April 30, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1021 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

MR. CHRIS BLUM On July 16, 1709, the Town of Truro gained It is with pleasure and pride that I join its independence. Formerly a part of Eastham, Truro’s residents on this auspicious day to cel- HON. SAM GRAVES the nascent Town encompassed the district ebrate all the achievements the Town has ac- OF MISSOURI previously known as Pamet. complished, and all those to come. Happy IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES During the Revolutionary War, Truro’s militia birthday, Truro. May the years ahead be ever demonstrated remarkable skill and bravery in Thursday, April 30, 2009 prosperous and bright. keeping the British at bay. Once, the members f Mr. GRAVES. Madam Speaker, it is with marched in a circular formation behind a bar- great pride and pleasure that I rise today to rier dune to convey the impression that there CONGRATULATING PAUL GIBLIN, recognize the outstanding service of Chris was a large force assembled ready to defend PATTI EPLER, AND RYAN Blum, FAA Regional Administrator for Central the town. At the time, Provincetown Harbor GABRIELSON RECIPIENTS OF Region, on the occasion of his retirement after was controlled by the British, and there was THE 2009 PULITZER PRIZE FOR 38 years of serving the FAA. no protection for Truro save its own meager LOCAL REPORTING Chris began his career in 1970 as a con- militia. troller at the Miami Air Traffic Control Center. Truro has a long and distinguished sea- HON. HARRY E. MITCHELL He has since served in various management faring history, and at one time had a shipyard OF ARIZONA positions in the FAA’s Southern, Central and which produced large vessels in the Pamet IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Great Lakes Regions. In April 2005, he was River basin. Truro whalers sailing from other Thursday, April 30, 2009 asked to handle two regions—Central and ports ventured as far as the Arctic and the Great Lakes. This resulted in a twelve-state Falkland Islands. Ultimately, the Town of Mr. MITCHELL. Madam Speaker, I rise span, and was a first for the FAA. He was Truro’s intrepid and expert whalers helped today to congratulate three Arizona journalists, also responsible for such high volume and spur an industry that became profitable and Paul Giblin, Patti Epler, and Ryan Gabrielson, high visibility facilities as Chicago O’Hare. In culturally significant throughout coastal New for earning the most prestigious honor in their 2008, Chris was detailed as the Acting Admin- England. profession, the 2009 Pulitzer Prize for Local istrator for Regions and Center Operations, In fact, much of Truro’s economy was once Reporting. Their hard work and dedicated ef- Washington, DC. dependent on the sea. Truro’s men were fort on behalf of The East Valley Tribune are Chris has earned the gratitude and respect whalers, and the shipyard built large commer- deserving of recognition and should be a of his fellow colleagues and fellow citizens. cial vessels to sustain their activities. There source of pride for the people of Arizona. The Pulitzer Prize for Local Reporting was His life’s dedication and hard work should were several try works in town to render the first awarded in 1948 to honor journalists who serve as an example to the rest of us on how whale blubber into lamp oil, and salt works display innovation and knowledge of their we can better serve each other and our great dotted the shores and hillsides, providing communities while reporting on important local nation. much-needed salt to preserve the catch. issues. The Pulitzer Prize Committee offers Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join These industries—along with subsistence and each winner a $10,000 award and a com- with me in commending Mr. Chris Blum for his commercial farming—have been replaced memorative certificate, but more important is dedicated service. I know Chris’s colleagues, largely by the seasonal tourist industry that these journalists have earned the respect and family and friends join with me in thanking him currently fuels the local economy. for his commitment to others and wishing him Today, slightly more than 2,100 residents admiration of their peers and the public. Paul, Patti, and Ryan have set a new stand- happiness and good health in his retirement. call Truro home year-round. During the sum- ard for all Arizona journalists with their com- f mer months, the tiny Town’s population swells mitment to excellence through their exhaustive by an estimated 17,000 to 18,000 people anx- HONORING THE TOWN OF TRURO, in-depth reporting on the impact of immigration ious to experience the breathtaking scenery MASSACHUSETTS ON ITS 300TH enforcement in Arizona. Despite facing tough for which Truro is known. More than half of its ANNIVERSARY conditions with the downsizing of the news- landmass is within the Cape Cod National paper industry—both Paul Giblin and Patti Seashore. Truro’s beaches stretch unbroken HON. WILLIAM D. DELAHUNT Epler have since been laid off by The Trib- between its borders, offering water access for OF MASSACHUSETTS une—these individuals have reminded us all swimming, fishing, and boating. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that investigative journalism is still vital to The first lighthouse—what many consider an shedding light on and informing the public Thursday, April 30, 2009 icon of Cape Cod—was built in Truro at High- about significant issues that face the nation Mr. DELAHUNT. Madam Speaker, I rise land in 1797. At the time, the numerous today. shoals off the ‘‘great backside’’ claimed many today so that my colleagues in the House of It is only the fourth time in Arizona’s history ships as the prevailing winds and waves drove Representatives can join me in congratulating that a local media organization has won a Pul- vessels to the shore. This original lighthouse the Town of Truro, Massachusetts on the itzer Prize. More significantly, it represents was declared unsafe in 1857 and a new 300th anniversary of its incorporation. Since only the second occasion that a Pulitzer Prize tower, still standing and still in-use, was built its founding, Truro has enjoyed a reputation as has been awarded in Arizona for reporting. a diverse and culturally rich town, whose wel- to replace it. Madam Speaker, please join me in recog- Truro, with its glorious sunsets; noisy, coming residents and awe-inspiring land- nizing Paul, Patti, and Ryan’s achievement storm-surf-beaten beaches; tranquil, sunny scapes are famous throughout New England. and their continued service to journalism in the Truro’s history harks back to November berry-laden hills; deliciously refreshing fresh- public interest. 1620, when the Pilgrims visited the area while water springs; adventuresome paths; and their ship, the Mayflower, was anchored in acres of protected National Seashore land, f what is now Provincetown Harbor. It was here has been home or temporary haven to politi- ADRIAN MURPHY that the Pilgrims found their first fresh water, cians, musicians, puppeteers, pirates, poets, and on Corn Hill, overlooking Cape Cod Bay, and ordinary folks. Its people are hardy and HON. ED PERLMUTTER the voyagers found a cache of seed corn be- resilient. Tradesmen and professionals, artists OF COLORADO longing to the natives which they stole to pro- and writers, bards and photographers, fisher- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vide seed for their own spring crop. Deter- men and farmers, retirees and schoolchildren mining that the land here was unsuitable for all contribute to the unique fabric of the Thursday, April 30, 2009 their purposes, the Pilgrims continued up the Town’s community. Some grew up here; many Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise coast of the Cape to present-day Eastham others have chosen this special place as their today to recognize and applaud Adrian Mur- and then ventured across the Bay to Plimoth. home. phy who has received the Arvada Wheat

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:33 May 01, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K30AP8.001 E30APPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with REMARKS E1022 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 30, 2009 Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. Federal budget, S. Con. Res. 13, passed by Brewer is a 7th grader at Wheat Ridge Middle Adrian Murphy is a 7th grader at Wheat Ridge the U.S. House of Representatives yesterday. School and received this award because her Middle School and received this award be- The size of the deficit in this budget, some determination and hard work have allowed her cause his determination and hard work have $1.7 trillion for one year, is almost beyond to overcome adversities. allowed him to overcome adversities. comprehension. This could be a prescription The dedication demonstrated by Angel The dedication demonstrated by Adrian for future debt disaster for our Nation’s fi- Brewer is exemplary of the type of achieve- Murphy is exemplary of the type of achieve- nances. Even the can go bank- ment that can be attained with hard work and ment that can be attained with hard work and rupt if we continue spending at this rate. perseverance. It is essential that students at perseverance. It is essential that students at In the first 100 days of the new administra- all levels strive to make the most of their edu- all levels strive to make the most of their edu- tion, Congress and the administration have cation and develop a work ethic that will guide cation and develop a work ethic that will guide run up more debt than the entire 8 years of them for the rest of their lives. them for the rest of their lives. the Bush Administration. The spending in the I extend my deepest congratulations once I extend my deepest congratulations once first three months includes a $787 billion so- again to Angel Brewer for winning the Arvada again to Adrian Murphy for winning the Arvada called stimulus, $406 billion Omnibus increas- Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth ing discretionary spending by 10% this year award. I have no doubt she will exhibit the award. I have no doubt he will exhibit the and hundreds of billions in TARP dollars. same dedication she has shown in her aca- same dedication he has shown in his aca- Not only does the 2010 budget represent demic career to her future accomplishments. demic career to his future accomplishments. astronomical deficit spending, it also raises f f taxes by $1.5 trillion (that’s trillion) dollars. At some point soon this deficit spending, A BILL TO IMPROVE PUBLIC PAR- CREDIT CARDHOLDERS’ BILL OF taxation and increased national indebtedness TICIPATION AND OVERALL DECI- RIGHTS ACT OF 2009 will have dramatic and negative consequences SION-MAKING AT THE FEDERAL for our Nation. COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION, SPEECH OF AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES HON. GENE GREEN f OF TEXAS INTRODUCTION OF THE ‘‘PREPARE HON. JOE BARTON IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ALL KIDS ACT’’ OF 2009 OF TEXAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, April 29, 2009 HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY The House in Committee of the Whole Thursday, April 30, 2009 OF NEW YORK House on the State of the Union had under Mr. BARTON of Texas. Madam Speaker, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES consideration of the bill (H.R. 627) to amend today I, along with Mr. STEARNS, introduce leg- the Truth in Lending Act to establish fair Thursday, April 30, 2009 islation designed to reform some of the Fed- and transparent practices relating to the ex- tension of credit under an open end con- Mrs. MALONEY. Madam Speaker, today, I eral Communications Commission’s byzantine sumer credit plan, and for other purposes: am pleased to introduce the ‘‘Prepare All Kids regulatory processes. As the pace of competi- Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. Chair, I Act,’’ which would assist states in providing at tion and technological change increases in our rise today to show my support for H.R. 627, least one year of high quality pre-kindergarten country’s communications markets, sound de- the Credit Cardholder’s Bill of Rights Act of to children. The plan calls for a new federal in- cision-making at the FCC and faith in how it 2009. vestment to be accompanied by matching makes those decisions become all the more For months, we’ve worked to get banks funds from the states. important. Not only are the issues far more lending money again and now, it is essential Introduced in the Senate by my colleague complex, they affect far more Americans and that we level the playing field between card- on the Joint Economic Committee, Sen. American businesses than ever before. The holders and card issuers. CASEY of Pennsylvania, I am happy to be in- bill would do much to improve the quality of Americans are struggling in the midst of our troducing this House companion bill along with the FCC’s decisions and the country’s trust in economic downturn and they deserve tough original cosponsors Reps. SCHWARTZ, FATTAH, the agency. new protections against excessive credit card HINCHEY, and HIRONO. First, the bill would codify the not-so-radical fees, sky-high interest rates, and unfair, in- President Obama has made the expansion notion that the FCC should let the public see comprehensible agreements that credit card of high quality early education programs a proposed rules before it adopts them, and companies revise at will. major pillar of his educational reform agen- should provide everyone with a realistic By enforcing new transparency and ac- da—and for good reason. Decades of re- amount of time to comment. If the FCC ex- countability in this industry, our constituents search and data have proven the enormous pects the American people and the regulated will have a renewed faith in the credit card in- benefits of investing in high quality early child- community to respect its decisions, I don’t dustry, which I believe is an essential step to- hood development and education programs, think it is too much to ask the FCC to show wards our economic recovery and faith in our such as higher high school graduation rates, some respect for them in return. Not only will system. lower need for special education, and lower this improve everyone’s confidence in the I am pleased to be an original co-sponsor of rates of teen pregnancy, criminal activity, and FCC’s decisions, it will improve the decisions this bill because it is imperative to protect con- dependence on public assistance programs. In themselves, both because the agency will be sumers against arbitrary interest rate in- fact, for every $1 invested in high quality early forced to exert more rigor in developing policy, creases, early pre-payment penalties, due education, the nation saves up to $17 due to and because the public and the regulated date gimmicks and excessive fees. lower crime and decreased welfare and other community can often be the source of the best We have focused so much time on helping entitlement spending. ideas. Secrecy breeds both inefficiency and banks, and this bill will help all Americans. Clearly, children are our Nation’s greatest distrust, and the FCC already has enough of I strongly urge my colleagues to support this resource. The ‘‘Prepare All Kids Act’’ is not both. Thus, the bill requires the FCC to pro- bill. only the right thing to do for our children; it’s vide at least 30 days for comments and 30 f a wise investment in our future. days for replies on published language of pro- f posed rules. CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ON Letting the sun shine in and the public have THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR ANGEL BREWER a say on what they see won’t be worth much 2010 unless the commissioners are provided a rea- HON. ED PERLMUTTER sonable amount of time to review the com- SPEECH OF OF COLORADO ments and evaluate any proposed decision HON. JOHN L. MICA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES document. The bill therefore requires at least 30 days after the submission of reply com- OF FLORIDA Thursday, April 30, 2009 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ments, as well as an adequate amount of time Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise for Commission review of a draft document, Wednesday, April 29, 2009 today to recognize and applaud Angel Brewer before the FCC renders a decision. Mr. MICA. Madam Speaker, I want to ex- who has received the Arvada Wheat Ridge Nor is it unreasonable for those waiting on press my concern regarding the $3.5 trillion Service Ambassadors for Youth award. Angel a decision to know when resolution will come,

VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:33 May 01, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K30AP8.004 E30APPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with REMARKS April 30, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1023 whether in their favor or against. In a rapidly Access to Independence, Inc., further reflect- In the course of a long and distinguished evolving market, particularly in difficult eco- ing her strong conviction that people with dis- career, Dr. Levy has given hope to people nomic times, uncertainty itself can be one of abilities have the right to live independently with developmental and learning disabilities the greatest obstacles to investment and busi- and make individual choices. Following the and their families. ness planning. Consequently, the bill requires passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act On behalf of myself and all New Yorkers, I the FCC to set deadlines for action on the var- of 1990, Maureen became the first evaluation thank Dr. Levy for his years of service to peo- ious types of decisions it makes. coordinator in Dane County for the ADA, ple with disabilities and their families and wish And when the Commission adopts a deci- proudly stating, ‘‘Never have people with dis- him a happy and healthy retirement. sion, the text of that decision should march abilities worked so well together to achieve a f quickly into the public realm. The longer it goal.’’ takes for that language to come, the more it In the past few years, Maureen has re- GWANE DALAWI begins to look like the decision was not really searched the aging process in people living made when the FCC said it was, but rather with CP. Using personal insights and focus HON. ED PERLMUTTER ironed out later through last-minute, back- groups comprised of others affected by CP, OF COLORADO room deals. Guilty or not, the FCC is widely she has illuminated much about this often mis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES understood condition, creating valuable infor- suspected of changing its mind between deci- Thursday, April 30, 2009 sion and regulation. Under the bill, the FCC mation for others with the disability. In her re- would have 30 days from adoption of a policy search titled ‘‘One Person’s Journey into Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise to release the actual text of the decision. Aging with Cerebral Palsy,’’ Maureen states, today to recognize and applaud Gwane Dalawi Statistics also are becoming increasingly im- ‘‘This attempt to record my experiences is who has received the Arvada Wheat Ridge portant. The only reason for regulation should being made in the hope that other people with Service Ambassadors for Youth award. be a failure in the marketplace, and the Amer- CP can benefit from knowing something about Gwane Dalawi is a senior at Arvada High ican people deserve more than vague asser- what has happened to me over the last thirty School and received this award because her tions from regulators that a rule is necessary. some years.’’ determination and hard work have allowed her The bill therefore requires the FCC to publish On April 30, Maureen is celebrating her 80th to overcome adversities. a schedule of all its statistical reports, both to birthday by launching the Maureen Arcand Ad- The dedication demonstrated by Gwane ensure that those reports are actually issued vocacy and Leadership Awards to spotlight Dalawi is exemplary of the type of achieve- regularly and so that everyone can know and inspire others who are continuing her ment that can be attained with hard work and when. work. Maureen once told me that her favorite perseverance. It is essential that students at Transparency and good management animal is the giraffe, because it’s always stick- all levels strive to make the most of their edu- should not be partisan issues, and I hope all ing its neck out. In reality, Maureen has spent cation and develop a work ethic that will guide my colleagues will join us in support of this a lifetime sticking her neck out for all of us, them for the rest of their lives. legislation. I look forward to working with especially those without a voice. I extend my deepest congratulations once them, with the industry, with the public interest Today, I therefore commend Maureen again to Gwane Dalawi for winning the Arvada community, and with the FCC to help make Arcand not only for her myriad accomplish- Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth commission decisions as well-crafted and un- ments, but also the many future contributions award. I have no doubt she will exhibit the assailable as possible. to society that she has undoubtedly nurtured same dedication she has shown in her aca- f and inspired. demic career to her future accomplishments. f f HONORING MAUREEN ARCAND IN HONOR OF DR. JOEL M. LEVY’S IN HONOR OF THE SILVER STAR RETIREMENT FROM YAI/NA- FAMILIES OF AMERICA HON. TAMMY BALDWIN TIONAL INSTITUTE FOR PEOPLE OF WISCONSIN WITH DISABILITIES NETWORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. ROY BLUNT OF MISSOURI Thursday, April 30, 2009 HON. JERROLD NADLER IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. BALDWIN. Madam Speaker, I rise OF NEW YORK today to honor Maureen Arcand, a disability IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, April 30, 2009 researcher and advocate, community leader, Thursday, April 30, 2009 Mr. BLUNT. Madam Speaker, I rise today to and mother of six. Celebrating her 80th birth- Mr. NADLER of New York. Madam Speaker, honor the Silver Star Families of America. This day this month, Maureen has fought for posi- I rise today to recognize a truly remarkable organization was founded by two of my con- tive social change and inspired many of her New Yorker, Dr. Joel M. Levy, as he retires stituents, Steven and Diana Newton of Clever, fellow Wisconsinites for years. from the YAI/National Institute for People with Missouri. Maureen was born in 1929 with cerebral Disabilities Network (NIPD). On April 11, 2005, the Silver Star Families palsy (CP). In those days, CP was poorly un- After forty years of dedicated service and of America was founded. Since that time, they derstood and many affected children were leadership on behalf of people with disabilities, have freely given thousands of Silver Star simply institutionalized. Nevertheless, her par- Dr. Levy helped grow YAI/NlPD from a small Service Banners to the wounded and ill or ents raised her through the Great Depression and struggling agency into one of the nation’s their families. Their primary mission is that and World War II with high expectations, em- leading providers of services for people of all every time someone sees a Silver Star Serv- phasizing her abilities. By age 40, Maureen ages with developmental and learning disabil- ice Banner in a window or a Silver Star Flag was working full time, becoming increasingly ities. flying, that people remember the sacrifice involved in her community as an activist for Dr. Levy played a key role in transforming made by so many for this State and Nation. the disabled, and single-handedly caring for the field of disabilities and dramatically improv- They have also established Silver Star Banner her six children. ing the lives of thousands of individuals and Day on May 1st of every year to honor the While many Americans spend their retire- families. wounded and ill of the United States Armed ment relaxing, Maureen has been perhaps Dr. Levy’s inspirational efforts helped create Forces. most active at this point in her life. In her six- innumerable opportunities for those with devel- Steven and Diana Newton, along with na- ties, she served the greater Madison commu- opmental disabilities to experience greater tional president Janie Orman and volunteers nity as an elected member of the Dane Coun- independence, productivity and joy through across the country, have donated close to ty Board of Supervisors, where I was fortunate community living, meaningful employment and 50,000 hours. They have also donated over to serve with her. Beyond her work with the volunteer activities. Furthermore, he has en- $40,000 in Silver Star Banner distribution and Dane County Board, Maureen worked tire- sured that people with disabilities have access $30,000 in direct aid to homeless and near- lessly to improve the lives of those living with to quality physical and mental health care. homeless veterans, care packages, and sup- disabilities. She served as president of Movin’ And because of his commitment, Dr. Levy port of hospitalized veterans and other pro- Out, Inc., leading the Madison organization’s has positioned YAI/NIPD as an internationally grams. efforts to assist people with disabilities in find- acclaimed professional organization renowned To date, they have honored thousands of ing and retaining independent housing. She for its conferences, training materials, re- our wounded and ill with the Silver Star Serv- also lobbied for the Madison based nonprofit, search and publications in this field. ice Banner. I am proud to pay tribute to the

VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:33 May 01, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A30AP8.004 E30APPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with REMARKS E1024 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 30, 2009 Silver Star Families of America, their service consideration of the bill (H.R. 627) to amend Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. to veterans across our nation, and ask my col- the Truth in Lending Act to establish fair Jordan Connell is an 8th grader at Oberon leagues in the House to join me in doing the and transparent practices relating to the ex- Middle School and received this award be- same. tension of credit under an open end con- sumer credit plan, and for other purposes: cause his determination and hard work have f allowed him to overcome adversities. Ms. HIRONO. Mr. Chair, I rise in strong The dedication demonstrated by Jordan HONORING FRESNO RESCUE support of H.R. 627, the Credit Cardholders’ Connell is exemplary of the type of achieve- MISSION Bill of Rights Act. ment that can be attained with hard work and Last year, I was an original cosponsor of a perseverance. It is essential that students at HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH similar bill, which passed overwhelmingly in all levels strive to make the most of their edu- OF CALIFORNIA the House by a bipartisan 312 to 112 majority cation and develop a work ethic that will guide IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (including 84 Republicans). I was disappointed them for the rest of their lives. Thursday, April 30, 2009 that this legislation languished in the Senate. I extend my deepest congratulations once Since last year’s action in the House, many Mr. RADANOVICH, Madam Speaker, I rise again to Jordan Connell for winning the Ar- American families and businesses have been today to congratulate the Fresno Rescue Mis- vada Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for particularly hard hit by the economic crisis, in- sion upon celebrating its 60th anniversary. Youth award. I have no doubt he will exhibit Reverend Clifford Phillips first envisioned cluding those who rely upon credit lines, who, the same dedication he has shown in his aca- the Fresno Rescue Mission with a prayer through no fault of their own, have been sub- demic career to his future accomplishments. jected to predatory lending or abusive credit meeting, the ‘‘Fisherman’s Club’’ and the con- f cerned hearts of many local Christians. The card practices that make it difficult for them to Fresno Rescue Mission opened its doors in end the cycle of costly debt. Hundreds of con- PERSONAL EXPLANATION 1949 as a non-profit, faith-based, evangelical stituents in my district have contacted me to Christian charitable organization with the pur- express support for this critical legislation. HON. GEORGE MILLER In 2008, credit card issuers imposed $19 bil- pose of assisting local alcoholics and transient OF CALIFORNIA lion in penalty fees on families with credit farm laborers. Since the 1950s the Fresno IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cards, and this year card companies will break Rescue Mission has expanded their services Thursday, April 30, 2009 to include assistance to every man, woman, all records for late fees, over-limit charges, child or family that walks through their doors. and other penalties, amounting to more than Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. Madam They stress accountability, responsible living $20.5 billion for the industry. Credit card debt Speaker, on Wednesday, April 29, 2009, I was and decision making for all residents, while in the United States has reached a record unavoidably detained and missed rollcall vote encouraging them with support, training and high—nearly $1 trillion—with almost half of No. 223 on final passage of the Local Law En- prayer. American families carrying a balance aver- forcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act. Had I In 2008, the Fresno Rescue Mission served aging $7,300 in 2007. One-fifth of those car- been present, I would have voted in favor of four hundred and twenty-two children at the rying credit card debt pay an interest rate this important legislation. Craycroft Youth Center, and an additional one above 20 percent. f hundred and fifty-four families with three hun- H.R. 627 prohibits credit card issuers from dred and eighty children. It shelters an aver- raising rates retroactively on existing balances. PERSONAL EXPLANATION age of eighty to one hundred and thirty men The bill also requires a 45-day notice of any every night in the overnight homeless shelter rate increase and prohibits companies from HON. LARRY KISSELL for men. The Mission also averages one hun- charging interest on balances from more than OF NORTH CAROLINA dred and twenty-five men involved with the one billing cycle. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES eighteen month Academy Recovery Program. Members of the House have collaborated Individuals that complete this program become with President Obama to strengthen the bill by Thursday, April 30, 2009 productive, law abiding citizens. The Mission mandating that card issuers apply payments Mr. KISSELL. Madam Speaker, on Tuesday, has been instrumental in changing the lives of beyond the minimum to debts with the highest April 21, 2009, I was unable to vote due to a many individuals by providing life and job skills interest rate, requiring card companies to in- death of a close friend and missed three roll- training, literacy and GED education, computer form customers about the long-term costs of call votes. Had I been present, I would have training and a career development program. paying only the minimum balance, and allow- vote ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 193 to pass H.R. The goal of the Mission is to change one life ing consumers to opt whether or not they want 388, the ‘‘Crane Conservation Act of 2009; at a time and to provide hope and renewal to to go over their credit limit and be charged a ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 194 to pass H.R. 411, the abandoned, abused, neglected and addicted. fee for doing so. ‘‘Great Cats and Rare Canids Act of 2009; The Fresno Rescue Mission has been an in- This legislation codifies Federal Reserve and ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 195 to pass H.R. tegral part of the Fresno community for sixty rules prohibiting unfair or deceptive bank prac- 1219, the ‘‘Lake Hodges Surface Water Im- years; saving the city, county and state mil- tices related to credit card accounts and over- provement and Reclamation Act of 2009.’’ lions of taxpayer dollars. Its influence has draft services and goes further by banning the f spread beyond the City of Fresno and its suc- marketing and issuance of credit cards to mi- cess was instrumental in starting twenty-two nors under the age of 18, banning credit card IN HONOR OF CHIEF MASTER other rescue missions with the belief that peo- companies from imposing unfair and arbitrary SERGEANT PAUL AIREY ple are able to rise above their mistakes to fees when customers pay their bills, and al- make positive changes for themselves. lowing customers to set a lower credit card HON. ALLEN BOYD Madam Speaker, I rise today to commend limit. OF FLORIDA and congratulate the Fresno Rescue Mission The Credit Cardholders’ Bill of Rights will IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on 60 years of community building. I invite my level the playing field between card issuers Thursday, April 30, 2009 colleagues to join me in wishing the Fresno and cardholders. Rescue Mission many years of continued suc- I urge my colleagues to support this meas- Mr. BOYD. Madam Speaker, on March 11, cess. ure. 2009, the Air Force, the Panama City commu- f f nity and indeed our Nation, lost one of the most respected Airmen in the history of the Air CREDIT CARDHOLDERS’ BILL OF JORDAN CONNELL RIGHTS ACT OF 2009 Force—the very first Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force—Paul Wesley Airey. SPEECH OF HON. ED PERLMUTTER Chief Airey was an Airman’s Airman and a HON. MAZIE K. HIRONO OF COLORADO true Air Force pioneer. His legacy is the pro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fessional enlisted force we have serving our OF HAWAII Nation today. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, April 30, 2009 Chief Airey was born in New Bedford, MA, Wednesday, April 29, 2009 Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise on December 13, 1923. He enlisted in the Air The House in Committee of the Whole today to recognize and applaud Jordan force at age eighteen, shortly after the bomb- House on the State of the Union had under Connell who has received the Arvada Wheat ing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:33 May 01, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A30AP8.007 E30APPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with REMARKS April 30, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1025 The first chief master sergeant of the Air academic career to her future accomplish- of our colleagues on bipartisan, bicameral Force was always a leader. During World War ments. basis to see that this bill is enacted. II he flew as a B–24 radio operator and addi- f f tional duty aerial gunner. On his 28th mission, then-Technical Sergeant Airey and his fellow THE ELECTRIC GRID CLIMATE CHANGE SAFEGUARDS crewmen were shot down over Vienna, Aus- FOR NATURAL RESOURCE PRO- tria, captured, and held prisoner by the Ger- HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON TECTION ACT man air force from July 1944 to May 1945. OF MISSISSIPPI During his time as a prisoner of war he IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. RAU´ L M. GRIJALVA worked tirelessly to meet the basic needs of Thursday, April 30, 2009 OF ARIZONA fellow prisoners, even through a 90-day forced IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Madam march. Thursday, April 30, 2009 Chief Airey held the top Air Force enlisted Speaker, I rise to speak in support of legisla- position from April 3, 1967 to July 31, 1969. tion I introduced today with the Ranking Mem- Mr. GRIJALVA. Madam Speaker, today I am During his tenure he worked to change loan ber of the Homeland Security Committee, Mr. introducing the Climate Change Safeguards establishments charging exorbitant rates out- KING, and the Chairman and Ranking Member for Natural Resource Protection Act. I am side the air base gates and to improve low re- of the Subcommittee on Emerging Threats, pleased to be joined in sponsoring this meas- tention during the Vietnam Conflict. Chief Cybersecurity, Science an Technology, Ms. ure by Chairman NICK RAHALL as well as . . . Airey also led a team that laid the foundation CLARKE and Mr. LUNGREN. Madam Speaker, in 1850, the estimated for the enlisted promotion testing system, a The electric grid is highly dependent on number of glaciers in what would become Gla- system that has stood the test of time and computer-based control systems. These sys- cier National Park was 150; today, it is 26. which is still in use today. He also advocated tems are increasingly connected to open net- The Joshua Trees in Joshua Tree National for an Air Force-level Senior Noncommis- works such as the Internet, exposing them to Park are dying. Unless Congress and the Ad- sioned Officer Academy and this vision be- cyber risks. Any failure of our electric grid, ministration work together to combat climate came reality when the academy opened in whether intentional or unintentional, would change on Federal lands, these parks and 1973. have a significant and potentially devastating others like them will need new names. Chief Airey retired August 1, 1970. He con- impact on our Nation. Forests, wildlife refuges, national parks and tinued advocating for Airmen’s rights by serv- For years, my Committee has been con- other federally-owned land and water rep- ing on the boards of numerous Air Force and cerned about this possibility. In 2007, the resent a 650-million-acre front in the battle enlisted professional military organizations Committee learned that the electric industry against global climate change, but many Fed- throughout the years. He was a member of was not mitigating a dangerous control system eral land and water management agencies the Board of Trustees for the Airmen Memorial vulnerability known as ‘‘Aurora.’’ We launched have yet to take up the fight in earnest. Museum, a member of the Air Force Memorial a series of investigations and held two hear- The previous Administration pursued a Foundation and the Air University Foundation. ings to understand what was being done in ‘‘don’t-ask, don’t-tell’’ approach to climate On the north wall of the Air Force Memorial the public and private sectors to mitigate this change; scientific research was undermined in Washington D.C., Chief Airey’s thoughts on and other cyber vulnerabilities. and planning was discouraged through under- Airmen are immortalized, ‘‘When I think of the The findings were disturbing. Most of the funding and censorship. As a result, the gap enlisted force, I see dedication, determination, electric industry had not completed the rec- between what we know about climate change loyalty and valor.’’ ommended mitigations, despite being advised and what we are doing about it has widened. Before he became Chief Master Sergeant of to do so by the Federal Energy Regulatory The legislation we are introducing today is the Air Force, Chief Airey was assigned to the Commission and the North American Electric intended to narrow that gap by providing Fed- Air Defense Command’s Civil Engineering Reliability Corporation. This effectively left eral land, water, and ocean management Squadron at Tyndall Air Force Base, Fla., many utilities vulnerable to attacks. Further- agencies and the States, the tools they need where he was the unit’s first sergeant. Chief more, in spite of existing mandatory cyberse- to protect our fish, wildlife, oceans, plants and Airey and his wife lived in Panama City after curity standards, the North American Electric other resources from the impacts we know are he retired. The Tyndall community will greatly Reliability Corporation (‘‘NERC’’) recently re- coming. miss the chief. An internment ceremony is ported that many utilities are underreporting The bill requires establishment of a Natural scheduled for 9 a.m. on 28 May, 2009 at Ar- their critical cyber assets, potentially to avoid Resources Climate Change Adaptation Panel lington National Cemetery. compliance requirements. made up of Federal agencies responsible for managing our Nation’s natural resources. The f We must ensure that the proper protections, resources and regulatory authorities are in Panel’s mission will be to foster the kind of JORDAN HANNEBAUM place to address any threat aimed at our inter-agency cooperation and planning that is power system. The Critical Electric Infrastruc- both critical in responding to climate change HON. ED PERLMUTTER ture Protection Act will do four things to im- and, so far, sorely lacking. OF COLORADO prove our defensive posture: The Panel will be tasked with developing a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Provides FERC with the authorities nec- comprehensive, national strategy for com- essary to issue emergency orders to owners bating climate change. Once the national strat- Thursday, April 30, 2009 and operators of the electric grid after receiv- egy is in place, each Federal agency with ju- Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise ing a finding from DHS about a credible cyber risdiction over natural resources will be tasked today to recognize and applaud Jordan attack. with translating that broader plan into a cli- Hannebaum who has received the Arvada Requires FERC to establish interim meas- mate change response tailored specifically to Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth ures deemed necessary to protect against their agency’s programs and activities. Fur- award. Jordan Hannebaum is an 8th grader at known cyber threats to critical electric infra- thermore, funding will be authorized to assist Moore Middle School and received this award structure. This will improve existing mandatory states in developing similar state-wide adapta- because her determination and hard work standards. tion plans that lead to concrete on the ground have allowed her to overcome adversities. Requires DHS to perform ongoing cyberse- actions to address the impacts of climate The dedication demonstrated by Jordan curity vulnerability and threat assessments to change on the natural resources they manage. Hannebaum is exemplary of the type of the critical electric infrastructure, and provide In addition, the bill will streamline, centralize achievement that can be attained with hard mitigation recommendations to eliminate those and improve the collection and dissemination work and perseverance. It is essential that stu- vulnerabilities and threats. of climate-related scientific information. This dents at all levels strive to make the most of Requires DHS to conduct an investigation to provision will ensure that Federal climate re- their education and develop a work ethic that determine if the security of Federally-owned search will be better funded, more aggressive will guide them for the rest of their lives. critical electric infrastructure has been com- and more easily available to land managers, I extend my deepest congratulations once promised by outsiders. policy-makers and the public. again to Jordan Hannebaum for winning the I believe that this legislation adopts a com- Finally, the bill will create a centralized data- Arvada Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for mon-sense approach towards securing our base of geographic mapping information de- Youth award. I have no doubt she will exhibit electric grid from cyber attack, and I look for- signed to identify significant wildlife migration the same dedication she has shown in her ward to working with the Senate and the rest corridors. Such corridors must be included in

VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:33 May 01, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A30AP8.012 E30APPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with REMARKS E1026 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 30, 2009 any ecosystem level adaptation planning ef- This provision would provide much needed Benjamin John Matthewson, Northwestern forts. transparency—and hopefully help prevent stu- Preparatory School, Air Force Academy; In developing this legislation, we have been dents from falling too far behind before they William Thomas Stover, Central Catholic privileged to work closely with our colleagues graduate. I hope as this bill makes its way High School, Air Force Academy; on the Energy and Commerce Committee, in- through Congress, our amendment will ulti- Thomas J. Wilkinson, Cedar Park High cluding Chairman WAXMAN and the Dean of mately be incorporated. School, Air Force Academy; the House of Representatives, JOHN DINGELL Mr. Chair, this bill is an opportunity to do Preston Joseph Horejsi, Medina High to include this bill in larger, so-called ‘‘cap and what’s right for American consumers. I will School, Military Academy; trade’’ legislation. We support having this continue to look for ways to provide more Thomas Prioleau Ball, IV, Alamo Heights measure included in the larger package and transparency to these practices—something High School, Merchant Marine Academy. appreciate the support of the Energy and that the American people are desperate for Commerce Committee in this effort. right now. This legislation is the product of multiple With this bill, we are taking a large step to- f oversight hearings and extensive negotiations ward decreasing credit card debt. I urge my INTRODUCTION OF THE LIBERTY in the Natural Resources Committee. A seri- colleagues to keep the debt of college stu- AMENDMENT ous and sustained commitment to fighting cli- dents in mind as this bill moves forward. mate change is a significant priority for the f Members of our Committee and we ask our HON. RON PAUL KORI MCKEOUGH colleagues to join us in this effort. OF TEXAS f HON. ED PERLMUTTER IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CREDIT CARDHOLDERS’ BILL OF OF COLORADO Thursday, April 30, 2009 RIGHTS ACT OF 2009 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. PAUL. Madam Speaker, I am pleased to SPEECH OF Thursday, April 30, 2009 introduce the Liberty Amendment, which re- peals the 16th Amendment, thus paving the Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise HON. PATRICK J. MURPHY way for real change in the way government today to recognize and applaud Kori OF PENNSYLVANIA collects and spends the people’s hard-earned Mckeough who has received the Arvada IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES money. The Liberty Amendment also explicitly Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth Wednesday, April 29, 2009 forbids the Federal government from per- award. Kori Mckeough is a senior at Arvada forming any action not explicitly authorized by The House in Committee of the Whole High School and received this award because the United States Constitution. House on the State of the Union had under his determination and hard work have allowed consideration the bill (H.R. 627) to amend the him to overcome adversities. The 16th Amendment gives the Federal Truth in Lending Act to establish fair and The dedication demonstrated by Kori government a direct claim on the lives of transparent practices relating to the exten- Mckeough is exemplary of the type of achieve- American citizens by enabling Congress to sion of credit under an open end consumer levy a direct income tax on individuals. Until credit plan, and for other purposes: ment that can be attained with hard work and perseverance. It is essential that students at the passage of the 16th amendment, the Su- Mr. PATRICK J. MURPHY of Pennsylvania. preme Court had consistently held that Con- Mr. Chair, I rise in strong support of the Credit all levels strive to make the most of their edu- cation and develop a work ethic that will guide gress had no power to impose an income tax. Cardholders’ Bill of Rights, which will provide Income taxes are responsible for the trans- real relief to Americans who are being hit hard them for the rest of their lives. I extend my deepest congratulations once formation of the Federal government from one by unfair credit card practices. of limited powers into a vast leviathan whose Congresswoman CAROLYN MALONEY has again to Kori Mckeough for winning the Ar- tentacles reach into almost every aspect of been fighting for three years to bring these vada Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for American life. Thanks to the income tax, today predatory practices to light, and I commend Youth award. I have no doubt he will exhibit the Federal government routinely invades our her tireless efforts. the same dedication he has shown in his aca- privacy, and penalizes our every endeavor. Mr. Chair, college students are particularly demic career to his future accomplishments. vulnerable to credit card targeting and mar- f The Founding Fathers realized that ‘‘the keting. As they walk through campus, they power to tax is the power to destroy,’’ which CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 2009 is why they did not give the Federal govern- come across offers ranging from free food to SERVICE ACADEMY APPOINTEES clothing just for filling out a credit card applica- ment the power to impose an income tax. FROM THE 21ST CONGRESSIONAL Needless to say, the Founders would be horri- tion. But after the free gifts, too many students DISTRICT OF TEXAS are left with piles of debt and nowhere to turn. fied to know that Americans today give more For too long, credit card companies have than a third of their income to the Federal gov- had special deals with universities to let them HON. LAMAR SMITH ernment. market to students. Through these deals, OF TEXAS Income taxes not only diminish liberty, they schools receive large cash payments in ex- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES retard economic growth by discouraging work change for handing over students’ personal in- Thursday, April 30, 2009 and production. Our current tax system also forces Americans to waste valuable time and formation and providing access to their cam- Mr. SMITH of Texas. Madam Speaker, money on compliance with an ever-more com- puses. Right now, with their families at home today I want to congratulate the 2009 Service plex tax code. The increased interest in flat- struggling, more students are turning to credit Academy nominees from the 21st Congres- tax and national sales tax proposals, as well cards to fill the gap between their tuition bill sional District who have accepted academy as the increasing number of small businesses and student loans. As a result they are racking appointments: up debts that take years to pay off. A Sallie John Boone Shandera Baker, Salisbury that question the Internal Revenue Service’s Mae study recently reported that college sen- School, Naval Academy; (IRS) ‘‘withholding’’ system provides further iors are graduating from school with an aver- Jordan Bernard Brickman, Clarke High proof that America is tired of the labyrinthine age of more than $4,100 in credit card debt. School, Naval Academy; tax code. Americans are also increasingly fed I strongly support today’s bill, but as it pro- Thomas Logan Chilton, Westwood High up with an IRS that continues to ride rough- gresses I hope to see a provision included to School, Naval Academy; shod over their civil liberties, despite recent bring accountability to the deals credit card John Michel Paquette, Texas A&M Univer- ‘‘pro-taxpayer’’ reforms. companies make with schools. We should re- sity, Naval Academy; Madam Speaker, America survived and quire that companies report the terms and Steven Charles Scott, Texas Military Insti- prospered for 140 years without an income conditions of agreements with schools and call tute, Naval Academy; tax, and with a Federal government that gen- for a GAO report to show the impact these Nicholas Edward Espinoza, MacArthur High erally adhered to strictly constitutional func- agreements have on overall credit card debt. School, Air Force Academy; tions, operating with modest excise revenues. I offered a bipartisan amendment with Con- Brent Tucker Hancock, Leander High The income tax opened the door to the era gressman PETRI from Wisconsin to do just School, Air Force Academy; (and errors) of Big Government. I hope my that, but unfortunately it fell to procedural hur- Cameron Neil Harris, International School of colleagues will help close that door by cospon- dles. the Americas, Air Force Academy; soring the Liberty Amendment.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:33 May 01, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30AP8.014 E30APPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with REMARKS April 30, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1027 PERSONAL EXPLANATION Generation had sadly passed away before build and sustain school feeding programs to they could travel with Honor Flight—an organi- nurture and educate children. HON. THOMAS S.P. PERRIELLO zation that brings World War II veterans to Madam Speaker, as someone who is com- OF VIRGINIA visit the memorial erected in their honor. Five mitted to ending hunger once and for all, I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES American and South Carolina flags were dedi- thank and commend the School Nutrition As- cated in the memory of: Allen C. Hart, James sociation and the Global Child Nutrition Foun- Thursday, April 30, 2009 Adkins, Robert Atkinson, John Lachenmeyer, dation for recognizing April as Global Child Mr. PERRIELLO. Madam Speaker, on April Harold C. Reynolds. Nutrition Month. 2nd, 2009, I voted against H. Con. Res. 85, Our liberty is not guaranteed. It must forever It is my hope that all of us can work to- the Congressional Budget Resolution for Fis- be defended by the courageous men and gether to be a part of the solution as we con- cal Year 2010. Although I was unable to cast women of our military. I am honored to recog- tinue to raise awareness in eradicating hun- my vote on the resolution, I made it clear to nize these brave American heroes. ger. Leadership that I continue to oppose the f budget resolution. While this budget rep- f resents much-needed honesty by including the RECOGNITION OF GLOBAL CHILD cost of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, NUTRITION MONTH CREDIT CARDHOLDERS’ BILL OF and the inevitable cost associated with natural RIGHTS ACT OF 2009 disasters, it does not go far enough to restore HON. JAMES P. McGOVERN fiscal responsibility to our Nation. We are suf- OF MASSACHUSETTS SPEECH OF fering in the wake of eight years of historic fis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cal irresponsibility. But difficult times call for Thursday, April 30, 2009 HON. JOHN D. DINGELL difficult decisions. We cannot climb out of the OF MICHIGAN Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I rise current economic crisis without returning to fis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cal sanity to restore consumer and investor today in recognition of the School Nutrition As- confidence. While this budget resolution took a sociation, (SNA) and the Global Child Nutrition Wednesday, April 29, 2009 Foundation (GCNF). It is my distinct pleasure significant step in the right direction by cutting The House in Committee of the Whole the deficit by more than half in five years, we to share with you how one organization, along with some loose change, can make a dramatic House on the State of the Union had under can and must do better. For this reason, I con- consideration of the bill (H.R. 627) to amend tinue to oppose the budget resolution. difference for those around the globe who are the Truth in Lending Act to establish fair less fortunate. f and transparent practices relating to the ex- April is Global Child Nutrition Month and to tension of credit under an open end con- LEE KAMPEL celebrate, the School Nutrition Association, in sumer credit plan, and for other purposes: conjunction with the Global Child Nutrition Mr. DINGELL. Mr. Chair, I rise today in Foundation is collecting funds to ‘‘Change the HON. ED PERLMUTTER strong support of H.R. 627, the ‘‘Credit Card- World’’. SNA and GCNF encourage school nu- OF COLORADO holders’ Bill of Rights Act of 2009,’’ a bill of trition professionals to take a day, a week, or IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES which I am a proud co-sponsor. My friend and the whole month to partner with students and colleague, Representative CAROLYN MALONEY, Thursday, April 30, 2009 teachers in raising funds to fight global hun- who is the bill’s author, has been a tireless ad- ger. Through the Change Our World cam- Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise vocate for protecting consumers from the paign, the funds raised will be used to support today to recognize and applaud Lee Kampel abuses of the credit card industry. This legisla- GCNF and other local and international hun- who has received the Arvada Wheat Ridge tion will mandate meaningful reform on an in- ger organizations. Hundreds of school districts Service Ambassadors for Youth award. Lee dustry that has been permitted to run wild for nationwide are participating this month. Kampel is an 8th grader at Oberon Middle far too long. School and received this award because his For the second year during Global Child Nu- We hear daily of countless Americans, who determination and hard work have allowed him trition Month, the annual Change Our World are struggling to pay their bills. Compounding to overcome adversities. fundraising campaign continues its mission to this lamentable state of affairs is the fact that The dedication demonstrated by Lee raise awareness about global hunger. Last workers in this country have suffered a decline Kampel is exemplary of the type of achieve- year, Change Our World raised $110,000 for in real wages over the past decade. As a re- ment that can be attained with hard work and GCNF. I am hopeful that this year’s campaign sult of being stretched to their financial break- perseverance. It is essential that students at will exceed last year’s efforts. ing point, many families have had to resort to all levels strive to make the most of their edu- The Global Child Nutrition Foundation was using credit cards to pay for unforeseen costs, cation and develop a work ethic that will guide created in 2006 with the mission of expanding such as car repairs or emergency room bills. them for the rest of their lives. opportunities for the world’s children to receive Far too often, these families are subjected to I extend my deepest congratulations once adequate nutrition for learning and achieving arbitrary rate increases and also forced to pay again to Lee Kampel for winning the Arvada their potential. I visited the GCNF Web site to iniquitous late fees. Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth learn more about its work and was delighted award. I have no doubt he will exhibit the to see how just in a few years’ time, one orga- H.R. 627 will help put an end to these same dedication he has shown in his aca- nization has done so much to make a dif- shameful practices and require credit card demic career to his future accomplishments. ference. I would encourage all of my col- companies to treat consumers fairly. Impor- tantly, this legislation will restrict the practice f leagues to visit the GCNF Web site at www.gcnf.org to learn more about its activities. known as ‘‘universal default,’’ wherein a credit RECOGNIZING HONOR FLIGHT OF Additionally, I am delighted to report that the card company uses information about a card- SOUTH CAROLINA GCNF will hold its 2009 Global Child Nutrition holder’s financial status, such a change in his Forum outside of Cape Town, South Africa, or her credit rating, to raise the cardholder’s HON. JOE WILSON May 5–9, 2009. The Forum marks the begin- interest rate, even if the cardholder has not defaulted on payments or made them late. OF SOUTH CAROLINA ning of a three-year technical assistance cycle Moreover, H.R. 627 will also ban what is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to advance school feeding through sharing problem solving guidance and ongoing com- known as ‘‘double cycle billing,’’ which is the Thursday, April 30, 2009 munication with country leaders from selected collection of interest on amounts already paid Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Madam developing countries. by consumers to credit card companies. Speaker, on April 15, 2009, a delegation of As we speak of these developing countries, In this time of severe recession, I feel it im- World War II veterans, family members, and we are reminded that nearly 300 million of the perative that consumers be afforded fair pro- volunteers from South Carolina, coordinated world’s children are caught in the debilitating tection from unfair credit card industry prac- by Bill Dukes, gathered at the National World cycle of poverty and hunger. According to the tices. I urge my colleagues to vote in favor of War II Memorial in Washington to recognize World Food Programme, 170 million of these this common-sense legislation, which will help the service and sacrifice of our World War II children attend school, but most do not re- stem the tide of unscrupulous and predatory veterans and honor the memory of five vet- ceive meals there. Because a hungry child lending that has brought our nation to an eco- erans. These five members of the Greatest cannot learn, GCNF works to help nations nomic precipice of gargantuan proportions.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:33 May 01, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30AP8.018 E30APPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with REMARKS E1028 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 30, 2009 NGAN NGUYEN grams nationwide; assist the Florida Depart- provides local authorities more effective ment of Transportation to ensure a safe driv- means to prosecute violent acts of hate, not HON. ED PERLMUTTER ing environment on our roadways; and dis- thoughts or speech. In fact, this bill explicitly OF COLORADO tribute tools to both teens and seniors to help includes First Amendment free speech protec- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES them drive safely. These initiatives, along with tions for persons accused of acts of hate. his personal dedication to the issue of road My first vote as a member of the Minnesota Thursday, April 30, 2009 safety, have no doubt saved and will continue House of Representatives was for equal rights Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise to save countless lives in our community. on housing and employment for the gay, les- today to recognize and applaud Ngan Nguyen As a co-chairman of the Congressional Cau- bian, bisexual and transgendered (GLBT) who has received the Arvada Wheat Ridge cus on Global Road Safety, I understand the community. As a Member of Congress, I have Service Ambassadors for Youth award. Ngan impact road crashes have on the global com- now voted for similar federal four times. The Nguyen is a senior at Arvada High School and munity, and while we must continue to work to Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Preven- received this award because her determination establish protocols with nations around the tion Act must become law so that all Ameri- and hard work have allowed her to overcome world to reduce the number of road deaths cans can fully participate in and enjoy the adversities. and injuries globally, we must also set an ex- rights of a democratic society. The dedication demonstrated by Ngan ample here in the United States by passing I urge my colleagues to support this legisla- Nguyen is exemplary of the type of achieve- laws to ensure safety belts, which have been tion. ment that can be attained with hard work and credited with saving countless lives since they f perseverance. It is essential that students at were made standard in U.S. automobiles in all levels strive to make the most of their edu- 1968, are being used by all who get behind RESTORING THE PARTNERSHIP cation and develop a work ethic that will guide the wheel, especially our children. FOR COUNTY HEALTH CARE COSTS them for the rest of their lives. I want to once again congratulate the Flor- I extend my deepest congratulations once ida Legislature for passing this bill, and I look HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS again to Ngan Nguyen for winning the Arvada forward to Governor Charlie Crist’s signing this OF FLORIDA Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth into law in the near future. I also want to once IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES award. I have no doubt she will exhibit the again extend my appreciation for Irv Thursday, April 30, 2009 same dedication she has shown in her aca- Slosberg’s efforts, both while he served in the demic career to her future accomplishments. Florida Legislature and as a member of the Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Madam Speaker, f South Florida community, to ensure our loved I rise today to introduce a bill to address two ones remain safe on the roads. matters that are critically important to the fu- DORI SLOSBERG AND KATIE ture of this country: health care and the health f MARCHETTI SAFETY BELT LAW of our local economies. LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT HATE In almost all states, an inmate in a county HON. ROBERT WEXLER CRIMES PREVENTION ACT OF 2009 jail or juvenile detention facility loses their OF FLORIDA Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP or SSI benefits SPEECH OF IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES during their incarceration—even if they have not been convicted of a crime. The United Thursday, April 30, 2009 HON. BETTY McCOLLUM OF MINNESOTA States leads the world in the number of peo- Mr. WEXLER. Madam Speaker, I would like IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ple who are incarcerated and federal law re- to take a moment to recognize the Florida quires government entities to provide medical Legislature for passing the Dori Slosberg and Wednesday, April 29, 2009 services to all inmates. High incarceration Katie Marchetti Safety Belt Law yesterday, a Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, I rise in rates, chronic conditions, substance abuse law giving police the power to stop motorists strong support of the Local Law Enforcement treatment, mental illness, and aging prison for not wearing seat belts. I believe this law is Hate Crimes Prevention Act (H.R. 1913). This populations have contributed to the rise in a great step forward in the effort to reduce the bill makes a profound statement that this health care costs for inmates. numbers of tragic deaths and injuries through- country will not tolerate violence motivated by Madam Speaker, providing health care for out Florida and should serve as an example bigotry and ignorance against its citizens. I inmates constitutes a major portion of local jail for other state governments to follow in ensur- commend Chairman CONYERS for bringing this operating costs. Nearly two thirds of all jail in- ing all Americans are safer on our roads. legislation to the floor. mates are awaiting court action or have not This measure was long championed by Irv The message of this bill is clear: the United been convicted of the crime they have been Slosberg, a former state representative from States will not tolerate hate crimes. These charged with. Over half of jail inmates who re- Boca Raton whose 14-year-old daughter, Dori, crimes are unlike other violent acts of random- ceive financial support from government agen- was killed in a 1996 car crash on Palmetto ness. Targeting people because of their race, cies prior to their arrest have physical and/or Park Road. This accident claimed the lives of religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender or mental health problems. Requiring county gov- five teens and left four others, including Dori’s disability is a form of domestic terrorism. Such ernments to cover health care costs for in- twin sister, with serious injuries. It is unfortu- violent crimes send a chilling message to en- mates who have not been convicted. This nate that such a tragedy needed to occur for tire communities that they are not welcome places an unnecessary burden on local gov- people in our community to take notice of the and that intolerance and ignorance is alive ernments, which have been negatively im- need to amend the law to ensure people are and well. pacted by recession, widespread budget defi- wearing their seat belts, but Irv Slosberg de- Since 1991, the FBI has received more than cits, and cuts to safety-net programs and other serves a tremendous amount of praise for his 118,000 reports of hate crimes and we know essential services. dedication to ensuring other families do not that crimes of this nature are frequently under- Stripping inmates of Medicare, Medicaid, suffer from such a tragedy. reported. Current federal law covers crimes SCHIP and SSI benefits also violates the pre- Along with his efforts in the Florida State committed based on a person’s race, color, re- sumption of innocence which is at the heart of House to introduce this bill, Irv Slosberg also ligion, or national origin. H.R. 1913 extends our criminal justice system. The failure to dis- introduced the Dori Slosberg Driver Education federal protection to include hate crimes com- tinguish between persons who are awaiting Safety Act, which became law in Florida in mitted because of a person’s gender, sexual disposition of charges and persons who have 2002 and allows Florida counties to fund driv- orientation, gender identity, or disability. This been duly convicted goes against the er education programs by adding a surcharge bill allows the federal government to provide foundational tenets of our justice system. to traffic tickets. In addition, recognizing that needed federal resources to state and local Disadvantaged populations are further teen traffic crashes are the number one cause law enforcement officials to prosecute hate harmed by this situation. Low-income and mi- of death in Florida, Irv Slosberg also founded crimes and also authorizes grants to law en- nority populations are often unable to post the Dori Slosberg Foundation, with a mission forcement agencies that have incurred ex- bond, which would allow them to continue to statement to educate the public about the im- penses investigating and prosecuting hate receive benefits from the federal government. portance of traffic safety; promote the usage crime cases. The facts are clear and all too familiar. Black of safe driving habits, especially seat belt Some opponents of H.R. 1913 have sug- men are three times more likely than His- compliance and proper child restraint devices; gested that this bill legislates against thoughts panics and five times more likely than whites support and advance driver’s education pro- and ideas. This is absolutely false. H.R. 1913 to be in jail. Black women are more than twice

VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:33 May 01, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K30AP8.011 E30APPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with REMARKS April 30, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1029 as likely as Hispanic females and over 3.5 cap-and-trade legislation, will provide the pol- to large-scale species extinctions. These im- times more likely than white females to have icy response necessary to tackle this signifi- pacts add to and compound the adverse ef- been incarcerated. cant challenge. fects wildlife and its habitat already suffer from Madam Speaker, this issue hits close to I am very much aware of the need to take land development, energy development, road home. Florida’s local economy has been dev- action to address global warming, and I have construction, and other human activities, and astated. Further, Florida has one of the high- held hearings in the Interior Subcommittee to from other threats such as invasive species est levels of uninsured persons in the nation, examine the impact of climate change on and disease. and the majority of these people reside in many of the agencies and resources under my According to the IPCC, global warming and South Florida. Passage of this bill will rectify subcommittee’s jurisdiction. I have consistently associated sea level rise will continue for cen- this inequality by restoring the partnership be- stated my belief that climate change is the turies due to the timescales associated with tween federal and local governments. emerging issue of our time. Climate change climate processes and feedbacks, even if The bipartisan Restoring the Partnership for may alter the face of our planet in ways we greenhouse gas concentrations are stabilized County Health Care Costs Act of 2009 en- cannot yet fully comprehend, and I believe it now or in the very near future. I believe that, sures that the federal and local governments is our responsibility not only to do as much as as a nation, we must craft responses and share in these health care costs, and that no possible to halt or slow it, but also to do ev- mechanisms now to help navigate the threats side is unnecessarily burdened with financing erything in our power to protect the earth’s re- global warming poses to the natural resources medical services. sources from its impacts so that future genera- that we all depend upon for survival. I urge you to join Representative BURGESS, tions will be able to benefit from them as we To conserve natural resources and wildlife Representative HOLT and myself in supporting and past generations have done. in the face of the far-reaching effects of global a bill that is designed to provide relief to local Our Nation’s wildlife is one critically impor- warming, there is a need for a coordinated, county budgets and defend those values tant resource that is particularly vulnerable to national strategy based on sound scientific in- which are at the core of our nation’s criminal climate change and is also a resource that is formation to ensure that impacts on wildlife justice system. a fundamental part of America’s history and that span government jurisdictions are effec- f character. Conservation of wildlife and wildlife tively addressed and to ensure that Federal habitat is a core value shared by all Ameri- funds are prudently committed. Ensuring stra- RAE LANIEL cans. tegic and efficient allocation of funding is America’s wildlife is vital to our Nation for something of particular interest to me as an HON. ED PERLMUTTER many reasons. Wildlife conservation provides appropriator. OF COLORADO economic, social, educational, recreational, Because of these needs, I have co-spon- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES emotional, and spiritual benefits. The eco- sored the ‘‘Climate Change Safeguards for nomic value of the outdoor recreation industry Natural Resources Conservation Act.’’ This Thursday, April 30, 2009 alone is estimated to contribute $730 billion legislation has been developed by the Natural Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise annually to the U.S. economy. Wildlife habitat, Resources Committee and lays out the strong today to recognize and applaud Rae Laniel including forests, grasslands, riparian lands, policy framework necessary to ensure our Na- who has received the Arvada Wheat Ridge wetlands, rivers and other water bodies, is an tion is using all possible means to help safe- Service Ambassadors for Youth award. Rae essential component of the American land- guard America’s natural resources and wildlife Laniel is a 7th grader at Drake Middle School scape, and is protected and valued by Fed- from the harmful impacts of global warming. and received this award because her deter- eral, State, and local governments, tribes, pri- I have also acted in my capacity on the mination and hard work have allowed her to vate landowners, and conservation organiza- House Appropriations Committee to support overcome adversities. tions. actions address the climate change impacts in The dedication demonstrated by Rae Laniel Ocean acidification is a subject not often the near term. In 2007, I worked to establish is exemplary of the type of achievement that discussed but which poses a grave threat to the Global Warming and Wildlife Science cen- can be attained with hard work and persever- our waterways and ultimately to our food ter at the U.S. Geological Survey to enhance ance. It is essential that students at all levels chain. The oceans absorb approximately 30 the science capacity of Federal land manage- strive to make the most of their education and percent of the carbon dioxide (CO2) released ment and wildlife agencies. In addition, the re- develop a work ethic that will guide them for into the atmosphere and they have played an cent FY09 omnibus appropriations provided di- the rest of their lives. important role in reducing the greenhouse gas rection from my Subcommittee to the Depart- I extend my deepest congratulations once levels in the atmosphere and mitigating some ment of the Interior to develop a national strat- again to Rae Laniel for winning the Arvada of the impacts of climate change. However, re- egy to address global warming’s impacts on Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth cent discoveries clearly indicate that marine fish, wildlife, and natural resources. Last Con- award. I have no doubt she will exhibit the fish and wildlife are highly susceptible to in- gress, I also introduced ‘‘The Global Warming same dedication she has shown in her aca- creases in CO2 and the impact it has on water Wildlife Survival Act’’ whose central principles demic career to her future accomplishments. quality. Higher acidity affects the ability of ma- are represented in the Natural Resources f rine life such as shellfish, lobsters and corals Committee bill that I am proud to cosponsor to build their skeletons and shells. Many of the today. CLIMATE CHANGE SAFEGUARDS affected organisms are important sources in This bill will help ensure that the pressing FOR NATURAL RESOURCES CON- the food chain for fish and other higher marine needs that are faced by the agencies and pro- SERVATION ACT organisms. Fishing and related industries play grams under the Interior and Environment ap- a tremendous role in Washington State’s propriations subcommittee to help wildlife and HON. NORMAN D. DICKS economy, as well as other coastal commu- wildlife habitat are addressed strategically, OF WASHINGTON nities. based on a foundation of sound scientific in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Unfortunately, it is becoming increasingly formation, and that funding is driven through apparent that the effect of climate change on proven programs at the Federal, State and Thursday, April 30, 2009 wildlife will be profound. The Intergovern- tribal levels in the most efficient way possible. Mr. DICKS. Madam Speaker, as the chair- mental Panel on Climate Change reports have I also have one additional but very signifi- man of the Interior Appropriations Sub- made clear that global warming is occurring, cant point to make about funding to address committee and someone who is very con- that it is exacerbated by human activity, and impacts to natural resources and wildlife from cerned about the need to safeguard wildlife that it will have devastating impacts on wildlife global warming. It is essential that actions to and ecosystems from the threat of global and wildlife habitat. safeguard wildlife and the natural resources warming and ocean acidification, I wish to ex- Global warming is already impacting all of will all depend upon dedicated funding. Ade- press my strong support for the ‘‘Climate us: threatening the water we drink, the air we quately addressing the greatest conservation Change Safeguards for Natural Resources breathe, the medicines we use, the food we challenge of our time will require long-term in- Conservation Act,’’ legislation introduced today eat, the forests and fisheries we depend on, vestments of the magnitude that only the rev- by Representative RAU´ L GRIJALVA. I believe the special places we take our children. Wild- enue stream created by comprehensive cli- that the policy provisions in this legislation, life is already suffering from massive changes mate and energy legislation can provide. I am coupled with a dedicated funding stream for in habitat, particularly in the arctic, and shifts working to ensure that 5 percent of the allow- wildlife and natural resources derived from a in ranges and timing of migration and breeding ance value created by this legislation is dedi- portion of the Federal revenues from expected cycles. Continued global warming could lead cated to protect natural resources from global

VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:33 May 01, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A30AP8.024 E30APPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with REMARKS E1030 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 30, 2009 warming. As I have indicated, the impacts are matics, music, literature, economics, art his- Consumers desperately need legislation that occurring today and the need is urgent. Pay- tory and social sciences. To be successful, will protect them from arbitrary interest rate ing for these investments through climate rev- each team must include students who have hikes, over-limit fees, and other unfair charges enues takes the burden of protecting these re- mastery in each of these subject areas. so they can protect their hard-earned money. sources off taxpaying citizens and onto the It was a great source of pride for all South- Many consumers are unaware that they are polluting entities responsible for causing global ern Arizonans when the Canyon Del Oro High being charged penalty pricing on their cards, warming pollution. School Academic Decathlon Team defeated and credit card issuers routinely fail to explic- The Interior and Environment their closest competitor by 3,000 points in the itly notify lenders when invoking penalty pric- Apppropriations Subcommittee allocation is state competition. This victory paved their way ing and repricing accounts when payments are woefully stressed just dealing with the current to Memphis, Tennessee and their prestigious made even one day late. needs of the agencies and programs under its fourth place finish nationally. Consumers deserve better than due date jurisdiction. Our Federal land management Students on the team also won individual gimmicks, and misleading terms. We must en- agencies have tremendous backlogs for oper- awards. Taylor Cleland finished with the sure that consumers not only know when they ations and maintenance of our national wildlife bronze medal in art, the bronze in math and are being charged penalty pricing, but are no- refuges, parks, forests and other public lands. the silver in social science. Melinda Fraser fin- tified before they are charged, so that they This situation was greatly exacerbated under ished with the silver in art. Benjamin Ferell fin- can make responsible financial decisions. the Bush Administration budgets and prior ished with the top score on the team and was Consumers should be financially empow- Congresses. Hundreds of important biologist awarded the bronze in art, the bronze in lit- ered, not defenseless against the whims of positions have been cut, and the agencies’ erature, the gold in math and the bronze in ten credit card issuers. This bill works to do that budgets are far below what they have needed events. Jordan Kurker-Mraz finished with the by halting these unfair fee practices and allow- just to keep up with inflation. These programs gold in art, the gold in essay, the silver in so- ing individuals to set their own credit limits, so have been starved to the point where they are cial science, the silver in the super quiz, and they don’t unwittingly accumulate debt they on life support. It became apparent in hearings the bronze in ten events. Rush Moore finished can’t possibly get out of. It also protects those the subcommittee has held on global warming with the silver in social science, and Jennifer who do make their payments on time, pre- that the land management agencies are al- Wendel finished with the gold medal in inter- venting them from being charged interest on ready seeing the results of climate change on view. Additionally, Benjamin Ferell received debts paid during the grace period. the ground, but that they have few, if any, re- $1,000 in scholarships and Jordan Kurker- Consumers are being hit on all sides, with sources to deal with these changes. With the Mraz received $3,000 in scholarships. unfair credit card fees, overdraft banking fees effects of global warming only expected to in- I commend the Canyon Del Oro High and rising costs of goods and services. We crease in severity in the coming years, I be- School Academic Decathlon Team for their must work immediately to protect consumers lieve it is crucial to infuse dedicated new fund- outstanding accomplishments. Their journey to as financial institutions look to them to make ing into our efforts to address this crisis, and these academic heights has brought local, up money lost in the economic downturn. My I will work to make this happen. state and national recognition to each of them only concern is that these changes must be This is a great Nation with a unique and ir- and their school. Their achievements are an implemented immediately. Few of our constitu- replaceable natural heritage. We must take inspiration to us all. ents can wait out the year’s implementation steps now to protect our wonderful wildlife f time period in the bill. I strongly urge institu- from the ravages of climate change. In this re- tions that can, to do the right thing and imple- gard, I am pleased to be a cosponsor of the CREDIT CARDHOLDERS’ BILL OF ment these changes as soon as possible. ‘‘Climate Change Safeguards for Natural Re- RIGHTS ACT OF 2009 I will continue to work hard on my legislation sources Conservation Act.’’ to bring financial relief to millions of Americans SPEECH OF f through bank abuse protections, and other ef- HON. KENDRICK B. MEEK forts Chairwoman Maloney makes to protect RECOGNIZING THE CANYON DEL consumers and small businesses from unfair ORO HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMIC OF FLORIDA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lending. DECATHLON TEAM Although I believe this bill does not go far Wednesday, April 29, 2009 enough, fast enough to protect consumers, the HON. GABRIELLE GIFFORDS The House in Committee of the Whole Credit Cardholders’ Bill of Rights Act of 2009 OF ARIZONA House on the State of the Union had under is an important step in the right direction and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES consideration of the bill (H.R. 627) to amend I urge its passage. the Truth in Lending Act to establish fair f Thursday, April 30, 2009 and transparent practices relating to the ex- Ms. GIFFORDS. Madam Speaker, I rise tension of credit under an open end con- RIKKI DICKINSON today to recognize the Canyon Del Oro High sumer credit plan, and for other purposes: School Academic Decathlon Team who re- Mr. MEEK of Florida. Mr. Chair, I rise today HON. ED PERLMUTTER cently won first place in the Arizona state in support of H.R. 627, the Credit Cardholders’ OF COLORADO competition and placed fourth in the United Bill of Rights Act of 2009, but am frustrated by IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES States Academic Decathlon. the delay in implementation that the bill allows. These smart, industrious young men and This legislation works to protect consumers Thursday, April 30, 2009 women have set a wonderful example for from unfair credit lending practices, helping to Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise every public school student in our country. restore the much needed balance between today to recognize and applaud Rikki Dickin- Their achievements remind us that excellence consumers and credit lenders, but fails to do son who has received the Arvada Wheat is the direct result of determination, hard work so quickly. I support my colleagues in the Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. and clearly defined goals. The nine-member Senate and the speedy effective date which Rikki Dickinson is an 8th grader at St. Peter team includes: Taylor Cleland, Marie Clymer, their companion bill contains. and Paul School and received this award be- Benjamin Ferell, Melinda Fraser, Jordan In these tough economic times, more indi- cause her determination and hard work have Kurker-Mraz, Rush Moore, Dylan Ousley, viduals and businesses are turning to credit allowed her to overcome adversities. Danielle ‘‘Ellie’’ Strasser, and Jennifer Wendel. cards to pay for basic necessities than ever The dedication demonstrated by Rikki Dick- Guiding these talented young people was before. In the U.S. credit card debt has inson is exemplary of the type of achievement their able coach and teacher, Mr. Chris reached nearly $1 trillion, with the average that can be attained with hard work and perse- Yetman. American’s credit card debt reaching nearly verance. It is essential that students at all lev- Before traveling to Memphis, Tennessee for $10,000 in 2007. els strive to make the most of their education the national competition, the Canyon Del Oro While Americans are struggling to make and develop a work ethic that will guide them High School Academic Decathlon Team par- ends meet and making decisions about which for the rest of their lives. ticipated in the state competition in Phoenix. bills to pay and which medications and other I extend my deepest congratulations once There, they took written exams, gave prepared necessities they can go without, credit card again to Rikki Dickinson for winning the Ar- and impromptu speeches and were inter- issuers are making record profits; over $19 bil- vada Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for viewed on a diverse range of subjects. They lion in late fees, over-limit charges and other Youth award. I have no doubt she will exhibit were tested on their knowledge of mathe- penalties. the same dedication she has shown in her

VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:33 May 01, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A30AP8.025 E30APPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with REMARKS April 30, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1031 academic career to her future accomplish- her successful poetic, publishing and writing Their 1872 Equal Rights Party did not make ments. ventures, Ms. Russell gives back to her com- it to the top f munity in various other fashions. Formerly, But the ink was spilled and all felt the inevi- Ms. Russell held the presidency of the first po- table pull HONORING THE LIFE OF MATTHEW etry ministry with the Holy Unity Baptist softly—‘‘It’s been a long time coming’’ SCHNIREL Church located in Queens, NY. In keeping And the people sang, ‘‘Run Jesse run, keep with that trend, Ms. Russell is currently minis- hope alive, HON. BRIAN HIGGINS tering poetry at the Living Water Church in Don’t let Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. have OF NEW YORK Harlem, NY. Writing and orating for special died in vain!’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES events, Ms. Russell lends her strong, poetic There are spiritually, mentally, and phys- ically scarred folks Thursday, April 30, 2009 voice to her community. In addition, Ms. Rus- sell is also a member of the Music & Fine Arts Who don’t believe this country can look upon them without disdain Mr. HIGGINS. Madam Speaker, I rise today Ministry where she writes and sings songs for to honor the life of Matthew Schnirel, a lifelong the choir. Further, Ms. Russell also writes po- softly—‘‘It’s been a long time coming’’ member of the Buffalo, NY community. He etry for important community events, such as America watched a people stand tall against died tragically when the single engine plane weddings and anniversaries. Ms. Russell’s re- oppression he was riding in crashed just east of Cleve- cent work commemorating the Presidency of Strong men holding signs reminding doubt- land, OH the afternoon of April 28, 2009. Barack Obama and the African American ers ‘‘I am a man’’ Schnirel was helping Michael Doran, his asso- struggle for civil rights and equality has been Then time convinced some that this was not the case ciate at the Doran and Murphy Law firm and well received and further exemplifies her con- pilot of the plane, with his ongoing fight for the Until a new sign was held up that insisted, tinued efforts at serving her community in ‘‘Yes we can!’’ railroad workers of Ohio. The two were on lending her important voice to contemporary So as I rose up from my dream and allowed their way back to Buffalo. issues. Making Matthew’s death all the more heart- Our country, built on the premises of equal- reality to sink in rending was the fact that the 26 year old was I saw a man of African, and white American ity, freedom of speech, and a vocal citizenry, descent just starting his life and career. He returned needs talented individuals like Ms. Russell in Representing all people of America as a spir- from earning an undergraduate degree in his- order to fulfill these founding principles. In ad- itual, patriot tory at the University at Albany to graduate dition, the arts, in general, play a vital role in On the values and principles that this coun- from the University at Buffalo Law School in our society, enriching our communities and in- try was meant 2008. Matthew passed the Bar Exam in Janu- spiring our youth to confront their future cir- softly—‘‘It’s been a long time coming’’ cumstances in creative and innovation ways. ary 2009 when he began work as an attorney And I cried as I remembered the ghosts of at Doran & Murphy. He and his longtime For her efforts in both vocalizing the experi- my dream girlfriend, Lauren, recently purchased a home ences of her community and county and in Those who believed and had faith that in a Buffalo suburb, where he is missed by stimulating the arts, I am thankful to Ms. Rus- change would occur parents, brother and two sisters. sell. Those ghosts spanned the ages of time before Matthew’s parents, a salesman and an The work of Ms. Russell is inspiring, and I Christ emergency room nurse, taught him the values am grateful to her for all that she has accom- And had more to do with prejudices and fear of hard work and helping others and he hoped plished. I ask my colleagues to join me in ex- than mere color to put those values to use as a civil litigator to pressing the gratitude of the U.S. Congress for softly—‘‘It’s been a long time coming’’ help those injured or wronged by the careless- her contributions to society. The following is the aforementioned poem Now let us pray that God lights and directs ness of others. An avid competitor in nation- the path authored by Ms. Russell entitled ‘‘Inauguration wide trial competitions Schnirel was described Of the one whom we the people chose to lead Poem for President Barack Obama’’: as a ‘‘superstar in the making’’ by Christopher us INAUGURATION POEM FOR PRESIDENT BARACK Murphy, a partner at the law firm where he Let us pray that the ghosts of the past will OBAMA always remind him worked. His life and spirit will be remembered I laid my head down and sleep stole my by his family and friends for his hard work And that Jesus will strengthen his resolve thoughts and his purpose ethic and contribution to his community. And I drifted like a disembodied soul Madam Speaker, I offer my deepest condo- softly—‘‘And I knew change was gonna I began to see figures moving slowly in my come’’ haze lences to Matthew’s family, his girlfriend, And it did, yes it did And I heard a familiar refrain remind me of Lauren, and all those whose lives he touched. God bless you and keep you President my role Our community grieves the loss of this young Barack Obama! softly—‘‘It’s been a long time coming’’ and promising life. —Sonia ‘‘LeRoia’’ Russell. f So many before me who paved the way to today f HONORING SONIA LEROIA Many lives who unknowingly touched mine RUSSELL So many died before their work saw fruition INTRODUCTION OF THE ‘‘AFGHAN Many who stood on that freedom, faith, line WOMEN EMPOWERMENT ACT OF HON. CAROLYN McCARTHY softly—‘‘And I know change is gonna come’’ 2009’’ OF NEW YORK ‘‘Not in vain,’’ I hear them shouting, ‘‘hold IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on fast.’’ Thursday, April 30, 2009 ‘‘It’s not for skin that we are striving, but for equal eyes, HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY Mrs. MCCARTHY of New York. Madam Equal tongue, equal ears, equal image, equal OF NEW YORK Speaker, I rise in honor of Sonia LeRoia Rus- time!’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sell for her contributions to both society and Now there’s no more lamenting that we can’t the arts. Through her poetry, Ms. Russell has rise Thursday, April 30, 2009 impacted the lives of many, both locally in softly—‘‘There’s been times that I thought I New York and throughout our nation. Her re- couldn’t last for long’’ Mrs. MALONEY. Madam Speaker, today, cent work commemorating the election of I watched with suspicion many take up the along with Representative TAMMY BALDWIN (D– President Obama has been widely cited and cause WI), I am reintroducing the ‘‘Afghan Women read. For these reasons and many others, I As we were beaten down, lifted up, then given our cross Empowerment Act of 2009.’’ This legislation believe that Ms. Russell is deserving of rec- I watched behind the fine lines of others sac- would authorize $115 million each year from ognition. rifice FY2010 through FY2012 for programs in Af- An esteemed author, poet and publisher, As we were being defined by the way we han- ghanistan that benefit women and girls as well Ms. Russell has enriched the community with- dled loss in which she lives through her sustained con- as the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights softly—‘‘But now I think I’m able to carry Commission and the Afghan Ministry of Wom- tributions to society. Through these numerous on.’’ en’s Affairs. The funding would be directed to- contributions, Ms. Russell is proud to both rep- Frederick Douglass was the first black man resent and actively participate in the large, in- to aspire ward important needs including medical care, fluential and diverse African American commu- He was on the ticket as vice President to education, vocational training, legal assist- nity in New York and beyond. In addition to Victoria Woodhull ance, protection against trafficking, and civil

VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:33 May 01, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K30AP8.013 E30APPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with REMARKS E1032 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 30, 2009

participation. Senator BOXER has introduced able work that businesses and individual people, as they began their hopeful journey to similar legislation, S. 229, in the Senate. Americans should strive for, and I congratulate America. Thirty-four years later, I rise to honor Although women are guaranteed equal them on their new classification as a leader in the memory and the sacrifice of the hundreds rights in the Afghan constitution, they continue energy-efficient technologies. of thousands of South Vietnamese soldiers, to face challenges including intimidation, dis- f American soldiers and civilians who lost their crimination, targeted violence, and efforts to lives during this time. restrict their legal rights. In March the par- HONORING AND CELEBRATING THE After the fall of Saigon, thousands of Viet- liament of Afghanistan approved the Shi’ite LIFE OF MICHAEL H. DORAN namese began a treacherous exodus out of Personal Status Law which was signed by Vietnam, determined to rebuild their lives. President Karzai. According to the United Na- HON. BRIAN HIGGINS Their daring escape was by boat and on foot, tions, one provision of the law would have the OF NEW YORK through thick jungles, over jagged mountains, effect of legalizing marital rape by mandating IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES through snake-infested rivers and across tur- that a wife cannot refuse sex to her husband bulent seas. They became refugees in many Thursday, April 30, 2009 unless she is ill. In addition, the law would for- nations, including America, with nothing more bid women from working or receiving edu- Mr. HIGGINS. Madam Speaker, I rise today than the clothes on their backs and the hope cation without their husbands’ permission; re- to honor an outstanding citizen of Buffalo and for freedom in their hearts. strict their ability to leave the house without a Western New York and a dear friend who will Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join male relative; and aims to strip women of their be deeply missed, Michael H. Doran. Mike me in honor and remembrance of the hun- rights as mothers by granting child custody Doran, a well-known attorney in Buffalo and dreds of thousands of men and women who only to men. President Karzai has ordered that the devoted father of two children, was trag- struggled for peace and freedom. I also rise in the law be reviewed, and has said that ically killed in a plane accident on Tuesday, honor of local agencies and churches such as changes will be made to any articles which April 30, 2009. This is a devastating loss to The Vietnamese Community of Greater Cleve- contradict Afghanistan’s Constitution and Is- his family and friends, and to our community. land and the St. Helena Catholic Church, lamic Sharia. I believe that the United States A Buffalo native and alum of the University which offer havens of support, services and has an obligation to ensure that women and at Buffalo and the University of Buffalo School hope to immigrants from all over the world. girls have the opportunities that they were de- of Law, Mike would have celebrated his fifteen The Vietnamese culture, through the care and nied under the Taliban. It is imperative that we year anniversary with his law practice, Doran commitment of its people, has flourished in provide the support needed to ensure that the & Murphy, with his law partner, Christopher Cleveland and across America, while remain- rights of women are protected in the new Af- Murphy, this Saturday. Mike was on his way ing connected to its ancient cultural and histor- ghanistan. home from working on a case in Cleveland to ical traditions. f attend his daughter’s school function when his f single-engine plane crashed. Those who wit- PUGET SOUND ENERGY nessed the crash say Mike steered the failing JACKSON CAMERON OTTO MAKES plane away from a nearby neighborhood and HIS MARK ON THE WORLD HON. DAVID G. REICHERT are calling him a hero. OF WASHINGTON For over 25 years, Mike has represented HON. BOB ETHERIDGE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES those afflicted with serious injury and occupa- OF NORTH CAROLINA tional disease, as well as wrongful death IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, April 30, 2009 cases. He was most recently working with Thursday, April 30, 2009 Mr. REICHERT. Madam Speaker, I rise Roswell Park Cancer Institute in promoting a Mr. ETHERIDGE. Madam Speaker, I rise today in recognition of the wonderful work program designed to help detect lung cancer today to congratulate my daughter Catherine being done by Puget Sound Energy. Located in high risk patients. The early detection pro- and her husband Tim Otto on the birth of their in Bellevue, Washington, they continue to re- gram was proven effective in prolonging life third child and my sixth grandchild, Jackson duce greenhouse gas emissions and promote and curing lung cancers. Cameron Otto. Jackson was born on Sunday, energy efficiency through investment and Mike was deeply loved by his family, friends April 26, 2009, at 2:42 a.m. and weighed 7 smart ideas. I’m proud to represent this com- and the community. He was very involved in pounds and 14 ounces, and was 21.25 inches pany in Congress. numerous organizations including the board of long. My wife Faye and I are delighted to wel- In late March, the Environmental Protection directors of the Western New York Leukemia come Jackson as he joins our five other Agency, EPA, named Puget Sound Energy Society, the University of Buffalo Center for grandchildren, William, Virginia, Cameron, one of 89 ‘‘Energy Star’’ organizations across Children and Families, and was an active vol- Walker, and Andrew. Faye and I wish Cath- the country. Through its Residential New Con- unteer with the University of Buffalo Law erine and Tim and big brothers William and struction ‘‘Energy Star’’ Lighting Program, School Alumni Association. Michael was an Andrew great happiness upon this new addi- Puget Sound Energy is working to increase FAA certified pilot, an avid extreme skier, and tion to our family. demand for qualified lighting products in new, was the 2008 champion of the Buffalo Croquet single-family homes. Beginning in 2008, they Faye and I are truly blessed by the arrival and Debating Club. of little Jackson Cameron Otto. The birth of a doubled investment in partner outreach as part Madam Speaker, I offer my deepest condo- of an ongoing regional fixture program. Serv- new child is a joyous occasion that reminds us lences to Mike’s family. My thoughts are with of the promise of a new life. Children remind ing as the facilitator, 16,000 Energy Star fix- them, and I share their grief of this wonderful tures and 39,000 Energy Star CFLs were in- us of the incredible miracle of life, and they man I am honored to have called a dear keep us young-at-heart. Every day they show stalled in new homes, representing a 100 per- friend. His loss is felt by the many lives he cent increase in energy savings from 2007. us a new way to view the world. touched in this community. My family and I are looking forward to The work Puget Sound Energy is doing in f spending a lot of time with our new bundle of Washington State is not only beneficial to our joy and introducing him to all of our friends environment; it is also beneficial to the econ- IN REMEMBRANCE OF THE 34TH and neighbors in North Carolina’s Second omy. Customers can take advantage of en- ANNIVERSARY OF THE FALL OF Congressional District. ergy rebates for improving efficiency in their SAIGON homes through the installation of new win- f dows, doors and improved insulation, among HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT HATE other many other things. In 2008 alone, Puget OF OHIO CRIMES PREVENTION ACT OF 2009 Sound Energy customers collectively saved IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES $30 million on energy bills and helped support SPEECH OF more than 450 new ‘‘green’’ jobs. Thursday, April 30, 2009 HON. JAMES R. LANGEVIN Utilizing green technology and improve- Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise OF RHODE ISLAND ments positively impacts our environment, our today in remembrance and recognition of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES communities and—especially important during 34th anniversary of the fall of Saigon. This his- these tough days—our economy. The work torical date commemorates the end of the Wednesday, April 29, 2009 Puget Sound Energy is doing in Washington is Vietnam War, and represents the beginning of Mr. LANGEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to de- exactly the type of forward-thinking, reason- a new life for tens of thousands of Vietnamese clare my strong support for H.R. 1913, the

VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:33 May 01, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A30AP8.029 E30APPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with REMARKS April 30, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1033 Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Preven- We are in the midst of a horrible recession. 145, ‘‘aye’’; rollcall No. 146, ‘‘aye’’; rollcall No. tion Act, and to urge its swift passage in the Millions of Americans are without work, trying 147, ‘‘aye’’; rollcall No. 148, ‘‘aye’’; rollcall No. House of Representatives. to keep their homes, feed their families, and 149, ‘‘aye’’; rollcall No. 157, ‘‘aye’’; rollcall No. This important legislation would expand the stay healthy, because a trip to the doctor 158, ‘‘aye’’; rollcall No. 159, ‘‘aye’’; rollcall No. federal definition of hate-motivated crimes to could be the straw that breaks the camel’s 160, ‘‘aye’’; rollcall No. 161, ‘‘nay’’; rollcall No. include gender, sexual orientation, disability back. But credit card companies remain cold, 162, ‘‘aye’’; rollcall No. 163, ‘‘aye’’; rollcall No. and gender identity. Violence provoked by chasing the almighty dollar. 164, ‘‘aye’’; rollcall No. 165, ‘‘aye’’; rollcall No. prejudice has no place in our society. It jeop- Many people have a hard enough time just 166, ‘‘aye’’; rollcall No. 167, ‘‘aye’’; rollcall No. ardizes not only the safety of the victims but paying monthly interest charges, yet these 193, ‘‘aye’’; rollcall No. 194, ‘‘aye’’; and rollcall also their friends and neighbors, and upsets companies add on additional fees and in- No. 195, ‘‘aye.’’ public order by making people feel threatened crease interest rates by 10 and 20 percent— f in their communities. all without notice. For example, persons with disabilities are The truth is they do not want consumers to INTRODUCTION ON IRAN REFINED often vulnerable to criminal hateful acts be- pay off their balances. It is much more profit- PETROLEUM SANCTIONS ACT cause they may seem different or use unfa- able to feast on the interest. miliar assistive technologies. Thirty-one states We must put an end to this. We can no HON. HOWARD L. BERMAN and the District of Columbia, including my longer allow these unjust practices to con- OF CALIFORNIA home state of Rhode Island, already recognize tinue. We cannot allow this industry to con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and prosecute these cases as hate crimes. tinue to profit on the hardship of Americans Thursday, April 30, 2009 However, there is still no uniform recognition who use their services. Mr. BERMAN. Madam Speaker, our nation on the national level that a disability could f make a person uniquely susceptible to preju- has a vital national security interest in ensur- dice. Equally troubling is that Rhode Island IN RECOGNITION OF THE ‘‘WAY- ing that Iran does not possess nuclear arms or law enforcement officials reported that nearly SIDE SHRINE AND CROSS achieve the means to produce them on short 50 percent of hate crime victims were targeted CRAFTING IN LITHUANIA’’ EX- notice. My bill, the Iran Refined Petroleum because of their sexual orientation. Yet even HIBIT Sanctions Act (IRPSA), is designed to help as so many Americans joined together to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weap- mourn the loss of Matthew Shepard last Octo- HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH ons capability. ber, on the tenth anniversary of his brutal mur- OF OHIO This legislation requires that any foreign en- tity that sells refined petroleum to Iran—or oth- der, hate-motivated crimes still go unrecog- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES erwise enhances Iran’s ability to import refined nized under federal statute. Thursday, April 30, 2009 H.R. 1913 has the practical purpose of au- petroleum through, for example, financing, thorizing training and grants for local law en- Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise brokering, underwriting, or providing ships for forcement officials to facilitate prevention, in- today in recognition of the Folk Art exhibit of such activity—will be effectively barred from vestigation and prosecution of hate crimes. ‘‘Wayside shrine and cross crafting in Lith- doing business in the United States. The However, the passing of this bill today is uania’’ on the occasion of Lithuania’s Millen- same would be true for any entity that pro- equally as important as the civil rights legisla- nium being celebrated this year. vides goods or services that enhance Iran’s tion that was enacted several decades ago, Cross crafting in Lithuania has a rich 400 ability to maintain or expand its domestic pro- which enforced the principle that our country year old history and was inscribed into the duction of refined petroleum. does not accept targeting any American for vi- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cul- Because of its limited refining capacity, Iran olence or discrimination based on hatred. I tural Organization World Heritage List of Mas- is forced to import roughly one-quarter of the urge my colleagues to join me in fighting big- terpieces of Oral and Intangible Heritage of gasoline and other refined petroleum products otry that threatens our communities by voting Humanity in 2001. The exhibit ‘‘Wayside it consumes from other countries. Without this for the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes shrine and cross crafting in Lithuania,’’ dis- outside help, much of the Iranian economy Prevention Act. played at the Embassy of Lithuania in Wash- would grind to a halt. It seems hard to believe ington, DC features beautifully crafted crosses that one of the world’s leading oil exporters f and shrines which are traditionally built to rec- could find itself in this position, but it is re- CREDIT CARDHOLDERS’ BILL OF ognize special occasions and significant ality—one that can only be attributed to RIGHTS ACT OF 2009 events for individuals, families or communities. shockingly poor planning and administration These crosses can be found throughout Lith- by the Iranian regime. SPEECH OF uania in churchyards, roadsides, villages and I and the other co-sponsors of this bill there- HON. JOHN LEWIS even government buildings, and typically fea- fore believe that this measure could have a ture the Virgin Mary and various saints. The powerfully negative impact on the Iranian OF GEORGIA craft of cross making is one that has been economy, rendering it more difficult for the Ira- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES passed down through generations since the nian government to continue to fund a nuclear Wednesday, April 29, 2009 16th century and serves as a symbol of Lithu- program that the international community has The House in Committee of the Whole ania’s rich cultural and historical history. repeatedly called upon it to suspend. Our House on the State of the Union had under Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join goal, of course, is not to punish the Iranian consideration of the bill (H.R. 627) to amend me in honor and recognition of Lithuania’s rich people, but to maximize the chances that we the Truth in Lending Act to establish fair history and the cultural significance of cross can persuade the Iranian government to ac- and transparent practices relating to the ex- crafting as featured in the ‘‘Wayside shrine cede to the will of the international community. tension of credit under an open end con- and cross crafting in Lithuania’’ exhibit. Let me be clear: I fully support the Adminis- sumer credit plan, and for other purposes: f tration’s strategy of direct diplomatic engage- Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Mr. Chair, for too ment with Iran, and I have no intention of long now, credit card companies have toyed PERSONAL EXPLANATION moving this bill though the legislative process with the lives and financial health of the Amer- in the near future. In fact, I hope that Con- ican people. For far too long, credit card com- HON. EARL POMEROY gress will never need to take any action on panies have seemed to offer hard-working OF NORTH DAKOTA this legislation, for that would mean that Iran Americans a lifeline, but that lifeline is really IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES at last has complied with the repeatedly-ex- an endless web of debt. pressed demand of the international commu- Cardholders are surprised by huge hidden Thursday, April 30, 2009 nity, as embodied in five separate U.N. Secu- fees that are buried in the fine print. Mr. POMEROY. Madam Speaker, on March rity Council resolutions, to verifiably suspend Credit card companies aggressively prey on 23, 2009, March 24, 2009, March 30, 2009, its uranium enrichment program and to end its our young college students who are not yet March 31, 2009, and April 21, 2009, I missed pursuit of nuclear weapons once and for all. working. These companies rove college cam- rollcall votes Nos. 145–149, 157–168 and The larger purpose of my bill is to dem- puses and entice students with gifts, with the 193–195 due to flooding in my State of North onstrate to one and all—but particularly to the intent of collecting interest payments as the Dakota. Had I been present, I would have Iranian regime—the importance that the U.S. student ravels herself in debt. voted in the following manner: Rollcall No. Congress places on the Iranian nuclear issue.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:33 May 01, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A30AP8.032 E30APPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with REMARKS E1034 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 30, 2009 I share President Obama’s conviction that it is gressional District of the State of Texas, hon- passed H. Con. Res. 55—recognizing the 30th unacceptable for Iran to possess nuclear ors the Texas Nurses Association. anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act weapons and his determination to seek a dip- f (TRA)—unanimously by voice vote. The Mem- lomatic solution to this issue. However, should bers of this House have spoken in one voice engagement with Iran not yield the desired re- IN REMEMBRANCE OF CORPORAL affirming the need to further deepen the rela- sults in a reasonable period of time, we will BRAD A. DAVIS tionship between the United States and Tai- have no choice but to press forward with addi- wan. tional sanctions—such as those contained in HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH This anniversary is an important milestone IRPSA—that could truly cripple the Iranian OF OHIO and represents an incredible opportunity for us economy. In that respect, I am pleased that IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to further build upon and strengthen the U.S.- Secretary of State Clinton has said that she is Thursday, April 30, 2009 Taiwan relationship. On April 12, 2009, Presi- already intensively engaged with our allies and dent MaYing-jeou in his address on the anni- other key states in the international community Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise versary of the TRA declared ‘‘the TRA has for the purpose of, in her words, ‘‘laying the today in honor and remembrance of United come to symbolize the strong friendship and groundwork for the kind of very tough . . . States Army Corporal Brad A. Davis, who trust forged between America and Taiwan sanctions that might be necessary in the event dedicated himself to serving our country, his over these past decades’’ and the TRA has that our offers are either rejected or the proc- community and his family as he courageously served as an anchor of ‘‘peace and stability.’’ ess is inconclusive or unsuccessful.’’ and selflessly rose to the call of duty. In his address, President Ma laid out the This legislation is offered in that spirit. Corporal Davis grew up in Garfield Heights, historical and political significance of the TRA f Ohio and graduated from Garfield Heights and the diplomatic path hewed by its enact- High School. Shortly thereafter, in 2006, he ment: HONORING TEXAS NURSES enlisted in the Army, and served our country The TRA was enacted in 1979 by the U.S. ASSOCIATION in two tours of duty in Iraq. He served in F Congress to cope with the Taiwan situation Company, 2nd Battalion, 505th Parachute In- after the U.S. had switched diplomatic rec- HON. HENRY CUELLAR fantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team of ognition from Taipei to Beijing. It replaced OF TEXAS the 82nd Airborne Division. the terribly inadequate arrangement of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Throughout his tenure in the Army, Corporal Carter Administration, by keeping all as- Davis consistently reflected bravery, commit- pects of the Taiwan-U.S. relationship intact Thursday, April 30, 2009 except, of course, formal diplomatic ties, a ment and compassion, and he often and eas- Mr. CUELLAR. Madam Speaker: mutual defense treaty and the stationing of ily offered his assistance to anyone in need, Whereas, The nearly 2.9 million registered American troops in Taiwan. One American without regard to his own sacrifice. Corporal nurses in the United States comprise our na- commentator said in 1979 that while the Davis risked his own safety to assist his fellow ´ tion’s largest health care profession; and U.S.-China Joint Communique establishing Whereas, A renewed emphasis on primary soldiers and was awarded the Purple Heart diplomatic relations derecognized Taiwan, Medal of Honor by President Barack Obama. the Taiwan Relations Act has re-recognized and preventive health care will require the bet- it. My Harvard professor Detlev Vagt said to ter utilization of all of our nation’s registered He was also awarded the Bronze Star Medal and the Good Conduct Medal by the Secretary me after the passing of the TRA that Taiwan nursing resources; and is the most recognized unrecognized govern- Whereas, Texas Nurses Association has of the U.S. Army. ment of the U.S. had a mission to advance nursing through Corporal Davis was an exceptional and cou- In an imperfect world, the TRA, which leadership, advocacy and innovation; and rageous United States soldier, and an equally largely accommodates Taiwan’s needs for Whereas, Texas Nurses Association was exceptional human being. His young life was continuity, reality, security, legality and founded on February 22, 1907 in Fort Worth, framed by commitment to family, service to governmental status in the new Taiwan-U.S. Texas with a group of 19 nurses as the Texas country, loyalty to his brothers and sisters in relationship, is the second-best choice for Taiwan. Today the TRA is more than a con- Graduate Nurses’ Association and is the old- uniform, and reflected an unbridled love of life. Corporal Davis’ family and friends were the venient solution to a political dilemma. Its est professional nursing association in Texas; very existence changed the evolutionary and center and foundation of his life. He was the course of cross-strait development by stabi- Whereas, Texas Nurses Association has ad- youngest child of Terri and Bob Davis, and the lizing the triangular relationship among Tai- vocated to improve the practice and percep- youngest sibling of Jennifer, Robert and Re- wan, the United States and mainland China. tion of nursing and to ensure quality care for becca. A kind young man with a generous and President Ma also addressed the need to all Texans; and fun-loving heart, Corporal Davis loved being promote Taiwan’s economic growth and to Whereas, The demand for registered nurs- around family and friends and was always the take the necessary steps to ensure Taiwan’s ing services will be greater than ever because one to bring people together, whether for a rightful place in our global economy: last-minute summer game of cornhole or an of the aging of the American population, the We believe that rapprochement with main- continuing expansion of life-sustaining tech- organized softball tournament. land China will improve Taiwan’s prospects nology, and the explosive growth of home Madam Speaker, and Colleagues, please for expanding our international space. Cer- health care services; and join me in honor and remembrance of Cor- tainly, the international community will Whereas, Texas Nurses Association has poral Brad A. Davis, whose heroic actions, benefit significantly from this change, been successful promoting the growth of the commitment and bravery will be remembered whether by capitalizing on the new business nursing practice by getting the Nursing Short- always. I extend my deepest condolences to opportunities thereby made available or sim- age Reduction Act of 2001 to increase nursing the family of Corporal Davis his beloved par- ply by no longer being caught in volatile ents, Bob and Terri, his beloved sisters and cross-strait relations. For example, the es- school enrollments; and tablishment of the Three Links has made it Whereas, That more qualified registered brother—Jennifer, Rebecca and Robert; his logistically feasible and economically cost- nurses will be needed in the future to meet the beloved nephews, Landon and Lukas, and his effective to fly, ship or send mail across the increasingly complex needs of health care extended family and friends. The significant Taiwan Strait. consumers in this community; and sacrifice, service, courage that defined the life The establishment of direct cross-strait Whereas, Texas Nurses Association in 2007 of Corporal Davis will be honored and remem- travel and transport provides an incentive celebrated 100 years of advocating for profes- bered by throughout the Cleveland community. for the international community to include Taiwan in regional economic arrangements sional nursing in Texas; and f Whereas, Along with the American Nurses in East Asia. In fact, right after we inaugu- Association, the Texas Nurses Association 30TH ANNIVERSARY OF TAIWAN rated the Three Links across the Taiwan RELATIONS ACT Strait, Taiwan was able to join the Govern- has declared the week of May 6–12 as NA- ment Procurement Agreement last Decem- TIONAL NURSES WEEK with the theme ber, which we had been unable to participate ‘Nurses: Building a Healthy America’ in cele- HON. PHIL GINGREY in when we became a member of the World bration of the ways in which registered nurses OF GEORGIA Trade Organization six years ago. This new strive to provide safe and high quality patient IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES development is good news to many potential care and map out the way to improve our foreign investors in the U.S., Japan and Eu- Thursday, April 30, 2009 health care system; therefore rope. Be it hereby Resolved, That Congressman Mr. GINGREY. Madam Speaker, on March The United States interest will always be in HENRY CUELLAR, in representing the 28th Con- 24, 2009, the House of Representatives the defense of democracy and in honoring our

VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:33 May 01, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A30AP8.035 E30APPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with REMARKS April 30, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1035 commitment to the protection of democratic in- Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Preven- According to a recent study, students are stitutions and peoples. President Ma also ex- tion Act. I am a cosponsor of this legislation now graduating with an average credit card pressed his commitment to these same prin- because we must do all that we can to protect debt of more than $4,100, up from $2,900 just ciples: those who are injured because of their gender, four years ago. The average number of cards In fact, Taiwan has much to offer foreign sexual orientation, race, religion, or disability. per student has grown to 4.6, with over half of investors. We are a country with a sophisti- Hate crimes can occur in any community— college students reporting they have four or cated legal infrastructure, a democratically even one as wonderful and diverse as mine. more cards. The combined impact of credit open and stable political system and a viable On July 4, 1999—when we should have been card debt and growing student loan debt can and liberal economy. celebrating the welcoming and embracing tra- greatly limit a student’s future career choice. We therefore want to end Taiwan’s isola- ditions of our great country, my district was tion from the world by putting our economic Furthermore, compounding debt from late pay- relations with the Chinese mainland on a rocked by the killing spree of the white su- ments and high penalties can further jeop- more normal footing. At the same time, the premacist, Benjamin Nathaniel Smith. This ardize a young person’s financial future by more contentious political issues will be left madman left us grieving for Ricky Byrdsong, a making it difficult to take out their first mort- on the back burner. We will put off political former Northwestern University coach, a well- gage, buy a car or even rent an apartment. talks until after a firm foundation for eco- known community leader, a deeply religious As I’m sure we all know through our own nomic, cultural and educational exchanges man, a man who was committed to his family. experiences or through our children’s, college has been established and buttressed by recip- His only crime was the color of his skin—he students have become prime targets for credit rocal trust and confidence on both sides. was African-American. Smith also murdered card marketing campaigns. Most students Strengthening the relationship between the Won Joon Yoon, an Asian American student enter college without a credit card and are United States and Taiwan is essential. This from Indiana. quickly saturated with e-mails, direct mailings Congress must continue to remain firm in our The bill we are considering today takes an and on-campus solicitations to sign up for their commitment to Taiwan and meet our obliga- important step toward making America a more first credit card. A recent report by the U.S. tions under the TRA, as President Ma ex- just society, by closing a glaring loophole in Public Interest Research Group revealed that, pressed: our justice system that prevents the Federal of the students they surveyed, 80 percent said Undoubtedly, the resilience of the TRA and Government from prosecuting cases where they had received mail from credit card com- the recent cross-strait de´tente have opened women, gay, transgender or disabled persons panies. Students reported receiving an aver- new opportunities for Taiwan, the U.S. and are victims of bias-motivated crimes for who age of nearly five mailed solicitations per the mainland to pave a common path to- they are. These crimes not only devastate vic- wards cooperation, instead of confrontation. month. In addition, 22 percent of students re- This new equilibrium can result in a win- tims and their family and friends, but they dev- ported receiving an average of nearly four win-win situation for all sides. Obviously, astate the community to which the victim be- phone calls per month from credit card com- America’s role is pivotal. For peace negotia- longs by creating fear and intimidation. Hate panies. tions to continue, the United States is well crimes chip away at the very foundations of While the practice of targeting college stu- advised to not only reaffirm but also bolster what it means to be an American—that all dents may not be much of a surprise, students its commitments under the TRA. The new- people are created equal and are afforded the and parents may be alarmed to learn that found rapprochement with the mainland same freedoms and protections. many colleges, universities and alumni asso- only means we must with equal, if not great- America must no longer ignore hate crimes ciations have entered into lucrative agree- er, effort work to fortify U.S.-Taiwan rela- of any kind. Everyone, regardless of race, sex- tions on the basis of mutual trust. This I be- ments with these companies to allow exclusive lieve calls for an expansion of bilateral inter- ual, orientation and gender identity, must be marketing of their cards. In these arrange- action especially at higher levels so as to al- equal in the eyes of the law. The passage of ments, schools receive large cash payments ways guarantee clear communication and H.R. 1913 will send the powerful message that in exchange for handing over their students’ better cooperation. Furthermore, a strong America stands for tolerance and inclusion, contact information—such as address, e-mail commitment in U.S. arms sales and support and is opposed to prejudice in all its forms. I address, and telephone numbers. These con- for expanding Taiwan’s international space want to thank my good friend, Congress- fidential agreements may also go further and will enhance our position in face of a power woman TAMMY BALDWIN, and the entire LGBT give companies exclusive face-to-face access imbalance now rapidly developing across the Equality Caucus for their tireless work to get strait. to students on campus, such as during sport- Therefore, we come here today not only to this bill passed and urge my colleagues to ing events or at the student union. Some pro- commemorate a historic point in cross-strait vote ‘‘yes’’ to H.R. 1913. vide the university or alumni with additional relations, but, more importantly, to cele- f money based on a percentage of purchases brate the endurance of Taiwan-U.S. rela- using the card. tions. The strength of the TRA is more vital CREDIT CARDHOLDERS’ BILL OF Despite the fact that hundreds of schools and crucial at this critical juncture of devel- RIGHTS ACT OF 2009 throughout the country have such arrange- opment than ever before. U.S.-Taiwan rela- ments, very little is known about them. Last tions, the stability of the status quo and SPEECH OF even the entire region hangs in the balance. year’s ‘‘pay to play’’ scandal in the guaranteed Therefore, I call on Taiwan and the United HON. THOMAS E. PETRI student loan program exposed the practice of OF WISCONSIN States to continue to honor the commit- lenders and financial aid administrators putting ments that have bound their destinies to- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES their own interests ahead of their students’ gether in common friendship and interest for Wednesday, April 29, 2009 when it came to compiling their ‘‘preferred the past three decades. The House in Committee of the Whole lender list.’’ While arrangements between Madam Speaker, it is my express hope that House on the State of the Union had under credit card companies and schools don’t nec- as we move forward from this 30th Anniver- consideration of the bill (H.R. 627) to amend essarily mean the student’s financial interests sary, the United States and Taiwan will con- the Truth in Lending Act to establish fair are being harmed, I believe it is imperative to tinue to recognize the importance of our and transparent practices relating to the ex- have at a minimum a better understanding of shared destinies and act accordingly for the tension of credit under an open end con- these arrangements. For instance, are schools preservation and promotion of our shared val- sumer credit plan, and for other purposes: and associated foundations making arrange- ues. Mr. PETRI. Mr. Chair, I am disappointed ments with companies that offer the best rates f that Congressman MURPHY and I will not have for their students? the opportunity to offer our amendment to the This bill simply seeks greater transparency LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT HATE Credit Cardholders’ Bill of Rights Act which by requiring credit card companies to report CRIMES PREVENTION ACT OF 2009 would require credit card companies to report these arrangements. Then Congress, students on marketing agreements with institutions of and parents will be able to judge whether SPEECH OF higher education and alumni associations. The these agreements reflect the best interests of HON. JANICE D. SCHAKOWSKY amendment also would direct the Government students or that of the school or related institu- OF ILLINOIS Accountability Office to analyze and report to tion. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Congress the impact of these arrangements I am happy to have the support of the on student credit card debt. To that end, today United States Students Association, USPIRG, Wednesday, April 29, 2009 we will be introducing this amendment as a Consumer Federation of America, National As- Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Mr. Speaker, I rise stand-alone bill, the Student Credit Card sociation of College Admissions Counselors, today in strong support of H.R. 1913, the Transparency Act of 2009. and the American Association of Collegiate

VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:33 May 01, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A30AP8.037 E30APPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with REMARKS E1036 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 30, 2009 Registrars and Admissions Officers and want State University in Ames, Iowa on their 25- lence, dependence, and weight gain. Yet, par- to thank Congressman MURPHY for his work year anniversary. ents are already being threatened with child on this important bill. In 1984, Vice President of Research Daniel abuse charges if they resist efforts to drug f Zaffarano appointed a Biotechnology Council their children. Imagine how much easier it will comprised of five colleges at the university: be to drug children against their parents’ wish- IN HONOR OF GUST SEVASTOS Agriculture, Engineering, Home Economics, es if a federally-funded mental-health screener Science and Humanities, and Veterinary Medi- makes the recommendation. HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH cine. Despite facing early skepticism by some, Universal or mandatory mental-health OF OHIO within two years the Iowa General Assembly screening could also provide a justification for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES backed the biotechnology program with $17 stigmatizing children from families that support million in funding after the Council convinced traditional values. Even the authors of mental- Thursday, April 30, 2009 the public of the benefits. health diagnosis manuals admit that mental- Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise Over the last 25 years, the Office of Bio- health diagnoses are subjective and based on today in honor of Mr. Gust Sevastos, as he is technology has provided critical support to social constructions. Therefore, it is all too being recognized by the Cleveland AHEPA— many of the university’s academic colleges easy for a psychiatrist to label a person’s dis- American Hellenic Education Progressive As- and to K–12 outreach programs. The office agreement with the psychiatrist’s political be- sociation—as the Socratic Award Honoree of has also helped provide research funds to liefs a mental disorder. For example, a feder- the Year, at their 44th Annual Scholarship new faculty and equipment and resources to ally-funded school violence prevention pro- Awards Banquet. 28 different service facilities at the university. gram lists ‘‘intolerance’’ as a mental problem Mr. Sevastos immigrated to Cleveland in I congratulate Iowa State University’s Office that may lead to school violence. Because ‘‘in- 1958, with not much more than the clothes on of Biotechnology on this historic anniversary tolerance’’ is often a code word for believing in his back, faith in his heart and the promise of and for its great contributions to science and traditional values, children who share their the American dream. He married, started a the State of Iowa. It is an honor to represent parents’ values could be labeled as having family and began his own business. He also current director Walter Fehr, as well as each mental problems and a risk of causing vio- began a legacy of dedicated service to the current and past member of the Office of Bio- lence. If the mandatory mental-health screen- Greek community of Cleveland. His service to technology in the United States Congress and ing program applies to adults, everyone who others and spirit of volunteerism continues to I wish the Office great success in the future. believes in traditional values could have his or reflect throughout our community. f her beliefs stigmatized as a sign of a mental Mr. Sevastos served as president of Annun- disorder. Taxpayer dollars should not support ciation Church, and was one of the founding INTRODUCING THE PARENTAL programs that may label those who adhere to members of the annual Greek Heritage Fes- CONSENT ACT traditional values as having a ‘‘mental dis- tival. His dedication to preserving his heritage order.’’ while assisting others to succeed is also evi- HON. RON PAUL Madam Speaker, universal or mandatory denced in the Chios Society, where he held OF TEXAS mental-health screening threatens to under- leadership positions on both local and national IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mine parents’ right to raise their children as levels. During his tenure with the Chios Soci- Thursday, April 30, 2009 the parents see fit. Forced mental-health ety, he led many fundraising efforts and raise screening could also endanger the health of hundreds of thousands of dollars for medical Mr. PAUL. Madam Speaker, I rise to intro- children by leading to more children being im- clinics, including an eye clinic and hospital, to duce the Parental Consent Act. This bill for- properly placed on psychotropic drugs, such provide greatly needed medical services for bids Federal funds from being used for any as Ritalin, or stigmatized as ‘‘mentally ill’’ or a the poor in the beautiful coastal town of Chios, universal or mandatory mental-health screen- risk of causing violence because they adhere Greece. Mr. Sevastos has also helped raise ing of students without the express, written, to traditional values. Congress has a responsi- tens of thousands of dollars toward college voluntary, informed consent of their parents or bility to the nation’s parents and children to scholarships for young adults in the Cleveland legal guardians. This bill protects the funda- stop this from happening. I, therefore, urge my community. His significant contributions have mental right of parents to direct and control colleagues to cosponsor the Parental Consent not gone unrecognized. He has been honored the upbringing and education of their children. Act. The New Freedom Commission on Mental numerous times by local, state and national f leaders of the United States and Greece as Health has recommended that the federal and well. state governments work toward the implemen- SALUTING HARLEM’S OWN Madam Speaker and Colleagues, please tation of a comprehensive system of mental- RAMONA ‘‘MONA’’ LOPEZ join me in honor of Mr. Gust Sevastos upon health screening for all Americans. The com- his recognition as the Cleveland AHEPA’s So- mission recommends that universal or manda- HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL cratic Honoree of the Year. His leadership, tory mental-health screening first be imple- OF NEW YORK kindness, service to others and commitment to mented in public schools as a prelude to ex- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES preserving the rich cultural heritage of his panding it to the general public. However, nei- Thursday, April 30, 2009 Greek homeland serves to deepen the diver- ther the commission’s report nor any related sity in our Cleveland community. Mr. mental-health screening proposal requires pa- Mr. RANGEL. Madam Speaker, I rise today Sevastos’ lifelong spirit of volunteerism and rental consent before a child is subjected to to salute and congratulate my dear friend, an dedication to helping others has enriched the mental-health screening. Federally-funded uni- outstanding businesswoman and community lives of numerous families and individuals— versal or mandatory mental-health screening leader, Ramona ‘‘Mona’’ Lopez in celebration from Cleveland to Chios, connecting us all in in schools without parental consent could lead of the 369th Veterans’ Association Annual our shared humanity. I consider Mr. Sevastos to labeling more children as ‘‘ADD’’ or ‘‘hyper- Pre-Mother’s Day Brunch taking place on Sun- to be a friend and mentor, and I wish him and active’’ and thus force more children to take day, May 9 at the elegant Marina del Rey. his family an abundance of peace, health and psychotropic drugs, such as Ritalin, against Affectionately known in Harlem as Mona by happiness. their parents’ wishes. her many fans, friends, business associates f Already, too many children are suffering and Jazz musician legends, was born on the from being prescribed psychotropic drugs for Island of Puerto Rico and came to New York TRIBUTE TO IOWA STATE UNIVER- nothing more than children’s typical rambunc- at an early age. Mona was educated in the SITY’S OFFICE OF BIO- tious behavior. According to Medco Health So- Public School system, raised three daughters TECHNOLOGY lutions, more than 2.2 million children are re- and embarked on a career that has spanned ceiving more than one psychotropic drug at over three decades. Her daughters Joann, HON. TOM LATHAM one time. In fact, according to Medico Trends, Eva, and Dolores have blessed her with four OF IOWA in 2003, total spending on psychiatric drugs grandchildren, Margaret, Kimberly, Eva, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for children exceeded spending on antibiotics Jonathan. or asthma medication. Since December 1978, Ms. Mona Lopez Thursday, April 30, 2009 Many children have suffered harmful side has managed Showman’s Cafe in all of its lo- Mr. LATHAM. Madam Speaker, I rise to rec- effects from using psychotropic drugs. Some cations within my Congressional District. ognize the Office of Biotechnology at Iowa of the possible side effects include mania, vio- Showman’s, originally located next to the

VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:33 May 01, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A30AP8.039 E30APPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with REMARKS April 30, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1037 World Famous Apollo Theatre, over the years TRIBUTE TO JAMES GRABAU and completed the Advanced Placement Insti- has been the home club of choice and hang- tute at Millsaps College. out for many of Harlem’s renowned entre- HON. TOM LATHAM Prior to teaching at Murrah H.S., Ms. Don- preneurs and personalities. Since 1942, Show- OF IOWA aldson taught at Bassfield High School in the man’s Jazz Cafe has showcased top musi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Jefferson Davis School District and at Sumner cians for Harlem and International audiences, Hill Junior High in Clinton, MS. ‘‘The art of Thursday, April 30, 2009 as Mona, Co-Owner and retired Son of Sam teaching is bigger than the subject one teach- New York City Police Detective Al Howard, Mr. LATHAM. Madam Speaker, I rise to rec- es,’’ Donaldson said. It is no surprise to those and former barmaid ‘‘Lil’’ Pierce refer to as ognize James Grabau, a resident of Boone, who know Stacey best that she would be rec- ‘‘family.’’ Iowa, and president of R. H. Grabau Construc- ognized for her achievements. Donaldson’s fa- tion Inc. ther, Allen Hall, ‘‘noticed his daughter’s poten- Madam Speaker, The Friends of Show- James, who has been the president of R.H. man’s roster include luminaries and enter- tial and encouraged her to be the best she Grabau Construction Inc. since 1984, was re- could be’’. With this in mind, Stacey serves as tainers like Count Basie, Billy Eckstine, cently honored with The Master Builders of a member of the Murrah site council and Sammy Davis, Jr., Charles Honi Coles, Leroy Iowa ‘‘Build Iowa Award.’’ The award is given sponsor of the school’s Not Here Club, which Myers, Gregory Hines, Pop Brown, Nat Davis to one Master Builder member each year who discourages students from substance abuse, and Savion Glover. Personalities like Jesse best exemplifies skill, integrity, and responsi- as well as coordinates Murrah’s Seatbelt Safe- Walker, Joe Yancy and Jimmy Booker. Per- bility in the construction industry and in the ty Project. formers like Bill Doggett, George Benson, member’s community. Stacey’s husband, Johnny Donaldson, de- Seleno Clarke, Irene Reid, Jimmy ‘‘Preacher’’ James has offered his time and talents to scribes her as passionate, hardworking and Robins, Gloria Lynne, Joey Morant, Akiko many community organizations. Among many devoted. She is the mother of two daughters, Tsuruga, Grady Tate, Frank Dell and the other contributions, he has served as Presi- 10-year old Camaryn and 5-year old Cailyn. In Prince of Harlem Lonnie Youngblood. dent of Boone’s Future, the Boone Chamber addition to her role as wife, mother and teach- Mona has always been, and still is a of Commerce, Boone’s Industrial Development er, Stacey finds time to give back to her ‘‘Hands-On’’ person and as Operations Man- Corporation, and the Master Builder’s of Iowa. church and community. She is a member of ager she along with her dedicated and ener- He has served on the boards of Boone County Greater New Jerusalem’s scholarship com- gized staff, is responsible for the reputation YMCA and Hawkeye Federal Savings Bank. mittee and is a young women’s ministry volun- that Showman’s has maintained for being Additionally, he has served as Global Ambas- teer for the Sims House Stewpot Ministries. sador for the Rotary Group Study Exchange to ‘‘The Jazz Club in Harlem’’ since it was found- I am very proud of Ms. Donaldson and all of Australia, Church Elder, and Chairman of the ed back in 1942. For her service to the com- her accomplishments. She is truly a remark- Congregation of the Trinity Lutheran Church. munity, Mona has been honored to receive a able example of the talented, dedicated and Through his work, he has been honored with ‘‘Woman of the Year’’ award from the Tioga hardworking teachers that help to educate such awards as the Al Kinney Award, DMACC Democratic Club, the Women’s Ministry Mississippi’s best and brightest children. Alumni Award, National Leadership Award, Achievement Award, and a special award from and the Associated General Contractors of Please join me today in congratulating Ms. the Greater Harlem Uptown Chamber of Com- America Chapter President of the Year Award Stacey Donaldson, the 2009 Mississippi merce Association. In 2009 Ms. Lopez be- while President of the Master Builders of Iowa. Teacher of the Year. came a partner in Showman’s Jazz Club. I know that my colleagues in the United States Congress join me in commending f f James Grabau for his professional contribu- PERSONAL EXPLANATION tions to the construction industry, his leader- PERSONAL EXPLANATION ship and dedication to representing Iowa in his career, and committing time to his community. HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS I consider it an honor to represent James and OF TEXAS HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS his family in Congress, and I wish him the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF TEXAS best in his future endeavors. Thursday, April 30, 2009 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, on Thursday, April 30, 2009 CONGRATULATING STACEY DON- ALDSON 2009 MISSISSIPPI TEACH- Wednesday, April 29, 2009, on rollcall number Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, on ER OF THE YEAR 223 I am not recorded. This rollcall vote on Wednesday, April 29, 2009, on rollcall number H.R. 1913, the Local Law Enforcement Hate 216 I am not recorded. This rollcall vote on S. Crimes Prevention Act of 2009, to provide HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON Federal assistance to States, local jurisdic- Con. Res. 13, the Conference Report to a OF MISSISSIPPI tions, and Indian tribes to prosecute hate Concurrent Resolution setting forth the Con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES crimes, and for other purposes, occurred while gressional Budget for the United States Gov- Thursday, April 30, 2009 I was absent from the floor of the U.S. House ernment for fiscal year 2010 and budgetary of Representatives. Had I been present, I levels for fiscal years 2009 and 2011 through Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Madam would have voted ‘‘nay.’’ 2014, occurred while I was absent from the Speaker, I would like to congratulate the 2009 Violence, whether it’s based on a perceived floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. Mississippi Teacher of the Year, Stacey Don- or actual threat, is of enormous concern when Had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘nay.’’ aldson. The Teacher of the Year program, spon- it is combined with constitutionally protected I would have voted ‘‘nay’’ on S. Con. Res. sored by the state Department of Education rights. Race. Color. National Origin. Religion. 13 because the budget significantly increases and the Mississippi Teacher Center, awards Gender. Disability. All of these fundamental the Federal deficit and passes the burden of certified public school teachers for their out- rights are protected by our Constitution and payment on to future generations of Ameri- standing performance. Donaldson, a 37-year- hate crimes themselves have additional pro- cans. The reserve funds singled out for old Murrah High School English teacher, was tection in Section 280003(a) of the Violent healthcare reform, climate change, affordable selected for exhibiting leadership, excelling in Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of housing, and Medicare alone represent a dra- the classroom and being active in her commu- 1994. Any hate crimes perpetrated in violation matic expansion of the powers of the Federal nity. of either law should be fully prosecuted by the government. I am committed to voting to im- Stacey, a graduate of University of Southern U.S. Department of Justice and we, as the prove fiscal responsibility and to reduce the Mississippi, obtained a bachelor’s degree in DOJ’s appropriators, should give them all the size and power of the federal government. As Broadcast Journalism and a minor in speech resources they need to prevent any hate a result of that commitment, I would not sup- communications. She worked as a broadcast crimes from occurring. port this resolution. On April 2, 2009 the journalist before changing careers and becom- I believe existing federal law is more than House of Representatives voted in favor of the ing a teacher. Stacey earned a master of adequate to prosecute hate crimes and, as House Budget Resolution (233–196), on that teaching degree from William Carey College such, should I have been present I would vote, I am recorded as voting ‘‘nay.’’ and became a national board certified teacher have voted ‘‘nay.’’

VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:46 May 01, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30AP8.041 E30APPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with REMARKS E1038 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 30, 2009 CREDIT CARDHOLDERS’ BILL OF just that, while also helping to foster fair com- ships. He also has been most active in civic RIGHTS ACT OF 2009 petition and the values of the free market. I life by serving as Mayor of the Borough of encourage all my colleagues to vote for H.R. Phoenixville since 1998. SPEECH OF 627. The school district and community members HON. JAMES R. LANGEVIN f will honor the two men during an induction ceremony on May 5, 2009 at Phoenixville OF RHODE ISLAND TRIBUTE TO DR. TOM RENZE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Area High School. Wednesday, April 29, 2009 Madam Speaker, I ask that my colleagues HON. TOM LATHAM join me today in congratulating Thomas R. The House in Committee of the Whole OF IOWA Ramsey Jr. and Leo J. Scoda for their tremen- House on the State of the Union had under IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dous community spirit and exemplary dedica- consideration of the bill (H.R. 627) to amend tion to the youth of Phoenixville, Pennsylvania. the Truth in Lending Act to establish fair Thursday, April 30, 2009 and transparent practices relating to the ex- Mr. LATHAM. Madam Speaker, I rise to rec- tension of credit under an open end con- f sumer credit plan, and for other purposes: ognize and congratulate Dr. Tom Renze, Prin- cipal of Woodbury Elementary School in LOCAL ENFORCEMENT HATE Mr. LANGEVIN. Mr. Chair, I rise in strong Marshalltown, Iowa, on receiving the Dr. Car- CRIMES PREVENTION ACT OF 2009 support of H.R. 627, the Credit Cardholders’ men P. Sosa Leadership Award. Bill of Rights Act. Last week, I hosted my first The Dr. Carmen P. Sosa Leadership Award telephone town hall meeting and my constitu- SPEECH OF recognizes administrators who exhibit out- ents called in with questions and concerns standing leadership and advocacy for English about what can be done to stop the deceptive HON. JOHN LEWIS language learners. Woodbury School has a practices by credit card companies. I was OF GEORGIA dual language program and helps students pleased to tell them that I was a cosponsor of learn English or Spanish as a second lan- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES this bill, which provides a sensible approach to guage. reforming major credit card abuses and im- Wednesday, April 29, 2009 Dr. Renze credits the award and success of proving consumer protections for cardholders. the dual language program to the efforts of Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, while it Credit cards have become an integral part and support from the teaching staff and par- is an honor to be able to participate today’s of the American economy, offering consumers ents of the school’s students. This award debate, I must say that it gives me feelings of instant access to a convenient, flexible source comes at a special time for Dr. Renze, who is both joy and sorrow. Sorrow, because in the of financing. Unfortunately, more and more retiring at the end of the 2009 school year. year 2009, I would hope that we should not Americans are turning to their credit cards to I know my colleagues in the United States have a need for such a bill. help pay medical and utility bills, buy gro- Congress join me in thanking Dr. Renze for ceries, and make ends meet in this troubled I find it most ironic that some of the very his work with the dual language program and economy. Credit card debt now consumes a same voices in the community who speak out service to the Marshalltown Community sizeable portion of the average family’s in- against this bill are the very same voices that School District. I consider it an honor to rep- come. To make matters worse, the playing question whether racism and prejudice no resent Dr. Renze and his family in Congress, field between card companies and consumers longer exist simply because a person of color and I wish him the best in his future retire- has become increasingly uneven in recent has been elected President. Racism, preju- ment. years. A credit card agreement is a contract dice, and hate did not disappear on November between a card company and a cardholder, f 4th, 2008. Nor did they disappear on January 20th, 2009. but these companies have taken advantage of HONORING MR. THOMAS R. Yet it gives me joy that we are able to do their customers with deceptive billing practices RAMSEY and hidden fees. Meanwhile, money that fami- something about it. I grew up in the Deep lies are forced to divert to these unfair rates South and faced vile hatred up close, and it and charges could be better spent on goods HON. JIM GERLACH gives me joy to vote ‘‘yes’’ on the Local Law and services that could help bolster our strug- OF PENNSYLVANIA Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act. gling economy. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Today we proclaim that our country will not stand for, and will not tolerate hate crimes. Cardholders deserve more bargaining Thursday, April 30, 2009 power, and the Credit Cardholders’ Bill of This bill is the right thing to do. It protects Rights Act helps level the playing field. Card- Mr. GERLACH. Madam Speaker, I rise our citizens, our nation; our principles and our holders are entitled to accurate information today to congratulate the 2009 inductees to values. the Phoenixville Area School District Wall of and the right to make decisions about their We are all Americans— own credit. This bill will ban interest rate in- Fame. Black Americans, White Americans, His- creases on an existing balance unless the bor- Thomas R. Ramsey Jr. and Leo J. Scoda panic Americans, Asian Americans, Native rower is 30 days overdue and requires card are well-deserving recipients of this honor American, Christian Americans, Jewish Ameri- companies to give cardholders notification 45 thanks to their outstanding service to students cans, Muslim Americans, Gay Americans, days before any interest rate increase. This and constant commitment to improving the Straight Americans—all Americans. We are legislation also protects vulnerable consumers quality of life in the community. one people and one nation, the American na- from fee-heavy subprime cards and prohibits Mr. Ramsey, a Phoenixville native, has tion. This bill will bring us one step closer to issuing cards to minors. H.R. 627 would also shared his knowledge of television broad- the Beloved Community, a nation at peace ban ‘‘universal default,’’ where a card com- casting with high school students since 2002, with itself. pany raises the interest rate on one card if the helping launch Phantom Television. In addition cardholder misses a payment on a separate to informing students and staff with daily A constituent came by my office just yester- credit card or their credit score lowers. All of morning announcements, the station provides day and spoke about her son who fought in the provisions in this bill are the result of care- great coverage of concerts, sports and other Iraq. Her son completed two tours in Iraq. Her ful study and analysis, and I believe this delib- scholastic events. Mr. Ramsey also gives back son has said that he was indeed concerned erative approach has produced a very bal- to the community through his service on about his safety. But her son said that he was anced and moderate bill. Schuylkill River Heritage Center Board and the even more concerned about the safety of his Mr. Chair, instead of looking the other way Donald J.L. Coppedge Scholarship Com- father—a transgender woman, walking the while Americans fall deeper into debt, Con- mittee. streets of the United States of America every gress must protect their financial interests and Mr. Scoda dedicated 35 years to teaching day. put an end to the tricks and traps used by biology at Phoenixville Area High School President Obama has talked repeatedly credit card companies to undermine a com- where he also guided the boys’ tennis team to about renewing America’s promise. Today, I petitive market. The balanced reforms in the amazing 196–0 record in PAC 10 play and 33 urge my fellow Members to vote ‘‘yes,’’ and Credit Cardholders’ Bill of Rights will help do Chest-Mont and PAC 10 league champion- keep America’s promise.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:33 May 01, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30AP8.045 E30APPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with REMARKS April 30, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1039 RECOGNIZING THE IMPROVED RE- work that the MEC produced. Under Lana’s Since 1995, Eileen has served as Temple LATIONS BETWEEN CHINA AND watch, the MEC continued in its mission to Israel of Hollywood Day School’s Head of TAIWAN protect Michigan’s environment and preserve School. By all accounts, she has transformed its natural resources. Lana used her skills in the Day School while touching the lives of HON. G.K. BUTTERFIELD building coalitions of support to manage the hundreds of children, their families, her col- OF NORTH CAROLINA 70 member organizations that make up the leagues and the Temple’s congregants. Eileen IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES MEC in their combined efforts. Through pas- has elevated the Day School to an institution sion and pragmatism Lana led the MEC from that is locally, nationally and internationally re- Thursday, April 30, 2009 one success to another in its fight to protect nowned for its high academic standards, its in- Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Madam Speaker, I rise our environment. novative and creative programming and its in recognition of an announcement that Tai- Lana Pollack is a model public servant. She focus on nurturing well-rounded children. Ei- wan has been invite to participate as an ob- is being honored with the Milliken Award be- leen’s forward-thinking philosophy has been to server at the annual meeting of the World cause of her lifetime of service and her com- foster a student’s identity that is sensitive to Health Organization’s governing body being mitment to the environment. Her efforts per- others and the environment and fulfills the re- held in Geneva next month. sonify what it means to be an active and en- sponsibility that each of us bears. With the strong support of the United gaged member of a community and an indi- Eileen’s 40-year career in education has States, Taiwan has persistently campaigned, vidual who is willing to fight for those prin- taken her from classroom instruction to cur- especially after the SARS outbreak in 2003, to ciples they care deeply about. I am pleased to riculum development and implementation to rejoin the World Health Organization but China congratulate Lana on this tremendous accom- school administration and teacher training. has consistently blocked efforts to join any plishment, for which she is so worthy of rec- Perhaps Eileen’s most inspiring legacy is that international body as an independent political ognition, but above all else, I am honored to she has never lost sight of the reason she en- entity. have her friendship. I ask my colleagues to tered the field of education in the first place— So this marks a clear and important sign of join me in saluting Lana Pollack for her leader- her desire to help children reach their potential improved relations between China and Tai- ship, passion and record of accomplishment. and develop a lifelong love of learning. wan, and I congratulate them on taking this f Notwithstanding Eileen’s incredible accom- important and meaningful step forward. plishments, she considers her finest achieve- Since Taiwanese President Ma took office HONORING GREAT VALLEY MID- ments to be her nearly 40-year marriage to on May 20, 2008, relations between the two DLE SCHOOL FOR BEING NAMED her husband, Steve, her children and their six sides of the Taiwan Straits have greatly im- ONE OF THE NATION’S SCHOOLS beautiful grandchildren. proved, paving the way for the first direct TO WATCH Temple Israel of Hollywood and our entire flights between the straits in 60 years, Chi- community owes Eileen a debt of gratitude for nese pandas being sent to Taiwan, substan- HON. JIM GERLACH her tremendous record of achievements at tially improved financial and business contact, OF PENNSYLVANIA Temple Israel of Hollywood and throughout and direct postal service and shipping. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES her career. I am delighted to join Eileen’s fam- Madam Speaker, I ask that my colleagues ily, friends, colleagues, students and their fam- Thursday, April 30, 2009 will join me in applauding the efforts to im- ilies in congratulating her and wishing her prove relations and to encourage further co- Mr. GERLACH. Madam Speaker, I rise Mazel Tov for her successes. operation. today to congratulate the parents, students I ask my colleagues to join me in extending f and faculty at Great Valley Middle School for thanks and appreciation for her outstanding earning the outstanding distinction of being and inspired contributions these past 14 years CONGRATULATING LANA POLLACK named one of the nation’s Schools to Watch. at Temple Israel and in wishing her all the FOR RECEIVING THE 2009 Just 11 schools in Pennsylvania and 170 best for the future. MILLIKEN AWARD schools in the United States have been recog- f nized as Schools to Watch by the National HON. JOHN D. DINGELL Forum to Accelerate Middle-Grades Reform. HONORING THE LIFE AND SERVICE OF MICHIGAN This honor demonstrates that Great Valley OF DONALD W. KOLHOFF IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES has an exceptionally talented team of teachers and administrators, involved parents com- Thursday, April 30, 2009 HON. THADDEUS G. McCOTTER mitted to making education a priority and hard- OF MICHIGAN Mr. DINGELL. Madam Speaker, I rise today working students determined to make the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in honor of Lana Pollack on the occasion of most of their educational opportunities. Thursday, April 30, 2009 her receiving the Michigan Environmental Madam Speaker, I ask that my colleagues Council’s (MEC’s) 2009 Helen and William G. join me today in recognizing the Great Valley Mr. MCCOTTER. Madam Speaker, today I Milliken Distinguished Service Award. Middle School for this much-deserved national rise to honor and acknowledge Donald W. I have known Lana as both a friend and a honor and for the school’s constant commit- Kolhoff, veteran and patriot, upon receiving colleague. She is a public servant of the high- ment to excellence in education. the lifetime achievement award from the est order and a remarkable human being. f Wayne 11th Congressional District Repub- Lana has served her community and her state licans. with distinction. As a Michigan State Senator TRIBUTE TO EILEEN HOROWITZ Don was born in Toledo, Ohio in 1930, the from 1982 until 1994, Lana led the effort to second of three sons. He graduated from Cen- provide for a cleaner and more beautiful Michi- HON. HENRY A. WAXMAN tral Catholic High School in 1948. After High gan. As a champion of environmental causes, OF CALIFORNIA School, Don served in the United States Air Lana helped clean up our state and ensured IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Force from 1950 to 1954, including two tours that those who polluted paid for their trans- of duty during the Korean War from 1951 to gressions. But she did not limit herself to just Thursday, April 30, 2009 1953. While doing his duty in the Air Force, one issue; Lana fought for legislation to pro- Mr. WAXMAN. Madam Speaker, it is my Don found time to attend classes at Southwest vide gender equity, educational improvements pleasure to recognize the extraordinary con- Texas State University and the University of and reproductive rights. tributions of Eileen Horowitz, Temple Israel of Toledo, majoring in Accounting. After leaving the Michigan State Senate, Hollywood Day School’s Head of School. Ei- After his service to our nation, Don began a Lana joined the Michigan Environmental leen will be retiring this spring after 14 remark- successful career in the defense industry. Don Council, serving as its president from 1996 able years of service to Temple Israel of Holly- got his start as a contract manager for the until her retirement in January. While president wood and 40 years as a visionary educator jeep division of Kaiser Industries. In 1970, Don of the MEC, Lana provided the force and lead- and administrator. moved his young family to Livonia, Michigan ership that grew this terrific organization, dou- Eileen will be wished a warm and fond fare- and went to work for AM General. From 1981 bling its size and producing a ten-fold increase well on May 16, 2009 during Temple Israel of until he retired in 1994, Don served as a Sen- in its budget. But it wasn’t the size increase or Hollywood’s Spring Gala celebrating her com- ior Contract Administrator with Textron Cor- the money that made Lana’s leadership of the mitment to the children and community at poration, supervising defense contracts with MEC such a success, it was the quality of Temple Israel. the United States Navy. Due to his exemplary

VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:33 May 01, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A30AP8.047 E30APPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with REMARKS E1040 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 30, 2009 professional service, Don has served as a as President of the Napa Valley Economic De- READING IS FUNDAMENTAL state or chapter executive committee officer velopment Corporation, and in the Napa Val- with several defense industry professional as- ley Chamber of Commerce among many oth- sociations including the Association of the ers. He is a Rotarian and lifetime PTA mem- HON. VERNON J. EHLERS United States Army (AUSA), the American De- ber who was appointed to the Napa City OF MICHIGAN fense Preparedness Association (later the Na- Council from 1999 to 2001. Of particular note IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tional Defense Industry Association), and the on this occasion is Ray’s service to develop- JROTC Awards Banquet Committee, among mentally disabled adults as Chairman of the Thursday, April 30, 2009 others. Product Services Industry Board of Directors Mr. EHLERS. Madam Speaker, I supported In his personal life Don has always been a and President of North Bay Developmental Reading is Fundamental, a national project, staunch, committed Conservative. His first offi- Disabilities Services. that received funding through H.R. 1105, the cial participation in the Republican Party came Throughout his career, Mr. Sercu has Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009. when he offered to volunteer in the re-election earned the continued admiration of all who Reading is Fundamental (RIF) is authorized campaign of President Nixon in 1972. He went have worked with him. His colleagues and under the Elementary and Secondary Edu- on to serve as a volunteer in both Reagan friends describe Ray as one of the kindest, cation Act. RIF promotes youth literacy by pro- landslides of 1980 and 1984. His first foray most generous people they have ever met, viding underserved children access to free and into local Michigan Republican Party politics someone who would give the shirt off his back new books at programs across our nation. was as a volunteer in the Honorable Joe to make the community a better place. Knollenberg’s successful campaign for the Madam Speaker and colleagues, it is my It is a good program, and I am pleased to United States House of Representatives in distinct pleasure to recognize Ray Sercu for support it. 1992. Don was later elected as a precinct del- his many years of service. He has been a egate and joined the Wayne 11th Congres- model citizen and leader in the Napa Valley f sional District Republicans. During his time in and his presence has enriched the lives of ev- the Wayne 11th Congressional District Repub- EXPRESSING SUPPORT FOR eryone in our community. I join his wife Jenny VIETNAMESE REFUGEES DAY licans, Don has led, organized, or assisted in and six children in thanking Ray for a distin- almost every volunteer effort undertaken by guished lifetime of service and wishing him the organization in order to promote principled continued success and fulfillment. SPEECH OF Conservative values which make our GOP the grand party it is. Don’s other greatest achieve- f HON. BETTY McCOLLUM ments are his two children, Beth and Steve, UW SCHOOL OF MEDICINE OF MINNESOTA and his four grandchildren. Beth and her hus- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES band Eric, have three children, Megan, Sean, and Kelly. Steve and his wife Andrea have HON. DAVID G. REICHERT Tuesday, April 28, 2009 OF WASHINGTON one child, Christopher. Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Madam Speaker, Donald W. Kolhoff has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in support of H. Res. 342 encouraging the faithfully served Michigan and Wayne County. Thursday, April 30, 2009 designation of May 2, 2009 as ‘‘Vietnamese As he receives this award for his lifetime of Refugees Day’’. Mr. REICHERT. Madam Speaker, today I achievements, he serves as a timeless exam- H. Res. 342 expresses the support of the ple of selflessness and public service. Today, rise in recognition of the University of Wash- ington School of Medicine and their incredible House of Representatives for a day to com- I ask my colleagues to join me in congratu- memorate the arrival of Vietnamese refugees lating Donald W. Kolhoff upon his award and standing as one of the best medical schools in the world. According to US News & World Re- in the United States and document their recognizing his years of loyal service to our harrowing experiences and subsequent community and country. port, the University of Washington tops the list of national primary care medical schools for achievements. May 2, 2009 has aptly been f the 16th consecutive year. chosen for this day of commemoration since it HONORING RAYMOND SERCU OF The groundbreaking and life-saving work also the date on which a powerful symposium NAPA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA done at the UW School of Medicine is beyond entitled ‘‘Journey to Freedom: A Boat People extraordinary. I feel a sense of pride to know Retrospective’’ is being sponsored by the Li- that the best primary care medical school in brary of Congress and Vietnamese-American HON. MIKE THOMPSON organizations across the United States. OF CALIFORNIA the nation is located in my home state of Washington. More than one million Vietnamese refugees IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The School of Medicine was also ranked left their home country following the Vietnam Thursday, April 30, 2009 first in family medicine and rural medicine for War. Many risked their lives fleeing peril and Mr. THOMPSON of California. Madam the 18th straight year, fourth in women’s destruction on small, overcrowded ships. Oth- Speaker, I rise today to recognize Mr. Ray- health medicine, sixth in geriatric and pediatric ers escaped by land to refugee camps mond Sercu, a great leader in the community medicine and eighth in internal medicine. Ad- throughout Southeast Asia. Over 22,000 of of Napa Valley. Mr. Sercu is being honored by ditionally, six active and retired members of these courageous individuals settled in Min- Napa Valley Product Services Industry for his the UW community are among 210 new Fel- nesota and I am proud to say that many now many contributions to developmentally dis- lows named to the American Academy of Arts call Minnesota’s 4th District their home. abled adults in the Napa Valley. & Sciences: David Baker, William Gerberding, Despite the difficult conditions they left be- Mr. Sercu was born in Buffalo, New York Andrew Meltzoff, Ed Miles, James Truman hind, Vietnamese refugees have prospered in and served in the United States Air Force for and Gunther Uhlmann. the United States. In Minnesota, and across two years before coming to California for post- Previously, the University of Washington the United States, Vietnamese-Americans graduate work at UC Berkeley and San Jose was ranked the 17th best university in the have made their communities more pros- State. He worked as Area Manager for Na- world by the Institute of Higher Education, perous and more vibrant. Today, Vietnamese- tional Cash Register from 1954 to 1965 before Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and 22nd Americans are amongst the most distin- beginning his distinguished tenure with among the top 100 global universities by guished contributors to the fields of literature, Vallerga’s Markets of Napa in 1965. Newsweek. The University of Washington has the arts, science and athletics in America. Vi- Mr. Sercu’s time as President of one of proven itself to be a world-class institution and etnamese restaurants, retail services, and gro- Napa’s premier small businesses is only the it is truly a privilege to represent a region cery stores have helped turn University Ave- beginning of his extensive community involve- boasting some of the greatest minds in the nue in St. Paul, Minnesota into a thriving busi- ment. Ray has served as Chairman of Queen world. I congratulate them on the honor for the ness center. of the Valley Hospital’s Board of Trustees, the School of Medicine and look forward to con- Mr. Speaker, I call on my colleagues to rec- Northern California Grocers Association, Retail tinue working together to make sure we pro- ognize the great courage and achievement of Marketing Services and the Napa County 4–H vide the best medical care and training pos- Vietnamese refugees everywhere by joining Sponsorship Committee. He has also served sible. me in supporting H. Res. 342.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:33 May 01, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K30AP8.026 E30APPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with REMARKS April 30, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1041 CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ON The budget supports the President’s goals of higher learning, need to be engaged and THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR for Health Care Reform. The President’s prin- employed. Employment will provide them with 2010 ciples for healthcare reform include making skills and aptitudes that are necessary to be health coverage affordable and available to all, productive in society. SPEECH OF improving safety and quality, and improving HEALTHCARE HON. SHEILA JACKSON-LEE and providing Americans with a choice of The budget accounts for the cost of OF TEXAS health plans and physicians, including the healthcare reform to ensure that the 45 million IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES choice of keeping their current health plan. uninsured Americans (four million of which are The budget begins to address the rising health children) have access to quality and affordable Wednesday, April 29, 2009 care costs. The average cost of an employer- healthcare. Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Madam sponsored health insurance policy exceeded The budget accounts for the following: Speaker, I rise today in strong support of the $12,000 in 2008, more than twice what it cost Funding the Minority AIDS Initiative to build Conference Report on S. Con. Res. 13, Chair- ten years ago. The President’s plan would re- capacity among minority run non-govern- man, setting forth the congressional budget for duce the inefficiencies that have caused these mental organizations and to conduct outreach the United States Government for fiscal year prices to soar. services among minority communities. 2010, revising the appropriate budgetary lev- The budget sets us on a plan to increase Funding the Ryan White CARE Act to sup- els for fiscal year 2009, and setting forth the coverage. The number of people without insur- port care and treatment programs at the local appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years ance grew from 38 million in 2000 to nearly 46 level to address the needs of people living 2011 through 2014. I thank Chairman SPRATT million in 2008. Nearly 1 out of 6 Americans with HIV/AIDS. of the Budget Committee for his leadership is without health care coverage. Most unin- Funding the CDC Prevention activities for and hard work on spearheading the effort to sured are in working families. Millions more HIV, STD, TB and Viral Hepatitis to fund test- bring a budget to the floor that the American are underinsured. The budget assumes that ing initiatives and support innovative preven- people can live with, helps fuel the engine of health care will be paid for, so it does not add tion efforts at the local level. the government, makes America thrive, and to the deficit. Importantly, the budget supports Funding for Housing for people living with makes it place that we all can be proud of. improvements to medicare’s payment system HIV/AIDS (HOPWA) to provide supportive The President, the Conferees, and this Con- for doctors. The budget supports legislation on housing for people with AIDS. gress, should all be commended for helping medicare physician payments to provide for INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS bring this budget to the floor. I support the efficiency and higher quality care, promote fis- I commend the President for requesting an budget and I urge my colleagues to do the cal sustainability, ensure that primary care re- increase of $15 billion for the Department of same. I support the budget for several impor- ceives appropriate compensation, and im- State and other international programs in tant and distinct reasons. proves coordination of care. FY2010, which is a 40% increase over the Unlike the last Administration, which inher- The budget invests in education. The budg- FY2009 level. The budget includes this in- ited a $5.6 trillion surplus, this Administration et builds upon the Recovery Act’s historic in- crease in the budget resolution. I am hopeful inherited an economy in steep decline, a vestment in education. The budget includes that these additional funds will go towards the budget in record deficit, and faltering public the $100 billion in education funding provided Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and services due to persistent underfunding and for in the Recovery Act to help states maintain Malaria; USAID; migration and refugee assist- inattention. The Congress has already taken elementary, secondary, and higher education ance; peacekeeping efforts in Darfur; edu- steps to create jobs, help Americans regain services. The Recovery Act targeted funds to cation, healthcare and cultural exchange pro- their home, help Americans pay their bills and Title I (Education for the Disadvantaged), grams; child survival and health programs; put food on the table for their families. The Head Start, and special education, where the and development assistance. Congress has also taken steps to rebuild our funding can be used to train more teachers to NATIONAL DEFENSE economy. The Congress has done all of these provide needed services. This supports I support the robust funding for our troops tasks by enacting the Recovery Act. The Congress’s efforts that resulted in increased and America’s national defense. I support re- budget is an economic blueprint for the future maximum Pell Grant awards to $619 to a total ducing funding for the failed Ballistic Missile that builds from these initial steps by making of $5,350—the largest annual increase in his- Defense program and reallocating those funds strategic investments to rebuild our economy tory—and created the American Opportunity within the Defense Department to fund in- over the long term. The budget provides for in- Tax Credit for eligible students receive a par- creases in shipbuilding, troop readiness, mili- creased investment in health care reform, edu- tially refundable tax credit of up to $2,500 to tary and civilian pay, cancer research, and cation, and energy independence and at the cover college costs. Simply put, the budget mental health services. same time puts the budget back on a path to makes education more affordable and acces- I have consistently fought for funding to fiscal responsibility and sustainability. sible and increases education funding. It sup- weed out waste, fraud and abuse within the The budget is to be applauded as nothing ports early childhood education and supports Department of Defense. The Defense Depart- short of a miracle. It makes strategic invest- improved school breakfast and lunch pro- ment has already saved an estimated $89 bil- ments in education, health care reform, and grams. The budget will afford over 31 million lion between FY01 and FY07 by implementing energy independence and puts the country children a healthy and nutritious meal. 1,682 of the Government Accountability Of- back on track to remain globally competitive. It The budget builds upon significant funding fice’s recommendations. The present budget, puts us on track to cut the Federal budget def- and tax incentives in the Recovery Act by in- as does President Obama’s FY2010 Budget icit by more than half by 2013. The budget re- creasing our investments in renewable energy Overview, reflects a similar commitment, as flects the Recovery Act. The Obama Adminis- and energy efficiency by some 18 percent for has the House Budget Committee under tration inherited a deficit of well over $1 trillion 2010. These investments will spur new Chairman SPRATT’s leadership. and the worst economic downturn since the sources of energy that we can produce here, INCOME SECURITY Great Depression. The budget builds upon the creating ‘‘green collar’’ jobs for American As the economy continues to worsen, the President’s plan. It provides tax relief to mid- workers. It will promote energy independence budget accounts for the increased need for in- dle-income families, creates jobs through in- over the long term. come security programs, such as the Supple- vestment in infrastructure, and extends unem- I urge my colleagues to support the budget. mental Nutrition Assistance Program, Unem- ployment benefits for millions of Americans. It takes the appropriate steps to put the budg- ployment Insurance, Medicaid, and the Recov- The budget addresses eight years of Re- et back on track for fiscal responsibility and ery Act’s COBRA subsidy. public policies that have brought on America’s sustainability. It will cut the budget deficit by HOUSING PROGRAMS current economic woes. So far, we have seen more than half in four years. Specifically, it will The housing crisis lies at the center of the 25 straight months of housing price declines; cut the budget from $1.7 trillion in 2009 to economic problems we face today. After the 14 months of job losses and 4.4 million jobs $586 billion in 2013. It also improves responsi- series of TARP bills, the Congress has just lost, the most since World War II, with bility through statutory pay-go. It includes in- found out that bank executives have used 651,000 jobs lost in February alone; unem- vestment in oversight and enforcement yield- over $100 million in TARP funds to pay for ex- ployment is currently soaring above 8.1 per- ing savings. ecutive bonuses and other forms of com- cent and in the double digits in the minority YOUTH JOBS pensation. The budget reverses eight years of communities across this great Nation; and 45 The budget includes funding for summer underfunding of the nation’s affordable hous- percent drop in major stock markets from their jobs for youth. Our youth, and individuals that ing programs and we are pleased that the Ad- highs. have opted not to go to college or institutions ministration has proposed a HUD budget that

VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:33 May 01, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A30AP8.053 E30APPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with REMARKS E1042 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 30, 2009 increases funding for the Department by 19 infrastructural projects. The President’s prior- gress—127 cosponsors in the 110th Congress percent. The budget matches this aggressive ities are reminiscent of the New Deal where and 220 in the 109th Congress—but have rou- budget authorization and to support large in- this country invested in building up our Nation tinely been stalled. Let’s not let that happen vestments into the Community and Regional and the budget reflects this. The President again. Development and and the Income Security has made a significant effort at achieving this I suspect many Americans would be sur- functions in order to account for increases in by his signing of HR 1, the Stimulus Act. prised to learn that they are paying a three Affordable Housing programs. In the Stimulus Act, the President author- percent tax on their local telephone, toll, and The budget supports the Administration’s ized money to be spent on infrastructural teletype exchange services. As an excise tax, proposal to fund the National Affordable Hous- projects that were shovel ready, i.e., ready to there is no direct payment made to the gov- ing Trust Fund at $1 billion and to fully fund be stated within 120 days. I know that Amer- ernment; the tax is collected by the phone the Community Development Block Grant pro- ica could use this money. companies and remitted to the federal govern- gram. It funds HUD’s housing programs for Indeed, Houston would benefit. Houston’s ment. the elderly, disabled, and Native Americans, Metro Rail needs to complete its RAIL service Although the amount is itemized on each as well as for those programs that prevent in certain quadrants of Houston. The project phone bill, it is one of many taxes, fees and homelessness. It increases funding for the has been twenty years in the making. I have surcharges listed and can be easily over- Neighborhood Stabilization Program, which al- worked with Leadership and Chairman OBER- looked on the multiple pages of an average lows states, localities, and nonprofits to buy up STAR to ensure that METRO Rail projects get telephone bill. and rehabilitate abandoned and foreclosed the funding that they need to be completed. With advances in technology, this tax has properties. Completion of this mobility project would de- become punitive for those without the ability, JUSTICE PROGRAMS crease congestion and pollution as financial means or desire to upgrade their tele- The budget accounts for funding efforts to Houstonians would travel via rail instead of communications services. Cellular phone and combat and reduce juvenile crime and efforts using their cars. This would increase Houston long distance landline telephone services were to rehabilitate ex-offenders. Removing barriers mobility and the health of Houstonians as they exempted from the tax in 2006. Bundled serv- to reentry has proven to reduce recidivism, would be forced to walk around instead of ices that do not differentiate between local and which in the long run reduces crime. In addi- using their private transport. long distance services, such as Voice over tion, the budget accounts for much needed in- VETERANS Internet Protocol (VoIP) services, also are ex- creases in youth crime intervention programs. The budget provides increased funding for empt. The only service still being subjected to Research has shown that targeting funding to- veterans over the next five years. this antiquated tax is local telephone service, wards intervention rather than incarceration is OTHER PRIORITIES which is the predominant means of commu- more effective at reducing crime and saving Fully fund the Community Development nication used by the disabled, lower-income the taxpayer money in the long run. Block Grant. families and senior citizens. I have long supported efforts to increase Increased funding for the Public Housing Eliminating this regressive tax would be funding for the Justice Assistance Program, Capital Fund to continue to address eight consistent with the actions we already have the Juvenile Justice Program, Civil Rights En- years of stagnant funding under the Bush Ad- taken so far in this Congress to provide hun- forcement, the COPS Program, the Byrne Jus- ministration. dreds of billions of dollars in tax relief to hard tice Grant Program, and State and Local Law Fully fund the Child Care and Development working Americans. I ask my colleagues to Enforcement Assistance. The budget accounts Block Grant. join us in hanging up on the telephone tax. for sustaining many of the important increases Fully fund the Social Services Block Grant. f for these programs that was included in the Increased funding for HOPE VI. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Fully fund the Neighborhood Stabilization HONORING DANIEL C. GILLIAM EDUCATION Program. As the Chairwoman of the Children’s Cau- Increased funding for the Affordable Hous- HON. C.A. DUTCH RUPPERSBERGER cus, I support the budget’s effort to reform and ing Trust Fund. OF MARYLAND Support for the creation of a National Infra- expand the Pell Grant program. Pell Grants IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES are way to make education affordable to dis- structure Bank. Thursday, April 30, 2009 advantaged youth. This is very important to Continued funding for Hurricane Katrina re- me. covery and rebuilding efforts. Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Madam Speaker, I The budget has sustained increases in edu- Increased funding for the Environmental rise before you today to honor Daniel C. cation funding, especially for Title I and IDEA. Justice Small Grants Program. Gilliam upon his retirement from the position Even though Congress is to consider the reau- Increased funding for the National Under- of Deputy Senior Acquisition Executive at the thorization of the No Child Left Behind Act this ground Railroad Network to Freedom program National Security Agency (NSA). In this posi- year, the Budget Committee should still ac- at the National Park Service. This is important tion Mr. Gilliam has been responsible for all of count for the need to address the substantial to me. I worked to get funding for urban parks NSA’s acquisitions and management of the funding shortfalls of this program over the last in the Stimulus bill. This increases the health Acquisition Directorate’s senior leadership. Mr. eight years. The American Recovery and Re- and overall well being of constituents. It is Gilliam oversees all procurements, liaisons investment Act made substantial increases, necessary in urban Mecca’s like Houston. with key industry partners, and directs re- the budget accounts for sustaining many of f sources to optimize the organization’s effec- these new investments. HANG UP ON THE TELEPHONE tiveness. Working closely with Acquisition’s The budget also account for needed in- TAX customers, Mr. Gilliam maintains strategic creases in funding for Head Start, TRIO (in- partnerships with NSA’s mission elements to cluding Upward Bound), GEAR UP, Youth ensure their needs and requirements are met. Build, and vocational education programs. The HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY After earning a Bachelor’s degree in Busi- OF VIRGINIA budget accounts for funding for expanded ness Management from the University of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES grants to states for workplace and community Maryland, and a Master’s degree in Public Ad- transition as authorized in the Higher Edu- Thursday, April 30, 2009 ministration from the George Washington Uni- cation Opportunity Act. These grants will bet- Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Madam Speak- versity in 1979, Mr. Gilliam graduated from the ter assist and encourage incarcerated individ- er, I rise to urge my colleagues to support the Industrial College of the Armed Forces in uals who have obtained a secondary school Telephone Excise Tax Repeal Act of 2009, 1993. He also attended the Federal Executive diploma or its recognized equivalent to acquire which I introduced today along with Mr. Institutes Leadership for a Democratic Society educational and job skills. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. The telephone tax Program in 1996. The budget accounts for funding for the his- is deceptive, archaic, unfair and regressive. In 1976, Daniel began his career at NSA as toric increases in funding for Historically Black This tax was first imposed in 1898 to fund a management support intern. Since then, he Colleges and Universities and Minority Serving U.S. involvement in the Spanish American has worked on a variety of acquisition and Institutions authorized in the Higher Education War. That conflict is long over, and now elimi- contracting positions to include contracting Act reauthorization enacted last year. nation of this tax is long overdue. But it is not specialist, contracting officer, and cost/price INFRASTRUCTURE for want of trying. analyst as well as managing those same dis- The budget supports the President’s initia- Similar pieces of legislation have won bipar- ciplines. While participating in NSA’s executive tives to provide increased funding for tisan support in previous sessions of Con- development program, Mr. Gilliam worked in

VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:33 May 01, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A30AP8.054 E30APPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with REMARKS April 30, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1043 the NSA Corporate Policy Office, the NSA Op- EARMARK DECLARATION leagues to help bring renewed awareness of erations Directorate, and served as the De- children with autism. fense Intelligence Agency’s Director for Pro- HON. TIM MURPHY f curement in 1995/1996. From 1997 to 2005, OF PENNSYLVANIA CREDIT CARDHOLDERS’ BILL OF Mr. Gilliam served as the Chief of the Con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tracting Group, responsible for managing and RIGHTS ACT OF 2009 Thursday, April 30, 2009 directing all effort associated with contracting SPEECH OF for materials, equipment, and services re- Mr. TIM MURPHY of Pennsylvania. Madam quired to support the missions of the NSA. Speaker, pursuant to the Republican Leader- HON. BART STUPAK OF MICHIGAN Certified level III in contracting in accord- ship standards on earmarks, I am submitting IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ance with the Defense Acquisition Workforce the following information for publication in the Improvement Act. Mr. Gilliam graduated from CONGRESSIONAL RECORD regarding earmarks I Wednesday, April 29, 2009 NSA’s Senior Cryptologic Executive Develop- received as part of H.R. 1105, Omnibus Ap- The House in Committee of the Whole ment Program in 1996. He received the De- propriations Act, 2009: House on the State of the Union had under fense Intelligence Director’s Award in 1996, Requesting Member: Congressman TIM consideration of the bill (H.R. 627) to amend and he received the Meritorious Executive MURPHY the Truth in Lending Act to establish fair Presidential Rank Award in 2002. Bill Number: H.R. 1105—Omnibus Appro- and transparent practices relating to the ex- priations Act, 2009 tension of credit under an open end con- Madam Speaker, I ask that you join with me Account: Department of Education, National sumer credit plan, and for other purposes: today to honor Daniel C. Gilliam in his retire- Projects, Innovation & Improvement Mr. STUPAK. Mr. Chair, I am proud to be a ment from the position of Deputy Senior Ac- Legal Name of Requesting Entity: National co-sponsor of H.R. 627, the Credit Card- quisition Executive at the National Security Writing Project holders’ Bill of Rights Act. Agency. His legacy as a brilliant and com- Address of Requesting Entity: University of In this economic crisis, far too many families petent specialist will be forever remembered in California, 2105 Bancroft Way #1042, Berke- have been forced to rely on short-term, high- his service to defending the security of our na- ley, CA 94720–1042 interest credit card debt to pay for food, hous- tion. It is with great pride that I congratulate Description of Request: Appropriation in the ing and other basic necessities. Dan Gilliam on his exemplary defense career amount of $24,291,000 for the National Writ- In Northern Michigan, unemployment is at and his outstanding service at the National ing Project for activities authorized under the record highs. This has led many families to fall Security Agency. Elementary and Secondary Education Act. behind on their payments and fall victim to Requesting Member: Congressman TIM predatory practices of many credit card com- f MURPHY panies. Bill Number: H.R. 1105—Omnibus Appro- This legislation includes several provisions RECOGNIZING MATT GIRAUD priations Act, 2009 that would protect consumers from these abu- Account: Department of Education, National sive practices. Projects, Innovation & Improvement The bill would protect cardholders from arbi- HON. FRED UPTON Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Reading trary interest rate increases, ban collection of OF MICHIGAN Is Fundamental interest on amounts already paid, and would also set specific definitions for ‘‘prime rate,’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Address of Requesting Entity: 1825 Con- necticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 400, Wash- ‘‘fixed rate’’ and other terms to prevent decep- Thursday, April 30, 2009 ington, DC 20009 tive use of these terms. Description of Request: Appropriation in the For too long, the credit card industry has Mr. UPTON. Madam Speaker, I rise today amount of $24,803,000 for Reading Is Funda- preyed upon consumers through omission of to recognize Matt Giraud, a great talent from mental authorized under the Elementary & honest billing practices, and through loopholes Kalamazoo, Michigan, for placing in the top Secondary Education Act. in credit regulation. five on the eighth season of Fox’s American I, alongside my colleagues Mr. PRICE, Mr. f Idol. MILLER, and Mr. MORAN among others, have Every week, Matt has been a staple in our NATIONAL AUTISM AWARENESS offered an amendment that requires credit living rooms, helping us forget about Michi- MONTH card companies to honestly report a cus- gan’s challenges for a little while as he sang tomer’s balance on their monthly credit card the hits in his own impressive style. statement. HON. DAVID G. REICHERT This includes reporting the monthly payment OF WASHINGTON A life-long Michigan resident, Matt grew up amount and total cost to the consumer for in Ypsilanti, Michigan where he began his mu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES them to eliminate their outstanding balance in sical career by playing drums at his local Thursday, April 30, 2009 12, 24 and 36 months. church. As time passed, Matt became more I urge my colleagues to support our amend- serious about music. He taught himself how to Mr. REICHERT. Madam Speaker, the Cen- ters for Disease Control estimate that autism ment and to support the underlying bill. play the piano and began singing at the age f of sixteen. Matt spent his college years in now affects one in every 150 American chil- Kalamazoo and attended Western Michigan dren and nearly one in 94 boys. More children CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ON University, where he studied organizational will be diagnosed with autism this year than THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR communication and was a member of the jazz with diabetes, cancer, and AIDS combined. 2010 ensemble Gold Company II. After graduating Autism is the fastest-growing serious develop- SPEECH OF from Western, Matt decided to make Kala- mental disability in the world, and yet we know mazoo his home and became a regular per- little about the root causes of autism. HON. BETTY McCOLLUM That’s why we must do more to support NIH former at Monaco Bay and Zazio’s lounge, OF MINNESOTA medical research. Earlier this month I intro- building quite a local following—including me IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and my staff. duced a resolution with Representatives GER- LACH and BACHUS to again designate April as Wednesday, April 29, 2009 Matt was a performer on this ‘‘National Autism Awareness Month.’’ Ms. MCCOLLUM. Madam Speaker, I rise season, wowing us time and time again with This resolution commends the parents and today in strong support of the Budget Resolu- his polished performances. The State of Michi- relatives of children with autism for their dedi- tion Conference Report (S. Con. Res. 13). As gan has been rooting for him from the begin- cation in providing for their special needs. It a member of the Budget Committee, I would ning and we in Kalamazoo are proud to call emphasizes the importance of early interven- like to thank Chairman SPRATT for his contin- Matt Giraud our home town idol. Matt, con- tion services. And it supports efforts to devote ued leadership, and President Obama for ad- gratulations on your success and we look for- new resources to medical research on the vancing a budget that embodies our national ward to watching you succeed in the years causes of autism and treatments for it. values. ahead. With increased support for autism, together The serious problems caused by eight years Although Matt’s run is over on American we can offer some hope in an area that des- of failed policies, including record deficits, dou- Idol, a brilliant career is just beginning. perately needs it. I encourage all of my col- bling of the national debt and the smallest rate

VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:33 May 01, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A30AP8.057 E30APPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with REMARKS E1044 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 30, 2009 of job growth in three-quarters of a century, This resolution takes steps to make health tax cuts adopted in 2001 and 2003 for middle- will not be solved overnight. Families across care coverage affordable and available to all, income Americans. This plan will also place the nation, and in Minnesota, are struggling to while also improving the quality and safety of restraints on areas of unsustainable spending make ends meet. Unemployment has soared patient care. In addition, this budget makes and cut the deficit in half by 2014. to 8.5 percent, while health care costs are ris- historic investments in renewable energy, en- I urge my colleagues to join me in sup- ing and housing prices continue to decline. ergy efficiency and the clean energy research porting S. Con. Res. 13. This budget is a new beginning. It charts a programs America needs to start down the f course toward economic recovery and signals path of energy independence. the end of an era of disinvestment in Amer- After eight years of masking the costs of PERSONAL EXPLANATION ica’s families. Instead of ignoring the economic war and natural disasters, this plan ushers in crisis, this agreement confronts it head-on by a new era of honesty and accountability in HON. C.A. DUTCH RUPPERSBERGER making strategic investments in education, budgeting. President Obama and this Con- OF MARYLAND health care reform and energy independence gress have included estimates of these costs IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to help restore growth at home and keep the for every year in the budget. U.S. competitive in the global economy. The budget resolution is a blueprint for the Thursday, April 30, 2009 Today’s students are tomorrow’s workforce, future of our country, which recognizes the Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Madam Speaker, which is why this resolution makes significant needs of America’s families and will help to re- on April 29, 2009 I missed rollcall vote 223, investments in education from early childhood store widely-shared economic prosperity for the final passage of H.R. 1913, the Local Law programs to college affordability. This budget generations to come. As an important first Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act. If I also recognizes that health care reform cannot step in this direction, the budget calls for tax were present for the vote I would have voted wait: nearly one out of every six Americans is cuts for families who make less than $250,000 ‘‘aye.’’ I missed the vote because I was in an uninsured and many more are underinsured. and permanently extends the middle-income Intelligence Committee hearing.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:33 May 01, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A30AP8.062 E30APPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with REMARKS