. . ,

-. ,

wedding anniversary. Debra Hoodikoff, Sandy Hcwse and Virginia Powers had mde a beautiful- banner on 'which they had put '25tn anni-

versary' and drawn hearts with ~ .. "Xorma and John" writlen in them also a couple of small hearts with 'In love' in them. ali done in silvery sparkles and a' owners and place it where it reti sparkles for the hearts. Safe boating, outbaard motor , There is no charge to attend, care, mouth-to-mouth resuscita- and the clinic's supervisor and

tion, drownproofing, ranoeand twa- Par- - - ~ with whipped cream. icing and

Co-hostesses were Miss Vivian underwritten by Labatt Brew- sisted by Miss Denise Critchley. station wagon, boat, motor, staged with the co-operation of trailer and canoe is currently iocal Fish and Game Associa-

choB because its freedom' ket has been unpredictable. It started when Dr* s' from serious diseases-Of and color camera from their many in- Now that word is out con- friends and neigj,bours. sects, size and Lower Mainland. who supply the station wagon. cernhg the vjl"uS-frW SaPro- was hpld. . and its exdent 'alation from A mock duction in Pemberton, 'large Norma looked lovely 6 her fish Other potato Eo*g areas' growers from CdifOI'Ilia and net white sweater blue slacks. L&A year' two This cliff- other western stat= are Offer- and pink furry slippers. Her 'onam and George Mitchell ' ing long term contra&: with 'bridal veil*was a crown of many are the virus-frsestock. this new stability, seed potato JULY WARMED 'UP Contracting bows with a-msa- .... . If all gcreswell* they will P-''production h -Pemberton could 'enough seed to s'PPh' at teen veil, her bouquet was a easily double h plbo least six Other 'emberton grow- the next fiw nosegay flower4 bas Yeam Without danger of against which nefled a yellow 1892-5095 I ers plus one * grower in the over-pmduction. Cariboo in 1970. By 19n, it Power Digging +- k-Excavat i.ng-and-Eil1~-

below avefage for ._ -. . - st average' for the MAIL mQUWES TO BQX 107, Garibaldi Highland


DlSTRlBUTORS and AGENTS- for Hydraulic Hose

I R_ viding the best "Buy1' in Chrysler or Plymouth cars, trucks or buses. ROY MOSHER __

Construction Super, etc. You have to come and . see this 0200 Camper-Special Mounted on a 4.- c. .-- . I..? . . ri ' ... +: I.a. ALLtN'S .. ...:.: IGA GRADE', ii~ai' A:I. .... BONUS - 'HEAVY DUTY .I .." . I...... I ...... I .. ...I ...... I ,... +..... , ,... .-. ..a. ....a...... e. ..e. Large' Eggs ...... Apple Orange Grape ...... Chicken Drumsticks .. .. i.i ..e. .. 5:...-... packed- -. - -~- ._...... Lemoir&imP--- .*...... 3c ,...... 9 .*.' .... in .. f< e:, e:, .'.' .e.' .. .*. .'d a>: .. Carton .e.. 48 oz. .'.* .. .'.' f. .. .*: ....'.e, ..,...... '2.' Tins 18". x 25' -. .. ..,'.a .. .. e.*. Dozen .. .ai -...... Roll *.e.'.a. .x - .. ...I... ,30Tin 02. 79c ..' .. .. .*.' .-.' .. .I ...... A' *.a...e ...... 2.. IGA FANCY WHOLE .I .ai IGA CHOlCEHALYEs 1;. 5.. IGA RANDOM CUT ..-*e ---- ...... '.. :.>.. .. ._.. '1 ...... :. - .-.- ...... 2.0 .. ;.:

..a...... *.-,..a.'.*.e.*.

3.I...... :e:I. .. - ....a'!:<. ~ ,- e:.. e:.. Corn I. Cheese Kernel *. Ba.rtlett &qui&-!.-BIea PearsF-l,A. 1..*. .. .'.. I.2 ' 2.' ...... 2.' . __ -. .. a. Mild Medium Old a... .'i ..*. .... \ *..I .... 2; .. -. - A' *... *... fi ...... *...... 'i .'.I ...... ;.:<.. .e.* '2...... LESS 10% OFF .... .*.'.5'h' .e.* .. .e.- *.'. .. .. , .. I. .. :+-- , -44-02;- *.** , ...... I. .- *. .. .. 2.' .'a *.,*.a .. .:.: .- .*... iir ~ ,:.: REGULAR PRICE .. A.. Jug ;i 4. *. JiE 8. , ..I ...... 0%' .... .~... - ...... 89c: 2.\ 4.9C ...... *...... ,.52:.::.: :: :,:.:.:.:;.:.:.:.:.:.:::::::k::::::~~~~~~~:::::::~::~::~~~~~.~~~~~~~:~~.~:.:.:.:.:.~~~:.:.~:~.:.>:.:!:.:.* ...... +~..%..%!.'W.%%'wA.%***-.*.*.~.*,~.~.*.*.~.~.~.*.~~~.~.*~~~.~ ~...... ~. ~-_

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5'...... RAINBOW-WHITE-TROPIC TONE A. .. ZEE MlCRlN .:.: ...... ,*:a.. G

.. ... -- ...... 0. ?.* .. .*:-. ...',..' ' ..., ..e.. f.' .. *.a -_e_.. FRESH LEAN I :.. FRESH. $$ FRESH FROZEN YOUNG . SWEET PICKLED- .... __ . . ...I ....

....I**..*.'...... __ : ~ ..... :--Po& B-uitii

.. .. ,-.- .s. ..':. ' .. :: .. *- ., .... . , , ._ "' .. ,s *:.: , .. ' ,.<,.:..;.:>: :.:. . TABLERl TE :.:...... ,, .- , .'.:,,'e ,f, '...... 2.' CARNATION FROZEN Tf.!. CHEf BOY-AI?-DEE


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.... .- ..~ A .. i -- -~ .....

. _- CLARKS Tomato or sou P Vegetqble

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' ...... K .- ...... I S

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- Tri= Pack


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Tray Pack. -*Per Lb. F 0 '...... - w ...... -A ...... - .... -35'____ - CANADA CHOICE, CANADA GOOD READY TO EAT Whole - 1st and 2nd Cuts

. I -- ROAST,, b Lb.




-OV€RWAITEA- jyA cvI - 3-'-89- Jars f Assorted Flavors ,...... '.1... .~ .- ...... 3..! ;, I :. , . ..', ......

...... - ......

...... 0

~~ ~ .- ~~ ,...... '...... 'z:: -...... , 1.:: . .,, ..... ' I.

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llNNER .OF THE COh y'-th&playgrounds-hth

-_ HUndreds Of,peoPle lined the ghg trucks which are always FIBST FOR ANACONDA square danm and thar moon and members of tG Legion m- _- - ed to be adby t!w size of First dace inmercial suited FEE&-: dancers, the s&ts of downtown Squamkh a feature of the day. - miidGGT &hind- them. They to show a beautiful load.- the ktqe machine. ~-~l3?iV~TiiGirXi&ie~Xide?-th&mp section went to Anaconda pi- LOJ JLwith Honored Queen were precede~bythe Kensing- Sports grounds 1st Saturday to able direction of John Bruce Robin Forsythe and her prin- Intemting too was the huge andJohn his Bruce,staff, didparade an excellentmarshall tannia Beach with the entry, ton and Sunset majorettes who MB specially built for see_& -mile long pamde4f_aRcI-&AieMlub, was led by male jointly by the company cesses Donna Hinde and Coralee truck, added to the color and the off highway hauling, and one floats, bands, ClOWnS, mjoret- a police car followed by a scar- and the union, depicting miners Sntlivan; Squamish Bar and ,excitement. job in prepalling the mile long the of a.fleet which are used here. tes and -loaded logging trucks- let coated Momtie and the one at wwk it's amusing entry and the , Another band, dding in a parade which must have been *- ..--- .-T It was almost as heavy unload- Many found vantage and only Alma Cunningham in . Squgish swim team in as fine asany,ever held in a Standard Diesel Fuerbuis Others their truck, provided-music at the as the avera@-%add KCli. _-- -pOintS-On -balCOm- roof her mmg costume. ' Anaconaa is a pererlnial win- lovely new swim suits which midway point and piper Alan ed small Canadian community. clean, increases injector life; to and could not be entered witlr' topS Which pd the Top float in the parade andr ner lin this section and their the youngsters worked for by Hasson of CKVN played as he :+" L-A r life. --__ - 1L> 1UdU. Despite the small number of -whmrufthrgmkd pk-fe~ -flea%wiU beentered in the _takingpart in the Swim-A-Thon. get=- Em marched in the parade. Weldwood's new 988 Caterpil- parade added a Thew wle& bands and ma- the second year in a rbw was The Magnum Car CIUb floats, the para&. en- The -fifif entrjr from lar loader was also in colorful and exciting note to a jorefie, Sqm dbmm, the the Mamquam playground en- An unscheduled spot .of ex- kred one of their cars and sPOnsoM by the Timber &uWn3@-hef-a*nd- try, made by youngsters at the citement OcCulTed when the Cam Mackenzie's new racing the parade and spectators seem- crowded day. CALLYOURSTANDARD O!L MAN Lake Community Club were the BOB GRANT' an6 the Indian PfimS and her summer playground under the float burst into flams during car was also featured in the =ti.& . majorettes.] trained by the can- Squamish; B.C+353- a*ndmb; 0th~Wen camful dimtion of Laurie Ma- -e-md haad to k pulled parade. F'ree co€ffee and dou5 Diane Walker,. , who went *Standard Oil Company of B.C. diGb, c-hwns xnd--cms and theos and Jean Misiu&a. _asidewhilP -the blaze- was-nuts wewcsepredl--fmm- the through their paces as they -CTOI&?tneh marched up the street. ved-Quickie in coffee.a g-~ca~. truck - and~~ deli- ...... But the logging trucks always .-seem to-draw gasps from @e.. crcwd and this year's visitbrs - . and-spectators were do excep- ' tion. The trucks had been .cEZ&up for' the wdon and-


Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bryant and Another convertible followed family met his parents Mr. and -with the other queen, con- hh. Charles Bryant from Campbellville, Ontario in the 2- 2- r-a-weekoL camping. Mr. and Mrs. C. Brvant returned with their SOI? and hir family to Squamish for MEMBmS of tw-,.e, .'At--- .'At--- in Sguamish recently. Shown above are Martin Hurford, Loretta Moody while Alice While in British Kay Offer, Harold Hurfard, Rebecca Reamsbottom, -----L- ___ .- Hany and Jeannie Wallace _-a. JOHNNY'S- TV SERVICE spentMr* anda week on Vancouver Is- Henry.Hurford, Violet Hurford and Victor Hurford. - (Next to Squarnish Times Office) 4 I were her junior attendants. - Cleveland Avenue Squamish 892-3330 Music was provided by the land. 892-3020 Whalley Legion Junior band HURFOR DS HOLD Sludged engines? FAMILY REUNION Members of the Hurford family came from the Fraser Valley and Vancouver tg hold a family reunion in Squamish on Saturday, July 26. Missing was one - brother from Eastan Canada.- - --- _- Seven of the eight brothers and sisters and their families gathered in the Legion Hall, and seventy-one people enjoyed the buffet 'dinner followed by a dance and spent the evening in reminiscing. RPM Motor Oils keep en'- gines clean, cut wear, help Mr. and Mrs. H. Hurford and Mr. and Mrs. V. Hur- engines last longer. ford of Squamish were the hosts for the occasian and the special guest was uncle John Hurford of Vancouver who was over 70 years of age. Coming to Squamish for the event were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hurford and family of Powell River; Mr. CALLYOURSTANDARD OIL MAN and Mrs. Martin Hurford and family, Miss Violet Hurford BOB GRANT and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Reamsbottom and family, all Squamirh, B.c.-a92-5353 %Standard Oil Company-of- E.& afiYamuw. and Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Offer and

L~ ...... ~_.

. ' Ritchie Brand of Quality Social Noks -. ~ .. .. _- _-- _L - Dgws-L- ... Thanks to the Royal Canadian 1969 1969 1969 1969 . 1969 1969 Legion a brand new Canadian flag is flying at the Municipu Meteor Falcon Maverick Corti nu Hall in place of the ragged half

MowrEGo FUTURA . DE LUXE.2-M\. 1300 1-e. ' ~ RIMAU ~ 24. HARPfOP . . 2cDR SPORT . 2.DR. HARDTOP D LUXE 1-DR. DE LEU3 2-DR 000 4:DR. SEDAN Formal, loaded. I Ebony black, red COUPE . Canadian winter 303 VS, auto. dark aqua met! .leather; full Ligh 1 yelIow, Lo.radio trgns.,anti- ackage, anchor trans.] P.B., biaci Xw1, 200 . establlshment i Mrs, Peggy Tinney and her P.S= . whitevinyl-lnt. & power, stewL?.aJ!g 6 with auto. & rolaurxU bla& lue, utw. tlres, radlo, 3Sdmiles, to SL NO. . etc. St. Nh E radio. St. Na - children are holidaying in Pen- Stock No. 9$a,l9. .* 9clZs22. vinyl int. 8MOl57. 'St. St. No. 9B455. G%a. 9MA604. ticton. . IS -Factory llat Factory llst . Factory list' Factory list Factory Prlce Factory lbt salai $4249.20 -__$44)50.80 8656.90 $2926.1 0 $2207 -- ---PREEYOUR -..__, W9-- - P+QIC!,E&~~LYOUR 37337,:%& *, ,-$305k--$$:&3~67 PRICE i- $1 945 A .a YOUR . .-



-,.--- .,...... *. v ....-. .I., ... ,~.

.. - ...... - -... ,......

Size AA . DL .C.: ? .... 1 ...... :; ...... Service isn't service 'unless . *." ...... you get it wheri need it. ... .e YOU ...... :- '.. - .-. _,_i______l_._____._ ... - ...... : -~ 2 * .:Z' . ._. :-. ,.: . - .-

.... CALLYOUR STANDARD OIL MAN ...... - BOB GRANT -+ i -Sqrlemlbh7-BxxrP2;5553- ...~~ OStandard Oil Company of B.C. -,

... '. ~ . ,. '* ..--.--___ .- . ... _-_- ...... -...... ___- ...... *.- .a . . RPM Gear Lubricants keep metal surfaces moving; smoothly, quletly;-cut wear.


Squamirlr, B.C.-892&53 -OStandar6011-eompanu of B.Cr

points for charm and PO& and dress to complement her blonde started their reign. 25 points for her ability to speak. beauty wh& Connie Kyle wap the were from out stunning in a black and white __ of town; NLiss Forst, Mr. Law- check with white collar. Valerie Small enaine tailurest rence of Nlaison ' Lawrence; Bird wore white while Linda Miss C%irol Duffin of the Blanche Q-- MaeDonald School of Modelling; dm did & mmber Queen. ' Sam Payne, well -kmW VAL- Ja~eDreRka-Hroremauve lace- couwr actor and Ben Whitaker whik Pat Mawer's choice was . of Ben Whitaker hs.ran% deep peach with ruffle on front Van coumr. and Jill Galley's pale pink dress The three successful can&- was charming. Each girl car-. -- awk* ried a colonl"a1 nosegay. . Miss Rod and Gun; Ihda Earlier-in the evening the Brown, Miss kgioll; Janice girls had been guests at a coffee Drenka, Miss Independent Log- party in the Chieftain Hotel, gers; Pat Mawer, Miss Cham: ' sponsored by the Lions Club


------______- -- - - Squamish, B.C.492-5353 Alberni - Dewdney North VancouveriSeymour Vancouver-Burrard 'Standard Di-Company 6f BrC McDiarmid, Dr. Howard Mussallem, George Stukus, Annis .,,-- Russell Fulton b Boundary-Similkameen Esquimalt Ruissell Clvde Fulton (Bill3 - ~~ Richter, Frank- Bruch, Herb ~ Wal IaceJkSco tj7---- ...q Fort George fib,re, who was in hlis fifty-sixth $.). Burnaby-Edmonds Williston, Ray year, is survived by his loving Chalk, John wife Muriel, two sons, Raymond .# - ' Kemioops--- Russell' and Sandy Michael; # Gaglardi, Phil both of Gold River, one grand-' _- 8 Walker, Hugh - enn twn sisters. Mrs:' G. Roo1 2 U-M- Burnaby-Willingdon- Bmhmst, Karry

. Daly,_- William Langley - -

Caribod U Vogel, Hunter Fraser, Alex Mackenzie Dawson, Mrs. lsobel Chilliwack * r--t War( Ken , Sganick and the Islands ated; Nantiimo. followed " by .li&U Ney, Frank

'nf flnwers -donations...... to the B.C. I ' . Coddbia River 9s .. ,.. Ghabot, James ___ Nelson-Creston ...... '. Black, Wesl,ey ...... , - , ..: .. , ...... Corn'oF. I. . ' ....' __ - ... __. .- -LJiavL inst ...... cm~7Dan-I - Edmondsbn, John .. ' ______...... Gbquitlam ' .' . -- NGtWtJkanaggn , tiansen, Paul 'Jordan, Mrs. Pat ' '

._.: a ...... - CowkhaneMaIahaL- , - -North-Peace-River-:v ...... , Ennals, Dr. Charles,-

:...... L.. ..- .- -~.


...... _"...... - .. .- .. -. .--- .._-- cII_ ...... , ...... - .,- ,-

'I, CAL~YOVRSTANDAE'OIL-MAN - ,.-- BOB GRANT ' -- - -Squamlrh;' dC.392i5353 ..... *Standard Oil Company0fB.C.; ...... C. ,_...... - .-. .- ......