www.stmaryswexham.co.uk May 2017

Church of St Mary,

Ascension Day—25th May

Parish News

Price 50p

PRIEST IN CHARGE: The Rev’d Mary Kent ORGANISATIONS The Rectory, 7 Grangewood, Wexham, SL3 6LP 01753 523852 MEN’S FELLOWSHIP meets for a meal and discussion Licensed Lay Minister: on the last Thursday in each month. Mr E Kent 01753 523852 Contact Paul Horth—[email protected]

Churchwarden: MONDAY CLUB for elderly people Mrs S Edwards, 2 Church Grove, Wexham, Mondays 2p.m.to 4 p.m. , SL3 6LF 01753 527410 Contact Mrs C Callaway 01753 731798

PCC Treasurer: BINGO CLUB: Mondays at 8.00 pm Mr B Edwards 01753 527410 Contacts: Mrs L Shelley 01753 771834 Mrs C Donaldson 01753 712974 PCC Secretaries: Mrs C Elderfield; Mrs Y Hickman TIDDLERS TODDLER GROUP: Parish Magazine Editorial Team: Thursdays 10.00 am - 12 Noon Mr E Kent The Rectory, 7 Grangewood, Wexham, Leader: Mrs L Galvin 01753 518066 Slough, SL3 6LP, 01753 523852 [email protected]; BROWNIE GUIDES: Thursdays 6.15 pm - 7.45 pm Mrs S Edwards 01753 527410 Leader: Mrs B Neame 01753 733911 [email protected]; Mrs P Anderson 01753 533387; FRIENDS OF ST MARY’S: Contacts: Mrs L Shelley 01753 771834 Mrs C Donaldson 01753 712974 NORMAL SUNDAY SERVICES 8.00 am—Holy Communion - Common Worship LOCAL CONTACTS: Traditional Language (said) 10.00 am— Parish Communion - Common Worship WEXHAM COURT PARISH COUNCIL: Contemporary Language (Slough, Berks, part of St Mary’s Parish) All Age Parish Communion—First Sunday in each month General Enquiries: Cllr Sandra Malik 07816 006824 Parish Hall booking Clerk: 4.00 pm— Occasional Service of Evening Prayer Mrs Lynne Cresdee 01753 574945

WEXHAM PARISH COUNCIL: YOUNG CHURCH AND CRECHE: (Wexham and George Green, Bucks, part of St Mary’s Parish) 10.00 am in the Church Hall Clerk to the Council: Mrs Angela Galvin 01753 644887 Leader: Mrs S Horth 01753 551511 WEXHAM, BUCKS, RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATION: Chairman: DIRECT GIVING: Mr G Spring, 4 Brookside, George Green 01753 536977 If you would like information on our Direct Giving scheme, or Gift Aid, please contact GEORGE GREEN WI: Mr B Edwards 01753 527410 Contact : Mrs J Boot 01753 520296

CHURCH FLOWERS: For Wedding flowers and arrangements for special occasions, please contact ST MARY’S CHURCH HALL - 01753 693461 Mrs J Boot 01753 520296 www.stmaryswexham.co.uk

St Mary’s is an Anglican parish church which seeks to proclaim the Christian faith by sharing the love of Christ with those who enter its buildings and with all who live within the communities of Wexham and George Green .

2 SUNDAY, 7TH—The Fourth of Easter Wednesday, 24th 8.00 am Holy Communion 10.30 am Morning Praise at The Pines 10.00 am Parish Communion with Young Church THURSDAY 25TH—Ascension Day 11.00 am Holy Communion Wednesday, 10th 7.30 pm Holy Communion 7 pm Holy Communion at The Pines

SUNDAY, 14TH—The Fifth of Easter SUNDAY, 28TH— 8.00 am Holy Communion The Seventh of Easter 10.00 am Parish Communion 8.00 am Holy Communion 10.00 am Young Church in the Hall 10.00 am Parish Communion 10.00 am Young Church in the Hall Tuesday, 16th 4.00 pm Evening Worship 8.00 pm PCC Meeting in the Hall Thursday, 18th Wednesday, 31st - Home Communions 10.30 am Toddler Group Service

SUNDAY, 21ST—The Sixth of Easter 8.00 am Holy Communion 10.00 am Parish Communion 10.00 am Young Church in the Hall

THY KINGDOM COME Burnham and Slough Deanery Prayer Walk

From Thursday, 1st June to Pentecost Sunday, 4th June, our Area Dean, Revd Rod Cosh, will be walking through the deanery. His walk starts at St Thomas’ Colnbrook and ends at St Paul’s, Slough, taking in every parish over the four days. There will be a list of his visits in the Church Hall, and you are welcome to join him at any time.

On Saturday, 3rd June, he begins his walk at , reaching us at Wexham at 10.30 am, when we hope to give him a warm welcome.

We welcome into the Family of God those who were recently baptised: Aria Rose Merreywether - 1st April Rebecca Heather Hutchinson—Easter Day

We commend to God in the resurrection faith those whose funerals have recently taken place:

Elisabeth Ellis - 30th March Margaret Roberta “Bobbie” Peters - 5th April

3 From the Rectory:

Christ is Risen! This has been the Easter Greeting of the Christian Church over centuries. Christ is Risen! I am reminded of the celebrations of my Greek Orthodox friends in Coventry who pour out of the Church at midnight on Easter Eve, lighting Easter candles, proclaiming the Resurrection both in words and in sound by letting off noisy fireworks. Then the faithful return to the church for the rest of the service while many of the younger generation stay outside and party. Whatever your own celebrations, or not, Easter Greetings to you all!

The message of the cross is as relevant now as in that time of Roman con- quest long ago. In the end power and political manoevring cannot conquer the fundamental truths of God; of truth and love and justice as demonstrated in the life, death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christ is Ris- en – and whatever the problems of our own generations here is the hope towards which we can live and work. Over centuries millions have dedicated their lives to fol- lowing that same Jesus Christ and have committing them- selves to that same Christian faith which overcame the might of the Roman Empire, not by force but by turning hearts and minds and actions towards God.

The Church now moves in to the Easter season which lasts for 50 days – nev- er let it be said that we don’t celebrate thoroughly! So from now until Pente- cost we continue to rejoice in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and to explore the implications of this unique event for the Church and for the world. Even the weather often seems to rejoice with us as we see the spring flowers and warmer days.

This year it has been a tough winter with a lot of illness, and sadness at the loss of friends who have been longstanding members of the Wexham commu- nity. We miss them but can take comfort that eternal life, life in relationship with God through Jesus Christ, means that for us also death is not the end. Our lives with Him are enduring and eternal. The sunny days help us to shake off depression and enjoy the gift of life so may I encourage you to make the most of them.

With my love and prayers


4 7th May This Sunday is Parish Communion with Young Church so we will all be in Church together.

14th May Today is about 'Mansions' and we will talking about what we think heaven is like. We will be doing some painting and playing Pin the Jewels on the Walls of Heaven.

21st May This Sunday Ted will be leading, so come and find out what fun and activities he has in store for you.

28th May We will be having some fun this Sunday working as a team together. We will be doing some cooking and playing some games - Back to Back and Putting the banana back together!

Here’s some of the things we’ve done previously


What it says... On Sunday after church, a mother asked her very young daughter what the lesson in Sunday School had been about. Her daughter answered, ‘Don't be scared, you'll get your quilt.’

Needless to say, her mother was mystified. A few days later she ran into the teacher in town, and asked for details. The teacher smiled. ‘It was: “Be not afraid, your comforter is coming.”’

6 April was a very busy month at St Mary’s…………….

We began the month (April Fools’ Day) with a Saturday Spring Clean before the start of Passiontide. On Sunday, 2nd April, we celebrated the baptism of Aria Rose Merreywether, together with her parents Michelle and Stefan and big sister Ava-Mae, plus their friends and fami- ly. The next week the Churchyard clear-up team were in action, so that the Church and Churchyard were looking at their best in preparation for Easter. On Palm Sunday, the 10 o’clock Parish Communion began as usual in the Church and ended with the congregation carrying palms and palm crosses to finish the Service out- side the Church Hall. During Holy Week, we shared the lovely quiet Evening Service of Compline, before the Maundy Thursday Holy Communion, which included washing of feet. The Altar was then stripped of all decoration and an hour’s vigil began. At 2 pm on Good Friday, there was a Service of Tenebrae, marking Jesus’ last hour on the cross, with readings, hymns and quiet reflection. The Saturday before Easter was a day of thoughtful prepara- tion for young and old. Our Area Dean, Rod Cosh led a group of adults in a short meditation, whilst the youngsters were pre- paring Easter Gardens, flower posies and colouring in the Sta- tions of the Cross. Over in the church, others were arranging flowers and preparing the church. Hot Cross buns and drinks were on offer and the whole atmosphere was one of thoughtful preparation for Easter Day. On Easter morning, the sun shone on the beautiful churchyard and through into the church, as the 8 am worshippers arrived. At 10 o’clock the church was full, with our usual congregation plus extra visitors who had come for the baptism of Rebecca Hutchinson. Then followed a great celebration for all, organised by Sharon and Andy Hutchinson.

April was certainly a busy month. Sometimes it was joyful, sometimes challenging, but very worth- while. Thank you to all those who led us in our worship and preparations. No wonder Vicars and Rectors The Easter Garden outside the church take a little time off after Easter. decorated by the children S.U.E.


On Saturday morning, 6th May, from 10.00 am, we have another Churchyard Gardening Session. All are welcome. Just come along with or without gardening tools. It is a great way to make friends, and get a bit of fresh air and exercise after the long Winter. Jam doughnuts and biscuits are usually on offer as well as tea, coffee and squash.

On the afternoon of 6th May, there is another Litter-Pick at George Green. Meet at 12 Noon at the junction of the A412 and Coronation Avenue. Further details from Wendy Wil- liams—07823 442406. (Please put a note in your diaries for the bi-monthly litter picks— 1st July, 2nd September and 4th November.)

The Men’s Fellowship usually meet on the last Thursday in the month. At the time of going to press, details of their meeting have not yet been finalised. To find out exact details, please contact Paul Horth—[email protected].

Bowls is a great sport for young and old—would you like to know more about our local club? On Bank Holiday, 29th May, Wexham Bowls Club is holding its annual OPEN DAY. Pop in any time between 10 am and 2.30 pm. Just bring a pair of flat shoes or trainers. The coaching team will be on hand to help you get started and you never know—you might get hooked on the sport!!!! Tea, coffee, or drinks from the bar will be available.

Last month, during the Spring Clean of the Church, Brian Ed- wards was set the task of tidying the storage chest in the porch entrance. As he cleared through the clutter, he came to what he thought was an earth floor, but under this he found what looks like a brick path. Was this the original path to the church, laid out before the Victorians built the porch???


Saturday, 20th May 2017 7.30 for 7.45 start St Andrew’s Church Hall Rogers Lane, , SL2 4LN Teams of 6—8 Tickets £10 per person includes a light supper* To enter a team contact telephone 01753 550303 Or email [email protected] Bookings should be made ASAP and payment made by7 Mon 15th May for catering. Cheques payable to Slough foodbank may be posted: PO Box 4703 Slough SL1 0ZL Please advise any allergies or special dietary requirements. *Chickpea Curry and Rice or Tuna Pasta Bake

Deadline for cashing in your old £1 coins Dig into the pockets of your coats, rummage down the backs of your chairs and couch, empty your piggy bank, look in your car – do whatever it takes, but FIND all those old £1 coins that may lurk around your house – before it is too late.

For this autumn, the little round £1 we have known since 1983 will become worthless. The Treasury has just brought out a new 12-sided £1 coin. The change to the new silver and gold dodecagon is the largest to affect the UK’s currency since 1998, when the old 50p coin was abandoned for a smaller, shiner version.

The face side of the new £1 coin features the Queen, while the tail side features four em- blems: the English rose, the leek for Wales, the Scottish thistle and the shamrock for Northern Ireland – all emerging from a single stem within a crown.

9 The first quarter of this 2017 year has resulted in the budget tar- get income being exceeded by £673, and this was due to higher receipts from Donations for Hall Use and Fees from Funerals/ Monuments. The Budget had included a 2016 Parish Share Re- bate of £600, but this will not be forthcoming due to rearrange- ment of the 2017’s Parish Share.

Actual Expenditure for the same period was equal to the budget. It has been neces- sary to keep control on all expenditure in a measured way. During this quarter, St Mary’s Church and all the other churches in the Deanery, needed to pay an extra £150 each towards an offset of a shortfall in 2017’s Parish Share to the Diocese.

Brian Edwards, Treasurer

Samson and Delilah

Now Samson, incredibly strong Her charms they were deadly and sure Cos his hair was incredibly long! Till his secret was secret no more He could tie knots in iron While he was asleep And wrestle a lion The scissors bit deep But his choice of a woman was wrong. And his hair fell in heaps on the floor.

For the woman he chose, named ‘Delilah’ Take heed, if the love bug has bitten Was a charming, enticing, young smiler And with some sweet other you’re smitten She wheedled and wormed Like Samson, beware She seductively squirmed That you don’t lose your hair Delilah, the lethal beguiler! And end up as weak as a kitten!

By Nigel Beeton

10 Stoke Poges, Wexham & Horticultural Society – update from Ruth Rooley

The pleasure of Gardening and growing your own plants. Experienced or novice there is something very satisfying about growing and nurturing plants in a garden or an allotment, in a win- dow box or in a pot on a patio. Whatever you are growing this year please take a look at what you have in the week before the Annual Show and consider entering one of the classes. New website The Society has a much improved website www.hortsoc.org Please log on and let us have your comments and feedback. Annual Plant Sale Thank you to all those who supported and helped at the Plant Sale, on Saturday 22 April, donating plants and homemade cakes, and coming to buy. The money raised goes towards the cost of the huge marquee for the Annual Show. Annual Show, Saturday 29 July, in the grounds of The Stoke Poges School, Rogers Lane The gates open at 12.30 pm ; the Marquee opens about 1.30 pm after the judging of the exhibits. There is free parking in the adjacent Recreation Ground, off Bells Hill. Entry is £3.00 for adults, £2.00 concessions, free entry for children. Members free on production of their membership card. There are competitions for best plants and flowers, fruit and vegetables, flower ar- ranging, wine and beer, photographs, cookery, arts and crafts for both adults and children. We encourage you, your children and friends to enter the many and varied competition classes. There are a wide variety of junior classes, such as a miniature garden, a scarecrow, flowers, baking biscuits or fairy cakes, a decorated plate. The Show Schedule with full details and entry forms will be available in May on line www.hortsoc.org or from Pat Rofe on 01753 662695. Other attractions include a Brass Band, Plant Sales and Garden Equipment, Classic Car Display, a Coconut Shy, Raffle and Tombola, Stalls, Tea Tent, Beer Tent, Lunches and Barbeque, and for children a Bouncy Castle, Face Painting and Ice Cream. This is a unique and popular event for all the family. People from a wide area at- tend each year. Help is needed to prepare and put the Show on; we would welcome volunteers who would be willing to give some of their time assisting the hardworking show team. If you would like to help, please get in touch with Gaby Battrick on 01753 663522 or Jon Homan on 01753 662166 Membership Membership at £7 for an individual or £10 for two people living at the same address is a bargain; particularly as members have free entry to the Show, Lecture Evenings and other events. You can apply for membership by contacting a member of the Committee or via our website www.hortsoc.org


Across Down 1 Infant (Luke 2:12) (4) 1 Follower of Christ (Acts 16:1) (8) 3 Luis must (anag.) (8) 2 One of the punishments endured by Paul (2 Corinthians 6:5) (8) 8 What Jesus called the devil (John 8:44) (4) 4 Soldiers (Exodus 14:9) (6) 9 ‘My God, my God, why have you — me?’ (Matthew 27:46) (8) 5 Scholarly study of melody, harmony and rhythm (10) 11 Anglican form of church government (10) 6 ‘I am God, and there is none — me’ (Isaiah 14 ‘Those who hope in the Lord will renew 46:9) (4) their strength. They will soar on wings like — ’ (Isaiah 40:31) (6) 7 ‘And how can they preach unless they are — ?’ (Romans 10:15) (4) 15 Ministers of religion (6) 10 Favourable reception (1 Timothy 1:15) (10) 17 Make stronger (1 Thessalonians 3:13) (10) 12 Hip orbit (anag.) (8) 20 Devoutness (1 Timothy 2:2) (8) 13 End of life (Isaiah 22:14) (5,3) 21 The father of Jesse (Ruth 4:22) (4) 16 ‘About midnight the sailors — they were 22 Pool where Jesus healed a man who had approaching land’ (Acts 27:27) (6) been an invalid for 38 years (John 5:2) (8) 18 He married Jezebel (1 Kings 16:30–31) (4) 23 ‘[Jesus] said to them, “ — here and keep watch”’ (Mark 14:34) (4) 19 ‘According to your great compassion — out my transgressions’ (Psalm 51:1) (4)

Answers on Page 17

Sedative: The church pew-sheet reported: Barbara remains in the hospital and welcomes your visits. She is also having trouble sleeping, and requests a CD of the minister’s sermons.

Items on this page from the Parish Pump 12 Remembering Roberta “Bobbie” Peters On Wednesday, 5th April, the funeral of Bobbie Peters, aged 93, took place at Slough Crematorium. It was a celebration and tribute to her life spent abroad, accompanying her husband Harry “Pete” stationed in countries abroad, finally settling in Shaggy Calf Lane in Slough. She and Pete worshipped regularly at St Mary’s and were for many years invaluable members of the magazine production team. Bobbie’s Son remembers delivering cop- ies around the parish as a youngster. Bobbie’s gentleness and profound Christian faith impressed all who knew her, particu- larly as her illness took hold. We too, in the magazine production team, remember her with thanks and great affec- tion. May she rest in peace. S.U.E.

On Wednesday, 3rd May, the new Bishop of Oxford—The Rt Revd Dr Steven Croft, is visiting our Deanery. It’s going to be a really busy day for him, as he travels around the parishes. The final event in his visit will be at 7.30 pm, at St Mary’s, Slough, to which we are all invited.

The I AM

He walked on water, stilled the storm, He healed on the Sabbath; it upset them all Wherever He went the blessings came And then He said the unthinkable thing, He touched the leper, brought sight to the They could hardly believe their ears when blind, He said Whoever He met was never the same. ‘I am the I Am and can forgive man’s sin’.

His teaching had never been heard before, Enough was enough, they plotted His He spoke as one with authority, death, They listened enrapt to His every word, ‘This blasphemous talk must end’ they He was not like the scribes or the Phari- said, sees. ‘Crucify Him and that is the end’, But He proved them all wrong – and He rose from the dead.

By Megan Carter

13 A place of quiet, to refresh the Spirit, grow in prayer, explore spirituality at St Anne’s, Dropmore Boveney Wood Lane, Littleworth Common,Burnham, SL1 8PF

'Teach us to Pray' A morning to explore how we get into prayer - and persevere. It will include space to pray and opportunity to share Led by: Alison Hassall LLM, Eton, , and Boveney and Wednesday May 24th 10.30a.m. To 1.00p.m.

Please book before May 17th Jo Saunders 01628 663302 [email protected]

Free From: Free For A morning of discussion, stories and creativity, to reflect on freedom to work alongside God in the world. Freedom is a recurring theme in the Bible, the story of God's people. General Synod's recent report “ Setting God's People Free” ex- plored ways forward for lay discipleship and ministry in the Church. We'll ex- plore together what it means to be Free From things that bind us, so we may be Free For partnership with God in the world.

Led by: The Revd Gill Lovell Parish Development Adviser Archdeaconry of Buckingham Thursday June 8th 10a.m. To 1p.m.

Please book before May 31st : Jo Saunders 01628 663302 [email protected]

14 Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement, which invites Christians around the world to pray be- tween Ascension and Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus Christ. What started out as an invitation from the Archbish- ops’ of Canterbury and York in 2016 to the Church of has grown into an international and ecumen- ical call to prayer. The hope is that: • people will commit to pray with God’s world- wide family - as a church, individually or as a family; • churches will hold prayer events, such as 24-7 prayer, prayer stations and prayer walks, across the UK and in other parts of the world; • people will be empowered through prayer by the Holy Spirit, finding new confidence to be witnesses for Jesus Christ.

Prayer events of all shapes and sizes will take place across the 10 days, including 24-7 prayer rooms, prayer days, prayer walks and half nights of prayer. Cathedrals, churches and other venues will host Beacon Events, gathering people across towns and cities to worship and to pray for the empowering of the Holy Spirit for effective witness.

"You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses …to the ends of the earth. When he had said this…he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight…Then they returned to Jerusalem … and were constantly devoting themselves to prayer… When the day of Pentecost had come they were all together in one place... All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit... and that day about three thousand persons were added." Acts 1,2 “In praying 'Thy Kingdom Come' we all commit to playing our part in the renewal of the nations and the transformation of communities." Archbishop Justin Welby

In the Deanery of Burnham and Slough, our Area Dean, the Revd Rod Cosh will be embarking on a Prayer Walk, covering the whole Deanery between 1st June and Pentecost Sunday, 4th June. On Saturday, 3rd June, he begins his day at Hedgerley, then on to St Andrew’s and St Giles, Stoke Poges. He hopes to reach St Mary’s, Wexham at 10.30 am, as we ourselves prepare the Church for Pentecost Sunday. After visiting us, he moves on to Heath and Iver, with his final parish that day to the churches of Langley Marish. You can join him in his walk at any time and it would be especially good to give him a warm welcome to St Mary’s, and some of us to escort him on his way to Iver Heath.

Sue Edwards.

15 Here’s a Saint that I would really have liked to meet. He could have helped me deal with the chaos that usually surrounds me. This article is from the Parish Pump. S.U.E.

9th May: Pachomius - the patron saint of administrators

Have you ever worked for a disorganised organisation? You know the scene: your boss lives in a mild panic, your goals and deadlines keep being changed, your col- leagues whisper darkly in corners, emails contradict each other, meetings lead to more confusion... and you go home each night with a headache.

And so it is that Pachomius should be the patron saint of administrators everywhere. For back in the 4th century, without a computer or even a mobile he managed to run eleven separate monasteries like clockwork.

Pachomius was born into a pagan family in Upper Egypt at the end of the third cen- tury, and as a youth conscripted into the army. On his release in 313 he became two things: a Christian and a hermit (probably craved some peace and quiet!). But Pachomius was no loner, and when other monks gradually sought him out, he did with them what he did best: he organised them. By 320 he had founded his first monastery.

Pachomius seems to have had exceptional powers of administration, no doubt per- fected by his years of disciplined army life. By the time of his death in 346, he pre- sided over nine large monasteries for men and two for woman. Each monastery was divided into houses, according to its craft, such as agriculture, tailoring or baking. Pachomius knew how to delegate: each house had its own leader. He knew how to keep in touch: he held team leaders’ meetings twice a year. Pachomius knew about supply chains: food and drink never ran out. Pachomius knew about marketing: he found buyers for their produce in Alexandria. Pachoimus knew about delivering a vision: a daily pattern of work and prayer and sleep was set in place to make sure that the monks and nuns could devote themselves to God for hours each day in prayer, and in memorising the Psalms and other Bible passages.

Pachomius knew how to help people get things done. No wonder his Rule went on to influence that of Basil and Benedict. Certainly administration is listed by St Paul as a genuine gift of God, and prudence and clear forward planning are highly prized in the Proverbs.

16 TRANSWORLD 2000 LUIGI AUTOCARE UK Worldwide Freight LTD Distribution CAR WASH

Unit 6, Planet Centre Armadale Road Feltham Telephone 01753 574999 Middlesex Uxbridge Road TW14 0LW George Green Telephone 020 3589 8164 Fax 020 3589 8161 SL3 6AT

Crossword Answers ACROSS: 1, Baby. 3, Stimulus. 8, Liar. 9, Forsaken. 11, Episcopacy. 14, Eagles. 15, Clergy. 17, Strengthen. 20, Holiness. 21, Obed. 22, Bethesda. 23, Stay. DOWN: 1, Believer. 2, Beatings. 4, Troops. 5, Musicology. 6, Like. 7, Sent. 10, Acceptance. 12, Prohibit. 13, Dying day. 16, Sensed. 18, Ahab. 19, Blot.

Breakable: There was a very gracious lady who was posting an old family Bible to her brother in another part of the country... ‘Is there anything breakable in here?’ asked the postal clerk.

‘Only the Ten Commandments,’ answered the lady. From the Parish Pump

DEADLINE FOR THE JUNE PARISH MAGAZINE: Material for June Parish Magazine must be with the Editorial Team by 16th May. Magazines will be available from Sunday, 28th May.

The PCC and the editorial team reserves the right to edit and shorten submitted material. Advertisers in the magazine are not necessarily known to the editorial team and the appearance of an advert does not carry an implied endorsement.

17 WEXHAM POST OFFICE & GENERAL STORES (Now with an off licence) Tel: 01753 526284

Wexham Road, SL2 4HE Near the Hospital Roundabout

Groceries, Bread, Milk, and Alcohol.

Opening Hours:

Monday - Friday 9.00 am – 8.00pm Saturday - 9.00 am—6.00 pm Sunday - 10.00 am—4.00 pm