
qkqqaitne wrsr BENGAL 10AA324857 \:ii l-rrdrghf lrt fr- l- l*rr$

Affidavitto beFurnished by the candidate alongwith Nomination Paper Eefore the Returningofficer

Forelection W.B Legislative Assembly (Name of the house)

From76 Constituency (Name of theConstituency)

SWASf NabakumarSarkar Son of LateNityagopal Sarkar aged 48 years resident of Vill NOIARY PUALIC

, Mur$ridabe

(strikeout which id not applicable)

I am a candidateset up by Bharatiyajanata party (name of the politicalparty) / am contestingas a candidate. . ' F:,ii.llgtl

'6t1'G \Lo:) T| s at cqTsFffq qItI il; --bF^"-*'"-'.-'-.*-o{-- aqr:I.,F ?fu*Tft-t I SerialNo.{3:1-Pr- a-\'wu

Detailsof PANand status of filingof incometax return: TheFinancialYear Names for whichthe last lncome-taxreturn hasbeen filed

whichcognizance has been taken by court Thefollowing case(s) is /are pendrng agarnst me in sl. offense Description No, dareo r len Thedetails of caseswhere the F.l.Rno. LZ3l92 14, Ia7,148,149,33832s I PC courthas taken cognizance, 1316/s2luls Sectionof the Actand descriPtion forBharat Bandha ofthe offencefor which Procession G.R1316/92 dat€d (b) N-ameofthe cor.rrt,Case no. and 2dJMeerhampore dateof ordertaking cognizance 3.Lr.92 (c) Detailsof Appeal(s) / Applicatlon NIL (s)forrevision (if anY)filed againstth€ 6boveorde(s)

casesinwhichIhavebeenconvictedbyacourtofIaw(otherthosereferredtoinfrom26): ft O"t"ittot art", , Sectronof the actand " of the offencefor whiqhconvicted: f'f"riof tf," c*,.tltt cate no, and Date(slof

(movableand immovable etc )of myselfmY 5. ThatI giveherein below the detailsof the assets spouseand alldePendents : DetailSof movableassets:


1. AssetsinjointnameindicadinStheextentofjointownershipwillalsohavetobegiven serialNo.-ffiffi

of Deposite' includingSerial Number' Amount' Date Incase of de posit/lnvestment , the details andBranch are to beSlven the scheme,Name of the Bank/lnstitution a!per the current mark:' *:* ,'l;"".;ffi;r;;;;;;;';'"' .'o"' i** '"'*" ll::::: Yil::: #:l;;;:;;;:i"' ""0 " 1"".'ol"-1-'lll1":',1""T.T#::onthelT"::""j"T::::"" '. :#iliil;J;; ;;;;';,"'""""tiarrvdependent givenseparately in respectol each-investment includingamountis to be i5to be 5. Details Dependent Depe self 5pouse Dependen 51. Description 2 ndent NO sooo/- Nil NA in Hand 15,000/ 1000/- (i) Cash AxisBank Nil NA of Deposits U.CObank \llanaoitu I 0t I Details (BerhamP in Bankaccounts Sagarpara lank I Branch209 BerhamP ore, I 1(FDRs,Term A/C 91001001L Depositsand all Rs.980/- rre ) ] no, s3e6o72 otherstYPe or I I 21015150 Rs.50O0/-| dePositsincl!ding UcOBank I 28 5avingsaccoun$) (Sagar Rs.30.000/ OePositwith para)A/c.No I 14950110015 lFinancial non 8344 I Institutlons, I bankingFinancial companiesAnd I LcooPeralrve andthe I Societies tn sucn I amount ldePosit Nil NA Nil Ntl Nil {iii) Detailsof insvestmentin bondsDebentures / sharesand unit in companies/Mutual Fundsand other andthe amount Nil NA ot L.l.c L.l.c L.t.c (iuiflo"nitt r,65,@0/- j investmentin Nss 7,50,000/- t,35,000/- I Postalsavings, Policies K.V.P I Insurance In s0,000/- I andinvestment I anYbFinancial in I lnstrument Post insurance I officeor comPanYand the ,lt?,,'1.. Y04io"'' SUDHAN6UBISWAS \ NOIARY PUEL|C GOw' OF B€fiampore, R6gd.No.€13-1995 ir-x,v;\ seriatNo.-Zl4jlj9! Regd. No.- / 3- \ '2 o"r \ 61!ree5/, .c\- -,,2^\D \ 'f. v

amount (v) Personal UCOBank ccz Nil Nil Nil NA loans/advance 4s,0000/, Srvento any personsor entity includinSfirm , company,lrusr etcandother receivablesfrom debtorsand the amount

(vi) Motorvehicle Nil Nil Nil NA /Aircraft/yachts/shi wB 58 F -0009 ps {Detailsof make Dated2005 re8istrationno. etc Value53,270 , yearof purches andamount) Jewelry,bullion Nil 140Bm 20gm Nil NA ii) andvaluable thing ( 8Ol0 SOrO givedetails of otnament ornament wei8htand Value) worth Rs. 2.92,0001- Rs.41,400 (viii anyother assets ) suchas value of N.l ).ld N;' Claims/interest (ix) GrossTotal Value 13,18,2701. 4,67,OO01-2,16,@O/- Nil

L Detailsof lmmovableassets

( Note.1. Properties injoint ownership indicatinS the extent of jointownership will alsohave to beindicated

2. Eachland or bulldingor apartmentshould be mentionedseparatelY inthis format)

sl. Description Spouse Dependent-Dependent Dependent NO 1 2 (i) ABricultumlLand sagarpara&NIL NIL NIL NA Location(s) Madapur Survevnumbe(s) Area(Total 3 Acre. NIL N _ Nll- NA measurementin acres) W,, SUDHANSU bIShjAS PU9LIC I NOfARv " GOVI, OF INDIA Murshidabad Regd No $13_1t]95 -* iv- sedarNo.-ffi#t_ I MuBhldabad l \ R€sd. No - lN \ 613.1Sss/4 \c>- -'/^rr't, 7 OF Whetherinherated NO NO NO No NA property(yes or no) Dateof purchase 1968to NIL NIL NIL NA in caseof seif 2005 acoulredDroDertv cost of l-and( in t,35,@O/- NIL NIL NIL NA casepurchase )at thetime of purcnase AnyInvestment on NIL NIL N - NIL NA the landby way of development, constructionetc Approximate 9,00,000 NIL NIL NIL NA Currentmarket

(ii) Non-Agricultural NIL NIL NIL NIL NA Land Locatlon(s) Surveynumbe(s) Area(Total N _ N , N[- NIL NA measurementin s.ft) Whetherinherited NO NO No No prop€rty(yes or no) Dateof purchase NIL Ntt Ntt NIL NA incase of self acqLrired property Costof tand ( in NIL NIL NIL NIL NA casepurchase )at thetimeof purchase AnyInvestment on NIL Nlt NIL NIL the landby way of development, constructionetc Approximate NIL NIL NIL NIL NA Currentmarket value

(iiil Commercial NIL NIL NIL NIL NA

/,t) F' !uo,Ellxi"u"9l?Bou +*+tlll"+* SerialNo.-ff=3;p-

Dateof purchase in caseof self

Costof Land( in casepurchase )at thetime of

AnyInvestment on the tandby waY of development, constructaonetc

Dateof purchase in caseof self

ffisur\ suoHnn$uliswes porliv Puettc GOVT OF INOLA eeg;iag;,j45|flieac -X'; 57- \ seriatNo.-ffiffi!

, R6od f,lo.' l o \ or}lees/, \ .o\- ,r/^\U v qurreopropenY Cost of Land ( in N - NIL NIL NIL NA casepurchase )at the time of

AnyInvestment on NIL Ntt NIL NIL NA the landby way of oevelopmen!, constructronetc Approrimate 9,00,000/- Ntt NIL N _ NA Currentmarket value Others(Such as Ntt NII NIL NIL NA Inrer€stpropertvl (vi) Totalof current 9,00,000/- Ntt NIL Nt! marketValue of {i) to V above

6. I havegiven below the detailsof liabilitjes/ dues to publicfjnancial and 8overnment:- give {Notei Please separatedetails of nameof bank,institution , entity or individuatand amountfor eachitem) 5t. Description Self 5por.lse Dependent- Dependent Dependent3 No 1 2 (i) Loansor duesto toanFrom NIL N - N _ NA I bank/ financiat j uco eant rnstitution(s) ] CC2 i Nameofthe Bank 4,SO,OOO/- or FlAmount ] I nature loutstanding ] I Ortoans toans ] or duesto i NtL NIL N _ N - anY individuals/Entity otherthan mentionedin (i)above Name

outstanding Natureof loan other litsbilities Ntt NIL NIL NIL NA Grandtotal NIL NIL NIL

Orl r K/.'.\\ \I'^']"' SUDHANsJBJsWAs NOTARYPUELIC GOVT. OF INOTA Beftampore, Mu6hjdabad ReOd.No.€13-1095 '/^"7'-3 N q 7e..m"tp.r.\ ^..--cr -90 il Murshbabad gsilq1l.lo.-fqirr- Resd. No.- '\i\ / 61!1995 /. \c)x-,<

liabilities N - NIL NA (ii) Dues: NIL NIL Government I Dueto ] depanments dealingwrth I SOVernmenl. accommodalron NIL NA Dueto departmenr NIL NIL NIL dealingwith suPPlY

NIL NA DueDue to N ll- NIL Nll- departmentdealing withsupplv of electricity NIL NA Dueto dePartmenl Ntt NIL NIL dealingwith suPPlY of telephone /mobiles NIL NA Dueto department NIL NIL NIL dealingwith SOVernmenl transport{including aircraftand helicopters NIL NA lncomeTax Due NIL NIL NIL NIL NA WealthTax Due N - NIL NIL NIL NA ServiceTax Due NIL NIL NIL NIL NA Municipal/ProPertyNIL NIL NIL Taxdue NIL NA SalesTax due NIL NIL NIL NIL NA any otherdue NIL NIL NIL Ntr NA Grandtotalof all 4,50,000/- NIL NIL Go!(.Dues

(7)oetails of professionor occupation:

a. Self: Socialworkers

b. sPouse: Housewife

(8)My educationatqualification isan under: calcuttaUniversitY Year 1989 under calcutta University 1985' 8 Edunder

.\) "f Vb{.ro\ir SUDHANdJBTS'WAS NOTARYPUBLIC GOvr OF INDIA Berhampore,Murshidabad i_ -ji. No € 13-1095 diploma/ withfullfrom ofthe certificate/ 'chool/University education * , n'rn"" degreecourse) completedJ yearin whichthe coursewas ColleSe/ university and the { Nameof the school/


1 N-ameof the Candidate FullPostalAddress ffi z. Murshrdabad - the 75,Jalangr ' 3. [JiEer andName of Constituencyjlqjl9lg- BharatiYajanata PartY Gr" ot the Politic"lPartv whichset uP the candidate (otherwise wItlgu4glEE9lll DoeSn'tarlse {a)t'l-utuet of c"s"s in whith (other I' convictionorder Passd I thanthose referred to in lrom ?;immam;."-,one court(s)have been wherethe --Total cognitance _- lncomeshown PANof NIL NIL candidate BAMPB6216L NIL NIL Nll t:- - 'upees I (c ) Depenoents 'l I i,hllitie iin , '-f Depe Spouse DependenDependen ndent Descrintton t1 t-2 I I " 3 i -T NIL NA (Total B,r8,27Ol' NIL NIL ;l--lMoveable Asset NIL NA 9,00,000/- 2,93,00046,000/- ;--l I NIL NA --titf NIL NIL ffi;"P.t"il-. I NIL j I DeveloPmentcost or PropertY(Tol I I i lmmovable -22,78,27 NA ffi-"t"t;;t Ol' 4,67,NO 2,76,@Ol- NIL I i) I MarketPrice ofAsset tyr4$'' suDHAlis0PBlswAs ' Gow. or ttotA "en:.ryl."f'lg3:.- Serial 'Lo I

NIL Loansfrombank Financial I lnstitutionand other

iighesteducational qualification : CalcuttaUniversity 1985' B Ed B.Com(horns)From Rani Dhanya Kumarl college under year1989 tl. Jnionanirs,"n t.aning college under calcutta University

with full from of the certificate/diploma / {Givedetails of School/UniversitY educatron andthe yearin which the course 1""*" ."""" f fi"." the school/college/ university "f *as.ompleted)


declarethat the contentsofthis aftidavit l,the deponent,above named, do herebyverify and aretrueandcorrecttothebestofmyknow|edge€ndbeIief,nopartofitisfa|seandnothinS that I materialhas been concealed there from lfurtherdeclare thanthose mentioned in ltems (3)There is no caseof convictionor pendingcase against me other 3 and4 above; liability'other than those mentioned (b) l, myspouse, or mydependents do not haveany asset or in items5 and6 above.

gl-f,*i 2011 ' verifiedat.Y1.,J-.J|Jthis the . . davof ASdJ- "

X.rJr- K'^"^'PS'lrlro- Deponent l

p8-q-xoll -EI

qfl{qqaiqrcl 43AA629088 S"\ wrsr BENGAL D-F-rfH lry tnd0 4NNEXURElX-C Itst-r $;-- (cHAprERv, PARA-7.2) \D 3-\-. J( r. FRoM26 (sEE RULE 4A) o" .*i- )ti"t *i:#E_ Affidavitto befurnished by the candidatebefore the returningofficer for LegistativeAssembly(Nameof thehouse)from76 ;iffi::*=fi electiontowestBengal Z. ti>*-f Jalangiconstituency ( name of the constituency) E A-,l,NabakumarSarkarsonofLateNityagopalsarkaragedabout43years' p.o p.s. Murshidabad W,li U residentof vill:Nilanbarpara & Sagarpara, Jalangi,Dist ttlfl'nnflt,frH^t attheabove erection ' doherebvsoremnrv affirm/state onoath as :'^:1'::t"

ffi.ffi*5trry t. tam/*.{*accusedofanyoffence(s) punishablewithimprisonmentfortwo --lr-y..,,J,$),Uwhichcharge(s)has/}ffietframed bythe court(s)of competentjurisdiction.

lf the deponentis accused of anysuch offence (s) he shall furnish the information: (w (r> \) ltt . l(e\D \ .n e €t CTilTffiet tffaT tr,-tt rg.qrn Ffta{- {l.+{"tr GGSunF' I

s B€ftamPore.e.\2 rO l@ Murshldabeolr- lo, i?J.$T/*l i,,Y/.t

I seriatNo.- r!'',;:-#' F) .

(GR Case/First information reports no. F l.Rno 123/92dated 3 1192 13L6192\ (ii) Policestation (s) lalangi ,District (s): Murshidabad State(s): west Bengal (iii) section(s)ofthe concerned Act (s) and short description ofthe offen'e(s)for whichthe candidatehas been charged : u/s 147'148,!49,338,325 i'p'' Processionsfor BharatBandha called B.J.P liv) Court(s)which framed the charge(s): 2nd J M Berhampore (v) Oate(s)on which the charge(s): NA (vi) Whetherallor anyofthe proceeding(s)have been stayed byany co!rt(s)of competentiurisdiction:NA than anyoffences ) 2. | 4J#€6/have not beenconvicted of an offence(sllother refelredto in sub-sectron{11 or 5ub-Section{2) or coveredin sub-section{3)' of sction8 of the representationof the peopleAct , 1951(43 of 1951)land sentenced to irnprlsonmentfor oneyear or more

lf deponentis convicted and punished as aforesaid , he shall furnish thee following information:

(i) case/tirstinformation reports no /No : NA (ii) Count(s)whichPunished I NA liii) PoliceStation NA .District (s) NA State(slNA (iv) section(s)ofthe concerned Act (s) and short description ofthe offence(s)forwhich thecandidate has been charged : NA (v) Dates(s)onwhich the sentence(s)was/werepronounced : NA

(vi) Whetherall or any of the proceedinS(s) have been stayed by any court(s) of competent jurisdiction: NA tr'L' k*e'S.,&tw Place..kMf;.:. Date...q)..19.!..1:{,1r" Signatureof deponent


l,the above-nameddeponent, do herebYverifY and declare that the contentsof this afJidavitare true andcorrect to bestof my knowledgeand belief, no part of it isfalse and nothingmaterial has been concealed therein

*.1- f",-.t S*ua,. Place..Ara.Lr,-tAj Date f3i Aq, .laJl. . Signatureof dePonent

ttQ %-**1',. // 0! otl t SUOHA"NSUEISWAS PUALIC *. NOTARY GOW' OF INOIA B€rtramporg, MuGMabad Redd.fio.€13-19s5