Clearstream Liquidity Hub News 3 2012 Canada to become fourth destination for Liquidity Hub GO

Clearstream’s pioneering service Liquidity Hub GO (Global Outsourcing) is to be developed with CDS and Depository Services for the Canadian market. The letter of intent signed by Clearstream and CDS, the Canadian CSD, on 1 March paves the way for preparation work to begin on creating a collateral management service for Canada. This is the fourth market infrastructure to take steps towards future Liquidity Hub GO development with Clearstream.

Efficient and effective Going global By Gerd Hartung, Senior Vice President, The service will aim to bring great Since its launch, Liquidity Hub GO has Client Relations GSF & Broker/Dealers benefits for Canadian market attracted a great deal of market interest participants resulting in more efficient across the globe. Its adaptability to Liquidity Hub Connect and effective use of their collateral. individual market situations while retaining all the benefits of continual Clearstream is to launch Liquidity A great advantage of Liquidity Hub GO improvements and expansion of Hub Connect, a unique collateral is that CDS will be able to leverage Clearstream’s award-winning Global management solution for agent banks. Clearstream’s sophisticated collateral Liquidity Hub appears to be serving a management engine which will then major need in the market. The service, being developed first with carry out all the seamless automatic BNP Paribas Securities Services, will allocation, optimisation and substitution Upcoming changes in the financial enable the agent bank to offer its clients operations necessary. regulatory landscape require the the benefits of accessing Clearstream’s development of sophisticated systems triparty collateral management CDS’s white-labelled service will that are necessary to meet new platform for repo, allow all assets to remain in Canada. collateralisation requirements in and OTC derivatives transactions while This is unique to Liquidity Hub GO as the years to come. Indeed, collateral retaining the assets under its custody. Clearstream is the only collateral management is the biggest priority management services provider for many financial institutions around See you in Asia managing collateral across time zones the world right now. and regions while the underlying assets We hope to see you at our GSF remain in their domestic jurisdiction. So far, Clearstream has begun Conferences in Singapore on 24 April development with four industry and Beijing (in Mandarin) on 26 April The service would reduce operational partners. The service is already which will offer discussions and debate risks and costs for CDS customers operating live with Brazilian CSD Cetip on global and regional collateral in Canada while minimising the while work is under way to bring the management and securities lending. opportunity cost associated with sophisticated technology behind collateral fragmentation. Clearstream’s Global Liquidity Hub to More information is available on our the Australian Securities Exchange website, and South African CSD Strate.

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