today Monday Hi 50 March 20, 2000

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In the N CSU and Greeks come cluse to li\c in the house. as well as a tiscr l'ee l‘ot‘ 9 Summary Bullet: A new rental model that thoxc members that do not li\e in the house. Kerry Kennedy (mum to keynote has been proposed is garnering much more ('liaptcrs also pro\ ide much of the mainte— N.C. State's Human Rights Week support from the 14 university-owned Greek nancc and all lurnishrngs l‘oi' their facilities. houses than the previous model. l‘trlitics are not covered in this plan. Kerry Kennedy (homo. human .\ccording to a press release. the universi- rights admcate and radio correspon- t_\ has not spent as much on these houses as NC ii an; dent, will deliver the 2000 Human intv Goowin Rights Week keynote address. it has on the residence halls and campus Greeks: “Making a Difference in an lndrt’l‘erem .Slatt \\'irtci apartments. and the court's facilities have World." at 3 pm. Monday. March 30. lallcn into disrepair. A University at N.C. State. Just last February. H irateruitiex and "In order to pro\ide a health). sale and The program “in be in Steuart sororities along l-‘raternity (‘otii't \\ etc in atti'actrxe criiii'oninent tor the Greek coni— Tradition Theatre in Talley Student (‘enter on disarray about \\ hat the liitui'c held hit them lillllill). \t'Sl' is lorced to increase rent (‘ates Avenue and ix tree and open to with a proposed increase ol eacli houxc'x becairxc closing tlicrn doun is not an Since 1.895 the public. rent by rippro\iiiiatel} $41000. option." said Melinda Soplici‘. director ol’ The presentation is pan ol' N(‘Sl”x Houewr. alter a series oi meetings in (it't‘t'ls l Ilt‘. seventh annual Human Rights Week. early March betuccn drt'lercnt lcadcrx in 'l he tirxt proposal \\ ax an indi\ idual lease March 20-24. an effort to enhance the the N.(‘. State community. things are look patterned alter the campus residence hall knonledge. appreciation and under- ing brighter and a little less espensnc tor Icasc Students \sould pay for their rooms standing ol' human rights ax elaborated the residents ol N(‘Sl"x l‘raternit) (‘ourt. on an indiudual basis. The facilities and in such documents as the l'nited The current lease is a chapter lcaxc that adjacent grounds \sould be charged to the Nations‘ N48 l'nitersal Declaration ot rents the houses to the chapter tor an annu~ chapter ax a “hole in the range oi $10000 Human Rights. The actnrties. “liit‘h al amount ot~ $73000. Each chapter deter- reflect the “All Human Beingx are mines the price per student tor lliosc \\|io Ss‘t‘ GREEK Page The Greek community at N.C. State battles a rent increase at Fraternity Court. Worth)" theme. are hosted by the .::._._,.__..,,_._...,___..._ _, NCSl' Human Rights \Veek ("tiiiiiiiittee. \\itli the xuppor't ol‘the unr- \ersit_\ administration and downs ot Campaigning for campus organi/ationx. Hayes is new human resources head student offices kicks off Charlene Moore Hayes. \\ho uax riiost recently director oi' personnel xer- 0 Student leaders are looking to fill the many changed virthiii Student (loo-innit-rn.” \ices at Purdue l'niserxrt). has been positions available within Student Government, ’ctligre“ said ol' his reason behind sci-king named N.C. State‘s associate \ icL' the presidency. “Studenix serum: students“ chancellor for human resources. the Student Center, the Student Media will stand as the basis behind PL ttigico ‘x carir George \\'ors|c_\. \ice chancellor lor Authority and the Senior Class Council. paign. business and tinance. made the Jason (‘otter. (‘orieri \ltilgati and ( ircg announcement alter conducting an Doucctte are each aspiring to lead ncst _\ear'x e\tensi\'e search. Ha} ex xtaiied \\Ill k at Nnrout Duoorss Student Senate. NCSl' on Jan. 31. \'.-rr.oi \tarr \\:.r r ”l sa\\ that Senate needed it'dtik'l'slllp‘” During her nineycar tenure at Morgan said ol‘ his reasons lor illtililil‘.‘ tor the Purdue. Hayes de\eloped human it‘s that time ol \car again the iliei's go tip. office. Morgan. “ho currently st‘t'\cs as a xcn resource policies. programs arid proce- the speeches begin and the gauntlet has been ator. plans to base liix campaign on keeping dures tor eiiipltnnient. emplo)ec r'cla» throun till\\ll. l'oda) the Student llotl) tionx. compensation. benctitx and lliltll» marks the beginning ol 5 B l‘ rntornrr'tl matron s}stems, She also held poxrirorix l\\tt “L‘Cks UI' utility TUDENT 0D “llit‘ r‘vtic ri.t';'.ill as the human resource l‘l.iiill|li_i' and paigning tor xtutlenix ls\l|t :oi no tamr policy consultant and as the assistant seeking oll'icex urihrn n‘ ix to rnrorrrr slll‘ director oi employment and employee Student (rosernrncirt. . a B \ik'lli\.Pi“: A ri.l\lot'1.ui relations. the Student (enter. the ELECTIONS (ii'cg Hour cite or” Student Media wmmmm bring c\pciicntc irorii for .\.( '. State :\tilltttl'll_\ and the PRESIDENT the ltitci Rt'xitlcticc Thousands expected Senior (‘lasx ('otincil. HANG; a: 8. 5'3: t IUHLV» (‘otiiicil the Student Vet ('ollege Open House on April 1 kitty-sis. poxittorix turns», §‘.ixol’jral.":a \lctliti \utlioiits .iiid Animal enthusiasts. pct ourierx and are available in this “Aura” strum-Miriam Student Senate to his aspiring \eterinarianx shouldn't nirxx _\eai's Spring ‘fii'lqm'miil‘l'fiil campaign tor Student the annual ()pen Hottxc ll \orth llLLllOn\ and 56 cin FREE. DENT Senate l’i'cxident. ('arolrna State l'niierxrti'x t‘ollegc ot didatcs ha\c icgis< “"5“" """""‘H Dotrccttc liopcx that Veterinaip Medicine. ironi it .r in [iii Students urged tci'ed. Honcscr. the untoCO"'"UtiutziMUHG“‘' ti. his cspcrnntc in the p m. on Saturday. .\prrl l llic c\clll. competition for some \ai'roux xtudcnr organr tree lo the public. or“ lcatinc stilS. oliicex ix xtrtlci' than in usmzmwm /.tllritts urll .ntl him in dogs. birds. turtles. horses. sheep ”a others. .\latthe\\ King .lAP-IrTREABI; Qpittii URER the creation and irnplc max and more. \HH ha\c no CHilll‘L‘llr MICHAI L.. All‘uYYSLl‘lr lltcltlalttrtt t‘i tilt'JS lzach _\ear. the \cterinaii college ma. to drink beer, iron in liix quest to suc ill Ilit \‘llt‘ .ttl\ r't .ilk"\ .t cotiiL‘s nearly 7.000 people on tatiiprix cccd \lichclc l'llll\ ‘is .I."Sfl7§I-inld.dfii«ig.lPRESIDENT "crociiinicri'.. ''oi the to see lirsl-hand hon the tcachrrig cliicl _itisticc ot the UUHUH WW“ peoplc \sluih \\otild research. medical ser\ ices .irid tornrnu Judicial Hoard Mmz- in Emmi include "going to the nit_\ outreach ot'the college benetrts the 'l‘hr'cc students \\lll \llltlcllls tlll't't ilk lt‘ .islk state of North Carolina. not milk be \_\ing tor the ollrce for ideas " l-aiiiilies. prospectne xtudentx and ol' Student Hod} l’resideiit' Harold Ii. l'nlike last year \ihen '\llkilt'\\ l’a}nr ran people interested in the \eterrnar) pro nonrcn \\lio .onxtrrned more inrlk actually had l‘cttigrc“. 'l‘hoin‘as Srinomas and Raicsh unopposed tor the ollrce oi Student liotli l'exsion “ill get a coinprchcnxnc look 9 The animal rights group recently released a .t higher rate loi’ osteopoi'osix llie stud) Mnchandaiir. last _\ear. the candidatex com- Treasurer three students \\lH contcnd tor the at the college and itx actnines. .~\nnnal study calling for an end to dairy consumption xliouetl alriioxt mice as man} bone breaks peted tor the position. groups that partner “tilt the college and an increase in beer drinking. among \tomen \\ ho drink three glaxscx oi milk "I see that there are things that need to be See OFFICES Page ‘\ \\ill be on hand to talk about then \\r ills .r tla) compared to \U‘lllL‘ll \\ ho drink little to and answer questions. no milk. More inl‘omiation and a riiap ot the Hus HSIEH "the dairy industr} spends o\cr $300 lililr sell-guided tour we a\arlablc on the \ iltt‘t .‘YJI: \\:tlir hurt a _\ear to lie to people." said i‘l‘lt‘tlllt'li Web at http://wmscxinncxticdtu‘tipcn “lt'x r'eall} criminal and is a iiiiiig nightmare A wave in the crowd house. (itil “L‘Cl” tor animals." . l’eoplc tor the lzthical ’l'reatmcnt ot .\nrnialx lionesei'. Ste\e Waxhbui'n. thc estensiori ' N.C. State’s Pan-Afrikan plannul is urging xtudents to stop consuming dairs leader in the animal science department at for April 1-8 prodnttx by telling them beer ix better tor \.(‘. State. does not agree with l’liTA‘s urging them, students to drink beer instead ol milk. The annual N._C. State l’aii~.\trikan The goal. \egctarian (‘ainpaign (‘oor'dinatoi’ "l‘ll‘etilll‘tlgllig alcohol constiinptron is otit ol' Festiuil. \shich rims April l to K on the lirrrcc liriedrich xard. ix to locus attention on place unit the number «it people \\ ho are NCSL' campus. Will include a \sidc the tact that. according to their stud}. nnlk ix killed in alcohol-related accidents." he said. Hint!) of cultural and educational bad tor your health. “The results do not appear to be “ell-docil— e\ents that are open to the public The “Studies shit“ that there ix actualh a net loxx merited.” \‘l‘axlibtn'n said. "The data is mix- . theme ot the 2000 etcnt ix in calcium. because the c\.ccxs protein in dart) lt‘atlllig‘. slllt't‘ L'\L‘L'sst‘s til till} t)pe 0'. itiotl ”illuminating. (‘clehrating and products actually leaclics calcium trorn the product. no matter \\ hat it is. can be bail for ltducating the Al'rikan Mind." bones." said l'riedrich "l)air‘_\ products hasc \ou " The lestii';il is one ol the largest cele- also been linked to heart disease. cancer and Sources xliou. l’lt'l‘A say x. that mother coux r brations on the N('Sl' campus xpon- diabetes." are treated like nothing more than a milk .xored by the Black Students Board oi l’lz'l‘A has created a neu \ieb site. machine to sase time and money. i‘actor) the Union Actisities Board. Since its \nusMrlkSuckxcom. to get students to stop larrnerx use milking machines that otten cause r inception in W72. the Pari-.-\lrikan consuming dairy products. cuts. nitrates and electric shocks to a con‘x i‘t‘slthl has consisted oi iriioi‘inatise Among the \ieb site's l'eaturex ix a nutrition tiddt‘l's. The mother con is charmed by her programs and social exmix. al comparison ol beer and milk: Beer hax Icro neck in a concrete stall and her udders are The schedule of units ix attached t'at. nhrle milk is loaded \\ ith it. beer hax Iero genetically inodil'ied to produce e\ti'a milk. 1 For more inlorination. check out the . cholesterol. \slirle milk contains 10 mg in and growth horriiones and unnatural milking 3 l‘esti\ al v.eb site at . escr} r‘l—o/ glass and beer doesn‘t contain hoiv schedules catixe dairy co\\ x' udders to become or . mones or antibiotics. olnle riirlk corrtarnx pcxi parrilnl and sit lrea\_\ that the) sorrretuiiex drag contact the Black Students Board. trcides and antibiotics ted to con x. including a on the ground in t'eces and urine cmcred Wish 5 I 5-59“) or Uttl‘fihshlfl ncsucdu. 1 boune grouth horriione tliai can gi\e guys cctiicnl. according to l’ltTA's “eh site. Jay», l.,.:- .Q'i.‘ Tickets are available through Ticket breasts. according to Pli’l‘A. Many students such as Kristel Jernigan (center). a senior in Chemistry and (‘entral at t9l9i Sl5~l l00. According to the Hanard Nurxcx‘ Stud}. See MILK Page i Biochemistry. came to the 2000 NIT prepared to taunt Tulane.

lees-able inrreas iiiillating Titus ialk Knocked on Think you’ve been inert spa. Our very own \Voiiieiis out? Y’ouiec‘Wiong. that Shakespeare expert out what youll be payin tell in the first more for in Technician. reviews ‘iulic ’l‘aynior’s round of the NCAA view. I latest tlick Sec A&E. 'l‘ournameiit. V Letis be totally honest. Without a pool, serving free coffee grill, fitness renter tllltl other anwnities and snacks. Newt now at Way to share. you l] have to win friends based, a little smnething "I'm 24-hour rirnms Download a map at wwwAb oyApartments.cornw’biggt'rpicbtml center has cardio and weight-training on your ,rin'rsmlality alow'. .‘klltl, hm; il‘ late at nigh/2’ l‘faz‘l/ "‘l”"F”"""" you 're like most of) us that's a risky thing. H 'h lt’l'l chair to pool antl back again. Days that beckon apartment has a full lx'llt‘lit‘li. llatw tn pail»: (or

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Get used to your own not just easy living, it 3: also (lean 24-hour computer lab, completeInternetwith high-speed Therti-s nothing like The hours, when you come to living. Each apartment has

Abbi-{1: For Iltb’ltllH‘t‘. the computer arul study lab appreciate the fact that you its own, washer amt Jitter Earl: bedroom in Plenty ofgas grills _ . , « , ‘J ‘ - . means that you 'll haw: across to romput‘ers with have your own. private bed- around. Some even (notice we did)? t say u as/u-r ““’suites“’ J “"‘lhas4itsI’O‘I’OU’"own next to the pool. private ha(I:rmnn. ltl'gli‘n'poerl Internet (It‘t‘t‘NH ‘31 hours a day. And room, with its own full bathroom. And a deadbolt and dryer hook-ups). Ear/1 l)('tll’()t))71 has its own driving to campus for a game of hoops? Forget it. lock on your bedroom door. And mood lighting. Private bath with a built *in tub shower. And The

The Abbey has a. basketball court Ahhh, the possibilities. I wake up. l/Vith all the Abbey. has on "site nzaintmuincc to kool') every“. big enough for multiple games. schoolwork you 've got to do, you don 't have time to thing running snzootl‘ily. .- x —; A full-size When the sun‘s out you can also basketball court for waste. Want a workout? Go to our on~site state-of»- V!) V v I, \{r'hen you need as, im're a full-size workout. .900(>99 We94 '« .'. §3°°°§9§e§>®§ ,- get up a game of' beach volleyball. I Now we’d like the-art fitness center, open 24—7. Exam week? we’re there. I OK, it’s a change. Hope you're not going to miss the laundromat, _ . _ . . to call your attention to the picture in the center ol’ because you. have your Bill. ll 8 (1, better lIfE'. ‘AHd If Now leasing new student apartments own washer/dryer. five minutes from. NCSU. the page. That’s the resort-style pool where you'll you really want your f'rirmls to enjoy being around spend countless sunny days moving from lounge TheAbbey you, you’re going to need all the lIt‘lp you can get. (919)839-6200 Fall 2000 Registration Dates IrcliNiciAN .\'Iond.i\. .\i.iith .le~ 201") News 3 'Qlassification Qfiflfltgfiates I’raitcinity ('oui‘t Daniel (iiintei. seen an Il'ii'ldf‘c' llrL cast.- l‘l S ‘ Chairman Jon Black ot the percent lltc‘lr'lt‘lt'. a .tlL ii,;tir ti. Graduate Students March 22 Alumni Council. .-\lltltttl| ('oiiiicil tract. tor lll\ .i\ti...t tit ruse member levy Iii'oiisseah .iiid added Sophei Seniors Continued from Page 1 Sopltcl ()Ill-l‘ill.t'll|1\"i li‘ll‘i.’:' “All parties came together and tors Ill lllc text-riotiri.‘ ins her 121+ Hours Passed March 23 starting in the 2(l()tl-()| academic started negotiating there \\.IS no the «llllllllli .t-itiiioitix llti‘»‘ "ct )‘Cttl‘. according to Jell Prescott. heresy. no rumors. and that is only sear-ii out til. I li.t|ilt‘ 111-120 Hours Passed March 24 fraternity court resident director \inen \se slattcd breaking tone is at. 1' minim: lll‘it Even vvith housekeeping. tirll ground." said \Irrcliaiidarii li;i\e .iii itlttl‘llltl‘ white : ..pie 101-110 Hours Passed March 27 maintenance and utilities. the Prescott shared the same sc‘lIIIr seritirie lllt‘t‘l Greek community tell the pi‘opos merit, “[)i Stalloiil l\\r.'l» tll\lltsi“ 92-100 Hours Passed March 28 al u as too radical. "()\ei';i|l. these are the best tccl the I Ilk‘tlis ('oioriiiiiiit‘~. lle \Mllll‘. When chapter members oi one ings I ha\c seen on both sides." lt'IW lcriii tt‘llii‘llllliclll twin lino .UN,O2 (AGI)23 March 28 undisclosed hotrse decided to sign said Prescott. stiles. so cit-morn :stll lta\c' .v leases at an tilt-campus site. all The ne\\ proposal is a one year ‘vlllsV lllal i- ‘\\il:\ lli.‘ .tlUIIlli Juniors sides lsneu something had to he estension on the current lcasc stilltllll'l'c‘t‘ li.'s ~|oori .i lot o’ done. said Prescott. “till a l5 percent increase on the poocr rri Ills tit titiolli'ris. sari 84-91 Hours Passed March 29 Several meetings vset‘e held in current rate. said Mit'chandant. \tipllt‘l late February and early March to “'I lie aliiriini board has not "\tttiltnr hun- l 'th motion: 77-83 Hours Passed March 30 settle on a common ground. accepted this plan, but rt probably tlilreeiitlv and lint-e gotten .: L'tHi Student Body President Ra] “ill." Prescott added education lttiii, lltis riiatlct It I\ 70-76 Hours Passed March 31 Mit‘chandanr said that at one meet- Actor'dttig to Sophcr'. there is .i lsrritl oi l3lsc Ilic peati iiisidc Ila mg in particular. all sides came stipulation tn the university‘s con ll\‘-lk'l It ought l‘t ‘illlL'll ori tlit 64-69 Hours April 3 together. It consisted ot' tract that states Il cannot raise the outside. but on the inside. llrt Passed Chancellor Marye Anne I-os. Vice price ol' housing more than Ii per pe.ii| is that in irate ti -oieiitloti~ April 4 Chancellor l'or‘ Strident Altairs cent lroiii one _\ear to the nest lIl\r‘l‘\t‘l1lt‘!ll it‘llll .tlllll'lll ” slit 60-63 Hours Passed Tom Stalt'or‘d. Associate Vice “()I the IS percent. 5 percent .ltltlt'tl Chancellor l’or Student Allan's or“ go directly to the state lot use "( li.iptcis lend to lilll i‘etlei until. AGl (01) April 4 Tim Lucls'adoo. Ititer-Iratei'nit_v ol its land. so \(‘Sl' \srll only altiiiirii support his! |Ilt.t_‘_‘lllt' ll \sc Council President Scott Carden. t‘ccci\c b5" pet‘ccnl ol the \Iillltl :,'c| .t iiieiiilict lttirii ‘c'\L'l\ Sophomores President on the Board ot' increase, 'l'hc past too years haic chapter ” 154-59 Hours Passed April 6 ‘\\ll\|llt'\ Hoard h}. attaining the president \ (intently. .\ldt'icl. 50-53 Hours Passed April 7 MILK OFFICES ser'\es .is the l \P: Secretary. \‘sllllk‘ “'lttlc‘ \cl'\c'\ .is lllt‘ s llatl titull i'l Illc 47-49 Hours Passed April 10 Continued from Page 1 Continued from Page 1 Leisure and l llIt'I’l..IllIl|I.'l‘iI coniiiitt lL'k'. 544-46 Hours Passed April 11 But. according to Washhum. the position this year. James Smith and “I \santed to continue some ot the animals are actually treated quite Michael Anthony are slated to run in things that l had heeun this seat .tlel "40—43 Hours Passed April 12 well. this year’s elections. continue to be .1 part or the Student "There is a small percentage ot' "I wanted to be able to help stu- (‘cnlctf' .\ltlIILll \.lltl lite locus lot 35-39 Hours Passed April 13 costs that get injured. and the .sepai‘a» dents and do more tor students in nest year, \lltl \ldinli. \xrll he to tion of the calves from their mother is Student Government." said Smith or iniptoxe I‘lll‘llcll} tor the l'\.I“.. i re 30-34 Hours Passed April 14 not a major issue." he said. his reasons Ior seeking the ate a hettei och site .lllil taking :: Male calves. dairy opponents claim. ’I‘t‘easurcrfl ol‘l‘rce. IIItIL'lI l‘ltlfiv‘l lttlL‘ Ill iiitttlcczltl‘illlgl. . Freshman are trauiiiatically taken l'rom their Smith said that his campaign Students Will he .itiie to .isl. dues mother at one to too days old and vtould locus on \\orls'ing Willi trons ol the t illlILlILlill\‘\ .tl ltL'\l 23-29 Hours Passed Ale17 end tip being chained in veal crates so (‘ollege Councils. bettering the Tuesday's ('aiiipus Ilehates iii the small so they can't even turn around. appropriations process and IIIL‘I‘L‘dV (‘ainpiis (‘iiit ll|.f oi \\ lIllt'lSI‘tit'l: 719-22 Hours Passed Apn|18 "Veal calves come from the dairy ing accountability in the budget. Student ( cuter lturiric the nest too industry." Friedrich said, "By con- Likewise. neither Derrick \Vhite necks. candidates \srll ._;ri‘ tlit 17-18 Hours Passed Apn|19 suming dairy products. you are not nor Marls Aldrich will have the Iti\» campus to \I'll\lll|c' interested not only supporting the cruelty and ury ol' running unopposed as current ct‘s to sasl their l‘.lllt‘ils itri \pril i-J :16 Hours Passed Apn|20 exploitation or animals. but also the Student Center President Sabrtiia Nttlt' .\ll ciilitlttl ilt's litt ultra-s. veal industry.” Yep did last year. Both are seeking were contacted lot this story. but '15 Hours Passed Apn|24 Nathan Guinn. t‘ormer NCSl' .stus to continue their “ork \vith the sortie could not he ls.“ hell loi cont dent. belie\ es l’ii'I‘A's campaign \iill Student Centers and the Enron merit '12—14 Hours Passed Apnl25 create avvareiiess to reducing animal .sul‘t‘ering. '0 - 11 Hours Passed Apn|26 “It is a way to catch people‘s atten- Inn! tor 2000-2001 ltilis at tion and point it towards the cause." :IUGS, PBS duh/8 he said. "Many people do not i'eali/e vv hat happens behind the scenes." Toolinlcltin totlaiitll ff—J‘


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(ioycinois the-table trickery on behalf increased student fees an a\ cragc of S of the Board of Governors. on Add the fact that NCSU's pcrccnt...vvliilc students were gone Board of Trustees spring break. approved Chancellor Marye Anne Fox's tuition increase while students were on Why? While the L'NC System’s winter break and it is clear that titti- students were out on spritig break. versity officials are affecting the the UNC Board of Governors con- students without informing them of vened and decided to raise systeitt« their actions. There was no press wide student fees an av cragc of 8 release sent to the media authorities percent. of NCSL’ warning of this student A month after clearing tuition fee increase. increases. which fund general edu- The decisions timing is more cation. the BOG set its sights on than merely untimely; it is also bla- student fees. which fund specific tantly unethical. unjust and under— services such as athletics and healtlt handed. Even the iitost faithful of facilities. The BOG generally benevolent bureaucrats cannot deny hands down tee increases every that university decisions made year; the standard increase. liowev without student input do not reflect er. is tisually fived at 5 percent. The student interests. How can they? exorbitant si/c of this year‘s The tragedy that occurred last spring biick retold by curl: increase is bianted on computer Thursday is not one of financial first day'o montage , market 200" tecltnology spending. hardship: it is one of moral disinte- \\ ltile the overall increase was 3 gration. The question is itot "How percent. NC. State students high will student costs become?" received a 7 percent increase and but rather “At how high a cost will [NC-CH got a li percent jump. the university body operate without Piggy backing the tuition increases regard or respect for the student at those schools. li’lelLllL‘ undergrad body?" never shot to niaim; iii fact. if she method for lowering the number cence with virginity intact pull off C H m s iiiitu M ever shot at all. she .sltot to scare. of kids born to parents who don't incredible feats of restraint and- When i was l3 missing paws and noses by feel want them or can't support them‘.’ frequently~mrestraint. years old. my fain- atid yards. But she made her point That's a question facing primary ll) lititl l-l L'.il\. to the lioi‘ny ntalc cats around. at and secondary schools across the Fewer people achieve virgin- All letters sent to Campur Forum We didn't /’lt\ l4 least iiittil we could get our cats country. Fortunately. those afteiulti status every year. howev- (tet/y‘bmm; mimea'u) are theprep- cats. nor did we fivcd. In so doing. shc lowered the schools are itoi cottting to it pro- er. a reality that schools and par~ patrol the streets. looking for number of soonsio-be-unwantcd jection of my mom‘s answer: arm ents need to accept and react to. erty of Tic/minim. Tbe Technician neglected cats. My sister and i cats tit our backyard. the mothers and let them guard Teaching students what foriiis of didn‘t prowl around the neighbor it's easy to compare my fantily their daughters until the proper birth control there are—pills. con- editorial itqfl reren'er the right to edit hood. invoking some sort of five, during that period to the l'nited “living" age. minute rule against our tellow cat States in the late 30th and early l'nt'ortunaiely. however. one- donts. last-resort abortions and the a// Campus Forum lettmfor content owners. whispering to oiic tilltllli~ list (’cnturies 'l‘oday. horny cats tltird of those schools are playing like-is a good start Teaching them er. “liifteen more unattended sec» atid kittens—the figuratne soi't»cre- Pollyanna by simply not answer- how to get to those birth control and space. There is a limit of 250 onds. and that one‘s a tree agciit‘" aic unwanted children every day. ing ‘he question aitd teaching a methods if and when they become words on Campus Forum lettm. We weren‘t a group of strange four of every lti teenage girls iii straigat abstinence curriculum. sexually active is ev en better. "cat people" who happened to be the l'S. had unwanted pregnan» according to a study released in No one's going to wake up one related. sharing a cat—overrun cies iii i007. according to the late 199‘). an 10 and get a $5 seat. house dominated by the smell of National (‘anipaign to Prevent Further. according to the study. morning and fitid that his pubes— Guest students? 'lhis. though. is itot the big deal. stale kitty urine. lecn Picgnancy's Web page. That the remaining two-thirds. while cent daughters ltave birthed i4 l have a tjuestion about ticket dis- The big deal is that the Athletics Rather. we were the victims ol works oiil to a total of nearly they do teach about fornts of birth kids they can‘t take care of: but tribution. What happens to the Sit) Department is charging SIS for a the raging hormones of an entire i.t)titi.tititi unwanted teen pregnan— control. they don‘t teach about c\cry day someone ta lot of some— that i paid to tune my student tick» student ticket from Ticketmaster neighborhood. ()ut original tlii'cc cies during the calendar year. how to get to those forms. ones. iii facti finds out that his or ets tor last 'l‘ucsday's .Vl’i' game that is already printed out with a cats-all female-attracied the entire .-\|so according to the Web site. First and foremost. abstinence her daughter will have one kid turned into otficial “guest" tickets'.’ price of $5 on it. Therefore. what Brookhtnen l)rivc tomcat tlL‘llltl- that site can't take care of. A little i imagine .i stack of ten dollar bills you have is 35 tickets being sold at North ('ai‘olina had the lltlt high» when practiced~-is foolproof. To somewhere in (‘asc Dining Hall Silt) percent of their face value! graphic. each of them becoming est teen pregnancy rate. averaging my knowledge. no one has ever bit of education can prc\ent that with a sign on them: "liltiti NIT first Scalping‘.’ Surely not. pregnant at the same time. til .3 for every l.tltiti girls ages l5- “caught" pregnancy: it‘s not air~ from continuing to be such a fre» round profits " Thcsc are right Thinking that. since l had to pay So. when l was l3 years old. my l‘) iii “N7. borne. you can‘t get it front being quent reality beside the piles oi money made off the extra Sit) for the “guest" tickets. family itad [—1 cats. The products of those pi‘c‘giitili‘ around pregnant people. if you the "guest iickcts" iot' the NC. 1 was sure to check my wallet twice As a method of crude btrtlt coit- cies frequently face one of two don‘t have sex. you're itot going State l'Nt't‘ltapcl llill football for itiy lD before going to the arena trol. as vveli as a good time-killer options: live a life likely marked to get pregnant. (hit (1 problem with .limniv‘v games in ('liarloiic for the big game. i figured i would while sllL‘ was sick .iiid out of by guilt over Interrupting their Abstinence when [lfL‘uL‘liCtlits Iiiivv-tii'kn‘iirt/v iilr'uv‘.’ Thin/v Itiv just see if they would ask to see the work for two weeks. my itioiii parents‘ lives. or beconte an also fooliiardy. The teenage period These monies are collected w hen [D and then pull it out. i handed the took to stttittg by our back door fun-til/ul Spring Break left him tltc student pays for a Ticketmaster attendant my ticket and he told me any orphan arid depend on childless a siv-year evercise in hormone it'fI/l ti/mniftuit thrifty/titers." Let ticket titat has a printed value on it. to enjoy the game. i watched as my with a BB gun. firing upon people for the possibility of gain— management. one that yields this him know about it (If So. last Tuesday mortiiitg i went to guests went through the entrance. foreign feline that ventured onto ing a family. reali/aiion: teens have sex. Those the ticket w indovv with itty lD to get handed the tickets to the attendant. our back porch. This is a problem. a problem that teenagers~-iitale and female j/n‘vulv (0 uriitvhi‘virr‘du. itty ticket and some guest tickets. l and were never asked to show the My mom never sltot to kill. she begs this question: what‘s the best who make it through their adoles- was hoping that it would not be a orange ticket stapled to it. This hav - big deal ifl got tttore than the usual ing happened at the past two NCSU- allotment of tickets. since school L'NC-CH football games in was not in session. i had even Charlotte also makes me deter— thought of trying to get all the tick- mined to find out how this money is Educating through activism ets as student tickets aitd conic tip handled attd why i go through the with some lD's so my guests could trouble of paying more money for a confer— get in. i figured as soon as i tried “guest" ticket when the student lD's Jniis HMBHOSE, JHNICE 000M, moral importance of their actions front NC. State boycott a reasonable people might disagree. that. there would be some sting are not even looked at. Where is my and those of others. ence in Columbia‘.’ it is a gesture Good people who see the issue operation set tip to bust people try- SlO‘.’ if i get to choose where my flint lEGliliNil We are a team of faculty mem- that will hardly be noticed. The differently from the way that we ing to get iii on student lD‘s. vtiicst columnists bers from a cross-section of disci— conference still drew a large num- do will surely attend other confer- Not only was i allowed to get my money goes in the athletics budget. plines connected by a common ber of participants. student ticket and five "guest" tick- send it to sortie non—revenue sport. The National .-\ssociation for tile involvement and philosophy The issue of the flag has hardly ences iii South Carolina. in this ets. my ll) was not even scanned for like cross country. Advancement of Colored l’eople tltrougii an initiative committed to cattsed a ripple on the NCSU cant— case. however. the larger principle my one sltltlL‘lll ticket? So. if you Jim Smith tNAACl’) has requested that binldiitg faculty-student relation- pUs. Presidential candidates seems worthy of fighting for. want to go to the second—round Senior Americans boycott the state of ships and educating the whole siti- George W. Bush and .lohti McCain if we argue for a ntore socially game and you have been a student Textile Management South Carolina because the state dent. ”or response is an obliga- defined it as a "South Carolina and politically diverse. yet more in the last decade you can just flash government continues to fly a tion that we deeply feel. as well as issue to be decided by South inclusive. campus. then the boy- . (‘onfcderatc battle flag an opportunity to take a stand and Carolinians." cott matters. If we believe that over its capitol building. to be. by evample. educators. This There are a number of reasons public spaces cannot be used for This flag symboli/es is w lty we not only are not attend- that the decision to boycott should symbols that iiitpiy the superiority slavery and oppression ing. but we are seeking—through be tnade and that it matters. if we of one group over another. then to African~Americans. not attending—to educate as to accept the principle that it is pure— the boycott matters. as well as to other why. iy an internal matter. to be decid- North [arolina State Uniiiersdij's Americans of con- Yet. even if we agree that the ed by the people of our neighbor- Evert if we admit that. for some. Student Newspaper Silitt’ i928 science. and is therefore flag should itot fly over the capi- ing state. then we can hardly raise the Confederate flag is a symbol ait offense to them. tol. is the boycott the best means our voices over Kosovo. Bosnia. of Southern pride. it is for others a Editor iii Chief Features Editor Sarah E. Miami The Faculty l‘ellows of the of accomplishing the goal of forc- Chinese dissidents or any other symbol of an era of slavery. black Opinion [Editor Jimmy llgal: First Year (‘ollegc were iitg the state legislature to take it situations in which states mistreat codes. Jim Crow. lynching and Ebonie Polite scheduled to participate in a down'.‘ Boycotts and sanctions their citizens. When you think massive resistance to integration Collections Manager Sherrie littlen South (‘arolina professional have a decidedly mixed record. about it. the "internal matter“ and equal justice. Photography illitor Mike Pittman conference shortly after the Sticii actions have failed in Cuba. defense was also used to defend it is not an enormous sacrifice to General Mana er Graphics Editor Mark~tii:l.auilitii'n boycott was called fot. We lraq arid lran. ()ur nation‘s efforts the “peculiar institution“ of segre- support the boycott. but it is an Kell Maiee chose to honor the boycott to isolate (‘ommunist China col- gation. important gesture. As a counter- c‘lassn'ieds Manager Douglas lloncantitm by canceling our participa- lapsed. While this case is not as dramat— sytnbolic gesture. the decision not News mitors Zack Mazer ti Danielle Stanfield Advertising Director iarrati Sanders tion in the conference. We Biit international boycotts have ic as tragedies iii the former to attend relevant matters. even if sports tittiioi Jack nalg did so because we believe it had some impact iii loosening Yugoslavia or American in the few people are aware of it. A line Ad. Production Chief Eric Eonlalez is wrong for any public white supremacist regimes in l960's, flying a flag on public not to allow the presence of any- Editorial ...... 7...... 5i 5-24li TOL: Technician OnLine institution to willfully dis- Rhodesia and in South Africa. property that giorifies the heritage thing that blatantly advertises dis- Advertising...... 5I 5-2829 http://wwwaechnicianonlinum play a symbo|~in this case. Sanctions often work best when of one group while profoundly respect for another person ntust be l'ax ...... 5i5-5l 33 the Confederate battle combined with an appeal to the offending another is no small mat~ drawn at some time and in some Campus Forum: techtomm-mncsuedii flag-“that is offensive to a enlightened self—interest of estab- ter. By attending the conference. place. or it never will be drawn. $23 \N’iiliet‘sptviii Stittlcni c enter significant segment of the lished economic aitd social elite we would have been saying that Why not here and now"? Box Slit S. \lc‘s‘l' catupiis Press [email protected] cititens it serves. groups. attd this may well be the the ilag‘s presence really does not Raleigh. Nc‘ 27min soos information: techintotitncsu.etlu Our decision to boycott case iii South Carolina. where matter. that it is a trivial issue. Opinionsexpressed in theoilunins.cantons. photoillustrationsandlettersthatappearonTechnicianspagesarethe demonstrates our hope as supporters of the "new South" do if one cannot or will not take a Dr's. Ambrose. 090mm! and \icvvsofthe individual wpiersandcanoonists The unsignededitorialsthatappearonthe left sideoftheeditorialpage educators to inspire stir» iioi like to be reminded that older stand on a reasonably easy issue. Odom are N.(‘. Statefaculty mem- arethe opinionofthe paperand are the respiinsihilityofthe Editor inChief dents to weigh seriously traditions die hard. such as the boycott. he will find it bers. Ambrose is a professor of Technician tL'SPS ASS-”Slit is the oilicial student-om newspaperofNC. State University and is publishedevery the moral dilemmas of l-‘inally. if we grant that the flag that much harder to take a stand entomology. Dr’Grund is u profes- Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday andThursday throughout the academicyearfrom August through Mayexceptduring life and to take stands of fly and the boycott is a on more difficult ones. Questions tor of history and ()drim is u pm~ holidays andcvaminaiion penods. t'opynght @2000by the Student Media Authority All rights reserved. Toreceive to should not permission loi ieprivluction. please vvr .e the EditorinChief. Subscription cost is$75 peryear. PrintedbyBurlington civic responsibility. legitimate means of pressure in of conscience often come up in gram coordinator in the Fits! Year TunexNews. Burlington. NC. weigh seriottsly the this case. why should a group the areas of moral choice. where College. PIEI. PARADOX Lost in exam? BRHBHHR J. Biting \i‘is ml to I. t Iiiiit ..tii abounds liar/nun liar/rim \lll'i iii/ism III R4'Iltll\\(llli r' /)I‘tllllt/ (l\ (I [imlt‘iwi'ti/ \ (' Slate. S/ii‘ iiirii'iilli (viii/lei tl iiiiiiii Hi Viti/xt‘i/tt'ili't"\ Iii/4' [i/riii IILIIL‘ 4.\'_i tlllt/ (1 ititii‘si‘ III l:Iie/is/i Dial/nit lib“ I043 ilziie n 7.\‘ i Soitietiines less retill) is more. I came tiutis It’oin .ltilte I‘.i_\itioi"s ”'I'ittis" leeling Anthony Hopkins has revenge on his mind in “Titus." tis ill httd been \ istitill} .iss.iulted. 'I‘he film is .i etisc ol U\L‘I'Itltltl. and the eseess otten works tiguinst what I see tis the \ei') seri- ('uiiiniiiigs. tlIL' tittiiictl \l‘ liiillitintls hIllLIs bah} oil into d new dawn. 'I‘uyiiior otis intentions oi this scriptwriter. diieetor. ieheek the litiirdo .lllii I|ie hluck lipsttcki sliotild htite stoed this for her earlier tri- t'tl‘I‘l'lltlllL‘L‘l itill wrapped up in one). thtit I kept \\.l|llll}_‘ Ioi Iltlll to .ippctii‘ .igtiin. uniph. “The Lion King." lot this romanti- The lit‘st serious intention here \\.is. \otitig l.tieitis tiiidei-Joes .i \\clI-del'incd /;ttion. liowe\er (IL‘HttlII) to he wished. is tltiiik. to etipttire on him the \ItiIL‘IlLC tind rite oI tltlsstlg't‘. the one clear Violation ot' Shakespeare‘s ertielt) ot Shakespeare‘s plus. "'I'ittis itiotiiig Itoiii ittiio plti). When Tti} inor htis been so faithful to .-\ndrottieus." Hut tilter an hour or so. I tell teuee to e\peri the phi} to this point. wh) compromise oddl_\ deseiisiti/ed to what I helie\e \\.is eiiee. tioiii .1 liere' tiietiiit to he deepls disturbing—what in delight iii \IHIL'IIt‘t‘ Titus So. would I recommend that _\oti see this reading the plti) and in some stage prodtie lo tt teteeltiitt til it t'ilm’ lie}. all _\ou tormer students ot‘ my tions is terrth} disturbing. so much so thtit tliie should not - I:iig|ish this w ho ho ed this pltl}~ttlltl there til ‘. irtutiII} e\ei'} perl'oriiitince someone III slcttI the show ”3'66“ were mun) ol sour rl'ttlsk’ sour hands. now! the thetiter .iitdieiice ltiints. Iioiii \iitlioit}. Julie Tam Absolutely You can learn ti lot tibotit the (‘letirI_\. 'I‘;itiiitii‘ knows Shtilscspetttes llopkitis. who staffing: dil'lereiiee between Shakespeare‘s int and p|.i_\ tind titteiiipts to be true to it; nothing is plti_\s Iittis. oi the miitieles oI' cinema here because misconstrued or omitted. .ilthotigh ti Iett IItlIIl .IC\\IL.I MM 'I‘.i)inor is an l'till) good tit both. things are added. Perhaps the problem I I.tiiige. \tho plats "0pm So. what are the etnenitigrtiphie io_ss to be has e \\ ith the trim is thtit iii till oi its multi— IIIL‘ setlttcltu‘ . had iii this l‘ilin‘.‘ I‘lfsl. must insist that Iticeted \tstitil richness» iii .ill the tititti/ing I‘.ttttoi'.i. .\oi iiothtiig but those final frames is gratu- eineiiitigrtipliic things Itl}|ltttt' does. toetis should .v\.iion. the itous; otherwise. I would not be writing Is Iiisl ititile\o|ciit \Iooi ‘pl.i_\ed h} llzii'r) this. The setting \IIIII\ iii tin .ibsolutel) ltis— I'or e\.itnple. the l'tliti goes to stich l.eniti\ i. become the most tippetiling chtir- eintiting was from ancient Rome to mod— lengths to detelop Ill elitirticters thtit the tieter in the ItIlll iio douht the et'leets both ern Rome with its ancient ruins. Young otie \\Iiose itipe .tnd iiititiltition die the HI Illtt‘ .IL'Ittth titltl ii’ the tlttt‘elol 's desire to Lucius is blasted t'rom his contemporary gietitest source ot gi‘iet and the priiiitir) heighten issues oi IttI.‘iI pieiiidtee in the kitchen table. where he pla_\s war with his Tandy Cronyn reflects on John Donne's Holy Sonnets in PlayMaker‘s "Wit." eutise ol I'tttis's re\eiige. I.ti\iittti. gels plti) i.ind perhtips it; the plti) orighti. food and his to) soldiers. to the ruins ol‘ the tuthei lost til the crowd and in her own \l_\ Iintil eoiiipI.iuu . oiieeiiis the I;l\I eoliseuin. where his soldiers become \‘Iltllllt' IIlt' tt'It.‘llIi.“'» ’I.‘.ti i i? it‘sl‘s .LIItI silence. Some reluti\el} minor elitirtietei's. ti.iiiies ot the IlIlll III Ills II toting Lucius. _ 0 Wit, the latest production by PlayMakers tiieiits gnett to Iiei Iv. t‘u- i'l" unis \\Ii.i.iit- iles like Stiturniiitis. pltised h) :\Ittll Iittis‘s gitiiidsoii. Is'lltlt'll“. tuii'ies Aaron‘s See TITUS Page 6 Repertory Company, will be presented at Paul peinte to use he! .is I :i‘ .p; Il‘. : it‘llllltt‘llls. Green Theatre, UNC-Chapel Hill, Wednesday- liet st-tt ..ssessiiietits I-‘t‘ Li. »‘i"i Its ..iitl liei tttiestioiis III the Litt- l'I .Iem‘i: :e the t-I.i'\ .lIItI Saturday, March 21-25, 28 and April 1 at 8 pm, I‘Il‘\ltl\' II'it‘ .ttitllt‘lttt' \\llli “ it"\i|.tttt'l\ M New releases try Sunday, March 26 and April 2 at 2 p.m.; with addi- st‘IIII‘It‘\ look .it Iii. ‘...~i .. iioi' I i.iili.i ($3 SEQ!) CDC?) Iloiiite' . toilettioiisoi: t’...‘.ii uni ...I~ :I‘iv‘ti ‘Iti tional performances Saturday, April 1 at 2 pm. “Hols .stuiiiet \ I' lit“ stis s. Inuitti. he riot piiitiil. ummaoanmncmsmszs though sortie Ii.i\e etilleil thee \Il‘,'lll\ .lIItI dread {atom} to take down 89. 962-7529. liil") \\Iiith Iietuiiig knows so well. sene not otiI_\ .is .t Inickdiop to! the phi). I‘tll .iIso p.ii.iIIel Hetiiiiig-‘s i‘\\ti ioiiiiie) IIiiilliL'II \. II kl .uiiI her Santana’s top spot Sitiiiiii E. Minsn iiies IItII‘It‘ ie.iIi/.itioi. of the tee«iii-t ,itwiitt‘titiiiiv, @"rfiXf‘fi‘Gé‘ Illlllltllt hie Itiilti I‘x‘QIIIiIIll“ ti- quilt li'il . ‘s 11.: its ii‘ Student teacher 0 With new releases from Ice Cube and ‘N Sync, Santana's i\ Heating. .iii \iiici'ieuti stliolut. thinks liei I‘t'lItHIlLtiltt' .is I‘It'JIiI‘ she knows .ilI .ihoiit lite .ind iletith, \Itei’ till. she .il iiiteitlitiiiges ".IIII lisi ini: hold on Billboard's number one spot might be slipping. htts spent her Iitfis notk stud) ing the "I Iol_\ e\t hunges \\ itli dis Ii‘!\ mutt undertakes a challenge [NI NlllllllE UUGGINS Sonnets" iiiedittittoiis oii tiotl tuid death I\\ eiiiiie deulu'ics \\IIIl .Iieoioi‘i..: ., . to a» wet \eiitoi \t.ttt \\'rtter |7tli (‘eiitiiis \It‘lttI‘Il} sietil poet .Ioliit Iltiilllt‘ hold tlIItI Ik‘tttlllllll llllttl .. Hut when she ls diagnosed \\ itlt sttige I, inettistu Ktitlirsti Iliiiitei \\illi.:ii:s. \tI'i . i :lie 'I‘uesda} is ti powertul dti}. A few weeks ago. "Super tic o\.it’i.iii Minter. .itid iiitist be stihieeted to eight s}ttitttitltt'ttt iitiise \iisie \Ioii.i..‘i It s ,iid destinies Lnsrniiu I‘uesdti)” dashed the hopes ot' presidential hopcltils John months ot iiiteiise eheiiiotlieittp}. Iii-tiring ie.i|- .IL‘III'L'} liltitl l «illieII tis Insult I’ \I I‘ ‘\I.III \\ t ,I i .\Ie('uin and Bill Brindle} The music llltlUsIr} has its own i/es thtit lite is ti p.ii.idos .IIltI "tletitli is ti t‘ttlllllltl etuteei iese.iit hei .iiitl It‘ll“ : \Illtli ‘ . Ii.‘ .i. "Super Ttiesdtis." when numerous tinists. typically those Illtts lIlt‘ sltiL's' is set Iitt Illt‘ lttlesl pt'otlltetttill It) who is sot.itiglii up lli liis inert. Ii ,. 2: Its Iiil ."s Ilux e sou e\er litid .i Il'tll_\ inspiring teuelter'.‘ Iltoe sou e\ei thtit :ti'e ttIrL‘tltl} substantial. reletise new albums, I)Iil).\ltth‘l'\ ls’epeitoi} (‘oiiip.iii_\. \\it. ti pro his skills Rut I‘: .d, s ‘I'It iiwtts wondered Iio\\ the} sttii‘ted otit'.’ (‘tirlos Stiitttinti is still riding the \stise of his post- totiiid. lietirt \\ieiiehing pltit I») \ltiigtiiet I‘ilson. Heating-s phtsit I.:!I. Il.iix Ist'i :i. ‘ \ (~ \ltite Iitis .i \ei’_\ sticeessltil letichet‘ edtictitioii ptogiutii (irttl‘l‘llll) fame. with his album "Stipenititural" holding which won the I’iilit/ei l’ti/e tor I)r.iin.i iii I‘I‘I‘I .is Ilctitiiius I.IIII2‘I iii . I‘mei. »- . . "i ltitoriiig \dolcseeiits. I'tIllL‘tlIltllI ‘ltl. is .i tillt‘rlltitll ietiuiied onto the number one slot on Sotitidsetin trnd Billboard Directed I‘} l)ie\\ Hurt i“\'iolet. .\ .\"i. \\Iiieh he espluiiis iii In . .' . iI‘. .li. eotitse Ioi students iii teuehei edtietition. .ltilie ll\\_\ei. .iii clitins. Bone Thugs .\” lltinnoii) tell short ot'dethroning "\Vit” is an intense .uid stunning production that iiietiiiiiig oi the \\iilil smith IIL insti'tietoi iii the ('ollege oI Iitltlt‘tllltllltllltlI)\)L'Iltlltl:1_\.It‘ttL‘Ilr Stiiittinti with the reletise ot their double CD is bound to how _\oii trembling iii the eitd. but ”\tll‘llllllsn \I‘IIls'\ I’lIt‘ I‘I.l\ l‘l .i I.iI.“ s..‘t‘t‘ ‘. es the eoiiise I..l\l seinestei. one other students .istoiiished “B'I'NHResurrection" (I wonder it there is tin_\one in not helore sou Ii.i\e .i tew good Ititighs and shed ('toit_\ii .iiitl \\illi.:iiis ‘.‘»I:'..II .\ i . ll.‘.ill_\ Iier b) going besond the requirements ol'the eourse. eurn music thtit has released tis intin) double CD packages as ti Iew Ietirs Ititigh ltoiii III\ .uiilit'iite \\it .Ii It.‘ :sill‘ iiig more thtin her grtide. ,-\+. Bone Thtlgsl. 'I'tiiid} (It'll) it‘s titst tippeuttiiice tis Itetiriiig is .i poiting ctist oi liospu..l villi-ties wIi‘itI‘leus Deborah liolin is an :\Il’lt'dll-.'\lllL‘l‘lL’.lll part time student Speaking oi~ dotible (Us. the btiiid that boasts the most hit ol .i shock to ei eii those Itiiiiihtti' \\ ilh the plus. Ileai'itig‘s stiitleiits Ill .i II.l\III\l« i. .llltI ‘ilio .iie espeetiiig to graduate Ill December Itlllt). She is also the successful double (‘D release ever. the Smashing when. ptilerttieed .ind guunt. dressed Ill two hos- tenure in .ill III\I.tIlte\ mother oI two. .i st\-_\etit'—old .iiid ti Itruroeur-old. .1 \\ tie. and piltil gow tis .itid .i ied Iitisel‘till cup and hooked to “\\it" is Hot itist ti Iiospitul tII.IIlI.I \\ hut iiitikes .ilretid) litis .i Its. iit .\I;itheiii.ities. which she reeened iti an IV sttiiid. she tells Us ”I think I die in the end." tltis pltis so poignant is Ileuiinek ti iiistoiiiiutioti NM tioni \t ‘SI Bolin studies .\ltith Izdtietition and intends (‘rotnn iduiightei ot .Iessie.i tind lltiinei wetirs lroiti .i proud piotessoi uitli .i st.iiid oltish It‘ It‘ttcll \t‘t‘tttltltlt‘) se‘lltlttl. her hospit.i| garb toi the dtiititioii ot the pertoiv tIL‘IIlL'dIItll ;l|I~I prelei‘ettee Ioi iiiettiplnsieul poet lit I)\\_\cl 's eltiss, students are required to tutor in public intiitee. men through .i series oi Iltishhtieks thtit l\ to .i titiil .iiid Ieuiiiil \\oiii.iii. \‘.Ili\ iii Ilt‘l Illltll schools one Iiotit etieh week, last semester. Boliti was placed include Iier III the eltissrooni .is .i protessoi oi in iiioiiieitts. Likes , oiiiloit iii heiii: told the stois ot tit I‘llItK‘ High School teaching intith. Bolin made .i speeiul EEMQI the liting room .is .i )ittltlf.‘ giil learning to read. Margaret \\ Isc IIltt\\I"s ‘llie Isiiiii.i‘.\.i\ lhitiit} H ietiuest earl} til the settiestei' to teach ti lllllltll‘ll) student. Ilei Betiriiig is .iit intelligent but proud woman Hearing stiitis it up 'oeII olieii she ile. |.iies request \\.is granted. but instead ol' one lltllltll‘ll} student. she whose \\ II - til the seholtii 's deliiiition. ".i “is to "\o\\ is the time toi \IIIIIllIt :l‘. \i islllt‘llllls' \\.I\ giieii three students All three needed to pass the coin» see how good .W“ tetills .ii‘e” helps her to Iot'. d.tie I s.i\ it. kindness " peteiics test .is \\ell tis their current iiitith courses to graduate ltist .ltine. I:tieli litid tinsticcessl'till) taken the N t‘ High School ('oinlx‘tenet test at letist once betore. Holy Sonnet VI "I knew ll would be ti challenge." Holiii stiid. “hut III leIt II would be tntiiitigetible since all ol' the students were prep." By John Donne trig lot the N.(‘. High School t‘ompetene). Once I began tutoring theiii. howeser. I Iotind thtit the) also needed help \\IIII their regular iiitith eotirses: Algebra I. Algebra II and (it'otttcll')... eath. be not proud. though some have called thee When tisked what her rettetioii to Bolin‘s \oltintceriiig to ticcept the two estrti students was. Inter stud. “I tilt‘eud} Mighty and dreadful. for thou art not so: knew thtit she would be ti great asset to the students she tutored, Iler willingness to go tibot e and beyond m_\ course For those whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow. reqtiireiiientsJust seemed to he the kind of thing thtit Deborah yet canst thou kill me. would do," Die not. poor Death. nor llorieti Laneiti. I‘nloe High School teacher and N( '81 grad» From rest and sleep. which but thy pictures be. tune. was in close contact \\ith Bolin through the semester: “Deborah established rtippoit eusil) with till three. winning Much pleasure: then from thee much more must flow. them mer \\IIIl her professional set them“) mtinner. She ”NGIOC(‘UWES‘ 0‘ “(LUNG SYONE tutored them on Stiturdti} s as \\ell tis tit I"n|oe. She deseloped The band whose toast is worth over $1000. And soonest our best men with thee do go. supplemental intitentil and took the lime to Ittl'lllllttrllL‘ herself \\ith .i stirict) oI‘ test materials.“ according to Lttnciti. Pumpkins. returned to rock with “MACHINA/ the Best of their bones. and souls delivery. Boliii spoke about the changes she noticed in her students. machines of God." But even the return of the Pumpkins. "My students became more confident in w hat the) could tieti~ with drummer Jimmy Chamberlain and former Hole Thou art slave to fate. chance. kinds. and desperate men. demieaII} accomplish. As I taught them concepts in ways bassist Melissa Aul der Maur. couldn‘t touch the Latin thtit coincided with their lettming styles and C\pL‘l’tt‘llCC,\. we legend Santana. And dost with poison. war. and sickness dwell: were able to make great strides. This boosted both their eoti- And then last week. there was Black Rob. perhaps the sleep well l'idenee tiiid pertormttnee levels. which really helped tis they saving grace of Put‘t‘y’s fledgling Bad Boy Records. who And poppy or charms can make us prepared tor the competency test." released his album “Life Story". Even with the success of And better than thy stroke: why swell'st thou then? Whtit was the result‘.' Holin remarked. "I am protid to s.i_\ his first single “Whoa." Black Rob wasn't able to catch that the) all passed. which is what lespeeted t'roin till ot' their Santana. and ranked third in album sales for the week. One short sleep past. we wake eternally. diligent work!" While this week‘s upcoming releases could not be con- How did Bolin do iii H) .llll‘.’ I)\V)‘Cl' spoke about how she sidered a “Super Tuesday." tomorrow‘s releases may be And death shall be no more. Death shalt die." See PROFILE Page 6 See SOUND. Page 6 A&E/Sports TECl-INICIAN 6 Monday, Math 20. Ztltltt

“Barbie Girl." and so now they're every game she played. back with “.~\quarrus" tloye those Additionally. the freshman pulled clex er training conventions). down 7.0 rebounds per game and .3?“ . PROFILE 32%.! .Iet Li's latest mamal arts llrck. blocked 2| .s'hots. Continued t':"r Parrs- : Continued r‘toot Ride ‘w Continued trom Page 5 "Romeo Mtrst Die." won‘t hit the- Continued from Page “Today. Kaayla was great." Yow ater's tor a while. btrt the soundtrack said. “She and Summer really Tilus‘s army. returning trorrr war grades lllL' e'tttlt'sr." ”'l‘ltt‘) .II'L‘ Nul- the first in weeks to derail the chart to the film hits record stores tomor— Is'aay la (‘hones and Ty ncsha Lew is stepped up.“ \Vllh lltL‘ (itlllts. \lttlttt't'}t‘le‘s \ltttlt‘ graded based on the le\ cl oi progress topping success ol' (‘arlos Santana. row. Ro'cli sensation Aaliyah prrlls are two rettrrrrrng starters who Lewis. a junior. led the learn in the satire space \\lIll horse drawn or the stttdeurtsr they trrtor. In otlter l‘he tltrcat to Santarra's crown w ill be dotrble duty on this one-trot only is should lead the way for the Pack. scoring early in the season. chariots. Attire ranges lr'otrt the \\ottls. lltc tact tltal Deborah's .stu— spearheaded by N‘Sync. w hose she credited for tour tracks on the Phones. a t‘r‘eshmart. committed a Although her shooting became tlcltts lt.ltl stlt'lt success ltiltl lllllt‘ album. “\"o Strings .-\ttachcd.” \\lll albttrrr. she. along with rap maestro tool at the ettd ol the l’ack‘s NCAA streaky. she averaged ll.0 points regalra or the ancient Roman war bearing on her grade. Her ‘\+ in the lrrt record stores torrtorrow I)I\L\. co-star in tlte mo\te. :\s slte totrrnaruerrt game agarrrst Southern per game. nor to stylish suits ot the l‘l‘strs course was a result or how well she lhe grout"s album should‘ye come did on the soundtrack to “The Nutty Methodist that led to the Mustangs‘ Lewis hit 42 three—pointers on the Scenes of tttrrtrlatrorr slrrlt trom the w as able to reflect on tlte c\pcrrence otrt ttrorrtlrs ago. btrt problems wrtlt game-winning tree throw But season. shooting 33 percent from arid to make decisions about what I'orrrrer rrrartaget Lou Pearltuari tthe Protessor." Aaliyah rtranages to stand tltrotrghotrt the season. (‘hones was three~porttt range. The shooting surreal to the graphically real \\\lll\k'kl l‘cst lttl' Illt‘st‘ \Illllt‘lll\.n rrratt to blattre tor all this boy bartd otrt among the other featured artists. art ol'l‘ertsiye arid deletrstye asset. guard led the learn in minutes with Layima‘s stumps sprout tree branch lhe e\tra hours she dedicated to the by stertat and their record label The soundtt’ack's l'rrst single "Try ayeraging ILJ points and scoring lll $3.7 per game. es. whrclt are later replaced by ,»\gaur’~ has a lresh beat and the \rdeo three students during tlte week arid delayed tltc album‘s release. litrt now, is hot. The soundtrack also boasts “They were playing a nine." tlttttttlstttrllkc prostheses. \arorr the weekend had no bearing on her tlte bo_\ s are prepared to release their ‘s Child. Mack It) olt Trtrrs‘s hand “\Illl an all grade Ibtyer was \ery rrrrpr'cssetl .rlbrrrrt belttrtd the success ol its first tracks lrom l)estmy Miller said. "They were trying to chops \\IIlI liolrrr‘s corrrrtrrtrrrertt ”Deborah single “Itye. Bye. Bye" (I don't care and l‘rrrrbaland. TNIT make us run the shot clock out. too real meat clc.i\er llre Irlm is the krrid oi studeitt abotrt whom w but anyone say s. that sortg has art Mack It) e\hausts the westsrde con~ They really extended their leaves no doubt that the \rolerrce you cannot say enough good things, awesome beat I, nectron on his appearance on Ice Continued from Page guards....IKelleyl made a great pass and cruelty ol' tlus Shakespearean Slre c\ctriplrtrcs ewellertce rtr eyery "The new albtrrtr has a slightly dill (‘ubc‘s latest. which also luts stores and there was nothing to do btrt ptrt t't.‘\cngc play is \cry much our own aspect lt «newton rrre to know that l'et'ent sound. more ol an RtQB edge. tomorrow “War & Peace Vol. 2: The hay e encouraged his .lssct'IlVC- it up." she is got”: to be a teacher” and more tip—tempo. We'retust raking Peace Disc‘~ was supposed to be otrt tress," Sendek said Tulane cttt the lead to (slot) on a "\\ ltctlrct you Ita\c a great e\pcrr— pop rrrtrsrc to anotlter leyel." group long ago. btrt ('ube's work on “.\'e\t Dylan ()seart was nearly \Vilktns Sterling Davis dunk with L7 sec~ t‘lls't‘ lllss‘ l tlltl HI llt‘l. yt‘ll lilllkl HUI merrrber .IL‘ ('hasc/ said to Billboard l‘rrday " and its soundtrack pushed the equal in scoring arid intensity l'or onds to go. but Kelley was immedi- it hat is inside ot you as a teacher .rnd earlier this w eek. Another |c\e| sccotttl disc's release back. Kt'tty lie Tulane. ()sean scored |~I points on ately l'ouled on the inbourrds play it you are wrllmg to work \\lIll this rrideed .(‘hase/ and burnt Bone ol Bone Thugs .\" Harmony h-olll l shooting and ot‘tett drew the and calmly hit two l'ree throws to tomples age group on a daily basis." I‘rtttbet'lake broke with boy battd trar and (‘rrbe team up for "I'tttil we trc ol‘ the 9.831 tn attendance at the seal the win. \tltl Ht'llll drtiorr .rrrd r'eceiyed co—prodrretton Rich." Typically. I‘d be e\cited abotrt ISA with his motions toward the Damon Thornton dressed for the l arrtra. at ttrc end or the semester. and co w rrttrrg credits on three ol the a release from Ice Cube. btrt there's crowd following made 'iaskcts. garrre btrt sat out once again due to a said or Itolrrr. "Deborah has a special album‘s tracks. sorrrethuig that rtrakcs rue wcary of an The garrre was trglrt tlrrottghotrt. as sprained ankle that he suffered duality .rborrt her that inspires trtrst tn l‘op enthusiasts will also welcortte Ice (’ube albtrrn that has Pull'y co- neither team was able to btrrld tip a against Virginia in the quarterfinals students, She is a remarkable person. another ei't'ort from the Danish quartet producrng some tracks. lead greater than seyerr porrtts. ot' the Atlantic Coast (‘onl'erence \otrreorre am proud to lraye worked Aqua. Sotrieltow. the lotrrsortre man Ttrlatte was within one wttlr rust Tournament. Senior Tint Wells took alongside Thanks so much It)! aged multrplatrnum strccess beitrnd Among Tuesday 's releases will also 2:37 lelt iii the game. brrt tumor Ron his place iii the starting lineup and sending her?" the strength or their infectious strigle be collections for the legendary folk Kelley. who finished the garrre wrtlt went Lot-4 behind the three-point singer .lorii Mitchell and the legend ol' ll points. nailed it itrmper at the arc tor nine points in 20 minutes ol rock. Led Yeppelrn Mitchell's albtrm tree-throw lrrre as the shot clock action, OUT not ortly boasts some ol her greatest wound down to gr\e State .r W-So The Green \Vrtye led by as many as works. but Mitchell also cosct's clas- lL'tttl. sis In the first hall. but a 0-3 spurt sics lt'om l-‘rank Sinatra. Billie Alter Kenny Inge blocked a sltot by the Pack Just before hall‘time Ilolltday and Iilla I'rt/gerald. Is it l'ea- by Morris .lor'darr that w as recoycred ga\e State 'a 2025 lead. A Wells sible to ha\e that many credible by Archie .\Ir|lcr. the Green \\'a\es‘ three that brought the Pack witltrn TEBIIMBIAN artists on orre album. in tlrrs day and Dylan ()scart stole the ball l'rotn one was the highlight ot‘ the rtrri. age‘.’ Meanwhile. Led leppclrtr's Itrgc. Iiut Linton Jordan was tailed w hrch was capped by an lrrge layup psi... album is the l’ollowsup to their first lot a charge on the enstrrng last with l;l7 left in the hall. " - Apniic1411. jnys . sailébllf \olumc ol‘ greatest hits. "Iiarly break with l ‘0 lelt on the clock to State will lace another familiar l'oe 10081-1 ‘s‘Han . “ Day s." called "Latter Days." ngc possession back to State Tuesday night iii the ESA when ll Ne“ week. Various At‘lsls. "'l‘ltc The Pack ran the shot clock down takes on Ari/ona State and its high- (‘r'ow‘ Salyatron" Soundtrack; again before \lrller drilled a three scoring guard. Iidtlie House. in the AT ,Taittey Studentn .. Cente pornter with lust 54 seconds lelt m second round of the NIT. The Pack Various :\ITI\I\. ".lestrs" Soundtrack: the game to pill the Pack ahead til— won the first meeting between these Various .'\l'll\ts. "Ilrglt It‘ulelty" 50. two 70.05 on Jan. 3‘) led by WWWIEGIINICIAN Apphcatio Deadline: Soundtrack 'l‘horrrtorr's career-high 23 porrrts Monday; April 3, 200.0“ days to prepare for the game DNLINEEIIM ' ucsrArr UNIVERSITY “I wish we'd hate a week olt between eyery game." said .Rétti‘ri'i annticéfidhs.:to= Participate in the l)arruerr \Vrlktns. ~Matth,a‘<> Great Real World Experience Here on information and to apply. Continued from Page 8 Sollte walked none and struck otrt a career-high eight. HUnivcrsity Directories Sollie and Parker nratchcd Ieroes Campus 88 V’ilCom Center - Chapel Hill. NC 27514 and solo homers into the. late (800) 743-5556 ' Fax: (919) 968-8513 innings. Httnter Wyant led oil the www universitydirectorics com bottom of the second inning with a solo hlilsl for the Cuhlllt‘l‘s. his ond ol the season. and Josh sec- a two-outSchnuttsolo 00 Required 10-12 Hours per Week bombmatchedin thethatbottomwith oi the lilth. hrs lrrst to tre the game at one. Or ter than that. the pitchers dorni~ nated into ing the loss,theSollrenrntlr.wasandmoredespitethe ire-tak- trm ot mislortune than ol bad pitch- i <><> Base Pay plus Commission ing. With one out in the ninth. David Stone singletto toor" leftthe field. Robbie Marvin then hunted tor onda hitwithto putonerunnersout. .IononBetircklust andfiredsecto left for the second out ol the inning. annt then hit a chop yer behind the bag at tltrrd baseman Jerem base.‘ DuttortWolmadepackathirdnice 00 slay on the bail and started to rttake Also Hiring Page Layout Designers and he unassisted ptrtout at third. Dutton saw that the play wouldWhenbe close at third he threw to first base DAYS II instead. but no Ion yer had a chance Writers toughto retire M ’ant. w 0 reached on a 1 bases. Grraldotnlre d single that loaded the NIGHTS line single to leltwgaskur next arid hit a Stone and lied that droye in THURSDAY” runs. Marvrn With the winning Until the ninth dorrrrnated the innin', Sollie had ON Wyant‘s leadot‘l‘ homer(‘avdTrersin the I’rorrr & TUE the second throtr 'h the eighthtop or munsmrvs inning. Sollrc retire 4o mm, ters. and two of the 20 of 23 ‘bat- Stop by 323- Witlrerspoorr Student Center to fill out an reached were erased onthreethemen who BAR 9pm ~I’arkcr, bases IIV’C baserunrtersmeanwthroughhrle. allowedsix ll]lllllL's_|tlsl mgand intwotheor those were caught application or ask tor Farralr Sanders. ' Pack lounh inning. when the comma or & «saunas ond situationran itselfoutwithol a lrrst-and-sec» Wolfpack also had runnersnone otrt.on lastThe E—rnatl Resume to te;[email protected] bowurowu and second bottom ol~ thewith one down in the or Call 505-5257 to Set Up interview em-out. throwu‘etn-outeighth. bill a strike www.warehouserestaurantxom ended that threat. double play' lECl-lNlClAN .\lll|itl.i\. March 21). Zilllll

MM Socorro MM MM W’6 “I. M” mm mu Continued from Page 8 In IL 1 1 M who 16 It. ”Lunar land. LL‘Vi'h was l—l'iir-H Hill“ the m . M Duko I floor. llll‘ six points. W— 9 m1 "One factor \HIN tltitt l.L‘\H\. (iiiL‘ lll 5 their git—to players didn‘t li;l\ L' URL" of II. Iona. 11 -' her better games." Roiiipiilti find ”I M. think N( State was ruttll) looking: mun ‘ for that pL'l'IlliL'lL‘i pitticr iii L-tiiiiiilc W ‘3 0 nicnl Erh and (‘hniiL-s." um um Midwest (‘htincs poured it] l3 pullih .iiitl DIG n grabbed sewn rebounds. llL-r L'iltllilL‘l UCLA mm " I pun in the post. l:rh. L'lU\L'Ll licr L'IIllL' "I! 3 W giuic czirccr w ith ii Lliiiihlc-tliiiihlc. ll I00- 14 “ W points and ill rebounds. MM Auburn lndianqmlls 7 Yiiw reflected on |:rh\ sciiiiir scu- Ion IO lo.- M. April m nu 9° lulu!“ sun and ptisi—L'iillcgc prospects. ,__.___..___.___ "That‘s the saddest thought I ham- ,5 about this garlic. that Summer mint pin) tmutltcr guitic tit .\.(‘ Sitttc. Ytiw said. "Since the Liar) she got injured. she's been L! title iiiiidcl. The Nahum Champion way slit: handled the injur) Viil\ Ilitll W \llC encouraged the team. 'i‘licrL- \\ii\ “Em: nei‘cr a minute of sell-pit), She'll ”M I mainla- htnc a great pi‘n cancer. and I'll lit: MM. g m her biggest tun.” . c ”I II I Rcmkc. \\ ho siiiglc-litindcdl} m secured her team‘s spot iii the second hut-84. '3 m W round of the NCAA Itiiirntinicnl. VHI\ L80 4 1 ‘ upprchcnsiw when faced “till the “Wilt! game winning free throws hui l'tiuiiil W O I It'll lilo.) comfort in reassuring \A‘iil‘d\ from her lm-m- tcatuunatcx. “I! h. l; a“ ll. "l was trying to calm myself dimti. trying to tell myself~ him good I “its 22-» W so I would lime L'iiiil‘idcncc iii make them." Rcrnkc said. “I kite“ l'd make one it! two. and Kilrliii came up ‘0 and told me the vuirst tic L'iiultl flu .8. thn‘i was go to il\'i.‘TllIiiL‘ "

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For more informa- NEEDED FOR PART TIME 58R.‘2 58A 2500 sqft. private 27.000mi. $14,900. excellent NEL. Engineering positions. tion.please contact. S. STOCK ROOM WORK AND Homework problems got you (tennis court. 28 acres land. condition. 835-1191 FTaPT posnions. Excellent opprtunity with a Lambert at 968-0225 ext 159 PACKAGE DELIVERY stumped’7 O.I.C Educational iLawn care included. 2 porch— 3015 Hillsborough Street; FIextble schedules. growing firm. Fax resume to or visit our web site at USlNG COMPANY VAN Sewices can help. Send us, jes. gas heat and water. 2 fire- 10 individual offices. or all Services Fun and dynamic work envi- 919-718-5455. www.uniyersily GOOD DRIVING RECORD your problems and we‘ll e- iplaces. gourmet kitchen. iapprormately 2000 square ronment! SALES ASSOCIATES!!! Pan- diLeleLIQSLQQm. REQUIRED. CALL 8-5 MON- mail you clear. detailed solu-- .‘SiQQS/mo. 848-3600 feet). 1st floor. plenty of NATURAL HERBAL BREAST Average $8-$11/hr! time. Must be able to work FRI 787-1187 tions that teach and explainlg Homes For Rent parking. please call 832- ENLARGEMENTS. SAFE. 400 Peartree Ln. weekends and few evenings BROKER TRAINEE/IMMEDI- See our web site for details 9609 EFFECTIVE. AND AFFORD- (5 miles from campus). until 7pm. Excellent ATE OPENING: Regional bro- Camp Staff: Available posi- and sample solutions" ABLE. PLEASE VISIT Near Wake Medical Center Customer Sewice recluired. kerage firm needs enthusias- tions include: lifeguards. www orcnowcom . New construction. 14 mile Roommates Wanted WWWFIGUREPLUSCOM 231-5501x108 or 231-6055. Apply in person at Birkenstock tic individual who is comfort- counselors. lead counselors. Toastmasters InternationalI from Centennial Campus. OR CALL 1-888-603-9800. Comfortable Soles in able and confident on the nurses. boating instructors. presents speechcratt course‘I 2BD/2BA. one and two story. 2-3 female roomafes needed DISTIBUTORSHIPS AVAIL- Lifeguards needed full-time phone for a telemarketing and program director, to teach effective communica-i 1180-1466 sqft. $950-$995. starting June. July, Aug. ABLE. excellent summer job. Cameron Village or call 828- position/Great opportunity. Overnight camps in Johnston 1600 Claiborne 4BR/3BA House. 5-10 Min Competitive salary. Cary/Apex 9567 Please call Hanna 881-1008 and Vance County. Room and tron. Registration March 7 and available 411. Guitar Lessons from experi- location. Contact Aquakleer. It’s Academic Preschool in board provided. Swim. canoe. 14. 7pm at Sheraton Four. Ct.. Thistledown Townhouses. From Campus. Will have own enced teacher and NCSA Inc. 851-3022. pager 517- Cary needs afternoon teach- NC's oldest jewler needs per- arts and crafts. and outdoor Pomts Hotel For inforamtion; .844-7888. bedroom and bath. Home graduate. All levels welcome 7433. or email ers 3:00-6:00pm. Great Pay. son for customer srevice. mail skills. Contact Kate Hoppe. call 266-3071 Housemate wanted W/D par- away from home. Please call to learn any style. $10 per rsmith2008©aolcom 481-1744 room. and other duties. Can Pines of Carolina Girl Scout Camp Director: Accept the: tially furnished. 5 minutes Bridgette Smith. 859-6270 1/2hr and $15 per hour. Call be a full time position for the Council. 919-782-3021 or challenge and make a differ-i from NCSU. clean and neat. Quiet house on large lot. 1 Chris Bennett at 851-9529 Pre-vet Students great Need a PT Job?? right person. Contact Judy or 800-284-4475. EOE ence in the lives of girls ages; S220/mo+1/4 utilities. Avail responsible roomate needed. chance for experience in the $7.00/hr Mark at 832-5571 for appoint- 6-17. Must be at least 25 WithI now Call 919-833-0672 $285/mo + 1/3 utilities. 10-15 Child Care field. Vet assistant needed. 5 shifst, work 3 merit Part-time veterinary assrs- supeNisory and camp expert-l min from campus. Must see. 12 evenings a week + every Sunday 5:30-8:30pm. 1-800-885-6789 Panama City stant- After Hours Small ence. Mid-May to August reSi-j HOUSES FOR RENT. NEAR Call Taryn. 755-6954. third weekend. Brentwood Mon-Thur56:30-9:15pm Beach 8 Datona Beach. FL. Animal Emergency Clinic dent camp in Johnston or: NCSU, 4&5 BEDROOMS. PLAY ALL SUMMER. 10 8. 11 Animal Hospital 872-6060. (Day Hours available) seeks energetic. hard-working Vance County. Room and! AVAILABLE 8/1/2000. $1.000- Housemate Wanted Female year old boys need caretak- Need Cash? ON CAMPUS!!! (800) person for 15+ hours/week. board included Programs; 1.500/MONTH, CALL 319- to share 2bdr house in er/chaperon. Approx. 20-30 North Ridge Country Club is Fill out our on-line applica- 985-6789 evenings. nights. weekends. include swrmming. canoeing., 6464 Garner. Available April tst. hrs/wk. Non-smoker. Own now hiring. tion! RUBY TUESDAY new store and holiday shifts. Strong SCI- horseback riding. arts and; Ouret. neat. non-smoker. $250 + 1/2 utilities. Please transportation & refferals Full or Part time positions opening located Crossroads ence background a plus. crafts. and outdoor skills.l female to share furnished call Karen at 773-1843 required, 387-9736. are available. l.htm plaza Cary. Hiring ALL STAFF. Great position for pre-vet stu- Contact Kate Hoppe at 9191 town-home off Six Forks. Female roommates wanted Part-time child care 6-9 Banquet Sewers Or Call 513-2922 if interested Will train. FT/PT. Fun work dent. Job has potential to 782-3021 or 800-284-4475.; 2BR/1.SBA. $425/mo. plus immediately. 4BR/4BA Lake hrs/week. Weekday after- Lite guards environment. Apply anytime become full time position if EOE ? deposn. All utilities included. Park condo $400/mo includes noons. possible summer. Call Pool Managers Fund raiser for muscular or call 649-5097 or 859-1933. desrred. Call 781-5147 l References requned. Call electric. cable. water, private 828-7485 distrophy association. 847-5522 or954-7662 Renee. bath. W/D. ceiling fans. walk- Great Summer jobs and year Calling businesses in day- Tuxedo Rental and sales. BRIGHT. PERSONABLE ln closets. keylocked BR. Seeking mature responsible round part time positions. time hours. PT and flexible Gingis Formalwear. Flexible STUDENT NEEDED IMME- _l Apartments For Rent pool. 929-9600. individuals to provrde child schedule. $9/hr. Must be schedule, great pay. fun work. DIATELY to help faculty mem- SCORE BlG. sconel care for our 2 year-old part- Flexible hours articulate and personable. Call Denise at 783-8911, ber with various Simple acad- OFTEN. with! Roomate needed ASAP. time. 20-25 hrs/week. Call Employee meals TRC 481-2525. emically related chores. Work MYBYTES COM Registerl We have a variety of apart- University Commons. Located Bonnie or Brian at 789-9586 Medical Ins, Dental Plan. “Catering Works”near NCSU Internet start-up looking to at your own convenience. today and get free CD of cool) ments close to NCSU ranging on Wolfline. $325/mo + 1/4 Hang with two middle school Pension Plan, Vacation and seeks delivery staff: hire students fluent in Spanish $6/hr. Own transportation 3 mu5ic and much more. : in price from $300-$700/mo. utilities. Private bathroom and girls. Close to NCSU. personal days (full time) (M-F)6:30am-9:30am with excellent communication plus. 834-6756. LATE NIGHTS. EARLY‘ Call Schrader Properties 872- walk-in closet. Call 832-8652. Transport to after-school (M-F)9:30am-1:00pm and PC skills. Please send Office Assistant needed for MORNINGS WEAR YOU 5676. Housemate wanted 14x16 fur- activities. Need relaible car. 3- Please call (919) 846-9667 (M-F)2:00pm-6:00pm your resume to Annual Fund Office $7.00 an DOWN? Take Get-Go—N for tBR apt. on Kilgore Ave. nished room in charming older 6pm, can job share. Call 834- Ask for Jim Fazzlni $8.00/hr, 2 shifts/wk mini- MCaplice© or fax hour. Would prefer someone increased mental focus. ener- . 5min. walk to NCSU. home. 1 from campus. 4427 or 832-1661 mum. Call Paul at 828-5932 to 919-782-9941 who can work to hours per gy, Remarkable. safe. all nat- $330/mo. Utilities included. piano. W/D, private Downtown Raleigh law firm (2pm-5pm). week (between 10am and ural. FDA approved. Send: Free cable. Call Kristin 834- Fireplace, Summer Fun caring for three seeks motivated individual to Nanny/House Keeper needed 5pm). Duties will include mak- name. address, with $35 (tax 2807. yard. $425 includes all. 515- children (6.8.11). drive to with errands. Must have Full-time/Part-time reception- for weekends 11am-7pm. ing phone calls to alumni. incl) to: 2425 camps. lessons, and swim- own transportation and be ist and part-time vet assis- $8/hr Cary Area. Children Several postitions open. For Get-Go-N 4BR/4BACondominium. NCSU Student! Room avail- ming pool. Good driving able to work at least noon- tants. Town 8 Country ages 5.7and 8. Non-smoker more informaation. call PO Box 18441 University Lake Park able in University GIenn.Top record required. 30-35 6PM on Mondays. Veterinary Hospital. Call 363- with a car. Please call 460- at 513-2926. Commons. All appliances. floor.block to campus. high hours/week. Competitive Wednesdays. and Fridaysthis 6363 and ask for Sandy. 1010 or 345-4772. Lenora Raleigh. NC 27619-8441 Available Aug. 3rd $340 each speed inter-netprivate bath, salary. Call 781-9504 semester and four days a Spring Break + utilities. Call it you have 4 phone. cable.Call Barbara week (minimum of 24 Konncl Worker-Veterinary people. Phone: 465-7368. Hamilton at 554-3187 After school care needed for hours/week) during the sum- FT Veterinary Receptionist- Assistant needed on week- two boys. 5 and 8 years old. mer. Some lifting up to 70-Ibs. chhnlclon needed at very ends at small animal hospital. MYRTLE BEACH. SC 4BR/4BA 4 walk-in closet 3 female roommates wanted 2-4 days/week. 2:30-6:00. required. $8/hr. plus mileage well equipped small animal Pro-veterinary student pre- SPRING BREAK-GRAD condo. Available 8/1. $1.280/ immediately (April/May) to $7/hr. 851-1492 reimbursement and free park- hospital. Ideal position for200 ferred. Call553-4601 WEEK mo (4roomates $320/room) share 4BR/4BA Lake Park or animal science major con- Assessors needed to do aca- IIIIII TO $75 It UP PER PERSONIII W/D. all appliances. dish- condo. $325/mo. + utilities. ing. Call Jerry Smith at 828- sidering application to voter!- demic diagnostic testing for Wwwxotronhnynlobolchcom washer. ceiling fans, patio, Private baths. walk-in closets. 4357 to arrange an interview. nary school. Veterinary schol- Sylvan Learning Center in 1-800-645-3618 ground floor. Great condition. W/D. pool. 858-7257. arship opportunities avilable. Cary. Pan-time Wed. AM. Sat SKYDIVE NO pets. 847-2599 Gail Kim at 553-4601 AM. Thurs. afternoon. Contact ONION“ SKY SPORTS 1es55- Lynn 858-8103. ICOO-INN. C 888.1 Will-uncluldlwl SCORES SCHEDULE Men‘s basketball or. Tulane on Men‘s basketball vs. ASI'. 3/21. 7:30 SMU ()4. Women‘s basketball 63 Gymnastics. Regionals. 4/1 Gymnastics. lsl IiAGI. Baseball at Liberty. 3/21. 3:00 Virginia 3. Baseball Women's tennis at Duke. 3/22. 2:30 Men‘s tennis vs. Campbell. 3/25. 10:00

State gymnasts take home conference Cl‘OWIl Sports Starr Report way for the Pack. as she finished in Langendorf added her third top-10 more Laura Jazab who tied for 10th record of 196.775 set just three 49.525 on beam. a threevay lie for second in the finish on the day. as she tied for with a season—high 9.85. weeks ago against Kentucky. .. (I. Charles. placed. first in the all~ For the second consecutive sea- all-around with a score of 39.275. ninth on floor with a 9.875. Charles finished the meet with a Brown scored a perfect 10.0 on around with a personal best 39.475. son. the N.C. State gymnastics Langendorf finished in a tie for Sophomore Kelli Brown contin- fourth-place finish in the all-around floor to tie a school record. Brown Langendorf also set a personal best teattt has been crowned Iiast fourth on bars (9.9) and beam (98). ued to be the Pack’s top vaulter this (38.975). ties the 10.0 that Haney had on in the all-around with a 39.450 for Atlantic Gymnastics League cham- ninth on lioor (9.875) and 28th on season. as she During the previous weekend. floor earlier this season. and is only a second-place finish. pions. The Nth-ranked Wolfpack math (97). placed second on State set a new school record for the fourth 10.0 in school history. The Wolfpack also set new notched its best score on the road The Wolfpack (20-8) placed three . ‘ \ault with a score the third time this year. this time Brown also set the school record schools records with a 49775 on this season. a l9o.t)00. to take first gymnasts among the top five on F‘_“—_—1 of 985. Junior with a team score of 197,725 at with a 9.975 on bars for a first— floor arid a 49.350 on bars. State place at the IEAGI. Championships beam. Senior Jenny Sommer tied NCSU 196’ Kara Charles and Reynolds Coliseum. The Pack took place finish. On vattlt. Brown firt— had its highest team totals in all held at the I'nherstty of Pittsburgh for first place on beam with a 9.85. 151' EAGL s o p h 0 tn 0 r e first place in the annual Wolfpack ished in a tie for first with team- four cvettts this season as well. oti March 18. marking the secortd straight week “—W‘J Aimee Panton Invitational. followed by Denver mate Adina Stock. as both notched Denver's .lennifer Iibdon also The host Panthers finished second Sommer has taken first on beam. both finished in a tie for 10th on (196.425). Michigan State a Pack season-high 9.9. notched a perfect 100 on floor to 1195.27.51. followed by No. 13 Langendorf and junior Sara Dolan \ault. with a 9.775. (195.550). Ball State (194.525). Sornrner took first on the beam tie for first with Brown. Melissa Maryland (195.050). Tow son State finished iii a tie for fourth. with ()n bars. Langendorf had the North Carolina (193.450). with a 9.950 in her final home meet Green of Michigan State tied tl95.025). No. 9 \\est Virginia both earnirtg a 9.8. highest finish for N.C. State as she Pennsylvania (190.950) and Yale of her career. Monica Berry. Brown on bars with a 9.975. and 1194700). New Hampshire Sommer also had a strong show— finished iii a tie for fourth with a (190.925). Charles and Dolan all finished in a Denver‘s Dana Minis was one of (194550). North Carolina trig on floor. as she finished in a tie score of 9.9. Also performing well The score of 197.725 is the high- tie for second place on beam with a three to finish iii a tie for first on (194.475) and Rutgers t191.o25). for third with a 9.9. along with fel— on bars was Brown who tied for est score in the history of the 9.9. In the process. State tied a vault with a 9.9, .lttnior Amy Langendorf led tlte low senior Maggie Haney. seventh with a 9.875. and sopho- EAGL. and tops the Parks old school record with a tearrt score of

-4 ck out of NCAA’ the first round of the NCAA women's Mustangs‘ set play to find an open OThe women’s basketball team’s sea- basketball toumament Saturday at Old sltot to win was foiled and the ball son came to an end after being upset Dominion University. went out of bounds oft State. in the first round of the NCAA tourna- “This was a very disappointing game The ensuing play saw S.\I1”s Katie for us as we tired to break out of our Rcmke cut across the latte and take a ment. slump." Pack coach Kay Yow said. potentially game-winning shot. “Summer and Kaayla [Chones] did a Though the shot missed. Pack fresh- lion Gonrntv great job for us inside. getting to the man Kaayla Cltones made a freshman Staff Writer boards and playing defense. But mistake. perimeter scoring has been a problem "She [Retnkel yust caute across the NORFOLK. Va. —— A four-game for as quite sometime." lane.” Chones said. "I didn‘t mean to losing streak. including a first-round The Pack played catch-up most of foul her. I was JUST trying to defend the Atlantic Coast Conference toumament the game after the Mustangs. of the shot." exit. behind them. Summer Erb‘s Western Athletic Conference. forged SMU's Katie Rettike went to tltc retum to the lineup ahead early. free~throw lirte with to seconds on omen’s was supposed to “We went tip early and really did a the clock arid the game ued at o3. restore nomialcy to good job even when they [Statel came Rernke missed the first. but made the N.C. State women's back in the second half from being second. And when 'l‘ynesha Lewis‘ basketball team. down 10.“ SMU coach Rhonda three-point shot frorn the right corner Erb came off the Rompola said. rimmed out. Yow's team met at turd- bench to score 21 Erb tied the contest on a layup. the court to call it a season. points on 9-for-20 shooting. but her third ire of the game. with 27 seconds Lew is‘ miss at the bu/ler w as State's team‘s dearth in perimeter offense to go. State's defensive pressure folv llth miss from behind tlte arc. While kept it from advancing. lowing the basket almost caused a State shot l—l'or‘v12 front three-point Southem Methodist. the 12 seed. lllmtiVL‘I'. upset fifth-seeded N.C. State 04-63 in As the game clock wound down. the See SMU Page 7 1 Erb ends career 1 OThe women’s basketball team looks ahead to next season i Home Court Advantage for SMU The sellout crowd of tnore than 5.000 seemed to after getting bounced prematurely from the NCAA tournament. favor the lower seeded Southern Methodist \lustangs In addition to the section of tickets allotted to Southem Methodist. the Old Dominion faithful pulled mariaStaff Writer for the upset. NORFOLK. Va. ~ Once the sting of a prernatttre e\it from Rhonda rompola the NCAA tournatnent subsides. coaches and players from SMl’ head coach Rhonda Rompola endeared her N.C. State face two conflicting prospects for the 2000-2001 self to the home crowd at Old Dominion long before season: although Summer Iirb has play ed her last game for the i‘ her coaching days of staging late season upsets, The program. every player except the All-American center returns. 11 coach played for ()DI' when the team won the 1980 Erb will undoubtedly move on to play in the WNBA. but how ) national cltatnptonslup and is lriends with iUI’lltCT will her former teammates respond to her absence'.‘ ,i Mondarch Nancy Lieberman Cline. Pack fans got a glimpse of next season when the center went :I down against North Carolina with a broken foot and had to sit Early Exit out the next set en games. This was N.C. State‘s first opening round N(‘.A\.»\ During that seven-game stretch. head coach Kay Yow said CHI since 1997. In 1998. the Woltpack atlxancctl to there was uncertainty among her younger players about where the Final Iiour while in 1999. State lost to 1'e\as feel] they fit into State's offense without Erb in the post. in the second round. "Three-fourths of the way through we had problems because s people had to take on different roles when they liked the roles Dominant Abra: . they had." Yow said. Old Dominion rode the momentum of a math ' v-; "MAN‘S’AIE Luckily. the off-season will be a time in which the younger straight CAA chatnpronslup in to the \(‘.-\.-\ tourna— N.C. State’s women’s basketball team tell in the first round of the NCAA Tournament to players can adjust to new roles. IIIL‘m. Southern Methodist after the Mustangs made a with 1.6 seconds to play. See SUMMER. Page 6 -— Rob Godfrey

State’s in second round of NIT again Pack takes two State head coach Herb Sendek said. ball game." Clark said. "A lot of Wilkins scored State‘s first seven Sports Staff Report win. one. State slug ed out a 64-60 win "...Any time you put your untforrn titncs you get in these situations points and was responsible for 13 of Sunday‘s wilt for Virginia was its over Tulane Tue ay to advance to where Virginia third baseman Luis first in the ACC. Irftnig the ("ays to on and you represent yourself and both teams are in the NIT. its 26 points in the first half. He Giraldo stroked a two-out. two-run 1—2 m the conference and 12-12-1 the second round of the NIT. your team that‘s enough. period. and it‘s like. ‘What for'." But I ended the game with 18 points in 37 single to left field Sunday to break a overall. State. which ltad won four Our guys. I thought. personified that thought both teams really wanted to minutes to guide the Pack to the vic- H tie and lift the Cavaliers to a 3-1 consecutive conference games and tonight." writ this thing and really played tory. Atlantic Coast Conference baseball five straight overall. dropped to 4-2 Jtnmv Hsnros Tulane coach Perry Clark agreed extremely hard." "1 think he's playing with a great victo over N.C. State Sunday at in the league and 15-8 overall. Assistant Sports Ildttor with Sendek's assessment of the State freshman Damien Wilkins deal of confidence. and we certainly Doak ield. Tim Lavigne. Virginia's starting Giraldo‘s hit shortstop. came in to pitch in relief N.C. State found itself in a familiar game. was the Pack's emotional leader. enabled [War to of starter Will Parker with two ottt in position Tuesday night in the “I thought it was a real fine basket- especially early in the game. See NIT. Page 6 avoid a series the bottom of the sixth inning and sweep by the allowed no runs on one hit in 2 1/3 Entertainment and Sports Arena. Wolfpack. which innings to‘record the win. his first hosting a NIT game against a team won the first two decision of the season. that it had already played during the ACC tournament Notes games of the Mike Sollie t3—l ) went the distance regular season. series. Frida '. for the Wolfpack. allowing three The Wolfpack Gainey has the last from driving. then he really could- State won a slugfest 16-1.. runs on seven hits to take the loss. - " ' kept its season laugh n‘t do much...I‘11 just leave it at Saturday. pitching was the story as 54 alive by knocking that.“ Dan D'Amato led the Pack with a off Tulane 64—60 four-hitter. good enough for a 4—2 See PACK. Page 6 [owing 60 in the first round Before the Atlantic Coast of the NIT. The Conference Tournament. Virguua Wilkins makes ACC w in helped the Pack avenge a 73-62 guard Donald Hand told reporters tournament team loss to the Green Wave on Dec. 22 that he could drive by the in New Orleans. Wolfpack‘s Justin Gainey any State forward Damien Wilkins Several State players said follow- time he wanted. was the only player not from Duke ing the game that they originally did In the quarterfinal matchup or Maryland that made the ACC not want to take the NIT invitation between the two. which State won Tournament times. Against for the fourth year in a row. Yet the 76-65. Gainey set an ACC tourna- Virginia. Wilkins scored 17 points Pack and Green Wave played an ment record with nine steals while and added four assists. In the semi- intense. physical game with their holding to Hand to eight points. finals against Maryland. Wilkins respectiye seasons on the line. Gainey‘s reaction to Hand's corn- pumped in 19 points and grabbed "I told them before the game that ments‘.’ “He said that for real?" four rebounds. some of the best games and most After he thought for a moment. “I Wilkins said throughout the tour- competitive games haven‘t been JASON IvEStEP/‘surt knew what he wanted and that was nament that he received extra .ASWI YES‘E 13 u witnessed by anybody unless you N.C. State avenged an earlier drive and if could contain him N.C. State defeated Virginia on Friday and Saturday, but lost happen to be at the park that day." loss to Tulane on Tuesday. See ACC. Page 6 Sunday.