605 Editor - RABBI SHIMON Hellinger

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605 Editor - RABBI SHIMON Hellinger ב"ה למען ישמעו • משפטים תשפ"א • 605 EDITOR - RABBI SHIMON HELLINGER KEEPING SHABBOS GUARDING ITS HOLINESS that this was connected to his disrespect for Reb THE MERIT OF SHABBOS Hillel, quickly ran to ask him for a beracha. To her It was late Friday afternoon when Reb Peishe surprise, Reb Hillel remained silent. One Shabbos, a fire broke out in the vacant home of the baal agolo arrived in Lubavitch with his Yosef ben Simai, the Roman emperor's treasurer. Thinking that he was hesitant to wish refua shleima passengers. It was already past licht tzind when A squad of soldiers was promptly dispatched to on Shabbos (in the spirit of the halacha), the people Reb Pesach hurried to drop off the last of his put out the flames, but because of his respect for present turned to him and begged that he wish passengers at their lodgings. Shabbos, Yosef did not let them act, though they her instead, Shabbos hi miliz'oik u'refua kroiva were acting of their own accord. Immediately, During the following week, on one of his daily lavoi – "It is Shabbos, when it is forbidden to cry rain began to pour, and the fire was extinguished. excursions to the outskirts of the city, the Rebbe out; healing will come soon" – but Reb Hillel still After Shabbos, he sent the soldiers recompense Maharash passed Reb Peishe who was fixing his remained silent. The woman left empty-handed, for their efforts. wagon. The Rebbe asked his coachman to stop, and her husband's pain worsened. )שבת קכא ע"א( .then called over Reb Peishe and tugged his ears “Rebbe,” said Reb Peishe, “I surely deserve it, but Without forewarning, one of the wealthy Yidden I would like to know why.” CONSIDER residing in Yerushalayim began rapidly losing The Rebbe Maharash responded, “It can happen his riches, until he reached a point of dire straits. that you arrive late on erev Shabbos, but why did How can the same activity One of his acquaintances went to Reb Shlomo'le you have to drop off each passenger at his host? of Zvil to ask for a yeshuah. Said the tzaddik, “Had You should have left them all in one spot and let be considered holy during this man not thought about his business matters everyone pick up their baggage after Shabbos.” the week, yet forbidden on on Shabbos and Yom Tov he would not have lost ”.Shabbos? his possessions )לקוטי סיפורים פרלוב ע' קנא( When the former wealthy Yid heard what the Chassidus explains that on Shabbos there is tzaddik had said, he admitted, “The Rebbe is greater revelation of Elokus, comparable to correct. I used to do business with Arabic dealers standing before a king in his inner chamber, On Motzaei Shabbos, when Reb Hillel was sitting on Motzoei Shabbos and Yom Tov, and would where one must be completely nullified and with chassidim for Melave Malka, the door burst therefore plan these transactions during the abstain from all work. Only during the week, open. The businessman's wife stood there crying, afternoon hours on the holy days.” when we are outside the palace, are we expected begging Reb Hillel to have rachmonus and bless to fulfill the King's wishes and build the world. her husband with a refua shleima. Reb Hillel turned From then on, the Yid stopped faring as such, and .to her and said, "Shabbos hi miliz'oik u'refua kroiva his financial situation improved )לקו"ש חל"ג ע' 143( )אסדר לסעודתא ע' lavoi." The chassidim wondered: why now, after )130 The celebrated chossid, Reb Hillel Paritcher, once Shabbos, was he saying this? arrived in a town where some Yidden kept their Reb Hillel explained: "Shabbos hi miliz'oik – if When the Frierdiker Rebbe was imprisoned in stores open on Shabbos. Deeply disturbed, he Shabbos stops screaming in distress, then u'refua Shpalerke, he received his Shabbos clothing, called all the storeowners for a meeting, at which kroiva lavoi – the healing will come speedily. Go which were sent from his home, on Erev Shabbos. he explained to them why they should close their tell him that if he promises in the presence of After dressing himself, the Rebbe checked the businesses on that day. They all agreed, but on three people that he will close his business on pockets as he one should on every Erev Shabbos, one condition – that he persuade a particular Shabbos, he will be healed." to ensure that he would not carry outdoors. In his wealthy man, their most formidable competitor, pants pockets he found a slip of paper which he to close his business, too, on Shabbos. Reb Hillel Three chassidim stood up and went to his home, had received on the Motzoei Shabbos prior to his summoned the rich man to come, but to no avail. where the man gave his word that his store would imprisonment. The paper contained information He called for him a second and a third time, but he be closed on Shabbos. His suffering immediately that could harm him were it to reach the hands of did not make an appearance. eased, within a short time he was completely healthy, and the kedusha of Shabbos was restored the investigators. Reb Hillel remained in the town for Shabbos. In the to the town. The Rebbe immediately destroyed it and was thus course of the day, that rich man suddenly felt a .saved )סיפורי חסידים זוין תורה ע' 290( sharp piercing pain in his stomach. The pain grew )שמו"ס ח"א ע' 204–ב( so intense that he screamed. His wife, suspecting Personal and professional Wellspring PRESS tax services GOOD for businesses PREPARING YOUR BOOK FOR PRINT www.SELLMILESNOW.com [email protected] | 718.301.7014 | SHOMERCPA.COM 732-987-7765 [email protected] NEWS RABBI CHAIM HILLEL RASKIN ROV OF ANASH - PETACH TIKVA REB ELYE CHAIM ALTHAUS PLASTIC MEGILLA READER Reb Eliyahu Chaim Althaus from and Reb Itche who was standing Nikolayev was a very close chossid at the bottom of the steps leading Can I place a clear plastic with the nekudos or trop on top of of the Frierdiker Rebbe and stood up to the house, asked, "Is it true the megilla for leining? by his side in all his holy activities, or not?" Reb Elye Chaim did not In various Torah obligations, the poskim discuss whether seeing and was given the title "yedid beis answer, he just let out a deep sigh. through clear glass is halachically “seeing.”1 Rebbe". He was the official shadchan Reb Itche asked again but Reb Elye of the Rebbe and Rebbetzin. When did not reply. When Reb Itche asked To recite the bracha over fire byhavdala , one must see the actual flame the Frierdiker Rebbe was exiled the question a third time Reb Elye and not just its light. If it is behind glass, some rishonim hold that isn’t to Kastrama in the summer of Chaim simply fainted, and toppled sufficient. The Alter Rebbe implies that it is allowed, thoughl’chatchila 5687 (1927), he traveled along. He down the steps. 2 one should see the flame directly. joined the Frierdiker Rebbe when Although kidush levana is to be done outdoors under the sky, if needed he moved to Riga, Latvia, where it may be done through a window. In such a case, poskim are divided he became active in the Lubavitch community, and was the gabai of whether the window must be open; l’chatchila it should but it doesn’t Reb Yisroel Jacobson related: need to be.3 the Rebbe’s minyan. He served as one of the three mashpi'im of Achos One year on Erev Rosh Hashana in The Torah specifies that in the chalitza ceremony, the beis din must Temimim, the Lubavitch girls group Leningrad, I walked into the room “see” the woman spit in front of their eyes, and they must therefore established by the Frierdiker Rebbe 4 that was supposed to be used as have complete vision in both eyes. in Riga. In Kislev 5742 (1941) he was the shul, and saw that not even one What about seeing through glasses? The consensus of the poskim is killed in Riga by the Nazis along bentch had been set up. I turned to that glasses aren’t considered an obstruction to halachic “seeing” with many other Chassidim. Reb Elye Chaim and said, “It's Erev since their entire purpose is to enhance one’s view.5 (Still, by the Rosh Hashana and nothing is set chalitza ceremony which is min haTorah, some are stringent to see up?!” Reb Elye Chaim responded without glasses.6) by repeating the same words back About a month after the Rebbe to me, “It's Erev Rosh Hashana and If a drop of wax is covering a letter in the Torah, one may read from Rashab passed away, Reb Itche der nothing is set up?!” the Torah as long as the word is readable. Yet, poskim write to remove masmid, who had heard rumors of it before leining on a weekday for several reasons:7 since it is somewhat the Rebbe's histalkus came to visit I got the message Reb Elye Chaim of an obstruction, it isn’t respectable, and it isn’t the way the Torah Reb Elye Chaim. Reb Elye Chaim was teaching me: Demand of was given.8 Likewise, some poskim are concerned that a plastic came out of his house to greet him, yourself, not of others. covering over the Torah may be misconstrued as a part of the mitzva and may even involve bal tosif.9 Additionally, since one is not allowed to write nekudos in a Sefer Torah (see issue 399), one should also not add a plastic with nekudos which can lead to confusion.10 This concern, however, doesn’t exist by a megilla (as explained there), and b’dieved, a megilla with nekudos inside is kosher.
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