Feature of the Month

Pray for a Church Planting Movement Among Every Unreached People Group in Greater Los Angeles


Sacramento Nevada San Francisco California

Los Angeles Arizona San Diego

Rancho Encino Cucamonga Pasadena Covina Beverly Hills Monterey Park Los Angeles Anaheim Santa Monica Long Beach Santa Ana


For the last five years the ethnic LA network has been researching the unreached people groups in greater Los Angeles Metropolitan area (GLAMA). There are four books, averaging about 65 pages each, available in the series “From …. To Los Angeles” and three more in production. Each includes a brief history of people from that part of the world coming to Los Angeles then details some specific people here and concepts for ministering to people from this part of the world. These books are designed inform and mobilize local believers and churches to understand and reach out to the millions of people from other countries that God has brought to our shores.

As a special arrangement with the Global Prayer Digest the books are available for $5.00 each plus S/H. Orders can be made at [email protected] or bought at the Frontier Ventures bookstore.

If you are researching people groups in GLAMA, or planting churches among immigrant populations here, please let us know. [email protected] or [email protected] Prayer Resources for 2016!

Ethne to Ethne Light the Window A regionally based prayer movement Prayer for 365 UPGs once a year for UPGs working closely with GPD through 2020. for the past 10 years. https://www.ltw2020.org/LTW_ www.prayerstrategists.net Calendar.pdf

Global Prayer Resource 10-40 Window Reporter Grand central station for prayer Prayer for nations of the 10-40 Window. materials. http://www.1040windowreporter.com/ http://www.globalprn.com/ prayer-resources/ Prayerguard Online general prayer for UPGs. Inherit the Nations http://prayerguard.net/?page_id=209 Focusing on in-depth prayer for spe- cific UPGs. This is especially useful for houses of prayer. http://www.trumpetcall2nations.com/ Devotional Ideas inherit-nations-initiative How can you make the most of this prayer digest:

PRAYER GUIDES • Some people use it as a supplement to their regular Global Prayer Digest devotional time. Daily prayer guide for UPGs. Get it free digitally! • Others enjoy reading and praying around the dinner table globalprayerdigest.org with the entire family.

Joshua Project • We encourage you to gather monthly with other Christian Research and daily prayer materials friends who are involved in this for UPGs. movement. http://joshuaproject.net/ Every day at the top of the page you’ll find the name of an unreached people group for which to pray. The small maps will help you locate the day’s feature.

5 To Help You Pray Better

The Unreached Are Here!

—by Jerome Hannaman

he world is becoming increasingly urban! Fifty-four percent of all people on earth today live in one of the T metropolitan areas of the world. This is up from the 35 percent just 50 years ago. With the people of the world moving to these cities and mingling together, the mission world has both a great challenge and a great opportunity to reach people for Christ that were very difficult to reach before.

Metropolitan Los Angeles is a primary example of this urban reality. This month we are presenting the unreached people groups in the Greater Los Angeles Metropolitan Area (GLAMA), which encompass the urban areas of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties.

This edition of theGPD reflects the very strategic opportunity there is to impact the unreached peoples of the world, not simply those who are “over there,” but those right here in our own urban areas. The opportunity for evangelism described in this prayer guide can also happen in many other urban centers throughout the world today. Background 6 The Unreached Are Here!

The term diaspora, (pronounced dahy-as-por-uh) refers to the dispersion of religious or ethnic groups from their homelands. Such people leave their homelands either by force or by choice. The situation in Los Angeles is a prime example of the urban situation that includes ethnic communities from all over the world. What Is the Spiritual Condition of Greater Los Angeles? In relation to the spiritual conditions in GLAMA, the Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA) states that 50 percent of the people are unclaimed by any religious body. Thirty one percent are Roman Catholic, 9.6 percent are evangelical, and four percent are “other,” which includes Buddhists, Hindus, Baha’i, , Sikhs, Zoroastrians, and Spiritualists, etc. (http://www.thearda. com/rcms2010/r/m/31080/rcms2010_31080_metro_name_2010.asp)

Dr. Diana Eck, Professor of Comparative Religion and Indian Studies at Harvard University, tells us that Los Angeles has become the most complex Buddhist city in the world with its Thai, Korean, Sri Lankan, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Japanese Buddhist communities. (http://www.laalmanac.com/ religion/re15.htm). John Orr of the Center for Religion and Civic Culture at USC went so far as to say, “Los Angeles is the most religiously diverse city in the world.”

This being the case, willing servants of Christ can reach out to members of these ethnic and religious communities in a way that will clearly present Christ as the one who has answers to their spiritual needs. What Research Has Taught Us Our research shows that there are 325 Buddhist centers, 115 Jewish centers, 113 Islamic Centers, 66 Hindu centers, 17 Sikh Centers, 10 Taoist or Daoism Centers, and four Zoroastrian Centers in the Greater Los Angeles Metropoli- tan Area. New ones are being started all the time.

There are over 300 ethnic groups in Los Angeles. They are predominantly from Latin America and Asia. Our research has found that most people who come from Latin America are looking for job opportunities. Through the decades Latinos have been the fundamental labor force that keeps this urban center functioning. Asians tend to come to GLAMA for education and

continued on next page 7 The Unreached Are Here!

business opportunities. In the process they bring their Hindu and Buddhist cultures and beliefs.

The new immigrants are not confining themselves to traditional ethnic centers, especially those who come with money and a good education. They are moving to suburbs such as Monterey Park and Irvine. These places are now being called, “Ethno burbs,” short for, “ethno suburbs.” A Great Potential For Evangelism Research has shown that first generation immigrant people need spiritual guidance to adapt to their new culture. As people change their geographical location, they become open to change, including spiritual change. For some, such as conservative and high Hindus, there is a unique oppor- tunity to make a decision apart from their traditional community. They have a chance to hear of and embrace Jesus with less interference than they have ever faced in the past.

Those who take the time to make friends and share Christ can change lives. Example: Doung came to America 10 years ago, and now he goes by the name of Doug. When he first came he was given a Bible. The one who gave it to him

88 The Unreached Are Here! became his friend, and in the relationship he was able to answer Doug’s many questions about God and His teachings in the Bible. Coming from a Buddhist background, it was all new to Doug, but his Christian friend was patient and answered all his questions. Doug is now an active member of a Mandarin speaking church in Monterey Park.

Christ’s followers need to pray and go! But how do we mobilize one and a half million evangelicals to cross a cultural barrier to be a friend and in that context communicate the message of Jesus to them?

In this context we are asking for people to join us with the Ethnic L.A. Network, a project of the Southern California Mobilization Office of Frontier Ventures. We are seeking to understand who all the different ethnic people are in GLAMA and in mobilizing the body of Christ to bring the gospel in culturally appropriate ways to these unreached peoples. The office is looking for people who want to assist in the research, provide funding, and those who want join this ministry as a missionary to the unreached here. To become involved contact Jerome Hannaman of the Southern California Mobilization office of Frontier Ventures.

[email protected] 626-398-2204. Let’s Pray! • Pray for Christ’s ambassadors to go to every Hindu, Buddhist, and Muslim people in GLAMA. • Pray for teams of researchers to discover each people group repre- sented here in GLAMA. Pray that they will find ways to reach the unreached in culturally appropriate ways. • Pray that believers who know God personally would love Him enough to befriend and welcome their new unreached neighbors with the message of Jesus Christ. • Pray that churches and denominations would catch the vision to sup- port missionaries who are reaching the unreached in the West as well as across the ocean. • Pray that this edition of the GPD will result in spiritual breakthroughs and culturally appropriate fellowships among every unreached people group in GLAMA.

9 Day 1 Hebrews 1:4-5, NIV Missionary biography, Joy Ridderhof

fter serving as a missionary in Honduras for six So He became as much years, Joy Ridderhof returned to Los Angeles in superior to the angels as A 1937 broken in health and suffering from dysentery the name He has inherited and malaria. While she was recuperating and unable is superior to theirs. For to to return to Honduras, she wondered if phonograph which of the angels did God records could be the means of reaching the people ever say, “You are my son; with the gospel in their own language. today I have become your “I remembered the raucous sound of gramophone Father”? Or again, “I will be records being played in the saloons and shops of his Father, and he will be Honduras,” she recalled. “I was playing hymns in my son.” English on the gramophone when a missionary observed, ‘If we only had gospel recordings in Spanish to sing and preach the gospel.” Flat on her back, she prayed for guidance. She had no idea that there were 7,000 major languages plus thousands more dialects worldwide. But in her room, her faith burned brightly. She had made an acquaintance in Central America who had some professional equipment in Los Angeles. Joy made her first gospel recording in Spanish. Six copies were sent to the missionary who had replaced her. Back came an enthusiastic letter. “Please send me more. The people are listening and understanding the message. Some have already accepted the Lord.” In no time a new fledgling agency called Spanish Gospel Recordings was begun. Joy’s attic bedroom was also her office. For a time she stood alone, with no one to support her, no board or advisory council.

Pray for the Lord to raise up more people with His vision of how we can use technology to spread the gospel.—GRN

10 Day 2 Missionary biography, Continued Hebrews 1:13, NIV

oy Ridderhof named her fledgling organization To which of the angels did Spanish Gospel Recordings. Soon the recordings J God ever say, “Sit at my were finding their way all over Latin America. But right hand until I make the vision was limited to one language, Spanish, and this was reflected in the name. Then someone came your enemies a footstool to Joy with a request that would drastically change for your feet.” her focus. In her book, Faith by Hearing, Phyllis Thompson tells about some missionaries who asked Joy if she could make recordings in the Navajo language. If recordings for Navajo could be made, why not records for other peoples as well? Where would it end? Larry Allmon, who succeeded Joy, wrote, “Joy Ridderhof’s decision to record the second language (Navajo) in 1941 was a landmark in the history of world evangelization. This change in focus enabled [GRN] to extend the good news to peoples speaking thousands of languages!” So the name was changed to Gospel Recordings, and later to Global Recordings Network. The new name signified that the work had reached into all countries and had decentralized into a network of organizations under one umbrella. Branches were opened in various countries with Los Angeles as the headquarters. Far more important than the name of the organization are the people from every language, tribe, and nation that will be inscribed in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Many will be there because they listened to a recording in their own language.

Pray that as we enter the second half of this decade that the Holy Spirit will do far greater things through GRN than we could imagine.—GRN

11 Day 3 Hebrews 2:9, NIV Missionary biography, Continued

But we do see Jesus, who ews of the recordings spread quickly, and was made lower than the N missionaries from several countries who spoke other languages began requesting recordings in their angels for a little while, own peoples’ languages. “I come from Tanzania and now crowned with glory speak Swahili,” wrote one. Another challenged her, and honor because He “What about India? I can speak Urdu. Please, will suffered death, so that by you make us some recordings?” the grace of God He might taste death for everyone. Worldwide demand for her gospel recordings increased so much that finally Joy prayed, “Lord I’ll make them in any language you want, but you will have to pay the bills.” Joy never had cause to regret the bargain she made with God that day. A small team of volunteers helped Joy. There was no payday, and God had to meet all their needs. Joy knew what she needed to record in remote tribal situations, but after World War II, very little was available. Portability was crucial, but at that stage miniaturization of equipment was virtually unknown, so they had to work with bulky machinery. Herman Dyk came as an answer to prayer. Trained in electronics, he and engineer Al Rethey, put together what has been claimed to be the first-ever portable tape recorder. Joy was delighted! Joy and her companions had been shown how to service them, but as her co-worker Sanna Barlow remarked with a twinkle in her eye, “When we’ve done our best, and they still sometimes won’t work, we slap them and start rejoicing. Somehow the Lord gets them going.”

Pray for workers who will have the tenacity and the sense of humor to persevere in the face of frustrations.—GRN

12 Day 4 Global Recordings Network (GRN) 5Fish Hebrews 4:12-13, NIV

rian’s eyes were wide as he commented, For the word of God is “Everywhere I go in L.A. I see people from other B alive and active. Sharper countries.” James replied, “Many of them come from than any double-edged places where missionaries can’t go. This is our chance to welcome them with the gospel.” “I suppose so,” sword, it penetrates even Brian replied. “But they have their own religions, don’t to dividing soul and spirit, visit our churches, and don’t speak much English, so joints and marrow; it it’s difficult to reach them.” judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. “That’s what I thought, before I got 5 fish.” Brian Nothing in all creation is reared his head back and replied, “Huh? We’re hidden from God’s sight. talking about people, not fish!” James smiled and replied, “That’s the name of the free app from Global Everything is uncovered Recordings Network. I downloaded it to my phone. and laid bare before the I now have access to the gospel message in 5,500 eyes of Him to whom we languages. Say I’m at the store and see someone from must give account. another country. I strike up a conversation and ask him where he’s from. I welcome him to Los Angeles and ask about his language. With a few clicks I play a short message to him in his heart language. If he likes it I offer to transfer the message to his phone.” Brian asked, “What responses do you get?” “It varies. Some are a bit suspicious at first. But I’ve seen how their eyes light up when they hear their own language. The heart language is the key.”

Pray that many believers in Los Angeles will use the app to reach out to those who need to hear the good news in their own language.—Allan Starling, GRN (http://globalre- cordings.net/en/5fish)

13 Day 5 Hebrews 11:6, NIV Azerbaijanis in Los Angeles

ities are major drawing And without faith it is RUSSIA Caspian points that attract people impossible to please God, GEORGIA Sea C from every corner of the world. because anyone who AZERBAIJAN ARMENIA This has been true of Los comes to Him must believe TURKEY Angeles for many decades. It that He exists and that IRAN has more than 140 countries IRAQ He rewards those who represented in its population, earnestly seek Him. GEORGIA Caspian 224 different identified Sea languages in use, and 300

ARMENIA Ganca ethnic groups. AZERBAIJAN Baku Azerbaijanis began arriving in L.A. in significant numbers IRAN during the late 1990s, and they are now scattered all over the city. The majority of them are in Hollywood, blending in with the Russian population. Others live in Covina and Santa Monica. No one knows how many have made Greater Los Angeles their home. A combination of a desire for greater freedom and hopes for a better future certainly helped fuel this migration. In 2011, Monterey Park, near Los Angeles, and Azerbaijan’s capital city, Baku, established a sister city relationship. Within Azerbaijan, Shi’ite Islam is the dominant religion, but few are strongly devoted to any form of spirituality. According to a 2006-2008 Gallup poll, only 21 percent of respondents from Azerbaijan said that religion was an important part of their daily lives. This seems to hold true among those in the Los Angeles area as well.

Pray that the Los Angeles’ Azerbaijani population would not rest spiritually until they meet Jesus. Pray that the separation from their homeland and its traditions would allow them to seek spiritual truth in Christ. Pray that there will soon be Azerbaijani believers in Los Angeles who will take Christ to Azerbaijan.—JR

14 Day 6 Turks in Los Angeles Hebrews 4:7, NIV

ou don’t have to God again set a certain day, travel to Turkey to Y calling it “today.” This He enjoy great Turkish food. According to the Los did when a long time later Angeles Times of May 16, He spoke through David, 2013, there are multiple as in the passage already Turkish restaurants quoted: “Today, if you hear popping up all over the His voice, do not harden metropolitan area, serving your hearts.” Hannaman A Turkish dancer in Los Angeles up grilled doner kebabs, and baked borek, along with fantastic pastries and breads. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are about 5,000 Turkish people living in the Los Angeles area. A number of them began arriving in the Hollywood area during the 1930s and 1940s, hoping to make it in the film industry. Some of them did get more noticeable parts, but most found themselves working as stagehands and in the restaurant industry, which helped to bring about the amazing restaurants spoken of here. During the first century AD, there were several churches established in what is now Turkey. Some of them received the original writings of the Apostle John, known to us now as the Book of Revelation. Islam came to Turkey in the later part of the 1200s, before it was called Turkey, and most Turks are now Sunni Muslims. That is true of Turks in Los Angeles as well as those in Turkey.

Pray that the Turks in Los Angeles would hunger for spiritual truth and find it in Jesus. Pray that Los Angeles will become a jumping off point for Turkish believers to spread His fame to Turks around the world.—JR

15 Day 7 Hebrews 3:1-6, NIV Kyrgyz People In Los Angeles

Therefore, holy brothers hen Seroya awoke in the hospital she had and sisters, who share in KYRGYZSTAN W a broken arm and several the heavenly calling, fix CHINA broken ribs. She was a victim your thoughts on Jesus, of gender violence practiced whom we acknowledge as IRAN in her country of Kyrgyzstan our apostle and high priest. called Ala Kachuu, or “Bride He was faithful to the one Kidnapping.” When the who appointed Him, just KAZAKHSTAN men in a car kidnapped her, as Moses was faithful in all Bishkek had she not fought, kicked, God’s house. Jesus has been KYRGYZSTAN screamed, and otherwise Osh found worthy of greater resisted, she might have ended CHINA honor than Moses, just up as one of their “brides,” as the builder of a house unable to speak up and has greater honor than ignored by police. But Seroya the house itself. For every fought so hard the men finally house is built by someone, pitched her out of the rapidly moving car where she but God is the builder of was found unconscious and injured. Her parents everything. “Moses was quickly sent her to an area of Los Angeles where faithful as a servant in some relatives live so she could be protected. all God’s house, bearing There are about 1,200 Kyrgyz people living near witness to what would be Hollywood. They are nearly 90 percent Muslim, as spoken by God in the future. the Orthodox Russian church is mostly rejected by But Christ is faithful as the the Kyrgyz as being part of the Russian culture that Son over God’s house. And persecutes them. Evangelicals are seen as cultish we are His house, if indeed and strange. However, the Kyrgyz version of Islam we hold firmly to our is so woven with traditional religious practices that confidence and the hope in Islamic countries are now sending missionaries to Kyrgyzstan to “convert” them. which we glory. Pray that Kyrgyz people in Los Angeles will interact with those who will introduce them to the loving Savior. Pray that the veil will be lifted from their eyes, and many will recognize their Lord, and share Him with other Kyrgyz people.—PE

16 Day 8 Uighur People in the Los Angeles Area Hebrews 1:1-3, NIV

ow would you like to go to a potluck filled with In the past God spoke to the unique cuisine of China’s Uighur people? It H our ancestors through the would feature lamb and hand-pulled noodles, fragrant prophets at many times and meat pies, and a mutton-potato dish with zesty green peppers? A kushtar, a bowed instrument with four in various ways, but in these strings, could accompany hymns of praise to Jesus. last days He has spoken to us by His Son, whom He There are between 1,000 and 2,000 Uighur people in appointed heir of all things, Southern California, but they are still Muslims, so and through whom also He you won’t find them at a church potluck. You might made the universe. The Son call them the people of the northwest, since they are is the radiance of God’s glory from the northwest of China, and those who live in Southern California live mainly in Santa Clarita, to and the exact representation the northwest of Los Angeles. Others live in San of His being, sustaining Gabriel, Rosemead, and Monterrey Park. These all things by His powerful people fled China because of the hostility of the word. After He had provided Chinese government. There are many Uighurs who purification for sins, He sat would like their homeland to break away from China. down at the right hand of The Chinese government does not allow any kind of the Majesty in heaven. Christian work in their home province. The Muslim Uighur people are one of the most unreached people groups in the world. But what is there to stop believers from reaching them in Santa Clarita?

Pray that there will soon be Uighur believers who will boldly share their faith with their Islamic countrymen. Pray that the Holy Spirit will ignite their hearts into a great harvest of souls. Pray that this will be the beginning of a Uighur movement to Christ. Pray that the newly translated Uighur Bible will be read by Uighurs in Greater Los Angeles.—PE

17 Day 9 Hebrews 2:3-4, NIV Uzbek People in Los Angeles

ow cross-cultural can How shall we escape if we a church get; Imagine ignore so great a salvation? H a Russian-speaking, Korean, This salvation, which was Uzbek church! One actually first announced by the exists in the Los Angeles area Lord, was confirmed to us just outside of Koreatown. In by those who heard Him. the 1800s a large contingent God also testified to it by of Korean people fled a severe Aral signs, wonders and various Sea KAZAKHSTAN famine and went to what is miracles, and by gifts of UZBEKISTAN KYRGYZ. now Uzbekistan where they the Holy Spirit distributed TURKMENISTAN Tashkent learned the Russian language according to His will. and assimilated into the Uzbek culture. Several years IRAN AFGHANISTAN ago a missionary named Mr. Kim went to Uzbekistan where a young woman was born again through hearing the gospel being preached by Mr. Kim. This young woman eventually came to L.A. where she began to gather Russian- speaking Korean-Uzbek people together into a church. It is estimated that around 1500 people from Uzbekistan reside in the L.A. area, many in the city of Encino. Most are still Muslim.

As many of these families still have friends and family in their home country, pray that the 29 million Uzbek people in Uzbekistan will be offered the gospel through the ministry of those who found Christ in the U.S. and other lands. Pray that the small church formed in Los Angeles will prosper and multiply. Pray that Uzbeks who hear the gospel will have the veil removed from their hearts and understand and embrace their Creator and Savior who paid for their sins. May the Holy Spirit sweep the Uzbeks with power and love into the Kingdom of Christ.—PE

18 Day 10 Saudi Arabs in Los Angeles Hebrews 7:25-28, NIV

hen I was a student at Therefore He is able to Cal-State University W save completely those who Fullerton in the 1960s, I knew come to God through Him, one Black Muslim (Nation because He always lives to Saudi of Islam) and one Palestinian Arabia intercede for them. Such Indian Christian. Today there is a Ocean Muslim Student Association a high priest truly meets that evangelizes, and there our need—one who is IRAQ IRAN are over 1,000 Saudi Arabs holy, blameless, pure, set at Cal-State Fullerton. There apart from sinners, exalted Medina Riyadh Mecca are 3,000 Saudis enrolled in above the heavens. Unlike SAUDI language schools and colleges the other high priests, ARABIA OMAN in the Los Angeles area; and He does not need to offer Yemen perhaps as many as 8,000 sacrifices day after day, Saudi students in Southern first for His own sins, and California. There is also a then for the sins of the Saudi Students’ Association with a web site in Arabic. people. He sacrificed for Who are the Saudis? Until the end of the Ottoman their sins once for all when Empire (1922) and T.E. Lawrence (of Arabia) there He offered Himself. For the was no such thing as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. law appoints as high priests The British put the Saud family in power. Then came men in all their weakness; oil. More importantly, the Saud family controls access but the oath, which came to Mecca, the pilgrimage site Muslims are supposed after the law, appointed the to visit at least once in their lifetime. Indeed, except Son, who has been made for foreign workers, Saudi Arabia is 100 percent perfect forever. Muslim, and sharing Christ is strictly forbidden in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. So the Saudi presence in Los Angeles, especially in colleges, is an unprecedented opportunity for a witness that would be nearly impossible in Saudi Arabia itself. We cannot go there; God has sent them here.

Pray that Jesus will appear to Saudis in dreams and visions. Pray for God’s Spirit to work through those engaged in student evangelism among Saudis. Pray for believers to assist in English-as-a Second Language (ESL) programs.—TP

19 Day 11 Hebrews 2:10-12, NIV Qatari Arabs in Los Angeles

In bringing many sons an someone be from the and daughters to glory, C Arabian Peninsula and it was fitting that God, not be Saudi, for whom we for whom and through prayed yesterday? Actually, yes. They may be from whom everything exists, Bahrain, the United Arab should make the pioneer Emirates, or Yemen. Or they of their salvation perfect BAHRAIN could be from Qatar. through what He suffered. QATAR Both the one who makes U.A.E. Qatar is on the Persian/ SAUDI people holy and those who ARABIA OMAN Arabian Gulf; and ceased are made holy are of the being a British protectorate in the 1970s. It has a same family. So Jesus is monarchial government. not ashamed to call them Qatar is conservative and brothers and sisters. He Muslim. The country has an says, “I will declare your airline and a Foundation for Education, Science, and name to my brothers and Community Development. It also has a university sisters; in the assembly I and four consulates in the U.S., one of which is in will sing your praises.” Los Angeles. Although six American colleges have satellite campuses in Qatar, hundreds of Qataris come to the U.S. annually to attend college. The U.S. is Qatar’s largest source of imports and its largest investor. It is not known how many Qataris are enrolled in Los Angeles area universities and which Los Angeles firms do business with Qatar. Indeed, unless a Qatari breaks the law, neither they nor their country make news in Los Angeles. However, the presence of a Qatari consulate in Los Angeles strongly suggests there are Qatari nationals living in Los Angeles in addition to consular staff.

Pray that consular staff, Qatari businessmen, students, and their families become increasingly inquisitive concerning Jesus and the Bible. Pray for many to attend evangelistic foreign student events. Pray that believers in Los Angeles will reach out to Qataris and attend Muslim Awareness Seminars.—TP

20 Day 12 Zoroastrians in Los Angeles Hebrews 12:28-29, NIV

1 John 1:5b, NIV – Therefore, since we are This is the message receiving a kingdom that we have heard from cannot be shaken, let us be him and declare to thankful, and so worship you: God is light; God acceptably with in him there is no reverence and awe, for our darkness at all. “God is a consuming fire.” he air was Hannaman Tpungent with sandalwood spices, hot coals, flowers, and fresh fruit. White robed worshipers were kneeling, praying, and singing. The Los Angeles Zoroastrian Center requires white caps, shoes off while entering the fire chamber, and mandatory prayer five times daily facing light. They don’t know that the true Almighty God is light personified. They believe their god is in the light. Their motto, “Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds” is written above the main entrance to the Los Angeles Zoroastrian Center. It is the largest Zoroastrian center outside Iran, Pakistan, and India. It was founded by Iranians, who make up the majority of Zoroastrians in Southern California. Since they follow one of the world’s oldest religions, Iranian Zoroastrians are telling Shi’ite Muslims to “come back to their original religion, Zoroastrianism.” A smaller group from India are scattered throughout the Los Angeles area. Zoroastrians believe that mankind is good; his goodness will triumph over evil. They do not know that man is desperately wicked, without hope, and that he must exercise his free will to choose Almighty God’s payment for his sin. They believe that man may choose heaven or hell by choosing to live a good or evil lifestyle, and that sin and life after death do not exist.

Pray that relationship-oriented, loving saints will lay down their lives for these unreached, unengaged people. The Scriptures have been translated into their languages.—KH 21 Day 13 Hebrews 11:37-40, NIV Hui (Hway) Muslims in Los Angeles

They were put to death by an you imagine your homeland without one single Christian fellowship? What would your stoning; they were sawed in C life be like? Hui people are probably the largest group two; they were killed by the in the world without a known Christian fellowship sword. They went about in (Operation China, p. 219). sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and Jerome Hannaman of Frontier Ventures, who has mistreated— the world was researched unreached people groups in Los Angeles not worthy of them. They said, “Hui people are scattered in Los Angeles; there may be 200.” Around 1900, several mission wandered in deserts and agencies tried to reach the Hui. There may be a few mountains, living in caves Hui believers in China today, and soon a worker is and in holes in the ground. planning on going to this people group. These were all commended for their faith, yet none of Hui women are known to be strong leaders and them received what had astute businesswomen. A successful restaurant in been promised, since God Fullerton is owned and operated by a Hui woman. They are the world’s only women imams, and have had planned something educated women and children for centuries in China. better for us so that only They say, “To teach a man is to teach one; to teach a together with us would they woman is to teach everyone.” be made perfect. Hui people are believed to be descendants of Arab and Persian traders, Mongolians, and Chinese. Their religion is Sunni Muslim (80 percent, and Folk Islam, 20 percent), and they speak a Mandarin Chinese dialect. There is a translation of the Bible in their language.

Pray that believers equipped with spiritual gifts and broken hearts over lost Hui people will lay down their lives to do what is necessary to reach them in China, America, and specifically the LA area.—KH

22 Day 14 Tibetan Buddhists in LA Hebrews 5:7-10, NIV

magine asking During the days of Jesus’ I your lama (Buddhist spiritual life on earth, He offered up leader) how to prayers and petitions with attain spiritual fervent cries and tears to enlightenment the One who could save faster. He prescribes Him from death, and He a mantra for you was heard because of His Hannaman A Tibetan Buddhist place of worship in LA to recite 20,000 reverent submission. Son times. After this though He was, He learned is complete maybe you’ll be closer to enlightenment obedience from what He than you were before. Imagine studying a Buddhist suffered and, once made book designed for spiritual guidance for 24 years and perfect, He became the still not knowing whether you will have a favorable source of eternal salvation rebirth. Imagine devoting your life to earning spiritual for all who obey Him and merits, but never knowing if you have earned enough to was designated by God to escape being reborn into a lower life form. Even worse, be a high priest in the order imagine being told life is suffering, and the only way to of Melchizedek. escape this suffering is through death. Death without rebirth is called “liberation,” but only the “Fortunate Ones” can achieve this. For many Tibetan Buddhists in Los Angeles this is a real way of life, just as it is in Tibet. Some practitioners visit different Buddhists temples (see photo) hoping to understand the Buddha’s teachings. Others will devote their lives to a special lama as their spiritual guide. Tibetan appeals to people from many different walks of life. It is attractive to the individualistic Western mindset because it promotes self-achievements, meaning you are responsible for your own favorable rebirth. The Buddha’s teachings and your lama are your guides.

Pray Tibetan Buddhists will know how special they are in the eyes of the Creator of the universe, and that He made a way for them to escape death through faith in Jesus.—SI, guest writer

23 Day 15 Hebrews 6:1-3, NIV Teochew People

raised duck, steamed Therefore, let us move pomfret, chiu chow beyond the elementary B noodles, spring rolls, teachings about Christ porridge, popiah. If you and be taken forward recognize these names, you to maturity, not laying may already be familiar again the foundation with a distinctive part of of repentance from acts Teochew culture. Teochew that lead to death, and of Hannaman cuisine is known for its faith in God, instruction healthy seafood and vegetarian dishes. Hungry about cleansing rites, the readers in the Greater Los Angeles Area will be able laying on of hands, the to find a number of Teochew restaurants to satisfy resurrection of the dead, their gastronomic cravings. and eternal judgment. And The Teochew people come from Guangdong Province God permitting, we will in southern China, near Hong Kong. Over half of the do so. world’s 25 million Teochews, however, live outside of that country. In the Greater Los Angeles Area, estimates place the population of this people group between 2,000 and 10,000. The Southern California Teo-Chew Association and the UCLA Teo-Chew Association are two local organizations that preserve and promote the culture. A little further south, in Orange County, you may bump into a prominent Teochew Christian born in America—former professional tennis player Michael Chang. The Teochew community can boast of many prosperous entrepreneurs. According to Operation World, “The are some of the wealthiest peoples of the world and have often proved very receptive to the gospel.”

Pray for the Lord to open the eyes of the ambitious, high-achieving Teochews to see His spiritual riches. May He touch their lives so that they may reach out to numerous family and clan members in the U.S. and China.—CMW

24 Day 16 Thai People in Los Angeles Hebrews 9:25-28, NIV

oasting the largest Nor did He enter heaven population of Thai B to offer Himself again and people outside of Thailand again, the way the high itself, this location is even referred to as the 78th priest enters the Most province of Thailand. Holy Place every year with Where is it? That’s right – blood that is not his own. Los Angeles. Otherwise Christ would have had to suffer many Though there were a times since the creation few Thai immigrants to Hannaman of the world. But He has A Thai woman in Thai Town the prior to the 1960s, it was the appeared once for all at the involvement of the U.S. in the Vietnam War that culmination of the ages to opened the door through Thai women who married do away with sin by the American servicemen. The immigrants who came later sacrifice of Himself. Just were largely seeking educational and economic gain. as people are destined to die once, and after that to Currently, the number of Thai people in Los Angeles face judgment, so Christ has been estimated at over 80,000. This people group was sacrificed once to take is not necessarily large, yet it still carries economic and cultural influence. Thai Town, L.A. is the only away the sins of many; and designated Thai ethnic neighborhood in the country. He will appear a second Despite the distinct “Thai-ness” of this district with time, not to bear sin, but its ethnic cuisine, traditional festivals, and Thai shops, to bring salvation to those little of the property is actually Thai owned, and who are waiting for Him. business owners are struggling to keep up with the rising costs of rent in Los Angeles. Buddhism is the official religion of Thailand, and even in the U.S. Thai culture revolves around thewat or Buddhist temple. Nevertheless, ethnic solidarity among Thais in America is weak.

Pray that the financial and spiritual needs of Thai people in LA would be met. Pray that the Holy Spirit will open the eyes of Thai people in Los Angeles to the power and love of Christ. Pray for a spiritual awakening in Thai Town that will lead to a movement to Christ in Thailand.—BK

25 Day 17 Hebrews 3:7-9, NIV Laotian People in Los Angeles

pair of Buddhist monks So, as the Holy Spirit says: sit cross-legged on the “Today, if you hear His A floor in their temple; behind voice, do not harden your them, a shrine dominates the hearts as you did in the corner of the room. But this rebellion, during the time temple is actually a prefab of testing in the wilderness, house, and it is not in Asia, where your ancestors tested CHINA but California. Of the 200 and tried Me, though for 40 VIETNAM people regularly served by years they saw what I did. LAOS the monks, many come from MYANMAR Vientiene the small nation of Laos in THAILAND . CAMBODIA There have never been a large number of Laotian immigrants in the U.S. The numbers peaked in the years surrounding 1980, as 105,000 Laotian refugees fled to the United States from the political disruptions and warfare in Southeast Asia. Ten years later, numbers totaled only 150,000 scattered throughout the entire U.S. As such, they have become somewhat of an unrecognized minority. California boasts the largest population of Laotian- Americans, 7,000 of which can be found in the huge city of L.A. It is easy for Laotian-Americans to become “lost in the shuffle” of such a populous place. The gospel is available to Laotians in America, though, as in the case of the monks above, exposure does not equal acceptance. Though they spent time in a Christian church studying Christianity, they chose to continue following Buddhism. Most other Laotians have done the same.

Pray that Laotians in Los Angeles would discover the person and love of Christ. Pray that they would be recognized as significant in their new home.—BK

26 Day 18 Shan People in Greater Los Angeles Hebrews 3:12-14, NIV

ai was one of the See to it, brothers and few Christians S sisters, that none of you in the Shan State has a sinful, unbelieving of Burma. He was recruited by the Shan heart that turns away military at age 12, from the living God. But which is a common encourage one another and tragic occurrence. daily, as long as it is called

A Shan woman at a cultural event in L.A Over the years Sai “today,” so that none of became an important you may be hardened by military leader and was recognized by both the Shan sin’s deceitfulness. We and Burmese military. As he started his own family, have come to share in Sai applied for the U.S. diversity visa, which is granted Christ, if indeed we hold by a lottery system. He won the lottery and came to our original conviction Los Angeles with his young daughter, leaving his wife firmly to the very end. and son in Shan State. Sai struggled to learn English and make ends meet, taking the first house and job he found. His wife and son eventually joined him. Still there was no real community that Sai felt part of. During his early years in Los Angeles Sai visited Christian churches but he did not feel he belonged. He later visited a Burmese Buddhist temple, where he felt a great sense of peace that was lacking at a Christian church. Finally he found community and could connect with other Shan. Because of this, Sai decided to convert to Buddhism. His story clearly shows the desperate need the Shan have for community in a foreign land.

Pray American Christ followers will help the Shan discover how they can follow Christ and remain Shan. Pray for believers to welcome the Shan and help them adjust to their new life.—MB and HR, Guest writers

27 Day 19 Hebrews 4:14-16, NIV Muslim Cham People in Greater Los Angeles

he call to prayer sounded Therefore, since we have India China from the minaret of a great high priest who Myanmar T Bay of the mosque in Santa Ana, has ascended into heaven, Bengal Thailand California. Inside people with Jesus the Son of God, let Andaman Asian features bowed in prayer us hold firmly to the faith Sea South China Sea toward Mecca. After the we profess. For we do not prayers, the imam preached have a high priest who is Thailand Laos a sermon from the Qur’an. unable to empathize with The language he spoke wasn’t our weaknesses, but we CAMBODIA Arabic or Khmer; he preached have one who has been Phnom in the Cham language. Penh tempted in every way, just Gulf of Vietnam In 1975 thousands of Cham as we are—yet He did not Thailand people fled from Southeast sin. Let us then approach Asia just ahead of the God’s throne of grace with communist armies that took confidence, so that we over Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. The Cham may receive mercy and people who fled from Vietnam tended to be Hindu. find grace to help us in our Those who fled from Cambodia tended to be Muslim. time of need. In 1975 a large group of Cambodian Cham people settled in Fullerton and Santa Ana. Both cities are in Orange County, just south of Los Angeles. Most of these people settled within a few blocks of the two mosques they built. There is now a new generation of Cham people living in the Greater Los Angeles Area, people who don’t remember Cambodia. This younger generation has started to question the Muslim ways of their parents.

Pray for a spiritual hunger among the Cham people that will lead them to Jesus. Pray for a disciple-making movement among the younger Cham people that will spread to their relatives in Cambodia. Ask God to raise up people who will reach out to this group with the love of Christ.—WK

28 Day 20 Sinhalese Buddhists in Los Angeles Hebrews 12:14-15, NIV

ictory and Make every effort to live peace!” “V in peace with everyone shouted the crowd and to be holy; without outside the Sri Lankan Consulate holiness no one will see the in Los Angeles. It Lord. See to it that no one was May 22, 2015, falls short of the grace of Hannaman God and that no bitter root A Sinhalese Buddhist place of worship the 6th anniversary of the Sri Lankan grows up to cause trouble Army’s victory over the Tamil rebels that had been and defile many. trying to secede from Sri Lanka. The nightmare was over, and there was now peace. The people celebrating were Sinhalese. Buddhist priests blessed the victory celebration because most Sinhalese are Buddhist. The Sinhalese people group makes up a large majority of Sri Lanka’s population. For many years the Sinhalese had been locked into a bitter civil war with the Tamil Tigers, a vicious secessionist group. The Tamils are Hindus, and they often clashed with the Buddhist Sinhalese. Many Sinhalese fled to the United States during the years of war, settling in places like Gardena, a suburb of Los Angeles. For many years politics has dominated the lives of the Sinhalese to the point that spiritual matters were hardly ever considered.

Pray that the Sinhalese Buddhists in Greater Los Angeles will be motivated to seek and find spiritual truth, and they will find it in Jesus Christ. Pray that followers of Jesus Christ in Los Angeles will disciple this people group into the ways of the One who can give them a full life. Pray for a lasting peace in Sri Lanka that will allow for spiritual and economic prosperity.—WK

29 Day 21 Hebrews 13:8-9, NIV Gujarati Hindus in Los Angeles

Jesus Christ is the same ost Hindus learn yesterday and today M spiritual truths through verbal stories, and forever. Do not be not holy books. For carried away by all kinds India’s millions of high- of strange teachings. It is caste Gujaratis, though, a good for our hearts to be cultural separation from strengthened by grace, other Indians and their Hannaman not by eating ceremonial A Gujarati man in LA superior status has kept foods, which is of no them closed to important benefit to those who do so. gospel truths. High-caste Gujaratis also have an aversion to anything that is associated with Western Christian culture. However they are very open to learning about Jesus when it is done in the context of their culture. Imagine if a Bible study were done this way instead.… In the living room Gujaratis spread a sheet over the carpet and scattered pillows in a circle around the edges of the sheet. They set up a small, short-legged table and covered it with a saffron-colored tablecloth. On the table are incense sticks and a small oil lamp ready to be lit. There is a bowl with flower petals floating in water. Each of these elements is familiar to Gujarati Hindus, and they are indicative of worship. Next to the table is a wooden stand with a Gujarati Bible on it. When everyone has arrived, they sit on the sheet in a circle and begin with a Sanskrit language call to worship and a prayer to Jesus in Gujarati. Before or after each song, there are comments about the meaning of the words. After someone reads a story of Jesus, questions and discussion fill the rest of this Bible study.

Pray that a movement of Bible studies will reveal the truths of Jesus to Gujarati Hindus.—LR

30 Day 22 Dawoodi Bohras in Greater Los Angeles Hebrews 13:5-6, NIV

he population of Keep your lives free from the Greater Los T the love of money and be Angeles Metropolitan content with what you Area (GLAMA), is over 18 million have, because God has said, people. It almost “Never will I leave you; seems like every never will I forsake you.” Hannaman So we say with confidence, A Dawoodi Bohra mosque in Ontario, CA language in the world is spoken somewhere “The Lord is my helper; I in GLAMA. Similarly, just about every religion and will not be afraid. What can ethnic group is represented in the area. One small, but mere mortals do to me?” very prominent religious group is the Dawoodi Bohra. Originally from India and Pakistan, their religion is a sub-sect of Shi’ite Islam. Their community consists of many professionals, including business people, doctors, lawyers, architects, and engineers. Members of this community began immigrating to the U.S. two generations ago, but now they finally feel “at home.” One member of the Bohra community exclaimed, ”This is the best feeling I’ve ever had since I came to the United States 15 years ago. This is a dream come true – the whole idea of practicing our religion in this land, with no fear.” (http://www.dailynews. com/20120504/mohammedi-center-of-woodland- hills-holds-open-house) Two new gleaming white marble mosques contribute to their feeling of pride and community. One is in Woodland Hills (in the San Fernando Valley) and the other is in Ontario, about 35 miles east of Los Angeles. However, the Dawoodi Bohras are an exclusive community, and they do not welcome interaction with outsiders, even with other Muslims.

Pray for opportunities for believers to share Christ in a culturally sensitive way with the Dawoodi Bohra community. Pray for a disciple-making movement among the Dawoodi Bohras to begin in Los Angeles and spread to their communities in Mumbai, India.—JS 31 Day 23 Hebrews 10:29-31, NIV Ahmadiyya Muslims in Greater Los Angeles

he most evangelistic Muslim community in How much more severely Los Angeles is probably one that you haven’t do you think someone T even heard of, and most Muslims consider them deserves to be punished to be heretics. This sect of Islam is the Ahmadiyya who has trampled the Son Muslim community. Their leader has on his business of God underfoot, who has card, “U.S. Missionary & Minister – SW region.” treated as an unholy thing Originally from India and Pakistan, they speak Urdu the blood of the covenant and English. They live in Chino, La Puente, and that sanctified them, and Hawthorne, all in different parts of GLAMA. who has insulted the Spirit They embrace the prophets of the Qur’an and the of grace? For we know him Old Testament. They hold to the traditional Five who said, “It is mine to Pillars of Islam, but they think that the long-awaited avenge; I will repay,” and Messiah came in the 19th century in the person of again, “The Lord will judge Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. However, they think this His people.” It is a dreadful was the second coming of the Messiah! thing to fall into the hands What was the first coming? It was Jesus of Nazareth; of the living God. however, they believe that Jesus survived the crucifixion and travelled to India to continue his ministry among the Lost Tribes of Israel. They even claim that his tomb, containing his body, was recently discovered in India. It is easy to see why most Muslims consider them to be a cult. Their beliefs motivate them to share and convert people to their form of Islam. It is also these beliefs that have caused them to be killed and persecuted in places like Pakistan and Bangladesh. They have had to move constantly to find a place where they can worship freely.

Pray for the Holy Spirit to give these sincere people dreams and visions of the true Jesus and the salvation He alone offers.—JS

32 Day 24 Hindi Speakers in Greater Los Angeles Hebrews 9:22, NIV

ne way to determine In fact, the law requires the presence of O that nearly everything be an ethnic community cleansed with blood, and in an area is to look for restaurants serving the without the shedding of dishes of that culture. blood there is no forgiveness. That is certainly true of those from an Indian background living in the Greater Los Angeles Metropolitan Area. A Hindu temple in Malibu, CA There are about 35,000 Hindi-speakers scattered widely throughout the Los Angeles area. Many of them arrived after 1965 when the Immigration and Nationality Services Act was passed, opening the door to immigrants who wished to work and start families in the United States. Since that time there have emerged a number of Indian Christian churches in Greater Los Angeles. However, Hinduism is the primary religion of the vast majority of Hindi speakers both in India and the United States. Most Indian families make special efforts to encourage their young people to marry within their community and maintain their cultural and religious heritage. The best way to interest Hindu practicing Indians in Christianity is through relational evangelism. Intentionally befriend Indians that God brings into your life. Show an interest in their culture and food. Let them teach you about their culture, but be ready to share the hope that is in you when the opportunity arises.

Pray for the God-given appointments with Indians in your realm of influence, and be ready to give an answer for the hope that is within you. Pray for Hindi speaking disciples to emerge throughout Southern California.—JS

33 Day 25 Hebrews 12: 1-3, NIV Hindu Nepalis in Greater Los Angeles

hat you get in Therefore, since we are the end is what is NEPAL “W surrounded by such a great important.” This is a common cloud of witnesses, let us philosophy of people from Bay of throw off everything that Bengal Nepal. This belief encourages hinders and the sin that so lying, dishonesty, and easily entangles. And let unethical practices. If the us run with perseverance end justifies the means, then

the race marked out for us, CHINA there is no integrity, and fixing our eyes on Jesus, the people cannot be trusted. pioneer and perfecter of NEPAL Kathmandu Unfortunately, this Nepalese BHUTAN faith. For the joy set before character trait has come with immigrants to the Him He endured the cross, INDIA BANGLADESH scorning its shame, and sat United States, even among Christians! There is a great down at the right hand of need among Nepalese believers for sound biblical the throne of God. Consider instruction and discipleship that will permeate every Him who endured such area of their lives. opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow When immigrants come from Nepal, usually both weary and lose heart. parents work long hours, often 14 hours a day. This leaves children in need of care after school. One big complaint of Nepalese families is that their children are easily influenced by the drug culture and everything that is undesirable among American youth. Families yearn for socialization with other Nepali families, but there is little time or opportunity with their heavy work schedules. There is a definite need for church and community outreach to both parents and their children that will help them excel economically and spiritually.

Pray for programs to provide Nepali youths a safe, Christ-centered place to study and play without the negative influences of the world. Pray for believers and child evangelists to begin such programs. Pray for efforts to help Nepali Hindus acculturate to the United States that will help meet their physical, financial, and spiritual needs.—JS 34 Day 26 Kannadigas in Los Angeles Hebrews 11:1-3, NIV

(This is a fictional Now faith is confidence account based in reality) in what we hope for and rumming a assurance about what we D hasty beat on do not see. This is what the the steering wheel, ancients were commended Hannaman Kamini stared at for. By faith we understand A Hindu home where poojas are performed the red light almost that the universe was formed willing it to turn green. She checked her wristwatch at God’s command, so that for the 4th time since the car came to a stop. “I’m what is seen was not made going to be late for the meeting,” she mumbled as if out of what was visible. to a non-existent rider. “I should have performed the pooja in the evening.” Kamini is a Kannadiga Indian immigrant to the United States from the southern Indian state of Karnataka. After having graduated from the Indian Institute of Technology, she accepted a job in Los Angeles. Her rise from a programmer to a tech lead in one year amazed even her boss. A deeply devout Hindu, Kamini performs poojas (Hindu worship rituals) early each morning at her home and joins other Kannadigas in and around Los Angeles to conduct and participate in bhajans (religious singing). In addition she financially supports religious activity in her small village in Karnataka. Unlike the other three states in southern India, Karnataka has a small percentage of Christians of any form. Those who have migrated to Los Angeles generally melt in with other people from India and lose their identity with their unique language and culture.

Pray that the diaspora Kannadigas would come to hear of Jesus Christ and experience His love. Pray that they will be used of God to tell of His glory in Karnataka.—EJD

35 Day 27 Hebrews 2:14-18, NIV Bangladeshis in Los Angeles

(This account is fictional but Since the children have it is based in reality) flesh and blood, He too shared in their humanity ifting the window so that by His death He L blinds, Senjuti saw might break the power of the small patch of grass in him who holds the power front of her tiny apartment of death—that is, the turn from a sunlit pale

Hannaman green to a darker shade devil—and free those A Bangladeshi woman in Los Angeles as the sun made its final who all their lives were descent for the day. Soon held in slavery by their yellow street lamps would turn on. Cars would pull fear of death. For surely it into tiny, designated carports, and people would is not angels He helps, but hurry into their homes, without so much as looking Abraham’s descendants. at the people they walk past. It was 7 p.m. before she For this reason He had to realized it. The small grassy courtyard stood empty be made like them, fully and alone, reflecting how her life had turned out. human in every way, Senjuti spoke little English. The only time she in order that He might dared venture outside her home was when her become a merciful and husband accompanied her shopping or going to faithful high priest in the mosque. Her days were spent cooking and service to God, and that He cleaning and making long distance calls to a family might make atonement and community whose warmth and affection for the sins of the people. accentuated this cold isolation she endured. She Because He himself suffered loved her husband who did his very best to make her when He was tempted, He comfortable, but he had to work long hours and often is able to help those who during the weekends. are being tempted. Pray that members of the Bangladeshi community in Los Angeles will come in contact with a loving Christian community that would embrace them with the love of Christ. Pray that Bangladeshi Muslims will experience the loving-kindness of the Lord.—EJD

36 Day 28 Sindhi People in Los Angeles Hebrews 13:20-21, NIV

ana’s golden bracelets jangled as she gently Now may the God of peace, kneaded chickpea flour with cilantro, chilies, H who through the blood yogurt, and oil in her Los Angeles home. She was making her family’s favored thick dumplings and of the eternal covenant enjoying the company of her niece, Neda, who suddenly brought back from the thought about something she was reading that made dead our Lord Jesus, that her wash the flour off her hands and face Hana. great shepherd of the sheep, equip you with “Auntie, I’m reading a great book; the title is, I Am everything good for doing a Sindhi: The Glorious Sindhi Heritage & The Culture His will, and may He work and Folklore of Sindhi. Neda read her aunt a review of in us what is pleasing to the book. “Sindhi diaspora is a unique example of a community that was driven away from its native land, Him, through Jesus Christ, became refugees in their own country (India), and rose to whom be glory for ever like a Phoenix from the smoldering ashes of Partition and ever. Amen. (Pakistan/India), to become one of the most successful people in the world. It traces its history, which began on the banks of the sacred Sindhu River of India to the present. The author tells about the faiths of the Sindhi people, their romantic legends, immortal poets, unique spirit, and culture.” In 1947 Muslim Pakistan broke away from primarily Hindu India. Having both Hindu and Muslim populations, Sindhis were caught in the middle of a violent, struggling society. A large numbers of Hindu Sindhis fled to India or to the West. There are over 30,000 Sindhis in Los Angeles. Most of them are Hindu and few are Muslim.

Pray that believers in Los Angeles will extend friendship to the Sindhis and introduce them to the joy of knowing Jesus.—PD

37 Day 29 Hebrews 8:6, 13, NIV Persian Jews in Greater Los Angeles

But in fact the ministry Oregon pread out like a vast Persian carpet, Sam Jesus has received is as Sacramento S Nevada superior to theirs as the SanFrancisco Nazarian’s $18.9 million covenant of which He is California mansion towers over the city of Los Angeles. Nazarian mediator is superior to Los Angeles Arizona the old one, since the new SanDiego and his family, who like many covenant is established Iranian Jews left Tehran Rancho during the 1979 revolution, on better promises. … Encino Cucamonga Pasadena are leaders of a powerful By calling this covenant Covina Beverly Hills Persian Jewish elite in Beverly “new,” He has made the first Monterey Park Hills. At 33, he has built an Los Angeles one obsolete; and what is Anaheim Santa Monica empire that includes trendy obsolete and outdated will Long Beach Santa Ana nightclubs, restaurants, and soon disappear. flashy hotels. Sam is joined by many other affluent Persian Jewish families. Almost every block of Pico Boulevard in Brentwood, just south of Beverly Hills, has a grocery or other store with large signs in Farsi. Westwood Boulevard, about a mile west of Beverly Hills, has an equally visible Persian presence. Almost 15,000 Persian Jewish people reside in Greater Los Angeles. The majority live in Beverly Hills, Brentwood, and Encino. Many worship in Conservative synagogues in Los Angeles such as the Sinai Temple, the oldest Conservative congregation in Los Angeles, located in affluent Westwood. Many are very secular in their worldview, still holding on to their Jewish ethnic identity. The older generation is concerned that their American born children are no longer following the foundation of Judaism. There are a few that have become Messianic Jews.

Pray that these Persian Jews in Los Angeles will hear God’s gospel and know that true joy in life does not come from personal treasure, but in having the peace of know- ing Jesus. Pray that Persian Messianic Jews will be able to reach their people.—PD

38 Day 30 Russian Jews in Greater Los Angeles Hebrews 9:13-15, NIV

peaking for The blood of goats and “Sthe Russian bulls and the ashes of a Jewish Federation heifer sprinkled on those in Los Angeles,” who are ceremonially Sarra stated, unclean sanctify them so

Hannaman “Approximately that they are outwardly A temple frequented by Russian Jews 80,000 Russian clean. How much more, Jews live in Los Angeles. They don’t all live in West Hollywood. Sure, then, will the blood of Russians playing dominoes is a common sight in the Christ, who through the neighborhood’s Plummer Park. But there are Russian eternal Spirit offered eateries, grocery stores, and businesses lining the Himself unblemished stretch of Santa Monica Boulevard that runs through to God, cleanse our West Hollywood. Some of our people are just consciences from acts beginning to learn about their Jewish backgrounds.” that lead to death, so that Many Russian Jewish immigrants began to migrate to we may serve the living the U.S. in 1982. They had been under the oppressive God! For this reason Christ Soviet regime that placed restriction on their religious is the mediator of a new practices, education, arts, and culture. In fear they no covenant, that those who longer practiced their Jewish traditions in Russia. This are called may receive affected their children who did not identify as Jewish. the promised eternal inheritance—now that Inspired to make a change, a number of Russian He has died as a ransom Jewish-background believers in Los Angeles became supporters of programs designed to strengthen their to set them free from the Jewish identity. For the first time many Russian Jews sins committed under the in Los Angeles began to learn about their Jewish first covenant. traditions and culture. One program is the Russian Jewish B’nai Mitzvah Project in which young Jewish adults study and prepare for their Bar Mitzvahs which symbolizes a new level of dedication to their faith and culture.

Pray that God will uniquely develop a way for Messianic Jewish believers to reach out to these Jewish people in L.A. May their desire to know God through the reading of the Torah lead them to knowing Jesus as savior.—PD

39 Hebrews 13:16,NIV Day 31 sacrifices God ispleased. with others, forwithsuch to dogoodandto share His name. Anddonotforget of lipsthat openlyprofess fruit sacrifice of praise—the us continuallya offer to God Through Jesus, therefore, let 40 West Africa.—CL God Ask Wolof ofChrist. to to the people beopen truth Angeles Area. Area. Angeles thatare too! people The It is estimated now America. A mission strategy statement say, might strategy “ForA mission a Pray churches for and mission agencies to realize and In L.A. the Wolof the not seen somuch as are L.A. In to iscoming It’s that not food of the Senegal just to establish Kingdom His among them the and use Wolof who reside in L.A. as missionaries to their missionaries families as in who reside inL.A. seize the chance to take God’s Word theseize chance to to God’s andlove take the Wolof in and around Los Angeles. Los in andaround Pray ofthe the for hearts whom He wants to be in relationship with. We with. whom relationship to in He be view wants with some of the world’s most unreached people right people right some world’s of the with most unreached Wolof the interact and meet with youcan people, talented actors, actresses, athletes, models, musicians, musicians, models, athletes, actresses, actors, talented them as people in needgospel. of people in the as them precious people created in His image, people with people with image, His in precious people created genuine opportunity to share the good news of Christ of Christ news good the to share opportunity genuine immigrants or even people from West Africa, but as West people from or even Africa, immigrants in Los Angeles.” Los in at least 300 Wolof Greater Los the 300 in at least live people students, and business owners. God views them as as them views God owners. business and students, Wolof People inLos Angeles “F Los Angeles.”Los Senegal,” the world’s most vibrant vibrant most world’s ticket to Dakar. You to Dakar. ticket have to buy a plane can enjoy the very enjoy very the can don’t “you declares, cuisines right here in here in right cuisines advertisement best of onebest of the taste of taste or a genuine or agenuine S d h Vi i Spread the Vision Spread the Vision! family. or fellowship for your to get resources Use this order form Introduce your congregation to unreached people groups and their prayer needs.

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Mindanao: A Beautiful Island Caught Between Rebel Insurgents

9— Tuboy Subanon On the Run From Muslim Insurgents 18—Don’t Cross the Rebels, Or They Will Burn Your Home 19—Islam and Animism Blend Among the Pangutaran Sama People 25—Tausug People May Not Be Unreached Much Longer! 27—Yakans Use Cloth to Protect Newborns from Spirits Editorial JUNE 2016 RECORDS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS Dear Praying Friends, Frontier Ventures 1605 East Elizabeth Street Every time we cover the Pasadena, CA 91104-2721 Tel: (330) 626-3361 I feel a little [email protected] guilty. We haven’t prayed EDITOR-IN-CHIEF for the unreached people Keith Carey groups in this country in 15 ASSISTANT EDITOR years. Every June we pray Paula Fern for spiritually needy people WRITERS in Southeast Asia. In this Patricia Depew Patti Ediger issue of the Global Prayer Digest we will concentrate Wesley Kawato on the Muslims of , the most southern Ben Kluett island in the Philippine nation. Arlene Knickerbocker Esther Jerome-Dharmaraj This country is blessed with a large local mission Christopher Lane Annabeth Lewis force that is reaching the Muslims on the island. Karen Hightower We don’t hear much about all the effort being made Ted Proffitt Lydia Reynolds by dedicated believers. Jeff Rockwell Jean Smith If we publish too much about their work, we might Jane W. Sveska cause security problems. But we did find out about DAILY BIBLE COMMENTARIES a Filipino pastor, Feliciano “Cris” Lasawang, who Keith Carey gave his life for the gospel last year at the hands of David Dougherty Robert Rutz one of Mindanao’s rebel groups. The church plant- ing work is now blossoming. You will read about CUSTOMER SERVICE Dan Eddy this work on the first three days of the GPD, thanks Lois Carey to the Morning Star News. GRAPHICS There are numerous rebel groups that each have Garrett Inouye their own wicked agenda for Mindanao. As usual, PRINTER innocent people get harmed in the crossfire. Pray Diversified Printers , La Mirada, CA

for safety for the people who live on this island, as WEB SITE well as for those who boldly take the gospel to this www.globalprayerdigest.org beautiful part of the world. ISSN 1045-9731 Contents of the Global Prayer Digest © 2016 In Christ, Frontier Ventures 1605 East Elizabeth Street Pasadena, CA 91104

Contents of this booklet may be Keith Carey, editor-in-chief, GPD reproduced if appropriate credit and subscription information are given.

[email protected] For subscription information, call (330) 626-3361. Globalprayerdigest.org For comments on content, call (626) 398-2241.

46 Feature of the Month

Pray for a Disciple-Making Movement Among Every People in Mindanao


Mindanao Is.

Davao Zamboanga

47 To Help You Pray Better Pray for the Unconquerable Peoples of Mindanao Island in the Philippines

—by Wesley Kawato

ver 2000 years ago Mindanao Island was home to a black-skinned people. Then a wave of O brown-skinned invaders arrived from Asia. These newcomers became the ancestors of the people groups that now call Mindanao their home. The invaders settled on all of the islands that make up the Philippines.

They worshipped a god called Bathala, the head of a pantheon of nature spirits. This early religion lacked any moral code. Around 1300 A.D. a Muslim missionary named Tuan Masha’ika arrived on Mindanao. People flocked to hear him teach about a god with a well-defined moral code. Masha’ika, and those who came after him, won many converts to the Muslim religion on Mindanao. The worship of Allah filled the moral vacuum many of these people had felt. By 1521 Islam was firmly established on Mindanao, but there were few, if any, Muslims on the Filipino islands north of Mindanao. Background 48 Unconquerable Peoples of Mindanao

Spanish Colonizers In 1521, Spanish explorer Ferdinand Magellan arrived in the Philippines. He claimed all of those islands for and even won a few converts to his Catholic faith. Magellan died on the island of Cebu while trying to settle a tribal dispute. Spain used the death of Magellan as an excuse to take over all of the Philippines. Spain then issued land grants to Spanish families who went to the Philippines. These land grant recipients established the dozen or so rich families that still control the Philippine economy today. In time most people in the northern Philippine Islands adopted a form of Roman Catholicism brought to them by missionaries.

Things were different on Mindanao. Spanish settlers had to be well armed because that island was ruled by a powerful Muslim . There were frequent clashes on Mindanao between the Spanish settlers and the local Muslim population. Often the Spanish army had to rescue the settlers. Catholic missionaries made little effort to understand the culture of the people groups on Mindanao. Such insensitivity often led to local upris- ings. The Spanish army often had to rescue missionaries who’d gotten themselves into trouble with the local people. By the end of the Spanish rule in 1898, Spain still didn’t control all of Mindanao. The Spaniards managed to force the Muslim to pay tribute to Spain, but they held very little political control. From the Spanish to the American Colonial Powers America took control of the Philippines after defeating Spain in the 1898 Spanish-American War. At first the Muslim sultans of Mindanao considered the Americans to be their friends. The Americans had just crushed some “Christian” resistance groups on the northern islands, people the sultans considered to be their enemies.

But the sultans quickly learned that the Americans were just as exploitive as the Spanish. A revolt began on Mindanao. The American army crushed that revolt with the help of Muslim collaborators. A few sultans had accepted American bribes and had provided troops for the American side. They had done this as a way of settling scores with other sultans.

continued on next page 49 Unconquerable Peoples of Mindanao

Independence and Conflict with the Southern Muslims In 1946 the Philippines became independent, and Manuel Roxas was elected the first president. Roxas tried to unify the country, but his efforts were rejected by the Muslim leaders of Mindanao. They didn’t trust Roxas because he came from a Christian people group on one of the northern islands.

People began migrating to Mindanao from the northern islands in droves after 1946. These newcomers were nominally Christian, and came from people groups who’d embraced the message of the Spanish era Catholic missionaries.

The newcomers often staked out land claims before a region had been opened for settlement by the new Philippine government. On Mindanao many Muslim people groups had no concept of personal land ownership. They considered all land to be owned by the community, and assigned for use to groups by the local village chief. People receiving such land never considered themselves to be the “owners” of it.

Trouble started when settlers took over land that had been claimed by nearby Muslim villages. Armed clashes became a problem. Often the Philippine Army was unable or unwilling to stop the fighting. Both sides began forming militia groups for protection. By the 1960s the situation was out of control.

In 1971 efforts were made to negotiate peace on Mindanao. Peace talks were scheduled to begin in the Muslim town of Manili. But on the ap- pointed day, a “Christian” militia, not diplomats, arrived in Manili. They opened fire killing 75 Muslims, including women and children. Reprisal killings followed the Manili Massacre. The tensions on Mindanao escalated into a full-blown civil war.

In 1972 a military coup turned the Philippines into a dictatorship. President Ferdinand Marcos, elected in 1966, began ruling by decree. That frightened the Muslim leaders of Mindanao. Marcos came from one of the northern island “Christian” people groups. The Muslim leaders feared the coup might be a prelude to genocide. Many Muslim militias banded

5050 Unconquerable Peoples of Mindanao together to fight the expected “Christian” invasion of Mindanao. That was how the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) was formed.

But the MNLF was never able to gain the support of all Muslims on Mindanao. Many militias either left the MNLF or never joined the guerilla group when it became clear that Marcos wasn’t going to launch a war of genocide. The lack of unity prevented a successful war of secession for the people of Mindanao.

In 1986 the People Power Revolution ousted President Marcos and restored democracy to the Philippines. The changed political climate restarted the peace negotiations on Mindanao. Those negotiations split the MNLF into two factions. In 1989 the hard line faction cut their ties with the moderates and formed a group called Abu Sayyaf. In 1996 a Muslim autonomous region was formed in part of Mindanao and the MNLF evolved into a legitimate political party. But Abu Sayyaf continued to commit acts of terror. In recent years ISIS has also become active on Mindanao.

There will be continued unrest on Mindanao until the causes of that unrest have been dealt with. One big cause is the lack of economic opportunity. In the Philippines 10 to 15 families control most of the wealth. A second cause of discontent is cultural insensitivity. Until recently the northern “Christian” people groups in the Philippines made little effort to understand or appreciate the culture of their Muslim neighbors on Mindanao.

Let’s Pray! • Pray that there would be peace on Mindanao. Peace will allow mis- sionaries to spread the message of salvation on that island. • Pray that the Muslim people of Mindanao would come to see the difference between true faith in Christ and nominal Christianity. • Pray for the Lord to establish his presence in Mindanao through economic justice. • Pray for every people group in Mindanao to soon embrace Jesus Christ, the One who is above all political and religious disputes.

51 Day 1 Isaiah 59:7-9, NIV Missionary Biography, Feliciano Lasawang

Their feet rush into sin; hristians on the Philippine island of Mindanao they are swift to shed C believe Maoist rebels are responsible for killing a Baptist pastor and his adult son near a southern innocent blood. They town on Nov. 27, 2015. pursue evil schemes acts of violence mark their A friend of the pastor in Mindanao told Morning ways. The way of peace Star News that area Christians believe insurgents they do not know; there is with the New People’s Army (NPA), an armed no justice in their paths. wing of the Communist Party of the Philippines, They have turned them were responsible for shooting Pastor Feliciano “Cris” Lasawang, 50, and his 24-year-old son into crooked roads; no Darwin as they bathed in the Culaman River at 6 one who walks along a.m. (http://morningstarnews.org/2015/12/maoist- them will know peace. rebel-group-suspected-in-killing-of-pastor-son-in- So justice is far from us, the-philippines/) and righteousness does not reach us. We look for According to relatives, Pastor Lasawang was shot light, but all is darkness for three times in the body, and his son was shot once in the face. The two men died at the site. They had brightness, but we walk in conducted baptisms in the same river where they deep shadows. died, according to U.S.-based Christian Aid Mission, which assists native ministries around the world. The pastor’s friend, whose name is withheld for security reasons, said the area Christians suspect New People’s Army (NPA) rebels because the guerrillas believe church growth dampens insurgent recruitment efforts. The pastor had received reports that communist militants were monitoring his movements. “Pastor Cris had received intelligence reports that the NPA guerillas were eyeing him as he was going around to communities telling NPA sympathizers that armed struggle was not the solution,” he told Morning Star News.

Pray that the blood of these martyrs will cause church planting movements to spring up among every unreached people group in Mindanao.

52 Day 2 Biography Continued, Lasawang Isaiah 9:2, NET

astor Lasawang is survived by his wife and The people walking in seven other children, the youngest 13 years P darkness see a bright old. Pastor Lasawang put his faith in Christ in 2007 light; light shines on after observing positive change in a cousin who had become a Christian. In 2013, he dedicated himself those who live in a land of to pastoring and planted a Baptist church in Jose deep darkness. Abad Santos in Davao del Sur (technically Davao Occidental Province, but still governed by Davao del Sur until elections in 2016). The church, where 300 people attend worship service weekly at a building with a capacity of 150, remains without a pastor, and NPA guerillas continue to be a threat, sources said. Members of the congregation are volunteering to exhort the gathering on Sundays. Despite opposition in the area from both communist and Islamic insurgent groups, another house church has opened in a nearby village to meet the needs of a growing number of people interested in Bible study, the pastor’s friend said. “The ministry in Jose Abad town will continue despite the absence of a full-time minister there,” he said.

Pray that the ministries in Mindanao will be strengthened by these efforts of Satan to kill, steal, and destroy. Pray that thousands will understand the difference between doctrines that promote killing versus the teachings of the Almighty Jesus, who teaches us to love our enemies.— Morning Star News

53 Day 3 Isaiah 11:6-7, NET Biography Continued, Lasawang

hristian communities in the southern A wolf will reside with a Philippines are vulnerable to sporadic rebel lamb, and a leopard will C attacks as a result of failed peace talks between the lie down with a young national government and numerous separatist groups. goat; an ox and a young The Philippines, with an estimated 100 million lion will graze together, people, is choosing a new president, and many as a small child leads Christians in the region hope that the next president them along. A cow and a will address the complex problems of insurgencies on bear will graze together, Mindanao Island. their young will lie down Rolly Pelinggon, former vice president of the together. A lion, like an Philippine Student Alliance Lay Movement ox, will eat straw. (PSALM), told Morning Star News that the next president of the Philippines should have peace negotiators from the southern Philippines. Most peace negotiations with the rebels fail, Pelinggon said, because the designated peace negotiators are based in Manila and do not have an in-depth understanding of the regional complexities. The pastor’s friend had not been able to visit the church for two years because of the rebel presence, but he received permission to do so on Oct. 27, he said. According to Christian Aid Mission, he was able to meet briefly with Pastor Lasawang and discuss how to manage the increased attendance at the church and how to continue evangelistic outreach and discipleship. “We both had lively plans,” he told Christian Aid Mission, “full of hopes, accelerating desires to serve the Servant King, not knowing in God’s plan that that would be our last fellowship here on earth.”

Pray for believers to boldly and lovingly go, even to their enemies, with the message that Jesus offers far more than they can ever imagine.— Morning Star News

54 Day 4 Rebels Coming to Christ Isaiah 52:7, NIV

he November 14, 2015, How beautiful on the Mindanao Examiner’s T mountains are the feet banner read, “From Warriors of those who bring good to Preachers: More Rebels Embrace Jesus Miracle Crusade news, who proclaim International Ministry.” What’s peace, who bring good happening? God is invading the tidings, who proclaim PHILIPPINES salvation, who say to Zion, Manila Philippines! Why have these former communist rebels in the “Your God reigns!” Mindanao Is. Palawan southern Philippines embraced Davao the teachings of God and been Zamboanga baptized? Why have they vowed to preach the miracles they themselves have witnessed? They were convinced by so-called “prayer warriors.” Prayer is a mighty tool God uses to change the hearts of people - even the hearts of communist rebels who have committed countless atrocities. A small team of prayer warriors led by Brother Danny Cuarteros braved the mountains and jungles of an area of Mindanao where they visited the town of San Fernando to meet with the armed group of Alde Salusad’s communist rebels. Brother Cuarteros risked his life to bring the message of hope and love to entire communities. Just a few months after his first visit, he returned to baptize Salusad and dozens of his followers from the local indigenous group. Even Salusad’s father wanted to join his son and become the instrument of God so that he too could spread the peace and love of Jesus among other indigenous communities. This father/son team is very influential in the local Manobo communities.

Praise God for the salvation He is bringing to the Philippines! Pray for God’s word to spread throughout the nation until there is a church planting movement among every people group.—JS

55 Day 5 Isaiah 6:2-3, NET Cotabato Manobo People

he Cotabato Manobo people of Mindanao are Seraphs stood over Him; one cluster of eight closely related groups that each one had six wings. T inhabit this Philippine island. Their lifestyle is very With two wings they primitive as seen in their slash and burn agricultural covered their faces, with practices. Thus, the Manobo do not get good yields two they covered their from their land. They are thought to be descendants of feet, and they used the early Malay people who migrated to Mindanao. The remaining two to fly. They Cotabato Manobo are centuries behind the rest of the called out to one another, world in their way of life. “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord They have a tribal lifestyle with a leader called a who commands armies! His sultan who is the head of the group. Beneath him majestic splendor fills the are the royal and non-royal classes. The sultan or entire earth!” dutu officiates at many social activities. The people believe in unseen spirits which interfere in the lives of humans to accomplish their desires. They also believe in one “great creator spirit.” The Manobo need a modern day Apostle Paul to share with them what he told the Athenians: “I even found an altar with this inscription: to an unknown God. So you are ignorant of the very thing you worship – and this is what I am going to proclaim to you” (Acts 17:23).

Prayer alone has the power to break through the strong- holds of spirit worship. Ask God for believers to regularly stand in the gap and pray for the salvation of the Cotabato Manobo people. Pray that soon there will be a disciple- making movement to Christ among them that will spread to all their villages.—JS

56 Day 6 Umayamnon Manobo People Isaiah 40:10-11, NIV

robably the least advanced of the seven Manobo See, the Sovereign Lord tribes in the mountains of Bukidnon in central P comes with power, and He Mindanao are the Umayamnon people. Their lives rules with a mighty arm. are still very primitive, and they depend on below- subsistence level farming. They fish in the nearby See, His reward is with Pulangi and Umyam Rivers. There are only a little Him, and His recompense over 6,000 Umayamnon people. Their language is not accompanies Him. He tends understood by some of the other Manobo tribes. His flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in His Mission agencies are reaching out to them. One arms and carries them close organization is OMF International whose stated goal to His heart; He gently leads is being “advocates” for Christ for every people group in East Asia. They encourage, enable, and equip the those that have young. body of Christ to serve God’s purpose among them. Very few Umayamnon children get an education, but OMF International has a project called Umayamnon Student Sponsorship P65149 that solicits donations to support a school and dormitory. The school serves 100 children from grades one through six and 30 high school students. OMF’s hope is that God will bring students to the program who will benefit the most from their education. It is very important to the tribes to maintain their ancestral culture. Every September the seven tribes that occupy the mountains of Bukidnon in central Mindanao meet and celebrate the Kaamulan Festival which shows how they have preserved their culture despite huge changes these past decades.

Pray for the school’s protection from oppressive political leaders. Pray for appropriate livelihood projects that will help them to flourish in the 21st century. Pray for them to meet Jesus, their savior and healer.—JS

57 Day 7 Isaiah 40:25-26, NIV Mamanwa People

“To whom will you (This story illustrates what might happen among this compare me? Or who is people group.) my equal?” says the Holy he leaves hardly twitched as the python One. Lift up your eyes and T slithered intricately through the jungle floor. look to the heavens: Who He watched the rat caught by his paw in the trap for created all these? He who several minutes. It was time. He struck like the tail brings out the starry host of a whip, snatching the rodent unaware. “We have one by one and calls forth him!” The dark-skinned men pounced on the python each of them by name. and killed him with a single blow with their steel Because of his great power machetes. They carried the prize into the commune of 20 houses formed in a circle. The women and and mighty strength, not children ran laughing and celebrating, looking one of them is missing. forward to a great feast of wild fruit, honey, nuts, and savory python meat that night. The tribal Mamanwa Negrito people are descendants of the original inhabitants of the Philippines. They number about 8,000 and live in the southern region of the islands. They have respect for their elders and they select a wise older person as judge and leader of each commune. The groups are comprised of three to 20 family households. Mamanwa Negrito is one of the Philippines unreached people groups, and only about two percent of their population call themselves Christian; all of these are Roman Catholic.

Pray that gospel recordings and the New Testament, which have been available in their language since 1982 will find eager and accepting hearts as the Lord thrusts out workers to share the gospel with the Mamanwa Negrito people. Pray that God’s church will be raised up and new and eternal life will bless these beautiful people.—PE

58 Day 8 Tau’t Bato People Isaiah 40:3-5, NIV

(This story illustrates what might happen among this A voice of one calling: “In people group.) the wilderness prepare umihay, dressed only in a bark and cloth G-string, the way for the Lord; make Tswung the spiked bat-catcher with gusto. Ah, these straight in the desert will make a good dinner, he thought. His blowgun a highway for our God. brought down two birds. Together with tomatoes, Every valley shall be raised cassavas, and beans from the garden, there should be up, every mountain and plenty for the four families that dwell in his cave. hill made low; the rough On the way home Tumihay drew another tobacco leaf ground shall become level, “cigarette” from his pouch and lit it from the stub of the rugged places a plain. the one he was finishing. Everyone in his cave smokes And the glory of the Lord almost endlessly. will be revealed, and all Twenty years ago only the Lord God knew of the people will see it together. small group of people called, “the Rock People.” They For the mouth of the Lord were the last discovered tribe of the Philippine Islands. has spoken.” Because of their isolation and extremely remote location, they have remained a very primitive people. There are only 100 families of the Tau’t Bato known to exist. They are only one percent evangelical Christian, 10 percent Islamic, and the rest follow other beliefs. Missionaries once tried to approach them, but left saying the “Rock People” were “too hard-headed.”

Pray that God, who is our rock, will send His Holy Spirit to reveal Jesus to these one hundred families. Pray that a supernatural revelation would sweep the people so that they will forsake false gods and turn to Jesus with open hearts. Pray that followers of Christ will go to them and remain with patience and love so that they will have a chance to be discipled into His kingdom.—PE

59 Day 9 Isaiah 66:12-14, NIV Tuboy

(This story illustrates the lifestyle of this people group.) For this is what the Lord says: “I will extend peace oJo packed her simple belongings in bundles and to her like a river, and the J placed them in front of her thatched home. She wealth of nations like a took a last aching look at the fields that lay below. Her flooding stream; you will husband, Paterno, would soon take the last load to nurse and be carried on their new home south of this mountain. She sighed, her arm and dandled on knowing the grueling work involved in setting up a new house and field once again. her knees. As a mother comforts her child, so will The Tuboy Subanon are a farming people of about I comfort you and you 21,000. Their farming practices include slashing and will be comforted over burning an area for family fields, growing rice for Jerusalem.” When you see four years, then moving to another area to repeat the this, your heart will rejoice process while the land lies fallow for 15 years. Because and you will flourish like of Muslim incursions, they have been forced into the grass; the hand of the Lord mountainous areas. will be made known to His The Subanon, meaning “river people,” believe in many servants, but His fury will gods, and most of these people have never heard the be shown to His foes. gospel. The JESUS Film is in their language, but they have no written Bible. Only about one in 500 is a follower of Christ.

Pray for missionaries to take the good news of Jesus to the Tuboy Subanon in Mindanao. Pray for wisdom and favor for mission agencies trying to reach them. May God grant the Tuboy Subanon the gift of a triumphant, vibrant church. Pray that the missionaries would be sensitive to the strongly-held ties these indigenous people have to their ancestral domain. Pray for God’s mercy for these people who suffer at the hands of Muslim rebels who want to take their land.—PE

60 Day 10 Jama Mapun (AKA, Bajao Kagayan) People Isaiah 6:5, NET

(This is a fictional I said, “Too bad for me! I am account that reflects destroyed, for my lips are how they live.) contaminated by sin, and I he heavy live among people whose T raindrops lips are contaminated by created circular sin. My eyes have seen patterns on the the king, the Lord who water on which Bailey commands armies.” her house stood. She sat on the wooden platform that circled their single room home. Shading her eyes, she looked up at the sky to see if the rains would be torrential or if it was just another quick passing shower. Dark clouds hung low and ominous. A worried frown began to take shape on her forehead. Her husband was at sea, fishing with her brothers. They had left late in the evening the previous day when the sky was blue and there was not even the faintest indication of rainfall. She told herself she was not going to worry. They have faced this situation before and have returned safely. If Allah wills, they will be safe, she thought as a chill ran down her spine. The Kagayan Bajao inhabit the Cagayan de and Turtle (Taganak) Islands. They live in houses that are built on stilts. Their main source of livelihood is fishing. They fish often at night, mostly in all male crews, returning home in the morning. They are Sunni Muslims. According to the Joshua Project, there are few resources and believers to tell them about the loving Savior.

Pray that God would raise from among His children laborers to work among the Kagayan Bajao. Pray also that the Lord would speak to them in His still clear voice, and they would listen.—EJD

61 Day 11 Isaiah 32:17-18, NIV Kalagan People

The fruit of that (This story illustrates righteousness will be peace; what might happen its effect will be quietness among this people group.) and confidence forever. My itting under the people will live in peaceful S protective shade dwelling places, in secure of a small pavilion, a homes, in undisturbed group of colorfully dressed women are places of rest. Bailey producing music from a set of gongs that appear similar in shape to cooking pots. They sound like steel drums, and children are dancing to the traditional ringing tones. The Kalagan people probably migrated several thousand years ago from the Asian mainland. They are primarily an agricultural people, growing vegetables, fruits, and grains. Fishing is another source of food along the coast. Goats and chickens are also common livestock. Reflecting their agricultural ways, household items are typically crafted from natural materials, whether for personal use or resale. The social structure of the Kalagan is largely based on blood ties; however, those of highest rank in society do not perform manual labor. Once believers in traditional religion, the Kalagan are now primarily Islamic, though their religion is somewhat mixed with animistic traditions of old. There are Christian resources available, though they are few, and little progress has yet been made in reaching this people group for Christ.

Pray that the Lord would send believers to the Kalagan people, and that the few who are here would be strength- ened and granted favor. Pray that Kalagan Christians will have the courage to share the gospel with their people. Pray that the few gospel materials would be easy to obtain.—BK

62 Day 12 Kalibugan People Isaiah 44:6, NIV

ong ago in the age of sailing, conquest, and This is what the Lord exploration, a coastal people of Mindanao Island L says—Israel’s King and retreated to the interior of the Redeemer, the Lord to escape slavers that would raid their coastline. The once seafaring people became the Subanon, or “river Almighty: I am the first and people.” Continued attacks against the Spaniards and I am the last; apart from me who resettled the coast only drove them there is no God. deeper inland. Eventually, some Subanon migrated back to the coast, intermarrying with Sama or Tausug peoples, and adopting their Islamic beliefs. The result was the creation of a new people group: The Kalibugan, or “half breeds.” The Kalibugan are little more than Islamized Subanon, as they maintain the belief that all things have a spirit or soul, including animals, plants, rivers, mountains, stars, the moon, and the sun. There is very little in the way of political organization amongst the Kalibugan, and external trade is largely dominated by the surrounding Sama-Tausug peoples. There are approximately 31,000 Kalibugan in the world today, all of whom reside on Mindanao. They are considered to be “engaged” by missionaries, but yet unreached. There are language-specific resources such as Bible portions, gospel recordings and the JESUS Film available to be used in reaching the Kalibugan, but those resources must be brought to Kalibugan communities.

Pray that workers would be drawn to this harvest field. Pray that the Kalibugan people will find life in Christ beyond subsistence. Pray that Jesus would come to them in dreams and visions, and that Kalibugan followers of Christ would be raised up for a widespread disciple- making movement.—BK

63 Day 13 Isaiah 40:13-15, NIV Iranun People

or centuries, the Iranun people were pirates in Who can fathom the Spirit the Malay world. The Malay word for pirate of the Lord, or instruct F (lanun) was derived from the word Illanun, a name the Lord as His counselor? given to the Iranun during the colonial era. The Whom did the Lord consult Iranun people are one of the oldest existing people to enlighten Him, and who groups in this region. taught Him the right way? Who was it that taught Him Today their estimated population is 256,000. Iranun villages are concentrated in the Iranun Bay, also called knowledge, or showed Him Illana Bay, although some live in the hill country. the path of understanding? Iranuns make their living as fishermen and traders, Surely the nations are like farmers, game hunters, blacksmiths, and goldsmiths. a drop in the bucket; they Women weave mats, and barter for other needs. are regarded as dust on Fathers teach sons survival skills. Mothers teach the scales; He weighs the daughters homemaking and childcare skills. Children islands as though they were are taught in the home to be loyal to their people and fine dust. to Allah. Embracing the ways of Christ would be viewed as straying from the ways of their people. Their main language is Iranun. Ninety seven percent of the people identify themselves as Muslims, and three percent are non-religious. Iranun people have many superstitions and folk beliefs in addition to an Islamic identity. They have many barriers that keep them from embracing the Savior. There are no written or oral Bible portions in this language, and there is no JESUS Film.

Pray that the Holy Spirit will send servants who will if necessary lay down their lives for these family oriented people living in darkness. Pray for audio gospel materials in their language to be produced and widely distributed soon. Pray for an openness to Christ that will spread to every Iranun community.—KH

64 Day 14 Maguindanao People Isaiah 40:22-23, NIV

(This fictitious story illustrates He sits enthroned truths about the Maguindanao above the circle of the people.) earth, and its people raceful dancers in bright are like grasshoppers. G clothing embroidered He stretches out the with silver and gold thread heavens like a canopy, moved fluidly in swirls before and spreads them out the man observing them from like a tent to live in. He

Bailey his comfortable lounge. His brings princes to naught eyes were half shut as if he and reduces the rulers of were about to fall asleep. He was one of “high rank.” this world to nothing. Such men don’t do manual labor like most other Maguindanao men. He will not participate in their festivals except as a distant observer. The Maguindanao people migrated to the southern Philippine islands from southwest Asia centuries ago. Today they live primarily on Mindanao. They are divided into two principal groups, each with its own dialect and location: Tau-sa Ilud (people of the lower valley) and the Tau-sa Laya (people of the upper valley). With an estimated population of 1,236,000, the Maguindanao people are the largest group of Muslim Filipinos. Their belief system is more a form of folk Islam than orthodox Islam. Nominal Islamic practices are mingled with animistic beliefs. Some Christian radio and television broadcasts are available to them, but there have been very few responses. The Christian population is estimated at about one in a thousand! The others identify with Islam.

Pray that these talented, artistic people will see their need for the Savior. Pray that the few Maguindanao believers will be united in their Savior’s love and reach out to their people in such a compelling way that there will be Christ-centered Maguindanao fellowships throughout Mindanao.—KH

65 Day 15 Isaiah 55:1-2, NIV Lanao

ohn 4:10: “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is Come, all you who are who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have thirsty, come to the waters; J asked Him, and He would have given you living water.” and you who have no money, come, buy and Water vapor rose from the hydroelectric plant making eat! Come, buy wine and misty rainbow colors in the sun above Lake Lanao, the milk without money and deepest and largest lake in the southern Philippines. without cost. Why spend The Lanao Maranao, an unreached people known as “people of the lake,” has lived in this beautiful watery money on what is not region in Mindanao since the 13th century. bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Though the physical climate is wet, the spiritual Listen, listen to me, and climate is as dry as an arid, parched desert. Agriculture eat what is good, and you and lake fishing are the main occupations of the Lanao will delight in the richest Maranao people. Those who are willing may find work of fare. opportunities in business and exporting ventures. Except for 30 to 50 followers of Christ, this people group of over a million is solidly Muslim. Traditional superstitions are still a part of their belief system. There has been a Maranao New Testament since 1981. The JESUS Film and radio broadcasts are also available in their language.

Pray that spiritual strongholds will be broken so the Maranao people will be free to respond to Christ. Pray for safety and spiritual blessings for the 30-50 Lanao Maranao believers. Pray for fruitful ministry of the few Christian workers in this area. Pray for the JESUS Film to be shown in their communities, and for open hearts.—KH

66 Day 16 Badjao People Isaiah 40:28-31, NIV

uropean Gypsies Do you not know? Have you got the name E not heard? The Lord is the Gypsy because people everlasting God, the Creator thought they were from Egypt. Actually, they of the ends of the earth. He are from South Asia. will not grow tired or weary, Bailey A Badjao girl Today’s people group and His understanding no is from Southeast Asia, one can fathom. He gives and they are known as “Sea Gypsies,” even though strength to the weary and they have no relationship with real Gypsies. They are increases the power of the called Sea Gypsies because they are maritime nomads, weak. Even youths grow fishing, pearling, and trading in the Philippines and tired and weary, and young between the Philippines and . men stumble and fall; but Their way of life, however, is dying as they move to those who hope in the Lord land and farms or engage in business. They often live will renew their strength. in houseboats or in houses on stilts over the water. They will soar on wings like Almost all are at the bottom of the social ladder, eagles; they will run and not and many are illiterate. Some 470,000 live in the grow weary, they will walk Philippines, along the coast of Mindanao. Due to and not be faint. local conflicts, many have fled to Indonesia. Approximately 95 percent are Muslim, one-half percent Christian, and the rest are either animists or of no known faith. Most of these Muslims practice folk-Islam, a syncretism of animist and Muslim beliefs. Some Badjao people seek guidance from relics of the dead. Because of the need for education, the Catholic Presentation Nuns sponsor Badjao children in school. Some graduates have returned as teachers to their community. Others have become educated enough to get government jobs.

Pray that the nuns and others will present Christ as the real solution to the people’s needs. Pray that people trained in story-telling evangelism will reach these people with the good news of Jesus.—TP

67 Day 17 Isaiah 55:10-11, NIV Work among Badjao People

As the rain and the snow hat come down from heaven, W happens and do not return to it when laymen take without watering the earth the Perspectives and making it bud and on the World flourish, so that it yields Christian Movement seed for the sower and Bailey course? Some bread for the eater, so is my have gone to Word that goes out from the Philippines to do medical missions and reach my mouth: It will not return the Badjao people of Mindanao with the gospel to me empty, but will through oral/pre-literate story telling. They also accomplish what I desire teach Bible stories at an oral Bible school. and achieve the purpose for During a ten-month period, when Christian which I sent it. Badjaos attend an oral Bible School, they learn 200 stories from the Bible which culminate in the resurrection of Jesus. After being trained, the students return home to evangelize friends and family. Because many families are composed of Christians and Muslims, these evangelists have a ready entry into the Muslim community through family members. As a result, there are groups of Muslims who regularly meet to share the gospel, study the Bible, and pray. This method allows the church to begin to grow on both land and sea among the literate and pre-literate Badjao people of Mindanao.

The Oral Bible School requests prayer that it be success- ful in recruiting Badjao students who want to become evangelists to their people. Pray that new believers will grow in grace and knowledge of Jesus. Pray that Bible-centered churches will develop and multiply among animists, Muslims, and culturally Catholic Badjaos of Mindanao. Pray, too, that they will learn to be economically independent.—TP

68 Day 18 Bangingi Sama (aka, Northern Sama) Isaiah 55:7-9, NIV

(This story illustrates what might happen among this Let the wicked forsake people group.) their ways and the alib, a Bangingi Sama, eagerly began to help his unrighteous their T friend Faari to build his new stilt house above thoughts. Let them turn to the water. Faari and 50 other Bangingi family homes the Lord, and He will have had been burned down during a battle that took mercy on them, and to place three years earlier between the government our God, for He will freely forces and the Muslim guerrilla fighters of the Moro pardon. “For my thoughts National Liberation Front (MNLF). It had taken are not your thoughts, this long for the government to give the people neither are your ways my the lumber and supplies they need to rebuild. The ways,” declares the Lord. MNLF purposely attacked Faari’s settlement because they had heard that Christians were reaching out to “As the heavens are higher help them. The MNLF rebels wanted to warn them than the earth, so are my not to leave Islam or turn their backs on their cause ways higher than your which is to take over Mindanao. ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” The Bangingi, a major Muslim Sama group, are also known as the Northern Sama. They are dispersed throughout the greater , which extends from Mindanao towards . The majority are poor fishermen, farmers, and boat builders. Some have assimilated into the Filipino culture, attending schools and working in small businesses within local cities as vendors. Christians, primarily Catholics, have reached out to help these people in the areas of health and education. A few have become Christians, but fear of persecution has kept them in bondage to their folk Islamic practices.

Pray that God will protect the Christians reaching out to the Bangingi Sama. May the Bangingi have faith to accept the living Lord and not have fear.—PD

69 Day 19 Isaiah 45:5-8, NIV Pangutaran Sama People

(This story illustrates how this people group blends Islam I am the Lord, and there is no and animism.) other; apart from me there is no God. I will strengthen he white sandy shore of Tawi-Tawi island you, though you have not T glistened as the crystal blue waters broke onto acknowledged me, so that the shore. Sahali, a Pangutaran Sama woman, from the rising of the sun walked on a narrow pathway leading to the burial to the place of its setting site of her family. She balanced two baskets in her arms filled with food, brushes, and a cloth. She put people may know there is the baskets down and her attention was drawn to none besides me. I am the a small toy-like boat that would mark her father’s Lord, and there is no other. grave. After cleaning the boat she placed food in I form the light and create dishes inside the boat. She then offered prayers to darkness, I bring prosperity Allah to protect her father and her family. Macaque and create disaster; I, the monkeys were jumping nearby which reminded her Lord, do all these things. to pray for these “guardians of the gravesite.” She You heavens above, rain thanked the gods for allowing her, a Pangutaran down my righteousness; let Sama woman, to live on an island revered for having the clouds shower it down. the oldest mosque in the Philippines, and the Let the earth open wide, revered mountain of Bud Bongao, a famous burial let salvation spring up, let site of an Islamic saint. righteousness flourish with Over 48,000 Pangutaran Sama people live along it; I, the Lord, have created it. the Sulu Archipelago between Mindanao and the island of Borneo. Like other Sama peoples they live by fishing, building boats, and harvesting seaweed. The majority combine their ethnic religious beliefs with Islam. During the Islamic fasting month of Ramadan they believe that God permits the souls of the dead to return. To honor those souls, they offer special prayers to their dead and clean the graves.

Pray that God will open a way for the Pangutaran Samas to find their true Savior and King.—PD

70 Day 20 Southern Sama People Isaiah 64:8-9, NIV

(This story illustrates what could happen among this Yet you, Lord, are our people group.) Father. We are the clay, wish! The spear-gun met its target, and Edjie you are the potter; we are S emerged from the water with a smile on his face all the work of your hand. and a grouper fish on his spear. Still wearing wet Do not be angry beyond clothes, Edjie and his son hurried barefoot towards measure, Lord; do not a nearby village to sell the fish. After entering the remember our sins forever. fish market and having the fresh fish weighed, they Oh, look on us, we pray, for received 8.00 (USD)! This was a good day’s wage for we are all your people. them, and they were pleased. Most Sama children learn how to swim when they are two or three years old, to paddle a boat at five, and dive at age six. The men make their living almost entirely from the sea through net fishing, hook-fishing, spear gun fishing, and diving for sea cucumbers and pearls. They are proficient canoe builders. Women weave rugs, make pottery, tend small gardens, and take care of their families. The Sama peoples live in one of three types of dwellings: stilt houses on the coast, houseboats, or ordinary land houses clustered along protected shorelines. Households are grouped in larger units called tumpuk, which means, “clusters.” Several clusters form a parish headed by a selected spokesman. Lack of education, health benefits, and job opportunities have kept the Sama poor. Their spiritual lives are a combination of Islamic and animistic beliefs.

Pray that local followers of Christ will befriend these Sama and help them meet their physical and spiritual needs. May they come to know the grace and joy of the Lord.—PD

71 Day 21 Isaiah 48:17-18, NIV Global Recording Network Work in Mindanao

(This story illustrates what This is what the Lord could happen among this says—your Redeemer, the people group.) Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, who bdul shook his head teaches you what is best for A sadly. “Mindanao you, who directs you in the could be such a beautiful way you should go. If only place to live, but the constant warfare has turned it into a place of violence. you had paid attention to My cousin in Maguindanao says that 40 percent of my commands, your peace the people have been displaced because their houses would have been like a have been destroyed.” river, your well-being like the waves of the sea. “Yes,” responded Gamil. “I hear about kidnappings and bombings by different groups.” Bahir added, “The Moro Islamic Liberation Front and other groups like them are supposed to be fighting for freedom, but all they do is hurt our people.” Abdul sighed and commented, “Will we ever have peace?” Gamil responded, “My brother-in-law in has a computer and found a website called Global Recordings Network, and he downloaded some audio messages in Maguindanao onto his phone called ‘Words of Life.’” “What are they about?” Bahir asked. Gamil explained, “I didn’t get to hear them, but he told me they answer questions like, ‘Who has power to forgive sins?’ and ‘What is after death?’” He is a Muslim like all of us, but he is thinking about these things. He said he would download messages for me in our Balangingi dialect.”

Pray that Christ will bring peace to hearts of people in Mindanao. Pray that the hundreds of people who download Global Recordings’, “Words of Life” and “Good News” messages daily will use them to begin Christ- centered fellowships throughout Mindanao.—Allan Starling, GRN

72 Day 22 Sangil People Isaiah 65:1-3a, NIV

(This story illustrates what could happen among this I revealed myself to those people group.) who did not ask for me; I he old Sangil man carefully stepped out onto was found by those who did T the sandbar and walked forward until the water not seek me. To a nation that was up to his thighs. He whirled, releasing the net. did not call on my name I It spread gracefully, flew through the air and landed said, ‘Here am I, here am I.’ softly on the surface of the beautiful blue water. “Like All day long I have held out that,” the old man said. He then gathered the net my hand to an obstinate and handed it to his grandson. “Your turn.” The boy people, who walk in ways replied, “But grandpa, why don’t we get a boat? That’s how fishing is done now.” “That’s one way fishing is not good, pursuing their own done. Net fishing is our way.” imaginations—a people who continually provoke me The boy accepted the net and frowned down at it. to my very face… He hesitated, then asked, “If there is more than one way to fish, can’t there also be more than one way to worship Allah? I met a boy who said his family knows Allah and that Allah has a Son.” “Blasphemy!” the old man shouted. He snatched the net from the boy. “That boy must be a Christian. They don’t understand the ways of Allah.” The Sangil people were followers of Islam even before they migrated to Mindanao. It is ingrained in their culture, and Islam is a large part of their identity.

Pray for the Holy Spirit to send workers to the Sangil people. Pray that the Sangil will understand that all nations must accept that the death of God’s Son is what it took to pay for our sins. Pray for the salvation of the Sangil.—CL

73 Day 23 Isaiah 64:6-7, NIV Tausug (AKA, Moro Joloano) People

All of us have become like (This story is intended to illustrate the lifestyle of this one who is unclean, and all people group). our righteous acts are like he young Joloano man sat on the beach watching filthy rags; we all shrivel T the waves come in and go out onto the beach. up like a leaf, and like the He considered the fighting that past generations wind our sins sweep us have done. They would fight and retreat, fight and away. No one calls on your retreat. Now he had the same decision. He was a name or strives to lay hold Sunni Muslim in a nation of Christians. He was of you; for you have hidden a fundamentalist Muslim like other Joloanos, and your face from us and have yet he had also retained the gods of his ancestors, given us over to our sins. like the sea god, the rain god, and the harvest god. Would he fight the Christians and their God? The Moro Joloano, or the Tausug are the most dominant of all the south Philippine Muslim groups. Most of the Tausug reside on the island of Jolo, and those that do are called the Moro Joloano. Even their name means “people of the sea current.” They live in tight communities, with each bamboo dwelling on stilts. They are fishermen and agriculturalists. Of the total population of 1,234,000, 98 percent of the Moro Joloano are staunch Sunni Muslims as were their ancestors. Some belong to the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), an Islamic separatist group that desires an independent Islamic state in Mindanao. Fighting between the MNLF and the Filipino government continues today.

Pray that the Moro Joloano will see past the traditions of their elders to the truth of the living God. Pray that they will find true liberation in the freedom of Christ.—LR

74 Day 24 Sulu Tausug People Isaiah 65:5, NIV

(This story illustrates … who say, ‘Keep away; what could happen don’t come near me for I among this people am too sacred for you!’ Such group.) people are smoke in my he children nostrils, a fire that keeps T were running burning all day. Bailey in circles around the trees; all of them were carrying sticks that were swords in their imaginations. They were shouting, and every so often a stand-off would occur with fierce sword fights between two or three of them. Just as this epic battle was at its height, the tutor arrived and called them to gather in the clearing under the trees. He had come to teach them about the Qur’an. One of the children groaned. “Why can’t we keep playing pirates?” Sensing the need to draw their attention away from their make-believe war, the tutor began to tell them a story about real pirates – their ancestors who survived and prospered in the Sulu Archipelago of the Philippines by stealing and marauding on the high seas. Though the children had heard the story before and it had fueled their pretend battles, they always enjoyed hearing it yet again. Aside from their history of , the Sulu Tausug people also have a history linked to Islam. The majority of them continue to be Muslim, and most of them also mix animistic beliefs into their view of the spirit world.

Pray for the Lord to soften Sulu Tausug hearts to receive the gospel. Pray for a strong network of Tausug fellow- ships. Pray for the kingdom of God to come to the Sulu Tausug.—CL

75 Day 25 Isaiah 53:4-5, NIV Work Among the Tausug People

Surely He took up our pain atthew 28:18-19, NET. Therefore, go and and bore our suffering, M make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy yet we considered Him Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have punished by God, stricken commanded you. And remember, I am with you by Him, and afflicted. But always, to the end of the age. He was pierced for our transgressions, He was Jesus told us to “disciple” nations and “teach them to crushed for our iniquities; obey everything” He commanded. How do we know the punishment that when we have finished the job? In the last 40 years, we have tried to define what is a nation, and when it is brought us peace was on actually discipled, or reached. Him, and by His wounds we are healed. In the last two days we have prayed for Muslim Tausug people. They have churches, and sometimes they are being violently persecuted by Muslim separatist rebels. They have numerous ways to hear the basic message: Global Recordings, the JESUS Film, and God’s Story. About two percent of them are some type of Christian which includes people who profess to be Catholic, but continue to worship traditional spirits. As people groups go, the Tausugs are not far from becoming reached with the gospel. There are those who are doing church planting and pastoral training among them, according to Christian Aid Mission (http://www. christianaid.org/News/UPI/Tausug.aspx).

Pray for the Holy Spirit to bring about a Christ-ward movement among the Tausug that will result in them being discipled as a nation. Pray for more Bible teachers and disciplers to work among the Tausug people in the next five years. Pray for the Tausugs to have faith to believe that Jesus died for their sins.—KC

76 Day 26 Far East Broadcast Co. (FEBC) Radio Isaiah 53:6-7, NIV

n 1945, two young men named Bob Bowman and We all, like sheep, have John Broger, burdened with the spiritual needs I gone astray, each of us has in Asia following World War II, began Far East turned to our own way; Broadcasting Company (FEBC). FEBC originated in China, but in 1948, China closed its doors to and the Lord has laid on foreign missions, and FEBC had to move to Manila, Him the iniquity of us all. Philippines. FEBC-Philippines has grown into a He was oppressed and network of nine local stations as well as international afflicted, yet He did not transmitter sites. FEBC now broadcasts by open his mouth; He was led shortwave, sharing Christ in 100 languages to hard- like a lamb to the slaughter, to-reach minority groups. and as a sheep before its Project Isa (Arabic for “Jesus”) is FEBC’s outreach to shearers is silent, so He did Muslims. FEBC radio proclaims the name of Jesus not open his mouth. in places where missionaries are not able to travel. But in order for people to hear the broadcasts, they must have radios, and FEBC distributes them to the needy. It is not unusual for one radio to impact as many as 25 people. M is a Muslim who tuned into one of FEBC’s programs. After listening faithfully to the radio, she put her faith in Jesus Christ. Some FEBC staff were able to visit her and talk with her very anti-Christian husband. Thanks to God’s grace, M’s husband was convicted of the truth, and now M and her husband share the same faith!

Pray that God will provide many radios for those who live in remote areas. Pray that these Muslims will hear the name of Isa and be given the gift of faith. Pray that FEBC radio broadcasts will result in thousands of home fellowships in the Muslim world.—CMW

77 Day 27 Isaiah 30:21-22, NET Yakan People

You will hear a word spoken ou are a tourist visiting the Yakan people in behind you, saying, “This is Y the interior of Island in the southern the correct way, walk in it,” Philippines. To welcome you, the locals invite you to whether you are heading to participate in a betel-nut chewing ceremony. When you accept this gesture of kindness, you will end up the right or the left. You will with a mouthful of red saliva and teeth. On your way desecrate your silver-plated to your next destination, don’t be surprised if your idols and your gold-plated host spits freely along the way. He believes that the images. You will throw red juice scares away evil spirits. them away as if they were a menstrual rag, saying to Your guide then takes you to a rice-planting them, “Get out!” ceremony. The first seed will be planted in the center of the field by the imam, the Muslim prayer leader. You might later see a musician playing a gabbang, a bamboo xylophone, to serenade the seedlings. He hopes to encourage the plants to yield a bountiful crop. In subsequent weeks Yakan children will play a gabbang around the fields to protect the crops from hungry animals. Finally, your host takes you to his home to meet his family. His wife shows you her latest handiwork – cloth that she has woven with bright colors to look like embroidery. This particular piece of fabric is designed to cover a pregnant friend in labor to protect the baby from evil spirits.

Ask God to send out laborers to plant the seeds of faith in the hearts of the Yakan people. Pray that God’s word will blossom into numerous fellowships of believers. May they know freedom from superstition, and freedom to worship the Savior.—CMW

78 Day 28 Karaga Mandaya People Isaiah 5:12, NET

(This story illustrates what could happen among this They have stringed people group.) instruments, tambourines, ayumi and her husband moved about their flutes, and wine at their M house in a flutter of traditional costumes, parties. So they do not jewelry, and instruments. Mayumi made sure to recognize what the Lord is gather their gimbao, or large drum made using deer doing, they do not perceive hide from a doe on one side and from a stag on the what he is bringing about. other side to produce different tone and pitch. The drum is played as an attempt to summon the spirits. The Mandaya post-harvest festival would begin shortly, where the village would celebrate the crops gathered from their cooperative farming. Their people value this festival; they believe it will lead to the blessing of a better harvest next year. The Karaga Mandaya are a group of only 5,700 people. found mainly in Mindanao. Most Karaga Mandaya people live as cultivators and as expert fishermen. Their name means “the first people upstream,” and some have survived as traders, bartering goods like their famous metal work such as weapons and jewelry. Recently they have become part of a cash economy. The Karaga Mandaya are neither overwhelmingly Christian nor Muslim. Only four percent claim to be Christian, but even this small group still holds to a mixture of previous beliefs, and a form of Christianity that will not allow them to enter into the joy, peace, and blessings of our Lord.

Pray that the Karaga Mandaya will encounter the only living loving God, and experience the blessing of sharing Him with one another. Pray that soon there will be strong fellowships among them.—LR

79 Day 29 Isaiah 43:25, NIV Arabs in Mindanao

I, even I, am He who blots out or centuries the Arabs have had a significant your transgressions, for my F presence in the Philippines. Those Filipinos with own sake, and remembers Arab parentage live primarily in Mindanao, while your sins no more. the more recent immigrants are living in Manila. Arab traders have been visiting the Philippines for about 2,000 years (https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Arab_settlement_in_the_Philippines). Until around 1380 Arabs actually brought Christianity to the region along with pre-Islamic belief systems. Following 1380, Islam was the religion that most Arabs brought with them. Generally moving from the southern islands like Mindanao towards the northern ones, they converted the Filipinos to the Islamic faith. In more recent months, ISIS terrorists have moved into Mindanao. This is something the Philippine government has taken seriously. In April of 2015, the Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary renewed their commitment to fighting all forms of terrorism in their country. The Arab people in Mindanao are likely to be vulnerable in such a situation. Because they are Arabs like most ISIS members, they can be viewed as possible sympathizers to ISIS.

Pray that innocent Arabs in the Philippines will be spared from both sides. Pray that the Muslim Arabs in Mindanao will have their faith in Islam challenged and shaken. Pray that the Lord’s people would share the love of Christ with their Arab neighbors in such a way that these Muslims will begin a discipleship movement that will affect the Arab world. Pray that Arabs in Mindanao will be reminded of their earlier history and return to Jesus. Pray that the efforts of ISIS in Mindanao will be thwarted.—JR

80 Day 30 in Myanmar Isaiah 11:9-10, NET

ome to me, all you who They will no longer injure or “Care weary and burdened, Bay of destroy on my entire royal Bengal and I will give you rest.”-Jesus, mountain. For there will be Matthew 11:28, NIV universal submission to the South China Sea The Rohingya people of Lord’s sovereignty, just as INDIA Myanmar have been without CHINA the waters completely cover BANG. rest for a long time. A group of the sea. At that time a root MYANMAR VIET. LAOS 3,000 Rohingyas were blocked from Jesse will stand like a from entering Thailand in May THAILAND signal flag for the nations. of 2015, with no offers of help, CAM. Nations will look to Him for except some repairs done to their guidance, and His residence ship’s engine by the Thai navy. will be majestic. They were also turned away by and Indonesia, citing a migrant crisis and lack of resources. The Rohingya have lived for centuries in southwestern Myanmar in an area that once was part of India. To those in power in Myanmar, the Muslim Rohingyas are living an unacceptable foreign way of life. The military government enforces the ways of the dominant Burmese culture and Buddhist religion. Despite this tragedy, there have been some good reports regarding the growth of the Rohingya church. During the course of 2015 there were reports of over 4,000 Muslim Rohingya and Buddhist Rakhine coming to know the Lord and being baptized. There have also been about 200 churches started among these two unreached people groups.

Thank the Lord for the great work He has already done. Pray that the growth of God’s church will continue among the Rohingya and result in a church planting movement. Pray that they will find refuge and safety in their own homeland, without having to flee.—JR


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