ST. MAXIMILIAN KOLBE PARISH ST. M ARY ’S OF THE L AKE CHURCH OF THE 5823 Walworth Rd EPIPHANY P.O. Box 499, Ontario 14519 105 W. Main St., Office: 315 524-2611 Fax: 315 524-2612 Sodus 14551 Rectory: 315-333-5151 315 524-2611 e-mail:
[email protected] ST. ROSE OF LIMA Hours: 8:30-2 M -Th, closed Fri. - Sodus Point LIVING WITH people from all over the region. St. Luke situates CHRIST IS FOR the occasion on the plain, on level ground from it 6th Sunday of ETERNITY Ordinary Time is addressed to all God ’s people everywhere. Here The readings the not only does Jesus articulate blessings for his Feb. 17, 2019 church gives us followers, but he also warns about the woes that this week pro- come to those who live according to the material- vide some an- istic values of the world. Considering beatitudes FIRST TAB swer to variety about the poor, the hungry and the weeping and TALK of concerns of the hated, it is hard to see these folks as blessed March 9 everyday life even though the teaching behind the beatitudes is After 4:30 mass with unmistaka- not mainly on physical sufferings. Our good God “Madrid to ble clarity. It is does not want His children to suffer and then call Marrakesh ” all about the it Blessings. The beatitudes will come for us later Presenter: choices we after this journey and our final triumph is that we LuAnn Irwin make that give are suffering for our faith in Christ.