LiveCode 6.1.1 Release Notes 9/11/13

Overview Known issues Platform support Windows Mac Setup Installation Uninstallation Reporting installer issues Activation Multi-user and network install support (4.5.3) Command-line installation Command-line activation Proposed changes Engine changes Access to the current behavior object. (experimental) Added support for reading RLE compressed BMP images Crash setting location of image with filename set to empty Find Malfunction in Script Editor for both >*/ and double-quote (") App store submission warns about lack of push notification entitlement even for apps not using push notifications. Specific bug fixes (6.1.1-rc-5) Specific bug fixes (6.1.1-rc-4) Specific bug fixes (6.1.1-rc-3) Specific bug fixes (6.1.1-rc-2) Specific bug fixes (6.1.1-rc-1) Dictionary changes Previous Release Notes

1 LiveCode 6.1.1 Release Notes 9/11/13

This document describes all the changes that have been made for LiveCode 6.1.1, including bug fixes and new syntax.

The installer will currently fail if you run it from a network share on Windows. Please copy the installer to a local disk before launching on this platform.

The engine supports a variety of operating systems and versions. This section describes the platforms that we ensure the engine runs on without issue (although in some cases with reduced functionality).

The engine supports the following Windows OSes:

Windows 2000 SP4 Windows XP SP2 and above Windows Server 2003 Windows Vista SP1 and above (both 32-bit and 64-bit) Windows 7 (both 32-bit and 64-bit) Windows Server 2008

Note: On 64-bit platforms the engine still runs as a 32-bit application through the WoW layer.

The linux engine requires the following:

32-bit installation, or a 64-bit linux distribution that has a 32-bit compatibility layer 2.4.x or later kernel X11R5 capable Xserver running locally on a 24-bit display glibc 2.3.2 or later gtk/gdk/glib (optional – required for native theme support) pango/xft (optional – required for pdf printing, anti-aliased text and unicode font support) lcms (optional – required for color profile support in JPEGs and PNGs) gksu (optional – required for elevate process support)

Note: The optional requirements (except for gksu and lcms) are also required by Firefox and Chrome, so if your linux distribution runs one of those, it will run the engine. Note: If the optional requirements are not present then the engine will still run but the specified features will be disabled. Note: LiveCode and standalones it builds may work on remote Xservers and in other bit-depths, however this mode of operation is not currently supported.

2 LiveCode 6.1.1 Release Notes 9/11/13

The Mac engine supports:

10.4.11 (Tiger) on Intel and PowerPC 10.5.8 and later (Leopard) on Intel and PowerPC 10.6.x (Snow Leopard) on Intel 10.7.x (Lion) on Intel 10.8.x (Mountain Lion) on Intel

Note: The engine runs as a 32-bit application regardless of the capabilities of the underlying processor.

3 LiveCode 6.1.1 Release Notes 9/11/13

Each distinct version has its own complete folder – multiple versions will no longer install side-by-side: on Windows (and Linux), each distinct version will gain its own start menu (application menu) entry; on Mac, each distinct version will have its own app bundle. The default location for the install on the different platforms when installing for 'all users' are:

Windows: /RunRev/ LiveCode 6.1.1 Linux: /opt/runrev/-6.1.1 Mac: /Applications/ LiveCode

The default location for the install on the different platforms when installing for 'this user' are:

Windows: /RunRev/Components/LiveCode 6.1.1 Linux: ~/.runrev/components/livecode-6.1.1 Mac: ~/Applications/ LiveCode

Note: If your linux distribution does not have the necessary support for authentication (gksu) then the installer will run without admin privileges so you will have to manually run it from an admin account to install into a privileged location.

On Windows, the installer hooks into the standard Windows uninstall mechanism. This is accessible from the appropriate pane in the control panel. On Mac, simply drag the app bundle to the Trash. On Linux, the situation is currently less than ideal:

open a terminal cd to the folder containing your rev install. e.g.

cd /opt/runrev/livecode-6.1.1

execute the .setup.x86 file. i.e.


follow the on-screen instructions.

If you find that the installer fails to work for you then please file a bug report in the RQCC or email [email protected] so we can look into the problem. In the case of failed install it is vitally important that you include the following information:

Your platform and version The location of your home/user folder The type of user account you are using (guest, restricted, admin etc.) The installer log file located as follows: Windows 2000/XP: //Local Settings/

4 LiveCode 6.1.1 Release Notes 9/11/13

Windows Vista/7: //AppData/Local/RunRev/Logs Linux: /.runrev/logs Mac: /Library/Application Support/Logs/RunRev

The licensing system ties your product licenses to a customer account system, meaning that you no longer have to worry about finding a license key after installing a new copy of LiveCode. Instead, you simply have to enter your email address and password that has been registered with our customer account system and your license key will be retrieved automatically. Alternatively it is possible to activate the product via the use of a specially encrypted license file. These will be available for download from the customer center after logging into your account. This method will allow the product to be installed on machines that do not have access to the internet.

In order to better support institutions needing to both deploy the IDE to many machines and to license them for all users on a given machine, a number of facilities have been added which are accessible by using the command-line. Note: These features are intended for use by IT administrators for the purposes of deploying LiveCode in multi-user situations. They are not supported for general use.

It is possible to invoke the installer from the command-line on both Mac and Windows. When invoked in this fashion, no GUI will be displayed, configuration being supplied by arguments passed to the installer. On both platforms, the command is of the following form:

install noui options

Here options is optional and consists of one or more of the following:

Install the IDE for all users. If not specified, the install will be done for the current -allusers user only. - Place a shortcut on the Desktop (Windows-only) desktopshortcut -startmenu Place shortcuts in the Start Menu (Windows-only) -location The location to install into. If not specified, the location defaults to those location described in the Layout section above. -log logfile A file to place a log of all actions in. If not specified, no log is generated.

Note that the command-line variant of the installer does not do any authentication. Thus, if you wish to install to an admin-only location you will need to be running as administrator before executing the command. As the installer is actually a GUI application, it needs to be run slightly differently from other command-line programs. In what follows should be replaced with the path of the installer executable or app (inside the DMG) that has been downloaded. On Windows, you need to do:

start /wait install noui options

5 LiveCode 6.1.1 Release Notes 9/11/13

On Mac, you need to do:

/Contents/MacOS/installer” install noui options

On both platforms, the result of the installation will be written to the console.

In a similar vein to installation, it is possible to activate an installation of LiveCode for all-users of that machine by using the command-line. When invoked in this fashion, no GUI will be displayed, activation being controlled by any arguments passed. On both platforms, the command is of the form:

activate -file license -passphrase phrase

This command will load the manual activation file from license, decrypt it using the given passphrase and then install a license file for all users of the computer. Manual activation files can be downloaded from the 'My Products' section of the RunRev customer accounts area. This action can be undone using the following command:


Again, as the LiveCode executable is actually a GUI application it needs to be run slightly differently from other command-line programs. In what follows should be replaced with the path to the installed LiveCode executable or app that has been previously installed. On Windows, you need to do:

start /wait activate -file license -passphrase phrase start /wait deactivate

On Mac, you need to do:

/Contents/MacOS/LiveCode” activate -file license -passphrase phrase “/Contents/MacOS/LiveCode” deactivate

On both platforms, the result of the activation will be written to the console.

The following changes are likely to occur in the next or subsequent non-maintenance release:

The engine (both IDE and standalone) will require gtk, gdk, glib, pango and xft on Linux

6 LiveCode 6.1.1 Release Notes 9/11/13

It is now possible to use 'this me' to refer to the object to which the currently executing script is attached. This is particularly useful in the context of chained behaviors, in which context 'this me' will be the object of the current behavior. This differs from 'me' in this context, which will always be the object the behavior is acting upon. For example, if Button A's behavior property is set to Button B, and Button B has script: on mouseUp put the short name of this me end mouseUp Then clicking on Button A will result in 'B' being output (as the mouseUp handler is in Button B's script).

Note: 'this me' is provisional syntax, it will change in the next major version so scripts relying on it will have to be updated.

Important: This feature is currently experimental. This means that it may not be complete, or may fail in some circumstances that you would expect it to work. Please do not be afraid to try it out as we need feedback to develop it further.

The find and replace was always using wildcards() even when Use Regular Expressions was false. The find stack has been updated to allow users to choose the type of search from Regular Expressions, Wildcards or Plain Text.

11152 Including iOS externals in Android projects (and vice versa) causes standalones to fail. 11144 Hang when trying to get chunk of formattedText of a field beyond the first (formatted) line. 11131 Moving a Layer between two groups in Project Browser Stackfile can get corrupted when setting the colors/patterns of an image object which is either 11127 empty 11119 Project Browser denies existence of existing controls! Menu Builder Disable Item problem. Unicode characters were not being handled correctly 11110 when disabling/enabling menu items. 10796 HTTP "get URL" omits port number from HOST header revUniqueID - the revUniqueID of the child controls of a group do not get updated when the 10669 group is cloned or duplicated. 10108 Thumb and scrollbar appear over top of DataGrid

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11129 Crash when fetching the encoding or the flaggedRanges property from the templateField. 11126 Intermittant crashes whilst using the project browser.

11122 The script editor erroneously starts a comment in $#. 11108 Crash in some circumstances when setting the hidden of a paragraph to false. 11105 Plugin settings refers to Revolution. This has been updated to refer to LiveCode. 11104 Crash when getting childControlIds/Names of group with no controls 11103 Push notifications not handled when app is paused 10826 Menu Text > Font > Size > Other... does nothing. Now asks the user to input a text size. 10689 'the selectedChunk' returns a field reference if the field is embedded in a combo-box. 10665 Save this stack as syntax broken in the message box Dragging a file over a script without dropping causes the caret to continue to move in field 10655 after drag has ended. 10654 Cells in field table mode can become misaligned if there is a change in style just after a tab. 10616 Different padding between lines causes hgrid to render incorrectly. 10445 Sort international does not work on Android

11089 The 'shell()' function on server does not perform end-of-line conversion. 11084 Conditional messages such as resizeControl are not searched for in ancestor behaviors. 11081 Dropper dool does not work on OSX 11080 Android input field fontSize setting value in incorrect units 11073 Transparency lost when saving RLE encoded images with LiveCode LiveCode IDE breaks when opening a particular PDF file - uncaught exception fetching the 11064 properties of a DataGrid 11044 Divide by zero when calculating scrollbar thumbposition 11036 IDE no longer exposes an AppleScript dictionary. 11025 The PDF Printing external is not being included in Windows Standalones. 11020 Setting or getting custom properties from global scope crashes server. Handlers in library stacks and chained behaviors are cannot be executed from the message 11017 box. 10972 Text does not paste from PDFs loaded into Adobe Reader 9 on Mac. The 'flaggedRanges' property can sometimes report the wrong values in a field containing 10957 mixed unicode and non-unicode text. 10932 Setting the flaggedRanges of a field containing Unicode text can be very slow. Using add/subtract/multiply/divide on a variable that has not been declared causes 10925 subexpressions to be evaluated twice. 10902 Selecting regular polygon graphic fails to update title of Property Inspector 10893 Copying HTML from clipboard into a text field generates misformatted output 10883 Nested groups can return True in sharedBehavior getter Mobile stack saved as iOS retains iOS settings on Windows. As the option is disabled and

8 LiveCode 6.1.1 Release Notes 9/11/13

10868 cannot be unchecked on Windows the standalone builder will disregard this choice on Windows. Selecting another platform to build for will still automatically unselect iOS. Setting secureMode to true prevents an app from handling 'Quit' and 'Preferences' items from 10865 the system menu on Mac. 10840 When rendering the caret against transparency 10800 Get URL on mobile can fail if URL contains whitespace chars 10774 LiveCode engine crashes in filter in repeat loop 10671 Combining Drag & Drop with "grab me" causes LC IDE to crash

11061 Engine crash getting extents of numeric array with 8-digit key 11054 Inconsistent Ask/Answer fonts/text. 11043 The Project Browser does not update when a group is ungrouped. 11037 Crash setting a behavior to an object that would cause a loop in the hierarchy. 11024 Cannot drag cards in the Project Browser. 11023 About menu moved on mac to help menu. 11018 LiveCode crashes opening rotated image with invalid filename app identifier field in standalone applications settings on iOS and Android allows return 11011 characters. 10971 Strange instabilities in LiveCode IDE with certain stacks. 9836 Set cursor to none does not work

The entry for libURLDownloadToFile (command) has been updated. The entry for mobileDisablePurchaseUpdates (command) has been updated. The entry for mobileEnablePurchaseUpdates (command) has been updated. The entry for mobilePurchaseConfirmDelivery (command) has been updated. The entry for mobilePurchaseCreate (command) has been updated. The entry for mobilePurchaseSendRequest (command) has been updated. The entry for mobilePurchaseSet (command) has been updated. The entry for mobilePurchaseVerify (command) has been updated. The entry for mobileRestorePurchases (command) has been updated.

9 LiveCode 6.1.1 Release Notes 9/11/13

6.1.1 Release Notes 6.1.0 Release Notes 6.0.2 Release Notes 6.0.1 Release Notes 6.0.0 Release Notes