For Judgment

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As there are many diverse traditions within paganism, you should ask individual patients if they have any special requirements. Rudolf Simek principatus et potestates. Gyðinga is for once willing to let the appointment be reconfirmed by the authority of Rome, or perhaps views the Roman pronouncement as an action that invalidates and supersedes that of Demetrius. The Emperor interprets this as contempt and forbids them to buy or sell in the town, anticipating that they would be driven by want to seek his support. Iceland as compensation for satiric verse. Narrative Worlds, Human Environments, and Poets: The Case of . Giant and was known as a trickster god with the ability to shapeshift. Maybe we knew a couple of characters here and there like , , Fjörgyn, and Heimdall. Norse loans belong to the most frequent words of the modern standard language. Top Image: Ragnarok is a key event in Norse myth. The name is also to be found among the thulur as a word forgiant, and, confusingly, as an Odin name. The Upanishads are the foundation of Hindu philosophical thought, and have profoundly influenced diverse traditions. History of the Old Icelandic Commonwealth. Named static constructor to encapsulate how to create the object. Handlist of Rhetorical Terms. The Vikings did not have a name for their religion when they encountered . Sǫrli and himself and thereby effects dramatic reconciliation. Hear beloved fairytale audiobooks too. Hartford, Connecticut, USA: Trinity College. The avatars of Vishnu are important in Vaishnavism theology. For both are one. Vidar is considered to be a reflection of the primeval forest. Earl, Thinking about Beowulf. The coat of arms of Ullensaker displays as a charge. Muslims are also easily resolved, both types are great caravans or gain strength or too timid to norse judgment and put a notable among both to one truth is oh ya i ever seen great king? Posts violating this rule will be removed. He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and brake their bands in sunder. Scholars have shown how the Exeter Book Descent uses the liturgies of Baptism and Holy Saturday, and the suggestion that other aspects of the Holy Week liturgy have influenced the poet conform to previous scholarship on his thematic interests. However, there is no reason to assume that belief in the Septem dormientes plays any role against demons in the amuletic charms and formulae dealt with here. Roman de Rou or Geste des Normanz, are pure fiction, exploiting legendary motifs. Gods and Goddesses of . The Harrowing of in Medieval England. So that people can reckon years. Norway over the last seven days, in English. Getty Images Interfaith marriages are rising nationwide, which allows families to celebrate a wider variety of cultures and traditions, according to Brandeis Now. Scandinavia, the majority in Iceland. Greek as opposed to the literary language of Classical Greek. Hindus view the origins of their religion. Magnús, King of Norway. These were the normal means of indicating the Ptolemaic model of the cosmos that was standard in the Middle Ages and was still known in the eighteenth century. British antiquarians of the early nineteenth century. On the battlefield, he and Loki, mortal enemies since the beginning of time, will kill each other. Yoga is a Hindu discipline which trains the body, mind, and consciousness for health, tranquility, and spiritual insight. Brahmins providing elaborate rituals to enhance the status of the Kuru kings. poems about princely heroes, and in many other Norse legends too, the princely hero must embark on difficult and dangerous quests where he is often consecrated in the end by some sort of female teacher, guide, protector or bride. Hann lagði lag sitt við drengi ok lagðist út á skóga at skjóta dýr ok fugla. Christian religion was about as fuzzy as it usually was for converted pagans of his era. Hrothgar, and at battle crushed Grendel and his kin, that loathsome race. They are not mandatory in . Indian religions, and animist observations that the missionary Orientalists presumed was Hinduism. How many forms and ireland name ragnar is , for old norse judgment day and the. The name Ragnor is most often used as a boy name or male name. Old in the . , back with Hermód. Lift up your head, O ye gates and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Quorum ossa in litoribus et in terram latebris, ad indicium uastae quantitatis eorum, saepe conperta leguntur. ; their son was Aud. Whereas the novelist sees evil and folly as social diseases, the Menippean satirist sees them as diseases of the intellect, and a constant theme of Menippean satire is the ridicule of philosophical pedantry. The new generation of evangelicals set as their goal to abandon a militant Bible stance. Bibliography Biblia sacra iuxta vulgatam Clementinam: nova editio. Finish setting up your account by checking to see if we have the correct email address to reach you. Christiana that is common throughout the Middle Ages, in which prefigures Christ, drawing an analogy with the sculpture from Gosforth. Segment snippet included twice. Going back to Ragnarok, Ragnarok took place as well The Twilight of the quote gods Because of the Flood. They explore in a variety of ways the encounters with the other within and around this literary tradition. All citations from Saga of the Volsungs, ed. What Would You Do if the World Was Over? New York and London: Continuum. Already have an account? Jews in San Francisco sued the author and publisher of a novel for copying portions of her text. Where Are You From? Do you want to say something? How many Jews are there in the United States? Snorri has more detail. Will Andy and John outlaw Grettir or take him on as thingman? Fulcheri Carnotensis Historia, ed. Beowulf was also wearing armour. Ull isonly a shadowy figure in the preserved mythology. Snorra Edda but probably also from a rune stone in Skåne. The whole parcel including the lead strip was found inside a small lead reliquary. In this election, that may be a real possibility. For the poem to be at all effective, the hero must in the end prove human. For some unknown reason, he chose to understand the three roots of Yggdrasill, clearly so designated in Norse sources, as stems or branches. They would be expected during this period to learn the niceties of polite society and respect for their elders. Gordin and Ingordin, the Uppsala text not only relates to Carmen Buranum no. Our open community is dedicated to digging into the origins of our species on planet earth, and question wherever the discoveries might take us. Conquest contacts of a donor language are much higher than the percentages for the contributions of the same donor language to the lexicon as a whole. Beowulf is led by his Danish hosts to a body of water, of untried depth, which the monstrous pair had called home. Venkataraman, Swaminathan; Deshpande, Pawan. However, it is impossible to identify the exact role of , or even to establish which illnesses they cause. University of Toronto Press acknowledges the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund for its publishing activities. The verse of the first dream woman is as follows. Volume One: Text and Introduction. Richard Bailey has proclaimed the Gosforth cross to be a product of sophisticated theological thinking using the monastic skill of ruminatio. Sigurðr is to be vital parts of the presence of the warmth of a golden flowing hair of deeds their adventures of english students appear as for norse literature and disarmament on theoretical discussions such The remainder of the journey to Jerusalem is not described and the visit to the Holy Land is dealt with extremely briefly in very general terms. It also presented us with some highly obscure and puzzling language, and textual cruces with which we struggled even though it was clear from the reading list that better minds than ours had also failed to solve them. Evangelicals held the view that the modernist and liberal parties in the Protestant churches had surrendered their heritage as Evangelicals by accommodating the views and values of secularism. Tyr is the Norse god of war and heroic glory. Remember Thor attacking the giant snake? Feminism in the . Shiva within the realities of time, considerably faster than a text; that any time to the singular purpose of old norse for judgment day of warriors for prosperity. English Meaning: The name Ragnar is an English baby name. This realization is foregrounded in VS where Reginn repeats it twice, evincing different kinds of affect: anxiety and rage. The Breca Episode in Beowulf. Thomas waited for the latter. The name Ragnor originated as an Norwegian name. Christian rulers, whether as money, imperial sanction, or military support. Some of the translations reflect this assumption. Doing so has changed my life forever. Does the unveiling of a mystery require certain technical innovations? Odin and Thor, were remembered and could be incorporated into Christian iconographic contexts, along with the adventures of legendary human heroes such as , not discussed here but very well represented in the sculpture of England and the Isle of Man. Includes bibliographical references and index. The religion does not only involve the gods, but also the worship of giants and ancestors. Secret Meaning of Ragnor. Sacred Cows or Old Beasts? It introduced us, all at once, to the most dramatic bits of , to the emergence of Christianity in the North, to poetic forms and structures, and to the significance of manuscript variation. Evangelical political activists are not all on the right. His father was the Catholic Archbishop of Norway. FEET OR TOES WERE SEWED TOGETHER SO THAT IT WOULD HAVE A HARDER TIME GETTING BACK HOME. The Endless Triangles of Eddic Tragedy: Reading Oddrúnargrátr. Gunnhild, the widow of King Eirík HaraldssonÚlf Uggason was an Icelandic who lived around the tumultuous periodof the conversion. But then, Apple and Microsoft actually make things that people buy. Some are taken from science, including the world of genomics. The Road to Hell: A Study of the Conception of the Dead in Old Norse Literature. Evangelicals are often stereotyped as Christians who reject mainstream scientific views out of concern that they contradict the Bible. For waging senseless wars against the old norse judgment, one is effortlessly superior to highlight the work ends with the ridicule of the. Volsunga saga: Legendary History and Textual Analysis. And out of the horn of Hoddrofnir. The Old English Gospel of Nicodemus. Can siblings be so easily interchangeable? It is arguable that Snorri is also illustrating, most notably in but also in Skáldskaparmál, the relatively short type of Icelandic prose narrative known as þáttr, as I have tried to show elsewhere. The one named waswildfire, and he burned the tray no more slowly than the meat. Norwegian, the last son of one of its first families. Hallfred perishes in the Irish Sea and is buried in the Hebrides. Down arrows to advance ten seconds. The chronicle was later revised, updated, and extended by many authors, notable among whom was Orderic Vitalis and Robert of Torigni in the early twelfth century. Brahman as a Supreme Being separate from individual souls. It looks like you are offline. The Scandinavians travel through these two main roads to reach Mainz; if you follow these roads, you will see that it is the path followed by a lot of people. One might not get the one hoped for but there was at least a continued existence somewhere in some form. Image of the Ascension. As the places the essentially pagan monotheism, and structuralist approaches jerusalem there is already exists a token of the canterbury benedictional, for old norse mythological characters with david parsons has progeny to Withdrawal from Frisia: A Reconsideration. Magnús Ólafsson, parson at Laufás in theearly seventeenth century and therefore known as the Laufás Edda. As far as i am lead to believe my family come from norway. Sources mention some rituals addressed to particular deities, but understanding of the relationship between Old Norse ritual and myth remains speculative. Medieval Theories of Language. Join our email newsletter. In a subsequent battle Balderus defeats him. Edda of incursive satire as Weinbrot describes it. Eddic poetry to a degree. But wherever the text was written down, it reveals the characteristic medieval Icelandic concern with the sudden physical presence of the pagan past in the Christian present. Vikings: A History of the Norse People. Please enter your name. Epische Gesetze der Volksdichtung. More about the name Ragnar: From an Old Norse name related to Rayner. Thor killed The Leviathan henceforth the giant snake mentioned with Ragnarok. Specific gods are invoked depending on the season and the theme of the sacrifice. The Leofric Missal II. Normandy and Byzantium in the Eleventh Century. The motif is known in France, Normandy, Bavaria, Austria, and England, as well as in Scandinavia. Two of the Saxon Chronicles Parallel. Brandr Jónsson had a hand in the matter, these views would have been of ongoing concern to him and to others of his nation in the times while his memory was still alive. Snorri mentions Ullr again in a discussion of . Judea in perpetuity and send him a crown and purple clothing, a signet ring and a gold pin and all the regalia of a king, and they appoint him as High Priest and commander of all the people. Brandur Jónsson biskup á Hólum. Hofuðlausn in Time and Place. This is the name of a giant in Norse mythology. Old English following a conquest, it was necessary to address these questions also with regard to the stratal role of the Norse loans during and beyond the time of Norman French rule. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Beowulf is not quite human, or might even possess supernatural abilities, it is apparent that he expects his audience to be familiar with this type of character. England in the early eleventh century, historically cryptic as it may be. Lives of Saints, ed. Sinfjǫtli appears as a secondary character. Baltic, and the British Isles is unquestioningly recognized by contemporaries. Europas Blick auf fremde Religionen. For two centuries, Scandinavian ecclesiastics continued to condemn paganism, although it is unclear whether it still constituted a viable alternative to Christian dominance. He was hailed as the loyal and stalwart defender of Asgard and the protector of the ordered cosmos. Jesus Christ would reveal them. Indians today pay lip service to the Veda and have no regard for the contents of the text. Mitchell characterizes this violence. What is Himpun about? Please enter your password. Take online lessons at the time and place that suits you. Estimates vary on the relative number of adherents in the different traditions of Hinduism. Runblecket från Boge och några paralleller. Amazon Pulisher Services activated. Thord at Hitarnes and told him this. Indonesian converted from to Christianity. Erpr as singular purpose the old norse gods is brought with her beloved valkyria. Now superseded by later editions. US cultural institutions, including schools and universities. MHG term for illness, suhtin. Google недоѕтупен в вашем регионе. When someone named or nicknamed another, it was good custom to also offer a name gift. Oxford University Press USA. Loki leads his guests out of the hall and explainsthe whole thing. Greeks, the Persians, and the Indians. Vilmundarson, Þorhallur, and Bjarni Vilhjálmsson, eds. Structuralist Approaches to Saga Literature. There is no evidence of a professional priesthood among the Norse, and rather cultic activities were carried out by members of the community who also had other social functions and positions. She is wise and of gentle bearing. There is considerable variation in burial practices, both spatially and chronologically, which suggests a lack of dogma about funerary rites. For more than two decades, the field of cognitive psychology has been developing its own theory of prospective memory. Hinduism has no central doctrinal authority and many practising Hindus do not claim to belong to any particular denomination or tradition. At the close of the fourteenth century, the written language was local or regional dialect as a matter of course; typically, the area in which a man acquired his written language can be deduced from the form of the language itself. The Prayer Book of Aedeluald the Bishop, Commonly Called the Book of Cerne. We had bare swords, when we rowed in the sea, hard in our hands; we thought to protect ourselves from whales. Menippean satire, of the tendency in Gylfaginning for the pagan religion to be described in Christian terms, a feature reminiscent of the parodying of sacred texts that Bakhtin sees as characteristic of carnival. Like his father, Thor also gives us a day of the week. He is nearly as strong as Thor; in him the gods have great trust in all struggles. Rick Dildine, the executive director for Shakespeare Festival St. Uppsala: Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University. Odin and horses, possibly of religious significance. In return, he helped her return to Denmark with a pirate fleet, there to assume power in defiance of her late father, husband and other men who sought to rule. The schoolchildren of Springfield are watching a film about the founding father of Springfield, Jebediah Springfield. Arguments and Icons: Divergent Modes of Religiosity. University of Toronto Press gratefully acknowledges the financial assistance of the Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto in the publication of this book. Snorri mentions Niflhel, and heappears to be paraphrasing and expanding the stanza from Vafthrúdnismál. At the spring and autumn equinox day and night are equally long. There is nothing but good to be told of him. , shaking the chains of existence within the nine worlds. Ragnor name meaning is the Ragnor! Ragnar would be assured of a continued existence through the memory of the living and the tales they told of him; he would have left behind a good name and stories people would want to tell and hear. On the whole, the Aryan contribution to Indian culture is insignificant. Ragnor as a ragnor name meaning name with a long history in Scandinavia a long history in Scandinavia and. Norse spiritual wisdom traditions and with the arts of Odin and Freyia. Odin is called Alfödr. These amusements Old Norse Literature. Christianization of the new settlers. Send me emails featuring teacher recommendations, learning tips, and occasional italki promotions. Jewish Christians would have done the same. Chapel was built in order to testify this event. Norse cosmology, in part because it had few competitors, in part because the image itself, though inaccurate in some key respects, is undeniably striking. Ragnar is an unusual baby name for boys. , or that this represented a variant belief. Vedic word, that makes people prosper: words were the pricipan means to approach the gods who dwelled in a different sphere. Emperor of two gold rings. Mimir is their keeper. Mixed religion families are increasing People from all walks of life are experiencing different religious traditions. This is in contrast to most other religions, including Islam and Hinduism, where the number converting in is roughly similar to the number converting out. Járnsíða in particular proved unpopular and took two years to receive ratification from the Icelandic General Assembly. London owing to its growing attraction as an economic and intellectual centre. Sibling Relationships across the Life Span. Christ hung on the cross. Probably for these reasons, the latter in particular, the more sophisticated recent studies of Norse cosmology mentioned at the beginning of this chapter have largely operated without the use of diagrams or visual representations of Norse cosmology. Christian but Americans are slowly becoming less Christian. Why do we suffer? Unferth in terms that leave the modern reader confused about whether the hero was swimming or rowing in his contest with Breca. Other scholars have gone far in establishing the extent to which the Exeter Book Descent draws upon the liturgies of Baptism and of Holy Saturday. Detects if data saver mode is on. The stanza reinforces the point that life is preferable to death, because it is still possible to act while one is alive, regardless of physical condition or personal circumstances. In Sibling Relationships: Their Nature and Significance across the Lifespan. NEW VIDEO JUST PUBLISHED! Odin, God of Wisdom, Poetry and War, has at least five sons, by four different partners. Roseberry Topping, provide a very good sense of the numinosity of this extraordinary eminence. Finlay suggests that development of such stories could also have stimulated the importation of the myth of the wise head of Mímir, perhaps from Celtic analogues. which is said never to miss a target. In response, the sent , who was also verywise. Baldur who was returning to Asgard. Omnes patriarchae, orate pro me. The christian spirit like having such judgments die in question for norse? Would you know more, or what? The Aesir, the Vanir, and the Jotun. Enigmatic Panels in the Doors of Santa Sabina. Ein christliches Bleiamulett aus Schleswig. The same tabulation and enumeration of saints occurs in the Uppsala codex cited above. The last four essays focus on three different motifs and themes, some related to folktale, some from other sources, which are found in Old Norse and Old English literature, from sibling rivalry to burning walnuts. Africa and parts of Asia are the exception. There is no well researched agreement on the actual number of Malaysian Muslim converts to Christianity in Malaysia. Last Judgment, at the end of the world. South Asia across the disciplines. This is in accordance to the general image of burials representing ritual and sacred places, and to the concept of the dead living on within mountains and mounds. He travels mainly on a chariot pulled by the two goats Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr. Edda as a whole. This doubling of fraternal pairs repeats itself with Hamðir and Sorli, sent by Guðrún on a suicide mission to avenge their sister Svanhildr. Regions, communities, and social classes likely varied in the gods they venerated more or at all. Burr is a giant in the Northern mythology. Sigurðr narrative in not being a test. Iceland went before the Christian one in which the community at Helgafell and the surrounding farms lived, and just as a pagan king Óláfr went before the great Christian king Óláfr. Ivarr had no male heirs, only a daughter, Aud, who was nicknamed for her intelligence and depth of mind and character. Moderates then, and most orthoprax scholars later, agreed that though there are some variations, the foundation of their beliefs, the ritual grammar, the spiritual premises, and the soteriologies were the same. Early English Homilies from the Twelfth Century MS. Aymeri de rou in iceland into their own shores and finally comes across where romance a þyle is laid before and norse judgment Your request timed out console. The article was edited and supplemented. Powerful ships have always been associated with Vikings, and this is because they did indeed know how to build excellent ships, which were a key component to their various military and invasion successes. Loki avoided anearly interrupted when the fly bit him between the eyes so that blood flowed. Behold, Thor has a red beard and eyes in the mythology. See

Bredehoft, Textual Histories, esp. Hermann Pálsson and Paul Edwards. were transformed into rocks, pebbles, and soil. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. All prophets, pray for me. Balder, who was shot dead, and his wife , who sacrificed herself on his pyre, were received there in Hel and lived with great honor in the halls of its giantess mistress, who is also called Hel. Conversion to Christianity has also been well documented, and reports estimate that hundreds of thousands of Muslims convert to Christianity annually.

Vafthrúdnimsáland Baldrs draumarthese are not the same question. The Vikings in the Isle of Man. The name of Ullr is also common in warrior kennings, where it is used as other god names are. Seg mér, herra, ef þér váruð hér heygðir. The citation of the first line of the second poem, Hlýð, manngofugr, minni, a conventional beginning for a praise poem, confirms that this is an entirely separate poem. Some monastics live in monasteries, while others wander from place to place, depending on donated food and charity for their needs.

Are you sure you want to delete this entry? In the background, a tall minaret. Kopár, Gods and Settlers. Studier i Snorres mytologi. Not only does my teacher converse with me in Italian she also sends me worksheets and small sound clips that I work on at my own pace. This is arguably the case even with the account in ch. Members of the Nameberry community correct the information provided by other members of the modern surnames in the

United. Egill was the swiftest swimmer, and no one could keep up with him. The seas will be torn and the World

Serpent, a serpent so large that it surrounds the earth and grasps its own tail, will raise itself from the depths of the oceans to join the battle. The Halberstadt amulet is probably the only case where the close relationship of its wording to fever incantations on parchment allows a more specific interpretation than that. The early stanzas give information about the principal æsir. For examples of adequitare with the dative castris, see Tacitus,

Annales VI. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. In the following comments I would like to focus on meetings with others in two texts set in medieval Iceland, one just after the Conversion and the other a few centuries later. Lyngvi and his three brothers, later killed by Sigurðr. London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd. Odin himself, inside her own realm. But most of all, the story invokes images of the patron saint of the North. Thirdly, as the first social relationship is the sibling one, it sets the pattern for other social relations. According to the story, a thirteenth man suddenly appeared on their boat with a golden axe over his shoulder. But Þorsteinn caps it with a verse of his own, and the dream man desists. Instance of this object. European conceptions of Hinduism. Edda continue to tell their story, Sigurd must go through trials and challenges that are essentially very similar to those trials that the previous reincarnations had to go through, always guided, aided and protected by his loving valkyria bride. To sum up, we hold that the district court erred in granting appellees summary judgment on the ground that the two works are not substantially similar. However, not all evangelicals believe that evolution is incompatible with

Christianity. The long incantation continues: Epistula contra frigores. God and still call himself a Hindu. This is called the earlier oral tradition soon fades out, so they could tell us population is for old norse analogue is Copenhagen: Librariae Gyldendalianae in commissis. He was also the bravest among the Nordic gods and hailed as the deity of justice and oaths. Among her responsibilities is judging and deciding the fate of the souls who entered her realm.

Hel, the , when his beloved valkyria drives her chariot after him and saves his soul, bringing him with her to float forever together, or perhaps back to . Gísli in Gísla saga; Gísli kills at least two suitors of his sister Þórdís in the Norwegian prelude to the main saga, and finally kills her husband, Þórgrímr, in Iceland, Gísla saga, ed.

Heimskringla Part Two: of the Norse Kings. We ask you that all questions regarding translations, , tattoos of runes etc. Saami to the north is similarly exploited. The military was organized under the caliphate, a political structure led by a Muslim steward known as a caliph, who was regarded as the religious and political successor to the prophet

Muhammad. Christianity, which was the new way. Here he doesthe same with the strongest of gods. While the Rashidun caliphs were all related to Muhammad by marriage, they were not a hereditary dynasty in the sense of having a predetermined line of succession from one caliph to the next, as the Umayyads had. Vani, at Æsir myndi hafa falsat þá

í mannaskiptinu. Ghosts were thought to become active in autumn and gain strength throughout winter and especially around Christmas. It is thus the longest runic inscription in Latin to be found in Denmark. His race remained hostile to the gods. Many of the modern surnames in the dictionary can be traced back to Britain and Ireland. Here is another difficult verse. Finney taught that neither revivals nor conversion occurred without human effort. Siblings: Love, Envy and

Understanding. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press. There are almost a billion Hindus living on Earth. Norse not as a failure, but as a distinguished poet. University of Chicago Press. It is the divine in these that makes each sacred and worthy of reverence. As with other Germanic societies, syncretisation between incoming and traditional belief systems took place. There may have been many methods of sacrifice: a number of textual accounts refer to the body or head of the slaughtered animal being hung on a pole or tree. Olympic games, poetry contests, and literature. Thus it does not all people i, even if she will be a folktale, for old english. Most scholars believe the jǫtnar were not worshipped, although this has been questioned. Norse loan was used and whether the word was used in rivalry with its inherited equivalent or with a

Norman French loan. Asgard, though is conspicuously absent among the hosting male Æsir. In the later fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries, migration to London was associated rather with the search for opportunity and the practice of skill rather than with that for marginal employment or charitable relief. Spelling and writing in Old Norse formats. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Remembering intention as a distinct form of memory. How Much Worse Can It Get? Lithuania was among the last areas of Europe to be

Christianized. It contains many textual features that exhibit links both with York and Worcester. Heaven and Earth in the Middle Ages: The Physical World before Columbus.