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5-14-1987 University of New Mexico Board of Regents Minutes for May 14, 1987 University of New Mexico Board of Regents

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May 14, 1987

The Regents of the University met at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, May 14, 1987 in the Roberts Room, Scholes Hall. Affidavits concerning the public notice of this meeting are on file in the Office of the Secretary of the University.

Present: Ken Johns, President Robert L. Sanchez, Vice President John D. Paez, Secretary and Treasurer Jerry Apodaca Frank Borman Siegfried Hecker Colleen Maloof Mark Hartman, President, ASUNM, Advisor Karla Bramer, President, Alumni Association, Advisor • Jack Omdahl; President, Faculty Senate, Advisor Absent: David Longley, President, GSA, Advisor

Also Present: Gerald May, President of the University Joel Jones, Vice President for Administration and Planning Chris Garcia, Vice President for Acade~ic Affairs Carroll Lee, Assoc. vice President for Business/Comptroller Jim Wiegmann, Budget Director Anne J. Brown, Secretary of the University Richard Holder, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs Paul VassallQ, Associate Vice President for CSIS Alan Prickett, Real Estate Director Nick Estes, University Counsel Mary Anne Isaac, Director, Public Affairs Representatives from the News'Media

Also in attendance to make presentations to the Regents: William Johnson, Administrator, UNM Hospital/BCMC; and Ted Parnall, Dean, School of Law. ) • ****** 254

It was moved by Regent Apodaca, Adoption of the Agenda· • seconded by Regent Sanchez, that the Regents adopt the agenda as printed with the following changes: (1) add Item II (a)--Resolution concerning President May and (2) a closed meeting immediately following the regular session to discuss litigation. The agenda was approved as amended.

***** *

It was moved by Mr. Sanchez, Minutes of April 14, 1987 seconded by Mrs. Maloof, that the Regents approve the minutes of April 14, 1987 as distributed. Carried.

* ** ***

Regent Jerry Apodaca read Resolution Concerning President May the following resolution:

After serious consideration, the Board of Regents has decided to amend the present contract between President May and the University to eliminate its expiration date of June 30, 1988, to provide instead that President May will serve indefinitely at the pleasure of the Board.

Through such action, the Board agrees, however, that any termination of the President will require a formal one-year • prior notice. President May will also be required to give the Board a one-year notice. if he intends to leave his position. Additional contract amendments relating to the terms of President May's employment --.wages, benefits, etc. ~- are·to be negotiated by the president of the Board of Regents and President May and ultimately approved by the full Board.

In approving this resolution, the Regents forego any search to fill the permanent position of president. We believe that the University continues to have a paramount need for stability in its administration and that such stability would be threatened by conducting a national search. President May has done an exceptional job leading the Univers~ty during the past year. After consulting with faculty, administrators, students, alumni and the community at large, the Regents are of the opinion that a search at this time would not serve the interests of the University.

The Board compliments President May for bringing stability and leadership to the University and hopes that this action today provides him the additional support he needs to lead the University of New Mexico to greatness. •

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Mr. Apodaca moved that the Regents adopt the resolution and the motion, seconded·byDr.~Paez, carried unanimously. • Each of the Regents and the adv~sors commended President May for his leadership during the past year, the dignity he has brought to the office of the president, and the stability and direction he has brought to the University.


President May thanked the Board Administrative Report of Regents for their support and said that he believes the institution is in a stronger position now than at this time last year and he is looking forward to working with the Board in helping set the direction for the University.

President May announced the appointment of three new deans: Estelle Rosenblum as Dean of the College of Nursing: Robert Migneault as Dean of Library Services: and Raymond Radosevich as Dean of the School of Management. Each of the deans was present and was introduced to the audience. President May said that in each case an extensive national search had been conducted and it was found that the best person for the institution at this time was here on our faculty •

Regarding other searches, the President said that a final list of candidates for the pOsition of Vice President for Finance will be presented soon, and -the··; search- for Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences is still • underway. He also said that he would have a recommendation regarding the position of Vice President for Student Affairs to present to the Board at a later date.

The University budget will be presented to the Regents in June, and President May stated that the 2% which was cut from the budget last year had been restored and will be put into faculty and staff compensation. There will be some restoration of a portion of the cuts in the academic area. Some staff positions are not being filled and some staff are being reassigned.

The administration is proceeding to refinance bonds to take advantage of lower interest rates. Recommendations will be made to the Finance and Facilities Committee and then to ~he Board in June.

Laura Kessel, Women's Volleyball Coach, has been asked to play on the team to represent the in the 1988 Olympics. He also mentioned two persons who are retiring at the end of this fiscal year -- Van Dorn Hooker and John Bridgers. He said that the University owes a debt of gratitude to Mr. Hooker for the esthetics of our campus. Through his devotion to quality he has helped set the tone of our beautiful campus. John Bridgers has also served this •

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institution well for eight years g1v1ng us an excellent athletic program, one • that is now ready to be taken over by Dr. Koenig. He commended both Mr. Hooker and Mr. Bridgers for their service to the University•

J '! .. .,. **** *.'*

Upon recommendation by the Candidates for Degrees, Semester II, various schools and colleges and 1986-87 the Faculty Senate, it was moved by Mrs. Maloof, seconded by Dr. Paez, that the Regents approve the candidates for degrees, Semester II, 1986-87. Carried. (Note: The entire list of degree candidates for summer sesssion 1986, Semester I and Semester II, 1986-87 is included with these minutes.)


Regent Johns said that the Site for Casa Esperanza Regents had approved the concept for Casa Esperanza at the meeting of December 8, 1986, and since then it has been evident that there was lack of communication with the neighborhood about the proposed construction. He stated that the Regents have carefully considered both sides of the issue and they as the ultimate authority must decide what is the right thing to do and what is the University's long range plan in regard • to open space.

Regent Robert Sanchez, Chairman of the Finance and Facilities Committee, moved that the Regents approve the following resolution:

"The members of the Finance and Facilities Committee of the Board of Regents recommend approval of the site on the north golf course area for Casa Esperanza because they believe that it is a facility which supports the health care mission of the University of New Mexico. If approved it will be located on a small site that is unsuitable for more intense development and directly between two other health care facilities, the Chil­ dren's Psychiatric Hospital and the Family Support Residence. The design will be compact and integrated as well as possible with the adjacent facilities and all three will make low density use of that land consistent with the area master plans of 1977 and 1982. If this site is approved, the Finance and Facilities Committee recommends that the Board reaffirm that the land north of Tucker Avenue is a valuable and irreplaceable source that must be protected and preserved as long as pos­ sible. However, in the event of it being developed, it must be done prudently and in support of the University's overall •

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mission. It is further recommended that no future development will take place until the comprehensive master plan has been updated and approved by the full Board of Regents. The • formulation of this plan will include active input from neigh­ borhood groups and will balance the needs of the comprehensive responsibilities of UNM to all citizens of New Mexico and its responsibilities for the welfare of the local community. It is with these stipulations that the Committee recommends approval of the site to the Board."

The motion was seconded by Regent Hecker.

Regent Apodaca said that he supported the project when it was brought before the Regents in December and he continues to support it. However, he stated that it was unfortunate that the neighborhood was not sufficiently involved in the process. The Board recognizes the need for Casa Esperanza and is also concerned about the inability of the University as an institution to communicate well with our constituencies~ It would be wrong for the Univer­ sity to state that there will never be development on the north golf course, however, he said that he believes the University has a obligation to make sure that representative groups are involved in the planning process.

i 1. ~ . 't '. - . Regent Paez said that for him personally this was one of the most agonizing decisions he has had to make, because he understands both sides of the issue, and he empathizes with both groups •

Regent Maloof read the following statement: "The issue of Casa Esperanza has been a very emotional one for me and I have been personally torn. My • family and I have always been users of and believers in open space, however, I am also filled with compassion for New Mexico families who suffer the heart­ break of cancer. I believe statistics show that one out of four families have been affected in some way by the dreaded disease. I think we are faced on one side with an incalculably valuable recreational open space and on the other side families who face the fear of cancer and despair. Th~ choice to me is the quality of human life versus human life itself. I feel compelled to vote for a facility which will make possible a close and affordable facility for families of cancer victims."

Mark Hartman, President of ASUNM, said that the Student Senate passed a resolution which stated that the students supported the project itself, but felt strongly that the University also has a responsibility to communicate effectively with the community. He recommended that the vote be delayed until the Regents could consider other alternatives for the site of Casa Esperanza.

Jack Omdahl, President of the Faculty Senate, said that. the Senate also discussed the issue, not from the sense of debating Casa Esperanza because that was done ,by the Campus Planning Committee, but expressing strong concern that future planning procedure shall include consultation with the local community. . .

The following resolution was approved by the Faculty Senate on May 12, •• 1987:

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Be it resolved by the Faculty Senate of the University of New Mexico, THAT: • WHEREAS land in the North GolfiCourse Area, which includes the land north of Tucker between Stanford on the east and the north diversion channel on the west, is a valuable and irreplaceable legacy, and

WHEREAS that land is of recreational and aesthetic importance to the university and the surrounding community,

Therefore be it RESOLVED that the Faculty Senate of the University of New'Mexico opposes all proposals to provide building sites on this land to non-university organizations of any kind.

Be it further RESOLVED that the Faculty Senate calls upon the Administration and Regents to respect House Memorial 13 of February 27, 1987 requesting the University of New Mexico "to cooperate and consult with the local community prior to developing or changing the area commonly known as the North Golf Course."

Mr. Johns said that the Finance and Facilities Committee has recommended that a member of a neighborhood group be made a permanent member of the Campus • Planning Committee. He also stated that in planning for future space use, the relocation of buildings can be considered, and that it is the intent of the University to keep open space as long as possible. He then read into the record the following statement which is a compromise position for some of the groups opposing construction on the north golf course and suggested wording for the resolution just presented by Regent Sanchez:

'Be_ it Resolved by: the Regents of the University of New Mexico that

No further building shall take place on the North Campus of UNM, including the lands of and surrounding the North Golf Course until a master plan is developed and approved by the Board; and that

The master planning process should begin at once and involve the various resources of the University including faculty from Architecture, Public Administration and other departments whose specialized knowledge and training "'ill assist in deter­ mining land use compatible with community needs, and that

The UNM Campus Planning Committee should include neighborhood representatives;

Therefore, the President is directed at once to identify possible neighborhood representatives and see that their appointment is made as soon as possible, and that recommen­ dations be made within the next 30 days to the Board for • possible composition of a master planning group which shall be appointed by the Board within 45 days. -6- Regent Johns reiterated that it was the intent of the Board to move as quickly as possible to reorganize the Campus Planning Committee to include more representation from more pUblics and the University will plead guilty for • lack of communication as far as this issue is concerned. After the discussion, the resolution, read by Regent Sanchez, was approved unanimously.

*** ** *

Regent Robert Sanchez rep6rted Selection of Architect for UNM Hospital on behalf of the Finance and Facil­ Ambulatory Care Facility ities Committee that the UNM Hospi­ tal is in the process of planning for the construction of an Ambulatory Care Center which will cost approximately $12-15 million. The Hospital followed the procedures in the State Procurement Code and Purchasing Act regarding selection of an architecture firm to design the Ambulatory Care Center. A request for proposal rather than the sealed bid process was the mechanism selected which will allow more latitude to negotiate with firms that responded. A total of eleven firms responded and after a thorough evaluation, the proposals were reduced to a prioritized list of five as follows: (1) Dean, Hunt, Kruger and Associates; (2) Stevens, Mallory, Pearl, and Campbell; (3) Flatow, Moore, Bryand, Shaffer and McCabe; (4) W. C. Kruger and Associates; and (5) Brown, Burton and Partners. He asked the Regerits to approve the list as presented and noted that the Hospital Administration will negotiate with the five firms in the order presented for an acceptable fee. • The Regents approved the prioritized list of architectural firms as requested.


Regent Sanchez on behalf of UNM Hospital/BCMC Budget Revisions for Finance and Facilities recommended 1986-87 that the Regents approve the 1986-87 budget revisions for the UNM Hospital/BCMC as presented in the agenda. He explained that the significant increase in patient care activity of' the UNr'i Hospital has resulted in an over budget condition for Fy'87. The increase is substantiated by an increase in clinic visits of 17%, emergency room visits of 4%, patient day increase of 3% and increase in discharges of 2%. A major Ob/Gyn contract with the Indian Health Service was initiated in January 1987 and has had significant impact on the hospital. The increase in workload and expenses is accompanied by a corresponding increase in revenue.

The Regents approved the budget revisions as requested • • -7- 260

ORIGINAL REVISED BUDGET BUDGET 19~7 REVISION 1987 ------~----~I------I------~-----I

PATIENT SERVICE REVENUES $111,766,677 $12,233,323 $124,000,000 •

DISCOUNT AND ALLOWANCES ($55,883,339)· ($5,516,661) ($61,400,000)

NET PATIENT REVENUES $55,883,338 $ 6', 7 16 , 662 $62,600,000

OTHER OPERATING REVENUES $4,051,060 $448,940 $4,500,000

TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES $59,934,398 $7,165,602 $67,100,000

OPERATING EXPENSES $67,372,434 $4,227,566 $71,600,000

NET OPERATING LOSS ($7,438,036) $2,938,036 ($4,500,000)

COUNTY TAX SUBSIDY $8,500,000 $0 $8,500,000

REVENUES OVER EXPENSES $1,061,964 $2,938,036 $4,000,000 ======

, "':. : .~ :f; ,. * .* ****

Regent Sanchez noted that the Main Campus Budget Revisions for 1986-87 budget revisions for the main campus • for 1986-87 had been reviewed by the Finance and Facilities Committee and the Committee recommended that the Regents approve the revisions as presented in the agenda.

Regent Siegfried Hecker suggested that the reV1S1ons would be easier to understand if they were presented in a more concise manner, and Budget Director Jim Wiegmann said that he would try to accommodate the request.

The. Regents approved the budget revisions as requested.

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----~.. _--.-- .. ,




UNRESTRICTED INSTRUCTION & GENERAL REVENUES: $102,318,907 $780,000 $103,098,907 EXPENSES: $93,545,007 ($765,000) $92, 78t), 007 TRANSFERS TO (FROM): ($8,773~900) ($1,545,000) ($10,318~900) NET BALANCE CHANGE: $0 $0 $0

Rf;:VEi'JUES I r·JCF:EASED 680,000 FOr: RENTALS ~ 100,000 FOR OVERHEAD EXPENSES DECREASED BECAUSE OF UTILITY COST SAVINGS TRANSFERS INCREASED TO CAPITAL OUTLAY FOR UTILITY SAVINGS & REVENUE INCREASES TRANSFERS INCREASED TO RESEARCH 300,000 & DECREASED TO PUBLIC SERVICE 200~000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ui'·!F:ESTF: I CTED ;:·'.!;:::L IC SER\) I CE $8:, <)23:, :.i)(> S8,(>23,300 E >: F'Er'JSES: ~9, 773, :'::·00 %300,000 $ 1 (> ~ 073 , :::;. (ll) TRANSFERS TO (FROM): 't1,350,qOO (~200,OOO) $1,150,000 • NET BALANCE CHANGE: ($400,000) ('!'500~ 0(0) ($900,000)


UNRESTF:, I CTED AUXILIARIES F:EVEr'·JUES: $21 ~ 255:, 2(>5 $21,255,205 EXPENSES: $20~200,000 $20,200,000 TRANSFERS TO (FROM): ($1,289,640) ($500,000) ($1,789,640) NET BALANCE CHANGE: (:;;23J~,435) ($500,000) ($734,435)

TRAr~SFERS INCREASED TO PLANT FUNDS MAINLY FOR HOUSING/DINING HALLS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ui.JRESTr:: I CTED RESEARCH REVENUES: $432,248 $432~248 EXPENSES: $3,200,000 $100,000 ~,3, 300, 000 TRANSFERS TO (FROM): $2,150,000 $300,000 $2~450,OOO NET BALANCE CHANGE: ($617~752) $200~OOO ($417,752)

EXPENSES INCREASED FOR OVERHEAD ALLOCATION TRANSFER R;:,r-lSFEF:S I NCF:EASED FF:OM I ~J.G .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ •


UNRESTRICTED MINOR/MAJOR CAPITAL OUTLAY REVENUES: $8,476,022 $S3,476,022 ~XPENSES: $28,050,117 $28,050,117· TRANSFERS TO (FROM): $6,454,841 $1,945,000 $8,399,841 NET BALANCE CHANGE: ($13,119,254) $1,945,000 ($11 , 174, 254) .


Uh!i:':ESTR I CTED ATHLETICS RE\)ENUES: $5,845,130 $50,000 $5,895,130 EXF'ENSES: $5,685,130· $50,000 $5,735,130 TRANSFERS TO (FROt-l): $0 $0 $0 NET BALANCE CHANGE: S160,OOO $160,000



REVENUES: $6,500,000 $1,000,000 $7,500,000 EXF'ENSES: $6,500,000 $1,000,000 $7,500,000 m;:VEI,jU:::S ~( EXFEN:::.ES INCREASED FOR LAF'E CDr-JTRACT


REVENUES: $10,108,000 $1,500,000 . $11,608,000 EXFENSES: $10,108,000 $1,500,000 $11,608,000

****** -10- -:. ~ .. ~.. 263

Regent Sanchez said that the Lease Amendment for State Bar Building original Lease Agreement between U~1 and the State Bar Foundation concerning the State Bar Building specified that the building be jointly financed and used by the Bar and the Law School. A • jointly-financed addition was built in 1981 and the original lease does not reflect allocation of space in the building. The proposed Amendment to the Lease Agreement accurately reflects the space which the Bar Association has paid for. The Finance and Facilities Committee recommends that the Board approve the Lease Amendment as printed in the agenda.

The Regents approved the Lease Amendment as requested.


As recommended by the Finance PNM Easement for Crystal Growth Facility and Facilities Committee, the Regents approved granting an underground powerline easement to PNM. The easement is required in order to service the UNM Crystal Growth Laboratory, which is being constructed on a site immediately north of the Albuquerque Sports Stadium.

*** ** *

State law requires that the Disposition of Surplus Property governing board approve any disposi- tion of surplus property and also requires that official minutes of such actions be maintained. Regent Sanchez said that the Finance and Facilities • Committee recommends that the Regents approve the disposition of surplus property as listed in the agenda and stated that the disposition will be made by public sale.

The Regents approved the disposition of surplus property as listed in the agenda.


-11­ ~ ! 264

Regent Siegfried Hecker, Chair­ Contracts, Leaves, Resignations man of the Academic Affairs Commit­ and Retirements tee, said that the Committee had reviewed the contracts, leaves, resignations, and retirements listed in the agenda and he recommended that the Regents approve the list as presented. • The Regents approved the list as requested.

RECOHNENDATION: That the Regents approve the following leaves:

Wilkins, Ebtisam, Professor of Chemical & Nuclear Engineering; at UNM Slnce 1978; previously on sabbatical 1985-87 academic year; requests:

Leave Without Pay 1987-88 Academic Year to accept fellowship from the Applied Physics Lab at Johns Hopkins to work on biocompatibility and biomaterials problems; to accept a Fulbright Fellowship for research 1n Egypt; and for personal reasons. (At agenda preparation time, this request had received all but presidential approval.)

Fowler, Kathryne, Assistant Professor of Music; at UNM since 1983; no previous leave; requests:

Leave Without Pay 1987-88 Academic Year to live in New York City pursu1ng further study of vocal technique; take advantage of performance opportunities and continue work on translation of the Mozart auf dem Theater.

Desiderio, Robert J., Professor of Law; at UNM Slnce 1967; previously on sabbatical 1978-79 Semester I; requests: • Leave Without Pay 1987-88 Academic Year to reorganize the tax law department of the Rodey, Dickason, Sloan, Akin ~ Robb law firm.

Her~andez, Bertha, Associate Professor of Law; at UNM since 1983; no preV10US leave; requests:

Leave Without Pay 1987-88 Academic Year to practice International Trade Law with the New York law firm of Milgrim, Thomajon & Lee. The Code 4 year will be postponed. (At agenda preparation time, this request had received all but presidential approval.)

Johnson, Karl E., Associate Professor of Law; at UNM Slnce 1981; no prev10us leave; requests:

Leave Without Pay 1987-88 Academic Year to complete a book on Federal Indian Law and Policy. (At agenda preparation time, this request had received all but presidential approval.)

Romero, Leo M., Professor of Law; at UNM since 1972; previously on sabbatical 1979-80 Semest~r I; requests:

Leave Without Pay 1987-88 Academic Year to serve as a visiting professor of law at the George University School of Law. ------•

-12------...... -...... --,- - ...... ~. '265 ~------

Taylor, Scott A., Associate Professor of Law; at UNM since 1982; currently on LWOP 1986-87 Academic Year; requests:

Leave Without Pay 1987-88 Academic Year to accept a one-year ~r~fessoi-in-Residence position with the Office of Chief Coun~el, Internal Revenue Service, in Washington, D. C.

The following contracts, resignations, retirements' and temporary part-time appointments have been processed and are presented here for your information.


App t COl' t rac t St.Date Name Title & Dept. Code* FIE 1-10 s. Salary

A. New Faculty and Administrators 1986-87

3/23/87 Dyer, Carl G. Visiting Prof of V 075 8wks 3,000 Arch & Planning (PT) (100 9 14,625)

4/29/87 Almagro, Enrique Business t-lanager, 100 12 34,316 (Staff Appt.) Latin American Programs 1n Education

B. Revised Contracts 1986-87

8/18/36 Bustamante, Carlos Associate Prof of T,N* 100 9 33,800 Chemistry; Assistant Prof of Pathology* (PT) • Revised to add secondary title effective Semester II. 8/18/86 Chiovetti, Robert Assistant Prof of 4,N* 100 9 24,700 Biology; Assistant Prof of Anatomy';" (PT) Revised to add secondary academic appointment.

8/18/86 Lazorik, Wayne R. Acting Chairman of T 100 9 34,344 the Dept of Art & Art History; (SAC 564) Associate Prof of Art & Art History Revised to add SAC for duties as Acting Chair beginning 3/1/87.

8/18/86 Papenfuss, Richard Prof of Health Educ; T 100 9 34,730 Coord of Health Programs, HPER Revised to show equity adjustment increase of $1,250.

*The codes used in this column are: 1 to 6=Term appointment with specific year designated; V=Visiting or Temporary; P=Probationary; T=Tenured; • N=Non-probationary . -13- ·---_.._--- 8/18/86 Smith, Deborah Chairperson of the T 100 9 39,500 Dept of Special Edue; Prof of Special Educ Revised to show equity adjustment increase of t2,000. C. New Faculty and Administrators 1987~88 • 8/17/87 Boone, James L. Assistant Prof of 2 100 9 25,000 Anthropology Education: BA Univ of -Austin 1972; MA SUNY 1977~ PhD SUNY 1980. Professional Experience: Visiting Asst Prof, New Mexico State Univ 1982~83:Publications: author or co-author of 5 articles.

8/17/87 Leonard, RobertO. Assistant Prof of 1 100 9 23,000 Anthropology Ed uc a t ion: BA Un i v 0 f Nor the r n 1977; ~IA Univ of Washington 1983; PhD Univ-of Wash~ngton 1986. 8/17/87 Long, Jeffrey C. Assistant Prof of 2 100 9 25,000 Anthropology Education: BA Univ of Calif 1976; M Arizona ·State Univ 1979; PhD Univ of Michigan 1984. Professional Experience: Assistant Prof, Hunter College. Publications: author or co-author of 6 articles in professional journals, 6 abstracts.

3/17/87 Brown, James H. Professor of Biology T 100 9 40,000 Education: BA Cornell Univ 1963; PhD Univ of Michigan 1967. Professional Experience: Asst Prof, Univ of Calif 1968-71; Assoc Prof, Univ of Calif 1972-75; Assoc Prof, Univ of Arizona 1975-79; Professor, Univ of Arizona 1979-87. Publications: author or co-author of 56 articles in profes s iona 1 j ourna 1s, 1 book and 5 book rev iews. •

8/17/87 Kodric-Brown, Associate Prof T 100 9; 22,400 Astrid of Biology Edutation: BA D'Youvi11e College, Buffalo, NY 1962; MS Univ of Michigan 1964; PhD Univ of Southern Calif 1975. Professional Experience: Asst Prof (PT), Univ of Arizona 1975-83; Asst Prof (FT), Univ of Arizona 1983~87. Publications: author or co-author of 15 articles in professional journals.

8/17/87 Bohara, Alok K. Assistant Prof of 1 100 9 32,000 Economics Education: BA T~ichandra Campus, Nepal 1975; MS Tribhuvan Univ, Nepal 1979; MA Univ of Colorado 1985; PhD Univ of Colorado 1986. Professional Experience: Instructor, Univ of Colorado 1986 (Summer); Visiting faculty, Univ of Colorado 1986~87. Publications: author or co-author of 6 articles in professional journals.

8/17/87 Scharnhorst, Gary A~sociate Prof of T 100 933,000 'Eng 1ish Education: BA Anderson College 1971; rIA Ball State Univ 1973; PhD Purdue Univ 1978. Professional Experience: Instructor, Portland Community College 1977-78; Asst Prof, Warner Pacific College 1976-78; Lecturer, Stuttgart Univ 1978-79; Asst Prof, Univ of Texas 1979-84; Assoc Prof, Univ of Texas 1984-85; Lecturer, Heidelberg Univ 1985-86; Associate Dean & Assoc Prof, Univ of Texas 1986-87. Publications: author or co-author of 5 books, 11 articles and 9 papers . ._._----_._--~--~I.-

-14- " : ~. 267

8/17/87 Taber, John A. Assistant Prof of 4 100 9 25,000 Ph i losophy Education: BA UniV of 1971; MA Univ of Kansas 1973; PhD •• Universi~at Hamburg 1979 in Indology and 1983 in Linguistics. Professional Experience: Asst Prof, Case Western Reserve Univ 1982-87. Publications: author' or co-author of 1 book, 6 articles and 7 reviews.

8/17/87 Sargent, Rose-Mary Lecturer 11* in N 100 9 20,000 Philosophy *Upon completion of all requirements for doctorate, salary will be $22,000, title will be Assistant Professor', and Tenure Code will be "1". Education: BA Merrimack College 1983; MA Univ of'Notre Dame 1986; PhD can'd idate, Un i v of Notre Dame.

8/17/87 Gangestad, Steven Assistant Prof 1 100 9 25,500, of Psychology Education: BA Stanford Univ 1978; PhD Univ of 1986. Publications: author or co-author of 9 articles in professional journals.

8/17/87 Evans, Peter B. Professor of T 100 9 55,000 Sociology (Latin American Studies) Education: BA Harvard College 1966; MA Harvard Univ 1968; PhD Harvard Univ 1971. Professional Experience: Asst Prof, Brown Univ 1970-77; Visiting Scholar, UNH 1978-79; Assoc Prof, Brown Univ 1977-83; Professor, Brown Univ 1983-87. Publications: author of co-author of 5 books and monographs, 31 articles and book chapters, and 13 book reV1ews.

8/1/87 Thompson, James E. Dean of the College T 100 11 77,917 " • of Engineering; Professor of (12 85,000) Electrical & Camp Engr (SAC 6,000) Education: BS Texas Tech Univ 1968; MS Texai Tech Univ 1970; PhD Texas Tech Univ 1974. Professional Experience: Asst Prof, Univ of South Carolina 1976-79; Assoc Prof, Univ of South Carolina 1979-80; Graduate Director. Univ of South Carolina 1979-83; Tamper Chair Professor, Univ of South Carolina 1980-83; Professor and Chairman, Univ of Texas 1983-87. Publications: author or cci-author of 22 articles in professional journals, 22 articles published in conference proceedings and 21 technical reports.

8/17/87 Thompson, Judith K. Lecturer 11* 1n N 100 9 43,500 Management *1f all requirements for doctorate are completed before August 17, 1987, title will be Assistant Professor and Tenure Code will be "1". Education: BA Univ of Calif, Davis 1973; MBA Univ of Calif, Berkeley 1982; PhD candidate, Univ of Calif, Berkeley.

8/17/87 Togo, Dennis F. Assistant Prof of 1 100 9 46,000 Management Education: BS Brigham Young Univ 1975; MA Brigham Young Univ 1976; PhD • Arizona State Univ 1936 . -15------~----~ '-;-.------'.','.,.,' 8/17/87 Tripp, Robert S. Associate Prof of P 100 ~~~ 46,000 Management .:.:.. Education: BS Michigan Technological Univ 1966; r-IS Michigan Tech Univ • 1967; PhD Univ of Minnesota 1972. Professional Experience: Between 1972-76, Instructor, Asst Prof, AssocProf, Air Force Institute of Technology; 1976-87 Program Manager/Director, Air Force Logistics Command. Publications: author or co-author of over 50 published professional and scholarly articles.


Name Title & Dept. Effective Date

Brown, Henry T. Lecturer in Business 05/31/87 Technology, Gallup Br

Hoselton, Douglas , Women's 03/31/87 Basketball

Jones, Gordon L. Instructor in Computer Science, 05/16/87 Valencia Br

Jones, Karla Ann Teen Instr IV in Bus Tech; 05/16/87 Chair of the Dept of Occup Educ, Valencia Br

Kempf, Jody L. Instructor in Librarianship 05/31/87

Krone, Kathleen Jo Asst-Prof of Speech 03/24/87 Communications Morgan, Clifford o. Assistant Professor of 03/23/87 • Counselor Education

West, Donald- A. Associate Prof of Psychiatry; 04/30/87 Associate Prof of FC&EM


Name Title & Dept. Effective Date

Ackerman, Margaret M. Library Information Spec II, 06/30/87 General Library

Albrecht, Bohumil Professor of Mechanical Engr 07/31/87

Bliss, Carman Professor of Pharmacy 06/30/87

Bradshaw, Martin D. Professor of Electrical & 06/30/87 Computer Engineering

Bridgers,' John D. Director of Athletics, 06/30/87 Intercollegiate Athletics

Cerny, Olga Staff Secretary, Music Dept. 06/30/87 ------"'------• -16- 269

Chavez, Eutimio, Jr. Custodian Special, 06/30/87 \ '-'--_ . PPD-Custodial Day & Training . ' Christie, James H. Director, Dept. of Radiology; 06/30/87 Professor of Radiology

Dickey, Eo Ann Copy Service Supervisor, 06/30/87 Duplication Facility-SaM , Edwards, W. Sterling Chairman, Dept. of Surgery 06/30/87

Eilstein, Helena Associate Prof of Philosophy 06/30/87

Garcia, Trinnie Custodian, PPD-Medical 06/30/87 Custodial II

Gay, Ilse J. Director of Counseling 06/30/87 Assistance & Referral Service

,Gordon, Robert M. Manager of Technical Planning, 06/30/87 KNHE-TV

Hooker, Van Dorn- University Architect 06/30/87

Jaramillo, Mari-Luci Vice President for 06/30/87 Student Affairs

Kirkwood, Billy M. Computer Technician IV, 07/31/87 Computing Center

Lopez, Fred Automotive Mechanic, 06/30/87 • PPD-Automotive Martin, Catherine L. Administrative Asst, 06/30/87 Dept. of English

McGuire, Richard Golf Course Director 06/30/87

Micali, Robert Professor of Counselor Educ 07/01/87

Michael, Betty A. Library Tech Asst I, 06/30/87 General Library

Montoya, Mauricio Manager of Custodians, 06/30/87 Physical Plant (REVISED)

Munn, Robert J. Lead-Crafts, Physical Plant 06/30/87

Remley, David A. Associate Prof of American 07/31/87 Studies

Romero, Heda Clerical Specialist II, 06/30/87 Housing Deans Personnel

Schmidt, Robert J. Assoc Dir, Univ Architecture 06/30/87 • Off ic e

-17- 270

07/31/87 06/30/87 • Abernethey, Perry C. Adj Instr 1n Public Admin Sem II 2,000

Amos, Christopher Adj Asst Professor of Sem II 2,100 Chemical/Nuclear Engr

Armijo, Rosa M. Adj Lect in Business Tech, Sem II 1,500 Valencia County Br

Baca, Jimmy Res Ext Instr, English Sem II 1,200

Begay, Monica Adj Lect in Welding Tech, Sem II 2,160 Gallup Br

Berry, Larry Adj Lect, Diesel Elect Tech, Sem II 1,080 Gallup Br

Boone, Daniel C. Asst Professor of Psychology Sem II 2,100

Borch, Niefs R. Adj Lect in Mechanical- Eng~r Sem II 555 Los Alamos Br

Bridgford, Margaret Instr 1n Counselor Educ Sem II 1,500

Buican, Ilenna C. Adj Lect in English, Sem II 1,665 Los Alamos Br • Case, Glen Adj Professor of EECE Sem II 2,625

Cohen, Ronnie S. Adj Professor of Pu b 1ic Sem II 1,900 Admin, SFGC

Cole, Nancy Adj Lec t in CIMTE, Sem II 593 Valencia Br

Connell, Leonard Adj Instr 1n 1"lechanic a 1 Engr Sem II 2,100

Corona, Eddie Asst Lect 1n CI:1TE, Sem II 55 Valencia Br

Dallago, David R. Adj Lect 1n Business Tech, Sem II 1,005 Gallup Br

Davis, Ralph V. Adj Lec t, Tribal Enterprise, Sem II 1,005 Gallup Br

Demmie, Pau 1 Leet III. in Math/Stat Sem II 1,650

Doorn, James A. Instr in TOE Sem II 1,000 --...,.------

-18- 271

------_.- ----~------_._------Drake, Elroy Adj Lect, Tribal Enterprise, Sem II 930 Gallup Br

Duus, Gloria A. Adj Lect, Tribal Enterprise, Sem II 1,005 Gallup Br

Dyke, Cynthia Adj Lect in Chemical Tech, Sem II 518 Los Alamos Br

Eccleston, George W. Adj Lect in Computer Sci, Sem II 1,110 Los Alamos Br

Flanagan, Dennis Adj Professor in Mech Engr Sem II 2,100

Fortney, Sherry L. Adj Lect in Mathmatics, Sem II 930 Gallup Br

Gage, Leslie W. Instr in Business Tech, Sem II 1,800 General College

Gerald, Steven Adj Lect in Business Tech, Sem II 833 Los Alamos Br

Giah i, Hos sb in Lect II in Math/Stat Sem II 5,175

Gibbs, William S. Adj Lect in Mechanical Tech, Sem II 416 Los Alamos Br

Hays, Ginna G. Asst Instr ~n Dental Progs. Sem II 1,596 • Heine, Jill C. Lect II in Soc iology Sem II 1,900 Hulme, Phyllis S. Lect I ~n Math/Stat Sem II 1,725

Jack, Bruce A. Adj Instr in Dental Progs Sem II 1,800

Jayne, JoAnn B. Adj Lect, Tribal Enterprise, Sem II 1,155 Gallup Br

Johnson, Judith R. Adj Lect in History, Sem II 1,350 Valencia County Br

Kestenbaum, M. Robert Lect II in Law Sem II 1,000

Kyle, Virginia M. Adj Lect in Business Tech, Sem II 1,665 Los Alamos Br

Lautenschlager, Karl Adj Lect in Political Sci, Sem II 1,800 ~os Alamos Grad Center

Lin~ Chen-Shiang D. Adj Lect in Mathematics, Sem II 2,345 Gallup Br

Lujan, . Carol Leet III in Sociology Sem II 2,100

-19- 272 ----.,.,..------~~---,-,....--,-,....~-~-- Marts, Donald L. Adj Lect in Mechanical Tech, Sem II 417 Los Alamos Br

Mayhall, William F. Instr ~n Counselor Educ Sem II 1,500 •

McDowell, Phyllis Instr ~n Special Educ Sem II 600

Mo~toya, Dianna R. Asst Instr ~n Dental Progs Sem II 1,050

Moore, Leslie M. Adj Lect in Management, Sem II 2,220 Los Alamos Br

Ortega, Alfonso Adj Professor of Mech Engr Sem II 2,100

Palmer, Ragena Res Ext Instr, Business Sem II 2,000

Paquette, Roland J. Lect ~n Management . Sem II 2,000

Peacock, Deborah Lect II in Law Sem II 1,000

Peterson, Donald Adj Professor of Mech Engr Sem II none

Picraus, Danice R. Lect III ~n Political Sci Sem II 1,800

Prendergast, Robert Adj Lect in Computer Sci, Sem II 800 Valencia County Br

Rampley, Shanna A. Leet ~n Management Sem II 2,000

Ranney, Edward R. Lect II in Art/Art History Sem II 3,000 Reynolds, Dolly C. Asst Lect ~n CIMTE, Sem II 593 • Valencia Br

Rubin, Rita R. Ext Instr, CIMTE Sem II 930

Sadler, Collin P. Adj Lect in Mechanical Tech, Sem II 486 Los Alamos Br

Salazar, Timothy L. Adj Instr in Public Admin Sem II 2,000

Salcido, Paul Adj Lect, Tribal Enterprise, Sem II 1,005 Gallup Br

Sanchez, Frank V. Adj Lect ~n Physical.Educ, Sem II 155 Gallup Br

Scarbrough, Judy Asst Lect ~n CIMTE, Sem II 55 Valencia Br

Scheer, John W. Adj Lect in Computer Sci, Sem II 833 Los Alamos Br

y ______S_h_i_r_l_e__,_ Va 1 Ge n-"e__~_ ___'__~~J~~;_c;~_ ~_~_ M~_t_h_e~a__t_i_c-"s~, S_e_m_I_I~ 7_7_0__• _

-20- f ~~::l ------... ----... _--. -- --- Regents' Meeting, 5/14/87 - Page 10

Sims, James E. Adj Lect, Construction Tech, Sem II 1,200 .' Valencia County Br Sims, Pat Ann Adj Instr in Public Admin Sem II 2,qOO

Sorenson, N. Robert Adj Asst Professor of Sem II 2,,100 Chemical/Nuclear Engr

Steir, Harvey Asst Professor, Dental Progs Sem II 1,200

Steir, Mary E. Vis Asst Professor, Sem II 2,000 Family Stds

Stephens, Iris Adj Lect in CIMTE, Sem II 1,665 Los Alamos Br

Stevenson, Cheryl A. Adj Lect in English, Sem II 1,665 Los Alamos Br

Thomas, Paul H. Res Ext Instr, Health Educ Sem II 2,000

Varela, Dolores Asst Lect ln CIMTE, Sem II 55 Valencia Br

Weber, Hans Instr ln M&CL Lang Sem II 1,000 '. Williams, Mary Instr ln Counselor Educ Sem II 1,500 Wilson, Christopher Res Ext Instr, Architecture Sem II 1,200

Wilson, Morgan Adj Lect in Physical Educ, Sem II 400 Valen~ia County Br

Worth, Guy Taylor Adj Lect in Electronic Tech, Sem II 1,943 Los Alamos Br


• -21- 274

Dr. Paez said that he wanted to add his commendation to those of President May for Van Dorn Hooker and John Bridgers. He stated that Mr. Hooker had fought long and hard to maintain the integrity of the campus southwest archi­ tecture through dealings"with numerous personalities and various boards of regents. He said that Mr. Bridgers is not only a gentleman and a man of his • word, but has been extremely generous in guiding UNM's athletic program out of a most difficult position.


On behalf of the Regents, Certificates of Appreciation President Ken Johns presented certificates of appreciation to Karla Bramer and Mark Hartman for their dedicated service as advisors to the Board of Regents. Regent Johns noted that Jack Omdahl will be an advisor again next year since he was elected to a second term as president of the Faculty Senate.

Ms. Bramer said that she had enjoyed representing the Alumni Association this year and she thanked the Regents for their support of the Association. She introduced Brian Burnett who will assume the presidency of the Association in June.

Mr. Hartman also thanked the Regents for allowing a student representative as advisor to the Board. He urged the Regents not to institute mandatory drug testing for athletes because, he said, he felt it was an invasion of privacy and because of the presumption of guilt that naturally accompanies such testing. He introduced Lillian Montoya who is the new ASUNM President and who will be sitting with the Board for the next year. • ******

• -22- 275

• : ~,'."" The meeting adjourned at 11:35 a.m.



• -23- HONORARY DEGREE JOHN S. DALY Preference in the awarding of honorary degrees at the University ofNew Captain John S. Daly, USN, is Commanding Officer of the University Mexico is given to those persons who have contributed significantly to the of New Mexico NROTC Unit. He came to UNM in 1983 and since that ural or scientific development of the region, or to the spiritual or time has succeeded in raising the rating of the Unit from fifty-fourth out of 'sixty-six units to the number two position nationwide. Under his ex­ • erial welfare of its people. ceptionalleadership, overall Unit morale and individual pride in achieve­ ELIOT PORTER ment have increased. This is evidenced by a significant change in the Unit Doctor of Fine Arts grade point average and physical fitness scores. . During his brief tour at UNM, Captain Daly has promoted the Uni­ Eliot Porter, one ofthe world's foremost nature photographers, has been versity through civic involvement, recruitment of new students, and rais­ a resident of New Mexico since 1946. He earned a medical degree at ing of scholarship funds. He has truly been a University Ambassador to Harvard University, graduating in' 1924, and then spent nine years as a many Albuquerque civic groups. researcher and teacher in bacteriology and biological chemistry. Photog­ raphy was a hobby pursued in his spare time. ARLETA L. PICKETT His first photographs were in black and white and his subjects were Arleta L.' Pickett has been a loyal employee of the University of New mainly birds. At the age of 38, Porter abandoned medicine and devoted Mexico for almost twenty years, working with students first as secretary his time to photography. In 1940 he turned to color. Today he is recognized for the Associated Students of UNM and today as Staff Assistant for the as the undisputed dean of color photography. General Honors Program. His first book, In Wildness Is the Preservation ofthe World, was financed Students know Mrs. Pickett as one who is concerned for their well­ bv the Sierra Club. Since theOn, Porter has published eighteen books and being and as one who can be depended upon to give them comfort as well n~xt year the University of New Mexico Press will publish a book of his as practical assistance. One former student has said that she '~trained a photographs of Mexican churches. He has received numerous awards, the number of men and women in the duties of leadership while they served most recent being the prestigious Hal Borland Award given by the National as elected officials ofASUNM." Arleta Pickett is indeed an employee who Audubon Society. brings credit to the University of New Mexico. Porter, who is eighty-five, is still actively pursuing his career in pho­ tography. He says, "Nature is almost infinitely variable. You can always NEDDY A. VIGIL find something that's never been done before." . Neddy A. Vigil, Director of the Language Learning Center in the De­ partment of Modern and Classical Languages, came to the University of New Mexico in 1967. A's Director of the Center he has had distinct and .direct impact upon the learning environment of students. Through his efforts the Center has become a model of efficiency in the use of modern REGENTS'MERITORIOUS language learning techniques. . SERVICE MEDAL Dr. Vigil is a noted scholar in the classical literature of medieval Spain and Portugal, and has published numerous articles in his field and also on Awarded annually to members of the University of New Mexico faculty the subject of language instruction. and staff in recognition of extraordinary and distinguished service to the University. TOM L. POPEJOY DISSERTATION PRIZE •. CARMAN A. BLISS The Tom L. Popejoy Dissertation Prize of81.000 is awarded annually for Carman A. Bliss came to the University of New Mexico seventeen years the most distinguished doctoral dissertation written at the University of ago as a professor in the College of Pharmacy. He was named dean of the New Mexico in a given area within a three-year period. It was designed College in 1970. At that time there were four faculty, in addition to himself, as a permanent memorial emphasizing excellence at the highest academic and the College was housed in a small building consisting of one lecture level, a fitting tribute to the man who did so much to further graduate hall, one laboratory, and faculty office space. The only program offered education at the University of New Mexico. was for undergraduate students. Today the College of Pharmacy has seventeen faculty and shares a mod­ SARAH GREENOUGH ern facility on the north campus with the College of Nursing. Students can now earn a bachelor's, a masters', and a Ph.D. degree in Pharmacy. B.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1972 Largely due to the efforts of Dr. Bliss, the College has earned a position M.A., 1976, Ph. D., 1984, University of New Mexico of respect in the world of pharmacy. Dissertation: "Alfred Stieglitz's Photographs of Clouds"

5 D~gree Recipients , ." ":, May Sevenfe€mth;' Nineteen Hundred Eighty-seven

;.,. Deidre Jacqueline Jenkins Dru Allison Popper COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Cynthia Marie Johnson Adam Francis Raby • FRED G. STURM, Dean Joyce Elaine Kania Susan Carol Riali Kristopher Aaron Keck Susan N. Rivera BACHELOR OF ARTS Tamara J. Keeling-Moreno Daniel Lee Romero Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 Robin Sue Keese Michael Raymond Schmitt Chris Eric Schneider Robert Kenneth Abernathv Kevin Patrick Kennv Elizabeth Ann Krehbiel Robin R. Armijo . Kathleen Marie La\~rence Janett Lynne Kyle , Helen to.-larg'iret Schneider Tammy Dee Seaman Sandra Kay Armstrong Sharon L. Lewis Darryl Anthony Lawson W, David Selvage Gregory Wayne Barker Barbara Ann Leyba Mark James Leffingwell David Kendall Shepard ,Gregory Arno Berft Richard Tabet Lopez John Kenneth Leger Lynn Ann Shucavage Charles Spencer Bibbs Chris Leroy Madrid Evan Traber Leland Nicholas Ivan Simovich Mary K. Bird Caitlin Martin William Gerard Ley Denise Rae Bleaklv Kathrvn Renee McCulloch Mark Stephen Ludwig Gregg Spingola Stephanie Ann Stynes Mary Corinne Bodelson John Patrick McDevitt Daniel Michael Mahoney Lester Howard Swindle Teresa Liane Carveth Patti Jean McDonald Nadya Soghaier Malaika Daniel Michael Clark Darrin Lee McRevnolds Marc A. Martinez Stephen Dale Taylor Dennis Ray Conklin ' Martha Ann Mondragon Carol Dee Mavs Tamra Lynn Testerman Camille Anita Cordova Gary Andrew Montoya Edward Ralph' McCardle Steven John Tollefson Scott Jay Cowan Ivonne Guzman Olay Carl F. Miller Susan Lynn Toomey Dayna Gay Crawford Margenia R, Pearson Colleen Kay Minton Gavle Ann Travis, Rita Lalumia Daniels Cathy Marie Polglaze Jean-Luc R. Miossec Raiph Edward Trujillo Raymond Albert Daw Patrick Rey Kimberly Ann Morris Stephanie Kay Trujillo Thomas Andrew Dugan Sara Jane Rivera Theo Pauline Nestor Leland Douglas Turner David Wesley Dwiggins Catherine A. Saavedra' Kyle Bentley Norwood Joyce Sheila Unglaub David Mark Eller Mari Lynn Shawcroft Leeann Ortiz Carole Anne Usner George M, Escamilla James Robert Stephens Zarek Michael Padilla Denise Marie Vasquez Andrew Brian Gallagher Gail Traub Keith Edward Pallesen Carla Marie Villa Sabrina Marie Gilpin Gina L. Van Damme Steven Denton Parks Russell Paul Villars Gregory Eugene Hebert Douglas Gene Vanderlaan Rebecca Paskind-Bennett Imogene Ann Welsh Michael Clifton Hill Michelle Marie Warren Margaret A. Patterson Paul Ann West Elizabeth Ann Hughes Elizabeth Ann Weese Kevin Carter Paul William Whalen Scott Carter Payne Cheryl Wright Wickman Requirements Completed Semester I, 1986-87 , • Elise Janelle Peay James Patrick Wiesen Pamela L. Agoyo-Seamon Laurie Bass Cullinan Denise Phyllis Perraglio- Claudia Diana Work Dean M, Alexander Mary Cathleen Daly Rocha Merja Riitta Yli-Teevahainen Robert D. Ambrose Deanna D. Deckert Mark C. Petersen Christina M. Young Shelly Marie Andreson Joseph Gold Detmer II Bernard R. Pleau, Jr. Carrie Lynn Younger Jeff Apodaca Martha Lauraine Deuel- Monty Ray Pope Lenore Marie Appert Curran Sally Anne Archibeck R Angela Dike Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87 Teena Marie Hayes Maggie Dishon Riad K, Abdelhaq Lvnn Butler Archuleta Janet F. Dodd Brenda Lee Acrey Ailen Eugene Butt Barbara 'Marie Armijo Michelle Gabrielle Doherty Kathleen P. Aguilar-Redick Greg M. Bybee Roxanna Elaine Storment Maureen Marie Dovle James J. Alessandrini Katerina Carrie Calderone Aronson David Brendan Ed~ards Mark Kenric Alford Christina Courte Campbell Jana Lee Aspin Joan Denise Ferrell Allison P. Anderson Benigno Torres Canales Judy Caroline Baca William Nicholas Flynn Jeffrey Allan Anderson Edward Julian Candelaria Mary Frances Baca Brian Richard Fowles Michael A. Archibeque Jean Baptiste Carrica Cvnthia Denise Baker Barbara Ann Fox Aprille L. Arellano Sara Carley Casey Martha Jean Barnhill Dora M, Fresquez Denise C. Armenta Ruth Ann Castellano Jill Louise Baskerville Suzanne Lucille Frost Frances E. Auber Marilyn Charles Roberson David Becenti Harold Glen Funck, Jr. Tamara Marie Auger Randy Michael Chavez Peter Vincent Bedard Leonard Thomas Galante, Jr. Alan Patrick Baehr Sarah Beth Christen John Edward Berg Jana Charmaigne Gallegos Stefanie Ann Bakken Marie Estelle Christman Wayne Patrick Berube Marie Dolores Gallegos Michael David Barbee Kelly Kay Clark Bruce McCall Bicknell Johnna G. Garcia Nora 1. Barry Shawn G. Clark Robin Jean Biffinger Angela Lisa Gieri Kevin Michael Bean Eddie 1. Cohen Daniel 'Kyle Blackwood Beverly Wright Golden Gary K. Bednorz Margaret Eloise Colocho Curt Alan Bland Jacob B. Griego Katherine E. Beebe Pamela L. Conatser Sheila Mary Blonigan Donald J. Griffo Kathleen Marv Bernadette Cheryl Anne Coolong Barbara Kay Blount Miriam Grunstein Craig Matthe~ Berube Gerald Alan Coppler Karla D. Camerer Kevin Lee Harper Peggy Lee Bird Tobey A. Cordova Michael Pierre Carrica Karen Mel Haynes Leigh Helen Black Jill E. Cornell Albino Carillo Michael F. Herrmann John Robert Blackmore Michael A. Cotton Thomas' H. Carroll, Jr. Randolph Charles Hewitt Diane Lenore Blake Jean Katsuko Crawford Gabriel D, Chavez, Jr. Charles Milton High III Sue Ellen Bottomly Colette Mary Cronin Dina Yvonne Ashcraft Cilke Randall Shane Hill Harold Brice • Rocky Layne Cundiff Dixie Carolyn Clark Rosemarie M. House Edward Jon Browitt Karen Ann Dahlman Milford N, Cockrell, Jr. Melissa Tracy Jackson Mary Stephanie Browne Dawn E. Dal Porto • Murray Rogers Conarty Melanie V. Jakel Lisa Louise Buss John Kenneth Daly 6 278

Roxanne Damon Damara Lee Kaplan Todd Christopher Parker Lawrence Sorrell Lisa L. Dancy Kathleen Ann Keever Doris Lorraine Parry Michael John Stanley Steve R. Daniels Kelli K. Kekich Kathleen Ross Patterson Camela S. Steputis . John Duane Darling Ursula Ann Kelly James Edward Payette Daniel Sutton Sterling Mark Patrick Daugherty. John S. Kemp Elizabeth M. Peck Edward David Stoner, Jr. Kelly Michele Davis Myrna Jean Keppler Deanna Way Perkins Sandra Lee Strunk Kim Laverne Davis Jennifer Lee Kimbrough David Alan Pierog Raymond E. Stuart Christopher Deforest Constance King Edmund Wendel Pingue Keith Ryan Suazo • Nancy Eileen Dillon Linda S. King Cathy Marie Pino Donald John Sullivan James Richard Dodson William Thomas Klaus Rozanna Eileen Pino Shara Jeannette Sullivan Kathrine Elise Donnellon Paul Daniel Klimas Amy Carla Rael Linda Kay Summers Paul Duncan Douglas Sheryl Ruth Korish Lei Rae T. Ramirez Ward C. Swift III Tami Diane Douglas Anton J. Kozikowski Nicolas Rangel Greta'Lynn Terrasas Dean William Duane Patricia J. Kramer Diana Rangl Joyce Carolyn Therkildsen Lisa Sue Dubofsky Andre P. Krapcha Ousama N. Rasheed Lori A. Thomas Robert Allan Eads Alfred Louis Kratzer, Jr. Mary Ann Rasmussen Anne Kluver Thomson Brian Keith Eckerson Harold E. Landsman Pamela A. Raubinger Sheila M. Tousey Kala Louise Elliott . John Landy Walter Andrew Reed Gregory David Trapp Brenda Rae Entrikin Richard Ralph Lane Nikki Rae Reiners Deborah Ann Travis Hilma Maria Espinosa Ron Edward Lanning Susan E. Rich Linda Jean Trujillo Cynthia Ann Fanning Zoe Denise Latimer Cynthia O. D. Richardson Sherri Lynn Trujillo Paula Lynnett Farkas Tommy. E. Laughlin Kelly Preston Richmond Karen L. Truske Jesse Oscar Farr Anne E. Lefkofsky Deana Ridout Richter Simon A. Tsamantanis Daniel Peter. Firschein Kathleen Elizabeth Russell Scott Riekeman Irene Valerie Tse-Pe Paul R. Flores Leistikow Christopher John Robinson Thomas A. Urrea David Weslev Fowler Linda Marie Lennon James Robinson, Jr. Victoria Elizabeth Valdez Jeffrey Todd 'Frazier Carol Lynn Lente Luis E. Robles Robert Frank Vales II Laura Jane Freese Kris K. Leslie Michael C. Robles Manuel Francisco Varela Terence Patrick Gallagher Barbara Jean Lewis David M. Rodriguez Carol Y. Vigil Eva D. Gallegos Mark E. Lewis David E. Romero Daniel Eugene Vigil Eileen Felice Galvan Randolph R. Lewis Paul Patrick Rosa III Elizabeth Ann Vigil Cali David Garcia Stanley Bryant Lewis Beverly Joan Roybal Dawn Viscardi Carmella Marie Garcia Julia Marie Lindquist Leslie Neil Ruiz Venita A. Wagner Galen C. Garcia Joyce Elaine Logan Cindy Lou Ruppert Wade Thomas Warren Alexandria Garnand Darrell Lombard Parnell E. Ryan Bram Jerold Watkins Alison G. Gedanic Suzanne Gail Lubar Christopher Charles Saiz Jolou Trujillo Watson Paul Gilbert Gibson Amv C. Lucero Dimas Anthony Saiz Geri L. Weeks Jeffrey Gilmore Andrea Marie Mackie Marci Janelle San'chez Kenneth Russell Welch Theresa Elaine Gilmore Coleen Rene Maddy Roberl'H. Sandmeier Frederick Greene Weller Lorna Jane Gold Lisa Michelle Maldonado Samuel Andrew Sandoval Mark Stephen Welsh Joey F. Gomes Kevin R. Malone Patrick D. Schafer Dean W. Wendell Estelle Annette Gonzales Anthony Kevin Martinez Mark A. Schatzman Patrick L. Westerfield • Susan Gosling Sampson Martinez Daryl Schwebach Carolynne Clair White Glenn J. Gouch Nancy Hoffman Matthews Shawn K. Seaborn Mary F. Williams Manuel F. Green Linda Helen Matz Frederick J. Seiger Mark I. Willis Robert J. Gurule Mark Harley Maycumber Nadia Bogdaniec Seluga Mary Naomi Willson Glenn Earl Haas Susan L. McCormack Atrelle H. Sena Barry Peter Wilson Robert Colby Hackman Rhonda Lynne McDaniels Barbara Jean Shaffer Richard Eugene Wisecarver Jean Louise Hall Karl Allen McElhaney Michelle' Lynn Sharp Sonia D. Wormeli George E. Hammon Alice Ann McLish Dagmar R. Shaw Stefan Marcel Wusstig Cheryl Leigh Haner Sharon Guang McRae Shelley Lynn Sheppeck Faylene Joyce Wytewa Patricia Ann Hansen Christina G. Mead David V. Silva Penny D. Yaple Gillian Therese Harron Lola Elaine Meador Gina Marie Silva Carole A. Yazzie-Shaw Richard A. Harvcy Daiana Maria Medici James Anthony Silva Bernadette Marie Zamora . Anna Marie Hatanaka Karen Renee Medina- Katharene Louise Smith Kelly Lyn Zeilenga Roger W. Hathoot Merwin Todd Ray Hathorne Gregory A. Melendez BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Cory Marvin Heidenberger Nancy Kathryn Miller Requirements Completed Summer Session. 1986 David Bruce Hendrickson Jackie J. Miranda Arthur Ralph Bennett Christine Margit Newsom Reva Lee Heron Donald Eugene Moffitt Leigh-Ann Cimino James Anthony Robertson Eileen Mary Higgins Bradley Dana Morse David Scott Collett Gerald Lee Stewart Dan Harlan Hill Jennifer Elizabeth Murphy- Jesus Gonzalez-Aller Richard Paul Watson Johnny D. Hindi Dye Ronald Lee Hershey Robert Louis Zouhar William Cullen Hoefler Henry Muwema Mwere Carol Key Malcolm Virginia Chapman Hogan Sandra Ledeen Myers James Charles Hoppe Leah Bronwyn Neel Requirements Completed Semester 1, 1986-87 Melissa Anne Horcasitas Lena Maria Nilsson Bruce David Allen Christopher Ernest Gonzales Lester Lee Hunter Diane L. Nowlin Robert Rudolph Boese Kevin Juan Goodluck John R. Hutchins Patricia Frances O'Connor Mark Douglas Brown Billy L. Gulley Teri A. Huter Chet R. Olajos Bradford Lee Cambron Jacque Lynn Hansen William Richard Jacoby Joseph Martin Olonia Jeffrey Brian Caplan Douglas Lewis Hayes Kristine Adele Johannsen Anthony M. Ontiveros Brian Forrest Crawford Sean Patrick Houtman Blaine D. Johnson Kevin A. Otero Leticia Elizondo-Bruhn David Christopher Hudson Kimberly Robin Johnson Suzanne Victoria Otero Keith John Foeder Mahamad Ijadi Michael B. Johnson Darlene Marie Ozmun Matthew Evan Gabriel Conny Dee Johnson Marion Ruth Jones Leslie M. Padilla Mohd I. Ghweir James Andrew Kelsey • Jessica W. Julian Maria T. Padilla Toni Rochelle Goar Walter William Klinge 7 279"

Paulette laForce Julia McFarland Quintana Michael Alan Johnson Susan Marguerite Schentrup Riva G. Lippert Reed Radosevich Kimberly Mclarty Joel Cortney Watkins Maureen Beth Long Joseph Vincent Rajunas III Saila Susanna Miettinen Mark Stephen Zangara John Patrick Lynch Victor Rodriguez-Perez . Kathleen S. Manzanares Michael Anthony Rodriguez. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Steven Michael Massick Rita Elena Serda Requirements Completed Summer. Session, 1986 Kim Archuleta Morrisette Rachael G. Shams-Avari· Alama Rosa Serrato Giron: Ann Equen Mowry Jay B. Sullivan Requirements Completed Semester!, 1986-87 • Christopher Stephen Neary Stanley P. Szewczyk Cheryl Ann Oberdorfer John Louis Velasco . John Vincent Catasca Dorothy Lee Stermer Sonya Reyne Colette Ortiz Ronald Stephen Vigil Kylene Joyce Partin Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87 . Candickltes for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87 Robert T. DeBIassie Kirsten Lillie Nielsen Seth M. Abrahamson Jacquelyn Caye McConachie Allison Rosalie Hoard Natalie Elizabeth Olague· Gretchen P. Allison Joseph H. McCoy Patrick John Magirl Kristin Ann Peterson Dale S. Anaya William Blake McCurdy· Andrew T. McGough Paul James Resnick Patrick John Arieno Joanne Patricia Mezins Kyle L. McIntire. . Adam Keyes Savage George A. Atkinson Barbara Ann Molles James Robert Brainard Richard Michael Mondragon BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Amy Sue Bridegam Pedro Morales, Jr. Allison J. Brody Jean Elie Moreau Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 Kathryn Elaine Capels Terry Lee Morse Abdollrahman Arjomandi Robert Santos Ocampo Deidra M. Casaus Jessica Lee Moseley S. Jefferson Brown . David Prescott Shoultz Marcia Sacheen Castano Lynne Marie Murphy Jon Scott Davis Michael S. Walton Kathy Lynne Chalamidas Dawn Marie Nash . Requirements Completed Semester I, 1986-87 Stamatia Konstanti Chroni Akram Moha Nassrallah Douglas Lawrence Andrews David Lowry Mitchell Frank Anthony Ciaccio Anthony Michael Nieto Debra Susan Vaughan Cleff Gerald Kevin Parker Daniel Francis Cimino Pamela Jeanne Norris Neal Monroe Day Richard Louis Renaud Matthew James Cooney David Eugene O'Donnell Gwendolyn Ruth (Ganssle) Ricardo G. Sanchez Cynthia Lagene Dishburger Kimberly Ann O'Neil Easterday Michael Peter Schreiber David Carter Doty Adelaide V. Paiz Fusun Susan Keller Steven Neil Slater Walter Anthony Duran Timothy Shain Paul Lyle Christopher Losack Husein Shaker Srour Arthur A. Esquibel Joseph Perry Pope Roberta Faye Miller Elizabeth A. Farr Lindsay T. Price-Seely Bart Forest Flamm Keir Christopher Price Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87 Mari Forbes Charles Ray Puckett, Jr. Reza Afaghpour Stephen Richard Knee Andrew Joseph Forget Mark Anthony Rainosek Bradley L. Bingham Anthony John Loyd Melissa· Ludi Gabaldon Jack Curry Redman Donald R. Briggs Gregory K. Mitchell Mary A. Garcia Louis Arthur Redmond James Garth Chambers Marjorie P. Montoya Tommy Edward Garrison David E. Roussos Robert F. Effinger Ted Alan Moore Michele Kav Gibbs David P. Sebesta Robert Henry Fraboni Dennis J. Ortiz Theresa M.·Gieske Charles Lawrence Sena Phillip Anthony Gallegos Allan Kim Porter • Kathryn Esther Graham Craig Lloyd Shane Bard Brewster Horton Ronald Brian Sanchez Michael James Harrison Janie Milburn Simmons Guy Carl Jackson Thomas M. Schmidt Jon David Head Kirsten Elizabeth Smith Timothy J. Kneafsey TIm S. Zimmerly Lois Kathryn Herrera Georgene Somers Michael Richard Holmes John Gilbert Sprague BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Thomas David Holmes Laura Rebecca Stern Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 Alisa Marie Hren Paula J. Stout Holly E. Jacobson Kimberly Ann Strahan Peter Henry Mantos, Jr. Helen Louise McNeal Morley A. Johnston Heidi M. Struse John Mcleod VII Paula Elaine Stretz Teresa Lynn Jones Alisabeth Anne Thurston Requirements Completed Semester I, 1986-87 Steven P. Kaestner Charlotte Sophia Toledo Sharolyn Anderson Maureen E. McDonald Thomas Kellner Christina Marie Trujillo Danielle Jacqueline Argiro Martha Jan Moore Gary Alan King Laura Jean Ulibarri Donna Marie Chavez Phillip A. Richards April M. Kirikos Lawrence Joseph Varner Myriam Rose DePelichy Goetz Richard Konrad Roeder Timothy T. Lawyer Cecilia Anne Wells Gary Dean Diggs Lawrence Reynaldo Romero Keith D. Liberman Tammy L. Zuber West Joseph Edward Garni William A. Sandoval John Robert Lopez Stanley Wayne Whisenant Karen Lee Gebert Gary Richard Suder Alan John Lucero Marcus E. White Ann Marie Giancola Marian J. Trainor Anna Delia Magallanez David E. Williams Galt Johnson Elizabeth Ballard Whitty Anne Morgan McCarraher Juanita Maria Zun} Barbara Anita Lopez-Vitale Mark Richard Young Deiniol S. McCoy COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87 RICHARD H. WILLIAMS, Dean David Gregory Baur William J. Manning Bruce Joseph Bronson Jeff H. Moehn BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING Glenn Scott Condon James Lee Plamondon Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 Kevin Jerome Daly Gerald J. Quintana Axel Ernest Elfner Charles Douglas Rundles Donald J. Harvey Brad Allen Morsch Jenny L. Griggs Ricky Dave Russell Requirements Completed Semester I, 1986-87 Laura Marie Guzman Delores Schaeffer John S. Bertrand Barbara Elizabeth.Folse Emily Rosemary Johnson Jay Randolph Karlto Smith Panagiotis Karalis Eric William Taylor Candickltes for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87 Brett Michael Kettering Laurie Jane Tomlinson .-'. John Michael Baca Haregeweyn Ferede James Richard King Richard Michael Wheat • Thomas J. Deskin Stephen D. Jett Michael Lawrence Logghe 8

I 280

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN COMPUTER ENGINEERING Requirements Completed Semester 1, 1986-87 Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 John William Brogan Charles Porter Pinney III Tze Ning Chung Mills Norton Ripley III Ronald Canale Arlene F. Saiz Kevin Daniel Croasdell Rhonda Jean Smith Requirements Completed Semester I, 1986-87 Alan Bruce Dittenhofer Brian David'Staveley Nadine Elizabeth Bandat Cheok Kai Lai Lloyd Matthew Garley Craig Arden Stephens Elia Georges Boujaoude Ngoc-Ai Lu Jerome Francis Gon7.ales Todd M. Sterk William Terence Cooney Ron E. Neher Luis Marino Gonzalez Carrie Elizabeth Strahan • Albert Joseph Goldberger Brian Scott Ridout Ronald Irl Johnson Edwin Darol Tucker Cynthia Villareal Herrera Steven J. johnston Douglas W. Vetter Candidates for Degree, Semester ll, 1986-87 Michael J. Kinney George Theodore Wallace Kenneth A. McGiboney Lloyd Vance Warnock Maher Mohammed Alsalman Maris Kurens Craig Allen McGill Thomas Lynn Warren Robert Daniel Browitt Michael David McCarthy Tracy Lynn Osmond C. Jeffrey Williams Anthonette J. Chavez Saleh Mohammed Musleh Orlin Preston Pettit Douglas P. Winter Bock Sim Chia Kenneth Jon Villareal Richard A. Ferreri Candidates for Degree, Semester ll, 1986-87 Benjamin John Barrow David P. Looney Aviva Bassan Patrick W. Lucky . BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING John Phillips Blackburn Nicolas J. Lueras Requirements Completed Summer' Session, 1986 Richard M. Borges Theodore P. Marrujo James Lewis Agnew Rick Leroy Michael Rebecca Moss Brannon Michael Martinez Robert Lewis Geiwitz Jerry M. Olivieri Kenneth W. Brickley Timothy Leroy Mathews George Harrison Hendricks III Lori Ellen Primas John C. Burris Michael Paul Mazzone Kyle Paul Hunter Marie Anna K. Quintana Donald J. Christison Kathryn Marcelle Naassan David Douglas Maine Kevin P. Corbalis Brian Keith Nash Jamieson K. Deuel, Jr. Alan Lee Nehring Requirements Completed Semester I, 1986-87 Salvatore Anthony Ferrara Sergio Luciano Peirano Charles Lloyd Akeley Stephen Lawrence Langdon Patrick Lyon Gallegos Carlos T. Perea Patricia G. Cahill Ali l\lahbobzadeh Tracy A. Goss Matthew Laurin Porter Lorenzo zabriel Chavez James T. McGlone Eddie A. Gutierrez James Joseph Reese Ralph Edwin Clark Jeffrey Scott Medina David Cameron Harding Donna Jane Reid Stephan Ernest Deborhegyi Russell Edward Mikawa Eileen Theresa Higgins Holly (Cyrus) Sanayi John Robert Devey Alan Roy Porter Mary L. Hodapp Michael Edward Simmons Terry Burns Dillard William Mark Roberts Cynthia A. John Megan Topp David Giblin Timothy Leroy Rude Stephen B. Kachur Timothy J. Torres Michael David Gomez Joseph John Sadler Angelo S. Klenck Lori A. Treseder Phillip Jjmes Jaramillo Jonathan R. Seddon Bradford D. Knott James Edward Wilkinson Terry Eugene Koontz Rosemary Therese Silva Mark Allen Lambert Deborah L. Kuspa Trung HUll Tran Stephen Joseph Lacatena Charles M. Westphal BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NUCLEAR ENGINEERING • Cheok Kai Lai Candidates for Degree, Semester ll, 1986-87 Candidates for Degree, Semester ll, 1986-87 Steven Michael Benke James Peter Ledogar Kathleen Susan Adam Larry Martin John Hely Francisco Diaz Keith Louis Lindsey Raul Aguilar Jaekun Kang Cary Bradford Evans William Jackson Rider Suhail Akhtar Richard Duane Korynta Tina Marie Forsman George Paul Simion Michael S. Allen Morteza Lak Steven Jeffery Hernandez Gabriel Lorenzo Aragon Glenn Alan Lott Joseph Edward Bitto John Mastromarino ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE IN PRE-ENGINEERING Shelley Cecilia Blankert Thomas Craig Maszk Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 Rafael Bolivar Norman Charles Montano Dale Timothy Bowen Frederick G. Saylor Todd Gerald Bowling Victor A. Morales Pierre Phillip Rija Ronald Breding Gary L. Mulryan James Jeff Carabajal Binh Thanh Nguyen Requirements Completed Semester 1, 1986-87 Benjamin Charley David Lester Papenfuss Stanley Charles Alderete Deborah Ann Lyon Manuel Martin Contreras Gary D. Purcella Andrew O. Clark Bryan K. Rodriguez Patrick Robert Coughlin Brett D. Reed Thomas Robert Claus William Lloyd Spurgeon William D. Curtis J. Blair Rhodes D. Scott Dick Douglas Lee Webb Thomas Edward Dilts Craig Franklin Ritterbush Candidates for Degree, Semester ll, 1986-87 Steve Erhart Gilbert Matthew Rivera Fred Albano Fuchs, Jr. Anthony Edward Sabatino Michael Edward Early Brian David Hertz Paul Francis Gerrish Steven Mark Siska Carl Geisik Troy Wade McCasland David Walton Glass Bradley J. Spalding Daniel Greenleaf Paul Sayka Teresa M. Griego John Alan Stokely Stephen David Harris Stephanie Lynn Hallett Bennie David Tate Mark Thomas Hardgrave Anthony A. Valdez ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN Edward Joseph Henz Neal J. Van Berg ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY Francisco Jasso Hernandez Kris David Winckler Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 Robert L. Hutchinson Alexander Young Joe A. Romero Rodney Donald Jacobson Paul Gerald Zetocha Requirements Completed Semester 1, 1986-87 Matthew R. Calabaza 'Alan Lee Meyer BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Janice Marie Goodhart Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 Candidates for Degree, Semester ll, 1986-87 Matthew Jon Glander Mark Frederick Ritter John D. Brannan Darryl Dwight Gregerson • Joseph V. Polaco II Jack Canals Chavez Richard Scott Klingler

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Ivan Lien Albert V. Nunez Yvette Marie Jaramillo Brad Eric Parker Melinda Sue Madix Dawn Marie Sharpe Sigrid Karen Keslin Denise Kay Quinn Bill Warren Morris Nancy Ida Turner Karen Louise Larragoite Cathleen Marie Raynis Onorina Wilson Leach Leticia E, Mends Romaine ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN Cezanne-Cheri Alexandra Lee Julie A. Lopez Sanchez LASER ELECTRO-OPTIC TECHNOLOGY . Daisey Dailey Maria Barbara Claire Sewill Requirements Completed Semester I, 1986-87. , Kileen Terese McNutt Linda Ann Smith' . Jeri Gale Miller, Paula 'Sue Stalcup' . Stuart Gordon Ferrier Ronald Keith O'Nien Marcie Ann Pierard Miller: Linda J. Rose Strasburg " . • Candidate for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87 Sandra Lena Millovitsch Michelle Louise Visintainer Anthony J. Sandoval. Cathie McQueeney Paesani Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87 . ::' " Carol Sue Baca Tina Marie Lopez. Deborah L.· Bender Louise J. Luther COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Shelly Mae Bolin Mary N. Mayer DAVID L. COLTON, Dean Lauren Jeanne Bonacorsa Linda Kay McFarland. Beth Ellen Bubernak Stanley M. McKeever BACHELOR OF ARTS IN EDUCATION Christy Jane Cantwell Jennifer Marie Medeiros Martin G. Castillo Frances Grems Meikle Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 Timothy Jacob Chacon. Anna Marie Menicucci Therese Marilyn Anne Rivera Stephen Robert Wood Steve Gene Covington Elizabeth A. Mercer Leann Denise Stubbs ' Derek H. Dunbar Bridget Mewha Requirements Completed Semester I, 1986-87 Irene Duncan Linda Ann Mitchell Randall Lee Hill Georgette E. Stockman Schulte William Lawrence Dwyer, Lisa Jeanette Mitchell Sabrina Marina Reddig Jr. Fidelis Ndyabagye Francine Ann Fenner Merry E. Nicholson Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87 Kathleen Foutz Michael Mac Nord Peggy J. Brown Mary Kathleen McKenna Pauline Freeland Joanne O'Connell Anne Noelle Folkrod Kelly Marie O'Connor Joseph W, Froton Veronique Vanda Pacheco David Neal Grass Mollv Ann Weber Beth lola Fry Dale Pual Pepke Roger Tim Hoffman Lind~ Marlene Williams Russell Scott Goff P, Denice Reeves Patricia Carol Kranenberg Joy C. Zepper Deanna J. Gomez Abel Clodoveo Romero Gary C. Grossman Arleen Joan Roybal BACHELOR OF ARTS IN RECREATION Lisa P. Gutierrez Vanessa D. Salas Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 Ellen M, Hibray Laura Anne Sanger Ann Higgins Lelia Jean Seratt Carlos G. Baca. Jr. Todd Anthony Beck Thomas W. Hollyfield Scott Alan Skene Requirements Completed Semester I, 1986-87 William T. Holmes Sarah Lynn Smith Dennis James Brookie Jean Eloise Smith Eileen A. Jaramillo Susan Jayne Sparks Albert Frederick Martinez Quinn Fisher Smith Emily Gurule Jaramillo Kristine K. Taylor Edward Nunez Karijo Johnson Mary S. Thornburg Lise Suzanne Jones Cathy Marie Trujillo • Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87 Stephanie Ellen Kasprzak Theresa R. Trujillo Sherry Lynn Basham Todd Jonathan King May Khalil Kassicieh Renee Lynn Walters Dolly Lou Begody Nancy Lynn Kolk Cathy E. Lopez Bradley Robert Bitterman David Peter Nez Lynn Rae Keck Lucinda Marie Thomas BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN FAMILY STUDIES Requirements Completed Semester I, 1986-87 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Barbara Jean Kramer Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87 Hugh E. Clausen Heidi C. McCourt BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN FAMILY STUDIES EDUCATION Cherryl Anita Conary Kim Angela Pulos Requirements Completed Semester I, 1986-87 Deborah Lvnn Evans Susan L. Qualls Patricia Kemper Beatty Sharon Lee Spretz G~ddis Gary D, Kathryn Dee Stewart Martha Joan Sanders Hass Pamela Deann Williams Patricia Ann Landon Marian Clair Thomas Deborah Jane Lium Susan Ann Walsh BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN HEALTH EDUCATION Tara Ann Looney Vicki Adell Werner Requirements Completed Semester 1,1986-87 Antonette M. Lyons Katherine Jean Wyant Patricia Dianne Malone Alex Edward Cutter

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 Requirements Completed Semester I, 1986-87 . Orlinda Cooch';ikvia Debra Ann Martinez Daniel Elmer Aguilar Robert Pe'ter Carrick Gene Johnson Judith Ann Nafus Solomon Howard Bullock Richard Mondragon Nancy Juarez-Armijo James Ray Nicholson, Jr. Terry Elaine Lit;ldamood BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NUTRITION/DIETETICS Requirements Completed Semester 1,1986-87 Requirements Completed Semester I, 1986-87 Annette Farmer Habecker Lynne K. Mandeville Susan Conley Anderson Anna Maria Crawford Stephanie Hambleton Leonard Steve Navarro Lori-Lee Cata Bourque, Shelby Smith Dolan '. Valery Ann Henderson Diana Lynn Brennen Douglas Lee Earick" ' Jane P. Bretting Shirley Lynn Englehart BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION Lynn Denise Caton , , Elizabeth Helene Forney Regina Ulibarri Chambers 'Karla Rae Frye Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 Robert Eugene Copeland Juanita R. Gonzales' Teressa Diane Casados .' Ronald Patrick Murphy'.'" Angela Dawn Coppage Clifford Richard Hilaire Gravel Richard Winslow Harbin !".". • ,.. '.,


.~~: <.

~-,,--:'_.~~---~-~~,-~;<-,--,~•._ ..~-~.~.... -~ .._-~------,-.'-.-..._-----,.------, Requirements Completed Semester 1, 1986-87 . BACHELOR OF MUSIC EDUCATION ,.•' Kelly L. Cook , ' '. Leanne Marie Palmisano Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 Charles Joseph Esquivel Stephen Carl Sparks' Deborah Ann Johnson .Bradley Scott.Neal Sonia Joy Watson-Otero Requirements Completed Semester 1, 1986-87 George Bryan Fleming Lina Ruth Ramos Peter J. Garcia Steven Michael Wilkinson COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS Linda Louise Pickard \ ERNEST D. ROSE, Dean Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87 Wayne Joseph Holland Margaret Theresa Roybal BACHELOR OF ARTS IN FINE ARTS Requirements Completed Sumrner Session. 1986 Barbara Besse Jenny A. Mohagheghi Requirements Completed Semester 1, 1986-87 COLLEGE OF PHARMACY Margaret Ann Algermissen Mary Lou Kokaly , WILLIAM M. HADLEY, Dean David Bryan Anderson Paula Suzanne Robinson Russell Edwin Chancellor David Lindsay Wallach BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PHARMACY Jayne Austin Daub Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87 Daniel Martin Bitner Richard Allyn Roon Mark Leon Eastham AiydaMohammad Sweedan Deborah Margaret Donelson Stuart Lindsay McDonald Dennis John Gomez Michael Len Toon Jimmy Dorantes Melissa Moody David Humberto Nunez Carol A. Gerlach William Picknev Owens IV Valerie J. Hoffman Dorothy Gail Rolston Requirements Completed Semester 1.1986-87 Panagiotis Karalis Vickie L. Shurtleff Charles Chibu Anae~e Mark R. Cordova Kent Walter McDonald Kris Ellen Wold Gary Steven Cooper Thomas Martin Lenzer Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87 BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS Phillip E. Andrews Dale Shizuto Matsuda Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 Robert Lavern Andrews Jay M. McCabe Stephanie Yiannias Ashley Laura Lee Kirchgessner Aaron Jay Bilow Stephanie Lucille Miera Michelle Annette Exum Peter Creighton Webb Laura Christine Blottner Richard David Montova Mary P. Hanrahan Mary Theresa J. Daniel Michael C. Raburn . Tamara Ann Daniel Jerry William Rancier Requirements Completed Semester 1, 1986-87 Christine M. Erdman Chacon Gladvs Roberts Richard King Armentrout Marisa Alice Matteucci Karen D. Garcia Tonv' Gene Roberts Virginia Ruth Baltosser William Graham McInnes George Glatcz, Jr. Wayne Robert Shipman Cynthia Anne Cook Judith Arlene Mersereau Andrew C. Hall Marilyn Ann Szot • Melissa E. Holmes Michael Toby Sanchez Denis Michael Hardy Larry Phillip Tannery Richard Lee Kehl, Jr. Michelle M~rie Saucedo John F. Hutchinson Todd A. Thompson Colleen Claire Lennon Joseph David Silva Rose A, Kao Cynthia M. Vitarelli Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87 Deborah Diane Lee Tom Kim White Sung Ae Lee Roseanne Armijo Jeffrey James Leonard Caroline L. Bender Karen F. Lindquist Karyn Rebecca Boyce Michael Alan MacDonald Rudy Carrillo Kenneth Gerard Martin Clare A. Carter Kelly Jean McBurnette THE ROBERT O. ANDERSON Stephen A. Castello Kent Walter McDonald SCHOOLS OF MANAGEMENT Tony Russell Chan William A. Oden, Jr. RAy RADOSEVICH, Dean Cloritina Cocina Felicie Elizabeth Regnier Christie Ann Dallas Michael Leon Ross BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION John Douglas Dow Karen Peterson Rudd Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 Lea A. Eaves Mark Christopher Sanchez Graham Scott Green Patrick Charles Segura Joseph Angelo Alfieri Kirsten Catherine Knutson Gary Gene Johnson John D. Shipp Donald H. Armstrong Margaret Marcella Laflin' ' Juliette Ann Jordan. Karen Ann Standifer Elizabeth Anne Baff-Ferron K,athleen Beth Magnuson Molly June Keyohara Craig Stephen Webb Kurt Andre Burgeson , Robert David Martinez Gerald B. Lee, William C. Werblow Jacqueline A. Cheshire Joseph Michael McGough John Peter Coash Lori A. Pachelli Shawn Ilene Gilbert: . Michael L. Payne BACHELOR OF MUSIC. .. Virginia M. Hatcher Debbie Ann Read RequirerMnts CompletedSumme~ Session, 1986' Magdalana Mary Heise: Timothy William Rohane' Fred Blanton Bugbee Donna Marie Mabry Lawrence Carl Holbrook Edmund 1. Samuel Robert Wayne Edwards '. Cherokee Lee Randolph David Matthew,'Hyderi Lesa Nan Sprinkle Dayid Lowry Kinzer Karen M. Wolfarth Requirements Completed Semester 1, 1986-87 Requirements Completed Semester 1, 1986.,..87 Carl Thomas Donsbach '" Gu;~n' Jayne Gehrke Steven Brian Dotson .. Victoria A. ArmijO Shirley Brothwell Stephanie Leigh Beck Jeffery Alan Bryant Candidates for Deg;ee. Semester II, 1986-87 Leslie Frost Beckley William Eugene Burch Stacey L. Amorous .• Michelle Marie Madland Steve Thomas Benedick Paul C. Chavez Ian Arthur Clawson Francia Soraya McNally Constance S. Berlinger Robert Warren Cochran • Larry T. Hill Andrew Donald, Megill Karen Marie Haider Boothe Andrew Aho Cullen Richard D .. Hilland Pat E. Murphy \Valid K. Bouhamdan James Peter Damm Nancy Ann Jonson Diane J. Turnbull Jacob Lyn Bourguet Susan Michele Dobscha Karl Joseph Kemm . Phillip Clark White Debra Speer Bristow Mark Anthony Duran

11 283

Garth Cody Eldridge. Robert Wayne Metz Paul Howard Kimbell Terese M. Quintana John Fitzgerald Joseph Mitchel Mistretta Karoline King Karen Lynn Rasley Jill Kristin Folske Louise Desgeorges Kevin Patrick Kneafsey Rita Denise Rea Cameron T. Galindo Mondragon Laura A. Koopmans Esther Rivera Deborah Deidre Garcia Glenn K. Mori Robin Kay Kvech Randy B. Rizek Robert Steven Gemignani Roxanne Adelle Nai James Scott Lamb Jon Ira Robertson .Claire Alison Gilliland Kimberly Kay Nash Caren G. Lee Cheryl Ann Roe Michael Dale Glisson William Merritt Oliver Todd Dale Leland Clyde L. Romero • Louis Charles Gonzales Mary Amelia Oswalt Margaret Ann Leopold Stephanie Lynn Romero Matt Lawson Grace Delia Anne Otero Sabert N. Lewis Stephen Theodore Romero Kevin Robert Hayes Richard Henry Paul Brian Jeffrey Lipman Robert J. Rose 'J. Michael Hermann Scott Udall Perkinson Star Bernedette Loggins William Leroy Rucker Wenche Hokholt Lee Ann Peters Jack Maes Kimberlv L. Ruebush Evelyn Ann Houidobre Martin Ronald Portillo Joseph A. Maes Tami Re~ee Sanchez Jan-Peter Hult Julianne Vassallo Quintana Byron R. Manning Ralph Charles Schmiedicke Patricia Ann Hyden Peter Sam Rallis Gilles Robert Marchal Ann Marie Schreiner Christy Lynn Jewell Martin Kitch Reeves Yolanda M. Martin Donald Richard Schultz Jeri Lynn Jones Philip Anthony Rigney Deanna Marie Martinez Stephen Lyle Schultz Per Hakan Jonsson Marisela Rivas Katherine Louise Martinez Andrew N. Scianimanico Gregpry John Keith Joyce D. Rocha Sara Jo McCutcheon Susan Jean Sherrod Shawna Rochelle Kirkes Angela Lynn Roland Anna Maria McLain Annette Marie Sieben Rebecca Lynne Knauth Anne Louise Sawyer Angela Gay Meador Richard Dee Silver Craig Austin Kromi Jerold Michael S~hmider Lonny Ray Medina John Kenneth Slick Jay Kurts Jonathan Arthur Schreiner Maria E. Medina Debra Elizabeth Sloan Tracy Weaver Kwiatkowski Francis Gary Smith Shari L. Meghdari Forrest Deek Smith III Jennifer Ann Lackner Garth C. Sonnenberg Cynthia Ann Melton Jeff Ernest Sorroche Michael James Larkin Heidi Anita Sorensen Michelle Christin Merrett Lori A. Soutar Thomas Michael Larrichio Lisa M. Stratton Karla Michnovicz Stanley Strickman Linda Larson Roushon Lynne Talcott Leanne M. Monroe Stephen Achim Suazo Margaret Mary Lay Ruth Colleen Taylor Bennie Joe Montoya Linda R. Swaniger Lisa Rachelle Lewis Matthew John Terry David Oney Montoya Wendy Ann Swedick Terry L. Lieber Bonnie Lynn Thomas Pamela Lynn Moyer Ann M. Tannen Martin Douglas Lindsay Jennifer Leigh Tyler Kristian Naess James Logan Taylor Robert Lee Lopez Catherine M. Vogel Paula Sue Newman Donna Noreen Tenorio Kathryn Lynn Lueders Marlene L. White Dennis M. Noble Susan Melissa Therrien Cheryl T. Mantelli Joanne Leigh Wickens Mike A. Norero Frances J. Torres Stephen Charles Marsico Perrin Dexter Winkelman Kerri A. O'Toole Jennie Tso Richard Edwards McAlpin, Crystal Jeanne Worth Danny J. Pacheco Willie James Turral Jr. Yumi Yi Helen B. Padilla Paula Elizabet Twietmever Leo Joseph McTigue Joda Biggs Zila Lori A. Parkhurst Daniel E. Valdez . Paulette Marie Mehas Pattie Marie Perez Natalie A. Valencia John R. Perner Magdalena S. Vigil • Paul Gerard Pettit Michael Eugene Vigil Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87 Deborah A. Pickrell Patrick D. Vigil Richard J. Abruzzo Arlene M. Fresquez Steven R. Pierce Ravmond Glenn Waterbury Thomas Michael Allison Debbie M. Fischmann Christopher Louis Pino H~rbert Arthur Whiting . Carol R. Ambabo Michael E. Gaillour Brandon Stewart Pope Gregory Hampton Wolf Maria A. Anagnostelis Elaine N. Garcia Lisa Poyer Gregory Edward Wolfe William Scott Anderson Javier Lee Gonzales Cheryl L. Prather Ogiu J. Yi Ellen P. Argyres Marie Antoinette Gonzales Carl Lee Prestwich Jeffrey Zeter Thomas Albert Beller Deborah Gorenz Richard S. Pribble Anna Marie Zimmerly Rogelio Bennett Daniel H. Gorton Cathy A. Benson Christine Marie Grant Alberta Bitsoi Elizabeth A. Groenendyk MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Deneen Susanne Black Lisa Renae Grossoehme Mary Corinne Bodelson Stephanie Terese Gurule Requirements .Completed Summer Session, 1986 William B. Boehm Ryan Bennett Haas George Kerr Barton, B.A., Southwestern College, 1971 Mark Thomas Borland .Craig S. Hansen Jane Farris, B.B.A., University of New Mexico, 1979 Renee Janet Branch Karen M. Hanthorn Ray Anthony Garcia, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1983 Randal L. Bumgarner Julie Ann Harbur Pamela Ann Hayes, B.A., University of Colorado, 1966 Karen Stacv Carl Mark Thomas Hartman Patrick Brent Lesley, B.S., Iowa State University, 1983 Jeffrey L. Cash Debra L. Herbert Ioana Viorica McNamara, B.A., Universitv of New Mexico, 1982 Harry Demetri Chambers Donald L. Herman Mark Robert Nolan, B.B,A., University of New Mexico, 1978 Kenneth Michael Bobbi Kav Hester Dana Lawrence Story, B.S., South Dakota School of Mines and Tech­ Chvnoweth Roger K. 'Holton nology, 1980 . Jame; E. Colbert Michael R. Horcasitas Leslie Jean Wall, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1985 Daniel John Colucci Robert James Howard John M. Comerford Scott Michael Howell Requirements Completed Semester I, 1986-87 Roger Scott Comstock Sheila Rae Jansen Umesh Agrawal, B. Sc., University of Giorakhpur, India, 1984 Heidi Jo Cooper Lori Ann Jenkins. Michael Anthony Becker, B.S., B.A., University of Nebraska, 1982 Maria Louise Cordoba Douglas Alan Jenks Camille Evans Bennett, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1975 Benjamin Lee Darwin James Paul Johnson John J. Buksa, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1984 Valerie Del Curto Lisa Kara Lyn Jones Richard Walton Calvert, Jr., B.S., George Mason University, 1985 Barry J. Digman AndrewM. Kamm Donna Sue Campbell, B.B.A., University of Albuquerque, 1983 . Mike R. Eskew Mary Diane Keating Eric Gordon Cornish, B.B.A., University of New Mexico, 1980 Erica Rose Farmer Monica T. Kent James Joseph Donoghue, B.A., Rutgers University, 1965 • Bernadette C. Flores James Edward Keohane Sid John Golden, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1978 Alan R. Fowler Kathy M. Keszler Marilyn Y Gurule, B.A., University of Albuquerque, 1982 12 284

Ida M. Hjalmarson, B.A., University of North Dakota, 1977; B.S., COLLEGE OF NURSING University of North Dakota, 1977 ESTELLE H. ROSENBLUM, Dean Christopher Mark Hunter, B.S., William Jewell College, 1981 Britt H. Johnson, B.A., Colorado College, 1974 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING Susan Harriet Klein, B.S., Cornell University, 1964 Suzanne Jeanne Letzkus, B.A., University of Arizona, 1972 Requi,-ements Completed Semester I, 1986-87 Elizabeth A. Martin, B. F.A., Wittenberg University, 1975 Edward J. Abeita Angela Jean Keller Beverly Martin-Grey, B.A., Brooklyn College, 1973 Christine Lee Ayoub Gretchen Rasmussen Matsuda • Thomas Gordon Miller, B.S., University of Houston, 1981 Nancy Catherine Baxter Rebecca K. Neal Virginia Rae Moore, B.S., University of Wyoming, 1971; B.B.A., Uni­ Sally Katherine Burgess Joan Marie Pacioretty versity of New Mexico, 1985 Nancy D. Butler Glenda Jovanna Padilla Peter Hazen Pache, B.S., University of , 1972; M.S., Uni- Diana Carol Cuneo Monica Angelique Padilla versity of New Mexico, 1975 Katrinia Lynn Dietz Virginia E. Printz Michael Jack Pisani, A.B., University of California, i984 Sharon Ann Dunn Julieanne Marie Sanchez Gwen Mary Pullen, B. U. S., University of New Mexico, 1980 Kelly Jo Ellis Cynthia-Gay Sanshu Robert Michael Salazar, B.B.A., University of New Mexico, 1984 Robin Dawn Eschenburg Elizabeth Ann Padilla Sisneros Daryl Carter Schmitt, B.A., University of Colorado, 1977 Anne Furie. Deann Marie Smith Thomas Mark Servilla, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1983 Mary Kathryn Gallagher Valerie Anna Staff Michael Lee Sipe, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1975; B.S.M.T., Patricia A. Richardson Garlach Jeanette Evelyn Storey Universitv of New Mexico, 1979 Roger James Garman Cynthia Ann Bustamante Tabet Randall Th~mas Stewart, B.S., , 1969 Lori Renee Givens Martha E. Thomas Laura Lisa Taylor, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1985 Marie Lynn Lavigne Hailes Yolanda Valdez Trujillo Kingsley Onwuamaeze Ugwu, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1984 Belinda Sue Henning Wendy Lu Wilson Steven James Ver HeIst, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1977 Joan Astrid Hoglund Karen Elaine Wolfe Lisa Partain Westfall, B.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1983 Druie Elizabeth Irwin Richard Allan Wiley, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1964 Candidates for Degree, Semester 11, 1986-87 Alexandra K. Williams, B.A., St. Johns College, 1978 Sandra M. Achenbach Rick Alan Preston Lynn A. Williams, B.A., Florida Atlantic University, 1974; M.Ed., Crystal Diane Allison Pauline Preti Florida Atlantic University, 1975 Stacie L. Allison Morgan A. Ragsdale Vicki J. Zobisch, B.S., University of Oklahoma, 1971 Winona Begay Toni Ducas Rodgers Candidates for Degree, Semester 11, 1986-87 Tinamarie Rita Bernal Euphrasia A. Rodriguez John P. Abbott, B.B.A., University of New Mexico, 1984 Veronica R. Berumen Tammy Sue Ryerson Francis D. Bassett, B.A., University of Washington, 1974 Kelly A. Boyd Debra Anna Sade Valerie Jean Bennett, B. S., University of Florida, 1980 Lynn Marie Browne Pedro M. Sapien Janet Laurel Carter, B.S., University of Albuquerque, 1974 Theresa M. Bustamante Patricia A. Schulte Anne DeLaine Warden Clark, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1985 Kathleen Mary Canarie Robert M. Servis Kim Marilee Denton-Hill, B.A., Kansas State University, 1976 Elizabeth A. Chavez-Klemm Kyu Ok Simpson Steven Paul Diddams, B.A., Wheaton College, 1981 Cindy Lou Davis Elsa Maria Spicochi Steven Gerard Fattor, B. S., University of Notre Dame, 1983 Bernadette Marie Digneo Paula Carle Timmerman Stanley G. Fendley, B.A., Ouachita Baptist University, 1979 Marilyn M. Dlouhy Karen Leigh Tisinger Karl S. Fox, B.S., New Mexico Institute off..Iining & Technology, 1975 Mallery H. Downs Patricia Louisa Trujillo • Don R. Galarowicz, B.S., B.A., University of Arizona, 1981 Jeffrey Lynn Dunn Rebecca Lynn Vaughan Robert Hawley Gorham II, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1976 Cheryl Sue Duran Shelly A. Venhaus Craig Stephen Harmon, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1985 Debra Kay Frye Jana Lynn Vigil Arlan Sal mer Hauge, B. U.S., University of New Mexico, 1983 Kimberly Ann Gammill Kim D. Wallace Russell Ray Herndon, B.S., U.S. Air Force Academy, 1981 Joung K. Kim E. Lynn G. Ward Michael L. v. Horn-Mitchem, A.B., University of California, 1976 Veronica .Dawn Langemeier Emil)' R. Watchman Steven L. Jarvis, B.S.E.E., State University of New York, 1973 Lisa A. Lawyer Nina Ann Watson John Victor Kelsey, B.A., Dartmouth College, 1969; D.D.S., George- Laura Ruth Manire Debra L. Wilcox town University, 1978 Christie Lois Morris Pamela Susan Wiley Jeffrey Arthur Kueffer, B.S., University ofArizona, 1977 Patricia Ann Neil Laura Ann Yeck John A. Larson, B.B.A., University of New Mexico, 1983 Michele Anne Perella Julie Chuan Chuan Yeh Melissa Manlove, B.A., The Johns Hopkins University, 1982 Deette Marie Plauche Randall Zunie Patricia Lynn Mansker, B.A., San Diego State University, 1978 Michael Vincent Mares, B.S., Stanford University, 1979 Michelle Marie Matteucci, B.B.A., University of New Mexico, 1979 Paula Jean McKee, B.S., State University, 1980 Bruce Meiklejohn, B.A., Metropolitan State College, 1980 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Rose Marie Minton, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1979 Jan Alan Nichelason, B.S., University of Northern Colorado, 1975 JOHN RINALDI, Dean Jennifer Freund Pardee, A.B., Princeton University, 1983 David Neil Parkin, B.B.A., University of New Mexico, 1983 BACHELOR OF UNIVERSITY STUDIES George Pete Parks, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1982 Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 Kathleen Patricia Pierson, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1984 Richard Clay Blackburn Dave Rene Mascarenas Jennifer Yvonne Prairie, B. B.A., University of New Mexico, 1984 Tony Pascal Cowan Glen W. McCoy Cynthia Braun Register, B.A., Wittenberg University, 1982 Frank John Delgado Anne Louise Doerfert McGoey Doris J. Rhodes, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1972 Betta L. Eisenberg Angela Marie Whitebreast Patricia Carol Romero, B. B.A., University of New Mexico, 1984 Kathleen Suzanne Fickel Montoya Kathleen M. Russell, B.S.M.T., University of Albuquerque, 1970 Anthony J. Garcia Shirley Elizabeth Ortega William Kent Sims, B.S.E.E., University of New Mexico, 1980 Anthony Joseph Garcia David Cordero Preciado Frances Carroll Starnes, B.A., University of Texas, 1965 Emili-Jon Gonzales Earl Von Price Claude D. Stephenson III, B. U.S., University of New Mexico, 1985 . Martha J. Hardman Annita Grace Ready. Vicki Ellen Stewart, B.S., Eastern Michigan University, 1974 Kenneth Steven Karpel Nancy Kay Wiant Smith James Christopher Stromberg, B. B.A., University ofNew Mexico, 1985 Margot Jean Leurig Derek Michael Strauch Cynthia Jo Swanson, B.B.A., University of Massachusetts, 1983 Ralph David Levinson Heidi Isabelle Traub • Catherine Ann Tardy, B. S., University of Illinois, 198i '. Cathy Manogue David Edward Uranich David John Webster, B.B.A., University of Texas, 1960 Andres Mares-Muro 13 .. 285

Requirements Completed Semester' I, 1986-87 Christina Maria Sasso Irena S. Turner Sarah Elizabeth Kraner Adams Marilyn Sue Hope-Leblanc Daniel Schmitz Regina R. A. Turner Ellen Noreen Overton Allen Daniel Phillip I1genstein Sherrie Marie Sellmeyer John Martin Valdez Brian A. Baldwin Sean Innerst Francis Geoffrey Servin 'Gary Edward Vierheller Dorothy Wade Black Audrey Ann Jackson Michael John Smith Corliss Kindred Wade Sally Jane Bowman Cornelia Nannette Jacoby Susan Skillings Stein Karen M.· Wakitsch Bruce Carter Brantley Yolanda Jaramillo Cynthia Lynn Sterling Mary Dale Walters , Elizabeth Florence Steward Brenda Ann Kazmer Edward Walker Stone, Jr. Edward Secord Williamson Braught Lane Lucas Regina Aldona Talandis Vincent Joseph Yannie • William Everett Zwicky Laura Lee Burnett Susan Jean Macaskill Tamila Jean Thomas Paul Calcagno Martin Danny Martinez' Francesca Thompson-Brown Kathleen F. Campion Ann L. McCoy Randall Wayne Carnell Jeffrey Eugene Miller Bonnie Carter Janet Louise' Mohler Teresa Maria Clark Susan Eileen Molen Samuel Reid Combs· Christine Antoinette Morris SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE Susan L. Conrad Lupita Rodriguez Murphy AND PLANNING Stephen Michael Darrow Pauline Perea GEORGE ANSELEVICIUS, Dean Sara Lynne DesJardins' Kathryn Bjorkman: Rhine Donnie DeYoung Mary L. Russell BACHELOR OF ARTS IN ARCHITECTURE David Michael Di Santi Linda Ellen Schwartz Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 Bert Lawrence Dreher Jeffrey B. Severinghaus Kathleen Margaret Dyer Jacinto S. Soriano, Jr. David Meiboom Teri Lynne Ezell Robert F. Stripp Requirements Completed Semester 1, 1986~87 Beverly Yvonne Schmit Fallgren Peter Evans Talley Ji~ G. Duran Mary L. Piscitelli Chris Fay Anna Kathrine Thompson Debbie J. Fernandez Thomas Dean Powers Deborah Ann Hagengruber Christine Dacy Tippin Gloria Jeanne Elfond Garber Barbara Ruiz John Michael Harney, Jr. Saul Eduardo Roll Velez Michael Ross Kersting Brad Gorden Treseder Scott Williarn High Jutta Marie Voelker Steven Benjamin Hirsch Kelly Lynn Weaver Candidntes for Degree, Semester 11, 1986-87 Edward J. Avila Denise Joan Lund Candidates for Degree, Semester 11, 1986-87 Thomas Lawrence Belyea Daniel Glenn Macias Ricky James Adams Joline M. Krueger Colleen Bridget Boyd Lisa Dawn Martinez Priscilla Carreon Allen Judith Ann Krumm Elizabeth Alice Calhoon Shell A. Meuir Mark M. Altamirano Barbara Ann Babasa Kuhn Jay Wayne Cone Walter Dean Mitchell Walter H. Arnold 'Joseph Lanzetta Linda JoAnn Cruse Andre Alberto ~Iontalvan Carol Beth Barker Michelle A. Lesicka Charles David Day F. John Ponce de Leon Valerie J. Bosiljevac Scott David Lewis Jessica Rachel Dixon Tony Avan Rivera Valencia A. Bridges Jon Forrest Little Debora Susan Hankinson Philip Warren Scott John William Bucholz Donald Gordon Lobato Michael William Howell Oluwaseun Nwabuebu Sofola Hermila Anita Buntsma Beverly Lou Loden Daniel Jay Kemp Carlos Steven Sosa Michael M. Cadieux Frances Theresa Lopez John Howard Kirkpatrick Michael Jon Trujillo Jo-Ann Canning-Dew Dorothy Mary Lynch Steve J. Kuhn Jon David Vangaasbeek • Robert Scott Caraway Susan Magee Yin Kiat Lim Martha C. Chavez Lorna M. Marcotte Ralph Chavez· Lawrence Kim Martini BACHELOR OF ARTS IN ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN Brian S. Christensen Jack Dewey Mastenbrook Requirements Completed Semester 1, 1986-87 Glen Edward Clark Lisa Merrill Maxon Sheryl V. Coe Raymond S. Mayer Wesley R. Bayless Jason Eric Fink Marie M. Coffey Keith Travis McClish Sarah Margaret Blewett Terry Allen Dean Elizabeth Ann McElhaney Candidntes for Degree, Sem.ester 11, 1986-87 Sr. Theresa DeFeo Rosemarie Merrill Tim A. Berry Janet Isobel Shevis Donna M. Doles Joseph R. Montoya Gabrielle Ann Perry Richard J. Stack Bobbie J. Dunn Barbara G. Morgan John Wallace Eberle Rollin M. Morgan Billy A. Farwig Mary Elizabeth Morrow Lorena Maria Garcia Cyril Wayne Oakes Margaret Joan Garcia Maria Lourdes Oliveira- SCHOOL OF LAW Mary Rita Silva Garcia Young THEODORE PARNALL, Dean, Elizabeth Ann Gentry April Lynn Owens Linda Kay Gilkey Pearl L. Pattin JURIS DOCTOR David T. Gomez Thomas Lee Payne Requirements Completed Summer Session, .1986,,' Dianne Clement Gropper Katherine D. Scott Peercy Rebecca Ann Gushard Stephanie A. Phillips Brett James Carter, B.B.A., Eastern New Mexico University, 1983 Deborah Hale Katherine A. Pino Marcia E. Lubar, B.A., 1976, M.A., 1978, University of New Mexico Timothy Michael Hawks Marilyn Sue Podeyn Requirements Completed Semester I, 1986-87 Glenn R. Hixenbaugh Nina Marie Popolato Juanita Jo Carrillo, B.A., Stanford Univ~rsity, 1981 ' . '. Michael Thomas Hopper Jerry R. Prentice Alfred C. Harris, Jr., B.A., Stanford University, 197( M.A., University Ray Joseph Hornfeck Page Christopher Press of New Mexico, 1982 ' .. ... Harrietta J. Irvin David E. Proper Sheila Scott Harris, B.A., University ~f New Mexico, 1968 Robert Janco John David Pyatt Virginia Hayward Huettig, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1982 William R. Johnson Nancy Ann Rath Joan V. Padilla, B.A., University of ~ew Mexico: 1983 Beverly F. Jones· James Walter Reed Teresa G. Keating Ann Lawrence Ryan Candidntes for Degree, Semester 11, 1986-87 George Harrison Keyes Thomas Joseph Salas Dawn Therese Adrian, B.A., U~iversity of New Mexico, 1980 David Murray King Janet Marie Sanchez· Karen Jean Atkinson, B.A., Stanford University, 1982 . Kathryn Grace Komatz Gregory Alan Sandoval '0.- Helen Elaine Avalos, B.A.; University of Denver, 1984 . l .•·-, .'. . 'l • ".' .. ~ ... 14 286

Gerald Edward Baca, B.A., New Mexico Highlands University, 1984 Rita Jeanne Sandoval, B. U.S., University of New Mexico, 1979; M.A., Richard Douglas Barish, B.A., University of Chicago, 1973; M.A., Websters University, 1982 University of New Mexico, 1978 Frankie Anthony Sedillo, B. B.A., University of New Mexico, 1982 Michelle Ilene Bennett, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1983 Lauro Daniel Silva, B.A., Eastern New Mexico University, 1971 Susan H. Biernacki, B,A., University of New Mexico, 1984 David Lee Skinner, B.S., Mesa College, 1982 Brian Kern Branch, B.A., Coe College, 1982 Glenn Raymond Smith, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1976 James E. Burke, A.B., Bowdoin College, 1972 Nannette Marie Smith, B. B.A., 1981, M. B.A., 1985, University ofNew Mary Frances Chavez, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1977 Mexico . Rosalie Chavez, B. U.S., University of New Mexico, 1983 Kathryn Holmes Snedaker, B.S., University of Utah, 1980; M.A., Uni- Jean M. Conner, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1979 versity of New Mexico, 1984· . William Joel Cooley, B.A., New Mexico State University, 1984 Bonnie May Stepleton, B.S., University of,Oregon, 1984 Nicholas Cullander, B.A., St. John's College, 1980 . James R. Stevenson, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1959; M.D., Lisa Kay Cummings, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1978 University of Colorado, 1963 . Louis Edward DePauli, Jr., B.A., New Mexico State University, 1983 John Reed Thompson, B.A., New Mexico State University, 1983 Elaine Theresa DeVoe, B.A., New Mexico State University, 1980 Kathleen Clem Thompson, B.A., New Mexico State University, 1981 Samantha Marie Dunning, B.A., University of Washington, 1970 Cynthia Jean Trafton, B.A., Florida Southern College, 1977 Leon Felipe Encinias, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1975 James Scott Truax, B.A., Westminster College of Salt Lake City, 1983; Lisa Marie Enfield, B.A., Wesleyan University, 1979 M.B.A., Oral Roberts University, 1986 (degree will be awarded by Cheryl Demmert Fairb~nks, B.A., Fort Lewis College, 1970 . Oral Roberts University) Judith Ann Faviell, B.S., 1983, M.S., 1984, New Mexico State Uni- Alan Mark Varela, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1984 versity Mary Elizabeth Stacy Vencill, B.A., University of New MexiCo, 1975 Leonard Joseph Foster, B.A., New Mexico Highlands University, 1980 William John Waggoner, B.S., University of Oklahoma, 1983 Sarah Jane Platero Foster, B. U.S., University of New Mexico, 1976 Jana Lynn Walker, B.S., University of Oklahoma, 1977 Richard Nelson Franse, B. U.S., University of New Mexico, 1984 Sharon Deneen Walton, B.B.A., New Mexico State University, 1983 Craig Bailey Fretwell, B.A., 1977, M.S., 1979, New Mexico Highlands R. V. Ward, B.S., Northern Arizona University, 1971; M.S., Washington University State University, 1973 Bruce Walter Freyburger, B.A., University of Michigan, 1976 Martha Ann Washington-Foster, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1983 Christopher Lee Garcia, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1983 Shari Lyn Weinstein, B.S., University of Vermont, 1981 Timothy Oliver Garner, B. U.S., University of New Mexico, 1977 Gregory Shan Wheeler, B. U.S., University of New Mexico, 1984 Remo Emmanuel Gay, Jr., B.A., New Mexico State University, 1984 Patricia Greene Williams, B.A., 1975, ~·I.A., 1982, University of New Marc Alan Gordon, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1981 Mexico Pamela Porter Hamblin, B.A., Brigham Young University, 1981 Yvette M. Wiltgen, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1984 David Michael Houliston, B.B.A., New Mexico State University, 1984 Jane Louie Yee, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1982 Lisa Lauritsen Houser, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1982 Maria Monica Zamora, B.A., Fort Lewis College, 1982 Becky S. Jiron, B.A., 1977, M.A., 1978, Adams State College Mary Ann Joca, B.S., University of Florida, 1976 Teresa Marie Johnson, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1982 Beth Alona Kaimowitz, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1984 Kathrin M. Kinzer-Ellington, B.A., New Mexico State University, .1984 SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Camille Parrish Koehler, B.B.A., 1967, M.S., 1969, Texas Tech Uni- LEONARD MICHAEL NAPOLITANO, Dean versity Jane Anne Laflin, B.A., University of Albuquerque, 1980 DOCTOR OF MEDICINE • Philip Paul Larragoite II, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1982 R~quirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 Roxann T. Liccione, B. U.S., University of New Mexico, 1982 David Douglas Longley, B.B.A., University of New Mexico, 1980 Peggy Gail Ebinger, B. U.S., University of New Mexico, 1980 Edward Joseph Lopez, Jr., B.A., Michigan State University, 1984 Marlowe Wayne Eldridge, B.E., 1977, M.S., 19&0, University of New Patrick Louis Lopez, B.A., The Colorado College, 1976 Mexico Jeffrey P. Luster, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1984 Requirements Completed Semester 1, 1986-87 Nikki Jean Mann, B.S., 1974, M.A., 1978, Ohio State University James Edward Bell, B.A., New Mexico State University, 1980 Jane Marx, B.A., St. John's College, 1978 Jane Agnew Bigler, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1981 Linda Marie Matteucci, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1983 John Brian Bruss, B.S., University of Utah, 1981; M.S., Tulane Uni­ George Randol McFall, A.B., Stanford University, 1970 versity, 1982 Elizabeth Vincent McGrath, B.A., Hampshire College, 1981 Paul Christian Daly, B.S., New Mexico State University, 1981 Pat McNertney, B.S.F.S., Georgetown University, 1974; M.S., Uni­ Gregory Gamliel Dopulos, B.S., r.lichigan State University, 1973; B.S., versity of New Mexico, 1983 (degree will be awarded by Creighton Mercy College of Detroit, 1979 University School of Law) Michael Alan Grotting, B.S., Washington Stale University, 1973; M.S., Loretta Frances Medina, B.A., Regis College, 1984 Ohio State University, 1975 Stephen Ayres Moffat, B.A., Stanford University, 1963; M.A., Uni­ Stephen Joseph Ley, B. S., San Francisco State University, 1981 versity of California, Berkeley, 1966; B.S.N., University of New Caryn McHarney-Brown, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1977 Mexico, 1980 Alice Ruth Moore, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1984 Requirements Completed Semester II, 1986-87 Phoebe Myers, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1979 Charles Leon Aragon, B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1981 Marcella Marie Neville, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1984 Brad Robin Baack, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1982 Cecelia M. Niemczyk, B.B.A., University of New Mexico, 1983 Shawn Bonifacio Baca, B. 5., University of New Mexico, 1983 Kathleen Margaret Oakey, B. A., University of New Mexico, 1984 Ron Michael Battle, B.S., Montana State University, 1981 Roberto David Ortega, B.A., Stanford University, 1983 Carleen Tortello Bensen, B.A., Gettysburg College, 1975; M. S., Baylor Orlando Alonzo Quintana, B.A., 1982, M.A., 1984, New Mexico High- University, 1976 . lands University Christopher Robert Braden, B.S., Cornell University, 1983 Stephen Russell Quintana, B.A., Brandeis University, 1983 J. Kathleen Burrows, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1981 Claudia Lynn Ray, B.A., 1974, M.A., 1975, University of New Mexico Mark Andrew Butcher, B.S., Ne'w Mexico Institute of Mining and Jerry H. Ritter, B.A., New Mexico State University, 1983 Technology, 1983 Edward Joseph Roibal, B. U.S., University of New Mexico, 1984 James Peter Cappon, B. S., University of New Mexico, 1981 Jaye Salinas Roibal, B.S., Arizona State University, 1984 (degree will Lee Charles Caruana;' B.A., Franklin and Marshall College, 1974 be awarded by Arizona State University College of Law) James Eugene Cheek, .B.A., Pomona College, 1979; M.S" Arizona Elsie Bailey Salcido, B.A., 1980, M.A., 1983, University ofNew Mexico State University, 1982 , . CatherineA. Sanchez, B.U.S., 1973, M.P.A.,I984, University ofNew Paul Richard Cheney, B.A., St. John's College: 1981 Mexico Gary Lee Christiansen, D,V.M., Kansas State University, 1980

15 287

Clare Hilary Compton, B.A., University ofCalifornia (San Diego), 1983 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICAL THERAPY Christine Marie Conley, B.S., New Mexico Highlands University, 1978 Requirements Completed Semester I, 1986-87 Kyle Ann Cooper, B.S., New Mexico State University, 1981 Jane Adele Anderson Lisa Dean Maynard Paula Ann Corrigan, B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1983 Leonel Salvador Arrieta Stacy Darlene McCharen Laura Suzanne Cosimi, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1983 Joyce Ann Wyant Burge Margaret Eileen McCoy Paul Wayne Fonken, B.S., University of Wyoming, 1983 Katherine Lee Espey John T. Pearson Lucy Fox, B.A., University of Michigan, 1972; M.A., University of Catherine Sue Gardner Donald Allen Pittard British Columbia, 1976 Adelaida Gonzales Greg A. Robinson .Dennis Joseph Garcia, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1983 Theresa J. Kraemer . Tony Lynn Rusk • Carole Eva Gervais, B. 5., University of New Mexico, 1983 Alice B. Lloyd Claire Louise Vito James Herbert Heaphy, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1976; M.S., Rebecca Dominguez Long' University of California (San Diego), 1979 Philip Bird Hopkins III, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1983 Candidate for Degree, Semester 11, 1986-87 Scott Benjamin Jennings, B.A., Whitman College, 1982 Gail Davis Scott Bostow Johnson, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1983 Thomas Noble Johnson, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1982 ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN RESPIRATORY THERAPY Tamara Sue Johnson-Baack, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1982 Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 Earl August Latimer III, B.A., Trinity University, 1983 Dennis James Lucero, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1975 Joan Elise Bryant-Kennedy Aimee Marie Johnson Charles Joseph Manak, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1983 Henry William Carusone Russell'Glen Kelso John Robert Martin Cheryl Anne Dove Debra Ann Usiak Charles Daniel McGrath, 'B.S., 1969, J. D., 1974, University of New Cynthia Renee Hall Mexico; L.L.M., University of Missouri at Kansas City, 1976 Jane West McGrath, B.A., Prescott College, 1975 ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN HUMAN SERVICES Mary Sharon McKee Candidate for Degree, Semester 11, 1986-87 Edward Eugene McNamara, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1982 Dian Marie Buehler Douglas Lynn McPherson, B.S., Eastern New Mexico University, 1969; M.A. University of Oklahoma, 1971 Leslie Anne Morrison, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1978 Brian James O'Grady, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1982 Timothy Frank O'Neill, B.A., Creighton University, 1983 William John Oligmueller, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1983 Elizabeth Ortiz Palmer Christina Elena Pierucki, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1978 GENERAL COLLEGE Peggy Lee Porter, B.A., Humboldt State College, 1974 SHIAME OKUNOR, Dean Emilio Tanijero Rivera, B.S., New Mexico State University, 1980 Richard David Rolston, B,A., University of Montana, 1983 ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN Charles Jeffrey Romero, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1982 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING Thomas Oliver Rothfeld, B. U.S., University of New Mexico, 1980 Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 Lieu Thi Rupp, B.A" University of New Mexico, 1977 Cynthia Ann Schafer, B.S., New Mexico Institute of Mining and Tech­ Nina Ning Chang Nova J. Shah-Galaviz nology, 1983 Requirements Completed Semester I, 1986-87 Peggy Lynn Schneider, B.A., New York University, 1969; B.H.S., Duke Sharolyn Anderson Yvonne Hsia Yi Lin • University, 1979 Arthur s. Bazan Ronald Larry Martinez Elizabeth KaySerniak, B.S., Michigan State University, 1977 Yvonne M. Campbell Guadalupe Massoth Cleora Hubbard Shunkamolah, B.S., University of Oklahoma, 1981 Margherita Regina Delilla Wayne Robert Monteith Brent Allan Smith, B.A., University of Montana, 1981 Beverly F. Harron Alice Faye Green Pare David Stagnone, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1983 Steven Ashley Holowienko Charles Wayne Schmidt David Toups Stewart, Jr., B.S., University of New Mexico, 1980 Anthony G. Jiron Antoinette Irene Silva Paul Kenneth Stromberg, B.S., Spring Hill College, 1983 Lynn Ling-Yi Lin Lucille Usner Michael Angelo Trujillo, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1983 Victor Vincent Vigil, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1983 Candidates for Degree, Semester 11, 1986-87 William R. Westerfield, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1980 Anita Louise Ammermuller Joe L. Maness Richard Albert Wilson II, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1980 Wendy Denise Buckels Belinda Katherine Mercure Allan Walter Wood, B.A., Johns Hopkins University, 1976 Mei Ping Cheng Farshad Monfared Mark William Yeazel, B. 5., University of Wisconsin, 1981 Elister M. Ellis Wayne Robert Monteith Darlene S. Encee Nicholas John Morley Nancy Folsom David Remy Perot Robert Lee Hare Eunice Pineda-Martinez BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY Jose Hernandez Carla Anne Pino Requirements Completed Semester I, 1986-87 Gregory Carl Hinds Paul R. Schindwolf Marisela P. Gomez David M. Koopmans Somphavanh Sisommbath Leesa Lederer Loraine Wigley Candidates for Degree, Semester 11, 1986-87 Pey Liou Shelley Lynn Wilson Charles Earl Clark Sylvia Eileen Romero Deborah Jean' Loehr Leland Gould Yates Rebecca Honda Angela Mary Verderame Nina B. Lopez ' Lisa Beth Lovelady Elizabeth Jan Zimmermann Imliaz Ahmed Malik ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN. BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE IN RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY John Emory Chaney Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 Requirements Completed Semester I, 1986-87 Jack Eliot Awuz ' Jill Marie McCombs Janine Lyn Cortner 'Alan Roger Pensabene Rae M. Bowannie Kathryn Lynn Montano Rex L. Foutz Leon J. Vialpando Theresa Rita Guyker Catherine Marie Smith Ellen M. Galarowicz ' Teresa Tafoya Walter • Lynnett Kay Krause Patricia M. Wadleigh Victor Leonard Jojola 16

_-;-0--_- .. 0__ .----.,.-_.~_ . .. ~_._.~-,-_",,"":, . __ ~ ~ ."_"_"' --:::. -:- ~:_-'----.- ...._ .. 288

Candidates for Degree. Semester II. 1986-87 ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN Elena L. Avila Virginia Louise Guizio BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY Jeffrey Alexandra Barrett Patricia K. Jaramillo Requirements' Completed Summer Session, 1986 Joseph Richard Chavez Judy R. Madrid Gerald Jerry Notah Rosie P. Elwell Muriel Leonella Pe Morris Sheryl M. Farrell Andrea Claire Padilla ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN Ellen M. Galarawicz Patricia Jean Rembold ErlindaLouise Garcia Kenneth Bruce Shapiro CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY • Mary Louise Gonzales Cindy Marie Sotelo Requirements Completed Semester I. 1986.,.87 Robbie Paul Gonzales Mark Franklin' Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87 ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN BUSINESS SECRETARIAL PROGRAM Lynley Bitsie ' Andrew 'Pinto Requirements Completed Summer Session. 1986 Pamela Ann Mason ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN Requirements Completed Semester I, 1986-87 DIESEL ENGINEERING TECHNI-BUSINESS Patricia Louise Standing' Candidate for Degree. Semester II, 1986-87 Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87 Patrick McCabe . Gail P. Coppinger Theresa A. OIecksiew Kelly Laree Emrich Mary Alice Sanchez ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN GENERAL STUDIES Brenda Jean Marez Tracy Lynn Swauger Requirements Completed Semester 1,1986-87 Peggy Ann Langdon Andrew Joseph Chavez Richard 1. Garcia ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN EDUCATION Candidates for Degree. Semester II, 1986-87 Requirements Completed Summer Session. 1986 Theresa A. Becenti Tom L. Manning Marlene Boyd Rebecca Quam Carole Suzanne Villard Thomas Gomez Helen T. Radosevich ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN HEALTH. PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND RECREATION ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN GENERAL SUPERVISION Candidate for Degree. Semester II, 1986-87 Candidates for Degree. Semester II, 1986-87 Dorothy Jane Phillips Marlene Boyd Ramona Yazzie Raeleva Victoria Paywa


BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN DENTAL HYGIENE Requirements Completed Semester I, 1986-87 Candidates for Degree. Semester II, 1986-87 Marcella Ann John • Cathy L. Bosiljevac Barbara Ann Kiziah Betty Kay Cole Anna M. Martinez ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN Diane Jean Herrera Monica D. Pasquale MICROCOMPUTER OPERATIONS Debra Lynn Holland Kim K. Snyder Candidates for Degree. Semester II. 1986-87 Page Ann Kampfe Jean Diane Stegman Charlotte T. Bradley Rose Lee Joan Margaret Kellam Lorraine A. Hood Marlene Nastacio Mary Be~h Kontz Bernadine Sullivan ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE IN DENTAL HYGIENE Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87 ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN Agnes Agatha Aragon Lisa Pauline Niewold WELDING.TECHNOLOGY Verna Lorraine Corrales Laurie Jo Robinson Candidate for Degree. Semester II, 1986-87 Dana Kay Daugherty Rebecca Ann Sauerman Randy Lee Bowman Daniela Dipomazio Cynthia J. Standard Jose Alfredo Garcia Jacqueline Ann Trodden ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN BUSINESS SECRETARIAL PROGRAM Jan Rebecca Gregg Kimberly D. Wash Melanie Marshall Marilyn R. Winston Requirements Completed Semester I, 1986-87 Elizabeth Ann Murchison Barbara A. Begay Genevieve liVingston Darlene D. Bobelu Raeleva Victoria Paywa Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87 Phillip G. Antonio Shelley Jean Kasmire GALLUP BRANCH COLLEGE Anita C. Begay Ruby Mary Nez Vera Jean Cardy-House Tracy L. Raven JOHN, PHILLIPS, Director Karen H. Cheama Bernillia Rae Seciwa Verna Jeanne Escudero Marlene Tsosie ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN Rolena Johnson Darlene Vicenti AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY Candidates for Degree, Semester II. 1986-87 ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE Daniel Martin Wesley Rogers Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 Paul Martin, Jr. Larry Lee Sanbrera Rachel Benally ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN BANKING TECHNOLOGY Candidates for Degree. Semester II, 1986-87 Requirements Completed Semester I, 1986-87 Lillian Ann Payton Calvin F. Wiggins • Barbara Begay-Smith Terry Whitman 17 ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN EDUCATION ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN 289 Requirements Compleied Semester I, 1986-87 ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY Louise Hattie Paula S, Stalcup Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87 Candidates for Degree. Semester II, 1986-87 Rita Sue Barney Pamela'Sue Stabler Becky Sue Cordova Gordon Wesley Stephens Florence Acque Kim Lenae Cowdrey Rodney Ray Niccum Anthony Robert Valdez Mary Beth Alford Sara M. Dooley ,', Lula ,Boyd Tonila Yuselew ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN • BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION MANAGEMENT' ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN HEALTH. PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND RECREATION Requirements Completed Semester I, 1986-87 : Requirements Completed Semester I. 1986-87 Helen Elise Ulibarri Lou Ann Morgan Jones . Mabel J, Willeto Candidate for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87,' ': Candidate for Degree, Semester II. 1986-87 Mary Ann Kidman Tarcilla M. Orr ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN LIBERAL ARTS ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN HUMAN SERVICES Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 Candidate for Degree, Semester II. 1986-87 Barbara Anne Lindman Corrine Brewster Requirements Completed Semester I, 1986-87 Lynda D. Telle ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN LIBERAL ARTS Candidntes for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87 Requirements Completed Semester 1,1986-87 Michael Edward Early Clarice Carla Sanchez Andrew Joseph Chavez Mary Georgina Sanford Mildred Helen Hoak Oscar Detsoi Robert Teruo Sekiya Juanita Ramirez-Archuleta Candidates for Degree. Semester II, 1986-87 Theresa Zaragoza Gonzales Edward 1. Small VALENCIA BRANCH COLLEGE Ethel House Bernadine Sullivan OMERO SUAREZ, Director Glen Jim ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN PRE-PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY Candidates for Degree. Semester II. 1986-87 Requirements Completed Semester I. 1986-87 Catherine Fuhs Rebecca Quam Christopher Richard Chavez Zonnie Gorman Candidate for Degree. Semester II. 1986-87 ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE IN NURSING LuAnn Jenny Baca Requirements Completed Summer Session. 1986 ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN Judith Nuza CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY • Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87 Candidates for Degree. Semester II. 1986-87 Clarice F. Ashley Marlene Kay Olson Carolyn Clair Miller Ronald William Moffitt Jackie A. McClosk Ballard Debby Ann Ortiz Margaret Rose Becenti Chantel Trina Pahe ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN GENERAL STUDIES Cheryl Ann Curtis Wanda Ross Candidates for Degree, Semester II. 1986-87 Georgia Jean Grimmer Wanda A. Shirley Roy William Ankeny Jerry Don Reeves Fritz Linnenbrugger Cherie M. Stolz Gerard Gregory Briscoe Bennie Ralph Sandoval Corinne Stewart Minfield Carolyn Jean Stout Carla J. Mulder Marlene Y. Taliman ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Dana L. Newton Belly R. Taylor Requirements Completed Semester I. 1986-87 Rudy Marquez Lisa Tolin LOS ALAMOS BRANCH COLLEGE ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN LIBERAL ARTS VIRGINIA HIGBIE, Director Requirements Completed Semester I. 1986-87 Roy William Ankeny Loretta M, Gallegos ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN COMPUTING SCIENCE Barbara Ann Fox Michael A. Messier Requirements Completed Summer Session. 1986 Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87 Steven Paul Cole Kathleen Marie Moya Joanna Frances Sandoval Requirements Completed Semester 1.1986-87 Minerva Nieto Mary Dell Brockway Mont Alan Jones Jennifer Gwyn Elliott-Martinez Rosemary Wallace ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE IN CORRECTIONS STUDIES Requirements Completed Semester I; 1986-87 Candidates for Degree, Semester II. 1986-87 ... ; Richard Ramon Romero Susan Lyn Bennett Donald Eugene Prather Florence Kay Houghton Stephen Austin Streetman Billie R. Mauro


~. MASTER OF ARTS Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 David Contreras-Mariona Edt/cational Administration Rani Teresa Alexander ,. Anthropology B.A., Universidad de El Salvador, 1985 B.A, Tulane University, 1984 Lorraine Renee Cordova , Special Education Edy Rosa Aliaga Educational Administration B.A., University of New Mexico, 1985,. B.A., Francisco Gavidia, 1984 Glenn Craig Cornwall ,' Art Lynda Susan Altman Secondary Education B.F.A., Brigham Young University, 1976 .. B.A., University of Northern Colorado, 1968 Mauricio Cruz Educational Administration Benedicto Alvarez Educational Administration B.S., Universidadde El Salvador, 1984 B.A., University of EI Salvador, 1980 Pamela Irene Czar ElementarY Education Osvaldo Amador Educational Administration B.A., University of New Mexico, 1973 . , B.A., Supervision of Education School, 1978 Cecelia Anne Davey : Elementary Education Linda Lee Artman Special Education B.A., Le Moyne College, 1973 B.A., University of West Florida, 1979 . Vikki J. Davis ', Special Education Polly A. Azar Technological and Occupational Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1981, B. S., University of New Mexico, 1981 Ada Duran de Hernandez Educational Administration Dolores C. Baca Special Education B.A., Universidad de EI Salvador, 1984 B.A., University ofAlbuquerque, 1985 Vivian Miskiel Dyer Educational Administration Maria R. Bagby Elementary Education B.S., University ofTexas, 1970 B.S.E., University of New Mexico, 1985 Jamie Louise Eakins Theatre Arts Shelly Cathryn Ball Elementary Education B. F.A., University of New Mexico, 1977 B.S., New Mexico State University, 1980 Harry D. Ellis Counselor Education Cathy R. Banks ElementanJ Education B.A., Butler University, 1943 B.S.E., University of Tennessee, 1980 M. D., Indiana University, 1944 Marco Tulio Barahona Educational Administration Reyna D. V. Emerson Elementary Education B.A., Escuela Superior del Profesorado F.M., 1975 B. S., University of Albuquerque, 1979 Frederick McLean Barden Art Dale W. Emmert. Spanish B.A., Appalachian State University, 1972 B.A., Iowa State University, 1975 Catherine A. Bartlett. American Studies Vincent James Ercolano Political Science B.A., University of New Mexico, 1983 B.A., Loyola College, 1975 Patricia Ann Baudoin Elementary Education Anita Marie Fernandez Elementary Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1980 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1985 Sarah E. Burnett Beene Special Education Trinidad Flores Educational Administration B.A., University of New Mexico, 1983 B.A.,·Escuela Superior del Profesorado, 1982' Barbara Louise Belcher Special Education Ruby Rose Koenen Floyd Secondary Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1983 B.A., California State University, 1982 Jeanette H. Ben-Attar. Secondary Education Alison Ruth Freese American Studies • B.A., Adelphi University, 1978 B.A., University of Wisconsin, 1974 Robert Dee Bewley Geography Maria Sagrario Gaido Educational Administration B.A., University of New Mexico, 1982 B.A., Universidad Honduras, 1984 Benita Yvonne Bibeau Elementary Education Rose-Ellen Garcia ~ Secondary Education B. S., University of New Mexico, 1984 B.A., College of Santa Fe, 1979 Carol Anne Birch , Special Education Alfonso Garcia-Rivera Educational Administration B.S., University of New Mexico, 1985 B.S., Universidad de EI Salvador, 1984 Monica Ann Blythe Special Education Lynne L. Garramore-Mason Educational Administration B.S.E., University of New Mexico, 1985 B.A., University of Northern Colorado, 1974 Angela Maria Bogner : Elementary Education Elaine Susan Gil Elementary Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1984 B.S., New Mexico State University, 1985 Kathleen Marie Brinster Educational Administration Vilma Giron de Magana Educational Administration B.S., Dickinson State College, 1965 B.A., Universidad Centro Americana, 1985 Joanne Burns Elementary Education Mary Darlene Goodman '; , American Studies B.S., University of New Mexico, 1984 B.S., Eastern New Mexico University, 1981 Leticia Bustillo de Young Educational Administration Stephen F. Griego , .. Secondary Education B.A., University of South Florida, 1971 B. U.S., University of New Mexico, 1978 Elena Calderon-Henriquez Educational Administration Helen Marie Griffith Technological and Occupational Education B.S., Universidad Centro Americana, 1985 B.S., Northeastern State College, 1972 Ivana Cerna GemulIl Alicia Gutierrez-Fletcher Spanish B.A., Economical and Secretarial Academy, 1974 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1977 Alice Ruth Cerutti. Elementary Education Linda Karen Hagan Elementary Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1984 B.S., West Chester University, 1984 Laura Inez Chavez Special Education Melody Daniel Hagler Elementary Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1980 B.S., Auburn University, 1979 Michael David Chavez Secondary Education Anne Mae C. Hargrove Secondary Education B.A., New Mexico Highlands University, 1977 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1983 Gina M. Civerolo Counselor Education Teres~ Elena Heaphy Secondary Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1981 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1978 Jose Antonio Cae Educational Administration Leslie Kaye Heard Elementary Education B.A., Universidad Rafael Landivar, 1984 '. . . B. S.; University of New Mexico, 1984 Lorraine Marie Comallie-Stevens Counselor Education Mary Lynne Herr : Educational Administration B.M.E., University of New Mexico, 1981 B.A., Framingham State College, 1981 Margaret Anne Connors Elementary Education Sandra Gene Hoge ....'.....Technological and Occupational Education • B.S., University of New Mexico; 1985 B. S., University of New Mexico, 1965 19 291

David R. Holliway Language Sciences Brunilda Matias LAtin American Studies B.A., University of New Mexico, 1984 B.S., Catholic University of Puerto Rico, 1974 Edith May Holmes Elementary Education Eileen Adair Mattison Secondary Education B.A., University of Iowa, 1963 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1979 Jane Rosaria Hsu : Language Sciences John P. McCloskey Theatre Arts B.A., Providence College, 1981 B. U.S., University of New Mexico, 1976 Ronald Charles Hummel Secondary Education ,Jose Mario Mendoz Educational Administration B.S., University of New Mexico, 1982 B.S., Universidad de El Salvador, 1984 Vera Elizabeth Iiams Secondary Education Margaret Ann Metcalf Elementary Education • B.A., University of New Mexico, 1977 B. S., University of New Mexico; 1983 Rene Javier Irias Educational Administration Gerardo Molina-Pena .- Educational Administration B.A., Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras, 1983 B.A:, Universidad de El Salvador, 1981 Constance L. Jacobsen Elementary Education Juanita M. Montano ' Elementary Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1974 .. B.S., University of New Mexico, 1978 Tommie M. Jaramillo' Elementary Education Raymond Anthony Montoya :: Elementary Education B.S., University ofAlbuquerque, 1979 ' B. S., University of New Mexico, 1983 Debra E. Johannes-Novak Secondary Education Jan-Jay Moolenijzer Elementary Education B.S., Bloomburg University, 1982 B.A., Central Washington State College, 1974 Christy Ann Johnson, Art Shelley Ann Moore ::' .-. Elementary Education B.S., California State University, 1984 B. S., University of New Mexico, 1985 Carolyn D. Johnston Educational Administration Drake Robert Moreno Elementary Education B.F.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Guy S. Kaiser ; ' Art Karen Ann Nicholson Special Education B.F.A., Miami University, 1982 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1980 Gus Harold Keene, Jr Educational Administration Rose Nofchissey : Secondary Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1982 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1975 Linda Kelly Special Education Jorg Opherk Anthropology B.S., University of Illinois, 1971 Joyce Alice Padilla Special Education Karen Sue Kennedy Elementary Education B.A., College of Santa Fe, 1973 B.S., New Mexico State University, 1975 Liliana Padilla Educational Administration Kim R. Krall Secondary Education B. S., Escuela Superior del Profesorado F. M., 1975 B.A., San Francisco State University, 1980 Vilma R. Pena Educational Administration Severo La Fuente Educational Administration B.S., Universidad Albert Einstein, 1984 B. S., University of San Francisco, 1968 Rita Irene Perea Secondary Education Edmund Lano Elementary Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1985 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1981 Francisco Perez Spanish Amy B. Lauer Elementary Education B.U.S., 1981, University of New Mexico; B.A., 1982 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1985 Lisa Powell : Elementary Education Kathryn E. Lawrence Elementary Education B.S., McMurry College, 1982 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1984 Carolyn Leggett Quinn American Studies Elida Annette Lechuga English B.A., Southern Methodist University, 1964 B.A., New Mexico State University, 1980 Michele Lynn Raece Special Education Linda Deborah Lefton Educational AdminL~tration B.S., DePaul University, 1970 • B.A., University of New Mexico, 1972 Terrence Lynn Reeder...... Counselor Education Barbara J. Liberman Special Education B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1985 , B.S., University of New ~'Iexico, 1978 Rebecca Kay Rhodabeck Elementary Education Barbara Jean Lincoln-Hunt Elementary Education B. S., University of Colorado, 1976 B.S., Kearney State College, 1984 Orlando Rivas-Paniagua Educational Administration Emma Kathryn Lopez Special Education B.S., Universidad de EI Salvador, 1983 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1970 Darrel Charles Roberts Latin American Studies Priscilla Veronica Lopez Elementary Education B.G.S., University of Nebraska, 1972 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1978 M.I.M., American Graduate School of Management, 1982 Clara Lopez-Cerna Educational Administration M.P.A., Golden Gate University, 1980 B.A., University Francisco Gavidia, 1985 Shelley Brooks Robinson Art Carl Neprud Love Special Education B.A., Connecticut College, 1982 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1980 Jose Gilberto Romero-Tobar Educational Administration Marjorie M. Lux Elementary Education B.S., Universidad Nacional de EI Salvador, 1985 B.S., Marylhurst College, 1967 Helena Rose Elementary Education Duncan Alan MacKellar Secondary Education B.S., College of Santa Fe, 1981 B.A., Western State College, 1981 Paula Jeanne Marie Roybal Special Edt/cation Elaine Kay Manicke Secondary Education B. S., University of New Mexico, 1984 B.S., Edinboro University, 1966 John L. Russo .' Special Education Lucie Marianito Elementary Education B.A., University ofAlbuquerque, 1969 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1976 Gail L. Martin Educational Administration Patty N. Sais Secondary Education B.A., University of Wyoming, 1970 B. U.S., University ofAlbuquerque, 1979 Susann Miller Martin '.' Secondary Education Rebeca Santos Educational Administration B.A., Meredith College, 1974 B.A., Escuela Superior del Profesorado F.M., 1968 Liza E. Martinez Political Science Gloria J. Schatzinger. Elementary Education B.A., St. Mary's University, 1982 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1980 Louis Daniel Martinez Educational Adniinistration Joseph Henry Scheer Art B.A., Colorado State University, 1975 B. F.A., Alfred University, 1984 Lorraine Martinez-Chavez Elementary Education Andrea Karla Ann Sena ' Elementary Education B.S., University of Ne", Mexico, 1979 B.A., Yniversity of New Mexico, 1985 Mary L. Mataya Elementary Education Leah Sichel. Secondary Education • B.S., University of New Mexico, 1981 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1984 20 292

Sherry Lynn Simundson Counselor Education Cecilia M. Baca Elementary Education B.A., SuI Ross State College, 1968 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1982 Cynthia Jean Smith Elementary Education Jose Ramon Baca History B.S., Eastern New Mexico University, 1982 . B.S., University of New Mexico, 1962 Nancy Beth Squires ' Secondary Education M.S., Air Force Institute of Technology, 1968 B.A., Hope College, 1970 Paula Marie Baca ,. Secondary Education Sheri Jean Stein : Elementary Education A.S., Panama Canal College, 1983' B.S., University of New Mexico, 1985 B.S., Eastern New Mexico University, 1984 • Jatna Supriatna Anthropology Phyllis Ann Bailey ..: : Counselor Education B.S., Universitas Nasional, 1976; M.S., 1979 B.A., Beloit College, 1963 Nancy Rebecca Sutton , Secondary Education Jean Marie Bartosh Special Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1977 . B.A., University of Wisconsin, 1977 Mary Anita Sweeney Elementary Education Jean Adair Bein Counselor Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1978 B.A., Colorado College, 1969 . Paul Harry Swetman Elementary Education M. A., University of New Mexico, 1979 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1982 . Theresa June Belanger ' Counselor Education Anne Therese Tafoya Special Education B.A., College of Santa Fe, 1983 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1984 , M. Salvador Beltran-del-Rio. : ''.. Latin American Studies Tamera Ann Tanner , Special Education B.A., Universidad de Monterrey, 1984 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1985 Richard Carlyle Birkey Technological and Occupational Education Laura Lee Tatum Special Education B.S., University of Illinois, 1972 A.A., Orange County Community College, 1973 Nancy Carol Blackney Special Education B.A., Arizona State University, 1978 A.A:, Delta College, 1978 Stephanie Felice Thompson Elementary Education B.S., Central Michigan University, 1981 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1985 Patricia Lynn Boone Elementary Education Dora Stella Tobar Educational Administration B.S., University of Houston, 1985 B.S., Universidad de El Salvador, 1981 Bryce Charles Brokaw Latin American Studies' Andrea Vargo Uhle Elementary Education A.A., Orange Coast College, 1982 B.A., Purdue University, 1975 B.A., California State University, 1984 Deborah Renee Uhrich Elementary Education Gloria Jean Brooks Special Education B. S., University of South Alabama, 1975 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1975 Hilaire Paul Valiquette Anthropology Kristen Lane Carey Elementary Education B.A., Duns Scotus College, 1960 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1984 M.C.P., University of Cincinnati, 1977 Alma Jean Chadwick '. Elementary Education Christine Patricia Vigil Elementary Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1981 B.S., New Mexico State University, 1984 Barbara Anne Choate .- Elementary Education Grace E. Vigil Speech Communication B.A., Stephen F. Austin University,' 1969 B. U.S., University of New Mexico, 1972 Cynthia L.. Coffman Special Education Jose Jeremias Villalobos Educational Administration B.A., Eastern' New Mexico University, 1981 B.A., Universidad Francisco Gavidia, 1984 Elizabeth Cra\\ford-Lopez Elementary Education Carlos H. Villegas Elementary Education B. U.S., University of New Mexico, 1980; B.S., 1981 B.S., University ofAlbuquerque, 1979 Phillip L. Destea Elementary Education • Janet Brecht Vucinich Educational Foundations A.A., University of New Mexico, 1980; B.S., 1981 B.A., University of California, 1969 Alduvin Diaz-Bonilla Educational Administration Marion Alice Wallace Elementary Education B.A., Escuela Superior del Profesorado, 1975 B.S., Eastern New Mexico University, 1976 Leslie A. Donovan English Daline Hope Webber Elementary Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1982 B. M., University of New Mexico, 1982 Karen Marie Dziurzynski Political Science Kristen Ann Whitney Latin American Studies B.A., Humboldt State Universitv, 1983 B.A., University of Richmond, 1984 Mona Lisa Elliott. Elementary Education Karren Cogburn Wilson Elementary Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1975 B.S., University of Denver, 1964 Juan A. Fajardo Educational Administration Martha Ann \Vinters :. American Studies B.A., University of Panama, 1984 B.A., Western State College, 1974 Michael John Ferguson Family Studies Charlene Ann Yatsattie Elementary Education B.A., University of Toledo, 1968 B.A., Univ'ersity of New Mexico, 1985 Ruth Fingado Elementanj Education Betty June Yochim Speech Communication B.S., Hardin Simmons University, 1956 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1977 Joan E. Fischer Special Education Mary Patricia Young Elementary Education B.A., Arizona State University, 1965 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1984 M.S., Eastern Michigan University, 1974 Lesly Elizabeth Zapata Educational Administration Megan Miranda Florence Mathematics and Statistics B.A., Escuela Superior del Profesorado F.M., 1978 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1975; B.S., 1979 Daniel Scott Fredgant. English Requirements Completed Semester I, 1986-87 B.A., University of California, 1982 Nancy Lynn Adams...... Counselor Education Christopher R. Garwood Elernentary Education B.A., St. John's College, 1979 B. S., Kansas State University, 1970 Sigrid Anna Anderson Gennan Jane Elizabeth German : Special Educatio1l Dip., Hohere Handelsschule Fredsprachlerschule, 1954 B.S., University of Missouri, 1973 Marguerite Amber Aragon...... Counselor Education M.A., University of New Mexico, 1981 B. S., Southern Illinois University, 1984 Gerard Patrick Giblin Political Science Bryan Stanley Austill Counselor Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1985 B.S., Arizona State University, 1973 . Belinda Williford Giles Special Education M.Div., Iliff School of Theology, 1981 B.S., Southern College, 1983 Beverly Anne Baca Special Education Marguerite C. Gonzales Special Education B.S., New Mexico State University, 1977 B.A., College of Santa Fe, 1974 .

21 Therese 1\1. Handley...... English Margaret Orona Secondary Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1980 B.A., Marycrest College, 1959 Gail Gawin Harris...... Educational Administration Juana Otzoy Educational Administration B. S., College of St. Francis, 1981 B.A., Universidad de San Carlos, 1978 Mary Ann Harrison Counselor Education Gregory Eugene Palmer Educational Foundations B.A., Southwest Texas State University, 1966 A.A., Antelope Valley College, 1971 . Sandaren April Hazlett English B.A., California State Universitv, 1973 B.A., New Mexico State University, 1979 Delores Ann Patch : ,. Educational Administration • Missy Hellendale Latin American Studies B.S., Wright State University, 1977 B.S., University of Maine, 1980 Barbara Whitesides Pena Elementary Education Carol Evans Higgins Counselor Education B.A., University of Southwestern , 1974 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1968; M.A., 1978 Timothy Paul Peterson ,,,., .. , English Gaye Marie Hill. Special Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1982 B.S" University of New Mexico, 1974 Raythea Gale Pickle ,., .. " Counselor Education Annette Hillman-Cohen Educational Foundations B.A., University of New Mexico, 1984 . B.S., University of Houston, 1962, Jean Frances Podborny , Secondary Education Tonya Kay Horton Art A.A., Scottsdale Community College, 1974 B.F.A., University of New Mexico, 1980 B. 5., Oklahoma State University, 1980 Mingda Hua , American Studies Sandra L. Porter , Elementary Education B.A., Shaanxi Teacher's University, 1982 B.A., New Mexico State University, 1982 Richard D. Jonas Special Education Maria Alicia Portillos ,, .. , Elementary Education B. 5., North Texas State College, 1962; r-.-1. Ed., 1964 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1978 Jeffrey Donald Jore Latin American Studies Linda Piper Price ,,,,., .. , Theatre Arts A,A., North Hennepin, 1975 B.S., Lindenwood College, 1973 B.A., University of Minnesota, 1978 Janet L. Pritchard Art Elayne Kaplan Theatre Arts B.A., University of Colorado, 1982 B.S., New York University, 1949 Franklin Ramos Educational Administration M.A., Bank Street College, 1959 B.A., Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, 1979 Jean-Marc Kehres French Judith L. Rauchfuss Special Education B.A., UniversitvofParis, 1977; M.A., 1982 B.A., Universitv of New Mexico, 1979 Cynthia Leyba : Sociology Waulea Renegar .. : Counselor Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1978 B.A., Washburn Universitv, 1956 Judy Patricia Luis Educational Foundations Deborah Kay Ridgeway ' Educational Foundations B.A., University of New Mexico, 1982, B. 5., University of Missouri, 1979 Cynthia L. Lujan Elementary Education Charissa Anne Ritchie Counselor Education B.S., New Mexico State University, 1980 B. 5., University of New Mexico, 1976 Sandra Lee Marshall Anthropology Mary Catherine Rosenberger ,. Special Education B.A., Universitv ofTexas, 1978 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1985 Elizabeth Ann Ma;tin " Latin American Studies Ann Ellen Schultz Special Education B.F.A., Wittenberg University, 1975 B. 5., Indiana University, 1981 Marjorie Ann 1lartin " Latin American Studies Kathy Lynn Schutzberger ' Special Educalion B.A., Howard Universitv, 1980 , B.A., University of New Mexico, 1978 • Cynthia S. McCann ' Elementary Education Kelly Ann Siler , ,, Counselor Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1975 B.S., Sarah Lawrence College, 1977 Susan McKee Counselor Education Mary Louise Soldano ;,. ; French B. U.S., University of New Mexico, 1975 B.A., University of Colorado, 1968 Carleen Melton Special Education Jean 1della Spates Art Education B.M., Utah State University, 1966 B,A., University of-New Mexico, 1975 Mary Mitchner. Elementary Education Andrea Helan Taylor , Counselor Education B.A., University of California, 1971, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1984 Corinne T. Montoya ,,,, .. , Special Education Christopher Tim Taylor.. ; , Art B. U.S., University of New Mexico, 1981; B.S., 1982, B.F.A., Universitv of Hawaii, 1977 Kathleen Jean D. Moorehead ". Elementary Education Michael Ray Thornto'n Art B.A., University of Arizona, 1974 B.F.A., Boise State Universitv, 1982 Regine Groesch Morris ,, Educational Foundations Francoise Marthe Turner : French B.A., University of New Mexico, 1979 B.A., University de Rouen, 1968 Kathleen D. Morrison " Anthropology Julie Ann Urban Economics B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1984 B.A., Valparaiso University, 1981 Sally J, Mueller , Counselor Education Nelinda Z. Venegas Educational Administration B.A., Macalester College, 1978 B.A., University of Southern Colorado, 1976 M.S., University of Oregon, 1981 Amy Aileen Vierra Special Education Carole Jeane Myers.. , " Counselor Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1980' . A.A., Highlands University, 1959 Lloyd Donald Vigil Counselor Education B. U.S., University of New Mexico, 1984 B.A., College of Santa Fe, 1984 Mary K. Nordhaus, ,., .. Elementary Education B.S" University of New Mexico, 1979 Carolyn Curtis Vincent Language Sciences Mary Ethel Norris ,, Elementary Education B.A., University of Tennessee, 1980 B.A., Grinnell College, 1953 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1984 Katie Deal O'Donnell Secondary Education Cynthia Anne Vogt. , English B.S" University of New Mexico, 1978 ,. B.A., University of New~lexico, 1984 Rona B. Ocksrider , ,.,,,.,,, Elementary Education Allen J. Wade :: ,, Economics B.S., Arizona State University, 1981 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1984 Rosa Diann P. Ojikutu :, Elementary Education Judith M. Walker " .. , English B.A., Mercer University, 1973 B.A., University of Texas, 1980 ' Josephine Olson , .. , Counselor Education Evelyn Sue Wallace , : Elementary Education • B.A., New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, 1971 B.S., Adams State College, 1970 22 294

Jay E, White ' , Elementary Education Bernadette Marie Cala Special Education B.S., Eastern New Mexico University, 1963 B.S., University of Albuquerque, 1983 Kathryn Faye Whitmore , ,'. Elementary Education Virginia Lois Capan Counselor Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1985 B.S., University of Colorado, 1964 Beverly Jeffery Williams Special Education Christopher L. Carson " Educational Fuundations B.S., University of Albuquerque, 1982 B. A., University of New Mexico, 1975 c James Alan Wilson Latin American Studies Elizabeth Anne Casaus Educational Foundations B.A., University ofTexas, i983 B.S., University of Albuquerque, 1979 '. Margaret Klare Wilson Educational Foundations Teresa Jane Chavez Counselor Education B.A., University of Michigan, 1970 B.A., New Mexico State Universitv, 1984 Marion Louise Winisky " Counselor-Education Coral J. Childs: .' : La'tin American Studies B.S., College of St. Francis, 1984 B.A., Wells College, 1985 Irma Kathleen Wise Elementary Education CatherineL. Clinger " , Art B.S., Eastern New Mexico University, 1976 B. F.A., Kansas University, 1980 ' . George Clarke Wolfe Special Education Jeffrey Harris Cohen '. : Anthropology B.A., Grinnell College, 1970 B.A., Indiana University, 1984 . . Ellen Reva Wunder-Light Elementary Education Russell B. Cole Anthropology B.A., University of New Mexico, 1976 B.A., University of NewMexico, 1985 Gloria Ann Zuber Elementary Education Raymond Corona, Jr Counselor Education B.A., Indiana University, 1974 B. U.S., University of New Mexico, 1981 Kenneth Almand Couch Special Education B.S., University of Tennessee, 1978 Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87. Tracy S. Curran Special Education Velinda Jo Acosta Special Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1985 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1979 Jan Ingram Davis Special Education Vickie Aldrich Mathematics and Statistics B.S., Eastern New Mexico University, 1971 A.A., Community College of Denver, 1972 Melissa A. DePalma Special Education B.A., Friends World College, 1976 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1984 Cheryl Ann Allison Special Education Jill Louise Dowling Elementary Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 B. 5., Kent State University, 1980 Vicki Lynn Altman Special Education Judy Ann Dunken Educational Foundations B.A., Avila College, 1980 B.A., Brigham Young University, 1972 Tim J. Analla , Educational Foundations Joleene Colette Dye Secondary Education B.A., University ofAlbuquerque, 1975 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1978 Kirk Jon Andrews Technological and Occupational Education Erika L. Ewbank Elementary Education B. 5., University of Wisconsin, 1982 B. 5., Cameron University, 1981 Holly Lynn Anlian Special Education Shannon Uhl Farmer ' Special Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1978 B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1980 Kathleen Caldwell Atkinson Counselor Education Janice Carol Fichuk Theatre Arts B.A., Eastern New Mexico University, 1969 B.A., Wayne State University, 1969 Ned John Augustyniak. Counselor Education Thomas K. Field Educational Foundations B.S.W., New Mexico State University, 1982 B.S., New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, 1975 • Anna Mary Backer. Anthropology Eileen Mary FoU Art B.A., University of Massachusetts, 1982 B. F.A., University of Hartford, 1985 . Antoinette Baldonado-Lopez Elementary Education Karen Jo Frazier ...... Sociology B.S., University of New Mexico, 1978 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1982 Attila Paul Bality Recreation Judson T. Frondorf " Theatre Arts B.S., Virginia Commonwealth University, 1984 B.F.A., University of New Mexico, 1980 Jamey Marie Barkdolloni Special Education Katharine Hamilton Fuller. Anthropology B.S., University of New Mexico, 1981 B.A., Colorado College, 1984 Andrew J. Barrett Special Education Barbara Elizabeth Gage...... • ...... Counselor Education B.A., Arizona State University, 1981 B.S., Eckerd College, 1982 Keith Bergeron Mathematics and Statistics Pamela E. Geatz ' Special Education B.S., U.S. Air Force Academy, 1983 B.S., University of New MeXico, 1979 Ellen Leslie Bernstein Special Education Martie Jo Geiger Art B. 5., University of New Mexico, 1982 A.A., Arizona Western College, 1981 Mary Faye Blecha Elementary Education B.F.A., Arizona State University, 1984 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1980 James B. Geren English Jon Kurt Bouknight. English B.A., University of New Mexico, 1983 B.A., University of California, 1982 Cathleen Mary GiusUno ".: .. .fIistory Genevieve Sharon Brady Secondary Education A. B., Grinnell College, 1983 B.S., University of Colorado, 1967 Judith Lenz Goeltz ' Counselor Education Hartwell Legare Briggs Mathematics and Statistics' B.S., University of Wisconsin, ·1962 B. U.S., University of New Mexico, 1985 Kent Howard Gompert ' History Rocio A. Brimhall " Recreation B.A., Western Maryland College, 1973 B. U.S., University of New Mexico, 1983 M.A., University of Arizona, 1979 Joan Marie Brlyvich Elementary Education Larry Wayne Gordon : Portuguese B.S., University of New Mexico, 1982 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1975 Donna Jean Brown Latin American Studies Shula Gottesfeld Educational Foundations B.A., Kansas University, 1978 . B.A., Open University, 1985 . Mary Janet Bruesch.. ; Language Sciences Rudy Mike Grado Counselor Education B.M., St. Olaf College, 1971 . . B.S., University of New Mexico, 1975 '. Samuel Frederick Brunk II '.. ; Histo;.y Russell Dean Greaves ; ;;. : .. ' Anthropology :. B.A., Washington University, 1981 .' B.A., Clark University, 1983 . .. Carolyn Buckmaster. :...... Counselor Education Janet Cheryl Green ::".. Special Education B.A., College of Santa Fe, 1983 . B.A., , 1980.' .

23 295

Ann Uecker Greenberg Mathe1lUJtics and Statistics Jan Crosby McNeill , Special Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1979 B.S., University of Alabama, 1974 Duane Carol Greene Theatre Arts Richard Oliver McRae Art Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1984 B.F.A., North Texas State University, 1983 Lynn Marie Grimes Special Education Kathy Meadows Geography B.A., University of Oregon, 1971 B.S., New Mexico State University, 1984 Ronald S. Guillemette Theatre Arts John Soares Medeiros, Jr History B. F.A., University of New Mexico, 1975 B.A., University of Hawaii, 1970 Ernesto Gutierrez Language Sciences Frances L. Medina French • B.A., University of New Mexico, 1979 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1983 Jen Gutierrez Special Education Andrew Joseph Melenchek ' Elementary Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1977 B.A., California State University, 1984 Mary Thumann Hamilton...... Counselor Education Pamela Beth Menter Art Education B.S., University of Texas, 1981 B.A., Clark University, 1976 Suzanne M. Harper. : . Special Education Jonna Patricia Mihalic : Art B.S., University of New Mexico, 1983 B.S., Michigan State University, 1981 Caroline Marie Hartse : Anthropology B.S., Montana State University, 1985 B.S., Montana State University, 1984 Laurel Anne Moodie , Special Education Mary Constance Hicks Secondary Education B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1978 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1984 B.S., University ofAlbuquerque, 1980 Richard Blake Hiester Counselor Education Marie Louise Nash Educational Foundations B.S., University of Colonido, 1969; M.A., 1972 B.A., Aquinas College, 1961 Barbara Alieda Hooee Special Education Bethany Nelson Art Education B.S., Calvin College, 1977 B.F.A., University of New Mexico, 1982, Mary Wallace Houghteling Anthropology Linda Kay Neufeld Special Education B.S., Tufts University, 1980 B.A., University of Minnesota, 1979 Janette Hradecky Elementary Education Sandralee Neyer...... Counselor Education B.A., St. John's College, 1985 B.S., Messiah College, 1960 Mary Kay Ingham ...... •...... Family Studies M.S., Columbia Pacific University, 1982 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1978 Janis Jean Nichols Educational Administration Michael Thomas Juarez Special Education B. U.S., University of New Mexico, 1974 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1979 Mary Anne L. Olson Special Education Kelly Jayne Kalk Counselor Education B.A., University of South Florida, 1979 B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1984 Janet Gail Osborn Art Education Mary Margaret Kearney Elementary Education B.F.A., University of Delaware, 1981 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1985 Leith Helen Page Elementary Education Jennifer Jan King-Hartley Special Education B.A., University of Western Ontario, 1970 B.S., Bridgewater State College, 1980 Teresa Louise Palmer Elementary Education Lisa Lorene Kirksey Art B.S., Ohio State University, 1980 B.F.A., Maryland Institute College ofArt, 1982 M. Esther Pardo Counselor Education Nancy Rose Marian Kuelfer Special Education B.S., Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 1972 B.A., Universitv of Arizona, 1977 Tamie A. Pargas Educational Foundations Scott Alan Kuykendall Art B.A., University of New Mexico, 1980 • A.A., Harper College, 1980 Elaine Kay Parisi Spl!cial Education B.F.A., Northern Illinois University, 1982 B.A., Adams State College, 1978 Mary Claudia Lannon-Flor Special Education Clinton Douglas Peters Art B. 5., Southern Illinois University, 1968 B.F.A., University of New Mexico, 1981 Jack Y. Lee Mathe1lUJtics and Statistics Joanne Kathleen Petrini Special Education B.A., Feng-Chia University, 1977 B.S., University of Pennsylvania, 1971 Margaret Mary Leyba Elementary Education M.S., George Washington University, 1976 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1976 Barbara Elaine Pfaff , Art Laurie Marie Liesenfeld Special Education B.F.A., University of New Mexico, 1965 B.A., Maryville College, 1984 Susan Lee Phillips ' Recreation Wendy Ann Linger : Special Education B.A., Plymouth State College, 1972 B.A., Arizona State University, 1979 James Anthony Piekarski Counselor Education Renee A. Lynch Elementary Education B.S., State University College, 1974 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1980 Jeanne Pier Pierrot Counselor Education Hilda Macia Secondary Education B.A., Wayne State University, 1968 A.B., University of Miami, 1960 Arie Pilz Secondary Education Aaron Paine Mahr Latin American Studies B.A., University of New Mexico, 1977 B.A." University of New Mexico, 1984 Michael Jack Pisani Latin American Studies David Bruce Martin Political Science A.B., University of California, 1984 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1979 Joanne Preston Special Education Robert Emmet McAnilf .....Technological and Occupational Education B.S., Western Michigan University, 1979 . B.A., Seton Hall University, 1970 Charles Butler Prior English Judy Ann McCutcheon Counselor Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1986 Nancy Cromwell Reddish Speech Communication Therese Ann McDonald Elementary Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1970 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1985 Martha Ann Rimmel , Counselor Education, Stephen W. McKernan : Economics B.S., Indiana University, 1978 B.B.A., St. Bonaventure University, 1978 Nancy McGugan Rogers Educational Administration Chris G. McMahan Political Science B.S., East Central University, 1974 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1979 Donna D. Romero , Counselor Education' Patrick H. McNally Technological and Occupational Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1979 ' A.A., State University of New York, 1969 Geraldine M. Romero ' Special Education • B.A., University of New Mexico, 1975 ... B.S., New Mexico State University, 1979 24


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Annice Sharon Roseborrough.... '.,,,,.,,,,,," Counselor Education Gilbert Baca Zamora Elementary Education B.A., University of Texas, 1981 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1979 Elizabeth Anne Rosenthal French B.A., University of New Mexico, 1983 . Janet Marcia Rosenzwog , ', Counselor Education MASTER OF SCIENCE M.Ed., University of Virginia, 1978 Julien Ryner English Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 .' B.A., University of New Mexico, 1976 Jean A. Aisenbrey Physical Education • Karin Schestokat , ' Gennan B. 5., Universityof Colorado, 1973 ,', ", Joyce Schripsema , Political Science Paul Martin Alsing Physics B.S., Michigan State University, 1979 ..: B.A., University of New Mexico, 1984 Eileen E. Schroeder Educational Foundations Karen E. Bardwell Electrical Engineering B.S., Kutztown State College, 1977 B.S., New Mexico State University, 1974; B.S., 1978 M.S., Drexel University, 1983 Alan Joseph Beauchamp Psychology Cathy Janette Schueler Art Education B.S., Northern Michigan University, 1983 ' B.A., Hope College, 1974 Debra Susan Browitt. Electrical Engineering Jeffrey Kim Schwartz ' Speech Communication B.S., University of New Mexico, 1982 B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1977 Kenneth Roger Calahan Electrical Engineering Amy Schneider Sehr :' Art Education B.S., University of Arizona, 1982 B.F.A., University ofAlbuquerque, 1979 ' Sheila Margaret Capute ' Physical Education Margaret Mary Sheldon '...... Counselor Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1985 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1978 Chin-Ron Danny Chung Electrical Engineering Lisa Marie Sparaco Latin American Studies B.S., Fu-Jen University, 1981 B.S., Texas Woman's University, 1978 Elizabeth Monroe Colvard Geology Linda Kay Spiess Secondary Education B.A., University of North Carolina, 1982 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1984 Gregory L. Dearholt. ". Physical Education Vera Henderson Sprunt Art B.S., University of New Mexico, 1982 B.A., University of North Carolina, 1977 Katharine Dewhurst Chemistry Nancy Carol Stanley ' Secondary Education B.S., University of Southern Colorado, 1981 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1983 Herold J. Gerbrandt Civil Engineering Christina M. Stearns ,, Special Education B,A., Tabor College, 1971 B.A., Bates College, 1974 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1981 Lorraine Ann Steele Special Education Rivka Sofer Goldman Medical Science B.S., University of New Mexico, 1982 B,S., Hebrew University, 1969 Dianne Marie Stefanick ', Art Education M.S.W., Hunter College, 1975 B.S., Youngstown State University, 1974 Long Hsu Electrical Engineering Janet Leigh Sumrow Special Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1980 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1985 Ze-Kang Hsu ' Electrical Engineering Charlie W. Taday Special Education B. 5., South China Institute of Technology, 1982 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1983 Michael Charles Hultgren Geology Kathleen Daniels Teel. Secondary Education B.S., Stephen F. Austin State University, 1982 B.S., University of Kansas, 1979 Deborah Jane Hunsicker Communicative Disorders • Lisa Marie Laursen Thirkill Anthropology B.A., University of Connecticut, 1983 B.A., Utah State University, 1982 Abbas Jaber Ansari Civil Engineering Aleta Jean Thomas Special Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1979 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1976 Hung-Youl Jang , Electrical Engineering Eulynda June Toledo Special Education B.S., R.O.K. Naval Academy, 1981 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1975 Keith Irvin Kelson Geology Mary Eileen Torrez Latin American Studies B.A., University of California, 1983 ' B.A., University of New Mexico, 1975 William Robert Linzie Communicative Disorders Andrea Lee Trybus Secondary Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1982 B.A., University of Michigan, 1971 Huan-Lin Luo Civil Engineering Mark Bradley Tucker Political Science B.S., University of Feng Chia, 1979 B.A., University of Arizona, 1976 Teresa Mae Manschesky ,, Physics Patrick Joseph Vail. Philosophy M.S., Oakland University, 1984 B.S., Lowell Tech Institute, 1965; Ph.D., 1969 Joseph Anthony Martin '" Civil Engineering Angela D. Vigil :. Special Education B.S., New Mexico State University, 1970 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1982 Scott M. McDonald Phannaceutical Sciences Laurel Teresa Wallace Art B.S., University of New Mexico, 1978; B.S., 1981 B.A., Oberlin College, 1980 Kevin John Munn Chemical Engineering B. F.A., University of New Mexico, 1985 B.S., Villanova University, 1981 Deborah Denise Wells English Karol Sue Nimick " Geology B.S., University of New Mexico, 1977 B.S., University ofArizona, 1980 David Arlington Plummer " Geology Becky L. White English B.S., University of Cincinnati, 1981 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1981 Patricia Marie Puente , ' Nursing Mary Kate Willey Special Education A.A.S., Alfred State College, 1976 B.S., Western Illinois University, 1978 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1982 Barbara Lynn Winckler Special Education Robyn Richards Biology B.S., Illinois State University, 1972 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1981 Peppy Sedillo Woodard Art Education Louise R. Rodriguez Pharmaceutical Sciences B.A., George Washington University, 1973 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1977 Teresa Ann Wright. Elementary Education Willie Ruiz Communicative Disorders B.S., Eastern New Mexico University, 1978 B.S., University ofTexas: 1983 ,. , Eileen M. Yellin ,Special Education Peichen Hsu Sgro Electrical Engineering B.A., University of New Mexico, 1978 ' B.A" Adelphi University, 1969 i

25 297 Tzenguei Shiau Electrical Engineering Yeong-Haw Hsheen Chemistry B.S., National Chiao Tung University, 1980 B.S., Chung Yuan University, 1980 Stuart Dennis Shillington Civil Engineering Donald Roger Huot. Electrical Engineering B.S., University of Arizona, 1969 B.S., University of Alberta, 1979 B. 5., University of Texas, 1972 Carol J. Jackson Nursing Donna Marie Siergiej Physics B.S., Dominican College, 1982 B.A., Eisenhower College, 1981 Kevin Alfred Johnson , Chemistry Mitchell Nels Stelling , Civil Engineering B.S., Northern Arizona University, 1983 . B.S., Montana State University, 1981 Uan Sharon Kang , Electrical Engineering • David Wayne Ussery Chemistry B.S., Feng-Chia University, 1983 B.A., William Jewell College, 1982 Ruy Jornada Krebs '.' .. '.. '.' ; Physical Education Ji-Shyng Yih Mechanical Engineering M.A., University of Iowa, 1980 . '. B.S., Chinese Culture University, 1980 Joseph Walter Lane ' :' Psychology B. 5., Abilene Christian University, 1961 . Requ'irements Completed Semester I, 1986-87 Jiin Warren Lee Electrical Engineering Alireza Tootoo AkbarZadeh Mechanical Engineering B.S., National Chiao-Tung University, 1979 . B.A., University of New Mexico, 1983· Jew-Chyi Liu Mechanical Engineering Susan Hall Tamasi Basler , Nursing B.S., Feng Chia University, 1983- B.S.N., Metropolitan State College, .1981 Markham Reid Longden ': Geology . David Andrew Bedsun , '" , Civil Engineering B.A., California State University, 1981·' . B.S., Grand Valley State College, 1978· Karen Marie Lucero : : Physical Education Linda M. Benge Nursing B.S., University of Colorado, 1975 . B.S.N., University of Iowa, 1977 Susan Savich McCool.' Nursing Vianne Elizabeth Bjornberg Communicative Disorders B. S., Indiana University, 1972 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1985 B.S.N., Wright State University, 1979 Mark Eric Bleck Mechanical Engineering Scott 1. McFarlane Electrical Engineering B.S., California Tech, 1973 B.S., California Polytechnic State University, 1975 Ph.D., Duke University, 1978 Thomas Henry Meyer. Computer Science Teresa Rose Blythe Physical Education B.S., University ofArizona, 1981 B.S. ,. Western New Mexico University, 1980 Mohd Junid Mohd-Noor Physical Education Peter Thor Boissiere Mechanical Engineering Dip., Teachers Training Institute, 1973 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1983 Jean Antoine Nehme Civil Engineering Eduardo Builes Chemistry B.S., University of New Mexico, 1985 B.S., Southeastern Oklahoma State University, 1984 Robert Whittlesey North ., Geology Michael Eugene Bukaty Electrical Engineering B.A., Colgate University, 1983 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1982 Michael W. Otto Psychology Mark Stephen Buncher , Civil Engineering B.S., University of New Mexico, 1983 B.S., University of Missouri, 1982 Kathleen Padilla ' Psychology Annabelle C. Caruana , Health Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1982 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1981 James Chijen Pan Physics Theodora Jean Chadil , Communicative Disorders B.A., University of Mainland China, 1962 B. U: 5., University of New Mexico, 1984 Thomas Howard Robey Mechanical Engineering Weiyen Chang ,, ElectricalEngin'eering B.S., Texas A&M University, 1979; 11.5., 1980 • B.S., National Chiao-Tung University, 1979 Barbara Lynne Rodriguez Communicative Disorders Yaue Chang Computer Science B.A., University of New Mexico, 1985 B.B.A., Fu-Jen Catholic University, 1979 Marvin Neal Rupe : Physical Education Edward Andrew Chavez Electrical Engineering B.S., West Texas State University, 1985 B.A., Yale University, 1980 Caryn Leigh Shapiro Communicative Disorders Eming Chen ', , Mechanical Engineering B.A., University of Minnesota, 1983 B.S., Feng-Chia University, 1975 Shiva Sharareh Chemical Engineering Ellen Craig :.. '; Nursing B.S., University of New Mexico, 1984 B.S.N., University of Pennsylvania, 1972 Shing Ren Sheu Electrical Engineering Charles William Criswell Geology B.S., Fen Jen Catholic University, 1981 B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1981 Dawn Elizabeth Stephens Physical Education James Devaprasad _ Mechanical Engineering B.A., University of California, 1978 B.S., University of Madras, 1983 Carl Russell Stern : Computer Science Hanni Dinkeloo ' , Biology B.A., Reed College, 1968 B.A., Earlham College, 1980 M.Phil., Yale University, 1972 Cheng Jun Du Chemical Engineering Chi Sun Electrical Engineering B. S., East China" Petroleum Institute, 1982 B.S., National Chen-Kung University, 1980 _ David Devereux Dunlap , '" '" Chemistry Bao-Shen Tang :. Electrical Engineering B.S., University of New Mexico, 1984 B.S., Chung-Yuan University, 1981 Rosemary Glenn Geology Keith Ryland Taylor Geology B.A., Antioch College, 1971 B.S., Bates College, 1982 M.P.A., University of New Mexico, 1978 Laurie Jean Thomas Communicative Disorders Daryl Kay Glinski Communicative Disorders B. U.S., University of New Mexico, 1984 B. U.S., University of New Mexico, 1976 Bryan D. Thompson Chemistry Richard William Gobel ' Mechanical Engineering B.S., University of Michigan, 1977 B. S., University of Oklahoma, 1979 Martha Tinkcom .. : Psychology Victoria C. Gonzales ; .. Communicative Disorders B.A., University of Northern Colorado, 1982 B.A.; University of New Mexico, 1985 Ray-Lin Wan Electrical Engineering Larry Karl Grube Mechanical Engineering B.S., National Chiao-Tung University, 1983 Assoc.; Penn State University, 1966 Wai William Wang Electrical Engineering B.S., University of New MeXico, 1980 B.S., National Chiao-Tung University, 1980; M.S., 1984 Mary Elizabeth Hartley Communicative Disorders William Kramer Ward Physical Education • B.A., University of New Mexico, 1985 . . B. S;,' University of New Mexico, 1985 26· 298

Jay John Weingardt Nuclear Engineering Margaret Rae Gutjahr Nursing B.S., University of New Mexico, 198.5 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1983 Lee Wynne Werley Computer Science Deborah J. Hartell : Medical Science B. 5., Pennsylvania State University, 1978 , B.A., McPherson College, 1975 Anita Willard Health Education Farida Harun : ; Physical Education B. 5., University of New Mexico, 1977 , B.Ed., Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, 1982 Mary Virginia Wilmerding Physical Education Brett D. Haswell : ' Electrical Engineering B. E., University of London, 1976 , B.S., U.S. Air Force Academy, 1982 . • Geri J. Wolfe Health Education Caroline Jane Hays, Health Education B.S., Tulsa University, 1980 B.S., Iowa State University, 1957 . Ying Sheng Wu Mechanical Engineering Michael James Hebert : Physics B.S., Chung-Yuan University, 1976 B.S., University of Texas, 1985 . Francis Stewart Houck Computer Science B. U. 5., University of New Mexico, 1985 Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87 Pei-Li Hsu '. Computer Science Bruce Llyn Armstrong Electrical Engineering B.A., Tam-Kang University, 1983 .. B.S., University of New Mexico, 1982 Tse-Huang Hsueh Electrical Engineering Homayoun Ashouri Mechanical Engineering B.S., Tatung Institute of Technology, 1972· ' B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1984 Kelley Ann Kenealy Physical Education Michael Robert Baxter ' Mechanical Engineering B.S., New Mexico State University, 1984 B.S., University of Minnesota, 1983 Michael John Kisucky : : Geology Howard Bruce Bell Chemical Engineering B. 5., University of Wisconsin, 1981 B.S., Ohio Institute ofTechnology, 1980 . Wen-Yuan Kuo Computer Science Duane James Bowman Electrical Engineering B.A., Fu Jen Catholic University, 1981 B.S., University ofArizona, 1985 Yung Sheng Kuo Physics Joan Marie Bradley Nursing B.S., Chung Yuan Christian University, 1981 B. 5., University of New Mexico, 1974 Chris Eric Lanes Mechanical Engineering Sara Cooper Brothers Geology B.S., University of New Mexico, 1984 A.B., Harvard/Radcliffe College, 1983 Lennard Woodrow Lee, Jr Nuclear Engineering Christina Carrillo Health Education B.S., Mississippi State University, 1983 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1978 Mu-Chung Lin Computer Science Yian Chang Mechanical Engineering B.A., Chinese Culture University, 1978 B.S., Shanghai Institute of Mechanical Engineering. 1982 Rita Noemi Llanes Physical Education Steven Dale Clement .. , Nuclear Engineering B.S., University of New Mexico, 1983 B. 5., University of New Mexico, 1985 Karen Sue Long..' Electrical Engi'leering Beverly Ann Kunz Crawford Chemistry B.S., New Mexico State University, 1984 B.S., Oregon State University, 1982 Douglas Lee Loverro .- Physics Karen Ruth Cutshall Nursing B.S., U.S. Air Force Academy, 1976 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1980 M. B..(, Universitv of West Florida, 1980 Mark Elton Daily Physics Thomas Phillip Lujan ' Health Education B. 5., University of Idaho, 1981 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1978 Michael James Davis Biology Sylvia Ivlancha Electrical Engineering • B.S., University of Kentucky, 1977 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1982 Dora Nelly Delgado Biology Natalie Grace Markin Computer Science B.S., Inter American University, 1981 B. 5., University of Chicago, 1962 James Franklin Dempsey Civil Engineering Brian David McFeeters Chemistry B.S., University of New Mexico, 1979 B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1983; B.A., 1983 Craig Alden Denman Physics Robert G. McIntyre Physical Education B.S., San Diego State University, 1980 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1980 Toni Joan Duggan Geology Nancy Broad McMahon Communicative Disorders B.S., University of New Orleans, 1975 B.A., University of California, 1985 Jeffrey S. Dunning Computer Science Jack Allen Menako Electrical Engineering B.S., University of New Mexico, 1977 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1984 Harry William Egdorf Computer Science Paul Mendoza...... •...... '.' ...Chemistry B.S., Colorado School of Mines, 1975 A.A., Miami-Dade Community College, 1973 Sue Alice Inskee Erickson Health Education B.S., Florida State University, 1977 B.A., Stephens College, 1981 Craig A. Morgenstern Computer Science Laura Finzi. Chemistry B.S., University of New Mexico, 1984 . Laurea, Universita de Bologna, 1984 Holly Dawn Mueller. Health Education Mark James Foeder Physical Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1980 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1983 William Vincent O·Brien Electrical Engineering Edward L. Fronczak Electrical Engineering B.S., U.S. Ivlilitary Academy, 1978 ' . B.S., University ofArizona, 1975 . Lynette Payne Communicative Disorders Edward John Gentz Biology B. U.S., University of New Mexico, 1986 B.A., San Jose State University, 1977 Eric Jude Potthoff.' '.. Mechanical Engineering Hans J. Gevelhoff Mechanical Engineering B.S., University of Colorado, 1982 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1984 Joseph A. Quatrochi Physical Education Tim Alan Gough Electrical Engineering B.A., Fort Lewis College, 1984 . B.S., University of New Mexico, 1985 John Bernard Ritter .- Geology Victor Gerald Grafe Electrical Engineering B.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1983 B.S., Texas A&M University, 1985 David Lawrence Roop Electrical Engineering Jeanne M,arie Green Electrical Engineering B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1977 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1975 Kyle Wayne Ross : Mechanical Engineering Tucker Harwood Green Civil Engineering B.S., University of New Mexico, 1982 . A. B., University of Chicago, 1968 Timothy Leroy Rude AJechanical Engineering •• B. 5., University of New Mexico, 1981 B.S., University of North Dakota, 1983

27 299

Debra Ann Rutherford Nuclear Engineering Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87 B.A., St. John's College, 1980 Frank Michael Fuchs Paul Daniel Sands Computer Science B.A., University of New Mexico, 1982 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1977 Kurt Paul Kretvix Hardy Schreiber Mechanical Engineering B.A., Rutgers University, 1980 B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1981 Peter Anthony Marquez Nicole Elizabeth Sevier Computer Science B.A., University of New Mexico, 1983 B.S., Appalachian State University, 1984 Arthur Christopher Purvis • Janet H. Shearer Communicative Disorders B.A., Hampshire College, 1979 .•,f B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1985 Michael Bruce Smith .. Frank Cannon Smith Geology B.A., University of New Mexico, 1984 .' ;: B.A., Rice University, 1977 .,' ,. r· Julie L. Smith Communicative Disorders B.A., University of New Mexico, 1984 - Matthew Brady Stebleton , Biology MASTER OF COMMUNITY AND REGIONAL PLANNING B. S., University of New Mexico, 1982 Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986. . Glenda Sterling , Nursing James W. Brantley B.S., University of New Mexico, 1982 B.F.A., Louisiana State University, 1977 Li-Zhe Tan Civil Engineering John Thomas Cabral 'r B.S., Nanjing Institute ofTechnology, 1984 B.A., Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 1982 Bertice Lee Tise ',' Electrical Engineering Darrel Charles Roberts B.S., Texas A&M University, 1985 B.G.S., University of Nebraska, 1972 Chung Shi Tseng Electrical Engineering M.I.M., American Graduate School of Management, 1982 B.S., National Cheng Kung University, 1984 M.P.A., Golden Gate University, 1980 Angelo Nicholas Viverito Electrical Engineering Requirements Completed Semester I, 1986-87 B. S., University of New Mexico, 1985 Wen-Shan Wang Electrical Engineering Jay Arthur Eberle B.S., Taiwan Institute ofTechnology, 1976 B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1980 Linda Carole Ward , Nursing Charles Jeffery Evans B. S., University of the State of New York, 1983 B.S., Oregon State University, 1979 Bruce Allen White Nuclear Engineering Ruth Ellen Lambert . B.S., North Carolina State University, 1983 B.A., Concordia University, 1977 Nathaniel John Whorton Physical Education M.A., University of Colorado, 1983 B. U.S., University of New Mexico, 1986 Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87 Robert Leslie Williams Electrical Engineering Andre Don Dumont B.S., University of New Mexico, 1982 B.A., New York University, 1969 Scott Richard Wilson Electrical Engineering M.A., University of New Mexico, 1978 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1985 Marion A. Shirin Wendy W. Wilson Nursing B.S:, Tufts University, 1966 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1977 Mariel Therese Woolley , Nursing B.S., Villanova University, 1977 • Zehong Yuan Civil Engineering MASTER OF MUSIC B.S., East China Tech University, 1982 Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 Donald Edward Ziemacki. Computer Science David Ivins Hill B.A., La Salle College, 1971 B.M.E., Southwestern University, 1982 M.S., Colorado State University, 1980 Leslie X. Hirschberg B.M., Cleveland Institute of Music, 1981 Brenda Mae Romero-Hymer MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE B.M., University of New Mexico, 1983 Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 Requirements Completed Semester 1,1986-87 Erskine Craig Gosling Elizabeth Ransom VanDyke B.A., University of New Mexico, 1984 B.M.E., University of New Mexico, 1983 James W. Green B.S., California State University, 1969 Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87 Terry Lynn Leach George Spencer Dugan . B.A., University of New Mexico, 1983 B.S., Western Michigan University, 1984 Philip Carl Lust Jessica M. Lewis B.A., University of Washington, 1976 B.M., Indiana University, 1983 Nelly Jocelyne Marion Brian James McLaughlin Diploma, Ecole d'Architecture, 1984 B.M.E., West Texas State University, 1983 Corrine Moyal Tamara Lynn McLaughlin Diploma, Ecole d'Architecture, Montpellier, 1983 B.M.E., State University of New York, 1985 James Frederick Noble B.A., University of New Mexico, 1981 Requirements Completed Semester 1, 1986-87 MASTER OF MUSIC EDUCATION Catherine Lois Colby Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 B.A., University of California, 1967 Ellen Marie Dover Tain-Fuh Lin B.M.E., University of New MeXico, 1981 B.Arch., Tunghai University, 1979 Cindy Terry Requirements Completed Semester 1,1986-87 B.A., McMurry College, 1980; B.F.A., 1980 Donald Glen Allen James 1. Williams II B.M., New MexiCo State University, 1976 A.S., Amarillo College, 1981 Gail Catherine Schmitz • B.A., University of New Mexico, 1983 B.M.E., University of New Mexico, 1982 28 300

MASTER OF ART IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Terry Lee Fredric Jelsing Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 B.F.A., University of North Dakota, 1980 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1983 William Basil Calderon B.A., University of New Mexico, 1967 Requirements Completed Semester I, 1986-87 Leslie M. Cone Lynne Daphne Allen B.S., Colorado State University, 1974 B.S., Kutztown University, 1970 Vincent James Ercolano M.A., University of Washington, 1973 B.A., Loyola College, 1975 Peter Paul Brown • Eileen Mary Harpole A.A., Brookdale Community College, 1973 B.B.A., University of New Mexico, 1976 B.F.A., Kansas City Art Institute; 1976 Cheryl M. Hayes M.A., Montclair State College, 1983 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1979; M.A., 1984 Maria Carmen R. Gambliel Anthony W. Louderbaugh '- B.F.A., Fundaqao Escola Guignard, 1978 B. U.S., University of New Mexico, 1976 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1983 Domingo P. Martinez B.A., College of Santa Fe, 1978 Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87 Carol Marie Pierce Philip Kent Brouwer' B.S.N., University of Denver, 1981 B.A., California State University, 1976; M.A., 1978 Lawrence D. Rael Dissertation: "Perspectives on the Panorama Photograph" B.A., University of New Mexico, 1981 Curtis L. Cravens . Christine Marie Zawlocki B.A., Bowdoin College, 1982 B.A., Indiana University, 1979 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1985 Dissertation: "The Documentary Tradition in Twentieth-Century Pho­ Requirements Completed Semester I, 1986-87 tography and American Mythology" Robert Behrendt Constance Grace Fraatz B.S., University of Albuquerque, 1970 B.F.A., Beaver College, 1973 Beverley Shattuck Block M.A., University of New Mexico, 1985 B.A., Dominican College, 1967 Margaret Mary Stratton John Robert Debuck B.A., Evergreen State College, 1977 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1980 M. A., University of New Mexico, 1983 Griffin N. Dodge Dissertation: "A History of Photographic Allegory in the Nineteenth B.S., Colorado State University, 1953 and Twentieth Centuries" Ernest Rene Doyon B.G.E., University of Nebraska, 1967 DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Marie Louise Gendreau-Wilson B.S., Woodbury University, 1973 Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 Arthur J. Machtinger Thomas H. Becker Management B. A., University of New Mexico, 1976 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1961; M.B.A., 1980; M.A., 1981 Diane M. Menapace Dissertation: "Latin American Export Behavior of Superior U.S. Ex­ B.S., University of New Mexico, 1984 porters" Vicky Marie Peltzer Abdelali Ben Lemlih Mathematics and Statistics B.S., University ofAlbuquerque, 1976 B.S., University of Nice, 1976 • Nancy J. Reass M.S., University Pierre and Marie Curie, 1980 B.A., University of Texas, 1976 Dissertation: "An Extension of the Method ofAveraging to Partial Dif­ Nancy Richards ferential Equations" B.A., Texas Tech University, 1968 Susan Benforado Art History Beth Ellen Watts B.A., University of Wisconsin, 1974 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1984 M.A., University of Toronto, 1979 Dissertation: "Anne Seymour Darner (1748-1818), Sculptor" Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87 Kyupil Cho Electrical Engineering Keith Brian Bierbaum B.S., Seoul National University, 1971; M.S., 1973 B. U. S., University of New Mexico, 1976 Dissertation: "On Constrained-Optimization Beamformers and Source Lewis Henrique Carroll Directionality" B.A., University of New Mexico, 1984 Bobby Joe Creel Economics Muffet Foy Cuddy B.S., New Mexico State University, 1968; M.S., 1971 B.A., St. Mary's College, 1974 Dissertation: "An Economic Evaluation of the Regional Impacts of Wilma I. Berry Dewey Alternative Water Management Strategies in the High Plains ofNew B.A., University of Wyoming, 1955 Mexico" Mary Eileen Torrez Shawn Rorie Crowley Biology B.A., University of New Mexico, 1975 B. S., University of Washington, 1977 Joni Vermelle Ullery Dissertation: "Thermal Biology and Water Relations ofTwo Populations B.I.S., New Mexico State University, 1982 of the Lizard Sceloporus undulatus" Denise A. Watson Joseph Michael Dailey Physical Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1974 B.S., Ithaca College, 1960; M.S., 1961 Elizabeth 1. Wells M.S., North Adams State College, 1972 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1981 Dissertation: "A Measurement of Machiavellian Personality Traits of Frances C. Wilkinson Football and Wrestling Coaches in Small Colleges and Universities" B.A., University of New Mexico, 1982 Augustin Albert Dubrulle " Mathematics and Statistics M.S., University of Lille, 1959 Dissertation: "On Matrix Vidiagonalization and Its Application to the Compression of Large Digital Images" MASTER OF FINE ARTS Stephen D. Feher...... Counselor Education Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 B.A., University of Texas, 1969 :. Dan Robert Gamble . M.A., University of New Mexico, 1980 '. .- B. F.A., University of Wisconsin, 1982 Dissertation: "Effects ofRelaxation-Imagery on Breast Milk Production M.A., University of New Mexico, 1985 by Mothers of Infants in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit"

29 301

Eric William Findsen ...... , Chemistry James Joseph McNally Electrical Engineering B.S .. Michigan State University, 1980 B.S., !'.Ianhattan College, 1975 M.S .. University of California. 1983 M.S., University of California, 1976 Dissertation: "Studies of Porphyrin Dynamics Using Transient Raman Dissertation: "Ion Assisted Deposition of Optical Coatings" Spectroscopy" Charles Finley Pace ' Chemistry Miguel Galvez Nuclear Engineering A.A., Indian Valley College, 1978 , B.S., Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 1976 B.S., California Polytechnic State University, 1982" '. M.S., University of New Mexico. 1986 . Dissertation; "Analytical Laser Induced Fluoresce'nce arid Phospho­ • Dissertation: "Hybrid Simulations of Gas Puff Plasma Implosion" rescence Spectrometry of Aromatic Hydrocarbon Derivatives Pre­ David Bruce Goldstein : .. '' Psychology pared in Vapor Deposited Parent Molecule Matrices" B.A.. University of Florida, 1978 " Leno Matthew Pedrotti : :: : Physics M.A.. University of New Mexico, 1982 . B. S., Wright State University, 1981 , ' Dissertation: "Emotionally-Evocative Imagi~al Activity and Empathy: Dissertation: "Quantum Limits to Laser Interferometer Tests of Gen~ An Analogue Study" . ' eral Relativity:' ., .' Gary Lynn Graham "'..' : Biology Joseph S. Pluchinotta :'.. :. Educational Administration B.S., Louisiana State University, 1975;M.S:. 1979 B.A., Brooklyn College, 1971 Dissertation: "A Search for Patterns in the Use ofRoosting Resources M.A., St. John's College, 1974 by Bats of Eastern Peru" Dissertation: "Considerations 011 Policy Formulation Regarding the Robert Jarratt Hard Anthropology Utilization of Part-Time/AdjunCt Faculty Within Private, Indepen- B.A., University ofArizona. 1976 dent Institutions of Higher Education" ,'. M.A.• University of New Mexico. 1981' David Lloyd Pogge Psychology Dissertation: "Ecological Relationships Affecting the Rise of Farming B.A., Creighton University, 1979 . Economies: A Test from the American Southwest" M. S., University of New Mexico, 1983 Dissertation: "Dimensions of Education of Psychotherapeutic Inter­ Daniel Mark Hardy Medical Science pretations: A Phenomeno-Logical-Empirical Analysis" B.S.. South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, 1979 Edwin H. Root. Electrical Engineering , Dissertation: "Acrosomal Autoantigens and Acrosin System in Guinea B.S., Oregon State University, 1957 Pig Fertilization" M.S., University of New Mexico, 1976 Lonni C. Harrison Physics Dissertation: "Generation of Survivable Communications and Trans­ B. S.• University of Texas. 1967 portation Networks from the Elements of Cyclic Permutation Groups" M.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Daniel Allen Salzwedel Physical Education Dissertation: "A Monte Carlo Study of the Finite Two-Dimensional B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1973; M.S., 1974 One-Component Plasma with Free Boundaries" Dissertation: "The Development ofan Instrument to Determine Public Arlette Crawford Hill Educational Foundations Relations Effectiveness" B.A .. North Texas University, 1952 Drucilla Saren ',' .. Specinl Education M.A.• University of New Mexico. 1983 B.A.. City College of New York, 1967 Dissertation: "Guestworkers' Children: West Gemany's Educationals M.A., University of New Mexico, 1981 Impasse" Dissertation: "Demographic Profiles and Affective Components of the Kiegon 1m , Physics Relationship Between the Teacher and the Paraprofessional in the B. S., Seoul National University. 1976 Special Education Classroom" M.S .. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. 1978 Mark Allen Stiger Anthropology Dissertation: ''Transverse Discharge Copper Vapor Laser" B.A.. University of Colorado, 1975; M.A., 1977 • Lance Earl Jackman: Educational Foundations Dissertation: "Technological Organization and Spatial Structure in the B.A.• Fitchburg State College, 1972 Archaeological Record" M.S., Marquette University. 1974 Jin-Hau SU Mathematics and Statistics Dissertation: "Effects of Conceptual Systems and Instructional Meth­ B.A., National C.hiao Tung University, 1981 ods on General Chemistry Laboratory Achievement" M.A., University of New Mexico, 1983 Karen Anne Johnson : Mathematics and Statistics Dissertation: "The Properties oflD and 2D Approximation by a Class B.A.. Gettysburg College, 1972 of Piecewise Cubic Splines" M.A.• University of New Mexico. 1983 Karen Senob Sundwick ' History Dissertation: "Largest Induced Subgraphs of the n-Cube That Contain B.A., University of Michigan, 1961 ' No 2K-Cycle" . M.A., University of New Mexico, 1976 Judith Haag Herzog Keller ...... Counselor Education Dissertation: "Schools for Crime: Juvenile Reformatories in Porfirian B.A., University of Maryland. 1966 Mexico, 1876-1911" M.S .• New Mexico State University, 1973 Eliane G. Vanstichel Romance Languages M.A.• University of New Mexico, 1981 B.A., University of Wichita, 1963 Dissertation: "Systematic Recording of Individual Pupil Behavior" M.A., Middlebury College, 1972 Dissertation: "A Generative Approach to the Phonological Comparison Marie del Rosario Kelly 1bero American Studies of Dutch and Spanish" B.A., Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. 1968 John Michael Walker. ' Mechanical Engineering M.A.• University of New Mexico. 1975 '" B.S., Texas A&M University, 1967; M.S., 1975 ' Dissertation: "El Nacionalismo Cultural: Su Impacto en Tres Novelas Dissertation: "Forced Unsteady Vortex Flows Driven by Pitching Air­ Historicas Mexicanas" foils" Adrienne Gail Larkin : Psychology B.A., University of New Mexico. 1972; M.A.• 1973; M.S., 1984 Requirements Completed Semester 1, 1986-87 Dissertation: "Differential Effects of Rejection and Failureon Anaclitic and Introjective Depression" Ghanim Alwan Al-Jumaily Electrical Engineering Joan Kathryn Lingen ' Art History B.S., University of Baghdad, 1974 ' B.A., Clarke College. 1961 M.S., University of Arizona, 1983 M.A., University of Colorado, 1970 Dissertation: "Influence of Metal Films on the Optical Scatter and M.A., Arizona State University, 1977 . Related Microstructure of Coated Surfaces" , Dissertation: "Stylistic and Iconographic Study ofLower Central Amer- Lawrence Clyde Allen IlL. : '.' .: Psychology ican Stone Sculpture" ,' . ',' ." '. B.S., New Mexico Tech, 1976' ., .', . Patricia Ann McAnany ': ':: , Anthropology M.S., University of Texas, 1977. . B.A., University ofAlaska; 1978' , Dissertation: "A Longitudinal Comparison of-the Development ofMother- Dissertation: "Lithic Technology and Exchange among Wetland Farm­ Infant Interactions in Twins and Singletons from Three to Six Months • ers of the Eastern Maya Lowlands" Old" 30 302 Mary Rita C, Apodaca, .. ,,, Educational Administration M.A., University of New Mexico, 1977 B,A., University of New Mexico, 1964; M.A., 1981 Dissertation: "Hispanic Weavers of North Central New Mexico: SocialJ Dissertation: "The Nambe Community School (1937-1942): A Study of Historical and Educational Dimensions ofa ContinUing Artistic Tra­ Community-Relevant Curriculum" dition" Phoebe Jean Becktell ,,,, .. , Educational Foundations Carol A. Lujan ; Sociology B.S.N., University of Miimesota, 1952 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1976; M.P.A., 1979 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1975' Dissertation: "American Indians and Imposed Law: The Impact of So­ Dissertation': "The Tapestry of Stress: The Nature and Stru'cture of the cial Integration on Legal Perceptions among Two Southwestern Tribes" • ,Human Stress Response Analyzed Within a Holistic Framework" Humberto Madrid de la Vega .. : ... c' ••••• '• •Mathe11Ultics and Statistics James Cary Bednarz: .,. ~ , ; .. , , '.' . , .. , .. , , . Biology B.S., National University of Mexico, 1973 '. B,S., New Mexico State University, 1976 ' M.A., University of New' Mexico, 1984 . '., M.S., Iowa State University, 1979 Dissertation: "Analysis of Fast Rational or Algorithms for Symmetric Dissertation: "The Behavioral Ecology of the Cooperatively. Breeding Tridiagonal Matrices" , Harris' Hawk in Southeastern New Mexico" Neeraj Magotra ' Electrical Engineering . Sharon Lynn Blaha :' ', :.;.'.. '" .Chemistry B. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, 1980 B. S., University of Wisconsin, 1980 '. M.S., Kansas State University, 1982. M.S., University of New Mexico, 1984 Dissertation: "Seismic Event Detection and Location Using Single Dissertation: "Extraction Chemistry ofCarbamoylmethylphosphonates: Station Three Component Data" , and Related Ligands" Ali Asghar Malik : ' Secondary Education Peter S. Briggs , .. ' , : , , ,:, Art History B.A., University of Punjab, 1967 B,A., Northern Illinois University, 1972 .' M.A., Punjab University, 1969 M,A., University of Kentucky, 1974 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1982 Dissertation: "Pre-Conquest Mortuary Arts and Status in the Central Dissertation: "A Psycholinguistic Analysis ofthe Oral Reading Behavi~r Region of Panama" of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Iranian Proficient Readers Luca Dieci , , ,Mathematics and Statistics Using Culturally Familiar and Culturally Non-Familiar Expository Lic., Universita di Roma, 1982 Texts" Dissertation: "Theoretical and Comutational Aspects of the Riccati Anthony Joseph Mariano Psychology Transformation for Solving Differential Equations" B.A., Rutgers University, 1974 Charles Wilson Evans , .. ,, Educational Administration M.S., University of New Mexico, 1983 B,A., University of New Mexico, 1971; M.A., 1975 Dissertation: "Social Support and the Psychosocial Functioning of Home Dissertation: "Interorganizational Relationships and Educational In­ Hemodialysis Couples" stitutions: The School Leadership Association" Richard Lewis Mascolo Psychology Farajollah Ghanbari, ,, Nuclear Engineering B.A., University of California, 1978 B. S" Jundi Shapur University, 1976 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1982 M.S., University of New Mexico, 1979 Dissertation: "A Radical BehavioristicAnalysis ofHow Psychotherapists Dissertation: "The 63CUi','" "Cu and "CUid" '''Cu Cross Sections at Discern Latent Content in Patient Communication" 14.8 MeV" Daniel J. McCabe ' Chemistry Gerald Orage Hobson ,, American Studies B.S., , 1982 A.A., Phoenix Junior College, 1964 M.S., University of New Mexico, 1984 B.A., Arizona State University, lQ68; M.A., 1969 Dissertation: "Synthesis and Properties of Multifunctional Phosphonic Dissertation: "Indian Country: A Critical Examination of Native Amer­ Acid Esters and Their Coordination and Extraction Chemistry" ican Literature since 1968" Alan David McFarland Psychology • Eddie Tak-Leung Hui. " .. Chemistry B.A., San Francisco State University, 1980 B. S., University of Wisconsin, 1978 M.S., University of New Mexico, 1984 M. S., University of New Mexico, 1983 Dissertation: "Cognitive Effort During Reading: Effects of Topic Dissertation: "A Photoinization Study on the Van der Walls Complex Knowledge" of the C.H.+ HCI System" , Gary Dean Miller Biology Yukiko Iwata Chemistry B.S., Oregon State University, 1975 A.B., Occidental College, 1980 M.A., University of Montana, 1980 Dissertation: "Syntheses, Structures, and Reactions of Metal Oxide Dissertation:"FeedingEcology of Desert Bighorn Sheep (Ovis cana­ Alkoxide Clusters" densis mexican) in Western Arizona" Kristine Johnson Biology Gregory Emil Obarski. :. Physics B.A., University of Kansas, 1973 B.A., Queens College, 1971 M.S., Trinity University, 1979 ' M.S., University of Denver; 1979 Dissertation: "Sexual Selection in Pinyon Jays" Dissertation: "An Experimental Study of Cultured Mammalian Cell Susan Gandell Kenagy Art History Survival in Strong Electrostatic Fields" A.B., University of California, 1969; M.A., 1974 John Patrick Owen Counselor Education M.A., California State University, 1977 B.S., Regis College, 1971 Dissertation: "Ritual Pueblo Ceramics: Symbolic Stylistic Behavior as M.A., University of New Mexico, 1973 a Medium of Information Exchange" Dissertation:"A Comparison of Selected Personality Variables of In­ Ben John Klein , Psychology cestuous Fathers and Non-Incestuous Fathers': B.A., New Mexico State University, 1980 Janet Yagoda Shagam Biology M.A., University of New Mexico, 1984 B.A., University of Massachusetts, 1972 ' Dissertation: "Discriminant, Concurrent, and Predictive Validity ofthe M.S., University ofArizona, 1976 Perceived Symptom Effects Scale (PSES)" Dissertation: "Surface Analysis, of the Nitrogen Fixing Bacterium Az­ Richard Thomas Linn, Jr , Psychology '-.spirillum brasilense by Lectin Agglutination and by Fluorescence B.A., University of Rhode Island, 1975 ' Activated Flow Cytometry" M.A., University of New Mexico, 1980 , Donea Lynne Shane Educational Administration Dissertation: "Age and Health Status in Relation to Rigidity and Fluid B.S., University of New Mexico, 1972; M.S., 1973 Intelligence" , Dissertation: "Head Nurse Role Development" David Leon Lovett Special Education Henry Gilbert Shonerd Ill. Educational Foundations B.A., University of California, 1972 B.A., California State University, 1965 , M.A:, University of New Mexico, 1979 M.A., University of California, 1970 Dissertation: "Self-Management Training and Self-Direction of Daily M.A., Southern Illinois University, 1977 Activities ofAdults with Mental Retardation"' . Dissertation: "Strategies of Language Use and Language Analysis in Helen R. Lucero Art Education the Development of Oral Fluency among Literate Adults Learning' • B.F.A., North Texas State University, 1974 ESL" , 31

:: . y jf. Larry William Smith Educational Foundations Jose E. Castillo-Moreno Mathematics and Statistics A.B., University of New Mexico, 1967 B.S., Universidad Central de Venezuela, 1978 M.Ed., Ohio University, 1971 M.A., University of Texas, 1984 Dissertation: "Differences imd Similarities Between Spoken and Writ­ Dissertation: "On Variational Grid Generation" ten Languages; A Study of Three Situational Domains" Ioannis Constantinidis ' Chemistry Richard Lynn Sutton .. '" Psychology B.S., Northern Illinois University, J981 B.A., San Jose State University, 1981; M.A., .1983 Dissertation: "(i) Antamalarial Drug Interaction with Porphyrins (ii) Dissertation: "Role of the Alpha Receptors in Recovery of Function . IH-NMR Characterization of G.Dibranchiata Met-Hemoglobins" • . Following Unilateral Sensorimotor Cortex Ablation in the Rat" Antonio Corvo :.~ Physics Thomas Allan Tannery Recreation B.S., Cleveland State University, 1976; M.S., 1978. B.S., San Diego State University, 1981; M.B.A., 1983 Dissertation: "Multiple Short Pulse and Single Long Pulse/Forward Dissertation: "Regional Open Space: Citizen and Expert Preferences Stimulated Brillouin Scattering" . in Albuquerque, New Mexico" Maria Elisa David ' : .. Educational Foundations Patricia Susan Tomlan '. Special Education B.A., Instituto del Profesorado, 1964 B.S., State University of New York, 1973; M.S., 1976 . M.A., University of New Mexico, 1973 . .. Dissertation: "The Psycholinguistic Analyses of Learning Disabled Ad­ Dissertation: "Understanding Social Cognition: A Case Study of Chil- olescents' Written Language Abilities" dren in an International Community" Joyce E. Wilson ; Counselor Education George W. Dickerson Educational Foundations B.S., University of Minnesota, 1962 B.S., New Mexico State University, 1969; M.S., 1973. ; M.S. W., University of Denver, 1968 Dissertation: "Effects ofInteractive Versus Passive Videotape Programs Dissertation: "The Impact of a Comprehensive Employee Assistance on Cognitive Leaming~ Program on the Job Performance of the Employee of a Savings and Mary Dorothy Dudley .. : Educational Foundations Loan Institution" B.A., University of Maryland, 1965 . Hwei-Chen Yang Chemistry M.A., State University of New York, 1968 B.S., Chung Yuan Christian College, 1980 Dissertation: "The Relationships of Social Activism, Sex, and Percent­ M.S., University of New Mexico, 1983, age of Household Income Earned to Reasoning about Hypothetical Dissertation: "Characterization of Active Nitrogen Sources for Meta­ and Real Moral Questions" stable Transfer Emission Spectroscopy" Kazimierz Dziamka American Studies Jein Yoo Mechanical Engineering B.A., Jagiellonian University, 1973; M.A., 1973 M. S., University of Iowa, 1982 Dissertation: "Utopia and Freedom in American Culture" Dissertation: "An Investigation of Reynolds Number Effects in Ther­ Eman M. EI-Bashbishy Secondary Education mally-Driven Gravity Currents Applied to Stratified Thermal Storage M.A., University of New Mexico, 1983 Tanks" Dissertation: "A Descriptive Study of the Oral Proficiency of Prospec­ Grover Kuang-Hsiung Yu Educational Foundations tive Egyptian Teachers of English as a Foreign Language" B.A., National Taiwan Normal University, 1967; M.A., 1971 Keith Duane Ernce " Recreation M.S., Syracuse University, 1973 B.S., Oral Roberts University, 1978 Dissertation: "Measuring Information Gain from Textual Coherence M.A., Tulsa University, 1980 with the Cloze Procedure" Dissertation: "Church Recreation in the Southern Baptist Convention as a Leisure Consumer, Leisure Provider and Member ofthe Leisure Services Delivery System" Requirements Completed Semester II, 1986-87 Mary Jane Gallahan Physical Education B.S., Frostburg State College, 1976 • Jorge Aragon Matherrulticsand Statistics M.S., Indiana University, 1977 B.S.,·Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 1978 Dissertation: "Strength Training Effects on Selected Muscle Groups of M.S., University ofTexas, 1983 Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis" . Dissertation: "Linear Programming Algorithms for Optimal Integration Thomas Lothar George Biology of Surveys" B.A., Reed College, 1978 Vance Lee Behr Mechanical Engineering M.S., University of New Mexico, 1981 B.S., University of Missouri, 1978; M.S., 1979 Dissertation: "Factors Influencing the Abundance of Land Birds on Dissertation: "The Numerical Modeling of Chemically Reactive Fluid Baja California Islands: Tests ofAlternative Hypotheses" Flow in a Closed Volume Containing a Hydrogen and Air Mixture" Kathryn M. Gordon Psychology Jerald S. Belitz Counselor Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1982; M.S., 1985 B.A., City College of New York, 1973 Dissertation: "The Effects of Normal Mood Variations on Retrieval of M.A., University of New Mexico, 1980 Information in a Generation Task" Dissertation: "Hopelessness, Social Isolation, and Coping Ability as Factors in Adolescent Suicide Attempts" Rick Allen Graber Psychology Barbara Elizabeth Bertram Matherrultics and Statistics B. S., University of Oregon, 1977 B.S., Purdue University, 1963 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1982 M.S., Iowa State University, 1972 Dissertation: "Abstinence and Controlled Drinking Goals in Behavioral Dissertation: "Analysis and Solution of Integral Equations with Fixed Self-Control Training with Problem Drinkers: Drinking and Neu­ Couchy Singularities" ropsychological Outcome" Karen Eileen Brown Educational Administration Christian Hall. Educational Foundations . B. S., Otterbein College, 1969 B.F.A., University of Utah, 1969; M.A., 1975 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1975 Dissertation: ."Revision Strategies in L1 and L2 Writing Tasks: A Case Dissertation: "A History of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Study" Program and Its Effect on Parks, Recreation and Adult/Community Mary Kay Haney Special Education . Education in New Mexico" B.A., Auburn University, 1967 Gregory Scott Camp ' History M.A., University of Alabama, 1977 B.A., Mount Marty College, 1979 Dissertation: "Effects of Therapeutic Treatments on. the Psychological M.A., University of South Dakota, 1981 and Academic Functioning Level of Children and Adolescents with Dissertation: "The Turtle Mountain Plains-Chippewas and Metis, 1797­ Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia and Their Possible Recovery of Func- 1935" tion Across Time" . Jane Ann Castillo '" ; Special Edu'cation Kathryn Haring : Special Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1980; M.A., 1981 B.A., Western Washington University, 1977 Dissertation: "The Relationship Between Teacher Evaluation and Stu­ Dissertation: "A Follo",,-Up Study of Recent Special Education Grad­ dent Evaluation of Educational Software" uates"


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George Edward Hartley, Jr English James Roy Rotge Physics B.A., Bridgewater State College, 1980 B.S., University ofArizona, 1971 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1982 M.S., University of New Mexico, 1980 Dissertation: "Praxis and Syntaxis: The Textual Politics of Some ·Lan.­ Dissertation: "Laser Heterodyne Interferometry for the Measurement guage Poets'" of Small (Angstrom Level) Displacements" Roy Edward Howard Elementary Education John Mangona Santiago, Jr EleCtrical Engineering B.A., Brigham Young University, 1974 < B.S., University of California, 1977 M.A., Eastern Washington University, 1982 M.A., Air Force Institute of Technology, 1978 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1985 Dissertation: "On the Extensions of the Balanced Approach of Model • Dissertation: "Navajo Bilingual Education in Action, a Qualitative Study Reduction with Applications to Large Flexible Space Structures" ofTeachers at a BlA Bordertown School" Diane Sattler Educational Foundations Ju Hwan Kang '.' Physics A.A., Jackson Community College, 1966 B.S., Yonsei University, 1976; M.S., 1978 B.A., Eastern Michigan University, 1971; M.A., 1976 Dissertation: "Search for Neutrino Oscillations in Line-E at LAMPF" M.S., Iowa State University, 1975 Thomas William Killion Anthropology Dissertation: "Programming in BASIC or LOGO: Effects o'n Critical B.A., University of Connecticut, 1977; M.A., 1980 Thinking Skills" Dissertation: "Agriculture and Residential Site Structure among Cam­ Kris W. Stewart ; : Mathe11Ultics and Statistics pesinos in Southern Veracruz, Mexico: A Foundation for Archaeo- B.A., University of California, 1973 logical Inference" . M.S., San Diego State University, 1979 Jerry Dale Kinkade : Counselor Education Dissertation: "Semi-Implicit BacJ,;ward Differentiation Formulas" B.A., California Baptist College, 1966 Twila Faye Walker Turpen...... Sociology M.S.W., California State University, 1970 B.A., New Mexico Highlands University, 1971; M.A., 1973 Dissertation: "The Effects of Parental Acceptance-Rejection on Per­ Dissertation: "Cohesion, Inequality, and Interethnic Conflict in Ter­ sonality Development in Pueblo Indians" ritorial New Mexico" David Louie Nuclear Engineering Mohammad Yousaf Physics B.S., University of New Mexico, 1982; M.S., 1984 B.S., University of Punjab, 1973 Dissertation: "Characterization of Fuel Swelling in Helium-Bonded M.S., University ofIslamabad, 1976 Carbide Fuel Pins" M.Phi!., Quaid-I-Azam University, 1980 Carol Nebel Lovato History Dissertation: "Solitons in Stimulated Raman Scattering" A. B., Stanford University, 1961 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1968 DOcrOR OF EDUCATION Dissertation: "Thanks a Lot: The Biography ofBrother Mathias Barrett, Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 Founder of the Little Brothers of the Good Shepherd" Thomas MacLean Physical Education Ella Elizabeth Riddle Secondary Education B. S., Eastern New Mexico University, 1979 A.A., Morristown College, 1944 M.S., Fort Hays State University, 1980 B.S., Bluefield State College, 1946 Dissertation: "The Effects ofThree Different Dosages ofa Beta-Blocker M.Ed., Tennessee State University, 1968 (lnderal) on Exercise Prescription" Dissertation: "Integrating Communication Processing into Basic Busi­ Daniel Jay Mclaughlin Educational Foundations ness Economic Education" B.A., Tufts University, 1974 M.A., School for International Training, 1978 Requirements Completed Semester n, 1986-87 Dissertation: "When Literacy Empowers: An Ethnography of English and Navajo Literacy" Willard Nathan Gilbert Physical Education • William Frere McNamara Chemistry B.S., Northern Arizona University, 1981; M.A., 1981 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1976; M.S., 1982 Dissertation: "The Cultural Values ofthe Sports and Games ofthe Hopi Dissertation: "Reactivity of Metallophosphenium and Metallophos­ Indians ofArizona and a Unit of Instruction Reflecting Their Games phane Complexes Derived from P-Phenyl-N,N-{bis)-Trimethylsilyl and Activities" Phosphonamidous Chloride" Ali Meghdari Mechanical Engineering B.S., University of Missouri, 1982 M.S., University of Northern Illinois, 1983 Dissertation: "Elastic Deformation Characteristics and Constitutitive FINAL HONORS Equations of Light Weight Flexible Robot Manipulators" Raymond Andrew Motes Electrical Engineering Students who have successfully completed at least three years in the Gen­ eral Honors Program, have attained an over-all grade point average ofat B.S., University ofArkansas, 1978 least 3.2 (4.0 basis), and have been approved for the indicated level of M.S., Air Force Institute of Technology, 1979 honors in General Studies by the Honors Council. Dissertation: "Two-Beam Coupling in Photorefractive Barium Titanate" Hassan Seyed Nabavi Electrical Engineering Requirements Completed Semester n, 1985-86 A.S., BruneI University, 1978 Gary Bob Barnard, summa cum David Lynn Donelson, cum B.S., Tehran University, 1975 laude laude Dissertation: "A Nonlinear Field Theory Approach for Generating Fast, Ruth Anne Bookstaber, summa Frank Dennis Durand, summa High Rep-Rate High Power Pulses" cum laude cum laude Alice Neundorf Educational Foundations Kerry Janice Bowsher, cum Judith Kathryn Franzak, magna B.A., Arizona State University, 1965 laude cum laude M.A., University of Nebraska, 1970 Debra Elaine Bums, magna Bruce Kaemper Geist, magna Dissertation: "Bilingualism: A Bridge to Power for Interpreters and cum laude cum laude Leaders in the Navajo Tribal Council" Monica Collier, cum laude Russell E. Hull, cum laude Jane Anne Rankin Educational Foundations SylVia Rosen Cooke, summa Robin Adair Jones, summa cum B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1974; M.A., 1977 cum laude laude' Dissertation: "Professional and Personal Stress Factors in the Lives of Carol E. Cravens, cum laude Trisha Marie Kanz, magna cum Women Dentists: Gender Differences in Stress Appraisal and Coping Kenneth Brian Cunningham, laude Strategies" magna cum laude Paul Anthony Kapitz, cum laude Penelope Ann Robbins MedicalScience Diana Elizabeth Devilliers, cum Michael Dale Perkins, cum B.A., University of California, 1978 laude laude Dissertation: "Class II Antigen Expression on Lymphocytes and Mon­ Karen S. Doerfert, summa cum Donna Jean Hard Ryan, cum • ocytes" laude laude 33 305 Michael Andrew Sadler, cum Lvnn L. Schreyer, magna cum Dona Lynn Buckholts Riva G. Lippert laude .laude Glenelle Gray Butler Timothy Sean Madden David Ray Sandison, summa Christine K. Squire, magna cum Janelle Carleno Sarah Louise Maffitt cum laude laude Anne Maria Chou Karin Susan Maletta Maria Louisa Santiago, cum Laura Ellen White, magna cum Wendy Ciesco Laura Camilla Mandell laude laude Kimberly Jo Cline Barbara Alice Manogue Susan Rose Comfort Gilbert Martinez Requirements Completed Semester I, 1986-87 Nona Cook Richard Kent McCracken; laud~ Robert D. Ambrose, cum . Maureen E. McDonald, cum Sylvia Rosen Cooke . Ceela McElveny . • Cynthia Denise Baker, magna laude Charles Thomas Cote . Gary Lawrence Medina cum laude Kylene Joyce Partin, cum laude Elisabeth Lou Cudney Elizabeth Wills Mendez Nadine Elizabeth Bandat, Rebecca Paskind-Bennett, cum Kenneth Brian Cunningham Cathy Jo Morgan magna cum laude' laude. Robert Bruce Dagit Gregory A. Moss Elizabeth Florence Steward. Paula Suzanne Robinson, cum Leah Davidson· Jolie Nagel Braught, magna cum laude laude Elizabeth T. Degnan Cynthia Jones Neal Donna Marie Chavez, magna Stanley P. Szewczyk, magna Jennifer Dianne Dekleva Marie-Ange Nguyen cum laude cum laude Martin Lutz Devore Shirley Ann Nicolao Jill Kristin Folske, cum laude Stephen Dale Taylor, cum laude Lorraine S. Doane Micheal Van Leight Novat Louis Charles Gonzales, magna Ronald Stephen Vigil, cum Mona L. Dobbs Virginia Beth Olson cum laude laude Karen S. Doerfert Pamela Elizabeth Parker Edward Ralph McCardle, Linda Diana Doolen Steven Alexander Peralta magna cum laude Shoshana Dubman Marianne Perkins Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1986-87 Frank Dennis Durand Andrew Michael Petney Jack Hill Eldridge Marcia Ann Pincus Alan P Baehr, summa cum Joseph H. McCoy, summa cum Kathy C, Ellis Josephine Diane Marie Pino laude laude Michael Alan Emerson Nicole Bronowski Plett Kevin M. Bean, magna cum Leah B. Neel, magna cum laude Ireena Ahmed Erteza Cheryl Ann Rasoli laude Paula S. Newman, cum laude Lisa Lyn Feigenberg Belinda Reisfeld Sue E. Bottomly, summa cum Wayne Oakes, summa cum Lucinda Fisher Dana Richard Rink laude laude Jennifer Fisk Cynthia Brownlee Roberts Katerina Calderone, magna cum Todd C. Parker, summa cum Judith Kathryn Franzak Katherine Gail Dunn Roland laude laude Melissa Anne Funnell Kathleen B. Rubio Lisa L. Dancy, magna cum Nancy A. Rath, magna cum David Paul Gallegos John Neil Russo laude laude Nancy Janine Jay Gamiz Richard Paul Salgado Charles David Day, magna cum Susan E. Rich, magna cum Toby P. Garcia Claudia Ewing Sanders laude laude Susan Smith Gilliland David Ray Sandison Tami D. Douglas, magna cum Deana M. Richter, summa cum Judith Elaine Gorzeck David Benjamin Sandoval laude laude Marjorie A. Gray-Hatchell Jean M. Sandoval Cynthia A. Fanning, cum laude Anthony E. Sabatino, cum laude Rachel Louise Gross Janet Lynn Laitola Scheltema Alan' R. Fowler, cum laude Craig L. Shane, cum laude Jennifer Adams Gullett Tracy A. Schlegel Arlene M. Fresquez, cum laude Katharene L. Smith, magna Elizabeth D. Hager Mary Charlotte Schmidt Theresa M. Gieske, cum laude cum laude Rebecca Sue Hartley Lynn L. Schreyer Jeff Gilmore, cum laude Georgene M. Somers, cum John Byron Herrington Lynne Nicolau Segal Kathryn E. Craham, summa laude • Lisa Ann Highley Carl Joseph Shuster cum laude Heidi M. Struse, magna cum David Warren Hirshfield Harlan Creighton Smith Mark T. Hartman, magna cum laude Jerri A. Hudson John Charles Solman laude Raymond E. Stuart, summa Marianne Gae Hughes Jean Ann Spalt James C. Hoppe, magna cum cum laude Jan Elise Hutson Christine K. Squire laude Donald J. Sullivan, magna cum Robert William Irwin Lars A. Stangebye Michael R. Horcasitas, cum laude James Conrad Jimenez Evelyn Vincent Stansbury laude Donna N. Tenorio, magna cum Matthew Lloyd Johnson Peter Michael Steinbach Sheila R. Jansen, cum laude laude Robin Adair Jones John Philip Steiner Jessica W. Julian, cum laude Joyce C. Therkildsen, summa Kelly Maurine Joyce Francis Joseph Stoecker III Andrew M. Kamm, cum laude cum laude Tracey Ann Kasnic Keri N. Sutter . Damara L. Kaplan, cum laude Kenneth R. Welch, cum laude Susan Kelly Kennedy Patricia Ann Van Hoy Kelli K. Kekich, magna cum Carolynne C. White, magna Debra Sue Abston Kenner Annette Denise Vigil laude cum laude Bradley Robert Key Anthony Reeve Watkins Mustapha Kihirige, cum laude Laura A. Yeck, cum laude Pamela A. Key Harry Albert Watson Jennifer Kimbrough, summa Maria Lourdes de Young, cum David Lewis Kieckhefer Judith Lynn Watt cum laude laude Johanna M. King Christine Marion Wenant Coleen R. Maddy, summa cum Kelly L. Zeilenga, magna cum Michelle Lynn Kinion Richard Atkinson Whiston, Jr. laude laude Becky Devine Kroesen Laura Ellen White Pierre Ken Le Fevre Ted Robert Williams DISTINCfION Janet Louise Leis Nicholas Milo Winowich Seniors who have completed a minimum of 60 hours in residence, and Kristina Kathleen Leonard Bryan Jon Youd who have a scholarship index of3.5 Or better. Doris Ann Leupp Ray Joseph Zuppa Requirements Completed Semester II, 1985-86 Sandra Jeanette Leymon Tracy Jones Ahr Elaine Lipshutz Best Star Allen Tammy Laverne Bliss Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 Dolores Jean Anderson Ruth Anne Bookstaber Joseph Angelo Alfieri Ralph David Levinson Jim C. Arden Roy William Bowers Richard Clay Blackburn Andres Mares-Muro Martin Donald Armijo Barton Johnson Brooks Fred Blanton Bugbee Anne Louise Doerfert McGoey Nancy Ellen Baars Christine Annette Brown· Teresa Liane Carveth Judith Ann Nafus .. -,' Gloria Annette Baca Joseph Edward Brown' Frank John Delgado Ivonne Guzman Olay Karla S. Baca . Matthew William Kilpatrick Kyle Paul Hunter- Margenia R. Pearson Gary Bob Barnard Brown Kevin Patrick Kenny Lori Ellen Primas • Timothy Arden Benson Marian Levi Bruce Kirsten Catherine Knutson James Anthony Robertson _ 34 Richard Allyn Roon Paula Elaine Stretz Judith Lynn Watt, summa cum Jonathan Ari White, cum laude Mari Lynn Shawcroft Leann Denise Stubbs laude in ReligiOUS Studies in Psychology John Ward Wheeler II. summa Requirements Completed Semester I. 1986-87 cum laude in History and Virginia Ruth Baltosser Alice B. Lloyd Political Science Nadine Elizabeth Bandat Ngoc-Ai Lu Patricia Kemper Beatty Kathryn Lynn Lueders Requirements Completed Semester 1. 1986-87 Robin Jean Biffinger John Patrick Lynch Cynthia Denise Baker. summa Randall Shane Hill. magna cum • Curt Alan Bland Gretchen Rasmussen Matsuda cum laude in Political Science laude in Psychology Karen Marie Haider Boothe Carol Dee Mays Nadine Elizabeth Bandat, Kimberly Ann Morris, magna Bruce Carter Brantley Edward Ralph McCardle magna cum laude in . cum laude in Psychology . Elizabeth Florence Steward Margaret Eileen McCoy Computer Engineering Victor Rodri~ez-Perez, magna Braught Judith Arlene Mersereau cum laude in Psychology Shirley Brothwell Russell Edward Mikawa . Kathleen F. Campion Susan Eileen Molen Donna Marie Chavez Martha Jan Moore Dixie Carolyn Clark Kimberly Ann Morris Samuel Reid Combs Cheryl Ann Oberdorfer Kelly L. Cook Joan Marie Pacioretty Neal Monroe Day Joan V. Padilla John Robert Devey Steven Denton Parks Gary Dean Diggs Kylene Joyce Partin Carl Thomas Donsbach Margaret A. Patterson Robin Dawn Eschenburg Kevin Carter Paul PRESIDENTIAL SCHOLARS Katherine Lee Espey Elise Janelle Peay Beverly Yvonne Schmit Fallgren Linda Louise Pickard For the past eleven years Presidential Scholarships have been awarded to Barbara Ann Fox Donald Allen Pittard graduates ofNew Mexico high schools who come directly to the University Peter J. Garcia Richard Louis Renaud ofNew Mexico to commence undergraduate education. Presidential Schol­ Catherine Sue Gardner William Mark Roberts arships are funded by contributions ofindividuals. corporations, alumni, Claire Alison Gilliland Greg A. Robinson faculty. staffand the University's Hugh Woodward Trust Fund. The Schol­ Beverly Wright Golden Tony Lynn Rusk ars receive their award for four consecutive years if academic standards Billy L. Gulley Cynthia Gay Sanshu and full-time progress toward a degree are maintained. The University is Stephanie Hambleton W. David Selvage pleased that the Presidential Scholarship Program has attracted some of Kevin Lee Harper Barbara Claire Sewill New Mexico'sfinest students to the campus. The Presidential Scholars this Sheila Scott Harris Paula Sue Stalcup year are: Martha Joan Sanders Hass Linda J. Rose Strasburg Thomas Michael Allison John Robert Martin Belinda Sue Henning Robert F. Stripp Danielle J. Argiro Susan L. McCormack Randall Lee Hill Stanley P. Szewczyk John Michael Baca Joseph H. McCoy Randall Shane Hill Bonnie Lynn Thomas Nadine t. Bandat Rhonda Lynne McDaniels Joan Astrid Hoglund Trung Huu Tran Joseph Edward Bitto Daiana Maria Medici Melanie V. Jakel Carole Anne Usner Curt Alan Bland Karen Renee Medina-Merwin Cynthia Marie Johnson Saul Eduardo Roll Velez Shelley Cecilia Blankert Andrew Donald Megill • Brenda Ann Kazmer Douglas W. Vetter William B. Boehm Cynthia Ann Melton Kristopher Aaron Keck Claire Louise Vito Jane P. Bretting Alice Ruth Moore Mary Lou Kokaly Elizabeth Ballard Whitty Fred Blanton Bugbee Dawn Marie Nash Barbara Jean Kramer Yumi Yi John J. Buksa Paula Sue Newman Michael James Larkin Joda Biggs Zila Edward Julian Candelaria Kirsten Lillie Nielsen Martin Douglas Lindsay Elizabeth A. Chavez-Klemm Natalie Elizabeth Olague James E. Colbert Delia A. Otero John M. Comerford Todd Christopher Parker DEPARTMENTAL HONORS Lisa L. Dancy Margaret A. Patterson Seniors who have fulfilled the requirements of the Honors Program by Robert T DeBlassie Elise Janelle Peay exhibiting outstanding ability in the field ofindependent research. Tami Diane Douglas Christopher Louis Pino Douglas Lee Earick Mark Anthony Rainosek Requirements Completed Semester II, 1985-86 Axel Ernest Elfner Tammy Sue Ryerson Dierdre Boucher, cum laude in Jan Elise Hutson. summa cum Debbie J. Fernandez Ronald Brian Sanchez Psychology laude in Mathematics Arlene M. Fresquez Janie Milburn Simmons Christine Annette Brown, Sandra Jeanette Leymon, Melissa Ludi Gabaldon Katharene Louise Smith summa cum laude in summa cum laude in Nursing Deanna J. Gomez Craig A. Stephens Psychology Sharon Lynn Malley. cum laude Teresa M. Griego Heidi M. Struse Amy Lynn Bynum, cum laude in Political Science Stephanie Terese Gurule Eric William Taylor in Psychology Laura Camilla Mandell, summa David Cameron Harding Laura Lisa Taylor Diana Elizabeth DeVilliers, cum cum laude in English and Mark Thomas Hartman Stephen Dale Taylor laude in Psychology French Donald L. Herman Donna Noreen Tenorio Kathy C. Ellis, summa cum Audrey Rita O'Connor, magna David Warren Hirshfield Marian Clair Thomas laude in Social Studies cum laude in Psychology Phillip James Jaramillo Stephanie Felice Thompson Composite Kirsten Elise Rueda. cum laude James Paul Johnson Alisabeth Anne Thurston Ireena Ahmed Erteza, summa in Psychology Rose A. Kao Gayle A. Travis cum laude in Electrical Richard Paul Salgado, magna . Daniel John Kelly Jennifer Leigh Tyler Engineering cum laude in Political Science Jennifer Lee Kimbrough Laura Jean Ulibarri David Paul Gallegos, summa David Ray Sandison, summa. Kevin Patrick Kneafsey Ronald Stephen Vigil cum laude in Biomedical cum laude in Physics Robin Kay Kvech Carolynne Clair White Engineering Timothy Lee Sawicki, magna Caren G. Lee Karen M. Wolfarth Susan Smith Gilliland, magna cum laude in History and Julia Marie Lindquist Ogju J. Yi cum laude in Psychology Political Science Coleen Rene Maddy Yumi Yi Terry E. Holt. cum laude in Keri N. Sutter. magna cum Anna Delia Magallanez Joda Marie Zila • Chemical Engineering laude in Dance Byron R. Manning 35 EDUCATION SPECIALISTS IN COMMISSIONED IN THE THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION UNITED STATES NAVY

Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1986 'John Michael Adrian 'Stanley Bryant Lewis 'Benjamin John Barrow 'William Gerard Ley Roman Delos-Santos Educational Administration 'Stephen Michael Benke 'Keith Louis Lindsey B.S., 1971, M.A., 1974, Portland State University 'Mark Dana Bowman 'Michael Paul Mazzone Helen A. Edmonds Educational Administration 'Stephen Michael Darrow 'David Eugene O'Donnell B.S., University of New Mexico, 1972 'Steven Jeffery Hernandez 'Nicholas Rangel, Jr.'. • M.A., New Mexico Highlands University, 1977 'Dan Harlan Hill 'Walter Andrew Reed John Robert Malin Educational Administration 'Nathan Dean Hillstrom 'Jacinto Servo Soriano' B.A., University of Toledo, 1969 "Leroy Horton 'Tommy Scott Southard, Jr.. M.A., University-of New Mexico, 1983 'Michael James Larkin 'Bennie David Tate Mary Kathryn Reed Educational Administration 'James Peter Ledogar 'Mark Stephen W~lsh B.S., 1974, M.A., 1977, University of New Mexico Thomas J. Schend Educational Administration B.S., Wisconsin State University, 1968 M.A., University of Wisconsin, Superior, 1973 COMMISSIONED IN THE Requirements Completed Semester I, 1986-87 UNITED STATES NAVAL RESERVE Nancy Rae Alonzo Educational Administration B.S., 1973, M.A., 1975, Eastern New Mexico University 'Stefan Marcel Wusstig Timothy Beckmon Curriculum and Instruction B.S., Colorado State University, 1972 M.S., University of New Mexico, 1981 Braulio Autelio Brevis Educational Administration COMMISSIONED IN THE M.A., University of New Mexico, 1986 UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS Della Rose Frank Curriculum and Instruction B.S., 1981, M.A., 1984, University of New Mexico "John Andrew Curtin 'Timothy Leroy Mathews Kristina Marie Gore Curriculum and Instruction 'Glenn Earl Haas 'Perrin Dexter Winkelman B.S., 1972, M.S., 1984, University of New Mexico Don Michael Harvey " Curriculum and Instruction B.S., 1974, M.S., 1975, University of New Mexico Elizabeth Lawrence Educational Administration COMMISSIONED IN THE B.S., University of Albuquerque, 1972 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1975 UNITED STATES AIR FORCE Eartha Dene Lynn Curriculum and Instruction 7Robert Kenneth Abernathy 'Andrew Brian Gallagher B.S., Prairie View A&M College. 1964 'Michael Anthony Archibeque 7Anthony Joe Garcia M.S., University of New Mexico, 1980 'Martin Gerard Castillo 'Scott William High Susan Schwartz Peck Curriculum and Instruction 'James Norris Dixon 'Fusun Susan Keller B.A., Western Washington State University, 1971 lBert Lawrence Dreher 'Joseph Lanzetta M.A., University of New Mexico, 1975 'Brian Keith Eckerson Cornel Pewewardy Educational Administration • B.S., 1976, M.A., 1977, Northern Oklahoma State University M.S., New Mexico State University, 1980 Carol Lee Struthers Educational Administration COMMISSIONED IN THE B.S., Cornell University, 1960 M.A., University of Florida, 1964 UNITED STATES ARMY Manuel Valdez Educational Administration 'Gregory Alan Sandoval B.A., New Mexico Highlands University, 1975 'Charles Earl Clark '''[amra Lynn Testerman M.A., University of New Mexico, 1981 8William Thomas Klaus 8Leland Douglas Turner Pamela Louise Wilson-Hodge Counselor Education IOMark Christian Peterson B.A., Western Michigan University, 1964 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1968 I. Commission conferred December 1986 Requirements Completed Semester II, 1986-87 2. Commission conferred February 1987 Jessee Dan Duran Recreation 3. Commission conferred May 1987 B.S., University of Albuquerque, 1970 4. Commission conferred July 1987 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1975 5. Commission to be conferred upon completion of OCS Sydney Leanne Farrell Educational Administration 6. Commission conferred August 1987 B.S., 1974, M.A., 1980, University of New Mexico 7. Commission conferred July 1986 Helen E. Lee Educational Administration 8. Commission conferred May 1986 B.S., Wayne State University, 1956 9. Commission conferred December 1985 M.A., Fitchburg State College, 1971 10. Commission conferred December 1984


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