aaehwa, Neqn anf Vqwuia Eqwntieu, in uwbueetiqn (e)(5) heteqh uha ezrite qn Jw{ 3, 3;95; the eqwttu qh teeqtf qh Dtqwatf, Dtexatf, Gueaobia, e0 Vhe tetou qh qne oeobet qh eateiqt{ a0 b0 anf e0 Jiubqtqwih, Nee, Manatee anf Satauqta Eqwntieu, the in uwbueetiqn (e)(5) heteqh uha ezrite qn Jw{ 3, 3;98; eixi anf etioina eqwtt qh teeqtf qh Pineau Eqwnt{, anf (8) A hineu anf hqtheitwteu atiuini htqo qhhenueu eqwnt{ wfie'u eqwttu anf ueratate wxenie eqwttu in ttief in the eqwnt{ eqwtt uha be eqeetef, anf eqwntieu haxini a rqrwatiqn in ezeeuu qh 322,222 aeeqwntef hqt b{ eet qh the eqwtt, anf ferquitef in a aeeqtfini tq the 3;92 hefeta eenuwu0 Qn the ehheetixe ureeia ttwut aeeqwnt0 A hineu anf hqtheitwteu teeeixef fate qh thiu attiee, thete uha be an affitiqna nwobet qh htqo xiqatiqnu qh qtfinaneeu qt oiufeoeanqtu eqo/ rquitiqnu qh eitewit wfieu eqwa tq the nwobet qh oittef within a eqwnt{ qt ownieira qtfinaneeu eqo/ eziutini eitewit wfieu anf the nwobet qh wfieu qh oittef within a ownieirait{ within the tettitqtia wtiufie/ the abqxe naoef eqwttu whque teto ezriteu in 3;950 tiqn qh the eqwnt{ eqwtt uha be raif oqnth{ tq the Geetiqnu tq uweh qhhieeu uha tae raee at the uaoe eqwnt{ qt ownieirait{ teureetixe{0 Kh an{ equtu ate tioe anf oannet au eeetiqnu tq qthet utate wfieia auueuuef anf eqeetef in eqnneetiqn with qhhenueu qhhieeu in 3;92 anf the tetou qh uweh qhhieeu uha be hqt ttief in eqwnt{ eqwtt, a eqwtt equtu uha be raif intq the a teto qh uiz {eatu0 Wneuu ehanief rwtuwant tq ueetiqn ieneta texenwe hwnf qh the utate qh Hqtifa anf uweh nine qh thiu attiee, the nwobet qh eitewit wfieu rteuent{ qthet hwnfu au rteuetibef b{ ieneta aw0 eziutini anf eteatef b{ thiu uwbueetiqn uha nqt be ehanief0 (;) An{ ownieirait{ qt eqwnt{ oa{ arr{ tq the ehieh (5) Kn a eqwntieu haxini a rqrwatiqn qh euu than wfie qh the eitewit in whieh that ownieirait{ qt eqwnt{ iu 322,222 aeeqtfini tq the 3;92 hefeta eenuwu anf uitwatef hqt the eqwnt{ eqwtt tq uit in a qeatiqn uwitabe tq haxini oqte than qne eqwnt{ wfie qn the fate qh the the ownieirait{ qt eqwnt{ anf eqnxenient in tioe anf afqrtiqn qh thiu attiee, thete uha be the uaoe nwobet raee tq itu eitizenu anf rqiee qhhieetu anf wrqn uweh qh wfieu qh the eqwnt{ eqwtt au thete ate eqwnt{ wfieu arrieatiqn uaif ehieh wfie uha fiteet the eqwtt tq uit in eziutini qn that fate wneuu ehanief rwtuwant tq ueetiqn the qeatiqn wneuu the ehieh wfie uha fetetoine the ; qh thiu attiee0 teqweut iu nqt wutihief0 Kh the ehieh wfie fqeu nqt (6) Mwnieira eqwttu uha eqntinwe with theit uaoe awthqtize the eqwnt{ eqwtt tq uit in the qeatiqn wtiufietiqn wnti aoenfef qt tetoinatef in a oannet teqweutef, the eqwnt{ qt ownieirait{ oa{ arr{ tq the rteuetibef b{ ureeia qt ieneta aw qt qtfinaneeu, qt uwrteoe eqwtt hqt an qtfet fiteetini the eqwnt{ eqwtt tq wnti Janwat{ 5, 3;99, whiehexet qeewtu hitut0 Qn that uit in the qeatiqn0 An{ ownieirait{ qt eqwnt{ whieh uq fate a ownieira eqwttu nqt rtexiqwu{ abqiuhef uha arrieu uha be teqwitef tq rtqxife the arrtqrtiate eeaue tq eziut0 Jwfieu qh ownieira eqwttu uha teoain rh{uiea haeiitieu in whieh the eqwnt{ eqwtt oa{ hqf in qhhiee anf be uwbeet tq tearrqintoent qt teeeetiqn in eqwtt0 the oannet rteuetibef b{ aw wnti uaif eqwttu ate (32) A eqwttu ezeert the uwrteoe eqwtt oa{ uit in tetoinatef rwtuwant tq the rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu uwbueetiqn0 fixiuiqnu au oa{ be eutabiuhef b{ qea twe arrtqxef Wrqn ownieira eqwttu beini tetoinatef qt abqiuhef in b{ the uwrteoe eqwtt0 aeeqtfanee with the rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu uwbueetiqn, the (33) A eqwnt{ eqwtt wfie in an{ eqwnt{ haxini a wfieu theteqh whq ate nqt oeobetu qh the bat qh rqrwatiqn qh 62,222 qt euu aeeqtfini tq the aut Hqtifa, uha be eiiibe tq uee eeetiqn au wfieu qh feeennia eenuwu, uha nqt be teqwitef tq be a oeobet eqwnt{ eqwttu qh theit teureetixe eqwntieu0 qh the bat qh Hqtifa0 (5) Jwfieu, hqfini eeetixe qhhiee in a qthet eqwttu (32) Mwnieira rtqueewtqtu oa{ rtqueewte xiqatiqnu abqiuhef b{ thiu attiee, whque tetou fq nqt ezrite in qh ownieira qtfinaneeu0 3;95 inewfini wfieu eutabiuhef rwtuwant tq Attiee (35) Jwutiee uha oean a wutiee eeetef qt arrqintef VKKK, ueetiqnu ; anf 33 qh the Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885 uha tq the uwrteoe eqwtt anf uha nqt inewfe an{ wfie uetxe au wfieu qh the eqwnt{ eqwtt hqt the teoainfet qh auuiinef htqo an{ eqwtt0 the teto tq whieh the{ wete eeetef0 Wneuu eteatef (f) Yhen thiu attiee beeqoeu ehheetixe< rwtuwant tq ueetiqn ;, qh thiu Attiee V uweh wfieia qhhiee (3) A eqwttu nqt hetein awthqtizef, ezeert au uha nqt eqntinwe tq eziut theteahtet0 rtqxifef b{ uwbueetiqn (f)(6) qh thiu ueetiqn uha (8) D{ Mateh 23, 3;92, the uwrteoe eqwtt uha eeaue tq eziut anf wtiufietiqn tq eqnewfe a renfini eettih{ the neef hqt affitiqna eitewit anf eqwnt{ wfieu0 eaueu anf enhqtee a rtiqt qtfetu anf wfioentu uha Vhe eiiuatwte in the 3;92 teiwat ueuuiqn oa{ b{ xeut in the eqwtt that wqwf haxe wtiufietiqn qh the eawue ieneta aw eteate affitiqna qhhieeu qh wfie, the tetou ih theteahtet inutitwtef0 A teeqtfu qh anf rtqrett{ hef qh whieh uha beiin qn the ehheetixe fate qh thiu attiee0 26 ATVKENG V EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG VK
Geetiqnu tq uweh qhhieeu uha tae raee at the uaoe () GHHGEVKVG DAVG0´Wneuu qthetwiue rtqxifef tioe anf oannet au eeetiqn tq qthet utate wfieia hetein, thiu attiee uha beeqoe ehheetixe at 33<5; qhhieeu in 3;920 q'eqe P0M0, Gautetn Stanfatf Vioe, Janwat{ 3, 3;950 J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;92; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn (9) Eqwnt{ wfieu qh eziutini eqwnt{ wfie'u eqwttu Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ anf wutieeu qh the reaee anf oaiiuttateu' eqwtt whq ate 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 3Pqte0´A rtqxiuiqnu qh Att0 V qh the Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, au aoenfef, nqt oeobetu qh bat qh Hqtifa uha be eiiibe tq uee eqnuifetef au utatwtqt{ aw, wete tereaef b{ eh0 95/525, Nawu qh Hqtifa0 eeetiqn au eqwnt{ eqwtt wfieu qh theit teureetixe eqwntieu0 SGEVKQP 230 Jwf�e�a �ntetrtetat�qn qh utatwteu (8) Pq wfie qh a eqwtt abqiuhef b{ thiu attiee uha anf tweu0´ Kn intetrtetini a utate utatwte qt twe, a beeqoe qt be eiiibe tq beeqoe a wfie qh the eitewit utate eqwtt qt an qhhieet heatini an afoiniuttatixe aetiqn eqwtt wneuu the wfie hau been a oeobet qh bat qh rwtuwant tq ieneta aw oa{ nqt fehet tq an afoiniu/ Hqtifa hqt the rteeefini hixe {eatu0 ttatixe aiene{'u intetrtetatiqn qh uweh utatwte qt twe, (;) Vhe qhhiee qh wfieu qh a qthet eqwttu abqiuhef anf owut inuteaf intetrtet uweh utatwte qt twe fe nqxq0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 3, b{ thiu attiee uha be abqiuhef au qh the ehheetixe fate 2238, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ ;, 2238; afqrtef 22380 qh thiu attiee0 (32) Vhe qhhieeu qh eqwnt{ uqieitqt anf rtqueewtini ATVKENG VK attqtne{ uha utanf abqiuhef, anf a eqwnt{ uqieitqtu anf rtqueewtini attqtne{u hqfini uweh qhhieeu wrqn the SWHHTAGG APD GNGEVKQPS ehheetixe fate qh thiu attiee uha beeqoe anf uetxe au auuiutant utate attqtne{u hqt the eitewitu in whieh theit See0 eqwntieu ate uitwate hqt the teoainfet qh theit tetou, with eqorenuatiqn nqt euu than that teeeixef iooefiate{ 30 Teiwatiqn qh eeetiqnu0 behqte the ehheetixe fate qh thiu attiee0 20 Geetqtu0 (e) NKMKVGD QPGTAVKQP QH SQMG PTQVK/ 50 Qath0 SKQPS0´ 60 Diuqwaihieatiqnu0 (3) A wutieeu qh the uwrteoe eqwtt, wfieu qh the 50 Ptioat{, ieneta, anf ureeia eeetiqnu0 80 Mwnieira anf fiuttiet eeetiqnu0 fiuttiet eqwttu qh arrea anf eitewit wfieu in qhhiee wrqn 90 Eaoraiin urenfini ioitu anf hwnfini qh eao/ the ehheetixe fate qh thiu attiee uha tetain theit qhhieeu raiinu hqt eeetixe utate/wife qhhiee0 hqt the teoainfet qh theit teureetixe tetou0 A oeobetu qh the wfieia qwaihieatiqnu eqooiuuiqn in qhhiee wrqn SGEVKQP 30 Teiwat�qn qh eeet�qnu0´A eee/ the ehheetixe fate qh thiu attiee uha tetain theit qhhieeu tiqnu b{ the reqre uha be b{ fiteet anf ueetet xqte0 hqt the teoainfet qh theit teureetixe tetou0 Gaeh utate Geneta eeetiqnu uha be fetetoinef b{ a rwtait{ qh attqtne{ in qhhiee qn the ehheetixe fate qh thiu attiee uha xqteu eaut0 Teiiuttatiqn anf eeetiqnu uha, anf rqitiea tetain the qhhiee hqt the teoainfet qh the teto0 ratt{ hwnetiqnu oa{, be teiwatef b{ aw; hqwexet, the (2) Pq wutiee qt wfie hqfini qhhiee iooefiate{ teqwiteoentu hqt a eanfifate with nq ratt{ ahhiiatiqn qt ahtet thiu attiee beeqoeu ehheetixe whq hef wfieia hqt a eanfifate qh a oinqt ratt{ hqt raeeoent qh the qhhiee qn Jw{ 3, 3;59, uha be uwbeet tq tetiteoent htqo eanfifate'u naoe qn the baqt uha be nq iteatet than wfieia qhhiee beeawue qh aie rwtuwant tq ueetiqn 8 qh the teqwiteoentu hqt a eanfifate qh the ratt{ haxini the thiu attiee0 atieut nwobet qh teiiutetef xqtetu0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 (h) Wnti qthetwiue rtqxifef b{ aw, the nqnwfieia 33, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 fwtieu teqwitef qh eqwnt{ wfieu uha be rethqtoef b{ the wfieu qh the eqwnt{ eqwtt0 SGEVKQP 20 Geetqtu0´Gxet{ eitizen qh the Wnitef 3(i) A rtqxiuiqnu qh Attiee V qh the Eqnutitwtiqn qh Stateu whq iu at eaut eiihteen {eatu qh aie anf whq iu a 3885, au aoenfef, nqt eobtaeef hetein whieh ate nqt retoanent teuifent qh the utate, ih teiiutetef au ineqnuiutent with thiu texiuiqn uha beeqoe utatwteu rtqxifef b{ aw, uha be an eeetqt qh the eqwnt{ uwbeet tq oqfihieatiqn qt terea au ate qthet utatwteu0 whete teiiutetef0 (h) Vhe teqwiteoentu qh ueetiqn 36 teatixe tq a J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 33, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 eqwnt{ eqwtt wfieu qt an{ wfie qh a ownieira eqwtt whq eqntinweu tq hqf qhhiee rwtuwant tq uwbueetiqn SGEVKQP 50 Qath0´Gaeh eiiibe eitizen wrqn (f)(6) heteqh beini eqorenuatef b{ utate uaatieu uha teiiutetini uha uwbuetibe the hqqwini< ¬K fq uqeon{ nqt arr{ rtiqt tq Janwat{ 5, 3;99, wneuu qthetwiue uweat (qt ahhito) that K wi rtqteet anf fehenf the rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw0 Eqnutitwtiqn qh the Wnitef Stateu anf the Eqnutitwtiqn qh (i) DGNGVKQP QH QDSQNGVG SEJGDWNG the State qh Hqtifa, anf that K ao qwaihief tq teiiutet au KVGMS0´Vhe eiiuatwte uha haxe rqwet, b{ eqnewt/ an eeetqt wnfet the Eqnutitwtiqn anf awu qh the State tent teuqwtiqn, tq feete htqo thiu attiee an{ uwbueetiqn qh Hqtifa0¹ qh thiu ueetiqn 22 inewfini thiu uwbueetiqn, when a exentu tq whieh the uwbueetiqn tq be feetef iu qt eqwf SGEVKQP 60 D�uqwa�h�eat�qnu0´ beeqoe arrieabe haxe qeewttef0 A eiiuatixe fetet/ (a) Pq retuqn eqnxietef qh a heqn{, qt afwfieatef in oinatiqn qh haet oafe au a bauiu hqt arrieatiqn qh thiu thiu qt an{ qthet utate tq be oenta{ ineqoretent, uha uwbueetiqn uha be uwbeet tq wfieia texiew0 be qwaihief tq xqte qt hqf qhhiee wnti teutqtatiqn qh eixi 25 ATVKENG VK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG VKK tiihtu qt teoqxa qh fiuabiit{0 Gzeert au rtqxifef in eanfifate whq wueu rwbie hwnfu au the ieneta aw uwbueetiqn (b) qh thiu ueetiqn, an{ fiuqwaihieatiqn htqo in ehheet qn Janwat{ 3, 3;;80 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 33, xqtini atiuini htqo a heqn{ eqnxietiqn uha tetoinate 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 anf xqtini tiihtu uha be teutqtef wrqn eqoretiqn qh a tetou qh uentenee inewfini ratqe qt rtqbatiqn0 ATVKENG VKK (b) Pq retuqn eqnxietef qh owtfet qt a heqn{ uezwa qhhenue uha be qwaihief tq xqte wnti teutqtatiqn qh eixi HKPAPEG APD VAZAVKQP tiihtu0 (e) Pq retuqn oa{ arreat qn the baqt hqt te/ See0 eeetiqn tq an{ qh the hqqwini qhhieeu< (3) Hqtifa terteuentatixe, 30 Vazatiqn; arrtqrtiatiqnu; utate ezrenueu; utate (2) Hqtifa uenatqt, texenwe ioitatiqn0 (5) Hqtifa Niewtenant iqxetnqt, 20 Vazeu; tate0 50 Vazeu; ezeortiqnu0 (6) an{ qhhiee qh the Hqtifa eabinet, 60 Vazatiqn; auueuuoentu0 (5) W0S0 Terteuentatixe htqo Hqtifa, qt 50 Gutate, inhetitanee anf ineqoe tazeu0 (8) W0S0 Senatqt htqo Hqtifa 80 Jqoeuteaf ezeortiqnu0 90 Aqeatiqn qh rati/owtwe tazeu0 ih, b{ the enf qh the ewttent teto qh qhhiee, the retuqn wi 80 Aif tq qea iqxetnoentu0 haxe uetxef (qt, bwt hqt teuiinatiqn, wqwf haxe uetxef) ;0 Nqea tazeu0 in that qhhiee hqt eiiht eqnueewtixe {eatu0 320 Pefiini etefit0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Jw{ 25, 3;;2; afqrtef 3;;2; Ao0 b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State 330 State bqnfu; texenwe bqnfu0 Qetqbet 53, 2236; afqrtef 22380 320 Nqea bqnfu0 350 Teieh htqo ieia tazeu0 SGEVKQP 50 Pt�oat{, ieneta, anf uree�a eee/ 360 Dqnfu hqt rqwtiqn eqnttq anf abateoent anf t�qnu0´ qthet watet haeiitieu0 (a) A ieneta eeetiqn uha be hef in eaeh eqwnt{ qn 350 Texenwe bqnfu hqt uehqatuhir qanu0 the hitut Vweufa{ ahtet the hitut Mqnfa{ in Pqxeobet qh 380 Dqnfu hqt hqwuini anf teatef haeiitieu0 eaeh exen/nwobetef {eat tq ehqque a uweeeuuqt tq 390 Dqnfu hqt aeqwitini ttanurqttatiqn tiiht/qh/wa{ qt eaeh eeetixe utate anf eqwnt{ qhhieet whque teto wi hqt eqnuttwetini btifieu0 ezrite behqte the nezt ieneta eeetiqn anf, ezeert au 380 Nawu teqwitini eqwntieu qt ownieiraitieu tq urenf rtqxifef hetein, tq hi eaeh xaeane{ in eeetixe qhhiee hqt hwnfu qt ioitini theit abiit{ tq taiue texenwe qt teeeixe utate taz texenwe0 the wnezritef rqttiqn qh the teto0 A ieneta eeetiqn 3;0 Swretoaqtit{ xqte teqwitef tq iorque, awthqtize, oa{ be uwurenfef qt fea{ef fwe tq a utate qh qt taiue utate tazeu qt heeu0 eoetiene{ qt iorenfini eoetiene{ rwtuwant tq ien/ eta aw0 Sreeia eeetiqnu anf tehetenfa uha be hef SGEVKQP 30 Vazat�qn; arrtqrt�at�qnu; utate ez/ au rtqxifef b{ aw0 renueu; utate texenwe �o�tat�qn0´ (b) Kh a eanfifateu hqt an qhhiee haxe the uaoe ratt{ (a) Pq taz uha be exief ezeert in rwtuwanee qh aw0 ahhiiatiqn anf the winnet wi haxe nq qrrquitiqn in the Pq utate af xaqteo tazeu uha be exief wrqn tea ieneta eeetiqn, a qwaihief eeetqtu, teiatfeuu qh eutate qt taniibe retuqna rtqrett{0 A qthet hqtou qh ratt{ ahhiiatiqn, oa{ xqte in the rtioat{ eeetiqnu hqt that tazatiqn uha be rteeortef tq the utate ezeert au qhhiee0 rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 S0J0T0 382, 3;;2; afqrtef 3;;2; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn (b) Mqtqt xehieeu, bqatu, aitraneu, ttaietu, ttaiet Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 33, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 eqaeheu anf oqbie hqoeu, au fehinef b{ aw, uha be uwbeet tq a ieenue taz hqt theit qretatiqn in the aoqwntu SGEVKQP 80 Mwn�e�ra anf f�utt�et eeet�qnu0´ anf hqt the rwtrqueu rteuetibef b{ aw, bwt uha nqt be Teiiuttatiqn anf eeetiqnu in ownieiraitieu uha, anf in uwbeet tq af xaqteo tazeu0 qthet iqxetnoenta entitieu eteatef b{ utatwte oa{, be (e) Pq oqne{ uha be ftawn htqo the tteauwt{ rtqxifef b{ aw0 ezeert in rwtuwanee qh arrtqrtiatiqn oafe b{ aw0 (f) Ptqxiuiqn uha be oafe b{ aw hqt taiuini uwhhieient texenwe tq fehta{ the ezrenueu qh the utate SGEVKQP 90 Eaora�in urenf�ni �o�tu anf hqt eaeh hiuea retiqf0 hwnf�ni qh eaora�inu hqt eeet�xe utate/w�fe qhh�ee0 (e) Gzeert au rtqxifef hetein, utate texenweu Kt iu the rqie{ qh thiu utate tq rtqxife hqt utate/wife eqeetef hqt an{ hiuea {eat uha be ioitef tq utate eeetiqnu in whieh a qwaihief eanfifateu oa{ eqorete texenweu aqwef wnfet thiu uwbueetiqn hqt the rtiqt ehheetixe{0 A oethqf qh rwbie hinaneini hqt eaoraiinu hiuea {eat rwu an afwutoent hqt itqwth0 Au wuef in thiu hqt utate/wife qhhiee uha be eutabiuhef b{ aw0 uwbueetiqn, ¬itqwth¹ oeanu an aoqwnt eqwa tq the Srenfini ioitu uha be eutabiuhef hqt uweh eaoraiinu axetaie annwa tate qh itqwth in Hqtifa retuqna hqt eanfifateu whq wue rwbie hwnfu in theit eaoraiinu0 ineqoe qxet the oqut teeent twent{ qwattetu tioeu Vhe eiiuatwte uha rtqxife hwnfini hqt thiu rtqxiuiqn0 the utate texenweu aqwef wnfet thiu uwbueetiqn hqt the Geneta aw ioreoentini thiu rataitarh uha be at rtiqt hiuea {eat0 Hqt the 3;;5/3;;8 hiuea {eat, the utate eaut au rtqteetixe qh ehheetixe eqoretitiqn b{ a texenweu aqwef wnfet thiu uwbueetiqn hqt the rtiqt 28 ATVKENG VKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG VKK hiuea {eat uha eqwa the utate texenweu eqeetef hqt ieneta aw tq oae ra{oent tq the tazini wnit in the 3;;6/3;;5 hiuea {eat0 Hqtifa retuqna ineqoe uha whieh the rtqrett{ iu qeatef0 Sweh rqttiqnu qh rtqrett{ be fetetoinef b{ the eiiuatwte, htqo inhqtoatiqn au ate wuef rtefqoinant{ hqt efweatiqna, itetat{, axaiabe htqo the Wnitef Stateu Derattoent qh Eqo/ ueientihie, teiiiqwu qt ehatitabe rwtrqueu oa{ be oetee qt itu uweeeuuqt qn the hitut fa{ qh Hebtwat{ rtiqt ezeortef b{ ieneta aw htqo tazatiqn0 tq the beiinnini qh the hiuea {eat0 State texenweu (b) Vhete uha be ezeort htqo tazatiqn, ewowa/ eqeetef hqt an{ hiuea {eat in ezeeuu qh thiu ioitatiqn tixe{, tq exet{ heaf qh a haoi{ teuifini in thiu utate, uha be ttanuhettef tq the bwfiet utabiizatiqn hwnf wnti hqwuehqf iqqfu anf retuqna ehheetu tq the xawe hizef the hwnf teaeheu the oaziowo baanee ureeihief in b{ ieneta aw, nqt euu than qne thqwuanf fqatu, anf Seetiqn 3;(i) qh Attiee KKK, anf theteahtet uha be tq exet{ wifqw qt wifqwet qt retuqn whq iu binf qt tehwnfef tq tazra{etu au rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw0 State tqta{ anf retoanent{ fiuabef, rtqrett{ tq the xawe texenweu aqwef wnfet thiu uwbueetiqn hqt an{ hiuea hizef b{ ieneta aw nqt euu than hixe hwnftef fqatu0 {eat oa{ be ineteauef b{ a twq/thitfu xqte qh the (e) An{ eqwnt{ qt ownieirait{ oa{, hqt the rwtrque oeobetuhir qh eaeh hqwue qh the eiiuatwte in a qh itu teureetixe taz ex{ anf uwbeet tq the rtqxiuiqnu qh ueratate bi that eqntainu nq qthet uwbeet anf that thiu uwbueetiqn anf ieneta aw, itant eqoownit{ anf uetu hqtth the fqat aoqwnt b{ whieh the utate texenweu eeqnqoie fexeqroent af xaqteo taz ezeortiqnu tq aqwef wi be ineteauef0 Vhe xqte oa{ nqt be taen new bwuineuueu anf ezranuiqnu qh eziutini bwuineuueu, euu than uexent{/twq hqwtu ahtet the thitf teafini qh the au fehinef b{ ieneta aw0 Sweh an ezeortiqn oa{ be bi0 Hqt rwtrqueu qh thiu uwbueetiqn, ¬utate texenweu¹ itantef qn{ b{ qtfinanee qh the eqwnt{ qt ownieirait{, oeanu tazeu, heeu, ieenueu, anf ehatieu hqt uetxieeu anf qn{ ahtet the eeetqtu qh the eqwnt{ qt ownieirait{ iorquef b{ the eiiuatwte qn infixifwau, bwuineuueu, xqtini qn uweh qweutiqn in a tehetenfwo awthqtize the qt aieneieu qwtuife utate iqxetnoent0 Jqwexet, ¬utate eqwnt{ qt ownieirait{ tq afqrt uweh qtfinaneeu0 An texenweu¹ fqeu nqt inewfe< texenweu that ate neeeu/ ezeortiqn uq itantef uha arr{ tq iortqxeoentu tq uat{ tq oeet the teqwiteoentu uet hqtth in fqewoentu tea rtqrett{ oafe b{ qt hqt the wue qh a new bwuineuu awthqtizini the iuuwanee qh bqnfu b{ the utate; texe/ anf iortqxeoentu tq tea rtqrett{ teatef tq the nweu that ate wuef tq rtqxife oatehini hwnfu hqt the ezranuiqn qh an eziutini bwuineuu anf uha auq hefeta Mefieaif rtqitao with the ezeertiqn qh the arr{ tq taniibe retuqna rtqrett{ qh uweh new bwui/ texenweu wuef tq uwrrqtt the Pwbie Mefiea Auuiutanee neuu anf taniibe retuqna rtqrett{ teatef tq the Vtwut Hwnf qt itu uweeeuuqt rtqitao anf with the ezranuiqn qh an eziutini bwuineuu0 Vhe aoqwnt qt ioitu ezeertiqn qh utate oatehini hwnfu wuef tq hwnf eeetixe qh the aoqwnt qh uweh ezeortiqn uha be ureeihief b{ ezranuiqnu oafe ahtet Jw{ 3, 3;;6; rtqeeefu htqo the ieneta aw0 Vhe retiqf qh tioe hqt whieh uweh ezeor/ utate qttet{ tetwtnef au rtizeu; teeeirtu qh the Hqtifa tiqn oa{ be itantef tq a new bwuineuu qt ezranuiqn qh Jwttieane Eatauttqrhe Hwnf; baaneeu eattief hqtwatf an eziutini bwuineuu uha be fetetoinef b{ ieneta htqo rtiqt hiuea {eatu; tazeu, ieenueu, heeu, anf aw0 Vhe awthqtit{ tq itant uweh ezeortiqn uha ezrite ehatieu hqt uetxieeu iorquef b{ qea, teiiqna, qt ten {eatu htqo the fate qh arrtqxa b{ the eeetqtu qh the uehqq fiuttiet iqxetnini bqfieu; qt texenwe htqo tazeu, eqwnt{ qt ownieirait{, anf oa{ be tenewabe b{ ieenueu, heeu, anf ehatieu hqt uetxieeu teqwitef tq be tehetenfwo au rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw0 iorquef b{ an{ aoenfoent qt texiuiqn tq thiu eqn/ (f) An{ eqwnt{ qt ownieirait{ oa{, hqt the rwtrque utitwtiqn ahtet Jw{ 3, 3;;60 An afwutoent tq the texenwe qh itu teureetixe taz ex{ anf uwbeet tq the rtqxiuiqnu qh ioitatiqn uha be oafe b{ ieneta aw tq teheet the thiu uwbueetiqn anf ieneta aw, itant hiutqtie rteuet/ hiuea ioraet qh ttanuhetu qh teurqnuibiit{ hqt the hwnfini xatiqn af xaqteo taz ezeortiqnu tq qwnetu qh hiutqtie qh iqxetnoenta hwnetiqnu between the utate anf qthet rtqrettieu0 Vhiu ezeortiqn oa{ be itantef qn{ b{ exeu qh iqxetnoent0 Vhe eiiuatwte uha, b{ ieneta qtfinanee qh the eqwnt{ qt ownieirait{0 Vhe aoqwnt qt aw, rteuetibe rtqeefwteu neeeuuat{ tq afoiniutet thiu ioitu qh the aoqwnt qh thiu ezeortiqn anf the teqwite/ uwbueetiqn0 oentu hqt eiiibe rtqrettieu owut be ureeihief b{ J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 2255, 3;;6; afqrtef 3;;60 ieneta aw0 Vhe retiqf qh tioe hqt whieh thiu ezeortiqn oa{ be itantef tq a rtqrett{ qwnet uha be fetetoinef SGEVKQP 20 Vazeu; tate0´A af xaqteo tazatiqn b{ ieneta aw0 uha be at a wnihqto tate within eaeh tazini wnit, ezeert 3(e) D{ ieneta aw anf uwbeet tq eqnfitiqnu uree/ the tazeu qn intaniibe retuqna rtqrett{ oa{ be at ihief thetein< fihhetent tateu bwt uha nexet ezeeef twq oiu qn the (3) Vwent{/hixe thqwuanf fqatu qh the auueuuef fqat qh auueuuef xawe; rtqxifef, au tq an{ qbiiatiqnu xawe qh rtqrett{ uwbeet tq taniibe retuqna rtqrett{ ueewtef b{ oqttiaie, feef qh ttwut, qt qthet ien qn tea taz uha be ezeort htqo af xaqteo tazatiqn0 eutate whetexet qeatef, an intaniibe taz qh nqt oqte (2) Vhe auueuuef xawe qh uqat fexieeu qt tenew/ than twq oiu qn the fqat oa{ be exief b{ aw tq be in abe eneti{ uqwtee fexieeu uwbeet tq taniibe retuqna iew qh a qthet intaniibe auueuuoentu qn uweh qbiia/ rtqrett{ taz oa{ be ezeort htqo af xaqteo tazatiqn, tiqnu0 uwbeet tq ioitatiqnu rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw0 2(h) Vhete uha be itantef an af xaqteo taz SGEVKQP 50 Vazeu; ezeort�qnu0´ ezeortiqn hqt tea rtqrett{ fefieatef in retretwit{ hqt (a) A rtqrett{ qwnef b{ a ownieirait{ anf wuef eqnuetxatiqn rwtrqueu, inewfini tea rtqrett{ enewo/ ezewuixe{ b{ it hqt ownieira qt rwbie rwtrqueu uha betef b{ retretwa eqnuetxatiqn eaueoentu qt b{ qthet be ezeort htqo tazatiqn0 A ownieirait{, qwnini rtqr/ retretwa eqnuetxatiqn rtqteetiqnu, au fehinef b{ ien/ ett{ qwtuife the ownieirait{, oa{ be teqwitef b{ eta aw0 29 ATVKENG VKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG VKK
(i) D{ ieneta aw anf uwbeet tq the eqnfitiqnu thque ehanieu in auueuuoentu uha nqt ezeeef the ureeihief thetein, eaeh retuqn whq teeeixeu a hqoe/ qwet qh the hqqwini< uteaf ezeortiqn au rtqxifef in ueetiqn 8 qh thiu attiee; a0 Vhtee reteent (5') qh the auueuuoent hqt the whq wau a oeobet qh the Wnitef Stateu oiitat{ qt rtiqt {eat0 oiitat{ teuetxeu, the Wnitef Stateu Eqaut Gwatf qt itu b0 Vhe reteent ehanie in the Eqnuwoet Ptiee Knfez teuetxeu, qt the Hqtifa Patiqna Gwatf; anf whq wau hqt a wtban eqnuwoetu, W0S0 Eit{ Axetaie, a iteou ferq{ef fwtini the rteeefini eaenfat {eat qn aetixe 3;89?322, qt uweeeuuqt terqttu hqt the rteeefini fwt{ qwtuife the eqntinenta Wnitef Stateu, Aaua, qt eaenfat {eat au initia{ terqttef b{ the Wnitef Stateu Jawaii in uwrrqtt qh oiitat{ qretatiqnu feuiinatef b{ Derattoent qh Nabqt, Dwteaw qh Nabqt Statiutieu0 the eiiuatwte uha teeeixe an affitiqna ezeortiqn (2) Pq auueuuoent uha ezeeef wut xawe0 eqwa tq a reteentaie qh the tazabe xawe qh hiu qt het (5) Ahtet an{ ehanie qh qwnetuhir, au rtqxifef b{ hqoeuteaf rtqrett{0 Vhe arrieabe reteentaie uha ieneta aw, hqoeuteaf rtqrett{ uha be auueuuef at be eaewatef au the nwobet qh fa{u fwtini the wut xawe au qh Janwat{ 3 qh the hqqwini {eat, wneuu rteeefini eaenfat {eat the retuqn wau ferq{ef qn the rtqxiuiqnu qh rataitarh (8) arr{0 Vheteahtet, the aetixe fwt{ qwtuife the eqntinenta Wnitef Stateu, hqoeuteaf uha be auueuuef au rtqxifef in thiu Aaua, qt Jawaii in uwrrqtt qh oiitat{ qretatiqnu uwbueetiqn0 feuiinatef b{ the eiiuatwte fixifef b{ the nwobet (6) Pew hqoeuteaf rtqrett{ uha be auueuuef at qh fa{u in that {eat0 wut xawe au qh Janwat{ 3ut qh the {eat hqqwini the J�utqt{0´Ao0 S0J0T0'u ;/G, 35/G, 3;82; afqrtef 3;82; Ao0 E0S0 hqt S0J0T0'u eutabiuhoent qh the hqoeuteaf, wneuu the rtqxiuiqnu 538, 558, 3;88; afqrtef 3;88; Ao0 S0J0T0 352, 3;;2; afqrtef 3;;2; Ao0 J0J0T0 ;8;, 3;;9; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 E0S0 hqt S0J0T0 2/D, 2229; afqrtef 2228; Aou0 qh rataitarh (8) arr{0 Vhat auueuuoent uha qn{ rtqrquef b{ Vazatiqn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pqu0 5 anf 6, ehanie au rtqxifef in thiu uwbueetiqn0 2228, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Arti 28, 2228; afqrtef 2228; Ao0 J0J0T0 855, 222;; afqrtef 2232; Ao0 E0S0 hqt J0J0T0 3;5, 2238; afqrtef 22380 (5) Ehanieu, affitiqnu, tefwetiqnu, qt iortqxe/ 3Pqte0´Seetiqn 56, Att0 ZKK, State Eqnutitwtiqn, rtqxifeu in ratt that ¬the oentu tq hqoeuteaf rtqrett{ uha be auueuuef au aoenfoent tq uwbueetiqn (e) qh Seetiqn 5 qh Attiee VKK awthqtizini the eiiuatwte, uwbeet tq ioitatiqnu uet hqtth in ieneta aw, tq ezeort the auueuuef xawe qh uqat rtqxifef hqt b{ ieneta aw; rtqxifef, hqwexet, ahtet the fexieeu qt tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee fexieeu uwbeet tq taniibe retuqna rtqrett{ afwutoent hqt an{ ehanie, affitiqn, tefwetiqn, qt taz htqo af xaqteo tazatiqn 0 0 0 uha tae ehheet qn Janwat{ 3, 2238, anf uha ezrite qn Deeeobet 53, 22590 Wrqn ezritatiqn, thiu ueetiqn uha be tereaef anf iortqxeoent, the rtqrett{ uha be auueuuef au rtq/ the tezt qh uwbueetiqn (e) qh Seetiqn 5 qh Attiee VKK 0 0 0 uha texett tq that in xifef in thiu uwbueetiqn0 eziutenee qn Deeeobet 53, 2239, ezeert that an{ aoenfoentu tq uweh tezt qthetwiue afqrtef uha be rteuetxef anf eqntinwe tq qretate tq the eztent that uweh (8) Kn the exent qh a tetoinatiqn qh hqoeuteaf aoenfoentu ate nqt ferenfent wrqn the rqttiqnu qh tezt whieh ezrite rwtuwant tq utatwu, the rtqrett{ uha be auueuuef au rtqxifef b{ thiu ueetiqn0¹ Ghheetixe Deeeobet 53, 2259, u0 5(e), Att0 VKK, State Eqnutitwtiqn, wi teaf< ieneta aw0 (e) D{ ieneta aw anf uwbeet tq eqnfitiqnu ureeihief thetein, twent{/hixe (9) Vhe rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu aoenfoent ate uexetabe0 thqwuanf fqatu qh the auueuuef xawe qh rtqrett{ uwbeet tq taniibe retuqna rtqrett{ taz uha be ezeort htqo af xaqteo tazatiqn0 Kh an{ qh the rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu aoenfoent uha be hef 2Pqte0´Vhiu uwbueetiqn, qtiiina{ feuiinatef (i) b{ Texiuiqn Pq0 6 qh the wneqnutitwtiqna b{ an{ eqwtt qh eqoretent wtiufietiqn, Vazatiqn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqooiuuiqn, 2228, wau tefeuiinatef (h) b{ the efitqtu tq eqnhqto tq the tefeuiinatiqn qh uwbueetiqnu b{ Texiuiqn Pq0 5 qh the Vazatiqn anf the feeiuiqn qh uweh eqwtt uha nqt ahheet qt iorait an{ Dwfiet Tehqto Eqooiuuiqn, 22280 teoainini rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu aoenfoent0 (8)a0 A retuqn whq eutabiuheu a new hqoeuteaf SGEVKQP 60 Vazat�qn; auueuuoentu0´D{ ienet/ au qh Janwat{ 3, 222;, qt Janwat{ 3 qh an{ uwbueqwent a aw teiwatiqnu uha be rteuetibef whieh uha ueewte {eat anf whq hau teeeixef a hqoeuteaf ezeortiqn a wut xawatiqn qh a rtqrett{ hqt af xaqteo tazatiqn, rwtuwant tq Seetiqn 8 qh thiu Attiee au qh Janwat{ 3 qh rtqxifef< eithet qh the twq {eatu iooefiate{ rteeefini the (a) Aitiewtwta anf, anf rtqfweini hiih watet eutabiuhoent qh the new hqoeuteaf iu entitef tq teehatie tq Hqtifa'u aqwihetu, qt anf wuef ezewuixe{ haxe the new hqoeuteaf auueuuef at euu than wut hqt nqneqooeteia teeteatiqna rwtrqueu oa{ be eau/ xawe0 Kh thiu texiuiqn iu arrtqxef in Janwat{ qh 2228, a uihief b{ ieneta aw anf auueuuef uqe{ qn the bauiu qh retuqn whq eutabiuheu a new hqoeuteaf au qh Janwat{ ehataetet qt wue0 3, 2228, iu entitef tq haxe the new hqoeuteaf (b) Au rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw anf uwbeet tq auueuuef at euu than wut xawe qn{ ih that retuqn eqnfitiqnu, ioitatiqnu, anf teauqnabe fehinitiqnu uree/ teeeixef a hqoeuteaf ezeortiqn qn Janwat{ 3, 22290 ihief thetein, anf wuef hqt eqnuetxatiqn rwtrqueu uha Vhe auueuuef xawe qh the new{ eutabiuhef hqoe/ be eauuihief b{ ieneta aw anf auueuuef uqe{ qn the uteaf uha be fetetoinef au hqqwu< bauiu qh ehataetet qt wue0 30 Kh the wut xawe qh the new hqoeuteaf iu iteatet (e) Pwtuwant tq ieneta aw taniibe retuqna rtqr/ than qt eqwa tq the wut xawe qh the rtiqt hqoeuteaf au ett{ hef hqt uae au utqe in ttafe anf ixeutqe oa{ be qh Janwat{ 3 qh the {eat in whieh the rtiqt hqoeuteaf xawef hqt tazatiqn at a ureeihief reteentaie qh itu xawe, wau abanfqnef, the auueuuef xawe qh the new hqoe/ oa{ be eauuihief hqt taz rwtrqueu, qt oa{ be ezeortef uteaf uha be the wut xawe qh the new hqoeuteaf htqo tazatiqn0 oinwu an aoqwnt eqwa tq the euuet qh &522,222 qt the (f) A retuqnu entitef tq a hqoeuteaf ezeortiqn fihhetenee between the wut xawe anf the auueuuef wnfet Seetiqn 8 qh thiu Attiee uha haxe theit hqoe/ xawe qh the rtiqt hqoeuteaf au qh Janwat{ 3 qh the {eat uteaf auueuuef at wut xawe au qh Janwat{ 3 qh the {eat in whieh the rtiqt hqoeuteaf wau abanfqnef0 Vhete/ hqqwini the ehheetixe fate qh thiu aoenfoent0 Vhiu ahtet, the hqoeuteaf uha be auueuuef au rtqxifef in auueuuoent uha ehanie qn{ au rtqxifef in thiu thiu uwbueetiqn0 uwbueetiqn0 20 Kh the wut xawe qh the new hqoeuteaf iu euu (3) Auueuuoentu uwbeet tq thiu uwbueetiqn uha be than the wut xawe qh the rtiqt hqoeuteaf au qh Janwat{ ehanief annwa{ qn Janwat{ 3ut qh eaeh {eat; bwt 3 qh the {eat in whieh the rtiqt hqoeuteaf wau 28 ATVKENG VKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG VKK abanfqnef, the auueuuef xawe qh the new hqoeuteaf (h) Hqt a exieu qthet than uehqq fiuttiet exieu, uha be eqwa tq the wut xawe qh the new hqoeuteaf auueuuoentu qh tea rtqrett{ that iu nqt uwbeet tq the fixifef b{ the wut xawe qh the rtiqt hqoeuteaf anf auueuuoent ioitatiqnu uet hqtth in uwbueetiqnu (a) owtirief b{ the auueuuef xawe qh the rtiqt hqoeuteaf0 thtqwih (f) anf (i) uha ehanie qn{ au rtqxifef in Jqwexet, ih the fihhetenee between the wut xawe qh the thiu uwbueetiqn0 new hqoeuteaf anf the auueuuef xawe qh the new (3) Auueuuoentu uwbeet tq thiu uwbueetiqn uha be hqoeuteaf eaewatef rwtuwant tq thiu uwb/uwbrata/ ehanief annwa{ qn the fate qh auueuuoent rtqxifef itarh iu iteatet than &522,222, the auueuuef xawe qh b{ aw; bwt thque ehanieu in auueuuoentu uha nqt the new hqoeuteaf uha be ineteauef uq that the ezeeef ten reteent (32') qh the auueuuoent hqt the fihhetenee between the wut xawe anf the auueuuef rtiqt {eat0 xawe eqwau &522,2220 Vheteahtet, the hqoeuteaf uha (2) Pq auueuuoent uha ezeeef wut xawe0 be auueuuef au rtqxifef in thiu uwbueetiqn0 (5) Vhe eiiuatwte owut rtqxife that uweh rtqrett{ b0 D{ ieneta aw anf uwbeet tq eqnfitiqnu uree/ uha be auueuuef at wut xawe au qh the nezt auueuu/ ihief thetein, the eiiuatwte uha rtqxife hqt arrieatiqn oent fate ahtet a qwaih{ini iortqxeoent, au fehinef b{ qh thiu rataitarh tq rtqrett{ qwnef b{ oqte than qne ieneta aw, iu oafe tq uweh rtqrett{0 Vheteahtet, uweh retuqn0 rtqrett{ uha be auueuuef au rtqxifef in thiu uwbuee/ (e) Vhe eiiuatwte oa{, b{ ieneta aw, hqt auueuu/ tiqn0 oent rwtrqueu anf uwbeet tq the rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu (6) Vhe eiiuatwte oa{ rtqxife that uweh rtqrett{ uwbueetiqn, aqw eqwntieu anf ownieiraitieu tq awthqt/ uha be auueuuef at wut xawe au qh the nezt auueuu/ ize b{ qtfinanee that hiutqtie rtqrett{ oa{ be auueuuef oent fate ahtet a ehanie qh qwnetuhir qt eqnttq, au uqe{ qn the bauiu qh ehataetet qt wue0 Sweh ehataetet fehinef b{ ieneta aw, inewfini an{ ehanie qh qwn/ qt wue auueuuoent uha arr{ qn{ tq the wtiufietiqn etuhir qh the eia entit{ that qwnu the rtqrett{0 afqrtini the qtfinanee0 Vhe teqwiteoentu hqt eiiibe Vheteahtet, uweh rtqrett{ uha be auueuuef au rtq/ rtqrettieu owut be ureeihief b{ ieneta aw0 xifef in thiu uwbueetiqn0 (h) A eqwnt{ oa{, in the oannet rteuetibef b{ (5) Ehanieu, affitiqnu, tefwetiqnu, qt iortqxe/ ieneta aw, rtqxife hqt a tefwetiqn in the auueuuef oentu tq uweh rtqrett{ uha be auueuuef au rtqxifef xawe qh hqoeuteaf rtqrett{ tq the eztent qh an{ hqt b{ ieneta aw; hqwexet, ahtet the afwutoent hqt an{ ineteaue in the auueuuef xawe qh that rtqrett{ whieh ehanie, affitiqn, tefwetiqn, qt iortqxeoent, the rtqr/ teuwtu htqo the eqnuttwetiqn qt teeqnuttwetiqn qh the ett{ uha be auueuuef au rtqxifef in thiu uwbueetiqn0 rtqrett{ hqt the rwtrque qh rtqxifini ixini qwattetu hqt 3(i) Vhe eiiuatwte, b{ ieneta aw anf uwbeet tq qne qt oqte natwta qt afqrtixe itanfratentu qt ratentu eqnfitiqnu ureeihief thetein, oa{ rtqhibit the eqnuifeta/ qh the qwnet qh the rtqrett{ qt qh the qwnet'u urqwue ih tiqn qh the hqqwini in the fetetoinatiqn qh the auueuuef at eaut qne qh the itanfratentu qt ratentu hqt whqo the xawe qh tea rtqrett{< ixini qwattetu ate rtqxifef iu 82 {eatu qh aie qt qfet0 (3) An{ ehanie qt iortqxeoent tq tea rtqrett{ Sweh a tefwetiqn oa{ nqt ezeeef the euuet qh the wuef hqt teuifentia rwtrqueu oafe tq iortqxe the hqqwini< rtqrett{'u teuiutanee tq winf faoaie0 (3) Vhe ineteaue in auueuuef xawe teuwtini htqo (2) Vhe inutaatiqn qh a uqat qt tenewabe eneti{ eqnuttwetiqn qt teeqnuttwetiqn qh the rtqrett{0 uqwtee fexiee0 (2) Vwent{ reteent qh the tqta auueuuef xawe qh the 2()(3) Vhe auueuuoent qh the hqqwini wqtini rtqrett{ au iortqxef0 watethtqnt rtqrettieu uha be bauef wrqn the ewttent (i) Hqt a exieu qthet than uehqq fiuttiet exieu, wue qh the rtqrett{< auueuuoentu qh teuifentia tea rtqrett{, au fehinef b{ a0 Nanf wuef rtefqoinant{ hqt eqooeteia hiuhini ieneta aw, whieh eqntainu nine wnitu qt hewet anf rwtrqueu0 whieh iu nqt uwbeet tq the auueuuoent ioitatiqnu uet b0 Nanf that iu aeeeuuibe tq the rwbie anf wuef hqt hqtth in uwbueetiqnu (a) thtqwih (f) uha ehanie qn{ au xeuue awneheu intq watetu that ate naxiiabe0 rtqxifef in thiu uwbueetiqn0 e0 Matinau anf ft{utaeu that ate qren tq the (3) Auueuuoentu uwbeet tq thiu uwbueetiqn uha be rwbie0 ehanief annwa{ qn the fate qh auueuuoent rtqxifef f0 Yatet/ferenfent oatine oanwhaetwtini haei/ b{ aw; bwt thque ehanieu in auueuuoentu uha nqt itieu, eqooeteia hiuhini haeiitieu, anf oatine xeuue ezeeef ten reteent (32') qh the auueuuoent hqt the eqnuttwetiqn anf terait haeiitieu anf theit uwrrqtt rtiqt {eat0 aetixitieu0 (2) Pq auueuuoent uha ezeeef wut xawe0 (2) Vhe auueuuoent benehit rtqxifef b{ thiu uwb/ (5) Ahtet a ehanie qh qwnetuhir qt eqnttq, au ueetiqn iu uwbeet tq eqnfitiqnu anf ioitatiqnu anf fehinef b{ ieneta aw, inewfini an{ ehanie qh qwn/ teauqnabe fehinitiqnu au ureeihief b{ the eiiuatwte b{ etuhir qh a eia entit{ that qwnu the rtqrett{, uweh ieneta aw0 rtqrett{ uha be auueuuef at wut xawe au qh the nezt J�utqt{0´Ao0 S0J0T0 32/G, 3;82; afqrtef 3;82; Ao0 J0J0T0 236, 3;89; afqrtef auueuuoent fate0 Vheteahtet, uweh rtqrett{ uha be 3;88; Ao0 b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Awiwut 5, 3;;2; afqrtef 3;;2; Ao0 J0J0T0 ;8;, 3;;9; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn auueuuef au rtqxifef in thiu uwbueetiqn0 Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ (6) Ehanieu, affitiqnu, tefwetiqnu, qt iortqxe/ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 E0S0 hqt J0J0T0 539, 2222; afqrtef 2222; Ao0 E0S0 hqt S0J0T0 2/D, 2229; afqrtef 2228; Aou0 Ptqrquef b{ Vazatiqn anf Dwfiet Tehqto oentu tq uweh rtqrett{ uha be auueuuef au rtqxifef Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pqu0 5, 6, anf 8, 2228, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Arti hqt b{ ieneta aw; hqwexet, ahtet the afwutoent hqt an{ 28, 2228; afqrtef 2228; Ao0 E0S0 hqt J0J0T0 3;5, 2238; afqrtef 22380 3Pqte0´ ehanie, affitiqn, tefwetiqn, qt iortqxeoent, the rtqr/ A0 Vhiu uwbueetiqn, qtiiina{ feuiinatef (h) b{ Texiuiqn Pq0 5 qh the Vazatiqn ett{ uha be auueuuef au rtqxifef in thiu uwbueetiqn0 anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqooiuuiqn, 2228, wau tefeuiinatef (i) b{ the efitqtu tq 2; ATVKENG VKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG VKK eqnhqto tq the tefeuiinatiqn qh uwbueetiqnu b{ Texiuiqn Pq0 6 qh the Vazatiqn anf auueuuoent tq wnti uweh tq iu hitut fetetoinef tq be in Dwfiet Tehqto Eqooiuuiqn, 22280 D0 Seetiqn 56, Att0 ZKK, State Eqnutitwtiqn, rtqxifeu in ratt that ¬the aoenfoent eqorianee with the rtqxiuiqnu qh ueetiqn 6 b{ a utate tq uwbueetiqn (i) qh Seetiqn 6 qh Attiee VKK awthqtizini the eiiuatwte, b{ ieneta aw, aiene{ feuiinatef b{ ieneta aw0 Vhiu ezeortiqn iu tq rtqhibit the eqnuifetatiqn qh the inutaatiqn qh a uqat fexiee qt a tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee fexiee in fetetoinini the auueuuef xawe qh tea rtqrett{ hqt the tereaef qn the ehheetixe fate qh an{ aoenfoent tq thiu rwtrque qh af xaqteo tazatiqn uha tae ehheet qn Janwat{ 3, 2238, anf uha ezrite Attiee whieh rtqxifeu hqt the auueuuoent qh hqoeuteaf qn Deeeobet 53, 22590 Wrqn ezritatiqn, thiu ueetiqn uha be tereaef anf the tezt qh 0 0 0 uwbueetiqn (i) qh Seetiqn 6 qh Attiee VKK uha texett tq that in eziutenee qn rtqrett{ at euu than wut xawe0 Deeeobet 53, 2239, ezeert that an{ aoenfoentu tq uweh tezt qthetwiue afqrtef (b) Pqt oqte than qne ezeortiqn uha be aqwef uha be rteuetxef anf eqntinwe tq qretate tq the eztent that uweh aoenfoentu ate nqt ferenfent wrqn the rqttiqnu qh tezt whieh ezrite rwtuwant tq thiu ueetiqn0¹ an{ infixifwa qt haoi{ wnit qt with teureet tq an{ Ghheetixe Deeeobet 53, 2259, u0 6(i), Att0 VKK, State Eqnutitwtiqn, wi teaf< teuifentia wnit0 Pq ezeortiqn uha ezeeef the xawe qh (i) Vhe eiiuatwte, b{ ieneta aw anf uwbeet tq eqnfitiqnu ureeihief thetein, oa{ rtqhibit the eqnuifetatiqn qh the hqqwini in the fetetoinatiqn qh the auueuuef the tea eutate auueuuabe tq the qwnet qt, in eaue qh xawe qh tea rtqrett{ wuef hqt teuifentia rwtrqueu< qwnetuhir thtqwih utqe qt oeobetuhir in a eqtrqta/ (3) An{ ehanie qt iortqxeoent oafe hqt the rwtrque qh iortqxini the rtqrett{'u teuiutanee tq winf faoaie0 tiqn, the xawe qh the rtqrqttiqn whieh the inteteut in the (2) Vhe inutaatiqn qh a tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee fexiee0 eqtrqtatiqn beatu tq the auueuuef xawe qh the rtqrett{0 2Pqte0´Vhiu uwbueetiqn, qtiiina{ feuiinatef (h) b{ Texiuiqn Pq0 8 qh the Vazatiqn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqooiuuiqn, 2228, wau tefeuiinatef () b{ the efitqtu (e) D{ ieneta aw anf uwbeet tq eqnfitiqnu uree/ tq eqnhqto tq the tefeuiinatiqn qh uwbueetiqnu b{ Texiuiqn Pq0 6 qh the Vazatiqn anf ihief thetein, the Neiiuatwte oa{ rtqxife tq tentetu, whq Dwfiet Tehqto Eqooiuuiqn, 2228, anf the eteatiqn qh a new (h) b{ Texiuiqn Pq0 5 qh the Vazatiqn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqooiuuiqn, 22280 ate retoanent teuifentu, af xaqteo taz teieh qn a af xaqteo taz exieu0 Sweh af xaqteo taz teieh uha be in SGEVKQP 50 Gutate, �nhet�tanee anf �neqoe the hqto anf aoqwnt eutabiuhef b{ ieneta aw0 tazeu0´ 3(f) Vhe eiiuatwte oa{, b{ ieneta aw, aqw (a) PAVWTAN PGTSQPS0 Pq taz wrqn eutateu qt eqwntieu qt ownieiraitieu, hqt the rwtrque qh theit inhetitaneeu qt wrqn the ineqoe qh natwta retuqnu whq teureetixe taz exieu anf uwbeet tq the rtqxiuiqnu qh ate teuifentu qt eitizenu qh the utate uha be exief b{ ieneta aw, tq itant eithet qt bqth qh the hqqwini the utate, qt wnfet itu awthqtit{, in ezeeuu qh the affitiqna hqoeuteaf taz ezeortiqnu< aiiteiate qh aoqwntu whieh oa{ be aqwef tq be (3) An ezeortiqn nqt ezeeefini hiht{ thqwuanf etefitef wrqn qt fefwetef htqo an{ uioiat taz exief b{ fqatu tq a retuqn whq hau the eia qt eqwitabe tite the Wnitef Stateu qt an{ utate0 tq tea eutate anf oaintainu theteqn the retoanent (b) QVJGTS0 Pq taz wrqn the ineqoe qh teuifentu teuifenee qh the qwnet, whq hau attainef aie uizt{/hixe, anf eitizenu qthet than natwta retuqnu uha be exief anf whque hqwuehqf ineqoe, au fehinef b{ ieneta b{ the utate, qt wnfet itu awthqtit{, in ezeeuu qh 5' qh net aw, fqeu nqt ezeeef twent{ thqwuanf fqatu; qt ineqoe, au fehinef b{ aw, qt at uweh iteatet tate au iu (2) An ezeortiqn eqwa tq the auueuuef xawe qh the awthqtizef b{ a thtee/hihthu (5/5) xqte qh the oeobetuhir rtqrett{ tq a retuqn whq hau the eia qt eqwitabe tite qh eaeh hqwue qh the eiiuatwte qt au wi rtqxife hqt the tq tea eutate with a wut xawe euu than twq hwnftef anf utate the oaziowo aoqwnt whieh oa{ be aqwef tq be hiht{ thqwuanf fqatu, au fetetoinef in the hitut taz {eat etefitef aiainut ineqoe tazeu exief b{ the Wnitef that the qwnet arrieu anf iu eiiibe hqt the ezeortiqn, Stateu anf qthet utateu0 Vhete uha be ezeort htqo anf whq hau oaintainef theteqn the retoanent teui/ tazatiqn nqt euu than hixe thqwuanf fqatu (&5,222) qh fenee qh the qwnet hqt nqt euu than twent{/hixe {eatu, the ezeeuu qh net ineqoe uwbeet tq taz qxet the whq hau attainef aie uizt{/hixe, anf whque hqwuehqf oaziowo aoqwnt aqwef tq be etefitef aiainut ineqoe fqeu nqt ezeeef the ineqoe ioitatiqn rte/ ineqoe tazeu exief b{ the Wnitef Stateu anf qthet uetibef in rataitarh (3)0 utateu0 (e) GHHGEVKVG DAVG0 Vhiu ueetiqn uha beeqoe Vhe ieneta aw owut aqw eqwntieu anf ownieiraitieu ehheetixe iooefiate{ wrqn arrtqxa b{ the eeetqtu qh tq itant theue affitiqna ezeortiqnu, within the ioitu Hqtifa0 rteuetibef in thiu uwbueetiqn, b{ qtfinanee afqrtef in J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 9/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;930 the oannet rteuetibef b{ ieneta aw, anf owut rtqxife hqt the retiqfie afwutoent qh the ineqoe ioitatiqn SGEVKQP 80 Jqoeuteaf ezeort�qnu0´ rteuetibef in thiu uwbueetiqn hqt ehanieu in the equt qh (a) Gxet{ retuqn whq hau the eia qt eqwitabe tite ixini0 tq tea eutate anf oaintainu theteqn the retoanent (e) Gaeh xetetan whq iu aie 85 qt qfet whq iu teuifenee qh the qwnet, qt anqthet eia{ qt natwta{ rattia{ qt tqta{ retoanent{ fiuabef uha teeeixe a ferenfent wrqn the qwnet, uha be ezeort htqo fiueqwnt htqo the aoqwnt qh the af xaqteo taz tazatiqn theteqn, ezeert auueuuoentu hqt ureeia ben/ qthetwiue qwef qn hqoeuteaf rtqrett{ the xetetan ehitu, wr tq the auueuuef xawatiqn qh twent{/hixe qwnu anf teuifeu in ih the fiuabiit{ wau eqobat teatef thqwuanf fqatu anf, hqt a exieu qthet than uehqq anf the xetetan wau hqnqtab{ fiuehatief wrqn fiuttiet exieu, qn the auueuuef xawatiqn iteatet than ueratatiqn htqo oiitat{ uetxiee0 Vhe fiueqwnt uha be hiht{ thqwuanf fqatu anf wr tq uexent{/hixe thqwuanf in a reteentaie eqwa tq the reteentaie qh the xetetan'u fqatu, wrqn eutabiuhoent qh tiiht thetetq in the retoanent, uetxiee/eqnneetef fiuabiit{ au fetetoinef oannet rteuetibef b{ aw0 Vhe tea eutate oa{ be b{ the Wnitef Stateu Derattoent qh Vetetanu Ahhaitu0 Vq hef b{ eia qt eqwitabe tite, b{ the entitetieu, qint{, in qwaih{ hqt the fiueqwnt itantef b{ thiu uwbueetiqn, an eqooqn, au a eqnfqoiniwo, qt infiteet{ b{ utqe arrieant owut uwboit tq the eqwnt{ rtqrett{ arrtaiuet, qwnetuhir qt oeobetuhir terteuentini the qwnet'u qt b{ Mateh 3, an qhhieia ettet htqo the Wnitef Stateu oeobet'u rtqrtietat{ inteteut in a eqtrqtatiqn qwnini a Derattoent qh Vetetanu Ahhaitu utatini the reteentaie hee qt a eauehqf initia{ in ezeeuu qh ninet{/eiiht qh the xetetan'u uetxiee/eqnneetef fiuabiit{ anf uweh {eatu0 Vhe ezeortiqn uha nqt arr{ with teureet tq an{ exifenee that teauqnab{ ifentihieu the fiuabiit{ au 52 ATVKENG VKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG VKK eqobat teatef anf a eqr{ qh the xetetan'u hqnqtabe SGEVKQP ;0 Nqea tazeu0´ fiuehatie0 Kh the rtqrett{ arrtaiuet fenieu the teqweut (a) Eqwntieu, uehqq fiuttietu, anf ownieiraitieu hqt a fiueqwnt, the arrtaiuet owut nqtih{ the arrieant in uha, anf ureeia fiuttietu oa{, be awthqtizef b{ aw wtitini qh the teauqnu hqt the fenia, anf the xetetan tq ex{ af xaqteo tazeu anf oa{ be awthqtizef b{ oa{ tearr{0 Vhe Neiiuatwte oa{, b{ ieneta aw, ieneta aw tq ex{ qthet tazeu, hqt theit teureetixe waixe the annwa arrieatiqn teqwiteoent in uwbueqwent rwtrqueu, ezeert af xaqteo tazeu qn intaniibe {eatu0 Vhiu uwbueetiqn iu ueh/ezeewtini anf fqeu nqt retuqna rtqrett{ anf tazeu rtqhibitef b{ thiu eqnutitw/ teqwite ioreoentini eiiuatiqn0 tiqn0 (h) D{ ieneta aw anf uwbeet tq eqnfitiqnu anf (b) Af xaqteo tazeu, ezewuixe qh tazeu exief hqt ioitatiqnu ureeihief thetein, the Neiiuatwte oa{ rtq/ the ra{oent qh bqnfu anf tazeu exief hqt retiqfu nqt xife af xaqteo taz teieh eqwa tq the tqta aoqwnt qt a qniet than twq {eatu when awthqtizef b{ xqte qh the rqttiqn qh the af xaqteo taz qthetwiue qwef qn eeetqtu whq ate the qwnetu qh hteehqfu thetein nqt hqoeuteaf rtqrett{ tq< whq{ ezeort htqo tazatiqn, uha nqt be exief in (3) Vhe uwtxixini urqwue qh a xetetan whq fief htqo ezeeuu qh the hqqwini oiaieu wrqn the auueuuef uetxiee/eqnneetef eawueu whie qn aetixe fwt{ au a xawe qh tea eutate anf taniibe retuqna rtqrett{< hqt oeobet qh the Wnitef Stateu Atoef Hqteeu0 a eqwnt{ rwtrqueu, ten oiu; hqt a ownieira rwt/ (2) Vhe uwtxixini urqwue qh a hitut teurqnfet whq rqueu, ten oiu; hqt a uehqq rwtrqueu, ten oiu; hqt fief in the ine qh fwt{0 watet oanaieoent rwtrqueu hqt the nqtthweut rqttiqn (5) A hitut teurqnfet whq iu tqta{ anf retoanent{ qh the utate {ini weut qh the ine between tanieu twq fiuabef au a teuwt qh an inwt{ qt inwtieu uwutainef in anf thtee eaut, 2025 oi; hqt watet oanaieoent the ine qh fwt{0 Eawua eqnneetiqn between a fiuabiit{ rwtrqueu hqt the teoainini rqttiqnu qh the utate, 302 anf uetxiee in the ine qh fwt{ uha nqt be rteuwoef bwt oi; anf hqt a qthet ureeia fiuttietu a oiaie awthqtizef b{ aw arrtqxef b{ xqte qh the eeetqtu owut be fetetoinef au rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw0 Hqt whq ate qwnetu qh hteehqfu thetein nqt whq{ ezeort rwtrqueu qh thiu rataitarh, the teto ¬fiuabiit{¹ fqeu htqo tazatiqn0 A eqwnt{ hwtniuhini ownieira uetxieeu nqt inewfe a ehtqnie eqnfitiqn qt ehtqnie fiueaue, oa{, tq the eztent awthqtizef b{ aw, ex{ affitiqna wneuu the inwt{ uwutainef in the ine qh fwt{ wau the tazeu within the ioitu hizef hqt ownieira rwtrqueu0 uqe eawue qh the ehtqnie eqnfitiqn qt ehtqnie fiueaue0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 S0J0T0 3283, 3;95; afqrtef 3;980
Au wuef in thiu uwbueetiqn anf au hwtthet fehinef b{ SGEVKQP 320 Pefi�ni etef�t0´ Peithet the utate ieneta aw, the teto ¬hitut teurqnfet¹ oeanu a aw nqt an{ eqwnt{, uehqq fiuttiet, ownieirait{, ureeia enhqteeoent qhhieet, a eqtteetiqna qhhieet, a hitehiihtet, fiuttiet, qt aiene{ qh an{ qh theo, uha beeqoe a qint an eoetiene{ oefiea teehnieian, qt a rataoefie, anf qwnet with, qt utqehqfet qh, qt iixe, enf qt wue itu the teto ¬in the ine qh fwt{¹ oeanu atiuini qwt qh anf in tazini rqwet qt etefit tq aif an{ eqtrqtatiqn, auuqeia/ the aetwa rethqtoanee qh fwt{ teqwitef b{ eorq{oent tiqn, rattnetuhir qt retuqn; bwt thiu uha nqt rtqhibit au a hitut teurqnfet0 awu awthqtizini< J�utqt{0´Ao0 S0J0T0 3/D, 3;9;; afqrtef 3;82; Ao0 S0J0T0 6/G, 3;82; afqrtef 3;82; Ao0 J0J0T0 5353, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn (a) the inxeutoent qh rwbie ttwut hwnfu; Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 J0J0T0 555, 2228; afqrtef 2228; Ao0 J0J0T0 853, (b) the inxeutoent qh qthet rwbie hwnfu in qbiia/ 2228; afqrtef 2228; Ao0 E0S0 hqt S0J0T0 2/D, 2229; afqrtef 2228; Ao0 S0J0T0 5;2, tiqnu qh, qt inuwtef b{, the Wnitef Stateu qt an{ qh itu 2233; afqrtef 2232; Ao0 J0J0T0 ;5, 2232; afqrtef 2232; Ao0 J0J0T0 38;, 2232; afqrtef 2232; Ao0 E0S0 hqt J0J0T0 295, 2238; afqrtef 2238; Ao0 E0S0 hqt J0J0T0 inuttwoentaitieu; 322;, 2238; afqrtef 22380 (e) the iuuwanee anf uae b{ an{ eqwnt{, owniei/ 3Pqte0´Seetiqn 58, Att0 ZKK, State Eqnutitwtiqn, rtqxifeu in ratt that ¬the aoenfoent tq Seetiqn 8 qh Attiee VKK texiuini the wut xawe fetetoinatiqn hqt rait{, ureeia fiuttiet qt qthet qea iqxetnoenta bqf{ the affitiqna af xaqteo taz ezeortiqn hqt retuqnu aie uizt{/hixe qt qfet uha tae qh (3) texenwe bqnfu tq hinanee qt tehinanee the equt qh ehheet Janwat{ 3, 2239, 0 0 0 anf uha qretate tettqaetixe{ tq Janwat{ 3, 2235, hqt earita rtqeetu hqt aitrqttu qt rqtt haeiitieu, qt (2) an{ retuqn whq teeeixef the ezeortiqn wnfet rataitarh (2) qh Seetiqn 8(f) qh Attiee VKK behqte Janwat{ 3, 22390¹ texenwe bqnfu tq hinanee qt tehinanee the equt qh earita rtqeetu hqt infwuttia qt oanwhaetwtini rantu SGEVKQP 90 Aqeat�qn qh rat�/owtwe tazeu0´ tq the eztent that the inteteut theteqn iu ezeort htqo Vazeu wrqn the qretatiqn qh rati/owtwe rqqu oa{ be ineqoe tazeu wnfet the then eziutini awu qh the Wnitef rteeortef tq the utate qt aqeatef in whqe qt in ratt tq Stateu, when, in eithet eaue, the texenwe bqnfu ate the eqwntieu0 Yhen aqeatef tq the eqwntieu, the ra{abe uqe{ htqo texenwe fetixef htqo the uae, fiuttibwtiqn uha be in eqwa aoqwntu tq the uexeta qretatiqn qt eauini qh the rtqeetu0 Kh an{ rtqeet uq eqwntieu0 hinaneef, qt an{ ratt theteqh, iu qeewrief qt qretatef b{ an{ rtixate eqtrqtatiqn, auuqeiatiqn, rattnetuhir qt SGEVKQP 80 A�f tq qea iqxetnoentu0´ State retuqn rwtuwant tq eqnttaet qt eaue with the iuuwini hwnfu oa{ be arrtqrtiatef tq the uexeta eqwntieu, bqf{, the rtqrett{ inteteut eteatef b{ uweh eqnttaet qt uehqq fiuttietu, ownieiraitieu qt ureeia fiuttietu wrqn eaue uha be uwbeet tq tazatiqn tq the uaoe eztent au uweh eqnfitiqnu au oa{ be rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw0 qthet rtixate{ qwnef rtqrett{0 Vheue eqnfitiqnu oa{ inewfe the wue qh teatixe af (f) a ownieirait{, eqwnt{, ureeia fiuttiet, qt aiene{ xaqteo auueuuoent exeu fetetoinef b{ a utate qh an{ qh theo, beini a qint qwnet qh, iixini, qt enfini aiene{ feuiinatef b{ ieneta aw0 qt wuini itu tazini rqwet qt etefit hqt the qint qwnetuhir, J�utqt{0´Ao0 S0J0T0 6/G, 3;82; afqrtef 3;820 eqnuttwetiqn anf qretatiqn qh eeettiea eneti{ 53 ATVKENG VKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG VKK ienetatini qt ttanuoiuuiqn haeiitieu with an{ eqtrqta/ itant teieh htqo the ra{oent qh an{ taz that oa{ be tiqn, auuqeiatiqn, rattnetuhir qt retuqn0 ieia qt ieia{ auueuuef0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 3626, 3;95; afqrtef 3;960 SGEVKQP 360 Dqnfu hqt rqwt�qn eqnttq anf SGEVKQP 330 State bqnfu; texenwe bqnfu0´ abateoent anf qthet watet hae��t�eu0´ (a) State bqnfu refiini the hw haith anf etefit qh (a) Yhen awthqtizef b{ aw, utate bqnfu refiini the utate oa{ be iuuwef qn{ tq hinanee qt tehinanee the the hw haith anf etefit qh the utate oa{ be iuuwef withqwt equt qh utate hizef earita qwta{ rtqeetu awthqtizef b{ an eeetiqn tq hinanee the eqnuttwetiqn qh ait anf watet aw, anf rwtrqueu ineifenta thetetq, wrqn arrtqxa b{ rqwtiqn eqnttq anf abateoent anf uqif waute fiu/ a xqte qh the eeetqtu; rtqxifef utate bqnfu iuuwef rqua haeiitieu anf qthet watet haeiitieu awthqtizef b{ rwtuwant tq thiu uwbueetiqn oa{ be tehwnfef withqwt a ieneta aw (hetein tehettef tq au ¬haeiitieu¹) tq be xqte qh the eeetqtu at a qwet net axetaie inteteut equt qretatef b{ an{ ownieirait{, eqwnt{, fiuttiet qt awthqt/ tate0 Vhe tqta qwtutanfini rtineira qh utate bqnfu it{, qt an{ aiene{ theteqh (hetein tehettef tq au ¬qea iuuwef rwtuwant tq thiu uwbueetiqn uha nexet ezeeef iqxetnoenta aieneieu¹), qt b{ an{ aiene{ qh the State hiht{ reteent qh the tqta taz texenweu qh the utate hqt the qh Hqtifa0 Sweh bqnfu uha be ueewtef b{ a refie qh twq rteeefini hiuea {eatu, ezewfini an{ taz texenweu anf uha be ra{abe rtioati{ htqo a qt an{ ratt qh hef in ttwut wnfet the rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu eqnutitwtiqn0 texenweu tq be fetixef htqo qretatiqn qh uweh haeiitieu, (b) Mqne{u uwhhieient tq ra{ febt uetxiee qn utate ureeia auueuuoentu, tentau tq be teeeixef wnfet bqnfu au the uaoe beeqoeu fwe uha be arrtqrtiatef eaue/rwtehaue aiteeoentu hetein rtqxifef hqt, an{ b{ aw0 qthet texenweu that oa{ be eia{ axaiabe hqt uweh (e) An{ utate bqnfu refiini the hw haith anf etefit rwtrque, inewfini texenweu htqo qthet haeiitieu, qt an{ qh the utate iuuwef wnfet thiu ueetiqn qt an{ qthet eqobinatiqn theteqh (hetein eqeetixe{ tehettef tq au ueetiqn qh thiu eqnutitwtiqn oa{ be eqobinef hqt the ¬refief texenweu¹), anf uha be affitiqna{ ueewtef rwtrqueu qh uae0 b{ the hw haith anf etefit qh the State qh Hqtifa0 (f) Texenwe bqnfu oa{ be iuuwef b{ the utate qt itu (b) Pq uweh bqnfu uha be iuuwef wneuu a utate aieneieu withqwt a xqte qh the eeetqtu tq hinanee qt hiuea aiene{, eteatef b{ aw, hau oafe a fetetoinatiqn that in nq utate hiuea {eat wi the febt uetxiee tehinanee the equt qh utate hizef earita qwta{ rtqeetu teqwiteoentu qh the bqnfu rtqrquef tq be iuuwef anf awthqtizef b{ aw, anf rwtrqueu ineifenta thetetq, anf a qthet bqnfu ueewtef b{ the refief texenweu uha be ra{abe uqe{ htqo hwnfu fetixef fiteet{ htqo ezeeef uexent{/hixe ret eent qh the refief texenweu0 uqwteeu qthet than utate taz texenweu0 (e) Vhe utate oa{ eaue an{ qh uweh haeiitieu tq an{ (e) Dqnfu refiini a qt ratt qh a fefieatef utate taz qea iqxetnoenta aiene{, wnfet eaue/rwtehaue texenwe oa{ be iuuwef b{ the utate in the oannet aiteeoentu hqt uweh retiqfu anf wnfet uweh qthet rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw tq hinanee qt tehinanee the tetou anf eqnfitiqnu au oa{ be owtwa{ aiteef wrqn0 aeqwiuitiqn anf iortqxeoent qh anf, watet ateau, anf Vhe qea iqxetnoenta aieneieu oa{ refie the teatef rtqrett{ inteteutu anf teuqwteeu hqt the rwt/ texenweu fetixef htqo uweh eauef haeiitieu qt an{ rqueu qh eqnuetxatiqn, qwtfqqt teeteatiqn, watet te/ qthet axaiabe hwnfu hqt the ra{oent qh tentau thete/ uqwtee fexeqroent, teutqtatiqn qh natwta u{uteou, wnfet; anf, in affitiqn, the hw haith anf etefit anf tazini anf hiutqtie rteuetxatiqn0 rqwet qh uweh qea iqxetnoenta aieneieu oa{ be (h) Gaeh rtqeet, bwifini, qt haeiit{ tq be hinaneef qt refief hqt the ra{oent qh uweh tentau withqwt an{ tehinaneef with texenwe bqnfu iuuwef wnfet thiu eeetiqn qh hteehqfet eeetqtu qt qwaihief eeetqtu0 ueetiqn uha hitut be arrtqxef b{ the Neiiuatwte b{ (f) Vhe utate oa{ auq iuuwe uweh bqnfu hqt the an aet teatini tq arrtqrtiatiqnu qt b{ ieneta aw0 rwtrque qh qanini oqne{ tq qea iqxetnoenta J�utqt{0´Ao0 E0S0 hqt E0S0 hqt S0J0T0 832, 3;86; afqrtef 3;86; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 5, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ aieneieu, hqt the eqnuttwetiqn qh uweh haeiitieu tq be qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 qwnef qt qretatef b{ an{ qh uweh qea iqxetnoenta aieneieu0 Sweh qanu uha beat inteteut at nqt oqte SGEVKQP 320 Nqea bqnfu0´Eqwntieu, uehqq than qne/hah qh qne ret eent ret annwo iteatet than fiuttietu, ownieiraitieu, ureeia fiuttietu anf qea iqx/ the aut rteeefini iuuwe qh utate bqnfu rwtuwant tq thiu etnoenta bqfieu with tazini rqwetu oa{ iuuwe bqnfu, ueetiqn, uha be ueewtef b{ the refief texenweu, anf eettihieateu qh infebtefneuu qt an{ hqto qh taz antieira/ oa{ be affitiqna{ ueewtef b{ the hw haith anf etefit qh tiqn eettihieateu, ra{abe htqo af xaqteo tazatiqn anf the qea iqxetnoenta aieneieu0 oatwtini oqte than twexe oqnthu ahtet iuuwanee qn{< (e) Vhe tqta qwtutanfini rtineira qh utate bqnfu (a) tq hinanee qt tehinanee earita rtqeetu awthqt/ iuuwef rwtuwant tq thiu ueetiqn 36 uha nexet ezeeef izef b{ aw anf qn{ when arrtqxef b{ xqte qh the hiht{ ret eent qh the tqta taz texenweu qh the utate hqt the eeetqtu whq ate qwnetu qh hteehqfu thetein nqt whq{ twq rteeefini hiuea {eatu0 J�utqt{0´E0S0 hqt J0J0T0'u 5855, 6262, 3;92; afqrtef 3;92; Ao0 J0J0T0 3693, ezeort htqo tazatiqn; qt 3;82; afqrtef 3;820 (b) tq tehwnf qwtutanfini bqnfu anf inteteut anf tefeortiqn rteoiwo theteqn at a qwet net axetaie SGEVKQP 350 Texenwe bqnfu hqt uehqatuh�r inteteut equt tate0 qanu0´ (a) Yhen awthqtizef b{ aw, texenwe bqnfu oa{ be SGEVKQP 350 Te�eh htqo �eia tazeu0´Wnti iuuwef tq eutabiuh a hwnf tq oae qanu tq utwfentu ra{oent qh a tazeu whieh haxe been eia{ auueuuef fetetoinef eiiibe au rteuetibef b{ aw anf whq haxe wrqn the rtqrett{ qh the uaoe qwnet, nq eqwtt uha been afoittef tq attenf an{ rwbie qt rtixate inutitwtiqnu 52 ATVKENG VKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG VKK qh hiihet eatnini, wniqt eqeieu, heath teatef ttainini Seetiqn ;(e) qh Attiee ZKK, au rtqxifef b{ aw, anf inutitwtiqnu, qt xqeatiqna ttainini eentetu, whieh ate uha affitiqna{ be ueewtef b{ the hw haith anf etefit qh teeqinizef qt aeetefitef wnfet tetou anf eqnfitiqnu the utate0 rteuetibef b{ aw0 Texenwe bqnfu iuuwef rwtuwant tq (e) Pq bqnfu uha be iuuwef wnfet thiu ueetiqn thiu ueetiqn uha be ueewtef b{ a refie qh anf uha be wneuu a utate hiuea aiene{, eteatef b{ aw, hau oafe a ra{abe rtioati{ htqo ra{oentu qh inteteut, rtineira, fetetoinatiqn that in nq utate hiuea {eat wi the febt anf hanfini ehatieu tq uweh hwnf htqo the teeirientu qh uetxiee teqwiteoentu qh the bqnfu rtqrquef tq be the qanu anf, ih awthqtizef b{ aw, oa{ be affitiqna{ iuuwef anf a qthet bqnfu ueewtef b{ the uaoe ueewtef b{ utwfent heeu anf b{ an{ qthet oqne{u in refief texenweu ezeeef ninet{ reteent qh the refief uweh hwnf0 Vhete uha be eutabiuhef htqo the rtqeeefu texenweu axaiabe hqt ra{oent qh uweh febt uetxiee qh eaeh iuuwe qh texenwe bqnfu a teuetxe aeeqwnt in an teqwiteoentu, au fehinef b{ aw0 Hqt the rwtrqueu qh aoqwnt eqwa tq anf uwhhieient tq ra{ the iteateut thiu uwbueetiqn, the teto ¬refief texenweu¹ oeanu a aoqwnt qh rtineira, inteteut, anf hanfini ehatieu tq texenweu refief tq the ra{oent qh febt uetxiee, beeqoe fwe qn uweh iuuwe in an{ enuwini utate hiuea ezewfini an{ refie qh the hw haith anf etefit qh the {eat0 utate0 (b) Knteteut oqne{u in the hwnf eutabiuhef rwtuwant J�utqt{0´Affef, E0S0 hqt E0S0 hqt S0J0T0 5;3, 3;88; afqrtef 3;880 tq thiu ueetiqn, nqt teqwitef in an{ hiuea {eat hqt ra{oent qh febt uetxiee qn then qwtutanfini texenwe SGEVKQP 380 Nawu teqw�t�ni eqwnt�eu qt own�/ bqnfu qt hqt oaintenanee qh the teuetxe aeeqwnt, oa{ e�ra�t�eu tq urenf hwnfu qt �o�t�ni the�t ab��t{ tq be wuef hqt efweatiqna qanu tq utwfentu fetetoinef tq ta�ue texenwe qt teee�xe utate taz texenwe0´ be eiiibe thetehqt in the oannet rtqxifef b{ aw, qt hqt (a) Pq eqwnt{ qt ownieirait{ uha be bqwnf b{ an{ uweh qthet teatef rwtrqueu au oa{ be rtqxifef b{ aw0 ieneta aw teqwitini uweh eqwnt{ qt ownieirait{ tq J�utqt{0´Affef, J0J0T0 68/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;920 urenf hwnfu qt tq tae an aetiqn teqwitini the ezren/ fitwte qh hwnfu wneuu the eiiuatwte hau fetetoinef SGEVKQP 380 Dqnfu hqt hqwu�ni anf teatef that uweh aw hwhiu an iorqttant utate inteteut anf hae��t�eu0´ wneuu< hwnfu haxe been arrtqrtiatef that haxe been (a) Yhen awthqtizef b{ aw, texenwe bqnfu oa{ be eutioatef at the tioe qh enaetoent tq be uwhhieient tq iuuwef withqwt an eeetiqn tq hinanee qt tehinanee hwnf uweh ezrenfitwte; the eiiuatwte awthqtizeu qt hau hqwuini anf teatef haeiitieu in Hqtifa, hetein tehettef awthqtizef a eqwnt{ qt ownieirait{ tq enaet a hwnfini tq au ¬haeiitieu0¹ uqwtee nqt axaiabe hqt uweh eqwnt{ qt ownieirait{ qn (b) Vhe bqnfu uha be ueewtef b{ a refie qh anf Hebtwat{ 3, 3;8;, that ean be wuef tq ienetate the uha be ra{abe rtioati{ htqo a qt an{ ratt qh aoqwnt qh hwnfu eutioatef tq be uwhhieient tq hwnf uweh texenweu tq be fetixef htqo the hinaneini, qretatiqn ezrenfitwte b{ a uiore oaqtit{ xqte qh the iqxetnini qt uae qh uweh haeiitieu, oqttiaie qt qan ra{oentu, bqf{ qh uweh eqwnt{ qt ownieirait{; the aw teqwitini anf an{ qthet texenweu qt auuetu that oa{ be eia{ uweh ezrenfitwte iu arrtqxef b{ twq/thitfu qh the axaiabe hqt uweh rwtrqueu fetixef htqo uqwteeu qthet oeobetuhir in eaeh hqwue qh the eiiuatwte; the than af xaqteo tazatiqn, inewfini texenweu htqo qthet ezrenfitwte iu teqwitef tq eqor{ with a aw that arrieu haeiitieu, qt an{ eqobinatiqn theteqh, hetein eqeetixe{ tq a retuqnu uioiat{ uitwatef, inewfini the utate anf tehettef tq au ¬refief texenweu,¹ rtqxifef that in nq qea iqxetnoentu; qt the aw iu eithet teqwitef tq exent uha the hw haith anf etefit qh the utate be eqor{ with a hefeta teqwiteoent qt teqwitef hqt refief tq ueewte uweh texenwe bqnfu0 eiiibiit{ hqt a hefeta entiteoent, whieh hefeta teqwite/ (e) Pq bqnfu uha be iuuwef wneuu a utate hiuea oent ureeihiea{ eqnteorateu aetiqnu b{ eqwntieu qt aiene{, eteatef b{ aw, hau oafe a fetetoinatiqn that ownieiraitieu hqt eqorianee0 in nq utate hiuea {eat wi the febt uetxiee teqwiteoentu (b) Gzeert wrqn arrtqxa qh eaeh hqwue qh the qh the bqnfu rtqrquef tq be iuuwef anf a qthet bqnfu eiiuatwte b{ twq/thitfu qh the oeobetuhir, the eiiu/ ueewtef b{ the uaoe refief texenweu ezeeef the atwte oa{ nqt enaet, aoenf, qt terea an{ ieneta aw refief texenweu axaiabe hqt ra{oent qh uweh febt ih the antieiratef ehheet qh fqini uq wqwf be tq tefwee uetxiee teqwiteoentu, au fehinef b{ aw0 the awthqtit{ that ownieiraitieu qt eqwntieu haxe tq taiue J�utqt{0´Affef, S0J0T0 8/G, 3;82; afqrtef 3;820 texenweu in the aiiteiate, au uweh awthqtit{ eziutu qn Hebtwat{ 3, 3;8;0 SGEVKQP 390 Dqnfu hqt aeqw�t�ni ttanurqtta/ (e) Gzeert wrqn arrtqxa qh eaeh hqwue qh the t�qn t�iht/qh/wa{ qt hqt eqnuttwet�ni bt�fieu0´ eiiuatwte b{ twq/thitfu qh the oeobetuhir, the eiiu/ (a) Yhen awthqtizef b{ aw, utate bqnfu refiini atwte oa{ nqt enaet, aoenf, qt terea an{ ieneta aw the hw haith anf etefit qh the utate oa{ be iuuwef, ih the antieiratef ehheet qh fqini uq wqwf be tq tefwee withqwt a xqte qh the eeetqtu, tq hinanee qt tehinanee the the reteentaie qh a utate taz uhatef with eqwntieu anf equt qh aeqwitini tea rtqrett{ qt the tiihtu tq tea ownieiraitieu au an aiiteiate qn Hebtwat{ 3, 3;8;0 rtqrett{ hqt utate tqafu au fehinef b{ aw, qt tq hinanee Vhe rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu uwbueetiqn uha nqt arr{ tq qt tehinanee the equt qh utate btifie eqnuttwetiqn, anf enhaneeoentu enaetef ahtet Hebtwat{ 3, 3;8;, tq utate rwtrqueu ineifenta tq uweh rtqrett{ aeqwiuitiqn qt utate taz uqwteeu, qt fwtini a hiuea eoetiene{ feeatef in a btifie eqnuttwetiqn0 wtitten qint rtqeaoatiqn iuuwef b{ the rteuifent qh the (b) Dqnfu iuuwef wnfet thiu ueetiqn uha be ueewtef uenate anf the ureaet qh the hqwue qh terteuentatixeu, b{ a refie qh anf uha be ra{abe rtioati{ htqo oqtqt qt whete the eiiuatwte rtqxifeu affitiqna utate/ hwe qt ureeia hwe tazeu, ezeert thque fehinef in uhatef texenweu whieh ate antieiratef tq be uwhhieient 55 ATVKENG VKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG VKKK tq teraee the antieiratef aiiteiate quu qh utate/ ATVKENG VKKK uhatef texenweu teuwtini htqo the tefwetiqn qh the reteentaie qh the utate taz uhatef with eqwntieu anf NQEAN GQVGTPMGPV ownieiraitieu, whieh uqwtee qh teraeeoent texenweu uha be uwbeet tq the uaoe teqwiteoentu hqt terea qt See0 oqfihieatiqn au rtqxifef hetein hqt a utate/uhatef taz uqwtee eziutini qn Hebtwat{ 3, 3;8;0 30 Eqwntieu0 20 Mwnieiraitieu0 (f) Nawu afqrtef tq teqwite hwnfini qh renuiqn 50 Eqnuqifatiqn0 benehitu eziutini qn the ehheetixe fate qh thiu ueetiqn, 60 Vtanuhet qh rqwetu0 etioina awu, eeetiqn awu, the ieneta arrtqrtiatiqnu 50 Nqea qrtiqn0 aet, ureeia arrtqrtiatiqnu aetu, awu teawthqtizini bwt 80 Sehefwe tq Attiee VKKK0 nqt ezranfini then/eziutini utatwtqt{ awthqtit{, awu haxini inuiinihieant hiuea ioraet, anf awu eteatini, SGEVKQP 30 Eqwnt�eu0´ oqfih{ini, qt tereaini nqnetioina inhtaetiqnu, ate (a) PQNKVKEAN SWDDKVKSKQPS0 Vhe utate uha ezeort htqo the teqwiteoentu qh thiu ueetiqn0 be fixifef b{ aw intq rqitiea uwbfixiuiqnu eaef (e) Vhe eiiuatwte oa{ enaet awu tq auuiut in the eqwntieu0 Eqwntieu oa{ be eteatef, abqiuhef qt ioreoentatiqn anf enhqteeoent qh thiu ueetiqn0 ehanief b{ aw, with rtqxiuiqn hqt ra{oent qt arrqt/ J�utqt{0´Affef, E0S0 hqt E0S0 hqt E0S0 hqt E0S0 hqt J0J0T0'u 35;, 62, 3;8;; tiqnoent qh the rwbie febt0 afqrtef 3;;20 (b) EQWPVY HWPDS0 Vhe eate, ewutqf{ anf SGEVKQP 3;0 Swretoaqt�t{ xqte teqw�tef tq oethqf qh fiubwtuini eqwnt{ hwnfu uha be rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw0 �orque, awthqt�ze, qt ta�ue utate tazeu qt heeu0´ (e) GQVGTPMGPV0 Pwtuwant tq ieneta qt ure/ (a) SWPGTMAJQTKVY VQVG TGSWKTGD VQ KM/ eia aw, a eqwnt{ iqxetnoent oa{ be eutabiuhef b{ PQSG QT AWVJQTK\G PGY SVAVG VAZ QT HGG0 ehattet whieh uha be afqrtef, aoenfef qt tereaef Pq new utate taz qt hee oa{ be iorquef qt awthqtizef qn{ wrqn xqte qh the eeetqtu qh the eqwnt{ in a ureeia b{ the eiiuatwte ezeert thtqwih eiiuatiqn arrtqxef eeetiqn eaef hqt that rwtrque0 b{ twq/thitfu qh the oeobetuhir qh eaeh hqwue qh the 3(f) EQWPVY QHHKEGTS0 Vhete uha be eeetef eiiuatwte anf rteuentef tq the Gqxetnqt hqt arrtqxa b{ the eeetqtu qh eaeh eqwnt{, hqt tetou qh hqwt {eatu, a rwtuwant tq Attiee KKK, Seetiqn 80 uhetihh, a taz eqeetqt, a rtqrett{ arrtaiuet, a uwret/ (b) SWPGTMAJQTKVY VQVG TGSWKTGD VQ xiuqt qh eeetiqnu, anf a eet qh the eitewit eqwtt0 Wneuu TAKSG SVAVG VAZGS QT HGGS0 Pq utate taz qt qthetwiue rtqxifef b{ ureeia aw arrtqxef b{ xqte qh hee oa{ be taiuef b{ the eiiuatwte ezeert thtqwih the eeetqtu qt rwtuwant tq Attiee V, ueetiqn 38, the eet eiiuatiqn arrtqxef b{ twq/thitfu qh the oeobetuhir qh qh the eitewit eqwtt uha be ez qhhieiq eet qh the bqatf qh eaeh hqwue qh the eiiuatwte anf rteuentef tq the eqwnt{ eqooiuuiqnetu, awfitqt, teeqtfet anf ewutqfian Gqxetnqt hqt arrtqxa rwtuwant tq Attiee KKK, Seetiqn 80 qh a eqwnt{ hwnfu0 Pqtwithutanfini uwbueetiqn 8(e) qh (e) APPNKEADKNKVY0 Vhiu ueetiqn fqeu nqt awthqt/ thiu attiee, a eqwnt{ ehattet oa{ nqt abqiuh the qhhiee qh ize the iorquitiqn qh an{ utate taz qt hee qthetwiue a uhetihh, a taz eqeetqt, a rtqrett{ arrtaiuet, a uwret/ rtqhibitef b{ thiu Eqnutitwtiqn, anf fqeu nqt arr{ tq xiuqt qh eeetiqnu, qt a eet qh the eitewit eqwtt; ttanuhet an{ taz qt hee iorquef b{, qt awthqtizef tq be iorquef the fwtieu qh thque qhhieetu tq anqthet qhhieet qt qhhiee; b{, a eqwnt{, ownieirait{, uehqq bqatf, qt ureeia ehanie the enith qh the hqwt/{eat teto qh qhhiee; qt fiuttiet0 eutabiuh an{ oannet qh ueeetiqn qthet than b{ eeetiqn (f) DGHKPKVKQPS0 Au wuef in thiu ueetiqn, the b{ the eeetqtu qh the eqwnt{0 hqqwini tetou uha haxe the hqqwini oeaniniu< (e) EQMMKSSKQPGTS0 Gzeert when qthetwiue rtqxifef b{ eqwnt{ ehattet, the iqxetnini bqf{ qh (3) ¬Hee¹ oeanu an{ ehatie qt ra{oent teqwitef b{ eaeh eqwnt{ uha be a bqatf qh eqwnt{ eqooiuuiqnetu aw, inewfini an{ hee hqt uetxiee, hee qt equt hqt eqorquef qh hixe qt uexen oeobetu uetxini utaiietef ieenueu, anf ehatie hqt uetxiee0 tetou qh hqwt {eatu0 Ahtet eaeh feeennia eenuwu the (2) ¬Taiue¹ oeanu< bqatf qh eqwnt{ eqooiuuiqnetu uha fixife the eqwnt{ a0 Vq ineteaue qt awthqtize an ineteaue in the tate intq fiuttietu qh eqntiiwqwu tettitqt{ au neat{ eqwa in qh a utate taz qt hee iorquef qn a reteentaie qt ret oi rqrwatiqn au rtaetieabe0 Qne eqooiuuiqnet teuifini in bauiu; eaeh fiuttiet uha be eeetef au rtqxifef b{ aw0 b0 Vq ineteaue qt awthqtize an ineteaue in the (h) PQP/EJATVGT GQVGTPMGPV0 Eqwntieu aoqwnt qh a utate taz qt hee iorquef qn a hat qt hizef nqt qretatini wnfet eqwnt{ ehattetu uha haxe uweh aoqwnt bauiu; qt rqwet qh ueh/iqxetnoent au iu rtqxifef b{ ieneta qt e0 Vq feeteaue qt eioinate a utate taz qt hee ureeia aw0 Vhe bqatf qh eqwnt{ eqooiuuiqnetu qh a ezeortiqn qt etefit0 eqwnt{ nqt qretatini wnfet a ehattet oa{ enaet, in a (e) SKPGNG/SWDJGEV0 A utate taz qt hee io/ oannet rteuetibef b{ ieneta aw, eqwnt{ qtfinaneeu rquef, awthqtizef, qt taiuef wnfet thiu ueetiqn owut nqt ineqnuiutent with ieneta qt ureeia aw, bwt an be eqntainef in a ueratate bi that eqntainu nq qthet qtfinanee in eqnhiet with a ownieira qtfinanee uha nqt uwbeet0 be ehheetixe within the ownieirait{ tq the eztent qh uweh J�utqt{0´Affef, J0J0T0 9223, 2238; afqrtef 22380 eqnhiet0 56 ATVKENG VKKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG VKKK
(i) EJATVGT GQVGTPMGPV0 Eqwntieu qretat/ qthetwiue rtqxifef b{ aw0 Gaeh ownieira eiiuatixe ini wnfet eqwnt{ ehattetu uha haxe a rqwetu qh qea bqf{ uha be eeetixe0 ueh/iqxetnoent nqt ineqnuiutent with ieneta aw, qt (e) APPGZAVKQP0 Mwnieira annezatiqn qh wnin/ with ureeia aw arrtqxef b{ xqte qh the eeetqtu0 Vhe eqtrqtatef tettitqt{, oetiet qh ownieiraitieu, anf ez/ iqxetnini bqf{ qh a eqwnt{ qretatini wnfet a ehattet eteiue qh eztta/tettitqtia rqwetu b{ ownieiraitieu uha oa{ enaet eqwnt{ qtfinaneeu nqt ineqnuiutent with be au rtqxifef b{ ieneta qt ureeia aw0 ieneta aw0 Vhe ehattet uha rtqxife whieh uha rtexai in the exent qh eqnhiet between eqwnt{ anf SGEVKQP 50 Eqnuq�fat�qn0´Vhe iqxetnoent qh ownieira qtfinaneeu0 a eqwnt{ anf the iqxetnoent qh qne qt oqte owniei/ (h) VAZGS; NKMKVAVKQP0 Ptqrett{ uitwate within raitieu qeatef thetein oa{ be eqnuqifatef intq a ownieiraitieu uha nqt be uwbeet tq tazatiqn hqt uinie iqxetnoent whieh oa{ ezeteiue an{ anf a uetxieeu tenfetef b{ the eqwnt{ ezewuixe{ hqt the rqwetu qh the eqwnt{ anf the uexeta ownieiraitieu0 Vhe benehit qh the rtqrett{ qt teuifentu in wnineqtrqtatef eqnuqifatiqn ran oa{ be rtqrquef qn{ b{ ureeia aw, ateau0 whieh uha beeqoe ehheetixe ih arrtqxef b{ xqte qh the (i) EQWPVY QTDKPAPEGS0 Gaeh eqwnt{ qtfi/ eeetqtu qh the eqwnt{, qt qh the eqwnt{ anf owniei/ nanee uha be hief with the ewutqfian qh utate teeqtfu raitieu ahheetef, au oa{ be rtqxifef in the ran0 anf uha beeqoe ehheetixe at uweh tioe theteahtet au iu Eqnuqifatiqn uha nqt eztenf the tettitqtia ueqre qh rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw0 tazatiqn hqt the ra{oent qh rte/eziutini febt ezeert tq () VKQNAVKQP QH QTDKPAPEGS0 Petuqnu xiq/ ateau whque teuifentu teeeixe a benehit htqo the haeiit{ atini eqwnt{ qtfinaneeu uha be rtqueewtef anf qt uetxiee hqt whieh the infebtefneuu wau inewttef0 rwniuhef au rtqxifef b{ aw0 () EQWPVY SGAV0 Kn exet{ eqwnt{ thete uha be SGEVKQP 60 Vtanuhet qh rqwetu0´D{ aw qt b{ a eqwnt{ ueat at whieh uha be qeatef the rtineira teuqwtiqn qh the iqxetnini bqfieu qh eaeh qh the qhhieeu anf retoanent teeqtfu qh a eqwnt{ qhhieetu0 Vhe iqxetnoentu ahheetef, an{ hwnetiqn qt rqwet qh a eqwnt{ ueat oa{ nqt be oqxef ezeert au rtqxifef b{ eqwnt{, ownieirait{ qt ureeia fiuttiet oa{ be ttanu/ ieneta aw0 Dtaneh qhhieeu hqt the eqnfwet qh eqwnt{ hettef tq qt eqnttaetef tq be rethqtoef b{ anqthet bwuineuu oa{ be eutabiuhef euewhete in the eqwnt{ b{ eqwnt{, ownieirait{ qt ureeia fiuttiet, ahtet arrtqxa b{ teuqwtiqn qh the iqxetnini bqf{ qh the eqwnt{ in the xqte qh the eeetqtu qh the ttanuhetqt anf arrtqxa b{ oannet rteuetibef b{ aw0 Pq inuttwoent uha be xqte qh the eeetqtu qh the ttanuhetee, qt au qthetwiue feeoef teeqtfef wnti hief at the eqwnt{ ueat, qt a rtqxifef b{ aw0 btaneh qhhiee feuiinatef b{ the iqxetnini bqf{ qh the eqwnt{ hqt the teeqtfini qh inuttwoentu, aeeqtfini tq SGEVKQP 50 Nqea qrt�qn0´ aw0 (a) Nqea qrtiqn qn the eiait{ qt rtqhibitiqn qh the J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 3;29, 3;95; afqrtef 3;96; Ao0 J0J0T0 652, 3;86; uae qh intqzieatini iqwqtu, wineu qt beetu uha be afqrtef 3;86; Ao0 J0J0T0 325, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 8, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, rteuetxef tq eaeh eqwnt{0 Vhe utatwu qh a eqwnt{ with 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn teureet thetetq uha be ehanief qn{ b{ xqte qh the Pq0 5, 2238, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ ;, 2238; afqrtef 22380 3Pqte0´Seetiqn 8(i), Att0 VKKK, State Eqnutitwtiqn, rtqxifeu that< eeetqtu in a ureeia eeetiqn eaef wrqn the retitiqn qh (i) SGNGEVKQP APD DWVKGS QH EQWPVY QHHKEGTS0 twent{/hixe ret eent qh the eeetqtu qh the eqwnt{, anf (3) Gzeert au rtqxifef in thiu uwbueetiqn, the aoenfoent tq Seetiqn 3 qh thiu attiee, teatini tq the ueeetiqn anf fwtieu qh eqwnt{ qhhieetu, uha tae ehheet nqt uqqnet than twq {eatu ahtet an eatiet eeetiqn qn the Janwat{ 5, 2223, bwt uha iqxetn with teureet tq the qwaih{ini hqt anf the hqfini qh uaoe qweutiqn0 Yhete eia, the uae qh intqzieatini the rtioat{ anf ieneta eeetiqnu hqt eqwnt{ eqnutitwtiqna qhhieetu in 22220 (2) Hqt Miaoi/Dafe Eqwnt{ anf Dtqwatf Eqwnt{, the aoenfoent tq Seetiqn 3 iqwqtu, wineu anf beetu uha be teiwatef b{ aw0 qh thiu attiee, teatini tq the ueeetiqn anf fwtieu qh eqwnt{ qhhieetu, uha tae ehheet (b) Gaeh eqwnt{ uha haxe the awthqtit{ tq teqwite a Janwat{ 9, 2225, bwt uha iqxetn with teureet tq the qwaih{ini hqt anf the hqfini qh the rtioat{ anf ieneta eeetiqnu hqt eqwnt{ eqnutitwtiqna qhhieetu in 22260 etioina hiutqt{ teeqtfu ehee anf a 5 tq 5/fa{ waitini Ptiqt tq the aoenfoent qh u0 3, Att0 VKKK, State Eqnutitwtiqn, b{ Eqnutitwtiqn retiqf, ezewfini weeenfu anf eia hqifa{u, in Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 5 (2238), u0 3(f), Att0 VKKK, teaf< (f) EQWPVY QHHKEGTS0 Vhete uha be eeetef b{ the eeetqtu qh eaeh eqnneetiqn with the uae qh an{ hiteato qeewttini within eqwnt{, hqt tetou qh hqwt {eatu, a uhetihh, a taz eqeetqt, a rtqrett{ arrtaiuet, a uweh eqwnt{0 Hqt rwtrqueu qh thiu uwbueetiqn, the teto uwretxiuqt qh eeetiqnu, anf a eet qh the eitewit eqwtt; ezeert, when rtqxifef b{ ¬uae¹ oeanu the ttanuhet qh oqne{ qt qthet xawabe eqwnt{ ehattet qt ureeia aw arrtqxef b{ xqte qh the eeetqtu qh the eqwnt{, an{ eqwnt{ qhhieet oa{ be ehquen in anqthet oannet thetein ureeihief, qt an{ eqwnt{ eqnuifetatiqn hqt an{ hiteato when an{ ratt qh the qhhiee oa{ be abqiuhef when a the fwtieu qh the qhhiee rteuetibef b{ ieneta aw ttanuaetiqn iu eqnfwetef qn rtqrett{ tq whieh the rwbie ate ttanuhettef tq anqthet qhhiee0 Yhen nqt qthetwiue rtqxifef b{ eqwnt{ ehattet qt ureeia aw arrtqxef b{ xqte qh the eeetqtu, the eet qh the eitewit eqwtt uha be ez hau the tiiht qh aeeeuu0 Jqfetu qh a eqneeaef qhhieiq eet qh the bqatf qh eqwnt{ eqooiuuiqnetu, awfitqt, teeqtfet anf ewutqfian qh wearqnu retoit au rteuetibef b{ ieneta aw uha a eqwnt{ hwnfu0 nqt be uwbeet tq the rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu uwbueetiqn when SGEVKQP 20 Mwn�e�ra�t�eu0´ rwtehauini a hiteato0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 (a) GSVADNKSJMGPV0 Mwnieiraitieu oa{ be eu/ 32, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 tabiuhef qt abqiuhef anf theit ehattetu aoenfef rwtuwant tq ieneta qt ureeia aw0 Yhen an{ owniei/ SGEVKQP 80 Sehefwe tq Att�ee VKKK0´ rait{ iu abqiuhef, rtqxiuiqn uha be oafe hqt the (a) Vhiu attiee uha teraee a qh Attiee VKKK qh the rtqteetiqn qh itu etefitqtu0 Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, au aoenfef, ezeert thque uee/ (b) PQYGTS0 Mwnieiraitieu uha haxe iqxetn/ tiqnu ezrteuu{ tetainef anf oafe a ratt qh thiu attiee oenta, eqtrqtate anf rtqrtietat{ rqwetu tq enabe b{ tehetenee0 theo tq eqnfwet ownieira iqxetnoent, rethqto owni/ (b) EQWPVKGS; EQWPVY SGAVS; MWPKEKPANK/ eira hwnetiqnu anf tenfet ownieira uetxieeu, anf oa{ VKGS; DKSVTKEVS0 Vhe utatwu qh the hqqwini iteou ezeteiue an{ rqwet hqt ownieira rwtrqueu ezeert au au the{ eziut qn the fate thiu attiee beeqoeu ehheetixe iu 55 ATVKENG VKKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG VKKK teeqinizef anf uha be eqntinwef wnti ehanief in haet oafe au a bauiu hqt arrieatiqn qh thiu uwbueetiqn aeeqtfanee with aw< the eqwntieu qh the utate; theit uha be uwbeet tq wfieia texiew0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 5, utatwu with teureet tq the eiait{ qh the uae qh 2238, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ ;, 2238; afqrtef 22380 intqzieatini iqwqtu, wineu anf beetu; the oethqf qh 3Pqte0´Seetiqn ; qh Att0 VKKK qh the Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, au aoenfef, teafu au hqqwu< ueeetiqn qh eqwnt{ qhhieetu; the rethqtoanee qh owni/ SGEVKQP ;0 Neiiuatixe rqwet qxet eit{ qh Jaeuqnxie anf Dwxa Eqwnt{0´ eira hwnetiqnu b{ eqwnt{ qhhieetu; the eqwnt{ ueatu; anf Vhe Neiiuatwte uha haxe rqwet tq eutabiuh, atet qt abqiuh, a Mwnieira eqtrqtatiqn tq be nqwn au the Eit{ qh Jaeuqnxie, eztenfini tettitqtia{ thtqwihqwt the ownieiraitieu anf ureeia fiuttietu qh the utate, theit the rteuent ioitu qh Dwxa Eqwnt{, in the raee qh an{ qt a eqwnt{, fiuttiet, ownieira rqwetu, wtiufietiqn anf iqxetnoent0 anf qea iqxetnoentu, bqatfu, bqfieu anf qhhieetu, eqnutitwtiqna qt utatwtqt{, eiiuatixe, ezeewtixe, wfieia, qt afoiniuttatixe, anf uha rteuetibe the wtiufietiqn, (e) QHHKEGTS VQ EQPVKPWG KP QHHKEG0 Gxet{ rqwetu, fwtieu anf hwnetiqnu qh uweh ownieira eqtrqtatiqn, itu eiiuatixe, ezeewtixe, retuqn hqfini qhhiee when thiu attiee beeqoeu ehhee/ wfieia anf afoiniuttatixe ferattoentu anf itu bqatfu, bqfieu anf qhhieetu; tq fixife the tettitqt{ inewfef in uweh ownieirait{ intq uwbqtfinate fiuttietu, anf tq rteuetibe tixe uha eqntinwe in qhhiee hqt the teoainfet qh the teto a wut anf teauqnabe u{uteo qh tazatiqn hqt uweh ownieirait{ anf fiuttietu; anf tq hiz ih that qhhiee iu nqt abqiuhef0 Kh the qhhiee iu abqiuhef the the iabiit{ qh uweh ownieirait{ anf fiuttietu0 Dqnfef anf qthet infebtefneuu, eziutini at the tioe qh the eutabiuhoent qh uweh ownieirait{, uha be enhqteeabe inewobent uha be raif afeqwate eqorenuatiqn, tq be qn{ aiainut rtqrett{ thetetqhqte tazabe thetehqt0 Vhe Neiiuatwte uha, htqo tioe tq hizef b{ aw, hqt the quu qh eoqwoentu hqt the tioe, fetetoine what rqttiqn qh uaif ownieirait{ iu a twta atea, anf a hqoeuteaf in uweh twta atea uha nqt be ioitef au ih in a eit{ qt tqwn0 Sweh ownieirait{ oa{ teoainfet qh the teto0 ezeteiue a the rqwetu qh a ownieira eqtrqtatiqn anf uha auq be teeqinizef au (f) QTDKPAPEGS0 Nqea awu teatini qn{ tq qne qh the eia rqitiea fixiuiqnu qh the State with the fwtieu anf qbiiatiqnu qh a eqwnt{ anf uha be entitef tq a the rqwetu, tiihtu anf rtixieieu, inewfini wnineqtrqtatef ateau qh a eqwnt{ qn the ehheetixe fate terteuentatiqn in the State Neiiuatwte, whieh wqwf aeetwe tq it ih it wete a eqwnt{0 A rtqrett{ qh Dwxa Eqwnt{ anf qh the ownieiraitieu in uaif eqwnt{ uha xeut in qh thiu attiee oa{ be aoenfef qt tereaef b{ eqwnt{ uweh ownieira eqtrqtatiqn when eutabiuhef au hetein rtqxifef0 Vhe qhhieeu qh qtfinanee0 Eet qh the Eitewit Eqwtt anf Shetihh uha nqt be abqiuhef bwt the Neiiuatwte oa{ rteuetibe the tioe when, anf the oethqf b{ whieh, uweh qhhieeu uha be hief anf (e) EQPSQNKDAVKQP APD JQMG TWNG0 Attiee the eqorenuatiqn tq be raif tq uweh qhhieetu anf oa{ xeut in theo affitiqna rqwetu VKKK, Seetiqnu 3;, 232, 533 anf 626, qh the Eqnutitwtiqn qh anf fwtieu0 Pq eqwnt{ qhhiee uha be abqiuhef qt eqnuqifatef with anqthet qhhiee withqwt oaini rtqxiuiqn hqt the rethqtoanee qh a State fwtieu nqw qt heteahtet 3885, au aoenfef, uha teoain in hw hqtee anf ehheet rteuetibef b{ aw tq be rethqtoef b{ uweh eqwnt{ qhhieet0 Pqthini eqntainef hetein au tq eaeh eqwnt{ ahheetef, au ih thiu attiee haf nqt been uha ahheet Seetiqn 22 qh Attiee KKK qh the Eqnutitwtiqn qh the State qh Hqtifa, ezeert au tq uweh rtqxiuiqnu thetein au teate tq teiwatini the wtiufietiqn anf fwtieu qh an{ afqrtef, wnti that eqwnt{ uha ezrteuu{ afqrt a eauu qh qhhieetu, tq uwooqnini anf ioraneini itanf anf retit wtqtu, tq auueuuini ehattet qt hqoe twe ran rwtuwant tq thiu attiee0 A anf eqeetini tazeu hqt eqwnt{ rwtrqueu anf tq teiwatini the heeu anf eqorenuatiqn qh eqwnt{ qhhieetu0 Pq aw awthqtizini the eutabiuhini qt abqiuhini rtqxiuiqnu qh the Mettqrqitan Dafe Eqwnt{ Jqoe Twe qh uweh Mwnieira eqtrqtatiqn rwtuwant tq thiu Seetiqn, uha beeqoe qretatixe qt Ehattet, hetetqhqte qt heteahtet afqrtef b{ the eeetqtu ehheetixe wnti arrtqxef b{ a oaqtit{ qh the qwaihief eeetqtu rattieiratini in an eeetiqn hef in uaif Eqwnt{, bwt uq qni au uweh Mwnieira eqtrqtatiqn eziutu wnfet 5 qh Dafe Eqwnt{ rwtuwant tq Attiee VKKK, Seetiqn 33, qh thiu Seetiqn the Neiiuatwte oa{ aoenf qt eztenf the aw awthqtizini the uaoe the Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, au aoenfef, uha be xaif, withqwt tehetenfwo tq the qwaihief xqtetu wneuu the Neiiuatixe aet rtqxifini hqt uweh aoenfoent qt eztenuiqn uha rtqxife hqt uweh tehetenfwo0 anf an{ aoenfoentu tq uweh ehattet uha be xaif; J�utqt{0´Affef, S0J0T0 335, 3;55; afqrtef 3;560 rtqxifef that the uaif rtqxiuiqnu qh uweh ehattet anf the 2Pqte0´Seetiqn 32, Att0 VKKK qh the Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, au aoenfef, teafu au hqqwu< uaif aoenfoentu thetetq ate awthqtizef wnfet uaif SGEVKQP 320 Neiiuatixe rqwet qxet eit{ qh Me{ Yeut anf Mqntqe eqwnt{0´ 5Attiee VKKK, Seetiqn 33, qh the Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, au Vhe Neiiuatwte uha haxe rqwet tq eutabiuh, atet qt abqiuh, a Mwnieira eqtrqtatiqn tq be nqwn au the Eit{ qh Me{ Yeut, eztenfini tettitqtia{ thtqwihqwt aoenfef0 the rteuent ioitu qh Mqntqe Eqwnt{, in the raee qh an{ qt a eqwnt{, fiuttiet, ownieira anf qea iqxetnoentu, bqatfu, bqfieu anf qhhieetu, eqnutitwtiqna qt (h) DADG EQWPVY; PQYGTS EQPHGTTGD utatwtqt{, eiiuatixe, ezeewtixe, wfieia, qt afoiniuttatixe, anf uha rteuetibe the WPQP MWPKEKPANKVKGS0 Vq the eztent nqt ineqnuiu/ wtiufietiqn, rqwetu, fwtieu anf hwnetiqnu qh uweh ownieira eqtrqtatiqn, itu eiiuatixe, ezeewtixe, wfieia anf afoiniuttatixe ferattoentu anf itu bqatfu, tent with the rqwetu qh eziutini ownieiraitieu qt ieneta bqfieu anf qhhieetu; tq fixife the tettitqt{ inewfef in uweh ownieirait{ intq aw, the Mettqrqitan Gqxetnoent qh Dafe Eqwnt{ oa{ uwbqtfinate fiuttietu, anf tq rteuetibe a wut anf teauqnabe u{uteo qh tazatiqn hqt uweh ownieirait{ anf fiuttietu; anf tq hiz the iabiit{ qh uweh ownieirait{ anf ezeteiue a the rqwetu eqnhettef nqw qt heteahtet b{ fiuttietu0 Dqnfef anf qthet infebtefneuu, eziutini at the tioe qh the eutabiuhoent qh ieneta aw wrqn ownieiraitieu0 uweh ownieirait{, uha be enhqteeabe qn{ aiainut rtqrett{ thetetqhqte tazabe thetehqt0 Vhe Neiiuatwte uha, htqo tioe tq tioe, fetetoine what rqttiqn qh uaif (i) SGNGEVKQP APD DWVKGS QH EQWPVY QHHK/ ownieirait{ iu a twta atea, anf a hqoeuteaf in uweh twta atea uha nqt be ioitef EGTS0´ au ih in a eit{ qt tqwn0 Sweh ownieirait{ oa{ ezeteiue a the rqwetu qh a ownieira eqtrqtatiqn anf uha auq be teeqinizef au qne qh the eia rqitiea fixiuiqnu qh the (3) Gzeert au rtqxifef in thiu uwbueetiqn, the State with the fwtieu anf qbiiatiqnu qh a eqwnt{ anf uha be entitef tq a the rqwetu, tiihtu anf rtixieieu, inewfini terteuentatiqn in the State Neiiuatwte, aoenfoent tq Seetiqn 3 qh thiu attiee, teatini tq the whieh wqwf aeetwe tq it ih it wete a eqwnt{0 A rtqrett{ qh Mqntqe Eqwnt{ anf qh the ueeetiqn anf fwtieu qh eqwnt{ qhhieetu, uha tae ehheet ownieirait{ in uaif eqwnt{ uha xeut in uweh ownieira eqtrqtatiqn when eutabiuhef au hetein rtqxifef0 Vhe qhhieeu qh Eet qh the Eitewit Eqwtt anf Shetihh uha nqt be Janwat{ 5, 2223, bwt uha iqxetn with teureet tq the abqiuhef bwt the Neiiuatwte oa{ rteuetibe the tioe when, anf the oethqf b{ qwaih{ini hqt anf the hqfini qh the rtioat{ anf ieneta whieh, uweh qhhieeu uha be hief anf the eqorenuatiqn tq be raif tq uweh qhhieetu anf oa{ xeut in theo affitiqna rqwetu anf fwtieu0 Pq eqwnt{ qhhiee uha be eeetiqnu hqt eqwnt{ eqnutitwtiqna qhhieetu in 22220 abqiuhef qt eqnuqifatef with anqthet qhhiee withqwt oaini rtqxiuiqn hqt the (2) Hqt Miaoi/Dafe Eqwnt{ anf Dtqwatf Eqwnt{, rethqtoanee qh a State fwtieu nqw qt heteahtet rteuetibef b{ aw tq be rethqtoef b{ uweh eqwnt{ qhhieet0 Pqthini eqntainef hetein uha ahheet Seetiqn 22 qh Attiee KKK the aoenfoent tq Seetiqn 3 qh thiu attiee, teatini tq the qh the Eqnutitwtiqn qh the State qh Hqtifa, ezeert au tq uweh rtqxiuiqnu thetein au ueeetiqn anf fwtieu qh eqwnt{ qhhieetu, uha tae ehheet teate tq teiwatini the wtiufietiqn anf fwtieu qh an{ eauu qh qhhieetu, tq uwooqnini anf ioraneini itanf anf retit wtieu, tq auueuuini anf eqeetini tazeu hqt eqwnt{ Janwat{ 9, 2225, bwt uha iqxetn with teureet tq the rwtrqueu anf tq teiwatini the heeu anf eqorenuatiqn qh eqwnt{ qhhieetu0 Pq aw qwaih{ini hqt anf the hqfini qh the rtioat{ anf ieneta awthqtizini the eutabiuhini qt abqiuhini qh uweh Mwnieira eqtrqtatiqn rwtuwant tq thiu Seetiqn uha beeqoe qretatixe qt ehheetixe wnti arrtqxef b{ a oaqtit{ qh the eeetiqnu hqt eqwnt{ eqnutitwtiqna qhhieetu in 22260 qwaihief eeetqtu rattieiratini in an eeetiqn hef in uaif Eqwnt{, bwt uq qni au uweh (h) DGNGVKQP QH QDSQNGVG SEJGDWNG Mwnieira eqtrqtatiqn eziutu wnfet thiu Seetiqn the Neiiuatwte oa{ aoenf qt eztenf the aw awthqtizini the uaoe withqwt tehetenfwo tq the qwaihief xqtetu KVGMS0 Vhe eiiuatwte uha haxe rqwet, b{ qint wneuu the Neiiuatixe Aet rtqxifini hqt uweh aoenfoent qt eztenuiqn uha rtqxife hqt uweh tehetenfwo0 teuqwtiqn, tq feete htqo thiu attiee an{ uwbueetiqn qh J�utqt{0´Affef, S0J0T0 62;, 3;55; afqrtef 3;580 thiu Seetiqn 8, inewfini thiu uwbueetiqn, when a exentu 5Pqte0´Seetiqn 33 qh Att0 VKKK qh the Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, au aoenfef, teafu au tq whieh the uwbueetiqn tq be feetef iu qt eqwf beeqoe hqqwu< SGEVKQP 330 Dafe Eqwnt{, hqoe twe ehattet0´(3) Vhe eeetqtu qh Dafe arrieabe haxe qeewttef0 A eiiuatixe fetetoinatiqn qh Eqwnt{, Hqtifa, ate itantef rqwet tq afqrt, texiue, anf aoenf htqo tioe tq tioe a 58 ATVKENG VKKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG VKKK hqoe twe ehattet qh iqxetnoent hqt Dafe Eqwnt{, Hqtifa, wnfet whieh the Dqatf qh uwretuefe an{ rtqxiuiqn qh an{ ehattet qh an{ ownieirait{ in Dafe Eqwnt{ in eqnhiet Eqwnt{ Eqooiuuiqnetu qh Dafe Eqwnt{ uha be the iqxetnini bqf{0 Vhiu ehattet< thetewith0 (a) Sha hiz the bqwnfatieu qh eaeh eqwnt{ eqooiuuiqn fiuttiet, rtqxife a (9) Pqthini in thiu ueetiqn uha be eqnuttwef tq ioit qt teuttiet the rqwet anf oethqf hqt ehaniini theo htqo tioe tq tioe, anf hiz the nwobet, tetou anf wtiufietiqn qh the Taitqaf anf Pwbie Wtiitieu Eqooiuuiqn qt qh an{ qthet utate eqorenuatiqn qh the eqooiuuiqnetu, anf theit oethqf qh eeetiqn0 aiene{, bwteaw qt eqooiuuiqn nqw qt heteahtet rtqxifef hqt in thiu Eqnutitwtiqn qt (b) Ma{ itant hw rqwet anf awthqtit{ tq the Dqatf qh Eqwnt{ Eqooiuuiqnetu qh b{ ieneta aw anf uaif utate aieneieu, bwteawu anf eqooiuuiqnu uha haxe the Dafe Eqwnt{ tq rauu qtfinaneeu teatini tq the ahhaitu, rtqrett{ anf iqxetnoent qh uaoe rqwetu in Dafe Eqwnt{ au uha be eqnhettef wrqn theo in teiatf tq qthet Dafe Eqwnt{ anf rtqxife uwitabe renatieu hqt the xiqatiqn theteqh; tq ex{ anf eqwntieu0 eqeet uweh tazeu au oa{ be awthqtizef b{ ieneta aw anf nq qthet tazeu, anf tq fq (8) Kh an{ ueetiqn, uwbueetiqn, uentenee, eawue qt rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu ueetiqn iu exet{thini neeeuuat{ tq eatt{ qn a eentta oettqrqitan iqxetnoent in Dafe Eqwnt{0 hef inxaif au xiqatixe qh the rtqxiuiqnu qh Seetiqn 3 Attiee ZVKK qh thiu Eqnutitwtiqn (e) Ma{ ehanie the bqwnfatieu qh, oetie, eqnuqifate, anf abqiuh anf oa{ rtqxife a oethqf hqt ehaniini the bqwnfatieu qh, oetiini, eqnuqifatini anf the teoainfet qh thiu ueetiqn uha nqt be ahheetef b{ uweh inxaifit{0 abqiuhini htqo tioe tq tioe a ownieira eqtrqtatiqnu, eqwnt{ qt fiuttiet iqxetn/ (;) Kt iu feeatef tq be the intent qh the Neiiuatwte anf qh the eeetqtu qh the oentu, ureeia tazini fiuttietu, awthqtitieu, bqatfu, qt qthet iqxetnoenta wnitu State qh Hqtifa tq rtqxife b{ thiu ueetiqn hqoe twe hqt the reqre qh Dafe Eqwnt{ in whque wtiufietiqn ieu whq{ within Dafe Eqwnt{, whethet uweh iqxetnoenta wnitu qea ahhaitu anf thiu ueetiqn uha be ibeta{ eqnuttwef tq eatt{ qwt uweh rwtrque, ate eteatef b{ the Eqnutitwtiqn qt the Neiiuatwte qt qthetwiue, ezeert the Dafe anf it iu hwtthet feeatef tq be the intent qh the Neiiuatwte anf qh the eeetqtu qh the Eqwnt{ Dqatf qh Eqwnt{ Eqooiuuiqnetu au it oa{ be rtqxifef hqt htqo tioe tq tioe State qh Hqtifa that the rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu Eqnutitwtiqn anf ieneta awu whieh uha b{ thiu hqoe twe ehattet anf the Dqatf qh Pwbie Knuttwetiqn qh Dafe Eqwnt{0 teate tq Dafe Eqwnt{ anf an{ qthet qne qt oqte eqwntieu qh the State qh Hqtifa qt (f) Ma{ rtqxife a oethqf b{ whieh an{ anf a qh the hwnetiqnu qt rqwetu qh an{ tq an{ ownieirait{ in Dafe Eqwnt{ anf an{ qthet qne qt oqte ownieiraitieu qh the ownieira eqtrqtatiqn qt qthet iqxetnoenta wnit in Dafe Eqwnt{ oa{ be ttanuhettef State qh Hqtifa enaetef rwtuwant thetetq b{ the Neiiuatwte uha be the uwrteoe tq the Dqatf qh Eqwnt{ Eqooiuuiqnetu qh Dafe Eqwnt{0 aw in Dafe Eqwnt{, Hqtifa, ezeert au ezrteuu{ rtqxifef hetein anf thiu ueetiqn (e) Ma{ rtqxife a oethqf hqt eutabiuhini new ownieira eqtrqtatiqnu, ureeia uha be uttiet{ eqnuttwef tq oaintain uweh uwrteoae{ qh thiu Eqnutitwtiqn anf qh the tazini fiuttietu, anf qthet iqxetnoenta wnitu in Dafe Eqwnt{ htqo tioe tq tioe anf Neiiuatwte in the enaetoent qh ieneta awu rwtuwant tq thiu Eqnutitwtiqn0 rtqxife hqt theit iqxetnoent anf rteuetibe theit wtiufietiqn anf rqwetu0 J�utqt{0´Affef, J0J0T0 858, 3;63; afqrtef 3;62; Ao0 S0J0T0 3268, 3;55; (h) Ma{ abqiuh anf oa{ rtqxife a oethqf hqt abqiuhini htqo tioe tq tioe a afqrtef 3;580 qhhieeu rtqxifef hqt b{ Attiee VKKK, Seetiqn 8, qh the Eqnutitwtiqn qt b{ the 6Pqte0´Seetiqn 26 qh Att0 VKKK qh the Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, au aoenfef, teafu au Neiiuatwte, ezeert the Swretintenfent qh Pwbie Knuttwetiqn anf oa{ rtqxife hqt hqqwu< the eqnuqifatiqn anf ttanuhet qh the hwnetiqnu qh uweh qhhieeu, rtqxifef, hqwexet, SGEVKQP 260 Jiubqtqwih Eqwnt{, hqoe twe ehattet0´ that thete uha be nq rqwet tq abqiuh qt iorait the wtiufietiqn qh the Eitewit Eqwtt qt (3) Vhe eeetqtu qh Jiubqtqwih eqwnt{ ate heteb{ itantef the rqwet tq afqrt tq abqiuh an{ qthet eqwtt rtqxifef hqt b{ thiu Eqnutitwtiqn qt b{ ieneta aw, qt the wfieu qt eetu theteqh athqwih uweh ehattet oa{ eteate new eqwttu anf wfieu a ehattet hqt a iqxetnoent whieh uha ezeteiue an{ anf a rqwetu hqt eqwnt{ anf anf eetu theteqh with wtiufietiqn tq tt{ a qhhenueu aiainut qtfinaneeu rauuef b{ ownieira rwtrqueu whieh thiu eqnutitwtiqn qt the eiiuatwte, b{ ieneta, ureeia qt the Dqatf qh Eqwnt{ Eqooiuuiqnetu qh Dafe Eqwnt{ anf nqne qh the qthet eqwttu qea aw, hau eqnhettef wrqn Jiubqtqwih eqwnt{ qt an{ ownieirait{ thetein0 Sweh rtqxifef hqt b{ thiu Eqnutitwtiqn qt b{ ieneta aw uha haxe qtiiina wtiufietiqn tq iqxetnoent uha ezeteiue theue rqwetu b{ the enaetoent qh qtfinaneeu whieh tt{ uweh qhhenueu, athqwih the ehattet oa{ eqnhet arreate wtiufietiqn qn uweh teate tq iqxetnoent qh Jiubqtqwih eqwnt{ anf rtqxife uwitabe renatieu hqt the eqwttu, anf rtqxifef hwtthet that ih uaif hqoe twe ehattet uha abqiuh an{ eqwnt{ xiqatiqn theteqh0 Sweh iqxetnoent uha haxe nq rqwet tq eteate qt abqiuh an{ qhhiee qt qhhieeu au awthqtizef hetein, that uaif ehattet uha eqntain afeqwate ownieirait{, ezeert au qthetwiue rtqxifef hetein0 rtqxiuiqn hqt the eatt{ini qn qh a hwnetiqnu qh uaif qhhiee qt qhhieeu au ate nqw qt oa{ (2) Vhe oethqf anf oannet b{ whieh the eeetqtu qh Jiubqtqwih eqwnt{ uha heteahtet be rteuetibef b{ ieneta aw0 ezeteiue thiu rqwet uha be uet hqtth in a ehattet hqt the iqxetnoent qh Jiubqtqwih (i) Sha rtqxife a oethqf b{ whieh eaeh ownieira eqtrqtatiqn in Dafe eqwnt{ whieh ehattet uha be rteuentef tq uaif eeetqtu b{ an{ ehattet eqooiuuiqn Eqwnt{ uha haxe the rqwet tq oae, aoenf qt terea itu qwn ehattet0 Wrqn eutabiuhef b{ the eiiuatwte0 Vhe eiiuatwte oa{ rtqxife hqt the eqntinwini afqrtiqn qh thiu hqoe twe ehattet b{ the eeetqtu thiu oethqf uha be ezewuixe anf eziutenee qh an{ ehattet eqooiuuiqn qt oa{ eutabiuh a ehattet eqooiuuiqn qt the Neiiuatwte uha haxe nq rqwet tq aoenf qt terea the ehattet qh an{ ownieira eqooiuuiqnu uwbueqwent tq an{ initia eqooiuuiqn withqwt teiatf tq an{ eeetiqn qt eqtrqtatiqn in Dafe Eqwnt{0 eeetiqnu hef wrqn an{ ehattet qt ehattetu thetetqhqte rteuentef0 A ehattet uha (h) Ma{ ehanie the naoe qh Dafe Eqwnt{0 beeqoe ehheetixe qn{ wrqn tatihieatiqn b{ a oaqtit{ qh the eeetqtu qh Jiubqtqwih (i) Sha rtqxife a oethqf hqt the teea qh an{ eqooiuuiqnet anf a oethqf hqt eqwnt{ xqtini in a ieneta qt ureeia eeetiqn au rtqxifef b{ aw0 initiatixe anf tehetenfwo, inewfini the initiatiqn qh anf tehetenfwo qn qtfinaneeu (5) Vhe nwobet, qwaihieatiqnu, tetou qh qhhiee anf oethqf qh hiini xaeaneieu in anf the aoenfoent qt texiuiqn qh the hqoe twe ehattet, rtqxifef, hqwexet, that the the oeobetuhir qh an{ ehattet eqooiuuiqn eutabiuhef rwtuwant tq thiu ueetiqn anf rqwet qh the Gqxetnqt anf Senate teatini tq the uwurenuiqn anf teoqxa qh qhhieetu the rqwetu, hwnetiqnu anf fwtieu qh an{ uweh eqooiuuiqn uha be rtqxifef b{ aw0 rtqxifef hqt in thiu Eqnutitwtiqn uha nqt be ioraitef, bwt uha eztenf tq a qhhieetu (6) A ehattet rteratef b{ an{ eqooiuuiqn eutabiuhef rwtuwant tq thiu ueetiqn rtqxifef hqt in uaif hqoe twe ehattet0 (2) Ptqxiuiqn uha be oafe hqt the rtqteetiqn qh the etefitqtu qh an{ uha rtqxife that< iqxetnoenta wnit whieh iu oetief, eqnuqifatef, qt abqiuhef qt whque bqwnfatieu (a) Vhe iqxetnoentu qh the eit{ qh Vaora anf the eqwnt{ qh Jiubqtqwih uha ate ehanief qt hwnetiqnu qt rqwetu ttanuhettef0 be eqnuqifatef, anf the uttwetwte qh the new qea iqxetnoent uha inewfe< (5) Vhiu hqoe twe ehattet uha be rteratef b{ a Mettqrqitan Ehattet Dqatf 30 An ezeewtixe btaneh, the ehieh qhhieet qh whieh uha be teurqnuibe hqt the eteatef b{ the Neiiuatwte anf uha be rteuentef tq the eeetqtu qh Dafe Eqwnt{ hqt afoiniuttatiqn qh iqxetnoent0 tatihieatiqn qt teeetiqn in the oannet rtqxifef b{ the Neiiuatwte0 Wnti a hqoe twe 20 An eeetef eiiuatixe btaneh, the eeetiqn tq oeobetuhir, rqwetu anf ehattet iu afqrtef the Neiiuatwte oa{ htqo tioe tq tioe eteate affitiqna Ehattet fwtieu qh whieh uha be au rtqxifef b{ the ehattet0 Dqatfu tq rterate ehattetu tq be rteuentef tq the eeetqtu qh Dafe Eqwnt{ hqt 50 A wfieia btaneh, whieh uha qn{ haxe wtiufietiqn in the enhqteeoent qh tatihieatiqn qt teeetiqn in the oannet rtqxifef b{ the Neiiuatwte0 Sweh Ehattet, qtfinaneeu enaetef b{ the eiiuatixe btaneh eteatef b{ thiu ueetiqn0 qnee afqrtef b{ the eeetqtu, oa{ be aoenfef qn{ b{ the eeetqtu qh Dafe Eqwnt{ (b) Shqwf the eeetqtu qh the ownieiraitieu qh Pant Eit{ qt Veore Vettaee anf thiu ehattet uha rtqxife a oethqf hqt uwboittini hwtwte ehattet texiuiqnu anf wiuh tq eqnuqifate theit iqxetnoentu with the iqxetnoent heteinabqxe eteatef, aoenfoentu tq the eeetqtu qh Dafe Eqwnt{0 the{ oa{ fq uq b{ oaqtit{ xqte qh the eeetqtu qh uaif ownieirait{ xqtini in an (6) Vhe Eqwnt{ Eqooiuuiqn uha eqntinwe tq teeeixe itu rtq tata uhate qh a eeetiqn wrqn uaif iuuwe0 texenweu ra{abe b{ the utate htqo whatexet uqwtee tq the uexeta eqwntieu anf the (e) Vhe etefitqtu qh an{ iqxetnoenta wnit eqnuqifatef qt abqiuhef wnfet thiu utate qh Hqtifa uha ra{ tq the Eqooiuuiqn a texenweu whieh wqwf haxe been ueetiqn uha be rtqteetef0 Dqnfef qt qthet infebtefneuu eziutini at the ehheetixe raif tq an{ ownieirait{ in Dafe Eqwnt{ whieh oa{ be abqiuhef b{ qt in the oethqf fate qh an{ iqxetnoent eutabiuhef hetewnfet uha be enhqteeabe qn{ aiainut the rtqxifef b{ thiu hqoe twe ehattet; rtqxifef, hqwexet, the Eqooiuuiqn uha teiobwtue the eqorttqet qh Hqtifa hqt the ezrenue inewttef ih an{, in the eerini qh tea anf retuqna rtqrett{ thetetqhqte tazabe hqt uweh rwtrqueu0 ueratate teeqtfu tq fetetoine the aoqwntu qh oqne{ whieh wqwf haxe been (f) Sweh qthet rtqxiuiqnu au oiiht be teqwitef b{ aw0 ra{abe tq an{ uweh ownieirait{0 (5) Vhe rtqxiuiqnu qh uweh ehattet anf qtfinaneeu enaetef rwtuwant thetetq (5) Pqthini in thiu ueetiqn uha ioit qt teuttiet the rqwet qh the Neiiuatwte tq uha nqt eqnhiet with an{ rtqxiuiqn qh thiu eqnutitwtiqn nqt with ieneta, ureeia qt enaet ieneta awu whieh uha teate tq Dafe Eqwnt{ anf an{ qthet qne qt oqte qea awu nqw qt heteahtet arr{ini tq Jiubqtqwih eqwnt{0 eqwntieu in the utate qh Hqtifa qt tq an{ ownieirait{ in Dafe Eqwnt{ anf an{ qthet (8) Vhe iqxetnoent eutabiuhef hetewnfet uha be teeqinizef au a eqwnt{, qne qt oqte ownieiraitieu qh the State qh Hqtifa, anf the hqoe twe ehattet that iu qne qh the eia rqitiea uwbfixiuiqnu qh the utate with the rqwetu, tiihtu, rtqxifef hqt hetein uha nqt eqnhiet with an{ rtqxiuiqn qh thiu Eqnutitwtiqn nqt qh an{ rtixieieu, fwtieu anf qbiiatiqnu qh a eqwnt{, anf oa{ auq ezeteiue a the rqwetu arrieabe ieneta awu nqw arr{ini tq Dafe Eqwnt{ anf an{ qthet qne qt oqte qh a ownieirait{0 Saif iqxetnoent uha haxe the tiiht tq uwe anf be uwef0 eqwntieu qh the State qh Hqtifa ezeert au ezrteuu{ awthqtizef in thiu ueetiqn nqt (9) An{ iqxetnoent eutabiuhef hetewnfet uha be entitef tq teeeixe htqo the uha an{ qtfinanee enaetef in rwtuwanee tq uaif hqoe twe ehattet eqnhiet with thiu utate qh Hqtifa qt htqo the Wnitef Stateu qt htqo an{ qthet aiene{, rwbie qt rtixate, Eqnutitwtiqn qt an{ uweh arrieabe ieneta aw ezeert au ezrteuu{ awthqtizef hwnfu anf texenweu tq whieh a eqwnt{ iu, qt oa{ heteahtet be entitef, anf auq a hetein, nqt uha the ehattet qh an{ ownieirait{ in Dafe Eqwnt{ eqnhiet with thiu hwnfu anf texenweu tq whieh an ineqtrqtatef ownieirait{ iu qt oa{ heteahtet be Eqnutitwtiqn qt an{ uweh arrieabe ieneta aw ezeert au ezrteuu{ awthqtizef entitef, anf tq teeeixe the uaoe withqwt fioinwtiqn qt quu b{ teauqn qh an{ uweh hetein, rtqxifef hqwexet that uaif ehattet anf uaif qtfinaneeu enaetef in iqxetnoent au oa{ be eutabiuhef0 Pqthini hetein eqntainef uha rteewfe uweh rwtuwanee theteqh oa{ eqnhiet with, oqfih{ qt nwih{ an{ eziutini qea, ureeia iqxetnoent au oa{ be eutabiuhef hetewnfet htqo teeeixini a hwnfu anf texenweu qt ieneta aw arrieabe qn{ tq Dafe Eqwnt{0 htqo whatexet uqwtee nqw teeeixef, qt heteinahtet teeeixef rtqxifef b{ aw0 (8) Pqthini in thiu ueetiqn uha be eqnuttwef tq ioit qt teuttiet the rqwet qh the Neiiuatwte tq enaet ieneta awu whieh uha teate tq Dafe Eqwnt{ anf an{ qthet (8) Vhe bqatf qh eqwnt{ eqooiuuiqnetu qh Jiubqtqwih eqwnt{ uha be qne qt oqte eqwntieu qh the utate qh Hqtifa qt tq an{ ownieirait{ in Dafe Eqwnt{ abqiuhef when the hwnetiqnu, fwtieu, rqwetu anf teurqnuibiitieu qh uaif bqatf anf an{ qthet qne qt oqte ownieiraitieu qh the State qh Hqtifa teatini tq eqwnt{ qt uha be ttanuhettef in the oannet tq be rtqxifef b{ the ehattet tq the iqxetnoent ownieira ahhaitu anf a uweh ieneta awu uha arr{ tq Dafe Eqwnt{ anf tq a eutabiuhef rwtuwant tq thiu ueetiqn0 Pq qthet qhhiee rtqxifef hqt b{ thiu eqnutitwtiqn ownieiraitieu thetein tq the uaoe eztent au ih thiu ueetiqn haf nqt been afqrtef anf uha be abqiuhef b{ qt rwtuwant tq thiu ueetiqn0 uweh ieneta awu uha uwretuefe an{ ratt qt rqttiqn qh the hqoe twe ehattet (;) Vhiu ueetiqn uha nqt teuttiet qt ioit the eiiuatwte in the enaetoent qh rtqxifef hqt hetein in eqnhiet thetewith anf uha uwretuefe an{ rtqxiuiqn qh an{ ieneta, ureeia qt qea awu au qthetwiue rtqxifef in thiu eqnutitwtiqn0 qtfinanee enaetef rwtuwant tq uaif ehattet anf in eqnhiet thetewith, anf uha J�utqt{0´Affef, E0S0 hqt J0J0T0 3;89, 3;85; afqrtef 3;880 59 ATVKENG KZ EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG KZ
ATVKENG KZ ehif'u abiit{ tq oae aie arrtqrtiate rtqiteuu in an arrtqrtiate tanie qh uettiniu in the fexeqroent qh GDWEAVKQP aniwaie anf eqinitixe earabiitieu anf eoqtiqna, uqeia, teiwatqt{ anf oqta earaeitieu thtqwih efwea/ See0 tiqn in bauie uiu anf uweh qthet uiu au the Neiiuatwte oa{ fetetoine tq be arrtqrtiate0 30 Pwbie efweatiqn0 (e) Vhe eat{ ehifhqqf efweatiqn anf fexeqroent 20 State bqatf qh efweatiqn0 rtqitaou rtqxifef b{ teauqn qh uwbrataitarh (b) uha 50 Vetou qh arrqintixe bqatf oeobetu0 be ioreoentef nq atet than the beiinnini qh the 2225 60 Sehqq fiuttietu; uehqq bqatfu0 uehqq {eat thtqwih hwnfu ienetatef in affitiqn tq thque 50 Swretintenfent qh uehqqu0 80 State uehqq hwnf0 wuef hqt eziutini efweatiqn, heath, anf fexeqroent 90 State Wnixetuit{ S{uteo0 rtqitaou0 Gziutini efweatiqn, heath, anf fexeqroent 80 State Eqeie S{uteo0 rtqitaou ate thque hwnfef b{ the State au qh Janwat{ 3, 2222 that rtqxifef hqt ehif qt afwt efweatiqn, heath SGEVKQP 30 Pwb�e efweat�qn0´ eate, qt fexeqroent0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 8, (a) Vhe efweatiqn qh ehiften iu a hwnfaoenta xawe 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Aou0 b{ Knitiatixe qh the reqre qh the State qh Hqtifa0 Kt iu, thetehqte, a Petitiqnu hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Jw{ 52, 2222, anf Awiwut 3, 2222; afqrtef rataoqwnt fwt{ qh the utate tq oae afeqwate rtqxiuiqn 22220 hqt the efweatiqn qh a ehiften teuifini within itu bqtfetu0 Afeqwate rtqxiuiqn uha be oafe b{ aw hqt SGEVKQP 20 State bqatf qh efweat�qn0´Vhe a wnihqto, ehhieient, uahe, ueewte, anf hiih qwait{ utate bqatf qh efweatiqn uha be a bqf{ eqtrqtate u{uteo qh htee rwbie uehqqu that aqwu utwfentu tq anf haxe uweh uwretxiuiqn qh the u{uteo qh htee rwbie qbtain a hiih qwait{ efweatiqn anf hqt the eutabiuh/ efweatiqn au iu rtqxifef b{ aw0 Vhe utate bqatf qh oent, oaintenanee, anf qretatiqn qh inutitwtiqnu qh efweatiqn uha eqnuiut qh uexen oeobetu arrqintef b{ hiihet eatnini anf qthet rwbie efweatiqn rtqitaou the iqxetnqt tq utaiietef 6/{eat tetou, uwbeet tq that the neefu qh the reqre oa{ teqwite0 Vq auuwte that eqnhitoatiqn b{ the uenate0 Vhe utate bqatf qh efwea/ ehiften attenfini rwbie uehqqu qbtain a hiih qwait{ tiqn uha arrqint the eqooiuuiqnet qh efweatiqn0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 8, efweatiqn, the eiiuatwte uha oae afeqwate rtqxi/ 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 uiqn tq enuwte that, b{ the beiinnini qh the 2232 uehqq {eat, thete ate a uwhhieient nwobet qh eauutqqou uq SGEVKQP 50 Vetou qh arrq�nt�xe bqatf oeo/ that< betu0´Meobetu qh an{ arrqintixe bqatf feaini with (3) Vhe oaziowo nwobet qh utwfentu whq ate efweatiqn oa{ uetxe tetou in ezeeuu qh hqwt {eatu au auuiinef tq eaeh teaehet whq iu teaehini in rwbie rtqxifef b{ aw0 uehqq eauutqqou hqt rteinfetiatten thtqwih itafe 5 fqeu nqt ezeeef 38 utwfentu; SGEVKQP 60 Sehqq f�utt�etu; uehqq bqatfu0´ (2) Vhe oaziowo nwobet qh utwfentu whq ate auuiinef tq eaeh teaehet whq iu teaehini in rwbie (a) Gaeh eqwnt{ uha eqnutitwte a uehqq fiuttiet; uehqq eauutqqou hqt itafeu 6 thtqwih 8 fqeu nqt rtqxifef, twq qt oqte eqntiiwqwu eqwntieu, wrqn xqte qh ezeeef 22 utwfentu; anf the eeetqtu qh eaeh eqwnt{ rwtuwant tq aw, oa{ be (5) Vhe oaziowo nwobet qh utwfentu whq ate eqobinef intq qne uehqq fiuttiet0 Kn eaeh uehqq fiuttiet auuiinef tq eaeh teaehet whq iu teaehini in rwbie thete uha be a uehqq bqatf eqorquef qh hixe qt oqte uehqq eauutqqou hqt itafeu ; thtqwih 32 fqeu nqt oeobetu ehquen b{ xqte qh the eeetqtu in a nqnratti/ ezeeef 25 utwfentu0 uan eeetiqn hqt arrtqrtiate{ utaiietef tetou qh hqwt {eatu, au rtqxifef b{ aw0 Vhe eauu uize teqwiteoentu qh thiu uwbueetiqn fq nqt (b) Vhe uehqq bqatf uha qretate, eqnttq anf arr{ tq ezttaewttiewat eauueu0 Pa{oent qh the equtu uwretxiue a htee rwbie uehqqu within the uehqq auuqeiatef with tefweini eauu uize tq oeet theue fiuttiet anf fetetoine the tate qh uehqq fiuttiet tazeu teqwiteoentu iu the teurqnuibiit{ qh the utate anf nqt within the ioitu rteuetibef hetein0 Vwq qt oqte uehqq qh qea uehqqu fiuttietu0 Deiinnini with the 2225/2226 fiuttietu oa{ qretate anf hinanee qint efweatiqna hiuea {eat, the eiiuatwte uha rtqxife uwhhieient hwnfu rtqitaou0 tq tefwee the axetaie nwobet qh utwfentu in eaeh J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 eauutqqo b{ at eaut twq utwfentu ret {eat wnti the 33, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 oaziowo nwobet qh utwfentu ret eauutqqo fqeu nqt ezeeef the teqwiteoentu qh thiu uwbueetiqn0 SGEVKQP 50 Swret�ntenfent qh uehqqu0´Kn (b) Gxet{ hqwt/{eat qf ehif in Hqtifa uha be eaeh uehqq fiuttiet thete uha be a uwretintenfent qh rtqxifef b{ the State a hiih qwait{ rte/infetiatten uehqqu whq uha be eeetef at the ieneta eeetiqn in eatnini qrrqttwnit{ in the hqto qh an eat{ ehifhqqf eaeh {eat the nwobet qh whieh iu a owtire qh hqwt hqt a fexeqroent anf efweatiqn rtqitao whieh uha be teto qh hqwt {eatu; qt, when rtqxifef b{ teuqwtiqn qh the xqwntat{, hiih qwait{, htee, anf feixetef aeeqtfini tq fiuttiet uehqq bqatf, qt b{ ureeia aw, arrtqxef b{ rtqheuuiqna{ aeeertef utanfatfu0 An eat{ ehifhqqf xqte qh the eeetqtu, the fiuttiet uehqq uwretintenfent in fexeqroent anf efweatiqn rtqitao oeanu an qtia/ an{ uehqq fiuttiet uha be eorq{ef b{ the fiuttiet nizef rtqitao feuiinef tq affteuu anf enhanee eaeh uehqq bqatf au rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw0 Vhe teuqwtiqn 58 ATVKENG KZ EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG Z qt ureeia aw oa{ be teueinfef qt tereaef b{ eithet eaut twexe ahhitoatixe xqteu qh the oeobetu qh the rtqeefwte ahtet hqwt {eatu0 bqatf qh iqxetnqtu, ih arrtqxa b{ the bqatf qh J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 iqxetnqtu iu teqwitef b{ ieneta aw, in qtfet tq tae 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 ehheet0 A hee wnfet thiu uwbueetiqn uha nqt inewfe SGEVKQP 80 State uehqq hwnf0´Vhe ineqoe twitiqn0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Awiwut fetixef htqo the utate uehqq hwnf uha, anf the 8, 2222; afqrtef 2222; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, rtineira qh the hwnf oa{, be arrtqrtiatef, bwt qn{ tq Texiuiqn Pq0 2, 2238, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ ;, 2238; afqrtef 22380 the uwrrqtt anf oaintenanee qh htee rwbie uehqqu0 SGEVKQP 80 State Eqeie S{uteo0´ SGEVKQP 90 State Wn�xetu�t{ S{uteo0´ (a) PWTPQSGS0 Kn qtfet tq aehiexe ezeeenee (a) PWTPQSGS0 Kn qtfet tq aehiexe ezeeenee anf tq rtqxife aeeeuu tq wnfetitafwate efweatiqn tq thtqwih teaehini utwfentu, afxaneini teueateh anf the utwfentu qh thiu utate; tq qtiiinate attiewatef rath/ rtqxifini rwbie uetxiee hqt the benehit qh Hqtifa'u wa{u tq a baeeaawteate feitee; tq enuwte uwretiqt eitizenu, theit eqoownitieu anf eeqnqoieu, the reqre eqooitoent tq teaehini anf eatnini; anf tq teurqnf heteb{ eutabiuh a u{uteo qh iqxetnanee hqt the utate qwie{ anf ehhieient{ tq oeet the feoanf qh eqoow/ wnixetuit{ u{uteo qh Hqtifa0 nitieu b{ aiinini eettihieate anf feitee rtqitaou with (b) SVAVG WPKVGTSKVY SYSVGM0 Vhete uha be qea anf teiiqna wqthqtee neefu, the reqre heteb{ a uinie utate wnixetuit{ u{uteo eqortiuef qh a rwbie eutabiuh a u{uteo qh iqxetnanee hqt the utate eqeie wnixetuitieu0 A bqatf qh ttwuteeu uha afoiniutet eaeh u{uteo qh Hqtifa0 rwbie wnixetuit{ anf a bqatf qh iqxetnqtu uha iqxetn (b) SVAVG EQNNGGG SYSVGM0 Vhete uha be a the utate wnixetuit{ u{uteo0 uinie utate eqeie u{uteo eqortiuef qh a rwbie (e) NQEAN DQATDS QH VTWSVGGS0 Gaeh qea eqoownit{ anf utate eqeieu0 A qea bqatf qh ttwuteeu eqnutitwent wnixetuit{ uha be afoiniutetef b{ a bqatf uha iqxetn eaeh utate eqeie u{uteo inutitwtiqn anf qh ttwuteeu eqnuiutini qh thitteen oeobetu fefieatef tq the utate bqatf qh efweatiqn uha uwretxiue the utate the rwtrqueu qh the utate wnixetuit{ u{uteo0 Vhe bqatf eqeie u{uteo0 qh iqxetnqtu uha eutabiuh the rqwetu anf fwtieu qh the (e) NQEAN DQATDS QH VTWSVGGS0 Gaeh utate bqatfu qh ttwuteeu0 Gaeh bqatf qh ttwuteeu uha eqnuiut eqeie u{uteo inutitwtiqn uha be iqxetnef b{ a qea qh uiz eitizen oeobetu arrqintef b{ the iqxetnqt anf bqatf qh ttwuteeu fefieatef tq the rwtrqueu qh the utate hixe eitizen oeobetu arrqintef b{ the bqatf qh iqxet/ eqeie u{uteo0 A oeobet qh a bqatf qh ttwuteeu owut nqtu0 Vhe arrqintef oeobetu uha be eqnhitoef b{ the be a teuifent qh the uetxiee feixet{ atea qh the eqeie0 uenate anf uetxe utaiietef tetou qh hixe {eatu au Vhe rqwetu anf fwtieu qh the bqatfu qh ttwuteeu uha be rtqxifef b{ aw0 Vhe ehait qh the haewt{ uenate, qt the rtqxifef b{ aw0 Gaeh oeobet uha be arrqintef b{ eqwixaent, anf the rteuifent qh the utwfent bqf{ qh the the iqxetnqt tq utaiietef 6/{eat tetou, uwbeet tq wnixetuit{ uha auq be oeobetu0 eqnhitoatiqn b{ the uenate0 (f) SVAVGYKDG DQATD QH GQVGTPQTS0 Vhe (f) TQNG QH VJG SVAVG DQATD QH GDWEA/ bqatf qh iqxetnqtu uha be a bqf{ eqtrqtate eqnuiutini qh uexenteen oeobetu0 Vhe bqatf uha qretate, VKQP0 Vhe utate bqatf qh efweatiqn uha uwretxiue the utate eqeie u{uteo au rtqxifef b{ aw0 teiwate, eqnttq, anf be hw{ teurqnuibe hqt the J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 2, oanaieoent qh the whqe wnixetuit{ u{uteo0 Vheue 2238, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ ;, 2238; afqrtef 22380 teurqnuibiitieu uha inewfe, bwt nqt be ioitef tq, fehinini the fiutinetixe oiuuiqn qh eaeh eqnutitwent ATVKENG Z wnixetuit{ anf itu attiewatiqn with htee rwbie uehqqu anf eqoownit{ eqeieu, enuwtini the we/rannef MKSEGNNAPGQWS eqqtfinatiqn anf qretatiqn qh the u{uteo, anf axqifini wautehw fwrieatiqn qh haeiitieu qt rtqitaou0 Vhe See0 bqatf'u oanaieoent uha be uwbeet tq the rqwetu qh the eiiuatwte tq arrtqrtiate hqt the ezrenfitwte qh 30 Aoenfoentu tq Wnitef Stateu Eqnutitwtiqn0 hwnfu, anf the bqatf uha aeeqwnt hqt uweh ezrenfi/ 20 Miitia0 twteu au rtqxifef b{ aw0 Vhe iqxetnqt uha arrqint tq 50 Vaeane{ in qhhiee0 the bqatf hqwtteen eitizenu fefieatef tq the rwtrqueu qh 60 Jqoeuteaf; ezeortiqnu0 the utate wnixetuit{ u{uteo0 Vhe arrqintef oeobetu 50 Eqxettwte anf rtqrett{0 uha be eqnhitoef b{ the uenate anf uetxe utaiietef 80 Goinent fqoain0 tetou qh uexen {eatu au rtqxifef b{ aw0 Vhe eqooiu/ 90 Nqttetieu0 uiqnet qh efweatiqn, the ehait qh the afxiuqt{ eqwnei qh 80 Eenuwu0 haewt{ uenateu, qt the eqwixaent, anf the rteuifent qh ;0 Terea qh etioina utatwteu0 the Hqtifa utwfent auuqeiatiqn, qt the eqwixaent, uha 320 Heqn{; fehinitiqn0 auq be oeobetu qh the bqatf0 330 Sqxeteiint{ anfu0 (e) HGGS0 An{ rtqrqua qt aetiqn qh a eqnutitwent 320 Tweu qh eqnuttwetiqn0 wnixetuit{ tq taiue, iorque, qt awthqtize an{ hee, au 350 Switu aiainut the utate0 awthqtizef b{ aw, owut be arrtqxef b{ at eaut nine 360 State tetiteoent u{uteou benehit ehanieu0 ahhitoatixe xqteu qh the oeobetu qh the bqatf qh 350 State qretatef qttetieu0 ttwuteeu qh the eqnutitwent wnixetuit{, ih arrtqxa b{ 380 Nioitini oatine net hiuhini0 the bqatf qh ttwuteeu iu teqwitef b{ ieneta aw, anf at 390 Gxetiafeu Vtwut Hwnf0 5; ATVKENG Z EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG Z
See0 arrqintef tq qhhiee tq qwaih{ within thitt{ fa{u htqo the eqooeneeoent qh the teto0 380 Diurquitiqn qh eqnuetxatiqn anfu0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 3;0 ]Tereaef_ 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 220 Yqtraeeu withqwt tqbaeeq uoqe qt xarqt0 SGEVKQP 60 Jqoeuteaf; ezeort�qnu0´ 230 Nioitini etwe anf inhwoane eqnhineoent qh riiu (a) Vhete uha be ezeort htqo hqteef uae wnfet fwtini rteinane{0 rtqeeuu qh an{ eqwtt, anf nq wfioent, feetee qt 220 Patenta nqtiee qh tetoinatiqn qh a oinqt'u rtei/ ezeewtiqn uha be a ien theteqn, ezeert hqt the nane{0 ra{oent qh tazeu anf auueuuoentu theteqn, qbiiatiqnu 250 Sqt oaehineu0 eqnttaetef hqt the rwtehaue, iortqxeoent qt terait 260 Hqtifa oiniowo waie0 theteqh, qt qbiiatiqnu eqnttaetef hqt hqwue, hief qt 250 Patientu' tiiht tq nqw abqwt afxetue oefiea qthet abqt rethqtoef qn the teat{, the hqqwini ineifentu0 rtqrett{ qwnef b{ a natwta retuqn< 280 Ptqhibitiqn qh oefiea ieenue ahtet tereatef (3) a hqoeuteaf, ih qeatef qwtuife a ownieirait{, tq oefiea oartaetiee0 the eztent qh qne hwnftef uizt{ aeteu qh eqntiiwqwu anf 290 Eqortehenuixe Statewife Vqbaeeq Gfweatiqn anf iortqxeoentu theteqn, whieh uha nqt be tefweef Anf Ptexentiqn Ptqitao0 withqwt the qwnet'u eqnuent b{ teauqn qh uwbueqwent 280 Nanf Aeqwiuitiqn Vtwut Hwnf0 inewuiqn in a ownieirait{; qt ih qeatef within a 2;0 Mefiea oatiwana rtqfwetiqn, rquueuuiqn anf ownieirait{, tq the eztent qh qne/hah aete qh eqntiiwqwu wue0 anf, wrqn whieh the ezeortiqn uha be ioitef tq the 520 Vqtet eqnttq qh iaobini in Hqtifa0 teuifenee qh the qwnet qt the qwnet'u haoi{; 530 Death benehitu hqt uwtxixqtu qh hitut teurqnfetu (2) retuqna rtqrett{ tq the xawe qh qne thqwuanf anf oiitat{ oeobetu0 fqatu0 520 Ptqhibitiqn qn taeini qh anf waietini qn ite{/ (b) Vheue ezeortiqnu uha inwte tq the uwtxixini hqwnfu qt qthet fqiu0 urqwue qt heitu qh the qwnet0 (e) Vhe hqoeuteaf uha nqt be uwbeet tq fexiue ih SGEVKQP 30 Aoenfoentu tq Wn�tef Stateu Eqn/ the qwnet iu uwtxixef b{ urqwue qt oinqt ehif, ezeert ut�twt�qn0´Vhe eiiuatwte uha nqt tae aetiqn qn an{ the hqoeuteaf oa{ be fexiuef tq the qwnet'u urqwue ih rtqrquef aoenfoent tq the eqnutitwtiqn qh the Wnitef thete be nq oinqt ehif0 Vhe qwnet qh hqoeuteaf tea Stateu wneuu a oaqtit{ qh the oeobetu theteqh haxe eutate, qinef b{ the urqwue ih oattief, oa{ aienate the been eeetef ahtet the rtqrquef aoenfoent hau been hqoeuteaf b{ oqttiaie, uae qt iiht anf, ih oattief, uwboittef hqt tatihieatiqn0 oa{ b{ feef ttanuhet the tite tq an eutate b{ the entitet{ with the urqwue0 Kh the qwnet qt urqwue iu ineqoretent, SGEVKQP 20 M��t�a0´ the oethqf qh aienatiqn qt enewobtanee uha be au (a) Vhe oiitia uha be eqorquef qh a abebqfief rtqxifef b{ aw0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 6526, 3;92; afqrtef 3;92; Ao0 J0J0T0 62, 3;85; afqrtef inhabitantu qh the utate whq ate qt haxe feeatef theit 3;86; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 35, 3;;8, intentiqn tq beeqoe eitizenu qh the Wnitef Stateu; anf nq hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 retuqn beeawue qh teiiiqwu eteef qt qriniqn uha be ezeortef htqo oiitat{ fwt{ ezeert wrqn eqnfitiqnu SGEVKQP 50 Eqxettwte anf rtqrett{0´Vhete rtqxifef b{ aw0 uha be nq fiutinetiqn between oattief wqoen anf (b) Vhe qtianizini, eqwirrini, hqwuini, oaintainini, oattief oen in the hqfini, eqnttq, fiurquitiqn, qt anf fiueirinini qh the oiitia, anf the uaheeerini qh enewobetini qh theit rtqrett{, bqth tea anf retuqna; ezeert that fqwet qt ewtteu{ oa{ be eutabiuhef anf rwbie atou oa{ be rtqxifef hqt b{ aw0 teiwatef b{ aw0 (e) Vhe iqxetnqt uha arrqint a eqooiuuiqnef qhhieetu qh the oiitia, inewfini an afwtant ieneta whq SGEVKQP 80 Go�nent fqoa�n0´ uha be ehieh qh utahh0 Vhe arrqintoent qh a ieneta (a) Pq rtixate rtqrett{ uha be taen ezeert hqt a qhhieetu uha be uwbeet tq eqnhitoatiqn b{ the uenate0 rwbie rwtrque anf with hw eqorenuatiqn thetehqt raif (f) Vhe qwaihieatiqnu qh retuqnne anf qhhieetu qh the tq eaeh qwnet qt ueewtef b{ ferquit in the teiiutt{ qh the hefeta{ teeqinizef natiqna iwatf, inewfini the af/ eqwtt anf axaiabe tq the qwnet0 wtant ieneta, anf the itqwnfu anf rtqeeefiniu hqt (b) Ptqxiuiqn oa{ be oafe b{ aw hqt the taini qh theit fiueirine anf teoqxa uha eqnhqto tq the eaueoentu, b{ ie rtqeeefiniu, hqt the ftainaie qh the arrtqrtiate Wnitef Stateu ato{ qt ait hqtee teiwatiqnu anf qh qne retuqn qxet qt thtqwih the anf qh anqthet0 anf wuaieu0 (e) Ptixate rtqrett{ taen b{ eoinent fqoain rwt/ uwant tq a retitiqn tq initiate eqnfeonatiqn rtqeeefiniu SGEVKQP 50 Vaeane{ �n qhh�ee0´Vaeane{ in qhhiee hief qn qt ahtet Janwat{ 2, 2229, oa{ nqt be eqnxe{ef uha qeewt wrqn the eteatiqn qh an qhhiee, wrqn the tq a natwta retuqn qt rtixate entit{ ezeert au rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw rauuef b{ a thtee/hihthu xqte qh the feath, teoqxa htqo qhhiee, qt teuiinatiqn qh the inewo/ oeobetuhir qh eaeh hqwue qh the Neiiuatwte0 bent qt the inewobent'u uweeeuuiqn tq anqthet qhhiee, J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 358;, 2228; afqrtef 22280 wnezrainef abuenee hqt uizt{ eqnueewtixe fa{u, qt haiwte tq oaintain the teuifenee teqwitef when eeetef SGEVKQP 90 Nqttet�eu0´Nqttetieu, qthet than the qt arrqintef, anf wrqn haiwte qh qne eeetef qt t{reu qh rati/owtwe rqqu awthqtizef b{ aw au qh the 62 ATVKENG Z EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG Z ehheetixe fate qh thiu eqnutitwtiqn, ate heteb{ rtqhibitef SGEVKQP 360 State tet�teoent u{uteou beneh�t in thiu utate0 ehanieu0´A iqxetnoenta wnit teurqnuibe hqt an{ tetiteoent qt renuiqn u{uteo uwrrqttef in whqe qt in SGEVKQP 80 Eenuwu0´ ratt b{ rwbie hwnfu uha nqt ahtet Janwat{ 3, 3;99, (a) Gaeh feeennia eenuwu qh the utate taen b{ the rtqxife an{ ineteaue in the benehitu tq the oeobetu qt Wnitef Stateu uha be an qhhieia eenuwu qh the utate0 benehieiatieu qh uweh u{uteo wneuu uweh wnit hau oafe (b) Gaeh feeennia eenuwu, hqt the rwtrque qh qt eqnewttent{ oaeu rtqxiuiqn hqt the hwnfini qh the eauuihieatiqnu bauef wrqn rqrwatiqn, uha beeqoe ineteaue in benehitu qn a uqwnf aetwatia bauiu0 ehheetixe qn the thittieth fa{ ahtet the hina afqwtnoent J�utqt{0´Affef, J0J0T0 2;3, 3;95; afqrtef 3;980 qh the teiwat ueuuiqn qh the eiiuatwte eqnxenef nezt ahtet eettihieatiqn qh the eenuwu0 SGEVKQP 350 State qretatef qttet�eu0´ (a) Nqttetieu oa{ be qretatef b{ the utate0 SGEVKQP ;0 Terea qh et�o�na utatwteu0´ Te/ (b) Kh an{ uwbueetiqn qt uwbueetiqnu qh the aoenf/ rea qh a etioina utatwte uha nqt ahheet rtqueewtiqn hqt oent tq the Hqtifa Eqnutitwtiqn ate hef wneqnutitw/ tiqna hqt eqntainini oqte than qne uwbeet, thiu an{ etioe eqooittef behqte uweh terea0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 8, aoenfoent uha be ioitef tq uwbueetiqn (a) abqxe0 2238, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ ;, 2238; afqrtef 22380 (e) Vhiu aoenfoent uha be ioreoentef au hq/ qwu< SGEVKQP 320 Heqn{; feh�n�t�qn0´Vhe teto ¬he/ (3) Sehefwe´Qn the ehheetixe fate qh thiu aoenf/ qn{¹ au wuef hetein anf in the awu qh thiu utate uha oent, the qttetieu uha be nqwn au the Hqtifa oean an{ etioina qhhenue that iu rwniuhabe wnfet the Gfweatiqn Nqttetieu0 Pet rtqeeefu fetixef htqo the awu qh thiu utate, qt that wqwf be rwniuhabe ih qttetieu uha be ferquitef tq a utate ttwut hwnf, tq be eqooittef in thiu utate, b{ feath qt b{ iortiuqnoent feuiinatef Vhe State Gfweatiqn Nqttetieu Vtwut Hwnf, tq in the utate renitentiat{0 be arrtqrtiatef b{ the Neiiuatwte0 Vhe uehefwe oa{ be aoenfef b{ ieneta aw0 SGEVKQP 330 Sqxete�int{ anfu0´Vhe tite tq J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Jwne 32, 3;85; afqrtef 3;880 anfu wnfet naxiiabe watetu, within the bqwnfatieu qh the utate, whieh haxe nqt been aienatef, inewfini SGEVKQP 380 N�o�t�ni oat�ne net h�uh�ni0´ beaeheu beqw oean hiih watet ineu, iu hef b{ the (a) Vhe oatine teuqwteeu qh the State qh Hqtifa utate, b{ xittwe qh itu uqxeteiint{, in ttwut hqt a the beqni tq a qh the reqre qh the utate anf uhqwf be reqre0 Sae qh uweh anfu oa{ be awthqtizef b{ aw, eqnuetxef anf oanaief hqt the benehit qh the utate, itu bwt qn{ when in the rwbie inteteut0 Ptixate wue qh reqre, anf hwtwte ienetatiqnu0 Vq thiu enf the reqre rqttiqnu qh uweh anfu oa{ be awthqtizef b{ aw, bwt heteb{ enaet ioitatiqnu qn oatine net hiuhini in Hqtifa qn{ when nqt eqnttat{ tq the rwbie inteteut0 watetu tq rtqteet uatwatet hinhiuh, uhehiuh, anf qthet J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 9;2, 3;92; afqrtef 3;920 oatine anioau htqo wnneeeuuat{ iini, qxethiuhini anf waute0 SGEVKQP 320 Tweu qh eqnuttwet�qn0´Wneuu (b) Hqt the rwtrque qh eatehini qt taini an{ uat/ qwaihief in the tezt the hqqwini tweu qh eqnuttwetiqn watet hinhiuh, uhehiuh qt qthet oatine anioau in Hqtifa uha arr{ tq thiu eqnutitwtiqn0 watetu< (a) ¬Jetein¹ tehetu tq the entite eqnutitwtiqn0 (3) Pq ii netu qt qthet entaniini netu uha be wuef (b) Vhe uiniwat inewfeu the rwta0 in an{ Hqtifa watetu; anf (e) Vhe oauewine inewfeu the heoinine0 (2) Kn affitiqn tq the rtqhibitiqn uet hqtth in (3), nq (f) ¬Vqte qh the eeetqtu¹ oeanu the xqte qh the qthet t{re qh net eqntainini oqte than 522 uqwate heet oaqtit{ qh thque xqtini qn the oattet in an eeetiqn, qh oeuh atea uha be wuef in neatuhqte anf inuhqte ieneta qt ureeia, in whieh thque rattieiratini ate Hqtifa watetu0 Affitiqna{, nq oqte than twq uweh ioitef tq the eeetqtu qh the iqxetnoenta wnit tehettef netu, whieh uha nqt be eqnneetef, uha be wuef htqo tq in the tezt0 an{ xeuue, anf nq retuqn nqt qn a xeuue uha wue (e) Vqte qt qthet aetiqn qh a eiiuatixe hqwue qt oqte than qne uweh net in neatuhqte anf inuhqte qthet iqxetnoenta bqf{ oeanu the xqte qt aetiqn qh a Hqtifa watetu0 oaqtit{ qt qthet ureeihief reteentaie qh thque oeo/ (e) Hqt rwtrqueu qh thiu ueetiqn< betu xqtini qn the oattet0 ¬Qh the oeobetuhir¹ oeanu (3) ¬ii net¹ oeanu qne qt oqte wau qh nettini ¬qh a oeobetu theteqh0¹ whieh eartwteu uatwatet hinhiuh b{ enunatini qt entan/ (h) Vhe tetou ¬wfieia qhhiee,¹ ¬wutieeu¹ anf ¬wfieu¹ iini theo in the oeuheu qh the net b{ the iiu, anf uha nqt inewfe wfieu qh eqwttu eutabiuhef uqe{ hqt ¬entaniini net¹ oeanu a ftiht net, ttaooe net, utab the ttia qh xiqatiqnu qh qtfinaneeu0 net, qt an{ qthet net whieh eartwteu uatwatet hinhiuh, (i) ¬Sreeia aw¹ oeanu a ureeia qt qea aw0 uhehiuh, qt qthet oatine anioau b{ eawuini a qt ratt (h) Viteu anf uwbtiteu uha nqt be wuef in eqn/ qh heafu, hinu, eiu, qt qthet bqf{ rattu tq beeqoe uttwetiqn0 entanief qt enunatef in the oeuheu qh the net, bwt a hanf thtqwn eaut net iu nqt a ii net qt an entaniini SGEVKQP 350 Sw�tu aia�nut the utate0´Ptqxiuiqn net; oa{ be oafe b{ ieneta aw hqt btiniini uwit aiainut the (2) ¬oeuh atea¹ qh a net oeanu the tqta atea qh utate au tq a iabiitieu nqw eziutini qt heteahtet nettini with the oeuheu qren tq eqortiue the oaziowo qtiiinatini0 uqwate hqqtaie0 Vhe uqwate hqqtaie uha be eaewatef 63 ATVKENG Z EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG Z wuini utanfatf oatheoatiea hqtowau hqt ieqoettie texenwe au fetetoinef b{ the Neiiuatwte; anf an{ uhareu0 Seineu anf qthet teetaniwat netu uha be qthet hwnfu uq feuiinatef b{ the Neiiuatwte, b{ the eaewatef wuini the oaziowo enith anf oaziowo Wnitef Stateu Eqniteuu qt b{ an{ qthet iqxetnoenta wifth qh the nettini0 Vtawu anf qthet bai t{re netu uha entit{0 be eaewatef au a eqne wuini the oaziowo eitewohet/ (e) Hwnfu ferquitef tq the Gxetiafeu Vtwut Hwnf enee qh the net oqwth tq fetixe the tafiwu, anf the uha be ezrenfef hqt rwtrqueu qh eqnuetxatiqn anf oaziowo enith htqo the net oqwth tq the tai enf qh the rtqteetiqn qh natwta teuqwteeu anf abateoent qh watet net tq fetixe the uant heiiht0 Eaewatiqnu hqt an{ qthet rqwtiqn in the Gxetiafeu Ptqteetiqn Atea anf Gxet/ netu qt eqobinatiqn t{re netu uha be bauef qn the iafeu Aitiewtwta Atea0 uhareu qh the infixifwa eqorqnentu; (f) Hqt rwtrqueu qh thiu uwbueetiqn, the tetou (5) ¬eqautine¹ oeanu the tettitqtia uea baue ine hqt ¬Gxetiafeu Ptqteetiqn Atea,¹ ¬Gxetiafeu Aitiewtwta the State qh Hqtifa eutabiuhef rwtuwant tq the awu qh Atea¹ anf ¬Sqwth Hqtifa Yatet Manaieoent Diuttiet¹ the Wnitef Stateu qh Aoetiea; uha haxe the oeaniniu au fehinef in utatwteu in ehheet (6) ¬Hqtifa watetu¹ oeanu the watetu qh the Atantie qn Janwat{ 3, 3;;80 Qeean, the Gwh qh Mezieq, the Sttaitu qh Hqtifa, anf J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Mateh an{ qthet bqfieu qh watet wnfet the wtiufietiqn qh the 28, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 State qh Hqtifa, whethet eqauta, inttaeqauta qt inanf, SGEVKQP 380 D�urqu�t�qn qh eqnuetxat�qn anfu0 anf an{ ratt theteqh; anf Vhe hee inteteut in tea rtqrett{ hef b{ an entit{ qh the (5) ¬neatuhqte anf inuhqte Hqtifa watetu¹ oeanu utate anf feuiinatef hqt natwta teuqwteeu eqnuetxatiqn a Hqtifa watetu inuife a ine thtee oieu ueawatf qh the rwtrqueu au rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw uha be oanaief eqautine aqni the Gwh qh Mezieq anf inuife a ine qne hqt the benehit qh the eitizenu qh thiu utate anf oa{ be oie ueawatf qh the eqautine aqni the Atantie Qeean0 fiurquef qh qn{ ih the oeobetu qh the iqxetnini bqatf (f) Vhiu ueetiqn uha nqt arr{ tq the wue qh netu hqt qh the entit{ hqfini tite fetetoine the rtqrett{ iu nq ueientihie teueateh qt iqxetnoenta rwtrqueu0 qniet neefef hqt eqnuetxatiqn rwtrqueu anf qn{ wrqn (e) Petuqnu xiqatini thiu ueetiqn uha be rtque/ a xqte qh twq/thitfu qh the iqxetnini bqatf0 ewtef anf rwniuhef rwtuwant tq the renatieu rtqxifef J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 5, in ueetiqn 5920223(2)(a),(b),(e)80 anf 90, anf (e), Hqtifa 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 Statwteu (3;;3), wneuu anf wnti the eiiuatwte enaetu oqte uttinient renatieu hqt xiqatiqnu heteqh0 Qn anf SGEVKQP 3;0 ]Tereaef_´ ahtet the ehheetixe fate qh thiu ueetiqn, aw enhqteeoent J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Serteobet 5, 3;;;; afqrtef 2222; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with qhhieetu in the utate ate awthqtizef tq enhqtee the the Seetetat{ qh State Hebtwat{ 38, 2226; afqrtef 2226; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu ueetiqn in the uaoe oannet anf Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 8, 2238, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ ;, 2238; afqrtef 22380 awthqtit{ au ih a xiqatiqn qh thiu ueetiqn eqnutitwtef a xiqatiqn qh Ehartet 592, Hqtifa Statwteu (3;;3)0 SGEVKQP 220 Yqtraeeu w�thqwt tqbaeeq (h) Kt iu the intent qh thiu ueetiqn that ioreoentini uoqe qt xarqt0´ eiiuatiqn iu nqt teqwitef hqt enhqteini an{ xiqatiqnu (a) PTQJKDKVKQP0 Au a Hqtifa heath initiatixe tq heteqh, bwt nqthini in thiu ueetiqn rtqhibitu the eutabiuh/ rtqteet reqre htqo the heath hazatfu qh ueeqnf/hanf oent b{ aw qt rwtuwant tq aw qh oqte teuttietiqnu qn tqbaeeq uoqe anf xarqt, tqbaeeq uoqini anf the the wue qh netu hqt the rwtrque qh eatehini qt taini an{ wue qh xarqt/ienetatini eeettqnie fexieeu ate rtqhib/ uatwatet hinhiuh, uhehiuh, qt qthet oatine anioau0 itef in enequef infqqt wqtraeeu0 Vhiu ueetiqn fqeu (i) Kh an{ rqttiqn qh thiu ueetiqn iu hef inxaif hqt an{ nqt rteewfe the afqrtiqn qh qtfinaneeu that iorque teauqn, the teoainini rqttiqn qh thiu ueetiqn, tq the oqte teuttietixe teiwatiqn qn the wue qh xarqt/ienetat/ hweut eztent rquuibe, uha be uexetef htqo the xqif ini eeettqnie fexieeu than iu rtqxifef in thiu ueetiqn0 rqttiqn anf iixen the hweut rquuibe hqtee anf arriea/ (b) GZEGPVKQPS0 Au hwtthet ezrainef in the tiqn0 fehinitiqnu beqw, tqbaeeq uoqini anf the wue qh (h) Vhiu ueetiqn uha tae ehheet qn the Jw{ 3 nezt xarqt/ienetatini eeettqnie fexieeu oa{ be retoittef qeewttini ahtet arrtqxa heteqh b{ xqte qh the eeetqtu0 in rtixate teuifeneeu whenexet the{ ate nqt beini wuef J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Qetqbet 2, 3;;2; afqrtef 3;;60 eqooeteia{ tq rtqxife ehif eate, afwt eate, qt heath eate, qt an{ eqobinatiqn theteqh; anf hwtthet oa{ be SGEVKQP 390 Gxetiafeu Vtwut Hwnf0´ retoittef in tetai tqbaeeq uhqru, xarqt/ienetatini (a) Vhete iu heteb{ eutabiuhef the Gxetiafeu eeettqnie fexiee tetaietu, feuiinatef uoqini iweut Vtwut Hwnf, whieh uha nqt be uwbeet tq tetoinatiqn tqqou at hqteu anf qthet rwbie qfiini eutabiuh/ rwtuwant tq Attiee KKK, Seetiqn 3;(h)0 Vhe rwtrque qh the oentu; anf utanf/aqne batu0 Jqwexet, nqthini in thiu Gxetiafeu Vtwut Hwnf iu tq oae hwnfu axaiabe tq ueetiqn qt in itu ioreoentini eiiuatiqn qt teiwatiqnu auuiut in eqnuetxatiqn anf rtqteetiqn qh natwta te/ uha rtqhibit the qwnet, euuee, qt qthet retuqn in uqwteeu anf abateoent qh watet rqwtiqn in the Gxet/ eqnttq qh the wue qh an enequef infqqt wqtraee htqo iafeu Ptqteetiqn Atea anf the Gxetiafeu Aitiewtwta hwtthet rtqhibitini qt ioitini uoqini qt the wue qh Atea0 Vhe ttwut hwnf uha be afoiniutetef b{ the Sqwth xarqt/ienetatini eeettqnie fexieeu thetein0 Hqtifa Yatet Manaieoent Diuttiet, qt itu uweeeuuqt (e) DGHKPKVKQPS0 Hqt rwtrqueu qh thiu ueetiqn, aiene{, eqnuiutent with utatwtqt{ aw0 the hqqwini wqtfu anf tetou uha haxe the utatef (b) Vhe Gxetiafeu Vtwut Hwnf oa{ teeeixe hwnfu oeaniniu< htqo an{ uqwtee, inewfini iihtu htqo infixifwau, (3) ¬Soqini¹ oeanu inhaini, ezhaini, bwtnini, eqtrqtatiqnu qt qthet entitieu; hwnfu htqo ieneta eatt{ini, qt rquueuuini an{ iihtef tqbaeeq rtqfwet, 62 ATVKENG Z EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG Z inewfini eiiatetteu, eiiatu, rire tqbaeeq, anf an{ qthet uae qh hqqf qt an{ qthet rtqfwet qt uetxiee iu oqte than iihtef tqbaeeq rtqfwet0 an ineifenta uqwtee qh itquu texenwe0 (2) ¬Seeqnf/hanf uoqe,¹ auq nqwn au enxitqn/ (;) ¬Varqt/ienetatini eeettqnie fexiee¹ oeanu an{ oenta tqbaeeq uoqe (GVS), oeanu uoqe eoittef rtqfwet that eorq{u an eeettqnie, a eheoiea, qt a htqo iihtef, uoqfetini, qt bwtnini tqbaeeq when the oeehaniea oeanu earabe qh rtqfweini xarqt qt uoqet iu nqt inhaini; uoqe eoittef at the oqwth/ aetquq htqo a nieqtine rtqfwet qt an{ qthet uwbutanee, rieee fwtini rwhh ftawini; anf uoqe ezhaef b{ the inewfini, bwt nqt ioitef tq, an eeettqnie eiiatette, uoqet0 eeettqnie eiiat, eeettqnie eiiatiq, eeettqnie rire, qt (5) ¬Yqt¹ oeanu an{ retuqn'u rtqxifini an{ eo/ qthet uioiat fexiee qt rtqfwet, an{ teraeeoent rq{oent qt eorq{oent/t{re uetxiee hqt qt at the eatttifie hqt uweh fexiee, anf an{ qthet eqntainet qh teqweut qh anqthet infixifwa qt infixifwau qt an{ rwbie a uqwtiqn qt qthet uwbutanee intenfef tq be wuef with qt qt rtixate entit{, whethet hqt eqorenuatiqn qt nqt, within an eeettqnie eiiatette, eeettqnie eiiat, eeettqnie whethet hw qt ratt/tioe, whethet eia{ qt nqt0 eiiatiq, eeettqnie rire, qt qthet uioiat fexiee qt ¬Yqt¹ inewfeu, withqwt ioitatiqn, an{ uweh uetxiee rtqfwet0 rethqtoef b{ an eorq{ee, inferenfent eqnttaetqt, (32) ¬Varqt/ienetatini eeettqnie fexiee tetaiet¹ aient, rattnet, rtqrtietqt, oanaiet, qhhieet, fiteetqt, oeanu an{ enequef infqqt wqtraee fefieatef tq qt arrtentiee, ttainee, auuqeiate, uetxant, xqwnteet, anf rtefqoinant{ hqt the tetai uae qh xarqt/ienetatini the ie0 eeettqnie fexieeu anf eqorqnentu, rattu, anf aeeeu/ (6) ¬Gnequef infqqt wqtraee¹ oeanu an{ raee uqtieu hqt uweh rtqfwetu, in whieh the uae qh qthet whete qne qt oqte retuqnu eniaieu in wqt, anf whieh rtqfwetu qt uetxieeu iu oete{ ineifenta0 raee iu rtefqoinant{ qt tqta{ bqwnfef qn a uifeu (f) NGGKSNAVKQP0 Kn the nezt teiwat eiiuatixe anf abqxe b{ rh{uiea battietu, teiatfeuu qh whethet ueuuiqn qeewttini ahtet xqtet arrtqxa qh thiu ueetiqn qt uweh battietu eqnuiut qh qt inewfe wneqxetef qreniniu, an{ aoenfoent tq thiu ueetiqn, the eiiuatwte uha ueteenef qt qthetwiue rattia{ eqxetef qreniniu; qt afqrt eiiuatiqn tq ioreoent thiu ueetiqn anf an{ qren qt equef winfqwu, aqwuieu, fqqtu, qt the ie0 aoenfoent tq thiu ueetiqn in a oannet eqnuiutent with Vhiu ueetiqn arrieu tq a uweh enequef infqqt wqt/ itu btqaf rwtrque anf utatef tetou, anf haxini an raeeu withqwt teiatf tq whethet wqt iu qeewttini at ehheetixe fate nq atet than Jw{ 3 qh the {eat hqqwini an{ iixen tioe0 xqtet arrtqxa0 Sweh eiiuatiqn uha inewfe, withqwt (5) ¬Eqooeteia¹ wue qh a rtixate teuifenee oeanu ioitatiqn, eixi renatieu hqt xiqatiqnu qh thiu ueetiqn; an{ tioe fwtini whieh the qwnet, euuee, qt qthet rtqxiuiqnu hqt afoiniuttatixe enhqteeoent; anf the retuqn qeewr{ini qt eqnttqini the wue qh the rtixate teqwiteoent anf awthqtizatiqn qh aiene{ tweu hqt teuifenee iu hwtniuhini in the rtixate teuifenee, qt ioreoentatiqn anf enhqteeoent0 Vhiu ueetiqn fqeu eawuini qt aqwini tq be hwtniuhef in the rtixate nqt rteewfe the eiiuatwte htqo enaetini an{ aw teuifenee, ehif eate, afwt eate, qt heath eate, qt eqnutitwtini qt aqwini a oqte teuttietixe teiwatiqn qh an{ eqobinatiqn theteqh, anf teeeixini qt ezreetini tq tqbaeeq uoqini qt the wue qh xarqt/ienetatini eee/ teeeixe eqorenuatiqn thetehqt0 ttqnie fexieeu than iu rtqxifef in thiu ueetiqn0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ (8) ¬Tetai tqbaeeq uhqr¹ oeanu an{ enequef in/ 32, 2222; afqrtef 2222; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, fqqt wqtraee fefieatef tq qt rtefqoinant{ hqt the Texiuiqn Pq0 6, 2238, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ ;, 2238; afqrtef 22380 tetai uae qh tqbaeeq, tqbaeeq rtqfwetu, anf aeeeu/ uqtieu hqt uweh rtqfwetu, in whieh the uae qh qthet 3SGEVKQP 230 N�o�t�ni etwe anf �nhwoane eqn/ rtqfwetu qt uetxieeu iu oete{ ineifenta0 h�neoent qh r�iu fwt�ni rteinane{0´Knhwoane (9) ¬Deuiinatef uoqini iweut tqqou at rwbie tteatoent qh anioau iu a eqneetn qh Hqtifa eitizenu0 qfiini eutabiuhoentu¹ oeanu the ueerini tqqou Vq rtexent etwet{ tq eettain anioau anf au teeqo/ anf fiteet{ auuqeiatef rtixate ateau, uweh au bath/ oenfef b{ Vhe Jwoane Sqeiet{ qh the Wnitef Stateu, tqqou, ixini tqqou, anf itehen ateau, ih an{, tentef tq the reqre qh the State qh Hqtifa heteb{ ioit the etwe iweutu hqt theit ezewuixe ttanuient qeewrane{ in rwbie anf inhwoane eqnhineoent qh riiu fwtini rteinane{ au qfiini eutabiuhoentu inewfini hqteu, oqteu, teuqtt rtqxifef hetein0 eqnfqoiniwou, ttanuient arattoentu, ttanuient qfiini (a) Kt uha be wnawhw hqt an{ retuqn tq eqnhine a rii eutabiuhoentu, tqqoini hqwueu, bqatfini hqwueu, fwtini rteinane{ in an enequwte, qt tq tethet a rii teuqtt fweiniu, bef anf bteahaut innu, anf the ie; fwtini rteinane{, qn a hato in uweh a wa{ that uhe iu anf feuiinatef b{ the retuqn qt retuqnu haxini rtexentef htqo twtnini atqwnf htee{0 oanaieoent awthqtit{ qxet uweh rwbie qfiini eutab/ (b) Vhiu ueetiqn uha nqt arr{< iuhoent au tqqou in whieh uoqini oa{ be retoittef0 (3) when a rii iu wnfetiqini an ezaoinatiqn, teut, (8) ¬Stanf/aqne bat¹ oeanu an{ raee qh bwuineuu tteatoent qt qretatiqn eattief qwt hqt xetetinat{ rwt/ fexqtef fwtini an{ tioe qh qretatiqn rtefqoinant{ qt rqueu, rtqxifef the retiqf fwtini whieh the anioa iu tqta{ tq uetxini aeqhqie bexetaieu, intqzieatini eqnhinef qt tethetef iu nqt qniet than teauqnab{ bexetaieu, qt intqzieatini iqwqtu, qt an{ eqobinatiqn neeeuuat{0 theteqh, hqt eqnuwortiqn qn the ieenuef rteoiueu; in (2) fwtini the rtebitthini retiqf0 whieh the uetxini qh hqqf, ih an{, iu oete{ ineifenta tq (e) Hqt rwtrqueu qh thiu ueetiqn< the eqnuwortiqn qh an{ uweh bexetaie; anf that iu nqt (3) ¬enequwte¹ oeanu an{ eaie, etate qt qthet qeatef within, anf fqeu nqt uhate an{ eqooqn entt{/ enequwte in whieh a rii iu ert hqt a qt the oaqtit{ wa{ qt eqooqn infqqt atea with, an{ qthet enequef qh an{ fa{, inewfini what iu eqooqn{ feuetibef au the infqqt wqtraee inewfini an{ bwuineuu hqt whieh the ¬ieutatiqn etate0¹ 65 ATVKENG Z EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG Z
(2) ¬hato¹ oeanu the anf, bwifiniu, uwrrqtt haei/ (thqtqwihbtef anf hatneuu taeini, ite{hqwnf taeini, itieu, anf qthet arrwttenaneeu wuef in the rtqfwetiqn qh anf ai/aai) that haxe eqnfwetef ixe taeini qt iaoeu in anioau hqt hqqf qt hibet0 that eqwnt{ fwtini eaeh qh the aut twq eaenfat {eatu (5) ¬retuqn¹ oeanu an{ natwta retuqn, eqtrqtatiqn behqte the ehheetixe fate qh thiu aoenfoent0 Kh the anf/qt bwuineuu entit{0 xqtetu qh uweh eqwnt{ arrtqxe the tehetenfwo qweutiqn (6) ¬rii¹ oeanu an{ anioa qh the rqteine ureeieu0 b{ oaqtit{ xqte, uqt oaehineu uha be awthqtizef in (5) ¬twtnini atqwnf htee{¹ oeanu twtnini atqwnf uweh ratiowtwe haeiitieu0 Kh the xqtetu qh uweh eqwnt{ b{ withqwt haxini tq tqweh an{ uife qh the rii'u enequwte0 oaqtit{ xqte fiuarrtqxe the tehetenfwo qweutiqn, uqt (8) ¬rtebitthini retiqf¹ oeanu the uexen fa{ retiqf oaehineu uha nqt be uq awthqtizef, anf the qweutiqn rtiqt tq a rii'u ezreetef fate qh iixini bitth0 uha nqt be rteuentef in anqthet tehetenfwo in that (f) A retuqn whq xiqateu thiu ueetiqn uha be iwit{ eqwnt{ hqt at eaut twq {eatu0 qh a oiufeoeanqt qh the hitut feitee, rwniuhabe au (b) Kn the nezt teiwat Neiiuatixe ueuuiqn qeewttini rtqxifef in u0 9950282(6)(a), Hqtifa Statwteu (3;;;), au ahtet xqtet arrtqxa qh thiu eqnutitwtiqna aoenfoent, aoenfef, qt b{ a hine qh nqt oqte than &5222, qt b{ the Neiiuatwte uha afqrt eiiuatiqn ioreoentini thiu bqth iortiuqnoent anf a hine, wneuu anf wnti the ueetiqn anf haxini an ehheetixe fate nq atet than Jw{ 3 eiiuatwte enaetu oqte uttinient renatieu hqt xiqatiqnu qh the {eat hqqwini xqtet arrtqxa qh thiu aoenfoent0 heteqh0 Qn anf ahtet the ehheetixe fate qh thiu ueetiqn, Sweh eiiuatiqn uha awthqtize aiene{ tweu hqt io/ aw enhqteeoent qhhieetu in the utate ate awthqtizef tq reoentatiqn, anf oa{ inewfe rtqxiuiqnu hqt the enhqtee the rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu ueetiqn in the uaoe ieenuwte anf teiwatiqn qh uqt oaehineu0 Vhe Neiiu/ oannet anf awthqtit{ au ih a xiqatiqn qh thiu ueetiqn atwte oa{ taz uqt oaehine texenweu, anf an{ uweh eqnutitwtef a xiqatiqn qh Seetiqn 828035, Hqtifa tazeu owut uwrreoent rwbie efweatiqn hwnfini utate/ Statwteu (3;;;)0 Vhe eqnhineoent qt tethetini qh eaeh wife0 rii uha eqnutitwte a ueratate qhhenue0 Vhe nqwefie (e) Kh an{ ratt qh thiu ueetiqn iu hef inxaif hqt an{ qt aetu qh aientu anf eorq{eeu qh a retuqn in teiatf tq teauqn, the teoainini rqttiqn qt rqttiqnu uha be a rii qwnef, hatoef qt in the ewutqf{ qh a retuqn, uha uexetef htqo the inxaif rqttiqn anf iixen the hweut be hef tq be the nqwefie qt aet qh uweh retuqn0 rquuibe hqtee anf ehheet0 (e) Kt iu the intent qh thiu ueetiqn that ioreoentini (f) Vhiu aoenfoent uha beeqoe ehheetixe when eiiuatiqn iu nqt teqwitef hqt enhqteini an{ xiqatiqnu arrtqxef b{ xqte qh the eeetqtu qh the utate0 heteqh0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 28, 2222; afqrtef 22260 (h) Kh an{ rqttiqn qh thiu ueetiqn iu hef inxaif hqt an{ 3Pqte0´Vhiu ueetiqn, qtiiina{ feuiinatef ueetiqn 3; b{ Aoenfoent Pq0 6, teauqn, the teoainini rqttiqn qh thiu ueetiqn, tq the 2226, rtqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 28, 2222, afqrtef 2226, wau tefeuiinatef ueetiqn 25 b{ the efitqtu in qtfet tq axqif hweut eztent rquuibe, uha be uexetef htqo the xqif eqnhwuiqn with ateaf{ eziutini ueetiqn 3;, teatini tq the hiih ureef itqwnf rqttiqn anf iixen the hweut rquuibe hqtee anf arriea/ ttanurqttatiqn u{uteo0 tiqn0 (i) Vhiu ueetiqn uha tae ehheet uiz {eatu ahtet SGEVKQP 260 Hqt�fa o�n�owo waie0´ arrtqxa b{ the eeetqtu0 (a) PWDNKE PQNKEY0 A wqtini Hqtifianu ate J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Awiwut entitef tq be raif a oiniowo waie that iu uwhhieient tq 5, 2222; afqrtef 22220 3Pqte0´Vhiu ueetiqn, qtiiina{ feuiinatef ueetiqn 3; b{ Aoenfoent Pq0 32, rtqxife a feeent anf heath{ ihe hqt theo anf theit 2222, rtqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Awiwut 5, 2222, haoiieu, that rtqteetu theit eorq{etu htqo wnhait qw/ afqrtef 2222, wau tefeuiinatef ueetiqn 23 b{ the efitqtu in qtfet tq axqif eqnhwuiqn with ateaf{ eziutini ueetiqn 3;, teatini tq the hiih ureef itqwnf waie eqoretitiqn, anf that fqeu nqt hqtee theo tq te{ ttanurqttatiqn u{uteo, anf ueetiqn 22, teatini tq rtqhibitini wqtraee uoqini, au qn tazra{et/hwnfef rwbie uetxieeu in qtfet tq axqif eqntainef in Aoenfoent Pq0 8, rtqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 32, 2222, anf afqrtef in 22220 eeqnqoie hatfuhir0 (b) DGHKPKVKQPS0 Au wuef in thiu aoenfoent, the SGEVKQP 220 Patenta nqt�ee qh teto�nat�qn qh a tetou ¬Gorq{et,¹ ¬Gorq{ee¹ anf ¬Yaie¹ uha haxe o�nqt'u rteinane{0´Vhe Neiiuatwte uha nqt ioit qt the oeaniniu eutabiuhef wnfet the hefeta Hait Nabqt fen{ the rtixae{ tiiht iwatanteef tq a oinqt wnfet the Stanfatfu Aet (HNSA) anf itu ioreoentini teiwatiqnu0 Wnitef Stateu Eqnutitwtiqn au intetrtetef b{ the Wnitef (e) MKPKMWM YAGG0 Gorq{etu uha ra{ Go/ Stateu Swrteoe Eqwtt0 Pqtwithutanfini a oinqt'u tiiht rq{eeu Yaieu nq euu than the Miniowo Yaie hqt a qh rtixae{ rtqxifef in Seetiqn 25 qh Attiee K, the hqwtu wqtef in Hqtifa0 Siz oqnthu ahtet enaetoent, Neiiuatwte iu awthqtizef tq teqwite b{ ieneta aw hqt the Miniowo Yaie uha be eutabiuhef at an hqwt{ nqtihieatiqn tq a ratent qt iwatfian qh a oinqt behqte the tate qh &80350 Qn Serteobet 52th qh that {eat anf qn tetoinatiqn qh the oinqt'u rteinane{0 Vhe Neiiuatwte eaeh hqqwini Serteobet 52th, the utate Aiene{ hqt uha rtqxife ezeertiqnu tq uweh teqwiteoent hqt nqti/ Yqthqtee Knnqxatiqn uha eaewate an afwutef Mini/ hieatiqn anf uha eteate a rtqeeuu hqt wfieia waixet qh owo Yaie tate b{ ineteauini the ewttent Miniowo the nqtihieatiqn0 Yaie tate b{ the tate qh inhatiqn fwtini the twexe J�utqt{0´Affef, J0J0T0 3, 2226; afqrtef 22260 oqnthu rtiqt tq eaeh Serteobet 3ut wuini the eqnuwoet rtiee infez hqt wtban waie eatnetu anf eetiea wqtetu, 3SGEVKQP 250 Sqt oaeh�neu0´ EPK/Y, qt a uweeeuuqt infez au eaewatef b{ the Wnitef (a) Ahtet xqtet arrtqxa qh thiu eqnutitwtiqna aoenf/ Stateu Derattoent qh Nabqt0 Gaeh afwutef Miniowo oent, the iqxetnini bqfieu qh Miaoi/Dafe anf Dtqwatf Yaie tate eaewatef uha be rwbiuhef anf tae ehheet Eqwntieu eaeh oa{ hqf a eqwnt{/wife tehetenfwo in qn the hqqwini Janwat{ 3ut0 Hqt tirref Gorq{eeu theit teureetixe eqwntieu qn whethet tq awthqtize uqt oeetini eiiibiit{ teqwiteoentu hqt the tir etefit wnfet oaehineu within eziutini, ieenuef ratiowtwe haeiitieu the HNSA, Gorq{etu oa{ etefit tqwatfu uatiuhaetiqn qh 66 ATVKENG Z EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG Z the Miniowo Yaie tiru wr tq the aoqwnt qh the qthet retuqnu qt eitewoutaneeu, uha nqt be ahheetef b{ aqwabe HNSA tir etefit in 22250 uweh a hqfini anf uha eqntinwe in hw hqtee anf ehheet0 (f) TGVANKAVKQP PTQJKDKVGD0 Kt uha be wn/ Vq thiu enf, the rattu qh thiu aoenfoent ate uexetabe0 awhw hqt an Gorq{et qt an{ qthet ratt{ tq fiuetioinate J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Awiwut 9, 2225; afqrtef 22260 in an{ oannet qt tae afxetue aetiqn aiainut an{ retuqn in tetaiatiqn hqt ezeteiuini tiihtu rtqteetef 3SGEVKQP 250 Pat�entu' t�iht tq nqw abqwt wnfet thiu aoenfoent0 Tiihtu rtqteetef wnfet thiu afxetue oef�ea �ne�fentu0´ aoenfoent inewfe, bwt ate nqt ioitef tq, the tiiht tq (a) Kn affitiqn tq an{ qthet uioiat tiihtu rtqxifef hie a eqoraint qt inhqto an{ retuqn abqwt an{ ratt{'u hetein qt b{ ieneta aw, ratientu haxe a tiiht tq haxe aeief nqneqorianee with thiu aoenfoent, anf the aeeeuu tq an{ teeqtfu oafe qt teeeixef in the eqwtue qh tiiht tq inhqto an{ retuqn qh hiu qt het rqtentia tiihtu bwuineuu b{ a heath eate haeiit{ qt rtqxifet teatini tq wnfet thiu aoenfoent anf tq auuiut hio qt het in an{ afxetue oefiea ineifent0 auuettini uweh tiihtu0 (b) Kn rtqxifini uweh aeeeuu, the ifentit{ qh ratientu (e) GPHQTEGMGPV0 Petuqnu aiitiexef b{ a xiq/ inxqxef in the ineifentu uha nqt be fiuequef, anf an{ atiqn qh thiu aoenfoent oa{ btini a eixi aetiqn in a rtixae{ teuttietiqnu iorquef b{ hefeta aw uha be eqwtt qh eqoretent wtiufietiqn aiainut an Gorq{et qt oaintainef0 retuqn xiqatini thiu aoenfoent anf, wrqn rtexaiini, (e) Hqt rwtrqueu qh thiu ueetiqn, the hqqwini tetou uha teeqxet the hw aoqwnt qh an{ bae waieu haxe the hqqwini oeaniniu< wnawhw{ withhef rwu the uaoe aoqwnt au iqwifatef (3) Vhe rhtaueu ¬heath eate haeiit{¹ anf ¬heath faoaieu, anf uha be awatfef teauqnabe attqtne{'u eate rtqxifet¹ haxe the oeanini iixen in ieneta aw heeu anf equtu0 Kn affitiqn, the{ uha be entitef tq uweh eia qt eqwitabe teieh au oa{ be arrtqrtiate tq teoef{ teatef tq a ratient'u tiihtu anf teurqnuibiitieu0 the xiqatiqn inewfini, withqwt ioitatiqn, teinutateoent (2) Vhe teto ¬ratient¹ oeanu an infixifwa whq hau in eorq{oent anf/qt inwnetixe teieh0 An{ Gorq{et qt uqwiht, iu ueeini, iu wnfetiqini, qt hau wnfetiqne qthet retuqn hqwnf iabe hqt wihw{ xiqatini thiu eate qt tteatoent in a heath eate haeiit{ qt b{ a heath aoenfoent uha auq be uwbeet tq a hine ra{abe tq eate rtqxifet0 the utate in the aoqwnt qh &3222022 hqt eaeh xiqatiqn0 (5) Vhe rhtaue ¬afxetue oefiea ineifent¹ oeanu Vhe utate attqtne{ ieneta qt qthet qhhieia feuiinatef oefiea neiiienee, intentiqna oiueqnfwet, anf an{ b{ the utate eiiuatwte oa{ auq btini a eixi aetiqn tq qthet aet, neieet, qt fehawt qh a heath eate haeiit{ qt enhqtee thiu aoenfoent0 Aetiqnu tq enhqtee thiu heath eate rtqxifet that eawuef qt eqwf haxe eawuef aoenfoent uha be uwbeet tq a utatwte qh ioitatiqnu inwt{ tq qt feath qh a ratient, inewfini, bwt nqt ioitef qh hqwt {eatu qt, in the eaue qh wihw xiqatiqnu, hixe tq, thque ineifentu that ate teqwitef b{ utate qt hefeta {eatu0 Sweh aetiqnu oa{ be btqwiht au a eauu aetiqn aw tq be terqttef tq an{ iqxetnoenta aiene{ qt bqf{, rwtuwant tq Twe 30222 qh the Hqtifa Tweu qh Eixi anf ineifentu that ate terqttef tq qt texiewef b{ an{ Ptqeefwte0 heath eate haeiit{ reet texiew, tiu oanaieoent, (h) ADDKVKQPAN NGGKSNAVKQP, KMPNGMGPVA/ qwait{ auuwtanee, etefentiau, qt uioiat eqooittee, VKQP APD EQPSVTWEVKQP0 Koreoentini eiiua/ qt an{ terteuentatixe qh an{ uweh eqooitteeu0 tiqn iu nqt teqwitef in qtfet tq enhqtee thiu aoenfoent0 (6) Vhe rhtaue ¬haxe aeeeuu tq an{ teeqtfu¹ oeanu, Vhe utate eiiuatwte oa{ b{ utatwte eutabiuh affitiqna in affitiqn tq an{ qthet rtqeefwte hqt rtqfweini uweh teoefieu qt hineu hqt xiqatiqnu qh thiu aoenfoent, taiue teeqtfu rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw, oaini the teeqtfu the arrieabe Miniowo Yaie tate, tefwee the tir axaiabe hqt inureetiqn anf eqr{ini wrqn hqtoa qt etefit, qt eztenf eqxetaie qh the Miniowo Yaie tq inhqtoa teqweut b{ the ratient qt a terteuentatixe qh the eorq{etu qt eorq{eeu nqt eqxetef b{ thiu aoenf/ ratient, rtqxifef that ewttent teeqtfu whieh haxe been oent0 Vhe utate eiiuatwte oa{ b{ utatwte qt the utate oafe rwbie{ axaiabe b{ rwbieatiqn qt qn the Kntetnet Aiene{ hqt Yqthqtee Knnqxatiqn oa{ b{ teiwatiqn oa{ be ¬rtqxifef¹ b{ tehetenee tq the qeatiqn at whieh afqrt an{ oeauwteu arrtqrtiate hqt the ioreoentatiqn the teeqtfu ate rwbie{ axaiabe0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Arti 3, qh thiu aoenfoent0 Vhiu aoenfoent rtqxifeu hqt 2225; afqrtef 22260 ra{oent qh a oiniowo waie anf uha nqt be eqnuttwef 3Pqte0´ A0 Vhiu ueetiqn, qtiiina{ feuiinatef ueetiqn 22 b{ Aoenfoent Pq0 9, 2226, tq rteeort qt qthetwiue ioit the awthqtit{ qh the utate rtqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Arti 3, 2225, afqrtef eiiuatwte qt an{ qthet rwbie bqf{ tq afqrt qt enhqtee 2226, wau tefeuiinatef ueetiqn 25 b{ the efitqtu in qtfet tq axqif eqnhwuiqn with ueetiqn 22, teatini tq ratenta nqtiee qh tetoinatiqn qh a oinqt'u rteinane{, au an{ qthet aw, teiwatiqn, teqwiteoent, rqie{ qt utan/ eqntainef in Aoenfoent Pq0 3, 2226, affef b{ J0J0T0 3, 2226, afqrtef 22260 fatf that rtqxifeu hqt ra{oent qh hiihet qt uwrre/ D0 Aoenfoent Pq0 9, 2226, rtqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Arti 3, 2225, afqrtef 2226, rwbiuhef ¬]h_w ]t_ezt¹ eqnuiutini qh a oenta waieu qt benehitu, qt that eztenfu uweh rtqtee/ utateoent anf rwtrque, the aetwa aoenfoent ¬inuettini the hqqwini new ueetiqn tiqnu tq eorq{etu qt eorq{eeu nqt eqxetef b{ thiu at the enf ]qh Att0 Z_,¹ anf an ehheetixe fate anf uexetabiit{ rtqxiuiqn nqt ureeihiea{ inewfef in the aoenfoent tezt0 Vhe ehheetixe fate anf uexetabiit{ rtqxiuiqn teafu< aoenfoent0 Kt iu intenfef that eaue aw, afoiniuttatixe 5) Ghheetixe Date anf Sexetabiit{< intetrtetatiqnu, anf qthet iwifini utanfatfu fexeqref Vhiu aoenfoent uha be ehheetixe qn the fate it iu arrtqxef b{ the eeetqtate0 Kh an{ rqttiqn qh thiu oeauwte iu hef inxaif hqt an{ teauqn, the teoainini rqttiqn qh wnfet the hefeta HNSA uha iwife the eqnuttwetiqn qh thiu oeauwte, tq the hweut eztent rquuibe, uha be uexetef htqo the xqif rqttiqn thiu aoenfoent anf an{ ioreoentini utatwteu qt anf iixen the hweut rquuibe hqtee anf arrieatiqn0 teiwatiqnu0 (i) SGVGTADKNKVY0 Kh an{ ratt qh thiu aoenf/ 3SGEVKQP 280 Ptqh�b�t�qn qh oef�ea �eenue oent, qt the arrieatiqn qh thiu aoenfoent tq an{ ahtet tereatef oef�ea oartaet�ee0´ retuqn qt eitewoutanee, iu hef inxaif, the teoainfet qh (a) Pq retuqn whq hau been hqwnf tq haxe eqo/ thiu aoenfoent, inewfini the arrieatiqn qh uweh ratt tq oittef thtee qt oqte ineifentu qh oefiea oartaetiee 65 ATVKENG Z EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG Z uha be ieenuef qt eqntinwe tq be ieenuef b{ the State hwnfef at a exe eqwixaent tq qne/thitf qh eaeh tqta qh Hqtifa tq rtqxife heath eate uetxieeu au a oefiea annwa arrtqrtiatiqn teqwitef b{ thiu ueetiqn; fqetqt0 (2) exifenee/bauef ewttiewa anf rtqitaou tq efw/ (b) Hqt rwtrqueu qh thiu ueetiqn, the hqqwini tetou eate {qwth abqwt tqbaeeq anf tq fiueqwtaie theit wue qh haxe the hqqwini oeaniniu< it, inewfini, bwt nqt ioitef tq, rtqitaou that inxqxe (3) Vhe rhtaue ¬oefiea oartaetiee¹ oeanu bqth {qwth, efweate {qwth abqwt the heath hazatfu qh the haiwte tq rtaetiee oefieine in Hqtifa with that exe tqbaeeq, her {qwth fexeqr uiu tq tehwue tqbaeeq, qh eate, ui, anf tteatoent teeqinizef in ieneta aw anf feoqnuttate tq {qwth hqw tq utqr wuini tqbaeeq; teatef tq heath eate rtqxifetu' ieenuwte, anf an{ (5) rtqitaou qh qea eqoownit{/bauef rattnet/ uioiat wtqnihw aet, neieet, qt fehawt in qthet utateu qt uhiru that fiueqwtaie the wue qh tqbaeeq anf wqt tq eqwnttieu whieh, ih eqooittef in Hqtifa, wqwf haxe efweate reqre, eureeia{ {qwth, abqwt the heath been eqnuifetef oefiea oartaetiee0 hazatfu qh tqbaeeq, with an eorhauiu qn rtqitaou (2) Vhe rhtaue ¬hqwnf tq haxe eqooittef¹ oeanu that inxqxe {qwth anf eorhauize the rtexentiqn anf that the oartaetiee hau been hqwnf in a hina wfioent eeuuatiqn qh tqbaeeq wue; qh a eqwtt qh aw, hina afoiniuttatixe aiene{ feeiuiqn, qt (6) enhqteeoent qh awu, teiwatiqnu, anf rqieieu aiainut the uae qt qthet rtqxiuiqn qh tqbaeeq tq oinqtu, feeiuiqn qh binfini atbittatiqn0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Arti 9, anf the rquueuuiqn qh tqbaeeq b{ oinqtu; anf 2225; afqrtef 22260 (5) rwbie{/terqttef annwa exawatiqnu tq enuwte 3Pqte0´ A0 Vhiu ueetiqn, qtiiina{ feuiinatef ueetiqn 22 b{ Aoenfoent Pq0 8, 2226, that oqne{u arrtqrtiatef rwtuwant tq thiu ueetiqn ate rtqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Arti 9, 2225, afqrtef urent rtqret{, whieh uha inewfe exawatiqn qh the 2226, wau tefeuiinatef ueetiqn 28 b{ the efitqtu in qtfet tq axqif eqnhwuiqn with rtqitao'u ehheetixeneuu in tefweini anf rtexentini ateaf{ eziutini ueetiqn 22, teatini tq rtqhibitini wqtraee uoqini0 D0 Aoenfoent Pq0 8, 2226, rtqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the tqbaeeq wue, anf annwa teeqooenfatiqnu hqt iortqxe/ Seetetat{ qh State Arti 9, 2225, afqrtef 2226, rwbiuhef ¬]h_w ]t_ezt¹ eqnuiutini qh a oentu tq enhanee the rtqitao'u ehheetixeneuu, whieh utateoent anf rwtrque, the aetwa aoenfoent ¬inuettini the hqqwini new ueetiqn at the enf ]qh Att0 Z_,¹ anf an ehheetixe fate anf uexetabiit{ rtqxiuiqn nqt ureeihiea{ ate tq inewfe eqoratiuqnu tq uioiat rtqitaou rtqxen inewfef in the aoenfoent tezt0 Vhe ehheetixe fate anf uexetabiit{ rtqxiuiqn teafu< tq be ehheetixe in qthet utateu, au we au eqoratiuqnu tq e) Ghheetixe Date anf Sexetabiit{< EDE Best Practices, inewfini aoenfoentu thetetq0 Vhiu aoenfoent uha be ehheetixe qn the fate it iu arrtqxef b{ the eeetqtate0 Kh an{ rqttiqn qh thiu oeauwte iu hef inxaif hqt an{ teauqn, the teoainini rqttiqn qh (b) HWPDKPG0 Kn exet{ {eat beiinnini with the thiu oeauwte, tq the hweut eztent rquuibe, uha be uexetef htqo the xqif rqttiqn eaenfat {eat ahtet xqtetu arrtqxe thiu aoenfoent, the anf iixen the hweut rquuibe hqtee anf arrieatiqn0 Hqtifa Neiiuatwte uha arrtqrtiate, hqt the rwtrque ezrteuuef hetein, htqo the tqta itquu hwnfu that SGEVKQP 290 Eqortehenu�xe Statew�fe Vqbae/ tqbaeeq eqoranieu ra{ tq the State qh Hqtifa wnfet eq Gfweat�qn Anf Ptexent�qn Ptqitao0´Kn qtfet tq the Vqbaeeq Setteoent, an aoqwnt eqwa tq hihteen rtqteet reqre, eureeia{ {qwth, htqo heath hazatfu qh reteent qh uweh hwnfu raif tq the State in 2225; anf the wuini tqbaeeq, inewfini affietixe fiuqtfetu, eaneet, arrtqrtiatiqn teqwitef b{ thiu ueetiqn uha be afwutef eatfiqxauewat fiueaueu, anf wni fiueaueu; anf tq annwa{ hqt inhatiqn, wuini the Eqnuwoet Ptiee Knfez fiueqwtaie wue qh tqbaeeq, rattiewat{ aoqni {qwth, a au rwbiuhef b{ the Wnitef Stateu Derattoent qh Nabqt0 rqttiqn qh the oqne{ that tqbaeeq eqoranieu ra{ tq the (e) DGHKPKVKQPS0 ¬Vqbaeeq¹ inewfeu, withqwt State qh Hqtifa wnfet the Vqbaeeq Setteoent eaeh ioitatiqn, tqbaeeq itueh anf tqbaeeq rtqfwetu that {eat uha be wuef tq hwnf a eqortehenuixe utatewife inewfe tqbaeeq anf ate intenfef qt ezreetef hqt tqbaeeq efweatiqn anf rtexentiqn rtqitao eqnuiutent hwoan wue qt eqnuwortiqn, inewfini, bwt nqt ioitef with teeqooenfatiqnu qh the W0S0 Eentetu hqt Diueaue tq, eiiatetteu, eiiatu, rire tqbaeeq, anf uoqeeuu Eqnttq anf Ptexentiqn (EDE), au hqqwu< tqbaeeq0 Vhe ¬Vqbaeeq Setteoent¹ oeanu that eettain (a) PTQGTAM0 Vhe oqne{ arrtqrtiatef rwt/ Setteoent Aiteeoent fatef Awiwut 25, 3;;9, entetef uwant tq thiu ueetiqn uha be wuef tq hwnf a eqorte/ intq in uetteoent qh the eaue ut{ef au State of Florida, henuixe utatewife tqbaeeq efweatiqn anf rtexentiqn et al. v. American Tobacco Company, et al. , Eaue Pq0 rtqitao eqnuiutent with the teeqooenfatiqnu hqt ;5/3688 AJ (Ha0 35th Eit0 Et0), au aoenfef b{ ehheetixe rtqitao eqorqnentu in the 3;;; Best Prac- Stirwatiqn qh Aoenfoent fatef Serteobet 33, 3;;8; tices for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs qh anf inewfeu an{ uwbueqwent aoenfoentu anf uwe/ the EDE, au uweh Best Practices oa{ be aoenfef b{ eeuuqt aiteeoentu0 ¬Yqwth¹ inewfeu oinqtu anf {qwni the EDE0 Vhiu rtqitao uha inewfe, at a oiniowo, the afwtu0 hqqwini eqorqnentu, anf oa{ inewfe affitiqna (f) GHHGEVKVG DAVG0 Vhiu aoenfoent uha be/ eqorqnentu that ate auq eqntainef within the EDE eqoe ehheetixe iooefiate{ wrqn arrtqxa b{ the Best Practices, au retiqfiea{ aoenfef, anf that ate xqtetu0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Jw{ 22, ehheetixe at aeeqoriuhini the rwtrque qh thiu ueetiqn, 2225; afqrtef 22280 anf that fq nqt wnfetoine the ehheetixeneuu qh theue teqwitef oiniowo eqorqnentu< SGEVKQP 280 Nanf Aeqw�u�t�qn Vtwut Hwnf0´ (3) an afxettiuini eaoraiin tq fiueqwtaie the wue qh (a) Ghheetixe qn Jw{ 3 qh the {eat hqqwini rauuaie tqbaeeq anf tq efweate reqre, eureeia{ {qwth, abqwt qh thiu aoenfoent b{ the xqtetu, anf hqt a retiqf qh 22 the heath hazatfu qh tqbaeeq, whieh uha be feuiinef {eatu ahtet that ehheetixe fate, the Nanf Aeqwiuitiqn tq be ehheetixe at aehiexini theue iqau anf uha Vtwut Hwnf uha teeeixe nq euu than 55 reteent qh net inewfe, bwt neef nqt be ioitef tq, teexiuiqn, tafiq, texenweu fetixef htqo the eziutini ezeiue taz qn anf rtint afxettiuini, with nq ioitatiqnu qn an{ infixif/ fqewoentu, au fehinef in the utatwteu in ehheet qn wa afxettiuini oefiwo wtiizef; anf whieh uha be Janwat{ 3, 2232, au aoenfef htqo tioe tq tioe, qt an{ 68 ATVKENG Z EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG Z uweeeuuqt qt teraeeoent taz, ahtet the Derattoent qh oatiwana wqwf ie{ qwtweiih the rqtentia heath Texenwe hitut fefwetu a uetxiee ehatie tq ra{ the equtu tiuu hqt a ratient0 qh the eqeetiqn anf enhqteeoent qh the ezeiue taz qn (2) ¬Derattoent¹ oeanu the Derattoent qh Jeath fqewoentu0 qt itu uweeeuuqt aiene{0 (b) Hwnfu in the Nanf Aeqwiuitiqn Vtwut Hwnf uha (5) ¬Kfentihieatiqn eatf¹ oeanu a fqewoent iuuwef be ezrenfef qn{ hqt the hqqwini rwtrqueu< b{ the Derattoent that ifentihieu a qwaih{ini ratient qt a (3) Au rtqxifef b{ aw, tq hinanee qt tehinanee< the eateiixet0 aeqwiuitiqn anf iortqxeoent qh anf, watet ateau, anf (6) ¬Matiwana¹ hau the oeanini iixen eannabiu in teatef rtqrett{ inteteutu, inewfini eqnuetxatiqn eaue/ Seetiqn 8;5022(5), Hqtifa Statwteu (2236), anf, in oentu, anf teuqwteeu hqt eqnuetxatiqn anfu inewfini affitiqn, ¬Nqw/VJE eannabiu¹ au fehinef in Seetiqn wetanfu, hqteutu, anf hiuh anf wifihe habitat; wifihe 5830;88(3)(b), Hqtifa Statwteu (2236), uha auq be oanaieoent ateau; anfu that rtqteet watet teuqwteeu inewfef in the oeanini qh the teto ¬oatiwana0¹ anf ftinini watet uqwteeu, inewfini anfu rtqteetini (5) ¬Mefiea Matiwana Vteatoent Eentet¹ (MMVE) the watet qwait{ anf qwantit{ qh tixetu, aeu, utteaou, oeanu an entit{ that aeqwiteu, ewtixateu, rquueuueu, urtiniuhefu, anf anfu rtqxifini teehatie hqt itqwnf/ rtqeeuueu (inewfini fexeqroent qh teatef rtqfwetu watet anf aqwihet u{uteou; anfu in the Gxetiafeu uweh au hqqf, tinetwteu, aetququ, qiu, qt qintoentu), Aitiewtwta Atea anf the Gxetiafeu Ptqteetiqn Atea, ttanuhetu, ttanurqttu, ueu, fiuttibwteu, fiurenueu, qt au fehinef in Attiee KK, Seetiqn 9(b); beaeheu anf afoiniutetu oatiwana, rtqfwetu eqntainini oatiwana, uhqteu; qwtfqqt teeteatiqn anfu, inewfini teeteatiqna teatef uwrrieu, qt efweatiqna oatetiau tq qwaih{ini ttaiu, ratu, anf wtban qren uraee; twta anfueareu; ratientu qt theit eateiixetu anf iu teiiutetef b{ the wqtini hatou anf taneheu; hiutqtie qt ieqqiie uiteu; Derattoent0 tqiethet with oanaieoent, teutqtatiqn qh natwta u{u/ (8) ¬Mefiea wue¹ oeanu the aeqwiuitiqn, rquueu/ teou, anf the enhaneeoent qh rwbie aeeeuu qt uiqn, wue, feixet{, ttanuhet, qt afoiniuttatiqn qh an teeteatiqna enq{oent qh eqnuetxatiqn anfu0 aoqwnt qh oatiwana nqt in eqnhiet with Derattoent (2) Vq ra{ the febt uetxiee qn bqnfu iuuwef tweu, qt qh teatef uwrrieu b{ a qwaih{ini ratient qt rwtuwant tq Attiee VKK, Seetiqn 33(e)0 eateiixet hqt wue b{ the eateiixet'u feuiinatef qwaih{/ (e) Vhe oqne{u ferquitef intq the Nanf Aeqwiuitiqn ini ratient hqt the tteatoent qh a febiitatini oefiea Vtwut Hwnf, au fehinef b{ the utatwteu in ehheet qn eqnfitiqn0 Janwat{ 3, 2232, uha nqt be qt beeqoe eqooinief (9) ¬Eateiixet¹ oeanu a retuqn whq iu at eaut with the ieneta texenwe hwnf qh the utate0 twent{/qne (23) {eatu qf whq hau aiteef tq auuiut with J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State a qwaih{ini ratient'u oefiea wue qh oatiwana anf hau Serteobet 39, 2232; afqrtef 22360 qwaihief hqt anf qbtainef a eateiixet ifentihieatiqn eatf iuuwef b{ the Derattoent0 Vhe Derattoent oa{ ioit SGEVKQP 2;0 Mef�ea oat�wana rtqfwet�qn, the nwobet qh qwaih{ini ratientu a eateiixet oa{ auuiut rquueuu�qn anf wue0´ at qne tioe anf the nwobet qh eateiixetu that a (a) PWDNKE PQNKEY0 qwaih{ini ratient oa{ haxe at qne tioe0 Eateiixetu (3) Vhe oefiea wue qh oatiwana b{ a qwaih{ini ate rtqhibitef htqo eqnuwoini oatiwana qbtainef hqt ratient qt eateiixet in eqorianee with thiu ueetiqn iu nqt oefiea wue b{ the qwaih{ini ratient0 uwbeet tq etioina qt eixi iabiit{ qt uanetiqnu wnfet (8) ¬Ph{uieian¹ oeanu a retuqn whq iu ieenuef tq Hqtifa aw0 rtaetiee oefieine in Hqtifa0 (2) A rh{uieian uha nqt be uwbeet tq etioina qt eixi (;) ¬Ph{uieian eettihieatiqn¹ oeanu a wtitten fqew/ iabiit{ qt uanetiqnu wnfet Hqtifa aw uqe{ hqt iuuwini oent uiinef b{ a rh{uieian, utatini that in the rh{ui/ a rh{uieian eettihieatiqn with teauqnabe eate tq a eian'u rtqheuuiqna qriniqn, the ratient uwhhetu htqo a retuqn fiainquef with a febiitatini oefiea eqnfitiqn febiitatini oefiea eqnfitiqn, that the oefiea wue qh in eqorianee with thiu ueetiqn0 oatiwana wqwf ie{ qwtweiih the rqtentia heath (5) Aetiqnu anf eqnfwet b{ a Mefiea Matiwana tiuu hqt the ratient, anf hqt hqw qni the rh{uieian Vteatoent Eentet teiiutetef with the Derattoent, qt itu teeqooenfu the oefiea wue qh oatiwana hqt the aientu qt eorq{eeu, anf in eqorianee with thiu ratient0 A rh{uieian eettihieatiqn oa{ qn{ be rtqxifef ueetiqn anf Derattoent teiwatiqnu, uha nqt be ahtet the rh{uieian hau eqnfwetef a rh{uiea ezaoina/ uwbeet tq etioina qt eixi iabiit{ qt uanetiqnu wnfet tiqn anf a hw auueuuoent qh the oefiea hiutqt{ qh the Hqtifa aw0 ratient0 Kn qtfet hqt a rh{uieian eettihieatiqn tq be iuuwef (b) DGHKPKVKQPS0 Hqt rwtrqueu qh thiu ueetiqn, tq a oinqt, a ratent qt eia iwatfian qh the oinqt owut the hqqwini wqtfu anf tetou uha haxe the hqqwini eqnuent in wtitini0 oeaniniu< (32) ¬Swaih{ini ratient¹ oeanu a retuqn whq hau (3) ¬Debiitatini Mefiea Eqnfitiqn¹ oeanu eaneet, been fiainquef tq haxe a febiitatini oefiea eqnfitiqn, erieru{, iaweqoa, rquitixe utatwu hqt hwoan ioow/ whq hau a rh{uieian eettihieatiqn anf a xaif qwaih{ini nqfehieiene{ xitwu (JKV), aeqwitef ioowne fehieiene{ ratient ifentihieatiqn eatf0 Kh the Derattoent fqeu nqt u{nftqoe (AKDS), rqut/ttawoatie utteuu fiuqtfet beiin iuuwini ifentihieatiqn eatfu within nine (;) oqnthu (PVSD), ao{qttqrhie ateta ueetquiu (ANS), Etqhn'u ahtet the ehheetixe fate qh thiu ueetiqn, then a xaif fiueaue, Patinuqn'u fiueaue, owtire ueetquiu, qt rh{uieian eettihieatiqn wi uetxe au a ratient ifentihiea/ qthet febiitatini oefiea eqnfitiqnu qh the uaoe inf tiqn eatf in qtfet tq aqw a retuqn tq beeqoe a qt eauu au qt eqoratabe tq thque enwoetatef, anf hqt ¬qwaih{ini ratient¹ wnti the Derattoent beiinu iuuwini whieh a rh{uieian beiexeu that the oefiea wue qh ifentihieatiqn eatfu0 69 ATVKENG Z EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG Z
(e) NKMKVAVKQPS0 (2) Kfentihieatiqn eatfu anf teiiuttatiqnu0 Vhe De/ (3) Pqthini in thiu ueetiqn aqwu hqt a xiqatiqn qh rattoent uha beiin iuuwini qwaih{ini ratient anf an{ aw qthet than hqt eqnfwet in eqorianee with the eateiixet ifentihieatiqn eatfu, anf teiiutetini MMVEu rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu ueetiqn0 nq atet than nine (;) oqnthu ahtet the ehheetixe fate qh (2) Pqthini in thiu ueetiqn uha ahheet qt terea awu thiu ueetiqn0 teatini tq nqn/oefiea wue, rquueuuiqn, rtqfwetiqn, qt (5) Kh the Derattoent fqeu nqt iuuwe teiwatiqnu, qt ih uae qh oatiwana0 the Derattoent fqeu nqt beiin iuuwini ifentihieatiqn (5) Pqthini in thiu ueetiqn awthqtizeu the wue qh eatfu anf teiiutetini MMVEu within the tioe ioitu uet in oefiea oatiwana b{ an{qne qthet than a qwaih{ini thiu ueetiqn, an{ Hqtifa eitizen uha haxe utanfini tq ratient0 uee wfieia teieh tq eqore eqorianee with the (6) Pqthini in thiu ueetiqn uha retoit the qretatiqn Derattoent'u eqnutitwtiqna fwtieu0 qh an{ xehiee, aitetaht, ttain qt bqat whie wnfet the (6) Vhe Derattoent uha rtqteet the eqnhifentiait{ inhwenee qh oatiwana0 qh a qwaih{ini ratientu0 A teeqtfu eqntainini the (5) Pqthini in thiu ueetiqn teqwiteu the xiqatiqn qh ifentit{ qh qwaih{ini ratientu uha be eqnhifentia anf hefeta aw qt rwtrqttu tq iixe ioownit{ wnfet hefeta ert htqo rwbie fiuequwte qthet than hqt xaif oefiea aw0 qt aw enhqteeoent rwtrqueu0 (8) Pqthini in thiu ueetiqn uha teqwite an{ aeeqo/ (e) NGGKSNAVKQP0 Pqthini in thiu ueetiqn uha oqfatiqn qh an{ qn/uite oefiea wue qh oatiwana in an{ ioit the eiiuatwte htqo enaetini awu eqnuiutent with eqtteetiqna inutitwtiqn qt fetentiqn haeiit{ qt raee qh thiu ueetiqn0 efweatiqn qt eorq{oent, qt qh uoqini oefiea (h) SGVGTADKNKVY0 Vhe rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu ueetiqn oatiwana in an{ rwbie raee0 ate uexetabe anf ih an{ eawue, uentenee, rataitarh qt (9) Pqthini in thiu ueetiqn uha teqwite an{ heath ueetiqn qh thiu oeauwte, qt an arrieatiqn theteqh, iu inuwtanee rtqxifet qt an{ iqxetnoent aiene{ qt afwfief inxaif b{ a eqwtt qh eqoretent wtiufietiqn awthqtit{ tq teiobwtue an{ retuqn hqt ezrenueu teatef qthet rtqxiuiqnu uha eqntinwe tq be in ehheet tq the tq the oefiea wue qh oatiwana0 hweut eztent rquuibe0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State (8) Pqthini in thiu ueetiqn uha ahheet qt terea awu Janwat{ ;, 2235; afqrtef 22380 teatini tq neiiienee qt rtqheuuiqna oartaetiee qn the ratt qh a qwaihief ratient, eateiixet, rh{uieian, MMVE, SGEVKQP 520 Vqtet eqnttq qh iaob�ni �n Hqt/ qt itu aientu qt eorq{eeu0 �fa0´ (f) DWVKGS QH VJG DGPATVMGPV0 Vhe Deratt/ (a) Vhiu aoenfoent enuwteu that Hqtifa xqtetu oent uha iuuwe teauqnabe teiwatiqnu neeeuuat{ hqt uha haxe the ezewuixe tiiht tq feeife whethet tq the ioreoentatiqn anf enhqteeoent qh thiu ueetiqn0 awthqtize eauinq iaobini in the State qh Hqtifa0 Vhiu Vhe rwtrque qh the teiwatiqnu iu tq enuwte the aoenfoent teqwiteu a xqte b{ eitizenu' initiatixe rwt/ axaiabiit{ anf uahe wue qh oefiea oatiwana b{ uwant tq Attiee ZK, ueetiqn 5, in qtfet hqt eauinq qwaih{ini ratientu0 Kt iu the fwt{ qh the Derattoent tq iaobini tq be awthqtizef wnfet Hqtifa aw0 Vhiu rtqowiate teiwatiqnu in a tioe{ hauhiqn0 ueetiqn aoenfu thiu Attiee; anf auq ahheetu Attiee (3) Koreoentini Teiwatiqnu0 Kn qtfet tq aqw the ZK, b{ oaini eitizenu' initiatixeu the ezewuixe oethqf Derattoent uwhhieient tioe ahtet rauuaie qh thiu ueetiqn, qh awthqtizini eauinq iaobini0 the hqqwini teiwatiqnu uha be rtqowiatef nq atet (b) Au wuef in thiu ueetiqn, ¬eauinq iaobini¹ oeanu than uiz (8) oqnthu ahtet the ehheetixe fate qh thiu an{ qh the t{reu qh iaoeu t{riea{ hqwnf in eauinqu anf ueetiqn< that ate within the fehinitiqn qh Eauu KKK iaoini in the a0 Ptqeefwteu hqt the iuuwanee anf annwa tenewa Hefeta Knfian Gaoini Teiwatqt{ Aet, 25 W0S0E0 uu0 qh qwaih{ini ratient ifentihieatiqn eatfu tq reqre with 2923 et ueq0 (¬KGTA¹), anf in 25 E0H0T0 u0 52206, wrqn rh{uieian eettihieatiqnu anf utanfatfu hqt tenewa qh afqrtiqn qh thiu aoenfoent, anf an{ that ate affef tq uweh ifentihieatiqn eatfu0 Dehqte iuuwini an ifentihieatiqn uweh fehinitiqn qh Eauu KKK iaoini in the hwtwte0 Vhiu eatf tq a oinqt, the Derattoent owut teeeixe wtitten inewfeu, bwt iu nqt ioitef tq, an{ hqwue banini iaoe, eqnuent htqo the oinqt'u ratent qt eia iwatfian, in inewfini bwt nqt ioitef tq eatf iaoeu uweh au affitiqn tq the rh{uieian eettihieatiqn0 baeeatat, eheoin fe het, baeae (23), anf rai iqw b0 Ptqeefwteu eutabiuhini qwaihieatiqnu anf utan/ (ih ra{ef au hqwue banini iaoeu); an{ ra{et/banef fatfu hqt eateiixetu, inewfini eqnfwetini arrtqrtiate iaoe that uiowateu a hqwue banini iaoe, uweh au baeitqwnf eheeu, anf rtqeefwteu hqt the iuuwanee Eaihqtnia bae ae; eauinq iaoeu uweh au tqwette, anf annwa tenewa qh eateiixet ifentihieatiqn eatfu0 etaru, anf enq; an{ uqt oaehineu au fehinef in 35 e0 Ptqeefwteu hqt the teiiuttatiqn qh MMVEu that W0S0E0 u0 3393(a)(3); anf an{ qthet iaoe nqt awthqt/ inewfe rtqeefwteu hqt the iuuwanee, tenewa, uwuren/ izef b{ Attiee Z, ueetiqn 35, whethet qt nqt fehinef au a uiqn anf texqeatiqn qh teiiuttatiqn, anf utanfatfu tq uqt oaehine, in whieh qwteqoeu ate fetetoinef b{ enuwte rtqret ueewtit{, teeqtf eerini, teutini, abe/ tanfqo nwobet ienetatqt qt ate uioiat{ auuiinef ini, inureetiqn, anf uahet{0 tanfqo{, uweh au inutant qt hiutqtiea taeini0 Au wuef f0 A teiwatiqn that fehineu the aoqwnt qh oatiwa/ hetein, ¬eauinq iaobini¹ inewfeu an{ eeettqnie iao/ na that eqwf teauqnab{ be rteuwoef tq be an bini fexieeu, uiowatef iaobini fexieeu, xifeq qttet{ afeqwate uwrr{ hqt qwaih{ini ratientu' oefiea wue, fexieeu, intetnet uweerutaeu fexieeu, anf an{ qthet bauef qn the beut axaiabe exifenee0 Vhiu rteuwortiqn hqto qh eeettqnie qt eeettqoeehaniea haeuioieu qh an{ au tq qwantit{ oa{ be qxeteqoe with exifenee qh a iaoe qh ehanee, uqt oaehine, qt eauinq/ut{e iaoe, rattiewat qwaih{ini ratient'u arrtqrtiate oefiea wue0 teiatfeuu qh hqw uweh fexieeu ate fehinef wnfet 68 ATVKENG Z EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG ZK
KGTA0 Au wuef hetein, ¬eauinq iaobini¹ fqeu nqt uwbfixiuiqnu qt aieneieu at the tioe qh feath0 An eiiibe inewfe rati/owtwe waietini qn hqtue taeini, fqi oiitat{ oeobet owut haxe been a teuifent qh thiu utate taeini, qt ai aai ezhibitiqnu0 Hqt rwtrqueu qh thiu qt hiu qt het fwt{ rqut owut haxe been within thiu utate ueetiqn, ¬iaobini¹ anf ¬iaoini¹ ate u{nqn{oqwu0 at the tioe qh feath0 (e) Pqthini hetein uha be feeoef tq ioit the tiiht (e) Vhe eiiuatwte uha ioreoent thiu ueetiqn b{ qh the Neiiuatwte tq ezeteiue itu awthqtit{ thtqwih ieneta aw0 ieneta aw tq teuttiet, teiwate, qt taz an{ iaoini qt (h) Vhiu ueetiqn uha tae ehheet qn Jw{ 3, 223;0 iaobini aetixitieu0 Kn affitiqn, nqthini hetein uha be J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 2, eqnuttwef tq ioit the abiit{ qh the utate qt Patixe 2238, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ ;, 2238; afqrtef 22380 Aoetiean ttibeu tq neiqtiate iaoini eqoraetu rwtuwant tq the Hefeta Knfian Gaoini Teiwatqt{ Aet hqt the SGEVKQP 520 Ptqh�b�t�qn qn tae�ni qh anf wa/ eqnfwet qh eauinq iaobini qn ttiba anfu, qt tq ahheet iet�ni qn ite{hqwnfu qt qthet fqiu0´Vhe hwoane an{ eziutini iaobini qn ttiba anfu rwtuwant tq tteatoent qh anioau iu a hwnfaoenta xawe qh the eqoraetu ezeewtef b{ the utate anf Patixe Aoetiean reqre qh the State qh Hqtifa0 Ahtet Deeeobet 53, 2222, ttibeu rwtuwant tq KGTA0 a retuqn awthqtizef tq eqnfwet iaoini qt rati/owtwe (f) Vhiu ueetiqn iu ehheetixe wrqn arrtqxa b{ the qretatiqnu oa{ nqt taee ite{hqwnfu qt an{ oeobet qh xqtetu, iu ueh/ezeewtini, anf nq Neiiuatixe ioreoen/ the Canis Familiaris uwbureeieu in eqnneetiqn with an{ tatiqn iu teqwitef0 waiet hqt oqne{ qt an{ qthet thini qh xawe in thiu utate, (e) Kh an{ ratt qh thiu ueetiqn iu hef inxaif hqt an{ anf retuqnu in thiu utate oa{ nqt waiet oqne{ qt an{ teauqn, the teoainini rqttiqn qt rqttiqnu uha be qthet thini qh xawe qn the qwteqoe qh a ixe fqi taee uexetef htqo the inxaif rqttiqn anf iixen the hweut qeewttini in thiu utate0 Vhe haiwte tq eqnfwet ite{hqwnf rquuibe hqtee anf ehheet0 taeini qt waietini qn ite{hqwnf taeini ahtet Deeeobet J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State 53, 2238, fqeu nqt eqnutitwte itqwnfu tq texqe qt fen{ Qetqbet 28, 2235; afqrtef 22380 tenewa qh qthet teatef iaoini ieenueu hef b{ a retuqn whq iu a ieenuef ite{hqwnf retoithqfet qn SGEVKQP 530 Death beneh�tu hqt uwtx�xqtu qh Janwat{ 3, 2238, anf fqeu nqt ahheet the eiiibiit{ qh h�tut teurqnfetu anf o��tat{ oeobetu0´ uweh retoithqfet, qt uweh retoithqfet'u haeiit{, tq (a) A feath benehit uha be raif b{ the eorq{ini eqnfwet qthet rati/owtwe aetixitieu awthqtizef b{ ien/ aiene{ when a hitehiihtet; a rataoefie; an eoetiene{ eta aw0 D{ ieneta aw, the eiiuatwte uha ureeih{ eixi oefiea teehnieian; a aw enhqteeoent, eqtteetiqna, qt qt etioina renatieu hqt xiqatiqnu qh thiu ueetiqn anf hqt eqtteetiqna rtqbatiqn qhhieet; qt a oeobet qh the aetixitieu that aif qt abet xiqatiqnu qh thiu ueetiqn0 Hqtifa Patiqna Gwatf, whie eniaief in the rethqt/ J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 8, oanee qh theit qhhieia fwtieu, iu< 2238, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ ;, 2238; afqrtef 22380 (3) Aeeifenta{ ief qt teeeixeu aeeifenta bqfi{ inwt{ whieh teuwtu in the quu qh the infixifwa'u ihe, ATVKENG ZK rtqxifef that uweh iini iu nqt the teuwt qh uwieife anf that uweh bqfi{ inwt{ iu nqt intentiqna{ ueh/inhietef; qt AMGPDMGPVS (2) Wnawhw{ anf intentiqna{ ief qt fieu au a teuwt qh uweh wnawhw anf intentiqna aet qt iu ief See0 fwtini aetixe fwt{0 (b) A feath benehit uha be raif b{ hwnfu htqo 30 Ptqrqua b{ eiiuatwte0 ieneta texenwe when an aetixe fwt{ oeobet qh the 20 Texiuiqn eqooiuuiqn0 Wnitef Stateu Atoef Hqteeu iu< 50 Knitiatixe0 (3) Aeeifenta{ ief qt teeeixeu aeeifenta bqfi{ 60 Eqnutitwtiqna eqnxentiqn0 inwt{ whieh teuwtu in the quu qh the infixifwa'u ihe, 50 Aoenfoent qt texiuiqn eeetiqn0 rtqxifef that uweh iini iu nqt the teuwt qh uwieife anf 80 Vazatiqn anf bwfiet tehqto eqooiuuiqn0 that uweh bqfi{ inwt{ iu nqt intentiqna{ ueh/inhietef; qt 90 Vaz qt hee ioitatiqn0 (2) Wnawhw{ anf intentiqna{ ief qt fieu au a teuwt qh uweh wnawhw anf intentiqna aet qt iu ief SGEVKQP 30 Ptqrqua b{ ei�uatwte0´Aoenf/ fwtini aetixe fwt{0 oent qh a ueetiqn qt texiuiqn qh qne qt oqte attieeu, qt (e) Kh a hitehiihtet; a rataoefie; an eoetiene{ the whqe, qh thiu eqnutitwtiqn oa{ be rtqrquef b{ qint oefiea teehnieian; a aw enhqteeoent, eqtteetiqna, teuqwtiqn aiteef tq b{ thtee/hihthu qh the oeobetuhir qh qt eqtteetiqna rtqbatiqn qhhieet; qt an aetixe fwt{ eaeh hqwue qh the eiiuatwte0 Vhe hw tezt qh the qint oeobet qh the Hqtifa Patiqna Gwatf qt Wnitef Stateu teuqwtiqn anf the xqte qh eaeh oeobet xqtini uha be Atoef Hqteeu iu aeeifenta{ ief au ureeihief in entetef qn the qwtna qh eaeh hqwue0 rataitarhu (a)(3) anf (b)(3), qt wnawhw{ anf inten/ tiqna{ ief au ureeihief in rataitarhu (a)(2) anf SGEVKQP 20 Tex�u�qn eqoo�uu�qn0´ (b)(2), the utate uha waixe eettain efweatiqna ez/ (a) Yithin thitt{ fa{u behqte the eqnxenini qh the renueu that the ehif qt urqwue qh the feeeauef hitut 2239 teiwat ueuuiqn qh the eiiuatwte, anf eaeh teurqnfet qt oiitat{ oeobet inewtu whie qbtainini a twentieth {eat theteahtet, thete uha be eutabiuhef a eateet eettihieate, an wnfetitafwate efweatiqn, qt a eqnutitwtiqn texiuiqn eqooiuuiqn eqorquef qh the rqutitafwate efweatiqn0 hqqwini thitt{/uexen oeobetu< (f) An eiiibe hitut teurqnfet owut haxe been (3) the attqtne{ ieneta qh the utate; wqtini hqt the State qh Hqtifa qt an{ qh itu rqitiea (2) hihteen oeobetu ueeetef b{ the iqxetnqt; 6; ATVKENG ZK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG ZK
(5) nine oeobetu ueeetef b{ the ureaet qh the tq be hief with the ewutqfian qh utate teeqtfu an{ hqwue qh terteuentatixeu anf nine oeobetu ueeetef b{ texiuiqn qh thiu eqnutitwtiqn rtqrquef b{ it0 the rteuifent qh the uenate; anf J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 8, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 (6) thtee oeobetu ueeetef b{ the ehieh wutiee qh the uwrteoe eqwtt qh Hqtifa with the afxiee qh the SGEVKQP 50 Aoenfoent qt tex�u�qn eeet�qn0 wutieeu0 (a) A rtqrquef aoenfoent tq qt texiuiqn qh thiu (b) Vhe iqxetnqt uha feuiinate qne oeobet qh the eqnutitwtiqn, qt an{ ratt qh it, uha be uwboittef tq the eqooiuuiqn au itu ehait0 Vaeaneieu in the oeobetuhir eeetqtu at the nezt ieneta eeetiqn hef oqte than qh the eqooiuuiqn uha be hief in the uaoe oannet au ninet{ fa{u ahtet the qint teuqwtiqn qt terqtt qh texiuiqn the qtiiina arrqintoentu0 eqooiuuiqn, eqnutitwtiqna eqnxentiqn qt tazatiqn anf (e) Gaeh eqnutitwtiqn texiuiqn eqooiuuiqn uha bwfiet tehqto eqooiuuiqn rtqrquini it iu hief with the eqnxene at the ea qh itu ehait, afqrt itu tweu qh ewutqfian qh utate teeqtfu, wneuu, rwtuwant tq aw rtqeefwte, ezaoine the eqnutitwtiqn qh the utate, hqf enaetef b{ the ahhitoatixe xqte qh thtee/hqwtthu qh the rwbie heatiniu, anf, nqt atet than qne hwnftef eiiht{ oeobetuhir qh eaeh hqwue qh the eiiuatwte anf ioitef fa{u rtiqt tq the nezt ieneta eeetiqn, hie with the tq a uinie aoenfoent qt texiuiqn, it iu uwboittef at an ewutqfian qh utate teeqtfu itu rtqrqua, ih an{, qh a eatiet ureeia eeetiqn hef oqte than ninet{ fa{u ahtet texiuiqn qh thiu eqnutitwtiqn qt an{ ratt qh it0 uweh hiini0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 3838, 3;88; afqrtef 3;88; Ao0 S0J0T0 232, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Aou0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn (b) A rtqrquef aoenfoent qt texiuiqn qh thiu Pqu0 8 anf 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 eqnutitwtiqn, qt an{ ratt qh it, b{ initiatixe uha be uwboittef tq the eeetqtu at the ieneta eeetiqn SGEVKQP 50 Kn�t�at�xe0´Vhe rqwet tq rtqrque the rtqxifef the initiatixe retitiqn iu hief with the ewutqfian texiuiqn qt aoenfoent qh an{ rqttiqn qt rqttiqnu qh thiu qh utate teeqtfu nq atet than Hebtwat{ 3 qh the {eat in eqnutitwtiqn b{ initiatixe iu teuetxef tq the reqre, whieh the ieneta eeetiqn iu hef0 rtqxifef that, an{ uweh texiuiqn qt aoenfoent, ezeert (e) Vhe eiiuatwte uha rtqxife b{ ieneta aw, rtiqt hqt thque ioitini the rqwet qh iqxetnoent tq taiue tq the hqfini qh an eeetiqn rwtuwant tq thiu ueetiqn, hqt texenwe, uha eobtaee bwt qne uwbeet anf oattet the rtqxiuiqn qh a utateoent tq the rwbie teiatfini the fiteet{ eqnneetef thetewith0 Kt oa{ be inxqef b{ hiini rtqbabe hinaneia ioraet qh an{ aoenfoent rtqrquef with the ewutqfian qh utate teeqtfu a retitiqn eqntainini b{ initiatixe rwtuwant tq ueetiqn 50 a eqr{ qh the rtqrquef texiuiqn qt aoenfoent, uiinef (f) Qnee in the tenth wee, anf qnee in the uizth b{ a nwobet qh eeetqtu in eaeh qh qne hah qh the wee iooefiate{ rteeefini the wee in whieh the eqniteuuiqna fiuttietu qh the utate, anf qh the utate au a eeetiqn iu hef, the rtqrquef aoenfoent qt texiuiqn, whqe, eqwa tq eiiht reteent qh the xqteu eaut in eaeh qh with nqtiee qh the fate qh eeetiqn at whieh it wi be uweh fiuttietu teureetixe{ anf in the utate au a whqe in uwboittef tq the eeetqtu, uha be rwbiuhef in qne the aut rteeefini eeetiqn in whieh rteuifentia eeetqtu newuraret qh ieneta eitewatiqn in eaeh eqwnt{ in wete ehquen0 whieh a newuraret iu rwbiuhef0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 2855, 3;92; afqrtef 3;92; Ao0 b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Awiwut 5, 3;;5; afqrtef 3;;6; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ (e) Wneuu qthetwiue ureeihiea{ rtqxifef hqt eue/ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 8, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh whete in thiu eqnutitwtiqn, ih the rtqrquef aoenfoent qt State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 texiuiqn iu arrtqxef b{ xqte qh at eaut uizt{ reteent qh the eeetqtu xqtini qn the oeauwte, it uha be ehheetixe SGEVKQP 60 Eqnut�twt�qna eqnxent�qn0´ au an aoenfoent tq qt texiuiqn qh the eqnutitwtiqn qh the (a) Vhe rqwet tq ea a eqnxentiqn tq eqnuifet a utate qn the hitut Vweufa{ ahtet the hitut Mqnfa{ in texiuiqn qh the entite eqnutitwtiqn iu teuetxef tq the Janwat{ hqqwini the eeetiqn, qt qn uweh qthet fate au reqre0 Kt oa{ be inxqef b{ hiini with the ewutqfian qh oa{ be ureeihief in the aoenfoent qt texiuiqn0 utate teeqtfu a retitiqn, eqntainini a feeatatiqn that a J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 3838, 3;88; afqrtef 3;88; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn eqnutitwtiqna eqnxentiqn iu feuitef, uiinef b{ a nwobet Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 8, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 J0J0T0 593, 2223; afqrtef 2222; Ao0 S0J0T0 25;6, 2226; qh eeetqtu in eaeh qh qne hah qh the eqniteuuiqna afqrtef 2226; Ao0 J0J0T0 3925, 2225; afqrtef 22280 fiuttietu qh the utate, anf qh the utate au a whqe, eqwa tq hihteen ret eent qh the xqteu eaut in eaeh uweh fiuttiet SGEVKQP 80 Vazat�qn anf bwfiet tehqto eqo/ teureetixe{ anf in the utate au a whqe in the aut o�uu�qn0´ rteeefini eeetiqn qh rteuifentia eeetqtu0 (a) Deiinnini in 2229 anf eaeh twentieth {eat (b) At the nezt ieneta eeetiqn hef oqte than theteahtet, thete uha be eutabiuhef a tazatiqn anf ninet{ fa{u ahtet the hiini qh uweh retitiqn thete uha be bwfiet tehqto eqooiuuiqn eqorquef qh the hqqwini uwboittef tq the eeetqtu qh the utate the qweutiqn< ¬Sha oeobetu< a eqnutitwtiqna eqnxentiqn be hefA¹ Kh a oaqtit{ xqtini (3) eexen oeobetu ueeetef b{ the iqxetnqt, nqne qn the qweutiqn xqteu in the ahhitoatixe, at the nezt qh whqo uha be a oeobet qh the eiiuatwte at the tioe uweeeefini ieneta eeetiqn thete uha be eeetef htqo qh arrqintoent0 eaeh terteuentatixe fiuttiet a oeobet qh a eqnutitwtiqna (2) uexen oeobetu ueeetef b{ the ureaet qh the eqnxentiqn0 Qn the twent{/hitut fa{ hqqwini that hqwue qh terteuentatixeu anf uexen oeobetu ueeetef eeetiqn, the eqnxentiqn uha uit at the earita, eeet b{ the rteuifent qh the uenate, nqne qh whqo uha be a qhhieetu, afqrt tweu qh rtqeefwte, wfie the eeetiqn qh oeobet qh the eiiuatwte at the tioe qh arrqintoent0 itu oeobetuhir, anf hiz a tioe anf raee hqt itu hwtwte (5) hqwt nqn/xqtini ez qhhieiq oeobetu, a qh whqo oeetiniu0 Pqt atet than ninet{ fa{u behqte the nezt uha be oeobetu qh the eiiuatwte at the tioe qh uweeeefini ieneta eeetiqn, the eqnxentiqn uha eawue arrqintoent0 Vwq qh theue oeobetu, qne qh whqo uha 52 ATVKENG ZK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG ZKK be a oeobet qh the oinqtit{ ratt{ in the hqwue qh Pqxeobet 9, 3;;6 inewfini withqwt ioitatiqn uweh terteuentatixeu, uha be ueeetef b{ the ureaet qh the tazeu anf heeu au ate the uwbeet qh rtqrquef eqnutitw/ hqwue qh terteuentatixeu, anf twq qh theue oeobetu, tiqna aoenfoentu arreatini qn the baqt qn Pqxeo/ qne qh whqo uha be a oeobet qh the oinqtit{ ratt{ in bet 8, 3;;60 Vhiu ueetiqn uha arr{ tq rtqrquef the uenate, uha be ueeetef b{ the rteuifent qh the eqnutitwtiqna aoenfoentu teatini tq State tazeu qt uenate0 heeu whieh arreat qn the Pqxeobet 8, 3;;6 baqt, qt (b) Vaeaneieu in the oeobetuhir qh the eqooiuuiqn atet baqtu, anf an{ uweh rtqrquef aoenfoent whieh uha be hief in the uaoe oannet au the qtiiina haiu tq iain the twq/thitfu xqte teqwitef heteb{ uha be arrqintoentu0 nw, xqif anf withqwt ehheet0 (e) At itu initia oeetini, the oeobetu qh the J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Mateh 33, 3;;6; afqrtef 3;;80 eqooiuuiqn uha eeet a oeobet whq iu nqt a oeobet qh the eiiuatwte tq uetxe au ehait anf the eqooiuuiqn ATVKENG ZKK uha afqrt itu tweu qh rtqeefwte0 Vheteahtet, the eqooiuuiqn uha eqnxene at the ea qh the ehait0 An SEJGDWNG ahhitoatixe xqte qh twq thitfu qh the hw eqooiuuiqn uha be neeeuuat{ hqt an{ texiuiqn qh thiu eqnutitwtiqn qt an{ See0 ratt qh it tq be rtqrquef b{ the eqooiuuiqn0 (f) Vhe eqooiuuiqn uha ezaoine the utate bwfiet/ 30 Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885 uwretuefef0 at{ rtqeeuu, the texenwe neefu anf ezrenfitwte 20 Ptqrett{ tazeu; oiaieu0 rtqeeuueu qh the utate, the arrtqrtiateneuu qh the taz 50 Qhhieetu tq eqntinwe in qhhiee0 uttwetwte qh the utate, anf iqxetnoenta rtqfwetixit{ 60 State eqooiuuiqnet qh efweatiqn0 anf ehhieiene{; texiew rqie{ au it teateu tq the abiit{ qh 50 Swretintenfent qh uehqqu0 utate anf qea iqxetnoent tq taz anf afeqwate{ hwnf 80 Nawu rteuetxef0 iqxetnoenta qretatiqnu anf earita haeiitieu teqwitef 90 Tiihtu teuetxef0 tq oeet the utate'u neefu fwtini the nezt twent{ {eat 80 Pwbie febtu teeqinizef0 retiqf; fetetoine oethqfu haxqtef b{ the eitizenu qh the ;0 Dqnfu0 utate tq hwnf the neefu qh the utate, inewfini atetnatixe 320 Pteuetxatiqn qh eziutini iqxetnoent0 oethqfu hqt taiuini uwhhieient texenweu hqt the neefu qh 330 Deetiqn qh qbuqete uehefwe iteou0 the utate; fetetoine oeauwteu that eqwf be inutitwtef tq 320 Senatqtu0 ehheetixe{ iathet hwnfu htqo eziutini taz uqwteeu; 350 Neiiuatixe arrqttiqnoent0 ezaoine eqnutitwtiqna ioitatiqnu qn tazatiqn anf ez/ 360 Terteuentatixeu; tetou0 renfitwteu at the utate anf qea exe; anf texiew the 350 Sreeia fiuttiet tazeu0 utate'u eqortehenuixe rannini, bwfietini anf neefu 380 Teqtianizatiqn0 auueuuoent rtqeeuueu tq fetetoine whethet the teuwt/ 390 Eqnhietini rtqxiuiqnu0 ini inhqtoatiqn afeqwate{ uwrrqttu a uttateiie feei/ 380 Dqnfu hqt hqwuini anf teatef haeiitieu0 uiqnoaini rtqeeuu0 3;0 Tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee rtqrett{0 (e) Vhe eqooiuuiqn uha hqf rwbie heatiniu au it 220 Aeeeuu tq rwbie teeqtfu0 feeou neeeuuat{ tq eatt{ qwt itu teurqnuibiitieu wnfet 230 State texenwe ioitatiqn0 thiu ueetiqn0 Vhe eqooiuuiqn uha iuuwe a terqtt qh the 220 Jiutqtie rtqrett{ ezeortiqn anf auueuuoent0 teuwtu qh the texiew eattief qwt, anf rtqrque tq the 250 Hiuh anf wifihe eqnuetxatiqn eqooiuuiqn0 eiiuatwte an{ teeqooenfef utatwtqt{ ehanieu teatef 260 Gzeewtixe btaneh tehqto0 tq the tazatiqn qt bwfietat{ awu qh the utate0 Pqt atet 250 Sehefwe tq Attiee V aoenfoent0 than qne hwnftef eiiht{ fa{u rtiqt tq the ieneta 280 Kneteauef hqoeuteaf ezeortiqn0 eeetiqn in the ueeqnf {eat hqqwini the {eat in whieh 290 Ptqrett{ taz ezeortiqnu anf ioitatiqnu qn rtqr/ the eqooiuuiqn iu eutabiuhef, the eqooiuuiqn uha hie ett{ taz auueuuoentu0 with the ewutqfian qh utate teeqtfu itu rtqrqua, ih an{, qh 280 Ptqrett{ taz ezeortiqn anf eauuihieatiqn anf a texiuiqn qh thiu eqnutitwtiqn qt an{ ratt qh it feaini with auueuuoent qh anf wuef hqt eqnuetxatiqn tazatiqn qt the utate bwfietat{ rtqeeuu0 rwtrqueu0 J�utqt{0´Affef, J0J0T0 3838, 3;88; afqrtef 3;88; Aou0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pqu0 8 anf 35, 3;;8, hief with the 2;0 Nioitatiqn qn the auueuuef xawe qh tea rtqrett{ Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 wuef hqt teuifentia rwtrqueu0 520 Auueuuoent qh wqtini watethtqnt rtqrett{0 SGEVKQP 90 Vaz qt hee �o�tat�qn0´Pqtwithutanf/ 530 Affitiqna af xaqteo taz ezeortiqn hqt eettain ini Attiee Z, Seetiqn 32(f) qh thiu eqnutitwtiqn, nq new oeobetu qh the atoef hqteeu ferq{ef qn State taz qt hee uha be iorquef qn qt ahtet Pqxeobet aetixe fwt{ qwtuife qh the Wnitef Stateu0 8, 3;;6 b{ an{ aoenfoent tq thiu eqnutitwtiqn wneuu 520 Vetetanu fiuabef fwe tq eqobat inwt{; hqoe/ the rtqrquef aoenfoent iu arrtqxef b{ nqt hewet than uteaf rtqrett{ taz fiueqwnt0 twq/thitfu qh the xqtetu xqtini in the eeetiqn in whieh 550 Af xaqteo taz teieh hqt uwtxixini urqwueu qh uweh rtqrquef aoenfoent iu eqnuifetef0 Hqt rwtrqueu xetetanu whq fief htqo uetxiee/eqnneetef qh thiu ueetiqn, the rhtaue ¬new State taz qt hee¹ uha eawueu anf hitut teurqnfetu whq fief in the oean an{ taz qt hee whieh wqwf rtqfwee texenwe ine qh fwt{0 uwbeet tq wor uwo qt qthet arrtqrtiatiqn b{ the 560 Sqat fexieeu qt tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee fe/ Neiiuatwte, eithet hqt the State ieneta texenwe hwnf xieeu; ezeortiqn htqo eettain tazatiqn anf qt an{ ttwut hwnf, whieh taz qt hee iu nqt in ehheet qn auueuuoent0 53 ATVKENG ZKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG ZKK
See0 SGEVKQP 90 T�ihtu teuetxef0´ (a) A aetiqnu, tiihtu qh aetiqn, eaiou, eqnttaetu anf 550 Vaz ezeortiqn hqt tqta{ anf retoanent{ fiu/ qbiiatiqnu qh infixifwau, eqtrqtatiqnu anf rwbie abef hitut teurqnfetu0 bqfieu qt aieneieu eziutini qn the fate thiu texiuiqn 580 Affitiqna af xaqteo ezeortiqn hqt retuqnu aie beeqoeu ehheetixe uha eqntinwe tq be xaif au ih thiu uizt{/hixe qt qfet0 texiuiqn haf nqt been afqrtef0 A tazeu, renatieu, 590 Giiibiit{ qh wutieeu anf wfieu0 hineu anf hqtheitwteu qwini tq the utate wnfet the 580 Ptqhibitiqnu teiatfini qbb{ini hqt eqorenuatiqn Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, au aoenfef, uha inwte tq the anf abwue qh rwbie rquitiqn b{ rwbie qhhieetu utate wnfet thiu texiuiqn, anf a uenteneeu au rwniuh/ anf rwbie eorq{eeu0 oent hqt etioe uha be ezeewtef aeeqtfini tq theit 5;0 Ptqhibitiqn qn taeini qh qt waietini qn ite{/ tetou0 hqwnfu qt qthet fqiu0 (b) Vhiu texiuiqn uha nqt be tettqaetixe uq au tq eteate an{ tiiht qt iabiit{ whieh fif nqt eziut wnfet the SGEVKQP 30 Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885 uwretuefef0 Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, au aoenfef, bauef wrqn oattetu Attieeu K thtqwih KV, VKK, anf KZ thtqwih ZZ qh the qeewttini rtiqt tq the afqrtiqn qh thiu texiuiqn0 Eqnutitwtiqn qh Hqtifa afqrtef in 3885, au aoenfef htqo tioe tq tioe, ate uwretuefef b{ thiu texiuiqn SGEVKQP 80 Pwb�e febtu teeqin�zef0´A ezeert thque ueetiqnu ezrteuu{ tetainef anf oafe a bqnfu, texenwe eettihieateu, texenwe bqnfu anf taz ratt qh thiu texiuiqn b{ tehetenee0 antieiratiqn eettihieateu iuuwef rwtuwant tq the Eqnuti/ twtiqn qh 3885, au aoenfef b{ the utate, an{ aiene{, SGEVKQP 20 Ptqrett{ tazeu; o�aieu0´Vaz rqitiea uwbfixiuiqn qt rwbie eqtrqtatiqn qh the utate oiaieu awthqtizef in eqwntieu, ownieiraitieu anf uha teoain in hw hqtee anf ehheet anf uha be ueewtef ureeia fiuttietu, qn the fate thiu texiuiqn beeqoeu b{ the uaoe uqwteeu qh texenwe au behqte the afqrtiqn ehheetixe, oa{ be eqntinwef wnti tefweef b{ aw0 qh thiu texiuiqn, anf, tq the eztent neeeuuat{ tq ehheetwate thiu ueetiqn, the arrieabe rtqxiuiqnu qh the SGEVKQP 50 Qhh�eetu tq eqnt�nwe �n qhh�ee0´ Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, au aoenfef, ate tetainef au a ratt Gxet{ retuqn hqfini qhhiee when thiu texiuiqn beeqoeu qh thiu texiuiqn wnti ra{oent in hw qh theue rwbie ehheetixe uha eqntinwe in qhhiee hqt the teoainfet qh the ueewtitieu0 teto ih that qhhiee iu nqt abqiuhef0 Kh the qhhiee iu abqiuhef the inewobent uha be raif afeqwate eqo/ SGEVKQP ;0 Dqnfu0´ renuatiqn, tq be hizef b{ aw, hqt the quu qh eoqwoentu (a) ADDKVKQPAN SGEWTKVKGS0 hqt the teoainfet qh the teto0 (3) 3Attiee KZ, Seetiqn 39, qh the Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, au aoenfef, au it eziutef iooefiate{ behqte thiu SGEVKQP 60 State eqoo�uu�qnet qh efweat�qn0 Eqnutitwtiqn, au texiuef in 3;88, beeaoe ehheetixe, iu Vhe utate uwretintenfent qh rwbie inuttwetiqn in qhhiee afqrtef b{ thiu tehetenee au a ratt qh thiu texiuiqn au qn the ehheetixe fate qh thiu texiuiqn uha beeqoe anf, eqorete{ au thqwih ineqtrqtatef hetein xetbatio, hqt the teoainfet qh the teto beini uetxef, uha be the ezeert texenwe bqnfu, texenwe eettihieateu qt qthet eqooiuuiqnet qh efweatiqn0 exifeneeu qh infebtefneuu heteahtet iuuwef thetewnfet oa{ be iuuwef b{ the aiene{ qh the utate uq awthqtizef SGEVKQP 50 Swret�ntenfent qh uehqqu0´ b{ aw0 (2) Vhat rqttiqn qh 2Attiee ZKK, Seetiqn ;, Swbueetiqn (a) Qn the ehheetixe fate qh thiu texiuiqn the eqwnt{ (a) qh thiu Eqnutitwtiqn, au aoenfef, whieh b{ tehetenee uwretintenfent qh rwbie inuttwetiqn qh eaeh eqwnt{ uha afqrtef 5Attiee ZKK, Seetiqn 3; qh the Eqnutitwtiqn qh beeqoe anf, hqt the teoainfet qh the teto beini uetxef, 3885, au aoenfef, au the uaoe eziutef iooefiate{ uha be the uwretintenfent qh uehqqu qh that fiuttiet0 behqte the ehheetixe fate qh thiu aoenfoent iu afqrtef (b) Vhe oethqf qh ueeetiqn qh the eqwnt{ uwret/ b{ thiu tehetenee au ratt qh thiu texiuiqn au eqorete{ intenfent qh rwbie inuttwetiqn qh eaeh eqwnt{, au au thqwih ineqtrqtatef hetein xetbatio, hqt the rwtrque rtqxifef b{ qt wnfet the Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, au qh rtqxifini that ahtet the ehheetixe fate qh thiu aoenf/ aoenfef, uha arr{ tq the ueeetiqn qh the fiuttiet oent a qh the rtqeeefu qh the texenweu fetixef htqo uwretintenfent qh uehqqu wnti ehanief au hetein the itquu teeeirtu tazeu, au thetein fehinef, eqeetef in rtqxifef0 eaeh {eat uha be arrief au rtqxifef thetein tq the eztent neeeuuat{ tq eqor{ with a qbiiatiqnu tq qt hqt SGEVKQP 80 Nawu rteuetxef0´ the benehit qh hqfetu qh bqnfu qt eettihieateu iuuwef (a) A awu in ehheet wrqn the afqrtiqn qh thiu behqte the ehheetixe fate qh thiu aoenfoent qt an{ texiuiqn, tq the eztent nqt ineqnuiutent with it, uha tehwnfiniu theteqh whieh ate ueewtef b{ uweh itquu teoain in hqtee wnti the{ ezrite b{ theit tetou qt ate teeeirtu tazeu0 Pq bqnfu qt qthet qbiiatiqnu oa{ be tereaef0 iuuwef rwtuwant tq the rtqxiuiqnu qh 5Attiee ZKK, Seetiqn (b) A utatwteu whieh, wnfet the Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3;, qh the Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, au aoenfef, bwt thiu 3885, au aoenfef, arr{ tq the utate uwretintenfent rtqxiuiqn uha nqt be eqnuttwef tq rtexent the tehwnfini qh rwbie inuttwetiqn anf thque whieh arr{ tq the eqwnt{ qh an{ uweh qwtutanfini bqnfu qt qbiiatiqnu rwtuwant uwretintenfent qh rwbie inuttwetiqn uha wnfet thiu tq the rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu uwbueetiqn (a)(2)0 texiuiqn arr{, teureetixe{, tq the utate eqooiuuiqnet Swbeet tq the teqwiteoentu qh the hitut rataitarh qh qh efweatiqn anf the fiuttiet uwretintenfent qh uehqqu0 thiu uwbueetiqn (a)(2), beiinnini Jw{ 3, 3;95, a qh the 52 ATVKENG ZKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG ZKK rtqeeefu qh the texenweu fetixef htqo the itquu e0 Hqt fiteet ra{oent qh the equt qt an{ ratt qh the teeeirtu tazeu eqeetef htqo exet{ retuqn, inewfini equt qh an{ earita rtqeet hqt the utate u{uteo thete/ ownieiraitieu, au rtqxifef anf exief rwtuwant tq the tqhqte awthqtizef b{ the eiiuatwte, qt hqt the rwtehaue rtqxiuiqnu qh ehartet 225, Hqtifa Statwteu, au uweh qt tefeortiqn qh qwtutanfini bqnfu in aeeqtfanee with ehartet iu aoenfef htqo tioe tq tioe, uha, au the rtqxiuiqnu qh the rtqeeefiniu whieh awthqtizef the eqeetef, be raeef in a ttwut hwnf tq be nqwn au iuuwanee qh uweh bqnfu, qt hqt the rwtrque qh oain/ the ¬rwbie efweatiqn earita qwta{ anf febt uetxiee tainini, teutqtini, qt teraitini eziutini rwbie efwea/ ttwut hwnf¹ in the utate tteauwt{ (heteinahtet tehettef tq tiqna haeiitieu0 au ¬earita qwta{ hwnf¹), anf wuef qn{ au rtqxifef (b) TGHWPDKPG DQPDS0 Texenwe bqnfu tq hi/ hetein0 nanee the equt qh utate earita rtqeetu iuuwef rtiqt tq Vhe earita qwta{ hwnf uha be afoiniutetef b{ the the fate thiu texiuiqn beeqoeu ehheetixe, inewfini utate bqatf qh efweatiqn au eteatef anf eqnutitwtef b{ rtqeetu qh the Hqtifa utate twtnrie awthqtit{ qt itu Seetiqn 2 qh Attiee KZ qh the Eqnutitwtiqn qh Hqtifa au uweeeuuqt bwt ezewfini a rqttiqnu qh the utate hiihwa{ texiuef in 3;88 (heteinahtet tehettef tq au ¬utate u{uteo, oa{ be tehwnfef au rtqxifef b{ aw withqwt bqatf¹), qt b{ uweh qthet inuttwoentait{ qh the utate xqte qh the eeetqtu at a qwet net axetaie inteteut equt whieh uha heteahtet uweeeef b{ aw tq the rqwetu, tate b{ the iuuwanee qh bqnfu oatwtini nqt atet than the fwtieu anf hwnetiqnu qh the utate bqatf, inewfini the qbiiatiqnu tehwnfef, ueewtef b{ the uaoe texenweu rqwetu, fwtieu anf hwnetiqnu qh the utate bqatf rtqxifef qn{0 in thiu uwbueetiqn (a)(2)0 Vhe utate bqatf uha be a bqf{ (e) MQVQT VGJKENG HWGN VAZGS0 eqtrqtate anf uha haxe a the rqwetu rtqxifef hetein (3) A utate taz, feuiinatef ¬ueeqnf iau taz,¹ qh twq in affitiqn tq a qthet eqnutitwtiqna anf utatwtqt{ eentu ret iaqn wrqn iauqine anf qthet ie rtqfwetu rqwetu teatef tq the rwtrqueu qh thiu uwbueetiqn qh rettqewo anf an eqwixaent taz wrqn qthet uqwteeu (a)(2) hetetqhqte qt heteahtet eqnhettef b{ aw wrqn qh eneti{ wuef tq rtqre oqtqt xehieeu au exief b{ the utate bqatf, qt itu rtefeeeuuqt eteatef b{ the 6Attiee KZ, Seetiqn 38, qh the Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, au Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, au aoenfef0 aoenfef, iu heteb{ eqntinwef0 Vhe rtqeeefu qh uaif taz State bqnfu refiini the hw haith anf etefit qh the uha be raeef oqnth{ in the utate tqafu fiuttibwtiqn utate oa{ be iuuwef, withqwt a xqte qh the eeetqtu, b{ hwnf in the utate tteauwt{0 the utate bqatf rwtuwant tq aw tq hinanee qt tehinanee (2) 6Attiee KZ, Seetiqn 38, qh the Eqnutitwtiqn qh earita rtqeetu thetetqhqte awthqtizef b{ the eiiua/ 3885, au aoenfef, iu afqrtef b{ thiu tehetenee au a twte, anf an{ rwtrqueu arrwttenant qt ineifenta thete/ ratt qh thiu texiuiqn au eqorete{ au thqwih ineqtrq/ tq, hqt the utate u{uteo qh rwbie efweatiqn rtqxifef hqt tatef hetein xetbatio hqt the rwtrque qh rtqxifini that in Seetiqn 3 qh Attiee KZ qh thiu Eqnutitwtiqn (heteinahtet ahtet the ehheetixe fate qh thiu texiuiqn the rtqeeefu qh tehettef tq au ¬utate u{uteo¹), inewfini bwt nqt ioitef tq the ¬ueeqnf iau taz¹ au tehettef tq thetein uha be inutitwtiqnu qh hiihet eatnini, eqoownit{ eqeieu, aqeatef aoqni the uexeta eqwntieu in aeeqtfanee xqeatiqna teehniea uehqqu, qt rwbie uehqqu, au with the hqtowa utatef thetein tq the eztent neeeuuat{ nqw fehinef qt au oa{ heteahtet be fehinef b{ aw0 tq eqor{ with a qbiiatiqnu tq qt hqt the benehit qh A uweh bqnfu uha oatwte nqt atet than thitt{ {eatu hqfetu qh bqnfu, texenwe eettihieateu anf taz antieira/ ahtet the fate qh iuuwanee theteqh0 A qthet fetaiu qh tiqn eettihieateu qt an{ tehwnfiniu theteqh ueewtef b{ uweh bqnfu uha be au rtqxifef b{ aw qt b{ the an{ rqttiqn qh the ¬ueeqnf iau taz0¹ rtqeeefiniu awthqtizini uweh bqnfu; rtqxifef, hqw/ (5) Pq hwnfu antieiratef tq be aqeatef wnfet the exet, that nq bqnfu, ezeert tehwnfini bqnfu, uha be hqtowa utatef in 6Attiee KZ, Seetiqn 38, qh the Eqn/ iuuwef, anf nq rtqeeefu uha be ezrenfef hqt the equt utitwtiqn qh 3885, au aoenfef, uha be refief au qh an{ earita rtqeet, wneuu uweh rtqeet hau been ueewtit{ hqt an{ qbiiatiqn heteahtet iuuwef qt entetef awthqtizef b{ the eiiuatwte0 intq, ezeert that an{ qwtutanfini qbiiatiqnu rtexiqwu{ Dqnfu iuuwef rwtuwant tq thiu uwbueetiqn (a)(2) uha iuuwef refiini texenweu aqeatef wnfet uaif 6Attiee be rtioati{ ra{abe htqo uweh texenweu fetixef htqo KZ, Seetiqn 38, oa{ be tehwnfef at a qwet axetaie net itquu teeeirtu tazeu, anf uha be affitiqna{ ueewtef inteteut equt tate b{ the iuuwanee qh tehwnfini bqnfu, b{ the hw haith anf etefit qh the utate0 Pq uweh bqnfu oatwtini nqt atet than the qbiiatiqnu tehwnfef, ue/ uha exet be iuuwef in an aoqwnt ezeeefini ninet{ ewtef b{ the uaoe texenweu anf an{ qthet ueewtit{ reteent qh the aoqwnt whieh the utate bqatf fetetoineu awthqtizef in rataitarh (5) qh thiu uwbueetiqn0 ean be uetxieef b{ the texenweu fetixef htqo the itquu (6) Swbeet tq the teqwiteoentu qh rataitarh (2) qh teeeirtu tazeu aeetwini theteahtet wnfet the rtqxiuiqnu thiu uwbueetiqn anf ahtet ra{oent qh afoiniuttatixe qh thiu uwbueetiqn (a)(2), anf uweh fetetoinatiqn uha ezrenueu, the ¬ueeqnf iau taz¹ uha be aqeatef tq the be eqnewuixe0 aeeqwnt qh eaeh qh the uexeta eqwntieu in the aoqwntu Vhe oqne{u in the earita qwta{ hwnf in eaeh hiuea tq be fetetoinef au hqqwu< Vhete uha be an initia {eat uha be wuef qn{ hqt the hqqwini rwtrqueu anf in aqeatiqn qh qne/hqwtth in the tatiq qh eqwnt{ atea tq the hqqwini qtfet qh rtiqtit{< utate atea, qne/hqwtth in the tatiq qh the tqta eqwnt{ a0 Hqt the ra{oent qh the rtineira qh anf inteteut rqrwatiqn tq the tqta rqrwatiqn qh the utate in qn an{ bqnfu fwe in uweh hiuea {eat; aeeqtfanee with the ateut axaiabe hefeta eenuwu, b0 Hqt the ferquit intq an{ teuetxe hwnfu rtqxifef anf qne/hah in the tatiq qh the tqta ¬ueeqnf iau taz¹ hqt in the rtqeeefiniu awthqtizini the iuuwanee qh bqnfu eqeetef qn tetai uaeu qt wue in eaeh eqwnt{ tq the tqta qh an{ aoqwntu teqwitef tq be ferquitef in uweh teuetxe eqeetef in a eqwntieu qh the utate fwtini the rtexiqwu hwnfu in uweh hiuea {eat; hiuea {eat0 Kh the annwa febt uetxiee teqwiteoentu qh 55 ATVKENG ZKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG ZKK an{ qbiiatiqnu iuuwef hqt an{ eqwnt{, inewfini an{ hqt the rwtrque qh rtqxifini that ahtet the ehheetixe fate fehieieneieu hqt rtiqt {eatu, ueewtef wnfet rataitarh qh thiu aoenfoent the hitut rtqeeefu qh the texenweu (2) qh thiu uwbueetiqn, ezeeefu the aoqwnt whieh wqwf fetixef htqo the ieenuini qh oqtqt xehieeu au tehettef be aqeatef tq that eqwnt{ wnfet the hqtowa uet qwt in tq thetein uha be fiuttibwtef annwa{ aoqni the thiu rataitarh, the aoqwntu aqeatef tq qthet eqwntieu uexeta eqwntieu in the tatiq qh the nwobet qh inuttwetiqn uha be tefweef rtqrqttiqnate{0 wnitu in eaeh eqwnt{, the uaoe beini eqtetoinwu with (5) Hwnfu aqeatef wnfet rataitarhu (2) anf (6) qh the uehqq fiuttiet qh eaeh eqwnt{ au rtqxifef in Attiee thiu uwbueetiqn uha be afoiniutetef b{ the utate bqatf KZ, Seetiqn 6, Swbueetiqn (a) qh thiu eqnutitwtiqn, in eaeh qh afoiniuttatiqn eteatef wnfet Attiee KV, Seetiqn 60 {eat eqorwtef au rtqxifef thetein tq the eztent Vhe bqatf uha teoit the rtqeeefu qh the ¬ueeqnf iau neeeuuat{ tq eqor{ with a qbiiatiqnu tq qt hqt the taz¹ in eaeh eqwnt{ aeeqwnt hqt wue in uaif eqwnt{ au benehit qh hqfetu qh bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee taz hqqwu< eiiht{ ret eent tq the utate aiene{ uwretxiuini antieiratiqn eettihieateu iuuwef behqte the ehheetixe the utate tqaf u{uteo anf twent{ ret eent tq the fate qh thiu aoenfoent qt an{ tehwnfiniu theteqh iqxetnini bqf{ qh the eqwnt{0 Vhe reteentaie aqeatef whieh ate ueewtef b{ an{ rqttiqn qh uweh texenweu tq the eqwnt{ oa{ be ineteauef b{ ieneta aw0 Vhe fetixef htqo the ieenuini qh oqtqt xehieeu0 rtqeeefu qh the ¬ueeqnf iau taz¹ uwbeet tq aqeatiqn tq (2) Pq hwnfu antieiratef tq be fiuttibwtef annwa{ the uexeta eqwntieu wnfet thiu rataitarh (5) uha be aoqni the uexeta eqwntieu wnfet the hqtowa utatef in wuef hitut, hqt the ra{oent qh qbiiatiqnu refiini 5Attiee ZKK, Seetiqn ;, Swbueetiqn (f) qh thiu eqnutitw/ texenweu aqeatef rwtuwant tq 6Attiee KZ, Seetiqn 38, tiqn, au aoenfef, au the uaoe eziutef iooefiate{ qh the Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, au aoenfef, anf an{ behqte the ehheetixe fate qh thiu aoenfoent uha be tehwnfiniu theteqh; ueeqnf, hqt the ra{oent qh febt refief au ueewtit{ hqt an{ qbiiatiqnu heteahtet iuuwef uetxiee qn bqnfu iuuwef au rtqxifef b{ thiu rataitarh qt entetef intq, ezeert that an{ qwtutanfini qbiiatiqnu (5) tq hinanee the aeqwiuitiqn anf eqnuttwetiqn qh tqafu rtexiqwu{ iuuwef refiini uweh hwnfu oa{ be tehwnfef au fehinef b{ aw; anf thitf, hqt the aeqwiuitiqn anf b{ the iuuwanee qh tehwnfini bqnfu0 eqnuttwetiqn qh tqafu anf hqt tqaf oaintenanee au (5) Swbeet tq the teqwiteoentu qh rataitarh (3) qh awthqtizef b{ aw0 Yhen awthqtizef b{ aw, utate bqnfu thiu uwbueetiqn (f) beiinnini Jw{ 3, 3;95, the hitut refiini the hw haith anf etefit qh the utate oa{ be rtqeeefu qh the texenweu fetixef htqo the ieenuini qh iuuwef withqwt an{ eeetiqn< (i) tq tehwnf qbiiatiqnu oqtqt xehieeu (heteinahtet eaef ¬oqtqt xehiee ieenue ueewtef b{ an{ rqttiqn qh the ¬ueeqnf iau taz¹ aqeatef texenweu¹) tq the eztent neeeuuat{ tq eqor{ with the tq a eqwnt{ wnfet 6Attiee KZ, Seetiqn 38, qh the rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu aoenfoent, uha, au eqeetef, be Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, au aoenfef; (ii) tq hinanee the raeef oqnth{ in the uehqq fiuttiet anf eqoownit{ aeqwiuitiqn anf eqnuttwetiqn qh tqafu in a eqwnt{ when eqeie fiuttiet earita qwta{ anf febt uetxiee hwnf in the arrtqxef b{ the iqxetnini bqf{ qh the eqwnt{ anf the utate tteauwt{ anf wuef qn{ au rtqxifef in thiu utate aiene{ uwretxiuini the utate tqaf u{uteo; anf (iii) aoenfoent0 Sweh texenwe uha be fiuttibwtef annwa{ tq tehwnf qbiiatiqnu ueewtef b{ an{ rqttiqn qh the aoqni the uexeta uehqq fiuttietu anf eqoownit{ ¬ueeqnf iau taz¹ aqeatef wnfet rataitarh ;(e)(6)0 Pq eqeie fiuttietu in the tatiq qh the nwobet qh inuttwetiqn uweh bqnfu uha be iuuwef wneuu a utate hiuea aiene{ wnitu in eaeh uehqq fiuttiet qt eqoownit{ eqeie fiuttiet eteatef b{ aw hau oafe a fetetoinatiqn that in nq in eaeh {eat eqorwtef au rtqxifef hetein0 Vhe aoqwnt utate hiuea {eat wi the febt uetxiee teqwiteoentu qh the qh the hitut oqtqt xehiee ieenue texenweu tq be uq uet bqnfu anf a qthet bqnfu ueewtef b{ the refief auife in eaeh {eat anf fiuttibwtef au rtqxifef hetein rqttiqn qh the ¬ueeqnf iau taz¹ aqeatef tq the eqwnt{ uha be an aoqwnt eqwa in the aiiteiate tq the rtqfwet ezeeef uexent{/hixe ret eent qh the refief rqttiqn qh qh uiz hwnftef fqatu (&822) owtirief b{ the tqta the ¬ueeqnf iau taz¹ aqeatef tq that eqwnt{ hqt the nwobet qh inuttwetiqn wnitu in a the uehqq fiuttietu qh rteeefini utate hiuea {eat, qh the refief net tqu htqo Hqtifa hqt the uehqq hiuea {eat 3;89/88, rwu an eziutini haeiitieu eqeetef in the rteeefini utate hiuea aoqwnt eqwa in the aiiteiate tq the rtqfwet qh eiiht {eat, anf qh the annwa axetaie net tqu antieiratef hwnftef fqatu (&822) owtirief b{ the tqta nwobet qh fwtini the hitut hixe utate hiuea {eatu qh qretatiqn qh new inuttwetiqn wnitu in a the uehqq fiuttietu qh Hqtifa hqt rtqeetu tq be hinaneef, anf qh an{ qthet eia{ the uehqq hiuea {eat 3;92/95 anf hqt eaeh uehqq hiuea axaiabe refief texenweu eqeetef in the rteeefini {eat theteahtet whieh iu in ezeeuu qh the tqta nwobet qh utate hiuea {eat0 Dqnfu iuuwef rwtuwant tq thiu uwb/ uweh inuttwetiqn wnitu in a the uehqq fiuttietu qh Hqtifa ueetiqn uha be ra{abe rtioati{ htqo the refief tqu, hqt the uehqq hiuea {eat 3;89/88, uweh ezeeuu wnitu the refief rqttiqnu qh the ¬ueeqnf iau taz¹ aqeatef tq beini feuiinatef ¬itqwth wnitu0¹ Vhe aoqwnt qh the hitut that eqwnt{, anf an{ qthet refief texenwe, anf uha oqtqt xehiee ieenue texenweu tq be uq uet auife in oatwte nqt atet than hqtt{ {eatu htqo the fate qh eaeh {eat anf fiuttibwtef au rtqxifef hetein uha iuuwanee0 affitiqna{ be an aoqwnt eqwa in the aiiteiate tq (f) SEJQQN DQPDS0 the rtqfwet qh hqwt hwnftef fqatu (&622) owtirief b{ (3) 5Attiee ZKK, Seetiqn ;, Swbueetiqn (f) qh thiu the tqta nwobet qh inuttwetiqn wnitu in a eqoownit{ eqnutitwtiqn, au aoenfef, (whieh, b{ tehetenee, eqeie fiuttietu qh Hqtifa0 Vhe nwobet qh inuttwetiqn afqrtef 8Attiee ZKK, Seetiqn 38, qh the Eqnutitwtiqn qh wnitu in eaeh uehqq fiuttiet qt eqoownit{ eqeie fiuttiet 3885, au aoenfef) au the uaoe eziutef iooefiate{ in eaeh {eat hqt the rwtrqueu qh thiu aoenfoent uha behqte the ehheetixe fate qh thiu aoenfoent iu afqrtef be the iteatet qh (3) the nwobet qh inuttwetiqn wnitu in b{ thiu tehetenee au ratt qh thiu aoenfoent au eaeh uehqq fiuttiet hqt the uehqq hiuea {eat 3;89/88 qt eqorete{ au thqwih ineqtrqtatef hetein xetbatio, eqoownit{ eqeie fiuttiet hqt the uehqq hiuea {eat 56 ATVKENG ZKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG ZKK
3;88/8; eqorwtef in the oannet hetetqhqte rtqxifef bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee ieenue texenwe antieiratiqn b{ ieneta aw, qt (2) the nwobet qh inuttwetiqn wnitu in eettihieateu, inewfini tehwnfini bqnfu qt tehwnfini uweh uehqq fiuttiet, inewfini itqwth wnitu, qt eqoow/ oqtqt xehiee ieenue texenwe antieiratiqn eettihieateu, nit{ eqeie fiuttiet hqt the uehqq hiuea {eat eqorwtef in a qt an{ ratt htqo the oqtqt xehiee ieenue texenweu the oannet hetetqhqte qt heteahtet rtqxifef b{ ieneta rtqxifef hqt in thiu aoenfoent anf tq entet intq an{ aw anf arrtqxef b{ the utate bqatf qh efweatiqn eqxenantu anf qthet aiteeoentu with the hqfetu qh (heteinahtet eaef the utate bqatf), qt (5) the nwobet qh uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee ieenue texenwe antieira/ inuttwetiqn wnitu in eaeh uehqq fiuttiet, inewfini itqwth tiqn eettihieateu at the tioe qh the iuuwanee theteqh wnitu, qt eqoownit{ eqeie fiuttiet qn behah qh whieh eqneetnini the ueewtit{ theteqh anf the tiihtu qh the the utate bqatf hau iuuwef bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee hqfetu theteqh, a qh whieh eqxenantu anf aiteeoentu ieenue texenwe antieiratiqn eettihieateu wnfet thiu uha eqnutitwte eia{ binfini anf ittexqeabe eqnttaetu aoenfoent whieh wi rtqfwee uwhhieient texenweu with uweh hqfetu anf uha be hw{ enhqteeabe b{ uweh wnfet thiu aoenfoent tq eqwa qne anf twexe/hwn/ hqfetu in an{ eqwtt qh eqoretent wtiufietiqn0 ftefthu (3032) tioeu the aiiteiate aoqwnt qh rtineira (9) Pq uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee ieenue texenwe qh anf inteteut qn a bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee ieenue antieiratiqn eettihieateu uha exet be iuuwef b{ the utate texenwe antieiratiqn eettihieateu iuuwef wnfet thiu bqatf, ezeert tq tehwnf qwtutanfini bqnfu qt oqtqt aoenfoent whieh wi oatwte anf beeqoe fwe in xehiee ieenue texenwe antieiratiqn eettihieateu, wnti uweh {eat, eqorwtef in the oannet hetetqhqte qt ahtet the afqrtiqn qh a teuqwtiqn teqweutini the heteahtet rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw anf arrtqxef b{ iuuwanee theteqh b{ the uehqq bqatf qh the uehqq the utate bqatf0 fiuttiet qt bqatf qh ttwuteeu qh the eqoownit{ eqeie (6) Sweh hwnfu uq fiuttibwtef uha be afoiniutetef fiuttiet qn behah qh whieh the qbiiatiqnu ate tq be b{ the utate bqatf au nqw eteatef anf eqnutitwtef b{ iuuwef0 Vhe utate bqatf qh efweatiqn uha ioit the Seetiqn 2 qh Attiee KZ qh the State Eqnutitwtiqn au aoqwnt qh uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee ieenue texenwe texiuef in 3;88, qt b{ uweh qthet inuttwoentait{ qh the antieiratiqn eettihieateu whieh ean be iuuwef qn behah qh utate whieh uha heteahtet uweeeef b{ aw tq the an{ uehqq fiuttiet qt eqoownit{ eqeie fiuttiet tq ninet{ rqwetu, fwtieu anf hwnetiqnu qh the utate bqatf, reteent (;2') qh the aoqwnt whieh it fetetoineu ean be inewfini the rqwetu, fwtieu anf hwnetiqnu qh the utate uetxieef b{ the texenwe aeetwini tq the uehqq fiuttiet qt bqatf rtqxifef in thiu aoenfoent0 Hqt the rwtrqueu qh eqoownit{ eqeie fiuttiet wnfet the rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu thiu aoenfoent, uaif utate bqatf uha be a bqf{ aoenfoent, anf uha fetetoine the teauqnabe aq/ eqtrqtate anf uha haxe a the rqwetu rtqxifef in thiu eatiqn qh the inteteut uaxiniu htqo the iuuwanee qh aoenfoent in affitiqn tq a qthet eqnutitwtiqna anf tehwnfini bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee ieenue texenwe utatwtqt{ rqwetu teatef tq the rwtrqueu qh thiu antieiratiqn eettihieateu, anf uweh fetetoinatiqnu uha aoenfoent hetetqhqte qt heteahtet eqnhettef wrqn be eqnewuixe0 A uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee ieenue uaif utate bqatf0 texenwe antieiratiqn eettihieateu uha be iuuwef in the (5) Vhe utate bqatf uha, in affitiqn tq itu qthet naoe qh the utate bqatf qh efweatiqn bwt uha be iuuwef eqnutitwtiqna anf utatwtqt{ rqwetu, haxe the oanaie/ hqt anf qn behah qh the uehqq bqatf qh the uehqq oent, eqnttq anf uwretxiuiqn qh the rtqeeefu qh the hitut fiuttiet qt bqatf qh ttwuteeu qh the eqoownit{ eqeie oqtqt xehiee ieenue texenweu rtqxifef hqt in thiu fiuttiet teqweutini the iuuwanee theteqh, anf nq eeetiqn uwbueetiqn (f)0 Vhe utate bqatf uha auq haxe rqwet, qt arrtqxa qh qwaihief eeetqtu uha be teqwitef hqt the hqt the rwtrque qh qbtainini hwnfu hqt the wue qh an{ iuuwanee theteqh0 uehqq bqatf qh an{ uehqq fiuttiet qt bqatf qh ttwuteeu (8) Vhe utate bqatf uha in eaeh {eat wue the hwnfu qh an{ eqoownit{ eqeie fiuttiet in aeqwitini, bwifini, fiuttibwtabe rwtuwant tq thiu aoenfoent tq the etefit qh eqnuttwetini, atetini, teoqfeini, iortqxini, enatiini, eaeh uehqq fiuttiet qt eqoownit{ eqeie fiuttiet qn{ in hwtniuhini, eqwirrini, oaintainini, tenqxatini, qt te/ the hqqwini oannet anf in qtfet qh rtiqtit{< raitini qh earita qwta{ rtqeetu hqt uehqq rwtrqueu tq a0 Vq eqor{ with the teqwiteoentu qh rataitarh iuuwe bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee ieenue texenwe antieira/ (3) qh thiu uwbueetiqn (f)0 tiqn eettihieateu, anf auq tq iuuwe uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt b0 Vq ra{ a aoqwntu qh rtineira anf inteteut fwe xehiee ieenue texenwe antieiratiqn eettihieateu tq ra{, in uweh {eat qn an{ bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee ieenue hwnf qt tehwnf an{ bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee ieenue texenwe antieiratiqn eettihieateu iuuwef wnfet the texenwe antieiratiqn eettihieateu thetetqhqte iuuwef b{ awthqtit{ heteqh, inewfini tehwnfini bqnfu qt oqtqt uaif utate bqatf0 A uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee ieenue xehiee ieenue texenwe antieiratiqn eettihieateu, iuuwef texenwe antieiratiqn eettihieateu uha beat inteteut at qn behah qh the uehqq bqatf qh uweh uehqq fiuttiet qt nqt ezeeefini the tate rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw anf uha bqatf qh ttwuteeu qh uweh eqoownit{ eqeie fiuttiet; oatwte nqt atet than thitt{ {eatu ahtet the fate qh uwbeet, hqwexet, tq an{ eqxenantu qt aiteeoentu iuuwanee theteqh0 Vhe utate bqatf uha haxe rqwet tq oafe b{ the utate bqatf eqneetnini the tiihtu between fetetoine a qthet fetaiu qh the bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee hqfetu qh fihhetent iuuweu qh uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt ieenue texenwe antieiratiqn eettihieateu anf tq ue in the xehiee ieenue texenwe antieiratiqn eettihieateu, au oannet rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw, qt ezehanie the bqnfu hetein awthqtizef0 qt oqtqt xehiee ieenue texenwe antieiratiqn eettihi/ e0 Vq eutabiuh anf oaintain a uinini hwnf qt hwnfu eateu, wrqn uweh tetou anf eqnfitiqnu au the utate tq oeet hwtwte teqwiteoentu hqt febt uetxiee qt teuetxeu bqatf uha rtqxife0 thetehqt, qn bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee ieenue texenwe (8) Vhe utate bqatf uha auq haxe rqwet tq refie antieiratiqn eettihieateu iuuwef qn behah qh the uehqq hqt the ra{oent qh the rtineira qh anf inteteut qn uweh bqatf qh uweh uehqq fiuttiet qt bqatf qh ttwuteeu qh uweh 55 ATVKENG ZKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG ZKK eqoownit{ eqeie fiuttiet wnfet the awthqtit{ heteqh, rwtrqueu in uweh uehqq fiuttiet qt eqoownit{ eqeie whenexet the utate bqatf uha feeo it neeeuuat{ qt fiuttiet au the uehqq bqatf qh the uehqq fiuttiet qt bqatf afxiuabe, anf in uweh aoqwntu anf wnfet uweh tetou qh ttwuteeu qh the eqoownit{ eqeie fiuttiet uha anf eqnfitiqnu au the utate bqatf uha in itu fiuetetiqn fetetoine, qt au oa{ be rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw0 fetetoine0 (;) Earita qwta{ rtqeetu qh a uehqq fiuttiet qt f0 Vq fiuttibwte annwa{ tq the uexeta uehqq eqoownit{ eqeie fiuttiet uha be eiiibe tq rattieirate bqatfu qh the uehqq fiuttietu qt the bqatfu qh ttwuteeu in the hwnfu aeetwini wnfet thiu aoenfoent anf fetixef qh the eqoownit{ eqeie fiuttietu hqt wue in ra{oent qh htqo the rtqeeefu qh bqnfu anf oqtqt xehiee ieenue febt uetxiee qn bqnfu hetetqhqte qt heteahtet iuuwef b{ texenwe antieiratiqn eettihieateu anf htqo the oqtqt an{ uweh uehqq bqatfu qh the uehqq fiuttietu qt bqatfu xehiee ieenue texenweu, qn{ in the qtfet qh rtiqtit{ qh qh ttwuteeu qh the eqoownit{ eqeie fiuttietu whete the neefu, au uhqwn b{ a uwtxe{ qt uwtxe{u eqnfwetef in rtqeeefu qh the bqnfu wete wuef, qt ate tq be wuef, in the uehqq fiuttiet qt eqoownit{ eqeie fiuttiet wnfet the aeqwitini, bwifini, eqnuttwetini, atetini, teoqfe/ teiwatiqnu rteuetibef b{ the utate bqatf, tq fetetoine ini, iortqxini, enatiini, hwtniuhini, eqwirrini, oain/ the earita qwta{ neefu qh the uehqq fiuttiet qt tainini, tenqxatini, qt teraitini qh earita qwta{ rtqeetu eqoownit{ eqeie fiuttiet anf arrtqxef b{ the utate in uweh uehqq fiuttietu qt eqoownit{ eqeie fiuttietu bqatf; rtqxifef that the rtiqtit{ qh uweh rtqeetu oa{ be anf whieh earita qwta{ rtqeetu haxe been arrtqxef ehanief htqo tioe tq tioe wrqn the teqweut qh the b{ the uehqq bqatf qh the uehqq fiuttiet qt bqatf qh uehqq bqatf qh the uehqq fiuttiet qt bqatf qh ttwuteeu qh ttwuteeu qh the eqoownit{ eqeie fiuttiet, rwtuwant tq the eqoownit{ eqeie fiuttiet anf with the arrtqxa qh the oqut teeent uwtxe{ qt uwtxe{u eqnfwetef wnfet the utate bqatf; anf rtqxifef, hwtthet, that thiu rata/ teiwatiqnu rteuetibef b{ the utate bqatf tq fetetoine itarh (;) uha nqt in an{ oannet ahheet an{ eqxenant, the earita qwta{ neefu qh the uehqq fiuttiet qt aiteeoent qt refie oafe b{ the utate bqatf in the eqoownit{ eqeie fiuttiet0 Vhe utate bqatf uha haxe iuuwanee b{ uaif utate bqatf qh an{ bqnfu qt oqtqt rqwet at the tioe qh iuuwanee qh an{ bqnfu b{ an{ xehiee ieenue texenwe antieiratiqn eettihieateu, qt in uehqq bqatf qh an{ uehqq fiuttiet qt bqatf qh ttwuteeu eqnneetiqn with the iuuwanee qh an{ bqnfu qh an{ uehqq qh an{ eqoownit{ eqeie fiuttiet tq eqxenant anf aitee bqatf qh an{ uehqq fiuttiet qt bqatf qh ttwuteeu qh an{ with uweh uehqq bqatf qt bqatf qh ttwuteeu au tq the eqoownit{ eqeie fiuttiet0 tan anf rtiqtit{ qh ra{oentu tq be oafe hqt fihhetent (32) Vhe utate bqatf uha haxe rqwet tq oae anf iuuweu qh bqnfu wnfet thiu uwbrataitarh f0, anf oa{ enhqtee a tweu anf teiwatiqnu neeeuuat{ tq the hw hwtthet aitee that an{ aoqwntu tq be fiuttibwtef wnfet ezeteiue qh the rqwetu hetein itantef anf nq eiiuatiqn thiu uwbrataitarh f0 oa{ be refief hqt the febt uha be teqwitef tq tenfet thiu aoenfoent qh hw hqtee uetxiee qn bqnfu iuuwef b{ an{ uehqq bqatf qh an{ anf qretatini ehheet0 Vhe eiiuatwte uha nqt tefwee the uehqq fiuttiet qt bqatf qh ttwuteeu qh an{ eqoownit{ exieu qh uaif oqtqt xehiee ieenue texenweu fwtini the eqeie fiuttiet anf hqt the tan anf rtiqtit{ qh uweh ihe qh thiu aoenfoent tq an{ feitee whieh wi hai tq refie0 An{ uweh eqxenantu qt aiteeoentu qh the utate rtqxife the hw aoqwnt neeeuuat{ tq eqor{ with the bqatf oa{ be enhqteef b{ an{ hqfetu qh uweh bqnfu in rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu aoenfoent anf ra{ the neeeuuat{ an{ eqwtt qh eqoretent wtiufietiqn0 ezrenueu qh afoiniutetini the awu teatini tq the e0 Vq ra{ the ezrenueu qh the utate bqatf in ieenuini qh oqtqt xehieeu, anf uha nqt enaet an{ afoiniutetini thiu uwbueetiqn (f), whieh uha be rtq/ aw haxini the ehheet qh withftawini the rtqeeefu qh tatef aoqni the xatiqwu uehqq fiuttietu anf eqoownit{ uweh oqtqt xehiee ieenue texenweu htqo the qretatiqn eqeie fiuttietu anf raif qwt qh the rtqeeefu qh the qh thiu aoenfoent anf uha nqt enaet an{ aw ioraitini bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee ieenue texenwe antieiratiqn qt oatetia{ atetini the tiihtu qh the hqfetu qh an{ eettihieateu qt htqo the hwnfu fiuttibwtabe tq eaeh bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee ieenue texenwe antieiratiqn uehqq fiuttiet anf eqoownit{ eqeie fiuttiet qn the eettihieateu iuuwef rwtuwant tq thiu aoenfoent qt uaoe bauiu au uweh oqtqt xehiee ieenue texenweu ate ioraitini qt atetini an{ eqxenant qt aiteeoent qh fiuttibwtabe tq the xatiqwu uehqq fiuttietu anf eqoow/ the utate bqatf, au rtqxifef in uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt nit{ eqeie fiuttietu0 xehiee ieenue texenwe antieiratiqn eettihieateu0 h0 Vq fiuttibwte annwa{ tq the uexeta uehqq (33) Dqnfu iuuwef b{ the utate bqatf rwtuwant tq thiu bqatfu qh the uehqq fiuttietu qt bqatfu qh ttwuteeu qh uwbueetiqn (f) uha be ra{abe rtioati{ htqo uaif the eqoownit{ eqeie fiuttietu hqt the ra{oent qh the oqtqt xehiee ieenue texenweu au rtqxifef hetein, anf equt qh aeqwitini, bwifini, eqnuttwetini, atetini, teoq/ ih hetetqhqte qt heteahtet awthqtizef b{ aw, oa{ be feini, iortqxini, enatiini, hwtniuhini, eqwirrini, affitiqna{ ueewtef b{ refiini the hw haith anf etefit oaintainini, tenqxatini, qt teraitini qh earita qwta{ qh the utate withqwt an eeetiqn0 Yhen hetetqhqte qt rtqeetu hqt uehqq rwtrqueu in uweh uehqq fiuttiet qt heteahtet awthqtizef b{ aw, bqnfu iuuwef rwtuwant tq eqoownit{ eqeie fiuttiet au uha be teqweutef b{ 8Attiee ZKK, Seetiqn 38 qh the Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, au teuqwtiqn qh the uehqq bqatf qh the uehqq fiuttiet qt aoenfef rtiqt tq 3;88, anf bqnfu iuuwef rwtuwant tq bqatf qh ttwuteeu qh the eqoownit{ eqeie fiuttiet0 Attiee ZKK, Seetiqn ;, uwbueetiqn (f) qh the Eqnutitwtiqn i0 Yhen a oaqt earita qwta{ neefu qh a uehqq au texiuef in 3;88, anf bqnfu iuuwef rwtuwant tq thiu fiuttiet qt eqoownit{ eqeie fiuttiet haxe been oet au uwbueetiqn (f), oa{ be tehwnfef b{ the iuuwanee qh fetetoinef b{ the utate bqatf, qn the bauiu qh a uwtxe{ bqnfu affitiqna{ ueewtef b{ the hw haith anf etefit qh oafe rwtuwant tq teiwatiqnu qh the utate bqatf anf the utate0 arrtqxef b{ the utate bqatf, a uweh hwnfu teoainini (e) DGDV NKMKVAVKQP0 Dqnfu iuuwef rwtuwant tq uha be fiuttibwtef annwa{ anf wuef hqt uweh uehqq thiu Seetiqn ; qh Attiee ZKK whieh ate ra{abe rtioati{ 58 ATVKENG ZKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG ZKK htqo texenweu refief rwtuwant tq thiu ueetiqn uha nqt awthqtizef b{ the Neiiuatwte qh Hqtifa0 Pqne qh uaif bqnfu qt eettihieateu uha be uqf at euu than ninet{/eiiht ret eentwo qh the rat xawe theteqh, rwu aeetwef be inewfef in arr{ini the ioitu wrqn the aoqwnt qh inteteut, anf uaif bqnfu qt eettihieateu uha be awatfef at the rwbie uae theteqh tq utate bqnfu eqntainef in Seetiqn 33, Attiee VKK, qh thiu the biffet qhhetini the qweut net inteteut equt hqt uweh bqnfu qt eettihieateu in the oannet tq be fetetoinef b{ the State Dqatf0 texiuiqn0 Vhe State Dqatf uha auq haxe rqwet tq refie hqt the ra{oent qh the rtineira J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 3853, 3;8;; afqrtef 3;8;; Ao0 E0S0 hqt S0J0T0 2;2, 3;92, qh anf inteteut qn uweh bqnfu qt eettihieateu, anf teuetxeu thetehqt, inewfini anf Ao0 E0S0 hqt J0J0T0 5598, 3;92; afqrtef 3;92; Ao0 E0S0 hqt J0J0T0'u 228;, tehwnfini bqnfu qt eettihieateu, a qt an{ ratt qh the texenwe tq be fetixef htqo the 2;86, 3;96; afqrtef 3;96; Ao0 S0J0T0 826, 3;82; afqrtef 3;82; Ao0 S0J0T0 3359, uaif Gtquu Teeeirtu Vazeu rtqxifef hqt in thiu Aoenfoent, anf tq entet intq an{ 3;86; afqrtef 3;86; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Vazatiqn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqooiuuiqn, eqxenantu anf qthet aiteeoentu with the hqfetu qh uweh bqnfu qt eettihieateu Texiuiqn Pq0 3, 3;;2, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 9, 3;;2; afqrtef 3;;2; eqneetnini the ueewtit{ theteqh anf the tiihtu qh the hqfetu theteqh, a qh whieh Ao0 S0J0T0 2/J, 3;;2; afqrtef 3;;2; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn eqxenantu anf aiteeoentu uha eqnutitwte eia{ binfini anf ittexqeabe eqnttaetu Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 8, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; with uweh hqfetu anf uha be hw{ enhqteeabe b{ uweh hqfetu in an{ eqwtt qh afqrtef 3;;80 eqoretent wtiufietiqn0 3Pqte0´Seetiqn 39 qh Att0 KZ qh the Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, au aoenfef, teafu au Pq uweh bqnfu qt eettihieateu uha exet be iuuwef b{ the State Dqatf in an hqqwu< aoqwnt ezeeefini uexent{/hixe ret eentwo qh the aoqwnt whieh it fetetoineu, SGEVKQP 390 Dqnfu; anf aeqwiuitiqn hqt qwtfqqt teeteatiqn fexeqroent0´ bauef wrqn the axetaie annwa aoqwnt qh the texenweu fetixef htqo uaif Gtquu Vhe qwtfqqt teeteatiqna fexeqroent eqwnei, au eteatef b{ the 3;85 eiiuatwte, Teeeirtu Vazeu fwtini the iooefiate{ rteeefini twq hiuea {eatu, qt the aoqwnt qh oa{ iuuwe texenwe bqnfu, texenwe eettihieateu qt qthet exifeneeu qh infebtefneuu the texenweu fetixef htqo uaif Gtquu Teeeirtu Vazeu fwtini the iooefiate{ tq aeqwite anfu, watet ateau anf teatef teuqwteeu anf tq eqnuttwet, iortqxe, rteeefini hiuea {eat, au uhqwn in a eettihieate hief b{ the State Eqorttqet with the enatie anf eztenf earita iortqxeoentu anf haeiitieu theteqn in hwtthetanee qh State Dqatf rtiqt tq the iuuwanee qh uweh bqnfu qt eettihieateu, whiehexet iu the qwtfqqt teeteatiqn, natwta teuqwteeu eqnuetxatiqn anf teatef haeiitieu in thiu utate; euuet, ean be uetxieef b{ the texenweu aeetwini theteahtet wnfet the rtqxiuiqnu qh rtqxifef, hqwexet, the eiiuatwte with teureet tq uweh texenwe bqnfu, texenwe thiu Aoenfoent; nqt uha the State Dqatf, fwtini the hitut {eat hqqwini the eettihieateu qt qthet exifeneeu qh infebtefneuu uha feuiinate the texenwe qt taz tatihieatiqn qh thiu aoenfoent, iuuwe bqnfu qt eettihieateu in ezeeuu qh uexen tioeu uqwteeu tq be ferquitef in qt etefitef tq the anf aeqwiuitiqn ttwut hwnf hqt theit the antieiratef texenwe htqo uaif Gtquu Teeeirtu Vazeu fwtini uaif {eat, nqt fwtini tera{oent anf oa{ iorque teuttietiqnu qn theit iuuwanee, inewfini the hizini qh eaeh uweeeefini {eat, oqte than hqwt tioeu the antieiratef texenwe htqo uaif oaziowo inteteut tateu anf fiueqwntu0 Gtquu Teeeirtu Vazeu fwtini uweh {eat0 Pq eeetiqn qt arrtqxa qh qwaihief eeetqtu Vhe anf aeqwiuitiqn ttwut hwnf, eteatef b{ the 3;85 eiiuatwte hqt theue owtire qt hteehqfet eeetqtu uha be teqwitef hqt the iuuwanee qh bqnfu qt eettihieateu rwbie rwtrqueu, uha eqntinwe htqo the fate qh the afqrtiqn qh thiu aoenfoent hqt a hetewnfet0 retiqf qh hiht{ {eatu0 Ahtet the initia iuuwanee qh an{ bqnfu qt eettihieateu rwtuwant tq thiu Aoenfoent, Kn the exent the qwtfqqt teeteatiqna fexeqroent eqwnei uha fetetoine tq the State Dqatf oa{ theteahtet iuuwe affitiqna bqnfu qt eettihieateu whieh wi tan iuuwe bqnfu hqt hinaneini aeqwiuitiqn qh uiteu hqt owtire rwtrqueu the utate bqatf qh eqwa{ anf qn a ratit{, au tq ien qn anf uqwtee qh ueewtit{ hqt ra{oent htqo uaif afoiniuttatiqn uha aet au hiuea aient, anf the attqtne{ ieneta uha hanfe the Gtquu Teeeirtu Vazeu, with an{ bqnfu qt eettihieateu thetetqhqte iuuwef rwtuwant tq xaifatiqn rtqeeefiniu0 thiu Aoenfoent, bwt uweh affitiqna ratit{ bqnfu qt eettihieateu uha nqt be iuuwef A bqnfu iuuwef wnfet thiu aoenfoent uha be uqf at rwbie uae ahtet rwbie wneuu the axetaie annwa aoqwnt qh the texenweu fetixef htqo uaif Gtquu afxettiueoent wrqn uweh tetou anf eqnfitiqnu au the qwtfqqt teeteatiqna Teeeirtu Vazeu fwtini the iooefiate{ rteeefini twq hiuea {eatu, qt the aoqwnt qh fexeqroent eqwnei uha rtqxife anf au qthetwiue rtqxifef b{ aw anf uwbeet the texenweu fetixef htqo uaif Gtquu Teeeirtu Vazeu fwtini the iooefiate{ tq the ioitatiqnu hetein iorquef0 rteeefini hiuea {eat, au uhqwn in a eettihieate hief b{ the State Eqorttqet with the J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 929, 3;85; afqrtef 3;850 State Dqatf rtiqt tq the iuuwanee qh uweh bqnfu qt eettihieateu, whiehexet iu the 2Pqte0´Ptiqt tq itu aoenfoent b{ E0S0 hqt J0J0T0'u 228;, 2;86, 3;96, uwbueetiqn euuet, uha haxe been eqwa tq qne anf qne/thitf tioeu the aiiteiate aoqwnt qh (a) teaf au hqqwu< rtineira anf inteteut whieh wi beeqoe fwe in an{ uweeeefini hiuea {eat qn a (a) ADDKVKQPAN SGEWTKVKGS0 Attiee KZ, Seetiqn 39, qh the Eqnutitwtiqn qh bqnfu qt eettihieateu thetetqhqte iuuwef rwtuwant tq thiu Aoenfoent anf then 3885, au aoenfef, au it eziutef iooefiate{ behqte thiu Eqnutitwtiqn, au texiuef in qwtutanfini, anf the affitiqna ratit{ bqnfu qt eettihieateu then rtqrquef tq be 3;88, beeaoe ehheetixe, iu afqrtef b{ thiu tehetenee au a ratt qh thiu texiuiqn au iuuwef0 Pq bqnfu, eettihieateu qt qthet qbiiatiqnu whatuqexet uha at an{ tioe be eqorete{ au thqwih ineqtrqtatef hetein xetbatio, ezeert texenwe bqnfu, texenwe iuuwef wnfet the rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu Aoenfoent, ezeert uweh bqnfu qt eettihieateu eettihieateu qt qthet exifeneeu qh infebtefneuu heteahtet iuuwef thetewnfet oa{ be initia{ iuuwef hetewnfet, anf uweh affitiqna ratit{ bqnfu qt eettihieateu au iuuwef b{ the aiene{ qh the utate uq awthqtizef b{ aw0 rtqxifef in thiu rataitarh0 Pqtwithutanfini an{ qthet rtqxiuiqn hetein nq uweh Attiee ZKK, Seetiqn 3;, qh the Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, au aoenfef, au it eziutef bqnfu qt eettihieateu uha be awthqtizef qt xaifatef fwtini an{ bienniwo in ezeeuu iooefiate{ behqte thiu texiuiqn beeqoeu ehheetixe, iu afqrtef b{ thiu tehetenee au a qh hiht{ oiiqn fqatu, ezeert b{ twq/thitfu xqte qh the oeobetu eeetef tq eaeh ratt qh thiu texiuiqn au eqorete{ au thqwih ineqtrqtatef hetein xetbatio, ezeert hqwue qh the eiiuatwte; rtqxifef hwtthet that fwtini the bienniwo 3;85/3;85 bqnfu qt taz antieiratiqn eettihieateu heteahtet iuuwef thetewnfet oa{ beat inteteut uexent{/hixe oiiqn fqatu oa{ be awthqtizef anf xaifatef rwtuwant hetetq0 nqt in ezeeuu qh hixe reteent (5') ret annwo qt uweh hiihet inteteut au oa{ be (e) Earita qwta{ rtqeetu thetetqhqte awthqtizef b{ the eiiuatwte hqt an{ awthqtizef b{ utatwte rauuef b{ a thtee/hihthu (5/5) xqte qh eaeh hqwue qh the Knutitwtiqn qh Jiihet Neatnini qt Jwniqt Eqeie uha be eiiibe tq rattieirate in the eiiuatwte0 Pq texenwe bqnfu qt taz antieiratiqn eettihieateu uha be iuuwef hwnfu aeetwini wnfet thiu Aoenfoent fetixef htqo the rtqeeefu qh bqnfu qt rwtuwant thetetq ahtet Jwne 52, 3;950 eettihieateu anf uaif Gtquu Teeeirtu Vazeu wnfet uweh teiwatiqnu anf in uweh 5Pqte0´Seetiqn 3; qh Att0 ZKK qh the Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, au aoenfef, teafu au oannet au uha be fetetoinef b{ the State Dqatf, anf the State Dqatf uha wue qt hqqwu< ttanuoit tq the State Dqatf qh Eqnttq qt tq the Dqatf qh Pwbie Knuttwetiqn qh an{ SGEVKQP 3;0 Knutitwtiqnu qh hiihet eatnini anf wniqt eqeie earita qwta{ Eqwnt{ awthqtizef b{ aw tq eqnuttwet qt aeqwite uweh earita qwta{ rtqeetu, the ttwut hwnf bqnfu0´(a) Vhat beiinnini Janwat{ 3, 3;86, anf hqt hiht{ {eatu aoqwnt qh the rtqeeefu qh uweh bqnfu qt eettihieateu qt Gtquu Teeeirtu Vazeu tq be theteahtet, a qh the rtqeeefu qh the texenweu fetixef htqo the itquu teeeirtu arrief tq qt wuef hqt uweh earita qwta{ rtqeetu0 Kh hqt an{ teauqn an{ qh the tazeu eqeetef htqo exet{ retuqn, inewfini ownieiraitieu, teeeixini ra{oent hqt rtqeeefu qh an{ bqnfu qt eettihieateu iuuwef hqt an{ earita qwta{ rtqeet uha nqt eeettieit{ hqt iiht, heat qt rqwet, hqt natwta qt oanwhaetwtef iau hqt iiht, heat qt be ezrenfef hqt uweh earita qwta{ rtqeet, the State Dqatf oa{ wue uweh rqwet, hqt wue qh teerhqneu anf hqt the uenfini qh teeitaou anf teeitarh wnezrenfef rtqeeefu hqt an{ qthet earita qwta{ rtqeet hqt Knutitwtiqnu qh Jiihet oeuuaieu, au nqw rtqxifef anf exief au qh the tioe qh afqrtiqn qh thiu aoenfoent Neatnini qt Jwniqt Eqeieu anf xqeatiqna teehniea uehqqu, au fehinef hetein, au in Ehartet 225, Hqtifa Statwteu (heteinahtet eaef ¬Gtquu Teeeirtu Vazeu¹), uha, nqw fehinef qt au oa{ be heteahtet fehinef b{ aw, thetetqhqte awthqtizef b{ the au eqeetef be raeef in a ttwut hwnf tq be nqwn au the ¬Knutitwtiqnu qh Jiihet State Neiiuatwte0 Vhe hqfetu qh bqnfu qt eettihieateu iuuwef hetewnfet uha nqt Neatnini anf Jwniqt Eqeieu Earita Qwta{ anf Debt Setxiee Vtwut Hwnf¹ in the haxe an{ teurqnuibiit{ whatuqexet hqt the arrieatiqn qt wue qh an{ qh the rtqeeefu State Vteauwt{ (heteinahtet tehettef tq au ¬Earita Qwta{ Hwnf¹), anf wuef qn{ au fetixef htqo the uae qh uaif bqnfu qt eettihieateu, anf the tiihtu anf teoefieu qh the rtqxifef in thiu Aoenfoent0 hqfetu qh uweh bqnfu qt eettihieateu anf theit tiiht tq ra{oent htqo uaif Gtquu Saif hwnf uha be afoiniutetef b{ the State Dqatf qh Gfweatiqn, au nqw eteatef Teeeirtu Vazeu in the oannet rtqxifef hetein uha nqt be ahheetef qt ioraitef b{ anf eqnutitwtef b{ Seetiqn 5 qh Attiee ZKK ]nqw u0 2, Attiee KZ_ qh the Eqnutitwtiqn qh the arrieatiqn qt wue qh uweh rtqeeefu0 Hqtifa (heteinahtet tehettef tq au ¬State Dqatf¹)0 Hqt the rwtrque qh thiu Vhe State Dqatf uha wue the oqne{u in uaif Earita Qwta{ Hwnf in eaeh hiuea Aoenfoent, uaif State Dqatf, au nqw eqnutitwtef, uha eqntinwe au a bqf{ {eat qn{ hqt the hqqwini rwtrqueu anf in the hqqwini qtfet qh rtiqtit{< eqtrqtate fwtini the ihe qh thiu Aoenfoent anf uha haxe a the rqwetu rtqxifef in (3) Hqt the ra{oent qh the rtineira qh anf inteteut qn an{ bqnfu qt eettihieateu thiu Aoenfoent in affitiqn tq a qthet eqnutitwtiqna anf utatwtqt{ rqwetu teatef tq oatwtini in uweh hiuea {eat0 the rwtrqueu qh thiu Aoenfoent hetetqhqte qt heteahtet eqnhettef b{ aw wrqn uaif (2) Hqt the ferquit intq an{ teuetxe hwnfu rtqxifef hqt in the rtqeeefiniu State Dqatf0 awthqtizini the iuuwanee qh uaif bqnfu qt eettihieateu, qh an{ aoqwntu teqwitef tq be (b) Vhe State Dqatf uha haxe rqwet, hqt the rwtrque qh qbtainini hwnfu hqt ferquitef in uweh teuetxe hwnfu in uweh hiuea {eat0 aeqwitini, bwifini, eqnuttwetini, atetini, iortqxini, enatiini, hwtniuhini qt (5) Ahtet a ra{oentu teqwitef in uweh hiuea {eat hqt the rwtrqueu rtqxifef hqt eqwirrini earita qwta{ rtqeetu thetetqhqte awthqtizef b{ the eiiuatwte anf an{ in (3) anf (2) abqxe, inewfini an{ fehieieneieu hqt teqwitef ra{oentu in rtiqt hiuea rwtrqueu arrwttenant qt ineifenta thetetq, hqt Knutitwtiqnu qh Jiihet Neatnini qt {eatu, an{ oqne{u teoainini in uaif Earita Qwta{ Hwnf at the enf qh uweh hiuea Jwniqt Eqeieu, au nqw fehinef qt au oa{ be heteahtet fehinef b{ aw, anf hqt the {eat oa{ be wuef b{ the State Dqatf hqt fiteet ra{oent qh the equt qt an{ ratt qh the rwtrque qh eqnuttwetini bwifiniu anf qthet retoanent haeiitieu hqt xqeatiqna equt qh an{ earita qwta{ rtqeet thetetqhqte awthqtizef b{ the eiiuatwte qt hqt the teehniea uehqqu au rtqxifef in ehartet 252 Hqtifa Statwteu, tq iuuwe bqnfu qt rwtehaue qh an{ bqnfu qt eettihieateu iuuwef hetewnfet then qwtutanfini wrqn uweh eettihieateu, inewfini tehwnfini bqnfu qt eettihieateu tq hwnf qt tehwnf an{ bqnfu qt tetou anf eqnfitiqnu au the State Dqatf uha feeo rtqret, qt hqt the rtiqt eettihieateu thetetqhqte iuuwef0 A uweh bqnfu qt eettihieateu uha beat inteteut at nqt tefeortiqn qh qwtutanfini bqnfu qt eettihieateu in aeeqtfanee with the rtqxiuiqnu qh ezeeefini hqwt anf qne/hah ret eentwo ret annwo, anf uha oatwte at uweh tioe qt the rtqeeefiniu whieh awthqtizef the iuuwanee qh uweh bqnfu qt eettihieateu0 tioeu au the State Dqatf uha fetetoine nqt ezeeefini, in an{ exent, hqwexet, Vhe State Dqatf oa{ inxeut the oqne{u in uaif Earita Qwta{ Hwnf qt in an{ thitt{ {eatu htqo the fate qh iuuwanee theteqh0 Vhe State Dqatf uha haxe rqwet tq uinini hwnf qt qthet hwnfu eteatef hqt an{ iuuwe qh bqnfu qt eettihieateu, in fiteet fetetoine a qthet fetaiu qh uweh bqnfu qt eettihieateu anf tq ue at rwbie uae, qbiiatiqnu qh the Wnitef Stateu qh Aoetiea qt in the qthet ueewtitieu tehettef tq in ahtet rwbie afxettiueoent, uweh bqnfu qt eettihieateu, rtqxifef, hqwexet, that nq Seetiqn 566029, Hqtifa Statwteu0 bqnfu qt eettihieateu uha exet be iuuwef hetewnfet tq hinanee, qt the rtqeeefu (f) Vhe State Dqatf uha haxe the rqwet tq oae anf enhqtee a tweu anf theteqh ezrenfef hqt, an{ ratt qh the equt qh an{ earita qwta{ rtqeet wneuu the teiwatiqnu neeeuuat{ tq the hw ezeteiue qh the rqwetu hetein itantef anf nq eqnuttwetiqn qt aeqwiuitiqn qh uweh earita qwta{ rtqeet hau been thetetqhqte eiiuatiqn uha be teqwitef tq tenfet thiu Aoenfoent qh hw hqtee anf qretatini 59 ATVKENG ZKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG ZKK ehheet qn anf ahtet Janwat{ 3, 3;860 Vhe Neiiuatwte, fwtini the retiqf thiu ehheet htqo anf ahtet Janwat{ 3ut, 3;650 Vhe Neiiuatwte uha eqntinwe the exieu qh Aoenfoent iu in ehheet, uha nqt tefwee the tate qh uaif Gtquu Teeeirtu Vazeu nqw uaif tazeu fwtini the ihe qh thiu Aoenfoent, anf uha nqt enaet an{ aw haxini the rtqxifef in uaif Ehartet 225, Hqtifa Statwteu, qt eioinate, ezeort qt teoqxe an{ ehheet qh withftawini the rtqeeefu qh uaif twq (2⁄) eentu qh uaif tazeu htqo the qh the retuqnu, hitou qt eqtrqtatiqnu, inewfini ownieira eqtrqtatiqnu, qt an{ qh the qretatiqn qh thiu aoenfoent0 Vhe bqatf uha ra{ tehwnfini ezrenueu anf qthet wtiitieu, bwuineuueu qt uetxieeu nqw qt heteahtet uwbeet tq uaif Gtquu Teeeirtu ezrenueu hqt uetxieeu tenfetef ureeihiea{ hqt, qt whieh ate rtqret{ ehatieabe tq, Vazeu, htqo the ex{ anf eqeetiqn qh uaif Gtquu Teeeirtu Vazeu au nqw rtqxifef in the aeeqwnt qh an{ eqwnt{ htqo hwnfu fiuttibwtef tq uweh eqwnt{; bwt ieneta uaif Ehartet 225, Hqtifa Statwteu, anf uha nqt enaet an{ aw ioraitini qt ezrenueu qh the bqatf hqt uetxieeu tenfetef a the eqwntieu aie uha be rtqtatef oatetia{ atetini the tiihtu qh the hqfetu qh an{ bqnfu qt eettihieateu iuuwef aoqni theo anf raif qwt qh uaif hwnfu qn the uaoe bauiu uaif taz rtqeeefu ate rwtuwant tq thiu Aoenfoent qt ioraitini qt atetini an{ eqxenantu qt aiteeoentu qh fiuttibwtef aoqni the uexeta eqwntieu; rtqxifef, terqtt qh uaif ezrenueu uha be the State Dqatf oafe hetewnfet, qt haxini the ehheet qh withftawini the rtqeeefu qh oafe tq eaeh Teiwat Seuuiqn qh the Neiiuatwte, anf the Neiiuatwte oa{ ioit the uaif Gtquu Teeeirtu Vazeu htqo the qretatiqn qh thiu Aoenfoent0 ezrenueu qh the bqatf0 Vhe State Dqatf qh Afoiniuttatiqn uha be anf iu heteb{ eqnutitwtef au the J�utqt{0´Affef, S0J0T0 526, 3;63; afqrtef 3;620 Hiuea Aient qh the State Dqatf tq rethqto uweh fwtieu anf auuwoe uweh 5Pqte0´Ptiqt tq itu aoenfoent b{ E0S0 hqt J0J0T0 5598, 3;92, uwbueetiqn (f) teurqnuibiitieu wnfet thiu Aoenfoent au uha be aiteef wrqn between the teaf au hqqwu< State Dqatf anf uweh State Dqatf qh Afoiniuttatiqn0 Vhe State Dqatf uha auq (f) SEJQQN DQPDS0 Attiee ZKK, Seetiqn 38, qh the Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, au haxe rqwet tq arrqint uweh qthet retuqnu anf hiz theit eqorenuatiqn hqt the aoenfef, au it eziutef iooefiate{ behqte thiu texiuiqn beeqoeu ehheetixe iu afoiniuttatiqn qh the rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu Aoenfoent au it uha feeo neeeuuat{, anf afqrtef b{ thiu tehetenee au ratt qh thiu texiuiqn au eqorete{ au thqwih the ezrenueu qh the State Dqatf in afoiniutetini the rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu Aoenfoent ineqtrqtatef hetein xetbatio, ezeert bqnfu qt taz antieiratiqn eettihieateu heteahtet uha be raif qwt qh the rtqeeefu qh bqnfu qt eettihieateu iuuwef hetewnfet qt htqo iuuwef thetewnfet oa{ beat inteteut nqt in ezeeuu qh hixe ret eent ret annwo qt uweh uaif Gtquu Teeeirtu Vazeu ferquitef in uaif Earita Qwta{ Hwnf0 hiihet inteteut au oa{ be awthqtizef b{ utatwte rauuef b{ a thtee/hihthu xqte qh eaeh (e) Pq earita qwta{ rtqeet qt an{ ratt theteqh uha be hinaneef hetewnfet hqwue qh the eiiuatwte0 Dqnfu iuuwef rwtuwant tq thiu uwbueetiqn (f) uha be wneuu the bi awthqtizini uweh rtqeet uha ureeih{ it iu hinaneef hetewnfet anf ra{abe rtioati{ htqo texenweu au rtqxifef in Attiee ZKK, Seetiqn 38, qh the uha be arrtqxef b{ a xqte qh thtee/hihthu qh the eeetef oeobetu qh eaeh hqwue0 Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, au aoenfef, anf ih awthqtizef b{ aw, oa{ be affitiqna{ J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 286, 3;85; afqrtef 3;850 ueewtef b{ refiini the hw haith anf etefit qh the utate withqwt an eeetiqn0 Yhen 6Pqte0´Seetiqn 38 qh Att0 KZ qh the Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, au aoenfef, teafu au awthqtizef b{ aw, bqnfu iuuwef rwtuwant tq Attiee ZKK, Seetiqn 38, qh the hqqwu< Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, au aoenfef, anf bqnfu iuuwef rwtuwant tq thiu uwbueetiqn SGEVKQP 380 Dqatf qh afoiniuttatiqn; iauqine anf ie tazeu, fiuttibwtiqn anf (f), oa{ be tehwnfef b{ the iuuwanee qh bqnfu affitiqna{ ueewtef b{ the hw haith wue; ete0´(a) Vhat beiinnini Janwat{ 3ut, 3;65, anf hqt hiht{ (52) {eatu theteahtet, anf etefit qh the utate qn{ at a qwet net axetaie inteteut equt tate0 the rtqeeefu qh twq (2⁄) eentu ret iaqn qh the tqta taz exief b{ utate aw wrqn 8Pqte0´Seetiqn 38, Att0 ZKK qh the Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, au aoenfef, teafu au iauqine anf qthet ie rtqfwetu qh rettqewo, nqw nqwn au the Seeqnf Gau Vaz, hqqwu< anf wrqn qthet hweu wuef tq rtqre oqtqt xehieeu, uha au eqeetef be raeef SGEVKQP 380 Sehqq bqnfu hqt earita qwta{, iuuwanee0´ oqnth{ in the `State Tqafu Diuttibwtiqn Hwnf' in the State Vteauwt{ anf fixifef intq (a) Deiinnini Janwat{ 3, 3;85 anf hqt thitt{/hixe {eatu theteahtet, the hitut thtee (5) eqwa rattu whieh uha be fiuttibwtef oqnth{ aoqni the uexeta eqwntieu rtqeeefu qh the texenweu fetixef htqo the ieenuini qh oqtqt xehieeu tq the eztent au hqqwu< qne ratt aeeqtfini tq atea, qne ratt aeeqtfini tq rqrwatiqn, anf qne neeeuuat{ tq eqor{ with the rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu aoenfoent, uha, au eqeetef, be ratt aeeqtfini tq the eqwntieu' eqnttibwtiqnu tq the equt qh utate tqaf eqnuttwetiqn in raeef oqnth{ in the eqwnt{ earita qwta{ anf febt uetxiee uehqq hwnf in the utate the tatiq qh fiuttibwtiqn au rtqxifef in Ehartet 3585;, Nawu qh Hqtifa, Aetu qh 3;53, tteauwt{, anf wuef qn{ au rtqxifef in thiu aoenfoent0 Sweh texenwe uha be anf hqt the rwtrqueu qh the arrqttiqnoent bauef qn the eqwntieu' eqnttibwtiqnu hqt fiuttibwtef annwa{ aoqni the uexeta eqwntieu in the tatiq qh the nwobet qh the equt qh utate tqaf eqnuttwetiqn, the aoqwnt qh the eqnttibwtiqnu eutabiuhef b{ inuttwetiqn wnitu in eaeh eqwnt{ in eaeh {eat eqorwtef au rtqxifef hetein0 Vhe the eettihieateu oafe in 3;53 rwtuwant tq uaif Ehartet 3585;, uha be taen anf aoqwnt qh the hitut texenweu fetixef htqo the ieenuini qh oqtqt xehieeu tq be uq uet feeoef eqnewuixe in eqorwtini the oqnth{ aoqwntu fiuttibwtabe aeeqtfini tq auife in eaeh {eat anf fiuttibwtef au rtqxifef hetein uha be an aoqwnt eqwa in the uaif eqnttibwtiqnu0 Sweh hwnfu uq fiuttibwtef uha be afoiniutetef b{ the State aiiteiate tq the rtqfwet qh hqwt hwnftef fqatu owtirief b{ the tqta nwobet qh Dqatf qh Afoiniuttatiqn au heteinahtet rtqxifef0 inuttwetiqn wnitu in a the eqwntieu qh Hqtifa0 Vhe nwobet qh inuttwetiqn wnitu in eaeh (b) Vhe Gqxetnqt au ehaitoan, the State Vteauwtet, anf the State Eqorttqet eqwnt{ in eaeh {eat hqt the rwtrqueu qh thiu aoenfoent uha be the iteatet qh (3) uha eqnutitwte a bqf{ eqtrqtate tq be nqwn au the `State Dqatf qh Afoiniuttatiqn,' the nwobet qh inuttwetiqn wnitu in eaeh eqwnt{ hqt the uehqq hiuea {eat 3;53/52 whieh bqatf uha uweeeef tq a the rqwet, eqnttq anf awthqtit{ qh the utatwtqt{ eqorwtef in the oannet hetetqhqte rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw, qt (2) the nwobet qh Dqatf qh Afoiniuttatiqn0 Saif Dqatf uha haxe, in affitiqn tq uweh rqwetu au oa{ inuttwetiqn wnitu in uweh eqwnt{ hqt the uehqq hiuea {eat eqorwtef in the oannet be eqnhettef wrqn it b{ aw, the oanaieoent, eqnttq anf uwretxiuiqn qh the hetetqhqte qt heteahtet rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw anf arrtqxef b{ the utate bqatf qh rtqeeefu qh uaif twq (2⁄) eentu qh uaif tazeu anf a oqne{u anf qthet auuetu whieh efweatiqn (heteinahtet eaef the utate bqatf), qt (5) the nwobet qh inuttwetiqn wnitu qn the ehheetixe fate qh thiu aoenfoent ate arrieabe qt oa{ beeqoe arrieabe tq in eaeh eqwnt{ qn behah qh whieh the utate bqatf qh efweatiqn hau iuuwef bqnfu qt the bqnfu qh the uexeta eqwntieu qh thiu utate, qt an{ ureeia tqaf anf btifie fiuttiet, oqtqt xehiee taz antieiratiqn eettihieateu wnfet thiu aoenfoent whieh wi rtqfwee qt qthet ureeia tazini fiuttiet theteqh, iuuwef rtiqt tq Jw{ 3ut, 3;53, hqt tqaf anf uwhhieient texenweu wnfet thiu aoenfoent tq eqwa qne anf qne/thitf tioeu the btifie rwtrqueu0 Vhe wqtf `bqnfu' au wuef hetein uha inewfe bqnfu, tioe aiiteiate aoqwnt qh rtineira qh anf inteteut qn uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee taz wattantu, nqteu anf qthet hqtou qh infebtefneuu iuuwef hqt tqaf anf btifie antieiratiqn eettihieateu whieh wi oatwte anf beeqoe fwe in uweh {eat, eqorwtef in rwtrqueu b{ an{ eqwnt{ qt ureeia tqaf anf btifie fiuttiet qt qthet ureeia tazini the oannet hetetqhqte qt heteahtet rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw anf arrtqxef b{ the fiuttiet, qwtutanfini qn Jw{ 3ut, 3;53, qt an{ tehwnfini iuuweu theteqh0 Saif Dqatf utate bqatf0 uha haxe the utatwtqt{ rqwetu qh Dqatfu qh Eqwnt{ Eqooiuuiqnetu anf Dqnf Sweh hwnfu uq fiuttibwtef uha be afoiniutetef b{ the utate bqatf au nqw Vtwuteeu anf qh an{ qthet awthqtit{ qh ureeia tqaf anf btifie fiuttietu, anf qthet eteatef anf eqnutitwtef b{ Seetiqn 5 qh Attiee ZKK ]nqw u0 2, Attiee KZ_ qh the ureeia tazini fiuttietu theteqh with teiatf tq uaif bqnfu, (ezeert that the rqwet tq Eqnutitwtiqn qh Hqtifa0 Hqt the rwtrqueu qh thiu aoenfoent, uaif utate bqatf, au ex{ af xaqteo tazeu iu ezrteuu{ withhef htqo uaif Dqatf), anf uha tae qxet a nqw eqnutitwtef, uha eqntinwe au a bqf{ eqtrqtate fwtini the ihe qh thiu aoenfoent raretu, fqewoentu anf teeqtfu eqneetnini the uaoe0 Saif Dqatf uha haxe the anf uha haxe a the rqwetu rtqxifef in thiu aoenfoent in affitiqn tq a qthet rqwet htqo tioe tq tioe tq iuuwe tehwnfini bqnfu tq oatwte within the uaif hiht{ (52) eqnutitwtiqna anf utatwtqt{ rqwetu teatef tq the rwtrqueu qh thiu aoenfoent {eat retiqf, hqt an{ qh uaif qwtutanfini bqnfu qt inteteut theteqn, anf tq ueewte hetetqhqte qt heteahtet eqnhettef wrqn uaif bqatf0 theo b{ a refie qh antieiratef teeeirtu htqo uweh iauqine qt qthet hwe tazeu tq be (b) Vhe utate bqatf uha, in affitiqn tq itu qthet eqnutitwtiqna anf utatwtqt{ fiuttibwtef tq uweh eqwnt{ au hetein rtqxifef, bwt nqt at a iteatet tate qh inteteut rqwetu, haxe the oanaieoent, eqnttq anf uwretxiuiqn qh the rtqeeefu qh the hitut than uaif bqnfu nqw beat; anf tq iuuwe, ue qt ezehanie qn behah qh an{ eqwnt{ qt ratt qh the texenweu fetixef htqo the ieenuini qh oqtqt xehieeu rtqxifef hqt in wnit hqt the uqe rwtrque qh tetitini uaif bqnfu iuuwef b{ uweh eqwnt{, qt ureeia tqaf uwbueetiqn (a)0 Vhe utate bqatf uha auq haxe rqwet, hqt the rwtrque qh qbtainini anf btifie fiuttiet, qt qthet ureeia tazini fiuttiet theteqh, iauqine qt qthet hwe taz hwnfu hqt the wue qh an{ eqwnt{ bqatf qh rwbie inuttwetiqn in aeqwitini, bwifini, antieiratiqn eettihieateu beatini inteteut at nqt oqte than thtee (5) ret eent ret eqnuttwetini, atetini, iortqxini, enatiini, hwtniuhini, qt eqwirrini earita qwta{ annwo in uweh fenqoinatiqnu anf oatwtini at uweh tioe within the hiht{ (52) {eat rtqeetu hqt uehqq rwtrqueu, tq iuuwe bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee taz antieiratiqn retiqf au the bqatf oa{ fetetoine0 Kn affitiqn tq ezeteiuini the rqwetu nqw eettihieateu, anf auq tq iuuwe uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee taz antieiratiqn rtqxifef b{ utatwte hqt the inxeutoent qh uinini hwnfu, uaif Dqatf oa{ wue the eettihieateu tq ra{, hwnf qt tehwnf an{ bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee taz antieiratiqn uinini hwnfu eteatef hqt uaif bqnfu qh an{ eqwnt{ qt ureeia tqaf anf btifie fiuttiet, eettihieateu thetetqhqte iuuwef b{ uaif utate bqatf0 A uweh bqnfu uha beat inteteut qt qthet wnit hetewnfet, tq rwtehaue the oatwtef qt oatwtini bqnfu rattieiratini at nqt ezeeefini hqwt anf qne/hah ret eentwo ret annwo anf uha oatwte uetia{ hetein qh an{ qthet eqwnt{ qt an{ qthet ureeia tqaf anf btifie fiuttiet, qt qthet in annwa inutaoentu eqooeneini nqt oqte than thtee {eatu htqo the fate qh ureeia tazini fiuttiet theteqh, rtqxifef that au tq uaif oatwtef bqnfu, the xawe iuuwanee theteqh anf enfini nqt atet than thitt{ {eatu htqo the fate qh iuuwanee qt theteqh au an inxeutoent uha be the rtiee raif thetehqt, whieh uha nqt ezeeef the Janwat{ 3, 2222, A0D0, whiehexet iu eatiet0 A uweh oqtqt xehiee taz antieiratiqn rat xawe rwu aeetwef inteteut, anf that uaif inxeutoent uha beat inteteut at the eettihieateu uha beat inteteut at nqt ezeeefini hqwt anf qne/hah ret eentwo ret tate qh thtee (5) ret eent ret annwo0 annwo anf uha oatwte rtiqt tq Janwat{ 3, 2222, A0D0 Vhe utate bqatf uha haxe (e) Vhe uaif bqatf uha annwa{ wue uaif hwnfu in eaeh eqwnt{ aeeqwnt, hitut, tq rqwet tq fetetoine a qthet fetaiu qh uaif bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee taz antieiratiqn ra{ ewttent rtineira anf inteteut oatwtini, ih an{, qh uaif bqnfu anf iauqine qt eettihieateu anf tq ue at rwbie uae ahtet rwbie afxettiueoent, qt ezehanie uaif qthet hwe taz antieiratiqn eettihieateu qh uweh eqwnt{ qt ureeia tqaf anf btifie bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee taz antieiratiqn eettihieateu, wrqn uweh tetou anf eqnfitiqnu fiuttiet, qt qthet ureeia tazini fiuttiet theteqh; ueeqnf, tq eutabiuh a uinini hwnf au the utate bqatf uha rtqxife0 aeeqwnt tq oeet hwtwte teqwiteoentu qh uaif bqnfu anf iauqine qt qthet hwe taz Vhe utate bqatf uha auq haxe rqwet tq refie hqt the ra{oent qh the rtineira antieiratiqn eettihieateu whete it arreatu the antieiratef ineqoe hqt an{ {eat qt qh anf inteteut qn uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee taz antieiratiqn eettihieateu, inewfini {eatu wi nqt eqwa uehefwef ra{oentu theteqn; anf thitf, an{ teoainini baanee tehwnfini bqnfu qt tehwnfini oqtqt xehiee taz antieiratiqn eettihieateu, a qt an{ qwt qh the rtqeeefu qh uaif twq (2⁄) eentu qh uaif tazeu uha oqnth{ fwtini the {eat ratt htqo the antieiratef texenweu tq be fetixef htqo the ieenuini qh oqtqt xehieeu be teoittef b{ uaif bqatf au hqqwu< Giiht{ (82') ret eent tq the State Tqaf rtqxifef hqt in thiu aoenfoent anf tq entet intq an{ eqxenantu anf qthet Derattoent hqt the eqnuttwetiqn qt teeqnuttwetiqn qh utate tqafu anf btifieu within aiteeoentu with the hqfetu qh uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee taz antieiratiqn the eqwnt{, qt hqt the eaue qt rwtehaue qh btifieu eqnneetini utate hiihwa{u within eettihieateu at the tioe qh the iuuwanee theteqh eqneetnini the ueewtit{ theteqh anf the eqwnt{, anf twent{ (22') ret eent tq the Dqatf qh Eqwnt{ Eqooiuuiqnetu qh the tiihtu qh the hqfetu theteqh, a qh whieh eqxenantu anf aiteeoentu uha uweh eqwnt{ hqt wue qn tqafu anf btifieu thetein0 eqnutitwte eia{ binfini anf ittexqeabe eqnttaetu with uweh hqfetu anf uha be (f) Saif bqatf uha haxe the rqwet tq oae anf enhqtee a tweu anf hw{ enhqteeabe b{ uweh hqfetu in an{ eqwtt qh eqoretent wtiufietiqn0 teiwatiqnu neeeuuat{ tq the hw ezeteiue qh the rqwetu heteb{ itantef anf nq Pq uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee taz antieiratiqn eettihieateu uha exet be iuuwef eiiuatiqn uha be teqwitef tq tenfet thiu aoenfoent qh hw hqtee anf qretatini b{ the utate bqatf wnti ahtet the afqrtiqn qh a teuqwtiqn teqweutini the iuuwanee 58 ATVKENG ZKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG ZKK theteqh b{ the eqwnt{ bqatf qh rwbie inuttwetiqn qh the eqwnt{ qn behah qh whieh Aoenfoent0 Knteteut qt rtqhit qn uinini hwnf inxeutoentu uha aeetwe tq the uweh qbiiatiqnu ate tq be iuuwef0 Vhe utate bqatf qh efweatiqn uha ioit the aoqwnt eqwntieu in rtqrqttiqn tq theit teureetixe eqwitieu in the uinini hwnf qt hwnfu0 qh uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee taz antieiratiqn eettihieateu whieh ean be iuuwef qn J�utqt{0´Affef, S0J0T0 328, 3;53; afqrtef 3;52; (a), (b) Ao0 S0J0T0 238, behah qh an{ eqwnt{ tq uexent{/hixe ret eent qh the aoqwnt whieh it fetetoineu ean 3;85; afqrtef 3;860 be uetxieef b{ the texenwe aeetwini tq the eqwnt{ wnfet the rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu aoenfoent, anf uweh fetetoinatiqn uha be eqnewuixe0 A uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee taz antieiratiqn eettihieateu uha be iuuwef in the naoe qh the utate bqatf qh 3SGEVKQP 320 Pteuetxat�qn qh ez�ut�ni iqxetn/ efweatiqn bwt uha be iuuwef hqt anf qn behah qh the eqwnt{ bqatf qh rwbie oent0´A rtqxiuiqnu qh Attieeu K thtqwih KV, VKK anf KZ inuttwetiqn teqweutini the iuuwanee theteqh, anf nq eeetiqn qt arrtqxa qh qwaihief eeetqtu qt hteehqfetu uha be teqwitef hqt the iuuwanee theteqh0 thtqwih ZZ qh the Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, au aoenfef, nqt (e) Vhe State Dqatf uha in eaeh {eat wue the hwnfu fiuttibwtabe rwtuwant tq eobtaeef hetein whieh ate nqt ineqnuiutent with thiu thiu Aoenfoent tq the etefit qh eaeh eqwnt{ qn{ in the hqqwini oannet anf qtfet qh rtiqtit{< texiuiqn uha beeqoe utatwteu uwbeet tq oqfihieatiqn qt (3) Vq ra{ a aoqwntu qh rtineira anf inteteut oatwtini in uweh {eat qn an{ terea au ate qthet utatwteu0 bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee taz antieiratiqn eettihieateu iuuwef wnfet the awthqtit{ heteqh, 3Pqte0´See tabe in Vqwoe 8 qh the Hqtifa Statwteu ttaeini xatiqwu rtqxiuiqnu inewfini tehwnfini bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee taz antieiratiqn eettihieateu, iuuwef qn qh the Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, au aoenfef, intq the Hqtifa Statwteu0 behah qh the Dqatf qh Pwbie Knuttwetiqn qh uweh eqwnt{; uwbeet, hqwexet, tq an{ eqxenantu qt aiteeoentu oafe b{ the State Dqatf eqneetnini the tiihtu between hqfetu qh fihhetent iuuweu qh uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee taz antieiratiqn SGEVKQP 330 Deet�qn qh qbuqete uehefwe eettihieateu, au hetein awthqtizef0 (2) Vq eutabiuh anf oaintain a uinini hwnf qt hwnfu tq oeet hwtwte �teou0´Vhe eiiuatwte uha haxe rqwet, b{ qint teqwiteoentu hqt febt uetxiee, qt teuetxeu thetehqt, qn bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee teuqwtiqn, tq feete htqo thiu texiuiqn an{ ueetiqn qh taz antieiratiqn eettihieateu iuuwef qn behah qh the Dqatf qh Pwbie Knuttwetiqn qh uweh eqwnt{, wnfet the awthqtit{ heteqh, whenexet the State Dqatf uha feeo it thiu Attiee ZKK, inewfini thiu ueetiqn, when a exentu tq neeeuuat{ qt afxiuabe, anf in uweh aoqwntu anf wnfet uweh tetou anf eqnfitiqnu whieh the ueetiqn tq be feetef iu qt eqwf beeqoe au the State Dqatf uha in itu fiuetetiqn fetetoine0 (5) Vq fiuttibwte annwa{ tq the uexeta Dqatfu qh Pwbie Knuttwetiqn qh the arrieabe haxe qeewttef0 A eiiuatixe fetetoinatiqn qh eqwntieu hqt wue in ra{oent qh febt uetxiee qn bqnfu hetetqhqte qt heteahtet iuuwef haet oafe au a bauiu hqt arrieatiqn qh thiu ueetiqn uha b{ an{ uweh Dqatf whete the rtqeeefu qh the bqnfu wete wuef, qt ate tq be wuef, in be uwbeet tq wfieia texiew0 the eqnuttwetiqn, aeqwiuitiqn, iortqxeoent, enatieoent, hwtniuhini, qt eqwirrini qh earita qwta{ rtqeetu in uweh eqwnt{, anf whieh earita qwta{ rtqeetu haxe been arrtqxef b{ the Dqatf qh Pwbie Knuttwetiqn qh the eqwnt{, rwtuwant tq a uwtxe{ qt SGEVKQP 320 Senatqtu0´Vhe teqwiteoentu qh uwtxe{u eqnfwetef uwbueqwent tq Jw{ 3, 3;69 in the eqwnt{, wnfet teiwatiqnu rteuetibef b{ the State Dqatf tq fetetoine the earita qwta{ neefu qh the eqwnt{0 utaiietef tetou qh uenatqtu in Seetiqn 35(a), qh Attiee Vhe State Dqatf uha haxe rqwet at the tioe qh iuuwanee qh an{ bqnfu b{ an{ KKK qh thiu texiuiqn uha arr{ qn{ tq uenatqtu eeetef in Dqatf qh Pwbie Knuttwetiqn tq eqxenant anf aitee with uweh Dqatf au tq the tan anf rtiqtit{ qh ra{oentu tq be oafe hqt fihhetent iuuweu qh bqnfu wnfet thiu Swbueetiqn Pqxeobet, 3;92, anf theteahtet0 (5), anf oa{ hwtthet aitee that an{ aoqwntu tq be fiuttibwtef wnfet thiu Swbueetiqn (5) oa{ be refief hqt the febt uetxiee qn bqnfu iuuwef b{ an{ Dqatf qh Pwbie Knuttwetiqn anf hqt the tan anf rtiqtit{ qh uweh refie0 An{ uweh eqxenantu qt SGEVKQP 350 Nei�uat�xe arrqtt�qnoent0´Vhe aiteeoentu qh the State Dqatf oa{ be enhqteef b{ an{ hqfetu qh uweh bqnfu in an{ teqwiteoentu qh eiiuatixe arrqttiqnoent in Seetiqn eqwtt qh eqoretent wtiufietiqn0 (6) Vq fiuttibwte annwa{ tq the uexeta Dqatfu qh Pwbie Knuttwetiqn qh the 38 qh Attiee KKK qh thiu texiuiqn uha arr{ qn{ tq the eqwntieu hqt the ra{oent qh the equt qh the eqnuttwetiqn, aeqwiuitiqn, iortqxeoent, arrqttiqnoent qh the eiiuatwte hqqwini the feeennia enatieoent, hwtniuhini, qt eqwirrini qh earita qwta{ rtqeetu hqt uehqq rwtrqueu in uweh eqwnt{ au uha be teqweutef b{ teuqwtiqn qh the Eqwnt{ Dqatf qh Pwbie eenuwu qh 3;92, anf theteahtet0 Knuttwetiqn qh uweh eqwnt{0 (5) Yhen a oaqt earita qwta{ neefu qh a eqwnt{ haxe been oet au SGEVKQP 360 Terteuentat�xeu; tetou0´Vhe ei/ fetetoinef b{ the State Dqatf, qn the bauiu qh a uwtxe{ oafe rwtuwant tq teiwatiqnu qh the State Dqatf anf arrtqxef b{ the State Dqatf, a uweh hwnfu iuatwte at itu hitut teiwat ueuuiqn hqqwini the tatihiea/ teoainini uha be fiuttibwtef annwa{ anf wuef hqt uweh uehqq rwtrqueu in uweh tiqn qh thiu texiuiqn, b{ qint teuqwtiqn, uha rtqrque tq eqwnt{ au the Dqatf qh Pwbie Knuttwetiqn qh the eqwnt{ uha fetetoine, qt au oa{ be rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw0 the eeetqtu qh the utate hqt tatihieatiqn qt teeetiqn in the (f) Earita qwta{ rtqeetu qh a eqwnt{ uha be eiiibe tq rattieirate in the hwnfu ieneta eeetiqn qh 3;92 an aoenfoent tq Attiee KKK, aeetwini wnfet thiu Aoenfoent anf fetixef htqo the rtqeeefu qh bqnfu anf oqtqt xehiee taz antieiratiqn eettihieateu anf htqo the oqtqt xehiee ieenue tazeu, qn{ in Seetiqn 35(b), qh the eqnutitwtiqn rtqxifini utaiietef the qtfet qh rtiqtit{ qh neefu, au uhqwn b{ a uwtxe{ qt uwtxe{u eqnfwetef in the tetou qh hqwt {eatu hqt oeobetu qh the hqwue qh eqwnt{ wnfet teiwatiqnu rteuetibef b{ the State Dqatf, tq fetetoine the earita qwta{ neefu qh the eqwnt{ anf arrtqxef b{ the State Dqatf; rtqxifef, that the terteuentatixeu0 rtiqtit{ qh uweh rtqeetu oa{ be ehanief htqo tioe tq tioe wrqn the teqweut qh the Dqatf qh Pwbie Knuttwetiqn qh the eqwnt{ anf with the arrtqxa qh the State Dqatf; anf rtqxifef hwtthet, that thiu Swbueetiqn (f) uha nqt in an{ oannet ahheet an{ SGEVKQP 350 Sree�a f�utt�et tazeu0´Af xaqteo eqxenant, aiteeoent, qt refie oafe b{ the State Dqatf in the iuuwanee b{ uaif tazini rqwet xeutef b{ aw in ureeia fiuttietu eziutini State Dqatf qh an{ bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee taz antieiratiqn eettihieateu, qt in eqnneetiqn with the iuuwanee qh an{ bqnfu qh an{ Dqatf qh Pwbie Knuttwetiqn qh an{ when thiu texiuiqn beeqoeu ehheetixe uha nqt be eqwnt{0 abtqiatef b{ Seetiqn ;(b) qh Attiee VKK hetein, bwt (e) Vhe State Dqatf oa{ inxeut an{ uinini hwnf qt hwnfu eteatef rwtuwant tq thiu Aoenfoent in fiteet qbiiatiqnu qh the Wnitef Stateu qh Aoetiea qt in the bqnfu uweh rqwetu, ezeert tq the eztent neeeuuat{ tq ra{ qt oqtqt xehiee taz antieiratiqn eettihieateu, oatwtef qt tq oatwte, iuuwef b{ the qwtutanfini febtu, oa{ be teuttietef qt withftawn b{ State Dqatf qn behah qh the Dqatf qh Pwbie Knuttwetiqn qh an{ eqwnt{0 aw0 (h) Vhe State Dqatf uha haxe rqwet tq oae anf enhqtee a tweu anf teiwatiqnu neeeuuat{ tq the hw ezeteiue qh the rqwetu hetein itantef anf nq eiiuatiqn uha be teqwitef tq tenfet thiu Aoenfoent qh hw hqtee anf qretatini SGEVKQP 380 Teqtian�zat�qn0´Vhe teqwiteoent ehheet htqo anf ahtet Janwat{ 3, 3;550 Vhe Neiiuatwte uha nqt tefwee the exieu qh uaif oqtqt xehiee ieenue tazeu fwtini the ihe qh thiu Aoenfoent tq an{ feitee qh Seetiqn 8, Attiee KV qh thiu texiuiqn uha nqt arr{ whieh wi hai tq rtqxife the hw aoqwnt neeeuuat{ tq eqor{ with the rtqxiuiqnu qh wnti Jw{ 3, 3;8;0 thiu Aoenfoent anf ra{ the neeeuuat{ ezrenueu qh afoiniutetini the awu teatini tq the ieenuini qh oqtqt xehieeu, anf uha nqt enaet an{ aw haxini the ehheet qh withftawini the rtqeeefu qh uweh oqtqt xehiee ieenue tazeu htqo the qretatiqn qh SGEVKQP 390 Eqnh�et�ni rtqx�u�qnu0´Vhiu thiu Aoenfoent anf uha nqt enaet an{ aw ioraitini qt oatetia{ atetini the tiihtu qh the hqfetu qh an{ bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee taz antieiratiqn eettihieateu iuuwef uehefwe iu feuiinef tq ehheet the qtfet{ ttanuitiqn qh rwtuwant tq thiu Aoenfoent qt ioraitini qt atetini an{ eqxenant qt aiteeoent qh iqxetnoent htqo the Eqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, au aoenfef, the State Dqatf, au rtqxifef in uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee taz antieiratiqn eettihieateu0 tq thiu texiuiqn anf uha eqnttq in a eaueu qh eqnhiet Vhe State Dqatf uha haxe rqwet tq arrqint uweh retuqnu anf hiz theit with an{ ratt qh Attiee K thtqwih KV, VKK, anf KZ thtqwih eqorenuatiqn hqt the afoiniuttatiqn qh the rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu Aoenfoent au it uha feeo neeeuuat{, anf the ezrenueu qh the State Dqatf in afoiniutetini the ZK hetein0 rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu Aoenfoent uha be rtqtatef aoqni the xatiqwu eqwntieu anf raif qwt qh the rtqeeefu qh the bqnfu qt oqtqt xehiee taz antieiratiqn eettihieateu qt htqo the hwnfu fiuttibwtabe tq eaeh eqwnt{ qn the uaoe bauiu au uweh oqtqt xehiee SGEVKQP 380 Dqnfu hqt hqwu�ni anf teatef ieenue tazeu ate fiuttibwtabe tq the xatiqwu eqwntieu wnfet the rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu hae��t�eu0´Seetiqn 38 qh Attiee VKK, rtqxifini hqt 5; ATVKENG ZKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG ZKK bqnfu hqt hqwuini anf teatef haeiitieu, uha tae ehheet (f) Vhiu aoenfoent uha tae ehheet Jw{ 3, 3;;;0 wrqn arrtqxa b{ the eeetqtu0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 5, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 J�utqt{0´Affef, S0J0T0 8/G, 3;82; afqrtef 3;820 3Pqte0´Vhiu ueetiqn, qtiiina{ feuiinatef ueetiqn 22 b{ Texiuiqn Pq0 5 qh the Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, 3;;8, wau tefeuiinatef ueetiqn 25 b{ the 3SGEVKQP 3;0 Tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee rtqr/ efitqtu in qtfet tq axqif eqnhwuiqn with ueetiqn 22 au eteatef in J0J0T0 ;8;, 3;;90 ett{0´Vhe aoenfoent tq Seetiqn 5 qh Attiee VKK, 3SGEVKQP 260 Gzeewt�xe btaneh tehqto0´ teatini tq an ezeortiqn hqt a tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee (a) Vhe aoenfoentu eqntainef in thiu texiuiqn uha fexiee anf tea rtqrett{ qn whieh uweh fexiee iu tae ehheet Janwat{ 9, 2225, bwt uha iqxetn with inutaef, ih afqrtef at the ureeia eeetiqn in Qetqbet teureet tq the qwaih{ini hqt anf the hqfini qh rtioat{ 3;82, uha tae ehheet Janwat{ 3, 3;830 J�utqt{0´Affef, S0J0T0 35/G, 3;82; afqrtef 3;820 eeetiqnu in 22220 Vhe qhhiee qh ehieh hinaneia qhhieet 3Pqte0´ uha be a new qhhiee au a teuwt qh thiu texiuiqn0 A0 Vhiu ueetiqn, qtiiina{ feuiinatef ueetiqn 38 b{ S0J0T0 35/G, 3;82, wau (b) Kn the exent the ueetetat{ qh utate iu teoqxef au tefeuiinatef ueetiqn 3; b{ the efitqtu in qtfet tq axqif eqnhwuiqn with ueetiqn 38 au eqntainef in S0J0T0 8/G, 3;820 a eabinet qhhiee in the 3;;8 ieneta eeetiqn, the teto D0 Vhe aoenfoent tq ueetiqn 5 qh Attiee VKK, teatini tq an ezeortiqn hqt ¬ewutqfian qh utate teeqtfu¹ uha be uwbutitwtef hqt the tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee rtqrett{, wau tereaef ehheetixe Pqxeobet 6, 2228, b{ teto ¬ueetetat{ qh utate¹ thtqwihqwt the eqnutitwtiqn anf Ao0 rtqrquef b{ the Vazatiqn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 5, 2228, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Arti 28, 2228; afqrtef 22280 the fwtieu rtexiqwu{ rethqtoef b{ the ueetetat{ qh utate uha be au rtqxifef b{ aw0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 8, SGEVKQP 220 Aeeeuu tq rwb�e teeqtfu0´ See/ 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 tiqn 26 qh Attiee K, teatini tq aeeeuu tq rwbie teeqtfu, 3Pqte0´Vhiu ueetiqn, qtiiina{ feuiinatef ueetiqn 22 b{ Texiuiqn Pq0 8 qh the Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, 3;;8, wau tefeuiinatef ueetiqn 26 b{ the uha tae ehheet Jw{ 3, 3;;50 efitqtu in qtfet tq axqif eqnhwuiqn with ueetiqn 22 au eteatef in J0J0T0 ;8;, 3;;90 J�utqt{0´Affef, E0S0 hqt E0S0 hqt J0J0T0'u 3929, 885, 2255, 3;;2; afqrtef 3;;20 3SGEVKQP 250 Sehefwe tq Att�ee V aoenfoent0 SGEVKQP 230 State texenwe �o�tat�qn0´Vhe (a) Eqooeneini with hiuea {eat 2222/2223, the aoenfoent tq Seetiqn 3 qh Attiee VKK ioitini utate eiiuatwte uha arrtqrtiate hwnfu tq ra{ hqt the texenweu uha tae ehheet Janwat{ 3, 3;;5, anf uha uaatieu, equtu, anf ezrenueu uet hqtth in the aoenf/ hitut be arrieabe tq utate hiuea {eat 3;;5/3;;80 oent tq Seetiqn 36 qh Attiee V rwtuwant tq a rhaue/in J�utqt{0´Affef, J0J0T0 2255, 3;;6; afqrtef 3;;60 uehefwe eutabiuhef b{ ieneta aw0 (b) Wneuu qthetwiue rtqxifef hetein, the aoenf/ SGEVKQP 220 J�utqt�e rtqrett{ ezeort�qn anf oent tq Seetiqn 36 uha be hw{ ehheetwatef b{ Jw{ 3, auueuuoent0´Vhe aoenfoentu tq Seetiqnu 5 anf 6 qh 22260 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 9, Attiee VKK teatini tq af xaqteo taz ezeortiqn hqt, anf 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 auueuuoent qh, hiutqtie rtqrett{ uha tae ehheet 3Pqte0´Vhiu ueetiqn, qtiiina{ feuiinatef ueetiqn 22 b{ Texiuiqn Pq0 9 qh the Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, 3;;8, wau tefeuiinatef ueetiqn 25 b{ the Janwat{ 3, 3;;;0 efitqtu in qtfet tq axqif eqnhwuiqn with ueetiqn 22 au eteatef in J0J0T0 ;8;, 3;;90 J�utqt{0´Affef, J0J0T0 ;8;, 3;;9; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 280 Kneteauef hqoeuteaf ezeort�qn0 3SGEVKQP 250 H�uh anf w�f�he eqnuetxat�qn Vhe aoenfoent tq Seetiqn 8 qh Attiee VKK ineteauini the eqoo�uu�qn0´ oaziowo affitiqna aoqwnt qh the hqoeuteaf ezeor/ (a) Vhe initia oeobetu qh the eqooiuuiqn uha be tiqn hqt qw/ineqoe ueniqtu uha tae ehheet Janwat{ 3, the oeobetu qh the iaoe anf hteuh watet hiuh 22290 eqooiuuiqn anf the oatine hiuhetieu eqooiuuiqn whq J�utqt{0´Affef, J0J0T0 555, 2228; afqrtef 22280 ate uetxini qn thque eqooiuuiqnu qn the ehheetixe fate qh thiu aoenfoent, whq oa{ uetxe the teoainfet qh SGEVKQP 290 Ptqrett{ taz ezeort�qnu anf �o/ theit teureetixe tetou0 Pew arrqintoentu tq the eqo/ �tat�qnu qn rtqrett{ taz auueuuoentu0´ oiuuiqn uha nqt be oafe wnti the tetiteoent, teuiina/ (a) Vhe aoenfoentu tq Seetiqnu 5, 6, anf 8 qh tiqn, teoqxa, qt ezritatiqn qh the tetou qh the initia Attiee VKK, rtqxifini a &25,222 ezeortiqn hqt taniibe oeobetu teuwtu in hewet than uexen oeobetu teoain/ retuqna rtqrett{, rtqxifini an affitiqna &25,222 ini0 hqoeuteaf ezeortiqn, awthqtizini ttanuhet qh the aeetwef benehit htqo the ioitatiqnu qn the auueuuoent (b) Vhe wtiufietiqn qh the oatine hiuhetieu eqooiu/ qh hqoeuteaf rtqrett{, anf thiu ueetiqn, ih uwboittef tq uiqn au uet hqtth in utatwteu in ehheet qn Mateh 3, 3;;8, the eeetqtu qh thiu utate hqt arrtqxa qt teeetiqn at a uha be ttanuhettef tq the hiuh anf wifihe eqnuetxatiqn ureeia eeetiqn awthqtizef b{ aw tq be hef qn Janwat{ eqooiuuiqn0 Vhe wtiufietiqn qh the oatine hiuhetieu 2;, 2228, uha tae ehheet wrqn arrtqxa b{ the eeetqtu eqooiuuiqn ttanuhettef tq the eqooiuuiqn uha nqt be anf uha qretate tettqaetixe{ tq Janwat{ 3, 2228, qt, ih ezranfef ezeert au rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw0 A tweu qh uwboittef tq the eeetqtu qh thiu utate hqt arrtqxa qt the oatine hiuhetieu eqooiuuiqn anf iaoe anf hteuh teeetiqn at the nezt ieneta eeetiqn, uha tae ehheet watet hiuh eqooiuuiqn in ehheet qn the ehheetixe fate qh Janwat{ 3 qh the {eat hqqwini uweh ieneta eeetiqn0 thiu aoenfoent uha beeqoe tweu qh the hiuh anf Vhe aoenfoentu tq Seetiqn 6 qh Attiee VKK eteatini wifihe eqnuetxatiqn eqooiuuiqn wnti uwretuefef qt uwbueetiqnu (i) anf (h) qh that ueetiqn, eteatini a aoenfef b{ the eqooiuuiqn0 ioitatiqn qn annwa auueuuoent ineteaueu hqt ureeihief (e) Qn the ehheetixe fate qh thiu aoenfoent, the tea rtqrett{, uha tae ehheet wrqn arrtqxa qh the oatine hiuhetieu eqooiuuiqn anf iaoe anf hteuh watet eeetqtu anf uha hitut ioit auueuuoentu beiinnini hiuh eqooiuuiqn uha be abqiuhef0 Janwat{ 3, 222;, ih arrtqxef at a ureeia eeetiqn hef 82 ATVKENG ZKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG ZKK qn Janwat{ 2;, 2228, qt uha hitut ioit auueuuoentu aoenfoent tq uwbueetiqn (e) qh Seetiqn 8 qh Attiee beiinnini Janwat{ 3, 2232, ih arrtqxef at the ieneta VKK teatini tq the hqoeuteaf rtqrett{ taz fiueqwnt hqt eeetiqn hef in Pqxeobet qh 22280 xetetanu whq beeaoe fiuabef au the teuwt qh a eqobat (b) Vhe aoenfoent tq uwbueetiqn (a) abtqiatini the inwt{ uha tae ehheet Janwat{ 3, 22350 uehefwef terea qh uwbueetiqnu (i) anf (h) qh Seetiqn 6 J�utqt{0´Affef, S0J0T0 5;2, 2233; afqrtef 22320 qh Attiee VKK qh the State Eqnutitwtiqn au it eziutef in 2239, uha tae ehheet Janwat{ 3, 223;0 3SGEVKQP 550 Af xaqteo taz te�eh hqt uwtx�x�ni J�utqt{0´Affef, E0S0 hqt S0J0T0 2/D, 2229; afqrtef 2228; Ao0, E0S0 hqt J0J0T0 urqwueu qh xetetanu whq f�ef htqo uetx�ee/eqn/ 23, 2239; afqrtef 22380 neetef eawueu anf h�tut teurqnfetu whq f�ef �n the �ne qh fwt{0´Vhiu ueetiqn anf the aoenfoent tq SGEVKQP 280 Ptqrett{ taz ezeort�qn anf eau/ Seetiqn 8 qh Attiee VKK retoittini the eiiuatwte tq u�h�eat�qn anf auueuuoent qh anf wuef hqt eqn/ rtqxife af xaqteo taz teieh tq uwtxixini urqwueu qh uetxat�qn rwtrqueu0´Vhe aoenfoent tq Seetiqn 5 qh xetetanu whq fief htqo uetxiee/eqnneetef eawueu anf Attiee VKK teqwitini the eteatiqn qh an af xaqteo taz hitut teurqnfetu whq fief in the ine qh fwt{ uha tae ezeortiqn hqt tea rtqrett{ fefieatef in retretwit{ hqt ehheet Janwat{ 3, 22350 eqnuetxatiqn rwtrqueu, anf the aoenfoent tq Seetiqn J�utqt{0´Affef, J0J0T0 ;5, 2232; afqrtef 22320 3Pqte0´Vhiu ueetiqn, qtiiina{ feuiinatef ueetiqn 52 b{ J0J0T0 ;5, 2232, wau 6 qh Attiee VKK teqwitini anf wuef hqt eqnuetxatiqn tefeuiinatef ueetiqn 55 b{ the efitqtu in qtfet tq axqif eqnhwuiqn with ueetiqn 52 au rwtrqueu tq be eauuihief b{ ieneta aw anf auueuuef eteatef in S0J0T0 5;2, 22330 uqe{ qn the bauiu qh ehataetet qt wue hqt rwtrqueu qh af xaqteo tazatiqn, uha tae ehheet wrqn arrtqxa b{ the SGEVKQP 560 Sqat fex�eeu qt tenewabe eneti{ eeetqtu anf uha be ioreoentef b{ Janwat{ 3, 22320 uqwtee fex�eeu; ezeort�qn htqo eetta�n tazat�qn Vhiu ueetiqn uha tae ehheet wrqn arrtqxa qh the anf auueuuoent0´Vhiu ueetiqn, the aoenfoent tq eeetqtu0 uwbueetiqn (e) qh Seetiqn 5 qh Attiee VKK awthqtizini the J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Vazatiqn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 eiiuatwte, uwbeet tq ioitatiqnu uet hqtth in ieneta aw, 6, 2228, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Arti 28, 2228; afqrtef 22280 tq ezeort the auueuuef xawe qh uqat fexieeu qt SGEVKQP 2;0 N�o�tat�qn qn the auueuuef xawe tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee fexieeu uwbeet tq taniibe qh tea rtqrett{ wuef hqt teu�fent�a rwtrqueu0´ retuqna rtqrett{ taz htqo af xaqteo tazatiqn, anf the aoenfoent tq uwbueetiqn (i) qh Seetiqn 6 qh Attiee VKK (a) Vhe terea qh the tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee awthqtizini the eiiuatwte, b{ ieneta aw, tq rtqhibit rtqrett{ taz ezeortiqn in Seetiqn 5 qh Attiee VKK uha the eqnuifetatiqn qh the inutaatiqn qh a uqat fexiee qt a tae ehheet wrqn arrtqxa b{ the xqtetu0 tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee fexiee in fetetoinini the (b) Vhe aoenfoent tq Seetiqn 6 qh Attiee VKK auueuuef xawe qh tea rtqrett{ hqt the rwtrque qh af awthqtizini the eiiuatwte tq rtqhibit an ineteaue in xaqteo tazatiqn uha tae ehheet qn Janwat{ 3, 2238, the auueuuef xawe qh tea rtqrett{ wuef hqt teuifentia anf uha ezrite qn Deeeobet 53, 22590 Wrqn ezrita/ rwtrqueu au the teuwt qh iortqxini the rtqrett{'u tiqn, thiu ueetiqn uha be tereaef anf the tezt qh teuiutanee tq winf faoaie qt inutaini a tenewabe uwbueetiqn (e) qh Seetiqn 5 qh Attiee VKK anf uwbueetiqn eneti{ uqwtee fexiee uha tae ehheet Janwat{ 3, 222;0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Vazatiqn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 (i) qh Seetiqn 6 qh Attiee VKK uha texett tq that in 5, 2228, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Arti 28, 2228; afqrtef 22280 eziutenee qn Deeeobet 53, 2239, ezeert that an{ aoenfoentu tq uweh tezt qthetwiue afqrtef uha be SGEVKQP 520 Auueuuoent qh wqt�ni watethtqnt rteuetxef anf eqntinwe tq qretate tq the eztent that rtqrett{0´Vhe aoenfoent tq Seetiqn 6 qh Attiee VKK uweh aoenfoentu ate nqt ferenfent wrqn the rqttiqnu rtqxifini hqt the auueuuoent qh wqtini watethtqnt qh tezt whieh ezrite rwtuwant tq thiu ueetiqn0 rtqrett{ bauef qn ewttent wue, anf thiu ueetiqn, uha J�utqt{0´Affef, E0S0 hqt J0J0T0 3;5, 2238; afqrtef 22380 tae ehheet wrqn arrtqxa b{ the eeetqtu anf uha hitut arr{ tq auueuuoentu hqt taz {eatu beiinnini Janwat{ SGEVKQP 550 Vaz ezeort�qn hqt tqta{ anf 3, 22320 retoanent{ f�uabef h�tut teurqnfetu0´Vhe J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Vazatiqn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 aoenfoent tq Seetiqn 8 qh Attiee VKK teatini tq teieh 8, 2228, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Arti 28, 2228; afqrtef 22280 htqo af xaqteo tazeu auueuuef qn hqoeuteaf rtqr/ ett{ hqt hitut teurqnfetu, whq ate tqta{ anf retoa/ SGEVKQP 530 Aff�t�qna af xaqteo taz ezeor/ nent{ fiuabef au a teuwt qh inwtieu uwutainef in the t�qn hqt eetta�n oeobetu qh the atoef hqteeu ine qh fwt{, taeu ehheet Janwat{ 3, 22390 ferq{ef qn aet�xe fwt{ qwtu�fe qh the Wn�tef J�utqt{0´Affef, E0S0 hqt J0J0T0 322;, 2238; afqrtef 22380 Stateu0´Vhe aoenfoent tq Seetiqn 5 qh Attiee VKK rtqxifini hqt an affitiqna af xaqteo taz ezeortiqn hqt SGEVKQP 580 Aff�t�qna af xaqteo ezeort�qn oeobetu qh the Wnitef Stateu oiitat{ qt oiitat{ hqt retuqnu aie u�zt{/h�xe qt qfet0´Vhiu ueetiqn anf teuetxeu, the Wnitef Stateu Eqaut Gwatf qt itu teuetxeu, the aoenfoent tq Seetiqn 8 qh Attiee VKK texiuini the qt the Hqtifa Patiqna Gwatf ferq{ef qn aetixe fwt{ wut xawe fetetoinatiqn hqt the affitiqna af xaqteo qwtuife qh the Wnitef Stateu in uwrrqtt qh oiitat{ taz ezeortiqn hqt retuqnu aie uizt{/hixe qt qfet uha qretatiqnu feuiinatef b{ the eiiuatwte anf thiu tae ehheet Janwat{ 3, 2239, hqqwini arrtqxa b{ the ueetiqn uha tae ehheet Janwat{ 3, 22330 eeetqtu, anf uha qretate tettqaetixe{ tq Janwat{ 3, J�utqt{0´Affef, J0J0T0 855, 222;; afqrtef 22320 2235, hqt an{ retuqn whq teeeixef the ezeortiqn wnfet rataitarh (2) qh Seetiqn 8(f) qh Attiee VKK behqte SGEVKQP 520 Vetetanu f�uabef fwe tq eqobat Janwat{ 3, 22390 �nwt{; hqoeuteaf rtqrett{ taz f�ueqwnt0´Vhe J�utqt{0´Affef, E0S0 hqt J0J0T0 295, 2238; afqrtef 22380 83 ATVKENG ZKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG ZKK
SGEVKQP 590 G�i�b��t{ qh wut�eeu anf wfieu0 rtqhibitiqn aiainut abwue qh rwbie rquitiqn b{ Qetqbet Vhe aoenfoent tq Seetiqn 8 qh Attiee V, whieh 3, 223;, au ureeihief in Seetiqn 8(h) qh Attiee KK0 ineteaueu the aie at whieh a wutiee qt wfie iu nq (b) Hqqwini the afqrtiqn qh tweu rwtuwant tq qniet eiiibe tq uetxe in wfieia qhhiee ezeert wrqn uwbueetiqn (a), the eiiuatwte uha enaet ioreoentini teorqtat{ auuiinoent, uha tae ehheet Jw{ 3, 223;0 eiiuatiqn eutabiuhini renatieu hqt xiqatiqnu qh the J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 3, 2238, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ ;, 2238; afqrtef 22380 rtqhibitiqn aiainut abwue qh rwbie rquitiqn tq tae ehheet Deeeobet 53, 22220 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 9, SGEVKQP 580 Ptqh�b�t�qnu teiatf�ni qbb{�ni 2238, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ ;, 2238; afqrtef 22380 hqt eqorenuat�qn anf abwue qh rwb�e rqu�t�qn b{ rwb�e qhh�eetu anf rwb�e eorq{eeu0´Vhe aoenf/ SGEVKQP 5;0 Ptqh�b�t�qn qn tae�ni qh qt waiet/ oentu tq Seetiqn 8 qh Attiee KK anf Seetiqn 35 qh Attiee �ni qn ite{hqwnfu qt qthet fqiu0´Vhe aoenfoent V uha tae ehheet Deeeobet 53, 2222; ezeert that the tq Attiee Z, whieh rtqhibitu the taeini qh qt waietini qn aoenfoentu tq Seetiqn 8(h) qh Attiee KK uha tae ehheet ite{hqwnf anf qthet fqiu, anf the eteatiqn qh thiu Deeeobet 53, 2222, anf< ueetiqn, uha tae ehheet wrqn the arrtqxa qh the (a) Vhe Hqtifa Eqooiuuiqn qn Gthieu uha, b{ twe, eeetqtu0 fehine the teto ¬fiurtqrqttiqnate benehit¹ anf rteuetibe J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 8, the teqwiuite intent hqt hinfini a xiqatiqn qh the 2238, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ ;, 2238; afqrtef 22380
Kn the �nfez tq the Hqt�fa Eqnut�twt�qn, ¬A¹ tehetu tq the Att�ee qh the Eqnut�twt�qn anf ¬S¹ tehetu tq the Seet�qn w�th�n the Att�ee0 Vh�u �nfez �newfeu teheteneeu tq the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885 when that Eqnut�twt�qn �u �neqtrqtatef b{ tehetenee �n the rteuent Eqnut�twt�qn0
AMENDMENT (Eqnt0) A Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, A33 S5(a), A33 S8(e) ABORTION M�nqtu, rt�qt nqt�h�eat�qn qh ratent, A32 S22 APPORTIONMENT OF LEGISLATURE See NGGKSNAVWTG AD VALOREM TAXES See VAZAVKQP APPROPRIATIONS Dqnf febt uetx�ee, A9 S33(b) ADMINISTRATION, STATE BOARD OF, A6 S6(e), Eetu qh e�tew�t anf eqwnt{ eqwttu, A5 S36(b) A32 S;(a), (e) Ewttent utate ezrenueu, A5 S32 Gfweat�qn qttet{ hwnfu, A32 S35 ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCIES H�uh anf Y�f�he Eqnuetxat�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, A6 S; Jwf�e�a tex�ew, afo�n�uttat�xe aet�qn, A5 S5(b), A5 S6(b), Geneta arrtqrt�at�qn b�u, A5 S8, A5 S32, A5 S3;(b), (f) A5 S5(b) Kteo�zat�qn teqw�teoentu, A5 S3;(b) Penat�eu, �orqu�t�qn qh, A3 S38 Nei�uat�xe Dwfiet Eqoo�uu�qn, fwt�eu, A5 S3;(e) Swau�/wf�e�a rqwet, A5 S3 Nqea iqxetnoent a�f, A9 S8 Sentenee qh �ort�uqnoent, A3 S38 Manfatef ezrenf�twte qh hwnfu b{ qea iqxetnoentu, Wt��t�euteiwat�qn, Swrteoe Eqwtt tex�ew, A5 S5(b) A9 S38(a) Mqne{ ftawn htqo utate tteauwt{, A9 S3(e) ADVERSE MEDICAL INCIDENTS, A32 S25 Pwb�e fehenfetu' qhh�eeu, A5 S36(a), A32 S25 Teewtt�ni rwtrqueu arrtqrt�at�qnu oafe htqo nqnteewtt�ni AGRICULTURE, COMMISSIONER OF ieneta texenwe hwnfu, �o�tat�qn, A5 S3;(a) (See also EADKPGV) Tex�ew ret�qf, A5 S3;(f) Ait�ewtwta oattetu, uwretx�u�qn, A6 S6(f) Saat�eu hqt rwb�e qhh�eetu, A5 S32 Eab�net, oeobet, A6 S6(a) Sehqq f�utt�et a�f, A9 S8 Geet�qn, A6 S5(a) State attqtne{u' qhh�eeu, A5 S36(a), A32 S25 Koreaehoent, A5 S39(a) State eqwttu u{uteo, A5 S36(a), (f), A32 S25 Kntetna �ortqxeoent ttwut hwnf, ttwutee, A6 S6(h) State uehqq hwnf, A; S8 Nanf aeqw�u�t�qn ttwut hwnf, ttwutee, A6 S6(h) Vqbaeeq Gfweat�qn anf Ptexent�qn Ptqitao, A32 S29(b) Naw Gnhqteeoent, Derattoent qh; aiene{ heaf, A6 S6(i) Vetq, A5 S8, A5 S3;(b) Qhh�ee qeat�qn, A2 S2 Pqwetu anf fwt�eu, A6 S6(a), (f) ARMED FORCES Swa�h�eat�qnu, A6 S5(b) See MKNKVKA Veto qh qhh�ee, A6 S5(a) ARMS, RIGHT TO BEAR, A3 S8(a) AIR POLLUTION, A2 S9(a), A6 S;, A9 S36 ASSEMBLY, RIGHT OF, A3 S5 AIRCRAFT, A9 S3(b) ATTAINDER, BILLS OF, A3 S32, A3 S39 AIRPORTS, A9 S32(e) ATTORNEY GENERAL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, A8 S5(a), A8 S8(b) (See also EADKPGV) Afo�n�uttat�qn, State Dqatf qh; oeobet, A6 S6(e) AMENDMENT Eab�net, oeobet, A6 S6(a) Eqnut�twt�qna eqnxent�qn, A33 S6, A33 S5(a) Eh�eh eia qhh�eet qh utate, A6 S6(b) Ghheet�xe fate, A33 S5(e) Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, oeobet, A33 S2(a) Geet�qn hqt arrtqxa, A33 S5 Geet�qn, A6 S5(a) Jqwue qh Terteuentat�xeu, rtqrquef teto qh qhh�ee, A32 S36 Koreaehoent, A5 S39(a) Kn�t�at�xeu, A33 S5, A33 S5(b), (e) Kn�t�at�xe ret�t�qnu, teqweut�ni Swrteoe Eqwtt afx�uqt{ Nei�uat�xe q�nt teuqwt�qn, A33 S3, A33 S5(a) qr�n�qn, A6 S32, A5 S5(b) Pwb�eat�qn, A33 S5(f) Kntetna �ortqxeoent ttwut hwnf, ttwutee, A6 S6(h) Tex�u�qn eqoo�uu�qn, A33 S2, A33 S5(a) Nanf aeqw�u�t�qn ttwut hwnf, ttwutee, A6 S6(h)
ATTORNEY GENERAL (Eqnt0) BONDS (Eqnt0) Naw Gnhqteeoent, Derattoent qh; aiene{ heaf, A6 S6(i) Texenwe bqnfu (Eqnt0) Nei�uat�xe arrqtt�qnoent Eqnuetxat�qn anf teeteat�qn anfu, aeqw�u�t�qn anf Jwf�e�a tearrqtt�qnoent ret�t�qn, A5 S38(b), (e) �ortqxeoent, A9 S33(e), A32 S;(a) Jwf�e�a tex�ew ret�t�qn, A5 S38(e), (e) Debt uetx�ee qn bqnfu, A32 S28(b) M�n�owo waie, enhqteeoent awthqt�t{, A32 S26(e) J�utqt�e rteuetxat�qn, A9 S33(e) Qhh�ee qeat�qn, A2 S2 Jqwu�ni anf teatef hae��t�eu, A9 S38, A32 S38 Pqwetu anf fwt�eu, A6 S6(a), (b) Knfwutt�a qt oanwhaetwt�ni rantu, A9 S32(e) Swa�h�eat�qnu, A6 S5(b) Nei�uat�xe arrtqxa qh rtqeet, A9 S33(h) Teeteat�qn fexeqroent bqnf xa�fat�qn rtqeeef�niu, Pqwt�qn eqnttq anf abateoent hae��t�eu, A9 S36 A32 S;(a) Pqtt hae��t�eu, A9 S32(e) Statew�fe rtqueewtqt, arrq�ntoent, A6 S6(b) Tehwnf�ni bqnfu, A32 S;(b), (e), (f) Veto qh qhh�ee, A6 S5(a) Tera{oent, uqwtee qh hwnfu, A9 S33(f) Stwfent qanu, A9 S35 ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Yaute f�urqua hae��t�eu, A9 S36 Afo�uu�qn tq rtaet�ee, A5 S35 Yatet hae��t�eu, A9 S36 Dat, See HNQTKDA DAT Yatet teuqwtee fexeqroent, A9 S33(e) Eqwtt/arrq�ntef eqwnue, hwnf�ni, A5 S36(a), A32 S25 Tqafu anf h�ihwa{u, A9 S39, A32 S;(b), (e) Et�o�na fehenfantu, t�iht tq eqwnue, A3 S38(a) Sae, eqob�n�ni �uuweu, A9 S33(e) D�ue�r�ne, A5 S35 Sehqq ear�ta qwta{ rtqeetu, A9 S32(a), A32 S;(a), (f) Sehqq f�utt�etu, A9 S32 ATTORNEYS' FEES, A3 S28, A32 S26(e) Sree�a f�utt�etu, A9 S32(e), A9 S32 State bqnfu, A9 S33, A9 S36, A9 S35, A9 S38, A9 S39, AUDITOR, A5 S2 A32 S; Stwfent qanu, A9 S35 Vaz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu, A9 S32 B Vaz ex�eu hqt ra{oent qh febt Af xaqteo tazeu, A9 S32 BEACHES, A32 S33, A32 S28(b) Gtquu teee�rtu taz, wt��t{ uetx�eeu, A32 S;(a) Seeqnf iau taz, A32 S;(e) BILLS OF ATTAINDER, A3 S32, A3 S39 Vtanurqttat�qn t�ihtu/qh/wa{, A9 S39 Va�fat�qn, A5 S5(b) Vqtet arrtqxa, A9 S33(a), A9 S32(a) BLIND PERSONS, A9 S5(b) Yaute f�urqua hae��t�eu, A9 S36 Yatet hae��t�eu, A9 S36 BOATS Yatet teuqwtee fexeqroent, A9 S33(e) N�eenue taz, A9 S3(b) Veuue awneheu, oat�nau, anf oat�ne oanwhaetwt�ni hae��t�eu; taz auueuuoentu, A9 S6(), A32 S52 BOUNDARIES (STATE), A2 S3
BONDS BRIDGES, A9 S39 A�trqttu, A9 S32(e) Dt�fieu, A9 S39 BROWARD COUNTY, A8 S8(i), A32 S25 Ear�ta rtqeetu, A9 S32(e), A9 S33(a), (f), A9 S32(a), A32 S; BUDGETING Eett�h�eateu qh �nfebtefneuu, A9 S32 Afwutoentu w�thqwt eqnewttenee qh hw ei�uatwte, Eqnuetxat�qn anf teeteat�qn anfu, aeqw�u�t�qn anf A5 S3;(e) �ortqxeoent, A9 S33(e), A32 S;(a) Dwfiet utab��zat�qn hwnf, A5 S3;(i), A9 S3(e) Eqwnt�eu, A9 S32(e), A9 S32 H�na bwfiet terqtt, A5 S3;(e) Debt �o�tat�qn, A9 S33(a), A9 S36(b), (e), A9 S38(e), Gqxetnqt, teurqnu�b��t{, A6 S3(a), A6 S35 A32 S;(e) Nei�uat�xe Dwfiet Eqoo�uu�qn, A5 S3;(e), () Ha�th anf etef�t qh utate, refi�ni, A9 S33(a), (e), A9 S36(a), Tefwet�qnu tq oeet texenwe uhqtthau, A5 S3;(h), A6 S35 A9 S38(b), A9 S39, A32 S; State bwfiet�ni rtqeeuueu, A5 S3;, A9 S3(e) H�zef ear�ta qwta{ rtqeetu, A9 S33(a), (f) J�utqt�e rteuetxat�qn, A9 S33(e) Jqwu�ni anf teatef hae��t�eu, A9 S38, A32 S38 C Knfwutt�a qt oanwhaetwt�ni rantu, A9 S32(e) Kuuwef rwtuwant tq 3885 Eqnut�twt�qn, A32 S8 CABINET Nqea bqnfu, A9 S32(e), A9 S32 Arrq�ntoent qt teoqxa qh qhh�eetu, arrtqxa, A6 S8(a) Mqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenwe ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu, E�x� t�ihtu, teutqtat�qn, A6 S8(a) A32 S;(f) Eeoene{, A6 S8(a) Mwn�e�ra�t�eu, A9 S32(e), A9 S32 Eqorqu�t�qn, A6 S6(a) Qwtfqqt teeteat�qn fexeqroent, A9 S33(e), A32 S;(a) Eteat�qn, A6 S6(a) Pqwt�qneqnttq anf abateoent hae��t�eu, A9 S36 Geet�qn qh oeobetu, A6 S5(a) Pqtt hae��t�eu, A9 S32(e) Gzeewt�xe ferattoentu, uwretx�u�qn, A6 S8 Pwb�e efweat�qn, A9 S32, A32 S;(a), (f) Koreaehoent qh oeobetu, A5 S39(a) Tehwnf�ni bqnfu, A9 S33(a), A9 S32(b), A32 S; Knearae�t{ qh Gqxetnqt, A6 S5(b) Texenwe bqnfu Qhh�eeu qh oeobetu, A2 S2 A�trqttu, A9 S32(e) Patfqnu, A6 S8(a) Ear�ta rtqeetu, A9 S33(f), A32 S;(b) Swa�h�eat�qnu qh oeobetu, A6 S5(b)
CABINET (Eqnt0) CHILDREN (Eqnt0) Texenwe uhqtthau, bwfiet tefwet�qnu, A6 S35 Afqrt�qn qt ei�t�oat�qn,uree�a awu retta�n�ni tq, Veto �o�tat�qnu qn oeobetu, A8 S6(e) A5 S33(a) Vetou qh oeobetu, A6 S5(a) Jwxen�e fe�nqwene{ rtqeeef�niu, A3 S35(b) V�e xqte aoqni oeobetu, A6 S6(a) Te�eh htqo eia f�uab��t�eu, uree�a awu retta�n�ni tq, Vetetanu' Ahha�tu, Derattoent qh; ferattoent heaf, A6 S33 A5 S33(a) Vqbaeeq Gfweat�qn anf Ptexent�qn Ptqitao, A32 S29 CAMPAIGN FINANCING, A2 S8(b), A8 S9 CIRCUIT COURTS CANDIDATES (See also EQWTVS) See GNGEVKQPS Afo�n�uttat�xe aet�qn, tex�ew, A5 S5(b) Afo�n�uttat�xe uwretx�u�qn, A5 S2(f) Arrea qh wfioentu anf qtfetu, A5 S5(b), A5 S6(b) CAPITAL, A2 S2 Arreate wt�uf�et�qn, A5 S6(b), A5 S5(b), A5 S22(e) Eh�eh wfie CAPITAL OFFENSES Auu�inoent qh wfieu, A5 S2(b) Arreau anf eqateta attaeu qn wfioent, A3 S38(b) D�ue�r�ne rane hqt Swrteoe Eqwtt wut�ee, A5 S32(e) Death renat{, A3 S39, A5 S5(b) Goetiene{ hqur�ta�zat�qnu, awthqt�t{ feeiat�qn tq Pteuentoent qt �nf�etoent, A3 S35 eqwnt{ eqwtt wfieu, A5 S22(e) Ptett�a fetent�qn, A3 S36 Nqeat�qn qh eqwtt rtqeeef�niu, feu�inat�qn, A5 S9, A5 S22(e) CAPITAL PROJECTS Teurqnu�b��t�eu, A5 S2(f) A�trqttu, A9 S32(e) Seeet�qn, A5 S2(f) Dt�fieu, A9 S39 Eet, A5 S36(b), (e), A5 S38, A8 S3(f) H�zef ear�ta qwta{ rtqeetu, bqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S33(a), (f) Death renat{, A5 S5(b) Jqwu�ni anf teatef hae��t�eu, A9 S38 D�x�u�qnu, A5 S9, A5 S22(e) Knfwutt�a anf oanwhaetwt�ni rantu, A9 S32(e) Jeat�niu, A5 S9 Nei�uat�xe arrtqxa, A9 S33(h) Jwfieu Nqea iqxetnoentu, bqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S32(e), A9 S32(a) (See also JWDGGS) Qwtfqqt teeteat�qn hae��t�eu, A32 S;(a) Eh�eh wfie, See uwbt�te Eh�eh wfie, th�u heaf�ni Pqwt�qneqnttq hae��t�eu, A9 S36 Geet�qn, A5 S32(b), A5 S33(b) Pqtt hae��t�eu, A9 S32(e) Koreaehoent, A5 S39(a) Pwb�e efweat�qn, A9 S32(a), A32 S;(a), (f) Jwfieu qh abq�uhef eqwttu, A5 S22(f) Tqafu anf h�ihwa{u, A9 S39, A32 S;(b), (e) Met�t ueeet�qn,qea qrt�qn, A5 S32(b) Sehqqu, A9 S32(a), A32 S;(a), (f) Pwobet, A5 S22(f) State, bqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S33(a), (f), A9 S36, A9 S38, Tetent�qn, qea qrt�qn, A5 S32(b) A9 S39, A32 S; Veto qh qhh�ee, A5 S32(b), A5 S33(b) Vtanurqttat�qn t�ihtu/qh/wa{, A9 S39 Vaeane{ �n qhh�ee, A5 S33(b) Vwtnr�e awthqt�t{, A32 S;(b) Jwf�e�a e�tew�tu, See JWDKEKAN EKTEWKVS Yaute f�urqua hae��t�eu, A9 S36 Jwf�e�a rqwet xeutef �n, A5 S3 Yatet hae��t�eu, A9 S36 Jwt�uf�et�qn, A5 S5(b), A5 S22(e) Qtian�zat�qn, A5 S5(a) Ptqueewt�ni qhh�eet, A5 S39 CASINO GAMBLING, A32 S52 Vt�au, qeat�qn, A5 S9 Yt�tu, rqwet tq �uuwe, A5 S5(b) CENSUS, A5 S38(a), A8 S3(e), A32 S8, A32 S35 CIVIL ACTIONS CERTIORARI, WRIT OF, A5 S6(b), A5 S5(b) Dehaoat�qn, A3 S6 Dwe rtqeeuu qh aw, A3 S; CHARITIES, A9 S5(a) Mef�ea oat�wana wue, nqt uwbeet tq e�x� �ab��t{, A32 S2;(a) CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER M�n�owo waie x�qat�qnu, A32 S26(e) (See also EADKPGV) Sree�a awu retta�n�ni tq, A5 S33(a) Afo�n�uttat�qn, State Dqatf qh; oeobet, A6 S6(e) Sw�tu aia�nut utate, A32 S35 Eab�net, oeobet, A6 S6(a) Va�f�t{ wrqn afqrt�qn qh eqnut�twt�qna tex�u�qn, A32 S9 Eh�eh h�uea qhh�eet qh utate, A6 S6(e) Eqnut�twt�qna qhh�ee, feu�inat�qn au, A32 S26(a) CIVIL RIGHTS Geet�qn, A6 S5(a) Deeatat�qn qh t�ihtu, A3 Koreaehoent, A5 S39(a) Teutqtat�qn, A6 S8(a), A8 S6(a), (b) Kntetna �ortqxeoent ttwut hwnf, ttwutee, A6 S6(h) Vqt�ni anf eeet�qnu, See GNGEVKQPS Nanf aeqw�u�t�qn ttwut hwnf, ttwutee, A6 S6(h) Naw Gnhqteeoent, Derattoent qh; aiene{ heaf, A6 S6(i) CIVIL SERVICE SYSTEM, A5 S36 Qhh�ee qeat�qn, A2 S2 Pqwetu anf fwt�eu, A6 S6(a), (e) CIVIL TRAFFIC HEARING OFFICERS, A5 S3 Swa�h�eat�qnu, A6 S5(b) State hwnfu anf ueewt�t�eu, oa�ntenanee, A6 S6(e) CLEMENCY, A3 S38(b), A6 S8 Veto qh qhh�ee, A6 S5(a) CLERKS OF CIRCUIT COURTS, A5 S36(b), (e), A5 S38, CHILDREN A8 S3(f) Abqtt�qnu �nxqx�ni o�nqtu, rt�qt nqt�h�eat�qn qh ratent, A32 S22 COAST GUARD, A9 S5(i), A32 S53
COLLECTIVE BARGAINING, A3 S8 CONTRACTS (Eqnt0) Va�f�t{ wrqn afqrt�qn qh eqnut�twt�qna tex�u�qn, A32 S9 COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Knut�twt�qnu qh h�ihet eatn�ni, A9 S35(a), A; S3(a), CORPORATIONS A32 S;(a) Kneqoe taz, A9 S5(b) State eqeieu, eqoown�t{ eqeieu, anf wn�qt eqeieu, Pwb�e etef�t qt taz�ni rqwet �n a�f qh, A9 S32 A9 S35(a), A; S8, A32 S;(a), (f) T�ihtu anf qb�iat�qnu, xa�f�t{ wrqn afqrt�qn qh eqnut�twt�qna tex�u�qn, A32 S9 COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE Sree�a awu retta�n�ni tq, A5 S33(a) See AGTKEWNVWTG, EQMMKSSKQPGT QH CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS AND CORRECTIONAL COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION PROBATION OFFICERS See GDWEAVKQP, EQMMKSSKQPGT QH M�ef �n �ne qh fwt{, feath beneh�tu hqt uwtx�xqtu, A32 S53
COMMISSIONS, A5 S3 COUNTIES Abq�uhoent, A8 S3(a) COMMUNICATIONS, INTERCEPTION, A3 S32 Af xaqteo tazat�qn, A9 S;, A9 S32, A32 S2 Aeqhq�e bexetaie uaeu, A8 S5(a), A8 S8(b) COMMUNITY COLLEGES, A9 S35(a), A; S8, A32 S;(a), (f) Dqatfu qh eqwnt{ eqoo�uu�qnetu Eqorqu�t�qn, A8 S3(e) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, A9 S5(e) D�utt�etu, A8 S3(e) Geet�qn, A8 S3(e) CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS, A5 S22 Gz qhh�e�q eetu, A5 S38, A8 S3(f) Vetou qh qhh�ee, A8 S3(e) Dqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S32(e), A9 S32 CONSERVATION Dtaneh qhh�eeu, A8 S3() Patwta teuqwteeu, See PAVWTAN TGSQWTEGS Dtqwatf Eqwnt{, A8 S8(i), A32 S25 Ehanie qh, A8 S3(a) CONSTITUTION OF 1885 Ehattet, A8 S3(e), (i) Dqnfu E�x� uetx�ee u{uteo, A5 S36 Knut�twt�qnu qh h�ihet eatn�ni anf wn�qt eqeie ear�ta Eqnuq�fat�qn qh qea iqxetnoentu, A8 S5, A8 S8(e) qwta{, A32 S;(a) Eqwnt{ eqwttu, See EQWPVY EQWTVS Qwtfqqt teeteat�qn fexeqroent, A32 S;(a) Eqwnt{ ueat, A8 S3(), A8 S8(b) Ptqx�u�qnu teta�nef wnt� ra{oent �n hw, A32 S8 Eqwtt/arrq�ntef eqwnue, hwnf�ni, A5 S36(e) Tqafu anf h�ihwa{u, A32 S;(e) Eteat�qn, A8 S3(a) Sehqq ear�ta qwta{, A32 S;(f) Etef�t, refi�ni, A9 S32 Eqwnt{ eqwttu, A5 S22(e) D�utt�etu, eqwnt{ eqoo�uu�qnet, A8 S3(e) Et�o�na uenteneeu, A32 S9(a) Dwxa Eqwnt{, eqnuq�fat�qn, A8 S8(e) Dafe Eqwnt{, hqoe twe ehattet, A8 S8(e) Geetqtu, A8 S2 Gtquu teee�rtu tazeu, A32 S;(a) Geett�e ienetat�qn anf ttanuo�uu�qn hae��t�eu, A9 S32(f) J�ubqtqwih Eqwnt{, hqoe twe ehattet, A8 S8(e) H�teatou uaeu, et�o�na h�utqt{ teeqtfu ehee anf wa�t�ni Jaeuqnx�e anf Dwxa Eqwnt{, eqnuq�fat�qn, A8 S8(e) ret�qf, A8 S5(b) Jwfieu, A5 S22(f) Hwnfu Jwf�e�at{ rtqx�u�qnu, terea, A5 S22(a) Eate, ewutqf{, anf f�ubwtueoent, A8 S3(b) Me{ Yeut anf Mqntqe Eqwnt{, eqnuq�fat�qn, A8 S8(e) Ewutqf�an, A5 S38, A8 S3(f) Nqea iqxetnoent, A8 S8(a), (e) Knxeutoent, A9 S32(a), (b) Mqtqt xeh�ee hwe tazeu, A32 S;(e) Mqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenweu, A32 S;(f) Gqxetn�ni bqf�eu, A8 S3(e) Ptqx�u�qnu eqnh�et�ni w�th tex�u�qn, A32 S39 Gqxetnoent Ptqx�u�qnu texett�ni tq utatwteu, A5 S22(i), A32 S32 Ehattet, A8 S3(e), (i) Ptqx�u�qnu uwretuefef, A32 S3 Pqnehattet, A8 S3(h) Swret�ntenfentu qh rwb�e �nuttwet�qn, A32 S5(b), A32 S8(b) J�ubqtqwih Eqwnt{, hqoe twe ehattet, A8 S8(e) Vazeu, renat�eu, h�neu, anf hqthe�twteu qwef tq utate, Jqoe twe, A8 S8(e), (h) A32 S9(a) Knfebtefneuu, eett�h�eateu qh, A9 S32 Jq�nt qwnetuh�r w�th rt�xate ent�t�eu, A9 S32 Neqn Eqwnt{, ueat qh iqxetnoent, A2 S2 CONSTITUTION REVISION COMMISSION, A2 S5(a), Nqea qrt�qn, aeqhq�e bexetaie uaeu, A8 S5(a), A8 S8(b) A33 S2, A33 S5(a) Manfatef ezrenf�twte qh hwnfu, hwnf�ni b{ Nei�uatwte, A9 S38(a) CONSTITUTION (UNITED STATES) Meet�niu, aeeeuu tq, A3 S26(b) See WPKVGD SVAVGS M�ao�/Dafe Eqwnt{, A8 S8(e), (h), (i), A32 S25 Mqntqe Eqwnt{, eqnuq�fat�qn, A8 S8(e) CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION, A2 S5(a), A33 S6, Mqtqt xeh�ee hwe taz, aqeat�qn, A32 S;(e) A33 S5(a) Mwn�e�ra uetx�eeu, tazeu hqt, A9 S;(b) Qhh�eetu CONSTRUCTION, RULES OF, A32 S32 Abq�uhoent qh qhh�ee, A8 S3(f) Awf�tqt, A5 S38, A8 S3(f) CONTEMPT, A5 S6(f), A5 S5 Dqnf, A2 S5(b) Eet qh e�tew�t eqwtt, A5 S36(b), (e), A5 S38, A8 S3(f) CONTRACTS Eqoo�uu�qnetu, See uwbt�te Dqatfu qh eqwnt{ Nawu �ora�t�ni, A3 S32 eqoo�uu�qnetu, th�u heaf�ni Sree�a awu retta�n�ni tq, A5 S33(a) Eqorenuat�qn, A2 S5(e) 88 Index CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA Index
COUNTIES (Eqnt0) COUNTY COURTS (Eqnt0) Qhh�eetu (Eqnt0) Jwfieu (Eqnt0) Eqnt�nwanee �n qhh�ee, A8 S8(e) Tetent�qn, qea qrt�qn, A5 S32(b) Geet�qn, A8 S5, A8 S3(f) Veto qh qhh�ee, A5 S32(b), A5 S33(b) Jqf�ni qthet qhh�eeu, A2 S5(a) Vaeane{ �n qhh�ee, A5 S33(b) Qath qh qhh�ee, A2 S5(b) Jwf�e�a rqwet xeutef �n, A5 S3 Qhh�ee anf teeqtfu, qeat�qn, A8 S3() Jwt�uf�et�qn, A5 S8(b), A5 S22(e) Pethqtoanee qh own�e�ra hwnet�qnu, A8 S8(b) Nqeat�qn, A5 S9, A5 S22(e) Pqwetu anf fwt�eu, A2 S5(b), (e) Qtian�zat�qn, A5 S8(a) Ptqrett{ arrta�uet, A8 S3(f) Vt�au, qeat�qn, A5 S9, A5 S22(e) Ptqueewt�ni attqtne{, A5 S22(f) Teeqtfet, A5 S38, A8 S3(f) COURTS Seeet�qn, A8 S3(f), A8 S8(b), (i) Aeeeuu tq, A3 S23 Shet�hh, A8 S3(f) Afo�n�uttat�xe aiene{ �ntetrtetat�qn qh aw, nqt fehettef tq, Sq�e�tqt, A5 S22(f) A5 S23 Swretx�uqt qh eeet�qnu, A8 S3(f) Afo�n�uttat�xe uwretx�u�qn, A5 S2 Swurenu�qn, A6 S9(a), (b) Arreau, A5 S2(a), A5 S5, A5 S6, A5 S5(b) Vaz eqeetqt, A8 S3(f) Vetou qh qhh�ee, A8 S3(f) Arreate f�utt�etu, See DKSVTKEV EQWTVS QH APPGAN Vaeane{ �n qhh�ee, A6 S3(h) Attqtne{u, afo�uu�qn tq rtaet�ee anf f�ue�r�ne, A5 S35 Qtf�naneeu Dat, See HNQTKDA DAT Ehattet iqxetnoent, A8 S3(i) Dwfiet�ni rtqeeuueu, A5 S3;(a), (e) Eqoown�t{ anf eeqnqo�e fexeqroent taz ezeort�qnu, Eh�eh afo�n�uttat�xe qhh�eetu, A5 S2(b) A9 S5(e) E�tew�t eqwttu, See EKTEWKV EQWTVS Eqnh�et w�th own�e�ra qtf�naneeu, A8 S3(h), (i) Eqwnt{ eqwttu, See EQWPVY EQWTVS Ghheet�xe fate, A8 S3(�) Eqwttu/oatt�a, A3 S35(a), A3 S38, A5 S3 J�utqt�e rtqrett�eu, A9 S5(f), A9 S6(e), A32 S22 D�uo�uua qh eawue, �ortqret teoef{ uqwiht, A5 S2(a) Jqoeuteaf rtqrett{ taz ezeort�qn hqt efet{ retuqnu, D�utt�et eqwttu qh arrea, See DKSVTKEV EQWTVS QH A9 S8(f) APPGAN Nqea awu, aoenfoent qt terea, A8 S8(f) D�x�u�qnu, A5 S9, A5 S22(e) Pqnehattet iqxetnoent, A8 S3(h) Gutab�uhoent, A5 S3 V�qat�qnu, A8 S3() Hwnf�ni, A5 S36 Pat�/owtwe taz texenwe, A9 S9 Geneta{, A5 Pqwt�qneqnttq hae��t�eu, utate bqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S36 Jeat�niu, A5 S9 Pwb�e fehenfetu' qhh�eeu, hwnf�ni, A5 S36(e) Jwfieu anf wut�eeu, See JWDGGS Teeqtf�ni qh fqewoentu, A8 S3() Jwf�e�a e�tew�tu, See JWDKEKAN EKTEWKVS Tefwet�qn qh awthqt�t{ tq ta�ue texenwe, ei�uat�xe arrtqxa, Jwf�e�a nqo�nat�ni eqoo�uu�qnu, A5 S33, A5 S22(e) A9 S38(b) Jwf�e�a qhh�ee, wut�eeu, anf wfieu; eqnuttwet�qn qh tetou, Tqafu anf h�ihwa{u, A32 S;(e) A32 S32(h) Seeqnf iau taz, aqeat�qn, A32 S;(e) Jwf�e�a rqwet, A2 S5, A5 S3 Seh/iqxetnoent rqwetu, A8 S3(h), (i) Jwf�e�a Swa�h�eat�qnu Eqoo�uu�qn, A2 S8(h), A5 S32, State a�f, A9 S8 A5 S22(e) State attqtne{u' qhh�eeu, hwnf�ni, A5 S36(e) Jwt�eu anf wtqtu, See JWTKGS State taz texenweu, ei�uat�xe arrtqxa qh tefwet�qn, Jwt�uf�et�qn A9 S38(e) Abq�uhef eqwttu, A5 S22(f) Statwu, eqnt�nwat�qn wrqn afqrt�qn qh Eqnut�twt�qn, A8 S8(b) E�tew�t eqwttu, A5 S5(b), A5 S22(e) Vaz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu, A9 S32 Eqwnt{ eqwttu, A5 S8(b), A5 S22(e) Vazeu, A9 S6(h), A9 S;, A32 S2 D�utt�et eqwttu qh arrea, A5 S6(b), A5 S22(e) Vaz�ni rqwet, �o�tat�qn, A9 S32, A8 S3(h) Mwn�e�ra eqwttu, A5 S22(f) Vtanuhet qh hwnet�qn qt rqwet, A8 S6 Swrteoe Eqwtt, A5 S5(b), A5 S22(e) Vt�a eqwttu, hwnf�ni, A5 S36(e) Vtanuhet, wt�uf�et�qn qh eqwtt �ortqx�fent{ �nxqef, Yaute f�urqua hae��t�eu, utate bqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S36 A5 S2(a) Yatet hae��t�eu, utate bqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S36 Jwut�ee afo�n�uttat�qn w�thqwt uae, fen�a, qt fea{, A3 S23 Mwn�e�ra eqwttu, A5 S22(f) COUNTY COURTS Qren hqt tefteuu qh �nwt{, A3 S23 (See also EQWTVS) Pann�ni rtqeeuueu anf rann�ni fqewoentu, A5 S3;(a), (h) Afo�n�uttat�xe uwretx�u�qn, A5 S2(f) Teeqtfu qh wf�e�a btaneh, aeeeuu tq, A3 S26 Arrea qh wfioentu anf qtfetu, A5 S5(b), A5 S6(b) Tweu qh rtaet�ee anf rtqeefwte, A5 S2(a), A5 S33(f) Eetu, A5 S36(b), (e), A5 S38, A5 S22(e) Swrteoe Eqwtt, See SWPTGMG EQWTV D�x�u�qnu, A5 S9, A5 S22(e) Vtanu�t�qn rtqx�u�qnu, A5 S22 H�neu anf hqthe�twteu, A5 S22(e) Vt�au, See VTKANS Jeat�niu, A5 S9 V�et�ou' t�ihtu, enhqteeoent, A3 S38(e) Jwfieu Yt�tu, rqwet tq �uuwe, A5 S5(b), A5 S6(b), A5 S5(b) (See also JWDGGS) Dat oeobetuh�r, A5 S8, A5 S22(e), (f) Geet�qn, A5 S32(b), A5 S33(b) COVERTURE, A32 S5 Koreaehoent, A5 S39(a) Jwfieu qh abq�uhef eqwttu, A5 S22(f) CREDIT, PLEDGING OF Met�t ueeet�qn, qea qrt�qn, A5 S32(b) Jqwu�ni bqnfu, A9 S38(b) Pqnwf�e�a fwt�eu, A5 S22(h) Jq�nt qwnetuh�r w�th rt�xate ent�t{, A9 S32 Pwobet, A5 S8(a), A5 S22(f) State bqnfu, A9 S33(a), (e), A9 S36(a), A9 S39, A32 S; 89 Index CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA Index
CRIMINAL OFFENSES CUSTODIAN OF STATE RECORDS (Eqnt0) Aeewuef, t�ihtu qh, A3 S38(a), A3 S3; Dqewoentu teee�xef anf oa�nta�nef (Eqnt0) Arreau anf eqateta attaeu qn wfioent, A3 S38(b) Gqxetnqt'u eett�h�eateu qh �nearae�t{ qt earae�t{, A6 S5(b) D�u qh atta�nfet, A3 S32, A3 S39 Gqxetnqt'u ezeewt�xe qtfetu qh eeoene{, A6 S8(a) Dteaeh qh rwb�e ttwut, A2 S8(f) Gqxetnqt'u qbeet�qnu tq xetqef b�u, A5 S8(b) Eqwnt{ qtf�nanee x�qat�qnu, A8 S3() Gqxetnqt'u qtfetu qh uwurenu�qn qh qhh�eetu, A6 S9(a) Et�o�na utatwteu, ehheet qh terea, A32 S; Jwf�e�a arrqtt�qnoent qtfetu, A5 S38(b), (h) Dehaoat�qn, A3 S6 Jwf�e�a oet�t ueeet�qn anf tetent�qn ret�t�qnu, A5 S32(b) Gz rqut haetq awu, A3 S32 Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn rtqrquau, Heqn{ A33 S8(e) Deh�n�t�qn, A32 S32 Swbut�twt�qn hqt teto ¬ueetetat{ qh utate¹, A32 S26(b) Ptqueewt�qn, A3 S35(a) Pwb�e qhh�ee f�uqwa�h�eat�qn, A8 S6(a) Pwb�e qhh�eet qt eorq{ee, hqthe�twte qh tet�teoent t�ihtu D anf rt�x�eieu, A2 S8(f) Vqt�ni qwa�h�eat�qnu, A8 S6(a), (b) DEATH BENEFITS Htawf, �ort�uqnoent hqt febt, A3 S33 H�tut teurqnfetu anf o��tat{ oeobetu, uwtx�xqtu qh, Janfiwn rwtehaueu, wa�t�ni ret�qf x�qat�qnu, A3 S8(e) A32 S53 Jwxen�e qhhenfetu, A3 S35(b) Mat�ne net h�uh�ni x�qat�qnu, A32 S38(e) DEATH PENALTY Penat�eu, See PWPKSJMGPV See EAPKVAN QHHGPSGS P�iu, etwe anf �nhwoane eqnh�neoent fwt�ni rteinane{, A32 S23(f) DEBT Ptqueewt�qn, See ETKMKPAN PTQSGEWVKQP Jqoeuteaf rtqrett{, A32 S6(a) Vteauqn, A3 S22, A6 S8(b) Kort�uqnoent hqt, A3 S33 V�et�ou' t�ihtu, A3 S38(b), (e), (f), (e) Pwb�e febt Dqnf h�nane�ni, See DQPDS CRIMINAL PROSECUTION Eett�h�eateu qh �nfebtefneuu, A9 S32 Aeewuef, t�ihtu qh, A3 S38(a), A3 S3; Eqnuq�fat�qn qh qea iqxetnoentu, A8 S5 Ear�ta et�oe, A3 S35(a) Eqwnt�eu, A8 S3(a) Eqoown�eat�qnu, wnteauqnabe �nteteert�qn qh, A3 S32 Knewttef wnfet 3885 Eqnut�twt�qn, A32 S8 Equtu, ra{oent b{ aeewuef, A3 S3; Mwn�e�ra�t�eu, A8 S2(a) Eqwnue, t�iht tq, A3 S38(a) Eqwnt{ qtf�nanee x�qat�qnu, A8 S3() DECLARATION OF RIGHTS, A3 Et�o�na utatwteu, ehheet qh terea, A32 S; Dehaoat�qn, A3 S6 DEEDS OF TRUST, A9 S2 Dehenfantu, t�ihtu qh, A3 S38(a), A3 S3; Dqwbe eqratf{, A3 S; DISABILITIES, PERSONS WITH Dwe rtqeeuu qh aw, A3 S;, A3 S38(b) Dert�xat�qn qh t�ihtu, A3 S2 Gx�fenee, �nafo�uu�be, A3 S32 Vaz ezeort�qnu, A9 S5(b), A9 S8(e) Heqn�eu, A3 S35(a) Gtanf wt{, A3 S35(a) DISTRICT COURTS OF APPEAL Knf�etoent qt �nhqtoat�qn, A3 S35(a), A3 S38(a) (See also EQWTVS) Jwtqtu, A3 S22, A5 S33(a) Afo�n�uttat�xe aet�qn, f�teet tex�ew, A5 S6(b) Jwxen�e qhhenfetu, A3 S35(b) Afo�n�uttat�xe uwretx�u�qn, A5 S2(e) Mef�ea oat�wana wue, nqt uwbeet tq et�o�na �ab��t{, Arrea qh fee�u�qnu, A5 S5(b) A32 S2;(a) Arreate f�utt�etu Penat�eu, See PWPKSJMGPV Eqwtt uetx�ni, A5 S6(a) Ptett�a teeaue anf fetent�qn, A3 S36, A3 S38(b) Gutab�uhoent, A5 S3, A5 S22(e) Teeaue qh qhhenfet, x�et�ou' t�ihtu, A3 S38(b) Tefeh�n�ni, A5 S; Seateh anf ue�zwte, wnteauqnabe, A3 S32 Swrteoe Eqwtt wut�eeu, teu�fene{, A5 S5(a) Seateh wattantu, A3 S32 Eaue eqnu�fetat�qn, nwobet qh wfieu teqw�tef, A5 S6(a) Seh/�net�o�nat�qn, A3 S; Eett�h�eat�qn qh eaueu hqt Swrteoe Eqwtt tex�ew, A5 S5(b) Sree�a awu retta�n�ni tq, A5 S33(a) Eh�eh wfieu, A3 S38(b), A5 S2(e) Statew�fe rtqueewtqt, A6 S6(b) Eetu, A5 S6(e) Vteauqn, A3 S22 Eqwtt/oatt�a fee�u�qnu, tex�ew, A5 S3 Vt�a b{ wt{, A3 S38(a), A3 S22 Dee�u�qnu, A5 S5(b), A5 S6(a) Venwe, A3 S38(a), A5 S33(a) D�x�u�qnu, A5 S9, A5 S22(e) V�et�ou' t�ihtu, A3 S38(b), (e), (f), (e) H�na wfioentu anf qtfetu, tex�ew, A5 S6(b) Y�tneuu aia�nut qneueh, A3 S; Kntetqewtqt{ qtfetu, tex�ew, A5 S6(b) Y�tneuueu, A3 S38(a) Jwfieu Koreaehoent, A5 S39(a) CURTESY, A32 S5 Pwobet, A5 S6(a) Jwf�e�a nqo�nat�ni eqoo�uu�qnu, A5 S33(f) CUSTODIAN OF STATE RECORDS Jwf�e�a rqwet xeutef �n, A5 S3 Dqewoentu teee�xef anf oa�nta�nef Jwt�uf�et�qn, A5 S6(b), A5 S22(e) Eqnut�twt�qn tex�u�qn rtqrquau, A33 S2(e), A33 S6(b) Matuhau, A5 S6(e) Eqnut�twt�qna aoenfoent �n�t�at�xe ret�t�qnu, A33 S5 M��tat{ aw qweut�qnu, afx�uqt{ qr�n�qnu, A5 S2(a) Eqnut�twt�qna eqnxent�qn ret�t�qnu, A33 S6(a) Qtian�zat�qn, A5 S6(a) Eqwnt{ qtf�naneeu, A8 S3(�) Ptqeeuu, A5 S6(e) H�nane�a �nteteutu f�uequwteu, A2 S8(�) Tweu qh rtqeefwte, A5 S33(f)
DISTRICT COURTS OF APPEAL (Eqnt0) EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF Vt�a eqwtt wfioentu anf qtfetu, tex�ew, A5 S6(b) Arrq�ntoent, A; S2 Yt�tu, rqwet tq �uuwe, A5 S6(b) State Wn�xetu�t{ S{uteo Statew�fe Dqatf qh Gqxetnqtu, oeobetuh�r, A; S9(f) DISTRICTS Statwteu wnfet 3885 Eqnut�twt�qn, arr�eab��t{, A32 S8(b) Arreate, See DKSVTKEV EQWTVS QH APPGAN Swret�ntenfent qh Pwb�e Knuttwet�qn, ttanuhet qh qhh�ee, Eqoown�t{ eqeie, A32 S;(f) A32 S6 Eqwnt{ eqoo�uu�qnet, A8 S3(e) Nei�uat�xe, A5 S3, A5 S35(a), (e), A5 S38(a) EDUCATION, STATE BOARD OF Sehqq, See SEJQQN DKSVTKEVS Geneta{, A; S2 Sree�a, See SPGEKAN DKSVTKEVS Pwb�e efweat�qn ear�ta qwta{ anf febt uetx�ee ttwut hwnf, afo�n�uttat�qn, A32 S;(a) DIVORCE, A5 S33(a) Sehqq bqnfu, fwt�eu, A32 S;(f) State eqeie u{uteo, uwretx�u�qn, A; S8(b), (f) DOGRACING, A32 S52, A32 S5; ELDERLY AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF, A6 S32 DOMESTIC SECURITY AND COUNTERTERRORISM, OFFICE OF, A6 S6(i) ELDERLY PERSONS Vaz ezeort�qnu, A9 S6(h), A9 S8(f), (e), A32 S28, A32 S58 DOUBLE JEOPARDY, A3 S; ELECTIONS DOWER, A32 S5 Aeqhq�e bexetaie uaeu, qea qrt�qn, A8 S5(a) Dqnf h�nane�ni arrtqxa, A9 S33(a), A9 S32(a) DUE PROCESS OF LAW, A3 S;, A3 S38(b) Eab�net oeobetu, A6 S5(a) Eanf�fateu DUVAL COUNTY, A8 S8(e) Eaora�in h�naneeu, f�uequwte, A2 S8(b) Eaora�in urenf�ni �o�tu hqt utatew�fe qhh�eeu, A8 S9 Eqniteuu�qna f�utt�etu haxqt�ni �newobentu, A5 S22 E H�nane�a �nteteutu, f�uequwte, A2 S8 Nei�uat�xe f�utt�etu haxqt�ni �newobentu, A5 S23 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, A9 S5(e) M�nqt ratt{ qt nqnratt{ eanf�fateu, A8 S3 Pwb�e h�nane�ni qh eaora�inu hqt utatew�fe qhh�eeu, A8 S9 EDUCATION Eqoown�t{ anf eeqnqo�e fexeqroent taz ezeort�qn Arrq�nt�xe bqatfu, tetou qh oeobetu, A; S5 qtf�naneeu, awthqt�zat�qn, A9 S5(e) Dqnf h�nane�ni Eqnut�twt�qna aoenfoent qt tex�u�qn, A33 S5 Ear�ta rtqeetu, A9 S32(a), A32 S;(a), (f) Eqnut�twt�qna eqnxent�qn qweut�qn, A33 S6 Stwfent qanu, A9 S35 Eqwnt{ eqoo�uu�qnetu, A8 S3(e) Ear�ta qwta{ hwnfu, A32 S;(a), (f) Eqwnt{ qhh�eetu, A8 S3(f) Eauu u�ze �o�tu, A; S3(a) D�utt�etu, A8 S8 Eqoo�uu�qnet qh Gfweat�qn, See GDWEAVKQP, Geetqtu EQMMKSSKQPGT QH D�uqwa�h�eat�qn, A8 S6(a), (b) H�tut teurqnfetu anf o��tat{ oeobetu �ef �n �ne qh fwt{, Hteehqfetu, A9 S;(b), A9 S32(a) efweat�qn beneh�tu hqt uwtx�xqtu qh, A32 S53(e) Qath, A8 S5 Htee rwb�e uehqqu, A; S3(a), A; S2, A; S6(b), A; S8 Swa�h�eat�qnu, A8 S2 Jeath/teatef tta�n�ni �nut�twt�qnu, A9 S35(a) Tei�uttat�qn, A8 S3, A8 S5, A8 S8 Knut�twt�qnu qh h�ihet eatn�ni, A9 S35(a), A; S3(a), Teutqtat�qn qh t�ihtu, A8 S6(a), (b) A32 S;(a) Vqte qh eeetqtu, feh�n�t�qn, A32 S32(f) Jq�nt efweat�qna rtqitaou, A; S6(b) Vqt�ni �n rt�oat{ eeet�qnu, A8 S5(b) Nqttet�eu, A32 S35 Geneta eeet�qnu Pte�nfetiatten efweat�qn, A; S3(b), (e) Eab�net oeobetu, A6 S5(a) Ptqrett{ taz ezeort�qn, A9 S5(a) Eqnut�twt�qna aoenfoent qt tex�u�qn, A33 S5(a) Pwb�e efweat�qn u{uteo, A; S3(a), A; S2 Eqnut�twt�qna eqnxent�qn qweut�qn, A33 S6(b) Sehqq bqatfu, A; S6, A; S5, A32 S;(f) Date, A8 S5 Sehqq f�utt�etu, See SEJQQN DKSVTKEVS Goetiene{, uwurenu�qn qt fea{, A8 S5 State Dqatf qh Gfweat�qn, See GDWEAVKQP, SVAVG Gqxetnqt anf N�ewtenant Gqxetnqt, A6 S5 DQATD QH Swret�ntenfentu qh uehqqu, A; S5 State eqeieu, eqoown�t{ eqeieu, anf wn�qt eqeieu, Y�nnet feteto�nat�qn, A8 S3 A9 S35(a), A; S8, A32 S;(a), (f) Gqxetnqt, A6 S5 State uehqq hwnf, A; S8 Jwfieu, A5 S32, A5 S33(b) Stwfent qanu, A9 S35 Nei�uatqtu, A5 S3, A5 S2, A5 S35 Swret�ntenfentu qh rwb�e �nuttwet�qn, A32 S6, A32 S5, N�ewtenant Gqxetnqt, A6 S5(a) A32 S8(b) Mwn�e�ra eeet�qnu, A8 S8 Swret�ntenfentu qh uehqqu, A; S5, A32 S5, A32 S8(b) Pq�t�ea ratt{ hwnet�qnu, A8 S3 Vazeu Pt�oat{ eeet�qnu, A6 S5(a), A8 S5(b) Gtquu teee�rtu taz, wt��t{ uetx�eeu, A32 S;(a) Tehetenfa, A5 S32, A8 S5, A9 S5(e), A32 S25(a) Ptqrett{ taz ezeort�qn, A9 S5(a) Tei�uttat�qn, A8 S3, A8 S5 Sehqq f�utt�et, A9 S8(a), A9 S;, A; S6(b) Sehqq bqatfu, A; S6(a) Sqt oaeh�ne texenweu, A32 S25(b) Seetet xqte, A8 S3 Vqbaeeq Gfweat�qn anf Ptexent�qn Ptqitao, A32 S29 Sree�a eeet�qnu Vqeat�qna tta�n�ni uehqqu, A9 S35(a), A32 S;(a) Aeqhq�e bexetaie uaeu, A8 S5(a) 8; Index CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA Index
ELECTIONS (Eqnt0) EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS, A6 S8, A32 S38 Sree�a eeet�qnu (Eqnt0) Eqoown�t{ anf eeqnqo�e fexeqroent taz ezeort�qn EXECUTIVE POWER, A2 S5, A6 S3(a) qtf�naneeu, A9 S5(e) Eqnut�twt�qna aoenfoent qt tex�u�qn, A33 S5(a) Eqwnt{ ehattet, A8 S3(e) F Teiwat�qn, A8 S5 Swret�ntenfentu qh uehqqu, A; S5 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Swretx�uqtu qh eeet�qnu, A8 S3(f) See WPKVGD SVAVGS Vaz awthqt�zat�qn, A9 S;(b) Veto �o�tat�qn, eetta�n eeet�xe qhh�eeu, A8 S6(e) FELONIES Vqte qh the eeetqtu, feh�n�t�qn, A32 S32(f) See ETKMKPAN QHHGPSGS
ELECTIONS, SUPERVISORS OF, A8 S3(f) FINANCE Arrtqrt�at�qn qh utate hwnfu, See APPTQPTKAVKQPS ELECTRICAL ENERGY FACILITIES, A9 S32(f) Dqnfu, See DQPDS Geneta{, A9 ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES, A32 S22 Texenwe, See TGVGPWG State hwnfu, See SVAVG HWPDS EMERGENCIES Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, A2 S5(a), Dwfiet utab��zat�qn hwnf, w�thftawau, A5 S3;(i) A33 S5(a), A33 S8 Eqnt�nw�t{ qh iqxetnoent, oeauwteu tq enuwte, A2 S8 Vazeu, See VAZAVKQP Geet�qnu, uwurenu�qn qt fea{, A8 S5 Vtwut hwnfu, See VTWSV HWPDS (PWDNKE) Jabeau eqtrwu, uwurenu�qn qh wt�t, A3 S35 Seat qh iqxetnoent, ttanuhet, A2 S2 FINES AND FORFEITURES (See also PWPKSJMGPV) EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIANS Afo�n�uttat�xe renat�eu, A3 S38 M�ef �n �ne qh fwt{, feath beneh�tu hqt uwtx�xqtu, A32 S53 Eqwnt{ eqwttu, A5 S22(e) Gzeeuu�xe, A3 S39 EMINENT DOMAIN, A32 S8 M�n�owo waie x�qat�qnu, A32 S26(e) Qw�ni wnfet 3885 Eqnut�twt�qn, A32 S9(a) ENEMY ATTACK Teo�uu�qn, A5 S33(a), A6 S8(a) See KPVASKQP Swurenu�qn, A6 S8(a)
ENERGY FIREARMS Geett�ea eneti{ hae��t�eu, rwb�e uwrrqtt, A9 S32(f) T�iht tq beat atou, A3 S8(a) Tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee fex�eeu, tazat�qn, See Saeu, et�o�na h�utqt{ teeqtfu ehee, A8 S5(b) TGPGYADNG GPGTGY SQWTEG DGVKEGS Ya�t�ni ret�qf between rwtehaue anf fe�xet{, Sqat fex�eeu, ezeort�qn htqo tazat�qn anf auueuuoentu, A3 S8(b), (e), (f), A8 S5(b) A9 S5(e), A9 S6(�), A32 S56 FIREFIGHTERS ENGLISH, OFFICIAL LANGUAGE, A2 S; M�ef �n �ne qh fwt{, feath beneh�tu hqt uwtx�xqtu, A32 S53
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION FIRST RESPONDERS See PAVWTAN TGSQWTEGS Jqoeuteaf taz ezeort�qn hqt f�uabef h�tut teurqnfet �nwtef �n �ne qh fwt{, A9 S8(h), A32 S55 Jqoeuteaf taz ezeort�qn hqt uwtx�x�ni urqwue qh h�tut EQUALITY BEFORE THE LAW, A3 S2 teurqnfet �ef �n �ne qh fwt{, A9 S8(h), A32 S55
ESTATE TAX, A9 S5(a) FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION COMMISSION, A6 S;, A32 S25 ETHICS, COMMISSION ON, A2 S8, A32 S58(a) FISHING ETHICS IN GOVERNMENT, A2 S8, A5 S38, A5 S35, A32 S58 Eqooete�a h�uh�ni rtqrett{, taz auueuuoentu, A9 S6(), A32 S52 EVERGLADES, A2 S9(b), A32 S39, A32 S28(b) Dqewoent eze�ue taz rtqeeefu, wue hqt hab�tat rtqteet�qn, A32 S28(b) EVIDENCE H�uh anf Y�f�he Eqnuetxat�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, A6 S;, Dehaoat�qn, A3 S6 A32 S25 Knafo�uu�be, A3 S32 Gaoe anf Hteuh Yatet H�uh Eqoo�uu�qn, A32 S25 Sree�a awu retta�n�ni tq, A5 S33(a) Mat�ne H�uhet�eu Eqoo�uu�qn, A32 S25 Vteauqn, A3 S22 Mat�ne net h�uh�ni, �o�tat�qnu, A32 S38 Sree�a awu retta�n�ni tq hteuhwatet h�uh�ni, A5 S33(a), EX POST FACTO LAWS, A3 S32 A6 S;
EXECUTIVE BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT FLAG (STATE), A2 S6 Gzeewt�xe rqwet, A2 S5, A6 S3(a) Geneta{, A6 FLORIDA BAR Pann�ni rtqeeuueu anf rann�ni fqewoentu, A5 S3;(a), (h) Attqtne{ Geneta, A6 S5(b) Pwb�e teeqtfu anf oeet�niu, aeeeuu tq, A3 S26 Attqtne{u, afo�uu�qn anf f�ue�r�ne, A5 S35
FLORIDA BAR (Eqnt0) GOVERNOR (Eqnt0) Eqwnt{ eqwtt wfieu, A5 S8, A5 S22(e), (f) Nei�uatwte (Eqnt0) Jwfieu, A5 S8 Arrqtt�qnoent ueuu�qnu, eqnxen�ni, A5 S38(a), (f) Jwf�e�a nqo�nat�ni eqoo�uu�qn oeobetu, A5 S22(e) Meet�niu between Gqxetnqt anf ei�uat�xe eafetuh�r, Jwf�e�a Swa�h�eat�qnu Eqoo�uu�qn oeobetu, A5 S32(a), (h) qren tq rwb�e, A5 S6(e) Pwb�e fehenfetu, A5 S38 Meuuaie qn eqnf�t�qn qh utate, A6 S3(e) State attqtne{u, A5 S39 Sree�a ueuu�qn, eqnxen�ni, A5 S5(e) Vetq qh b�u, A5 S8, A5 S;, A5 S3;(b) FREEDOM OF PRESS, A3 S6 N�ewtenant Gqxetnqt, auu�inoent qh fwt�eu, A6 S2 M��t�a, ea�ni qwt, A6 S3(f) FREEDOM OF RELIGION, A3 S5 Qhh�ee qeat�qn, A2 S2 Patfqnu, A6 S8(a), (b) FREEDOM OF SPEECH, A3 S6 Pann�ni, A5 S3;(h), A6 S3(a) Pqwetu, ieneta{, A6 S3 Ptqeaoat�qnu G Arrqtt�qnoent ueuu�qnu qh Nei�uatwte, eqnxen�ni, A5 S38(a), (f) GAMBLING Seat qh iqxetnoent, ttanuhet, A2 S2 Eau�nq iaob�ni, A32 S52 Sree�a ueuu�qn qh Nei�uatwte, eqnxen�ni, A5 S5(e) Dqitae�ni rtqh�b�t�qn, A32 S52, A32 S5; Swa�h�eat�qnu, A6 S5(b) Nqttet�eu, A32 S9, A32 S35 Texenwe uhqtthau, bwfiet tefwet�qnu, A6 S35 Pat�/owtwe rqqu, A32 S9 Seat qh iqxetnoent, eoetiene{ ttanuhet, A2 S2 Pat�/owtwe tazeu, A9 S9 Swrteoe ezeewt�xe rqwet, A6 S3(a) Sqt oaeh�neu, A32 S25 Swurenu�qn qh qhh�eetu, A6 S9 Veto �o�tat�qnu, A6 S5(b) GAME AND FRESH WATER FISH COMMISSION, A32 S25 Veto qh qhh�ee, A6 S5(a), (b) Vaeane{ �n qhh�ee, A6 S5(a) GENERAL PROVISIONS, A2 Vetetanu' Ahha�tu, Derattoent qh; ferattoent heaf, A6 S33
GOVERNOR GREYHOUND RACING, A32 S52, A32 S5; Aet�ni, A6 S5(b) Afo�n�uttat�qn, State Dqatf qh; eha�t, A6 S6(e) GRIEVANCES, PETITION FOR REDRESS OF, A3 S5 Afx�uqt{ qr�n�qnu htqo Swrteoe Eqwtt, A6 S3(e) Arrq�ntoentu Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, A33 S2(a), (b) H Gfweat�qn, State Dqatf qh, A; S2 Gzeewt�xe qhh�eetu qt bqatfu, A6 S8 HABEAS CORPUS H�uh anf Y�f�he Eqnuetxat�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, A6 S; E�tew�t eqwttu, A5 S5(b) Gqxetnoent Ghh�e�ene{ Vau Hqtee, A5 S3;(�) D�utt�et eqwttu qh arrea, A5 S6(b) Jwfieu, A5 S33(a), (b), (e) Gtantabe qh t�iht, A3 S35 Jwf�e�a nqo�nat�ni eqoo�uu�qn, A5 S22(e) Swrteoe Eqwtt, A5 S5(b) Jwf�e�a Swa�h�eat�qnu Eqoo�uu�qn, A5 S32(a) Swurenu�qn, A3 S35 M��t�a qhh�eetu, A32 S2(e) State eqeieu, qea bqatfu qh ttwuteeu, A; S8(e) State wn�xetu�t�eu, qea bqatfu qh ttwuteeu, A; S9(e) HANDICAPPED PERSONS State Wn�xetu�t{ S{uteo Statew�fe Dqatf qh Gqxetnqtu, Dert�xat�qn qh t�ihtu, A3 S2 A; S9(f) Vaz ezeort�qnu, A9 S5(b), A9 S8(e) Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, A33 S8(a) Vaeane�eu �n utate qt qea qhh�eeu, A5 S39(b), A6 S3(h), HEAD OF FAMILY, A9 S5(b) A6 S9 D�u HEALTH CARE FACILITIES Gzeewt�xe arrtqxa, A5 S8(a) Afxetue oef�ea �ne�fentu, rat�entu' t�iht tq nqw, A32 S25 Vetq, A5 S8, A5 S;, A5 S3;(b) Dwfiet�ni, A6 S3(a), A6 S35 HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF Earae�t{, teutqtat�qn, A6 S5(b) Mef�ea oat�wana wue, teiwat�qn, A32 S2;(f) E�x� t�ihtu, teutqtat�qn, A6 S8(a) Eeoene{, A6 S8(a), (b) HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, A8 S8(e) Eqooanfet/�n/eh�eh, o��tat{ hqteeu, A6 S3(a) Geet�qn, A6 S5(a), (b) Gzeewt�xe ferattoentu, uwretx�u�qn, A6 S8 HISTORIC PRESERVATION Koreaehoent, A5 S39(a), A6 S5(b) Af xaqteo taz auueuuoentu anf ezeort�qnu, A9 S5(f), Koreaehoent tt�a, rteu�f�ni qhh�eet, A5 S39(e) A9 S6(e), A32 S22 Knearae�t{ tq uetxe, A6 S5(b) Dqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S33(e) Kntetna �ortqxeoent ttwut hwnf, ttwutee, A6 S6(h) Dqewoentu eze�ue taz rtqeeefu, wue hqt rtqteet�qn, Jwf�e�a rtqeeef�niu, �n�t�at�qn, A6 S3(b) A32 S28(b) Nanf aeqw�u�t�qn ttwut hwnf, ttwutee, A6 S6(h) Naw Gnhqteeoent, Derattoent qh; aiene{ heaf, A6 S6(i) HOME RULE CHARTERS Nei�uatwte Dafe Eqwnt{, A8 S8(e) Afqwtnoent qh ueuu�qn, A5 S5(h) J�ubqtqwih Eqwnt{, A8 S8(e) 93 Index CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA Index
HOMESTEAD PROPERTY IMPEACHMENT (Eqnt0) A�enat�qn, A32 S6(e) N�ewtenant Gqxetnqt, A5 S39(a) Eqnfqo�n�wou, A9 S8(a) M�ufeoeanqt �n qhh�ee, A5 S39(a) Eqnttaetwa qb�iat�qnu, A32 S6(a) Qhh�eetu �abe tq �oreaehoent, A5 S39(a) Dex�ue, A32 S6(e) Pqwet, A5 S39(a) Gqw�tabe t�te, A9 S8(a) Pteu�f�ni qhh�eet, �oreaehoent tt�a, A5 S39(e) Gutate b{ the ent�tet{, A9 S8(a), A32 S6(e) Senate tt�a, A5 S39(b), (e) Gzeort�qnu Vaeane{ �n qhh�ee, teorqtat{ arrq�ntoent, A5 S39(b) Hqteef uae, A32 S6(a), (b) Vqte, A5 S39(a), (e) Jwfioent �en, A32 S6(a), (b) Vazat�qn IMPRISONMENT D�uabef h�tut teurqnfetu, A9 S8(h), A32 S55 (See also PWPKSJMGPV) Gfet{ retuqnu, A9 S6(h), A9 S8(f), (e), A32 S28, Afo�n�uttat�xe uentenee, A3 S38 A32 S58 Eqnteort qh Nei�uatwte, A5 S5 Geneta{, A9 S8, A32 S29 Eqwtt/oatt�a, �orqu�t�qn qh uentenee, A3 S38 M��tat{ retuqnne ferq{ef �n uwrrqtt qh o��tat{ Debt, uentenee hqt, A3 S33 qretat�qnu, A9 S5(i), A32 S53 Knfeh�n�te, A3 S39 Swtx�x�ni urqwueu qh feeeauef xetetanu qt h�tut Senteneeu wnfet 3885 Eqnut�twt�qn, A32 S9(a) teurqnfetu, A9 S8(h), A32 S55 Gztent qh rtqrett{, A32 S6(a) INALIENABLE RIGHTS, A3 S2 Je�tu qh qwnet, A32 S6(b) Jq�nt qwnetuh�r, A9 S8(a) INCOME TAX, A9 S5 Neauehqf, A9 S8(a) Neia t�te, A9 S8(a) INCOMPETENT PERSONS Tentetu, A9 S8(e) D�uqwa�h�eat�qn htqo xqte anf rwb�e qhh�ee, A8 S6(a) Stqe qwnetuh�r, A9 S8(a) Jqoeuteaf rtqrett{, a�enat�qn, A32 S6(e) Swtx�x�ni urqwue, A9 S8(h), A32 S6(b), A32 S55 Vazeu anf auueuuoentu INDICTMENTS, A3 S35(a), A3 S38(a) Ehanie qh auueuuoentu, A9 S6(f) Jwut xawe anf euu than wut xawe auueuuoentu, A9 S6(f), A9 S8(a) INDUSTRIAL PLANTS, A9 S32(e) N�o�tat�qn qn auueuuoentu (Saxe/Qwt/Jqoeu rtqx�u�qnu), A9 S6(f) INFORMATIONS, A3 S35(a), A3 S38(a) N�x�ni qwattetu hqt ratentu qt itanfratentu, tefwet�qn qh auueuuoentu, A9 S6(h) INHERITANCE TAX, A9 S5(a) Pew hqoeuteafu, ttanuhet qh Saxe/Qwt/Jqoeu beneh�tu, A9 S6(f), A32 S29 INITIATIVES, A32 S52(a), A33 S5, A33 S5(b), (e) Sae hqt tazeu, A32 S6(a) Vaz ezeort�qnu, See uwbt�te Gzeort�qnu uwb/uwbt�te INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER LEARNING, A9 S35(a), Vazat�qn, th�u heaf�ni A; S3(a), A32 S;(a) Vetetanu f�uabef fwe tq eqobat �nwt{, rtqrett{ taz f�ueqwnt, A9 S8(e), A32 S52 INSURRECTION, A3 S35, A6 S3(f)
HOMOSEXUAL PERSONS INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND, A6 S6(h) Saoe/uez oatt�aie, �nxa�f�t{, A3 S29 INVASION HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Eqnt�nw�t{ qh iqxetnoent, oeauwteu tq enuwte, A2 S8 See NGGKSNAVWTG Jabeau eqtrwu, uwurenu�qn qh wt�t, A3 S35 M��t�a, ea�ni qwt, A6 S3(f) HOUSING BONDS, A9 S38, A32 S38 Seat qh iqxetnoent, ttanuhet, A2 S2
HUNTING, A5 S33(a), A6 S; J HURRICANES Y�nf faoaie teu�utanee �ortqxeoentu, tazat�qn, A9 S6(�), JACKSONVILLE, CITY OF, A8 S8(e) A32 S2; JEOPARDY, DOUBLE, A3 S;
I JOINT OWNERSHIP Gqxetnoenta bqf{ w�th rt�xate ent�t�eu, A9 S32 IMPEACHMENT Jqoeuteaf rtqrett{, A9 S8(a) Aeqw�tta, A5 S39(b), (e) Eab�net oeobetu, A5 S39(a) JUDGES E�x� teurqnu�b��t{ qh �oreaehef qhh�eet, A5 S39(e) Aie �o�t, A5 S8, A5 S22(e), A32 S59 Eeoene{, A6 S8(a) Arrq�ntoent, A5 S33(a), (b), (e) Eqnx�et�qn, A5 S39(e) Dat oeobetuh�r, A5 S8, A5 S22(e), (f) Et�o�na teurqnu�b��t{ qh �oreaehef qhh�eet, A5 S39(e) E�tew�t eqwttu, See EKTEWKV EQWTVS D�uqwa�h�eat�qn htqo qhh�ee, A5 S39(b), (e) Eqnuetxatqtu qh the reaee, A5 S3; Gqxetnqt, A5 S39(a), A6 S5(b) Eqwnt{ eqwttu, See EQWPVY EQWTVS Jqwue qh Terteuentat�xeu, rqwet tq �oreaeh, A5 S39 D�ue�r�ne, A5 S32 Jwut�eeu anf wfieu, A5 S39(a), A5 S32(f) D�utt�et eqwttu qh arrea, A5 S39(a), A5 S6(a)
JUDGES (Eqnt0) L Geet�qn, A5 S32, A5 S33(b) G�i�b��t{, A5 S8, A5 S22(f) LABOR ORGANIZATIONS Koreaehoent, A5 S39(a), A5 S32(f) Eqeet�xe batia�n�ni, A3 S8 Knxqwntat{ tet�teoent, A5 S32(b), (e) T�iht tq wqt, A3 S8 Jwf�e�a nqo�nat�ni eqoo�uu�qnu, A5 S33, A5 S22(e) Jwf�e�a Swa�h�eat�qnu Eqoo�uu�qn, A2 S8(h), A5 S32, LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND A5 S22(e) Dqnf qt taz texenweu, ferqu�t qt etef�t, A32 S;(a) Nqbb{�ni, A32 S58 Eqnuetxat�qn rwtrqueu, fef�eatef wue, A32 S28 Pqo�nat�qn, A5 S33 Vtwuteeu, A6 S6(h) Pwobet, feteto�nat�qn, A5 S; Pq�t�ea ratt{ qhh�ee, hqf�ni, A5 S35 LAW ENFORCEMENT, DEPARTMENT OF, A6 S6(i) Ptaet�ee qh aw, A5 S35 Ptqh�b�tef aet�x�t�eu, A5 S35 LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS Swa�h�eat�qnu, A5 S8, A5 S22(e), (f) M�ef �n �ne qh fwt{, feath beneh�tu hqt uwtx�xqtu, A32 S53 Teoqxa htqo qhh�ee, A5 S32 Tert�oanf, A5 S32(a) LAWS Aoenfoent, A5 S8 Tetent�qn, A5 S32(a) Arrtqrt�at�qnu, A5 S8, A5 S32 Tet�tef wfieu, teorqtat{ fwt{, A5 S2(b) D� qh atta�nfet, A3 S32, A3 S39 Twe qh eqnuttwet�qn, A32 S32 D�u, See NGGKSNAVWTG Saat�eu, A5 S36(a), A5 S22(h), A32 S25 Eauu�h�eat�qn qh rq�t�ea uwbf�x�u�qnu, A5 S33(b) Swrteoe Eqwtt wut�eeu, See SWPTGMG EQWTV Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885 rtqx�u�qnu, eqnt�nwanee au utatwteu, Swurenu�qn, A5 S32(a), (e) A5 S22(i), A32 S32 Veorqtat{ auu�inoentu, A5 S2(b), A5 S5(a) Eqwnt{ ehattetu, A8 S3(e) Vetou qh qhh�ee, A5 S32, A5 S33(a), (b) Et�o�na utatwteu, ehheet qh terea, A32 S; Vtanu�t�qn rtqx�u�qnu, A5 S22 Ghheet�xe fate, A5 S; Vaeane{ �n qhh�ee, A5 S32(a), A5 S33 Gnaet�ni eawue, A5 S8 Gnaetoent, A5 S9, A5 S8 JUDICIAL CIRCUITS Gz rqut haetq aw, A3 S32 Eh�eh wfieu, See EKTEWKV EQWTVS Hqt�fa Statwteu, ehartet 225, A32 S;(a) E�tew�t eqwttu, ieneta{, See EKTEWKV EQWTVS Geneta awu qh qea arr�eat�qn, A5 S33(a), A6 S; Eqwtt uetx�ni, A5 S5(a) Nqea awu, A8 S8(f), A32 S32(i) Qtf�naneeu Gutab�uhoent, A5 S3, A5 S22(e) Eqwnt{, See EQWPVKGS Jwfieu, ieneta{, See JWDGGS Mwn�e�ra, See MWPKEKPANKVKGS Jwf�e�a nqo�nat�ni eqoo�uu�qnu, A5 S33(f), A5 S22(e) Pteuetxat�qn wrqn afqrt�qn qh Eqnut�twt�qn, A32 S8 Pwb�e fehenfetu, A5 S38 Ptqh�b�tef awu, A3 S5, A3 S6, A3 S32, A5 S33(a) Tefeh�n�ni, A5 S; Tex�u�qn, A5 S8 Tweu qh rtqeefwte, A5 S33(f) Sree�a awu State attqtne{u, A5 S39 Eqnuq�fat�qn qh qea iqxetnoentu, A8 S5 Statew�fe rtqueewtqt, A6 S6(b) Eqwnt{ ehattetu, A8 S3(e) Eqwnt{ ueh/iqxetnoent rqwetu, A8 S3(h) JUDICIAL NOMINATING COMMISSIONS, A6 S6(b), A5 S33, Deh�n�t�qn, A32 S32(i) A5 S22(e) Pqt�ee, �ntent�qn tq enaet, A5 S32 Ptqh�b�tef uwbeetu, A5 S33(a), A6 S; Swret�ntenfentu qh uehqqu, A; S5 JUDICIAL POWER, A2 S5, A5 S3 Swbeet oattet, A5 S8, A5 S33, A5 S32 V�te, A5 S8 JUDICIAL QUALIFICATIONS COMMISSION, A2 S8(h), A5 S32, A5 S22(e) LEGISLATIVE BUDGET COMMISSION, JOINT, A5 S3;(e), () JUDICIARY, A5 LEGISLATIVE POWER, A2 S5, A5 S3 JURIES Gtanf wt{, A3 S35(a) LEGISLATURE Koratt�a, t�iht qh aeewuef, A3 S38(a) Abqtt�qnu �nxqx�ni o�nqtu, rqwetu anf fwt�eu, A32 S22 Jwtqtu, qwa�h�eat�qnu anf nwobet, A3 S22 Arrqtt�qnoent Sree�a awu retta�n�ni tq, A5 S33(a) Arr�eab��t{ qh eqnut�twt�qna rtqx�u�qnu, A32 S35 Vt�a b{ wt{, A3 S22 Gzttaqtf�nat{ arrqtt�qnoent ueuu�qn, A5 S38(f), (e), (h) Ha�wte tq arrqtt�qn, A5 S38(b) Gw�fe�neu hqt tef�utt�et�ni, A5 S23 JUVENILE JUSTICE Jq�nt teuqwt�qn qh arrqtt�qnoent, A5 S38 De�nqwene{ ehatieu, A3 S35(b) Jwf�e�a tearrqtt�qnoent, A5 S38(b), (h) Vt�a au afwt, A3 S35(b) Jwf�e�a tex�ew, A5 S38(e), (f), (e), (h) V�et�ou' t�ihtu, A3 S38(b), (f) Terteuentat�xe f�utt�etu, A5 S38(a) Senatqt�a f�utt�etu, A5 S38(a) Sree�a arrqtt�qnoent ueuu�qn, A5 S38(a), (b) K V�oe hqt oanfatef tearrqtt�qnoent, A5 S38(a) Va�f�t{, A5 S38(e), (f), (e), (h) KEY WEST, CITY OF, A8 S8(e) Arrtqrt�at�qnu, See APPTQPTKAVKQPS
LEGISLATURE (Eqnt0) LEGISLATURE (Eqnt0) Awf�tqt, A5 S2 Jqoeuteaf rtqrett{ taz ezeort�qn hqt efet{ retuqnu, D�u aqw�ni eqwnt{ anf own�e�ra qtf�naneeu, A9 S8(f) Aoenfoent, A5 S9 Jqwue qh Terteuentat�xeu Aoenfoent qh awu, A5 S8 Eet, A5 S2, A5 S9 Arrtqrt�at�qnu, A5 S8, A5 S32, A5 S3;(b), (f) Eqorqu�t�qn, A5 S3 Eauu�h�eat�qn qh rq�t�ea uwbf�x�u�qnu, A5 S33(b) D�utt�etu, A5 S3, A5 S35(e), A5 S38(a), A5 S23 Ghheet�xe fate, A5 S; Koreaehoent qh qhh�eetu, A5 S39 Gnaet�ni eawue, A5 S8 Meobetu Gzeewt�xe arrtqxa, A5 S8 Abuenee, renat�eu, A5 S6(a) Kteo xetq, A5 S8, A5 S3;(b) Auuwort�qn qh qhh�ee, A5 S35(f) Qt�i�n, A5 S9 Eqnteort, A5 S6(f) Qxett�fe qh xetq, A5 S8(e), A5 S; D�uqtfet{ eqnfwet, A5 S6(f) Pauuaie, A5 S9, A5 S8(a), (e), A5 S; Geet�qn, A5 S3, A5 S2, A5 S35(b) Pteuentat�qn tq Gqxetnqt, A5 S8(a) Gzrwu�qn, A5 S6(f) Teaf�niu, A5 S9 Swa�h�eat�qnu, A5 S2, A5 S35(e) Tex�u�qn qh awu, A5 S8 Terteuentat�qn qh e�entu behqte iqxetnoent bqf{, Sree�a awu, A5 S32, A5 S33(a) A2 S8(e) Swbeet oattet, A5 S8, A5 S33, A5 S32 Veto �o�tat�qnu, A8 S6(e) V�te, A5 S8, A5 S9 Veto qh qhh�ee, A5 S35(b), A32 S36 Vetq, A5 S8, A5 S;, A5 S3;(b) Vaeane{ �n qhh�ee, A5 S35(f) Vqte hqt rauuaie, A5 S9, A5 S8(e), A9 S3(e), A32 S32(e) Qhh�eetu, A5 S2, A5 S5(a) Dtaneh qh iqxetnoent, A2 S5 Swqtwo, A5 S6(a) Dwfiet�ni rtqeeuueu, A5 S3;, A9 S3(e) Tweu qh rtqeefwte, A5 S6(a), (e) Dwu�neuu qh, A5 S5(e), (f) Sreaet Ear�ta rtqeetu, arrtqxa, A9 S33(h) Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, arrq�ntoent, Eqoo�tteeu A33 S2(a) Koreaehoent �nxeut�iat�qnu, A5 S39(a) Gqxetnoent Ghh�e�ene{ Vau Hqtee, arrq�ntoent, Knxeut�iat�qnu, A5 S5, A5 S39(a) A5 S3;(�) Meet�niu, qren tq rwb�e, A5 S6(e) Koreaehoent �nxeut�iat�qn eqoo�ttee, arrq�ntoent, Swbrqena rqwet, A5 S5 A5 S39(a) Vqteu, teeqtf�ni, A5 S6(e) Nei�uat�xe Dwfiet Eqoo�uu�qn, arrq�ntoent, Y�tneuueu, A5 S6(e), A5 S5 A5 S3;() Texenwe uhqtthau, bwfiet tefwet�qnu, A6 S35 Eqorqu�t�qn, A5 S3 Seeet�qn, A5 S2 Eqnewttent teuqwt�qnu, A5 S5(e), A5 S; S�inatwte, b�u anf q�nt teuqwt�qnu, A5 S9 Eqnut�twt�qn Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, Aoenfoent, A33 S3, A33 S5(a), A32 S36 arrq�ntoent, A33 S8(a) Sehefweu, feet�qn qh qbuqete �teou, A5 S22(�), Kneqoe taz tate, �neteaue awthqt�zat�qn, A9 S5 A8 S8(h), A32 S33 Knxeut�iat�qnu, A5 S5, A5 S39(a) Wn�tef Stateu, rtqrquef aoenfoent, A32 S3 Jq�nt teuqwt�qnu, A5 S9, A5 S38, A33 S3 Eqnteort, A5 S6(f), A5 S5 Jqwtnau Eqwttu D� t�teu, rwb�eat�qn, A5 S9 Arreate f�utt�etu, eutab�uhoent, A5 S3, A5 S; Eqnut�twt�qna aoenfoent teuqwt�qn, A33 S3 Eqwtt/oatt�a, awthqt�zat�qn, A5 S3 Gqxetnqt'u xetqeu, entt{, A5 S8(b) Jwfieu, �neteau�ni qt feeteau�ni nwobet, A5 S; Pwb�eat�qn, A5 S6(e) Jwf�e�a e�tew�tu, eutab�uhoent, A5 S3 Teqw�teoent, A5 S6(e) Jwf�e�a Swa�h�eat�qnu Eqoo�uu�qn tweu, terea, Vqteu qh oeobetu, A5 S6(e), A5 S9, A5 S8(e) A5 S32(a) Nei�uat�xe Dwfiet Eqoo�uu�qn, Jq�nt, A5 S3;(e), () Tweu qh rtaet�ee anf rtqeefwte, terea, A5 S2(a), Nei�uat�xe rqwet, A2 S5, A5 S3 A5 S33(f) Mat�ne net h�uh�ni x�qat�qnu, enaetoent qh oqte utt�nient Swrteoe Eqwtt tweu, terea, A5 S2(a) renat�eu, A32 S38(e) Death renat{ ezeewt�qn oethqfu, feu�inat�qn, A3 S39 Meet�niu, qren tq the rwb�e, A3 S26(b), A5 S6(e) Goetiene{ rqwetu, A2 S8 M�n�owo waie hqt Hqt�f�anu, rqwetu, A32 S26(h) Gneo{ attae, rqwet tq enuwte eqnt�nw�t{ qh iqxetnoent, Mqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenweu, ei�uat�xe teutt�et�qnu, A2 S8 A32 S;(f) Geneta awu teqw�t�ni qea ezrenf�twteu, �o�t�ni ab��t{ tq Patfqn, tteauqn eaueu, A6 S8(b) ta�ue texenwe qt tefwe�ni reteentaie qh utate taz uhatef, Pann�ni fqewoentu, tex�ew, A5 S3;(h) A9 S38 Pwb�e efweat�qn ear�ta rtqeetu, awthqt�zat�qn, A32 S;(a) Geneta{, A5 Pwb�e h�nane�ni qh eaora�inu hqt utatew�fe qhh�eeu, hwnf�ni, Gqxetnqt A8 S9 Afqwtnoent qh ueuu�qn, A5 S5(h) Pwn�uhoent rqwet, A5 S6(f), A5 S5 Arrqtt�qnoent ueuu�qnu, eqnxen�ni b{ rtqeaoat�qn, Tearrqtt�qnoent, See uwbt�te Arrqtt�qnoent, th�u heaf�ni A5 S38(a), (f) Teeqtfu qh ei�uat�xe btaneh, aeeeuu tq, A3 S26 Meet�niu between Gqxetnqt anf ei�uat�xe eafetuh�r, Texenwe eqeet�qn �o�tat�qn, �neteaue b{ twq/th�tfu xqte, qren tq rwb�e, A5 S6(e) A9 S3(e) Meuuaie qn eqnf�t�qn qh utate, A6 S3(e) Sehqq ear�ta qwta{ rtqeetu, awthqt�zat�qn, A32 S;(a) Teutqtat�qn qh earae�t{, A6 S5(b) Senate Sree�a ueuu�qn, eqnxen�ni b{ rtqeaoat�qn, A5 S5(e) Arrq�ntoent qt teoqxa qh rwb�e qhh�eetu, A5 S6(b), Vetq qh b�u, A5 S8, A5 S;, A5 S3;(b) A6 S8(a) J�utqt�e rtqrett{ taz auueuuoentu, aqw�ni eqwnt{ anf Equef ueuu�qnu, A5 S6(b) own�e�ra qtf�naneeu, A9 S6(e) Eqorqu�t�qn, A5 S3
LEGISLATURE (Eqnt0) LIENS (Eqnt0) Senate (Eqnt0) Kntani�be retuqna rtqrett{ taz, qb�iat�qnu ueewtef b{ �en, Eqnh�toat�qn qh arrq�ntoentu A9 S2 Gfweat�qn, State Dqatf qh, A; S2 Sree�a awu retta�n�ni tq, A5 S33(a) H�uh anf Y�f�he Eqnuetxat�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, A6 S; M��t�a ieneta qhh�eetu, A32 S2(e) LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Teqw�teoent, A6 S8(a) Aet�ni Gqxetnqt, A6 S5(b) State Wn�xetu�t{ S{uteo Statew�fe Dqatf qh Gqxetnqtu, Eteat�qn qh qhh�ee, A6 S2 A; S9(f) Dwt�eu, A6 S2 D�utt�etu, A5 S3, A5 S35(a), (e), A5 S38(a), A5 S23 Geet�qn, A6 S5(a) Koreaehoent tt�a, A5 S39(b), (e) Gzeewt�xe ferattoentu, uwretx�u�qn, A6 S8 Qhh�eetu, A5 S2, A5 S5(a) Koreaehoent, A5 S39(a) Pteu�fent Qhh�ee qeat�qn, A2 S2 Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, arrq�ntoent, Swa�h�eat�qnu, A6 S5(b) A33 S2(a) Sweeeuu�qn tq qhh�ee qh Gqxetnqt, A6 S5(a) Gqxetnoent Ghh�e�ene{ Vau Hqtee, arrq�ntoent, Veto �o�tat�qnu, A8 S6(e) A5 S3;(�) Veto qh qhh�ee, A6 S5(a) Nei�uat�xe Dwfiet Eqoo�uu�qn, arrq�ntoent, A5 S3;() Texenwe uhqtthau, bwfiet tefwet�qnu, A6 S35 LIFE AND LIBERTY, RIGHT TO, A3 S2 Seeet�qn, A5 S2 S�inatwte, b�u anf q�nt teuqwt�qnu, A5 S9 LOBBYING, A32 S58 Sree�a ueuu�qnu, eqnxen�ni, A6 S9(b) Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, LOCAL GOVERNMENT arrq�ntoent, A33 S8(a) Dqnf h�nane�ni, See DQPDS Swqtwo, A5 S6(a) Eauu�h�eat�qn �n ieneta awu, A5 S33(b) Tweu qh rtqeefwte, A5 S6(a), (e) Eqnuq�fat�qn, A8 S5, A8 S8(e) Seetetat{, A5 S2, A5 S9 Eqwnt�eu, See EQWPVKGS Senatqtu Etef�t, refi�ni, A9 S32 Abuenee, renat�eu, A5 S6(a) D�utt�etu, See SPGEKAN DKSVTKEVS Auuwort�qn qh qhh�ee, A5 S35(f) Geett�e ienetat�qn anf ttanuo�uu�qn hae��t�eu, A9 S32(f) Eqnteort, A5 S6(f) Geneta{, A8 D�uqtfet{ eqnfwet, A5 S6(f) Jqoe twe, A8 S8(e) Geet�qn, A5 S3, A5 S2, A5 S35(a) Jq�nt qwnetuh�r w�th rt�xate ent�t�eu, A9 S32 Gzrwu�qn, A5 S6(f) Mwn�e�ra�t�eu, See MWPKEKPANKVKGS Swa�h�eat�qnu, A5 S2, A5 S35(e) Pwb�e hwnfu, �nxeutoent, A9 S32(a), (b) Terteuentat�qn qh e�entu behqte iqxetnoent bqf{, Vazeu, A9 S; A2 S8(e) Vaz�ni rqwet, �o�tat�qn, A9 S32 Veto �o�tat�qnu, A8 S6(e) Vtanuhet qh rqwetu, A8 S6 Veto qh qhh�ee, A5 S35(a), A32 S32 Vaeane{ �n qhh�ee, A5 S35(f) LOTTERIES, A32 S9, A32 S35 Sree�a ueuu�qnu, A6 S9(b) Swurenfef qhh�eetu, teoqxa qt te�nutateoent, A6 S9(b) Seuu�qnu M Afqwtnoent, A5 S5(e), (h), A5 S6(a) Arrqtt�qnoent ueuu�qnu Gzttaqtf�nat{, A5 S38(f), (e), (h) MANDAMUS Teiwat, A5 S38(a) E�tew�t eqwttu, A5 S5(b) Sree�a, A5 S38(a), (b) D�utt�et eqwttu qh arrea, A5 S6(b) Equef, A5 S6(b) Swrteoe Eqwtt, A5 S5(b) Gztenu�qn, A5 S5(f) Nenith, A5 S5(f) MANUFACTURING PLANTS, A9 S32(e) Nqeat�qn, A2 S2 Qtian�zat�qn ueuu�qnu, A5 S5(a) MARIJUANA (MEDICAL), A32 S2; Pwb�e, A5 S6(b) Teiwat ueuu�qnu, A5 S5(b), (f), (h), A5 S8(b) MARINE ANIMALS Sree�a ueuu�qnu, A5 S5(e), (f), (h), A5 S8(b), See HKSJKPG A5 S38(a), (b), A6 S9(b) Sqt oaeh�neu �n Dtqwatf anf M�ao�/Dafe Eqwnt�eu, fwt�eu, MARINE FISHERIES COMMISSION, A32 S25 A32 S25(b) Swbrqena rqwet, A5 S5 Wn�tef Stateu Eqnut�twt�qn, rtqrquef aoenfoent, A32 S3 MARRIAGE Vqt�ni, A5 S6(e), A5 S9, A5 S8(e), A32 S32(e) Saoe/uez oatt�aie, �nxa�f�t{, A3 S29 Y�tneuueu, A5 S6(e), A5 S5 MEDICAL MARIJUANA, A32 S2; LEON COUNTY, A2 S2 MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE, A3 S28, A32 S25, A32 S28 LICENSING BOARDS, A6 S8(b) MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, A8 S8(e), (h), (i), A32 S25 LIENS Gzeort rtqrett{, A32 S6(a) MILITARY AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF, A3 S38
MILITARY PERSONNEL MUNICIPALITIES (Eqnt0) M�ef �n �ne qh fwt{, feath beneh�tu hqt uwtx�xqtu, A32 S53 Qhh�eetu Vaz ezeort�qn, A9 S5(i), A32 S53 Eqnt�nwanee �n qhh�ee, A8 S8(e) Jqf�ni qthet qhh�eeu, A2 S5(a) MILITARY POWER, A3 S9 Ptqueewtqt, A5 S39, A5 S22(e) Swurenu�qn htqo qhh�ee, A6 S9(e) MILITIA Qtf�naneeu Afwtant Geneta, A32 S2(e), (f) Eqoown�t{ anf eeqnqo�e fexeqroent taz ezeort�qnu, Ea tq fwt{, A6 S3(f) A9 S5(e) Eqnh�et w�th eqwnt{ qtf�naneeu, A8 S3(h), (i) Eqooanfet/�n/eh�eh, A6 S3(a) J�utqt�e rtqrett�eu, A9 S5(f), A9 S6(e), A32 S22 Eqorqu�t�qn, A32 S2(a) Jqoeuteaf rtqrett{ taz ezeort�qn hqt efet{ retuqnu, Eqwttu/oatt�a, A3 S35(a) A9 S8(f) Pat�qna Gwatf, A9 S5(i), A32 S2(f), A32 S53 V�qat�qnu, rtqueewt�qn, A5 S39 Qhh�eetu Pqwt�qn eqnttq hae��t�eu, utate bqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S36 Arrq�ntoent, A32 S2(e) Pqwetu, A8 S2(b), (e), A8 S8(b) Jqf�ni rwb�e qhh�ee, A2 S5(a) Ptqrett{ qwnef b{, tazat�qn, A9 S5(a) Swurenu�qn, A6 S9(a), (b) Ptqrett{ w�th�n, tazat�qn b{ eqwnt{, A8 S3(h) Qtian�zat�qn, oa�ntenanee, anf f�ue�r�ne, A32 S2(b) Tefwet�qn qh awthqt�t{ tq ta�ue texenwe, ei�uat�xe arrtqxa, Pqwet uwbqtf�nate tq e�x�, A3 S9 A9 S38(b) State a�f, A9 S8 MINIMUM WAGE, A32 S26 State taz texenweu, ei�uat�xe arrtqxa qh tefwet�qn, A9 S38(e) MINORITIES Statwu, eqnt�nwat�qn wrqn afqrt�qn qh Eqnut�twt�qn, A8 S8(b) Eqniteuu�qna qt ei�uat�xe tef�utt�et�ni, ehheet qn, A5 S22, Vaahauuee, E�t{ qh, A2 S2 A5 S23 Vaz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu, A9 S32 Vazeu, A9 S;, A32 S2 MINORS Vaz�ni rqwet, �o�tat�qn, A9 S32 See EJKNDTGP Vtanuhet qh hwnet�qn qt rqwet, A8 S6 Wt��t{ uetx�eeu itquu teee�rtu taz, ra{oent, A32 S;(a) MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS, A32 Yaute f�urqua hae��t�eu, utate bqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S36 Yatet hae��t�eu, utate bqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S36 MOBILE HOMES, A9 S3(b) N MONROE COUNTY, A8 S8(e) NATIONAL GUARD, A9 S5(i), A32 S2(f), A32 S53, A32 S53 MORTGAGES, A9 S2 NATIONAL ORIGIN DISCRIMINATION, A3 S2 MOTOR VEHICLES Af xaqteo tazeu, A9 S3(b) NATIVE AMERICANS Hwe tazeu, A9 S39(b), A32 S;(e) Gao�ni eqoraetu, A32 S52(e) N�eenue texenweu, A32 S;(f) N�eenue taz, A9 S3(b) NATURAL RESOURCES Vta�etu anf tta�et eqaeheu, A9 S3(b) Eqnuetxat�qn anf rtqteet�qn Dqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S33(e), A32 S;(a) MUNICIPALITIES Debt uetx�ee qn bqnfu, A32 S28(b) Abq�uhoent, A8 S2(a) Dqewoent eze�ue taz rtqeeefu, wue hqt eqnuetxat�qn Af xaqteo tazat�qn, A9 S;, A32 S2 rwtrqueu, A32 S28 Annezat�qn, A8 S2(e) Gxetiafeu Vtwut Hwnf, f�ubwtueoentu, A32 S39(a), (e) Dqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S32(e), A9 S32 Geneta rtqx�u�qnu, A2 S9(a) Ehattet, A6 S9(e), A8 S2(a) Q� anf iau ft��ni �n Hqt�fa tett�tqt�a watetu, rtqh�b�t�qn, E�x� uetx�ee u{uteo, A5 S36 A2 S9(e) Eqnuq�fat�qn qh qea iqxetnoentu, A8 S5, A8 S8(e) Seen�e beawt{, A2 S9(a) Eqwttu, A5 S22(f) State eqnuetxat�qn anfu, f�urqu�t�qn teutt�et�qnu, Etef�t, refi�ni, A9 S32 A32 S38 Dafe Eqwnt{, Mettqrq�tan Gqxetnoent qh, A8 S8(h) Vazat�qn qh anf hef hqt eqnuetxat�qn rwtrqueu, A9 S5(h), Geet�qnu, A8 S8 A9 S6(b), A32 S28 Geett�e ienetat�qn anf ttanuo�uu�qn hae��t�eu, A9 S32(f) H�uh anf oat�ne an�oau, See HKSJKPG Gutab�uhoent, A8 S2(a) Pq�ue abateoent, A2 S9(a) Gzttatett�tqt�a rqwetu, A8 S2(e) Pqwt�qn eqnttq anf abateoent, A2 S9, A9 S36 Knfebtefneuu, eett�h�eateu qh, A9 S32 Teeteat�qn anf aeqw�u�t�qn anf �ortqxeoent, bqnf Knxeutoent qh rwb�e hwnfu, A9 S32(a), (b) �uuwanee, A9 S33(e), A32 S;(a) Jaeuqnx�e, E�t{ qh, A8 S8(e) Jq�nt qwnetuh�r w�th rt�xate ent�t�eu, A9 S32 NAVIGABLE WATERS, A32 S33 Me{ Yeut, E�t{ qh, A8 S8(e) Nei�uat�xe bqf�eu, A8 S2(b) NET FISHING, A32 S38 Manfatef ezrenf�twte qh hwnfu, hwnf�ni b{ Nei�uatwte, A9 S38(a) NOISE POLLUTION, A2 S9(a) Meet�niu, aeeeuu tq, A3 S26(b) Metietu, A8 S2(e) NOTARIES PUBLIC, A2 S5(a)
OATHS PORT FACILITIES, A9 S32(e) Geetqtu, A8 S5 Pwb�e qhh�eetu, A2 S5(b) POWERS OF GOVERNMENT Gzeewt�xe rqwet, A2 S5, A6 S3(a) OCCUPATIONAL REGULATION Jwf�e�a rqwet, A2 S5, A5 S3 N�eenu�ni bqatfu, A6 S8(b) Nei�uat�xe rqwet, A2 S5, A5 S3 Sree�a awu retta�n�ni tq, A5 S33(a) M��tat{ rqwet, A3 S9 Pq�t�ea rqwet, A3 S3 OFFICIAL LANGUAGE, A2 S; Seratat�qn qh rqwetu, A2 S5
OPEN MEETINGS, A3 S26(b), (e), (f), A5 S6(e), A32 S22 PRESS, FREEDOM OF, A3 S6
OUTDOOR RECREATION, A9 S33(e), A32 S28(b), PROBATION, A6 S8(e) A32 S;(a) PROHIBITION, WRIT OF, A5 S5(b), A5 S6(b), A5 S5(b)
P PROPERTY Aeqw�u�t�qn, rquueuu�qn, anf rtqteet�qn; t�ihtu qh, A3 S2 PARAMEDICS Af xaqteo tazeu, See VAZAVKQP M�ef �n �ne qh fwt{, feath beneh�tu hqt uwtx�xqtu, A32 S53 Ewtteu{, A32 S5 Dert�xat�qn w�thqwt fwe rtqeeuu qh aw, A3 S; PARDON, A6 S8(a), (b) Dqwet, A32 S5 Dta�naie eaueoentu, A32 S8(b) Go�nent fqoa�n, A32 S8 PARENT AND CHILD Hqteef uae, ezeort�qnu htqo, A32 S6 Abqtt�qn �nxqx�ni o�nqt, rt�qt nqt�h�eat�qn qh ratent, Jqoeuteaf, See JQMGSVGAD PTQPGTVY A32 S22 Neaueu, rwb�e{ h�naneef hae��t�eu, A9 S32(e) N�enu, A5 S33(a), A9 S2, A32 S6 PARI-MUTUEL GAMBLING, A9 S9, A32 S9, A32 S25 Matt�ef wqoen, A32 S5 Mwn�e�ra rtqrett{, tazat�qn, A9 S5(a) PAROLE, A3 S38(b), A6 S8(e) Teeteat�qn anfu, utate bqnf h�nane�ni, A32 S;(a) T�ihtu tq aeqw�te, rquueuu, anf rtqteet, A3 S2 PAROLE AND PROBATION COMMISSION, A6 S8(e) Sqxete�int{ anfu, A32 S33 Sree�a awu retta�n�ni tq, A5 S33(a) PENSION SYSTEMS (PUBLIC), A2 S8(f), A32 S36 Swboetief anfu, A32 S33 Va�ni hqt rwb�e rwtrqueu, A32 S8 PETITION Vazat�qn, See VAZAVKQP uwbt�te Af xaqteo tazeu Eqnut�twt�qna aoenfoent �n�t�at�xe, A33 S5, A33 S5(b) Eqnut�twt�qna eqnxent�qn ea, A33 S6(a) PROPERTY APPRAISERS, A8 S3(f) Tefteuu qh it�exaneeu, A3 S5 PUBLIC DEFENDERS, A5 S36(a), (e), A5 S38, A32 S25 PHYSICIANS Mef�ea oat�wana wue, eett�h�eat�qn, A32 S2;(a) PUBLIC EMPLOYEES Tereatef oef�ea oartaet�ee, rwb�e rtqteet�qn, A32 S28 Abwue qh rwb�e rqu�t�qn, A32 S58 Dteaeh qh rwb�e ttwut, A2 S8(e), (f), (h) E�x� uetx�ee u{uteo, A5 S36 PIGS, A32 S23 Eqnh�etu qh �nteteut, A2 S8(i), A5 S38 Gth�eu, eqfe qh, A2 S8, A5 S38 PLANNING H�nane�a �nteteutu, f�uequwte, A2 S8 Gqxetnqt, teurqnu�b��t{, A5 S3;(h), A6 S3(a) Teeqtfu, aeeeuu tq, A3 S26(a) State rann�ni rtqeeuueu anf rann�ni fqewoentu, Terteuentat�qn qh e�entu behqte iqxetnoent bqf{, A2 S8(e) A5 S3;(a), (h) Stt�e, t�iht tq, A3 S8
POLITICAL POWER, A3 S3 PUBLIC MEETINGS Aeeeuu tq anf nqt�ee qh, A3 S26(b), (e), (f), A5 S6(e), POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS A32 S22 Eauu�h�eat�qn �n ieneta awu, A5 S33(b) Nei�uatwte, A5 S6(e) Eqwnt�eu, See EQWPVKGS Mwn�e�ra�t�eu, See MWPKEKPANKVKGS PUBLIC OFFICERS Sree�a f�utt�etu, See SPGEKAN DKSVTKEVS Abwue qh rwb�e rqu�t�qn, A32 S58
PUBLIC OFFICERS (Eqnt0) R Dqnf, A2 S5(b) Dteaeh qh rwb�e ttwut, A2 S8(e), (f), (h) RACIAL DISCRIMINATION, A3 S2 Eaora�in h�naneeu, f�uequwte, A2 S8(b) E�x� uetx�ee u{uteo, A5 S36 RACING (DOGS), A32 S52, A32 S5; Eqorenuat�qn, A2 S5(e), A5 S32, A32 S5 Eqnh�etu qh �nteteut, A2 S8(i), A5 S38 REBELLION, A3 S35, A6 S3(f) Eqnt�nwanee �n qhh�ee wrqn afqrt�qn qh Eqnut�twt�qn, A8 S8(e), A32 S5 RECORDS CUSTODIAN Eqwnt{ qhh�eetu, See EQWPVKGS See EWSVQDKAP QH SVAVG TGEQTDS Eteat�qn qh qhh�ee, �o�tat�qn qh teto qh qhh�ee, A5 S35 Gth�eu, eqfe qh, A2 S8, A5 S38 RECREATION LANDS AND FACILITIES, A32 S;(a) Heqnu, f�uqwa�h�eat�qn htqo hqf�ni qhh�ee, A8 S6(a) H�nane�a �nteteutu, f�uequwte, A2 S8 RELIGION Jqf�ni qthet qhh�eeu, A2 S5(a) D�uet�o�nat�qn bauef qn, A3 S2 Koreaehoent, See KMPGAEJMGPV Gutab�uhoent anf htee ezete�ue qh, A3 S5 Nqbb{�ni, A32 S58 M��tat{ fwt{, ezeort�qn, A32 S2(a) Menta{ �neqoretent retuqnu, f�uqwa�h�eat�qn htqo hqf�ni Ptqrett{ wuef hqt te�i�qwu rwtrqueu, taz ezeort�qn, qhh�ee, A8 S6(a) A9 S5(a) Mwn�e�ra qhh�eetu, See MWPKEKPANKVKGS Pwb�e texenwe �n a�f qh, A3 S5 Qath qh qhh�ee, A2 S5(b) Pqwetu anf fwt�eu, A2 S5(b), (e) RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, A3 S5 Swau�/wf�e�a rqwet, A5 S3 Teeqtfu, aeeeuu tq, A3 S26(a) RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCE DEVICES Terteuentat�qn qh e�entu behqte iqxetnoent bqf{, A2 S8(e) Af xaqteo taz auueuuoent, rtqh�b�t�qn qh eqnu�fetat�qn qh Sree�a awu retta�n�ni tq, A5 S33(a) �nutaat�qn, A9 S6(�), A32 S2;, A32 S56 Sweeeuu�qn, eneo{ attae eoetiene{, A2 S8 Af xaqteo taz ezeort�qn, A9 S5(e), A32 S3;, A32 S56 Swurenu�qn htqo qhh�ee, A6 S9 Vetou qh qhh�ee, See VGTMS QH QHHKEG RESIDENCE Vaeane�eu �n qhh�ee, See VAEAPEY KP QHHKEG Eab�net oeobetu, A6 S5(b) Eqwnt{ eqoo�uu�qnetu, A8 S3(e) Geetqtu, A8 S2 PUBLIC RECORDS Gqxetnqt, A6 S5(b) Aeeeuu tq, A3 S26(a), (e), (f), A32 S22 Jqoeuteaf, A9 S8(a), A32 S6(a) Gzeort�qnu htqo f�uequwte, A3 S26(a), (e) Jwfieu, A5 S5(a), A5 S8 Nei�uatqtu, A5 S35(e) PUNISHMENT N�ewtenant Gqxetnqt, A6 S5(b) Abwue qh rwb�e rqu�t�qn, A32 S58(b) Pwb�e fehenfetu, A5 S38 Afo�n�uttat�xe renat�eu, A3 S38 State attqtne{u, A5 S39 Dteaeh qh rwb�e ttwut, A2 S8(e), (f) Swrteoe Eqwtt wut�eeu, A5 S5(a) Eeoene{, A3 S38(b), A6 S8 Eqnteort, A5 S6(f), A5 S5 RETIREMENT SYSTEMS (PUBLIC), A2 S8(f), A32 S36 Equtu, ra{oent b{ aeewuef, A3 S3; Eqwnt{ qtf�nanee x�qat�qnu, A8 S3() REVENUE Eqwtt/oatt�a, A3 S38 (See also SVAVG HWPDS; VAZAVKQP) Etwe anf wnwuwa, A3 S39 A�f tq ehwteh, ueet, qt te�i�qwu fenqo�nat�qn, A3 S5 Death renat{, A3 S39, A5 S5(b) Dqnf tera{oent, A9 S33(f) Dqitae�ni, A32 S52 Eqwtt heeu, hwnf�ni eetu qh e�tew�t anf eqwnt{ eqwttu, Gzeeuu�xe, A3 S39 A5 S36(b) Kort�uqnoent hqt febt, A3 S33 Gtquu teee�rtu taz, arr�eat�qn, A32 S;(a) Jwfieu, f�ue�r�ne, A5 S32(a), (e), (e) N�eenue heeu, H�uh anf Y�f�he Eqnuetxat�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Jwxen�e fe�nqwentu, A3 S35(b) A6 S; Nei�uatqtu, A5 S6(a), (f) N�o�tat�qn qn eqeet�qn, A9 S3(e), A33 S5, A32 S23 Patfqn, A6 S8(a), (b) Nqea iqxetnoent awthqt�t{ tq ta�ue texenwe, tefwet�qn b{ Patqe, A3 S38(b), A6 S8(e) Nei�uatwte, A9 S38(b) Penat�eu, h�neu, anf hqthe�twteu wnfet 3885 Eqnut�twt�qn, Mqtqt xeh�ee hwe tazeu, aqeat�qn, A9 S39(b), A32 S;(e) A32 S9(a) Mqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenweu, A32 S;(f) Pew heeu �orquef b{ eqnut�twt�qna aoenfoent, arrtqxa Ptqbat�qn, A6 S8(e) b{ twq/th�tfu qh xqtetu, A33 S9 Senteneeu wnfet 3885 Eqnut�twt�qn, A32 S9(a) Pat�/owtwe tazeu, aqeat�qn, A9 S9 Sree�a awu retta�n�ni tq, A5 S33(a) Ta�u�ni tq fehta{ utate ezrenueu, A9 S3(f) Y�tneuueu, ei�uat�xe �nxeut�iat�qn, A5 S5 Texenwe uhqtthau, bwfiet tefwet�qnu, A5 S3;(h), A6 S35 Seeqnf iau taz, aqeat�qn, A32 S;(e) Q State wn�xetu�t�eu; uwretoaqt�t{ tq �orque, awthqt�ze, qt ta�ue heeu, A; S9(e) Swretoaqt�t{ xqte tq �orque, awthqt�ze, qt ta�ue utate heeu, QUASI-JUDICIAL POWER, A5 S3 A9 S3; Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, tex�ew qh QUO WARRANTO, WRIT OF, A5 S5(b), A5 S6(b), A5 S5(b) texenwe neefu, A33 S8(f) 98 Index CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA Index
REVENUE BONDS SCHEDULES (Eqnt0) See DQPDS T�ihtu teuetxef, A32 S9 Senatqtu, A32 S32 REVISION Sqat fex�eeu, tazat�qn, A32 S56 See AMGPDMGPV Sree�a f�utt�et tazeu, A32 S35 Swret�ntenfentu qh uehqqu, A32 S5, A32 S8(b) RIGHT OF PRIVACY, A3 S25, A32 S22 Vtanu�t�qn htqo 3885 Eqnut�twt�qn, A32 Vetetanu f�uabef fwe tq eqobat �nwt{, hqoeuteaf RIGHT TO ASSEMBLE, A3 S5 rtqrett{ taz f�ueqwnt, A32 S52 Y�nf faoaie teu�utanee �ortqxeoentu, tazat�qn, A32 S2; RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS, A3 S8(a) Yqt�ni watethtqnt rtqrett{, af xaqteo taz auueuuoent, A32 S52 RIGHT TO WORK, A3 S8 SCHOOL BOARDS, A; S6, A; S5, A32 S;(f) RIGHTS, DECLARATION OF, A3 SCHOOL DISTRICTS RIGHTS OF ACCUSED, A3 S38(a), A3 S3; Af xaqteo tazeu, A9 S8(a), A9 S;, A; S6(b) Dqnfu, A9 S32 RIGHTS OF TAXPAYERS, A3 S25 Dqwnfat�eu, A; S6(a) Ear�ta rtqeetu h�nane�ni, A9 S32(a), A32 S;(a), (f) RIGHTS OF VICTIMS OF CRIME, A3 S38(b), (e), (f), (e) Etef�t, refi�ni, A9 S32 Knfebtefneuu, eett�h�eateu qh, A9 S32 RIGHTS, PROPERTY, A3 S2 Knxeutoent qh rwb�e hwnfu, A9 S32(a), (b) Jq�nt efweat�qna rtqitaou, A; S6(b) ROADS AND HIGHWAYS, A5 S33(a), A9 S39, A32 S;(b), (e) Jq�nt qwnetuh�r w�th rt�xate ent�t�eu, A9 S32 Meet�niu, aeeeuu tq, A3 S26(b) Mqtqt xeh�ee �eenu�ni texenwe, f�utt�bwt�qn, A32 S;(f) S Sehqq bqatfu, A; S6, A; S5, A32 S;(f) State a�f, A9 S8 SCENIC BEAUTY, A2 S9(a) Swret�ntenfentu qh uehqqu, A; S5, A32 S5, A32 S8(b) Vaz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu, A9 S32 SCHEDULES Vazeu, A9 S8(a), A9 S;, A; S6(b) Dqnfu, A32 S;, A32 S38 Vaz�ni rqwet, �o�tat�qn, A9 S32 Dtqwatf Eqwnt{, A8 S8(i) Eqnh�et�ni rtqx�u�qnu, A32 S39 SCHOOLS Eqnuetxat�qn rtqrett{, af xaqteo taz ezeort�qn anf taz See GDWEAVKQP auueuuoent, A32 S28 Eqnuq�fat�qn anf hqoe twe, A8 S8(e) SCHOOLS, SUPERINTENDENTS OF, A; S5, A32 S5, Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885 uwretuefef, A32 S3 A32 S8(b) Eqwnt{ qhh�eetu, ueeet�qn anf fwt�eu, A8 S8(i) Deet�qn qh qbuqete �teou, A5 S22(�), A8 S8(h), A32 S33 SEAL (STATE), A2 S6 Dqitae�ni rtqh�b�t�qn, A32 S5; Gfweat�qn, Eqoo�uu�qnet qh, A32 S6, A32 S8(b) Gth�eu �n iqxetnoent, A2 S8(�) SEARCH WARRANTS, A3 S32 Gzeewt�xe btaneh tehqto, A32 S26(a) Gz�ut�ni iqxetnoent, rteuetxat�qn, A32 S32 SEARCHES AND SEIZURES, A3 S32 Gaoe anf Hteuh Yatet H�uh Eqoo�uu�qn, abq�uhoent, A32 S25(e), (f) SEAT OF GOVERNMENT, A2 S2 J�utqt�e rtqrett{, af xaqteo taz ezeort�qn anf taz auueuuoent, A32 S22 SELF-INCRIMINATION, A3 S; Jqoeuteaf ezeort�qn, A32 S28, A32 S29, A32 S53, A32 S55, A32 S55, A32 S58 SENATE Jwf�e�a Swa�h�eat�qnu Eqoo�uu�qn, A5 S32(h) See NGGKSNAVWTG Jwf�e�at{, A5 S32(h), A5 S22, A32 S25 Nawu rteuetxef, A32 S8 Nei�uat�xe arrqtt�qnoent, A32 S35 SEPARATION OF POWERS, A2 S5 Nqea iqxetnoentu, A8 S8 Mat�ne H�uhet�eu Eqoo�uu�qn, abq�uhoent, A32 S25(e), (f) SHERIFFS, A5 S5(e), A5 S6(e), A8 S3(f) M�ao�/Dafe Eqwnt{, A8 S8(h), (i) Qhh�eetu tq eqnt�nwe �n qhh�ee, A8 S8(e), A32 S5 SLOT MACHINES, A32 S25 Qtf�naneeu, A8 S8(f) Ptqrett{ tazeu, A32 S2, A32 S29 SMOKING, A32 S22, A32 S29 Pwb�e febtu teeqin�zef, A32 S8 Pwb�e rqu�t�qnu, abwue, A32 S58 Pwb�e teeqtfu anf oeet�niu, aeeeuu tq, A32 S22 SOLAR DEVICES, A9 S5(e), A9 S6(�), A32 S56 Tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee fex�eeu, tazat�qn, A32 S3;, A32 S2;, A32 S56 SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT, Teqtian�zat�qn qh ezeewt�xe ferattoentu, A32 S38 A32 S39 Terteuentat�xeu, A32 S36 Texenwe �o�tat�qn, A32 S23 SOVEREIGNTY LANDS, A32 S33 9; Index CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA Index
SPECIAL DISTRICTS SUPERINTENDENTS OF SCHOOLS, A; S5, A32 S5, Af xaqteo tazat�qn, A9 S;, A32 S2, A32 S35 A32 S8(b) Dqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S32(e), A9 S32 E�x� uetx�ee u{uteo, A5 S36 SUPERVISORS OF ELECTIONS, A8 S3(f) Etef�t, refi�ni, A9 S32 Geet�qnu, A8 S8 SUPREME COURT Geett�e ienetat�qn anf ttanuo�uu�qn hae��t�eu, A9 S32(f) (See also EQWTVS) Knfebtefneuu, eett�h�eateu qh, A9 S32 Afx�uqt{ qr�n�qnu, A6 S3(e), A6 S32, A5 S5(b) Knxeutoent qh rwb�e hwnfu, A9 S32(a), (b) Arreate f�utt�etu, teeqooenfat�qnu hqt tefeh�n�ni, A5 S; Jq�nt qwnetuh�r w�th rt�xate ent�t�eu, A9 S32 Attqtne{u, afo�uu�qn tq rtaet�ee qh aw anf f�ue�r�ne, Meet�niu, aeeeuu tq, A3 S26(b) A5 S35 Pqwt�qneqnttq hae��t�eu, utate bqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S36 Eh�eh wut�ee State a�f, A9 S8 Arreau anf eqateta attaeu qn wfioent, terqtt qn Statwu, eqnt�nwat�qn wrqn afqrt�qn qh Eqnut�twt�qn, A8 S8(b) eqoret�qn, A3 S38(b) Vaz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu, A9 S32 Arrq�ntoent, A5 S2(b) Vazeu, A9 S;, A32 S2, A32 S35 Auu�inoent qh teorqtat{ wfieu, A5 S2(b) Vaz�ni rqwet, �o�tat�qn, A9 S32 Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn oeobetu, Vtanuhet qh hwnet�qn qt rqwet, A8 S6 arrq�ntoent, A33 S2(a) Yaute f�urqua hae��t�eu, utate bqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S36 Koreaehoent tt�au, rteu�f�ni, A5 S39(e) Yatet hae��t�eu, utate bqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S36 Texenwe uhqtthau, bwfiet tefwet�qnu, A6 S35 Eet, A5 S5(e) SPECIAL LAWS Death renat{, tex�ew, A5 S5(b) See NAYS Dee�u�qnu, A5 S5(a) D�teet arrea, A5 S5(b) SPEECH, FREEDOM OF, A3 S6 D�ue�r�ne qh wut�eeu anf wfieu, A5 S32(a), (e), (e) D�utt�et eqwtt qh arrea fee�u�qnu, tex�ew, A5 S5(b) STATE ATTORNEYS H�na wfioentu anf qtfetu, tex�ew, A5 S5(b) Geneta{, A5 S39 Gqxetnqt Qhh�ee hwnf�ni, A5 S36(a), (e), A32 S25 Afx�uqt{ qr�n�qnu, A6 S3(e) Sreef{ tt�a feoanf, A3 S38(b) Knearae�t{ feteto�nat�qn, A6 S5(b) Vtanu�t�qn rtqx�u�qnu, A5 S22(e) Jabeau eqtrwu, wt�t qh, A5 S5(b) V�et�ou' t�ihtu, enhqteeoent, A3 S38(e) Kn�t�at�xe ret�t�qnu, tex�ew, A6 S32, A5 S5(b) Jwfieu STATE BOUNDARIES, A2 S3 Eett�h�eateu qh neef, A5 S; D�ue�r�ne, A5 S32(e) Veorqtat{ auu�inoent tq Swrteoe Eqwtt, A5 S5(a) STATE COLLEGES, A9 S35(a), A; S8, A32 S;(a), (f) Jwf�e�a e�tew�tu, teeqooenfat�qnu hqt tefeh�n�ni, A5 S; Jwf�e�a nqo�nat�ni eqoo�uu�qn, A6 S6(b), A5 S33(f) STATE FLAG, A2 S6 Jwf�e�a rqwet xeutef �n, A5 S3 Jwf�e�a Swa�h�eat�qnu Eqoo�uu�qn, rqwetu anf fwt�eu, STATE FUNDS A5 S32 (See also TGVGPWG) Jwt�uf�et�qn, A5 S5(b), A5 S22(e) A�f tq qea iqxetnoentu, A9 S8 Jwut�eeu Arrtqrt�at�qnu, See APPTQPTKAVKQPS (See also JWDGGS) Eh�eh h�nane�a qhh�eet, fwt�eu, A6 S6(e) Aie �o�t, A5 S8, A5 S22(e), A32 S59 Knxeutoent, A9 S32(a), (b) Eh�eh Jwut�ee, See uwbt�te Eh�eh wut�ee, th�u heaf�ni Manfatef ezrenf�twte qh hwnfu b{ qea iqxetnoentu, Deh�n�t�qn, A5 S22(e), A32 S32(h) hwnf�ni b{ Nei�uatwte, A9 S38(a) D�ue�r�ne, A5 S32(a), (e), (e) Mqne{ ftawn htqo tteauwt{, A9 S3(e) Geet�qn, A5 S32(a) Sehqq hwnf, A; S8 Koreaehoent, A5 S39(a) Vtwut hwnfu, See VTWSV HWPDS (PWDNKE) Jwfieu, teorqtat{ auu�inoent, A5 S5(a) Nqbb{�ni, A32 S58 STATE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS, A2 S8(f), A32 S36 Pwobet, A5 S5(a) Pq�t�ea ratt{ qhh�ee, hqf�ni, A5 S35 STATE SEAL, A2 S6 Ptaet�ee qh aw, A5 S35 Swqtwo, A5 S5(a) STATE, SECRETARY OF, A32 S26(b) Teewua, A5 S5(a) Teu�fene{ teqw�teoent, A5 S5(a) STATE TREASURY, A9 S3(e) Tetent�qn, A5 S32(a) Tet�tef, teorqtat{ fwt{, A5 S2(b) Veorqtat{ fwt{ w�th qthet eqwttu, A5 S2(b) STATE UNIVERSITIES, A9 S35(a), A; S3(a), A; S9, Veto qh qhh�ee, A5 S32(a) A32 S;(a) Vtanu�t�qn rtqx�u�qnu, A5 S22(e) Vaeane{ �n qhh�ee, A5 S32(a) STATEWIDE PROSECUTOR, A6 S6(b) Nei�uat�xe arrqtt�qnoent Arrqtt�qnoent qtfetu, A5 S38(b), (h) STUDENT LOANS, A9 S35 Deeatatqt{ wfioentu qh xa�f�t{, A5 S38(e), (f), (e), (h) Nqeat�qn, A2 S2 SUBMERGED LANDS, A32 S33 Manfaowu, wt�t qh, A5 S5(b) Matuha, A5 S5(e) SUITS AGAINST STATE, A32 S35 Qtian�zat�qn, A5 S5(a) 82 Index CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA Index
SUPREME COURT (Eqnt0) TAXATION (Eqnt0) Ptqeeuu, A5 S5(e) Af xaqteo tazeu (Eqnt0) Ptqh�b�t�qn, wt�t qh, A5 S5(b) State, A9 S3(a) Swq wattantq, wt�t qh, A5 S5(b) Stqe/�n/ttafe, A9 S6(e) Swqtwo, A5 S5(a) Vani�be retuqna rtqrett{ Teiwatqt{ aiene{ aet�qnu, tex�ew, A5 S5(b) Gzeort�qnu, A9 S3(b), A9 S5(e), (e), A9 S6(e), A32 S29 Tweu Nqea tazeu, A9 S; Arreate f�utt�etu, et�tet�a hqt tefeh�n�ni, A5 S; Tate, A9 S2, A9 S;(b) Arreate tex�ew, �ntetqewtqt{ qtfetu, A5 S6(b) State taz, A9 S3(a) Eh�eh e�tew�t eqwtt wfieu, ueeet�qn, A5 S2(f) Vawat�qn, A9 S6(e) Eqwtt rtaet�ee anf rtqeefwte, A5 S2(a), A5 S33(f) Vaz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu, A9 S32 Jwfieu, feteto�nat�qn qh neef, A5 S; Vawat�qn qh rtqrett{, A9 S6 Jwf�e�a e�tew�tu, et�tet�a hqt tefeh�n�ni, A5 S; Vqtet awthqt�zat�qn, A9 S;(b) M��tat{ aw qweut�qnu, afx�uqt{ qr�n�qnu, A5 S2(a) Yatet oanaieoent rwtrqueu, A9 S;(b) Vt�a eqwtt wfioentu anf qtfetu, tex�ew, A5 S5(b) Y�nf faoaie teu�utanee �ortqxeoentu, A9 S6(�), Wn�tef Stateu eqwttu, eett�h�ef qweut�qnu qh aw, A5 S5(b) A32 S2; Wn�tef Stateu Swrteoe Eqwtt, A3 S32, A3 S39, A5 S5(b), Yqt�ni watethtqnt rtqrett�eu, A9 S6(), A32 S52 A32 S22 A�traneu, A9 S3(b) Yt�tu, rqwet tq �uuwe, A5 S5(b) Dqatu, A9 S3(b) Eqnuetxat�qn rtqrett{, A9 S5(h), A9 S6(b), A32 S28 Eqnuq�fat�qn qh qea iqxetnoentu, A8 S5 T Eqtrqtat�qn �neqoe taz, A9 S5(b) Eqwnt�eu, A9 S;, A8 S3(h), A32 S2 TALLAHASSEE, CITY OF, A2 S2 Dqewoent eze�ue taz rtqeeefu, wue hqt eqnuetxat�qn rwtrqueu, A32 S28 TAX COLLECTORS, A8 S3(f) Gutate taz, A9 S5(a) Gzeort�qnu Af xaqteo tazeu, A9 S5, A9 S6(e), A9 S8, A32 S3;, TAXATION A32 S29, A32 S28, A32 S56 Af xaqteo tazeu D�nf retuqnu, A9 S5(b) Ait�ewtwta anf, A9 S6(a) Eqoown�t{ anf eeqnqo�e fexeqroent, new qt Aqw�het teehatie anfu, A9 S6(a) ezranfef bwu�neuueu, A9 S5(e) Auueuuoent qh rtqrett{, A9 S6, A9 S8, A9 S35, A32 S29 Eqnuetxat�qn rtqrett{, A9 S5(h), A32 S28 Dqnfu ra{abe htqo, A9 S32 D�uabef retuqnu, A9 S5(b), A9 S8(e) Dwu�neuueu, new qt ezranf�ni, A9 S5(e) Gfet{ retuqnu, A9 S6(h), A9 S8(f), (e), A32 S28, Eqnuetxat�qn rtqrett{, A9 S5(h), A9 S6(b), A32 S28 A32 S58 Eqwnt�eu, A9 S;, A8 S3(h), A32 S2 Jeafu qh hao�{, A9 S5(b) Gfweat�qna, �tetat{, ue�ent�h�e, te�i�qwu, qt ehat�tabe/wue J�utqt�e rtqrett�eu, A9 S5(f) rtqrett{, A9 S5(a) Jqoeuteaf rtqrett{, See JQMGSVGAD PTQPGTVY Gzeort�qnu, A9 S5, A9 S6(e), A9 S8, A32 S3;, A32 S29, uwbt�te Gzeort�qnu uwb/uwbt�te Vazat�qn A32 S28, A32 S56 Jqwuehqf iqqfu anf retuqna ehheetu, A9 S5(b) J�utqt�e rtqrett�eu, A9 S5(f), A32 S22 M��tat{ retuqnne ferq{ef �n uwrrqtt qh o��tat{ Jqoeuteaf rtqrett{, See JQMGSVGAD PTQPGTVY qretat�qnu, A9 S5(i), A32 S53 Keia auueuuoentu, te�eh htqo, A9 S35 Mwn�e�ra rtqrett{, A9 S5(a) Kntani�be retuqna rtqrett{, A9 S2, A9 S;(a) Tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee fex�eeu, A9 S5(e), A32 S3;, Neaueu, rwb�e{ h�naneef hae��t�eu, A9 S32(e) A32 S56 N�xeutqe, A9 S6(e) Sqat fex�eeu, A9 S5(e), A32 S56 Nqea iqxetnoentu, A9 S; Vani�be retuqna rtqrett{, A9 S3(b), A9 S5(e), (e), M�aie, A9 S2, A9 S;(b), A32 S2 A9 S6(e), A32 S29 Mqttiaieu, qb�iat�qnu ueewtef b{, A9 S2 Vetetanu, A9 S8(e) Mwn�e�ra rtqrett�eu, A9 S5(a) Y�fqwu anf w�fqwetu, A9 S5(b), A9 S8(h), A32 S55 Mwn�e�ra�t�eu, A9 S;, A32 S2 Gau taz, A32 S;(e) Ptqrett{ arrta�uetu, A8 S3(f) Geneta{, A9 Ptqrett{ w�th�n own�e�ra�t�eu, beneh�t hqt eqwnt{ Gtquu teee�rtu taz, wt��t{ uetx�eeu, A32 S;(a) wn�neqtrqtatef ateau, A8 S3(h) J�utqt�e rtqrett�eu, A9 S5(f), A9 S6(e), A32 S22 Tateu, A9 S2, A9 S;(b), A32 S2 Jqoeuteaf rtqrett{, See JQMGSVGAD PTQPGTVY Tea rtqrett{ Keia tazeu, te�eh htqo, A9 S35 Ehanie qh auueuuoentu, A9 S6(i), (h), A32 S29 Kneqoe taz, A9 S5 Gzeort�qnu, A9 S5, A9 S8 Knhet�tanee taz, A9 S5(a) Nqea tazeu, A9 S; Neaueu, rwb�e{ h�naneef hae��t�eu, A9 S32(e) Tate, A9 S2, A9 S;(b) N�eenue taz, A9 S3(b) State taz, A9 S3(a) N�o�tat�qnu Vawat�qn, A9 S6 Eqnuq�fat�qn qh eqwnt{ anf own�e�ra�t�eu, ehheet, A8 S5 Teeteat�qna anfu, A9 S6(a) Pefi�ni etef�t qh utate qt rq�t�ea uwbf�x�u�qnu, A9 S32 Tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee fex�eeu, See TGPGYADNG Texenwe eqeet�qn�o�tat�qnu, A9 S3(e), A33 S5, GPGTGY SQWTEG DGVKEGS A32 S23 Tentetu, taz te�eh, A9 S8(e) Wn�neqtrqtatef ateau, A8 S3(h) Teu�fent�a rtqrett{ eqnta�n�ni n�ne wn�tu qt hewet, Nqea tazeu, A9 S; A9 S6(i), A32 S29 Mqb�e hqoeu, A9 S3(b) Sehqq rwtrqueu, A9 S8(a), A9 S;, A; S6(b) Mqtqt xeh�eeu Sqat fex�eeu, A9 S5(e), A9 S6(�), A32 S56 Af xaqteo tazeu, A9 S3(b) Sree�a f�utt�etu, A9 S;, A32 S2, A32 S35 Hwe tazeu, A9 S39(b), A32 S;(e)
TAXATION (Eqnt0) TRIALS (Eqnt0) Mqtqt xeh�eeu (Eqnt0) Et�o�na, A3 S38(a) N�eenue taz, A9 S3(b) Gx�fenee, See GVKDGPEG Mwn�e�ra�t�eu, A9 S;, A32 S2 Jwt{, A3 S38(a), A3 S22 Patwta retuqnu, A9 S5(a) Jwxen�e rtqeeef�niu, A3 S35(b) Pew State tazeu �orquef b{ eqnut�twt�qna aoenfoent, Ptett�a teeaue anf fetent�qn, A3 S36, A3 S38(b) arrtqxa b{ twq/th�tfu xqte qh xqtetu, A33 S9 S�te feu�inat�qn, A5 S9 Pat�/owtwe taz, A9 S9 Sreef{ tt�a, A3 S38(b) Ta�u�ni uwhh�e�ent texenwe, A9 S3(f) V�et�ou' t�ihtu, A3 S38(b) Tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee fex�eeu, See TGPGYADNG GPGTGY SQWTEG DGVKEGS TRUST FUNDS (PUBLIC) Tentetu, taz te�eh, A9 S8(e) Dwfiet utab��zat�qn hwnf, A5 S3;(i), A9 S3(e) Texenwe, ieneta{, See TGVGPWG Gfweat�qn qttet{ hwnfu, A32 S35 Sehqq f�utt�etu, A9 S8(a), A9 S;, A; S6(b) Gxetiafeu, A32 S39 Seeqnf iau taz, A32 S;(e) Geneta texenwe hwnf, A5 S3;(h), (i), A5 S22(e) Sqt oaeh�ne texenweu, A32 S25(b) Knut�twt�qnu qh h�ihet eatn�ni anf wn�qt eqeie ear�ta Sqat fex�eeu, A9 S5(e), A9 S6(�), A32 S56 qwta{, A32 S;(a) Sree�a f�utt�etu, A9 S;, A32 S2, A32 S35 Kntetna �ortqxeoent, A6 S6(h) Sree�a awu, A5 S33(a) Knxeutoent, A9 S32(a) State/rteeortef tazeu, A9 S3(a) Nanf aeqw�u�t�qn, A6 S6(h), A32 S28, A32 S;(a) Swretoaqt�t{ xqte tq �orque, awthqt�ze, qt ta�ue tazeu, Nei�uat�xe arrtqxa, A5 S3;(h) A9 S3; Pwb�e efweat�qn ear�ta qwta{ anf febt uetx�ee, A32 S;(a) Vaz eqeetqt, A8 S3(f) Sehqq f�utt�et anf eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�et ear�ta qwta{ Vaz �enu, hqoeuteaf rtqrett{, A32 S6(a) anf febt uetx�ee, A32 S;(f) Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, A2 S5(a), State tqafu f�utt�bwt�qn hwnf, A32 S;(e) A33 S5(a), A33 S8 State uehqq hwnf, A; S8 Vazeu wnfet 3885 Eqnut�twt�qn, A32 S9(a) Swnuet rtqx�u�qnu, A5 S3;(h) Vazra{etu' D� qh T�ihtu, A3 S25 TURNPIKE AUTHORITY, A32 S;(b) TAXATION AND BUDGET REFORM COMMISSION, A2 S5(a), A33 S5(a), A33 S8 U TERM LIMITS, A8 S6(e) UNITED STATES TERMS OF OFFICE Eenuwu, A32 S8 Eab�net oeobetu, A6 S5(a), A8 S6(e) Eqniteuu�qna oeobetu htqo Hqt�fa, teto �o�tat�qnu, Eqwnt{ eqoo�uu�qnetu, A8 S3(e) A8 S6(e) Eqwnt{ qhh�eetu, A8 S3(f) Eqniteuu�qna tef�utt�et�ni iw�fe�neu, A5 S22 Gfweat�qn bqatfu, arrq�nt�xe, A; S5 Eqnut�twt�qn H�uh anf Y�f�he Eqnuetxat�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, A6 S; Aoenfoent, A32 S3 Gqxetnqt, A6 S5(a), (b) Arrqtt�qnoent qh Nei�uatwte, A5 S38(a) Jqwue qh Terteuentat�xeu, A5 S35(b), A8 S6(e), A32 S36 Eqwtt �ntetrtetat�qn, tex�ew, A5 S5(b) Jwfieu, A5 S32, A5 S33(a), (b) Hqwtth aoenfoent ueateh anf ue�zwte t�ihtu, eqnhqto�t{ Jwf�e�a nqo�nat�ni eqoo�uu�qnu, A5 S22(e) w�th, A3 S32 Jwf�e�a Swa�h�eat�qnu Eqoo�uu�qn, A5 S32(a), (h) Qath tq fehenf, A2 S5(b), A8 S5 N�ewtenant Gqxetnqt, A6 S5(a), A8 S6(e) Eqwttu qh Arreau, A5 S2(a), A5 S5(b) N�o�tat�qn qh teto, A5 S35, A6 S5(b), A8 S6(e) Gutate taz, A9 S5(a) Patqe anf Ptqbat�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, A6 S8(e) Kneqoe taz, A9 S5, A9 S32(e) Pwb�e fehenfetu, A5 S38 M��tat{ retuqnne ferq{ef �n uwrrqtt qh o��tat{ qretat�qn, Sehqq bqatfu, A; S6(a) hqoeuteaf ezeort�qn, A9 S5(i), A32 S53 Senate, A5 S35(a), A8 S6(e), A32 S32 Pat�qna Gwatf, A9 S5(i), A32 S2(f), A32 S53 State attqtne{u, A5 S39 Qb�iat�qnu, �nxeutoent qh rwb�e hwnfu �n, A9 S32(b) Swret�ntenfentu qh uehqqu, A; S5 Qhh�eetu, hqf�ni utate qhh�ee, A2 S5(a) W0S0 Senatqtu anf terteuentat�xeu, A8 S6(e) Senatqtu htqo Hqt�fa, teto �o�tat�qnu, A8 S6(e) Swrteoe Eqwtt, A3 S32, A3 S39, A5 S5(b), A32 S22 TERRORISM Dqoeut�e Seewt�t{ anf Eqwntettettqt�uo, Qhh�ee qh, A6 S6(i) UNIVERSITIES, A9 S35(a), A; S3(a), A; S9, A32 S;(a)
TOBACCO, A32 S22, A32 S29 V TRAFFIC HEARING OFFICERS, A5 S3 VACANCY IN OFFICE E�tewoutaneeu eqnut�twt�ni xaeane{, A32 S5 TRANSPORTATION RIGHTS-OF-WAY, A9 S39 Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, A33 S2(b) Eqwnt{ qhh�eeu, A6 S3(h) TREASON, A3 S22, A6 S8(b) Geet�qn tq h� xaeane{, A8 S5 Gneo{ attae eoetiene{, A2 S8 TRIAL BY JURY, A3 S38(a), A3 S22 Gqxetnqt, A6 S5(a) Koreaehoent, A5 S39(b) TRIALS Jwfieu, A5 S32(a), A5 S33 Arreau, A5 S5(b), A5 S6(b) Jwf�e�a Swa�h�eat�qnu Eqoo�uu�qn, A5 S32(a), (h)
VACANCY IN OFFICE (Eqnt0) WATER RESOURCES Nei�uatqtu, A5 S35(f) Dqnf h�nane�ni qh fexeqroent, A9 S33(e) State qhh�eeu, A6 S3(h) Dqewoentu eze�ue taz rtqeeefu, wue hqt rtqteet�qn, Swurenfef qhh�eetu, A6 S9 A32 S28(b) Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, A33 S8(b) State bqnf h�nane�ni, watet hae��t�eu, A9 S36
VAPOR-GENERATING ELECTRONIC DEVICES, A32 S22 WIDOWS AND WIDOWERS Jqoeuteaf rtqrett{, A32 S6(b), (e) VENUE, A3 S38(a), A5 S33(a) Vaz ezeort�qn, A9 S5(b), A9 S8(h), A32 S55
VETERANS WILDLIFE Eqobat/teatef f�uab��t�eu, hqoeuteaf rtqrett{ taz Dqewoent eze�ue taz rtqeeefu, wue hqt hab�tat rtqteet�qn, f�ueqwnt, A9 S8(e), A32 S52 A32 S28(b) Swtx�x�ni urqwueu qh xetetanu f{�ni htqo H�uh, See HKSJKPG uetx�ee/eqnneetef eawueu wh�e qn aet�xe fwt{, H�uh anf Y�f�he Eqnuetxat�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, A6 S;, hqoeuteaf rtqrett{ taz ezeort�qn, A9 S8(h), A32 S55 A32 S25 Gaoe anf Hteuh Yatet H�uh Eqoo�uu�qn, A32 S25 VETERANS' AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF, A6 S33 WITNESSES VETO, A5 S8, A5 S;, A5 S3;(b) Eqorwuqt{ rtqeeuu, A3 S38(a) Eqnhtqntat�qn b{ aeewuef, A3 S38(a) VICTIMS OF CRIME, RIGHTS OF, A3 S38(b), (e), (f), (e) Et�o�na tt�au, A3 S;, A3 S38(a) Nei�uatwte, A5 S6(e), A5 S5 VOCATIONAL TRAINING SCHOOLS, A9 S35(a), A32 S;(a) Seh/�net�o�nat�qn, A3 S; Vteauqn, A3 S22 VOTE Wnteauqnabe fetent�qn, A3 S39 Eab�net oeobetu, t�e xqte, A6 S6(a) Geetqtu, A32 S32(f) WOMEN Nei�uat�xe hqwue qt iqxetnoenta bqf�eu, A32 S32(e) Dau�e t�ihtu, A3 S2
VOTING WORK, RIGHT TO, A3 S8 Geet�qnu, See GNGEVKQPS Nei�uatwte, A5 S6(e), A5 S9, A5 S8(e), A32 S32(e) WORKFORCE INNOVATION, AGENCY FOR, A32 S26(e), (h)
WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITIES, A9 S36 WRITS Eett�qtat�, A5 S6(b), A5 S5(b) WATER POLLUTION E�tew�t eqwtt, A5 S5(b) Gxetiafeu, A2 S9(b), A32 S39(a), (e) D�utt�et eqwttu qh arrea, A5 S6(b) H�uh anf Y�f�he Eqnuetxat�qn Eqoo�uu�qn awthqt�t{, A6 S; Jabeau eqtrwu, See JADGAS EQTPWS Q� anf iau ft��ni �n Hqt�fa tett�tqt�a watetu, rtqh�b�t�qn, Manfaowu, A5 S5(b), A5 S6(b), A5 S5(b) A2 S9(e) Ptqh�b�t�qn, A5 S5(b), A5 S6(b), A5 S5(b) State bqnf h�nane�ni, rqwt�qn eqnttq hae��t�eu, A9 S36 Swq wattantq, A5 S5(b), A5 S6(b), A5 S5(b) State rq�e{, A2 S9(a) Swrteoe Eqwtt, A5 S5(b)
Compiled and published by: Division of Law Revision Law Book Services Office The Florida Legislature [email protected] www.flalegistore.com
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