Introduction ...... xxxvii

PART I PROFESSIONAL BASICS 1 1 Introducing Windows 2000 Professional 3 2 Installing Windows 2000 Professional (and Automating Installation) 39 3 Running Your Applications 89 4 Organizing Programs and Documents 117 5 Setting Object Properties 145 6 Customizing Your Desktop via 157 7 Printers and Printing 195 8 Running Multimedia Applications 245 9 Sharing Data Between Applications 273

PART II COMMUNICATIONS AND THE INTERNET 299 10 Introduction to Communications 301 11 Using the Communications Programs 341 12 Web Browsing with 375 13 Using for E- and News 411

PART III NETWORKING WINDOWS 2000 PROFESSIONAL 435 14 Understanding the Architecture 437 15 An In-DepthCOPYRIGHTED Introduction to Networks MATERIAL 467 16 Network Architectures 501 17 Connecting to Windows 2000 Peer-to-Peer Networks and NT4 Domains 529 18 Living with Windows 2000 Professional; Strict Security 557 19 Essentials 583 20 Connecting to Novell NetWare Networks 603 21 Secure Telecommuting 619


PART IV ADVANCED TECHNIQUES AND TROUBLESHOOTING 637 22 HTML and VBScript 639 23 DHTML and VBScript 693 24 VBScript and Windows 2000 Professional 727 25 The Windows Scripting Host 773 26 Supporting New Hardware and Installing Drivers 799 27 Fixing Windows 2000 Professional When It Breaks 809 28 Administrative and Diagnostic Tools 845 29 Additional Customization Options 881 30 Advanced Troubleshooting Methodology 911

Index ...... 943


Introduction ...... xxxvii


1 Introducing Windows 2000 Professional 3 Windows 2000 Professional, Windows 2000 : Which Is Which? ...... 4 The Road to Windows 2000 Professional ...... 5 The Beginnings ...... 6 The Early Releases ...... 7 What’s New in Windows 2000 Professional? ...... 8 Plug-and-Play Support ...... 8 Partial Plug-and-Play Systems ...... 10 Hot Plug-and-Play Support ...... 11 Offline Files ...... 12 Windows Management Instrumentation ...... 12 Advanced Power Management Support ...... 12 Encrypting ...... 12 Support for Windows 2000 Server Deployment Tools ...... 12 Management Console ...... 13 USB Support ...... 13 Digital Camera Support ...... 13 Multiple Monitor Support ...... 13 DirectX 7 ...... 13 Advanced VPN Security ...... 14 ...... 14 Hibernation ...... 14 Remote Desktop Sharing ...... 15 Internet Connection Sharing ...... 15 Fax Services ...... 15 Internet Explorer 5 ...... 15 Internet Information Services ...... 15 Accessibility Options ...... 16 Telnet Server ...... 16 Personalized Menus ...... 16 What’s Not in Windows 2000 Professional? ...... 16 MSN Support ...... 16 Support for MIPS or PowerPC Chips ...... 16 Why Choose Windows 2000 Professional over Windows 98? ...... 17 More Solid, Crashless ...... 18


Complete Protected Mode over Protected Mode with Real-Mode Support ...... 19 Faster ...... 19 Home Directories ...... 20 Error Recording ...... 20 Multiprocessor Support over x86-Only Support ...... 21 Separate 16-Bit Memory Spaces over Shared 16-Bit Memory Spaces ...... 21 NT File System over FAT File System ...... 22 Security in Windows 2000 Professional ...... 23 Windows 2000 Professional Requires Users to Log On to a Workstation ...... 24 Windows 2000 Professional Defines User Rights That Control a User’s Actions ...... 24 Windows 2000 Professional Uses File and Printer Permissions to Control Access ...... 24 Windows 2000 Professional Will Optionally Log All Security Events ...... 25 How Is Windows 2000 Professional Different from Other Operating Systems? ...... 25 Windows 2000 Professional Compared with Windows 3.x ...... 25 Windows 2000 Professional Compared with OS/2 ...... 26 Windows 2000 Professional Compared with Unix ...... 26 Windows 2000 Professional Compared to Macintosh OS ...... 26 What Are the Features of Windows 2000 Professional Architecture? ...... 27 Kernel Mode ...... 27 The HAL and the Kernel ...... 27 Executive Services ...... 28 User Mode ...... 30 Windows 2000 Professional Weaknesses ...... 31 Problems Related to Scale ...... 31 Fewer Drivers Are Available ...... 32 Not All Windows 95/98 Apps Run ...... 32 Problems Caused by the Secure Nature of Windows 2000 Professional ...... 33 Some DOS and Windows 3.x Apps Run Slowly ...... 34 Some DOS and Windows Apps Will Not Run ...... 34 Problems Related to Legacy ...... 34 File Associations Rely on File Extensions ...... 35 Components Are Largely Static ...... 35 Shortcuts Don’t Link Two Ways ...... 36 No Bookmark Support Exists for Applications ...... 36 Summary ...... 37

2 Installing Windows 2000 Professional (and Automating Installation) 39 Knowing Your Computer Needs ...... 40 Reviewing Your Hardware Requirements ...... 40 Processor ...... 40 Memory ...... 41 Video Card ...... 42 Consult Microsoft’s Hardware Compatibility List (HCL) ...... 42 Make Sure the Drivers You Want to Use Appear on the HCL ...... 43


Reviewing Software Requirements ...... 44 Make Sure the Apps Work ...... 45 Installing Windows 2000 Professional as a Stand-Alone Workstation or Domain Member 46 Deciding Whether to Keep Other Operating Systems ...... 46 Understanding Windows 2000 Professional Terminology ...... 47 Installing a Stand-Alone Windows 2000 Professional Computer ...... 48 Installing Windows 2000 Professional from a CD-ROM ...... 48 Using the Installation Command ...... 49 End User License Agreement ...... 52 Where to Put Windows 2000 Professional ...... 52 Formatting an Unpartitioned Space ...... 52 Installation Continues ...... 54 Regional Settings ...... 54 Name and Organization ...... 54 Computer Name and Administrator Password ...... 54 Date and Time ...... 55 Networking Settings ...... 55 Final Phase ...... 55 Installing to a Network ...... 56 DHCP Service ...... 57 Network Card ...... 58 Network Protocol ...... 58 Using Setup Manager to Automate Installation for Multiple Machines ...... 58 Running the Unattended Installation ...... 59 Using Dual Operating Systems ...... 60 Making a Dual Boot Work ...... 60 Obtaining Information ...... 64 Booting Windows 2000 Professional in Safe Mode ...... 65 Installing Fonts on Windows 2000 Professional ...... 66 Special Topic: Using Batch Routines for Multiple Installations ...... 66 Unattended Script Files ...... 67 Remote Installation Service ...... 68 ...... 68 Using Unattended Installation Scripts ...... 69 UNATTEND.TXT ...... 69 Setup Manager ...... 70 Custom UNATTEND.TXT Modifications ...... 78 Tying It All Together: Launching a Windows 2000 Professional Installation . . . . . 83 Using SYSPREP ...... 84 Preparing a System to Be Cloned ...... 84 Imaging a System and Deploying It ...... 87 Summary ...... 87

3 Running Your Applications 89 Eliminating Programs You Won’t Need Anymore ...... 90 TSRs ...... 90


Disk Utilities ...... 90 Desktop Replacements ...... 91 Discovering Programs You Can’t Run Anymore ...... 91 Some Windows 95/98 Apps Won’t Run ...... 93 Running Programs ...... 94 But First…The User’s View of the Desktop ...... 94 The ...... 94 The ...... 95 Shortcut Menus ...... 96 Folders ...... 97 Explorer ...... 99 My Computer ...... 99 My Network Places ...... 100 Running Programs from the Start Menu ...... 100 Running Programs from Explorer and Explorer-Type Windows ...... 101 Running Programs from Search ...... 102 Running Programs by Accessing the Files They Create ...... 103 Running Programs from Shortcuts ...... 104 Running Programs by Using Run ...... 104 Running Programs Minimized ...... 106 Special Topic: Running DOS Applications ...... 106 Switching from One Window to Another ...... 108 Using Alt+Tab to Switch ...... 108 Using the Taskbar to Switch ...... 108 Configuring the Taskbar ...... 108 Making File Associations ...... 109 Finding Programs ...... 110 Installing and Removing Programs ...... 111 Installing Programs ...... 111 Removing Programs ...... 113 Special Topic: Running Programs in Dual-Boot Mode with Windows 95/98 ...... 114 Summary ...... 115

4 Organizing Programs and Documents 117 Using the Start Menu ...... 118 Adding Your Favorite Programs to the Start Menu ...... 119 Arranging Open Windows with the Taskbar ...... 119 Customizing the Start Menu and Taskbar ...... 120 The General Tab ...... 121 The Advanced Tab ...... 121 Removing Programs from the Start Menu ...... 122 The Advanced Button and Explorer ...... 123 Using Explorer ...... 123 Opening vs. Exploring ...... 124 Branches ...... 125 Views ...... 125 Toolbar ...... 129


Using Explorer’s Main Menus and Shortcut Menus ...... 131 Using the File Menu ...... 131 Using the Edit Menu ...... 132 Using the View Menu ...... 133 Using the Favorites Menu ...... 134 Using the Tools Menu ...... 135 Using the Help Menu ...... 135 Using Shortcut Menus ...... 135 Organizing Your Files and Folders ...... 136 Creating New Folders ...... 136 Moving Items ...... 136 Copying Items ...... 137 Saving Files and Folders to the Desktop ...... 137 Dragging with the Right Mouse Button ...... 138 Renaming Documents and Folders ...... 138 Deleting Files and Folders ...... 139 Sending Items to the Recycle Bin ...... 139 Emptying the Recycle Bin ...... 139 Restoring Items from the Recycle Bin ...... 140 Understanding Windows 2000 Professional as a Multiuser Environment ...... 140 User Profile Folders ...... 140 The Windows 2000 Professional Folder ...... 142 Summary ...... 144

5 Setting Object Properties 145 Right-Clicking around Windows 2000 Professional ...... 146 Using Properties Dialog Boxes ...... 148 Deciding When to Use Properties Dialog Boxes ...... 148 Trying Out a Few Properties Dialog Boxes ...... 149 Changing Property Settings from My Computer ...... 152 Summary ...... 156

6 Customizing Your Desktop via Control Panel 157 Opening Control Panel ...... 158 Understanding the Active Desktop ...... 161 Using Accessibility Options ...... 163 Using the Accessibility Options Applet ...... 163 Using the Accessibility Accessories ...... 165 Using the Accessibility Wizard ...... 165 Using ...... 166 Running Narrator ...... 166 Using the On-Screen Keyboard ...... 167 Using Utility Manager ...... 168 Setting the Date and Time ...... 169 Customizing Your Screen Display ...... 170 Setting the Background and Wallpaper ...... 171


Loading a Pattern ...... 172 Editing a Pattern ...... 172 Loading a New Slice of Wallpaper ...... 173 Setting the Screen Saver ...... 174 Loading a Screen Saver ...... 174 Adjusting the Power Settings ...... 176 Adjusting the Appearance ...... 177 Loading an Existing Color Scheme ...... 178 Choosing Your Own Colors and Changing Fonts ...... 179 Changing the Web Settings ...... 180 Changing the Visual Effects ...... 183 Use Transition Effects for Menus and ToolTips ...... 184 Smooth Edges of Screen Fonts ...... 184 Use Large Icons ...... 185 Show Icons Using All Possible Colors ...... 185 Show Window Contents While Dragging ...... 185 Hide Keyboard Navigation Indicators until I Use the Alt Key ...... 185 Adjusting the Driver Settings ...... 185 Colors ...... 186 Screen Area ...... 187 Troubleshoot ...... 188 Advanced ...... 188 Adjusting the Mouse ...... 190 Switching the Buttons and Setting Double-Click Speed ...... 191 Setting Your Pointers ...... 192 Setting the Pointer Motion ...... 193 Mouse Hardware Settings ...... 194 Summary ...... 194

7 Printers and Printing 195 Printing in Windows 2000 Professional ...... 196 Adding a New Printer ...... 198 About Printer Installation ...... 198 About Adding Printers ...... 200 About Printer Drivers ...... 201 About the Add Printer Wizard ...... 202 Adding a Network Printer ...... 202 Adding a Network Printer Using the Directory ...... 206 Printing a Test Page ...... 207 Adding a Local Printer ...... 208 Adding a Printer That Is Not on the Windows 2000 Professional List ...... 210 Sharing a Printer for Network Use ...... 212 Creating a Second Printer for the Same Print Device ...... 213 Creating a Printer Pool ...... 214 Customizing Your Printer ...... 214 Using the General Tab ...... 215


Working with Port Settings ...... 216 Adding a Port ...... 216 Deleting a Port ...... 217 Retrieving a Port ...... 217 Configuring a Port ...... 217 Scheduling Print Jobs ...... 218 Setting Availability Times ...... 218 Setting Printer Priorities ...... 219 Spooling ...... 220 Setting Up Separator Pages ...... 220 Choosing a Separator Page ...... 221 Creating a Separator Page ...... 222 Setting User Permissions to the Printer ...... 224 Changing Ownership ...... 227 Auditing Printer Usage ...... 228 Deleting a Printer from Your Printers Folder ...... 232 Printing Documents from Your Programs ...... 233 Printing from a Program ...... 233 Printing by Dragging Files ...... 235 Printing by Right-Clicking a Document ...... 236 Working with the Print Queue ...... 236 Refreshing the Network Queue Information ...... 237 Deleting a File from the Queue ...... 238 Canceling All Pending Print Jobs on a Printer ...... 238 Pausing (and Resuming) the Printing Process ...... 239 Pausing or Resuming a Specific Print Job ...... 239 Pausing or Resuming All Jobs on a Printer ...... 240 Printing to a Disk File ...... 240 Troubleshooting ...... 241 A Word about Fonts ...... 243 Summary ...... 244

8 Running Multimedia Applications 245 Understanding How Multimedia Works in Windows 2000 Professional ...... 246 Understanding the Foundation Layer of DirectX ...... 248 Understanding the Media Layer of DirectX ...... 249 Installing Multimedia Hardware ...... 250 Choosing Multimedia Hardware ...... 250 Graphics Boards ...... 250 Sound Cards ...... 251 Speakers ...... 251 Installing a Sound Card ...... 251 Tracking Hardware Device I/O Resources ...... 252 Installing a Sound Board in Your PC ...... 252 Installing the Sound Card Driver ...... 253


Troubleshooting When You Don’t Hear the Start-Up Sound ...... 256 Installing a Graphics Card ...... 257 Assigning Sounds to System Events ...... 259 Using Multimedia Tools ...... 260 Audio Tools ...... 260 Adjusting Audio Levels ...... 261 Enabling or Disabling the Speaker Icon ...... 262 Specifying Recording Quality ...... 262 MIDI Tools ...... 262 Multimedia Device Information ...... 263 Multimedia File Information ...... 264 Running Multimedia Applications ...... 264 Running Media Player ...... 264 Using Media Player Controls ...... 265 Using Media Player Features for AVI Files ...... 266 Running CD Player ...... 266 Editing CD Player Information ...... 268 Changing Time Display Options ...... 269 Specifying CD Player Preferences ...... 269 Running Sound Recorder ...... 269 Running Volume Control ...... 270 Recording Levels ...... 271 Advanced Controls ...... 272 Summary ...... 272

9 Sharing Data between Applications 273 Exchanging Data ...... 274 Using the ...... 275 Understanding How the Clipboard Works ...... 275 Selecting, Copying, and Cutting in Windows Applications ...... 275 Capturing Screens with the Clipboard ...... 278 Working with ClipBook Viewer ...... 279 Viewing the Clipboard’s Contents ...... 279 Storing the Clipboard’s Contents in a File ...... 281 Retrieving the Contents of a Stored Clipboard File ...... 282 Clearing the Clipboard to Save Resources ...... 283 Using ClipBook Instead of the Clipboard ...... 283 Running ClipBook ...... 284 Pasting Items into ClipBook ...... 285 Pasting Items from ClipBook ...... 286 Sharing Your ClipBook Pages with Network Users ...... 287 Connecting to a Shared ClipBook Page ...... 288 Using OLE ...... 289 Embedding Objects ...... 290 Linking Objects ...... 291 Maintaining Your OLE Links ...... 293


Manually Updating a Linked Object ...... 293 Taking Care of Other Link-Management Tasks ...... 294 Breaking a Link ...... 295 Fixing Broken Links ...... 295 Summary ...... 297


10 Introduction to Communications 301 Discovering What’s New in Windows 2000 Professional Communications ...... 303 Using the Windows Telephony Interface ...... 303 Installing a Modem ...... 304 Changing Modem Properties ...... 307 General Properties ...... 308 Port ...... 308 Speaker Volume ...... 308 Maximum Port Speed ...... 308 Dial Control ...... 308 Diagnostics ...... 309 Query Modem ...... 309 Logging ...... 309 Advanced Settings ...... 310 Extra Settings ...... 310 Change Default Preferences ...... 311 Dialing Rules ...... 312 Calling Card ...... 316 Using the Internet Connection Wizard ...... 318 Creating a New Connection to the Internet ...... 319 Setting Up Your Connection to the Internet Manually ...... 320 Connecting to the Internet with a Cable Modem ...... 321 Cable Internet Access—How Does It Work? ...... 321 How Fast Is It? ...... 321 Cable Internet Access—Advantages and Disadvantages ...... 322 Advantages of Cable Modem Internet Access ...... 323 Disadvantages of Cable Modem Internet Access ...... 323 Getting Hooked Up ...... 323 Questions to Ask Your Provider ...... 323 Service Delivery ...... 324 Connecting to the Internet with DSL ...... 325 DSL—How Does It Work? ...... 325 How Fast Is It? ...... 326 DSL—Advantages and Disadvantages ...... 326 Advantages of DSL Service ...... 327 Disadvantages of DSL Service ...... 327 Getting Hooked Up ...... 327


Questions to Ask Your Provider ...... 327 Service Delivery ...... 328 Connecting to the Internet with ISDN ...... 328 ISDN—How Does It Work? ...... 329 ISDN—Advantages and Disadvantages ...... 329 Advantages of ISDN Service ...... 329 Disadvantages of ISDN Service ...... 330 Getting Hooked Up ...... 330 ISDN Modem ...... 330 You Need an ISP Too ...... 330 Service Delivery ...... 331 Dialing In via ISDN ...... 331 Sharing an Internet Connection ...... 331 Configuring Windows 2000 Professional to Share an Internet Connection ...... 333 Configuring Clients ...... 338 Troubleshooting Internet Connection Sharing ...... 338 Summary ...... 339

11 Using the Communications Programs 341 Using the Windows 2000 Professional Fax Service ...... 342 Installing Fax ...... 342 Configuring Windows 2000 Professional Fax ...... 343 User Information ...... 343 Cover Pages ...... 343 Status Monitor ...... 344 Advanced Options ...... 345 Sending Faxes in Windows 2000 Professional ...... 349 Creating a Cover Page ...... 353 The Basics of Cover Pages ...... 354 Advanced Cover Page Editing ...... 356 Using Phone Dialer ...... 360 Placing a Call ...... 361 Configuring Phone Dialer to Link to a Directory ...... 362 Configuring Phone Dialer for Video Calls ...... 362 Connecting with HyperTerminal ...... 362 Creating a New HyperTerminal Connection ...... 363 Sending and Receiving Files ...... 364 Communicating and Sharing with NetMeeting ...... 364 Starting NetMeeting ...... 365 Making a Call ...... 366 Using the Chat Application ...... 368 Using Directory Servers ...... 369 Hosting a Meeting ...... 369 Using Video ...... 370 Sharing Applications ...... 371


Transferring Files ...... 371 PC Remote Control with NetMeeting ...... 372 Setting Up Slave to Allow a Remote Computer to Control It ...... 372 Listening for Incoming Calls ...... 373 Setting Up Master to Control Slave ...... 373 Summary ...... 374

12 Web Browsing with Internet Explorer 375 Starting Internet Explorer ...... 376 From the Desktop ...... 377 From a Hyperlink ...... 377 From Windows Explorer ...... 378 Getting Help ...... 379 A Quick Tour of Internet Explorer ...... 379 Moving around the Web ...... 381 Going to Specific Sites ...... 381 Using and Managing Links ...... 383 Moving Backward and Forward ...... 383 Adding Your Own Links to the Links Bar ...... 383 Keeping Track of Your Favorite Sites ...... 384 Adding a Site to Your Favorites List ...... 385 Maintaining Your Favorites List ...... 386 Returning to Where You Were ...... 387 Reading Mail and News and Sharing Pages ...... 388 Listening to the Radio over the Internet ...... 388 Saving and Printing Web Pages ...... 389 Saving the Current Page ...... 390 Saving Portions of a Page ...... 390 Printing the Current Page ...... 391 Working Offline ...... 392 Finding Exactly What You Want on the Internet ...... 393 Performing a Simple Search ...... 394 Power Searching ...... 395 Customizing Internet Explorer ...... 395 Configuring the General Tab ...... 395 Looking at the Security Tab ...... 397 Using the Content Tab ...... 399 Setting up the Connections Tab ...... 400 Looking at the Programs Tab ...... 401 Configuring the Advanced Tab ...... 402 Using Built-In Internet Utilities ...... 403 Address Resolution Display and Control (ARP) ...... 404 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) ...... 404 Finger ...... 406 Ping ...... 406 Protocol Statistics (Netstat) ...... 407


Remote File Copy (RCP) ...... 407 Remote Program Execution (REXEC) ...... 407 Remote Shell/Script (RSH) ...... 408 Remote Terminal (Telnet) ...... 408 Route ...... 408 Trace Route (tracert) ...... 409 Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) ...... 410 Summary ...... 410

13 Using Outlook Express for E-mail and News 411 Using Outlook Express As Your Mail Reader ...... 412 A Quick Tour ...... 413 The Folders List ...... 413 The Contacts Pane ...... 414 Retrieving Your Mail ...... 414 Reading and Processing Messages ...... 415 Printing Messages ...... 415 Marking Messages ...... 415 Moving Messages ...... 415 Saving Messages ...... 415 Replying to a Message ...... 417 Forwarding a Message ...... 418 Deleting Messages ...... 418 Creating and Sending Messages ...... 419 Creating E-mail Messages with HTML ...... 420 Adding a Picture to Your Messages ...... 422 Adding a Background Color or Sound to Your Message ...... 423 Including Hyperlinks in Your Message ...... 423 Adding a Signature to Your Messages ...... 424 Attaching Files to Your Messages ...... 425 Applying Message Rules ...... 426 Adding and Managing Identities ...... 428 Using Outlook Express As Your Newsreader ...... 429 Setting Up a Newsgroup Account ...... 431 Connecting to Newsgroups ...... 431 Finding a Newsgroup of Interest ...... 432 Subscribing to a Newsgroup ...... 432 Reading a Newsgroup ...... 432 Posting to a Newsgroup ...... 432 Customizing Outlook Express ...... 433 Summary ...... 434



14 Understanding the Architecture 437 Understanding Rings and Things: CPU Privilege Levels ...... 438 A Major Software Problem: Clobbering Memory ...... 438 Anti-Clobber Features ...... 439 Process Privilege Levels: Kernel and User Mode ...... 439 Designing Architecture Independence ...... 441 Architecture Independence in Windows 2000 Professional: The Big Picture ...... 442 Minimum CPU Requirements to Be Windows 2000 Professional–Possible ...... 442 The Windows 2000 Professional Baseline: the HAL, the Kernel, and the Drivers ...... 443 “Open the Drive Bay Door, HAL” ...... 443 We Have a Kernel, but Not a General ...... 444 They’re Called Drivers Because They Can Drive You Crazy ...... 444 Designing Robustness ...... 445 A Basic Layered Operating System ...... 445 A Client-Server, Microkernel Operating System ...... 447 The Cost of Client-Server ...... 448 The Windows 2000 Professional Compromise ...... 449 Is the Microkernel a Bad Compromise? ...... 452 NT 4’s Additional Architectural Change ...... 453 Working with the Major Modules in Windows 2000 Professional ...... 455 The HAL, Kernel, and I/O Manager ...... 455 The Windows 2000 Professional Executive ...... 455 Environment Subsystems ...... 457 Win32 ...... 457 WOWEXEC ...... 458 OS/2 and POSIX ...... 461 Virtual DOS Machines (VDMs) ...... 461 Managing Memory in Windows 2000 Professional ...... 462 The Numbers behind Windows 2000 Professional’s Memory Requirements . . . . . 463 Memory Mistakes That Programmers Make ...... 464 Virtual Memory ...... 464 Summary ...... 466

15 An In-Depth Introduction to Networks 467 Early Networking: Sneakernet ...... 468 LAN: The Alternative ...... 469 File Management: Sharing and Transferring Files ...... 470 Concurrent Use of Applications ...... 470 Peripheral Sharing ...... 471 Group Scheduling ...... 472 Electronic Mail ...... 472 Network Games ...... 473 Networking Vocabulary ...... 473


Basic Requirements: Hardware, Software, and Connections ...... 475 Network Interface Cards ...... 475 Cabling Systems ...... 475 Topologies ...... 475 Servers ...... 476 Network Operating Systems ...... 476 Network-Based Applications ...... 476 Wireless Networks ...... 477 Specifics: The Network Interface Card ...... 478 IRQs ...... 478 Base Memory Address ...... 481 Direct Memory Access—Memory Movers ...... 481 Cabling Considerations ...... 481 Cost ...... 482 Ease of Installation and Maintenance ...... 482 Reliability ...... 483 Speed ...... 483 Distance ...... 483 Attenuation ...... 483 Possibility of Packet Collision ...... 484 Susceptibility to RF Noise ...... 484 Types of Cables ...... 485 Twisted-Pair ...... 485 Coaxial Cable ...... 487 Understanding Bandwidth ...... 489 Fiber-Optic Cable ...... 490 Types of Fiber-Optic Cable ...... 491 Advantages and Disadvantages ...... 492 Types of Connectors ...... 493 Connectors ...... 493 RJ45 ...... 495 D-Shells and Data Connectors ...... 495 Fiber-Optic Connectors ...... 496 Wiring Systems ...... 496 IBM Cabling System ...... 496 Ethernet Options ...... 498 10Base-2 ...... 498 10Base-T ...... 498 100Base-T ...... 499 1000Base-X ...... 499 Summary ...... 499

16 Network Architectures 501 Physical Topologies ...... 502 The Star Topology ...... 504 Getting to the Hub of the Problem ...... 504


Star Topology Continued ...... 506 The Bus Topology ...... 507 Logical Topologies ...... 509 Bus Topology ...... 509 Token Ring Topology ...... 511 When a Bus Is Not a Bus: 10Base-T ...... 513 IEEE’s Topological Protocols ...... 515 The 802.3 Standard ...... 515 Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) ...... 516 The 802.4 Standard ...... 519 The 802.5 Standard ...... 520 Peer-to-Peer versus Client-Server ...... 520 Client-Server Networks ...... 521 Disk Servers ...... 522 File Servers ...... 523 Peer-to-Peer Networks ...... 525 Judging Peer-to-Peer Packages ...... 526 Understanding Peer-to-Peer Operations ...... 526 Weighing the Advantages of Using a Peer-to-Peer Network ...... 527 Summary ...... 527

17 Connecting to Windows 2000 Peer-to-Peer Networks and NT4 Domains529 Connecting Your Network ...... 531 Configuring Your Network ...... 532 Specifying Protocols ...... 532 Connecting to Workgroups ...... 534 Creating Shares ...... 535 Attaching to Network Resources ...... 538 Browsing My Network Places ...... 538 Mapping a Network Drive ...... 538 Making a Direct Connection via a UNC ...... 539 Using Net Use: Connecting to Other Drives and Printers ...... 541 Connecting to a Resource in the Local Domain ...... 542 Using Long Filenames in UNCs ...... 542 Creating a Drive Mapping for Your Home Folder ...... 543 Connecting to a Resource in Another Domain ...... 543 Using Other Switches ...... 543 Using Profiles ...... 544 Creating Hardware Profiles ...... 544 Managing Hardware Profiles ...... 546 Surviving User Profiles ...... 548 Understanding Windows 2000 Professional Profiles versus 95/98 Profiles ...... 549 Special Topic: Connecting a Windows 2000 Professional Workstation to an NT4 Domain ...... 549 Receiving the Error Message “No Domain Server Was Available…” ...... 551


Configuration Testing ...... 551 Attaching to Network Resources Using Login Scripts ...... 554 Using the Connect As Option ...... 555 Summary ...... 556

18 Living with Windows 2000 Professional; Strict Security 557 Understanding User Accounts in Windows 2000 Professional ...... 558 Understanding User Rights ...... 560 Creating a User Account ...... 562 Creating a Group Account ...... 566 Setting Permissions ...... 567 Setting Share-Level Permissions ...... 567 Types of File and Folder Permissions ...... 570 Assigning File and Folder Permissions ...... 573 Auditing Files and Folders ...... 574 Understanding Ownership ...... 579 Defining Ownership ...... 579 Taking Ownership ...... 580 Summary ...... 581

19 Active Directory Essentials 583 Security: Keeping Track of Who’s Allowed to Use the Network and Who Isn’t ...... 585 Maintain a “Directory” of Users and Other Network Objects ...... 586 Centralizing the Directory and Directories: a “Logon Server” ...... 587 Searching: Finding Things on the Network ...... 588 Finding Servers: “Client-Server Rendezvous” ...... 588 Name Resolution and DNS ...... 589 Creating New Types of Subadministrators ...... 590 Delegation: Subdividing Control over a Domain ...... 591 Satisfying Political Needs ...... 592 Connectivity and Replication Issues ...... 593 Scalability: Building Big Networks ...... 594 Simplifying Computer Names or “Unifying the Namespace” ...... 595 Satisfying the Lust for Power and Control ...... 597 Connecting a Windows 2000 Professional Machine to an AD Domain ...... 598 Checklist ...... 598 Connecting to AD ...... 598 Verify Operating System Prerequisites ...... 598 Change Computer Network Identification ...... 599 Logging In to Active Directory ...... 600 Summary ...... 601

20 Connecting to Novell NetWare Networks 603 Defining Novell’s Point of View: Common Terms ...... 604 Novell Security ...... 604


The Login Procedure ...... 605 Trustee Rights ...... 605 Directory Rights ...... 605 File Attributes ...... 606 Using the Novell Administration Utilities ...... 606 Talking to NetWare 3 Servers versus Talking to an NDS Tree ...... 607 Accessing a NetWare Server ...... 608 Administering a NetWare Server from a Windows 2000 Professional Computer ...... 608 Understanding How Windows 2000 Professional and NetWare Interact ...... 609 Running NetWare and Windows 2000 Server Together ...... 610 The Older Solution: Windows for Workgroups and Windows 95 ...... 610 Configuring Windows 2000 Professional to Run in Parallel with NetWare ...... 611 Using Novell Commands Available from Windows 2000 Professional ...... 615 Printing to Novell Printers ...... 615 Enabling Long Filename Support on the Novell Server ...... 616 Choosing a 32-Bit Novell Solution ...... 616 Accessing NetWare Servers from Windows 2000 Professional Clients ...... 618 Summary ...... 618

21 Secure Telecommuting 619 Telecommuting Overview: Risks and Rewards ...... 620 Protecting Against the Interception of Data ...... 621 Securing RAS Dial-in Sessions ...... 621 Virtual Private Networking Connections ...... 623 VPN Performance Considerations ...... 627 Protecting Against the Impersonation of a User ...... 628 Common Sense Guidelines ...... 628 Encrypted Authentication ...... 629 Caller-ID/Callback Security ...... 630 Third-Party Products: SecurID, SafeWord ...... 631 Protecting Against the Abduction of Data ...... 632 Encrypting Files with EFS ...... 633 The Recovery Agent ...... 634 Exporting the Recovery Agent Private Key ...... 635 Restoring the Recovery Agent Private Key ...... 636 Summary ...... 636


22 HTML and VBScript 639 An Overview of Internet Information Services ...... 641 Merging the Web and the Desktop ...... 643 Designing with HTML ...... 645


The Absolute Essentials ...... 648 Text Formatting Tags ...... 651 Specifying Fonts and Color ...... 653 Lists ...... 654 Nested Lists ...... 655 Images ...... 657 Hyperlinks ...... 659 Tables ...... 660 Multiple Row and Multiple-Column Cells ...... 661 Activating Web Pages with VBScript ...... 663 Embedding Scripts in HTML Documents ...... 664 VBScript Variables ...... 665 VBScript Procedures ...... 665 Controlling the Program Flow ...... 666 Conditional Statements ...... 666 The If…Then…Else Statement ...... 667 The Select Case Statement ...... 668 Looping Statements ...... 669 The For…Next Loop ...... 669 The While…Wend Loop ...... 670 The Do…Loop Loop ...... 671 Input/Output Functions ...... 672 String Manipulation Functions ...... 674 LCase(), UCase() ...... 674 Left(), Right(), and Mid() ...... 674 Len() ...... 675 InStr() ...... 675 Other String Manipulation Functions ...... 675 Date/Time Functions ...... 676 Date(), Time() ...... 676 DateAdd() ...... 676 DateDiff() ...... 677 Day(), Month(), Year() ...... 677 Hour(), Minute(), Second() ...... 677 WeekdayName(), MonthName() ...... 678 Forms and Controls ...... 678 The Text Control ...... 679 The TextArea Control ...... 680 The CheckBox Control ...... 680 The RadioButton Control ...... 681 The Multiple Selection Control ...... 681 The Command Button Control ...... 682 The FORM.HTM Page ...... 682 VBScript and HTML ...... 686 The Properties and Methods of the Document Object ...... 686 Using the Document Object ...... 687


The Page ...... 688 Summary ...... 691

23 DHTML and VBScript 693 Extending HTML with Styles and Classes ...... 695 Reacting to Mouse Events ...... 696 The

Tag ...... 698 Manipulating the Styles ...... 701 HTML Lists ...... 703 DHTML Lists ...... 706 ActiveX Controls ...... 708 The Multimedia Controls ...... 709 The Structured Graphics Control ...... 709 The Filter Control ...... 711 The Lights Effect ...... 713 The Multimedia Sequencer Control ...... 715 Voice-Enabled Pages ...... 720 The AXAGENT.HTM Document ...... 722 Programming the Agent Control ...... 723 Summary ...... 726

24 VBScript and Windows 2000 Professional 727 Writing and Executing Scripts ...... 728 Objects, Properties, and Methods ...... 730 Collections and Dictionaries ...... 732 The Files Collection ...... 735 The FileSystemObject Object ...... 736 The CreateTextFile Method ...... 736 The OpenTextFile Method ...... 737 The TextStream Object’s Methods ...... 737 Read ...... 738 ReadAll ...... 738 ReadLine ...... 738 Skip ...... 738 SkipLine ...... 738 Write ...... 738 WriteLine ...... 738 WriteBlankLines ...... 739 The TextStream Object’s Properties ...... 739 AtEndOfLine ...... 739 AtEndOfStream ...... 739 Column ...... 739 Line ...... 740 Using the TextStream Object ...... 740 More FileSystemObject Methods ...... 741 CONTENTS xxxi

CopyFile ...... 741 CopyFolder ...... 741 DeleteFile ...... 742 DeleteFolder ...... 742 MoveFile ...... 742 MoveFolder ...... 743 FileExists, FolderExists ...... 743 GetFile, GetFolder ...... 743 GetFileName ...... 744 FileSystemObject Properties ...... 747 The Drives Collection ...... 747 The Drive Object ...... 748 AvailableSpace ...... 748 DriveLetter ...... 748 DriveType ...... 749 FileSystem ...... 750 FreeSpace ...... 750 IsReady ...... 750 Path ...... 751 RootFolder ...... 751 SerialNumber ...... 751 ShareName ...... 751 TotalSize ...... 751 VolumeName ...... 751 The Files Collection ...... 752 The File Object ...... 752 The File Object’s Properties ...... 752 Attributes ...... 752 DateCreated ...... 754 DateLastAccessed ...... 754 DateLastModified ...... 754 Drive ...... 755 Name ...... 755 ParentFolder ...... 755 Path ...... 755 ShortName ...... 756 Size ...... 756 Type ...... 756 The File Object’s Methods ...... 756 Copy ...... 756 Delete ...... 756 Move ...... 756 OpenAsTextStream ...... 757 The Folders Collection ...... 758 AddFolder ...... 758 The Folder Object ...... 758 xxxii CONTENTS

Attributes ...... 758 DateCreated ...... 759 DateLastAccessed ...... 759 DateLastModified ...... 759 Drive ...... 759 IsRootFolder ...... 759 Name ...... 759 ParentFolder ...... 760 Path ...... 760 ShortName ...... 760 ShortPath ...... 760 Size ...... 760 Subfolders ...... 760 Scanning a Folder Recursively ...... 761 Automating Other Applications ...... 763 The CreateObject() Function ...... 764 The GetObject() Function ...... 768 Handling Run-Time Errors ...... 769 Trapping Errors ...... 769 Summary ...... 771

25 The Windows Scripting Host 773 Running a Script ...... 774 The Wscript Object ...... 775 The Arguments Property ...... 775 More Wscript Properties ...... 778 Application ...... 778 FullName ...... 778 Name ...... 779 Path ...... 779 ScriptFullName ...... 779 Version ...... 779 ScriptName ...... 779 Wscript Methods ...... 779 Echo ...... 780 Quit ...... 780 The WshShell Object ...... 780 Environment ...... 781 SpecialFolders ...... 782 CreateShortcut ...... 783 Popup ...... 784 Manipulating the Registry ...... 786 Registry Manipulation Methods ...... 786 RegRead ...... 786 RegWrite ...... 788 Example: Manipulating the Shortcut Menu ...... 788 CONTENTS xxxiii

RegDelete ...... 790 Run ...... 791 Starting Wscript from within a Script ...... 791 The WshNetwork Object ...... 792 ComputerName ...... 792 UserDomain ...... 792 UserName ...... 792 Connecting to Network Printers ...... 792 EnumPrinterConnections ...... 793 AddWindowsPrinterConnection ...... 793 RemovePrinterConnection ...... 793 SetDefaultPrinter ...... 794 Connecting to Network Drives ...... 794 EnumNetworkDrives ...... 794 MapNetworkDrive ...... 794 RemoveNetworkDrive ...... 795 The WshShortcut Object ...... 796 Arguments ...... 796 Description ...... 796 FullName ...... 796 Hotkey ...... 796 IconLocation ...... 797 TargetPath ...... 797 WindowStyle ...... 797 WorkingDirectory ...... 797 Save ...... 797 Example: Creating a New Shortcut ...... 797 Summary ...... 798

26 Supporting New Hardware and Installing Drivers 799 Display Adapters ...... 801 SCSI Cards and Devices ...... 802 Hard Drives and CD-ROMs ...... 803 Tape Drives ...... 803 Mouse Drivers ...... 804 Keyboard Drivers ...... 804 Sound Cards ...... 805 EIDE and IDE Adapters ...... 807 PCMCIA Adapters ...... 807 Troubleshooting Drivers ...... 808 Summary ...... 808

27 Fixing Windows 2000 Professional When It Breaks 809 Avoiding Windows 2000 Professional Crashes ...... 810 Buy Reliable Hardware ...... 810 xxxiv CONTENTS

Guard against Environmental Hazards ...... 812 Install Windows 2000 Professional Properly ...... 813 Obtain the Latest Tested Drivers for Your Hardware ...... 813 Always Shut Down Windows 2000 Professional Properly ...... 813 Back Up Your Disk Regularly ...... 813 Be Sure You’re Authorized to Do Something before Doing It ...... 814 An Ounce of Prevention… ...... 814 Defragmenting Files ...... 814 Cleaning Up Disks ...... 816 Checking Disks for Errors ...... 817 Restoring a Configuration ...... 817 Using the “Last Known Good” Menu ...... 818 When Does (and Doesn’t) It Work? ...... 818 Recovering from Bad Video Drivers ...... 819 The Recovery Console ...... 819 Installing the Recovery Console ...... 820 Creating the Emergency Repair Disk ...... 820 Repairing—or Recovering—a Damaged Installation ...... 823 Understanding Repair Options ...... 823 Using the Recovery Console ...... 824 Using the Emergency Repair Disk ...... 831 The Driver Verifier—a Condom for Your Drivers ...... 832 Running the Driver Verifier ...... 834 ...... 836 Running the SFC ...... 836 The Registry Entry That Lets You Force a Blue Screen () ...... 837 Backing Up and Restoring ...... 838 Making a Backup ...... 838 Using the Backup Wizard ...... 839 Making a Manual Backup ...... 840 Restoring a Backup ...... 842 Using the Restore Wizard ...... 842 Using the Restore Tab ...... 842 Summary ...... 843

28 Administrative and Diagnostic Tools 845 Running Disk Management ...... 846 Deciding Which File System Is Best ...... 847 Using File Compression in NTFS ...... 848 Using NTFS File Security Features ...... 850 Setting Up a New Disk Drive in Windows 2000 Professional ...... 850 Creating Extended Partitions and Logical Drives ...... 851 Creating Striped and Spanned Volumes ...... 852 Using Dynamic Volumes ...... 854 Running ...... 855 CONTENTS xxxv

Monitoring Performance ...... 861 Adding a Counter in Chart View ...... 865 Using Alerts ...... 866 Using Counter Log View ...... 868 Using Report View ...... 869 Running System Information ...... 870 Running ...... 875 Task Manager Applications ...... 876 Task Manager Processes ...... 877 Task Manager Performance ...... 878 Summary ...... 879

29 Additional Customization Options 881 Keyboard Options ...... 882 Multiple Keyboard-Layout and Keyboard-Language Support ...... 883 Hardware Settings ...... 885 Regional Options ...... 885 System Settings ...... 887 System Applet ...... 887 The General Tab ...... 888 The Network Identification Tab ...... 888 The Hardware Tab ...... 889 The User Profiles Tab ...... 893 The Advanced Tab ...... 894 ...... 898 Services Console ...... 899 The Recycle Bin’s Properties ...... 901 A Microsoft Management Console Primer ...... 903 What Is This MMC Thing? ...... 904 Why Is MMC Good and Not Evil? ...... 904 MMC Terms to Know ...... 905 The Computer Management Console ...... 907 Summary ...... 909

30 Advanced Troubleshooting Methodology 911 The Tao of Troubleshooting ...... 912 Define the Problem: “It’s Broken.” ...... 913 Explore the Boundaries ...... 913 Brainstorm and Document ...... 913 Test Your Ideas ...... 914 Repair the Problem ...... 914 Clean Up after Yourself ...... 914 Provide Closure ...... 914 Troubleshooting Printing ...... 915 Other Print Troubleshooting Steps ...... 918 xxxvi CONTENTS

Troubleshooting Windows 2000 Professional Setup ...... 919 Planning and Text Mode Setup ...... 919 SCSI Troubleshooting ...... 922 Troubleshooting Text Mode to GUI Mode ...... 923 Blue Screens during Setup ...... 923 Miscellaneous Setup Issues ...... 925 Addressing GUI Mode and Initial Boot Issues ...... 925 Troubleshooting Windows 2000 Professional Networking ...... 927 Is It Plugged In? ...... 927 Is Anybody out There? ...... 928 Troubleshooting TCP/IP ...... 928 Troubleshooting IPX/SPX ...... 933 Troubleshooting NetBEUI ...... 935 How Do You Troubleshoot Windows 2000 Professional Network Architecture? . . . 935 User Mode Components ...... 936 Kernel Mode Components ...... 937 Finding More Information ...... 939 The Microsoft Knowledge Base ...... 939 Accessing the Knowledge Base ...... 939 Understanding the Art of Query ...... 940 The Windows 2000 Professional Resource Kits ...... 941 Summary ...... 942

Index...... 943