... to and to a variety of opportunities if you enjoy sport. Whether you have come to live or work here for a period of time you will find that sport is an excellent way of experiencing the Danish culture. Danes love sport and about 75 percent of all children and young people engage in sport regularly in their spare time, and almost half of the adult population is engaged in sport and physical activity.

I encourage you to engage in the Danish world of sports and create networks and friendships beyond education, nationality and age and hope you will enjoy your stay in Denmark.

HRH Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark Member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Most popular sports in Denmark outdoor facilities. Apart from the financial Nearly two million people are members help from the municipalities the local of the 61 national federations that are part clubs are funded by annual or six-monthly of the Sports Confederation of Denmark. membership fees which are usually rather Football (soccer) is the most popular sport low. Especially sports like table tennis and with almost 350.000 members followed combative sports are in a lower price range by and swimming. Also gymnastics, whereas golf is one of the most expensive handball, badminton, horseback riding, sports to engage in. tennis and sailing are among the most popular sports. Everybody can join It is very easy to become part of one of the The principle of volunteers thousands of sports clubs in Denmark. The structure of the national federations Most of them offer an introduction period and local clubs is democratic. A general for the newcomer to get an idea of how meeting is held every year and president, the particular club is working and become board members, cashier etc. are normally accustomed to the environment before elected or re-elected every second year. charging a membership fee.

Most clubs are run by volunteers and All clubs are gladly welcoming new openness and joint responsibilities are key members into their family at all times. words. The elite sections have paid staff Whether it is to do sport or just help out as but the primary tasks in the local clubs are a volunteer, all are accepted on equal terms taken care of by volunteers. Sports leaders, and conditions. A simple phone call to the coaches and helpers manage the daily president of the chosen club will provide duties such as trimming the grass on the more information, and the 61 national football field, putting out the ropes in the federations are ready to assist in finding a swimming pool and gathering the members club nearby. of the clubs for training or social activities. We welcome you to join the Danish way of Funding of Danish sports sports and wish you luck with whichever In Denmark a law called ‘The Act on Youth activities you choose to engage in. and Adult Education’ has the purpose of ensuring municipal aid to leisure time Niels Nygaard education and activities such as local President sports. It is executed in the form of grants National Olympic Committee and Sports to sports activities and rent of indoor and Confederation of Denmark The 61 national federations more information on www.dif.dk:

• The American Football Federation of Denmark, • The Danish Motor Sports Union, www.daff.dk www.dmusport.dk • The Danish Amateur Boxing Association, • The Danish Nation YMCA Sports Alliance, www.dabu.dk www.kfumid.dk • The Danish Archery Federation, www.dbsf.dk • The Danish Nine-Pin Bowling Federation, • The Danish Athletics Federation, www.kegler.dk www.dansk-atletik.dk • The Danish Orienteering Federation, • The Danish Automobile Sports Union, www.do-f.dk www.dasu.dk • The Danish Parachuting Federation, • The Danish Badminton Federation, www.dfu.dk www.badminton.dk • The Danish Petanque Federation, • The Danish Basketball Federation, www.petanque.dk www.basket.dk • The Danish Powerlifting Federation, • The Danish Billiards Union, www.ddbu.dk www.styrke.dk • The Danish Bowling Federation, • The Danish Roller-Skating Federation, www.bowlingsport.dk www.dkrul.dk • The Danish Canoe and Kayak Federation, • The Danish Rowing Federation, www.roning.dk www.kano-kajak.dk • The Danish , www.rugby.dk • The Danish Cricket Federation, www.cricket.dk • The Danish Sailing Association, • The Danish Curling Federation, www.sejlsport.dk www.curling.dk • The Danish Shooting Union, • The Danish Cycling Union, www.skytteunion.dk www.cyclingworld.dk • The Danish Skating Union, www.danskate.dk • The Danish Darts Organisation, • The Danish Ski Federation, www.skiportal.dk www.dart-ddu.dk • The Danish Softball Federation, • The Danish Equestrian Federation, www.dbasof.dk www.rideforbund.dk • The Danish Sport Climbing Federation, • The Danish Floorball Union, www.floorball.dk www.klatreforbund.dk • The Danish Football Association, www.dbu.dk • The Danish Sports Dance Federation, • The Danish Fencing Federation, www.sportsdans.dk www.faegtning.dk • The Danish Sports Federation for The • The Danish Gliding Union, www.dsvu.dk Disabled, www.dhif.dk • The , • The Danish Squash Federation, www.dsqf.dk www.danskgolfunion.dk • The Danish Subaquatic Sports Federation, • The Danish Gymnastics Federation, www.sportsdykning.dk www.dgf.dk • The Danish Swimming Federation, • The Danish Hanggliding and Paragliding www.svoem.dk Union, www.dhpu.dk • The Danish Table Tennis Union, www.dbtu.dk • The Danish Hockey Union, www.landhockey.dk • The Danish Taekwondo Federation, • The Danish Handball Federation, www. dhf.dk www.taekwondo.dk • The , • The Danish Tennis Federation, www.ishockey.dk www.tennis.dk • The Danish Judo and Ju Jitsu Union, • The Danish Triathlon Federation, www.dtrif.dk www.dju.dk • The Danish Volleyball Federation, • The Danish Karate Federation, www.volleyball.dk www.danskkarateforbund.dk • The Danish Water Ski Federation, • The Danish Kick- and Thaiboxing Federation, www.vandski.dk www.dktf.dk • The Danish Weightlifting Federation, • The Danish Military Sports Federation, www.weightlifting.dk www.dmif.dk • The Danish Workers’ Sports Federation, • The Danish Minigolf Union, www.minigolf.dk www.dai-sport.dk • The Danish Modern Pentathlon Federation, • The Danish Wrestling Union, www.brydning.dk www.dtrif.dk

Produced by the National Olympic Committee and Sports Confederation of Denmark, +45 43 26 26 26. Editor: Annebeth Mortensen. Layout and print: Formegon. Photo: Polfoto