LHAT Member Theatres Theatres Are Sorted Alphabetically by State, THEN by Theatre Name

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LHAT Member Theatres Theatres Are Sorted Alphabetically by State, THEN by Theatre Name LHAT Member Theatres Theatres are sorted alphabetically by state, THEN by theatre name. Organization names, if different than theatre names, are noted in italics. Theatres without websites are also listed. Last Updated August 13, 2021. United States Arkansas New Theater, Fort Smith, AR Alabama 64.6 Downtown https://www.646downtown.com/ Alabama Theatre, Birmingham, AL Birmingham Landmarks The Auditorium, Eureka Springs, AR https://alabamatheatre.com/ City of Eureka Springs https://theaud.org/ Bama Theatre, Tuscaloosa, AL Arts & Humanities Council of Tuscaloosa https://www.bamatheatre.org/ California Capri Theatre, Montgomery, AL Capri Community Film Society, Inc. Alex Theatre, Glendale, CA https://www.capritheatre.org/ Alex Theatre https://alextheatre.org/ Historic Talladega Ritz, Talladega, AL Antique Talladega Auburn State Theatre, Auburn, CA http://ritztalladega.com/ Auburn State Theatre, Incorporated http://www.livefromauburn.com/ Lyric Theatre, Birmingham, AL Birmingham Landmarks Balboa Theatre, Newport Beach, CA https://lyricbham.com/ Balboa Theatre https://thebalboatheater.com/ The Lincoln Theatre, Bessemer, AL Holland Project Balboa Theatre, San Diego, CA https://alabamalincoln.com/ San Diego Theatres https://sandiegotheatres.org/balboa-theatre Cascade Theatre, Redding, CA Arizona Jefferson Live! https://cascadetheatre.org/ ASU Gammage, Tempe, AZ ASU Gammage / Arizona State University Civic Theatre, San Diego, CA https://www.asugammage.com/ San Diego Theatres https://sandiegotheatres.org/civic-theatre Beale Street Theater, Kingman, AZ Kingman Center for the Arts El Capitan Theatre, Hollywood, CA https://www.bealestreettheater.com/ Disney Theatrical https://elcapitantheatre.com/ Celebrity Theatre, Phoenix, AZ Celebrity Theatre LLC El Rey Theater, Salinas, CA http://www.celebritytheatre.com/ KPM Properties LLC Fox Tucson Theatre, Tucson, AZ Fox Tucson Theatre Foundation Eureka Theater, Eureka, CA https://foxtucson.com/ Eureka Concert & Film Center https://eureka-theater.org/ Orpheum Theatre, Phoenix, AZ Orpheum Theatre Hollywood Pantages Theatre, Hollywood, CA https://www.phoenixconventioncenter.com/events#o Nederlander Producing Company of America, Inc. rpheum https://www.broadwayinhollywood.com/visit/hollywoo dpantagestheatre The Rialto Theatre, Tucson, AZ Rialto Theatre Lark Theater, Larkspur, CA https://www.rialtotheatre.com/ Lark Theater http://larktheater.net/ Lobero Theatre, Santa Barbara, CA Lobero Theatre https://www.lobero.org/ continued Hayden Center, Hayden, CO California Town of Hayden Lompoc Theatre, Lompoc, CA https://www.haydencolorado.com/haydencenter Lompoc Theatre Project Historic Sheridan Opera House, Telluride, CO https://lompoctheatre.org/ Sheridan Arts Foundation Paramount Theatre, Oakland, CA https://sheridanoperahouse.com/ Paramount Theatre of the Arts, Inc. Macky Auditorium Concert Hall, Boulder, CO http://www.paramounttheatre.com/ University of Colorado Plaza Theatre, Palm Springs, CA https://www.colorado.edu/macky/ City of Palm Springs Rialto Theater, Florence, CO https://www.palmspringsca.gov/ Rialto Theater Saban Theatre, Beverly Hills, CA https://historicrialtotheater.org/ Saban Theatre Tabor Opera House, Leadville, CO http://sabantheatre.com/ City of Leadville San Gabriel Mission Playhouse, San Gabriel, https://www.taboroperahouse.net/ CA The Wright Opera House, Ouray, CO San Gabriel Mission Playhouse The Wright Opera House https://missionplayhouse.org/ https://thewrightoperahouse.org/ Sebastiani Theatre, Sonoma, CA Sebastiani Theatre https://www.sebastianitheatre.com/ Connecticut Spreckels Theatre, San Diego, CA Bradley Playhouse, Putnam, CT Theatrical Enterprises, Inc. Theatre of Northeast Connecticut http://spreckels.net/ https://www.thebradleyplayhouse.org/ State Theatre, Modesto, CA Community Theater, Fairfield, CT The State Theatre of Modesto, Inc. Sacred Heart University Community Theater https://thestate.org/ https://shucommunitytheatre.org/ The Historic Bakersfield Fox Theater, Garde Arts Center, New London, CT Bakersfield, CA Garde Arts Center, Inc. Fox Theater Foundation https://gardearts.org/ http://thebakersfieldfox.com/ Memorial Boulevard Theatre, Bristol, CT The Orpheum Theatre, Los Angeles, CA City of Bristol The Orpheum Theatre http://www.bristolrec.com/ https://laorpheum.com/ Shubert Performing Arts Center, New Haven, Visalia Fox Theatre, Visalia, CA CT Visalia Fox Theatre Columbus Association for the Performing Arts (CAPA) https://www.foxvisalia.org/ https://shubert.com/ Warnors Center for the Performing Arts, Fresno, CA Warnors Center for the Performing Arts Delaware http://warnors.org/ Grand Opera House, Wilmington, DE Wilshire Ebell Theatre, Los Angeles, CA Grand Opera House Wilshire Ebell Theatre https://www.thegrandwilmington.org/ https://ebellofla.com/ The Playhouse on Rodney Square, Wilmington, DE Grand Opera House Colorado https://www.thegrandwilmington.org/venues/the- playhouse/ Belvidere Theater, Central City, CO Central City https://centralcity.colorado.gov/historic-preservation Florida Chief Theater, Steamboat Springs, CO Ace Theater, Miami, FL Friends of the Chief Ace Theater https://www.chieftheater.com/ https://www.facebook.com/acetheatre continued The Historic Holly Theatre, Dahlonega, GA Florida The Historic Holly Theatre Florida Theatre, Jacksonville, FL http://www.hollytheater.com/ Florida Theatre Performing Arts Center Theatre Albany, Albany, GA https://floridatheatre.com/ Theatre Albany Monticello Opera House, Monticello, FL https://www.theatrealbany.com/ Monticello Opera House https://www.monticellooperahouse.org/ Olympia Theater, Miami, FL Hawaii Olympia Theater Aloha Theatre, Kealakekua, HI http://www.olympiatheater.org/ Aloha Performing Arts Company Polk Theatre, Lakeland, FL http://apachawaii.org/ Polk Theatre, Inc. Hawai’i Theatre Center, Honolulu, HI https://www.polktheatre.org/ Hawai’i Theatre Center Tampa Theatre, Tampa, FL https://www.hawaiitheatre.com/ Tampa Theatre https://tampatheatre.org/ Idaho The Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse, Cocoa, FL Liberty Theater, Lewiston, ID The Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse Liberty Theater Preservation Alliance https://cocoavillageplayhouse.com/ https://libertytheaterlewiston.org/ Valerie Theatre, Inverness, FL Schubert Theatre, Gooding, ID Valerie Theatre GREAT, Inc. https://www.valerietheatre.org/index.php http://www.theschuberttheater.com/index.html Georgia Illinois Dallas Theater, Dallas, GA Arie Crown Theater, Chicago, IL Dallas Theater Arie Crown Theater https://dallastheaterga.com/ https://ariecrown.com/ Douglass Theatre, Macon, GA Auditorium Theatre, Chicago, IL Douglass Theatre Roosevelt University https://www.douglasstheatre.org/ https://www.auditoriumtheatre.org/ Fox Theatre, Atlanta, GA Cadillac Palace Theatre, Chicago, IL Atlanta Landmarks, Inc. Nederlander Producing Company of America, Inc. https://www.foxtheatre.org/ https://www.broadwayinchicago.com/theatre/cadillac -palace-theatre/ Grand Theatre, Cartersville, GA The Grand Theatre CIBC Theatre, Chicago, IL https://thegrandtheatre.org/ Nederlander Producing Company of America, Inc. https://www.broadwayinchicago.com/theatre/cibc- Imperial Theatre, Augusta, GA theatre/ Imperial Community Theatre, Inc. https://www.imperialtheatre.com/ Coronado Performing Arts Center, Rockford, IL Friends of the Coronado Morton Theatre, Athens, GA https://coronadopac.org/ Athens-Clark County https://www.mortontheatre.com/ Dixon Theatre, Dixon, IL Dixon Theatre Group Roosevelt Theatre, Jefferson, GA https://www.dixontheatre.com/ Main Street Jefferson http://www.mainstreetjefferson.com/ Egyptian Theatre, DeKalb, IL Preservation of Egyptian Theatre, Inc. Royal Theater, Hogansville, GA https://egyptiantheatre.org/ City of Hogansville https://www.cityofhogansville.org/ Fox Illinois Theatre, Jacksonville, IL Jacksonville Center for the Arts http://www.jacksonvilleartscenter.com/ continued Historic Tivoli Theatre, Spencer, IN Illinois Owen County Preservations James M. Nederlander Theatre, Chicago, IL https://spencertivoli.org/ Nederlander Producing Company of America, Inc. Indiana Theatre Event Center, Terre Haute, IN https://www.broadwayinchicago.com/theatre/chicago Indiana Theatre Event Center s-james-m-nederlander-theatre/ https://www.indianatheater.com/ Raue Center for the Arts, Crystal Lake, IL Morris Performing Arts Center, South Bend, IN Raue Center for the Arts, Inc. Morris Performing Arts Center http://www.rauecenter.org/ https://morriscenter.org/ Rialto Square Theatre, Joliet, IL Paramount Theatre Centre & Ballroom, VenuWorks Anderson, IN https://rialtosquare.com/ Paramount Heritage Foundation The Historic Fischer Theatre, Danville, IL https://www.andersonparamount.org/ Vermillion Heritage Foundation REES Theater, Plymouth, IN http://atthefischer.com/ REES Theater The Rialto Theatre, Champaign, IL https://www.reestheatre.com/ The Rialto Theatre Strand Theatre, Shelbyville, IN Strand Theatre of Shelbyville, Inc. Uptown Theatre, Chicago, IL http://www.strand-theatre-shelbyville.org/ JAM Productions The Goshen Theater, Goshen, IN https://www.jamusa.com/ Goshen Theater, Inc. Woodstock Opera House, Woodstock, IL https://goshentheater.com/ Woodstock Opera House The Lerner Theatre, Elkhart, IN https://www.woodstockoperahouse.com/operahouse Lerner Theatre Woodstock Theatre, Woodstock, IL https://thelerner.com/ Tivoli Enterprise/Classic Cinemas The Times Theater, Rochester, IN https://www.classiccinemas.com/woodstock/program The Times Theater https://www.facebook.com/thetimestheater/
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