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[email protected] – Registered by Australia Post – Publication No. VA 1548 established 1895 LEADER NumurkahWEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 2020 $1.30 INSIDE Our top citizen See story page 3 Numurkah’s newest Aussies ...Teruko Smith, Srisoi Praphasiri, Runsip Morris, Amy Paisley, Glen Gamble, Edith Gamble and William Gamble were all excited to take the pledge of citizenship. See story page 6. New Aussies add Community generosity strength to Moira Shire See story page 5 Cause of water issues a mystery NUMURKAH and Wunghnu residents have ly, one reason for the delay in fresh smelling and in the next week - people will experience the ef- had two very simple questions about their water tasting water coming out of local taps is the recent fects of the treatment we’ve been doing here. the past couple of weeks - what is causing it to rain. As for question number one, despite extensive smell and taste funny, and when will it go back to “When people turn on the tap in Numurkah analysis of the water at the storage and treatment normal? or Wunghnu, the water comes from the stor- plant, there is no way to be completely sure about To answer the second question first, hopeful- age tanks and towers in those places, which is what caused the issue. ly, by the time you are reading this the taste and pumped from the storage facility for bulk use by GVW manager of water quality Mark Putman smell of our water should be back to normal.