Census of India 1991

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Census of India 1991 CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 SERIES - 19 ORISSA PART IV-B(ii) RELIGION (TABLE C-9) DIRECTOR OF CENSUS OPERATIONS ORISSA CONTENTS Pages PREFACE v Introductory Note 1-17 Note on Religion Table 19 Table C-9-ReJiglon 22-161 APPENDICES Appendix A -Details of religions shown under 'Other religions and persuasions' having population of 100 or more at State level In the main religion table. 165-199 Appendix B - Details of 'Other religions and persuasions' having population less than 100 at State level In the main religion table. 200-211 Annexure - Details of Sects/Beliefs/Religions clubbed with another religion which-Is shown at the head of the table in block letters. 215-222 PREFACE The present publication contains data on religion relating to 1991 Census with their dis­ tribution by sex, rural and urban areas. The data are presented at the level of State, districts, tahasils, police stations, urban agglomerations and towns to f~cilitate their better utilisation. The data on religion are being collected since the beginning of first non-synchronous census of 1872. In 1991 Census, the information on religion was collected through Question No.8 of the Individual Slip. The Census Operations were carried in Orissa under the esteem leadership and direction of Shri R.N. Senapati, lAS, Director of Census Operations and, therefore, the whole credit for successful conduct of 1991 Census Operations goes to him. The data contained in this volume were finalised and tables were generated under his able direction. The preliminary compilation of religion data was done at Regional Tabulation Offices of Raurkela, Kendu;har, Cuttack, Bhubaneswar, Brahmapur and Koraput which were manned by SISri K.B. Kar, S. N. Padhi, N. Mohanty, B.C. Patro, Md. Sarwar and P.K. Patnaik, Deputy Directors respectively. I thank them for taking pains for compilation of preliminary tables. The scrutiny and preparation of final tables, appendices and annexures were done under the effective supervision of Sri C.R. Mohanty, Assistant Director(Tech.) and his team of Inves­ tigators consisting of SISri M.D. Singh, B.N. Patra, D.C. Sahoo, B.M. Patnaik, B.Behera, K.C. Swain, K.Mohapatra and N.Das and other technical staff. I thank all the above officers and staff. The brunt of drafting and preparation of this publication fell on the strong shoulders of Shrj C.R. Mohanty, Assistant Director (T) who deserves a special mention. My thanks are also due to Shri A.R. Khan, Jr. Steno for typing and Shri A.K. Mishra, STA(Ptg.) and other printing staff for printing work. I would be failing in my duty if I do not record my grateful thanks to Sri A.R. Nanda, lAS, ex-Registrar General, India and Dr. M. Vi;ayanunni, I.A.S., Registrar General, India under whose illustrious guidance and instructions this publication is brought about. My thanks are also due to Dr. M.K. Jain, Deputy Registrar General (SS) and Sri S.P. 5harma, Deputy Registrar General (C&T) and their staff at headquarters for their instinct help. The introductory note has been given separately which explains the background and salient feature of the religion table. I trust that this publication will serve a useful reference to the administrators, planners, research scholars, sociologists, demographers and other data users at large. BHUBANESWAR BALWANT SINGH JULY 8, 1996 Deputy Director INTRODUCTORY NOTE INTRODUCTORY NOTE Religion is one of the important and basic cultural Question 8 of Individual Slip to column 9 of the characteristics of the population. From time Household Schedule. The instructions in this regard immemorial, several religions have been flourishing were as follows: in India and every decennial census has attempted to provide an intj:!resting picture of the religrous "Col. 9 : Religion persuasions of the people of the country. The data on religion yielded by the census are of great interest For the person entered in column 2 of the to the public, anthropologists, administrators, Household Schedule, check if H, M, C, 5, Band J sociologists, demographers, planners and also lay men. or actual religion returned by the person has been recorded in Question 8 of the Individual Slip. If so, In the 1991 census enumeration, in Question copy the same in column 9 of the Household Schedule." No.8 of the Individual Slip, the religion of the person enumerated was recorded as returned. The instructions Editing of the returns obtained through Question to the enumerators for filling up the Question 8 on a of the Individual Slip and editing and matching cif religion are given below: the entry in column 9 of the Household Schedule was done in six Regional Offices of the State set lip "Q.8 : Religion: for manual processing and compilation of the census data. The editing and matching instructions for Question In answering this question, use the following a (Religions) of Individual Slip are given below: abbreviations: "Question a-Religion H for Hindus M for Muslims Match the entry in column 9 of the Household C for Christians Schedule for each member of the household with the S for Sikhs corresponding entry against Question a of the Individual B for Buddhists Slip. Please note that this check will be made for J for ; .. ins all types of households, whether normal or institutional or houseless. If these are not the same for any member For others, record the actual religion as returned of the household, correct the entry in column 9 of fully. the Household Schedule on the basis of entry in Question a of the Individual Slip. If the entry in either the If the person says that he has no religion the Individual Slip or the Household Schedule is missing answer may be recorded accordingly. Do not mistake for any member of the household, copy the entry religion for caste which will not be recorded here. from the schedule in which it has been written into You should also not try to establish any relationship the schedule in which it has been missed. If by chance between religion and mother tongue. Do not write the entry is blank in both the Individual Slip and the anything in the dotted boxes, but write on the line." Household Schedule for any member of the hOLisehold, look into the entries of religion in respect of other The enumerators were also instructed to copy related members of the household and write the religion the returns regarding religion of an individual from indicated therein in both the schedules". 3 The following main religious communities i,., india are these religions of Orissa State during 1 981-91 are given arranged in order of numerical strength. below: Percentage Percentage Religious Sex Ratio Religious to total decadal growth com Ill- (Females per communities population rate 1981-91 unities Persons Males Females 1000 males) 2 3 2 3 4 5 Hindus 94.67 + 19.11 Muslims 1.8] +36.8] Hindus 687,646,721 357,252,83] ]]0,393,888 925 Christians 2.10 +38.67 Muslims 101,596,057 52,6]1,]65 48,964,692 930 Sikhs 0.05 +21.21 Christians 19,640,284 9,848,930 9,791,]54 994 Buddhists 0.03 + 14.01 Sikhs 16,259,744 8,610,508 7,649,2]6 888 0.02 - 5.12 Buddhists 6,387,500 3,272,200 3,115,300 952 Jains Jains 3,352,706 1,722,715 1,629,991 946 The pattern of distribution of the six major religious communities between rural and urban areas is as follows: The following are the main religious communities in Orissa Religious Percentage to Percentage to as per all India pattern. comm- Rural total rural Urban ~otal urban unities population population population population Religiolls Sex Ratio 2 3 4 5 comm- (Females per Hindus 26,102,176 95.18 :3,869,081 91.36 unities Persons Males Females 1000 males) Muslims 350,870 1.28 226,905 5.36 2 3 4 5 Christians 558,695 2.04 107,525 2.54 Hindus 29,971,257 15,212,4]7 14,758,820 970 Sikh.1 1,541 N 15,755 0.37 Muslims 577,775 298,062 279,713 938 Buddhists 7,772 0.03 1,381 0.03 Christians 666,220 329,940 336,280 1019 Jains 1,938 0.01 4,364 0.10 Sikhs 17,296 9,532 7,764 815 N = Negligibie Buddhists 9,153 4,883 4,270 874 For the convenience of the readers two statements Jains 6,302 3,328 2,974 894 - Statement 1 showing the growth of six major religions, 'Other religions and persuasions' and 'Religion not stated' The percentage of the population accounted for by during 1981-91 at State and district level and Statement each of these major religious communities in 1991 Census 2 showing the population of six major religious communities alongwith the decadal growth of population of each of viz., Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and Jalns and 'Other religions and persuasions' and 'Religion not stated' at the Country and State, Union Territory level presented hereafter. 4 STATEMENTS 5 STATEMENT GROWTH OF SIX MAJOR RELIGIONS, OTHER REliGIONS & Hindus Percentage Percentage Percentage SI. State! Census Total increase of total increas.e No. District Year Population 1981-91 Population Population 1981-91 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ORISSA 1991 31,659,736 +20.06 29,971,257 94.67 + 19.11 1981 26,170,27' 25,161,725 95.42 Sambalpur 1991 2,697,153 + 18.25 2,612,018 96.84 + 17.44 1981 2,280,976 2,224,202 97.51 2 Sundargarh 1991 1,573,617 + 17.62 1,256,916 79.87 + 15.96 1981 1,337,871 1,083,951 81.02 3 Kendu;har 1991 1,337,026 + 19.95 1,305,221 97.62 + 19.40 1981 1,114,622 1,093,191 98.08 4 Mayurbhan; 1991 1,884,580 + 19.14 1,496,764 79.42 + 14.38 1981 1,581,873 1,308,604 82.72 5 Baleshwar 1991 2,802,417 +24.40 2,662,843 95.02 + 23.70 1981 2,252,808 2,152.656 95.55 6 Cuttack 1991 5,522,659 + 19.31 5,272,024 95.46 + 18.64 1981 4,628,800 4,443,688 96.00 7 Dhenkanal 1991 1,908,907 +20.60 1,892,057 99.12 + 20.05 1981 1,582,787 1,575,999 99.57 8 Phulabani
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    CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 SERIES-19 ORISSA PART IX-A TOWN DIRECTORY Directorate of Census Operations, Orissa REGISTRAR GENERAL OF INDIA (in charge of the census of India and vital statistics) Office Address: 21A Mansingh Road New Delhi no 011, India Telephone: (91-11)338 3761 Fax: (91-11)338 -3145 Email : [email protected] Internet: htto:llwww.censusindia.net Registrar General of India's publications can be purchased from the following : • The Sales Depot (Phone: 338 6583) Office of the Registrar General of India 2/A Mansingh Road New Del~ 110 011, India • Directorates of Census Operations in the capitals of all states and union territories in India • The Controller of Publication Old Secretariat, Civil tines Delhi - 110 054 • Kitab Mahal State Emporia Complex, Unit No. 21 Baba Kharak Singh Marg, New Delhi 11 O' 001. • Sales outlets of the Controller of Publication allover India Census data available on floppy disks can be purchased from the following: • Office of the Registrar General, India Data Processing Division 2nd Floor, 'E' Wing Pushpa Bhawan Madangir Road New Delhi - 110 062, India Telephone: (91-11) 608 1558 Fax : (91-11) 608 0295 Email : [email protected] © Registrar General of'India The contents of this publication may be quoted citing the source clearly .(ii) CONTENTS Page No FOREWARD v PREFACE vii SECTi,lON-A Analytical note (i) General introduction 3 (ii) Census concepts and Urban Area 3 (iii) Scope of State Level 'Town Directory 10 (iv) Analysis of data s::overed in the Town Directory Statements and P.C.A.
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