Kashmir cashmiriana Rating: 0.0 ( 0 votes)

This description is for Kashmir Rowan (Sorbus cashmiriana):

A fine , very much like Kashmir wool which is also a product of the Himalayas

Perhaps one of the most attractive of the Sorbus genus, Sorbus cashmiriana boasts an elegance that few other of its size can. Known as the Kashmir Rowan, it produces soft pink, five-petalled blossoms, and when these have departed, they are replaced by clusters of white berries drooping from the end of each branch. Marry those factors with the fact its compound, serrated dark green turn a striking shade of golden red in autumn, and it is not hard to understand why it quickly becomes a prized feature in any garden. It thrives in humus-rich soil with access to plenty of sunshine, and requires very little attention.

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Plant Environment Usage

Known dangers? Acidity Standard category yes Acidic Trees & shrubs Neutral Trees

Dangers: comments Hardiness zone Grown for Avoid uncooked berries of this , Z5-7 Attractive flowers, foliage and or you may have mild stomach ornamental berries upset. Plant Environment Usage

Height [m] Heat zone Creative category 8 H7-5 For Beginners Show-offs Bonsai Author's choice

Spread [m] Winter temperatures [°C] Garden type 8 -29 - -12 Woodland Park Cottage garden Coastal City

Dominant flower colour Heat days Garden spaces Pink 30 - 90 Specimen

Flower Fragrance Moisture Gardening expertise No, neutral please well-drained beginner well-drained but frequently watered

Flowering seasons Soil type Time to reach full size Early spring sandy up to 20 years Mid spring Clay Late spring loams

Foliage in spring Sun requirements Green Full sun Partial shade

Foliage in summer Exposure Green Exposed Sheltered

Foliage in Autumn Red shades

Awards? Yes, let it smell

Propagation methods Greenwood cuttings grafting seed budding

Growth habit Broadly spreading Rounded