The Cyfle Newtown High School’s Student Newspaper - June


Written by Llais Cyfle (Student Voice) eral students were invited to meet with Mrs BEAN A meeting was organised during Pryce and Mr Waldron to propose their sug- PSRE on Friday, May 25, to discuss the gestions of what shorts the students would like. matter of wearing shorts and take serious sug- It was seriously suggested by a Year 9 pupil gestions on a compromise. The meeting was that the shorts should bear the school logo, well attended by students from Years 7 to 11, thus making them part of the uniform. It was with Deputy Head Boy Richard Williams lead- also agreed that the change would not come ing discussions. After much deliberation, sev- into force this summer, giving pupils chance to purchase their shorts by Summer 2013. This is an excellent example of how sensible discus- sion and compromise yield great results.

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Written by YEAR 12 student will be re- School’s student newspaper. She said: “I BEN A porting from the 2012 couldn’t believe it when I found out I’d won. Paralympic Games as part of the I’ve always wanted to be a journalist, and young reporters team producing the Para- I’ve done work experience at the County lympic Post magazine. Keri Trigg will be put- Times a few times which I really enjoyed. ting her journalistic skills to the test in London This will be an amazing opportunity to get for two weeks this summer, interviewing ce- even more experience in journalism and lebrities, politicians and Paralympic athletes. working away from home for two weeks. It A competition sponsored by Teachers’ un- will also be really interesting to meet other ion NASUWT asked secondary school stu- young journalists.” From Friday, May 25, to dents interested in journalism to produce a Sunday, May 27, Keri attended a training sample article on sports for people with disa- workshop in Birmingham, from where the bilities, in which Keri was among only 10 win- group travelled to Manchester to attend the ners from the UK. They will be working Paralympic World Cup. “Last weekend was alongside 10 German students on the Para- really good practice for the Paralympics, lympic Post which is to be distributed in Ger- and I got to meet everyone too. The World many and the UK. Keri plans to go into jour- Cup was really interesting and we got to nalism after completing her A Levels and practise interviewing and writing articles.” University, and has already been on work We wish Keri all the best in the summer and experience placements at the County Times look forward to reading the Paralympic Post. three times as well as working on the High

S-LEVEL music stu- Grade 8 Distinction! A dent, Sarah Berry, has successfully obtained a fantastic Grade 8 Dis- Written by BEN tinction on the violin. Mr Midgley presented Sa- rah with her certificate at the recent Spring Concert, held on the May, 1st, where she was praised for her achievements. Mr Midgley said “This is a great achieve- ment for Sarah!” and that it would lead to great things for her. Well done to you Sarah!




Written by WENTY Year 12 students have re- Connor Smith, Lewis Smith, Lee Jones, Adam KERI T ceived this year’s Prefect Badg- Halford, Catherine Williams, Chloe Davies, es. The successful students were Megan Glynn, Savanna Jackson, India presented with their red badges in a recent Jones, Oliver Holloway, Jessica Stephens, rewards assembly by Assistant Head Teach- Rebecca Humphreys, Rachel Walters, Sarah er, Mrs Francis. She said: “It is always a joy to Berry, Kate Metcalf and Amy Woosnam. be able to reward pupils for their academic achievements and contributions to the school in this way.” Our new prefects, pic- tured below are as follows: Keri Trigg, Ben Capener, Connie-Jo Rowlands, Rhian Jones,


Summer Disco—Purchase your tickets from the canteen Latest News STUDENT GETS CROWN!

Written by YEAR 12 pupil will be representing the town in this year’s Newtown Carnival. KERI A Ellen Wallis will be donning this year’s crown and smiling from the float on Sat- urday, June 9, as Newtown Carnival Queen 2012. Ellen was awarded this honour by the Newtown Carnival Committee after impressing them at the auditions in February, beat- ing other hopefuls to win the chance to lead Newtown’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations this summer. Ellen said: “Im really excited and I hope I do really well”. RACE FOR LIFE

Written by IGHT determined pupils headed to Aberystwyth on Sunday, May 13, to take part KERI E in the Cancer Research Race for Life 2012. Rebecca Humphreys, Year 12, Laura Hough and Jenna Hughes, Year 10, Emma Davies, Hannah Jones, Billie-Jo Powell, Imogen Rendall and Lucy Murton, Year 9, ran the five kilometre course in aid of Cancer Re- search UK, raising an impressive total of £700. The trip was organised by 5x60 Of- ficer, Mrs Jones, who joined the students in the race alongside Mrs Vernon , Mrs Beatty, Mrs Buckley, Miss Lane and Mrs Downing. ALTON TOWERS

Written by EVERAL hundred pupils left New- KERI S town High School very early in the morning on Friday , May 18, to visit Alton Towers. It appears from the Pho- tos that the pupils and teachers alike had a fantastic day. The pupils behaved well and represented the school in an excellent manner. Feature: Prom

HE Year 11’s celebrat- T ed their annual prom in style at Maesmawr Hall Hotel last week and let their hair down and en- joyed themselves before the pressure of their GCSE exams that are up and coming.

Brad Sandford and Ciera Trigg (Pictured far right) were Prom King and Prom Queen You can order your own photos at Latest News FFION DOES SCHOOL PROUD

Written by FION Butler, Year 9, travelled to fantastic KERI F Sheffield on the weekend of achieve- March 24 and 25 to compete in the ment in a British Junior Disability Swimming Champion- competi- ships with the Welsh Team. Achieving an im- tion with pressive three personal bests and a bronze such a medal in the 100m backstroke, the weekend high was a great success for Ffion. However, the standard highlight of the weekend was swimming with of athletes Paralympic Gold Medallist Ellie Simmonds competing. From May 6-9, Ffion represented (pictured right) in the 4 x 100m medley relay. in London at the UK Schools Games. Ffion swam the last leg of the competition, Swimming in the Olympic Aquatics Centre, bringing the team up three places to come she achieved three personal bests, narrowly second. Over Easter, she competed in the missing out on medals. Well done Ffion, the British International Disability Swimming school is very proud of your achievements. Championships, where she achieved a per- sonal best in each of the five events she swam in. She made it to the 400m final, a BALLET STAR

Written by ILLIE Evans, Year 11, will be heading to KERI M Manchester in September to continue her studies at the Northern Ballet School. The international centre of excellence will provide Millie with the opportunity to train in and perform classical ballet in live public performances, and on stages at a professional level in the academy’s own 430-seat thea- tre. This will prepare Millie for the challenges of theatre, as well as performing live. We wish her all the best.

Pictured right is Millie Evans preforming in the Ballet Students STUDY LEAVE REDUCED

Written by OLLOWING Welsh Govern- KERI F ment recommendations, Year 11 Study leave will be be- ginning after half term, a change from the middle of May which has previously been the case. The Welsh government have issued statements claiming that, “At age 15-16 a high proportion of stu- dents do not have the skills, or are not inclined, to make the best use of large amounts of supervised and unstruc- tured revision time…Successful prepa- Year 11 and Mr Waldron enjoying Prom ration for examinations needs to be a deliberate and carefully planned expe- rience for students.” Mr Waldron, dep- uty head, said: “For some time we have had concerns that some of our pupils are not using study leave effec- tively, therefore we fully support the Welsh Government in setting guidance on the matter. With the last exam be- ing at the end of June, we believe that more time spent in school will result in higher attainment in external exams.” Puzzles

We created this fun crossword for you to do, the answers will be in the next edition

Your Opinion YOUR VOTES

Written by E put together a small survey and set about BEAN W seeing what people’s favourite subjects were, we also put together a small survey to ask people if they wanted shorts or not. The results were overwhelming with 84% of people asked voting Yes. You can still have your say on our Facebook page. For the Favourite Subject vote, there was just too many to choose from and it’s tied with PE and IT each on 5 votes at the moment. Cast your vote on our Facebook page. What do you think about shorts in School?

It’s a fair point, We should be I think that boys but I think the allowed to wear should be al- students have our PE shorts lowed to wear gone about ask- when the PE shorts at din- ing for it the weather’s like ners, I don't think wrong way this they would want to wear proper

school shorts Danny Jones Toby Price Jess Bucknall Year 10 Year 8 Year 10



ACEBOOK is building a secret phone sources have confirmed. F The Facebook Phone is due for release next year. Codenamed “Buffy” it is being developed jointly with HTC. Many people in the industry have said that the concept is awful. What do you think? Post on our Facebook Page Poll now! PC TO TEACH CHILDREN

HE highly anticipated Raspberry Pi development board T has finally started shipping. The development machine that aims to get children into programming was announced and released in February but was halted due to production issues. I spoke to the founder, Eben Upton and he said that “It’s a real fantastic opportunity for school children to devel- op skills that will be needed in the future”.

Provided by REVIEW: ERGO GOTAB 7” Litesoft

Name: GoTab Screen Size: 7” Touch Screen Storage: 4GB Price: £105.00 @ RAM: 512MB Camera: 3MP OS: Android 4.3

HE brand new GoTab from Ergo is an amazing device, T it features the brand new Ice Cream Sandwich operat- ing system and is truly amazing. It’s very low cost but high quality. When I was using it, I found that it was easy to use, the touch screen was excellent and I was surprised at how fast and fluid it was to use. It could also play my favourite flash games and I could keep up to date with my friends on Twitter and Facebook. I could also watch movies on the device and download my favourite apps from the Google Play Store, I found the storage enough to keep all my music and pictures and the camera was actually rather good. I would recommend this to anyone. The Cyfle Rating: 5/5 Social THE CYFLE HE CYFLE is the brand new student newspaper for Newtown High School, we aim to

T bring you the student news of Newtown High School to the best quality in the Written by best format we possibly can. This student newspaper is instead of the Newsletter BEAN that was primarily aimed at Parents so we created one that’s aimed at both stu- dents and parents. Cyfle Media is the umbrella organisation that we’re creating this under, Cyfle Media is responsible for all media in the school along with the visu- al displays, this newspaper and much more. We hope you like this new format of newspaper and we hope you join our Facebook page. Thanks

Keri, Ben and Bean

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Written by N FRIDAY, April 27, Madame Desprės (Head of Modern Foreign Languages) KERI O took five brave students, George Carter, Tilly Jordan, Neve Fiveash, Leah Eyre and Indya Morley to compete in the North Wales French and Spanish spelling bee, held at the Venue Cymru in Llandudno. Leah Eyre did exceptionally well, coming second in the French Spelling bee, and Indya Morley attained a superb first place in the Spanish spelling bee. Madame Desprės said that all of the contestants from Newtown were “Excellent” and congratulated them on their successes. The winners from the district com- petition will now travel to Aberystwyth on the 11 th of July to compete in the National Finals. Good luck!

Aegon Team Tennis Competition Results Year 10 Boys

Newtown High School 4 v 2 High School (Jack Morris, Jack Morris, Charlie Humphreys and Cameron Parry)

Year 8 Boys

Newtown High School 2 v 4 Llanidloes High School (Patrick Fletcher, Joe Thomas, Ben Dransfield and Chris Ainscow) Sport BACK OF THE NET(BALL)

Written by EEKS of Monday after-school netball practices paid off to see the best net- BEN W ball players in Newtown High School represent the school in the North Tournament, held at High School on Tuesday 20 th March. The Year 7s were down a few players as Alice Butler had her Grade 3 harp exam in and achieved 83% (so PE is not the only thing she is good at!) and Lauren Tidbury and Alyx Bebb were off with illness. This didn’t knock the Year 7 spirit as Neve Fiveash and Aimee Lawrence stepped into their places. They finished in a solid 4 th position. The Year 8s and 9s performed the best Newtown High School has seen for many years. They produced slick and well orga- nized attacking play. The shooters, Chloe Jacques, Emma Hough and Sophie Hazlehurst for the year 8’s and Anya Lewis and Billie Jo Powell, Year 9, showed some great precision and accuracy on the day. Both the Year 8s and 9s finished in 4 th place.

NE Year 7 team and two Year 8 teams ventured in their O nightwear up to Llanfair Caereinon for a friendly game of netball in aid of Sport Relief on Tuesday, March, 13. The Year 7s certainly woke their opponents up by taking an early lead in the game. A well drilled, quick fire centre pass sequence saw Lily Dee and Alice Butler link beautifully for a final pass into the circle for Emily Morgan to pop the ball into the net. Unfortunately, they must have felt a bit sleepy and lost the game by one goal. The Year 8s had a quick awakening as Llanfair shook the Newtown defence from the start of the game. Emma Dudley, Sophie Haz- lehurst and Amber Baker sweated their hearts out to keep - einion out of their attack.

Year 7 and 8 students playing netball Sport ATHLETICS CHAMPIONSHIP

Written by N THURSDAY, MAY, 24, Newtown High School had a team of forty pupils trav- BEN O el down to the gloriously sunny to compete in the Powys Schools Athletics Championship. Throughout the day Newtown High School saw many of its pupils achieve success; Harry Owen (Year 9) was greatly successful, winning the 400 m heat, 400 m and 800 m; the relay which consisted of Kamal, Harry, Iwan and Chris; Ryan Groves (Year 10) came 1 st in the High Jump; Kaydi Andrews (Year 10) emerged 1 st in the 3000 m; Chris Jones (Year 9) attained 1 st place in the 100 m; Jack Astley (Year 10) achieved 2nd in the discus and Jamie Burns (Year 10) landed 3 rd place in the 3000 m cross country. Mr Thurston said “All pupils were a credit to Newtown High School and we all thoroughly en- joyed the day. Well done to all involved!” whilst Mrs Loxam added that there were some “Spectacular Finals” during the day. Well done all!

Below is a gallery of all the sporting success including Tennis and Badminton Sport SPORT SUCCESS

Written by ack and Lauren have taken on the responsibility of being Ambassadors for New- BEN J town High School’s Adistars. Their roles are to be in charge of promoting sport and the Olympic Games. They both attended a Powys Adistar day in where they met Adistars from other schools in Powys. They took part in team building activities, heard talks from Gold Adistars and professional athletes and even took part in a cheerleading competition. Not too sure if Jack was too pleased about that! The pair were entered into a ‘Dragons Den’ style competition to bid for funding for Olympic projects around school. They bid for funding to help with an Olympics themed sports day. They presented their ideas to a panel of judges and of the £500 available they were awarded £450 in order to set up sports day. Well done both – you are a credit to the school and certainly fulfill the role of Ambassadors for the school.

nya Lewis captained the U14 team in the North Powys A hockey tournament. The girls are the best U14 age group Newtown High School has had for a long time. The girls all attend Newtown Hockey Club which has made a huge improvement to their stick skills and their confidence to apply the tactics. The rest of the team was made up of; Rebecca Smith, Thea Hughes, Lucy Hughes, Chelsea Jar- man, Hannah Jones, Emma Davies, Sally Humphreys, Grace Powell, Megan Davies. They beat Llanfyllin 1-0, a well finished goal by Hannah Jones, and got knocked out by Welshpool High School 4-0.

The following Year 8 and 9’s went to Brecon to compete in the Powys Multi Events competition. The rotated around the following events; shot, high jump, long jump, hurdles and 800m.

Junior Girls Junior Boys Jemima Griffiths 14 th Harry Owen 9th Emma Dudley 19 th Chris Jones 10 th Sophie Hazlehurst 20 th Robbie Howells 17th Imogen Rendall 21 st Cameron Parry 22 nd Chelsea Jarman 23 rd Toby Price 25 th Alice Morgan 25 th Jordan Cork 26 th Emma Hough 26 th Jordan Dean 27 th Millie Woolley 28th Dylan Leach 28 th