REGIONAL MAP REPORT: SACRAMENTO COUNTY semibaccata (Australian saltbush)

Ca l -I PC Ra ti ng: Moderate

Speci es Des cri pti on: (Australian saltbush) is a spreading, shrubby perennial ( Chenopodiaceae). It was introduced as a forage in the 1920s. Since then, Australian saltbush has escaped cultivation and is now invasive in coastal grasslands and scrub, and the higher ground of salt marshes.

Additional information: See Cal-IPC's Plant Profiles or Calflora's Taxon Pho to © Regents o f the University o f Califo rnia Report

Abundance and trend by USGS 7.5-minute quadrangle. See ? on Maps for additional information on map legend.

This report was created on Apr 25, 20 13 using © 20 13 Invasive Plant Council, 1 REGIONAL SPECIES MAP REPORT: SACRAMENTO COUNTY Atriplex semibaccata (Australian saltbush)

H ow To U se This R eport

This report provides distribution and suitability maps that can be used in conjunction with the Report on Management Opportunities as a starting place for setting regional priorities. The maps show the spatial factors that determine surveillance, eradication, and containment opportunities.

Suitability maps can be used to further assess the potential for an invasive plant species to spread into a new area. Predicted change in future suitability allow natural resource managers to prepare for new conditions, and may be used to elevate or demote the priority of a particular species in a particular area.

For current distribution, we interviewed local experts to determine abundance, spread and management by USGS 7.5-minute quadrangle (approximately 8 mi x 6 mi). We also incorporated occurrence data from Calflora, the Consortium of California Herbaria, and other collected datasets.

CalWeedMapper displays projected suitable range in 2010, projected suitable range in 2050, and the change (expansion or reduction) in range between those dates. Suitable range for 2050 shows areas where at least four of the 17 GCMs agreed. Our projections are based on climate only and do not consider factors such as , vegetation communities, and methods of spread. For more detailed information on our methods, click here.

Chang e in S uitable R ang e, 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 50

in d ic ates area wh ere su itab ility fo r S u ii ta b ll e r a n ge th is sp ec ies is u n c h an ged fro m 20 10 -20 50 . in d ic ates area wh ic h is u n su itab le E xp a n d e d r a n ge in 20 10 b u t is p ro jec ted to b e su itab le in 20 50 . in d ic ates area wh ic h is su itab le in Re d u c e d r a n ge 20 10 b u t is p ro jec ted to b e u n su itab le in 20 50 .

C ll ii ma te c h a n ge s c e n a r ii o :: A2 O c c u r r e n c e p o ii n ts u s e d :: 1 0 8 M ii n ii mu m d ii s ta n c e b e twe e n o c c u r r e n c e s :: 0 ..1 6 0 0 0 0 Ar e a u n d e r th e c u r ve ( AU C ) :: 0 ..9 5 4 0 0 0 Ap p ll ii e d th r e s h o ll d ( s p e c ii f ii c ii ty e q u a ll s s e n s ii tii vii ty) :: 0 ..1 0 4 0 0 0

This report was created on Apr 25, 20 13 using © 20 13 California Invasive Plant Council, 2