London Borough of The Civic Centre Road Hounslow TW3 4DN

Committee Services

If you require further information about this agenda please contact: Carol Stiles on 020 8583 2066 or email: [email protected].


A meeting of the Area Committee (Monitoring) will be held in the Chiswick Community School, Burlington Lane, Chiswick, W4 on Wednesday, 29 January 2003 at 7:30 pm

MEMBERSHIP Councillor Lynch- Chair Councillors Barwood, Davies, Day, Gilson, Kinghorn, Lee, Oulds and Thompson..

Co-optees - David Beattie and Simon Everton.



1. Apologies for absence, declarations of interest or any other communications from Members.

2. Council Budget 2003/04: Consultation

3. Minutes of the meeting held on 11 December 2002 (Pages 1 - 18)

Public Forum Please note that as this meeting has a predominantly Environmental theme, priority will be given to environmental issues during the Open Forum.

The Open Forum will take place as close as possible to 9.00 p.m. for approximately 20 minutes.

Members of the public may raise matters of local concern. Please bear in mind the guidelines for public participation and that it may not be possible to have a detailed discussion or response at the meeting. Points raised will be noted and used to inform the work of the Area Committee.

Protocol for the Open Forum ♦ Written items to be submitted where possible. ( Proformas will be available at the back of the hall). ♦ Where they are so submitted this should be by 8.30 p.m. ♦ Speakers will be allowed at the Chair’s discretion. ♦ The Chair will normally only allow one contribution per person per item and one item per person per meeting. ♦ Items on the main agenda should not be raised in the open forum. ♦ Items where the debate cannot be contained within the public forum may be continued at a future forum or may be put on a future agenda with an officer’s report. 4. The Green Corridor - presentation by Fiona Sim, Executive Director (Pages 19 - 20)

5. Local Health Delivery Plan (Pages 21 - 24)

6. Crime Statistics (Pages 25 - 30)

7. Chiswick Back Common Tennis Courts - for discussion (Pages 31 - 33)

8. The Biodiversity Action Plan (Pages 34 - 41)

9. The new Street Management and Public Protection Department: Vision and Priorities - presentation by Suresh Kamath, Head of Department

10. Any other business which the Chair decides is urgent

DECLARING INTERESTS Committee members are reminded that if they have a personal interest in any matter being discussed at the meeting they must declare the interest and if the interest is also a prejudicial interest then they may not take part in any discussion or vote on the matter.

M.J. SMITH DISTRIBUTION: Council Members Chief Officers Public Press Assistant Chief Executive (Legal)

13 December 2002