Chairman Dennis Parham called the meeting to order with 39 voting members present.

Pastor Shaw led the opening devotion.

The minutes of the January meeting were approved as pre-read.

Pastor Shaw read the Parochial Report which was previously printed in the Board Reports.

Pastor Longman gave a presentation regarding the installation of bigger screens. The presentation was included in the pre-printed reports. Dennis Parham made a motion to proceed with the installation as presented. John Strickert seconded the motion. Caroline Williams made a motion to table the previous motion until more information could be presented to the congregation. Doug Rubach seconded, and the motion to table carried.

Sandy Stuart presented a proposal to increase the preschool and pre-k tuition for 2019-2020 as follows: 5-day would increase to $1950; 3-day would increase to $1500; and 2-day would increase to $1100. John Spencer made a motion to accept the increases as presented. Bill Spiecker seconded the motion, and the motion carried.

Scott Goodson presented the financial report.

INCOME February YTD Income Accounts $105,986.11 $809,737.44 Other Income $85,271.55 $703,040.35 TOTAL INCOME $191,257.66 $1,512,777.79 TOTAL EXPENSE $176,234.01 $1,306,420.72 INCOME LESS EXPENSE $15,023.65 $206,357.07

Business: Pastor Longman gave a presentation regarding the installation of bigger screens. The presentation was included in the pre- printed reports. Dennis Parham made a motion to proceed with the installation as presented. John Strickert seconded the motion. Caroline Williams made a motion to table the previous motion until more information could be presented to the congregation. Doug Rubach seconded, and the motion to table carried.

Sandy Stuart presented a proposal to increase the preschool and pre-k tuition for 2019-2020 as follows: 5-day would increase to $1950; 3-day would increase to $1500; and 2-day would increase to $1100. John Spencer made a motion to accept the increases as presented. Bill Spiecker seconded the motion, and the motion carried.

Dennis Parham made the following appointments for the Budget Committee: Scott Goodson, Doug Seabaugh, Ryan Weissmueller, Jeff Thieret, David Preusser, Tom Allen, and Mark Unger. John Strickert made a motion to accept the appointments. Denis Wydra seconded the motion, and the motion carried.

Announcements: Dennis Parham announced that the next Voter’s Assembly meeting is May 16, 2019.

Scott Buescher made a motion to adjourn and Mark Unger seconded. The motion carried.

Closing Prayer was led by Pastor Schmidt.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ashley Hemmann, Secretary





V. PASTOR REPORTS: a. Parochial Report FUNERALS: (2) Betty Strack (died 2/6/2019) – McCombs Funeral Home – Rev. Jason Shaw George Perr (2/25/2019) – McCombs Funeral Home – Rev. Jason Shaw : (0) WEDDINGS: (0) JR. CONFIRMATIONS: (0) NEW MEMBERS (4): By Adult Confirmation: (0) By Affirmation of Faith: (0) By Transfer: (3 confirmed adults, 3 baptized children) Nathan & Melissa Rose, Lydia and Nora (3/1/2019) from Lutheran Church (Cape Girardeau) Dustin Petzoldt, Ivy (3/5/2019) from Hanover Lutheran Church (Cape Girardeau) RELEASED FROM MEMBERSHIP (10): By Death: (1) Edgar Fiehler (died 1/19/2019) By Transfer: (2) Alan and Lana Willis, (3/8/2019) transferred to St. Paul’s Lutheran (Decatur, IL) By Release: (3 confirmed adults, 4 baptized children) Justin Roth, Toby Roth (1/14/2019) Martin and Tabitha Mueller, Ava Mueller, Keagon Mueller, Amsley Mueller (3/11/2019)

b. Belonging: Rev. Jason Shaw What’s Coming Up? March 21: Voters’ Meeting March 23: St. Paul’s 125th Anniversary Celebratory Hymn Fest March 27: Midweek #3 Lent Worship 3:30 and 7:00 p.m. with a Lenten Meal March 28-31: 8th Grade Class Trip & Jr. High Retreat April 2: Alive Worship @ 10:00 a.m. with Meal April 3: Midweek #4 Lent Worship 3:30 and 7:00 p.m. with a Lenten Meal April 5: Jesus Signs Workshop April 7: St. Paul leads Worship at the Lutheran Home 2:00 p.m. April 10: Midweek #5 Lent Worship 3:30 and 7:00 p.m. with a Lenten Meal April 12: School Midterm April 13/14: Palm Sunday April 18: Maundy Thursday Worship 3:30 and 7:00 p.m. with Communion April 18 - 22: NO SCHOOL – Easter Break April 19: Good Friday Worship 3:30 and 7:00 p.m. April 20: Worship 6:00 p.m. with Communion April 21: Easter Sunday Worship 7:45, 9:15, and 10:45 a.m. with Communion April 26-28: Confirmation Retreat (Brandon Springs, TN) May 1: Confirmation Meal 5:00 p.m. and photos with testimony 6:00 p.m.

PAGE 2 May 3: Play Day – Grades 5-8 May 4-5: Confirmation Weekend May 7: Saints Alive 10:00 a.m. May 12: Mother’s Day May 15: 8th Grade Graduation May 16: PTL Fun Day May 17: Closing Chapel 8:15 a.m. and School Year Ends at 10:00 a.m. May 20-21: Teacher Meetings May 26: St. Paul leads worship at the Lutheran Home 2:00 p.m. May 27: Memorial Day c. Becoming: Pastor Josh Schmidt no report submitted d. Building: Pastor Eric Longman Night to Shine Recap Thank you! Night to Shine was held at St. Paul on February 8, and it was a HUGE success! We had 115 guests and over 200 volunteers who came together for an incredible evening. Our guests enjoyed dancing, dinner, karaoke, limo rides, and a fun sensory room where they were able to rest away from the hustle and bustle and play with comfort dogs from Lutheran Church Charities. Parents and caregivers were pampered for the evening as well, with a wonderful dinner, more comfort dogs, and massages. They also got to enjoy a live feed from the dance floor. Our objective for the night was to share the love of Christ with all of our guests, and to make it clear that they are loved, they are valued, and God has a plan for their lives. At the end of the evening, each of our guests was crowned king or queen of the prom, and they got to hear a wonderful message about the salvation that we have through a loving God who sent His only Son into the world that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). We look forward to hosting Night to Shine again next year; mark your calendars for February 7, 2020! Many, many thanks to the entire Steering Committee (Emily Barlow, Kaci Bishop, TJ Bishop, Beth Daugherty, Jordan Myer, Jenni Wachter) and to all of our volunteers for all of their hard work and kindness. An extra special thank you to Jordan Myer, who brought the event to our attention and worked tirelessly to see it come to fruition. Live Streaming The cameras are in! We still have some work to do to bring the feed from the cameras into the computer so that it can be broadcast, but that’s close to completion. I am working on a “Policy and Procedure Manual” that will guide and direct the work of our camera operators, addressing things like what gets shown and when, and (perhaps more important) what DOESN’T get shown (e.g., we’re absolutely never going to show the congregation during the offering!). I am collecting names of folks willing to serve on the video team, and will be doing a training session in the near future. Interested? Send me an email! [email protected]. Sanctuary Screen Upgrade One of the challenges that we face with the screens in the Sanctuary is the fact that our existing large displays are simply too small for the size of the room. If you’ve ever sat in the back, you know that it can be a little challenging to read what is on the screens, and I have had to resort to using a huge font and very little content on each slide in order to overcome the size problems. In addition, experts recommend against using televisions for displays except for relatively small rooms because large displays are much clearer, crisper, and brighter using projector technology as opposed to televisions. We have an opportunity to upgrade the screens so that they will be appropriately sized for the room; a generous donor has offered to fund the entire project to replace the two big televisions with screens

PAGE 3 and projectors that are designed for the size of our Sanctuary. The project would involve removing the televisions and replacing them with screens that stretch the full width of the “wings” on either side of the Chancel area, and mounting projectors on the side walls about 15 feet out from the screens. We would ask Barry Horst to construct beautiful wood shelves for the projectors (similar to what he has done for the video cameras). There would be some electrical work involved to run power and cabling to the projectors. I am mindful of the fact that this would be a significant change to the appearance of the Sanctuary, and therefore wanted to put this in front of the voters to consider and discuss. To help visualize what we’re talking about, please consider the following images. First, here is a picture of the front of the Sanctuary in its current configuration:

This second image gives a sense of what it might look like with the new screens. Keep in mind that this doesn’t really depict what the shelves for the projectors will look like, but it does give you a sense of where they would be located on the walls.

Finally, this mockup shows the difference in screen area between the current configuration and what’s being proposed. The total surface area covered with the new system is very nearly double what we now have. It is a significant improvement in size, not to mention the fact that the projectors will be clearer

PAGE 4 and brighter than the televisions are.

To put some specific numbers to things: The current television screens are 70” diagonal, which works out to about 60” x 37”, for a total display surface area of 2,220 square inches (15.42 square feet). The new display area is 84” x 49”, for a total display surface area of 4,116 square inches (28.58 square feet). The proposed screens are 7’ x 4’ in size. We welcome your constructive feedback and thoughts. Some of the people we have talked with have commented that people are used to seeing screens in the Sanctuaries of modern churches, and aren’t likely to be surprised to encounter them in ours. In addition, it has been noted that if we’re going to use displays, it would be best to do so with excellence; using screens that are appropriately sized and equipment that is suitable for the size of our Sanctuary and the number of people in attendance. We will ask that a motion be made to move forward with the proposed screen upgrade project, funded entirely through a generous donation.

VI. BOARD REPORTS & FINANCIAL REPORT: a. Board of Elders The Board of Elders met for the first time in 2019 on January 3rd. The December 2018 minutes were reviewed and approved. Jim Sander volunteered to be the head usher for 2019, allowing Tony Stone a break from the duties that he has performed for several consecutive years. The appointment was unanimously approved. The Connections Committee reported 46 inactive members returned to attend a service in December. The entire board approved a motion to dedicate the first 15-30 minutes of all meetings this year to work on the long-term inactive list in order to try to contact those members who have been inactive for over a year. The men’s Saturday morning Bible study is set for February 3rd and Elders will again handle the breakfast preparations. The February board meeting was cancelled due to numerous members being ill and many involved in the preparations for the Night to Shine event. -- Respectfully submitted by Scott Buescher, Chairman b. Board of Trustees – no report submitted

c. Board of Day School The board met on January 14, February 11, and March 11, 2019. Current Enrollment:  St. Paul K-8 enrollment: 218 PAGE 5  Tuition paying enrollment: 60  Preschool / Pre-K enrollment: 63 Business Conducted:  Goals for school year  Positive student recognition – LOL (Love Out Loud) awards, bulletin board postings  Professional growth – teachers participating in workshops  Improved marketing – continue to increase exposure through social media postings, publications class “The Brave”, Prayers in church, participation in community events (Christmas Parade, Celebrate Jesus) and newspaper articles  Accreditation action plan – addressing items the committee recommended such as demographic study, annual board training, governance policy/handbook updates, long range fiscal planning, early childhood long term planning, and a training policy for volunteers  Governance Policy/Handbook updates are ongoing  School Board Training was held in January  Surveys have been sent out to current school families to assess needs and satisfaction levels  Counselor position – Screen Time is the topic to be discussed at the next Parent Topics with Patrick Tankersley  Possible expansion of the Summer Sonshine Club to include children going into 6th grade  Increase to the preschool/prekindergarten tuition will be recommended and we will ask for approval at the Voters’ Assembly

Upcoming Events:  Play Day at Saxony will be May 3, 2019  8th Grade Graduation will be May 15, 2019  Fun Day will be May 16, 2019  Closing Chapel on May 17, 2019 Additional Items:  Boys and Girls Basketball teams participated in the LSAM State tournament in Jefferson City February 22-24. The boys placed 2nd in the consolation bracket and 6th overall.  NLSW March 3-8 with activities throughout the week, closing with Grandparent’s Day on March 8, 2019  Knowledge-A-Thon testing was held on March 15, 2019

Respectfully submitted, Sandy Stuart, Chairperson d. Board of Sunday School The board met on February 21 and March 14, 2018.

Members of the Sunday School Board and nursery worker volunteers sanitized and bleached toys in the nursery on February 24.

We’re doing a special “Journey to the Cross” series during B-Hive (Sunday School hour) to tell/act out the days leading up to Christ’s death. Preschool - 5th graders are experiencing the sensory stations and the sixth through eighth grade B-Hive students are helping as actors and tour guides. The series started Sunday, March 17 and it will complete on April 7.

Preschool - 1st grade B-Hive students will sing and wave palm branches with St. Paul K & 1st Grade students at the beginning of 7:45 am and 9:15 am services on Palm Sunday, April 14.

PAGE 6 We plan to use a Thrivent grant to purchase a Chromebook that Sunday School teachers can use during B-Hive if their lesson or activity requires the use of screens/speakers/etc. This will allow for B-Hive lessons to be enriched with technology and will eliminate the need for teachers to have to bring their personal laptop and adaptors.

VBS 2019 is set for June 9-12 from 5:30 pm - 7:45 pm. The theme this year is “Miraculous Mission: Jesus Saves the World.” VBS is geared toward students entering Preschool - 5th grade. We will have online registration for participants and volunteers up and running very soon. Respectfully submitted, Jenni Wachter, Co-Chair e. Board of Youth In collaboration with the Lutheran churches in Cape, we will host Area Youth Events throughout the year. The February event – a scavenger Hunt – was postponed due to weather. We will meet together on March 24th for an afternoon at Arena Golf.

The fundraising for the National Gathering is in full swing. Among the events are the St. Paul Suppers, a Youth Night Out at TJ’s, helping at the Men’s Club Sausage Dinner, and selling butter braids. Other events will be advertised soon.

Our 6th graders will participate in the MO District JR High Retreat the last weekend of March.

Our high school young people have begun planning out Camp Cornerstone for this summer. The theme will be “Stronghold,” based on 2 Corinthians 12:9.

We are also encouraging the young people to consider joining the Mission Team and coming together with their brothers and sisters in Christ as we do local, national and international mission.

The other usual things continue…Starbursts, Wrestling Matches, Youth Nights, and the Hands of Christ Puppet Ministry. Respectfully Submitted, Sue Stiegemeyer f. Board of Evangelism The Evangelism Board met on January 10th at 5:45pm. All members were present. 2019 Goals for the Board of Evangelism were established: The board will continue to participate in St Paul Lutheran Church’s mission through Evangelism and outreach.  Belonging: Invite St. Paul members to join us in activities of evangelism and outreach i.e. New member sponsorship, visitor gift bags, VBS registration, van transportation, Saints Alive  Becoming: Utilize the time and talent sheets to contact those with interests and abilities in board activities and service  Building: Directing and following through with activities, service that will benefit our Community i.e. LFCS Diaper Drive, CarePortal, Christmas Displays at the park, Thanksgiving Food Drive, Christmas Giving Tree, Touch a Truck. Participate in organized activities like Journey to the Cross, VBS Registration, Celebrate Jesus, Rummage sale and other Mission Team activities as requested. Support the following groups: SASSY Ladies, Adopt A City Block, Hope Seeds, Support to Bereaved Parents. Responsibilities for devotions, leadership responsibilities with ongoing projects, and reports for 2019 were divided among board members. Respectfully Submitted, Staci Wendel

PAGE 7 g. Board of Stewardship The 2020 contribution envelope is being re-designed with the goals of:  Adding the stewardship verse selected by the Stewardship Board - 1 Peter 4:10 – “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”.  Deleting the expired Capital campaign line and deleting one of the two ‘Other’ lines (to help achieve no. 5 below.)  Adding the St. Paul logo in place of the drawing of the church building.  Including a reference to the ability to contribute via direct deposit or c. card. Pastor Longman has provided URL directing contributors to the relevant page on the St. Paul web site.  Providing an overall cleaner, more updated look.

Possible Steward of the Month candidates for the months of April and May were discussed.

Doug Scheper reported that the vacancies for church van drivers had been filled. Doug is preparing the March Steward of the Month article featuring Sam Beggs, Junior Rubel, Gene Petzoldt and David Schwab who are our current van drivers.

Mike Aufdenberg and Scott Sprandel attended a Men’s Club meeting as part of our Stewardship Opportunities Committee outreach. They will prepare an article for the March newsletter.

The following is a tentative schedule for other visits by members of the Stewardship Board: April – Altar Guild - Doug Scheper and Glenda Nations May – Mission Team - Rick Feiner, Sharon Rosborg and Chuck Drewett June – VBS - July – Sunday School - Jessica Brethold and Sharon Rosborg

New Business: The Stewardship Board, in cooperation with the ‘Night to Shine’ committee has submitted quarter page ads in the Southeast Missourian (2/19) and Cash Book Journal (2/20) thanking the many volunteers and sponsors of the event. Funding for the ads was secured from unused donations to the ‘Night to Shine’ committee.

The next meeting will be held Tuesday, March 5, 2019, at 6:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Glenda Nations, Secretary h. Camp SEMO Wappapello Thank you for the loyal support for Camp SEMO for the past thirty years. The Camp also appreciates the many volunteers who have left their fingerprints on many projects at the Camp.

Camp SEMO is located on undoubtedly the most scenic location on Wappapello Lake. Camp facilities are located on 190 acres of land on a peninsula owned by the Army Corps of Engineers. The Camp is ideal for family and youth camping and for retreats. The property includes a dining hall, ten air-conditioned cabins, a large pavilion, RV camp sites, tent camping, a Vesper area and other amenities.

Missouri District of LCMS signed a lease agreement on behalf of area LCMS congregation in the bi- circuit. There is no charge for the lease. Buildings and facilities belong to area congregations, and Camp SEMO depends on area congregations for support. Therefore, would you please consider financial

PAGE 8 support for the camp? Camp SEMO is also eligible to receive “Choice Dollars” and “Action Team Grants” from Thrivent members.

In 2018, the camp was blessed with new caretakers, Phillip and Melissa Jackson. They are doing a great job maintaining the property. The camp is looking its best in years under their care.

The board is also interested in your feedback. Please reply to this correspondence with a phone call or text to Darrel Seabaugh, board chair, (573) 450-3427 or by mail, 525 Greensferry Road, Jackson, MO 63755 with any questions or feedback.

Please mail gifts to Camp SEMO to: Denis Wydra, 301 Oakhill Rd, Jackson, MO 63755 ---Yours in Christ, Darrel Seabaugh, Board Chairman i. Chapel of Hope Regular activities at the Chapel includes:  Sunday worship at 2pm  Wednesday free lunch and bible study at noon. o Angela Millstead is organizing volunteers to serve the meals.  Thursday service of evening prayer at 4 pm. and then hang out if you are able. Everyone is invited to attend.

Thanks to some of the ladies from Christ Gordonville we were able to serve breakfast to over 50 international students in January just after they arrived on campus for the first time.

Several of the students traveled to Bloomington, Indiana for a Lutheran student gathering.

We are planning a work day at the end of March to spruce up around the property.

We are starting to brainstorm ways of raising money to replace the roof, which will need to happen in a few years. One suggestion is to contact alumni and have a 50th anniversary celebration and fundraiser. I will share details as they unfold. Submitted by Sheryl Spiecker j. Saxony Lutheran High School – no report submitted k. Stephen Ministry Our Stephen Ministers are caring for people from St. Paul, and some people from the community. Please prayerfully consider calling us if you or someone you know is in a place where they could use the care of a Stephen Minister. We would love to walk alongside you and bring the light of Christ to your situation. Submitted by Sue Stiegemeyer l. Endowment Board - no report submitted l. Financial Report–see February Income and Expense Summary attachment

PAGE 9 VII. BUSINESS a. Appointment of the Budget Committee by Chairman, Dennis Parham

VIII. ANNOUNCEMENTS a. Next Church Council Meeting: The April 18, 2019 Church Council meeting has been cancelled due to the Maundy Thursday worship. The next Church Council meeting will be June 20, 2019. b. Next Voters’ Assembly Meeting: May 16, 2019



PAGE 10 February of Fiscal Year 2018-2019

Current Month Year-to-date Annual Budget Actual Budget Actual Budget


05-INCOME ACCOUNTS $105,986.11 $104,733.34 $809,737.44 $821,633.38 $1,396,800.00 06-OTHER INCOME $85,271.55 $49,275.00 $703,040.35 $606,975.00 $826,242.74 $191,257.66 $154,008.34 $1,512,777.79 $1,428,608.38 $2,223,042.74



30-Church Ministry $20,157.64 $21,212.59 $153,840.90 $159,489.22 $270,850.89 35-Worship $6,942.40 $6,423.12 $47,299.82 $48,783.77 $82,685.00 40-Stewardship $0.00 $308.33 $2,194.30 $2,358.31 $2,400.00 41-Administration $15,821.73 $15,267.17 $110,969.72 $116,772.53 $195,556.02 42-Property & Maintenance $25,547.79 $24,600.45 $173,781.86 $175,954.69 $294,943.65 $68,469.56 $67,811.66 $488,086.60 $503,358.52 $846,435.56


50-Sunday School/Bible Study $676.64 $699.68 $4,651.68 $5,100.24 $9,050.00 55-Youth Ministry $3,958.81 $4,397.85 $33,926.56 $33,646.98 $58,406.00 60-School Expenses $94,525.19 $92,333.52 $713,599.04 $708,557.25 $1,182,090.97 $99,160.64 $97,431.05 $752,177.28 $747,304.47 $1,249,546.97


91-Outreach $8,277.81 $8,357.67 $62,108.89 $66,231.67 $112,500.00 92-Evangelism $326.00 $641.66 $4,047.95 $5,091.62 $9,100.00 $8,603.81 $8,999.33 $66,156.84 $71,323.29 $121,600.00

$176,234.01 $174,242.04 $1,306,420.72 $1,321,986.28 $2,217,582.53

$15,023.65 -$20,233.70 $206,357.07 $106,622.10 $5,460.21