World-Wide Fallout from Operation Castle
-. coNTlarrs ACKNM~EMENTS . .................... .- . ILLIGIRATIONS.. .................... ABSTRACT. ...... .,o ............ CHAPTER1 INTRODIX=TION.................... cH@!TER2 CASTLETESTS .................... 2.1 Bravo . a................... 2.2 Romeo . .................... .2.3 KOOIL . ...................... 2.& Union . .................... 2.5 Yankee. .................... 2.6 Nectar. ...* . cHApTEp.3 WB,LD-WIDEFALLOUT. 3.1 Castle Total. ohils for IndividualTests . ::: F oqarispn.'&ith Total Beta Yield. 3.11 l?ZEGGZogical Interpretation. 3.5 ~imum Activityat . IndividualStations l .,.-.z_,~__,_ PC. ._. mm& SPECIALClBSElRVATIONS .... , ........... 38 APPENDIXA MAPS OF DAILY FALLOUT,................... 39 ............................ l 220. ..... __ ............ ” ACKNWLEDGEMENTS The work reportedon here was performedunder the directionof Dr. Lester Machta,C.hief, Special Projects Section, Scientific ServicesDivision, U. S. xeatherBureau. The monitoringprogram was establishd by the Healthand Safety Laboratory, New York Operations Office, Atotic EnergyCommission, Merril Eisenbud, Director, arx? that office provided tIx radiological-data. Mr. Daniel E. Lynch of the Health and Safety Laboratoryserved as coordinatorof the program. Msv helpfulsuggestions were rece!i.&dfrom colleaguesin the SpecialProjects Section, D. Lee Harri.6,Kenneth M. Nagler,Francis Pooler,Jr., and Leo B. Quenneville. The staffof .tbissection performedthe laboriousand pemstax3ng plottingof data and prepara- tion of the finishedmanuscript. - iv.- .. ILLIETRATIONS Page * 1.1. Fallout Monitoring Network, Pacific Hemisphere . 2 1.2 Fallout Monitoring Netuork, Atlantic Hemisphere. 3 2.1 Winds Aloft for Castle Events. 7 2.2' Meteorological Trajectories for Burst No. 1, Bravo . 8 2.3 FESteoroIogicalTrajectories for Burst No. 2, Romeo . lo; 2.L Meteorological Trajectories for Burst No. 3, Koon. 13 2.5 Meteorological Trajectories for Burst No. 4, Union . lb 2.6 Meteorological Trajectories for Burst No. 5, Yankee. 16 2.7 i%teoz?ologicalTrajectories for Burst No. 6, Nectar.
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