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12-11-1967 Kabul Times (December 11, 1967, vol. 6, no. 210) Bakhtar News Agency

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Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (December 11, 1967, vol. 6, no. 210)" (1967). Kabul Times. 1652.

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.~ ,I v ", ... .\. 'I !. I , t'"",," . ., .. J' t' • .' . .. :-." . ' ,. 1 .. , ., DEctMBER 10, 191\7 ,' FOIt-SHEER_ .. DELIGHT - 1'; S., .', ,I ," ~ '. -V"l ..r,v'jf~ . . I 'BpI ~{~ ".- ~---~ U, 6~ _ ~~~~-'tt . ,~:.P' 7 ,,~,,;, _. ~ ':':. :·f.t.jl'~'·"'~'·;' P',: .. U·~ ',' V01:i, :vr;Jm:' 2io .' 9 KAi3UL,,~9~f}Y, J;>ECE~B~RJ119~7 I(QAU~_1....~_,1_3~46_S...H""") .;;,P,;";R_IC;,;;E;;.,,.;AF;;;';".;;,8_'~• .. ,! "J T tiM"P";~· "eUltF~ouTnrdiIUlo~~\Dn' ~I~II,,~~ Human Right Ate RABA:tStJMMrr 1'0 Tribute .""'..,oM¥' S·0tailt_, . .. . ' .'. . To Goo/a" Etetnodi I'., - U {itcu ... ~ Being JTiolated: LONG BEACH (California), r Dec, 10 (AFP).-The fam~us 'S,ET NEW PO,·LI'C',,··IES...... Cunard iiner Queen MI\l'Y. amv­ KABUL, Dec. 11, (B~khtar).- WASHINGTON, Dec. 11 (Reu tainin8 a material that gives off Ii- Yugoslavia ed here 'Saturday ~ finil:h its His Majesty the King yesterday ter}-An American senator Is seekin quid 011 wben subje<:ted to. heat. o~er BELGRADE, Dec. 11 crs..}- days as a floating hotel, congress · MH ' '. .morning went to' the ,SJietilur stnct government controls ex- The government has proposed ac- Basic human rights are nOW"r05­ centre and maritime museum. a I 3.y. arden Ll-ne On. Mosque to attend the condolence ploitation of what he has described celerating development of the 011 sly violated in many regions#>f tbe The liner, which for 31 years Ar bs meeting of the late Ghulam as a.vast treasure trove of 011 worth shale deposits whicb are mainly on world, says a statement published Sarwar Goya Etemadi, the 1earn- $25,000 to every man, wom8ll and public lands In Wyoming, Utah served British public, was bought -d t Le S· ,S her,e Sunday by the. executive COD1­ for $ 3,400,000. MI eas , ague· ource ays ed Afghan literary figur" who cbild in the United States. and Colorado, tbrough a program- mIltce of the Union of Yugoslav . .' died Friday., The "Bonanzatl is locked up in me of leasing to private interests. UN Societies on the occasion of His l\fajesty recalled the gre~t buge sbale deposits in the west, But Sen. William Prollmire (Dem- CAIRO, Dec. 1I (AFP)--,The Nations Securly,Council resolution on Human Rights Day and the Qeci­ serv,ces rendered by Etemadi to the Ivbicb are estimated to contain about oerat, Wisconsin) has introduced a sion of the UN General Ass,mbly CHRISTMASS CARDS I foreiiln ministers and delegateS of the Middle East, known as the world of literature. 2,000,000 milUon barrels of oil- biD calling on the government to Home Briefs 10 pro'cIaim 1968 the Internalional Best and most beautiful Cbrl-.. the 13' Arab League'coun,tries met uBritish resolution". The condolen~e meeting, held equal to 25 times the amount so retain control of the oil shale lands stmass Ca:rds from Afghanistan behind closeil doors bere Sunday Under this' resolution, UN Secre­ on Saturday anq Sunday by his flO ,Year of Humap Rights. family 811d the Miniatry of Edu- ar produced by the United States for at east I years. The princIples of respect for hu­ with various scenes aDd designs KABUL, Dec. 10 (Bakhtar}-The amid' indications ibat their talb tary Oeneral U Thant has named cation, was attended by 'Their Its, value is put at apout 1,000,000 "We simply don't have enough man rights, proclaimed two deca­ are available at Splnzar-Hote1. Legal and Legislative Affairs Com­ O~, would bring, a hard~g of the Swedish diplomat Gunnar Jarrln8 Ro. ' Bible In Hand,. yal Highness PrlJice Abmad Sbah million (416..000 millIon sterllJig). information to set ter,ms and cond- des ago. have not been implemen. mittee of the Mcshrano Jirgah yes­ Arab' countries' lilies in the Middle as the UN speclal repreSentative In East -Crlai.. . the Middle East. Mohammad Nader, Shah, Wall OIl sbale IS rock that runs deep ilions for the handling of these r- ted, the statement says, . terday considered matters related to Kban Gbazi, Sardar Mobammad Into the earth. It is formed of tig- ecious federal acr.... he told \;,e Terror and racial discrimination Horse Brand Socks it. Heroin In Other Corifererice .sources said a new Th. Council gave Jariin~ a man­ line of "politico-military" action date to work for a peace settlement Daoud, Sardar Mobammad Nalm bUy packed clay, mud and silt coo- senate. ' arc practised to this day in the stHI NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 10 wnuld replace the lin. of "politico­ based on "the withdrawal of Israeli Sardar Abdul Wall and other mem~ "Four fjfths of this vast multi-tri-' existing colonial possessions Uasle KABUL, Dec. 10 (Bakbtar}- (Rcuter).-A man caning himsell human and political rights haye Work on the Salang highway transit economic" action laid down by tbe ~~rces from, occupied territory", and bers 01 the Royal Family. Garrison: Johnson Ilion dollar treasure trove-one of a professional g<\spel singer was Arab sununtt in Kbartoum last Au­ a termlnallon of all clQims or Supreme Court Chief Justice the most valuable natural reSOurce been abolished in certam couotri. route In Kabul, and stone dykes on arrested at New Orleans inter­ es. gust. states of bellisenecy", together with Abdul Hakim Ziayee the presid- jackpots in the world-is In public the Kabul river for 4455 metres and natIOnal airport Saturday night One training and (temonstration We offer our customen Conceals EVI.dence aspball1ng of Shahi Wat is being The main moves along this new " rec08nltion of aU countries" right ents of the two houses of Parlia- lands. Four fifths of this bonanza is The war now going On n Viet­ with a bIble m one hand and a In ammal heallP and animal busb­ new and antique carpetll continued by the Kabul Municipa­ line would be decided at a summit to exist. ment, members of parliament owned by the American people. n8m despite condemnation by lhe caSe containing $ 100,000 (42,000 andry. It will belp the Ministry of at low prices and di1ferent to be held soon In Rabat. Some Arab countries, such as high ranking civil and milltari Every man, woman and child in whole of progressive mankind and hty corporauon sterlmg) worth of heroin in the Agriculture and Irrigation establish I'n Investigation sizes. Opposite the Blue The sources identified the Uulted the UAR conSider this resoluctlon offic,als and relatives also paid the country has a ctlsh intereSl of protests from U,S, citizens IS a Best woolen winter socks other. an animal health assistance and Mosque~ Arab Republic as the prime mover did not gIve them full satisfaction. theIr respects. DALLAS, Texas, Dec. I, (AP) as much as $25,000 apiece in the violation of baSIC human ;ights, KABUL. Dec. 10 (Bakhtar}--Gul­ NarcotIcs squad detectIves said animal husbandry training centre, Share Nau. in favor of a·harder line. In this, , a~ for men, women, girls bahar, preSident of Aryana Afghan Othersl 'such Algeria and , -A White House spokesman proper developmeot of this resour- For the methods employed Ihis they arrested the man, Kenneth The other project has a similar pu­ Te: 24035 ~ the UAR bas the support of Iraq categorically reJe<:t it. ".snrugged 0 ff 1ate Saturday an ac- ce be said. war IS becoming some sort a and boys. Horse Brand Airlmes, who went to Jeddaft two Wilham Johnson, 27, of New rposel in the field of demonstration weeks ago. returned to Kabul yes­ or perbaps the Sudan. Th. new lin. For Syria and some other states Wolesi Jirgah cusatIOn by New Orleans District genOCIde, The Union of ¥ugCJ,lav York, as he left the baggage and training in forest Improvement. At present, one of the major pro­ Sales Shop on Jade Nader terday Dunng hlS stay in Jeddah would be welcomed by Syria and the UN resolution was so repugn­ Attorney J lID Garrison that Pre­ UN Societies supports all efforls to counter - blems is how to extract the oil from Pashtoon near Ariana Ci~ he signed. an agreement on haji tra­ Algeria. ant, that they were practically cer­ Committees Meet SIdent Johnson concealed evid­ brIng the war in Vietnam to 3:n C:ld HiS brown leather case con­ The proJect alms to promote more Unexpectedly, aJl 13 Arab coun­ talD to boycott the Rabat summit If shale. The bureau of mines IS try. The use of force against oth,~r nema. vel with Saudi, Arabia, tained a three-ounce (85 grams) effective use of land for / forestry DEXON - DEXON ence in the John F. Kennedy as, tries were tepresented at cooferen­ its main business were to be 8 dis­ KABUL, Dec. 11. (Bakhtar).­ sassinatlOn investigation. ing a system of fracturing the shale peoples and wars of aggression are parcel of uncut heroin, valued and pasture by means of a demon­ ce's opening session yesterday Syria, cussion of the resolution. The cultural agreement siqned rock undergrouod with hIgh vol­ a glaring VIOlatIon of the pfln":lp­ by oohce at $50,000. (20,000 ster­ stration Ilnd training programme The district attorney matie his Dexon made by (Dente whicb had boycotted the Kbartoum It appeared that every effort was between Afghanistan and Pol­ remarks Saturday night in a co­ tage electriCity and tapping the res. les of the UN Cbarter, the slateme_ ling) and 5,000 small package and to ass st the government In for­ DEISEL STOVE summit in August, decided at the t>,emg made to prevent any dJSseo­ and was discussed by the Cultu­ pyrighted interview show carned ulting flow of oil. nt says, contammg the drug worth $10 mulating a national forestry policy Flu) Factory or different last minute to send its ambassador 5ton at the Cairo conference which ral AffaIrs CommIttee of the by a Dallas television station. (about four sterling). and organisation. ·Deisel· Stc,ves in kinds of metal cabinets for in Cairo to attend the foreign min­ might disrupt diplomatic "coellis­ Wolesi Jirgah yesterdllj'. The Garrison accused President libraries, homes, archives, isters' meeting. tencc" aming the Arab governments. committee issued its decision and Jobnson of deliberately conceal­ ~o different sizes, good ~ook keeping office, post The conference waa called to pre­ Conference organisers were trying sent it the secretariat to bc pre­ 109 "pertment evtdence" and cal­ Sole: Land Rov~r .Camper pare the Rabat summit and to cho­ to convince every partiCipant that a ~cnted to the House. :The commit­ led him "the man who had the NASA Plans More Space Shots tee On International Affairs also Very good condition. Custom outfitted In England, 1965 model offices is available in dif­ ose .. date for It. summit was in the interest of all of most to gain from the assassinA­ The new "bard line" would mean discussed matters related to it quality, in expens­ with long wheel base. Land Rover Camper model' less titan 30 000 fernt sizes and shlipes. tbem, before discussing the date. tion." To O·ut Flight Hazards, lbat all Aarb efforts to reach a A Senate motion ,to Incr~ase Check miles. Four cylinders, gasoline engine, two gas tanks and bullt-In Asked for comment in San An­ peaceful settlement would be acco­ the telephone tax and the ques­ tonio, WhIte House Press Sec­ ive. Contact Yasin storage, for four gerry cans with total gas capacity over 40 gallons. Contact Yasin Market, mpanied by a steady build-up of KABUL, Dec. 11, (llakhtar'.­ lion of fees paId in addItion to retary George Christian merely CAPE KENNEDY, Dec. 11, and 10 <;Jeep space before bring­ CapstaJn winch. Inconsplclous baggage storage and 20 gallon Arab military strength. Abdul Ariz Ferough, the director municipality rent were jiscus­ replied, "well, he's said tbat be­ (ReuterJ,-Two satellites desig­ 109 them back to earth. Market,Mohammed I water system under two six foot bunks and table. Mohammed Jan Khan Watt A military solution would be so­ of drafting and coordmation of sed in the Meshrano Jlrgah yes­ fore." ned to make manned space travel Soch triPS would be able to Detailed compliment ot spare parts. Two spare tires mounted. ught only as a last r..ort, after Planning department of the Mi­ terday. The New Orleans parish offie­ safer and gather scientifIC infor. prOVide much valuable informCl­ Write Thomas Abercrombie, c/o Mr. Seffiti diplomatic and political a~on fai­ nistry of Plannin'g le~t here yes­ The session decided to send the ial also reiterated earlier state­ mation are to soar into space to· tlOn of benefIt to manned space Jan Khan Watt. or Tel: 21381. gether this week. P.O. Box 148 Kabul, or telephone 24333 after Decemher 16tb. led. terday to participate in the edu­ fj, ot bill the Legal and Legisl., ments that the Warren CommIs­ flight. NatlOnal Aeronautics and Trad~ and Develop­ See Santa Die The effectiveness 01 tbis system ericans will swann in a bid to make inferno". ment (UNCTAD). Ihat a few days dogged work by up for lost time. At the airport, before being PleaSe cut Ollt this advertisement and sbow It In one 0'- our !iliops up to tbe ~.t~·'ot ,Dece~ber. EVANSVILLE, Indiana, Dee. Vietnam~ is indisputable, and from the psych­ , The. mlasloll, headed hy lndiap the North bas obliter. With relative calm reigning in the . taken to hospital - on Saturday, , " ' 11 (Reuter).-A loy depart· ated the greater par'i"~f the damage ological point of view it show tbe they told reporters of the har­ Commerce Minister DlJiesh Singh, ~t people that the North Is not prepa­ North all attention here is currently Santa ClAus was killed 01 [aids. shness of living In Hanoi: and WI1l be treated as guest of the ~ red to give ujl before an establish­ focussed on the south. AFT i is always at your service., We accept orders J~~ese here night when his heli­ To a foreign observer theSc m· also of the courage and deter­ ~(tNE~b , Foreign MInistry .hefore copter crashed as thnusands of ed fact. it leaves here next .Wednsday. voluntary ceasefires only serve to The general tenor of the reports mination of the North Vietna­ ehlldren looked OIL . But the enforced pause In the and will make anything iJJ skins according to aliy ~iti- It will meet Prime MInister bring borne the effectiveness of the is, "The enemy is weakening while mese. • .-> -r ,'; A·fg~anische· PoUee said the helicopter American ratds Is as much due. to ABIANA CINEMA Wollindustti'e Ltd., Elsaku< Sato,~,.I!'oreIlln Mi!,lster northern way of working. Despite Francisco Alarcon .ald: ''The~e be entangled In power tbe strength and diversity of North we are becoming stronger". and At 12:30 2:~O, 7 and 9 p.m, . Takeb ',MlkI, M!lIIs\er· ' ume repeated destruction they plug away news media say this claim is justl.· the only thing you have time to cations. Flnailce., JInes lt1!'lt comlng Inlo land Vietnam's defence as to the bad Mlkio : ,MIiUta;"".~de ~, IndWl­ was tirelessly at rebuildipg. do is work, without thinking of Ir8Jlian film on a shopping-centre car park, fied by r..ults of the figbtmg since try MUnSter 'Etilv. Saburo Shina Pulling a bridge back into work, weather itself. anything else. -. • THE DOOR OF FATE , , killing- Santa Claus 59 year old . 'The ba_d weather is not preventing the onset of the dry season. .and of 'EC


• ....~_ .... ~--,--_.:.....J...--.. ... _---...... ,".",_..,,.,..._...._,_~ 1 .,:...,_.,.,.:-:;..... • ,

. , t'AGE 2 ,., ,

, , I /,:JJf!.;~) ~ ~.. .. po..... , "'l\t ~~.- - , - - , , , A McCarth 'Tf,jeS ,A ~ .. --- -- [, , Y . g .. , t> • '., • I , '" , '., If)'! .... \; y' ~"l ~~;"fhe Machine when the, condlt'ons for ,t!i.e en­ 'L' , '- , • If' I ' The new McCarthy, senator OCt ouer s march of demonstra- not face ree ect on untlil 197() 80 joylhent of human r,dlts are pre- I Eugene McCarthy, of Mmesota tors on the Pentagon or the pre- he. will be able ,tal present' his t' •• '('1 aentr 1 l born' free A balr perhaps divides -no .relatlOns to senator Joseph s By Nokia Cheen ~ sent antl-draft campaign In New Views on all the ISSUes In the se­ .hould livedfree'and\'must be eq: McCarthy of W,sconsm-Is York nate regardless of hla fate In the . , • (,,GaL,to his'fellow, man, ,regardless known as a "peace dove", and Undoubtedly ~ome of these pro- five prlDlanes ~ of race. Madam. your sentlmenbl at­ How you developed the stami­ "peace ID VIetnam" is his plat­ test demonstrations have atlriJet- So far -senator' McCarthy has tochment to mod/n machmelY IS na for dialing telephone numbers False and Trll< Similarly sex must not be an THE KABUL TIMES form fOr next Year's preSidential ed a strange miXture of those pea- not yet spelled out his policy on ,~obstacle to freedom or equablY a new phellomenOn which perot .. can not be gape Into here Since 1t electIOns cefully petitIOning the gavem· Vietnam m any detaJi He has ,Man'a'soclal 'standlng musllnoi u, bs your who has be­ Will probably ent.,11 a study of -Omar Khayyam He hopes that hls oppOlstlOn ag­ ment to change Its pohcles and stated that he Js "not for peace be downgraded !ly olhers aDd no C'Jme laymen In a house that your chIldhood penod ID the early aInst the war In VIetnam WJl1 of those whose gUldlng phlloso- at any pnce, Iiuf for lUl honour. one should attack hiS relrglon or should now he mhablted by engl­ wnocent age WJn him the nominalion of the .phy seems -to be mhilism able. rational and political solu. his Ideas n~elS But I your talent for lea­ Democratic PartY, that he wJiI McCarthy's candidacy may tlOn to the war" He has not yet ThiS, III brief, IS what la called The ut hty vou get from thiS nicg how to drive-an art 1111111111111 IllllllllUlIllUllllllIIlllllIllllll1 11l11l1l1ll1l1l1llllUlllrll!III r III 'Ill fllllll' 01111 .. I IUIlI 1111 dll IllUllnUlilllllI,IIIl1UlUIIIlUlIlIlIllltllllll llllllllllllllllllllli replace PreSIdent Lyndon B make clearer the real Issues m- told hiS suggestions for achlevmg human rights, and what the Uni_ C1U1pment. IS, qJl QCCaSlOn, consl­ beloi'gs more to the ne'vous I stat~s Johnson as the democratic presI­ 'valved and thus hmit tlie Influ- a "negotiated political settlement" versal Declaration asserts d ling the of our naholl as 5 -tcm than to the mtelleet denta candidate In the 1968 el­ once of elements-hke the beard- of the war a t1L\'cloomg one hl~hly fan!as­ But the sweetest tiling abuut The hUl1l8n nghts declaration ve~ture ections ed hippies. the black power advo- He will have to present some whIch IS In reality a means for' tIC but \t surely s an mcompre­ 'he whole .s that you THE RABAT SUM·MIT Il~Hs McCarthy has already annodh­ cats and the professIOnal demago- concr!:te suggestions m the next preservmg lindlVldual free­ ble hYP2rboie t;:> your Ad­ "'ever ar2 nervous when you '~e ced that he Will enter five pre­ gues-V{ho preach anarchy few weelf>l~ When I am dnvlllg you by son's polIcy In VIetnam that more than half of the, per- happmess, ·he- probably Will not The Arab lorelgn ministers' conference," The oue thlilg that Arab natIons have to ~ content as a human being, a wo­ Even a washmg machme can my Side feelIng nervous, I am sons IntervIewed m a nationWl. get very tar," man and a :mother m a better WaY pav!ug the way for the slllllDllt, takes place In guard against at the moment Is dissent and In- Regardless of the outcome of de survey had never heard or Already Senator ,McCarthy has be tolerated around the house usually the first to lose cJntrol Women's rIghts have been sup­ of the car when you spot a .5mall the wake 01 the Security Councll resolution on terna! strife, for Israel, as the eommon euemy hIs campaIgn many observers In read about him won respect amo,ng the voters for Members of the Human Rights CommlSSJon alter the signing of the Declaration against Dis pIovldmg that either your, or the Middle East calling for withdrawal of Isra- of the Arabs. Is waJtlng just lor that. The flgh- pressed for'ICl!hturlea" and their -~dl\lW.i1lIlg\-for -the bus destroy thmgs Ielated to It have added to Its va­ 5 A ,cblld's OpinIons and belter, The abolitIOn of chaden, the non,' the book listed duels across the demlhtansed zone they are fm and spln..Btabllised to "ldng. jOkes major part of the round table .\ho hwe called fOI equality war m VIetnam would end soon strict chIldren, experience ha::. to SOCial, cultural, and pubhc vernment and wlll function under m volve some small expendIture the US IImItmg production of 10 a peak JO September The North nam once U S. troops were Wlth· "rAnybow, Ibe Yi1'l~r,' asserted, a HC'usewives health services, granting them conference held by the RadIO of nghts between all human be­ the superV1sIon of the M iDlstry of aDd that Ihe UOited Nations would proved that thiS can have a nega· but II Will payoff ID the long rUll ammuOItlon V.etnamese artillery was said by drawn } bUB} srnyed....and one of" them sald, cqual wages WIth men, raISIng Afghamstan Saturday mght, mgs f h man Information and Culture succeed 10 Its effort to curb the -No more taxes can be leVied on Amencan strateg1Sts to be spread "The coahtion government may '!~l4il..letIOD ,:the"lbtiS".;~e other bve C£fect One of the letters to the editor 7 A child should not be scar.d In The h vmg standards and ImproVIng the eve of the anmversary of r,,~ dec1aratlcns a u The government has granted an contmued VIolation of human tights publisbed ID Ants complamed that the Amencait people The U S out In an arc above the demihtnstd IOclude a nonrevolut1onary as ~re· :{J~981DtcoItvwas ..crowded revolutl~ of hIS father. tcacher and relahves family hfe, Includmg women m the Umversal DeclaratIOn of Ilghts Issued by the - IOi1Iai capital of Af 70 million for wherever they are being debbera. a conSiderable number of old and govemment ~ontiDues to meet str· zone ID undergound bunkers and sldent. But he bas.cally must follow .Itl'iit,the"tint ;oDe >burst Into Ian­ Rlg~ts because he Will lose self-conflden c the draftmg commIttee of the Con­ Human n111es III the Umted States an Ihe operauoo of the department lely vlOlaled dIsfigured COinS are 10 Circulation ong opposItion Many young Ame­ difficult to knock out) the line of acllon of the front It ""'IIJ!er-and said, "some foolish per­ Year 2000 8 The best way to leacb and 1m' c-tltutlOn, and LoYa JlIgah, and Two types of nghts natural FI,nce CJI1 be conSIdered one Afghao fIlms In the begmmng will Yesterday Ams also urged people 10 certain cases It IS dlfflcult to ricans grew more fearful -As he had to move hIS troops said addlDg "the front Will be Ibe ~. "SOD WilJ.;"lot us ISlt m his pmce." pose dlSClphnc 1!1 to make the rhlld recogmsmg then pohltcal nghts and lega! were mentioned In of the mam sources of nghts produce documenlary and newsreel 10 take greater care to prevent out. know the ongmal denommaUon of -[0 addItion, the US became en north to the demihtarised lone to core element" '~etlthey'''IIRr. Wll debstlDg When the gently buzzmg alarm­ through their parUClpatlon In VO­ the state of nature such scho- f:r all the human bemg w~Ch break.s of fIre dutlog the wInter aware of bad deeds and wrongd­ films about current events of 'the the COlO tagled on the war of the Uraelis cope With the situation (REUTER) '''lWliBt'Wbo played a and when the members of the fam­ gress and development of wo IS ed shIPS Thll Jnvolves advance go­ Both HeywruJ and Ams yesterday fhe vessel owned by the socie­ .orita1 '1'01."U1 ,b\iildlng"the''Allbasld lly pick up theIr Instruments all men's role m society under con­ to c1aslfy human nghts ThiS fIrst tnal run later thiS month she ma­ vernments of the ports 10 questl"ln In the history of clvllosatlOns I t eamed edItOrials on the Human ty for the applicatIon of nuclear empire She was married to Cahph ~mlle hapPIly at one another s deration of vanous natIons we JlOd th

I ....~_ .... ~--,--_.:.....J...--.. ... _---...... ,".",_..,,.,..._...._,_~ 1 .,:...,_.,.,.:-:;..... • ,

. , t'AGE 2 ,., ,

, , I /,:JJf!.;~) ~ ~.. .. po..... , "'l\t ~~.- - , - - , , , A McCarth 'Tf,jeS ,A ~ .. --- -- [, , Y . g .. , t> • '., • I , '" , '., If)'! .... \; y' ~"l ~~;"fhe Machine when the, condlt'ons for ,t!i.e en­ 'L' , '- , • If' I ' The new McCarthy, senator OCt ouer s march of demonstra- not face ree ect on untlil 197() 80 joylhent of human r,dlts are pre- I Eugene McCarthy, of Mmesota tors on the Pentagon or the pre- he. will be able ,tal present' his t' •• '('1 aentr 1 l born' free A balr perhaps divides -no .relatlOns to senator Joseph s By Nokia Cheen ~ sent antl-draft campaign In New Views on all the ISSUes In the se­ .hould livedfree'and\'must be eq: McCarthy of W,sconsm-Is York nate regardless of hla fate In the . , • (,,GaL,to his'fellow, man, ,regardless known as a "peace dove", and Undoubtedly ~ome of these pro- five prlDlanes ~ of race. Madam. your sentlmenbl at­ How you developed the stami­ "peace ID VIetnam" is his plat­ test demonstrations have atlriJet- So far -senator' McCarthy has tochment to mod/n machmelY IS na for dialing telephone numbers False and Trll< Similarly sex must not be an THE KABUL TIMES form fOr next Year's preSidential ed a strange miXture of those pea- not yet spelled out his policy on ,~obstacle to freedom or equablY a new phellomenOn which perot .. can not be gape Into here Since 1t electIOns cefully petitIOning the gavem· Vietnam m any detaJi He has ,Man'a'soclal 'standlng musllnoi u, bs your who has be­ Will probably ent.,11 a study of -Omar Khayyam He hopes that hls oppOlstlOn ag­ ment to change Its pohcles and stated that he Js "not for peace be downgraded !ly olhers aDd no C'Jme laymen In a house that your chIldhood penod ID the early aInst the war In VIetnam WJl1 of those whose gUldlng phlloso- at any pnce, Iiuf for lUl honour. one should attack hiS relrglon or should now he mhablted by engl­ wnocent age WJn him the nominalion of the .phy seems -to be mhilism able. rational and political solu. his Ideas n~elS But I your talent for lea­ Democratic PartY, that he wJiI McCarthy's candidacy may tlOn to the war" He has not yet ThiS, III brief, IS what la called The ut hty vou get from thiS nicg how to drive-an art 1111111111111 IllllllllUlIllUllllllIIlllllIllllll1 11l11l1l1ll1l1l1llllUlllrll!III r III 'Ill fllllll' 01111 .. I IUIlI 1111 dll IllUllnUlilllllI,IIIl1UlUIIIlUlIlIlIllltllllll llllllllllllllllllllli replace PreSIdent Lyndon B make clearer the real Issues m- told hiS suggestions for achlevmg human rights, and what the Uni_ C1U1pment. IS, qJl QCCaSlOn, consl­ beloi'gs more to the ne'vous I stat~s Johnson as the democratic presI­ 'valved and thus hmit tlie Influ- a "negotiated political settlement" versal Declaration asserts d ling the of our naholl as 5 -tcm than to the mtelleet denta candidate In the 1968 el­ once of elements-hke the beard- of the war a t1L\'cloomg one hl~hly fan!as­ But the sweetest tiling abuut The hUl1l8n nghts declaration ve~ture ections ed hippies. the black power advo- He will have to present some whIch IS In reality a means for' tIC but \t surely s an mcompre­ 'he whole .s that you THE RABAT SUM·MIT Il~Hs McCarthy has already annodh­ cats and the professIOnal demago- concr!:te suggestions m the next preservmg lindlVldual free­ ble hYP2rboie t;:> your Ad­ "'ever ar2 nervous when you '~e ced that he Will enter five pre­ gues-V{ho preach anarchy few weelf>l~ When I am dnvlllg you by son's polIcy In VIetnam that more than half of the, per- happmess, ·he- probably Will not The Arab lorelgn ministers' conference," The oue thlilg that Arab natIons have to ~ content as a human being, a wo­ Even a washmg machme can my Side feelIng nervous, I am sons IntervIewed m a nationWl. get very tar," man and a :mother m a better WaY pav!ug the way for the slllllDllt, takes place In guard against at the moment Is dissent and In- Regardless of the outcome of de survey had never heard or Already Senator ,McCarthy has be tolerated around the house usually the first to lose cJntrol Women's rIghts have been sup­ of the car when you spot a .5mall the wake 01 the Security Councll resolution on terna! strife, for Israel, as the eommon euemy hIs campaIgn many observers In read about him won respect amo,ng the voters for Members of the Human Rights CommlSSJon alter the signing of the Declaration against Dis pIovldmg that either your, or the Middle East calling for withdrawal of Isra- of the Arabs. Is waJtlng just lor that. The flgh- pressed for'ICl!hturlea" and their -~dl\lW.i1lIlg\-for -the bus destroy thmgs Ielated to It have added to Its va­ 5 A ,cblld's OpinIons and belter, The abolitIOn of chaden, the non,' the book listed duels across the demlhtansed zone they are fm and spln..Btabllised to "ldng. jOkes major part of the round table .\ho hwe called fOI equality war m VIetnam would end soon strict chIldren, experience ha::. to SOCial, cultural, and pubhc vernment and wlll function under m volve some small expendIture the US IImItmg production of 10 a peak JO September The North nam once U S. troops were Wlth· "rAnybow, Ibe Yi1'l~r,' asserted, a HC'usewives health services, granting them conference held by the RadIO of nghts between all human be­ the superV1sIon of the M iDlstry of aDd that Ihe UOited Nations would proved that thiS can have a nega· but II Will payoff ID the long rUll ammuOItlon V.etnamese artillery was said by drawn } bUB} srnyed....and one of" them sald, cqual wages WIth men, raISIng Afghamstan Saturday mght, mgs f h man Information and Culture succeed 10 Its effort to curb the -No more taxes can be leVied on Amencan strateg1Sts to be spread "The coahtion government may '!~l4il..letIOD ,:the"lbtiS".;~e other bve C£fect One of the letters to the editor 7 A child should not be scar.d In The h vmg standards and ImproVIng the eve of the anmversary of r,,~ dec1aratlcns a u The government has granted an contmued VIolation of human tights publisbed ID Ants complamed that the Amencait people The U S out In an arc above the demihtnstd IOclude a nonrevolut1onary as ~re· :{J~981DtcoItvwas ..crowded revolutl~ of hIS father. tcacher and relahves family hfe, Includmg women m the Umversal DeclaratIOn of Ilghts Issued by the - IOi1Iai capital of Af 70 million for wherever they are being debbera. a conSiderable number of old and govemment ~ontiDues to meet str· zone ID undergound bunkers and sldent. But he bas.cally must follow .Itl'iit,the"tint ;oDe >burst Into Ian­ Rlg~ts because he Will lose self-conflden c the draftmg commIttee of the Con­ Human n111es III the Umted States an Ihe operauoo of the department lely vlOlaled dIsfigured COinS are 10 Circulation ong opposItion Many young Ame­ difficult to knock out) the line of acllon of the front It ""'IIJ!er-and said, "some foolish per­ Year 2000 8 The best way to leacb and 1m' c-tltutlOn, and LoYa JlIgah, and Two types of nghts natural FI,nce CJI1 be conSIdered one Afghao fIlms In the begmmng will Yesterday Ams also urged people 10 certain cases It IS dlfflcult to ricans grew more fearful -As he had to move hIS troops said addlDg "the front Will be Ibe ~. "SOD WilJ.;"lot us ISlt m his pmce." pose dlSClphnc 1!1 to make the rhlld recogmsmg then pohltcal nghts and lega! were mentioned In of the mam sources of nghts produce documenlary and newsreel 10 take greater care to prevent out. know the ongmal denommaUon of -[0 addItion, the US became en north to the demihtarised lone to core element" '~etlthey'''IIRr. Wll debstlDg When the gently buzzmg alarm­ through their parUClpatlon In VO­ the state of nature such scho- f:r all the human bemg w~Ch break.s of fIre dutlog the wInter aware of bad deeds and wrongd­ films about current events of 'the the COlO tagled on the war of the Uraelis cope With the situation (REUTER) '''lWliBt'Wbo played a and when the members of the fam­ gress and development of wo IS ed shIPS Thll Jnvolves advance go­ Both HeywruJ and Ams yesterday fhe vessel owned by the socie­ .orita1 '1'01."U1 ,b\iildlng"the''Allbasld lly pick up theIr Instruments all men's role m society under con­ to c1aslfy human nghts ThiS fIrst tnal run later thiS month she ma­ vernments of the ports 10 questl"ln In the history of clvllosatlOns I t eamed edItOrials on the Human ty for the applicatIon of nuclear empire She was married to Cahph ~mlle hapPIly at one another s deration of vanous natIons we JlOd th

I ".r 1: • ·,~Ir.~:r'/(·I~'" '-~l ., " 'I':'t~'i~' ,r'," '~"'\' ',' ·\'Il ,,:l,1~,:r,'i ~"\' ..., '\ I "i':"~l\)";""",~ ,J(,;r. I,"':/'-:4",I:./':"'.,,'·',i(i . \ .. ,', .' \: 'i., \ . I' ~ 4 ( - , ,. ,\", .r ..:1 .' ',:;../ l,;':< ....:.': ~~:' l~' ':' ,: ... \. .,"'""1"--'. ., .: \', .p: ',".: '!-", .. ... ; , I; . t , ," .. " ., '.' \ " " t d ",~. .~I, I "", .' , •••• '.':' .. ' • ! '.,' 1••... .' • '. ' , 1'\' 1'1 ,.'., : .. ,I ,\ " • 'I I' '(;1\( '.(I. '. , .,.\ \ , • ,I \ I 1'1 :"v>! " , j • \ '_' \ . .' '1 _••••.• ,.: '., ' " .... ~~.~ 0,'" _' '1\' "r: r:;1 ',Of·.·. .. : \"DECE:MBEiUt1 .\ I ; \.1, '7'\'" :1967', j'" " ,1" ._. :;c::e~ --.,t~I.~'~V.'1-_'.)'·, .... ·," .. 1 ,; • ',,', >', .. o( "': I .' ., :'. . ,~,; ," -'.. ' , • I' .,' " "...... ,...- . ". .'::,,'. _ . "'::"', ". ,..":".:' ,::,:,:,':'1', . ;r;"i~:\~l~~~' 1,.\ ., '",,,:': "-"'r"~.' .( ; .r--- -- ­ . 0"":1" ~ '";I:I~'" ··:;'·H··''':.'·:. .. \' . W '~~l' WiS .: .~ ""E"'.;.\... ",'ld'. N' lIt·:'; t 'j':'. S' '~~'. :Ro'''~.'' " .:B't' " :'.' ,'.:', .. M :._.It... '.,~~r . ; , . ~ ~.. ~.~ ',~ ... '~"'-""": ", 'T . 'i' e .a: ' 1~ p' . •• .. "iia@:-:J , !.~~ ..'.. '.:; •• I" " anUj,.' ':::"t~ulll \ , ' ~ '1'1 " " a ~ • ,'.,>: r}, e . 'l- · ... • I, .\.l{ • ••,,-,,' VI:..,.',· . edi' 'f et·'li'b....h· frl /,', • \" ·:I·· ..(· ....l.l '.~~~rl" AFRICAN '." . BEAUTIES I' ec. 1Ii (Reuter)"':'- 'I r., \ 'L' .! •• ~',·,· y'" ." as, '·I..,.·\.... ,,,~.I. " .' m atar', or 'eS I,UI Ing _'" . '.. I'.' \ ., II/I '. FOR SHEER LONDON D . ), ' ..•1 j I" 'I , ll~ \'. ')1/ I' .~ '.~ M fl'. liltle e(fect on the girls. They look- BritiSh black f 0>')1, I'. I .', '(Conli~u.d 'MoSlem leader MI- endly relationS.between'. the J,Jtilt-' from pog. 3) etl e~tremely fit and happy and ' . Very goOd cou,dltloD.; ,tuatoli1(itutfttted' In ~ J • DELIGHT chael Abdul' Mlillk--'-known a~ ed States 'and, Camb9dla·


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