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SPORTS Surprise honors Old schoolhouse Celtics beaten renowned runner popular field trip by the Rockets ... page 3 ... page 5 w ... page 11 Mmxdmtn ) Manchester — A City of Village Charm HrralJi

Monday, June 2, 1986 25 Cents Cummings AT& T insists lashes out at Joyner strike won’t By George Layng Herald Reporter

Democratic Town Chairman Theodore R. Cummings strongly hait ail work criticized Eighth Utilities District President Walter Joyner this morning for not trying hard By John Vaughan IBEW,” enough to arrange a meeting with United Press International Bahr said the bargaining broke Town Manager Robert Weiss to up because the company de­ dicuss a controversial sewer hoo­ WASHINGTON - American manded “ unwarranted conces­ kup planned by the district. Telephone & Telegraph Co., deny­ sions” such as eliminating cost of Saying he was “ flabbergasted" ing it is pushing for contract living allowance, changing some that a meeting has not been “ givebacks” from its largest Un­ job classifications and canceling arranged. Cummings questioned ion, insists a pact with a smaller incentive pay plans. Joyner's sincerity in attempting to union would prevent a nationwide “There are absolutely no give- resolve the dispute over where to strike from closing many of its backs in our offer." Linnen said. connect the sewer line. manufacturing operations today. “ We made every effort to avoid a Cummings said Joyner visited But with pickets up at A T 4 T strike with the CWA with an offer him at his Main Street insurance facilities since the Communica­ that was both fair and office last week and complained tions Workers of America walked reasonable." about not being able to telephone out early Sunday, the non-striking Bahr said particularly offensive Weiss and schedule a meeting. As International Brotherhood of Elec­ to his union was a company plan to Joyner was preparing to leave, trical Workers may honor CWA reclassify some systems techni­ Cummings said he telephoned lines at sites where both are cians into a job title that would Weiss and called Joy nerovertothe employed. reduce their average $646 weekly phone to talk to the town manager. “ We're a good union, and if our pay by some $300. Cummings said the incident employees choose to honor a strike reminded him of dealing with a line, that’s something we would little child. encourage.” IB EW officer Art The charges come in the midst of Perry said Sunday. But he con­ Delays seen a battle over whether the inde­ ceded that “ A T 4 T may be able to pendent utlilities district, which open some plants, because all provides fire protection and sewer workers there are ours” — after in out-of-state service to most of northern Man­ separate talks with IB EW negotia­ chester. should be forced to tors produced a tentative pact. phone calls consolidate its services with the The strike began after CW A’s town government. Cummings is a three-year pact for 155.000 em­ Bv John F. Kirch leading proponent of consolidation ployees with the nation's largest Herald Reporter and is seen as a moving force long-distance operation expired at behind a move to change the Town 11:59 p.m. Saturdayfand negotia­ A strike against the American Charter in order to foster consoli­ tors were unable to reach a Telephone and Telegraph Co. dation. something that is widely tentative agreement. could cause some delays for and vocally opposed within the A T 4 T said it began drawing Manchester residents making out- district. from a force of 115.000 managers of-state long-distance phone calls, Joyner, a Republican who de­ and organizing 12-hour shifts six but should not affect local and feated Cummings in 1978 for the days a week to handle long­ in-state service, officials said state's 12th Assembly District distance service. today. .seat, could not be reached for A T 4 T spokesman Herb Linnen Hardest hit will be businesses comqient this morning. He has Heratd photo by Pinto said informal talks resumed and residential callers who need said he wants to meet with Weiss to briefly Sunday, but the CWA operator assistance for iong- discuss the sewer issue, but has ment Day. In all, 15 Manchester High rejected an offer — an 8 percent distance calls outside of Connecti­ been too busy to arrange a date. Police Chief Robert Lannan hands over School students took over various town pay raise over three years — that cut, including collect and person- Weiss also has said he would be his title and a bunch of flowers to Kerri was accepted for further action by to-person calls. Edith Herman, a interested in talking with Joyner, Napolitano, 17, who replaced him fora offices in order to gain a better IBEW negotiators in New Jersey spokeswoman for A T4 T , said but could not be reached this few hours this morning as part of understanding of the workings of local on behalf of 40,900 workers. today, morning. Manchester's annual Student Govern- government. The company offer was in­ Connecticut residents dialing At issue is where to connect the creased from proposals of 5 direct to out-of-state numbers will district's planned sewer line, percent and 7 percent, and Linnen not be affected at all, Herman said, which would mostly serve new said pension benefits would rise by because such calis do not require development in northwestern 4 percent in the first year of tlw operator assistance. About 90 Manchester. The district intends to Students take over the town contract and another 4 percent in percent of A T 4 T ’s long-distance connect the sewer with the North 1988. phone calls are dialed directly, she Manchester Interceptor — a major said. By George Layng Lannan to various stops around Town Manager Robert Weiss CWA President Morton Bahr, at line that carries sewage to the agreed. During a meeting with the a news conference Sunday, “ Monday is one of our highest town's treatment plant on Olcott Herald Reporter town. Napolitano said she volunteered students at Lincoln Center before claimed IB EW leaders “ have calling volume days.” Herman Street — at a point above where the recommended rejection" of the said. “ But I don’t expect a A new generation of ieaders — specifically to be police chief they went to their assigned depart­ package when it goes to a rank- problem. We have enough man­ many of them dressed in blue jeans because she has an interest in law ments, Weiss said more attention and-file vote, but Perry said union agement on duty to handle it.” Please turn to page l6 and sneakers — took over the town enforcement, and hopes to eventu­ is given to national and state officials would not act until iocal About 155,000 A T 4 T employees government this morning. ally make it her career. She plans government, even though most of issues are settled by individual represented by the Communica­ Fifteen department heads to attend Dean Junior College in the services people depend on are IBEW chapters. tions Workers of America walked stepped aside and allowed students Massachusetts this fall and study provided by local government. “ We can afford to stay out a lot off their jobs Sunday when the Hoop contest from Manchester High School to criminal justice. “ Most of the things we do are not longer than pet can,” Bahr said. union and management could not get a feel for running t he town for a The idea behind the on-the-job terribly dramatic." Weiss said. “ The business community, espe­ work out the details of a contract. few hours during the annual training is to familiarize students However, he said participants in cially. will not wait for A T 4 T Management officials are filling splits families Student Government Day. with the workings of Manchester's Student Government Day are factories to begin manufacturing , in for switchboard operators who The affair, held for the past 20 government, according to Elgin more inclined than others to serve again. There’s already a backlog joined the picket line in order to By John Mitchell years, is designed to give the Zatursky, the teacher who over­ on town boards and work for town of orders." keep

MANCHESTER HERALD, Monday, June 2, 1986 — 7 « - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. June 2, 1986 OPINION LS./WorU In Brief Senate goes live Church calls Justice a ‘baby killer’ on nationwide TV LOS ANGELES — A fundamentalist church protesting a By Leon Daniel days before a final vote. Senate commencement address by Supreme Court Justice William United Press International radio coverage has been live and PZC should Brennan hired a plane to tow a banner calling the jurist a “ baby publicly available since May 1. killer ’ and exhorting followers to pray for his death. Jack WASHINGTON - The Senate The Senate test period came Brennan, one of the seven justices who supported the 1973 goes live on nationwide television seven years after the House first Anderson decision legalizing abortions, gave an outdoor commencement today in a historic and, some say. permitted public television and get a plan speech Sunday at Loyola Marymount law school, apparently irrevocable change that will bring radio broadcasts of its unfazed by the plane circling overhead and trailing a banner “ the world’s greatest deliberative proceedings. reading, “ Pray for Death; Baby-killer Brennan.” body” to the home screen. Even critics of Senate TV ' 1; jV The sound of the plane, chartered by the Fundamentalist C-Span, the network that already concede that it is unlikely they can Baptist Tabernacle of Los Angeles, drowned out an introductory televises House proceedings, muster the votes to remove the into place o Q ' * V 0 speech before Brennan stepped to the podium. planned to make gavel-to-gavel cameras from the chamber, which Brennan ignored the plane, which flew off shortly after he Senate coverage available at to­ in its earliest days barred citizens ^ o . began his speech urging law students at the Roman Catholic day’s opening session to 25 million even from watching in person. Manchester’s proposed new Comprehen­ Foggy Bottom university not to forget the poor and devote some of their American households — one quar­ In agreeing to television, the personal time to public law. ter of all those with TV sets. Other Senate rejected sweeping rules sive Plan of Development has been the networks will be able to select changes that had been proposed to subject of three public hearings over a period coverage for use on newscasts. quicken the pace of its proceedings of eight months, and in that time there has offers perks Iraq, Syria near rapprochement The Senate will be called to order for viewers at home. In the end. only one significant been more than ample opportunity for public before the cameras by Sen. Strom DAMASCUS, Syria — Despite a recent rash of what is thought Thurmond. R-S.C., president pro change survived — a reduction to input. ■ 4 to be Iraqi-sponsored violence in Syria, speculation has risen tempore of the chamber, who will 30 hours, from 100, in the time At this point, the Planning and Zoning for travelers about a rapprochement between Damascus and Baghdad, which introduce the Rev. Bernard Haw­ allowed for debate, procedural could dramatically alter the course of the 5'/4-year-old Persian ley, pastor of the First Presbyter­ moves and roll calls after the Commission has all the knowledge of public Gulf war. ian Church in Salina, Kan. Senate has voted “ cloture” to end a reaction it needs to arrive at a final version of WASHINGTON — There has never been a time Although Syria has been an ally of Iran during its war with Senate Republican leader Ro­ filibuster. the plan, which is intended to serve as a in the history of the republic when American Iraq, most observers believe an eventual Syrian break with Iran bert Dole of Kansas selected After 11 days of debate over o O permiting television coverage, guideline for the town’s future development. diplomats overseas have been in greater personal is inevitable. Hawley to deliver the opening prayer nt the start of the first both sides agreed the cameras danger. In the last three years, 21 members of the ‘ ‘It’s not a question of will they or won’t they — it’s a question of The zoning commission has modified the publicly televised session. would change proceedings in the U.S. Foreign Service have been killed in line of when,” a Western diplomat said. “ When the break does come, it plan considerably since it was originally will be quick.” “ The United States Senate is Senate, which initially — to the duty. Others have been shot at, kidnapped and said to be the world’s greatest consternation of President George proposed, with almost every change coming The speculation about a reconciliation between Syria and Iraq otherwise terrorized while serving their deliberative body.” Dole said, Washington — did not allow comes amid a recent rash of anti-Syrian violence. in response to public criticisms. Members o C i government. “ and the inspiration we receive citizens even to watch from the Several bombs have gone off in Syria in past weeks, killing plan to hold at least one more workshop But this is also a time of fiscal restraint, when from the daily prayer helps us to be gallery above the chamber. what official accounts say was 149 people although well- session at which further changes may be Congress is looking for any means to cut the just that.” C-Span said some of its affiliates connected Syrian and Western sources in Damascus say the do not have enough capacity for its budgets of federal agencies. So Sen. Edward Despite dire warnings from UPl photo made. actual death toll is closer to 200. new channel carrying Senate cov­ Zorinsky, D-Neb., asked the General Accounting critics of “ grandstanding" and of That is enough. erage. but they can receive it over 2 erosion of time-honored Senate Open Forum Office to compile a comprehensive list of the Not close enough Endless hearings could be held at which rules protecting extended debate, the one carrying House coverage if "benefits and allowances” that Foreign Service U.S. surgeon going to Chernobyl the House is not in session. endless criticisms and suggestions could be the Senate agreed Feb. 27 to A Texas National Guard helicopter almost gets the personnel are entitled to. Zorinsky, a member of permit, on a test basis, television Because the House does not Competing against high school expertise to certain sections of MOSCOW — U.S. bone marrow surgeon Dr. Robert Gale said made, almost all of them aimed at reducing the Foreign Relations Committee, wanted to know and radio broadcasts of its floor convene until Tuesday. C-Span replica "Goddess of Liberty" placed on the dome of the Help appreciated these groups to inpart additional Soviet authorities have given him permission to travel to the the potential for increased housing densities bands, they performed and if some of the inducements authorized by debates. said all of its viewers will be able to state Capitol building, but the effort isn’t close enough. knowledge to the students. Chernobyl nuclear disaster area for an on-site inspection today played very well with excellent Congress over the years were a waste of money. After a month of closed-circuit, see the Senate’s first day on The replica replaces a 97-year-old original that had to be in specific parts of town. by Starsiak Inc. While these three individuals and to assist Soviet medical teams treating radiation victims. comments from the judges. The The GAO auditors sifted through legislation. in-house testing. Senate TV goes nationwide television. worked on the music, a very “ I have received permission to go to Chernobyl on Monday. I .The bipartisan proposal for removed. But if the differences between the planners musical experience that these State Department regulations and other nationwide for a six-week live test dedicated group of parents and want to see what if anything I can do for victims being treated in before a July 29 vote on whether to Senate TV was sponsored by both and the public critics cannot be resolved on To the Editor; students encountered is one that documents for months, and have finally will stay with them through the teachers acting as chaperones Kiev hospitals and take a general accounting of the medical make broadcasting permanent, or Dole and Minority Leader Robert Maya cleared land the basis of the opinions and facts that are completed an 86-page “ fact sheet” for the senator. situation near the scene,” Gale said Sunday. various stages of their perfor­ took care of all the duties extend test coverage another 30 Byrd. D-W.Va. The long-standing conception EMERGENCY already on the table, further comment will On Monday. May 19. we at H.P. Our associate Lucette Lagnado got an advance Gale said the planned five-day trip would also allow him to set mance development. necessary in keeping this large that the Maya civilization existed Fire — Police — Medical Starsiak. Inc./E & E Transport, look at the report. up with Soviet health authorities a lifetime-long monitoring not help resolve them. I would like to take this group organized for four days. within dense tropical forest is Inc. lost 70 percent of our system of those people who were exposed to even small radiation ’The time has come for the Planning and opportunity to comment on the The chaperones did their jobs false, for the land actually was well D IA L 911 equipment and inventory due to ALTHOUGH THE AUDITORS scrupulously doses after the accident. cleared, says National Zoning Commission to bite the bullet and group as young adults. The with great concern for the Weinberger tough In Manchester an immense fire. avoided judgments, one way or the other, on the An estimated 92,000 people have been evacuated from a 19-mile Geographic, students, yet handled their re­ pass a plan. We would like to thank the parents, teachers and residents various benefits and allowances, they presented a radius around the plant. spective duties in a fun-loving For too long. Manchester’s zoning Bolton and Andover Volunteer of Manchester can take great “ legislative history” of most of them that manner that put the students at authorities have been forced to make Fire Departments for their as­ pride in this exceptional group. explained when and why Congresses dating back on missile treaty All of the students were well ease. Police fight protesters In Poland decisions in the absence of any sistance. They both demon­ to 1901 had seen fit to provide the various behaved, serious about their Working together, all of the strated their proficient expe­ perquisites. Here is a sampling of the more than WARSAW, Poland — Police, using tear gas grenades and WASHINGTON (AP) - While Weinberger said he had not read comprehensive development guide. The last music and a pleasure to be with. participants made this a great rience in fighting a fire of that 100 allowances, which the GAO broke down into 65 truncheons, dispersed a crowd of demonstrators protesting the President Reagan says he may the Russian proposal. plan, passed more than two decades ago, has Their director, Bridget Gilch­ experience for all involved. intensity. categories; arrest of Poland’s most wanted dissident leader — captured after violate the SALT II arms agree­ Reagan, returning from his been obsolete for many years. We thank you for the opportun­ weekend retreat at Camp David. We would also like to express rist. is a highly motivated and • Danger pay. This is granted to “ employees nearly five years on the run, a dissident source said. ment. other administration offi­ ity of traveling with you. cials are voicing support for the Md.. refused to answer questions The chief remaining issue is whether our gratitude to Bob Regius, the talented educator who does her serving at a post where civil insurrection, civil The clash between police and demonstrators Sunday in 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, about the reported offer, medium-density housing (up to 10 units per owner of Manchester Oil Heat, utmost to pass on a truly war or warlike conditions exist” and may not Wroclaw, in southwest Poland, was the most serious incident professional attitude to the stu­ Ed Dresel even though one. Defense Secre­ Shultz, appearing on NBC’s acre) is justified in any part of the area Inc., fortheuseofhisequipment. exceed 25 percent of the employee’s base pay. At during a day of protests in at least four other Polish cities. dents. In addition. Jon Noyes and Destinations Unlimited Inc. tary Caspar Weinberger, says the “ Meet the Press." said the Soviets bounded by Interstate 304, Hackmatack His generosity is greatly needed present, danger pay Is being given to Foreign Zbigniew Bujak’s arrest was announced Saturday. The ABM pact better not get in the way broke the Strategic Arms Limita­ Debbie Palmer added their Southington j 31-year-old dissident had evaded authorities for nearly five years Street, South Main Street and Prospect and appreciated. In addition, Service personnel in only five countries: of “ Star Wars” tion Treaty by encoding messages thank you to all of those who have as head of the outlawed Solidarity labor union’s Temporary from missiles on test flights and by Street. The PZC should look again at that Afghanistan (where the American ambassador Weinberger said Sunday that called to offer help and was killed In 1979), Colombia, El Salvador, Coordinating Committee, its underground ieadership. He slipped “ extending the ABM treaty or deploying about 70 SS-25s. new problem and determine whether a reduction equipment. Lebanon and Uganda. underground when the union was outlawed in 1981. doing anything that would prevent . missiles barred by the pact. About 200 factory workers began chanting for Bujak’s release Despite Soviet warnings that in permitted densities is warranted. The GAO notes that in 1983, Congress broadened our doing all the things we need to Once having made that determination, the Ernest Starsiak after mass at a church in Wroclaw, and police using tear gas do to develop a Strategic Defense Reagan’s remarks on SALT II the scope of danger pay by stating that “ the jeopardized chances for a summit PZC should approve a plan and be prepared President grenades and truncheons stormed through the gates onto church Initiative is something obviously presence of non-essentiOl personnel or dependents we would be very much opposed meeting this year. Shultz said he Manchester grounds. to let it stand or fall on its merits. shall not preclude payment.” This was done. to.” was still hopeful. From this point on, further public hearings Congress explained, “ in recognition of the current “ We feel that it’s very important u Weinberger’s remarks, made on can only be superfluous. epidemic of worldwide terrorist activity and the RostenkowskI arrested for DWI the CBS program “ Face the to have this meeting,” he said. “ We think that important things One hopeful sign is that the latest public llling musicians courage and sacrifice of employees of United Nation,” came five days after States agencies overseas, civilian as well as RACINE, Wis. — Rep. Dan Rostenkowski, D-Ill., chairman of Reagan said the United States by can be done there that can be hearing, which was held last week, lacked were a pieasure military.” the House Ways and Means Committee, was arrested over the the end of the year might exceed beneficial to us and the Soviet weekend while returning from a reunion at a military academy the excess of acrimony that marked the first • Government housing. Foreign Service the limits set by the 1979 SALT II Union, and we are prepared to do and charged with driving under the influence of alcohol. the hard work necessary to makeit M m two, when some citizens of the southwestern personnel stationed abroad “ may be furnished treaty in response to Soviet viola­ To the Editor: Rostenkowki, 58, of Chicago, posted $497.50 bail after refusing tions of the accord. a worthwhile meeting.” section of town called for the resignation of without cost” quarters in U.S.-owned or rented to take a breath test, police said. The defense secretary stopped ' In a statement carried Saturday the town planning director and made buildings. Furniture, equipment and maintenance Recently we had the opportun­ Rostenkowski was charged with operating a motor vehicle short of calling for abrogation of by the official Tass news agency, N are provided. When government quarters aren’t inappropriate comments about personalities ity to conduct a tour for the llling while intoxicated and ordered to appear in Racine County Circuit the ABM treaty, which is due for the Soviets accused Reagan of available, the employees receive a housing review by U.S. and Soviet negotia­ destroying the arms treaty system instead of focusing on development issues. Junior High School Band to Court on June 16. allowance. tors next year, but his remark by his decision to no longer be Since then, revisions have satisfied much Montreal. Canada. The purpose The congressman was pulled over by an officer outside According to GAO’s legislative history, this Burlington at 1; 15 a.m. Sunday and had difficulty completing a appeared hostile to a reported bound by SALT II. of the criticism. ’The plan is more acceptable of the tour was for the stage practice began in 1901, in a deliberate attempt to manual dexterity test, police said. The arresting officer said he Soviet offer to begin reducing Moscow questioned what effect band, concert band and parade the latest developments might as a result. make Foreign Service careers possible to “ men of noticed a strong odor of intoxicants in the vehicle. strategic nuclear forces if the band to compete in the Festivals have on a summit meeting be­ A final decision is the only remaining step merit who were not wealthy.” It recounted United States agreed to abide by of Music Competition. the ABM treaty for 15 to 20 years. tween Reagan and Soviet leader congressional visitors who were dismayed to find after the,last workshop. Even the “ final” I am sure that there have been Reagan and Secretary of State Mikhail Gorbachev, and also an­ DlMSbyNEA. Inc < American diplomats living in “ dingy rooms” or White House shrugs off Kremlin plan will be a guideline for development over various press releases on how George Shultz declined to com­ nounced the Soviets will no longer / 'o . A * “ in places where an American visitor would be hold to SALT II if the United States the next 10 years — not a rigid formula for well these talented young musi­ "OK — now that the criminal is back on the WASHINGTON — The White House shrugged off today Soviet ment on the report of the Soviet humiliated to find his country’s representative. ” exceeds the treaty’s arms the rest of Manchester’s life. cians did in the competition. streets, you victims are free to go." warnings that a decision by President Reagan to no longer be offer, carried in Sunday’s editions • Layette shipment. When a Foreign Service bound by the restraints of the SALT 2 arms limitation treaty will of The New York Times, and limitations. employee has a baby overseas, “ shipment of a lead to escalation of the arms race. newborn’s clothing, equipment and furniture may White House spokesman Edward Djerejian said Reagan, in Summer better or summer blah. A trimmer, healthier you can be authorized in an amount not to exceed 250 renouncing the SALT 2 limits last week, did not "abandon a be the difference. Discover the new you with The New Quick pounds ... if American or other suitable layettes regime of restraint” but sought instead to tie future decisions on Israel plans probe Start Plus Program from Weight Watchers It's the fast, Life in America’s rurai AiDS capitai are unavailable at the post assigned.” Lacking U.S. nuclear forces to Soviet actions. proven, contempjorary way to slim down and feel right. The Noting Reagan promised the United States would not surpass New Quick Start Plus Program really works. The secret; specific congressional authorization for this freedom of choice that can have you looking your best Soviet levels of bombers, missiles and warheads, Djerejian said allowance, the State Department “ believes such of security agency before the summer fades. Join Weight Watchers today BELLE GLADE, Fla. — Ever since one of his Belle Glade, either. They agree that the AIDS shipments may be made under its general the presidential decision contained “ an element of a new and find how you can lose for less neighbors was diagnosed a year ago as having virus is clearly transmitted in the squalor and authority to ship household effects,” the GAO structure of restraint.” Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, Ronald close quarters. They say most locals get AIDS report notes. “ We just don’t think that this is going to lead to an unbridled JERUSALEM (UPl) — Israel’s ordered by Harish, 63. the Tel Aviv district judge appointed by the \ Noel has not taken any chances in this from multi-party sex, usually men with men, or Footnote: Informed of the GAO fact sheet, arms race,” he said. newly appointed attorney general FREE FIRST MEETING Cabinet to succeed Yitzhak Zamir community. He has separated himself as much as they are infected from the joint use of Gerald Lamberty, president of the American The Soviet news agency Tass reported Saturday that the will direct an investigation into the V JOIN FOR ONLY S13 Tom Kremlin leadership “ will consider itself free from the relevant 1984 killings of two captured as attorney general. Zamir was possible from what he believes are the risks of drug-injection devices. Foreign Service Association, pointed out that “ in . Join Weight Watchers through June 14 and get commitments under the treaty,” if the United States exceeds the Palestinian bus hijackers and an replaced a week after he ordered contagion. And yet the health authorities argue that sex spite of these supposed benefits, the department ' your first meeting FREEI Pay only $13 to register, Tiede limits imposed by SALT 2. alleged cover-up by the nation's an investigation into the killings. He doesn’t shake hands anymore, for instance. and needles are not the whole story. The situation still has to put pressure on Foreign Service Beilin said Harish would defi­ \ and $7 for each following meeting. Also, ask internal security agency. \ about our money-saving Summer Savings And he covers his mouth when he is forced to in Belle Glade is more complex. The authorities officers to serve overseas these days.” Before the nitely act on the matter. Cabinet Secretary Yossi Beilin , Plus plan. _ _ mingle in crowds. He has also stopped sleeping point out that impoverished farm workers live in rise of terrorism, he said, most Foreign Service Duarte offers to reopen talks told reporters Sunday there would “ He is not a puppet.” Beilin said \ SAVE«7 3D between other people’s sheets for recreational small towns throughout the nation, yet the rural people preferred foreign duty tc a Washington either be a judicial or police of Harish. “ He’s a serious guy. \ V i m in d M tsiarCard accoptod « »«f«

HAOUM T M NOMHMJI toy 0th Brown* PIANUTS by ChartM M. tochuli IN FACT, ITlS L00KIN6 (^ANKS, AAAR c i^ AcTUALLy; IT W A S e o i n & l o I LIKE VOUR NEW THANKS, BETTER BY THE MINUTE. 0OM 6^VITV^ 8B A PO PPING MALL PONVTML, SIR.. AAARCIE BUSINESS A T^PUB ^ T T More than a million Northeast jobs depend on exports

By Georow Lobsenz states of New York, Pennsylvania, Island, 24,900 jobs, 6.2 percent; sure was really "an ominous imports. over the last few years, things 1 United Press International New Jersey, Maryland and Dela­ New Hampshire, 24,300 jobs, 6.1 anti-trade bill” that would, among For example, while Pennsylva­ were bound to get worse. Now that ware owe their jobs to exports of percent; Pennsylvania, 284,100 other things, jeopardize the na­ nia had 284,000 jobs in 1981 related the dollar is dropping. I would U.B. ACRCB toy Jhn Dovto WASHINGTON - In the debate U.S. goods. jobs. 6 percent; Massachusetts, tion’s 5.5 million export-related to non-farm exports, the state lost expect the number of jobs to come over the trade bill that recently 155,100 jobs, 5.8 percent; New jobs by angering U.S. trading 366,000 jobs over the 1979-1984 up.” Altogether, exports accounted Jersey, 175.000 jobs, 5.6 percent; partners. period, mostly in heavy industry. passed the House, most Northeast for 340,000 Jobs, or 6.1 percent of all Given that kind of yo-yo perfor­ congressmen said the legislation New York. 372,000 Jobs, 5.1 T N I PHANTOM toy Loo Path A By Barry 1981 non-agricujtural employment “ This reactionary legislation Furthermore, export-related mance, few Northeast congress­ percent. \ was needed to reduce imports that in New England — the highest would ... throw millions of Ameri­ employment fluctuates considera­ men — especially those up for ^ NOW, have devastated their states’ smo­ percentage of any U.S. region. Reagan has seized on U.S. cans out of work and strangle our bly. generally depending more on re-election — are willing to blindly THEY CAN' kestack industries. export-related employment as one economy as foreign markets slam the strength on the dollar than any follow Reagan's "free trade” In the Mid-Atlantic states, However, President Reagan of his key arguments against the shut in retaliation.” he said. specific trade barriers. philosophy of letting smokestack 900,000 jobs stemmed from ex­ says the measure may knock a hole trade bill, which would remove industries smother under imports ports, or 5.27 percent of all However, Reagan's warnings Export-related employment has in a less publicized sector of the some of the president’s discretion in the hope that trading partners non-farm employment. Pennsyl­ carry little weight with congress­ steadily declined from a peak of 7.2 U.S. economy — export-related in retaliating against unfair trade will lower trade barriers to U.S. vania. New York and New Jersey men from the Northeast, who million jobs in 1980, according to employment, which experts say is practices and require him to exports. anked among the top 10 states overwhelmingly supported the International Trade Administra­ more Important to the Northeast impose quotas or tariffs against nationwide in the value of manu­ bill. tion statistics, a drop many ex­ At the least, many congressmen and Midwest than any other region countries that have “ excessive factured goods sent abroad. Even though their states enjoy perts blame on the dollar. say, the trade bill is needed to prod of the country. trade surpluses” with the United significant export-related employ­ “ The peak was due to the fact the Reagan administration into JllW (AV«i b t In fact, a recent survey by the Of ail Northeast states. Connec­ States. Northeast-Midwest Congressional ticut was most dependent on ment, it is far outweighed by job that the dollar was at a low,” said taking action against unfair im­ ports that they say are making it CAPTAIN EASY Crooka A Caaala Coalition found that in 1981 more exports, with 105,000 jobs account­ In a speech to the National losses in smokestack industries — Lester Davis of the IT A ’s Office of than 1.24 million iieople in New ing for 7.3 percent of non-farm Association of Manufacturers last such as steel and machine tools — Trade Investment and Analysis. impossible for U.S. industries to England and the Mid-Atlantic employment, followed by Rhode Thursday, Reagan said the mea- that have been hurt by low-priced "A s the value of the dollar went up compete.

BLONDIE by Doan Young A Alan Draha ( I j u s t s o t J AMP MOVED IKTO THAT'S MB,) THAT'S MB, Borman THE NEIfiHSOBHOOP a o YEARS ^ a o '^ 0 ^ 5 AOO ___ X PROM NOW Business in Brief .^1 [ J Town lawyers settle liability suit to leave A products liability action which had been pending in the U.S. District Court in New Haven since June 1984 has been settled, according to two Manchester attorneys involved in the case. Eastern On June 27, 1982, Temple Cann, 31, pilot of a Cessna 177 ARLO AND JANI8 • by Jimmy Johnson single-engine aircraft, crashed into Long Island Sound near MIAMI (AP) — Former astro­ I THINK AMERICA OUGHT BUTNOrOFCOU»e,IF ITS SIRANOCTUMSi Larchmont, N.Y., killing himeand his brother, William Cann, 33. a passenger, the attorneys said. Both men had lived in Stamford. naut Frank Borman. Eastern GOINGTbSTAin'AWMTOR STRANGE TlMlS. Airlines’ outspoken chairman, will TO BUST ANY COUNTRY The Manchester attorneys, Sanford J. Plepler and Debra C. HATDOESNT INCXCASeiHTER- resign this summer after 16 years Ruel, representing both estates, said they were able to establish, DO RIGHT/.' NATIONAL IlNSION! with the carrier that included through expert testimony, that the aircraft was defective by ON THE PASTRACK toy BIN Holbrook sometimes-bitter labor, disputes C reason of a seat track mechanism which caused the pilot's seat to and financial troubles he blamed P W w > A ic rm M jo '^ Yes,i«,, lurch backward, causing the pilot to lose control of the aircraft’s on discount-fare competitors H£li»»&o»i6-t)’lWDaN& sernn- steering mechanispi. spawned by industry deregulation. somtHbTbimm>ijO m fi ; The estate of Temple Cann agreed to accept a $200,000 "This morning we’re notifying WPWN^BACK? V I c settlement from Cessna Aircraft Co. and the estate of William the employees that he is leaving.” Cann will be paid $500,000, the attorneys said. Eastern spokesman Jerry Cosley Plepler and Ruel are associated with the law firm of Plepler, said. “ Although we all expected Barlow & Bannon. something to be going on. there m . m A really was no advance word, on what he would be announcing” ALLEY OOP - by Dava Qraue Market picks up where It left off Borman. 58. announced his re­ WELL, KOOSIE, ( YEW FOLKS'LL^ HEE! H EE!/ I THOUGHT .. .T'PAY TH' CAPTAIN/' NOT ....JU ST THE THINGS, N,EW YORK — The stock market headed lower today, picking signation at a Sunday night dinner TOMORROW OURV BE BRIMGING/ 1 CAN'T I IT WENT INTO AN’ HIS MEN, AN ' I QUITE, I WE PON'T WANT of 200 friends and associates at the NEW TAX PLAN ^ US ALL /W AIT TISETS TH' MOOVIAN STUFF LIKE t h a t ! / M Y W IL L G O IN T O . up where it left off in Friday’s modest decline. GOGS INTO EFFECT!/ RINDA VMY HANPS ONV TREASURY, ' l o v e ! THE TREASURY! The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials dropped 12.47 to posh Grand Hotel. The Miami STUEP.iJ THAT LOOT! A MELBA. News reported in an article pub­ 1.864.24 in the first hour of trading. lished today. Losers held a sm all edge on gainers in the early tally of New MR. NH N " AND UTTLE MIS8™ toy Hargraavaa A S*ll*ra Borman and wife Susan will C tBEA HarfrowNA snd BMM York Stock Exchange-listed issues. CtostoMsHBtoyNEA.Wc move to Las Cruces. New Mexico, Puncbuatic>n-* Among actively traded blue chips. Philip Morris dropped ’’'t to to join their son, Fred. 68'/i: American Telephone & Telegraph slipped <'t to24’'«: Dow Borman will leave as soon as the Whatoomes after Chemical lost I'a to 56i/«, and International Business Machines a sentence ? carrier’s $660 million pending was unchanged at 152'’/b, merger with Houston-bMed Texas UPl photo Bank stocks showed some fractional losses, Citicorp dropped Air Corp. is completed. 'The deal is i/i to 6F'a; Chase Manhattan '/a to 43'^. and Chemical New York now under review by the U.S. ''4 to 53''a. Transportation Department, the Fore! The NYSE’s composite index of all its listed common stocks newspaper reported. Grace Bunch looks at some of the The bags come in 131 styles. According fell .55 to 141.51. On the American Stock Exchange, the market Frank Lorenzo, who controls THE BORN LOSER '^y Art Sanaom to Wilson, the nation’s 17’/i million value index was off .05 at 282.55. Texas Air. did not push Borman 250,000 golf bags to be shipped by THEP&'S A / A6»SE6WJ- m i, W V ^ 6 0T On Friday the Dow Jones industrial average dropped 5.64 to out of Eastern. Cosley said Wilson Sporting Goods Co. to pro golfers spend $75 million each year on 1HFSWA6 MAME •SOPEPSTAP. 1,876.71, trimming its gain for the week to 53,42 points. “ It was Borman’s shot to call. shops, sporting goods outlets and bags. L i PtAttCK/EH? WHAT'S Lorenzo Jeft that up to him." HOWS- As t AW v(AOU5 Cosley said. department stores across the nation. Electric co-ops want to refinance The decision to sell Eastern came in February during threats WASHINGTON — In this time of lower interest rates, many of Aatrograph of strikes by two of the carrier’s Pkizzles the nation’s rural electric cooperatives would like to do what unions and as a deadline neared thousands of homeowners are doing: refinance old high-interest that had been imposed by Eastern What lower oil prices mean ACROSS 2 Farm agancy Antwar to Previous Purzie loans...... J . . creditors, who told the airline to (abbr.) The attraction is clear, since rural utilities could extract wrestle labor concessions or be ^You r By John Cunnitf average when oil prices were ^Index is likely to be as immediate 3 6ritiah gun themselves from billions of dollars in loans made in the pa.st declared in technical default of 1 Oanua of The Associated Press rising, are now below the national '"as it was when oil prices declined. rodantt 4 Papal acarl ^Birthday several years at rates as high as 15 percent, refinancing at a price some of its $2.5 billion in debts. average. Bankruptciesareupinoil 4 Workcatlla 6 Photocopy closer to 8.5 percent. That would mean lower costs, and less That impact was impressive. By Early this year, the firm cut pay NEW YORK — Americans last states. Housing has lanquished. most estimates, the United States 8 Fragranea 6 Radact June 3,1986 upward pressure on consumer electric rates. FRANK AND ERNEST ^by Bob Thavas and benefits for its 7.000 flight year consumed $100 billion of State budgets are squeezed. today would have a consumer 12 Tima zona 7 Comsdian For a utility, the savings from refinancing can be substantial attendants and later won wage and |abbr.| In the year ahead, stay on the best of oil-related products. This year, According to estimates by the products inflation rate of 4 percent Sparks o E terms with friends who have clout In the because most loans for power generation and transmission benefit concessions from its 4,000 13 Adviaa 8 Taa while using up at least the same Merrill Lynch, the investment or so. rather than a barely L business world Your contacts wilt sup­ O p cz o f j f ^ s e x ’ M H A P P Y equipment are made over a relatively long term, 35 years. The pilots. 14 Eugana 9 Danliny s amount of oil. they are expected to firm, the deficit forTexas will be at measurable amount, if oil prices ply you with confidential tips that will cooperatives say they stand to save $196 million a year. But its 13.000-member machi­ ainaurt 10 Somstlma E H spend 40 percent less, or just $60 least $1 billion this year, with the had not fallen about 40 percent. prove profitable. T O s e A L l V f f . But the co-ops have run into a serious snag. Their lender, the nists union have a contract that daughtar 11 Pour down L E billion. deficits for Louisiana and Okla­ The energy component accounts GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Unless you Federal Financing Bank, is refusing to let them off the hook for runs through 1987 and Interna­ 16 Duteti 18 Pises lor have a proper understanding with co­ The savings of roughly $170 for homa each about half that. Among for 10 percent of the CPI. There­ J ' M j u ^ r n o t s o h a p p y tional Association of Machinists eommuna uttcisimad mail workers today, you may end up with all their high-interest loans without substantial penalties for early every man, woman and child — or other states. Alaska and Wyoming fore. a 40 percent decline in oil local president Charlie Bryan 16 Paretwd (abbr.) the unpleasant tasks they don't wish to payment. close to $700 for the typical family have been hit hard. prices means a 4 percent decline in 17 Oroupa of handle. Know where lo look for ro­ The price for getting out of an FFB loan is a prepayment refused to open the contract for — suggests the in cr^ib le impact 20 Pack But all this will change. the CPI. offsetting a 4 percent rise potntt mance and you'll find it. The Astro- renegotiation. that the sudden fall of oil prices has 22 Malody penalty of one year’s interest, a toll that makes refinancing a A rejiort by the Department of in other, non-energy components 181 23 SiUical king Graph Matchmaker set instantly reveals much less attractive prospect - particularly for rural That prompted Borman to blame had on the economy. which signs are romantically perfect (or Energy suggests, in effect, that of the index. 2 4 T in tt 1^^ •ltaSbylMA.be ThxkvSS C-z cooperatives which already are suffering financial problems. him for the airlines’ sale, a charge The impact means lowered you Mail $2 lo Matchmaker, c/o this higher prices are inevitable within Almost certainly, other great 20 f amalai 26 Damons 38 Overturns 47 Actor Sherif Bryan denied. mortgage rates, greater employ­ newspaper. Box 1846, Cincinnati, OH the next decade, and most likely consequences can be expected as 21 Law (Lat) 26 llaathar 39 See memmel The chairman of Eastern’s pilots ment. reduced production costs 22 Monatiry unit 48 Actress 45201 well before that time. And that oil prices rise. While much of the 27 Moalam pnsst 41 Scrooge Phillips finds slogan In-house union. Larry Schulte, indicated and bigger equities — to say of Japan CANCER (JuM 21-July 22 ) Circum­ means radical economic changes United States will feef^a negative 28 Russian rhrsr 42 Between (Fr.) that Borman would not be missed. nothing about improved economic 23 tu ck^ia Staw Redgreve stances today could force you to social­ WINTHROP ^ y Dick Cavalll BARTLESVILLE, Okla. — While most companies turn to ail over again. economic impact. !*>e Improve­ 28 Dsnesr Vardon 43 Melt infueion ize with a person you've been trying to “ I think everyone is looking confidence. 28 Houaing outside agencies to create slogans for annual reports and other Perhaps the most widely felt ment in oM-dependeiit states may 31 Orssk tpic 44 Hebrew month 49 Zole heroine ignore To please your male, make the y o u CAN'T LEARN IF YC/J r WONDER IF ITfe forward to a new leadership and a There have, of course, been very 30 Popular flowar YQUIX3NYuerEN. AND LISTEN^ RkSHT? SWIAAMINOVET, are ready to rally behind Lorenzo i f Unemployment in energy states, 33 Cat aaund lor yoursell today is not as difllcult to More than 2,750 entries were looked at before Phillips chose impact on the Consumer Price budgets. 34 Houaa mambar 1 2 2 1 6 t 7 1 he can capture that,” Schultesaid. which had been below the national achieve as you're leading yourself to -V “ Performing to meet the challenge of change” for its latest March 20) Winning an toAKQ753 He played the four of diamonds out get away with this "retirement conference committee, back to the Not so. ieo h letter m Ifw dpher alande for anotfier. rodlay'e 0*##: # aqua* Af. argument could lose you a friend today. six-card suit. Because Elast was not The greenback opened in London at $1.4705 to the pound and loans associations, mutual to 10 5 vulnerable, he sacrificed against four of hia hand. West unthinkingly fol­ Jobbery?” Surely, your readers House and Senate for individual Beginning with 1974, every work­ by CONNIE WIENER II you have a disagreement with a pal, sterling, an improvement of about 7 cents over its trading value a funds, brokerage firms and insu­ toK984 spades, but he did so by bidding five lowed with a small card and declarer must be letting you know their voting and be signed by the ing person who was not covered by be smart and let this person think he or month ago. It had closed Friday at $1.4730. rance companies. Your combined too clubs, his second suit, on the theory called for the diamond five from dum­ thoughts about this. president. In that process, there’s another retirement plan could put “ZW BWWO VU DW SPQV DWEUMW ZW she has won. The American currency began the day in Frankfurt at 2.3355 maximum annual IR A contribu­ Vulnerable: North-South that he might find partner with better my. When that won the trick, Blast bound lo be some changes in the 15 percent of his or her earned ARIES (March 21-Aprll 19) When shop­ deutschmarks against Friday’s closing 2.3127, in Zurich at 1.9403 tion to all accounts can be no more ping today. It's imperative that you are Dealer: Blast support for clubs than he had for showing out, declarer not only made ANSWER: You’re so right. The bill. income but no more than $1,500 into KMW JWBWMUPQ, KQ ZW BWWO QCYMVQ Swiss francs against 1.9270, in Paris at 7.4380 francs against than $2,000 — $2,250 to a spousal both quality-conscious and price-con­ hearts. The unfortunate result of all his contract but scored an overtiick to mailbag started bulge the day Earlier proposals for tax re­ an IR A — $1,750 into a spousal IRA 7.3800, and in Brussels at 47.9350 Belgian francs against 47.6950. IR A if your wife or husband is not scious. You won't be content with mer­ Weit North East South this was that declarer South, who bid boot. ‘ after the proposal to gut IRAs form, such as the Bradley- — annually. In 1982. those numbers DWEUMW MPEEFWQ.” — OWDKOVYWB I Ito 2 to In 'Tokyo, the dollar was spurred by hectic buying and soared employed. chandise that lacks one ol these five spades, suddenly had a blueprint made newspaper headlines. In all Gephardt. Kemp-Kasten and Rea­ were hiked to 100 percent of earped 3to 4 # 5to 5 to against the yen, closing at 176.30 against Friday's final 172.05^ These rules might, be changed elements. for the best way to play the hand. the years I ’ve been pounding out gan bills and the House-passed income or $2,000 — $2,250 for a Pass Pass Pass In Canada, the dollar rose Friday to $1.3810 Canadian from' forjuture years by the tax reform * RCKIEU M V. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) It may South won the opening lead of the Blarly, bow-shaped harps with four this column. nothing has brought in version, all preserved and/or spousal IRA. That seenis to be the prove extremely difficult to please bill now wending its way through PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "The stupid are- deal to truth: they hear, but think jack of clubs with dummy’s ace and strings weighed less than a pound, $1.3770 Thursday. so many screaming mad lelers. expanded IRAs. The Senate Fi­ story with your first brother. someone who you will have to deal with Opening lead: O J Congress. However, it’s reasona­ that the wisdom applies to someone else." — Heraclitus. came right back with the club queen, while today's 46-string concert harps Gold opened low er in both Zurich, at $342.50 per ounce against Yours is typical and. in its nance Committee voted out its If your second brother received a on a one-to-one basis today. Try bly certain the present IR A rules covered by Blast's king as declarer weigh 80 pounds. Friday’s closing $344, and in London, at $342.50 against $343 .50, comments about our lawgivers version emasculating IRAs in the lump sum distribution represent­ anyway. will stand for 1986. relatively mild. wee hours of the morning May T. ing an emninvcFs contribution to a MANCHESTER HERALD, Monday, June 2. 1986 — II 10 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday, June 2, 1986 C um m ings Third of single women SPORTS lashes out become pregnant once By Laura Kino are very important demographl- at Jo yn er Tht Aatoclotod P r«t cally, yet It is a group for which we Loose Rockets hand Celtics first loss have historically had Inadequate Continued from page 1 WASHINGTON - Four out of data,” Baldwin said. “Their fertil­ five never-married American ity behavior is very significant.” By Michael A. Lutz playoff games against Boston and tapped our feet and chewed our He moved Reid from his point town wants the connection to be women in their 20a have had sex, The report was based on lengthy The Associated Press each time the Rockets had been gum.” Rockets guard Robert Reid guard position to a face-to-face made. one-third of them get pregnant at face-to-face interviews with 1,314 blown out in the third quarter. said. “We came out loose for the confrontation with Boston forward The town wants the new line least once, and 40 percent of those never-married women between HOUSTON — Houston’s locker Sunday, they tried something second half.” Larry Bird. connected to its Adams Street abort their first pregnancies, a the ages of 20 and 29 across the room had been somber at halftime different. The Rockets kept up the beat on Fitch inserted guards Allen sewer, which runs into the Inter­ federal study shows. country, Tanfer said Sunday in a of its first two NBA championship ”We had the radio on and we the court, surviving another scary Leavell and Mitchell Wiggins into ceptor at a point southwest of One-third have lived with a man, telephone Interview. third quarter, and then they edged the game and sat down starter where the district’s hookup would and one-sixth habitually engage in He said the survey indicated; to a 106-104 victory in the fourth Rodney McCray to give the be. sex without contraceptives, ac­ • One out of three single women quarter with a revised lineup to Rockets more outside fire power. The district has argued that the cording to the study, the first in her 20s has been pregnant at breathe new life into the best-of- The strategy was good enough to town’s plan is flawed because the federal survey to focus solely on least once. seven series. \ get the Rockets back into the series Adams Street line is too small to the sexual habits of women in their • Forty percent of those women The Rockets now trail the Celtics handle the flow of waste expected as they scored 15 points in the final 20s. — half of the white woman and 10 2-1 going into Thursday’s fourth 5‘A minutes of the third quarter to from the Buckland section. It cites The survey was funded by the percent of the black women — game at The Summit. The victory trail 84-80 after three periods. an engineering study done for it by National Institutes of Health and it aborted their first pregnancies. ended talk of a Boston sweep and Leavell, still recovering from a Richard Lombardi of Vernon to was scheduled to be presented to • One-sixth habitually risk preg­ . the possibility of the Celtics setting back its claim. late-season hand injury, scored an advisory panel today by Wendy nancy by engaging in sexual two NBA records. only five points but he got the The town, though, maintains the Baldwin, chief of the demographic Intercourse without A sweep would have given the Rockets’ offense moving and hit Lombardi study is inaccurate. and behavioral sciences branch of contraceptives. Celtics a 15-1 record in this year’s two key late-game baskets. Town officials have said a sewer the National Institute of Child • ’Twenty percent did not begin playoffs, bettering Philadelphia’s Wiggins scored eight points and study prepared for it in 1978. used Health and Human Development. to use contraceptives until after all-time mark of 12-1 in 1983. by the town as its master sewer got the decisive go-ahead tip-in Temple University demo­ their flrst pregnancy. And Boston could have finished with 31 seconds to go after a missed plan, supports the Adams Street grapher Koray Tanfer, who con­ • One-third have lived with a with a regular season-playoff proposal. shot by Akeem Olajuwon. UPl photo ducted the survey, said there have man. combined record of 82-16. surpass­ Reid gained national status Cummings said this morning been many studies of adolescent • Four out of five have engaged ing the 1971-72 Los Angeles Lakers’ when he guarded Bird in the 1981 Joyner was delivering a copy of A picket wraps herself in a blanket to after the hospital failed to reach a sexual activity, but few had in sex at least once. combined standard of 81-16. Los NBA championships but he didn’t Lombardi’s report to him at his ward off the chill as lines are set up this settlement with more than 1,100 nurses, tracked behavior patterns as • Never-married women in Angeles was 69-13 in the regular office when the incident over the take credit for Bird’s six-point morning outside Waterbury Hospital, service and maintenance workers. women passed out of adolescence their 20s have had sexual inter­ season and 12-3 in the playoffs. second half Sunday. phone call to Weiss occurred. and into young adulthood. course, on average, with 4.5 men, Boston. 67-15 in the regular In a related matter. Cummings "Social policymakers and fam­ half of the time with serious season, is now 13-2 in the playoffs. Bird scored 25 points, grabbed 15 today released a letter he sent to ily planners have to pay attention long-term boyfriends and half in Boston took a 2-0 series lead by rebounds and handed out 11 Joyner on ’Tuesday in which he to this group as well,” Tanfer said. more casual relationships. wilting the Rockets with powerful assists, while Kevin McHale led urged Joyner and the district to Strike shuts down hospital “Pregnancy and childbearing are Baldwin said the survey indi­ third quarters in each of the first the Celtics with 28 points. Ralph reconsider moving forward with as common among single women cates that the young adult popula­ two games and they started Sampson paced Houston with 24 the sewer plans “until every Continued from page 1 in their 20s as they are among tion “is not really doing a whole lot Sunday’s third period by outscor- points and 22 rebounds, while question provoked by those plans adolescents, and I don’t think better than adolescents in terms of ing the Rockets 17-3. Akeem Olajuwon added 23 points. has been answered satisfactorily turning 20 takes away the sting of consistent use of contraceptives.” Negotiators for nurses were to talks focusing primarily on benef­ Houston led 62-59 at halftime but The Rockets had taken a 48-39 to all taxpayers in the Eighth The hospital began shutting coping with these things.” However, she added, the women never trailed by more than 10 lead in the second quarter but the District.” meet with hospital officials at 4 its. Union leaders said the hospital down last week in preparation for In 1983, the year the Interviews in their 20s are more quick to settle p.m. today in an attempt to reach was seeking to reduce some points and clawed their way back Celtics used 13-4 spurt to trail by “Sanitary sewers, in all their the strike. By Sunday only the were conducted, 400,000 of the 8.1 on a method of contraception once into the game in the closing only three points at the half. ramifications, are neither Demo­ an agreement. The nurses had set non-economic benefits, such as psychiatric unit, with 20 patients, million single women in their 20s they have become sexually active a strike deadline of 7 a.m. Sunday, vacation time, sick time and minutes. With the Rockets leading 105-104, crat nor Republican. Town or remained opened and 1,300 of the gave birth, and 660,000 had abor­ — especially after a pregnancy. “If we’d been down by 15 or there was an inadvertent offici­ Eighth District, political left, right but did not strike as threatened. leaves of absence. hospital’s 2,000 employees had tions, according to the study. ‘"They realize they are at risk,” “The hospital wants the nurses something, we might not have been als’s whistle with seven seconds or middle.” the letter reads. ‘“They Both sides have refused to reveal been laid off. “Unmarried women in their 20s she said. able to come back,” Reid said. left in the game that resulted in a work best, with the fewest prob­ to know there’s plenty of room for average salaries of the workers, bargaining ... we’ve not reached a and they have not made public About 350 workers held an "Today was not their day. Today it jump ball at midcourt. lems. when installed as the result UPI photo was who made the play at the end Sampson tipped the ball to of proper consideration given to point yet where we’ve presented their wage proposals. orderly candlelight vigil in front of our best offer.” Bulat said. The last strike at the Waterbury the nearly closed hospital Sunday was the big chief.” Olajuwon. who was immediately topography and engineering and Marilyn mystique lives Boston's Larry Bird (33) and Houston’s Ralph Sampson Halftime music may have fouled by Bird. with the most cost effective The separate contracts for the Hospital began in November 1980 night, chanting and marching for Houston's Rodney McCray hangs onto the rim after service workers and nurses ex­ and ended in January 1981. Only about a half-hour before negotia­ (50) compete for the basketball during Game Three of helped the Rockets’ psyche but The fourth and fifth games of the construction as the guiding after the Rockets started slowly in series will be in Houston Tuesday shoving home a breakaway slam dunk in the first quarter principles.” pired at midnight Saturday. the nurses were on strike, but their tions between the hospital and the NBA Championship Series at the Summit in Houston. At issue in the contract talks picket lines were honored by the blue-collar workers resumed at 9 as th birthday noted the third quarter. Coach Bill Fitch and Thursday nights. The final two of Sunday’s game. McCray had 12 points, one of five 60 The Rockets won, 106-104, to narrow the Celtics lead to took matters into his own hands games, if necessary, would return were benefits and salaries, with service and maintence workers. p.m. Rockets in double figures. By Jeff Wilson Wendy Beeby, 25, a Los Angeles 2-1. Game Four is Tuesday night in Houston. and shuffled his lineup. to Boston. Youth move The Associated Press waitress who carried flowers to the crypt Sunday with her 1-year-old Obituaries LOS ANGELES — Sex goddess daughter Angelina, collects Mon­ would make Marilyn Monroe, the platinum roe memorabilia. A rested Clemens Manchester, East blond actress who entertained the “I have her posters, her music, Marie E. Finnegan East Hartford, has charge of Portsmouth, N.H.; and six powerful and wooed the world in more space arrangements. grandchildren. her tight, low-cut dresses, was not her dolls.” the young mother said. Marie E. Finnegan. 92. of 188 Memorial donations may be A graveside service will be held forgotten on what would have been Forrest Andrews, spokesman wins ninth straight begin action today Woodbridge St.. died early today at made to a charity of the donor’s in Portsmouth. N.H., at the con­ her 60th birthday. for the tiny, tree-shrouded ceme­ A plan to make more space at Manchester Memorial Hospital. choice. venience of the family. ’There are Helium-filled balloons reading tery surrounded by high-rise build­ Lincoln Center by moving the She was the widow of W. George no calling hours. ’The Holmes “Happy Birthday” and bouquets of ings, said a steady stream of Tourney Time is here. final seed in double L, Notre Dame people remembered her birthday MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - Roger homer of the year in the fourth is defending Class LL champs. Youth Services Bureau from its Finnegan. Funeral Home, 400 Main St., has flowers were delivered throughout Clemens demonstrated early that inning had increased the Red Sox Local high school baseball teams offices in the building to 55 E. She was born in New Jersey Mohrmon D. Nickson Sr. charge of arrangements. the weekend to the crypt marked with flowers on her crypt. lead to 4-0, said. “I’m just trying to hope to contend for state titles In Class L first-round action. Center Street is scheduled to be Sept. 23. 1893, and had been a a full week’s rest was good for him. when the scholastic post-season Mohrmon D. Nickson Sr., 47, of Memorial donations may be “Marilyn Monroe 1926-1962” at In pitching the Red Sox to a 6-3 be patient and hit the ball. As it East Catholic pits its 12-8 mark considered by the Board of Direc­ Manchester resident formorethan made to the Center Congregational Westwood Village Cemetery, 10 Los Angeles Police Chief Daryl turned out, the home run helped gets under way this afternoon. against 11-7 Eli Whitney Tech in tors at a meeting Tuesday. 60 years. She was a parishioner of Hartford, died Wednesday at the F. Gates and District Attorney Ira victory Sunday over the Minnesota Manchester sends three school­ Newington Veterans Hospital, He Church Memorial Fund. Manches­ miles from downtown Los Angeles. Twins, Clemens struck out seven out” . Hamden today at 3; 30 p.m. East is According to Town Manager SI. Bridget Church. ter. or the First Congregational Born Norma Jean Mortenson on Reiner rejected murder allega­ Bob Stanley pitched the ninth boy diamond nines to thejourna- ranked 18th out of 21 teams, while Robert Weiss, space would be was the brother of Veronica tions in Miss Monroe’s death as batters in the first four innings. ment. including Manchester High She is survived by a son. William Harrington of Manchester. Church of Canton Center Memorial June 1, 1926, Miss Monroe died That included striking out the sides inning for Boston as the Red Sox Whitney Tech is seeded 15th. rented at the Andrews Building for Aug. 5. 1962. recently as last fall, saying there and East Catholic, which play G. Finnegan Jr, of Manchester, He is also survived by three sons. Fund. Canton Center, 06020. in order in the second and third won for the seventh time in nine Cheney Tech, seeded fourth in $12,000 per year to house the And her mystique lives on. was no evidence. And on Nov. 18. games on this road trip. today, and (Theney Tech, which has bureau. ’The move would allow the two daughters. Elisabeth Healy of Mohrmon Nickson Jr.. Michael 1985, the Los Angeles County innings on a total of 28 pitches. a first-round bye until Wednesday. the Class L with a 16-4 log, awaits Manchester and Margaret La- Nickson and Corey Nickson. all of “She came up from nowhere and “Seven days off was great for my The loss for the Twins dropped Building Department, whose staff Mario J. Morra set goals for herself. She had a Grand Jury declined to investigate Manchester High, which quali­ the winner of today’s Bristol. Francis of Bolton: two sisters, Hartford: two brothers, John the death. finger,” said Clemens, who gave the club to 5'A games out of first Central/Torrington tilt. Cheney has grown with the recent addition Margaret Daly and Elizabeth Mario J. Morra. 84, of 1 West St., dream and fullfilled it,” said Ricci place in the American League fied for the Class LL tourney on the of two inspectors, to expand its Nickson of Hartford and Roland Bolton, died Saturday at Manches­ up seven hits and struck out nine in last day of the regular season last will host its first-ever tournament Daly, both of Manchester; 14 Nickson of New York City: three Terranova, a longtime fan from eight innings. West. offices. ter Memorial Hospital. He was the Marina del Rey who left flowers at Wednesday, travels to West Haven game on Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. grandchildren: five great­ other sisters, Edith Harrington of Clemens, who sprained the mid­ Don Baylor also homered for the against either I3th-ranked 12-7 Under the plan, the Elderly grandchildren: and several nieces husband of Lydia (Biola) Morra. her crypt on Sunday. He said the Accident cuts Red Sox. Baylor led off the Boston today to take on Notre Dame at Outreach Program would also be New York City. Audrey Cobbs and Born in Italy, Dec. 24, 1901, he dle finger of his right hand last 3:30 p.m. The MHS Indians have a Torrington or 20th-ranked 11-9 and nephews. Evelyn Wallace, both of Hartford: actress had inspired him. Sunday against Texas, said he second with his llth homer, off given new offices at Lincoln had been a resident of Bolton for 48 Terranova, born two years after pow er to 531 loser Mark Portugal. 1-6. to give 10-10 record and are the 28th and Bristol Central. Center. A mass of Christian burial will be five grandchildren: many nieces “felt a little sluggish at first. (The Wednesday at 10 a.m. at St. and nephews: and a close friend. years. He moved to Bolton from Miss Monroe’s death, said visiting finger) “is a little sore, but you just the Red Sox a 1-0 lead. The town has been searching Long Island. N.Y. He was a her home was his most prized More than 500 residents tempor­ since February to find additional Bridget Church, with burial in St. El-Tuy Coleman of Hartford. have to block it out. Boston increased its lead to 4-0 in James Cemetery, There are no The funeral was today at the self-employed farmer until he personal memory of the actress. arily lost their power early Satur­ “I lost it a little in the seventh. I space. Deputy Mayor Peter Di- ret ired. He was a parishioner of St. He posed as a potential buyer when day morning after a car crashed the fourth off Portugal as Jim Rice Rosa. who serves on the Board of calling hours. Holmes Funeral James Funeral Home. 2016 Main didn’t have the legs,” Clemens singled. Rich Gedman walked and MB’s are in first Home. 400 Main St., has charge of St.. Hartford. Burial will be at the Maurice Church, Bolton. the small Brentwood iMuse re­ into a utility pole on Adams Street, said. Directors’ real estate committee, Besides his wife, he is survived cently went on the market. fire and utility officials said this with one out. Evans followed with said a couple of other locations arrangements. convenience of the family. Boston Manager John McNam­ his fourth homer of the season, a by a daughter. Mrs. Robert “I got a sense of the warmth that morning. ara thought Clemens was “losing were considered, but could not be (Wilma) Pisch of East Hartford; a I associate with her,” he said. Thomas O’Marra, spokesman 443-foot blow to straight center off used because the space had velocity in the sixth inning.” a 2-0 fastball by Portugal . after 4-0 victory Mary Anna Flala Marion Sealand brother. Steve Morra of Oakland, Miss Monroe died there at age 36 for the Eighth Utilities District “He said the finger was sore, but already been rented. Calif.; two grandchildren; and a of “probable suicide.” Fire Department, said a pole near The Twins scored their first run In February, concerns were Mary Anna Fiala of East Hart­ didn’t didn’t bother him,” NcNam- "in the sixth inning on an infield RBI Marion Gray Sealand. 85, of great-granddaughter. Theories of murder and cover-up 199 Adams St. was struck and ara added. “Roger said that in the NEWINGTON — The Twilight while going the distance. raised by some town directors over ford died Saturday at home. She Manchester, died Saturday at The funeral will be Tuesday at 9 have surfaced throughout the severed at 1;43 a.m. and a nearby single by Kent Hrbek, Hrbek later League baseball season is only a Aksamit struck out six and the idea to move the Youth was employed by Southern New Manchester Memorial Hospital. seventh he could pitch one more walloped a two-out home run in the a.m. at the Holmes Funeral Home. years but remain unproven expla­ pole caught on fire. (inning).” few days old and things are back to walked one. Services Bureau. They argued that England Telephone Co. for 40 She was the wife of Dr. Evans F. 400 Main St., followed by amass of nations of her death. A spokesman at Northeast Utili­ eighth to cut Boson’s lead to 4-2. normal. Moriarty Brothers is in Moriarty scored all the runs it the office — which is part of the years, and was a service represen­ Minnesota Manager Ray MiHer Sealand. a retired surgeon from Christian burial at 10 a.m. at St. “She was a legend then; she is ties said that the crash caused 531 said he didn’t see much difference Marty Barrett had a two-run first. needed on Jeff Johnson’s two-run school system — should be in a tative when she retired. New York City. Maurice Church, Bolton. Burial even more of one now,” said Roger The MBs, who went wire-to-wire double in the top of the second She is survived by two sisters. residents to lose their power. Most in Clemens’ performance as the single for Boston in the ninth and central location so that troubled Born in Portsmouth. N.H., April will be in Bolton Center Cemetery. Richman, licensing agent for the of the customers had their power Mickey Hatcher tripled home a run last year while winning the regular inning. Ford, who singled, and Ray youths can walk there for help. Mrs. Joseph (Albina) Krul and 5. 1901. she had been a resident of undefeated righthander won his Calling hours are tonight from 7 to Monroe estate who controls the restored at 3:50 p.m., the spokes­ ninth straight game, the first for the Twins in the bottom of the season championship, won their Gliha. who doubled, tallied the DiRosa said this morning he is Mrs. John (Frances) Budarz. both Manchester for 19 years. Her 9. man said. second in a row in 1986 on Sunday markers. of East Hartford; several nieces commercial use of her picture and nine-game winner in the American inning to cap the scoring. satisfied with the Andrews Build­ parents were Fred A. Gray and Memorial donations may be name. “What impresses me is her Eighth District firefighters were Boston’s Wade Boggs, the major night as veteran hurler Bill Ak- The MBs added two more in the and nephews: and several great- League this season. UPI photo ing space, which is located near the Lillian (War3) Gray. made to the American Cancer increasing worldwide popularity on the scene until about 3:30 a.m., league’s leading hitter, singled in samit shutout the homestanding fourth when Petersen’s two-run intersection of Main and East nieces and great-nephews. She is also survived by a son. the “He’s hittable.” Miller said, Society, 237 E. Center St., Man­ among people who were not even O’Marra said. The driver of the car “but you can’t give guys like him his first at-bat for his seventh Newington Capitols on four hits, single delivered Mike Johnson and Center streets, The funeral will be private and Rev. Dr. Evans F. Sealand Jr. of chester; the Visiting Nurse and Boston’s Roger Clemens delivers a pitch during 4-0, at Newington High. Jon Hagerty. each of whom had burial will be at the convenience of bom when she was alive.” suffered minor injuries, he said. and (Bruce) Hurst leads. It’s tough consecutive hit. For the game. "It sounds like a good idea.” he Canton Center: a daughter. Mrs. Home Care of Manchester, 307 Boggs was l-for-4. dropping his Sunday's game against Minnesota at the Metrodome. “They never threatened,” said singled. said. DiRosa said the only reserva­ the family. There are no calling Roy W. Edgerton of Manchester; Porter St.; or the Bolton Volunteer to come back against them.” Dwight Evans, whose fourth average to .399. Clemens and the Red Sox beat the Twins, 6-3. Moriarty coach Gene Johnson of Moriarty plays Marco Polo at tion he might have would be if the hours. The Newkirk & Whitney two sisters. Mrs. Clark Coleman Fire Department. 105 Notch Road, the 1-2 Caps. McKenna Field on Tuesday night bureau itself opposed the choice. Funeral Home. 318 Burnside Ave.. and Mrs. Henry Parker, both of Bolton. Dave Ford ripped three hits for at 8 p.m. However, Robert Digan. head of the winners and Chris Petersen AAorlartv Brotliers 020 200 0 4-10-1 the Youth Services Bureau, said he AL roundup Newinoton CopItolsOOO 000 0 0-4-2 added a pair against losing pitcher Aksamit and Haoertv; Marina and supports the plan. Steve Marino, who gave up 10 hits “We have no reservations,” he Pennsylvania floods kill eight Meuccl. saidft this morning. PIT’TSBURGH (UPI) - Na­ but Jeff Trzygocki. assistant man­ The damage prompted Thorn­ John is back sinking the opposition tional Guardsmen used bulldozers ager of hard-hit Shaler Township, burgh to declare a state disaster Delays seen to search for people feared missing said a comparison of missing emergency, allowing National Bosox lose Hurst in floods that killed at least eight, person reports indicated only four Guard troops to enter the area and Bv The Associated Press has some shoulder trouble, pitched two runs to break a 6-6 tie in the and dropped into a tie with the while residents cleaning up homes people remained unaccounted for. authorizing the county to hire five strong innings three days after seventh inning and lead Cleveland Royals after Sunday’s loss. in phone calls caked in mud were urged to boil National Guard troops used unemployed young people to help pitching three innings of relief. over visiting Milwaukee, The winner was Charlie Lei- MINNEAPOLIS (UPI) - The Manager Lou) Gorman.” Bos­ OAKLAND, Calif. — Tommy ton manager John McNamara their water and get tetanus shots. bulldozers and trucks to clear clean up. John’s sinker, a pitch which failed "I just couldn’t send him but for Scott Bailes. 6-4. Cleveland’s brandt. 5-3. Boston Red Sox will wait until Continued from page 1 Gov. Dick Thornburgh asked away tons of muddy debris as they ’"The apparent extent of the him too often over the last four one more inning. We have enough third pitcher, was'the winner with Rangers reliever Mitch Willi­ Bruce Hurst is examined in said. President Reagan Sunday to de­ scoured the banks of the Big Pine damage is severe and wides­ problems now with injuries and last-inning relief help from Ernie ams took the loss. Boston before determining how The Red Sox returned to nearest open service center is years, has been an effective Boston after Sunday’s game clare a disaster in eight communi­ River and a tributary for people pread,” said John Comey of the weapon for him since he joined the stuff to take any risks. He’d thrown Camacho, who recorded his sev­ long the pitcher will be sidelined located. ties where floods from rain- who may have been swept away Pennsylvania Emergency Man­ Angels 7, Orioles 4 with a groin injury that forced against Minnesota. Almost all in-state phone servi­ New York Yankees’ starting rota­ 124 pitches.” Oakland manager enth save. The loser was Bob swollen creeks Friday damaged Friday, when 3 inches of rain in agement Agency. He said it would tion a month ago. Jackie Moore said. McClure. Wally Joyner’s 17th homer in the him out of Saturday night’s If he misses his next start. ces are provided by the Southern more than 800 homes and busi­ about an hour unleashed a ram­ take at least two more days for game against the Twins. New England Telephone Co., It carried the left-hander The A’s scored early, on Carney White Sox 6, Blue Jays 4 sixth inning snapped a 1-1 tie and Hurst will become the second nesses, swept away cars and paging wall of water 7 feet high. officials to estimate damages. through eight strong innings on Lansford’s infield single and Jose California scored five times in the Hurst. 28. collapsed on the Red Sox starter sidelined by whose employees are not involved triggered mud siides. Bill Scattergood. acting man­ Wayne Tolleson hit a three-run mound and was carried off the in the strike. Bll Skertich, borough manager Sunday and he won his 262nd major Canseco’s double in the first, when eighth to beat Baltimore. injury. A1 Nipper has been out There was no response from the ager of the Red Cross in Pitts­ of Etna, compared the floods to “a league game, 7-1 over the Oakland John also issued his only walk. homer and Greg Walker added a Joyner’s leadoff homer off Scott field after landing awkwardly since May 18 with a leg injury. “It is not a strike against White House. The declaration burgh. said residents of flooded giant wave” that trapped many ’They totaled nine hits and struck two-run shot as Chicago snapped a McGregor, 4-4, resulted in his on his left leg. Also, Roger Clemens has been (S^ET),”' said Michael T. A’s. He’s 3-0 this season with a 2.37 would make the areas eligible for areas were urged to boil their victims in their cars. earned run average. out seven times in eight frustrating seven-game losing streak. The seventh game-winning RBI. The Hurst. 5-3, was injured on the pitching with an injured McCann, a SNET spokesman. “All federal grants and loans to pay for water and make sure they had He said one man saved himself innings against the John sinker. White Sox, who had managed just rookie, who leads the major final out of the fifth inning. The knuckle on his right hand. of the services we provide are the cleanup. tetanus shots because sewage may by climbing a tree and strapping “It’s added maturity.” the 43- one hit through the first five leagues in homers, has homered left-hander, who leads the operating at a normal level for a year-old pitcher said, offering a “He throws it so the hitters can’t Hurst was pitching to Minne­ State officials said it could take have contaminated water himself to it with his belt. afford to take it, and when we hit it. innings, finally solved Jimmy Key. against all nine teams the Angels American League with 89 stri­ sota’s Greg Gagne when he was Sunday and Monday.” days to accurately calculate supplies. joking explanation when first 3-4, in the top of the sixth when they keouts. struck out five, walked ATliT employees who are re­ asked about his 1986 success with today, it was mostly for ground ' have faced. injured. Gagne filed out to right damages. “There are no serious health balls. He’s been doing that for scored three runs on Tolleson’s The win went to Mike Witt, 5-4. one and gave up two hits over field on the pitch, ending the presented by CWA and who work at Jerry Wienand. Allegheny concerns.” he said. “But after any II the pitch. , homer. five shutout innings. C^«t€ Sunday’s losing pitcher was years,” Moore said, inning and enabling Hurst to get SNET offices have set up picket County deputy coroner, said at flood where the sewage system LeOK John, who pitched with the Rich Dotson. 3-5, was the winner Mariners 9, Tigers 1 “When I pushed off delivering lines at those offices, said Rick rookie reliever Dave Leiper, who credit for the victory. least eight people died in the floods may have mingled with the drain­ Yankees from 1979 to 1982, re­ with late relief help fi'om Joel Jim Presley’s three-run homer the pitch, it hurt like a son of a Meiita. administrative assistant of and added that he feared more age system there are routine FUEL OIL suffered his first big league defeat. gun. It was like a knife, it hurt so “It’sapulled left groin. He did He threw the sixth-inning pitch turned to the team’s staff on May 2 McKeon and Bob James. capped a five-run seventh inning, the Connecticut Union of Tele­ bodies would be found. concerns about bacteria because of injuries to other bad,” Hurst said. “1 hadn’t felt it on the last pitch. He tried to phone Workers. which Dave Winfield hit for a leading Seattle over Detroit for a put something extra on the pitch “We have reports of vehicles infections” pitchers. oSammy Ellis and Mark Royals 5, Rangers 3 three-game sweep of the visiting anything in my groin area However, Meiita said, SNET being discovered that are regis­ Water and electric utilities also two-run homer, breaking a 1-1 tie. Connor were the coaches who before. This surprised me be­ and it popped,” Boston trainer employees are not represented by tered to people who can’t be .68» Mike Pagliarulo. who sat out Lonnie Smith’s two-run triple Tigers. Charlie Moss said. ”It’s too were knocked out in some areas, ■: li i: i;; i i i argued his case and. according to with two out in the seventh led Winner Billy Swift, 1-3, pitched 5 cause my hamstring has been CWA and are not part of those located," he said. “People have with up to 15,000 people blacked Senior Citizen i only one game after suffering a bothering me.” early to tell. I won’t speculate on John, also helped him get the Kansas City over Texas. It was the 1-3 innings, scattering nine hits and how long he’ll be out. It wouldn’t picket lines. Separate entrances given us descriptions of some of out. Power lines were back in Volume Dlscounta broken nose on Friday night, sinker back in top form. “It’s costly If it’s severe. I have been set up for the strike so those who are missing.” homered in the eighth off Tom Royals’ third straight victory over walking just one. Mark Huismann be fair to him or myself. I’ll operation by early Sunday, but the Rangers, who arrived in was credited with his second save don’t know what we are going to that SNET employees can get to Police estimated as many as 13 electricity was not restored to THRIFTY OIL CO. Dozier. do until I talk to (General have to wait a day or two.” work without crossing AT&T people were missing. Wienand Dave Stewart, who started for Indians 9, Brewers 7 Kansas City Friday night with a as he held the Tigers to one run the some homes because of safety ifo \ rest of the way. picket lines. Meiita said. declined to speculate on a figure. concerns. 289-8843 the A’s because Moose Haas still Rookie Andy Allanson tripled in three-game lead in the AL West

/ H - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. June 2, 1M6 MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday, June 2. 1986 - IS SCOREBOARD Rahal becomes king

Cogan led an offensive attack. Jeff Cothmon ond Vicki Vonnle were the RaR tax 8. Twliia S Riyala5.Raiigar8S Rlanta 7, Mala S $oftbaD hitting stars for B A J , sstille Nick Gome 11: 8:10 p.m. Wlimor gome Robson and Darren White ployed svell sovOT plovs «rlm er|jom of Gasoline Alley defensivelv. AOfTON MIftfinOTA TRXA9 KANSAS CITY SAN PRANOSCO NEW YORK iGrhM oBrliM ubrbM ObrhM ObrhM ObrhM Barrolt 2b 4 0 3 2 Puckett cf 4 1 2 0 Fletchr M 4 0 0 0 Wilson cf 4 0 0 1 Otaddsn cf 4 1 3 2 Dykstra cf 3 0 0 0 ^ O o m e 1 ? S : W p.m. Winner game nine TONiaMT't OAMIS B o m 3b 4 0 10 Smally dh 4 0 0 0 Ckxli lb 4 0 10 Bockmn X 4 1 1 0 plays lossr gome 11. . 0«an VI. Oil Htot, A — Robertson Ward If 4 1 1 0 Smith If 4 0 12 By Roberto Dios and retired after 149 seventh and, following Rutherford Bucfcnr 1b 4 0 0 0 Hrbofc 1b 3 12 2 D'BrIen 1b 4 0 1 0 J o n x rf 0 0 0 0 Brenly c 5 10 0 Hrnndz 1b 3 0 2 0 Game 13: 8:10 p.m. Winner gome 11 • J.C . Ponnov vs. Glenn, 7:30 — Stelujn 1b 0 0 0 0 Bm raky rf 4 0 2 0 Leonard If S 1 1 1 Teufel 1b 1110 ploys winner of game nine or W. United Press International laps. A.J. Foyt, the only four-time and Sullivan, rookie Randy Lanier Robertson Incoylgl rf 3 1 0 0 Low rf 4 12 0 Baseball Rice If 3 1 1 0 Bush If 4 0 0 0 Sierra cf 11 2 3 Brett X 4121 CDoyls rf 2 0 0 1 Knight X 4 1 1 2 Pairings will be od lusted for games Hand Indy 500 winner, embarrasingly placed 10th. ; CBT vs. Elmore, 6 — Fltioerold Baylor dh 4 1 1 1 GoettI 3b 4 0 0 0 Quinons X 5 0 1 0 Wilson If 4 0 10 13 to match teams which have not ptoyod Jones/Zems vs. Main Pub, 7:30 — Poclorfc dh 4 0 0 0 Orta dh 1021 IN D IAN AP OLIS — Now that locked his rear breaks and backed "I'm disappointed, and I don’t Oedman c 2 1 0 0 Lmbrdz 2b 2 0 0 0 Horrah X 4 0 1 0 McRae ph 1 0 0 0 Thmpsn X 4 1 0 0 Heep rf 4 0 0 0 previously, or which hove net played ntzoerold Evans rf 2 113 OavM ph 10 0 0 Uribe ss 5 2 2 0 Johnson n 0 0 0 0 since the first rowta. has won the Indiana­ into his own pit wall after 135 laps. know how long this will last," said •Nelson vs. L.M. Oil, 6 — Nike Buechel X 4 0 2 0 Quirk c 4 0 0 0 Lyons cf 4 1 1 0 Wshnet 2b 1 1 1 o Mercado c 3 0 1 0 Bolbonl 1b 2 0 0 0 Krukow p 11 2 0 Sontono w 4 0 1 0 RoupRPhfO polis 800, he is beginning to Mario Andretti, the 1969champion, Cogan, who took the lead from i.w . -M o k vs. HPMorket, 7:30 — Nike AL atandlnga Quinons ss 4 1 1 0 Rood c 3 0 10 RoMnstxi p 1 0 0 0 Heom c 4 0 0 0 SX urdpy, JupoT . D Team vs. Red-Lee, 6 — PaeanI GWrght ph 1 0 0 0 Blondn w 1 0 1 0 understand what it nneans to be had steering problems. Hotchr ph 1 0 1 1 Pryor X 4 2 10 Darling p 10 0 0 Game 14: 1:10 p.m. Winner game 13 Rahal on the 188th lap but whose . Thrifty vs. Burger King, 7:30 — Oggne ts 3 0 0 0 Foster ph 10 0 0 ploys winner eixne 12. If three taoms king of Gasoline Aiiey. Perhaps the unluckiest, though, Pogonl Solazor tt 2 0 1 0 advantage quickly vanished as _____ Laudnr ph 1 0 0 0 . While X 1110 Aguilera p 0 0 0 0 remain after game 11, winner of game 11 "This is stiii new to me, but was . The 1983 Indy • Purdy vs. B.A., 6 — Keeney . ^ W L Pet. 0 B I 8W» 21 4 9 4 fOMl X I 9 2 Mitchll ph 1 0 0 0 . receives a bim In game 14. If o i ^ two Luyendyk spun on the 192nd lap. ' Hungry Tiger vs. Century 21, 6 — Boston 33 15 .4M — TeXto M ill TeM N X 8 11 8 winning Indy makes you ask a iot champion hit the turn 2 wall during Baoton tW XOOlB—4 Tom s 8XX 8888-S Nienwnn p 0 0 0 0 teams remain, game 14 Is for noHanel " I still feel I did the best I Charter Oak New York 31 IS .433 2Mi M tana iitg 088881011— 2 of questions about yourseif,” he Bamntore 21 19 .594 4Vk K OWIW CRV O X IW lIk — 9 TuMs X 7 M 4 Texts M 8 UM championship. the parade lap and was forced to could’ve. My car (a 7-Eleven Game-Winning RBI— Baylor «7). Oome-wrinnlng R BI— Smith (1). 9X1 PfXICtam 1X1X080-7 RoupRSbilWpscow orv) Milwaukee 34 23 .511 tVS E— W osh liM ^. DP— Boston 1, Min­ said after piioting his Budweiser- the sidelines ever before the green March-) ran very well, R n E— Salazar, Smith, Brett, Mercado. New Yerk 8X8X115—1 Sohdov, Juno 8 M r o tt 23 23 .900 9 nesota 3. LOB— Boston 5 Minnesota 4. Gome 15: 1:10 p.m. Winner gome 14 Truesports March-Cosworth to a flag dropped. though. No complaints in that Cleveland 34 24 .900 9 DP— Texas 1. LOB— TexosA Kansas City Oome-wlnnlno RBI — None. ' Standings — Acodia Restaurant 4-1, »-L yoos, BoiTett, Reed, Puckett. A 2B— Low, Horrah, Orta, Pryor, Sierra. E— Heep, DorUng, Heirn 7. Bockmon. plovs winner game 11 for noHonal 1.4-second victory over Kevin "Your first thought is 'We Toronto 23 27 .440 11 3B Hotcher. HR— Baylor (11), Evans area. I had probleihs with my Teleohone 4-1, Nelson's 3-1, Jim 's Arco West 3B— Smith, Btancotano. HR— Sierra LOB— Son Frondsoo 11, New York 5.2B championship. Cogan Saturday in the 70th running worked hard all month long for M. Bray Jewelers 2-3, Manchester (4), Hrbefc (10). 5 -B o rr»tt. (1), Brett (7). SB— Wilson (11). -Gladden, Teufel. HR— Knight (7). SB— pop-off device (which helps control Pliza2-3, Manchester Athletic Club 1-4, Texas 24 24 .900 — Brenly (4), Leomud (7),Oulnones (1), of 's crown jewel. "The nothing,’” said Sneva. "But that’s the methanol-air mixture of com­ Kansas City 24 24 .900 — _ ■ IP M RRRBBSO Uribe (8). S-K rukow , Gladden. SF— L.M. Gill 1-4. Callfomla 34 25 j MO IP H RRRBBSO answers. I ’m told, just make you a selfish thought. You already bustion). and didn’t have enough Oakland 23 27 .440 2 T w a i C. Dayls. hungrier. know the only thing to do is keep boost when I needed it." Clemens (W *0) 8 7 2 2 1 9 Guzman (L 44) 41-3 8 4 4 1 4 IP H RRRBBSO ‘A’ W nt Chicago 19 20 .404 4Mi Stanley 1 2 1 1 0 2 "Winning one Indy is hard. hustling or the world will pass you Minnesota 19 30 .300 5V1984. also won the first full Indy 500 'oshlneton Social Club 0-5. Oakland 4, New York 3 ney; 2b, Palermo; 3b, Brinkman. intense each year." broken lots of times and let off lots completed in less than three hours. i J Kansas City I, Texas 1 Niemann 2 0 0 0 0 9 UF1 photo a W P— Darling, Robinson. T — 2:51. And so does the disappointment of steam. But he came back to The elapsed time of two hours, 55 Boston 7, Minnesota 2 Finals California 2, Baltimore 0 that visited the seven former Indy drink champagne.” minutes and 43.38 seconds bettered YankaaaT.A’al National Laagua raaulta X M 1. (Best-efeeven) winners that took the green flag. It was not a good day for the New York Dykstra (4) collide (left photo) going Seattle 7, Oetrolt 4 Umpires— Home, Runge; 1b, Pol- (All Timm RDT) Rahal, who started from the Mears’ 3:03:21.66 of two years ago. SwNlgv*s Results lone; X , EngM; X , DeMuth. Houston VA Besten Two-time winner Rick Mears inside of the second row, made his Mets Sunday as they committed five after a pop by the Giants’ Bob Brenly. Cleveland 9, Mlliwaukse7 NEW YORK OAKLAND Rahal. 33. has won nine Indy car Scholastic Cardinala 2. Rada 1 (Cemes leod ssrtas 51) finished third behind Rahai and move as a late caution period Chicago 4, Toronto 4 obrhM oferhM May X — Boston 112, Houston IK races in his six-year career and errors in a 7-3 loss to the San Francisco Backman (right) photo) with his sun­ Boston 4, Minnesota 3 Hendrsn cf 4 2 1 0 Phillips 3b 4 0 1 0 as his Pennzoii Z-7 ended and sped by Cogan at the May 29 — Boston 117, Houston 9i intends to drive a full schedule on Giants at Shea Stadium. Mets' second glasses out of place .was able to hold Kansas City 5, Texas 3 Rndiph 2b 5 1 1 1 HIM 2b 4 0 10 ST. LOUIS CINCINNATI Phllllaa 18. Padraa 5 June 1 — Houston 10A Boston 104 March-C^swoiTh began handiing start of the next-to-last lap. California 7, Baltimore 4 Mttngly 1b 5 1 1 1 Lansfrd 1b 4 1 1 0 ObrhM ObrhM June 3 — Boston at Houston, 9 p.m. the C A R T circuit this year. baseman Wally Backman (6) and Len onto this one. tiling basiball New York 7, Oakland 1 Easier dh 5 0 3 0 Canseco If 4 0 2 1 poorly in traffic. Three-time cham­ "They call the six-day delay of Coleman If 3 0 2 0 Milner d 5 12 0 x-June 5— Boston at Houston, 9 p.m. ’’It’ll be great to be announced as In Friday night lunlor high baseball Seattle 9, Detroit 1 Posguo If 2 0 0 0 KIngmn dh 3 0 0 0 McGee cf 3 10 0 Rose 1b 3 0 11 SAN DIRGO PHILADELPHIA x-June 8 — Houston at Boston, 1 p.m. pion placed the start (twice postponed by rain) under the lights at Morlarty Field, MeiNtov’s Oames Roenick If 1110 I3ayls rf 4 0 2 0 Vn Slyk rf 4 0 1 0 Parker rf 4 0 0 0 ^ ObrhM starhM x-June 11 — Houston at Boston,,! p.m. eighth. unprecedented, right? Maybe the Indy 500 winner,” he said. "At Keith OlYeso tired a three-hit shutout Cleveland (Heaton 2-4) at Boston (Boyd Griffey If 10 0 1 Griffin u 4 0 10 Clark 1b 3 0 0 0 Venable If 3 0 0 0 Royster X 3 0 1 0 Stone If 5 2 2 0 x-H necessary first. I ’ll think ‘Where?” and look os llllng bested crosstown rival 43), 7:35 p.m. Winfield rf 4 1 2 2 Bofhe c 3 0 10 Herr X 3021 Bell X 4000 Walter p 0 0 0 0 Roenick cf 5 2 2 2 "But you can't make excuses.” that’s why I won. That’s unprece­ Bennet, 9-0. MInnesoto (Blyleven 4-4) at Toronto Pogllorl 3b 3 1 2 1 Javier cf 3 0 0 0 Heathc 4 0 2 Conepenu 2 0 2 0 Lefferts p 0 0 0 0 tamuel X 2 3 2 4 says Mears, who set singie-and dented too,” said Rahal. "After around before I realize it’s me. (Clancy 53), 7:35 p.m. Wynegor c 3 0 0 0 Kenndy ^ 1 0 10 Aguayo X 1 0 0 1 Krukow goes the distance OlYeso wos backed by a fine defense, Smith ss 4 12 0 Stillwell u 1 0 1 0 Roekaia 106, CaNica 104 four-lap records in winning the spun (at the top of That’ll be weird.” led by Jerry Hollis, Marcus Mateyo Texas (Hough 3-2) at Chicago (Cowley Mechm ss 4 0 0 0 Penditn X 4 0 0 0 Dloz c 4 0 0 0 Gwynn rf 4 12 1 Schmidt X 1 I 0 0 and Bryan Collettl. Chip Orlggs and 1-2), I p.m. TPMs V 7 11 4 Totals n I 9 1 Cox p 2 0 11 Oester X 4 0 2 0 McRynl cf 4 1 1 2 Schu X 3 0 10 pole. "Only losers make alibis. pit row), that logjammed everyb­ An estimated crowd of 300,000 on Kevin Covell each went 2-for-2 to pace Kansas City (Jackson 2-1) at Mlliwou- ^ YOftl 881880 218— 7 Perry p 1 0 0 0 Welsh p 2 0 0 0 Wynne cf 1 0 0 0 Haves 1b 3 2 2 1 BOSTON (tat) Still, you do get an empty feeling ody. I felt pretty sure I ’d get an the Speedway’s 559-acre grounds Bird 15X 55 75. McHale 1519 54 2A the offense. Covell drove In two runs kee (Hlguero 44), 8:35 p.m. Ookiontf IM M i M ^ ^ 1 Worrell p 0 0 0 0 Perez ^ 0 0 0 0 Garvey 1b 3 0 1 0 Wilson rf 4 2 3 3 that’s so bad. you don’t ever want opening and I was lucky. I just got watched the race, held in sunny and Orlggs odded one ribble. Hollis New York (Whitson 41) ot Californio (kime-wlnnlng RBI — - Winfield (3). Frcxico p 0 0 0 0 McCulIrs p 0 0 0 0 (Xulton c 3 2 2 3 Parish 515 52 8, Alnoe 511 50 13, also chipped In with two hits and a poir (Slaton 4-4), 10:35 p.m. E— Phillips. DP— NewYorkI,Oakland Esasky ph 1 0 0 0 lore X 1 0 0 0 Jeltz ss 2 10 1 Johnson 517 58 TO, Walton 57 50 1A to feel that way again." by Kevin.” though hazy conditions and 85- as Mets fumble one away of RBIs, ond combined with Orlggs to Detroit ( P e ^ 44) at Ookland(Co4), 10:35 p.m. Conseco, Easier, Henderson, Oovis. Bochy c 4 12 0 Thmpsn ph 1 0 0 0 50 0. Totals 4594 1521 1M. score five runs. Mateyo added o double St. Louis 1188X 888— 1 ishers, Roberto Guerrero of Co­ Rahal’s first-place winnings of and on RBI, while OlYeso contributed T ussdoy's Games HR— Winfield (8), Pogllorulo (10). CIncInnoll 1 X 1 X X 8 — 1 Flannry n 4 1 1 0 Hume p 10 0 0 HOUSTON (IX ) livan shared teammate Mears' one out later. bad,” Darling said. “ I wasn’t McCray 40 5412, Otaluwon 7-18 511S , B y The Associated Press o single and o run scored. Kansas City at Milwaukee, night SB— Henderson 2 (37), Pogllorulo Gonta-wlnnlng RBI — Cox (1). Woslngr X 4 0 0 0 Rucker p 0 0 0 0 handling problems en route to lombia was fourth, Jr. $581,062 broke the record of He finally gave way to reliever overthrowing because of the errors llllng finished Its season In strong Minnesota at Toronto, night (1). S— Bathe. SF— Griffey. E— Cox, Worrell. DP— SI. Louis 1, Hawkins p 1 o 0 0 Sampson5145l1 M, Lloyd5145414, Reid ninth place. Former winner Al fifth and , who $517,662 earned last ■ year by fashion by winning three straight to Texas ot Chlcogo, night Cincinnati 3. LOBJSKT. Louis 4, Cincin­ Stoddard p 1 0 0 0 7-14 55 X , Petersen 50500, Wiggins 55 NEW YORK - Mike Krukow Jeff Robinson with one out in the and things. I made one myself.” post o final record of 7-4. Cleveland at Boston, night IP H RRRBBSO nati 9. 2B— Herr. SB— Coleman 3 (27), Kruk If 2 112 51 1, McDowell 50 50 0,Leavell 541-1 Unser Sr. experienced vibration had led 47 laps, sixth. Sullivan. The total purse this year eighth, and runners on second and The five errors were the most by 5.Totals350125X1U. prepared for his start like a Seattle at Boltlntore, night New Yerti Smith (8), Herr (9). Tetota X 9 11 5 Totals X 14 IS IS problems in his Hertz Penske- Emerson Fittipaldi of Brazil was was a record $4,001,450. third. He walked one and struck the Mets since Sept. 19, 1984, New York ot California, night John (W 50) 8 9 1 1 1 7 So t Diege s x s x o e o -s Besten X X X X - I X marathon runner. Detroit at Ooklond, night Hollond 1 0 0 0 0 2 IP H RRRBBSO PhHadetphla 4S18X Ok— 14 Heusten X X I 8 X — M4 ” I knew it was going to be a very out two. against Philadelphia. Oakland St. Leuls Game-winning RBI— WlIson (3). Three-point pools— AInge, Reid. ’T ve known these guys for many The Giants had a 7-0 lead after Stewart Fouled out— None. Total fouls— Bosotn physical day.” said the San Fran­ 5 5 1 1 2 4 Cox (W 1-4) 5 4 1 1 0 0 E— Bochy. DP— Son Diego 2, Phllo­ years, and they know me,” said the top of the sixth, but Ray Knight NL atandlnga Lelper (I 0-1) 1 3 2 2 0 0 Perry 153 1 0 0 1 0 delphia 1. LOB— Son Diego 8, Phllodel­ 27, Houston 75. Rebounds— Boston X cisco Giants’ right-hander. ” I Little League Dozier (Bird in, Houston X (Sampson 22). Rahal takes home record purse 3 3 4 2 1 2 Worrell (S 7) 21-3 1 0 0 3 2 phia 9. 2B— Gwynn, Roenicke, Samuel, knew it would be hot and humid Krukow. "And we’ve had some hit a two-run homer, his first sin(x - 2:55. A — 43,197. dnchmall Flannery. HR— McReynolds (10), Wilson Assists— Bosotn X (Bird 11), Houston Rest X (Reid 9). Technicals— Houston wars. I know I ’ve beaten them over April 25, in the bottom of the inning W L Pet. OB Welsh (L 51) 7 7 2 2 3 3 (4), Samuel (2), Daulton (7). SB— Samuel day. So. before the game, I loaded Umpires— Home, McCoy; 1 b, Scott; 3b, Franco 2 2 0 0 0 0 (11), Hayes (4). SF— Hayes, Aguayo. cooch Fitch, Kite, Boston (Illegal INDIANAPOLIS (UPI) - year for the race. Lanier finished $4,001,450 climbed from last year’s up on carbohydrates, ran some, the years, but to beat them now is off what Krukow called a "stupid” New York 31 13 .705 — defense).A— 14014. Amarican Montreal 24 20 .545 4 Welke. HBP— by Welsh (Clark). Balk— IP H RRRBBSO Bobby Rahal accepted the record 10th, thebe.st among four first-time record of $3,271,025 and is nearly and took lots of vitamins. I knew something special. They’re the pitch. Cox, Fronco. T — 2:51. A— X,145. So t Diege Jason Morston and Greg King com­ Phllodelphlo 21 24 .447 10'/) winner’s purse at the Indinapolis drivers, and was the fastest rookie class of the league, and to get a win ” I tried to sneak a fastball by Chlcogo X 24 .435 12 Howkns (L 54) 1 1-3 5 1 8 3 0 double the $2.1 million total purse I’d need a second wind. It ended up bined to allow lust two hits os the MarlnaraRJIgaral Umpires— Homs, Marsh; 1b, David­ Stoddard 2 53 2 2 2 4 1 500 Sunday and wondered what the qualifier in I had it when I needed it.” now is much tougher than it was him on the first pitch of his third at Americon Legion topped the Firefigh­ Pittsburgh 18 25 .419 12 from 1984. St. Louis 18 27 .400 13'/) son; X , KIMer; X , Froemmlng. McCullers 1 4 3 3 1 0 victory will provide in the long run. history. Runner-up Kevin Cogan earned Krukow won his fourth straight five years ago.” bat,” he said, "and he nearly ters, 15-5, at Waddell Field on Satur­ ORTROIT SRATTLR Walter 2 2 0 0 0 3 knocked off the head of a fan in the day. Joson KozIkowskI konked two Lefferts 1 2 3 3 2 1 Auto racing "It has sunk in but that doesn’t Rahal was awarded $323..T>0 $253,362 while pole-sitter Rick decision Sunday afternoon, yield­ Readying himself for his 12th Houston » 19 .994 — ObrhM ObrhM OT^sn--- start, Krukow, for the last three left field third deck.” hits, along with teammate Joe Motto. San Francisco 24 23 .531 3 Whltafcr X 4 0 1 0 Reynids % 3 2 2 0 mean I know what it means. To from the Indianapolis Motor Mears, who finished third, was ing seven hits in 7 1-3 innings, and Marston helped his own cause with a AatroaB,Expoa4 Carlton (W 54) 4 10 5 5 2 2 days, ate mounds of spaghetti, took ‘‘ We know we’re not going to win grand slam home run. Pot Cox and Atlanta 25 23 .521 3'/> Collins rf 4 0 2 0 Moses cf 5 13 2 know that I ’d have to look into the Speedway and $231,300 in spon.sor awarded $332,262. much of it Dan Gladden added three hits, as San Diego 24 24 .900 A'h Harper rf 1 0 0 0 Davis 1b 3 111 Hume 2 0 0 0 1 2 Greg Griffin slapped two hits each for Rucker 110010 future,” Rahal said at the awards awards as well as a Chevrolet coming from his record- shattering the Giants defeated the New York long walks and ran extra miles. every game, but you don’t like to go the losers. ' Los Angeles 23 27 .440 6'/i Evans 1b 4 0 2 0 GThms dhMONTREAL4 0 0 0 HOUSTON Indlanapolia 500 atandlnga out there and play that badly,” Cincinnati 18 27 .400 9 Coles 3b 3 0 0 0 Tortobll If 4 1 1 0 McCullers pitched to 3 batters In 4th. ceremony where he received Corvette pace car, speedway offi­ qualifying run. Ten drivers re­ Mets 7-3 before a Shea Stadium Immediately before the game, he ObrhM ObrhM HBP— by Hawkins (Xmuel). T— 2:X. took a cold shower and then took said New York’s Ray Knight, who Ooturdey's Results Splimn dh 4 0 0 0 Hendrsn Wohifrd rf 4 2 2 3 If ,4 1 1 0 Doran X 4 2 2 0 A — X,144. $581,062 from a record $4 million cials said. His winnings broke the ceived more than $100,000. crowd of 49.041. NMIonal Atlanta 8, Chicago 4 Trmmtl ss 4 0 2 0 Presley 3bWebster 4 1 2 3 cf 3 1 0 0 Hatcher cf 5 1 2 0 INDIANAPOLIS— Official final stand­ batting practice with his warm-up hit his seventh homer of the season Umpires— Home, Stello; 1b,Gregg; X , ings of the TDfh IndlanOTOIIs 500, with total purse. previous mark of $507,662.50 given The lowest payoff, was $76,962 for The first-place Mets. commit­ St. Louis 11, Cincinnati 2 Sherldn cf 4 1 2 1 Owen ss 4 0 10 Dawson rf 4 2 2 4 Cruz If 4 13 2 Dayls; X , Harvey. jacket on. in the sixth to make the score 7-2. Morlorty Brothers beat Nichols Tire, Phllodelphia 1, San DiMo 0 Herndon If 4 0 0 0 Ramos ss 0 0 0 0 Walloch X 4 0 2 0 Walker cf 0 1 0 0 chonls-englne and total prize Also honored was Randy Lanier, last year to Danny Sullivan. last-place finisher Tom Sneva. ting a season-high five errors, lost 16-7, of Buckley Field. Ray Hodgdon Pittsburg 4, Los Angeles 0 Lowry c 4 0 3 0 Kearney c 4 1 1 0 Kmchc X 0 0 0 0 Davis 1b 3 2 2 4 n>oney. who was named the rookie of the The total prize money of whose car was involved in a their second consecutive game but Giants Manager Roger Craig, a "We’ll go out and play better clubbed a grand slam and four singles. ' Son Francisco 7, New York 3 TstuN X 1 12 1 Totals X 9 12 9 (X lorrg 1b 4 0 1 0 Boss rf 4 0 10 Major Laagua loadora I. Bobby Rohol, Morch

By Fred Lief Guadalajara, another power makes it very difficult for at­ sponded in the second half, scoring B u g s ’ fire against LA United Press International struggled. Brazil, seeking a record tackers to score goals.” in the 61st minute when Socrates fourth title, delivered little on Canada's mere appearance in headed in a rebound after Careca’s MEXICO CITY - Canada, the attack in the first half in posting a the World Cup is remarkable in shot from inside the penalty area By Lou Roblto overanxious the last two times.” improved his record to 4-6. Andy street urchin of the World Cup, 1-0 victory over Spain. that the country does not have a struck the crossbar. United Press International Hawkins, 3-4, took the loss. suddenly has a touchff class. Today, it’s Argentina vs. South significant soccer league. And two Morrison tripled in the second to Playing no less a team than the Korea in Mexico City, the Soviet top players — goalkeeper Tino "The players produced perx Jim Morrison’s grand slam, knock in the game’s first run. In European champion in its first Union vs. Hungary in Irapuato and Lettieri and forward Branko Se- yaps more than I had expected of which broke the game open for the the fourth, he hit a two-run double Cardinals 2, Reds 1 World Cup game in history. Poland vs. Morocco in Monterrey. gota — have barely practiced with them for this first game," Santana Pittsburgh Pirates Sunday, was a to break a 1-1 deadlock. He then Canada held France without a goal With some luck and finishing the team because of indoor club said. "And I am satisfied.” keyed a six-run sixth with his first At Cincinnati. Danny Cox earned for 78 minutes Sunday before scam argued Los Angeles Dodgers his first victory of the season and power, France clearly could have commitments. Canada’s odds on manager Tommy Lasorda. career grand slam, off Dodgers losing 1-0 in Leon. run up the score. But the fact is the winning the World Cup are 500- 1. Spain appeared to have taken the reliever Tom Niedenfuer. Nieden- singled home the game-winning "We didn’t think they would play lead in the S3rd minute when Morrison drove in seven runs run to lead the Cardinals. Cox. 1-4. French needed a mistake by " I didn’t expect such a good with three hits, including a sixth­ fuer had intentionally walked Tony here in Mexico as well as they play Canadian goalkeeper Paul Dolan team or that they would be in such Michel unleashed a 20- yarder, yielded one run and six hits over with the ball striking the crossbar inning grand slam, in Pittsburgh's Pena, the first batter he faced, to in Canada,” French midfielder to escape. good physical conditions,” French get to Morrison. five innings. Todd Worrell pitched Alain Giresse said. “ They had us and dropping straight down. But 12-3 rout of the Dodgers. Lasorda the final 2 1-3 innings for his Dolan failed to block a cross to coach Henri Michel said. ’’I take scared for a while when we the referee ruled the entire ball argued unsuccessfully with um­ Rick Rhoden benefitted from the seventh save. Chris Welsh, 0-1. lo.st his far post by Luis Fernandez, my hat off to this team who kept up pire Lee Weyer that in his couldn’t score.” allowing substitute Yannick Stop- with us until the final minutes.” had not crossed the line. Two offensive surge to improve to 4-3. in his Reds debut. minutes later, the referee disal­ home-run trot. Morrison had by­ He gave up solo homers, to Greg Said Canada coach Tony Wait­ yra to return the ball across an Brazil was booed off the field at ers: "What we have proved is that empty crease. Jean-Pierre Papin lowed a goal by Casagrande of passed teammate Tony Pena near Brock and Franklin Stubbs among halftime by some of the 65,000 fans Brazil. the first-base bag. the seven hits he surrendered. Cubs 7, Braves 3 Canada has the quality of going then headed it home. at sun-drenched Jalisco Stadium. “ Everybody saw it. except for Rhoden added to the offense with against the very best nations in the “ It was very bizarre,” French "Whenever we got the ball, Spain coach Miguel Munoz said At Chicago. Gary Matthews’ the guys who were supposed to see two hits and an RBI groundnut. world ..me and the Canadians have midfield great Michel Platini said. Spain fell right back to its own half, he could not clearly see the play in it.” Lasorda griped. wind-blown, two-run triple high­ proved that they belong in the “ I think that in these conditions at cutting down our room to create,” Bob Welch. 3-5, took the loss for which his team was denied its goal. Not everyone, claims Morrison. lighted a three-run first inning that World Cup.” this altitude that it gives the Brazil coach Tele Santana said. the Dodgers. "And anyway,” he said, " I never “ 1 thought I went up the sparked the Cubs, who received a In the day’s other game at advantage to the defense and But the South Americans re­ question a referee’s decision.” first-base line, not around the base complete-game eight-hitter from so far as to be said I passed it (and In other games, it was: Philadel­ rookie Guy Hoffman. Hoffman, 2-1, Pena),” he said. “It's a judgment phia 16. San Diego 5; Chicago 7, struck out a season-high seven and call, and I ’d have to see it again to Atlanta 3; St. Louis 2, Cincinnati 1; walked one. Zane Smith fell to 4-5. Heavyweight picture see what I did. I really wasn’t Houston B. Montreal 4; and San thinking about it at^the time.” Francisco 7. New York 3. Astros 8, Expos 4 Morrison also hit a triple and is ciouded by Cooney double, and had two chances to get Phillies 16, Padres 5 At Houston. Glenn Davis a single and completing the cycle, knocked in four runs and Jose Cruz but he struck out both times. At Philadelphia. Juan Samuel added a pair of RBI to help Bob SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - Holmes or even (WBC champion) drove in four runs with a double Knepper to his ninth victory. ” I chased at least three bad UPI photo UPI photo Gerry Cooney needed 86 seconds to Trevor Berrick,” he said. pitches my iast two times up.” and a homer, and Glenn Wilson and Knepper, 9-2, became the National dispose of Eddie Gregg and his But Rapport emphasized that Darren Daulton added three-run League’s first nine-game winner. Brazil’s Junior goes flying above Spain’s Francisco Morrison said. “ The first three Pirates’ Jim Morrison (right) gets a fifth inning at Pittsburgh. Morrison’s 7 manager needed iess time than Cooney won’t come cheaply for a times up. I was just purely relaxed, homers, helping the Philadelphia Joe Hesketh,,3-4, suffered the loss. Lopez during World Cup soccer action Sunday in Mexico that to begin calling for a shot at a title fight. . Phillies stretch their winning handshake from R.J. Reynolds at the RBIs led the Bucs over LA, 12-3. swinging and trying to make Andre Dawson had two home runs City. Brazil came away a 1-0 winner over Spain during heavyweight title. "If we are approached by contact with the ball. I got a little .streak to six games. Steve Carlton for the Expos. plate after socking a grand slam in the Spinks, I ’m for a 50-50 deal,” first-round play. Two lefts to the head followed by an uppercut to the jaw finished Rappaport said, referring to a split Gregg at 1:26 of the first round in the total purses. “Sure, Spinks is Saturday in Cooney’s first fight in the champion, but Cooney will be College World Series 18 months. the crowd attraction and I feel Waltrip runs off Dennis Rappaport. Cooney’s thqt’s worth something.” manager, said the 6-foot-7 heavy­ Cooney’s first fight in 18 months weight from Huntington. N.Y., drew just 1,537 fans Saturday to the should next get a shot against Cow Palace. It was also shown on Yurtin paces LSU past Maine with Budweiser 400 Internationai Boxing Federation national television. champion Michaei Spinks. Gregg, a 6-5, 222-pounder, went “They (the IB F ) toid us we after Cooney from the start. The By United Press International against the loser of Monday’s Cordova. Calif. Wilkinson’s sacrifice fly scored R IV E R S ID E , Calif. (U P I) - On Saturday, it was Bobby Rahal wouid have to beat a rated two traded punches and Gregg winner’s bracket game between Yurtin doubled in two runs in the Jim m y Barragan to give Okla­ lives in Franklin. who benefitted from the caution landed several rights but took OMAHA. Neb. — Jeff Yurtin had contender to fight for the crown,” Loyola Marymount and Arizona. first inning and singled in two more homa State the go-ahead run in the period. On Sunday, it was Waltrip. punishing left hooks and uppercuts five RBI to help Louisiana State Tenn., but over the last seven Rapport said. "Beating the No. 3 The Black Bears have been in the third to give LSU a 4-0 lead. eighth inning. The Cowboys scored The pole sitter drove his Chev­ in return. eliminate Maine from the College months he’s been making himself (by the World Boxing Association) winless in three trips to the series "Yurtin's first four RBIs were three more runs in the ninth. at home at Riverside International rolet Monte Carlo to an average After getting pinned in a corner. World Series Sunday, while an 11 after finishing third in 1982. contender should take care of big,” said LSU coach Skip Bert- "We’re realistically one game Raceway. speed of 105.083 mph. Waltrip was Cooney landed two lefts to the head strikeout performance from "The kid that killed us was that.” man. "Playing with a 5-0 lead shuts away from being back into the Waltrip, whose last race on the in and out of the lead throughout and the final uppercut which pitcher Mike Gardiner was not Yurtin,” said Maine coach John Gregg was ranked by the WBA. down their running game.” tournament.” said Oklahoma 2.62-mile course resulted in the the 249-mile race, which saw five dropped Gregg on his back. He was enough to keep Indiana State in the Winkin. ” We have a real good IB F and World Boxing Council, Yurtin added LSU’s final run on State coach Gary Ward. 1985 Winston Cup championship, drivers swap the top position 13 up at the count of eight but referee double-elimination tournament. ballclub and we represent our area and Cooney’s victory should put a solo homer over the right field Gardiner, who took the loss, returned to capture the Budweiser times. Rudy Ortega would not let him LSU beat Maine 8-4 Sunday to very well, but we don’t like to go him in all three ratings. In ratings fence in the seventh inning. pitched 8 2-3 innings in stricking 400 Sunday under a caution flag continue. drop the Black Bears from the out this way.” announced by the WBC Friday. Looking ahead. Bertman said: out II while giving five hits. Rob caused by ’s spec­ Waltrip finished seventh in the “I had no other choice,” Ortega series. LSU, plays Wednesday Yurtin also hurt Maine in the Cooney was ranked lOth. "Whoever loses (Miami or Florida Walton earned the win for the tacular crash with one lap Western 500 here last Nov. 17, and said, “ Gregg was still glassy eyed. against the loser of Tuesday’s field as he started one of four " I ’m taking a couple of weeks V State) is in the same boat as us. We Cowboys, giving up seven hits in 7 remaining. that was enough to give him the He was in no position to continue.” winner’s bracket game between double pla.sy by Louisiana State. can bring our ace back Wednesday triumph over in the off, and then will get ready for my 2-3 innings. Waltrip, winless since last Oc­ Spinks, who did not show up at UPI photo Miami and Florida State. "This is the first time I put next fight,” said Cooney, who (Mark Guthrie, who started the "W hen you get pitching like we tober. was running .second to Tim Winston Cup point standings. He the Cow Palace as expected, Oklahoma State beat Indiana together a complete game (offen­ improved to 28-1 with 24 knockouts. first game). But it’s a tougher road did in this series, you should win a Richmond as the caution light came back to collect $49,000 on presumably watched the fight on State 4-0 to eliminate the Syca­ sively and defensively) this year,” “ I don’t know who it wiil be.” Gerry Cooney stands in a neutral corner after sending after that.” ballgame.” said Indiana State came on, but raced to the start- Sunday. TV . Also missing was Holmes, the mores. OSU plays Wednesday said Yurtin, a senior from Rancho Rapport said Cooney would fight In the other game Sunday. Scott coach Bob Warn. finish line to nip Richmond by After a final round of pit stops former champion who handed Eddie Gregg to the canvas in the first round of their around the 70th lap of the 95-lap whomever the public wants. about three feet. ” It could be Spinks. (Larry) Cooney his only pro defeat with a heavyweight bout Saturday in San Francisco. Gregg "Tim was trying to get some distance. Waltrip held the lead. 13th-round knockout in June of But Richmond, also in a Monte arose before the 10 count but Referee Rudy Ortega On sixth playoff hole distance on me,” said Waltrip. ” I 1982. ended the match with Cooney a winner by TKO in 1:26. wasn’t sure if I had enough to catch Carlo, ran him down 10 laps later, CFA proposes Cooney last fought Dec. 8, 1984, him but I knew if I kept myself in taking command on the 81st when he knocked out George m V t i A his mirror I had a chance. circuit. ban on boosters Chaplin in two rounds at Phoenix. UPt photo "I had caught Tim on the outside Richmond, the No. 3 qualifier, Gregg, 34. fell to 24-2-1 and might Pat Bradley holds up her hands in victory after sinking a before, sol was going to stay close. sprinted to a one-second advan­ have had his career ended. Norman finally wins Kemper Going into Turn 9 I got outside on tage. which appeared to hold up DALLAS (U P I) - The College Asked whether it might have 12-foot birdie putt on the 18th hole to win the LPGA Football Association Sunday pro­ him and his car started pushing until Labonte’s crash in the Turn I . been wiser to say away from Ghampionship in Mason, Ohio. and I got underneath him.” posed that all "boosters” be Cooney rather than pressure him By will Dunham pretty good round, but not good Labonte. hurt in a wreck in Turn 9 Richmond said his car was at Riverside several years ago, banned from the recruiting pro­ in the first round. Gregg shook his United Press International enough.” cess and also instituted a study to slightly damaged a few laps lost control of the car and slid head. Norman failed to convert putts determine the feasibility of a ” We went with the game plan B E TH E S D A , Md. — A pair of earlier after he bumped with J.D. sideways into a concrete wall, Bradley hits milestone for birdie on four of the six playoff McDuffie. post-season playoff. that we figured would be the most water traps helped one of golf’s big Labonte walked away from his holes, while Mize missed close "That bent the fender down on battered car without injury. effective,” he said. "Cooney just fish capture the Kemper Open in The CFA. made up of all Division putts for birdie on three sudden the tire,” he said. “ I wanted tobea ” We feel like the right front tire 1-A football playing schools with hits harder than I thought he did. the PGA Tour’s longest playoff in for her LPGA career death holes. little more cautious after that so I got cut down,” said Labonte’s the exception of the Big 10 and He is very strong.” three years. "Neither of us could seem to get slowed down. There was abso­ father. Bob, a member of his son’s Pac-10 conferences, adopted the Greg Norman, Australia’s a putt in forbirdie,” Mize said, who lutely nothing good about this, not pit crew. “ Terry’s OK, but they proposals at the conclusion of their Bv United Press International the LPGA tour.” "Great White Shark,” won the earned $54,000. one thing good.” have him in the infield hospital 10th annual convention. Sheehan, playing in the same Kemper Sunday with a two-foot Said McDuffie of the slight checking his right foot.” MASON. Ohio — In her most ” It’s sad to win iike this. It’s nice threesome with Bradley, nearly putt for par on the sixth playoff collision: “ I was down as low as I Two cars also crashed in the By a unanimous vote of the 43 rewarding year on the LPGA Tour. forced a playoff on the final hole. to win, but I would rather have won hole after watching Larry Mize possibly could go on the track. 1 ninth turn as the caution appeared members present, the CFA Pat Bradley achieved another Sheehan came to the 18th trailing with a birdie. I feel sorry for Larry. was looking at another car and for Labonte’s accident, Waltrip’s adopted a resolution which read: milestone Sunday. Bradley by one stroke, but. shoot­ drop his ball into two different He played the last 18 holes (of ponds. didn’t see him. I guess he kind of brother, Mike, brushed the wall ____ Last month Bradley became the ing ahead of Bradley, birdied the regulation) just right, aggres­ snuck up on me and hit me. If he’s "The coaches recommend that and spu, to avoid the (WINDSOR LOCKS VERNON first woman golfer ever to top $2 18th to temporarily tie Bradley. Mize sent an approach shot sively. Then I ended up having the saying I caused it, I guess what’s accident. represenatives of athletic interests million in career earnings. On Bradley, however, methodically bouncing off the green, over a last (playoff) hole given to me,” fair is fair.” Neither driver was hurt — be prohibited from ail recruiting, Sunday she became the first 623-6982 sank her 12-foot putt to win the bunker and into the water, took a Norman said. The victory came one day after although the same cannot be said including telephone calls and let­ person to win all four major LPGA tourney. penalty stroke and then skidded the Indianapolis 500. another race for R ichm ond’s chances of ters, until a prospect signs a tournaments. John Cook shot a 5-under 67 to tie "Patty made a tremendous the ball back over the green and determined by a late yellow flag. winning. grant-in-aid.” #1 IN SERVICE Bradley sank a 12-foot birdie putt Mike Reid (70) for third place at birdie on 18, but I told myself. ‘My into a pond on the other side. on the 18th hole to beat Patty day isn’t over. I can still end it right 9-under 279, while Bobby Wadkins NOT #1 IN PRICE Mize’s misfortune on Congres­ Sheehan by one stroke. She fired a here.'” said Bradley. “ But, I don’t fired a 6-under 66 for fourth place 4-under-par 68 Sunday and finished think the odds were in my favor. I sional Country Club’s No. 18 hole at 8-under 280. the tournament with at Il-under imagine a lot of bets were being wasn’t limited to the playoff finale. Reid, a 10-year Tour veteran, Save 25% off the 277. Sheehan shot a 67 on Sunday to made in the gallery that I wouldn’t He bogeyed the 18th in regulation collected $29,000 for the third place take second with a 10-under 278. make my putt. to force the playoff and missed a regular price. tie, pushing him to within less than Be somebody. ” I ’ve dreamed of winning this "Still, I had a good feeling about 12-foot putt on the 18th that would (OFFER EXPIRES JUNE X . 1966 ) $14,000 of becoming the first player tournament with a birdie on the it. I felt determined. I sent it on its have won the tournament on th6 in PGA history to earn $1 million last hole and my dream came true way and that’s all she wrote. It’s tyird playoff hole. tmoAS today.” said Bradley. without having won a tournament. amazing about the human body Norman, who won $90,000 with Bradley has won three tourna­ Norman trailed Mize by one and mind. When you really need the triumph, is now No. 1 on the • T u rbo King® ments in the last seven weeks and something, you can dig down for stroke entering the 18th hole of PG A ’s money list with $447,109. He her $271,149 in earings so far this that extra bit.” regulation, but forced the playoff • Economizer® recorded pars on each of the six year is twice as much as anyone Sheehan, who won this tourna­ by hitting a two-footer for par playoff holes after he fired a • Midasf®Gold M ufQer else on the LPGA tour. Bradley ment in 1983 and 1984. almost made moments before Mize bogeyed the pocketed $45,000 for winning the it three victories in the past four 6-under-par 66 to finish regulation hole. LPGA Championship. years. at ll-under277. Norman posted his • Midas quality installed The 1983 Canadian Open also Before this year, Bradley had "It was a real battle out there,” second Kemper titlein three years. went six playoff holes, with John while you wait. won two majors, the U.S. Women’s said Sheehan. “ I knew Pat was Mize, who entered the fourth Open and the du Maurier Classic. Cook defeating Johnny Miller. The • No appointments necessary. going to be fired up, but I wasn’t round three strokes ahead of In April, she took her third, the going to be laying down.” 1983 Phoenix Open earlier in the • Famous Midas w a r ^ te e Dinah Shore tournament, and then Norman, wasted a five-stroke final year went eight holes before Bob I Ayako Okamoto of Tokyo, Ja­ round lead last year and finished in g(X)d at over-1545 Midas became the first person to com­ pan, went into the final round with Gilder defeated three others. The a second place tie with Corey' shops aaoss the country. plete the quartet Sunday with the a three-stroke lead, but wilted with PGA record is 11 playoff hole, set in LPGA Championship. a 2-over 74 Sunday to wind upat 279 Pavin, one stroke behind Bill the 1949 Motor City Open. ”It’s thrilling to be a part of UPI photo Glasson. See warranty terms and in a third- place tie with Julie It was Norman’s first playoff win history with the $2 million and the “ It’s second place again here,” at your local Midas dealer. Inkster, who fired a 69 on Sunday. in four attempts and his fourth four majors,” said the 35- year-old Australian Greg Norman, waving to crowd, finally beat said Mize, who shot a 3- under 69 in Okamoto shot par on the first II PGA victory since he joined the veteran of 13 LPGA seasons. “ It’s holes and failed to make a birdie Larry Mize in six playoff holes for the Kemper Open title regulation. “ It’s once again very Tour in 1983. He has now won 35 IMURTOMIDM nice to be setting a little history on the entire day. on Sunday. disappointing. I feel like I played a events around the world. Henri Leconte is last hometown hope for French Open Be a carrier! T U U n TO SOMEONE YOU TRUST Ever wonder why newspaper carriers smile so much? Because Call for evening hours. By United Press International decades — withdrew Sunday be­ He moved out to the quarterfi­ Becker photo for a record seventh title here, agape at the Roland Garros tennis which was aggravated when a they're having FUNI When you’re a carrier, you get to meet others cause of an ankle injury. nals two. weeks ago in Rome, his against 13th-ranked Carling Bas­ your own age, go to special meetings with food and prizes, and win PARIS — Henri Leconte is the complex on the western end of the suitcase fell on his left foot. And Casablanca-born Guy best outing after poor showings sett of Canada. city. Trophy up for grabs great prizes (or signing up new subscribers. And that’s not alll You remaining hope for hometown fans Forget. 21, was knocked out In a earlier this spring in Brussels and Bloomfield 241-0430 Manchaalar The No. 3 men’s and women’s “ I have a second-degree burn on "The doctor said that If it the can earn your OWN money and show you're not just a kid anymore. If Branford 4« 1- 2u a MIddMown S4r-»t00 WaWnglord at the $2,6 million French Open match lasting more than . four 7B7-BB1B Rotterdam. seeds — West Germans Boris the ankle,” Noah said. "The outer laser got too hot, to tell him. But I The Manchester Lions Club third annual softball you’re 12 years or older, why not find out more? Call 647-9946 today 1 Bififol • «2-rt«l Now Britain 2a«-«isr WaterBury Tennis Championship. hours by Argentina’s patient, B. Hwtford •••-•Its Now Haven •••4111 Walarbury On Monday, he’s paired against Becker and Steffi Graf and Boris layer of skin has fallen off and the didn’t realize it until too late,” tournament will be up for grabs on Junes. Mike Crockett 7B S-TM 1 National hero Yannick Noah — 33-year-old Guillermo Vilas, the enlM d 74S-030S Now London 44T-tni (WolooM SL) baseline-bound Horacio De La Becker — will face Emilio Sanchez second Is about to fall. The tendon Noah said. Oroton 44S-«tM Norwieh W. Hartford Stt-Btn who skipped town three years ago winner here in 1977. (left) and Bob Boland toss up the MVP trophy, oneofthe SM-1S0T Waal Haven Pena, an Argentine player who is of Spain and No. 5 Hana Mandlik- itself is close to Infection.” Hamdon 24*-«12T Rooky HW to avoid the pressure after becom­ Leconte, the eighth seed, is on Top-ranked powers Ivan Lendl honors to be awarded in Sunday’s finals and home run N. Hditford 2M-4«2( Bouthlnalon ••(-••SS WaalBrook content to.stay out there all day. o v a of Czechoslovakia The bum came as result of laser 4M-T(47 WNUmanllc 4BB-17BB ing the first Frenchman to win this the rise after shrugging off mono­ and Martina Navratilova both •.Hartford 24«-B12r Torftnglon Other matches today featured respectively, treatment last month at the Italian derby. All proceeds go to support the Lions' charities. lianrl)pfiipr lifralft Grand Slam event in almost four nucleosis over the winter. easily dispatched their fourth- No. 2 seed Chris Evert Lloyd, going Noah’s pullout left Gallicmouths Open in Rome for a tendon injury round opposition. For further information, call 646-1466. U - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday, June 2, 1986 MANCHESTER HERALD, Monday,'June 2, 1986 — 17 FOCUS Advice About Town If parents own the roof, they (decide DEAR you are living under your parents’ DEAR GRACE AND JERRY: ABBY; Our roofs, and are not financially Thank you for affirming that a Knight’s quilts exhibited ninth-grade independent, you have no choice sincere expression of appreciation AM Bridge scores given English class is but to abide by their decisions. is the best of all gifts. Two quilts made by Marge Knight of Manchester Manchester AM Bridge Club results for May 19 currently work­ Dear Abby have been selected by the New England Quilters Guild include; MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE ing on this pro­ DEAR ABBY; Early June, last D E A R A B B Y: I am a natural to be shown at the New England Images II Quilt Show North-south: Mollie Timreck and Peg Dunfield. ject. Will you year, my husband showed me one blonde and my husband’s hair is June 6 to 15 at the Topsfield (Mass.) Fairgrounds on first; Murray Powell and Barbara Phillips, second: Rates have changed please read the Abigail Van Buren of your columns. I can’t quote it black. We have a 3-year-old Route 1. The show will be open daily from 10 a.m. to 9 letter below, verbatim, but you suggested that Ann DeMartin and Flo Barre. third. (rates per 1,000 people) daughter whose hair is flaming p.m. except the last day. when it will close at 4 p.m. East-west: Tom Regan and Mike Franklin, first; written by Ho­ an inexpensive gift Dad would red. The show will feature 350 quilts selected from more Marge Warner and Bette Martin, second; Mary rn e o , a n d treasure would be a letter written We’ve heard all the snide re­ than 600 entries by fabric artists, a display of antique Tierney and Olympia Fegy. third. answer it in from the heart. marks about mailmen, traveling quilts from each New England state, several other Results for the May 22 play include: your column as I ’ve always been a great believer salesmen, etc. but what should our exhibits, vendors, lecturers and demonstrations. North-south: Phyllis Pierson and Ann DeMartin. you would if you had received it the city. Thus. I don’t know if I ’ll in giving gifts from the heart daughter say when people ask her first; Mary Corkum and Yvette Beatty, second; DIVORCES. today? We have already submitted get to see her very much. I ’m going instead of a purse whenever where she got her red hair? Louise Miller and Eleanor Berggren. third. our replies to our teacher and are to sneak overtosee hertonight. but possible, so that idea greatly STYMIED IN SACRAMENTO Wayland wins Walsh award East-west: Hal Lucal and Carol Lucal, first; Ethel curious to see if any of our solutions that isn’t enough. I ’ve got to do appealed to both my husband and Robb and Alice Moe. second; Virginia Petersen and match yours. something in hurry. I am lonely me. We each wrote a love letter to DEAR STYMIED: A Tulsa Cory A. Wayland. son of Gloria Wayland of 55 Harvey-Sirota, third. DANIEL CLARK and desperate. my father for Father’s Day. June reader gave me the ideal retort: Scarbrough Road and the late Andrew A. Wayland. Results for May 29 include: NEW BRITAIN HIGH SCHOOL What should I do? I ’m afraid 16. When our son was about 4 years recently was presented the William Walsh Memorial North-south: Hal Lucal and Jim Baker, first: 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 I960 1970 1900 ‘85 NEW BRITAIN. CONN. what might happen if either of our I ’d like to quote from a letter Dad old. and people would ask him Award. The award is given to the member of the John Eleanor Berggren and Marge McLain, second: Bill parents ever found out we were wrote to us. dated June 198,'i. where he got his red hair, we Mather Chapter of DeMolay who best exemplifies the Levy and Sara Mendelsohn, third. DEAR VERONA ADVISER: married. I ’ve got to be with her. I "I really enjoyed the letters you taught him to say. ’It came with virtues of DeMolay and has participated in all of the East-west: Bette Martin and Louise Kermode. Americans are'twice as likely to marry as to divorce. Last Recently I met this girl at a party am willing to try almost anything. and Jerry included in your Fa­ mv head.’” chapter’s activities. He is past master councilor of the and immediately fell in love with first: Ellen Goldberg and Judy Press, second; year there were 10.2 marriages per 1,000 people and five Is there a solution? Please help ther’s Day card. Grace, yourlette.' chapter and has received the Meritorious Service Murray Powell and Morris Kamins. third. her. The problem is that our me. Desperately vours. brought back memories of a nice Award from the International Supreme Council of divorces per 1,000 people. The marriage rate and the families don’t get along very well. NAME WITHHELD little girl who I loved very much. Getting married? Send for Ab- DeMolay. divorce rate both have dropped slightly, though. Our parents would never have BY R E Q U ES T She is now a fine lady, and I still by’s new. updated, expanded boo­ The chapter is sponsored by the Manchester Lodge considered letting us marry each love her a great deal.” klet. “How to Have a Lovely 73 and is supported by Friendship Lodge 145; For more AARP plans session, trips other. The only solution was to gel D EAR D E S P E R A TE : You don’t Dad died of a heart attack before Wedding.” Send your name and information, call James Clifford at 649-0091. VERNON — Vernon Area Chapter 2129. American secretly married, which we did. state your ages, hut if you are old the sun rose on June 22. address clearly printed with a Association of Retired Persons, will have its annual ‘I’m not Rappaport’ But to complicate my problem, enough to be legally married, then We will always be grateful to you check or money order for $2.,'50 and Grange has flea market banquet and installation of officers June 9 at noon at the other day in a street fight I you are old enough to support for publishing that suggestion, and a long, stamped (39 cents) enve­ the Manchester Country Club. The social hour will be killed her cousin. Now I have been yourselves and lake full responsi­ I will always be grateful to God lope to: Dear Abby. Wedding Manchester Grange 31 will have a flea market at 11:30 a m. Members of Bolton Congregational Bay Mission, a United Church of banished from the city. My wife is bility for your actions that we took you up on it. Booklet, P.O. Box ,’)8923. Holly­ Saturday from 9a.m. to 4 p.m. at theGrangeon Olcott Several trips are planned. For information and Church stand in front of the Biloxi, Christ-sponsored mission. The man is named best play still staying with her parents inside But regardless of your ages, if GRACE AND JERRY CARLSON wood. Calif. 90038. Street. Dealer space is available by calling 528-8015 or re.servations. contact Doris Gorsch 1I8B Ambassa­ 649-9294. Baked goods and refreshments will be sold. dor Drive. 646-3244. and make checks payable to the Miss., home which they painted during who lives in the home kneels in the front Proceeds will go to the renovation fund. Vernon Area Chapter, AARP. their recent eight-day trip to the Back row, center. Bv Frederick M. Winship and Ben Vereen. It also celebrated 2 Payment is past due for the $38.50 trip to Radio City United Press International the 20th anniversary of the show on Swimsuit vanity had a lasting effect to see Liberace on Oct. 21. Checks will be accepted on television, seen this year by an a first-come basis for the waiting list. NEW YORK - ’Tm not Rappa­ estimated 80 million viewers. Beethovens rehearse DEAR DR. DEAR DR. GOTT: 1 was diag­ approach is both practical and Other trips include: port” , beat out "The House of Blue The theater audience, including GOTT: Last nosed as having polymalgia rheu- effective. The Beethoven Chorus will rehearse Tuesday from June 18 to 20. Maine clambake. $205. Bolton Congregational group Leaves” for the Tony Award as 650 entertainment industry Tony summer my 15- matica. I ’m taking 12‘/! milli­ Because of your age. you’d best 10 to II a.m. at Emanuel Lutheran Church. 60 Church June 29 to July 11, national parks, $1,499 best play of the 1985-86 Broadway Award voters, agreed that the year-old daugh­ grams of prednisone daily, but check with your pediatrician be­ St. Coffee and refreshments will be served before the July 24. Cathedral in the Pines. $27 season, and “ The Mystery of Alexander Cohen-Hildy Parks pro­ ter shaved her have side effects. Is this di.sease fore losing weight, especially as rehearsal. On June 15 at 2 p.m. at the church, the Sept. 26. 27. 28, Montreal $191. $25deposit due before Edwin Drood” won the Tony for duction was the most stylish in pubic hair so Dr. Gott curable? What can I expect? much as 20 pounds. That’s almost chorus will present a program as part of the church's June 26 best musical as expected. years. 105th anniversary. works a week in the South she could wear 20 percent of your body weight. A Oct. 1. West Point. Hudson River crui.se. lunch. " I ’m not Rappaport.” a comedy her swimsuit. D EA R R E A D E R ; Polymalgia loss of that magnitude may be Hummell MUsuem. $33. due Sept 4 about the problems of the aged in It provided a tasteful climax to a Peter Gott, M.D. thrift shop. A fourth group scraped It’s been more rheumatica is a type of arterial unhealthy for an ll-year-old. Judg­ Dec. 1 2 Christmas house parly. Middlebury. VI . Twenty-four members of Bolton members of the Bolton group and New York by Herb Gardner, had so-so theatrical season that barely and painted the entire house of than a year, but and muscle inflammation. The ing from your present weight. I Club has open house at temple $119. Congregational Church — 17young one member of the Central UCC stiff competition Sunday from had enough outstanding shows to another Biloxi resident. it still hasn’t problem usually will go away on its think you would be unwise to lose people and seven adults — rcently youth group. The three had met in John Guare’s “The House of Blue provide four nominations in each Square Circle Club of Manchester Lodge of Masons Bolton Congregational Church grown back. Is own. but you will need to take more. traveled to Biloxi, Miss., for a 1984 at a national youth event in Leaves, ” which was nominated for of 19 award categories. The will have an open house Monday from 9 a m to noon at members who made the trip there anything prednisone until it does, because Your doctor may be able to week of work and camping at the Champaign-Urbana. III. eight Tonys and won four. ’’Rappa­ highlights of the ceremony pro­ the Masonic Temple. 25 E. Center St. All Masons and Medical group has dinner included Charles Ericson, Shirley that will help? She’s very embar­ to knee) swells daily to almost the active disease is associated reassure you that you needn't Back Bay Mission. 'The group port’.’ received three awards. gram were scenes from the four their friends are invited to come, play cards and pool. Seven days in Biloxi centered Potter, Donna Wagner, Barry rassed about this problem. twice the size of my right leg. I with serious complications, such match your classmates. As all of The Hartford Chapter of the Connecticut State raised the $6,000 needed to make “ The Mystery of Edwin Drood,” musicals nominated for awards. Coffee and refreshments will be served. around four work projects. Each Wagner. Ginny Wickersham, Jane wear support hose during the day as stroke, blindness and heart you grow, you will tend to grow in Society of Medical Assistants will install officers at its the trip. a Victorian whodunit by Broadway A special Tony, accompanied by day. one group helped to prepare Hooper. Vickie Biske, Michael D EA R R E A D E R ; Adolescents but remove them before dinner. attack. Taking the medicina on different directions — up. out and dinner meeting June 11 at the Colony in Vernon. newcomer Rupert Holmes, had a $15,000 grant from the American The visit to the South began and lunch for the clients of the Loaves Guidoboni, Kris Guidoboni, Kim often don’t grow hair as quickly as Can you give me any suggestions alternate days may reduce''the around. I suggest you pay less Cocktails will be at 6:30 and dinner at 7 p.m been the favorite in the musical Express Co., was given to the ended in New Orleans, La., where and Fishes feeding program. A Kilpatrick, Bill Wickersham, Mi­ do adults. Be patient. As you.r that might help decrease or incidence and severity of side attention to your weight of 110, Alliance supports families Lori McCartney of Manchester will be a secretary category with 11 nominations. It American Repertory Theater the group was hosted by members second group painted awnings at chael Wagner, Glenn Dube, John daughter’s hormones reach adult eliminate the swelling? effects. Ask your doctor about this. make sure that you are eating a Other officers to be installed are: Sally Benoit of East won five awards. Company of Cambridge. Mass ., for The Alliance for the Mentally III of Manchester will of the Central United Church of the home of a Biloxi resident. A Daly, Brian Clark. David Curylo, levels, she probably will grow back well-balanced diet and wait to see Hartford, president; Virginia Dani of South Windsor, A revival of the 1966 musical. excellence in the area of regional meet Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the Center for Mental Christ and the church’s pastor, the third performed various tasks Danielle Curylo, Meg Matyia, what she shaved off. If a waiting DEAR READER: Your leg is D EA R DR. G O TT: I am 11 years how your body develops in your vice president: Angela Cetola also secretary; and ’’Sweet Charity” won the Tony for theater. It was accepted by Robert Health. Manchester Memorial Hospital. Room 4. The Rev. David E. Chambers Jr. The around the Back Bay Mission’s Michael Prescher, Eric Purvis, game is not acceptable, take her to swollen because you had a major old. 5 feet 2 and weigh 110.1 want to teens. Betsy Klein of West Hartford, treasurer the best reproduction of a play or Brustein. founder of the company. support group is open to families and friends of the two nights of sleeping on the floor central facility, including jobs Amber Alleman, Michelle Maheu, a dermatologist. vein removed and theblood hasnot lose 20 pounds, sirtce all the girls in Those interested in more information may call musical and three other awards, a Other Tony Awards: mentally ill. For more information, call Edna E. in the church hall were highlighted which helped the Gulf Coast Kevin Kilpatrick, and Kraig Book of a musical; “ Edwin yet found collateral channels (al­ my class weigh 90 or less. How do I If you have questions about Benoit at 246-6089. Women’s Center shelter and the tribute to veteran choreographer- j Jacobs at 643-6697. by a surprise reunion between two Kilpatrick D E A R DR. G O TT: I had three ternate blood vessels) in order to go about losing weight safely? menopause, you can get answers in director Bob Fosse. Drood.” bypasses four months ago. am 67. drain from the leg. The swelling Dr. Gott’s new Health Report on Judd Hirsch of “Rappaport” Original Score: ’’Edwin Drood.” walk nine holes of golf five days a you describe may last for many D EAR R E A D E R : As a general the subject. Send $1 to P.O. Box won the best actor award and Featured actor in a play: John week and am on anti-plaque pills. months. However, you are doing rule, you can lose weight safely by 2597. Cincinnati. OH 45201. Be sure called, his co-star, Cleavon Little, Mahoney, “ Blue Leaves.” The problem is that my left leg what you can and the situation cutting down on fat and eliminat­ to ask for the Health Report on to the stage to share his triumph at Featured actress in a play; (which has an incision from groin should improve with time. ing sugar from your diet. This Menopause. Cocaine’s stepchild spreads like deadly wildfire the nationally televised (CBS) Swoosie Kurtz. “ Blue Leaves.” ceremony. Little had not received Featured actor in a musical; a nomination and Hirsch’s insist­ Michael Rupert. “Sweet Charity.” By Barbara Goldberg “ This is the quicke.st. strongest Inexpensive and easy to ase. the Unlike cocaine, which initially In the past three weeks in New Planning. ence on his co-star’s appearance Featured actress in a musical: United Press International growth of any drug I have seen,” shiny white pebbles are produced makes the user more talkative and York City, a man described as a u Youngsters support their habits on stage was unprec^ented in Bebe Neuwirth. ’’Sweet Charity.” said Stutman. a 21-year veteran of by dealers who use a frying pan confident, crack’s high is imme­ crack addict stabbed a woman to The best way to freeze strawberries by stealing from their relatives or Tony Award history. Direction of a play: Jerry Zaks. NEW YORK - Crack, the the federal drug agency. and baking soda to cook out tbe diate and debilitating, officials death as her 4-year-old daughter prostituting themselves, officials " I really can’tdothis withoutthe ’’Blue Leaves.” copy to Polly's Pointers, in care of fearsome stepchild of cocaine, is In the past several weeks alone, impurities of cocaine. They are say. Its medical risk — the watched in horror: a reputed say, DEAR For a syrup pack prepare a other guy.” Hirsch explained as he Direction of a musical: Wilford the Manchesier Herald. P.O. Box turning teenagers into prostitutes, eight murders have been linked to consumed by a growing number of potentially deadly brain seizures, teenage user was arrested for P O LLY: Well medium syrup (3 cups sugar to 4 hugged Little in the most emo­ Leach, "Edwin Drood.” 1216. Cincinnati. OH 4.5201. Be sure thieves, and killers with its cheap, crack, prompting New York City teenagers who often do not realize lung damage and heart strain — is robbing and fatally shooting a be picking cups water, boiled until sugar is tional moment of the 40th annual Scenic design; Tony Walton. to include the title. seductive high, say drug experts Mayor Edward Koch to call for tht' the seductive drug can be greater because of the drug’s Catholic priest: a baby-faced FRANTIC PARENTS have St ra wberries fully dissolved), pack the berries Antoinette Perry Awards spon­ ’’Blue Leaves.” POLLY trying to pull kids back from the death penalty for crack pushers addictive. intense concentration. I6-year-old boy allegedly killed his banded together in groups such as soon and I ’d like in freezer containers, then pour sored by the American Theater Costume design: Patricia Zip- brink. “Some say they literally fall in Crack’s after-effects are like mother after an argument over his “ Mothers Against Crack” in New to freeze some Pointers syrup over to cover. Wing, prodt. “Sweet Charity.” D EAR P O LLY: Do you have a This fast food of the drug world, KATRINA LINTON. 19. now love with the drug the first time those of ordinary cocaine — the smoking crack; gunmen burst into Rochelle and the Bronx-based Can you tell me Unsweetened berries may also Lily Tomlin won the best actress Lighting design: Pat Collins. how to freeze be frozen by packing them in pretty slip with a lovely lacy top N which is smoked instead of snorted living in the Phoenix House drug they use it.” said Dr. Arnold paranoia. vicious selfishness — but Coalition of Concerned Parents a housing project and executed in a play award for her one-woman Polly Fisher that does not fit in the hip area? or injected, originated on the West rehabilitation center in Manhat­ Washton. director of the 1-800- more intense. Against Crack, whose members “Rappaport.” the whole un­ freezer containers, then covering three teenagers and another young show, “ The Search for Signs of Make lace inserts, using laee Coast five years ago as “ rock” and tan. recalled her two-year addic­ COCAINE national hotline in Sum­ “Crack takes a youngster who cruise New York neighborhoods in Choreography: Bob Fosse, “ Big sweetened ber­ them with a solution of 1 teaspoon man described as crack “ ripoff Intelligent Life in the Universe.” similar to that already on the slip, has spread rapidly to at least 17 tion to the powerful drug mit, N.J. It is “ the most addictive was dibbling and dabbling and artists: ” and a 29-year-old re­ the hopes of redeeming children on Deal.” ries. like the ascorbic acid dissolved in a quart Awards for best actor and actress in the side seams. Presto! A lovely other states, narcotics experts say. “ My friends and I would go and drug known to man.” he added. changes him into someone who is ported crack addict was arrested crack. bags of frozen of water. This helps to preserve in a musical went to George Rose slip that ean be enjoyed again. — In Los Angeles, police believe it is a abuse our bodies, sell our bodies coke binging and violating every for allegedly killing an elderly 'strawberries I good color and texture. of ’’Edwin Drood” and Bernadette Buying seafood BETTY major industry of burgeoning just to get money to get high.” she CRACK IS SM OKED in a water value that he or she ever held woman who tumbled to her death “ We approached a 9-year-old kid buy at the supermarket? berries in freezer bags or contain­ I ’m sending you a copy of my in a park across from the Bronx Peters for ’’Song and Dance,” Americans rank taste, quality CAROL ers and return to the freezer newsletter "Freezing Fruits and gangs. said. Her hunger for crack de­ pipe or cigarette and costs as little dear.” said Dr. Mitchell Ros­ on a subway platform when her Polly will sendyou a Polly Dollar Supreme Court smoking crack in a The theme of the awards show at and nutrition as the primary immediately. Vegetables.” which gives com­ It was renamed "crack” by manded as much as $800 a day. as $10 a hit. It offers an instant high enthal. president of Phoenix purse was snatched. ($1) if she uses your favorite pipe and he told us he was the Minskoff Theater was four reasons for buying seafood, ac­ DEAR READER: Strawberries For strawberries that are halved plete instructions for freezing most Harlem pushers who thought the sparked family fights and caused that lasts up to 12 minutes. A House, a residential drug treat­ Pointer, Peeve or Problem in her The drug is not confined to the ’beaming up,” ’ said Henry Ander­ decades of Tony-winning plays and cording to the Better Homes and may be dry-packed using the or sliced, a sugar or syrup pack is fruits and vegetables, including chips — cut from a brittle pancake her to hit her mother, “someone 1 similar dose of powdery cocaine, ment center on Manhattan’s Upper column Write Polly’s Pointers in inner city. son, a coalition co-founder. “ That musicals, with excerpts acted and Gardens Consumer Panel. It says following method. Spread the best, since it helps to preserve the recipes for various syrups, blanch­ of cooked cocaine and baking soda thought I would never hit.” which is snorted or injected, costs West Side. care of the Manchester Herald. — looked like pieces of cracked Linton finally decided to seek $30 or more. A cocaine high begins In New York’s suburbs, more fantasy in a young child’s world sung by a galaxy of more than 50 seafood is prepared in 61 percent of clean, dry berries out on a cookie color and texture of the berries. ing times for vegetables and other plaster that fell from the ceilings of help when she found herself about 3 minutes after use and lasts IT IS NO W ONDER that both than 50 percent of those arrested can take him anywhere. The stars ranging from Helen Hayes American homes at least three sheet a n ^ place in the freezer for For a sugar pack, simply loss the specifics. Others who would like times each month. their rundown apartments, said sobbing in the middle of a New about 1 hour. New York’s police commissioner for manufacturing, using or selling problem is getting him back.” and Susan Anton to Gene Barry an hour or more until the berries sliced berries with sugar, then this issue should send $1 for each Robert Stutman, the head of New York City street. “ I was crying in “ It’s cheap, but not when you and Gov. Mario Cuomo have made crack in 1984 were age 12 to 24. said Stutman said parents are the are solidly frozen. Then pack the pack in freezer bags or containers. WE DELIVER York’s Drug Enforcement Admin­ the street, saying I didn’t want to figure a minute to minute high.” fighting the drug a top priority for Robert Maccarone of the West­ group most in need of education It you haven’t received your istration office. be like this anymore.” she said. Stutman said. 1986 chester Office of Criminal Justice Manchester Herald by 5:30 p.m. about the dangers of crack. Theft of cable T V costs $900 million EMERGENCY weekdays or 6 a m. Saturdays, Thoughts Fire — Police — Medical please call your carrier. If you're DENVER (AP)- A thriving million users receiving signals unable to reach your carrier, call biack market in illegal hookups is without authorization and stealing DIAL 911 subscriber service, 647-9946. by ‘Muppies’ face internal conflict Every reasonable person wants brought about by parents who 6:30 p.m weekdays or 10 a m. costing the nation’s cable televi­ pay-services programs. peace. How do we make peace in make rules for their children and In Manchester Saturdays for guaranteed delivery. sion operators nearly $900 million Bv Tabassum Zakarla. values, not something played out an unregenerate world? Is it by use proper discipline (which in­ Oxford shirt and her crewneck in revenues a year, reports Multi­ Several Los Angeles systems The Associated Press between people in the church,” wearing peace symbols and put­ cludes confrontation) in order to sweater, turtleneck and short hair channel News. reported a rate of cable theft at 15 says Ron Kraybill, 32, a Mennonite ting daisies in the ends of rifles and carry out those rules. Peace is aren’t very different from the The cable industry journal notes to 25 percent of all subscriber LANCASTER, Pa. — What do who left his family’s farm for a pretending that corruption does secured in a nation when it is dress of a Yuppie or a Prepple. industry estimates of nearly 7 households. you call a Mennonite who left the renovated town house in But it’s a giant step from the not exist? Anyone that believes willing to confront evil head on. farm, went to college and got a job Lancaster. Mennonite tradition of dressing that has been blinded to reality. Peace with God comes to the in the city? He lives in a ’’gray area” differently to separate thennselves The Bible says of the Antichrist individual who accepts God’s A Muppie. Not to be confused sandwiched between a ghetto and a from the rest of society: men in that he shall “ by peace destroy peace offering for sin, the Lord with a Yuppie. wealthy neighborhood, typical of “ plain” jackets, buttoned down the many” (Daniel 8:25). Also there Jesus Christ. The Bible says. CbatifeOed Yuppies drive BMWs. Muppies the way Muppies justify their front without lapels, and women in will be those that cry ’’peace, “Therefore being justified by faith drive Saabs and Audis. Yuppies increasing wealth. long, plain dresses, with long hair peace, when there is no peace” we have peace with God through vacation in Bermuda. Muppies ” We live in a section of town that tied in a bun that’s covered. (Jeremiah 8:11). our Lord Jesus Christ.” visit their siblings who are mis­ keeps us in touch with people who Kraybill’s family has lived on Peace in this present world sionaries in Haiti. Yuppies bathe in have less than we do,” says his farms since 1753. when they comes to those who are willing to Jacuzzis. Muppies prefer claw-foot wife. Meribeth. 31. arrived from Switzerland. Like accept confrontation for right Pastor Mark D. Eddy 2 bathtubs. ’’There is sort of a pull to a many other Mennonites, they causes. Peace in the home is Harvest Time Baptist Church I s o COUPON And although Muppies may lifestyle that’s upwardly mobile,” settled in Lancaster County in ' SEEDED spend their money like Yuppies, she says. eastern Pennsylvania. RESTAURANTS they usually feel more guilty about That conflicts with the teachings College is often the beginnings of it. of a church that has stressed Muppyism. Cinema Their story is told in "The simplicity since it was formed in NEW — rfiiriiiii Muppie Manual: The Mennonite 1525 during the Protestant Refor­ As Mennonites become better Urban Professional’s Handbook mation in Europe. educated, more urban and more SPECIAL EVERY TUESDAY for Humility and Success,” which Kraybill grew up on a farm in wealthy, “it still remains to be HARTFORD nwmi City — A Room With a View MANBFIHLD takes a humorous look at serious Elizabethtown without television. seen if Muppies can retain certain S, 9:55. — Letter to Brezhnev (R) .Tront-Lux Collatg Twin — f x (R) 7 1 with The Stunt Mon (R) 9. — Dream changes in the Mennonite He had only a few non-Mennonite values,” says Emerson Lesher, 7:20, 9;X. — Short Circuit (PG) 7:10, Lover (R) 7, 9. community. friends and saW his first movie at author of the Muppie book. 9:40.— Bllu (R) 7, 9:15. HAST HARTFORD VRRNON I “Symbolic of the conflict is that age 16. HaftweoB Fub A Clneina — Honnoh ■C> (T J ■ Muppies should explore the ond Her Sitters (PG-13) 7:X. , 0 "9 1 • 2 — Hannah and Her Sisters I &5er I Muppies often hold Sojourners (a He remembers feeling embar­ ((^ 1 3 ) 7, 9:10. — Legend (PG ) 7:10, - S u S !S « n e n I social conscience magazine) in one rassed during family trips to basic question, "How am I differ­ Peer Rlctiardi Fub A Cinema — 9:3(1. * 1 I Murphvu't Low (R) 7:M, 9:X. hand and Money magazine in the Lancaster. ” 1 felt like we were a ent from a Yuppie?” he says. /UI-tee-C«t-E»' SbeweoM .Clnemot 1-9 — Jo Jo MtRST HARTFORD other.” the manual says. bunch of people coming from the One of the main differences is the Dancer, Your Lite It Calllne (R) 1:15, 3:M, 5:15, 7 :» , 9:M. — Dream Lover Him 1 A 2 — Out of Africa (PG ) 8. — I country into a world where we way Muppies need to justify Honnoh and Her Sisters (PG-13) 7,9;X. Cannot M uMd antttoW ----- Herald photo by Tucker Descended from centuries of (R) 1:10, 3:15, 5:15, 7:45, 10. — Cobra I I 'sTSSsssf I didn’t belong.” he says. material possessions. farmers who believe in a simple, (R) 12:W, 1:45, 2:50, 4:05, 5:10, 4:25, WILLIMANTIC S&HKas- iSsSsa--' | Mrs. Kraybill grew up in Taiwan 7:M, 0:45, 9:50, 11:05. — Sweet Liberty •3 PIECES OF CHICKEN I Scouts earn Marian Medals peaceful life separate from the rest Lesher says he and his wife, (PO) 12:40, 2:45, 5, 7:10, 9:40. — Too , Clnomo — Cobro (R) of the world, the Muppies evolved where her parents were Ruth, both with doctorates in Gun (PG) 12:15, 3, 5, 7:15, 9:45. — 7:10,9:10. — Short Circuit (PG ) 7,9. — • CHOICE OF POTATO as they got more and more missionaries. Demons (R) 1 :X , 3:25, 5:20, 7:50,9:50. Swimt Liberty (PG) 7:05, 9:15. — Girl Scouts Kyla MeSweeney, Tanya projects, discussions and iiturgicai psychology, struggled for years _ PoKeroeltt II: The Other Side PoltergeWll: The Other Side (R) 7; 15, •CREAMY COLE SLAW M M ^ education and moved into cities as Both Kraybllls work at the over the question of whether they (PG-13) 1, 3, 4:55, 7:W, 9:45. — The — Rifs'" Li''*'' (R) 7, 9:X. — professionals. Mennonite Central Committee, Gung Ho (PG-13) 7:10, 9:X. litmtoe»w8$. >ReM«r ft.. (Mm*efc*B$«r. CT*»Mi) ^ II Sines and Erica DeJoannis, from ieft, ceiebrations, which use Mary, the should buy an answering machine. Money Pit (PG) 12:55, 2:55,4:55, 7:20, l i t PTHHttrt A**. (ItortNrft, C T M M t) I admire Erica's Marian Medai. Kyia iives mother of Jesus, as a roie modei. The which provides relief overseas and They finally justified the purchase 9:20. WINDSOR ©19e6Pood*fO*A.lnc I in Vernon, Tanya at 61 Oak St. and Erica Giri Scout program offers reiigious THE MENNONITE Urban Pro­ services in the community. by thinking of it as a way of keeping MANCHRSTRR Floia — Legend (PG) 7:15. Rt. 30, Vernon — K-Mart Plaza fessional has a new set of conflicts in touch with the community i UA Tbeoten Roet— Police Acodemv DRIVH-INS at 280 Scott Drive. Each Cadette Scout awards at different ieveis of Scouting KRAYBILL’S TWEED 3: Bock In Training (PG) 7:15,9:15. — to deal with. because their friends might be Gung Ho (PG-13) 7, 9:10. — Short M o n A o t^ — Reopens Friday. earned the Cathoiic award for various ” I see it as an internal conflict of JA C K E T , V-neck sweater and trying to reach them,____ Circuit (PG) 7:20, 9:15. JMmifigia — Rtopens Fridov. ‘FONDEIIOSil and for aduit voiunteers. 1 M — MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. June 2. 1986 IVtANCHESTER HERALD, Monday. June 2, 1986 — IP Monday T V

[HBO ] MOVIE: 'The Lett Btarftghter' (CC) A young graffiti artist fights City Hal (DHawaN Fiva-0 5:0dPM [ESPN] OMMM wotM a whan hit brother is daniad Na panakm. • p e m n . (CC) A video game wizard is recruited by (B)8tarTrak an alien to help save the universe. Robert Timothy Ikitton, Robert Urich, Robert 3 ) Tha Utitouehablaa TAG SALE SIGN [TM C] MOVIE: TiMNIghtal Preston. Lance Guest. 1984. Rated PQ. Culp. 1984. Rated R. S:05PM e t MOVIE; 'S*P*V*8' Two bungling QA *• EfcoMIng Sm s ' (Dutobsd) During the STARTING OVER [M AX] MOVIE: 'Monsieur Verdoux* A 10:30PM (B) Nows Are things piling up? Then why not have a TAG SALE? I M dinft of Wortd War I in ■ riny Tuscany agents ara sniangisd in a wab ol hnposai- dapper Parisian murders weahhy women ® D k k Van Dyke bla missions snd misisksn idsntiliss. EMot farming crrmrwmiiy. aoma of tha vWagara in order to support his famiN. Charlie C h ^ fMow Carman ordm whila othara await Gould, Donsid Suthsrisnd. 1974. The best way to announce it is with a Herald Tag Sale A young woman (Jill Ciay- Hn. Martha Raye, WMiem Frawfey. 1947. a s NoUdaro SIN Siaration by tha Amaricana. Omaro An- (B) Real to Real (8l ( 9 Hogan's Heroes tonulti, Margarita Lozano. 1982. Rated R. burgh) falls In love with a di­ [USA] Prime Time WmtNng [TM C ] MOVIE; 'CarmonbaH Run II' 3 Barney MlKsf Classified Ad. When you place your ad, you’ll receive 6:30PM [ESPN] Aitlo Racing '86: vorced man (Burt Reynolds) 8:30PM CD Family Faud (CC) *nUs sequel features another coNec- (Q) Comedy Break Barber Saab Pro Sarias and helps him to overcome ® ® Valerie (R), In Stereo. tion of guest-star crazies Ui eN sorts of mo­ [CNN] Nawsnigitt ONE TAG SALE SIGN FREE, compliments of The Herald. torized vehicles racing cross-country for S:46PM SjOagsMuntflaliis Soeoar: the emotional and mental [DIS] MOVIE: 'PoNyenne' An orphan's [ESPN] French Opan Dally Recap hurdles that follow his painful optimism brightens an entire town. Hayiey cash. Burt Reynolds. Dorn DeLuise, Doug Mania oortba MawiiaBoa Tranamitido McClure. 1984. Rated PG. [USA] Edge of Night daarla al satadum univaraitatio da Montar- divorce, in "Starting Over," Jane Wyman. Richard Egan. 1960. STOP IN AT OUR OFFICE, 1 HERALD SQUARE, MANCHESTER ray. (2 hra., IS min.) airing on "The ABC Monday 9:00PM (D Kata A AUla (R). 10:40PM [DIS] DTV 12:05AM CD Remington Staalo The crafty Majw Dsscoine employs s number 6:00PM CD CD a i» ® iMwa Night Movte," MONDAY, (D ® MOVIE: 'Staiting Ovaf (CC) A 1 1 :0 0 P M (X) IX) (g) (8) (SD News of traps In an effort to kW Remington and CDlbraa'a Cornpany JU N E 2. recently divorced men fir>da the svvin^ng QDTaitl Laura. (70 min.) (R). aingtes Ufa sadly lacking. Burt Reyrtolds, (E 9B Hart ao Hart Bergen. JiH Clayburgh. 1979. (R). (0) Barney MIHer (H) MacNell-lahrar Nawshour [ ^ H D M E S HOMES IHDMES HDME8 REAL ESTATE HELP WANTED I (S) I S Obntna a Sraak CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME (T ) MOVIE: 'Lord Jim' A deserter from O Avenger! 12:30AM CD comedy Tonight HELP WANTED HELP WANTED FDR SALE FOR SALE FDR SALE FDR SALE WANTED on K m fs tandbtg the B^ish marines looks for another life in (g) WHd. WHd Weet 3 Lata Night with David Lattarman T o ­ the Malayan Jungle. Pater O’Toole. James night's guests are Clarence Clemons, co- All real estate advertised SDoelorW ha (SI (H) On the Air: United Btatee Senate Very nice older duplex on Wanted: to buy entire Ktoson. Ann-Margret. 1965. medisn Hya Baskin and Jack Harms from Just Listed. 6 room Cape Back on the market! Im ­ In the Manchester Herald IB) MacWaB Labrar Nowabour ® M*A*8*H Health Instructor- Eorn more money with Equipment operator nice street, both apart­ homes and their contents, (S) (8) MOVIE: 'To Be Armounced' the Columbus Zoo. (60 min.) (R). In Stereo. In family neighborhood. maculate 5 plus room Is subject to the federal e i dD Cope MuncHel de Soccer: Union 8o- Looking for career cash signs. Telephone so­ needed by general con­ ments newly remodeled, entire businesses; your ( 9 ® AmeHcen Playhouse: Roenoak 3 Mauds Three bedrooms, garage, Ranch In Coventry. Beau­ Fair Housing Act of 1968, MOVK: 'Sactat ol the Lkm of vietica contra Hungrie Tranamitido minded aggressive indi­ licitors, salary, bonus tractor. Must have expe­ extra deep lot, single cor (n-ground pool. Won't last tiful acre plus country lot. mistakes, quantities of [C N N ] Monayllrw ing his arch e n ^ y aixJ counterpart. Rut (CC) Part 2 of 3 As sickness spreads ^ s d e el estsdktfn de la ciudad de Iraputo. 9 Mora Real Paopla which makes It Illegal to a' A young italan boy and a gottdo- Sian agent Karla. Alec Guinness. 1982. among the Roaooeks. the settlemmt re­ viduals, bockround In plus commission. Coll 647- rience -on bdckhoe and garage, newer root, re­ dt $97,000. Joyce G. Ep­ 2 car garage, full base­ what ever you make. Call Kar hunt for pirate ttaaaura togathar. [ESPN] SportsCantar (2 hrs., 15 min.) (B) Gena Scott health fitness or soles dump truck, most be able advertise any preference, 203-564-7318 anytime (3) MOVIE: 'Lady In a Cage' A woman's mains a deper>dent military gamson. (60 9630. Monday 5pm-6pm, cently painted. Excellent stein Real Estate 647-8895. ment, woodstove. Built In A dD Abbott and Costello to service and maintain limitation cr discrimina­ [ESPN] Maarla SporlsLoak [T M C ] MOVIE: 'Making tha Qrada' house is ransacked while she is trapped in mUi.) [ESPN] Australian Rulas Football 'SB preferred but not neces­ Tuesday 6pm-8pm, Wed­ Investment or ideal for 1965. Excellent condition (leave message on ans­ spoiled rich kid offers $ 10 ,0 0 0 to a atraat- tion based on race, color, [HBO] MOVK: 'Norma Raa' A woman her private elevator during a power failure. dD Novela: Juego Prohlbido [CNN] Moneyline ^ (R) . sary. Bose salary plus nesday 6pm-8;30pm. equipment. Call 742-5317, new home buyer. Let your Inside and out $99,9(X). wering service If we ore wiae teenager to finish out his last year at Spring Street Colonial. 7 religion, sex or notional workirn In a taxtila mM fitKla naw meaning Olivia de Haviland, Jeff Corey. Ann Soth* [DIS] Adventures of Ozzle end Harriet [TM C ] MOVIE: King David' (C C ) The commission and Incen­ 8:30 to 5 Monday thru tenents help you pay the out buying) We ore se­ prep school for him. Judd Nelson. Dana [CNfl] lany King Uva luxuries rooms, 2Vj baths, Jackson & Jackson Real origin, or an Intention to in bar life whan aha ioirw tha fight for union­ em. 1964. famed ruler of biblical history faces many tives. Contact Lynn or Friday. mortgage. Must be seen. rious buyers. Olsen, Jonna Lee. 1984. Rated R. In [TM C ] M O V IE : 'Anothar Country' An [ESPN] Auto Racing: NHdtl Lauda Ex­ fireplace and a magnifi­ Estate. 647-8400 or646-8646. moke any such prefer­ ization. Saly FMd, Beau Bridges, Ron Laib- (S) MOVIE: 'A Town LHta Alka: A Love struggles before and during his reign as Tom 646-4260. $149,900. Call Ed 649-2947. Stereo. upper class Englishman commits treason plains Formula One cent lot at the base of Case ence, limitation or dis­ man. 1979. Rated PC. Story' Part 1 of 2 Based on the novel by King of Israel. RIcherd Gere. Alice K lim , Credit Union seeks person Bookeeper-Full time posi­ [U SA ] Radio 1990 and defects to Russia. Rupert Everett, [USA] Alfred HKchcock Edward Woodward. 1984. Rated PG-i3. Mountain. $189,900. "W e First Class all the way! I! crimination. The Herald [M AXI MOVIE: 'Crooks and Coronets' Nevil Shute. The love affeir of a young En­ Colin Firth. 1984. Rated PG. for teller and other cleri­ tion with alrge volume Brand new listing. Exqui­ There's someone out glish girl after the fall of Singapore is de­ 1 1 :3 0 P M QD Dynasty In Stereo. guarantee our houses" will not knowingly accept An kttemational g ^ seta out to pull off 7:30PM CD p m Magazine cal duties. Must have furniture store. Excellent 6 room, 3 bedroom bun­ site 8 plus room Contem­ picted. Helen Morse. Bryan Brown, Gordon Newhart |CC| (R) Cleaners. Full time Blanchard & Rosetto Real any advertisement which there who wants to buy some fancy robberiaa at aoma stately Bri- ID All In tha Family 9:30PM CD X ) (8) ABC News [USA] That Giri good verbal communica­ bendetits. Apply In person galow type home on over­ tiah manaiona. Taly Savalaa. Edith Evans. Jackson. 1980. needed Immediately tor Estate 646-2482. porary home. Situated on Is In violation of the low. your power tools. Find 1 0:00PM CD Cagney & Lacay Cagney GD The Honeymoons rs tions skills. Benefits. Coll to M r. William Singer. sized lot! Detached 1 or 2 Wattan Oataa. 1969. Rated PC. CD Wheel of Fortune 1:00AM CD Oet smart Windsor Locks location. an acre lot In executive that buyer with a low-cost (S) ® You Again? In Stereo. and Lacey attempt to convince a woman 528-9089 between 9am- Puritan Furniture store, cor garage, lots of panel­ [USA] USA Cartoon Eaprass ID Million Dollar Chance of a Ufatiirw g ) ® Tonight Show In Stereo. CD Headline Chassis First, second & third In town. See this excellent Manchester area. 3 bed­ ad In Classified. 643-2711. (3) WHdemess Alive to testify against a hit-and-run drunk driver 3:30pm. 1061 New Britain Ave., ling throughout, hard­ rooms, 2.5 baths, 2 car ICONDOMiNiUMS Gi) Independent Network News w ho seriously injured a boy. (60 min.) (R). ® Hogan's Heroes CD Joe Franklin Show shifts. Call 527-1730 tor value 9 room Cope. 3 or 4 6:30PM CD Or«a Day at a Tkita ^ MOVIE: 'Marilyn' The life of Marilyn West Hartford. wood floors. Very deslra- garage. 3600 sq. ft. Ottered FOR SALE S S Barney Miller dD McHale's Navy (B) Comedy Break Interview appointment. blequlet location! bedrooms, finished tom- 1 (B)Banaon Monroe is told through clips from her fa­ (]E) Newa Head Teacher wanted at $219,900. Jackson 8, mous nx)vi68, including G ^tle m e n Prefer [CNN] Sports Tonight 3 Comedy Tonight part time In Manchester Furniture soles people full Ottered at $96,900. Realty llv room, enclosed sun S Too Cloaa for Contfort IS) Jeopardy GD Independent Network News Housekeeper Port Time- Jackson Real Estate. 647- Just Reduced. Manches­ Blondes. The Seven-Year Hch and Bus A Day Care. Degree In early time and also port time World 646-7709. porch. Oversized 2(car S Naw Nawlywad Qama (3) Mission: Impossible [DIS] MOVIE: 'Green Mansions' [CNN] Ciosafira Immediate opening for 8400 or646-8646. ter. $99,900. Forest Ridge Rentals IS S NBC Nightly Naws Stop. Narrator; Rock Hudson. 1963. young politicat refugee in the Veriezuelan childhood education pre­ (Saturday and Sunday). garage, 2 baths, 2 firepla­ 9 Price la Right Star Trek [USA] HoHywood Insider |R) person Interested In work­ Condominium - 3 bed­ IS Nightly Bualnaaa Report ® Insidars (CC) Nick and Mackey inves­ jungle falls in love with Rima the bird girt ferred. Call 647-0788. Excellent opportunity ces and much more. Ask­ IBl WHd. wild World of Animals tigate a movie queen with ties to a basket­ (S) Jacksonville Jazz Feativri VI Tito who lives there. Audrey Hepburn, Anthony 1:1 5AM m o v ie : 'Magic on Love ing every other Saturday ing $119,900. Callus! U8.R rooms Including 14 x 18 S/LBCNaws CD with large volume furni­ Manchester. Spacious liv­ 2 ball point-shaving operation. (60 min.) Puente, Mercer Ellington and Ross Tomp­ Island' A resort manager brings lour men and Sunday plus 1 day master with full both, 14 x [CN N ] Croaafira Perkins, tee J . Cobb. 1959. Cosmetic/Sales. Full time ture store. Apply In per­ Realty 643-2692. ing. 2 both Cope. Flre- ROOMS ffi Hatpar VaNay kins are among the musical artists per­ and four women together to discover each during the week. Hours 18 living room, dining [DIS] Mouatarplece Theater fiT) Novela: Cristal [ESPN] SportsCenter position for experienced son to M r. William Singer. Manchester-Charming 3 Oloced living room -with FOR RENT [CN N ] Showbiz Today forming from the Florida National Pavilion other, but things don't work out as ore 7am to 3om. Excellent Rockledge. Unreolacea- room and tomllv room. [ESPN] Inside Baseball in Jacksonville. FL. (60 min.) In Stereo. 1 1 :3 5 P M X Entertainment Tonight planned. Janis Paige. Adrienne Barbeau, makeup artist with skin Puritan' Furniture store, bedroom cape, 2 full cathedral celling. Large [ESPN] John Fort Outdoors © In Saarch of the Trojan War: The opportunity to supple­ ble at this price, 10 room Central air, 2Vj baths. [U SA ] Wild World of Animals Sirrger of Talea (CC) In Ireland, a Gaelic In Stereo. Bill Daily. 1980. care center In Rockyhill. 1061 New Britain Ave., baths, beautiful eat-ln- lot! $135,900 "W e guaran­ Room for rent. Kitchen (3) Odd Couple ment Income. Coll Man­ Colonial Includes 4 bed­ Deck overlooking private 7:00PM QD css News tale-tetler demonstrates the oral tradition [HBO] MOVIE: 'City on Fire' A former Salary plus commission. West Hartford. 06110. kltchen, formal dining tee our houses" Blan­ orlveledges, on busline, dD Novele: Amo y SerK>r @ 2 4 Horaa chester M anor, 646-0129. rooms, tireplaced llvino wooded backyard. Pool 8:00PM ID Scarecrow and Mrs. King of telling stories over 10 or more ger>era- oil refinery employee's vengeful scheme Advancement possibili­ room, llvino room with chard 8, Rosetto Real close to center of town (D S S M*A*8*H [M AX] MOVIE; Parilt of and tennis facilities. D.W. Billy breaks Agency rules when he sets out tions. (60 min.) dZ) Brass rages out of control when leaking chemi­ 1:20AM ties. Call 678-9130 or send Furniture refInIsher. Ex­ fireplace, hardwood ■room and family rooms, Estate 646-2482. 646-7066. CD ABCNawa QwsiKloHne' A young girl fed up with con­ Fish Realty 643-1591 or alone to find his friend's murderer. (60 (S) MOVIE: The Sunrival of Delta' A dS Footsteps of Giants cals ignite an entire city. Barry Newman, Custodlon/Grounds resume to Box 1354, Avon perienced Individual for formal dining room, se­ vent life goes on a strange quest for her Keeper-Coventrv Public floors, detached 1 car 871-1400. CD S S100.000 Pyramid min.) (R). teer>ager'8 values are challenged when she Susan Clark. Henry Fonfja. 1979. Rated R. Ct 06001. full time position In large garage with rooted patio, parate in-law apartment, [C N N ] CNN Evenirtg News father. Taw n y Kitaen. Rated R. schools, excellent fringe house has ’/j baths, 2 car QD JaWaraorra CD Spearfield'a Daughter Pan 1 'trf 3 A encounters mindless antisocial behavior 1 1 :4 5 P M [M AX] MOVIE: All of M«' volume ifurniture store. aluminum sided with 3 among affluent teenagers. Melissa Sue [H B O ] MOVIE: 'Nickel Mountain' Two benefits. Hourly wage SFugRhro female reporter struggles for power in the (C C ) A hapless lawyer’s normal routine as­ garage, 4 zone heating, Anderson, Robert Carr^ine, Marion Ross. teenagers help a middle-aged bachelor ex­ 1:25AM [HBO] On Location: Howie $o,fadtemp Good paving benefits. storms and screens, yard world of international joumalism. (2 hrs.) sumes a different perspective after a can­ Mendel Howie Mandel a unique comm $3.92. Apply to Jerry Ger­ aluminum siding and HELP WANTED S Wheal of Fortune 1979. press his feelings. Michoel Cole. Patrick Apply In person to Mr. completely private, city 0 0HELP WANTED HELP WANTED tankerous heiress's soul transmigrates style is showcased in his outrageous night­ main, Maintenance super­ newlv painted Interior. CD Taartage Pregnancy Cassidy, Heather Langenkamp. William Singer. Puritan water and sewer. $105,900. S MacNaB-Lahror Nawahour [CNN] Prime News into one side of his body. Steve Marlin, Lily visor, 78 Ripley Hill Rd, Where can vou oet all this D Nows club act. (60 min.) y Delivery person and sales Furniture store, 1061 New Call 646-5808. < 9 Nawlywad Qama [D IS ] Still the Beaver [USA] Auto Racing: Charlotta Grand Tomlin. Richard Libertini. 1984. Rated PG- Coventry, Ct. 06238. EOE. and 3600 sq. ft. tor $198,500. QS MOVIE: Smiley's Psopls' Part 1 PrU Tape Delayed. 1:30AM CD l Love Lucy clerk wanted tor modern Britain Ave., West Hart­ IB) Nightly Bualnaaa Report [ESPN] College Baseball: 19B6 World 13. Century 21 Jackston- TNs sequel to Tinker Tailor, Soldier Spy 1 2 : 0 0 A M (D Oynroty (B) Independent Network Newt phdrmdcy In large shop­ ford. 06110. Completely remodeled In GUYS GALS SD Matt Houalon finds agent George Smiley once again fac- Seriea From Omaha. NE. (3 hrs.) Live. 1 0:05PM [MAX]MOVIE: Turk 182' Reading Consultont- Showcase. 646-1316. DECKHAND - WORLD /Grodes K-4, Coventry ping center. Pleasant 1980, this home Is In move OVER 17 working conditions, wil­ Public Schools. Apply to In condition! O ver 11 SEAMAN TRAVEL National firm now has open­ Clarence Edmondson, ling to train, flexible ,9^ SITUATIDN rooms with 5 bedrooms, ings for severai neat & ambi­ Principal, GH Robertson hours. Apply at once to 2'/j baths & vinyl siding. tious people to assist me in the manager. Liggett ' ‘ I WANTED OPPORTUNITY School, 227 Cross st., Cov­ Four large rooms on third 0 HELP WANTED High school my entry, Cf„ 06238. EOE. Pharmacy, Parkode floor. Located In Historic Shdoplng Center, 404 West Title Searching. Part area. Garage with room grads wanted to High school grad­ NATIONWIDE Middle Tpke Monchester time, experienced, own CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 Looking tor summer help. above. Asking $140,000. fill Immediate uates 17-34 years TRAVEL CT. transportation. Coll 649- Strono Real Estate. 647- Maintenance Workers. 9179. opening. No ex­ Bldckledoe Country Club, 7653. SECRETARY old. No experi­ PROGRAM 228-0250. Port time moture relioble perience neces­ ence necessary. No special qualifications Farm Supplies and Equipment___80 woman to mind elderly Nutmeg Branch YWCA, needed, but must be free to Notices Business Property ...... 25 E ntertainm ent...... 53 Manchester. $122,900. Im ­ sary. 17-34 and Involld. Very light duties. Manchester, full time, Good Pay. Out­ leave for U.S. beach resort Resort Property ...... 26 Bookkeeping/Income T a x ...... 54 Office/Retall Equipment ...... 81 Building Custodian. Full Real Estate maculate 3 bedroom Co­ Lo tf/F o u n d ...... 01 R A TK S : 1 to 5 days: 90 cents per line per day. hour week in busy willing to travel. areas and return. All tran­ Mortgoges ...... 27 Carpentry/Remodel Ing ...... 55 Recreational Equipment...... 82 time cleonlno buildings, 10am-2pm. Mon thru FrI. lonial. 12 X 22 tireplaced standing benefits P m O fM it ...... 02 6 to 19 days: 70 cents per line per day. Retired persons welcome. office with much public sportation and expenses fur­ Wanted to B uy ...... 28 Polntlng/Poperlng...... 56 Boots and Marine Equipment...... 83 pleasant working condi­ front to back living room, G o o d pay. Call offered. Call col­ Announctmenft...... 03 » Musical Items...... 84 20 or more days: 60 cents per line per day. Coll 646-1432. dining room, 13 x 16 contact. Strong math nished. High pay and casual RoofIng/SIdIng...... 57 tions, good pay and excel­ and communication conditions make this extre­ Auctlorw...... 04 Cameras and Photo Equipment... 85 M inim um charge: 4 lines. 191JHOMES enclosed porch leading to collect lect J Rentals F lo o rin g ...... 58 lent benefits. Aoply In skills. Ability to balance mely desirable for the youn­ Financial...... 05 Electrical ...... 59 Pets and Supplies...... 86 person at the facilities Immediate openlnos for I ^ M for sa le deck. Vinyl siding, nice experienced carpenters. money, use office (518) 462-5661 ger set. For immediate place­ Rooms for R e n t...... 31 Miscellaneous for Sole ...... 87 DEADLINES: For classified advertisements to services office, 1737 Main level lot. D.W . Fish Realty (518) 462-5661 ment, call Miss Rose between HeatIng/PlumbIng...... 60 Trim work and plastic machines, and typing 60 Apartments for Rent...... 32 Ta g Sales...... 88 be published Tuesday through Saturday, the St., South Windsor, Ct. 643-1591 or 871-1400. 10 AM & 5 PM at 646-2300. Empfoyment & Education Miscellaneous Serylces...... 61 laminate experience □ Immaculate 3 bedroom WPM. Abletoworkinde- 8:30-2:30, Mon.-Wed. 8:30-2:30 Mon.-Wed. Condominiums for Rent...... 33 Services Wanted...... 62 Wanted to Buy/Trode ...... 89 deadline Is noon on the day before publication. The South Windsor Board pendently and to organ­ Parents welcome at inter­ Help Wan ta d ...... n prerequisite. Full time Ronch with 16 x 32 In- Hot Dlggltv Dog! Brand view. Homes for Rent...... 34 For advertisements to be published Monday, of Education Is on affir­ ize work assignments. SHuotlon W a n te d ...... 12 employment & Benefits, ground pool, beautiful new listing tor those of Store/Ottice Space...... 35 the deadline Is 2:30 p.m. on Friday. mative action equal op­ Must have high school BusInMS Opportunities...... 13 Merchandise call 742-5317, 8:30 to 5 landscaping, patio, you who have been wait­ Resort Property ...... 36 portunity employer. fenced yard, must be diploma and 2 years Instruction...... 14 Automotive Monday thru Friday. ing tor a spacious Ranch Industrial Property ...... 37 Holldoy/Seasonol...... 71 seen. Realty World. 646- minimum secretarial ...... 15 READ YOUR AD. Classified advertisements ore home. 8 rooms, 3 bed­ Employment Serylces...... Miscellaneous for Rent...... 38 Antiques and Collectibles...... 72 Cors tor Sole...... 91 One man experienced In 7709. experience. Contact M. token by telephone os a convenience. The woterprotflng, also one Immediate openlnos for rooms, 1.5 baths, 2 cor WHY NOT GET INTO THE Roommates W anted...... 39 C lo th in g ...... 73 Trucks/Vans for S o le ...... 92 carpenters, experienced garage. Set on 1.12 acres B r a g g , YWCA, 135 u Manchester Herald is responsible for only one trainee needed. Must Wanted to Rent ...... 40 Furniture ...... 74 Compers/Trallers...... 93 In framing & must know B ro ad St., Hartford, C T EXCITING WORLD OF ADVERTISING? Incorrect Insertion and then only tor the size of have cor. Able to Install In lovely established M an­ Reel Estate Ty/Stereo/Appllonces...... 75 M otorcycles/M opeds...... 94 how th layout. Full time 06105. the original Insertion. Errors which do not subp pumps, hatchways chester neighborhood. Homes for Sole ...... 21 M achinery and T o o ls ...... 76 Auto Services...... 95 employment & Benefits, An EEO/AA Employer. Services lessen the volue of the advertisement will not and drain lines. Call 646- $135,000. Jackson & Jack- WE NEED AN Condominiums for Sale...... 22 Lawn and Garden...... 77 Autos for Rent/Lease...... 96 call 742-5317, 8:30 to 5 HELP WANTED be corrected by an odditlonal Insertion. 3361 or 563-3006. son Real Estate. 647-8400 Lots/Lond for Sale...... 23 Child C a re ...... 51 Good Things to Eat ...... 78 Miscellaneous Automotive ...... 97 Monday thru Friday. or646-8646. Investment Property ...... 24 Cleaning Serylces...... 52 Fuel OII/Coal/FIrewood...... 79 Wanted to Buy/Trode ...... 98 Receptlonlst/Sales. Are ADVERTISING SALES REP. you 0 pleasant outgoing MON. TH R U FRI. 8:30 to 5:00 person who Is looking to P A R T TIM E RECEPTIONIST moke some extra money Sales experience preferred, but will train. Ideal for N by working 1 day, 2 nights LOADERS AND UNLOADERS Immediate opening tor a responsible'ihdividual the college graduate or someone wanting to make Notices per week and Saturddvs? to work on our Dimension 400 Console, greet vi­ a career change. n ^ l HELP WANTED OH HELP WANTED OD HELP WANTED OD HELP WANTED help WANTED HELP WANTED OD h elp w a n t e d Flexible hours are the key *8.00 PER H O U R sitors and handle miscellaneous typing. OD OD to working In a friendly established business. If We offer steady year round employment, paid Qualified candidates must be co-operative, plea­ Medical Secretaries, im­ Monogement Trainee. Help wonted-Soles person Dispatcher - Permonont Benefits Include: I LOST you like working with vacations, 5 day work week Monday thru Fri­ sant, able to work in a fast-paced environment, mediate opening for 2 port Entry level position for for lewelrv store. Port full time position. Smoll GIVE YOUR budget a people, this lob Is tor you I day, paid holidays, paid benefits. Shifts availa­ • pleasant atmosphere • gas mileage I AND FOUND time secretaries. Please ombltous Individual. time afternoons. Apply In SALES type 40-45 wpm and have prior office experience. office atmosphere, diver­ MEAT MANAGER boostl Sell those still- Coll Debbie at 643-2171. ble between the hours of: send resume to IS Haynes Company has profit shor­ person to J & J Jewlers, sified office duties. Coll ExcaUggt Opiwilaalty good but no-longer-used Experienced in customer service or public rela­ • good salary • holidays & birthdays Lost Dog-Mexlcon Chl- Street Manchester Ct ing program and both 785 Mqln St., Mqnchester. Appliance Repair 646- Full time. Send resume Items In your home for 10 am to 4 pm tions a plus. LEADS • LEADS - LEADS Must have a reliable car. houahuo. Block & brown. 06040. 646-4797. local and notional growth 1112. Mr. Kaufman. of past experience to cosh. Call 643-2711 to place 4 pm to 9 pm Horticulture-Greqf cq- GSP offers an excellent benefit package which Answers to nam e of ooportunltles. 649-4563. We supply all appolnt- P.O. Box 129, Man­ your od. 10 pm to 3 am For confidential Interview: Bullet. Reward. 643-2828 Furniture Delivery, full reer opportunity to work Laborer - Full time tor menlt with Intbrested chester, C T 06040. MECHANIC includes medical, dental and life insurance, pen­ evenings. time. High school di­ with tropical foliage In 3:30 am to 8:30 am Pointer & Helper. Good steel fabricating shop. homeowners. Must be ex­ (3 to S hour work span) sion plan and tuition reimbursement. Qualified Call Penny Sieffert e 643-2711| ploma, must be neat with wages for hard working commercial Interior ac­ Must hove drivers license perienced with home­ TRAINEE candidates may apply at our facility or send re­ Found. Female cot 5 0 Cleon reon record. Basic dependable person. 246- counts In the greater Hart­ and transportation. EOE owners. Unlimited poten­ We require steady reliable people with good Between 9 & Noon months old, has flea col­ ford area. Experience sume with salary history to: carpentry skills expe­ 7101 9om-4om. 643-1496. tial. Salary plus commis­ lar. Tiger Calico with rience preferred. Coll 278- preferred, but will train. WANTED work records, and the ability to lift parcels up sion, plus axpantes and short hair. Found at ECLC 2492, ask for Bill. Call 677-4677 to r on HELP WANTED to the weight of 70 lbs. Applications and initial PERSONNa DEPARTMENT axcallant banalitt. Call Learn valuable on Soring St. 647-1371 otter Interview. YOU CAN enloy extra Courteous and ener­ interviews will be taken on June 2nd, 3rd, and GERBER SCIENTinC PRODUCTS, INC. 4. Lifeguards with WSI. Ap­ vocation money by ex­ Sharon 623-8882. skills. Excellent jUianfliPHtpr HpralJi getic ardware clerk. 4th from 2 pm to 12 midnight, room 104. 151 Batson Drive plications being accepted Painters needed with at Dental Hygenist expe­ changing Idle Items In a r e in t h e salary and bene­ for apartment complex rienced. Port time Tues­ Full time, or part time. Manchester, C T 06040 least 3 years experience. your home for cosh ... fits. Travel oppor- UNITED PARCEL SERVICE EOE M-F-H-V located In Manchester. Must have own tronsoor- day 8, Wednesday. Coll with on od In classified. Apply In person at M a n c h e s t e r PERSONALS tunltles. High Coll 528-1300 for totion 646-7760. between 9om-12. 633-3509. Coll 643-2711 to place your Conyers Hardware 90 Locust St., Hartford, C T appointment. od. H e r a ld School Grads. Call Reassure that special Managers Position Avail­ 83 Tolland Tpke. ADVENTURE collect. someone of your love by Truck Driver-Full time able. Mens clothing store. Manchester e v e r y d a y . No Phone Calls Please. PICTURE THIS telling the whole world position with large furni­ Coll 649-7901. how much you love them ture store. Excellent pay LET YOUR newspaper Shipboard train­ (518) 462-5662 EOE/M/F Permonont port time help you keep fruit lars with the Manchester He­ and benefits. Apply In ing fo r high M on.-W ed., 8:30-2:30 tellers needed In our Auto sparkling clean and tweet m a r t rald. Coll the classified person to Mr. William school grad­ Swnimer Help Needed $ EXTRA MONEY $ department today and bonk and Burr Corners smelling. Wash lors, dry Singer, Puritan Furni­ offices. Will train, aoolv Machine operators place your personal mes­ ture, 1061 New Britain Barber. Meadows Manor completely then put a uates. No experi­ h o p p e r s sage. 643-2711, B:30am to 923 Main St., Manchester large piece of newspaper ence necessary. needed on all shifts for Ave, West Hartford. or coll 646-1700.EOE seeks the services of a NEWSPAPER CARRIERS NEEDED With Your Own Part-Time Job. 5:00pm. state licensed barber, on a Inside the lor and put the Extensive travel. comp.any serving the lid on. The paper will cosmetic industry. Shop the Data Processlng- Floral Designer, expe­ monthly or bi-monthly Call collect IN MANCHESTER AREA Keypunch operator with basis, to serve the needs absorb any moisture. Let Apply in person: DARI-FARMS ICE CREAM An Excellent Opportunity for- rience required. Full time knowledge of IBM Model of It's mole residents. a classified ad In your Classifieds. Ctntir SL 4S7-S53 odd only I ANNOUNCEMENTS position. Must be familiar newspaper find a cosh (518) 462-6119 Apillt Maided Pridueti Wist Middle Tpke. 4 2 0 -^ Systems. Full time posi­ with all phases of design Hours ore flexible and the Housewives and Mothers with tion with good pay and rote of compensation Is buyer for most anything Mon.-W ed., 8:30-2:30 M Mountain 8t.. Rockville all work. Call 643-8455. 872>8359 M a n c h e s t e r Mirblo SL Emergency? In Manches­ benefits. Apply In person negotiable. l)iterested you hove for sole. McCiba 8L III has immeidiate openings for the following ter, dial 911 for fire, Brown's Flowers, Man­ U.S. N A V Y or young children bring them to Mr. William Singer, chester. Ask for Ron or parties should coll Phillip H e r a ld Stock Plica all police, medical help. Purlton Furniture, 1061 Viner, administrator at ApillB II positions; 2 John. New Britain Ave., West 647-9191 between 8am- S Glen Rd.; Mencheeter. CT Hilliard SL 357-591 with you and save on 643-2711 Cambrldga SL 14-100 Hartford. 4pm. LOTS/LAND LOTS/IANO 647-1678 Munson's Candy Kitchen 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p •r. Oxferd S l all AUCTIONS of Bolton Is occeotlng FDR SALE FOR SALE babysitting costs. Office person- applications for part-time Engirton SL 1-55 . Experienced In all phases You con be a good sales­ 227-293 2nd Shift Freezer Selectors For Sale: Fun and excite­ employment. Hours ore Cantar St of office procedure Includ­ Monday thru Friday, 4pm man ... lust use a quick- Hudaan SL all ment absolutelv free ev­ ing payroll. Steady work, selling od in Classified to Class 2 Route Drivers ery third Sunday Mav- to 8pm and 8 hours Sot. or Wllllami SL all good benefits. Apply In Sun. (Averaging 20 to 24 find cosh buyers I 643-2711. Nov. At the Giant field person to M r. William SOUTHWESTERN N.H. Oakland SL 3-17 auction held In Sterling, hours). Coll for appoint­ Singer, Puritan Furni­ ment 649-4332. NEWSPAPER CARRIERS NEEDED Summit SL 388-453 Ct. on route 14,100 yards ture, 1061 New Britain Gasoline Tanker Driver- 10 ACRES, $19,900 IN BOLTON AREA Strickland SL III excellent pay scale and benefits. Applications from the center of Ste­ Ave., West Hartford. Must have class 1 license Trumbull SL III rling, I ust 3 miles from the and a clean driving re­ 50 MILE VIEW now being accepted at city of Moosup, Conn. Dflawnld SL III Easy Assembley Work! cord. Year-round work, Laki S I all Auction starts at 12 noon. $714.00 per 100. Guaran­ not seasonal. Benefits, 5 Lilac SL Homemade food by local teed payment. No soles. Machinists - CNC Lathe. Cldir Mill R1 Winter SL 47-62 We ore expanding our paid holidays and paid Discover the beauty of SW New Hamp­ church. Call 203-564-7318. Detolls-send stomped en­ vocations. Coll Mon-FrI. BrNkflild SL StltM TranarSL * III 22 Hours Per Week velope: Elan-173, 3418 En­ work force and require 1 shire, mature woodlands. Solar sitewith all class A Machinist to tool, 243-5457. E. MIddli Tpkt. Orchard SL DARI-FARMS ICE CREAM Salary Plus Gas Allowance terprise, Ft. Pierce, FI. all 33482. set-up and run Hitachi 50 mile view of the C T. River Valley and LInliy SL Church SL Employment Selkl Lathes. Apply at Cleaning persons needed Myrtle SL all 40 TOLLAND STAGE ROAD SOUND INTERESTING? part or full time, during Cirpanlpr Rd. Minc.-BpltM E.A. Patten Co.303Wethe- Vermonts Green Mts. Near lakes andski Linden SL all You can be a Herald Area Adviser and handle and Construction equipment roll.Street Manchester. days, Mondav-Frlday tor Bluiridgp Dr. operators - C A T, D-3, D-5, residential cleaning. Call areas. Town maintained road with Laeuct SL III TOLLAND, CT 06084 supervise our carrier boys & girls. It you like kids, BitiP Dr. MinehMtir 401-275 want a little Independence and your own Incoma... 416; also, truck drlvers/lo- EZZZ Cleaning Services. power and telephone. Located only 15 Bldwall SL borers. 633-8317. 646-1688. Spring SL 187-371 -minutes from 1-91 and 2 hours from KNnay SL 10-151 Monday thru Friday, 8:30 am to 5:30 pm and Attendants local gas sta­ I HELP WANTED Port Time Help Wonted- Manchester. Terms available. Call IVtANCHESTER HERALD Saturday 9 am to 1 pm. tion port/full time. Apply Outside Soles. Monday Evenings and weekends, MANCHESTER HERALD Part Time inserters Cheshire Sunoco, 667 S.~ thru Friday, evenings. Ex­ apply In person Pero Fruit owner 802-257-4347, 9am to 9pm. Call NOW 647-9946 X C A L L 647-9946 or 647-9947\^ wanted. Coll 647-9944, ask Moln St. Dependable, cellent money. Coll Stand, 276 Oakland S T„ Cell NOW 647-9946 for lo b . energetic people needed. Jeanne 647-9946. Manchester, 643-6384.D 80 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Monday. June 2, 1986 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 SPORTS GOP doesn’t like Brothers paddle EC in, MHS out MISCELLANEOUS I ^ C A R S MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANjEOUS FOR RENT ROOMMATES RECREATIONAL MOTORCYCLES/ I ^ W A N T E O (equipment FOR SALE FOR SALE IMOPEDS AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE O’Neill aid plan away to victory of state tourney Manchester 1 bedroom, Manchester-Split rent Golf Cart-Set of twelve For salt - Team Murry 10 Bed liner tor S-10 Chew 4 Goodyear fibreglas ... page 15 ^ first floor, stove & refrig­ $315 per month plus heat clubs and ball retrelver. Blue Girls Takara 10 spMd moto CT088 bike. ... page 5 ... page 11 erator, no oets, lease & Pickup longbed used. No belted tires 195/75 R-15 and utilities. 1 months $45.00. 649-7918.0 speed, hordly used, $125 or Ju8t rebuilt, like new holes $99. 74^8101.□ $25.00 a pair 649-0670.P security. $400 per month. best offer. 646-3773 call $50.00. 643-1709 Greg.o 646-1379 security. Available June 1979 CamBro-Excelltnt 1st. 646-8578 days. Ping Pong Table with after 6pm. condition, 4 now tires, 4 paddles and extras, will 24 Locust Street. 7 room ipeed, 1 owner, $3,0IX). KIT W CARLYLK ®by Lwry Wright deliver $50.00. Please call For Sale: Two rubber Call 647-8577. aaartment $600 monthly 643-9003.O tired enclosed horse 107 ri MISCELLANEOUS plus utilities. Security, no Merchandise drawn coaches (at auc­ 1977 Ford LTD-HIgh mi­ AUTOMOTIVE appliances Call 646-2426 Saint Tropez dirtbike. 1984 tion) regardless of price weekdays 9-5. leage, new tires, exhaust model asking $85 tough bid. Sun. June 15th, rt. 14 system, water pump and TIrei Radial 22S-15 (»opd Of0i U)tc6 durable bike with mags. Sterling, Conn. 12 noon. control box. Dependable condition 4/S99 or best A«>$Ay East Hartford, older gen­ Please call 643-9649.0 Call 203-564-7318. tleman, 2 room efficiency, I CLOTHING transportation, $900. 6;0- offer. Please keep trying, H»5plTAt 1814. 875-4493.0 all utilities, share a bath. Boy/GIrl bike very good HI/MOP. iiaurlirHtrr HrralJi $72 weekly. 647-0069. Children's clothing. Huge DO A TWO-WAY fovor ... condition. Asking $35.00 I960 Ford Van. Standard 2-13lnch tires and rims off yoK i selection! Infants to size Phone 649-2320.O get extra cash for yourself 1980 Dotsun $5 each. 2 ) Manchester — A Cily ol Village Charm 10/12. Most Items under transmission with over­ and make It possible for drive. Power steering 8i white Aluminum awnings $1.00 Good condition. 644- someone else to enloy 36 Inch and 30 Inch, $7 1950. brakes. Good condition. 2 Bedroom Townhouse- those golf clubs you neyer $2800. Call Steve at 643- each. Call 742-0274.O bqats/ marine use. Sell them with a want Heat, hot water, carpet­ equipment ad. 2171. ing, air conditioner, all ( Trailer Canopy. 8 x 12 with Tuesday, June 3,1986 25 Cents tent 7x7. $50 643-8095. appliances, nice location. FURNITURE 1980 Toyota C orola- Call 647-1595. 16 foot Mad River canoe, Llftback, red, am/fm ste­ paddles Included. Used Levin King Koll Mattress. reo, 5 speed, $1900, must 1967 Cougar Parts: Trunk- 5 room apartment, up ond four times. Excellent con­ Spinal guard excellent sell. 646-3726. lid, bumper, headlight as- down, 2 bedrooms, stove dition. $800. Please call condition. $75; Please call sembl V, overhead and refrigerator, conve­ 643-4942 after 6pm or 647- 649-9083.D For Sale-1968 CB350 console. $99.00 Takes all. ' Joyner claims nient location, large yard, King - Sized bed. Firm 9946 8:30 - 5:30. Ask for Honda tor parts or resto­ 649-0621 after 6:00.o garden area. $600 plus mattress. Two twin box Bob. For sale-Goulds water ration. Call after 3:00. Ask pump with tank $95. Call utilities. Available June springs. Frame. Excellent for Ron $50. 649-2714.0 i .-4* 'V 1st. Call 643-0110. condition. Will be sold 15 ft. 11 Inch Starcratt day after 5:00 646-3663.0 For Sale Viva P195/75R15 with 2 complete sets of cruiser boat with a 1985 60 For Sale-1978 Pontiac Ca- Radial tire on 15 Partly Furnished. Small sheets, 1 bedspread. All horse Mercury engine. Blue pleated lined draper­ tlllna 4 door sedan, air, Inch rim. New with 2 15 town won’t ies 84 Inchs X 125 Inches apartment. Like private for $220, or best offer. Includes easy loader clean and well kept. $1195 Inch dodge rims $50.00 all. home. Working single 643-8082, evenings 8, wee­ trailer full equipped. with brass traverse rod. 646-4790. 742-5050.O DiWhrl^hie. male adult preferred. kends. Keep trying!. $4,900 (negotiable) 647- Extends to 150 Inches. Lease. Security. No oets. 9407. $90., 646-9892.0 643-2880. Loveseat. 5' x 3' x 2', brown plaid cloth with 2 Inflatable boat, extra Two wheel sulky for share enough 3 Room Apartment-First matching cushions. Ex­ heavy duty, brand new gravely walk behind trac­ 3 floor, large rooms, stove, cellent condition. $99. 649- with foot pump, $69.95. tor. Air tires, steel seat 9540 otter 3pm. Motor mount extra. 646- $45.00 643-4535.0 refrigerator, heat and hot By George Layng water, garage, laundry 8436.0 ’■sSisK Dinette Set-Table, six 10 speed bike with acces- Herald Reporter District ieader facilities, very clean. $475. sorles. Like new $150 or Lease and security. Ask choirs upholstered and leaf for table. Nlnty nine best offer 643-8857 even­ NEATINQ/ Talks between officials of the serious on sewers about Senior Citizen dis­ MUSICAL ings. counts. Call 646-7268. dollars. Please Call 649- I PLUMMNO town and Eighth Utilities District 0293. ITEMS — story on page 3 over a proposal to share a ENDROLLS Pogarty BrothBri ■— Ba­ Custom Rotottlling; i Solid maple honey color IndBpBndBnt Construe- firehouse on Tolland Turnpike Free upright piano, needs 27*A wMlh-2S8 : tion Co. Otnorol Controe- throom rtmoMing; in- Troy Wit Rototlllor. dinette set. Four chairs, tuning. You take It away. have broken down because the 13¥i wldth-2 for 2M tors, custom homo Btollatlen wotor hootors, trovol. Oordana, ' Vernon. Residential area table top needs reflnlsh- Call 646-4305 after 5pm. illno» oorbogo dlsoosott; foucot flow ar boda, lo r town has not offered the district close to parks and shop­ Ing. $99 646-3525 or 646- MUST be picked up at the . otc. ropolrt. M94S39. Viso/M- enough space. District President or the (firefighters’) union.” ping. 1 bedroom apart­ 2968.0 Manchester Herald Office The town’s station was built in before 11 A M. ONLY. '4SM7211 oBtarCord ocetolBd. Walter Joyner said this morning. ments 8, 2 bedroom town- Joyner said the town's proposal the 1970s before the state Supreme houses available at $450 Kitchen set, formica table I PETS AND and $575. Large living and four choirs $35.00. SUPPLIES provides the district with one bay, Court ruled that the district had the areas with hardwood Call 649-7650.O Automotive MWHLMK0U8 O D XonO two small rooms and no shower sole legal authority to fight fires in floors. Rent Includes ap­ AKC. Brittany Spaniel KllVttl Sprlno Claon facilities — an offer he called the Buckland area. The town pliances, heat 8i hot wa­ Five piece black hitch- Pups, orange and white lnoB.flowgrliihr unacceptable, cannot use the facility to fight fires ter. 871-2844. cock stye living room set. $200. 289-6555. Call after Inot. Praai “ I don’t think the town is in the immediate vicinity, but does Sofa, chairs, coffee table Odd lobt. Trucking. 4pm. .MoniB your o«m ;prlct — 099-2436 attar I use the station to serve other areas Monchester-2 bedroom, $99. 646-1830.O [gjJCARS TKoMwr Gnd ton. Foat. Homa raoolrs. You nomt negotiating in good faith,” Joyner within its jurisdiction. wall to wall carpeting, FOR SALE IkgThMtf .MbtlMBBlIna — dBRBngahl* BGrvIc*. It, w t dO: It. Proo oBtt- Homaewnara, said. "I'm not going to let our appliances, olr condition, Cabliwtik' rotfflng, gut- Pointlna, PcBiBrhanalna motos. iniurad. 643-0304. people go in there as second-class I t v / stereo/ Nrli, room'. odattlDits, tricot work and I In the past, offers by the district heat, no oets, clean, avail­ MISCELLANEOUS «i RtmovcH. Coll 64l-$781. yard ogulpmont citizens.” to purchase the firehouse have able Immediately. $550 a appliances OB typBS Dt remo- olao town cam However, Town Manager Robert been rejected by the town. In month. Coll 647-9137. I FOR SALE urntracfbirf. rn e e HowfcM Troo Sorvtco — Call 64M3S4 orftor Tpmi; 1985 S-10 Blazer In mint Iniurad. Buckot Truck ft Chipptr. Weiss said this morning Joyner’s November, residents served by the Used Refrigerators, |y 34W7, qftBT ■ Hebron 3 bedroom duplex Washers, Ranges — Used sliding glass patia condition. Only 12,000 Stump Romovol. Proo Es- Mqaonry,;,.coro description of the town’s offer was Town Fire Department voted 1 '/2 baths on treed lot, $550 clean, guaranteed, parts doors, thermal, $15 each. miles. $9,800. 647-9764. iB E c m eoL ttmotoB. Soodol cpntidar- stucco rogotr "absolutely incorrect.” Weiss de­ overwhelmingly in favor of keep­ per month plus oil heat.. and service. Low prices. Call 646-2300. otton for eidorty and Hon- ottorotlona. o d i ‘4 clined to provide details of the ing the station at the urging of the Security and references B.D. Pearl 8, Son, 649 dteoMNd. 647-7SS3. or64W635. town’s latest proposal — made two Democratic majority on the town required. No oets. After Main Street, 643-2171. Kerosun Heater-used 4 J 6pm. 228-0561. times, well built, like new Herald photo by Pinto weeks ago during the third bar­ Board of Directors. Custom curtalM,' gaining session — except to say Panasonic Upright Va­ Omnl-85. Good size $85.00 Oldsmoblle Toranodo Dollvorlng cloon form In March, the district received 10 that it met all the requirements set Bolton-Mature person for cuum — With attach­ 649-1433, keep trylng.a 1979, 68,000 mlles/looded, hm iSyii^m ctaHatoglnl bids for construction of a new a very nice 4 room apart­ ments, bags 8. extra belt. 7 forth at the beginning of the talks. clean. Asking $4,500. Call Mio land, atom, and corolvn64P Bird talk station, the lowest of which was ment. IVj baths, ootloand months old. $50. Good Foam Cushion uphol­ 646-3633 or 742-6394. orovot. Coll 64349114. Mo S oV m S; Weiss also sharply criticized stered chair. $25. Two from the Andrew Ansaldi Co. of brook. Immediate occu­ condition. Call 646-3245 Joyner for discussing details of the pancy $425 with heat. Coll after 5pm. 'tires, good treads, excel­ School. She is a falconer who lives in Agawam, Mass., Manchester for more than 1973 Ford Torino. Run­ Julie Collier appears to be in deep conversation with this negotiations. He said both sides Mr. Lindsey at 647-0200. lent condition $10. See ning Condition. $99 takes $490,000. The district received 8" wild bird, one of several which she and Dick Lucius of and is one of a handful of women in the country to agreed not to comment publicly Used refrigerators, onytlme. 649-8390.O It. 647-9079.O one-month extension on the offer, Manchester-Large 4 bed­ Springfield, Mass., brought to Cub Scouts at St, James practice the sport of falconry. More pictures on page 11. until a settlement had been washers, ranges-clean, then decided last month not to U room apartment next to guaranteed, partsand ser- 19" and 25" colored TV reached. accept it in hopes the sharing talks park, private yard. $625. vioce. Low prices. B.D. sets. Working condition. Weiss said that if a similar Console and table top $50 would produce an agreement. plus utilities. Coll 633-6975 Pearl 8, Sons, 649 Main St. breach occurred during labor or 529-0299. 643-2171. to $99. 633-1797. 1978 Pontiac Grond Prix. negotiations, which are also held in The talks also had renewed Air condition, power Firm seeks rezoning for 96 condos private, he would file a complaint optimism that generally bitter Monchester-Cozv 2 bed­ KItchald dishwasher. Timex Sinclair 1000 per­ steering, power brakes, relations between the district and room apt., bullf-ln micro- Green, works good. $40 or sonal computer - still In new transmission, shocks FREE that the other side was not wave and other features. best offer 649-7814.0 the box. Hooks up to TV. the town might improve. An effort and rear springs. $2,000 or By John F. Kirch " I have to check to see if the Street comes at a time when the bargaining in good faith. $5(X) plus utilities. Coll $65. 643-4859 nights. best offer. 646-8787 or town administration is preparing He also disputed Joyner’s begun by the town’s Democratic 633-6975 or 529-0299. Herald Reporter application is complete,” Pelle­ 5,000 BTU olr conditioner 649-3467 after 6pm. PZC nixes houses, to undertake a traffic study of the charge that the talks had broken leaders in January to make it In good working condition Drapes 150 x 84, off white, grini said. He said he mu.st still N entire north end of Manchester. easier to merge the two entities by Manchester 4 room 2 bed­ $50.00. Call 659-2223 even­ fully lined, 2 pair for $50 A Tolland development com­ review the traffic impact study down. Although Weiss said he Monte Carlo-1976 Excel­ OKs zone change Visions Unlimited's project will be changing consolidation provisions room flat, 2nd floor. Avail­ ings after 7:00omo 646-6332. pany has applied for a zone change that accompanied the plans and knew the district’s negotiating lent condition. $1500 or included in the traffic study, in the Town Charter sparked wide ’ able Immediately. $525 best offer. 643-2400 after 5. Classified Ad that would allow it to build more — story on page 3 the possibility of getting water and team was not fully satisfied with though Pellegrini said the planning Includes heat 8, hot water. Eighteen cubic foot Clfizen's Band Antenna. than 90 condominiums off Oakland sewer service to the area. his latest offer, he was waiting for anger among district supporters. No oets. Rose 647-8400 or freezer. $75. Call 649-4311. Good condition, two ye­ staff will probably have to prepare Dodge Diplomat-1978, 6 Street in northern Manchester. Along with a zone change. the district to schedule another A Charter Revision Commission 646-8646. ars old. $20 or best otter. cylinder, automatic, with Visions Unlimited will need final a recommendation on the project Call Tim 649-6947.0 The company, Visions Unlim­ meeting to discuss a counteroffer. appointed in February last week For Sole. 15.7 cubic ft. power steering, excellent The neighborhood surrounding site plan approval from the Plan­ for the Planning and Zoning 4 Room Apartment. No ited, is seeking a zone change from Joyner said it is likely that the formally recommended changing Hotpoint upright freezer. condition, moving must Fill out coupon below (one word per space) and mail: the proposed development is a mix ning and Zohing Commission and a Commission before the study is Pets, country living, good 5501b. capacity. $50 or best Cordless electronic tele­ Residence A and Industrial to district will instead go ahead with sections of the Town Charter in sell. Coll 647-8721 anytime. of commercial buildings, and state permit to open a driveway completed for working couple. Se­ offer 646-6754. phone Duofone ET-330S99 Planned Residence Development plans to build its own station two order to remove the district’s veto curity, reference. 643- or best oftter. Call be­ Clearly state name of item and phone number in ad. for 14.8 acres off Oakland Street, single-family and multi-family onto Oakland Street, which is part The town is ready to sign a 1979 Ford Ltd 4 door, contract with Purcell Associates of lots away from the town's fire­ power over consolidation. 7405. Freezer. Upright model. tween 5-6pm. Ask for power steering, V-8, auto­ about 500 feet south of its intersec­ housing. of state Route 83. Roger.□ Glastonbury to conduct the traffic house. The district — which Throughout the commission’s four Excellent Condition. matic, olr. Very good Price must be included. tion with Rachel Road. Planning Director Mark Pelle­ Officials of Visions Unlimited study, Pellegrini said. provides fire protection and sewer months of deliberations, district 4 room apartment first Frost free. Call after 6pm. condition. $1200. 646-0405 Plans on file with the town grini said today that the applica­ could not be reached for comment floor. Stove, refrigerator, Commodore 64 Compu­ The $11,000 study will take into service to most of northern Man­ residents turned out in large $99 646-6507. after 6pm. One item only per ad. Planning Department show 96 tion was filed with the department today. The company is currently heat 8, hot water, laundry ter. Keyboard, monitor, account projects approved by the chester — last month decided to condomimium units in 12 buildings late Monday afternoon and the constructing a town-sponsored numbers to protest the charter hookup. Working couple Kelvlnator Refrigerator disk drive, games. Excel­ 1979 Vw Rabbit. Am/Fm Do not use abbreviations. PZC and potentiai development. not accept an offer to build the changes and strongly denounce preferred, no pets, refer­ lent Condition $475, 643- — 34 of them one-bedroom units staff had not had time to review it subdivision of 14 houses on about with freezer. No frost cassette. Good running Pellegrini said the study will facility for about $490,000 pending ences, 1 month security, $75.00. Call 643-5336.0 6985. and the remaining 62 two-bedroom The .soonest a public hearing could seven acres of land on L4)ve Lane town officials. condition. $850. Call 659- and has developed other projects recommend what type of road the outcome of the sharing talks. $500 per month. Coll after 2895. units. The sizes of the units would be scheduled on the application However, the sharing talks 8 HP Rototlller-Good con­ NO Pet, Garage, Tag Sale or Commercial ads would be the middle of July, he in Manchester. improvements will be-needed in The closed-door negotiations be­ 6pm, 649-1362 (weekends Westinghouse refrigera­ range from 768 square feet to 1.020 raised the possibility that the two anytime). tor and stove, very good dition. $135. Coll 643-6802 The proposed project on Oakland the future. gan May 7 after the idea was raised INVITATION TO BID §$3$ accepted. square feet, according to the plans. said. sides might be able to negotiate condition, $135 eoch. Coll or 649-6205. ^REPAIR OR RE8URPACINQ in April and the town offered to their differences, including a cur­ Immaculate, pleasant, 649-3259 after 4. OP AME8ITE” share the facility for $22,034 a year quiet, four rooms. Ma­ 14 Anderson Aluminum The Board of Education, 110 rent dispute over a sewer line Long Hill Drive, East over 20 years. Both sides ex­ ture, responsible, work­ Ref rlgerotor-Generol Screens-50-//e Inch x 35-//» Ads musf be printed on order blanks appearing in the planned by the district to serve H artford, Ct., w ill receive pressed interest in the proposal, ing, single female pre­ Electric very good condi­ Inch. New, not used. $75. sealed bids fo r "R EPAIR OR Cops say Copas admitted killing Bieu northwestern Manchester should ferred, non-smoker. Lots 643-6802 or 649-6205. RESURFACING OF AME- Manchester Herald. and the early talks were described tion. $95.00 Call 649-3387 be connected. more. Call 649-5897. otter 6:00pm.□ SITE." Bid Information and by both sides as "productive” and sDecIficortlons are available Corrections Center on $200,000 Red Coper hockey helmet By Susan Vaughn admitted to stabbing and hitting revealed that Bieu had engaged in Democratic Town Chairman with mask. Never used at the BusInessOffIce. Sealed bond since his arrest on April 30, "cordial.” bids will be received until Herald Reporter Bieu on the head on the night of sexual activity shortly before she “ 1 thought there was a real Theodore Cummings — one of the CONDOMINIUMS I MACHINERY $25. Coll 646-4009 and ask 1:00 p.m., Thursday, June 19, April 25, then dragging her into a died. requested a jury trial. AND TOOLS far Carl.Q 1986 at which time they will To all Herald After the hearing. Copas’s attor­ opportunity here,” Joyner said leading proponents of consolida­ I FOR RENT 1 2 3 4 VERNON — A Mansfield man wooded area off Hop River Road in Bieu was last seen April 25 by be publicly opened and read ney, Jerry Gruenbaum of Coven­ this morning. But he said he is now tion — last week sent a letter to aloud. The Board of Educo- readers who pleaded not guilty in Rockville Coventry while she was still two friends who accepted a ride Powerful 3 HP Craftsman try, said he would contest the confused about the town’s Joyner urging the two sides to talk South Windsor, Bryer- tIon reserves the right to ac­ Superior Court today to charges thrashing around and moaning. with her from a man at the Lucky Electric Lawn Mower. INVITATION TO BID cept or relect any or all bids have something confession on the grounds that intentions. about the differences in their wood 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 5 6 7 a that he murdered a 16-year-old Copas said he then partially Strike Bowling Alley in Mansfield. condo, wall to wall, air Rear hard plastic gross The Manchester Public or the right to waive techni- Malchik had violated Copas’s " I don’t know whose running the sewer plans. Cummings said Mon­ col form alities If It Is In the to sell for Manchester High School student in covered her with rocks and called The description of the car the three conditioning, appliances, catcher with cord. $50.00. Schools solicits bids for best Interest to do so. rode in matched the description of constitutional rights by telling him town — whether it’s (Public Works day the letter was prompted by the Call 646-6794. BOILER REPAIRS for the April. friends to help him get his car washer dryer, tennis, 1986-1987 school year. Sealed Richard A. Huot 9 10 11 12 the car Copas was driving when he he should confess and that he Director George) Kandra, Weiss, firehouse talks. pool. Available June. $675 D irector David L. Copas, 25, entered the started. Malchik said. Copas told bids will be received until Business Services police he left the area at about 4:30 was stopped by police April 28 would be charged with manslaugh­ per month, plus utilities June II , 1986, 2:00 P.M ., at ^99 or Less plea after a state police detective ter. Malchik denied in court today 872-3723 or 644-4041. which time they will be pub­ 003-06 read a statement obtained from a.m., Malchik said. during a spot check near where 3 I LAWN AND 13 14 15 that he made any such promise. licly opened. The right Is re­ We will run your ad Copas in which the defendant Bieu's battered body was found Bieu's body was found, the affi­ GARDEN served to relect any and all Gruenbaum also said he was still April 27 in a wooded area near the davit says. TODAY’S HERALD bids. Specifications and bid INVITATION TO BIO for 6 days Free of allegedly confessed to killing considering entering an insanity I STORE AND forms may be secured at the Hop River. An autopsy showed she Judge Eugene T. Kelly today 20 Evergreen shrubs. Up­ Sealed bids w ill be received Laura Bleu. plea on behalf of his client, but OFFICE SPACE Business Office, 45 N. School •In the General Services' of­ C harge. State police detective Michael had been stabbed 18 times and found probable cause for the right yews 15" to 18" high. Street, Manchester, CT. would wait to review psychiatric fice, 41 Center St., Manches­ Malchik, who was called to the suffered blows to the head that murder charge and set a pretrial $40. 643-6801. 082-05 ter, CT until JUNE 13, 1986at hearing for June 17. Copas. who treatment that Copas received 11:00 d.m. for the following: Fill out coupon and stand by Assistant State's Attor­ fractured her skull, according to a Plesant memories I n d e x Name. police affidavit. The autopsy also has been held at the Brooklyn throughout his life. ney Donald Caldwell, said Copas 20 pogat, 2 aocllona (1) INSTALLATION OF either mail it or "W e know he’s not guilty of Three Bolton teachers will take Wilson business offices first-degree murder,” Gruenbaum more than 80 years of collective TOWN OF MANCHESTER FENCES & BACKSTOP Address bring it to the AHvirik 19 and support services. Fur­ R E PAIR S - VARIOUS said. "H e has had emotional experience and many pleasant LEGAL NOTICE p^ieiruMia 0 nished offices, secretarial LOCATIONS Phone_ Manchester Herald problems over the last 10 years.” memories with them when they (2) SA N D B LA S T IN G 8i 10-M1 service, reception, tele­ The Planning and Zoning Commission will hold o public Swensson seeks fourth term Copas made three separate retire at the end of this school year. r^laaalfiAH hearing on Monday, June 16,1986 at 7:00 P.M. In the Hearing PAINTING OLD PRIMARY office. phone answering, word statements confessing to the kil­ P .nm lre a proceslng and copier fa­ Room, Lincoln Center, 494 Main Street, Manchester, Con­ DIGESTER COVER "We're happy people," said necticut, to heor ond consider the following petitions: (3) TYPEWRITER One ad a month only ling of Bieu after being taken to the Norma Licitra, who has been it cilities. Level H Watkins MAINTENANCE Valid thru state Hep. Elsie "B iz” Swens­ Swensson had said she was planning a campaign. 14 Center, 935 Main St., Man­ FRANK J. T. STRANO - SPECIAL EXCEPTION - 31 HUN­ per family (No phone calls Coventry Police Department April teaching in town for 24 years. Story pnturtainirmpt TINGTON STREET (S-71) - Application under A rticle II, Sec­ June 1986 son, R-Manchester, said today she delaying her decision because of In six years, she said, she has not chester. 647-0073. The Town of Manchester Is 29, Malchik said. Copas was taken on page 3. Pnr*iia 11 tion 5.07 to permit the conversion of on existing single fam ily on equal opportunity em­ has decided to seek a fourth term concerns over her husband’s missed one day of a regular session house to o double fom lly house at 32 Huntington Street. One Item Only accepted) there after police obtained war­ ) p p iil nmaaie n in ployer, and requires an affir­ and plans to formally announce health. in the General Assembly. "I love Manchester - Downtown ROBERT W. WEINBERG - ZONE CHANGE - 2S0 TOLLAND mative action policy for all of it.” she said. rants to search Copas. his apart­ 1 n ttiiry 9 retail or office space, 1750 TURNPIKE (W-21) - Tochongethezonlngdlstrlctclassltlca- Its Contractors and Vendors her candidacy in about two weeks. Former Mayor John Thompson ment and his car. n h Itiip H M 10 square feet. 668-1447. tlonfrom Residence A to Business II fora portion of lot «250 as a condition of doing busi­ Swensson, who represents the She said she has received a Sunny and cool has announced he will seek the Malchik said that before ques­ /^ p ln lp n a Tollond Turnpike with frontoge on Oakland Street and Tol­ ness with the Town, os per town's 13th Assembly District, number of phone calls from people land Turnpike. Federal Order 11246. Democratic nomination for the tioning Copas, he asked him if he Sunny and cool today with a high 9 Bid forms, plans and specifi­ said she made her decision after post Swensson holds. She has urging her to run again. wanted an attorney. Copas at first in the middle 60s. Partly cloudy I RESORT At this hearing Interested.persons may be heard and written ftp n rta 1R-17 communications received. A copy of this petition hos been cations are ovallable at the B tpr f c a l h getting a favorable medical report defeated him in close votes in the said he did. but when allowed to tonight and not as cold, with a low PROPERTY General Services' office. about the health of her husband. In the Legislature. Swensson T *lM /ie in n 14 tiled In the Town Clerk's office and may be Inspected during last two state elections. make phone calls, he instead in the middle 40s. Mostly sunny and office hours. TOWN OF Joseph Swensson. this morning. serves on the Banks Committee 11 ft /\A/nHH 7 MANCHESTER, CT. warmer Wednesday with a high of Cope Cod: Cozy 2 bed- PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION "I'm very happy about that," Swensson said she will meet soon and on the Government Adminis­ 2 LEO KWASH, SECRETARY ROBERT B. WEISS, 16 Brainard Place Manchester Please turn to page 10 75 to 80. Details on page 2. W eather.------jZoom cottage, fully GENERAL MANAGER she said. with her supporters to begin tration and Elections Committee. equipped, walk to beach. Doted at Manchester, Connecticut this 2nd doy ot June, 1986. 087-05 643-8686 after 5. 002-06