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Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents

1-31-2005 Arbiter, January 31 Students of Boise State University

Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. UOLUME 11 THE INDEPENDENT STUDENT UOICE OF BOISE STRTE SINCE 1933 ISSUE IS MONDAY JANUARY 31 a a a s FIRST ISSUE FREE

Tamarac& Superl'ipe Opens

~,-,~ :, ..- " - -;;- : '-'1 ;~::.;:; '.' " ','.• ,'. ,,""!:'. .) ::U~i? '. ~,,;i>'~ i~;i~J :~(c\ 003 issue of :, .,;'+R€pbrt, "and isconsldered':dnly,} . rewsa.dmits t()Ra~lrtgher; .' tions that arise in' thi.f()rurtis~ lgher EducatiQ':i;',\i,,'ll,Jnaster's:unlversity. by tpe), ,~Mabout what s4ch .an tnstt- After the fotumsaie~~1i~ti1U, . o . the Cluonii:le,'CainegieFoundation, .,.' ."•.•..•.•...... 'i,lM~riisr- butsays ids important .Andrews . says thead,rniI).i§tih ole class of 1,m1~'WhileBS1Jistrylngto become .. Jo, fijldalignment on -campus, tion will do. a "gap,a~ysi~';;tP, .·.·i·i·. ", ling to be in;theq,"lDetropolitan researchjn;· ~ij~,;~aysthe first stepis'getting see how faraway theW1Ne~i!y~. " .,; 20, or. top l~;~!ia·:·,stltutlon."· it isstlll not,entlrelY' .. inpUt from the campus commu- is from t!teirgo~s' ..','; 'q:;' ' ...•Yi:\

. °t'i,seei,b:c'V~mt,'lint'g",i rCileairhtOhw~dmalinlstratorsare de"niW~hhouit Wtrtatt.aml:~obPolitan . Aif~etrth.egap ialnl~t'hySl.~i ii ....•..'".'..,..'..•".'.,...... •.'", "<'" ".,.'~.\ tl ons as 1 ~ .•(),." n .'.etrgo . reS,e\\rc ns 1 u Ion may e. m ms ranonw . tm:': ,.. '.:.'....\. t Ilg . • 1(";' 'Ac~ordlng JoProvo$l-Sona '};':r~h admlnistrationisplim- strategic gOlllsand aio~~ap'W'. ,1,'\ Andrews; ~olse State is still try- '.nlng:a series of focus groups in begin to "·,~h~I~{r •.'; .'" \ , . " "irig tofigu~ethat 0ll!; Andrews all the colleges asweH asopenfo- goals.Andiewssaid:,,\···,'>L:\ er education CIrcles' , the Treasum Valley into a staple says that President Robert Kustra rums to discuss the :university's "My goal [Is that} by .t?e~ll:4~ : !lild'a'goil many pUblicuniversl- , ofthe Idali~:!lconomybyproduc. ,..~as laid out his vision (see cOln~direction sometime in February of the spring semester;weas.··',,; l ing ahigij1}l;\-educatedw()r'l'fln1on article), and now WttlP,' .,. y March, Andtews said. campus will have defin,ed:w' . •;to1)89. to layout the. "strategic there, she hqpes the ad· metropolitan research dir.ectlons~ or, policies and pro, ration will be able to find is,"Andrews said. ' 'grdmsthalwill help "opeIatio}l~ common groun~ at¥ongst il ze"Kustra's vision. .. . lious. Ideas' and (lefini' '~;i"';,

r Making hisjIlark _ _ _ - I I I his vision for B U -l Kustra outlines L the Blue," to recruit prospective terial science degrees arc funded what Kustra considers a simi- students and faculty. The strategy infrastructure in place to become students' needs. by Micron and so will new doctor- BY RRNDRLL PDST lar institute, which accumulates "One of the areas for improve- al degrees In computer and elec- is to highlight what BSU stands RSSlstent News Editor a metropolitan research institute. around $99 million. Within the next fewyears, Boise ment is to Increase our courses trical engineering, Kustra said. for on the academic side, in addi- and degrees in times that are not Sources of funding will have to tion to athletic

Students recognize Professors may research, : ' outstanding faculty students may teach others see it as a small price to pay in the BY MRRY GRRCE LUCRS . News Writer scheme of things. recipients were determined by BY GREGORY RUTTY "For a 101 class, I wouldn't mind," said News Editor a one to 15 rating students gave Boise State University students and facul- freshman Janie Gates from Nampa. Gates them in various categories, such ty have mixed reactions to President Robert says that as long as the person teaching Is Faculty, students, and. guests as how well they were able to Kustra's push to foster a more research-ori- able to answer most of the questions posed filled the Jordan Ballroom, stimulate students, their meth- ented university. Givingadditional priority by students, the Impact should be minimal. Thursday, Jan. 27, for a recep- ods, their availability, and the in- to research may provide an increase in na- Chairman of the Faculty Senate and tion honoring 87 faculty mem- terest they take in students. tional recognition; but it could also change Professor of Civil Engineering, George bers nominated by their students The eight recipients were: Jack the type of education received by the aver- Murgel, says the change would be gradual for ASBSU's 19'h annual Faculty Hourcade, College of Education; age student. _ and may result in a more diversified educa- Recognition Awards. . Trina Sego. College of Business A focus on research rather than teaching tlonfw undergraduate students. "The mediocre teacher tells. & .Economics; Eric Landrum, could spur a shift in the amount of time a , "What it provides for students is more op- - The good teacher shows. The su- College of Social Sciences and professor spends in' the classroom. If the porrilnitYt r;.Wrgel said. He says the.change perior teacher demonstrates. The Public Affairs; Elaine .Long, natlona1 trend is any indication, asking will be ah Invitation to students to stay at great teacher inspires.' ,quoted College ,of Health Sciences; Don professors to lend more of their time to re- -BSPfoJ;'ilJ,eii graduate work. Vice President Tom Labrecque Warner, College of Arts and search may mean more graduate smdents1n addition, he says thatwhile some pro- before recognizing all nominated Sciences; Sin Mlng Loo, College of and adjunct staff teaching classes. While fessors may see their class'load reduced, faculty. Engineering; KellyDever, College some see this as a reason to be concerned", they maybe replaced by community mem- of Applied _Technology;Kris Eight awards were given out, 588 TEIlCH [palJ8 2] one for each of the colleges. The Lunstrum, Adjunct FacultY...... ,

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BY MICHELLE SELLS · 5. Hagerman State Fish Hatchery. MIllS lIlrlter This state hatchery has a raceway full of trout, small sturgeon and Winter recreation means dif- tiger muskies. There is also an 880 ferent things to different people. acre Wildlife Management Area Some pass the winter months en- on the property, where there is joying the snow, while others pass the opportunity to fish for trout, the months dreaming of spring bass, bluegill and carp. and sun. This trip is designed es- Location: Four miles south of pecially for those who aren't in- Hagerman on U.S. Highway 30, terested In braving the cold or the 1060 State Fish Hatchery Rd. 208· snow. Most of these sites or activ- 837-4892 ities will require only a short de- parture from the relative warmth 6. Hagerman National Fish of your vehicle, if any at all. Hatchery. This federal hatchery produces 1.2 million steelhead 1. The Frank Lloyd Wright house. per year, but its real attraction According to the National Register is its raceway of large sturgeon. of Historical Places, the home Tucked into a small corner of a was built in the early 1950's by the wooded area, behind the.hatch- famous architect as a domestic ery buildings, there are on dis- dwelllng. The home, true to the play, throughout the year, three Wright style, blends into its envl- or four sturgeon measuring three ronrnent, so much so, that it is not to five feet in length. visible from the road but must be Location: Four miles south of viewed from either the driveway Hagerman. 208-837-4896 of Snake River Pottery or from the gallery deck. 7. Sligar's Thousand Springs Location: Off U.S. 30. As you Resort. Sligar's is a huge Indoor reach the bottom of the grade natural hot springs pool. This is a coming into Hagerman, prior to must stop. There is a water slide, a I the bridge crossing the Malad high dive and several private hot River, you'll see Old Bliss Road tub rooms. to the right. Follow the road for Location: Five miles south of I a few miles. Look for the Snake Hagerman on U.S. 30. 208-837- River Pottery signs. The house sits 4987 perched on a rocky cliff above the . I Snake River. 8. The catfish and alllgator farm. It is true: Hagerman has its own 2. Snake River Pottery. alllgator farm. These are not the As long as you are in the neigh- little tiny gators but huge fully- borhood, you might as well take - grown monsters as long as a com- I in the sights. This is a most un- pact car. usual gallery. Having visited on Location: From Sligar's proceed a weekend, 1found a sign on the down U.S. 30 until you see the door welcoming me into the gal- sign for Banbury and Miracle Hot \ lery and instructions on how to Springs, make a left. 'fum right make .a purchase if the owner at the stop sign. You are now on I happened to be absent. The pot- River Road. Two miles from the I tery is as magnificent as the view. entrance to Banbury Hot Springs you'll see a sign marked "Slow, 3. Downtown Hagerman. traffic entering from the right 250 ' Downtown Hagerman is home to feet," and just after the sign there the local museum, which exhibits will be four newspaper boxes. everything from pioneer garb to a This is the farm entrance. Stay to skeleton of the famous Hagerman the left of the driveway. horse. Location: Downtown 9. Niagara Springs State Park. Hagerman. Closed until spring. There is a fish hatchery located here as well but the real draw is PIIOTIJ COUIlTSCY OF MICHCllC SCllS 4. Larry and Mary's Restaurant Crystal Springs Lake and Niagara is another local treasure. It is a Springs. This is the best place to mapped out for you above could mom-and-pop place with hearty, view the waterfalls on the close until you come to the jog in the easily be done in a day with plen- home-style favorites like biscuit, side of the river. The park is ad- The Hagerman Valley is stun- road. Take a ieft at the jog and fol- 10. The fishing opportunities in ty of time to eat and enjoy the and gravy, chicken fried steak, mittedly small, but the fishing ningly beautiful with its high voi- low River Road until it ends. At the Hagerman Valley cannot be trip. So pack the car, grab a few and pizza for a reasonable price. and the view more than make up canic cliffs and abundant water- the stop sign tum left and follow beat. There are many Sportsman's friends, and enjoy Hagerman's Location: 141 State St., down- for its size. falls. The Snake and Malad rivers the road until it crests the top of Access sites spread up and down unique recreation opportunities. town Hagerman. Location: From the alligator the Snake. The relatively warm, provide a striking backdrop for farm, proceed down River Road the canyon. Take the first right the high desert plains surround- and follow the signs. 208-536- dry conditions make fishing en- joyable throughout the year. ing them. The whole driving tour 5522 Election looking for candidates valved, can apply for an executive open, eight being at-large scats have. BY MAAIANA BEKKEA staff position or be on a commit- and the other eight arc college- Former ASBSU vice president News Writer tee. specific scats. and current Elections Board Chair Jim Wolfe said, "The one thing Wolfe said the committee sys- The time to return to the vot- In order to run for a specific col- andIDAHO I was surprised by most when I tem at Boise State is strong ancl ing booth and cast a ballot is just 'lege seat, candidates must have a downtown bolH became student vice president is students on committees can re- around the comer. major that falls within that col- how much power students actu- ally make a difference. ASBSU's student government lege. "If student government isn't general elections are March 9 and President and vice president ally have here." Candidacy packets will be doing anything, that's because 10, and they are encouraging all arc elected as a ticket, meaning available to those interested in students aren't joining, students interested students to run for of- they run together as a single unit. running for an office Feb. 2, and aren't getting involved, and stu- fice. Candidate information packets dents aren't participating," Wolfe arc available at the ASBSU infor- campaigning starts two weeks "I would recommend ASBSU to said. anyone who wants to make a dif- mation desk in the SUB or online later. Forums and debates will be in "If someone complains about ference," former ASBSU Sen. Lea at the beginning of March with the student government, then they Sweat said. The president-elect appoints all ought to think about running [for other executive branch positions. last presidential debate held on Several positions including office] themselves, and running it president and vice president arc The president will also have March 3. Students who do not want to that way it should be run." open this election. a $500,000 budget to carry out run for office, but want to be in- ~ROStHlll A total of 16legislative scats arc whatever agenda he or she may nlNS & HWllRY • Lertilie~mamon~s• We~~in~~e~• • mamon~~Iu~[arnn~s. ~Iale Jewel~. Teach [lrampagel] , the task of teaching. "Teaching bers who professionally specialize pass the instructor [in his or her degree of expertise I," Murgel said. and research go hand in hand." in a professor's particular field of In 'the end, both Mugel and NOBODY 33% to 70% study. Murgel says this can give "Usually that is the case." Associate Dean of the College Vaughn say more research means students a better understand- more outside fnnding finding its BEATS OUR off ing of their own future role in the of Education, Ross Vaughn, says the benefits outweigh the costs in way into the university's hands. community. PRICES! EVERYDAY this type of institutional change. "With money coming in for any "You're not just taking anybody," grant, there's a portion of that Murgel said. He finds allowing Vaughn points out that for his col- going to the university," Murgel in a person from outside of aca- lege, an increase in grants and said. 3 5 0 6 R 0 s. eh i I I, B e i s e 3 4 3 . 3 2 2 0 demia cap bring in fresh knowl- research opportunities will help edge. "This person may even sur- prepare education students for less Inan 1.3 miles 110m BSU ~ell'/een Ol'/j~ee & lalan

Website Career Center career.boisestate.ed Cal\: 746 W. Main St. - 388-1900 Services (208) 4216"47 WE DELIVERI Don't surrender • Career Planning to HUNGERm • Major Exploration • Job-Search Advising Counter-attack with a • Internship Information delicious PIT Am • Interview Training $1.00 OFF or • Job Listings FREE DELIVERY • Resume & Cover-Letter Assistance Open 11-30 ..,\. Mon-Thurs. U ..4a.m. FrilSat & , Noon-30.m. Sunday Deliveries stop 30 minutes before closing • Must mention coupon when ordering ~ '~ ~ j ~. ~ • .natloRal '. what the? national nat.lonal eye dripping blood onto his white shirt. Click!Zzzz!Click!Ok, criticized abroad for a unilateral first- Four months after the volcano stirred back to life, drawing curiosity seekers "Everybody went flying." Single-day death toll for term foreign policy, intends to adopt a Ironically, many passengers said they I'm awake! from across the country, the bulging new A woman with a rare medical condi- more cooperative approach in his sec- left their cars at home because they u.s. troops 'hits new high oblong dome inside the crater has bal- tion in Surry, England, had an implant in ondterm. thought the train would be safer than The State Department said Rice would looned to 350 feet high, with nearly a 50- her brain that allowed her to sleep when with 37 killed driving in the rain Wednesday. visit eight European countries, plus degree slope in places. switched off by a remote control device . The dome now contains enough solid . "Stopping a sport utility vehicle BAGHDAD, Iraq - Thirty-seven U.S. Israel and the West Bank, beginning next The remote has been stolen. material to fill a basketball arena more with four-wheel-drive from getting troops died in Iraq Wednesday, making it Thursday. than 100 times. At the peak of the flow, onto the rails, whether or not there is the deadliest day for the American mili- Her stops include France and Germany, a crossing, might be impossible:' said who both bitterly opposed the U.S. inva- molten magma was being transformed You'rea cop?Well, so am I tary since the war began nearly two years Robert Gallamore, a former deputy ad- A man impersonating a police officer sion of Iraq and who Defense Secretary into new rock pushing skyward at a rate ago. ministrator of the Federal Railroad put a blue flashing light on his dashboard Donald H. Rumsfeld once derided as "old of 11yards per day. 31 of the deaths came in the crash Then, earlier this month, an unexpect- Administration. and pulled a woman over in Cleveland at Europe." of a transport helicopter, prompting 2:30 in the morning. The woman turned The trip's major goals include: per- ed and significant explosion, the biggest President Bush, in a rare expression of out to be a real police detective. She im- suading Europeans to expand training of since October, caught researchers by dismay over events in Iraq, to predict mediately called more real police officers Iraqi security forces after Sunday's par- surprise and appears to mark some sort that "the story today is going to be very of transition on the sleeping giant's path for backup. discouraging to the American people." llamentary electlons (which is the key to to regrowth. But the president added that "it is the Bush's exit strategy), forging a common Titanic discoverer to long-term objective that is vital, and that U.S.-European position on Iran's nuclear Just 12 percent? program, and exploiting a rare moment broadcast live expedition is to spread freedom." California train crash Seems low The crash took place near Rutbah, a of Middle East opportunity after the re- cent' election of Palestinian Authority kills at least 11 at Boise State A survey in Belgium found that 12 per- desert corner of Iraq that touches the cent of men would sleep with their fe- President Mahmoud Abbas. Syrian and Jordanian borders and has The College of Engineering at Boise Rice "will work to identify a common GLENDALE, Calif. - An early-morning male bosses in order to get a promotion been a crossing point for foreign fighters State is welcoming families with chil- agenda for 2005 with our European part- commuter train smashed into a sport or a raise. entering Iraq. Thirty Marines and one dren of all ages to watch Titanic discov- ners and our partners in the Middle East, utility vehicle left on the tracks by a man sailor died. erer and explorer Hobert Ballard and his an agenda of fighting terrorism, prolifer- officials described as "deranged and sui- The helicopter crash toll alone topped crew as they explore coastal wetlands. Is there a doctor in the ation, disease and poverty as we support cidal" Wednesday, triggering a chain re- the previous high figure for American The live JASON expedition will be broad- democracy in Afghanistan, Iraq and else- action that involved another train and house? Not you! deaths in Iraq, 29, on March 23,2003. But cast Saturday, Feb. 5, in room 106 of the where:' department spokesman Richard an idle locomotive and scattered railcars Adoctor was on trial in Norwalk; Ohio, fighting claimed the lives of at least six Micron Engineering Center at Boise State, Boucher said. and passengers in a horrific tangle of for medical negligence, when a 74-year- others: four Marines in western Iraq, a on the corner of Manitou and Belmont. wreckage. old juror suddenly passed out. The doc- 1st Infantry Division soldier in an insur- The worst train accident in Southern There will be nearly a dozen hands-on tor came to the rescue and revived him. gent attack north ofBaghdad, and anoth- Mount S1.Helens' activity California in 50 years left at least 11 peo- presentations, including liquid nitrogen, This prompted the judge to declare a er U.S. solider killed by a roadside bomb surprises scientists ple dead and more than 180 injured. water bottle rockets and a wind tunnel. mistrial. south of Baghdad that blew up the fully Police identified the man who left BSU engineering students and volun- armored Humvee he was in. teers will run the event. VANCOUVER, Wash. - The rock was at his SUV on the tracks as a 25-year-old Compton resident. They said he appeared The event takes place from 9 a.m. What a wonderful sense least the size of a man's head, and geolo- to 2 p.m, It is free, and families can gist John Pallister cradled it as he would to have been trying to commit suicide of humor and had cut his wrists and stabbed him- watch the JASON broadcasts at 9:30a. During a stopover for fuel in Kuala a newborn, which, in a manr;ter of speak- m., 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m, This is the self, but then apparently changed his Lumpur, an Italian tourist flying from ing, it was. fourth year in a row that Boise State's Rice to visit Europe, As little as a month ago, this beefy slab mind and got out of the Jeep Cherokee. Sydney to Vienna decided to playa prank "He stood by and watched:' said College of Engineering will broadcast was in liquid form, a pulsating 1,500 de- on his wife. He sent her a flurry of frantic Middle East Glendale Fire Chief Handy Adams, who the JASON project with the sponsor- text-messages saying that the plane was grees Fahrenheit, and working its way up ship of Idaho National Engineering and from five miles below Mount St. Helens said police would charge the man with at hijacked by Islamic terrorists. Failing to WASHINGTON - Secretary of State Environmental Laboratory. to form a chunk of the region's most ac- least 10 counts of homicide. see the humor, his wife contacted the Condoleezza Rice announced Thursday Injured people staggered along the Italian police, which set off an inter- tive volcano. that she will travel to Europe and the For Pallister, a research geologist at the tracks moments after the crash, the first national counter-terrorist alert in four Middle East next week to attempt a new rescue workers on the scene reported. Cascades Volcano Observatory, evidence countries. start to relations with European allies - of how quickly MountSt. Helens is evolv- Those able to do so helped badly injured Agents contacted the captain and de- and to nurture an Israeli-Palestinian fellow passengers until fire and police termined that it was a hoax. Police were ing doesn't get more solid. detente. "It's hard to believe that several weeks crews arrived .. waiting for Mr. Funnyman when he ar- Rice's eight-day, nine-country trip ap- "I was in the first car:' said passenger ago this was lava flow in the middle of rived in Vienna. pears to provide the first major test of Paul Vanozzi, a wound near his rigli.t the Earth:' he said. whether President Bush, who was widely

m m It.

Pick from these three ads to customize for your sweetheart for our February 14 issue. Cost is $5· per ad. Please contact the Arbiter by phone, 345-8204 or by [email protected]

!; .'., I I

IITHE ARBITER JAN 31 2005 I ' i Wolfmanagement has taken turn for the worst later' concept that has followed. non-profit organization, not tax- land, some ranchers will make Up to date, there are roughly to be abused, and wolf carcass- payers. Wolf attacks on livestock from the the state Fish poor choices. It Isillogical to kill a 450 gray wolves in the Central BY ZRCH UHLMRNN es will inevitably pile up deeper and wolf encroachment on game Special to The Rrbiter and Game sectors and tribal au- wolf that gets too close to a man's Idaho Wolf Recovery Area, which than is necessary. The wolves habitat have to be addressed and thorities on Feb. 5. The signifi- fenced-off sheep pen. The wolf covers all of Idaho except the have now been erased from the partially obstructed, but the ulti- A recent federal decision made cance of this new federal deci- could just be surveying, it could panhandle. This may seem like Endangered Species List and are mate discretion to kill a problem by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife sion is that Idaho and Montana be young and learning, or It may an intimidating number, but considered big game in Idaho and wolf should be determined by an Service regarding the manage- can now make choices without just be curious. when the numbers are dissected, being scolded by the federal gov- Montana - which doesn't mean educated government official. merit of our country's wolf popu- much more than they are no lon- - In 2003, the USFS reported a it's evident that the wolves barely lations could narrow wolf num- ernment. Basically, what the rule total of 118sheep killed, 13 cattle Over the past ten years, the ma- ger federally protected. Fish and jor problem with federal wolf re- populate the state. bers down in 2005. The decision says is that states and tribes that killed, and six dogs killed by 368 There is a lot more space for Game will treat them as a delicate covery efforts was that the states gives private ranchers the author- have submitted Service-approved wolves in the Central Idaho ex- these predators to roam and the population as far as their main- and the feds couldn't compro- ity to shoot wolves first and ask management plans can begin or- perimental pack. Each wolf kills numbers should keep increasing tenance Is concerned, but Inde- mise - so the new lOj rule is a permission later. This Irrespon- ganizing and administering their about half an animal each year, overtime until they reach higher pendent ranchers can kill them at definite reflection of upward pro- sible management concept, that areas own wolf management. which isn't all that bad. The to- numbers, but the new 10j rule is their own discretion in moments gression for state and federal co- Idaho ranchers finally persuaded This allows for private ranchers tal reimbursement costs for the going to allow for some unnatu- of uncertainty. Before Jan. 3, operation. It's hard to speculate the government to allow, will lead to protect their animals - wheth- wolves' 2003 feeding frenzy to- ral killings that could have eas- ranchers had to summon the fed- this early whether the 10jrule will to unnecessary wolf killings in er it is cattle, sheep or dogs -from taled less than $140,000 in the ily been avoided. Time will tell wolves posing a threat or attack- eral authorities and get written be abused by the states, but feder- Montana and Idaho. permission before force could be Rocky Mountain States. This whether or not 10j will be effec- On Jan. 3, the U.S. Fish and ing their livestock. al government had to give states taken against a problem wolf. means that the monetary sum of tive, but I can guarantee wolf kill- Wildlife Service announced their Although this' is great news and also the tribes the power Although no one knows the lay every confirmed livestock casu- ings are going to rise significantly improved 10j rule for gray wolf for ranchers and state workers, eventually. This is a benefit ofthe of the Idaho backcountry and the alty caused by wolves was very in our backyard and in Montana management in Idaho, Montana, it may not be great news for the newlOj, but it is overshadowed by balance of Its four-legged Inhab- cheap, not to mention that the over the next couple ofyears. and Wyoming. The 10jrule trans- wolves. The freedom lOj gives to the irresponsible 'shoot first ask itants like those who live off the ranchers were reimbursed by a fers all wolf management duties normal citizens has the potential

Vasquez and WORL~S,LARGE$T .S.U:\l'NOW()NSALE:~r· . •• • • -ANDi't comnussroner COMeSWi1}f A HUMMeR TO DRive i cohorts conspire YoURSelF I i, UP TO tHe PASSeNGeR after, it will come from local tax- BY RUBREY SRLRZRR ComPARTmeNT' Columnist payers first. These are genius pol- • iticians we are dealing with. In yet another attempt to de- Also in their letter, the com- stroy and humiliate the immi- missioners provide flagrant dis- grants of this great state, Canyon tortions about criminal arrests, County Commissioner Robert including that out ofB,lOOarrests Vasquez and two others on the from 2002-2004, roughly 1,310 Board of Commissioners decided claimed non-U.S. citizenship. to write a letter to Santa (a.k.a. Work visas, lawful permanent Gov. Dirk Kempthorne). residents, conditional residents, It goes something like this: refugees, asylees, non-immigrant visas, worker permits, all of these ,Dear Santa Kempthorne, classifications are under one People with brown skin and group: Non-U.S. citizens. So it heavy accents are overcrowd- does not mean that 1,310of these ing our schools, hospitals, and people were undocumented, they neighborhoods. They do not play likely could have been here le~ nice, take our lunch money, have gaily. To shed further light, their cooties, and are growing in num- cries concerning the almost 400 bers. Ifbig Larry (a.k.a, Sen. Larry people who had been held pend- Craig) gets his Ag Jobs proposal ing deportation ignores the fact passed, these sworn enemies of that ALL non-U.S. citizens face ours may have an opportunity the possibility of deportation for to vote next election. If this hap- whatever reason, even if they are pens, me and my friends won't be here legally. in charge anymore. Please invite In talking with Lt. Col. Tim us to the North Pole, so we can Marsano, who is the Public plead our case. Affairs officer for the State of Thanks Santa. Idaho Military Division, which Sincerely yours, would handle some aspects of Little Robbie Vasquez, Davey this type of executive order, he Ferdinand (II), and Matty Beebe explained that the request made by the Canyon County commis- Unfortunately, these com- sioners is not a situation that was missioners have not done their typically applied or even outlined homework well enough for any within his division, or range of politician to take them seriously. expertise. Mike [ournee, secretary to the that were historically paid for by fees have _ Furthermore, they have not been Dear Editor, very "nice," which should pre- governor's office, remarked, "It's already been cut in order to pay instruc- a unique request, and the gover- I clude them from any Christmas Will student fees go up if they pay in- tional costs, so more cuts would not be nec- nor is looking at it closely." When essary. Second, if somehow the legislature wish list. structional costs? Let's examine the logic. If I asked about the apparent dis- were to recognize that higher education is A proclamation or execu- instructional costs are-added to the list of crepancies and appropriateness an investment not an expense, and fund tive order handed down by Gov. expenses paid by student fees, will not the of the request, he declined to Kempthorne in declaration of an total of that list be more than without in- it, fees would not have to increase. But will emergency disaster in Canyon comment on specifics. structional costs? It's like going to the gro- they recognize that? These commissioners are on a With health and welfare and corrections County, Idaho would not only be cery store: buying one item will cost that wayward path in dealing with any inappropriate, but would also run much more. The only other option I can consuming tax dollars like wildfire, I think legitimate problems there may be it's time to put it out by educating our peo- counter to the situation that the think of is that programs now paid for by with immigration laws, so much commissioners are describing. student fees will take cuts in order to free up ple, rather than providing it fuel in the form so, that one is in a good position In their letter to the governor, money to pay salaries. In other words, in or- of funds. Do we as a state want the quick fix to question their cognitive think- the commissioners say that local der to afford that additional item, you have or building more jail cells and paying more ing skills. Santa Kempthorne welfare, or do we want to address the prob- taxpayers have assumed harsh to take something out ofyour cart. A dollar should send their letter back tax burdens due to illegal aliens. is a dollar and redistribution does not cre- lem instead of just symptoms and encour- Declaring a 'disaster emergency: marked "Return to Sender:' the age higher education? ate new money. ridiculousness of the proposal according to state code and the There are two other options that could Tell your legislators and ASBSU leaders and the skewed facts should be of Disaster Relief Act of 1974,would prevent fees from going up - the first prob- your opinion! deep concern to the residents of require " a condition of state able, the second unlikely. First, if fees are Canyon County and all ofIdaho. assistance a local taxing district already paying salaries they are already in- Ryan Thomas They should anyway under- be responsible for paying (40 creasing at the necessary rate to pay them, Marketing major stand, cry babies are on Santa's percent) of the nonfederal share so that rate would not change, or programs Boise of costs ..." If it is money they are "naughty" list.


Rsat. Photo Editor Production Menagsr Tr.uerRllers, J•• II Blk.r, .GENERALIolANRGER fi4lflln, Blkklr, JOI Flr,agl. BRRD RRENDT (KIDI! The Arbiter EOITOR.IN-CHIEF Marv Dawson [.105) .. ""0"."" .. Ite.... m STRN BREWSTER [K121). M. RLLREO (Kll0) JOI Frenldm, RlIlbsr Fuglr, MlfV b,rlJldl~bClI .. ,t.t •.•d. Otltr,butedMond.VS' TflUrlllll\lldur~nll' MRMR61N6 EDITOR Kyll Gorhlm (11061 .ylo,,,homCh,.,,,, .. I,.. ,um Photographers Greellueu, liZ Hall, MJl:.hnll 1910 University Drlue tht Itedemlctchocl !J1lII".Th. AI"bll.I" MICHERL THOMPSON Rsst. Production Maneger KUh~\.I,Tllllllllbrlcqul, O.n BUSINESSMRNRGER NEilS EDITOR Gregor" Rultv [.lDe]•••• 0 " ,,..·,· ... It lll' urnelll tndlp.nd.r,~ Iludlnt RICHRE SWRNBECK RUDREY OESLER (KilO! Melt .... , Justin Prucotl MRRCUS HRCKLER [K1I7) BOise, ID B3125 n"lpapar of 80'" Stat. Unnllnlltl/. RSST. NEilS EDITOR Rendell Poel.(.lDeJ .... O "" .. II m"blttfIllIlD'Clal Its Biltlon I'to PMNldl • forUII far th. ; OFFiCE Copy Editors OPINION EDITOR T.plDr C. MnbDld [.106) 1o"",o".".; .. II.. ,.. m GraphiC DeSigners Phone: 3q5-B2Dq (KIDD) llfteUlIllon of IUU" .n'l!ctmo lh' esu TRYLOR C. NEWBDLD Rduertl.slng Coordinator Dfrtce Manager MICHREL J. RRSH (xl11! eOlfll!lunllv. Th. Rrtl,\tr't budglteonll1tt SPORTS EDITOR Treuor Horn [.IOll., .."O " ·I1..... m MICRH SULLIURN Tlfflnl Iluclon (KI09) HILRRY ROBERTS (Kl00) FRRNCl!i DELRPENR(K11I) td.OubllItII1UDUD1D -FeK: q26-319B ofre .. plldby lhltlud8ntbcdll,nd RSST. SPORTS EDITOR Rmber Fuger 1.lDll.'''t.O '' II•• ,.. m LEDliR ELLSWORTH (Kl11) .d"'1r!I,/nO .. In. Thl nrsl eopv II frtl Dfrtce Rssts. At1dIl!onel ellpl" ctn bl p".Jl"th.. 'd fQt' 11 CULTURE EDITOR Tr,ulI EltUDld 1.10')dl .. "' 0.rll""'.II ..... m SRRR LlIWMILLER

eplIu.Il Th. Artllur omen, JEWNI SILUERIR I EOITORIRL ROVISOR Dr. Din Morrll [.107j.h,,,,g,,.,,,,,.II .. ,.. m I.. EDITOR: TREUDR HORN 3~S-B20~K103 S Dr'S

THE ARBITER JAN 31 2005 .. Gymnasts beat Cal State Fullerton with her tumbling, earning her a BY RMBER FUGER and counted no falls. Freshman 9.975. Chambers performed sec- Sports Writer Natasha Gowda made her home debut first on bars and then on ond on floor and started right in with a difficult tumbling pass. Beauty and the. Beast part beam. On bars Gowda scored a Chambers landed the first pass, one ended eloquently for Boise 9.325. stepped a little forward on the State's gymnasts Friday night Kea Cuaresma then took to the second, but landed her final pass in front of 3,805 energized fans. bars. Her performance started out earning her a 9.675. The gymnasts took to the floor great but in a jump from the low Tiffany Putnam was the third . in the last rotation and tallied a bar to the high her fingers slipped Bronco to perform on floor. 190.10to 187.95win over Cal State and she counted a fall, earning a score of 8.150. Chambers was Putnam counted one fall on the Fullerton. first tumbling pass but landed the In the all-around competition fourth and scored a 9.65. Ward second as the crowd went wild for senior Lindsey Thomas took first followed Chambers and earned the wrestlers who just won with with a 38.20, sophomore Lindsay a 9.70. Freshman Katie Griffis Scott Jorgensen's pin In-wrestling Ward came in second with a debuted as well on this event action. Thomas went fourth and 38.150, and Cal State's Brittany and nailed a routine full of diffi- was hot in her routine that was Hoffman took third with a 38.025. culty. For a freshman's first meet in front of a home crowd, Griffis set to David Lee Roth's "Hot for The ladies kicked off the eve- Teacher." On her last tumbling ning on vault with junior Katie took first in the event. Sandmire has been optimistic about Griffis' pass, Ward came close to losing Dinsmore. She stuck her land- it but "squatted deep and danced ing and scored a 9.45. Thomas potential on bars and she proved out of it," Sandmire said. vaulted second and nailed her her worth Friday. Beam was where the Broncos "This is probably the best team dismount, earning a 9.7. Kristin I have ever had. My philosophy Aldrich vaulted third for the struggled. Only one gymnast, Thomas, scored above a 9.0 with is we will peak when it counts Broncos and scored 9.725. Junior and we will keep getting better," Kea Cuaresma vaulted fourth and a9.55. Sandmire said. tied for second in the event with On floor, Dinsmore was up first for the Broncos. Her rou- The Broncos are back at it 'again 9.8. For the second rotation the Friday in Beauty and the Beast Broncos moved to bars. Thomas tine was set to an exotic drum part two. was up first. She stuck her landing piece that collaborated well

PIIOTIJ BY stANLEY DR Ell I TIlE 1II1D1TEII The Botse State wrestling and gymnasllcs teams came away wnh victories lor the 3,805 lans who came out lor theltrst installment 01 Eeauty and the Beast 2005. The second Eeauty and the Beast 15 set lor next Friday night. Wrestlers pin Fresno State

, ! to the final individual match as the nation by Wrestling Mall and BY JEREMY RASMUSSEN InterMat, picked up a 10-4 deci- Sports Writer Scott Jorgensen pinned Fresno's Sal Gonzalez to give the Broncos sion over Christian Bowerman to Friday night at the first of two a 19-16win. cut the Bulldog lead to three. installments of Beauty and the The night started off for the In the finale, Jorgensen needed Beast 2005, the Bronco wrestling wrestlers with Fresno striking a decision to tie or either a major team picked up a victory in dra- first as Garrett Spooner scored decision or pin to win it for the matic fashion as they shared the an 8-2 decision over BSU's Jacob Broncos. The junior from Eagle, stage with the Bronco gymnastics Scoles in the 141-pound weight Idaho, who is ranked eighth by team. - class. Nationally ranked Ben The Wrestling Mall and W.I.N. The event is like nothing most Cherrington then put the Broncos Magazine Jorgensen didn't waste fans or athletes have ever en- back on top after a 13-0 major any time as he picked up the pin countered.It's two Division-1 col- decision over the Bulldogs' Dan and the Bronco victory at the two- legiate sporting events going on at Cadwallader in the first of five minute mark of the match. the same time in the same venue. lead changes on the night. The Bronco victory evened out It is especially tough for the gym- Fresno picked up three deci- their record in dual matches at 5-5. nasts, who need complete con- sions in the heavier weight class- Fresno drops to 4-6-1. The match centration in their events. The es, two of which came in over- was the first of four Broncos home crowd roaring for a pin could dis- time. matches of the weekend. rupt them, but both them love the Boise State's Jason Cates lost 6- Wrestling fans will get another environment. 4 in the 185-pound weight class chance to see both sports going at Last season, roughly 2,400 fans and Justin Moody lost the heavy- it again as Beauty and the Beast came out to watch the 2004 ver- weight match 3-2, both losses 2005 part two takes place this sion of Beauty and the Beast. But, coming in the extra period. After Friday night. Friday night, the crowd had near- Moody's loss, the Bulldogs took a The team also faced off with ly 1500more fans in attendance. 16-10lead with the Broncos other Cal-State Bakersfield on Saturday Last year they pulled off their two nationally ranked standouts and Montana State Northern and first shutout in school history coming up. Cal-State Fullerton on Sunday af- with a 42-0 victory over Oregon. 125-pounder Andrew ternoon. Turn tv page 7 for results This year the win came down Hochstrasser, ranked sixth in of the other three matches.

Gymnastics Men's basketball Thurs. @Rice 6 p.m, 'Fr!. vs. Washington 7p.m. Sat. @ThIsa6 p.m. on or off the court. Ellis was This week's top performer is named to the All-WACDefensive men's basketball senior center Wrestling Team last season, and could very .Men's tennis Jason Ellis. The lone four-year let- well be on his way again to mak- terman for the Broncos team be- ; 'Fr!. vs. Cal Poly 7p.m. ing the squad, if not for a hernia Frl-Sat in Stockton, Calif. came the programs all-time lead- operation that ·kept him out of Fri vs. Cal Poly ing rebounder on Saturday night playing time for the better part Sat. vs. San Francisco and Pacific in Dallas versus SMU. His 11'hre- of January. Ellis is averaging 10.0 Indoor track bound of the game in the first half points and 8.1rebounds per game ;'Beauty and the Beast part 2 at broke the 35·year record held by the Taco Bell Arena. Bill Otey. Ellis now has 811career this season. and field Ellis' leadership and inside rebounds. Ellis led the Broncos presence helped the Broncos win Pri-Sat. Jackson's Track in Nampa - with 16rebounds Saturday night, back-to-back games for the first National Heritage Invitational and is also a member of the 800 time since November last week- point, 800 rebound club for the end, before dropping two on the Broncos. road this weekend. Women's basketball The senior from Kent, Wash. is one of the kindest people found, Thurs. vs. Rice 7 p.m. !'HO'!1IlIY stANLEY BIlEWS'ltIlI 'l1lE ARBITEll Sat vs. Thlsa 2 p.m. Ellis Is the all-time leading rebounder for Boise Stat~ wllh811. .

l.i - , r- ~------_. __ ...- ~--_._---'----'-----~------\""" ~-- Lady Broncos upset La Tech,.falltoSMU

loss to Southern Methodist. While BY JE T'RIME DRUIS Harris had a big night Thursday, it was Sports Writer Chrisie Paiz that got the playing time Saturday. Warden comments, "Harris The BSU women's basketball team splittheopeningweekendoftheirfour- . just wasn't able to make it happen. It is easy to see that we started making game home stand. Thursday night was plays when Paiz entered the game. It an incredible win and Saturday was a is just hard to pull her from the court disappointing loss. when she Is so consistent, has great Boise State turned some heads Thursday night with a 62-59 victory defense, no turnovers, and hits her over unbeaten Louisiana Tech. With threes." The Mustangs were no slouches 1.2 second left in the game, Benita Buggs sank a three-pointer that hand- themselves. SMU now has a 15-4over- ed La Tech their first Western Athletic all record and sits in the second spot in Conference loss of the season. The the conference behind La Tech. victory is easily the biggest in program Palz and Jodi Nakashima oerformed well on Saturday, but the team was un- history since 1992. Going into the game, La Tech held a 58-2 record in able to climb out of their deficit for a the WAC.Rice is the only other confer- victory, Warden states, "SMU came ence team to upset the Techsters. The out and played harder, and as a coach, Lady Techsters had won 26 straight in that is disappointing." conference play since falling to Rice in With Paiz at the helm, BSUoutscored Houston, 87-84 in overtime on Jan. 5, the Mustangs in the second half. Most 2004 before the Broncos upset them. of this came from some great defense. Thursday's win represented coach The Broncos had SMU over-throwing Jen Warden's program completely. It passes and giving up rebounds, show- revealed an overall team effort, strong ing some scrambling at the end. defense, and Warden's popular tri- Boise State scored more points in angle offense. Warden agrees, "That the paint and more second chance victory took total team effort. The girls points, but SMU pulled in a higher believed they could achieve a victory shot percentage, allowing them to and followed through to make it real- hoid the lead. Blaine once again came away with a ity." Warden believes there were four great scoring night to lead the Broncos key players that led us to the vic- with 17. Buggs added 9 points and tory, namely Benita Buggs, Jamie Heather Little had 9 points and 8 re- Hawkins, Cassidy Blaine, and Tasha bounds against SMU. Harris. Harris came away as the lead- The win over La Tech gave fans a ing scorer with 21 points against La reason to come out. The 777 in atten- Tech. Cassidy Blaine scored 15 for the dance Saturday were the most at the Broncos while shooting 3-5 from be- Taco Bell Arena since WACplay began hind the arc, Buggs added 13 points this season. and Jamie Hawkins added 8 points This week the Lady Broncos contin- and 8 rebounds in the impressive vic- ue their home stand, playing Rice on Thursday in the Taco Bell Arena at 7 tory. Come Saturday, the tables were p.m. and Tulsa at 2 p.m. on Saturday. turned on the Broncos with a 63-57 PlIIJl1J BY SfAlILEY DREWSTER I TIlE MDITER Benlla Buggs [above] scored 13 points Ior the Broncos In their upset over La Tech on Thursday night. She also added nine points for the Broncos In the loss to SMU on Saturday afternoon at the Taco Bell Arena. . • Trac te S WI seven eve ts at i vitation 1 the men's weight throw went to TREUOR HOAN Forest Braden also won the three Boise State athletes and one Sports Editor mile run on the men's side for the Broncos. Braden basically ran by from Bronco Track Club. Collin Post won the event with During the two-day Athletes. himself most of the race, as he a throw of 63'91/2", which is an com Invitational at Jackson's beat out the second place finish NCAAprovisional mark. Track in the Idaho Sports Center by nearly 14seconds. The Bonners "Colin did a great job, actually in Nampa, the Boise State men Ferry native finished with a 4:09 on his. first throw, improved his and women's indoor track and time. lifetime (personal record)," BSU field team came away with seven In another long distance race, head coach Mike Maynard said. overall first place finishes. The Boise State's "N' and "B" teams "at moves him up on the NCAA men posted six of the seven vic- were the lone participants in the provisional list. I believe it's his tories during the two-day meet in men's distance medley. Team "N' first time beating Mattias (Jons) Nampa. finished with a time of 10:34 and in the weight, so that's pretty The lone first place finish for Team "B"with a time of 10:37. the women was Robin Wemple in Jackieann Morain finished good." Ions finished second with, a the mile run. Her time of5 min- third in the women's 400 with a utes, 9.54 seconds was over four time of 57.03seconds. throw of 63'2. "It felt good. I had a good throw seconds better than the second The men's sprints placed well and it felt good to beat my team- place finish for Lisa Lopez of UC on the weekend. Sterling Small mate finally, because we've been Riverside. finished third in the men's 60- meter hurdles with a time of 8.26 going back and forth all year," seconds, and Andre Summers Post said and TJ Tolman finished first and Bronco Track Club member second in the men's 200 Saturday Steffan Jonson placed third in the afternoon. weight throw, and Boise State ath- Another first place finish for the lete Eric Matthias placed fourth. men's team was in the 800. Cody Anyone in attendance wit- Eaton finished with an invitation- nessed a new feature at Jackson's al best of 1:56.69. Track this weekend. The new In field event action, Alina scoreboard was finally in action Scimpf placed third in the wom- for competition. en's pole vault with 11 feet, 11.75 "It's fantastic. I mean the inches. coaches, the athletes, the specta- The best showing overall for tors, even the officials arc excited Boise State was the men's shot put about it because it now gives us an and weight throw. opportunity to keep everybody Freshman Keith Lloyd won the updated on what's going on," shot put on Saturday afternoon Maynard said. with his second throw of 54' 6". Even athletes from other uni- Friday night, fans witnessed the versities have come to enjoy not most dominating event for the only the new scoreboard, but the Broncos, as the top four places in facility itself. "This is one of the best facili- ties in the nation to jump at in my opinion," University of Oregon pole vaulter TommySkipper. Skipper was by far the fan fa- vorite. The 2004 NCAA indoor pole vault runner up was cheered when he tried to attempt a per- sonal best of 19feet. He missed on all three attempts, but did post an NCAAautomatic qualifying mark of 18feet, 6 inches. "I had high expectations for myself today," Skipper said. "I'm not really concerned about PR's or anything. I just want to focus in on that I'm doing things right technically on height." The Broncos will be back at it again this Friday and Saturday Colin Postl.labovel throwmqtn the shot put compellllorr on Saturday, took Ilrst place Friday night In the men's weight throw. at Jackson's Track, hosting the for Boise Stats, . United Heritage Invitational. Cheese~1111 delicious meatis, letitiuce, ickles, uomabo and chips. AIR NATIONAL GUARD Over 30 sa~isfying ndwiches and salads Up to $3,000.00 Per Semester for r lunch, dinner, picnics Full-Time Students If! and par~ies. * Montgomery GI Bill * Montgomery GI Bill Kicker - * State TuItion Assistance * Cash Bonuses * Student loan Repayment Program

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~ __ -;-- ...... --...... : --.:.. .,.--_--.-:::..J~A~N~3~1_2~O~O~5--.J recruits

~~9~SQo~Sports Editor cru it. "l~!?:iQ"a jumor. . college transfer from huge Twohigh school teammates are Phoenix College, Iadon Daily is Wednesday is national letter of also at the top of the list for Boise a 6'0 290 pound center that re- intent day for college football pro- State this season. Jeremy Childs ceived first-team all-region hon- grams. To fans it's better known and Orlando Scandrick, both out ors in 2004. He chose the Broncos as LOIDay. of Los Alamitos High School in over Iowa. Other than opening day, there Southern California, will look to Already stacked at tight end is no day more celebrated for fans play in 2005 for the Broncos. with Derek Schouman, Sherm than the day when they officially Childs scored 19 touchdowns Blaser and Legadu Naanee, the get the word on who they will see last season as a wide receiver and Broncos have verbal commit- lead their team for another four hauled in over 1100yards receiv- mentsfrom two highschool senior years. ing. Scandrick was a two-way tight ends. Matt Schweitzer and It's no different for Boise State player in high school, but is be- Richie Brockel will help form one fans either. This season's recruits mg recruited as a cornerback. He of the strongest and most talented' may just be the best in the history chose Boise State over the likes positions on the team. Schweitzer of the program .. of Colorado State and WAC foes also returned kicks and was a The top recruit for the Broncos Fresno State and Nevada. long snapper for Gig Harbor High that has given a verbal commit- The Broncos also have verbals School in Washington. ment to Boise State is Jerard Rabb. from two huge quarterbacks. The Broncos also got a ver- The junior, who will transfer from KyleSeevers is a six-foot, six-inch bal commitment from a huge Saddleback Junior College in quarterback who was the first of free safety from the Sacramento, Calif., is ranked ninth in the na- this recruiting class to commit. Calif. area. Aiona Key is a 6'3 free tion for junior college transfers by He will probably grey shirt in safety from Mesa Verde High Rabb 2005 due to injuries he suffered in School. He chose Boise State over caught 83 passes for 1.368 yards Iils senior year. The other is Nick PAC10powerhouses Washington, and 15 touchdowns last season, Lomax. The 6'7 signal caller is the Arizona and Arizona State. which happened to be only his son of former NFLPro Bowler Neil All of the recruits will be offi- second season playing wide re- Lomax. cially named on Wednesday af- ceiver. He is considered to be the Looking to replace Klayton ternoon. Men's tennis perfect seasD s 5-2 in Richmond, VA. Virginia BRONCOSPORTS.COM three-setter, 6-4 3-6 6-2. William and Mary won the third spot with Comonwealth improves to 6-0 The Boise State men's tennis 60th ranked Jeff Kader defeating and the Broncos pick up their first team, ranked 42nd nationally in No. 55 Matias Silva, 6-4 7-5. The loss of the season and are now -5- the latest ITA rankings, celebrat- Tribe also won at the fourth posi- 1. ed a 4·3 victory of the 46th ranked tion with Stephan Ward defeating VCU swept all three doubles William and Mary Friday in the Broncos'lkaikaJobe, 3-66-3 6- matches to win the team doubles Williamsburg, VA.The two teams 4. Boise State's Nils Klemann won point and then won four of the six split the six singles matches, with at No.5 with yet another three- singles matches. Boise State's two five of them going to three sets, setter over Colin O'Brien (3-6 6- team points came at no. 2 singles but the Broncos claimed the dou- 06-1). At the sixth spot, William (Thomas Schoeck) and at no. 4 bles point by winning all three and Mary's Matt Rubenstein won singles (lkaika lobe). of those contests for the first and the final three-setter over Ehren Super freshman Luck Shields Iostthenumber one seededmatch ' tie-breaking team point. Vaughan, 0-6 6-16-4. The Broncos kept their perfect The 12th ranked doubles team to Arnand Lecloerec 6-7,6-4,6-4. 2005 season alive with a 5-0 re- of Schoeck and Shields defeated The Bronco men return home th for a week of practice and school cord. their 36 ranked doubles duo 8- Boise State's Luke Shields 4. The other two doubles wins for before heading to California next (ranked 42nd) won a three-setter the Broncos came in 9-8 and an- weekend to play Cal Poly - SLO, over Sean Kelleher, 3-6 7-5 6-3, at other 804 victory. San Francisco and Pacific in a No.1. At the second position, 90th In men's tennis Saturday, 12th two-day tournament in Stockton, .ranked Bronco Thomas Schoeck ranked Virginia Commonwealth Calif. defeated Alex Cojanu in another defeated 42nd ranked Boise State, PHOTO BY STANLEY BREW5TI:R I TIlE AIlBITER Boise State men's tennis coach Greg Patlan [above] has led the team to an Impressive 5-1 record to begin the 2005 season. Man's hoops take huge steps back

going into the half. Coby Karl and it was the turnovers that did the THE RRBITER SPORTS STRFF first half, the Broncos lone bright spot was senior guard Franco Blackburn both had 11 points at Broncos in. Another horrid 21 the half. Boise State was a perfect turnovers helped the Mustangs Just a week removed from what Harris. The Richmond, Calif. na- 6-0 this season when leading at outscore Boise State by 15 in the looked like two huge steps for- tive scored 23 points. He was the half, and it was the first time .second half to drop the Broncos to ward for the Boise State men's the only Bronco in double fig- ures. Leading scorer Jermaine they had a halftime lead on the 3~6in the WAC. basketball team, the Broncos took - Coby Karl added 19 points and two even bigger leaps back. Blackburn scored onlys points on road. However, SMU took a 64-63 7 assists, but did turn the ball The Broncos were humiliated 1-10shooting from the field. 6928 W. State· Boise, Idaho 83703 lead with 4:03 left in the game to over 6 times. The backcourt duo Thursday night against LA Tech The Broncos shot just 37 percent secure the victory. . of Harris and Eric Lane combined 93-60, then lost a halftime lead on from the field and turned the ball (208) 853-0526 With less than a minute re- for 9 total points on 3-17shooting, Saturday to SMU 78-69. over 21 times. Other than Harris, maining Ellis rebounded the ball, including 1-13 from three-point Going into the weekend series, who shot 9-14 from the field, the but threw the ball away trying to range. the Broncos had what looked rest of the Broncos shot just IS-50, get it up the court. Jon Killen stole Lane shot just 3-17himself dur- like a momentum shift going for a dismal 30 percent on the night. the ball away and was fouled and ing the two games, scoring just 10 them. Center Jason Ellis' return Saturday night was hopefully sent to the line. He made both free points. propelled the team to back-to- going to be a turnaround night for throws and the Mustangs took a Boise State is now tied with San back victories at home before the Boise State. six-point lead. Jose State in eighth place in the four-game road trip began. With 2:25 left in the first half, Blackburn scored a season- conference. They will face Rice But, in the first half versus La Ellis broke the Boise State all- high 25 points, and Ellis record- on Thursday night and Tulsa on Tech, it looked as it the Broncos time rebounding record of 805 ed a season-high 16 rebounds Saturday to conclude their four- kept their game at home. rebounds. for the Broncos. But, once again game road trip. Scoring only 18 points in the The Broncos took a 34-23 lead Women's squad BSUWrestling continues weekend at home drops opener year. The junior from Eagle is cur- BY JEREMY RRSMUSSEN rendered only two more matches Sports Writer before Ben Gilliland closed out rently ranked eighth nationally. Ninth ranked Cherrington leads COURTESY the conference win with a 12-6 After the victory at Beauty decision over Scott Spratt. the Broncos in wins this year with and the Beast Friday night, the Hochstrasser outs cored CSBU's an overall record of 23-6 after his 6-4 victory over Cal-State's The 10th-ranked University of Bronco wrestling team went back Efren Ceballos 9-2 in the third Washington Huskies women's' Anthony Baza. to work Saturday in a Pacific 10 period of his 125-pound match tennis team defeated the Boise Conference match-up witli Cal- to pick up a 17-6 major decision. Recently, BSU's heavyweight Smith cracked W.I;N.'s top 20. State Broncos at the Nordstrom State Bakersfield. The Broncos The win improved the true fresh- Tennis Center Saturday. The Smith is ranked 17th• with a 16- improved to 6-5 in dual matches man's season record to 17-2after Huskies (4-0) won by a score of 7- on the season, 2-1 against con- the match. W.I.N. Magazine had 6 record after he picked up a 4-0 win Saturday. The Boise native O. The Broncos, however, did win ference foes, with a 22-12 victory Hochstrasser ranked seventh in at the number 'three doubles po- the nation in the 125-pounmd . is in his sophomore season with over the Roadrunners. sition with Tiffany Call and Nadja The match started in the heavi- weight class. Joining him in the BSU. - The Broncos followed up Woschek defeating the Huskies' er weight classes, as CSUB took W.I.N. rankings are Jorgensen Saskia Nauenberg and Allison a 3-0 lead as Scott O'Rear picked at 133 pounds, Ben Cherrington Saturday's win with two matches yesterday on their home mat. They Rainey, 8-5. up a decision over BSU's Jason in the 149-pound class, and This was the Broncos' opening Coates 7-3. The Broncos then Heavyweight Eric Srnitli, All three faced Montana State Northern early on and took on another PAC match of the 2005 season. Boise picked up four victories in a row picked up victories Saturday. State now has a week off and then that was capped off with wins Jorgensen improved to 20-6 this 10 foe in Cal-State Fullerton later in the evening. For match results travel to Salt Lake to play Utah, from Andrew Hochstrasser and year as he looks to defend his PAC UTEP and Nevada on Feb.11-13. Scott Jorgensen. The Broncos sur- 10 Championship he earned last log on to

Get Invol~edl Applications are now available for the follo'wingpositions: 1. ASBSUElection Chair . 2. ASBSUFee Proposal Committee 3. BSUStudent Radio AdvisoryCommittee 4. BSUCI)i1dren'sCenter AdvisoryCommittee 5. BSUNon-discrimination & AffirmativeAction Committee 6. BSUParking & Transportation AdvisoryCommittee 7. BSUparking Citiliions Appeal Committee 8. BSUCampus 10AdvisoryCommittee 9. ASBSUFinancialManager 10. ASBSUFinancialAdvisory Board 11. ASBSUElection Board .

12. ASBSUBuilding& Structures Committee ": Formore Information, please contact Personnel Recruitment Coordinator Joyce Ward It 426-11~7. If,l! I' !I.1,1 pi;!L 1'1\ \li Ij I eLi Lire ! i \ I i I: : •. THE ARBITER The Splendage Hemorrhage

BY TODD SPLENDRGE - Humor Columnist

One time when I was in first grade, I fell and hurt my shoul- der on the playground. This was the result of Sylvia Armstrong. My bitterness and hatred toward the female species had begun. When I was thirteen, I was asked to the school dance by Margaret Yodachevski, one of the tallest and ugliest things to ever grace the halls of Calvin Coolidge Middle School in Dayton, Ohio. I begrudgingly obliged, but she never showed. I was humiliated. In gym class, at seventeen, I was pitted against Marietta Wilson in wrestling exercises. She, to this day, has been the only female wrestler in Wisconsin history to win state three years in a row. She annihilated me. To make matters worse, when she finally relinquished me from her stranglehold, she pulled down my pants and yelled for the rest of the class to look. At nineteen, I finally managed Tamarack Resort opens a world-class SuperPipe to procure a girlfriend. She was homely, sure, but nice. It lasted a how much that comes into play has a large week and a half until she was on resorts. The difference with this is that a be held at the resort from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m, BY TARUIS ESTUDLD amount to do with the spending of club my lap watching a movie, and it Culture Editor pro rider actually designed it, and they're Riders and skiers are encouraged to check dollars. "They offered us shuttling. They're happened. Deep within her bow- having some of the best people up there out the setup. Also, the contest to name the going to pick us up on the BSUcampus. So els brewed a mighty stink. When DONNELLY,Idaho - Tamarack Resort installing it and making all the arrange- SuperPipe and Terrain Park, dubbed the we're going to sec how that turns out, if it's it managed to wriggle free, I'm and Planet Snow Tools has announced a ments," Industry-renowned designers "Mind Grind," has come to an end, and the within our budget to do that, probably on sure it nearly tore a hole in her Feb. 5 grand opening of a snow feature Ryan Neptune and Pat Malendoski helped winner's name will be announced at the a monthly basis," commented Miller. On pants. As I was sitting beneath unique to Idaho - Tamarack's 400-foot build the pipe, which Tamarack and Planet event. his experiences with Tamill'ack thus far, he her at the time, I took the brunt SuperPipe. Snow Tools have been priming for weeks. The opening of such a large extreme stated, "It's [been] good. They're just like of the force. In my brain, the only Boise State students will finally have a Tamarack Snowboard .Supervisor Bill attraction looms large for the BSU everybody else - waiting for snow." sensation I could register was .resort within their home state where they Cubbage rates Tamarack's newest attrac- Snowboard/Ski Club. "A lot of our club If anyone is interested in joining or something like a bone breaking: can do their best X-Games snowboard- tion "right up there with the world-class members are people who arc more into getting information on the Boise State I knew what had happened, but ing impressions. When it is complete, the pipes." He explains that contrary to pop- that part of the sport," said Miller. "A lot Snowboard/Ski Club, Travis Miller wel- I was unprepared for the after- Superl'Ipe will have a 16-degree pitch and ular belief, snowboarders and skiers alike of it's also just kind of free ride, so it's nice comes inquiries. He asks that interested math. She had farted on me. lB-foot-high walls. will be able to use it. "The pipe and ter- having that option of'Do I wanna go big, or parties e-mail him, and he would be happy By the time I decided to en- According to Travis Miller, president of rain park are going to be a blast for every- am I just gonna play in the trees?" to put them on a mailing list. His email ad- roll at Tallahassee Community the Boise State Snowboard/Ski Club, lo- one who likes to do maneuvers on jumps, Tamarack sounds willing to work with dress is [email protected]. College, I had all but given up cally, this is a big deal. "Now, we'll be on bumps and rails." the club in order for them to find maxi- on women. I had been tripped, the same standard as some of the bigger The Feb. 5 SuperPipe grand opening will mum benefit from the new additions, but stood-Up, beat-up and farted on. I had enough of the "fairer sex." But one day, in remedial math, I met her: Her braces gleamed with a shiny allure and her hair flowed like a raging rapid from Web site of the an oddly shaped, but nonethe- less lovely scull, that as it would gasbord, a cornucopia of fun and ~Sight is filled with its signature char- turn out, held a remarkable BY JOSEF FIAMRGE ish. What is this? Are you a communist or games for the young at heart and \\ acters such as Strongbad, Strongmad, brain. Culture Writer something? Wait! I know. You're a mem- Her name was Tara ber of the green party. Ha! Ha! Ha! Get it ... basically anyone else that enjoys \ Marzipan, and The Cheat. Each char- McRichardson and she was Let me pose a question: Have you ever green? random humor and the connect-the- acter has their own role to play in the smart. She was so smart in fact wondered what fun is? I mean real fun. Alien: %I\&I\%&><:?{: Jerk. [Then watch dot nature of the human brain. neighborhood that is filled with song, that it was the only part of her Real fuuuunnn. Hold on. It's not that sim- him as he flies away.] Enter the homes tar. Accessing the sight dance, parody, satire and wit, light years appearance I found attractive. ple. This goes deeper than some simple Well it might go like this. So, since you is easy. Once there you can either watch the beyond even the cleverest haberdasher. Her body, while not grotesque, opinion. Let me put it this way: If an alien need help, let me tell you what fun is. Fun intro or go right into the action. So, since If you arc confused now, just wait until was obtuse and irregular. She came down from outer space and he asked is Most of you may I've let you in on the secret I guess that's all you access the site. If you like what you sec had a big black pussycat named you to define fun, what would you say? already know what homestarrunner is, but there is to say. when you get there, be sure to thank me. Ralphie, She loved that cat, but Alien: 1/@$!!(*)@(II:Whatisfun? it wasn't that long ago when I was an igno- Or is it? Send me your praises via email at home- one day, cancer took hold and You: Hold on, there, alien, man. Things rant pirate sailing the seas of boredom just Homestar is an eclectic combination of Ralphie died. While our rela- aren't so cut and dry on earth. like you. pop culture references from 1980's hip- Next week: The joys of cooking with tionship was based on culture Alien: (*)(&&&&1\(*($111\: What is fun? Homestarrunner is a potpourri, a smor- hop to the Japanimation of today. The Scandinavian women and baklava. and intellect, I couldn't help but You:You didn't give me a chance to fin- feel a longing for more physi- cal attraction. Tara left me on a Sunday afternoon after she fell in love with a Peruvian circus performer who was famous for taming tigers. 'Since the day Tara and I parted ways, I've been a different man. I regularly eat only Cap'n Crunch Do you know where your and Blowpops. My hair used to be parted down the middle; now it's mostly all gone. My favorite Beatle used to be John and now student fees go? it's ... now I hate the Beatles. I got rid of all my garden tools. I dis- connected my ham radio. I sold COMPILED AND PHOTOGRAPHED BY FRANCIS DELAPENA my collection of WWI hand gre- nades. I asked to be taken off the Rick Moranis fanclub mailing list. Essentially, who I used to be had died. The man who remains is a stronger, better person. After a long time spent shrouded in darkness, I am ready to contrib- ute.Sogetyourrelationshipques- tions ready and fire away. Email me at ToddSplendage@yahoo. com. I'm ready to help in any waylcan.

Name: Josh White Name: Sarah Charlton Name: Jacob Detweiler . Major: Entrepreneurial Bus. Major: Nursing Major: Secondary Ed - History Year: Sophomore Year: Freshman' Year: Junior

"Iasked myself that same "I think they go towards teacher "I think some of it goes towards "1think some go to athletics, "I don't know. Where do they question. 1think it mainly goes salaries and construction of the facilities around the campus some go to scholarships and towards lining the pockets of the buildings." like the rec-center, computer some go to flat-screen Tvsthat higher-ups. For example, where labs, the wireless Internet in the nobody really watches." are the professors for Math 025 sub and probably the wages of and Math I08? It's all Internet the administration and faculty." classes."

tJ/fl)f I/I'tKJ So t'kr,,Htlf't-:

Difranco a must-hear for all music fans

side fellow musician Damien Rice rooml that isl a man you don't BY JOSEF FIRI4RGE think I heard of her in 199Bfrom as a guest ofthe U.S.Campaign for know! who came from a long way Culture Writer a small, wiry, tattooed girl. I bor- Burma. On Oct. 21, she was hon- to deliver one very specific mes- rowed Difranco's '99 album en- ored by the Southern Center for sage:! lock your back door you Ani Difranco - ever heard of titled "up up up up up up" and Human Rights with the Fredrick idiot! however invincible you her? If you said yes, then go mit she didn't fit my palette just then. Douglass Human Rights Award. imagine yourself to be! you are ,and buyher new album, "Knuckle But I did come away with mad re- How about her new album? wrong." Down." Ifyou said no, then you've spect, and I am in even more awe Breaking away from her solo work Ani has received rave re- got to read this. Difranco has today. once again, "Knuckle Down" was views from all the industry gi- been maklng since 1990. Difranco started her largely co-produced by musician Joe ants: "Billboard,' "The New York To date, "Knuckle Down" is her solo career as a teenager in New Henry, with nine solo albums in Times," "Indie Culture 2004," and twenty-first album. Toadd to this, Yorkbefore she was old enough to his own right. This marks the first "Velvet Park Magazine." But all of she has two DVD'scontaining live drive. She started accumulating a time' in Ani's career where she's these accolades wouldn't matter performances, which to quote small following everywhere she shared the production booth. The if Ani wasn't the real thing. Truth her hometown newspaper, The played and soon was being court- results are stunning. be told, she is. Buffalo News, "Difranco's songs, ed by big time record labels. She Ifyou've never heard Ani before, About what I said' before, my her syncopated snarl evolving turned each one of these down be prepared. Her lyrics are fierce- palate wasn't used to the spice into a throaty, elegant soulful realizing that "They had nothing ly poetic. In the only spoken word that is Difranco. If you're inter- voice onthe long notes, her abu- to offer that [she] couldn't pro- track on the album, "Parameters," ested but not truly convinced, go sively beautiful guitar style, her , vide for [herlself," Flash forward she haunts the speakers with me- out to a listening station at your breathy, rapturous delight . . ." to 2005. She has been nominated thodic guitar and a hushed ca- local record store, or wherever, This is still Ani today. for four Grammy awards and took dence, "Thirty-three years go byl and check her out. You won't be It's hard to do Ani justice with- one home last year. She has vis- and not once do you come home/ disappointed. out being a long-time listener. 1 ited Thailand and Burma along to find a man sitting in your bed- 'Million Dollar Baby': lessons in movie-making, not life

daughter, for example, is engag- to get detached when it tries to tell praise, however, has less to do with wounds that both characters bare us that a boxing fight well fought in association with their family. ing throughout the film, but fails its overall greatness, and more to to payoff because of an under- is like a life well lived. Though the do with the film's lack of errors. In Throughout the film, Eddie story doesn't really add up to tell- (Morgan Freeman), a washed-up developed conclusion. While the technical terms, "Million Dollar film is too subtle is this respect, ing us how a good life is lived, it Baby" docs everything right. old boxer, observes and narrates does succeed in showing us how a the events, making comments it goes too far in its veneration Though lacking the rich, tex- good film is made. about Maggie's boxing experi- for success at something as-ulti- tured quality of the very best mately trivial as boxing. We begin films, the script is sound. More ences that arc also metaphori- importantly, it's a sports story cally true for Frankie's poor rela- tionship with his daughter. At one Groups of three or that avoids many of the cliches of Ch('CKOtJttlll?l!1oruhly ~ point, for example, Eddie says, more willget discounrs the traditional sports film. This is picrcinglpCClalUllil flEW MeDII '1.4"" "Some wounds arc too deep ...and on picrcings (nor impressive because right from the rno;I:~/~~l.'g~cs; rrodilionol ondAJlcmative Piercing including safe items). no matter how hard you work at it, start it feels like something we've 2 {or $40.00 ' seen many times before. you just can't stop the bleeding." Wemeet Maggie (Hilary Swank), "Million Dollar Baby" is also All New Moon plerclnqs include We have designs for the new a hard-luck case who comes from flawless in its direction and act- the jewelry and aftercare package with tattoo, and we can create a poor family, but is a hard work- ing. Much like last year's "Mystic instructions. We stand by our piercings. from pictures you bring In. er and willing to do whatever it River," Eastwood maintains a and offer free follow up service. dark, shadowy atmosphere that takes to be a great boxer. Her re- New Moon Tattoo luctant trainer is Frankie Dunn sets the tone for the somber emo- tions that preside over the film's 6422 Fairview Ave. 375-1666 (Clint Eastwood), who struggles "Perforating the Populas of ldaho" to restore his broken relationship final act. Though the film keeps itself ceived a great deal of critical with his daughter. Frankie helps BY ERIC RUSSELL free of major errors, it fails 'to 1; BOOKS 1; STONES ~ JEWELRY ,~CANDLES ~ praise in the last month, includ- Maggie move to the top, but the Culture Writer reach heights of greatness. The ing an OScar nomination for best film stays grounded by focusing parallel story of Frankie and his "Million Dollar Baby" has re- picture. I suspect that a lot of that on the very real and very painful : rl\~~·~J,'.~' Croue's cup60artf ! B l"",,_. III, "for afI 'liinos sacm! rtf, wi .. ' . T

S 208·jJ3·0SJl Join UsFor Our S ~ ft'wtt',C1tlftl' :.(l~~.Ir'I rom GRAND OPENING! Films attract mostly shrugs at Sundance February ANew lear A Beautiful New Store and •\. ~ ~" 1st-4th MOllY Wonderful New Products! ," T Come Celebrate With Us! • ,: C unsympathetic characters, most Main Street. After an all-night cinematography, tongue-in- BY RLLlSON BENEDIKT notably Kimberly's anti- Semitic A _.~A bidding war, Paramount Pictures cheek voiceovers and adorable Chlcego Tribune wack-job of a father, played with R 712 N. Orchard R and sibling MTV Films scooped baby penguins make up for what- far too much abandon by James o [eerner of Orchard & Emerilldl D PARK CITY, Utah - From the up his film for a cool $9 million ever "Journey" lacks in originality. (as part of a $16 million, three- And its sex scene is more sensual Woods. T S bustling hotel lobbies to the teem- ' "" picture deal with producer John than any you'll see in the fest's ing shuttle buses and pre-screen- is a more satisfying, albeit scat- ~ FAIRIES 1;1 DRAGONS "b INCENSE ~ MUSIC "b Singleton). And though some most feted documentary, "Inside ing holding pens, the consensus tershot, look at teen angst. Set Monday morning quarterbacks Deep Throat." on this year's Sundance Film to the tunes of the Polyphonic grumble that the studio overpaid, It is certainly remarkable that Festival is in: So far, so-so. Spree and (who had in a week that saw Ice Cube's "Are out of a crowded field of celebrity- This is not to say that the 21st committed to doing the entire We There Yet?" and Samuel 1. driven projects, the films to sell incarnation of Robert Redford's soundtrack before passing away Jackson's "Coach Carter" top the first boast unknowns, penguins independent baby hasn't had its in 2003), "Thumbsucker" fol- box office, the hip-hop infused and dancers from South Central moments - the biggest thus far lows high-schooler Justin (new- OLE I L being Craig Brewer's gritty urban "Hustle & Flow" seems like a pret- Los Angeles. Directed by glam ty good bet. photographer David LaChapelle, comer Lou Pucci) through sexual & DAY SPA drama "Hustle & Flow" - but the awakening, Adderall highs and But like so many films at this "Rize" takes us inside the cul- first half of the festival has been thumbsucking shame and fea- !".,.',. ,...~,....__,_,__, ..... , __ "~':'" ,-.,_ ....,,_ ~ ~ .. ~__•• , ,·...c..',,~ '··~'--:-_-:-:~:"·"":''':c'·':C::'''·''''.~t year's fest, "Hustle & Flow," fea- ture of krurnping, a gyrating, marked more by tame audience tures a resonant performance ~ONEFULL MONTH ", ',',' .. ~':'.~' '. turing a hoodlum with a heart of frenetic form of street dance and reactions and subdued wheeling by Vincent D'Onofrio as Justin's gold, feels derivative - even with self-expression. Lions Gate Films lUNLIMITED LEVEL ONI!: TANNUiG $35.00 ". " .;, ,.. - . ,'I -, and dealing than buzz, with films dad, a former football star with i:",";;''';:''':;-'-;~''~''~'-,:c",:,' .." "~"'."'"",;> >,~';... .. ,...:-,' ,'._'~.....,.,...:.:...... ;:,;;. >..,.".:.:.~'.:;., ,'.,','""ol.,·_,.,.:.';.,,,,':a-,,,,,"',,·:i ,..:e,-,'.' Howard's tour de force perfor- nabbed the documentary, assur- drawing more shrugs than love. , a paralyzing Peter Pan complex. mance.. ing that soon enough your mom 1 Still, that Sundance magic But despite quite a few stellar There's something more than will be taking krump lessons. ,hasn't entirely gone missing. scenes, "Thumbsucker" is incom- just vaguely familiar about Luc Less surprising is this year's Just as the population of this plete, with a hazy relationship be- Jacquet's "TheEmperor'sJourney" slate of teen dramadies and com- sleepy ski town skyrockets from tween Justin and his mom (Tilda ("La Marche de L'Empereur"). ing-of-agers. There's Marcos 7,500 to 45,000 overnight, in one Swinton) and an unnecessary The Discovery Channelesque Siega's "Pretty Persuasion," which :CONTIICl' MICHELLE FO~ 140RE INFO. -. . 1.", .\tAlt i-j!)J,;} screening a star is born. In years thread involving Keanu Reeves as " . , . ~VX"AtIl'IIN Hit Gt..)l1l<, GrM·C~)r.H·[:r:X past, anointed ones have includ- documentary of penguin ml- stars Evan Rachel Wood as ma- a New Age orthodontist. .;. , _. -. . '.'., • <2q1 El,ST EAl,'K C,lI;,fP Bl~[I. ed Steven Soderbergh, Quentin gration was the second film . nipulative sophomore Kimberly, sold here _ Warner Independent who uses sex to sabotage a slight- Tarantino and more recently Zach Pictures teamed up with Nationally perverted English teacher Braff. This year the name to know - Geographic Feature Films for the (Ron Livingston). It's a wannabe - is Terrence Howard. r - Playing a Memphis pimp suf- - buy _ perhaps because of the suc- "Heathers" if there ever was one cess ofthe French bird voyage pic - contrived, overwritten. predict- fering a midlife, crisis in "Hustle II "Winged Migration." Gorgeous ably oversexed and filled with & plow," Howard is the guy to I spot on Park City's celeb-heavy DICK I Arethese.your I C SH? I I Donate Plasma at Blomat USA Worst Nightmare? Earn $50 the first week and $150 per'manth I I Mon.-Sat: 9:00 • 5:30 GRIFOLS I' II 4017 Overland Rd Biomat USA, Inc. Boise, 10 83705 . caring for people'S health .. ..- brought to the Brava Stage an origi- of simplicity in his sound. He played nal, dynamic, and powerful musical an acoustic version of "She Came In style that was poetic in its nature. Through the Bathroom Window" by Astheeventgotstarted, aschool rep- The Beatles. Here, he integrated a resentative introduced Vecchiarelli popular sound with his own brand of as being from Portland, Or., and the musical expression. , performer mentioned later that he Vecchiarelli told jokes about visit- had a new CD out .entitled, "Songs ing Nashville. And it was his origi- BY THOM GRnZONE nality that was most striking. When Culture Writer from Whoville." He said of his music, "It speaks for itself." asked ifhis songs start out as poems, On Thursday, guitar player, sing- The performer had the audience he said, "I'm a total melody guy." He er and composer, John Vecchiarelli, recollect past ages of music from the explained that he was a drummer and performed on the SUB's Brava Stage sixties and seventies and made it ap- "meter and lyrics were important." as part of the Coffeehouse Concert pear alive and vibrant on Thursday He said that the words had to flow, Series. Speaking to the musician pri- evening. What appealed to me about but his songs start out as melodies in or to his performance, he replied to Vecchiarelli's music was that it was his head. ' a question on being a folk musician slow and soft, relaxing and simplis- It was an intimate crowd on hand in saying that his background was in tic. It was apparent that the guitar- Thursday. A 22-year-old student and ~',Lk rock, but just plays more quietly ist and singer challenged the recent aspiring musician and songwriter now, He added that it wouldn't be fair trend of loud and heavy rock and roll had the opportunity to sit and talk to diehard folk musicians to consider by embodying an era rarely found with Vecchiarelli. It was enjoyable himself a folk musician. Vecchiarelli today. In addition, there was a sense taking the time to relax from classes.

John Vacchtarellt performs at the SUB Thursday night (Aliens of the Deep' a confused underwater sci-fi journey

one point, never bothering to identify the thing, BY CHRIS HEWITT Knight Ridder Newspepers perhaps because, as he later enthuses, "I have no idea what that is!" Gosh, Jim, might there be a Who knows what's going on in "Aliens of the qualified scientist who does have an idea? Deep," but it's entertaining to watch, anyway. Cameron's presenee makes you suspicious of The 3-D "Aliens" is a suspect science/enter- the science, especially toward the end when he tainment hybrid in which marine biologists and forces two actual scientists (anyway, we think astrobiologists search the deep sea for clues to they're actual scientists) to do some acting, try- life on other planets, Huh? Exactly. The sea/space ing out excited expressions in reaction to a spe- connection is never made clear, and we're not cial-effect monster from outer space. sure what the scientists are looking for or why Monsters, egotistical directors, special effects they invited "Titanic" director James Cameron to _ yeah, this isn't exactly the Scientific American. tagalong. But many of the sights in "Aliens of the Deep" are Actually, we can guess why the super-wealthy spectacular (check out the bizarre "tube worms"), Cameron got hooked up: his wallet. Cameron is and you can't argue with the impulse that led clearly enthusiastic about exploration, although Cameron and crew into the deep: "Exploration is not in a way that helps viewers, like a muscle. You need to flex it to make it stron- "Look at that thing. It's incredible," he says at ger." London calling: An idiot Yank's guide to the latest British Invasion tronic R&B, 18-year-old Stone is BY CARY DRRLlNG some sort of derivative sound, but Knight Ridder Newspepers I don't use that as a bad word," proving that she is the real deal. says Spin magazine assistant Recommended disc: "Mind, Body What a difference a half-decade editor Sarah Lewitinn. "Music &Soul" (EMIIS-Curve). can make. evolves, and these bands are tak- BUBBLINGUP Five years ago, music industry ing their influences and evolving Dogs Die in Hot Cars - The wry observers were bemoaning the them into something greater than spirit of XTC's Andy Partridge lack of new British rock making anyone would expect." hangs heavy over this Scottish inroads in the States. Not since "These bands are making rock band. Cheeky lyrics in such the early '60s, before the Bcatles- exciting again," says Amy Doyle, songs as "Godhopping" and led British Invasion waged a war music programming vice presi- "Paul Newman's Eyes." and sharp . for America's rock 'n' roll heart, dent of MTV, MTV2 and mtvU. hooks galore. Recommended disc: had the Yanks been so large and "There's more open-rnlndedness "Please Describe Yourself" (V2). in charge. British bands found about (British) bands because The Putureheads - This four- 1-- .. - -- -- .. --_.~-----~----~._-----_._-_._._------.- ...------..--- themselves facing a high, hard bands like Muse, Snow Patrol and some more than held their own when opening for hyped Franz I wall of hip-hop, rap-rock, grunge, Keane are selling records and sell- Ferdinand last year, and their an- I dance music and teen-pop - and ing out concerts." I perhaps some latent wariness of England's Q magazine even gular, irresistible post-punk can ention Alltducation Majors the U.K.'s next-big-thing hype dedicates its current issue to be just as winning on record, es- machine. "The Britpack" and tells us "Why pecially on a cover of Kate Bush's With the exception of British music will conquer the "Hounds of Love." Recommended Applications for admission into Teacher Ed. and the professional Radiohead, Bush and Oasis, many world in 2005." While the British disc: "The Futureheads" (Sire). year for both' elementary and secondary Ed majors are due new stars from across the Atlantic press never lacks for hyperbole, it Athlete - Buoyant, infectious February 4th, 2005 by 5:00 pm in Room E-222. (Travis, Blur, Supergrass, Belle & might be right this time. pop that almost floats out of Sebastian) could find only cult Here's our idiot Yank's guide to the CD player. Recommended disc: "Vehicles & Animals" For a copy of the application see your academic advisor success in the States in the '90s. the new English revolution, start- (Astralwerks). i~',--"""',, • or pick one up in room E-222. It was a long, slow slide from the ingwith the bands that have made glory days ofthe Stones, Zeppelin, the most impact so far: Razorlight - Basic, punchy I guitar-rock is this group's signa- All applications must be turned in on the date and time mentioned above or they the Clash and U2. THEFABFOUR I Then came Coldplay. Keane- Not since Ben Folds Five ture. Recommended disc: "Up All be I will not accepted. The quartet's 2000 album, has the piano played such a key Night" (Universal). "Parachutes," and its shimmer- role in rock 'n' roll. The trio's ele- South - This trio's sumptuous \ Also remember that appucqtions will not be accepted unless you pass rock-pop fits in the Coldplay mold your praxis, technology (Teacher Ed/Upper Division). and comprehensive literacy tests (Professional Year), ing single "Yellow" showcased gant, personal style and romantic ._------_._------~------but develops its own personality. I,~----~_.~~. __ ..._------a particularly graceful, British- lyrics of heartbreak and desire re- rainy-day style of song craft that call the heyday of Elton John and And last year's tour showed they surprisingly piqued American in- Billy Joel. Recommended disc: can pull it off live. Recommended GOT AN terest. The more muscular follow- "Hopes and Fears" (lnterscope). disc: "With the Tides" (Kinetic). APPLYNOWI up, "ARush of Blood to the Head," Muse - Like Keane, these guys The Zutons - Nothing if not seemingly designed to echo are a three-piece, but they are eclectic, the Zutons are like some EYE ... Business Manager across American arenas, was the certainly not shy and sensitive. crazy, catchall, rock 'n' roll juke- for busi ness or knockout punch, going multiplat- They go for wide-screen, epic rock box. Recommended disc: "Who & Editor-in-Chief inum and turning the group into that falls somewhere among U2, Killed ...The Zutons" (Epic). journalism? a superstar act. Radiohead and Queen, and they The Music - They make a roar- Positions opened for The proto-metal of the have a reputation for a ferocious ing rock sound that seems geared Darkness, the New Wave re- live show, Recommended disc: to America. Recommended disc: 2005-2006 vivalism of Franz Ferdinand "Absolution" (Warner Bros.). "Welcome to the North." and the head banging rock of Snow Patrol - This Scottish LOOKOUT FORTHESEBANDS Lostprophets swept through the quartet crafts serene and power- IN 2005 door that Coldplay opened. Even ful pop, but with a guitar edge. Kasabian - Could be this year's such American bands as Interpol The song Run became some- Franz Ferdinand, judging from and the Killers channeled the thing of an alt-rock anthem in the heavy buzz from across the FOR MORE INFO spirit of '80s English rock for their '04 but Snow Patrol have more pond. A U.S. debut disc is due CALL BRAD own breakthroughs. than one good tune to their cred- shortly. In their wake, a whole new it. Recommended disc: "Final Goldie Lookin Chain - The best @ 345-8204 British wave is lapping at our Straw" (A&M). group name of the lot, and with x 101 shores, packing guitars, pianos Joss Stone - It's hard to believe eight members definitely the larg- and a strong sense of pop hooks that the soulful, bluesy, world- est band in the bunch. Wales' GLC and pop smarts, They owe a debt weary voice belongs to someone is a tongue-way-in-cheek, semi- to everyone from the Beatles and who isn't even old enough to drink rap troupe that, like the Streets, '70s prog to '80s New Wave and in this country. Over the course of celebrates a particularly British post-punk. two albums of rootsy, nonelec- style of loutish slacker-dom. "A lot of British bands have Rrbtter clesslfled edvertlsements eref,..eeto • students. Clllsslfiededs qlllllb,8place threellleye:', email:-classlfleds.erbtt8ronl/ . . .PhonB:-3~~~820~KIOll:' or stop blithe orflceat 16DSUniversltli Drive," C BIllie .' [ecross frolll t.h~.~Y8~~:./; THE RRBITER 31 JRN 2005

3 mth. old mattress. Best Huge 3bdrm Duplex, Global Telecom Expan- offer. Call 336-1404. pets ok, 3min. to BSU. sion in Idaho. Recruiting Independent Representa- mM ThinkPad A21E WD. $575/mo. Call Brett CroSsword @484-2156 tives PTIFT Call 208-938- 55 CASH $5 dvd/cdrom, 10gb hdd, ACROSS 234 7 e 9 0823. Author seeks 20 BSU floppy, USB, 56k modem, 1 Barbie and Ken, 2BD/IBa large duplex, e.g. 14 students to read & evalu- broadband port, XP Pro. lease/rent. .W/SIT includ- Need help with web- 6 Buckle ate booklet manuscript $300. 343-4626. 17 ed. $540/$565. Call 850- site development! 11 Inspire wonder 14 Heep of Dickens (3hr. reading time). Title: Italian leather couch and 9299.3531 W Targee. Please send reference Search for the Immortal loveseat for sale! Brand and .price information to 15 Book before Joel 16 Arthur or Lillie Soul Religious back- new, still in plastic. Re- stico@schlofmantractor. 17 Casual party ground preferred. $30/ tail $2950, sacrifice $895. (fii~~l!.l!1ds.l11l· com 19 Horse's relative 29 student. Call: 371-2908 Call 888-1464. the 'Ptlrk Phone Survey Reps 20 At any time Ask for Dan or leave msg. JUICER for sale vegetable 21 Personal 31 50 Immediate Openings preference [email protected] and fruit. I year new. Best $50.00 SIGN-ONBonus 38 Affordable 23 Perceived $600 Group Fundraiser offer. Call 336-1404. No Experience needed Lacking , Furnished Housing 26 42 Scheduling Bonus! Four NecdGerman 1\ltOI'? Off-Campus training providedl Great notoriety 29 Muse of verse hours of your group's formore infoemail hours - no eve/weekends! 30 Noisy insect 7a - 3p M-F. Work in a time PLUS our free (yes, [email protected] Starting at $295/mo. 31 Burns poem, "_ free) fundraising solutions Need to sell Queen size fun, casual office conduct- O'Shanter" ing business surveys/cus- 32 Spanish dictator 54 EQUALS $1,000-$2,000 mattress with box spring Bring In ad & receive $100 in earnings for your group. and frame. $65. Contact tomer service. S7.001br 34 Beat it! off ht month rent Play for a fool 56 base PLUS weekly bo- 38 Call TODAY for a $600 Kelly at 208-230-5539. Epee wielders 39 64 bonus when you schedule Includes all utilities, cable/ nus > Make up to $8.00/ 41" Town" your non-sales fundraiser Queen Pillow Top mat- computer lab. Open 7 days hr! Personnel Plus 5900 42 Chilean cash .. tress set. Brand new, still 67 with: Campusfundrqiser, . a week Overland Rd, Boise 378· 44 Cultural Contact CamP1.1sFUnd- in plastic. Must sell $129. 8700 or 1116 Caldwell 45 Citrus cooler © 2005 Tribune Media Services, Inc. 01131/05 raiser, (888) 923-3238, or Can deliver. 866-7476 Blvd., Nampa 466-6800 46 Pickpocket's pick All rights ressrved. 336-8787 48 Citrus fruits visit www.campusfund- Subwoofer Box For Sale. *Bring ad for sign-on 50 Emphasizes raiser. com Custom built sub box, fits bonusl 53 Wave tops 12 Adam and Solutions two ten inch subs. Good 54 Total number Benjamin Needed! Special Forces. Must be $600 Group Fundraiser Roommate Pri- 55 Remove rind 13 Slackens Scheduling Bonusl Four condition. $80/obo. Call vate entrance and bath. a U.S. Citizen age 18-29. 56 Suitable 18 H.S. dropout's hours of your group's ,;",44,;",7_-_19,..;,7,;",9._ Condo close to Park Cen- 5 or 6 year enlistment. 57 Being a typical second chance time PLUS our free (yes, TEXTBOOKS-Buy/Sell/ ter. $250. Call 867-1167. Good pay, excellent ben- example ot 22 Lamenter's free) fundraising solutions Trade. Get $$$ - List un- efits, education oppor- 64 Net-judge's call comment 65 Fido's friend 23 Arrange EQUALS $1,000-$2,000 wanted books. W\Vw. tunities. Enlistment Bo- 66 Spine-tingling 24 Wipe from in earnings for your group. nuses from $12,000.00 to 67 Lacking memory Call TODAY for a $600 $14.000.00 available. You moisture 25 Titles bonus when you schedule $800 weekly guaranteed ' will also be eligible for the 68 T-bone or strip 26 Family of seed- your non-sales fundraiser . Stuffing envelopes'. Send Army College Fund up to 69 Hang in loose eating birds folds 27 Language with CampusFundraiser. a self addressed 'stamped $70,000.00 Call (208) 1407 N. 23rd N. End envelope to: Scarab Mar- . variation Contact CampusFund- 375·7009. 28 Native New 3bd/I.5ba $685 + deposit. DOWN raiser, (888) 923-3238, or keting, 28 .E. Jackson, An Army of One. 1 Used spades Zealander WID, DIW. Completely visit www.campusfund- 10th floor, ste. 938, Chi- 2 Product of mine 30 Saddle part renovated. Fenced yard. 3 Ignited 33 Film spools raiser. com cago, IL 60604 Back unit. Call 343-4556. 4 Most up-to-date 35 Embers . BE A BARTENDER, Hit the road 36 Ledger Mtn. Home Carpool Leave a message! 5 59 Now _seen No experience neces- examination 50 Burn with hot Looking to carpool on 6 "Mask" star everything! 2 bd/ I ba Duplex Apt. sary, hands on training in Plat section 37 Lock of hair liquid Tues/Thurs for 7:40am 7 60 Herbal drink Volcanic dust 40 Scampered 51 Sot 1219 S. Vermont Ave. Ap- Boise, must be 18 yrs or We need enthusiastic 8 61 Personal class. Return alt. 3pm. individuals with Told you sol 43 Writer Wister 52 Full of furrows proximately 1000 sq. ft. older, make $100-150 per 9 pension $ Share gas. 283-9949 excellent verbal skills 10 Separated 47 Dalsylike 53 Eccentric wheel $600/mo. Call 284-8527. 62 Bite shift, job placement/get to work 20-40 11 Take down a flowers 55 Swine meat Take Control Of Your hours per week. Quantity of gold 63 Holy smoke I certified. Call 333-tips peg 49 Old coot 58 Health! Overweight? Al- 4 /F >,/\.. (8477) lergies? Diabetes? We can DESIGN YOUR OWN ~!VI9 .J;',l;~z,~. Business Opportunity SCHEDULE help. www.herbal-nutri- EVENING and WEEKEND or call .Affordable Proven Money Maker!! 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"The first problem for aJ1 of u.s, men and. women, is not to learn :E'etiruary 8th, . , .JOftIaD BaJlroom, SUB 2005 but to UDlea.ra: doors .... at 8pDt1 begiDa "pm

A.t Boise State 'University

-- THREATENS MENSTRUATING MEN. wound themsdres everymooth": Pbyllis first real thing that's happened to this commercial brands as Paul Newman SdIWly. "Your husband's blood isas Tampons, Muhammad Ali's RDpe-a- JUDGE CITES MONHUFS IS group in yean!" PARDONING RAPIST.) And so would sacmJ as that of}csus-ad so say, too!": Dope Pads, John Wayne Maxi Pads, and Marabd MorpL) R.efunneJsand Quem JoeNamath Jock Sbidds - "For Those movies. (Newman and Redford in Blood Laughter. Reliet:. She had turned a Bees would adjust their lives to the qdI:s Light Badldor Days." Brothersl) negative into a positive. Somehow her of the men around them. Feminists story merged with India and Freud to would explain cndkss1ytbat men, 100, I' Statistical surveys would show that men Men would colJViJu:e women that sex make me finally understand the power needed tobe liberated &om the falseidca did better in sports and won more was more pleasurable at "that time of the - Nen of positM thinking. Whatever a"superior" of Martian aggressivencss.justas womm month." Lesbians would be said to far group has will be used to justify its' Olympic medals during their periods. blood and therefore life itsdt: though an needed to escape the bonds of"mcnscs- superiority, and whatever an "inferior" they needed was a good menstruating envy:' Radical feminists would add that (ould group has will be used to justify its plights. Generals, rightwing politicians. and the oppression of the nonmcnstrua1 was rdigiOlU fundamentalists would cite man. Blade men were given poorly paid jobs the pattern for all other oppressions. because they were said to be "stronger" rnenstnJation ("rnen-stroation") as proof Medical schools would limit women's ("Vampires were our first freedom than white men, while all Women were that only men could serve God and entry ("they might faint at the sight of • flghters!·) OJItural fmlinists would cxalt en.- relegated to poorly paid jobs because country in combat ryou have to give a bloodless female imagary in art and blood to take blood"), occupy high blood"). they were said to be "weaker." AJ the little literature. Socialist feminists would insist boy said when asked if he wanted to be political office ("Can women be properly Of course, intellectuals would offer the that, once capitalism and imperialism a lawyer like his mother, "Oh, no, that's fierce without a monthly cycle gm:erned most moral aDd logical arguments. were overthrown, women would women's work." Logic has nothing to do by the planet Mars?"), be priests, Without that biological gift for menstruate. too. ("If women aren't yet By Gloria Steimem, 1978 with oppression. ministers, God Himself ("He gave this 'ma'(fl,prinud with pmnlJtJC1l from Ihl iJUthcr) measuring the cycles of the moon and menstruating in Russia," they would blood for our sinS'), or rabbis ("Without planets, bow could a woman master any explain, "it's only because true socialism So what would happen if suddenly, a monthly purge of impurities, woman Uving in India made me understand that discipline that demanded a sense of time, can't exist within capitalist magically, men could menstruate, and are unclean"). a white minority of the world has spent space, mathernatia-or the ability to endrdement.") women could not? centuries conning us into thinking a Male liberals or radicals would insist that measure anything at all? In philosophy In short, we would disanu, as we white skin makes people superior, even women are equal, just different; and that and religion, how could women should Clearly, menstruation would become an already have guessed, that logic is in the thought the only thing it really does is any woman couJd join their ranks if only compensate for being disconnected from enviable, boast-worthy, masculine event: eye of the logician. (Forinstanee. here's make them more affected by ultraviolet she wert! wi1Iing to recognize the primacy the rhythm of the universe? Or for their an idea for theorists and logicians: If rays and wrinkles. of menstrual rights ("Everything else is lack of a symbolic death and resurrection Men would brag about how long and women are supposed to be less rational a single issue") or self-inflict a major every month? how much. and more emotional at the beginning of Reading Freud made me just as skeptical wound every month ("You must give about penis envy. The power of giving Menopause would be celebrated as a our menstrual cycle when the female Young boys would talk-about it as the blood for the revolution"). birth makes "womb envy" more logical, positive event, the symbol that men had hormone is at its lowest level, then why envied beginning of manhood. Gifts, isn't it logical to say that, in those few and an organ as external and unprotected Street guys would invent slang ("He's a accumulated enough years of cyclical religious ceremonies, family dinners.and days. women behave the most like the as the penis makes men very vulnerable three-pad man") and "give fives" on the wisdom to need no more. stag parties would mark the day. way men behave all month long? I leave indeed. comer with some exchange like, "Man, Liberal males in every fidd would try to further improvisations up to you.)" To prevent monthly work loss among you lookin' good I" But listening recently to a woman be kind to women. The fact that "these the powerful, Congress would fund a describe the unexpected arrival of her people" have no gift for measuring life, The truth is that, if men could National Institute of Dysmenorrhea. "Yeah, man,l'm on the rag!" menstrual period (a red slain had spread the liberals would explain, should be menstruate, the power justifications Doctors would researCh little about heart on her dress as she argued heatedly on punishment enough. would go on and on. attacks, from which men were 1V shows would treat the subject openly. the public stage) stili made me cringe hormonally protected, but everything (Happy Days: Richie and Patsie try to with embarrassment. That is, until she And how wouid women be trained to Ifwe let them .• about eramps. convince r'Onzie that he is still "The Ponz," explained that, when finally informed in react? One can imagine right-wing though he has missed two periods in a 'W"",_ .. sua I\>niafp for ....,oIlbe~ whispers of the obvious event, she had women agreeing to all these arguments _, bac. Sanitary supplies would be federally row. Hill Stred Blues: the whole precinct said to the all·male audience, "and you funded and free. Of course, some men hits the same cycle.) So would with a staunCh and smiling masochism. should be proud to have a menstruating ("The ERA would force housewives to • would still pay for the prestige of suCh • newspapers.(SUMMERSHARKSCARE • woman on your stage. it's probably the •

l1J1 bU,!"0_ t 8Al1lfSi;t!"!!. piss

--Qorio- serious assignments through her with the outcome of Roe v. Wade in Though she hM come to be a renowned • that it was neither fully, "positive" nor • 1973. feminist of the second wave, Gloria once "negative," but was part of the process investigatM report as a bunny baddired. that constructed a part of her identity. Editors refused to give her any aedibility, GLOIIA had dreams of show business. AJ a little In 2000. Gloria married for the first time She left for India after the operation. focusing only on the fact that she had girl. Gloria loved tap dancing and always to David Bale, South-African born imagined she would become a Rodcette, posed as a bunny. Gloria discovered the influence of entrepreneur and father of actor, STEINlEN: dancing at the prominent Radio City Ouirtian Bale, in a Cherokee ceremony Music Hallin New York City. Instead peaceful demonstration firsthand and Gloria did not give up, and eventually in Oklahoma. She had previously stated she attended Smith College in 1952, a witnessed oppression as well during her covered political assignments. She her c1>.::1= for ma,1'mge w~ slL'llto well-known women's college where her stay in India. When she returned to the became founding editor of New York /A SHORT magazine, which led to the ability to none, though she spent many years sister, Swan, had gone. There, Gloria United States, she was hoping that publishers would be anxious to put her choose the articles she would write for striving to make marriage a partnership. became politically active on campus Needless to say, Gloria kept her name. inspired by the intellectual activity, and talents to work, especially after writing the first time. Her activism increased during this period. marching in protests, Three years later, David died of brain IIOGRA'HY majored in government. During her a guidebOok about India, titled A Thousand Indios, whiCh displayed her fund-raising for causes she believed in lymphoma. Gloria said in a press years at Smith, Gloria discovered that her statement, -He had the greatest heart of By Tammy Sands grandmother had been a suffragette and political insights. However, few women and even speaking at rallies, despite her anyone I've ever known." her mother had been a reporter before landed jobs as reporters in New York, initial fear of public-spealOng. Through Gloria Steinem inspires, empowers, and and Gloria was no different. In fact, her her efforts to support many other marrying Gloria's father, at whiCh time Gloria's enduring efforts to advance encourages many, but perhaps the she was forced to give up her career in beauty led one editor to say, "We don't oppressed groups, she gained the reason people recogni1.e her name above want a pretty girl, we want a writer," ~~~d~encetopromote women's position in the United States exchange for marriage. This revelation do not go unrecognized. Though she countless other feminists is because she impacted Gloria greatly in that it made making the assumption that a beautiful women's rights. She saw many reaches across race, sex, age, and class woman Couldn't possibly be a talented connections between the civil rights was not the only outspoken feminist to her realize the dangers of restricting emerge from the second wave, Gloria's in both her writings and speeches. While women, cspeciaIIy since her mother had writer, too, whiCh Gloria discussed later movement and the women's rights challenging us to view various issues in her book Outrageous Am and movement that was emerging, and she name is celebrated ~use of her beendepressedandmen~yuns~k aCcomplishments in writing, speaking with a new perspective, she also validates while Gloria was growing up. Everyday RebeUions. Yet, Gloria did not believed the two went hand inband. She us as people because she is not afraktof let this experience discourage her and tried to serv: as a bridge aaoss race to and fOllDding several women's organizations, like the Coalition of being honest about herself. She is After graduating from Smith College, continued to look for work as a writer. bring more women together in the optimistic, yet does not expect change . Her persistence paid off when she movement, and she befriended Dorothy Labor Union Women and Ms. Gloria was accepted to the Chester Foundation for Women, among others. to happen overnight. For Steinem, Bowles AJian Fellowship to study in obtained a job with Help! magazine as Pitman Hughes, an African American becoming full human beings is essential an editoria! assistant and later became activist. The two formed the WomenJ She has published several books on her India for two years. At the time, Gloria ~ence as a feminist in the . tQ feminism, meaning that women must was engaged to her college boyfriend, a freelance writer for Esiluire. Glamour Action Alliance in 1971 and planned to not continue to be viewed as second- and other magazines. publish their awn magazine, which later movement, which aim to infurm, inspire, but broke off the engageinent to pursue andrernind women of the victories won class citizens. her education. She went to England for became Ms. magazine run by women for discuSa and the battles we're still fighting. Now, the summer before going to India to Because of the limitations placed on women to feminist issues. The at 70 yean of age, Gloria continues to Inthe early 1970's, the media focused study, whm she discovered abe was women at the time. male editors first issue came out in Jamwy, 1972. speak out against injusrlces and inspire attention on Gloria, making her into pregnant Gloria agonized 0""';:: th: re:tricted Gloria to entertainment Gloria later pubIiclyanoounced she was women and men of all ages, aaoss nee ' the feminist icon. Gloria seemed less decision, because she did not want t9 articles, rather than serious, political . one of the millions of women who had and class. Her honesty lind dynamic threateJ!ing to the general publk: because end up 1ike her mother who was forced issues. These male editors suggested she an illegal abortion, and coined the personality make her a unique leader in she looked feminine and articulated her to choose between having a career and go undercover as a Playboy bunny phrase -reproductive freedom ....which the women's movement a feminist IdeaJ well for the media; GlOriAal1sWered . a family. Since abortion was illegal in wsitress at the New York Playboy Oub, and u'lingcd tI-.c focu; of:l=ticn from the·. :- whriwill ~~ forsotten reportus' q.tCStiom in bdd, in:lghtf.:!. " the United Statu and England at the and GlOria Idudantly accepted in ltUpei . " and witty responses. She made feminlwt. time; Gloria had an illegalaboition in she could report on the discrimination restriction ofwomen's rights to cho~ mmprdlensibIet6 many, yet was aiticIzed England. In an interview in the film. aJid sexual harassment that went on for women. Gloria's activism with for "stardom" even though she . . -My Feminism,'" Gloria reflected on the , there. When her article was publiihe4 countless others paved the way to ,. ~Ilhe was acting as abri. to ~ experience as "constructive," indicating L in June of 1963. Gloria's hope for more legslized abortion in the United States, ;. various women. unite , . . .' _.~~.-...... _ .._ ... ~._ .._ ..-,..------,~_.--:---~.._ .._ .._ ... _---_ ... ~--,;.-~~~_.._ .._-_ .._-_ ... _---_ .._-~---_ .._. -. -_. -"-~'--~ '. BoiseState - W 0 Ni· EN I 5 .C ENT' ER -·1910UniversityDr .• Boise.Idaho 837.25 •

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