Working with Your Shell

Shell as Processor: An Introduction Shell allows you to access Bourne family (/bin/sh, /bin/ksh, /bin/bash, /bin/zsh) or C Shell family (/bin/csh, /bin/tcsh) with zsh and bash are commonly used. Why Commands Are Noninteractive ? A command may take input from the output of another command. May be scheduled to run specific times. User input can also be provided through command line arguments. Command arguments need not be known in advance. Allows designing of applications that determine their own behavior by reading configuration files. Example of /bin/csh example‐isp> $SHELL /bin/csh example‐isp> finger ejray Login name: ejray In real life: "RayComm" Directory: /home/users/e/ejray Shell: bin/csh On since Jul 23 06:58:48 on pts/16 from 1 minute 28 seconds Idle No unread mail No Plan. example‐isp> Example of /bin/bash [ejr@hobbes ejr]$ echo $SHELL /bin/bash [ejr@hobbes ejr]$ finger ejr Login: ejr Name: Eric J. Ray Directory: /home/ejr Shell: /bin/bash On since Wed Jul 22 07:42 (MDT) on tty1 3 hours 15 minutes idle On since Thu Jul 23 08:17 (MDT) on ttyp0 from calvin No mail. Project: Working on UNIX VQS. Plan: This is my plan‐work all day, all night. [ejr@hobbes ejr]$ Available Shells and Making a Change [ejr@hobbes ejr]$ /etc/shells /bin/bash /bin/sh /bin/tcsh /bin/csh /bin/zsh [ejr@hobbes ejr]$ chsh Changing shell for ejr. Password: New shell [/bin/bash]: /bin/zsh Shell changed. ejr@hobbes ~ $ ejr@hobbes ~ $ su ‐ ejr Password: ejr@hobbes ~ $

Note: You may also shell name to change shell. To a shell: type exit or Ctrl+Delete Types of Commands

External program on disk which could be – a binary executable (written in C, C++). – a script (like a shell or perl script). Internal command of the shell which could be – a builtin (like , , etc.) – an defined by the user that invokes the disk or internal version in a specific manner. Basic Shell Commands

Using SHELL , e.g. > echo $SHELL Using finger userid, e.g. > finger sjkao Seeing which shell are available, e.g. cat /etc/shells Changing shell with chsh, e.g. > chsh or > /bin/zsh Exiting from a temporary subshell, e.g. > exit or crtl + delete Completion in bash and zsh, using tab key Viewing screen history, using keys:↑, ↓,←,→ Changing identity with su, or su – userid Fixing terminal settings with stty or reset The A shell variable (or environment variable) that specifies a list of directories to search. Shell looks at PATH only when command is not used with a pathname and is also not a . Command can still be executed if not in PATH by – Using a pathname. – Modifying PATH to include the directory containing the command. PATH can be modified in an absolute or relative manner: PATH=/usr/bin:. (Absolute) PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin (Relative) Modified setting is lost after user has logged out unless saved in a startup file. How the Shell Determines the Command to Run If command is invoked with a pathname (like /bin/echo), the shell runs program at the specified location. If command is invoked without a pathname, the shell first checks whether it is an alias or builtin: If alias or builtin, the shell runs it without looking in disk. If not, the shell looks at the PATH variable for directories where the command may reside. Flexibility of Command Usage Run multiple commands in the same line: date ; echo $PATH  a command into multiple lines: $ echo “Hello [Enter] > Dolly” [Enter] Save command output in a file (redirect): date > foo Use output of one command as input of another (pipe): date | ‐d” “ ‐f2 Run a command in the background with &: ‐lRa / > $HOME/ls‐lRa.txt & Command Classification: A Different Approach Utilities that are generally used in standalone mode (, stty, bc). Commands that do useful work but produce no output (, , ). Commands that produce output which may need further processing (date, , ls). Commands specially designed to accept output of other commands as their input and vice versa (, , ). The Wild Cards  * Any number of characters, including none  ? A single character  [x‐z] A single character within the range a‐z  {pat1, pat2, …} Match the patterns pat1, pat2, ..  [!a‐z] A single character that is not within !(flname) All except flname

 The * and ? don’t match all filenames beginning with a . and the / of a pathname. Escaping and Quoting  \* is escaping, the asterisk has to be treated and matched literally instead of being interpreted as a metacharacter.  When a command argument is enclosed in quotes, the meanings of all encloded special characters are turned off. It is quoting. Stdin, Stdout, Stderr Stdin – the file representing input, which is connected to the keyboard. File descriptor 0.  3 possible input source: the keyboard, a file (using <), or another program using a pipeline.  Stdout – the file representing output, which is connected to the display. File descriptor 1.  3 possible destinations: the terminal, a file (using> or >>), and as input to another program using a pipeline  Stderr – the file representing error messages that emanate from the command or shell. It is also connected to the display. File descriptor 2. Using Completion in the bash shell bash‐2.00$ ls Complete NewProject bogus2 ftp puppy Completed News dead.letter mail temp Mail access Files public_html testme bash‐2.00$ cd public_html/ bash‐2.00$

Note: type cd pub and press the Tab key to complete the public_html. Viewing Session History in the bash Shell [ejr@hobbes clean]$ ls background.htm info.htm logo.gif [ejr@hobbes clean]$ ls (by typing [up arrow] key to reuse the previous command) background.htm info.htm logo.gif [ejr@hobbes clean]$ history 1 free 2 id deb 3 id ejr 4 ‐a 5 ls ... 40 cd 41 cp .bash_history oldhistory 42 vi .bash_history 43 elm … [ejr@hobbes clean]$ !40 cd [ejr@hobbes ejr]$

Note: Commands of previous session are kept in the ~/.bask_history file. Changing Your Identity with su [ejr@hobbes asr]$ ls Projects testing [ejr@hobbes asr]$ su asr Password: [asr@hobbes asr]$ ls Projects testing [asr@hobbes asr]$ su ‐ ejr Password: [ejr@hobbes ejr]$ ls Mail editme script2. Projects fortunes.copy scriptextra.sed Xrootenv.0 fortunesl.txt sedtest above.Htm fortunes2.txt sorted.address.temp groups temp.htm address.temp history.txt tempsort axhome html.htm html.html test2 .txt mail testing.gif clean manipulate testing.wp compression nsmail typescript [ejr@hobbes ejr]$ exit [asr@hobbes asr]$ exit [ejr@hobbes ejr]$ exit

Note: su without specifying a username, assume you are changing to root. Root Access Security and Hyphen (‐)  Be careful when you login as the root.  Use su to change to root will provide a little extra security.  if you su to another user (no hyphen) and the new user doesn’t have read and execute permissions for the current directory, you will see error message. The addition of the hyphen (‐) will force a new login shell with all environment variables and defaults according to the settings for the user you are switching to. Fixing Terminal Settings with stty  If Backspace and Delete keys are not working properly (usually occurs when using telnet), you may fix it using stty erase ‘^?’ or stty erase ‘^H’  Depending upon your terminal, you may need to type stty erase and press Backspace key, and type stty erase ‘^H’ and press Ctrl+H.  Commonly, typing stty sane will fix a lot of oddities.  reset may also correct the terminal oddities. Exiting the Shell  exit  logout  Ctrl+D