• Edward Kenedy Ellington, and ; band moved into the Kentucky Club in New York in 1984 . . . So different - - And so far above other combas that had played the spot * . . Soon became talk of all New York . . . Bandleaders, Musicians, arrangers* (executives of the amusement in­ dustry packed the club nightly, thrilled with the remark­ able music which was dispensed by the. Ellington band- men. Here Ellington was playing his own compositions

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and about this time "" and "," v/ere bom . . . Sheet music and recordings of these sold like hot cakes . . , Duke moved into the Cotton Club with nightly airings via CBS . . . Ellington drew a distinguished Park Avenue clientele . . . His name be­ came the by-word of all music lovers ... He toured the country breaking box office records of leading theatres, hotels, ballrooms and nite spots . . . I>uke has been fea­ tured in motion pictures, musical comedy and on the ^ «*—- "« - MI •" M R concert stage . . . Featured recording artists for Bruns­ *IUI=J isr===K2iuim EIQEEEEIQE! mm wick, Victor and Vocalion companies ... He is Interna­ tionally famous . . . Has made two tremendously success­ ful tours of Europe • * .„He is their idol over there . . .

COMPOSITIONS Duke has composed more songs than any other musician of modern music ,. . 'Tis said that if Duke were to play all of his compositions it would take him days of continuous playing ,

A HIT EACH YEAR ^ * Tis Duke's idea to have at least one tune & year making No. 1 on the Hit Parade ... In 1937 it was "Caravan'*... 1938. "I Let a Song Go Out of My Heart" J and 1939, ''YOU CAN COUNT ON ME" ... For many years Duke has won Columbia's award for the year's 3QE ESQ1EEE3E]! best song.


His assistants, who have played a vital part in his tre­ mendous success'. . . Here they are:—

IVY ANDERSON — Songstress CHARLES WILLIAMS — Trumpet & >>, TRUM JONES —- Trumpet — Trumpet LAWRENCE BROWN — Trombone Trombone JOE NANTON — Trombone —Sax and — Sax and Clarinet — Sax and Clarinet OTTO HARDWICK —- Sax and Clarinet 30E EIGH=30e m 131: BASS TAYLOR — Double-Bass — Drums FREDDIE GUY — Guitar and Banjo DANCING GENERAL BARGAIN HOUR DUKE ELLINGTON — Pianist and Leader * • * * • ' V" 9:30 to 2:30 A dm. 90c 9:30 to 11 only 73c Folks, you can count on the Duke giving you the Best in Music. 1 ***• <-' t a E 30! SI El ISKSSSJ 03Is 3Ql^slQSQI

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