The~ Republican Journal. Ml 7s. M !.i AH7TTT\TTTTTM■ > 1'Av, Jl'XE 28, I^OB. M MIiKK 2

At ruts oi Today’s Paper. THE FARMING SPECIAL. UtMOlKAIIl MAIt lOINVtlNTION. a recent meeting of the Maine »'lerk HON. EDWIN C, BURLEIGH. of Courts in Auburn, in which 14 of the it 1 J r- Mil lit? ngfel- \ > : tirv.To T w low of Maehias was elected an ]: 1 Fa: :r. nated for Governor. The Platform. Percy Prink water of Water viile is in President, Branch 22d and 23d. at in as M .:)** June Nominated Waterville by acclamation 20th to succeed himself Congress ..I* : •til- June Cyrus W. Davis of Waterviile, twice tow n for a short visit. excellent choice. \ •- I • »:-:t .aty.. The Ui.ivms :y of Maine farming special from 1 Representative the Third District. I mayor of his city, twice its I »• representative Mrs. II. C. Mardeu is visiting her sister. Alphonso Dodge of Lewiston, who ac- in ;:■* tour ».f the Mate came down over the in the lower branch uf the Maine •. x ;r-T»T at H'.rnhain | Legis- ;• the remains of his w ife to and two can- Mrs. E. H. Colby, in Sunset. companied this .-* 1 a K-itast branch June 22nd, stopping at lature, years ago Democratic didate for governor, was nominated by ac- city, returned home last Thursday Funeral ... i-e I...L rary.. -n :ou:e and heie about Miss Alice P. is at Brooks arriving clamation at the Poor, Weilesley '08, Democratic Mate conven- services were held Wednesday a: the home i m. on *he train were representatives tion in June as the home for the summer vacation. War-: L .Up's Peak. p. Rangor, -Oth, guber- of Mrs. Johr D. Walker. Kennebec Journal and natorial candidate for the September Mate : News..St A the Bangor News, Mrs. Maria Brown and son Millard election. The adopted dealt speu Mrs. Chares Leach of visit- the latter \ per 1 epre- platform imuercial, almost with Mate issues, a day in Bangor last week. ■ entirely particular in \ u. : -1 1:.•• ;...: : •••. I "f the best ed her parents Rocklaud several days sei.t^d b> L. i.oaraman, one stress being laid «-n the prohibitory law Samuel Ellis of Stockton -n':- Springs is visit last week ai d on her return home was ac- ters gi ultural toi ;s ur State has and a demand tor the immediate repeal of : a. ...Hoi ing his daughter on Cedar street. the Murgis enforcement law, and the plat- Grace F. Oberton as her p. p. ’■ e -i: o' and a terary anti rity as companied by ed, form was to a conclusion the brought by Miss Frances Peirce arrived Friday from guest for a week or more. The Kennebec Journal correspond- Kn “.'shall the .'state of x | owing paragraph: Boston to i the summer in Maine be honest?" speu town. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hatch and daughter \Sa .* The was called to order in ts at ] convention Mr. and Mrs. Boss Stevens of Portland Carolyn to Brunswick Men ia> to a: •* — Uai. at 1.50 o’ciock Dr. E. L. Jones -. City by v i Man:- w as ut to the tra 1 are the guests of relatives in town. exercises low of the Mate com- tend the commencement velcome of Waterviile, chairman mittee and the committee on credentials Mr. and Mrs. Rust of Kansas doin coiieg •, where their son. Go l* Lants I u years g t was a Eugene that one of the gatherings SPORI R CASES t it the people are ;-p.ntfd largest City. Mo., are the guests of friends in town. Hatch, graduates this year. JLIQL'i of delegates in the history of tlie Demo- : Proper: :: cratic in Maine was Ml out of Emery F White arrived home n New : a no re party present, Ibra For*.! Brockton. Mas-., formerly is, in attend- of a possible Ho: delegates being of Belfast, is spending hi< vacation in town. York Wednesday morniig ft: >:un ant. F. W. Ibaisted of Augusta Mayor mer, which will be spent .nth'.? Mr. was and after Mrs A Ross has ieturi ed to ■ ’■ chosen temporal } chairman, Kock| < White i' the tenor soioi.-i tin* Mau st m a prayer b} Rev. E. ii. Newbegin, lie ad- a to Mr-. ''. : -'-.I after visit her sister. E. Patter- dressed the convention in a vigorous speech Av-nue Hi yi.-t chinch in that 1 ii.| son. .n support of the Democratic Mate issues. jrtrai I Smit 1 Alter the perfection of permanent organi- M ster ford of A st n, Mas-*., zation the members of tlie Mate committee been nominated by th- Peyun..c.Hi> --t th-* is vi-iting li grandmother, Mrs. >. P,. tor the next two years were announced and Patten c.a<>, ii.c.u-ies the tow: s 1 the committee on resolutions the Crawford. reported Miilin. and Mount C'nase. f» which was cktt, Macyv.iie : .- bowing platform, adopted Col. and Mrs. L. P. Woodward of Colfax, without change: the of the Demo- Washington, are in town after twenty We, representatives Mrs. W. G. >awte..- LAuhu;returned crat '.c party of the Mate of Maine, in con- years’ absence. ‘s t vention assembled, declare our faith in the Frida few *ia> vis M. win. ume-Loiioied traditions "f our party and Miss F fence Puuton, completed F. .1. Meveus. ishe tame to u tne la-new our to its her v urse a: Mr. this year, is at allegiance principles. Holy.-ke wedding 1 f her s.-d--:, K..tln-r: •. 1. i w.v. We believe m local self-government and home n *r the summer. lu 1.-: sister F> :• :. i-i :h- %v arrant ; ai- opposed to government by commissions. accompanied !>. i<*ur We believe *n direct legislation the Mr.-. V. Larrabee and children : f M : by Capt. F. !. A. liiuliarns. the P'd'pie ami demand the passage of an in- left Wednesday morning to join Mr. Larra- masted sthooner >lt itiative and referendum act by the next a v bee in Coin held, Colo. v.inda> tt spetitl •; t?> i....' .aA We demand ttie passage of all !.is in..:- Fv*.* : j St t 1j legislature. sel, 111 charge of reasonable aimed to better the Critchett is at home from the 1 threat- legislation Mr. Ralph keli, is d.seliaign.- and to 1 ! condition of laborers of all classes M is .-aw til** of- :: ntt-H « -m struck th- 'Wi>—a New Euglau i C onset at ry f Isle Messenger. ] ensure to them the just rewards of their rtuu ite an ii p r- oin- it toil and the full enjoyment of their lights the summer vacation. Varl Bryant, win- L.i> teaci te foi a was rough! the at Non.e: -. :her :n ! as citizens. Katherine has gone ing past yea: t: l. the h t weather of the tw.- Little Miss Kittredge very We demand State aid for the inauguration Home »u ui.s c.. -■■■ evi i?, tl >e t spe i to for a vis t at the home of Mr. • bliged and rapid extension of a systeu of State Xorthport Bryant w 11 ';m- .n car>. .t.t:: .... -ratetu. t g; •• | roads, to the end that Maine faims may in- and Mrs. P. G. Hurd. fall, but will go > win : a: 1 unfortunate that it n_- crop* prevei.t- crease in value and Maine products find a accepted a line \ o' t a- W iterv Mi. e Thomaston trail market. E s. Stearns, editor of the •*. ! »* profitable -t u:.. the hands of the attendance ■: visitor? :<» :i H. L. Woodcock arrived last week. H« p'-iitly j We demand an equalization of taxation, Herald, made a dying visit to Belfast last *; ti.: ~\v he butties was ?mah in to what t had seas. at N cars comparS"’.'. j constitutional amendment or otherwise, had a ver\ siiccessfiF. N..s-au, a by week as of a big auto. :_•: .th the evident j Deeii at it her and below what .'.ad skipper place? [ and and some time in New \oik m.d a ;].. u: saccess, ! w’hereby quasi-public corporations P., speut been expected. Hon. John II. Dunton. as- the w altz teacher, of lands in unincorporated places shall Prof. Stevens, Lynn, here. He w 1 go to rig- •! ^ear>- of the ctv. wa? and ! Boston on the way iia\pi pie?er.t sume their proportion of the burdens arrived last week and will the 1 l >•: tl i> e:t> was A. just Mass., spend next week and later to :he‘v>ito-> were Char>s lhi?bury,-ditor now and so Moosehead Lake 1 of taxation, which they escape, who t-stllle'i t C. >. summer in this and vicinity. i The Republican Journal Bickford, relieve the farmer, the mechanic, the house- city Matinicus for sketching ami i.-hn.g 1 to .t but 1 gil-st, graduate «.f th- L'n.v-r>itv of Main-, WLODING BELLS. holder. the manufacturer and the merchant and Florence .d th.?: :he\ to Mrs. Lida Brown daughter Swell *f re -•.a explained J a>? of V_\ with \V. Wallace, V L. Hal Obi i Miss Mabelle Iking-who Laky. from unfair discrimination. Mi. Edwin Brown, M i u.i»:\ was running F. in Toothaker, M. B. Mnith, G. have been visiting Hon. -Ha--, •- our demand for the enforce- turned last week \ i-—*'TK v 1 n 1 i \v» of Miss We reiterate N«:^n, Ii. Eilis and Gil-? G. Abbott, a 11 a tiding of this in Boston. ment of all law, including the prohibitory formerly city, where she attended c« mn- m■ nmtu at ;-li W- ■ : Franklin J. Stev- them. urge dairyman. ai>o met here 1‘iof. Charles ii. i.j.u .r~ h.- imn .a ih:> K x\.. (iuiightei of law, but believing that the nullification of the State have excel-' arrived at N ..Ms a-.- found guilty and bar :• E.' a of the Mas?a- ! took at several papers Wheaton Academy, >rthport Par.., graduate itlis en.-, an i Win. II. Dav place high that law has bred and fostered hypocrisy in : a; t*!’> cost, that now Hatch of Belfast, w Wheaton to be en- di'isetts Institute pro- •• lent cuts of Ulmer June-Md ith ten gais. Technology, j it e of the No. both and life, and believing George *■ me -Jl>t t bride, public private : ach. 1 he ] re- .11 Mate 1 penaltx >»si.i the AglicultUial college and can Bowd a week at tin- Suet! cUta-n 1 that honest enforcement class maishal for tertained : '"late for the ■; K vw Kev. A. Smith of- impartial -tatu'.e tins \ M( native >i Belfast. is iml *• iiwau-, A-hiey Ko-ii a there never be secured through the medium of the •*ac 1 v.found is one A. Grant of Freedom had the Folweb f Phi’adel- guilty [I: Linco nvi ie, of the promineut iL-i.itmg. id- ’i> were prettily deeo- or the work Chester The family of W. H. in j int:i h6 V:i' >«ar- : :A- fa Ju- p.:’ so-called Sturgis law, through ,v:.-u d.t\ s .:. jail, and ; aimer' oi Waldo and a man near y nf -Tr* at Junior ex- county | •' ...\m.-•■m. the bridal commission, the day the Post ■ rated to: the party of tlie so-called enforcement presentat’-o arrived by st -• m : pMa t of ami c days ..-a: ; a_e. \ii> also present an i wa? ly -v-i and that the continuance of that law entails « < : _t\ mat -landing unde: an mcm given and white ercise? at !by College Monday. and were t.F en t 1- Bella eu _h\-- ->te«i ;:i the exhibits. W L. ..** *•• morning he J^eea.'-u :i, Im a useless expense upon our taxpayers, and e -1st, the officers s is farm where is it i we bell. last summer the steal..« .c-p tn- f tl large iioin w >pe:: Iding is and offensive to our J. c. Gray of Belmont returned their home, by ties objectionable people, ie has formei g ... w a- > w iept many ,i tjje a.:re- of the bride and groom we demand its immediate repeal. from a short visit with his daugh- Miss Kdith H. Fb'»- •• Thursday .ig i:iist the pro- > j,. living iic'.e attention to neat -t.-ck, -• We have an faith in the >eu- u'-.p The hi le. wllO was dl'CSSed abiding good in Kurope, will be here late: the :• Hous-. The bar- ,v cw>. He is now b tidi- *i im ii. : : :nmn: ter, Mrs. Guy Vickery, Augusta. >} -j- ie.:; Member ei. 1 he da>s :m >1 in > 4 of Maine, and in order that tlie question Mrs. W. G. sawtelie of Auburn ,. .i. ..• t’ this banei wuo?e ar-in Horace* hen-:;, headquarter? Mi- Lama Davis, a sister of the constitutional may be settled 1 kill : ". -• prohibition la.-t week to attend the wedding of Watervilie and xp».: 1 .v :••. 'i ; .v.iJ- tv. a in Beimoi.t. A. je > i i 1 i:t A ii ; : li-.ia-' j ; Belfast oiopel ;hi.? c.*\ lm? larg* farm a and be removed from 1 Mil. ai d 11 b-st man was Arthur Stev- i for generation, may w th M s> .. ,\ 1. ’A hat a :>i peo- 1 hi and hi? brother, >. his sister. Miss Katherine M. Stevens, urda> in coinpai y K. ^-arsiiiont, sm ; political discussion, we demand the immedi- \i tl.e Mine ine ;-n c. >d the formei biv:!.- r thebiide The tiower girl Feu-. > -1. tin ’• > Pan ire both go farmers, ens, ate ^submission back to the of the Mi>> Ltic\ A. E. den of Boston, were j people Mrs. susan M. Craig and •1 7*. .... is of a h.ske\ a orchard of about A .j laving productive w i- Mi-.- M l ired (day. brief reception 1 amendment to the constitution. kindergarten. Miss Fir-: a •• i' beer 11 e s prohibitory Palmer went to boat Friday .agei :ree?. The?e w-r- among Some th- ; ■ the ! Bangor by i ;i,oa- *!.♦ o". i...»ii \. and refreshments We declare that the summary of all MeF- n \ ti mark- with Mrs. 11. 11. vearsp1111 iarn.e]'? at the B-i;a>! station, who nuim»-i- I in the is the ! t«* a week with friends. 1. Mi a d Mrs. Davis eft on issues campaign question morning ?pend i ..•••:'l the claim •d. including women and .?cho*>; chhdre: were avenue. | ■: w man “Shall the Mate of Maine be honest of :i va- n.-t intended h ;■ mI a shower of rice j Mrs. and Mrs. Edgar F. Hanson the With this business •! \\ will ke. W ilson ot >e a ’m-r.‘ count\ i>os- are i:i Belfast Mrs. llau- I and no! -; (•'•>. lei Mi.ioid, Mass., via ! of Chairman daisied announced that nomi- ! Chicago visiting ite-e cases in the st e »: •••-. e u:r l\ l»u p r side g :»I:!>aii»! .it nations for governor were in order and Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Lord. city in- t- m, a i r e i e y u:ii housekeeping son’s parents, ... ,«•;. r t a.ill much the audi-nce mod-rat- in | \< ta- 1 city, only iiany •:1m:-' ’A A •.*.:> imlianl- n ail h> Daniel .1. McGiilicuddy, Democratic candi- i tired from act p b W. Hatch. once. received a .a:ge number of wed- A. Mathews : 1 little son Ti.-; t'.>i* the name of Mr. Mrs. George •> an eh./mm with a date Congress, placed vancing years he retail.- an act Wilik Ilt'llJ the of | the i"!lg city. ,1m: j>; e-en; and have the best wishes Davis before tin* convention amid the cheers have returned t tl r 1 ;m wi. A~ 1 Ge Aside] i in the ; p w l. la.-. IAISI A. R. p.-i-mant i:.-»-:;na !••; ~\mjy a thousand Kepublicar. li.- ii'i-. i.v ing a-e some of the of the delegates and nearly spec- in town. a f man; m Thomaston after abi.ef visit in tlit- a: : a1,- ..hi deal longer time than ha century, tators who had assembled in the ga series. ; done loyal service pa-t -n'.-i Flank I. Mewrs, cl.-c : : Mr. and i• ije A ... .t Lucumpment. the great mi;, snipi-:ig ,.>urt of \\ aidu coun- '• piv- Mr. ever in .at. we i A;. Ini' •!•••.•.• .mJ \V:i ,.tm At the conclusion ot McGillieuddy’s Mr. and Mrs. Georg- 'A hum-.. f Boston success lie lias at -• t* d i• "i tiie la:-est In the >tar~. X c.vich r. w‘ and bureau Demo- the full j nominating speech tlie Waterville rt w ert it Sort hi last in addition t“ the ; : a: -a -..a t •■"Tate encamp- l'h oil sands j cratic Club, L'-adt-d t>\ band, m- rciied ■ of hi: t ! » •... v K :i Port .and. a: i*und the convention h f and the eut ni death following from F--.iu.-t M~VH1>, .:hH: U'Wt-i.' Ml and j Flo:-nee in C.v-T of the cand:- M a.'tic dc!;i'<.:sti atioii > >on of c w n 1 Mrs. Elbe Mathew and Ashley district Kepubiican Mis. Davis, fancy g:as> i>li: Miss Lama date was a! its in-Mlit wli mi Mr. D.ivD v. ; t ; 11 ! o«I e, J lom cMi are gue>t> «»t hei parents, Mr. ville Tues-aiN Vrtb a '. i. ti.- a ;:h iraw r of the : emal!e\. W m. A. M.i- ai0-1 tb- liist Irs. A use Hie nomination made by Mrs. \V. H. li i;'.»rd,-n •’dip"rt •. ti in acci :• m*min M -t n \\ ..•. ptiug e F. B. Knowiton, '1 ... *> Mrs. W. 1>. Fierce and i::t D i\ lb 'id in part : daughter -: --poke briefly J all;*-- i •i" ami up* a- re as st *h, Knowiton, \ .b.111 J. bus' .is as the. product, “hoi tweiitv\eais the Deinocin.t.c pa;‘.\ j 1 o w ; -. evidences >rrie:a:h a. ;'al-'*’ne mm. <•: will eh van. The last tw lit. _r. Mr. \\br.s' I Nettie G. ill Maii.e h..s mvil a \ -M ... Oi protests in Wat ei ie and 1 Vassal- inetii- u,.y c "kc: Mi>. >mai!ev, ii lea Is | that the farmer' are tempting belter m u Its conventions liave uttered f'-eb.c .t t. le mase .. ly. delegation and we I> Pen v set: Miss Gertrude >: evens and boro. i '-ina: i.-ier ol tile :a rays. rying warnings against b:okenconstitutional law, ig and afternoon. «_ is being c.ii ie i quite extern:vely j I F.i'l'.-e, meat folk. Miss Myrtle distribution of the burden, Vic- oinmand- J« hn M \V< Oeoige ii!.*-qtial public rs. 1 eiK 1 •: to an •• to M iai ■ the is *:tein o- \-i'\ >• »il.van ; p*-tutu grown j \ linen towel Mrs. Will Stevens, fancy mu'tipiied offices and expenditures, ring The Hath hub peiiu.j .p a; port June 17th, a_- *.4 years, r months | t-h, husband on a recent to 1'orthmd anu i’. 1 »aii <'. ticeable rule and succession in office, trip r, Ayer < >:eveii'. dish; tive ire of the sumim is no bettei iu ui r1 --■».*m ami Mi-— busline pickle pict John \Y. W-bster farm Imiust: j here p.ace rind il uay. iie wa> n-in j piate; “Cut a change lias come. The yeomanry Koekland, where they were the guest- of Mail •• ft-; tanning on a large scale than in Mrs. A. •>. dish: Mrs. Emma have been watcli- A. Harnman, tin •a. .1 .John li. Me ! was "lie of a family of i.e c:P -iini, ail of j look, fancy <*f Maine are honest, they ! L'. F. Hickuell. these beautu'ui shore and interior 'owrisoi silver Mrs. this and the message i-eaieu *mi me •• wh* in lived to be ~ry old. Uur ! Gray and daughter, spoons; ing, they spoke spring Wald" count'.. The hillsides to be sister, to Mrs. George O Handers of Howard. A. the National Encamp- : ought Mr. Ed. was heard from Quoddy Head Kittery Meadows river near lie1 M instead of selling M: v f laii'sa Kichaids":) <>f who Let tie Myrick, sugar she.l; Wag- : •ted ; i 1 ai r\ Jordan, full of "ichaids and hay Eieedom, I 1‘oint—and this was the message: The a funner resident of North Belfast, ar- Mrs. I., is one of the main prett} stnmr- •:t. a- a raw of the farm should be is survives. In 184 '- he moved to ner, fancy teapot; Mr. and, : of the of Maine must be admin- at .i:ge. Edwin Riley, product nearly "7, affairs State rived and is tiie gue-t d Mrs. M. into cows from the ‘f of Maine Saturday .a the vicinit\ ol Hath whi : w be pit- i 1‘. Russell, Farmington : put dairy feeding where he h i since ved lie fancy box of candy and cigars; Mr. Tony istered in the interests of the .State •ash is received for the milk e-.ery Sbrthport, which * E. •e: •>, A -iter Harbor : E. P. of and a and not in tlie interests of any ring, Ferguson. ! lured iii the baling ;!*• mea Hi4- tir-t wife was Lo. ( rose, fanc\ b«-x candy cigars; Independent A. month and manure obtained for keeping was twice married. would her resources for personal .hii r Foster, Bangor ; j siiver butte Knife and sugar exploit Mi. and Mrs. T. 1*. Jeil'st :i of Brooks season. the land to I butter dish, ; tion A h. N ivkersoli, Swaii- up the ability of produce pro- vina Ba' ey of Palermo, by whom he had ten Pink A: Co. of gain and personal pow er.” j shell were sent by Webb, Mrs. Frank .Tei 1:>>■ u of ritabie er ft Peifast Saturday morning ; j the and again cheered were the of Mr. and Mr-. E. S. lion- an a! ask the Mate provide —Ira of Mrs. J. Beck- delegates spectators guests : formerly of this e,t\, had honor.part 1 made in Wood Palais, Mary iesponsible position. w lien s House at s.p the liist stop being Unity. the candidate to the echo, and the ap j-jartei at the Mate ker, Monday. of the class ot I'.'oo .-f tin Idle was o d and rainy, but the ett of Mrs. A. Pendleton to I tlie graduation m*-nt and to make an appro- ; morning Northport, Emily Rolloff-Rani*. The home of Mr. and plause had subsided sufficiently permit fact that it was cold and rainy probably I to the attention of tin* Mrs. A. A. Brown and little Morse High >clmol in Hath ami : lie hath e expenses of a permanent and Mrs. Martha Moody of Lynn, Mass. A Kami of South i the chairman get grandson, there than we Mrs. Edson Lagrange business gave us a larger attendance he announced that the lhile -of returned home Anvil sa\ > of him and was tlie scene of a large gathering of their delegates, Teddie Castine, yes- should Lav*- had it been fair that the Thirty-six grandchildren 28great grand- of the convention had been concluded. kindred and friends on Thursday evening, ; from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Haskell Farrar tool, the ibaifo'm <■ -• ■ •• terday farm work could have been carried on. A children are In 1855 he married a motion was ma-ir >aw\ei of South Portland living. the of wnereupou in >alutatoi\ welc-m-d the andi the exhibition in the June ill, the occasion being marriage Fran.; M. and his : ;e>:(iciit of Ladies of large numbei attended of this who died about sine die. Maples. the Hannah Beckett city, Miss Carrie E. and _ to which -aere their daughter, Kami, enee tin grad tting cars and the lectures given < J he other officers of this united with the Monroe. The ceremony M s- jane of ’.elm ho has a line voice ami m: at which one of 13 years ago. Mr. Wood David E Rolloff of FATAL ACCIDENT AT BURNHAM. Gray ut, has speaking as follows. senior from the platform Unity, •• ected was Rev. Arthur A. Blair of showed much thought ami n>tnu‘ tlm best farming towns in Maine. Methodist church when a young man and performed by ; attending the t <-ny High schorl n Aug ista, 1 i ,u ! :et G. Burr, Auburn; Old Town. The house was beautifully tion. The lectures from the platform at the member. In I Everett II. Hall of fC Butler Court, Wa- arrived home June _'l-: : sp-nu th*-* -um- Mar\ E. Anderson, had since been a devout poli- decorated for the ccasion. The parlor was 11. t ;j,t\ station were given to an attendance tei viHe, was killed at Burnham Junction hy The ol sulemastei # High .:*r, Ma» Thompson, tics he was a lie took an noticeable, being trimmed with mer vacation. position -•I about luO of the best farmeis of Unity, Republican, especially train No. 2 early Minday evening. Hall I has been fii ed b\ -i-ciion cl am. Mrs. Maria >awyer. j masses ami festoons of snowball, the green school Pr<»oks and the active interest in affairs and was able to was foreman of a secrion gang and it is Mr. and Mrs. F. and /.tie w. k at to national con- Trov, Thorndike, neighbor- ; Sidney Young I Hem v I*. Foody, who graduates next large and white of which made a most pleasing while v> ing "towns in the vi inity. The lectures’ a when his 1 : thought he fell under the wheels •*, Ma are v t- llowdoiti .Mi F twen YYaterviiie. work some until year ago, The bride was beautifully soil Thomas of Greeny, lie, I from college. -i> a* combination. I as it was th* » given to the farmers tlje Unity station ing to hoard the train leaving and a gradna*-•■! ''.bann Mute li*-f 'orps elected stier.gth to fail and he grew weaker I gowned in white silk. Harold,and Hiima ing Mrs. Young s parent-, Mr. and Mis. :y-iive years old, were 1’n-f. Puweii »n the poultry in- began I station. One arm was torn from its socket of W ate \" H- -has :s. President, Mrs. \Y. b;> mother and sister oi the acted f’lassical Institute and farming and until he his death being due to old i Kaud, bride, from the shoulder the flesh U. l’endleton. .« v Mrs. dairying, sheep by died, a:.d hung by two as ut ii .c*- president, dustry, as bridesmaid and best men. After the j taught >eais principa 1 was < I’roi/Uurd iui fertilization and the culture He was cared for in his de- I and his left leg broken. *** 1 tn Crooks. and dm.t:g ! n i more, Hampden: chaplain, age. tenderly and congratulations refreshments K Thomas, B. il W;, .of* >eho< Me., lse the Bor- ceremony was discovered trainmen Eugene Auburn, of the p< rate crop with the of his The mishap by lege course has made a speela ; m Kng .tli, secretary, clining years and last ilh e^4 by grand- were served ami the company was pleasant- lie will have em- mix!".: and with the ise of a and the remains aboard the train urday ioi Boston, where tin studies la to mu P- -ri iano deaux e, mix-j of the mid- placed l.sli and, treasurer, William I. and wife, iie was entertained till the arrival were for rust and rot. son, Beckett, ly and to where they a :>ei Pm m 1 ’ortland coiiduc- ture preventing Mrs. Rol- brought Waterville, ployment in the Fisher Commw-ion house teach here.- \orw Adv-i t night train, upon which Mr. and after a It was ver\ interesting a’ Unity station a kind husband, father and grandfather met by Coroner II. B. Miell who, i Lmghton, Westbrook. loff and the out-of-town guests took their j on Clinton street. M r. lioodj is a nativt of to >ee so of tlm fanners examination, ordered them re- o ushing, Freeport. \ many practical and will be missed, ills funeral Mr. Rolloff is a member of the superficial in greatly departure. to an establishment. •• who were to be informed regard moved undertaking Miss Erma .lack.-on of Mo,-.,>n county. A a >;uiiderf Brunswick, eager June class of pjoT of the Maine Medical school. I .springs to the work at the station at was held Wednesday afternoon, 20ih, ) It is thought that an internal Lemorrage Imldefoid, Mrs- Sarah experiment The bride has been for several years a most I is a few days with her grand- Thomas A. Foster, who n a wel. anowu and was attend- was immediate cause of death spending ■' Orono and who were constantly asking* at the Wood’s school house the i! i. > Nellie G rattan), ! efficient member of the force in the j.1 where h- ;s often Hie of the and their assist- 1 teaching Five children, ranging in age from two ! parents, Mr. and Mis. Warren nackson, visitor to Belfast, E Smith, Gardiner. questions professors ed by a large circle of relatives and friends. Old Town schools, and the many ants who tin* exhibit and the public 12 years, survive tlie victim of the tragedy. street. of his aunt, Mrs. W am II. > pi-si to < hnton where the many gifts. where her relatives live. >he was tin- ate nurse of the Maine General High school the train proceeded j William Beckett, Ira Condon and Arthur Mrs. Rol- | Hospital- out-of-town guests were Abigail that town i: va "iiMUiri fGrange \vill meet took dinner, a hue dinner being daughter of 1’. W. Panforlh of a -it to dent, and took part in tie* giadu party Condon. Miss .Maude Rolloff of Monroe. returned Tuesday morning fr-un uo at loir' and remains of Mr. hall will ->• n served t" about people of the party j and the probably l cises. The Cortland sa>> «*t ! m Freedom, Tuesday, j ; Mrs. 11. E. McHonald. F\pi->> t be sent there for interment. The childiei the linton house. i i^ .a The death of Mrs. Louisa P. Peirce, Pillsjuky-Lf.nfest. Tuesday morn- 8; Heiie- i “Thniims A. Fo>!-i in hi" ia.ii Jessie, aued 12; Hazel, 10 Morris, i Mi-.- Caroline Liui^iieid i dockland, widow of George *arce, oecurreu early ing, June li*th, at 10 o’clock at St. John his :e\ -n us will va, 4; Clayton, 2 y ears olu. tion maintained | r-p orange, Waldo, hold the Maine Central. M'-udav at her hone in Frankfort, Arthur llenry ! of Litt!Hl«dd, sailed j morning Baptist church, Thomastoii, took in Waldo coun- daughter Congressman s • :» a Double-Tracking As the accident place a versatile speaker by h r-lid1.: of 1 ndii\, duly 1st, with an ! removing one of the oldest and most highly <»f Brockton, Mass., and Arlie of 1 where Pi.lsluiry ty, Coroner Charles H. Coombs .Belfast from Bo-ton June Jotli for Europo, Fan ••' of the town. Mrs. Thomaston were humorous recital on, 1 he ibainua M'’i can. All are in- 1 resident? Maude Lenfest of a al was notified and he empaneled jury t she will the summer. m ved to Fia.nkfor. the in marriage Rev. Russell Wood- spend a work double-tracking its line front East IV;rce daring early united by Burnham and an inquiry guage, by Mark 1 life and the with fir Monday began t" 1 anim When ihi- com- part ol her married spent man. The church was decorated death. The went M i. and Mrs John A. Huberts tt Newport into the cause of the jury lam n h-hl be- of her lite a* a. resident of the and the bridal stood under an arch of The reunion of the Ksnib. he held at Kquity pleted tire road wi!i have a double track greater part party to watervuie to view me remain* aim uum of have arrived, j where she was beloved and relatives and inti- daughter Heading, Mass., •'e\-1ai ;<> th 1 Portland. Gard.ner and town respected. green. the hear Juti'-* -1st >traog ! at g Jo tween Freeport, Only proceeded with the investigation. brought 'i!;. :>t, o'clock, a a> a member and was in- mate were at the ceremony. and are at the cottage on the North Shop-*. and Pittsfield and leav She strongly friends present .. .. Waterville Carmel, I Wi son will deliver Inc but three sections which are teiested for main years in the Congrega- The bride was given away by her father, SOCIETIES. for the summer. single- SECRET Northport, < i .i'. I i Mines M 1..: o !n, in FrankJort. ''lie leaves a she wore Ore no and Mrs. :* .ntendance of the tracked on tire “main” line between Bangor tional church Merritt Lenfest of Yinalhaven. sons one trimmed with Mr. Carl Stevens, formerly of this city, Mr. M:> s ami Portland. I: is understood that next family of live and daughter, the a gown of white drap de soie from who wore guests <»l and Nahum a a c >idia 1 A delegation Golden Crown Temple :nvitation former well known f * *' their connection Valenciennes and carried a bouquet has returned to his home in aftei year, and possibiy this, the doable track lace, Rathbone Sisters, went to Roothbay Ilarboi Northport Piper. This was their first visit to I.Mfast iiside tlie Waldo Granite Co. and men of the order, will be extended between Pittsfield and with the Mt. of lilies of the valley. After ceremony witness the of taken a course in at the .June‘20th to work the order having nursing and they were charmed with the I e.iutiful of in the au- high standing in their a lopted city of New Mr. and Mrs. Pillsbury went to Vinalhaveu i_ •, M■ Burnham. The work putting their Roothbay sisters. nioe,has adopt- where have been in- will make their by Maine General Hospital in Foitland. old town and grateful f<*i the kind tomatic block system of signals along the York they prominently to spend a few days. They Camden No. 23, sincerely ut unis Mr. Commandery, Knight of respect: rushed It has so sat- terested in large business operations for a future home in Brockton, Mass., where in Miss Mariedna Snell has left lor Balti- extended to them a, tin* mem road is being proven .\XT T Templar, was instituted Camden, lime welcome by number of are ii. he physical to the that tire management of the road years. The} John, George Grand Commander W, she will the Mi>. Mr. isfactory >rk 22d, by George more, where spend summer, bers of the family. arid Pipei a K*hker ( Morn- i is to have the installed on and Lincoln of New Y city, Hon. Al- Shoe Co. j i.irk, anxious system Douglas Gower and staff. About 150 knights from « A 1 Peirce of Frankfort and after visits in town with Mi-. amilla made effort to make their visit .1 deprived of one the entire lire. They are covering the more bert ami Hayward the commanderies at Rockland, Relfast and every Mrs. Katherine of Cal. and Mrs. Charles 11. Walden. a** members and in the I dangerous points first. tierippe AUadena, Congressman Burleigh Renominated. Vinalhaven were present. There was a llazeltine pleasant onh, and they succeeded, both was ioi ho life an esteemed Mrs. Peirce ill about three weeks a ; parade at 5 p. m. followed by banquet. I. Keating ami A. L. declared they liad never had such a delight- •i to her death. Fuaeral services were George Mudgettof ed to mourn the joss I YACHTS AND BOATS. prior Congressman Edwin C. Burleigh was The institution ceremonies took place ii at this will be candidates for nomina- ful time as they did at the Kimball reunion. »n therefore, he it held Frankfort Wednesday afternoon at nominated by acclamation for reelection at Masonic Hall in the evening, prominent city 2. Her was82 Mm ning Light Grange I SOo'clock. age years. the third district convention from all over the State assisting in tion for register of deeds before the Demo- The friends in town of Jefferson It is that E. G. Norton of Lib- Congressional knights many [Hi », resolutions be pre-1 owned Mr. F. S. Jones of Heading, Pa., Mr. Braley Burnham, The latter official was commended on day afternoon in honor of Past Chief Rutl by this last week. He has been a member Maine to the and that a copy be en- many years resided in the town of Litch- stand on the prohibition of the manufacture the member who has passed city the University of complete a summer resident of Islesboro, was at this Staples, only 1 and published in The field. He dealt quite extensively in horses and sale of intoxicating liquors. away since the Temple was instituted. The of Thomas E. Shea's company for several work begun there w ith the class of li.KMJ. d Commercial. for a few days the past week. and was well known throughout the State. The other district conventions resulted as decorations in the hall were artistic Hanger part floral Mr. Alexander was fortunate enough to get M. He went to Lewiston about ten Amos F. Allen years. Moore, Charles years ago follows: First, at Portland, and beautiful, and Past Chancellor Henrs 1 Sixteen yachts under Commodore on a with stone & Webster of Poston, F. (looi)win, [ Com. and for about five years had run stables of Alfred, renominated by acclamation. Staples, husband of the deceased sister, was Miss Jane A. McLellan is at home for the position :'nk \ \V. started June 21st on the annual Middle street. Under the Democratic E. Littlefield Wingate, Bray ad-, Second, at Lewiston, Charles presented with a handsome emblematic summer. Miss McLellan was one of the the owners and operators of electrical Ar- ministration some five years ago, he was 263 to 88 for J. H. ritual ser- cruise of the Portland Yacht Club. of Rockland, Swasey. piece. The impressive memorial over the world. Students usual- 1 at the Dorchester High School plants all ionet to Rockland. janitor of the city building and filled the Fourth, at Bangor, Llewellyn Powers of vice of the order was by the chaperones rangements were made for races with prizes performed Senior concert and ball in Dorchester last remain in their office a before bik- position in a most satisfactory manner. Houlton, renominated by acclamation. officers of the Temple aud a fine eulogy was ly year on each of the three runs, the last to Besides a he leaves one C. week. : "i the Central Wharf days’ wife, son, George delivered by Chancellor Commander Wil- ing a position but after working there two and a former two Astor j ‘■‘♦dved orders June the “Lookout” at Harpswell, where the Braley, by marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Waldorf (Nanuie liam J. Gordon of Silver Cross Lodge, K. ol Mrs. Alice N. Whitten and children Al- weeks, Mr. Alexander was offered a fine children, Frank L. Braley of Boston and Shaw) arrived June 26th in P. Mrs. in whose the ser- in Ponce P. notwithstanding the d‘hy to South Freeport fleet disbanded Sunday. On the flagship Langhorne Staples, memory bert and Frances and Miss Louise Hoffses position It., " tlt 1 Lizzie B. Braley of Lynn, Mass. He is also New thence to where vice was was a charter member and fact that there were 15 men in the office, oronet, of the Holy of York, going Virginia, held, Maitland, steamer, was W. H. Quirnby survived seven one of whom of are the sum- Harvard and ‘t;v, which was floated by sisters, Mr. Astor will meet his bride’s family. They the first chief of Golden Cross Temple and Everett, Mass., spending graduates from Tech, Vale, Dr. B. B. Foster Mrs. Antonette Lassel of was to the Charles one mer with Mrs. Whitten’s of him. He sailed Satin and, where she is to be this city, fleet clerk, and Burnham, go later to Islesboro, Dana was of its most efficient and interested grandparents, Cornell, ahead day, with her brother his last illness. Journal. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nash. for his new of Portland. during Gibson cottage.—Boston workers. j June 23rd, position. W. H. Twombly; pinks, Mrs. Lucy Ross, OBITUARY. Mr. E. A. Matthews, Mr. anil Mrs. E. M. BELFAST FREE LIBRARY. Rolliff. F. A. Nye, undertaker, had charge NOHUMANH ANDSTOUCH of tlie funeral arrangements. New Books, June, 1906. After an illness of eleven days of double Armstrong, Sir Walter. Tex" pneumonia Mrs. Louisa 1). Shorey of The deatli is announced at liarstow, Sir Joshua Reynolds, first Pres- of Frankliu who was en- Waldo passed on to higher life June Jd, at as, Silas Peirce, ident of the Royal Academy. in the real estate business in Boston the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Collins gaged With tiity-two plates. 1905 — 759.2 R3-i McCarty, at Temple Heights, Nort-hport. for over half a century. Mr. Peirce, who Bailey, Alice Ward. Carrie of w as born in * Mrs. Shorey and her daughter, was eighty-one years age, Tile sage brush parson. A novel. TELL summer a ac- FLOUR as t< their met with serious 15-: WILLIAM* Kmrna, had gone usual Frankfort, Me. lie 1906. B home at the Heights. Mrs. Shorey had a cident two years ago by an electric car near Bradley, Arthur G. slight cold at the time of leaving her home the Langham Hotel in Boston, and was con- In the March and Borderland of in Waldo and after spending a few days at fined at the Boston City Hospital in conse- Wales. With sketches of the to the Heights alarming symptoms began quence for many weeks, lie then removed country by W. M. Meredith and her friends her to develop persuaded to New York. After recovering sufficiently and a map. 1906.T 42.9 B FROM THE TIME THE OHIO GOLDEN GRAIN for send for a physician, and also to send to travel lie was accompanied by his daugh- Bryce, James. she her son, C. W. Shorey, with whom ter, Mrs. Frances Hubbard, to her home in The American Commonwealth. lived, and her daughter, Mrs. J. 1). McGray Texas, where be died. He leaves two sons, Abridged and revised. With who were with her until the and one Mrs. of Knox, last; Carroll and Philip, daughter, a historical appendix. 1906.... 342.Hi of Brooks. also a niece, Miss Mary Roberts Frances llubbard. His wife, who was Cambridge, Ada. No pains or expense were spared ; all that Frances Griffin, died many years ago. Mr. The three Miss Kings. A novel. C 1 the Unt.l the kind and was a son Elevator he done for dear of Waldo and Catherine Enters could one, by Peirce Dodge, Henry Irving. loving friends and by her family, was done; Treat Peirce of Frankfort, Me., and was The other Mr. Barclay. A but all to no avail. After a terrible strug- the last member, with one exception, of a novel. Dfit disease gle of eleven days with the dread family of thirteen children. His sister, Mrs Gardenhire, Samuel M. the weary spirit went out to a better, Webster Kelly of Boston, survives him. He The silence of Mrs. llarrold. A Yo(jr Pamt sad brighter and larger life, leaving many was one greatly valued in ail the relations novel. 1905. G l"-; friend and and aching hearts for the dear of life, as father, husband, brother and Gettemy, Charles Ferris. Mrs. was born in mother. Shorey Monroe, friend. He was genial, lovable, helpful The true story of Paul Revere, and Sept. 8, 1S-S. the daughter of John and liis deatli will be much lamented by his i his midnight ride, his arrest of a Drusilla Durham and was the last numerous friends, liis father, Waldo and court martial, his useful CLE W AM) of twelve children. IT IS ABSOLUTELY family Fifty-eight Peirce, was a prominent merchant of public services. 1906. B-R 32-; years ago she married Wellington Shorey Frankfort, Me., and highly respected for Griffith, Frank Carlos. lived on the old home of Waldo and had liis ability and integrity, and liis family has The man from Maine. 1905. G 87' the of farm all those years, with exception been a notable one. Darker, L. Allen. until the , Oil! (iUOl’EU. one \ear spent in Belfast, passing Concerning Paul and . SOLD EVERYWHERE. ASK A Mamie, wife of K. II. Hall, died at her awa.N of her husband eight years ago. A story for young people. home in Waterville, June IStli, after a long Since :hen she had spent the w inters with 19U6. J-ll 22; illness with consumption. The end came ier daughter in the old home and the sum- llarradeu, Beatrice. very peacefully, although it was hourly ex- KtrliBlIlAIN UHJINIY UMVtNllUN. mers hi*i rottage at Temple Heights. The scholar's daughter. A A HOUSEHOLD LETTER. both b\ the friends and relatives as H 23- Light children came to them, bringing pected novel. 1906. ^IT IS ECONOM bed was i well as tlie deceased. The death Possibilities fcr arc boTo and rrows. All are now living, lleinp, Heinrich. Outdoor Living Rooms. The Repuh man s ot Waldo county surrounded many relatives, including hereby mu died to im*. t by delegates in conven- -TO BUY— w < in to I by Poems and ballads. Done into \i-p| : passed away infancy, Comfort. New Wrinkles in Fit- tion at tile t t Itelta-t. Oil five the husband and Summer House, — tlie children, father, Mar- .non::: the > ; a kind and Ion ing mother. j Knglish by .Sir Theodore on Wed- and her I’. W. Danforth of Fiiity. : and Furnishings. Hints AUGUST ist, 1906, rvices were to have taken father, tin. 1894. 831. II tings WEDNESDAY, T1 funei.ii 1 she leaves tlie husband and live small chil- 1 ite can- olace Wt-diiP>dn\ afternoon, June Oth, but William John. ding Gifts. at 10.3( Hopkins, 1 ?• 1 Cb*rk of Courts, dren, from five to eleven years of age, a didates s-u.ator, S11*•:i:Y. of the 1906. 11 77' ■ ot COLONIAL the condition remains, The clammer. THE owing of Tlfe Journal) Count \ isurer, Register PAIN! (Correspondence two Frank L. Danfortli *- *»to choose t.--umi. hum tin.!- a tul hr'p.irirur father and brothers, James, George Wharton. Deeds a? ('■ uiity ('onmu "ioner. AI lUOti. Warm a ( on: •>. "leiiiitlee and transact other b’:-i- BeeaiiNe the maiiiilaoturor plnf*«*s of Freedom and Charles E. Danfortli of In and tint of the Old Missions Xkw York, June 21, any sei v ices mvi held in the old home unusual demands ! ness w} 1;i 1 may properly emue l»et"ie .-aid eon- summer days make on <*sn» si Fairfield. The iF eased w as a member of of California. Historical and venti< n. everv State elieinist'N Tuesday afternoon, Rev. .1 W Vaughan and at this season home ! upon vitality Kaeh c.ty and t<>'vn will oe entith i" one dele- Dorcas iiebekali Lodge and of the Ladies' account of the Fran- i t >; f City point fliciating, w ith singing by pictorial comfort needs to be most carefully gate, and one ndd.t iniial dc-ognt for e\ ry forty aualvNiN .•sliowlii^j* Circle of the Grand Army of tlie Republic, ciscan missions. With il- votes east toi ti e ih an a: didate foi tigi:i*-‘i the beautiful philosophy phto- ly twenty-live a eaue l--- m c.vo-s of the last ABSOLUTE PURITY. was circle of friends in Waterville. There 277. mountains or the shore, though the vp:rituai:sm teachings v <-s !e-s than the at become so es- town that e.-t twenty live t and a at home o'clock Tuesday in' vacation habit has firmly a not o!.' v a belief but a ami prayer v vi. iuiu -•» candidate for Covcrnoi knowledge j one forty foi Da* Republican after which tlie remains were tablished that almost every gets following allotment to her after the afternoon translators. in 1 i*n-4. I'pon tliis basis the a never fading comfort or where there taken to whet" the funeral was away for a week two, lias been made : husband. Last Brooks, Kuloskap the master, ami other o_ winter, are novel surroundings and a complete Belfast .15 Morrill g held Wednesday afternoon. A Translated j hi-1. i ;-g several weeks with her Igonkin poems. | change of scene. The more complete Belmont N'O'thport COOPER & 21I ... 4 Pa.lenno.. it 1002. 811. P l> Brooks CO., '. sister of metrically. is the benefit \ii>. 11. rtbii and the the 1 ... Died in Chelsea, Mass .June 17th, Sylvlna change greater Bun an .Brosj AGENTS REX FLINT KOTE ROOFING. Maarten. realizes the s. -he attended several of Mr. Maartens, derived. A wise mother : ft .... N., wife of Dominicu.s ii. Smart, a former j 'i'he healers. A novel. 1900— M- need for such a and so far as Kre.-.a.m .a Srursporl .., ads >' : v <• at the church and was change, known man of of *. s: ektoti well business Searsport home Isleshor Donald. she can gives her surroundings .lacksnii.. •'i'vaiivuh.3 b a-rd wi’ 1; h s v- ws of immortality Mrs. Smart was born in MaeDonald, i fifty years ago. an altered that makes it a ; Ki,o\. a Thorndike- sea A novel. 1000. .. M r- appearance he- jam'. ki \. ti Mr. The maid. 3 .d Vaughan Searsport, July J'», 18‘Ji), the daughter of resting place to tlie tired, label tv.: Troy Allan. grateful Lit l-nity ...... * J. of Mclvor, Marcellu'' •soa d l;e If*-: choice ir. ca.->e a speaker ami Nickerson Field, oct. or children Dow, Daniel Cynthia warm husband coming '• U aide 2 The mechanic. A novel. 1000.... G M 18. j MOllld; ; ,\\ n belie; i;.. not be employed ; and •jo, is:.7, .she was married to Mr. Smart, and home after strenuous work of play. r> Winterpoi t.— 7 IIKOOKS, MAINE, Dimitri. j to their heartfelt Merejkowski, woman able to this has ! e; 11: v ion call he tilled •lie bund;, extend him had resided in Chelsea for nearly fifty years, The accomplish \ a ies ill ;»1; dele gat that a "! the or town where the vaeati- for the b« armful and \vm- The death of the gods. Christ her reward in the recognition by resident city kind!), she leaves, beside her husband, one son, cies vist “Mother knows how to make a fellow diid ;. \v--nls of that he ex- and Anti Christ. Translated <• will he in session at the Goods, ; ,.d, coimoiaiion Mr Frank- II. Smart of Dorchester, Mass., The iimty committee Dry Fancy 54- comfortable,” as one growing youth Court House at nine o’clock a. m., mi the day "t o n the occasion. Mrs. Shorey was b\ Herbert French. 1900.... M j and three brothers, Haskell of Roston, i it. The mother in this case did not the convention t" receive tin* credentials. T ! Yerrill. put ...... -or in. tuber of Frederick Ritchie Philip 1 1 delegates a t*> nt t,, same F:a;,k D. **f l.rookline and Joseph Field of Migbels, over a house with many requested pres- preside costly ! v. (if her it can be said her work Chatwit, the man-talk bird. 1900 M 58-: 1 prompt Millinery Department ti:pe. l!ost*>n ; three si.-ters, Mrs. Claia Kvans and servants to carry out her orders, and Per order d the Republican County Coninulto, .Silas Weir. ,fOH iium. earth was well done. '1 ho old home Mrs. A. If. Lorrimer of Searsport and Miss Mitchell, asked why her home was always <;po I. NSON. Chau 1006.. M 69-1: (when M ARK T. HODCK, S»"-retary milliner-#- vuts t- ied witli kind and A diplomatic adventure he center for of the -kour sympathizing Fmma D. Field ->f Roston. The remains j meeting youngs Belfast, Me., May t. A. D. lOum Frances ill the town, and her v; ejuis who came to pay their last tribute arrived in Searsport June ID:h and funeral Morse, Clary. teople why girlp other ■ Furniture of the olden time. Il- and home to any ; -pect to the old friend and neighbor. services wer* held at the residence of her boys preferred lustrated. 740. M i said.. "I don't know that there is Manv 'lokbg hack into the past will Mrs. A. 11. Lorrimer, ronducted 1905. place si.-ter, by secret about it 1 always try to with sad hearts the hours Palmer, Frederick. any remember many Lev. Harry Hill, pastor of the M. E. church, have the house comfortable and livable; so and Lucy of the stais. A novel. 1900 P 18-i she ha*i passed ir. patiently tenderly j The interment was in the fami’y lot in the well warmed in winter and cool look- Iiohlfs, Anna Katharine G. ndeavor.iig to lessen their sufferings, both village cemetery. ing in summer. 1 put away everything The woman in the alcove. A ro ;thf people oi j fh.i phy sic:i".\ and mentally ; many times clos- that I can that will collect dust and died 19 I'k.r -. ..,i. tiled L < 1 s are now fohied from for Mime but had been con- health months, 111*- * *: t«I i 11 -i_: novel. lOoo. years ago out of 15 cent cotton. They tin! one of 1 yT '•>>* ; woik; bu; in a fairer and brighter fined to his n om onl\ since Friday night. 1^87-- Nt-w York uni ha\«• .* *• save a deal of wear and dusting ('it;.. Mr. Krskine was born in Ella Middleton. great osritii: linent som<- of tl :ue in the- -a i t.nil a loving work to do. Montville, Me., Tybout, of her sons who live in theological Hampton Dyke, s for oi fl.oo. Makt a some tlie ,-eho 1. He taught school for time. sea. Studies in im- Almost every home outside of uni warrair ail M.intauu wv;.. na me to be The opal ;joo»l>. present. They He was marr ed 7, l*.Vt. to Miss Martha blocks 1ms and most thickly settled city .ire 1.; ! '. \\ bite True of South Montville, Me., w ho died in pressions appearances. Miipluir springs, some sort of a porch or veranda, and lx,sL He was married July ;;1, ;sS6, to 1906. 818. Y-3 p. •; . (>! K i,.et. Joseph Pill is managed Oct. ixs'd. learned to take advantage of the op- only child was born Pastoiates 1 Fenwick’s career. A novel. 19oo. W 21-1" Ills!) Street. UKLK \ the services and the bearers were James have been held ;n Pawtucket, 11. I., Rlack- i portunities these afford for out door m»w Wilson, Francis. rooms. The smallest will usual- L. ( base, \\ i iiam » oombs, Joseph R. -tone, Mas?*., Oakland, Waterviile, Me., j sitting Franconia ami Meredith. Mr. Krskine a table to hold a Ldt .t-r-id ami Charles Blown. The Joseph Jefferson. Beminis- ! ly accomodate grow- Px solemnized J20 baptized converts, cences of a fellow or vase of ilowers, a chair or ■ e player. ing plant, wi > we; beautiful, and included a p; marriages and officiated at 71 funerals. He 1000.D-J 645-2 two. and several of the woven crass wa- elected of the Meredith Vil- Illustrated. ow : white roses, pinks and lilies with president seats that take the of cushions lage Savings bank nearly six years ago. Vincent, Leon H. j place "lie vo V 'her in from 0. 8b V7 .'io n \ ai •! f, ndly and J. II. McRray and financial agent of New Hampton Institute, more friends drop in than the chairs Wister, Owen. : : a ea-kel and >l;eaf « f w heat wherein.- only son is now a student. Mr. | will hold. These grass mats should aubly piece 1 Krskine was known as a man of large -ym- Lady Baltimore. A novel. 1006. W 76-2 have a or at one side so •with the words At Rest in pus pi.- from loop string pathie- and contributed liberally to many; Wi iglit, Man Tappan. [ that they can lie hung out of the way II. (lord Brooks; He was conservative in his i NoticE good objects. The Tower. A novel. 1006. W 04-2 against the hall or veranda railing I- go t "i :rv-> and pinks from Mr. and opinions, sympathetic ai I tender, always1 and ci vi his when not needed. Mi> A d.iani 0 mbs and ‘laughters, Mary interested in tie* y<-urn: ng efforts j j in Mr. Frsl :ne was the oldest ! their behalf. ■A III.KNS AND I V KTAINS. t'i.h Acab. totes tnaii Rachel I’ayson; ii. NERVOUS DEBILITY. Free Raptist minister this section and j V\'I1I open Optieal l*;n : >r< t ji. in Mrs. .James (i. Harding; in the .‘-tale. 11:.- acquaintance I’orcli screens can be had in a variety TO THE PUBLIC probablj Condition Cured by Dr. tvil- | | w as wide and Im was held in affection Deplorable ! of widths and and one can .oil ! w e and wieatfi IT fin Mr. and Mrs. great prices any 92 MAIN STREET, BELFAST. MAINE, ! Pills. A Scranton Woman j a host of f’iond.-. lie was noted for his lianis' Pink them so that aie A i-.. Harding wreath from J. L. Chase by put up they easily onh in matters but in ltow She was Made Well and « all error-..if retraction. The activity not religious Tells Strong. raised or lowered to any desired height. for the i»irecti"!! | and ■’ b' 'juet of narcissus from Mrs. work and lie was ever human eye is a delicate m gai and nndej do our work : :ght. \ ■ tworth and Mrs. Bert Smith. as he was called, has been such a We will and be to do business manufactured. All orders Krskine, The become open prepared prompt- one will be miss- and spirits. patients eyes dull, The best decorators here for the hand- June gf>th. .unch 10c. lb.. familiar that it universally Monday. both in and out of I Crackers, per from the the Reference furnished on app' ati.m and satis- ly filled, city. ed. In the homes where he has for genera- the pink fades cheek, memory somest houses make great use of green lbs arid mg wife of l apt. Tolford Durham, in and fol- faction guaranteed. 4w25* sell the in or in 3 tions baptised, joined marriage becomes defective so that it is difficult to re- furnishings. Prairie grass furniture by gallon, bricks, 1-1 .: 1111c Til), aged 77 years. She was burn lowed many to tlieir last resting place, his call dates and names at will. Some of the known as ‘Crex” is especially liked be- single creams. going w ill’leave a void impossible to fill, ! in searsport, the daughter of Kenj. and cause of its beautiful fadeless green G. Maddock, Doctor of Optics ioda Crackers. 3 lbs. 25c. and all who knew him will feel a personal symptoms only may be present or all of Sidney Theodate Merritliew, and was one of twelve | and handsome sub- now at No. Street. loss. He is survived by his wife, formerly them. The remedy lies in toning up the coloring generally Parlors open 99. High 6 1-2c. per lb. fc* 81 children. She married Capt. Durham in Miss Hattie Kami, and his son Stanley, 16 I nervous system and there is no remedy stantial appearance. This makes an of N. June better for this than Dr. Williams’ irresistible to the 18o'.' and they had five children, of whom years age.—Meredith, IL, News, j adapted appeal intelligent 6th. Pink Pills. woman who wants furniture that is lest Common Crackers, two are now living, Mrs. E. M. Dolliff of J. Davies of No. 314 Warren 6. B. MARSANO. L Mrs. Jane not only artistic and handsome for her Gardiner and Albert Durham of Monroe. l“a., says: “Some years 5 1.2c per lb. fc- Capt. C. W. Keyes, a retired officer of street, Scranton, outdoor living room hut will he equally died alter to ago 1 became greatly reduced in health and buries and Leroy growing the regular army and a former editor of the available for use the round in the and my nervous system became so year and one died in Mrs. Farmington Chronicle, died in Farmington strength manhood infancy. debilitated that I felt wretched. I could library, sitting room or parlor, since its .June ldth at the age of 79 years from the i Durham was an earnest Christian worker not rest or well at and woke up natural grass color harmonizes with any Md effects of au operation performed several sleep night Carriages been a member of the as and languid in the morning as I and had Congrega- days ago for liver trouble. He leaves a weary surroundings. was when I went to bed. head ached tional church many years. Her beuevo- wife, t'apt. Keye.s served in the Civil war My new shapes. in- in the morning and often there was a pain in char- with the Fourteenth Maine Volunteer -nt nature found expression many in side which was worse when I seats, settees without legs i fantry, and with the regular army. At the my right Swinging For all purposes tor Harnesses, not ill the various socie- sat nerves were on edge all the from the tub.<■ deeds. only close of the war he became assistant super- down. My hung by strong chains ceiling, little noise bothered me and I which Milk or Cream ties ;o w hich she belonged, but in her visits intendent of the buildings of the war de- time, every come in several sizes, and are smartly was generally miserable. on of a partment in Washington and served in that used instead of hammocks verandas is used— the sick and afflicted. Possessed “Then I decided to try Dr. Williams’ Pink _*■♦♦♦♦♦♦* capacity until 1871. He also acted for a and as hall seats where there is room and generous no service Pills for Pale as my husband had v:i g disposition time as assistant superintendent of the People, chairs with taken them with good results, and they did for them. Woven lounging she c r.ld coder was too irksome. In her Freedmen’s home in Virginia, lie retired BORDEN’S I have a large stock of carriages of all no more cushions of leather or other of the Chronicle in wonders for me. Now I have pains materials, the loses one who will gieat 1 y from the editorship kinds on hand, custom and Western Car- ;,th iuge in no more headaches, 1 sleep well broad armed chairs and chairs LsHfi after a number of years’ service. May my side, writing : )N DENSED W .. n "id. hut in the immediate her and able to do work." for family r_\ ls a at ion will be held at the Court URETV Episcopal clergyman for tile Dr. Williams Medicine Co., HANGING VASE' ANI> HONES. ance were a source of inspiration to her co- Cambridge, Mass., died suddenly June 19th $2.50, by 4oust■ ill r.eitast, Wednesday, .Inly 4. I00<», anil Trustees N. Y. M I in at tlie Alt. the home building of the Schenectady, Where the arrangement can be made it 10 o'clock A for the follow ing purposes, workers. (she was a great worker the Claire, Telephone Connection. Winona Bible school, in New York. Death nothing is prettier than boxes of thrifty iz. I 'unday school and was never absent unless Mr. 1st. To Ilea:- md act upon the reports .if the ! was due to cerebral hemorrhage. Bay The E. M. C. Seminary, Bucksport. resting on the veranda railing, treasure] and trustees. unusual called her away. The several plants lireetors. something had arrived in New York days and-the hanging vases that are to be 2d. To elect nine directors for the ensuing 1 was held at her late home June 10.h before in the interest of churches Maine Conference ear. funeral pastorless The East Seminary had at every store where Oriental goods f in New' He was 09 years of age, a which announces 3d. To act upon any other business rlut may was Kev. D. L. Wilson of England. has just issued catalogue for hold- p and conducted by at Bos- are kept are particularly good 1 coiue be fort > aid 4\v23 ! * was born in Maine and graduated a new Teacher’s Training course and a jgally meeting. few Custom leaves a to whom odd bunches of held flowers, or vines Per order." WM. H. lMBY, Clerk, Belfast. She husband, ton University. He had had charges at Commercial High School course. At the ing gi Bos- in water. As a rule the j the warmest sympathy is extended in his New bury port, Salem, Cambridge and annual meeting of the trustees a committee that grow well Call for Townsend’s ton. His first wife was Miss Chestina Bean E. of best decorators select receptacles for declining years. Sympathy is also extend- consisting of F. liragdon Bucksport, CARRIAGES of Belfast. He leaves a widow and one H. G. McGlautliu of Brewer and Edwin flowers of neutral colors, though an oc- ed to the children, who have lost a dear Waldo. brother, Benj. A. Ray of Ginn of Boston was appointed to secure casional use is made of strong colorings Made from one who was ever to minis- new RUGS ^ class in e> mother, ready adequate endowment and buildings for jardinieres that are intended to hold | Warranted first She leaves three sis- Edwin L. Flanders died June 18th at Ins for the seminary. Bishop W. F. Mallalieu ter to their comfort. palms or other foliage plants. POSTALS. Old Carpets! home on Camden Rockland, aged 71 and D. A. Goodsell, who are pro- Mr. D. S. Heals, Mrs. Eliza Matthews street, Bishop of bronze or of If your Carpet^ i’ worn, fa-led an.I ters, and was will with Jars Japanese copper Comfortable and years, lie was born in Northport moters of the plan, co-operate tlirounli” ill <»n our tjtvlisli, all of two or brass make handsome anil much ap- Direct •‘about airuits ami Mrs. Maria Hiack, Searsport; a trade. He is survived this committee. Photographs ship carpenter by and have J. L. SLKEPEK jfc c >., brothers, W Merritliew of Searsport by three sons and one daughter. Funeral preciated wedding presents, so I pliolsetry Goods, at our services w ere held at 2 m., Rev. the merit of not being popular a ^ p=Call Repository and Charles of California, to mourn the Thursday p. llelfas!, Maine W. that there are to be H. them. W. Carver officiating. form of gift apt RALPH ROCKWOOD, In loss of a loving sister. Thtj llural decora- Teak wood stands L1 M HATTING CO., many duplicates. Walpole, were beautiful and profuse, showing Without Irritation. IA tions Stimulation CASTOR are also desirable gifts for such occa- Mass. I 5AAC S. llro<>: she was held. Children. >TAIMJ:S, the high esteem in which In case of stomach and liver trouble the For Infants and sions. Civil & Land stimulate these or- Engineer Surveyor. included a from Morning Light proper treatment is to \ an Reypen. They pillow Laxa- Jeannette Hustling w ithout irritating them. Orino and estimates for railroads, ■ a beautiful bunch of pinks from gans The Kind You Have Always Bought Surveys article.** Grange; Fruit aids digestion and stimu- tive Syrup of the sewers. ■ daily in C. T. from Evelyn and bowels without Scald head is an eczema scalp— wharves, water works and i the W. U.; pinks lates the liver and irritating Bears the nicH seller, good profit Addr<" severe sometimes, but it can be cured. Q and Lizzie these like or ordinary cathar- /Jt very ei iees. Manufacturer, Drawer is, H Carrie Dolliff Dolliff-Milliken; organs pills and in STOCKTON SPRINGS, MAINE tics. It does not nauseate or grine and is of Loan's Oiutment, quick permanent 3W24J from Miss S. A. Mansur, Mrs. li. Signature (JlarfzT-eUt&M store, 50 cents. 6ml3* bouquets mild and pleasant to take. R. H. Moody. its results. At any drug W. Mayo and Mrs. L. W. Woodman and Failed IN RIO DE JANEIRO. BELFAST HOMES. Seven Doctors Coo/, Com fort a ble him S‘ate Priso" Life in the Brazilian Capital. “L. F.” Relieved and Chic.

i: ■umn.icnri- ft The Journal.] Dec. Wytopitloek, Me., 23, 1903. picture illustrates charmingly ,1 vNKino, Hkazil, May 20, Dear Sirs:— the and of ,1 in this town, re- write you and tell THIS moststylish popular antique I feel lt my duty to deal of L. r. the season’s the third time, the same you that I think a great shirt-waists. was S1C^ »" *1 Harrui"6 ,-dley of contradictious as of Atwood’s Bitter". *a£en was treated seven six and by 1 ssing us more and more years ago Ideal for Summer different doctors ^ most beautiful hut vile- af aJso .at, at he Eastern Maine General Hospital, me I had a can- Wear. dightful hut disappointing Bangor, and they told I have a iiea r on the face of the earth. cer in stomach. my three One of those rare Happy THOUGHTS I did not a day for years, us that this is the work healthy L. can do a .~" and after using F., ■ of the that is to all in 11 io de now, designer becoming the year Janeiro, hard work. day’s women. No. 4153 of ■ ruing papers are chronicling Yours truly, ■lie rate of fifty or sixty per WILLIAM SCOTT. resident foreigners have Blood Purifier. a-*-*525352-;^ “L F is a natural on the hills of the refuge among Brings relief at all seasons year. * raWtvr no fruit-eating or ice-water to the of 1 ’ike's serve to bear the of the Porto Pico. ~~— —- i with occasional trips to Colorado Springs top only weight ______BEtrAST. Peak by way of the Colorado Springs train. It is the rack rail in the center or other nearby hut we and Manitou electric line to Manitou which the train is forward. Ten cent value, W a fresh air. by pushed ,1 .oils ioi lulls of STOCKTON MAINE. "TT*-' there t m famous Pike’s There are two wheels beneath tor SPRINGS, : but n^l from by large cog are selling them < I' ,: adise hv any means, n i v known as the the engine which run upon the rack hole is about as near it as Peak Railway—familiarly Sizes }2 31. 36, 38.40, 42 inches tu- tr.e.f-'Jiv. Cog Wheel Route—to the top of the rail. The engine goes behind the ob- u:i get on this mundane it:-1 peak, on this ride the tourist passes servation car on the ascent and pushes a city of mists and sun- Lots for on LEL- from the heat of a summer day at tiie it. On the descent the engine goes be- Sale, 50x100, Idea LUU Budding The New snow and chill of winter at fore the car. The two are not fastened ■ base to the -5c.- ; .i i. No city m the the summit. Pike’s Peak has been and both are provided with GRADEN AVENUE. Pattern tvelier site, and its dirtiest together, W-cent called the ■Monument of the Conti- ample brakes and either can be stopped \ -• is beautiltil enough to E3, H. by mail, !2 cents. nent” and a more appropriate name independently of the other. DENSLOW, \ the;r lilth and bad odors. but tine flavored. Very STOCKTON could not have been found. The first point of interest on the .Wild, LELGRADEN-ON-PENOBSCOT, SPRINGS, MAINE von look, haywanl or "A sentinel it stands ascent is Engleman’s Glen. "It is one like hot cakes. FRED A. JOHNSON. Ue n. 'st enchanting pic- popular—they yo I11 rugged majesty.” * of the beauty spots of earth. It is a -s* -t-* -*I~£~rc>s~S>f* 4. 1 he Advertiser of facts waters, dancing has stood for thousands of you—liiue Here it to lie and rest: to listen to hills place supine BELFAST, MAINE. the glorious sweep of The rains of summer have years. the voices of the swaying and the UP-TO-DATE ~\ A full line of curves tne pines POOR & SON, Druggists. !r D^ | : 11e bends and of beaten its rugged sides and the Goods against noise of a limpid, purling stream: to I MILLINERY Ladies’ with or with | Kidiny Caps $ overfed forests, snows of winter have melted from its on a world of color, to feast on churches and gaze ite convents, for The savage Indian en- 1- slopes ages. nature’s grace, to breathe God's purest 1906. blossom- | -lately palms and at its base for hundreds of camped air. and offer up a prayer to Him for Masury’s and the background of white man years before ever stepped all lie lias bestowed." Down the glen, Lamson & Hubbard to in the melting shadows our shores, it stood as a land- upon dashing over rocks and forming water- iThe its and Fashion,! with summit, grand mark lofty falls and eddies, wanders a clear moun- Railroad I f .; land of romance, the to the nrst ex- pie and capped with snow, Ruxton Creek. At one HIGH SIGN OF THE RED AWNING A in tain stream, STREET, _re, is oftenest shrouded the trackless To the plorers of plains. moment we see the over there a spray dashing iced hert and by it not as later adventurers served only the rocks far at the next it is ^ dia- above us, a which glitters like a but it a Paints •fc PIANOS and SHEET MUSIC ? a monumental landmark gave This stream is followed for the below. tl.e sun. Sometimes at its Cash or terms MiSSOS Moody & L 0., » name to the eragged mountains three miles. Nut far from the ■I Easy so mellowed and dis- nearly been sold in Belfast .are back and to the broad of Have I f expanse plain place where we started is Shady ;:.e sott ha/e that you see to for nearly 50 years. extending from its foot. As it stood mountain towers tbeir outlines but the one Springs. The high a thousand the consume peak named hedo de Dios the gaze of the Indian years above this and on the summit are Gog BECAUSE they cost of j i>i hod"—and again the ago so it stands today to the gaze and Magog. The Lone Fisherman sits .. and until across giided glorified the travelei as lie speeds rapidly from the northern Styles sunshine patiently fishing per gallon Spring .i.ic.e ot mist and foot. There only tin* plain to its frowning wall of the canon, as lie has done for $1.00 a a natural formation of NEW HARDWARE STORE ****** the same artli. are the same rugged sides, From Echo Falls the sound ages past. they art* the most economical Paints drape the lo a el' hi .Is grand, majestic, snow-capped summit, of waters is reverber- IN Situated at Mechanic’s Hall. 15 THE time falling distinctly Do not any substitute, SEARSPORT, MOW ,v beautitu! at a distance, over the offered. accept the same streams tumbling ated. Natural Creek funnel, through lMUW TO BUY YOUR v accessible m many and order the name “MAST RY,” In connection with niv lumber I have added a line of places. rocks down the canon from the melting by yard ■ is an arched end of the horse-car line, which the stream Mows, oniv of the Authorized Agents, snow the summit. f\ e have ol lei into primeval wilder- high upon waterway formed by fallen boulders. BUILDERS’ I Consisting NAILS, SHEATHING PAPER, PAINTS and enj"', with safety their no history of Tike’s Teak during the We are almost frightened as we pass and rich coloring, their its oils, carpenters’ tools, past ages since it was upheaved to HASON & HALL. HARDWARE and rank luxuriance and Hanging Rock lest it fall upon us with ] scientists tell us present, position, yet No. ii«*wers, tiivir goi'Lrt'i-’Us its ponderous mass. To80 In fact, a general line of hardware used for building inn-poses. My stock is! I'U’iLics ;uui imvets like that it is older than regions whose KKPOIIT OF THK CONDITION OF THK The first stop is made at Minnehaha. NEW and CLEAN and PRICES LIMIT. Call in and look us over. thrilling tales are written on crumbling Here is a and a bunch ot THE CITY NATIONAL BANK, in,itter you need never go tiny park 14 Yours for business, OR ANYTHING YOU parchment. Its history’down through OF lil.fJvVST. use loi amusement, be- rustic cottages, snuggled closely to- the is unknown. Lts obscure past ill t State of at the elose to satisfy the most rest- ages The air is filled with the sound At Belfast, he Maine, MAY NEED FOR gether. of June 18, .1000. ::•,11 lit- obtained simply is concealed in oblivion. business, E. i>y of the falling waters. Lizard Rock, TRUNDY. j w indow, as native ladies However, the object oi this article KESO LUCES. _A. Pinnacle The Devil's slide. '7-> lung, watering ti.e ever- Rock, Loans and < iso nuts— ... .$220, >3 is not the Tike’s Teak of the remote iu Mainv' N’e"' Massa- ima the streets, Woodland Park and other of in- overdrafts, secured and unsecured.. 1.0206* Hampshire’ Verraont- points O0 3000 Monev-makina* relate s. Bond.-t" secure circulation. Ou.ooO __ New New of tin' etn- past nor is it our purpose to the 1' \ clru.'etts, Cuinecticui. York, Jersey, ilending terest are and the Half Way Pr •miunis on l' S. Bonds. 1,.*<»0 an- passed by, FartttS Far Sale • » Delaware and Maryland. u.i as in 11 io de .1 aueiro. authentic of this etc.. 2ul,051 06 iit earliest history Bonds, securities, — House is before us. A short stop is Strout’s List No. 15 describes hundreds in detail, with cuts of —A i build- < urnitureand fixtures. 15,000 00 buildings; p ••! the antique cient which dates from N Banking-house.I landmark, Due lroiu National Banks (not re- one to 1000 acres. $600 to $20,000; many ha stock ai l tools included; i: is the m<>st ! rather than of 1 made here and then the little engine, lepose, ■ .. 107 l>ook of real farm ever with to l when Zehuion serve agents... _ 30-J complete barg;bus issued ; iu-tructioas of vetnber isoti, Major traveling a commercial aetivity the car on- Due trom approved reserve agents. 56,26* 75 'reach Send for free to nearest office. in vain to reach putting laboriously, pushes property. today copy ■ M. Tike, after cash items. 1.6166* i irtant city on the south- .-driving is in Checks and other ward. Hell's Gate passed through ot other National Banks..... 1,212 0«>; Modevr its declared the Notes E. A. STROUT FARM AGENCY, Largest in the World” coffee-packing summit, accomplish- Ruxton Fractional currency, nickels, business foots safety and we entei the green paper 335 Water Street, Augusta, Me. 150 Nassau Street, N. Y. 88 Broad Street, BOSTON whose ment of that feat the power of and cents.— 218 66 ( beyond >’>z ■ Here and Hr*' rrr in i:. ST 11 I: s. I'.riHik*, >laim*. P. Palmer's year, lint it is the here to re- 30 l.ocal Malinger., I l and man. purpose Specie.26,884 | in, \|;i> VN>, XViililn, Maim-. v.eeroy's palaces Mountains tower above like sentinels. tender notes. 4,683 00 31,507 3o Jwigil I^egal some of the of a party ,i,- The half-naked late experiences of Redemption fund with 1. S. Treas- We are directly under the summit 00 Masonic Belfast, Me. lounge in their low door- ot thirty tourists who ascended the urer (6 per cent ot circulation). 3,000 Temple. and the and for the first time we have Due trom U. 8. Treasurer, other than s. natives of Africa T.ioii. peak 00 peak on -May it, 5 per cent of redemption fund. 1,500 j Mohammedan religion a near view of tlit grand old mountain. The party started from Colorado $605,032 95 ug w tue moss-grown The next of interest is Total o'clock in the of place Inspira- se huuihie laborers, who Springs at morning LIABILITIES. tion Point. From l.eie we see. a hundred 1 11 i.articn!a.r dav. '1 he dav. with the may of tossing Capital stock paid in.$ 60.060 00 their shoulder far a lake 110 00 t coffee on skies of Colorado in all their below, glacial covering Surplus fund. 12,000 with turquoise Undivided profits, less expenses and ..ft to the wharf it, acres. Here, to the person with a geo- 18 and was all that could taxes paid. a,002 industrious and tern glory splendor, 00 an logical point of view, may be seen gla- National Bank notes outstanding- v.000 When not occupied with be desired. The ride to Mauitou, the Due toother National Banks. 2,10;> 60 cial rocks with unmistakable signs of Due to Trust and Savings ,o.i see them seated in the was on the Companies in a terminal of the cog road, Banks. 3,158 33 About putting Gas, straw hats and bas- the action of ice in ages. We 36 icing a remote bygone Individual deposits subject to check. 437,528 electric cars. Here good 01 lor the summer. .\ ing a comfortahe snooze. soon pass the timber line and find only Demand certificates of deposit. 26,803 Range but as it of the could be obtained as Cashier’s checks outstanding. 244 07 : bem look young, survey peak and dowers. At Let us house the a few shrubs Alpine pipe your ru middh-.’iged and would it towered white and grand above Total.$605,032 95 ! Point the first view to the west • liter. Another noticeable in the distance. Here, Windy during your spring other mountains of Waldo ss. ho tit them is the stubby, is obtained. Soon the summit is State of Maine. Coi nty house-cleaning Drop too. the eye could travel along the I.C. w. Wescott, Cashier of the above named "I their always the above state- ippearanee reached and the world lies before us! hank, do solemnly swear that I or call us ■ miles in either direction a- it us a n tiie set in tne middle ! range for ment is true to the best of m\ knowledge and be- postal leg it 1708 What a strange sensation is as we C. W. WESCOTT, Cashier. I as much loot behind the rose and a seemingly ;n- lief. telephone and let us | high rugged, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22d This statement, merely from ourselves ami by front of ii The universal stand two and a half miles above the ! ! barrier to further progress. dav of June, 1906.; i vithout corroboration, might seem ‘•oinewha: talk Co of superable R\LPH MORSE, you. lower classes carrying sea level! It can not be described. i ami when At first all was dmi. obscure, and veiled Notary Public. weeping e\travagant. lmt the.state- I- the head strikes the in the There is no elevation world pos- Correct—Attest: ! nent is substantiated by our customers you.can ■ of the in but as the car ue of ti.e oddities cloud, approached Wm. B. SWAN,, ) sible to be reached that affords so wide nit it down as the plain, unvarnished truth. bereft of her swarm of nearer and nearer the towering moun- R. F. DUN TON, [Directors. all. reason is ELMER A. SHERMAN.l There is no better COAL obtainable than yo., s would not he Kio at from the and varied a view. The tain that rose abruptly plain, ;et uben you buy here. a.mon to meet six negroes All other elevations the side, simple. approach- more to great rocks, trees, paths up .Moreover, you may pay for inferior in step—sometimes are moun- ing i ike's Peak in height in but tiie cannot berm;. NUMBER 62-12. ■ FOI! I’OAL, highest prices buy TELE PONE 1 a barbaric song they are and cabins became visible, IIKAUQl'-VliTKKS tain chains and the view is obstructed It \v«!l pay you n dollars and satisfaction to a rattle shaken by the was FARMERS i where the change Manitou, leal with us. a on their heads by other mountains. But Pike’s Peak SEASON AT THE mg piano from the electrics to the cog THE LIGHTNING a | made ips they have brought stands at the very extremity of a grand at the mouth ot is us with more than its usual damage. It .■s: or tiie appren- road, is situated Fugle- upon cooper’s of the Rockies. There to the west 1 lias come early and struck hard, especially lire a spur seiing along under half man's Canon, up which the cog road stock. Protect yourselves by insuring m our stand a thousand in | Get in hardwood kegs hound towering peaks ! Maine Mutual Companies and save money JAP-ALAC j its ascent. It is one of the most ex- * man begins the east stretches :he Maine Standard Policy without riders and u e ring package: ora spotless white. On I resorts in the world. 1 upturns. I have insured for seven years in city, under an famous summer 33, 35, 37 Front 5t., Belfast, Maine pse empty dry a plain, seemingly infinite in •ountry, faeton. farm, horses, cows, everything, BELFAST. MAINE. the mighty losses. that it nearly tills the Close are The Garden of Gods, tin where, in companies that pay their COPPER GOODS. TELEPHONE S-». lug ; by there with \\irk or hai •: ow •!' all extent, dotted here and Write or telephone and 1 will call. I !iav.- this from curb to curb. Stout i Park. Glen Eyrie, Rainbow Crystal and cities: lakes and rivers. *.\t K. J. WRINGERS, ekei. :i hare arms like bronze, villages HATCH, weighing in III J-.Oii to .'•.•(.M 11 <*!!•■ 1 Falls and Canon. It has nc Pi " that Juno envy Cheyenne this season the snow lies deep (Kepresenting four companies) laoy’s <11 gelitloinaii’s >;iild!e Imi urge might early ENAMELED WARE, e.'o-ii ; ■].■■■- 1 of African some of the most famous mineral K. F. I). No. 2. ourjl* Liberty, Maine, from .'*40 to it are minors around the summit and the air has the been llsoil III lbisloll. '-ale I wooden oil theii ; in the world. Its waters may LAMPS and FITTINGS. a> disposed t. trays springs chill of December. Coats, furs and for Sale. guaranteed td tilled with deco Cottage heads, be found in almost every part of the STOVES, or kid mittens are necessary, and the blazing liver, tripe RANGES and Tin* subscriber otters for sale a on Real Estate, i gory where have been shipped cottage and art world, they inside the hotel is “Who avenue, ended visitors “an ■kens fire acceptable. The FURNACES. Noithport by many ■' pigeons one-lmit 2 1:: ■ ■'-! ui Waquoit, ideai summer home,-’ am; for many with m... oasaeis, on account of their health <>-vup:-d >vei'nl ulcKei1 giving quali- from that sublime to 1 "'it. •' has not gazed eyrie years a- an all the-y ear residence. The house is tm the shore road and sluni, a won- At South 'riiiiiie 1 1 csii'ciief i,v tin- legs ties. Its caves and caverns are and Shore, Aorthport PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. one and one-lull stories ami conveniently ar desirable without emotions deep thrilling; and >;t\\ ti- m.tei ■; ■. ranged, with plenty of closet room. There are Steam ‘gifv tiider's neck, danglini on the hot- Ground, r( der in themselves. Fven Camp rooms One six home power :.n -d vs are drivei and who lias not home away impres- three besides the Kitchen on the first floor, 1%. i a ke Lobsters and clams are aM in cot *1 iti<-i is and Is open for the season. with a handsome tire place and hard wood ;loor saw table. good —' test in summer the air cool but in- are a \\ K. OIMNM-I.i.. s in docks by singing day ! sions strange and indefinable served m all styles and tish dinners special- MITCdELL & TRUSSELL. in the sitting room steel in the lull; well 11,1.1AM ceiling ; I ;-un25 » •lei. 7-n. •; at < from Lunches at short notice. phone o.t.oo sticks and sold invigorating, coming as it does delibie as well! Here, where infinitude ty. and city water in the kitchen; closet. On th ; am L. C. ROSS. flnpn Fvaninps. second lloor are t.iree bed rooms and a hirgt J vegetables, meat summits thousands of MRS. the snow-clad is so vividly portrayed, he who knows sfoiage room. There is a 7-foot v« randa on two -.■ tlic bas v li'om baskets, waters sides, atfordmg shade at all times a day and a feet above. Its clear sparkling not reverence will bow his head.” d ang ii0111 either end ot I fun* view ot the hay. It is on the telephone line Foreclosure Notice. and electric he had if desired. The nalanced over one shoul There are many points interest on lighting may Belfast Coliseum Company. IVJIEKEAS, WILLIAM W. MOXKOE of Lin- grounds contain fruit and shad** trees, shrubs, lish are the timber oi Waldo and State •.•rent sized pu above. The odors of pine the summit. At the point is \\ colnville, in tile County vines and llowers, with ample loom for a vege- topmost dated the sized baskets and oin of said company will he of Maine tty itis mortgage need, tlnrty- table garden. Call on or address LIVE from the The annual meeting are being continually wafted a steel tower with a powerful telescope. of March, A, 1). 19U4 and recorded in kit of these has held July 2, at 4 o’clock p. ni., at the lii st day regular Monday. Waldo lfegistry of Deeds, Hook -jai, ; C11 AISLES A. PiLSlil KY, Cool shaded nooks, beside the around for more than a office of the secretary. tire County t in two tall pile: \ height. The country to me. the undersigned, acer- I together X. F. HOUSTON, Secretary. Page 43n, conveyed Belfast, Maine. to the tin streams in the canon above the he close to tain lot or parcel of land, with the buildings | attached poles, | rushing hundred miles may brought J une 20.1906.—2\V25 known hawker: 1 thereon, situated in said Lincoinville.and ,-.i-t on The an attraction to those seek- hounded as top. village are the Denver can be plainly seen as Horace N. Monroe estate, and in Rio win eye. tin- oily persons was follows: Northwest by land of F. ,J. Higgins and STOCK ing rest and health. This place miles to the north. Pueblo, the land of lliom- be in a hurry. They go a eighty LET c. A. Froliock; on flic northeast by DUNTON & jj In- TO on southeast land MORSE, held in so great reverence by the of the West, with its furnace as Monroe and S.J.Dean : flic by g seldom stop Pittsburg Monroe: on the southwest Farmers and dealers can save the 11 dog-trot. on High street, Hiram Heal and T. J. specula- calls tliem witl that to it the name of seen. The Upper story of wooden building K. F. and also someone dians they gave fires, is plainly Cripple A loca- by land of J. Adams, Richards, on com- next south of Memorial building. good more or less. tors’ profit by sending live stuck r one un or Freeman lot, containing tifty acres, at “pstsch”—the their Great Manitou. district the tion for upholsterer, carpenter paint shop, has Attorneys Law, car from Spirit, : Creek gold mining occupies ixvUSl And whereas, the condition of said mortgage mission. Will start a Livestock I :d in the Portuguese lan APPlV to WALDO CO., of the Kefore to the of the peak for a few moments. We read Maine. been broken, now therefore, by reason and load ■ his passing top attention tf25 Belfast, Bank Maine Belfast every Monday morning j \ sound between the bleach of the condition thereof, I claim a fore- Savings Euilding, Belfast, our attention. 1 — t..d the of an angr; the cog road commands the signs on the stores of Colorado closure of said mortgage. stock at all stations oil Belfast Branch. Cars j | spitting Office hours 8 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 4 p. in. fo road over- Dated this eighth Burnham Junction every fj hoc sound, impossible In a distance of 0 miles the ! Springs fourteen miles away. HIlITaVs. KNIGHT. Evenings by appointment. 41 tf of live stock leave imitate, is als< 3w‘24 Robert F. noon. Cattle can be tested for t ji accurately \ comes an elevation of 7,518 feet. The The snows of a hundred years lie WANTED 1 D. Duktox. Ralph I. Morse. Monday car-drivers, callini Notary Public. Tuberculin Test at V\ ailing Abt Hack Kail is used, which forms a in the Bottomless Pit and the Tuberculosis by the \ and is rnucl [ deep “ HOLLISTER'S j( alters, etc., j & home with little trouble and expense. Write m in attracting attentioi continuous ladder into which the Abyss of Desolation. GOOD LIVE AGENTS=.Meenve??dt j! j troduce the World’s Challenge Baker, for meats, Mountain Tea Nuggets 8p con d-nand for information. inkee hello. peddle r wheels of the locomotive But the whistle of the engine blows! Cooks all without Rocky of every de- Every toothed beans, and puddings. day A Medicine for goods so tha 1 00 and fcu.00 a Busy Busy People. Furni- | own especial cry, are adding water. Agents earn §4 day. scription. j work. In foreign countries there The conductor calls out “Board! All Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. car- Maine. without to look ex Write for particulars. Brings ture, bedding, F. E. LIBBY, Burnham, \ | going for Live pets, >toves, etc. railroads made on a plan similar to aboard!” and down we go. CHALLENGE MFG, CO., A specific! Constipation, Indigestion, Burnham 1-A : I -eing carried by. and Troubles, Pimples, Eczema, Impure Antique furniture Telephone, * Watervllle, Maine. | Kidney Fannie Ji. Ward. this, but in size and importance they Harry A. Brow-n. 2w25* | Blood, Bail Breath. Sluggish Bowels, Headache a specialty. If you j j and Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in tab- have anything to and be with it. The llllUTm Polite, smart active are not to compared Boulder, Colorado. let form. 35 cents a box. Genuine made by sell drop me a ■MAN I I house to house canvassers cA8TORIA. Land Drug Madison, Wig. card and will receive a call. pi 1 of these does not reach an alti- $5.00 REWARD lJuunty Warrants^ Hollister Company, postal you prompt I Wnil I fa ft# ■Very liberal terms. I greatest who has one whether ! Apply Kennedy’s Laxative Honey and Tar Will pay $5.00 for telling me GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE WALTER II. COOMBS, to the Portland Flavoring Co., 238 Comiuecial St., of feet above the sea I or not. Dealers excepted. C loss and Bellas Me. tf!3 tude 7,000 level, all and Colds from buy lyC Coiner Federal Sts.. Portland, Cures Coughs, expels 4w25* K. H. KELLEY, Kansas City, Mo. K. H. M00l> V’ while the head of this one, on the high- the system by gently moving the bowels.

--:-.. * y wmmmm > : in of the \V. C. T U.—»»»■•*• de her remarks ♦ men—per- 44444444444444 44444444444444444444444444444* The number of newspaper ! tensely li“r work STOCKTON SPRINGS. was i'»-*a* \ tnnl'ing [he Journal. we should say ex-newspaper men i along the criminal lines Republican haps were so and the great ivty w.- s that there more surprising. ; w as warm 1.-.. —abroad yearly grows i few to lnar lmr. •s>he a BELFAST 1 111 hfiliAY, JUNE 28, was in town present for Mr. ,1. F. Rich, the optician, a* a1 adtnir- The medicine men looking personal friend a- well patent 1 ardent tli last week. er of ve.** F. 'm laid, ami has i very 1 .(Jay Moruiiis l>> loea, the late Fra Fublislii of column next leading,' 01 OF JULY "top done atm-ng Hie m-cup iur** I FOURTH Thursday great good + j Miss llazei spent Co. invade the Houghton kuewn as tae‘'1'iisou ♦ Journal Publishing page," the city chaps who | j <>ur prwm* '-he is Republican and Friday in Bangor. a wo' k be- offices with ! Kva’ige'isi" and ha*- opened up country newspaper gilt-: ;n t"’- The Current Events Club met Monday fore uiithi u.I.- i. F noun plucks securities to sell, the ! tir -• 1 roTe^taiic CHARLES A 1HL8BDKY.} edged investment with Mrs. Peirce H. Lancaster. | eigl !ai vl,H }l 1 eld lie B,istoP«s'M!'!!ager members signed of circuses and At ild tt ests, : service ever heal. F-ur press agents a number of our people attended a Quite the pledge. a (foods tut vat ?2.t«' of is In year; Line of Fourth scr..i Hici: Terms: kinds of theatri-, in Belfast t\e immtIi-. the advance men of all the circus Monday. July tin■ wiry ”11i'i'Oon Larger j x iifintlix: outside l $t.,m- ! The hotel put on Us finishing mie inch the solicitors for ink, Bucks- Anvi i.i isis Tf i:ms. F'oi one square, cal “shows,” type, j Mrs. Elmer Thompson went to touch last week, when the handsonm new; jiii-iiin1 u i-i'k amt root it'iitul! .•.'ianm. rS’'•ems or cast- for dentistry. sign wa* in it' P« sition <>» the • inset tion. presses, paper and type setting port last Thursday placed aeh suViMMumnt of the house, ju>t below the doi tner w in- Than Ever Before. all claim at some time to Susan Stetson and Odell are at the ing machines, Schs. dows. It has a soft Mack ground with large | *" l: NOR. awaiting cargoes. FOR tiOYF have adorned the editorial tripod or Cape Jellison pier, gilt letters. >crol!s and lines. It \< very nice in gives the note of dark, I A M I C 0 H B In the Mrs. O M. Houghton went to Rangoi quality and Roman A 1 LL wielded the reportorial pencil. “**et ofl Toe whole, t Flags, Rockets, J Wednesday, returning Saturday afternoon so often ’equired t" OF ROCK CAM'. days before the famous Gridiron Club while the n ,me “Tim Stockton” preserves made a business trip us. In the w indow is the Mr H L. liopkins our old town name to 'Candles, Blank Car* came into existence correspondents last we soon to J to" Bangor and Pittsfield week, gome a placard “for rent.” and hope X FOR REPRESENTATIVE TOCOMiKESS. have an ! the next. of the lower at the National Capital used to one day and returning | >ee it occupied. The interior rebuilt and old ♦ I Kl)\\ I N C. BURLEIUH to which it was under- and Mr. H. R. llieh I floor is almost entirely Revolvers. •. annual dinner, apt Ralph Morse House” would not tridges, { Waterville Tuesday to attenc guests of the “Cleave** OF stood such members of and born went to two rooms ACdl'STA._ Congress district convention. recognize the hostelry. Only ♦ the Congressional in and ♦ once or then remain unchanged shape—the parlor Cains, Crackers, Tor* high officials as had, had, end of the Ami now it is said that the booming Frank Jackson and daughter, Miss room back of it, on the western the be Mrs. some connection with press might to Belfast Monday and were ! house. On the second floor are many ol for the Presidential nomina- Erma, went ♦ ^ Bryan Mr. Warren one, a fine bath Red i i : r invited as guests. Many were thus qual- the guests of Mr. J.'s parents, changes—an important pedoes, Fire, Sky tion is intended to kill off Hearst. who room — while the third remains unchanged our own .Tames Jackson. j man ified, and among them save for being freshly done over. The light is considered the most dangerous of last week seventeen ves- the ♦ who in all of his The middle hard wood floors are very handsome, Rockets, etc., for the \V G. lilaiue. stages pub- dock at Jclnson in- of the two. sets were at the Cape J papers fresh and pretty and the whole ap- V was ever to the news- steamer Tnorsuai lic career helpful cluding the Norwegian I pearance one of cleanliness and attractive- 'V: Reliance. ♦ I committee in charge of the Maine men AA'e recall one 1 uited and the lighter ! ness. Fourth. The paper ♦ ♦ summer excursion, a seat at the Miss Clara has returned from Press Association States senator who had Mudgett to close out our her school work in Presque Isle for the 4 We shall make it a point line of fourth of July goods b\ Tuesday night. * Editor of the York because he had as a car- headed hv Twomhiy banquet boy summer and is at home with her parents, Transcript, have planned what cannot ried papers' Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Mudgett. tail to be a delightful week’s outing, The base ball boys gave a dance Friday the Association evening in Pen slow hall. Quite a compand ! CARLE & : ea of E. \V. editor of the JONES pi lquarters Howe, Atchison, assembled notwithstanding the rain. 1 lit 1st will jur.nti the week beginning duly Kansas. Globe, confessed some months music was by Keyes’ orchestra. York, and side 4 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 be it th in ui House. ago that it was his ambition to retire Sc-lis. \V. P. Morgan, Susie P. (River ami Kit- are at Jellisoi: tups wiii made to Portsmouth. to the and “Smith's I>aisy Forestmentor Cape I country publish lumber. The steamer i-.. r Shoals. Pape Porpoise. in- loading spruce ten t!w- ; Quarterly." in which to express Iris Thorsdal is loading spool wood. other K -■ e ,court and on and all sub- b\ Great Sores Ken tdicidual opinions any Miss Nellie lliehborn, accompanied At Age of Two Weeks pinces Smith's lias not made her sister, Miss Finn.a Hichborn, and nurse, jects. Quarterly she wil and f ace Were | went to Rangor la>t Friday, where Broke Out —Head but Mr. Howe is 11*-■ r llHUT- its doing a treatment at the hos- CORNELIUS I [ >■';.• Vo y j appearance, remain for time for in i Terrible Doc- tier eventful a deal of independent writing pital. S'ght—Treated by tue miners again ana good VANDERBILT]] :UB to con- rule for wealth is with varia- ihe (Kola, and no doubt finds many The Current Events Club, owing to tors and but Ciiiici Ceew obtaining Wurth', of considerati is .y retold: I hoepital *iis*<■ vy frequent dieting circumstances and illness of sunn local art- agree wit! the sentiments he utters. tions Mr 1’ .V "unborn, our members, decided to postpone it< Worse —Could Not Sleep. “Save what you can and live within war itic hue oil Ti e other day he severely criticised a •lav” trip to Milliuocket until next Monday x la sre and very painting i•>>,n that was Mrs. Clms. X. Black spent but true in I ever lead .~:.o prize story BY CUTICURA made it a rule to save in ,ii. x. v.etit picture every of last week in town, tlit CURED always someth e and rhis sum- In a greater portion ! wort! .. tenth part of that Mr. Clifford Fletcher it I'ual.t to be in the possession guest of her brother, 75c. il in, is sure to succeed.” issue ! e his to and ller many old acquaintance? AT EXPENSE OF persisted als 1 here is only recet t pays respects family, ,■ fifty. | were to see hei. "'I he written >ill- glad veteran ot the war ol l'l-* .iai.rrie." by 1'ptOH ,v. Willard M. runs a convex “I wish to havt ne.-f pt this testi- elaii. whir! he calls “a lame literary Berry regular you under the to accommodate ow vessel atioat ance to Kidder’s* Point, ! monial, as your futicura La- THE SAVINGS DEPARTMENT 'iL.aiit' Mr Howe further: and from the stoainer Bock- two pell says passengers to 1 much for my bahv. Alive American :lw? xvhich makes daily trips betw'-.-i ••'1 here isn't a decent > aracter in the land, weeks his hea 1 i "an to 1 it Buck and Camden. port at t!.• age ot tv. o itia'.eigl. of Augusta entiie l ook, nor a well written page. j great sores and Mr. Flnmn Dickey of Rumford FalNmuk months his face a’id head were an awtul ui ation at Wat- ! It is a Mri from Mr. and Air.' Sunday exaggeration a biief call on h.s parents, j sight. I consult-«i a doci--r. v.!:• .-aid. -I., need himself as Finer. last week, taking home xvitl di>ca>e I start to riiiish; a bundle of talsehoods Dickey, j it was nothing h1.; a light skin I n his txvo "sons who have been visit n, cress from tin directed tiie in the ! which the >\«1 ulcl >""ii g> t o'. er. I at greatest industry thei: for a few weeks. baby grandparents i He seemed to worse, 1 called an- j -.- ,i•.* He s now serving his in g*-» , west. The west is vitally interested Ma — T! | Mrs. Harrx 1\ Winsloxv of Quincy, other doctor. Hi- .-cetin d to 1 <*jii::i«>ti J | .)! sei'iit. v. *< r'ii :i. C.'i: ness, li is T! is written a inh stock raising. book, by arrived bx train Friday night, accompaniet be the same. 1 b.-th tin | hey prescribed is an Sate Place in to w:: of her lie!e son Earle, who will .'pend < which den »sit Hue; re hit:- crown with '.is years uniting socialist, will greatly injure the bx medicine that did not d»> a bit good. Absolutely summer xvitli her Mr. and Mrs. .> j he lias parents, "A frieiul advi-'-d n to take him to service and d; the first giv< irve stuck interests." In reply to a F. puis. MistWiusIow will remain fort inys. Our Investments are of the Hiyhest Grade- the which I did. Two doctors iis best ;-t:• v:s to advance the interests statement that the author week’s stay. hospital, newspaper in a gave me medicine that was liquid curitv of Principle beiny air first insider. wn—-r ■ Maine las nevei of the Belfu> l i. s ■a-uiinehts con es Iron, “a long line of distinguish- >ince tin discontinuance form. Their medicine did him no good. E. Lancaster runs a team ti are aiwavs to u."ie than Mr. Howe “IIis stage, John I would read a testi- open the public's fa:thf#igi>resentatift ed merestry. says: to connect xvith the L20 train Nearly every day investiyatiofi. Beifa.'t daily, to futicura and niv mi, f. and the voters ot monial in i Burleigh t.-ti or was a whiskey seller, and his remaining in Belfast until the arrix*al of tin regard I wife she would it t set it t wi attest their trai l, to bring passengers to Sears thought f-y listr ap- cmndiather a rebel soldier." night ot and tnekton. it would the baby. a bn\* pay a u/o on Accounts. it t .or ’1’ Vi nt PTi 1 ,P1 port help cpt I Savings | • Cutieura Ointment and a cake ot ( uti- The darkness of fog and rain ended tin After tie se he has of base ball Saturdax- a' etira Soap. using M.- 'am.-: utli arks, in lier very in- T! earn of and of untinished game He couldn t Solicit | ton prohibition between the nine of that village become entirely cured. your Check Accounts at Frankfort igi c ture read t seem to as hi- face and head w\es and Hei for skin-tortured babies, and rest tor- 1 i;.i■ i■ i i instruction in Washington. the Portland Evening Exj ress g ves Mr H. It. liichborn, family. to see her onct warm better can many friends are very glad tired. fretted mothers, in baths protection be found in the State. Ii. Mi,Mini training and physical couviucii a to the contrary in tiie proof more. with futicura Soap and gentle aneint- n a- and drawing, also have t olio with Cutieura <)intmmt. tin* wing paragraphs: Coronation Day in Norway, dune 22d ings great schools. T 11is of emollients. [?ac a many public Bangor on the day of the circus and the was observed here by Captain Melson ol skin cure, and purest should not three Democratic conventions tin- Tliorsdal, by a tilie display of bunting CompW Externa! and Int.-rna’. Tr.-.itin.'nt for ewry VEUVE CHAFFARD s wd. he "three ids" present- in fall colors Humor, ft to Scrofula, fr Infancy to Age, tile steamer decked ;. ed tiie visitors with a sight which would being Coil**:*?in.- .f Cufi.Mj.-a •-» ut. Kc« >‘.v- | to be crowned in < •. .rm •{ .‘at. .at. .i :,i. -. LW-. vi»l 51.25 be m where the The lirst kin- Norway eut. per Full quart, ; impossible any place !>*• ha J-.-ful A *in_- cures. for iioo ears and naturally the event is uni of*'"1 may ilrnu'gi-'-. y Ch < U .ston- v- to underrate saloons were open and doing business, Pott- Dru’g.v Pr>>| it :y poor policy to be celebrated by all her true sous. to Cure akinaud U.uodili.ruorj.1’ Full .75 i The writer, who was about the streets ©jt“Mailcdi'rec,"iiow pint, \ to make state- u: opponents and are and mingling with the crowds amt the The new houses being pushed quip Full 1-2 Pint, 40 WM. B. SWAIN, Pres. C W. WESCOTT, CaC men'-' u tilted by facts. This ap- delegates both day and night, did not rapidlv. That f Mr. A. M Ames is com | the outside and having the plastei ,-s t tlm in certain see an intoxicated man during the hi! pleted'on BELFAST AND BOOKS. rtitempts quui- I work done, while Mr. K. N. llarriinan's n DIRECTORS h< urs which he in Can- ti 1 ■ i and belittle the lerent | spent Bangor. same for the ma ters in the condition, waiting a >ma'l a but iM- didate for Governor Davis, in conver- Belfast is city. true, $, $, Pierce Pure Italian Olive sons. The frame of Mr. Ml. I.. > I homas W Ditcher Clarence T. VU J a -11:: State convention in Ban- Hopkins a nice fit\ of its siz*. I' .- -.11..11*• on the Wm. B Swan. sation with tiie writer, commented block is up, for two stories, and tin | entirely western bank of i>*-Ba-i b.iy, cxcmding Elmer A. Sherman. Charles FI Wale mu Td 11\the ot a staunch j Robert F. Dunton, authority upon the excellent appearance of Ban- third begun. northwest froni the inino’us 1 ;i«»i»sgi*r i>a\, Oil in Bulk j A Chas I*. Hazeltine, Winfield S. Re ...... f.u that "It was a gui at tliis time, and asserted that dur- tiaveiei- on** <•[ the Asa Howes, Bepiii saying Mr. and Mr>. K. 1.. Libby iiad a house, e .lie* 1 by exten.-ive ing his in the ! e had seen most ;:i tie* w»»; i-i. Si*; a.-t large M u-nisl gathering ol the stay city wai ming last week, the evening of the 20th j one man was wei! laiu it ha- wide ami well kept VKMtU. -Ml 1*1 W MU* W '*-.r v- w*" oil.y who under the In- About fifteen were present and cake, ict out, Quart, S 8G. Pint, 5 .40 ■os n of ti at party." it adup I street.- cone.-a.:ng e\,-eiient «i;a:naget it .- i', of liquor. cream and coffee were served. The Iiotrst ! with an abundance (.| g-M.d water l(.i mi' I'll;) tie Democratic stand- I! is a pleasure to be able to testify, was illuminated from top to bottom and tin -applied witl for all purpo.-e-, among the mc.-i needful ", not to ‘he line of the and portico were decorated | ,u regarded ,e a good plat- only appearance piazza of de>tructive tire.-. RAE'S OLIVE OIL Chinese lanterns. | is that extinguishing men. who made the Democratic con- 1 oon) 1‘. as its candidate uji Beifa.-t lia.- excellent building.- atid blocks mated 5 .40 vention, but to the well groomed, in- Mr. and Mrs. Wingate Cram of Bangui for public* and private bu-iness purpost*.- Quart, 5 .65 Pint, r( verieu tin candidate of two | years telligent and prosperous appearance of were in town from Friday until Monday and .-plendid private residences u.-efuliy ARCO I of Mr. and Mrs. M 1 -awns are | -.go. We .,ve reason to believe that the people who the streets, morning, the guests and handsomely furnished. The MOLASS thronged Houghton. They took a trip to Swan Lakt ami well kept. The intelligent and Italian Oils are the the at tlie State Be- people who had no special interest in | spacious ^“Chan'ord platt'o adopted They expressed themselves a have been and are alert and active in t: e political but who came Saturday. people oils that ti e Massachusetts vention in Portland gathering, much pleased with the scenery in and abou business and to the growing needs of the only passed | puldici.i yes- out tor the and the see holiday, sight town. Mr. Cram is tire son of Presiden city, and all its people and they are as Pure Food terday i~ diametrically opposed in many and the social recreation which for :ng. Frank W. Cram. watchful as almost any other people GUARANTEED FOR FIVE YEARS. wish to cal is to the and the circus afforded them. Such an ex- new that is offered which will \\TE respe. Bangor platform, Mr. and Mrs. Weston Poe of Roxbury anything hibition would have been an ! or benefit them in any way, but on these issues the battle will impossi- Mass., arrived by boat Thursday with tin promote attention to opposing are of false or of frauds bility in any community where tiie sa- bodv of their little daughter Bernice, win wary appearances be Let us meet these issues of any and all kinds whatsoever, and the fought. 'J'J i. eugrigiriA iw ii.o uriiiuuuo died from diphtheria. Friend FOR FACT that we ha recently more guard what SERVICEABLE and and not belittle at them P prudent sharply against EQUALLY squarely fairly, work. met them Searsport, escorting in seems to be needless expense every pos- et Gutters anil the cemetery at Sandypoint, w here Rev. T Barn#, Outhouse#, ., Coping received direct fn hern by descending to mud-flinging sible way, and right here comes the need- H. Derrick made a prayer, the intermen Iron Fences, Metal and Wooden Tanks. NORIHPuki NEWS ful search of any to discover what £ people Co. mi- Howes uid in A a A. Steel unseemly personalities. oeiug iciimij Steel Girders, Building inPORTERS is and what is not best for any people any- Iron ami in town have received the wed where in this mundane sphere. A few Constructions, Iron anti Steel in New Hampshire, which inaugurat- Mis> Eva Ho t of Boston arrived Sunday Relatives DRUGS of Miss Desiah Grant which often appear at the doors GROCERIES, Bolling Mill# Sub- ! for a visit with friends. ding announcement blessings Bridges, and in Massachu- to be received need ed Old Home Week, daughter of Mr. 11. H. Grant of Portlam 1 of the people and ask AND MEDICINES. merged Iron, Steel »nd I Mrs. Carr of Boston has the A. R. of and later of Sears not be are real blessings and setts where the observance was taken opened and formerly Stockton feared; they Wooden Pij>e*. convey- ! Paul cottage for the season. to Mr. John Perry Hutler of Portlam can only do good to any household, city or a in- port, ing Acids etc. up only a few years ago, growing June 20th. The best wishes of many friend neighborhood in the land. These are A. C. Batchelder in sch. Charlie *£ Gas Heservoirs, Gas. \\ .iter CAR=LO (.apt. full from cover to cover Mine Buildings, terest is manifested and each season are extended to the young couple for a mos ; good books MONEY Willie arrived at the Cove Saturday. use- I oles. Im- happy and prosperous life-voyage. with highly entertaining and most and Sewer Main#, Telegraph adds to tlie towns and cities which wel- instructive and which will There are several cottages for sale at fully reading, bedding Sky-lights, Vaults, etc.. Pre- The town meeting held Tuesda; and make better business and come their home from all sec- at reasonable special elevate Wooden Posts and Tim- NEW Molasses people Temple Heights prices. Iron 1 serving of voted to accept the highway leading more intelligent men and women than any In un- ber#. Shingle Stain and Pre tions of the country. Maine, Capt. A. K. C lark and wife of Belfast j east Main street to the railroad station; ti other blessings which come to mankind. lairing Opportunity of three to the the street lead a servative Waterproofing ing grade-- ! ultimately, old Home Week has been ! have opened tlmir cottage, the Megunticook, declare open public But the w riter is told that Belfast is hard j at T emple Heights for the summer. ing lroin School street east to the John Me place to sell books in, and many young men l nderground. Tunnel#. .1 lowed to die it to the 1 For Hotel Man. out, although locally Laugblin place, and survey regulatioi and women and older ones are afraid to un- Subway#. I»a#ement# the stree ■w as a success and about Mattie and Clyde Moody of Belfast, who I three rods for Sebra street, cross dertake it even where a is of- great brought good .-alary Tlu» New Stockt•>’.!. located a etc. i have been vi.Mting their aunt, Mrs. Etta P. between School and Middle streets. ! them. are afraid of snub- FAD ©F\iT J This is fered They being TUN I\L:11 Stockton >1 ;i.:i• '-i nr- i;:in\ pleasant reunions. Dickev. for a returned home Satin- in business Springs. with tlaii-i t'eni.-nt it mak-# week, I bed at the doors of the people or Northern Maine Seaport Kaid .a I'sell 35c..40c.& Mr. am Mrs. ( A. Judkins (propriety mis of the for *eali:.- *-ia*'K-■ the trouble and ex- are of the rebuilt ami i" 11.>w pi.a. lent article ,i.i may because of day. Moosehead Lake ! places and shy many diseourage- has just been thoroughly tin- -ati-'i | of the Kineo House, ; fm anything n-pi ring apj ments offered them. But the writer does tiealiv a new liot-e! ami all ready tot occupancy | involved in and carry- Tiie many friends? of Charles 0. Dickey in town, the guests of Mr cia.s# For sate by pense preparing | spent Sunday not that tin* Belfast are be- oulv hotel in the pla.-e. This village is growing paint. 1 were t<- he cairn believe people PHR GALLON | ea-ed lieui that had been eleet- and Mrs. G' M. Houghton. They | an demand tor a hot.-! ing out an elaborate program, which is hind the of other live place- in their rap’idlv: there is urgent ed of the Methodist from being towed here in a stean people under the ot a competent superinieiniert Camp Camden, or as much alive here, and management desire for knowledge not 1 his a not it a necessary. The receptions Grom id. launch, for use in the lake, which wa: party an excellent business is assured. as any other community either in this State and unfurnished. K.-soons;- were shipped by train Monday morning. Mr vear-nround-hotel, given by the improvement Society Annie is at home after or out of it. Now the writer lives in a relit and iurnish the house All values, Dickey attending Mrs. also, left on the bh* parties wishing M good and Judkins morniny same. l*uh > of events of schooi in Belfast twenty-one weeks and town and is agent of can obtain a desirablt- lease of the not i ieast enjoyable the | train for Kineo. neighboring general 'peaks very highly of her teacher and one of the best wholesale houses of books particulars of is solicited. Mi did Week observances and you Hume i schoolmate*.. Mr. \Y. G. Treat went to liaugor las in this country, the C. W. Stanton Co. of F. W. COLLINS, 'he High .- bool reunion was another Wednesday to purchase file works for on Chicago, and is to appoint local representa- Maine. The following Rockland ladies are vV2" Stockton Springs. Kitchen Furnish- i> t u \. having coming celebration on the 4th of July. Tin fives right here for the sale id' the best Stoves, Ranges, respec feature which will bear j an outing at the Thuriow cottage: Mrs. repetition are already out. for the occasion am books printed, such as the Ideal Home Edu- Lucius K. Miss Martha B. Miss posters Etc.. Fireworks and a are not essen- Cobb, May, we the town’s “Hay*’ may be a success cator, a magnificent volume of 40 bo**ks by ings, ; parade Norton, Miss Gertrude Knowlton and hope Mary ful one in every particular. A hand con 40 of the most eminent writers undertaking tial features of Old Home Week, and Miss Nina Blackington. PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. cert, motor boat races, game of base ball to enlighten the people upon the great On 4, made this 1 To Close B we hope an effort may he Three funerals in town last etc., makes up the day’s program, with firi achievements of this age. ^Tvilore, the path- July Whitten Tuesday: the to observe it, at least. Mrs. William A. Whitney, John M. Wood, works and ball in the evening. way to mental and physical perfection, year socially Francisco and close the oldest person in town, and Edwin history of the San horror, Tin* undersigned have'mutuaily agreed to a caucus held at Towi and business a!! 4. NOTICE Flanders, w ho died in Rockland and whose At Republican the causes of earthquakes volcanoes, their respective places of day July TOO rant Makers In a sketch of the Fraternity Club of Hall June the fol true stories of our and their strug- remains were here for interment. Friday afternoon, 22nd, pioneers < the l V ! brought Whitten Bros., Poor; & Brown. In the Dl'triet the a lowing delegates to the State, District am gles with the red men for the possession of AT ONCE. In Banki Portland Daily Argus gives por- & Paul. F. O. Smith, WANTED of Ma Daniel G. and Norman 11. White of conventions were chosen: Dele the new world also Bibles and other works Swift Wing County ; a a. Howes « l>> 1 trait of lion. F. Talbot, accom- Boston arrived at the Cove last & Follett, In tin matter -*t <. j. George Saturday to State Convention at Jum of kinds. nee.t 1 gates Portland, many H. E. Bradman, E Wilson. Only tirst-elass apply Charles H V> »oI y. in Mr. steam and E. I>. Bickmore an educational work by a brief biography, in which morning Wing’s launch, 27th, Capt. Ralph Morse, Now this is among B. D. Field. K. H. Mooda h O HAM., panied on for To the creditors ot said .<•> left the afternoon train from Belfast Delegates to District Convention at Water the people and about all the money coming Thomas Gannon. W. O. Poor & Son.*. note one omission. After Belfast Waldo and distriet aforexu we resigning home. Mr. Wing came down to see his cot- ville, June 2Gth, Capt. Ralph Morse, II. R from it to the workers will be spent right Dutch Bros 04 High St., ,__ is that >i his as solicitor of the United tage and was well pleased with it. Mr. Uichborn. Delegates to county eonventioi here among the Belfast merchants and oth- Notice hereby qiven position June. A. I> 1the s.iid W Drinkwater, the master builder, told Mr. at Belfast, Aug. 3d, G. A. Partridge, A. M ers. While educating it would put money Thanks. States Mr. Talbot became the Card of tudieated bankrupt and that Treasury he would have it finished by the 10th a. 11. waiuweu. into circulation and bless who Wing nines, everybody AT A BARGAIN! the creditors wn! be he'd at t !:«* at en- FOR SALE and friends editor of The National Union of Wash- of July. The launch remains the Cove will help it in any way, and while being We wish to thank all our neighbors In Belfast, on tiie 14th 'i;>> and word* of eree for use the summer. The Ladies’ Aid which was t< and it would be our pur- for their many acts of kindness 10 o’elook In t!i' l• »i «*i*. D. a started Hon. during Society, couraged helped, bereavement. H)*;, at ington, C\, daily by met with Mrs. Simeon Ellis this stores or news- sympathy for us in out recent great redittus atten I buy direct from friends transaet such «>ther 41st and 42nd week, prepart ple. are small, IlKNin W. \' Kltr.EK. Maine district in the Con- the cash discounts. My expenses very come before said meeting the hall and stage for the evening’s enter .‘4 1 can MU. and Mus a. W. 1W. by local applications, as they cannot reach the and as I have been in the business years W 11.1.1 A M ! The writer was the Congres- ladies o; as MHs. John W. D«>k. gresses. diseased of the ear. There is only one tainment. Eleven of the young as low and as easy payments Mk and Referee r portion give you prices o. H F.TT. and that is constitution- the Belfast L'niversaiist are to favoi me and 1 will be pleased M Its. Ft; INK C’KITt iw sional reporter for the paper. The Na- way to cure deafness, by society any other man. Write Belfast, dune 26. 1£Hh». al remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed us with the farce comedy, “Sunbounets,’ to call and talk with you. tional Union met with remarkable suc- condition of the mucous of the Eustachian Re lining intw’oacts. Let us have a full house! Brooks, Maine. Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a F. It. DAGGETT, for a new and in a short member the date, Thursday evening, Junt to M cess paper very rumbling sound or imperfect bearing, and when A good pastry cook. Apply Stockholders' 2Stli, at IJenslow hall; admission 25 cents 3,n2G (Formerly of Sandypoint.) Annual met the ex- it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result, and BRRRY & BURGESS’ time its receipts nearly Ice cream will be served after the Warden's unless the inflammation can be taken out and this perforin ?2 LUNCR Bn k\st. M r The mistake was then made restored to its normal condition, heai will ance. lw26 ROOM. j penses. tube ing SIOE , stockhoMers' mee’c be forever; nine cases out of ten are WEST The annual | make both destroyed Association wd ; of cutting down expenses to caused which is but an in- The temperance lecture at Denslow Hal NOTICE o\\'s' Building by Catarrh, nothing and Hoard Hall, in Belfast, on ^ of the mucous surfaces. was most le For a day's outing fislung- Fellows’ as did flamed condition on Monday evening enjoya cXedofthanks. for faithful ainO''?™^ t he ends meet, and the paper died, A definite salary ottered or week. Boat.** and canoes. Telephone at 7 o'clock i*. m •. for We will One Hundred Dollars for any case and instructive. The lecturer by day 1006, *»t< give impressive We wish to thank our friends and neiglibor Address letters and the transaction of such was trained to live with- of Deafness that cannot be wai to connection. the horse that (caused by catarrh) Mrs. J. K. Barney of Providence, R. I., for kindnesses and courtesies during our recen workers. Apply come said n"- cured Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars E. C- HARDEN, may properly out Mr. Talbot is a native of by an full of quiet humoi bereavement. MRS. C. 11. BRAY, H. H. ANDREWS, eating. free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. attractive.speaker, K. F. 1>. Mo. 2. before wide of world aud met WM. H. BRAY. 1IU26* Belfast. Me., East Machias, a town which has pro- Sold by Druggists, 75c. 4t24 and her experience Northport, Maine. —she has the in the interests Belfast, June 26, 1906. 3W2fi duced many distinguished men. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. circled globe

r ■ MPinMMM—M Steamer Notes. As announced last grounds via Miller street, and the rumbling BELFAST. week the steamer Castine is to have her of until after illl NEWS OF the heavy carts continued at after July 4th and on the headquarters Bangor dark. The usual crowd assembled it is understood she will make ex- ) lil.bHKKV NOTH'H. regular grounds to witness the unpacking and the cursion trips to the bay from there every ni rile .Journal are on sale at the Pitching of the tents. Monday morning and Thursday, with Tuesday, Wednesday blight and began to come into | \r the post office, early people Saturday afternoon trips to Verona Park town to witness * SCOTT'S EMULSION won't make a i .. ::i\t;s. At the pO't . ■». Dickens. niecca for many, and the steps '> and heals diseased bone and is SMALL WARES and M K. V. 11 73 cents and for the afternoon among DRY S1 V, t. all, fs £ CARPETS | '!>o; Saturday covered with there. GOODS, M. J. Dow. IUooks, are author* the crow d congregated ts the few means of recovery in I trips .-v> or 30cents. The Daily News says: genuine j c:\i .i>'.-riptio»i' ai d adver- The parade was the usual thing, with some rickets and [ bone consumption. “It is understood that if the patronage is j ,eal camels and four U Send for free sample. v N .1.0- KNAt. PlBI.ISHINO (.'«>. Indians, two baby j sufficient the t'ooiubs Bros, will build or SCOTT X BOWNE, Chemists, elephants as r^ute special features. The 4* 409-4*5 Pearl Street, New York, a boat for next year" — Capt. vment Society will meet next buy larger was different from that usually taken, but 50c. and ?i.oo; all druggists. is now in with Miss Maude E. Benjamin Dunton of Boothbay j <• j noon everybody got a chance t soe it somew here. -^Seasonable command of the steamer Monhegau. Capt. (•‘clock. Ihe free show after the attracted the steamer parade \ 1. E. Archibald will command the usual ! : >ion party to Togus .June curious crowd, smite of whom re- conditions in regard to divorce, Archer which he had built recently plorable who May mained on the of Merchandise^! | ,1'out I:cm this city, the grounds till the afternoon and would advocate promotion for the Portsinouth-lsle of shoals summer healthier sentiment in respect to LOWELL ALL WOOL CARPETS 70c ! \..i the trip. pet forinauce, to the joy of banana venders public Acorn Shirt Waists service.The Brooksviile and and this and other question of social morals. Bangor, lunch tent men. afternoon and £ for 1905 re- The pet>oual taxes steamboat Co. has taken the lease of Ban- Rev. Ebenezer Bean of Bluehill was ap- will be in tlie evening performances were well attended, Shirt Waist Imported and Domestic Linoleums, i:■ i duly 15th put and Bar Harbor Steamboat Co., wharf pointed moderator and Rev. R. G. Harbutt Suits gor and worth seeing. The regular Wild We>t 9u-er for collection. in with the business and of Castine scribe of conference and of the 45c 60c.. Bangor, together program was carried with the welcome 50c., 75c., 90c., wil out, 39c. ... of the G. A. K. Circle will and will secure an excursion boat Ministerial Association. Silks 39c. good addition of some good trick elephant work, {Acorn $1.00. $1.25 and $1.40 per yard !>.. last Tuesdays in July and to take the business done by the a formerly troup of acrobats and other features. The monthly covenant meeting of the — a special meeting is called Verona. Arey has under considera- Some f Priscilla Undermuslins Capt. of the riding was excellent and there Baptist church occurs this, Thursday, even- .•>:dent. tion the steamer Bristol now at Rockland, was no doubt about the Indians being the [ ing at 7 30 o’clock. All members are ex- BIGELOW BRUSSELS CARPET as Methodist church will for ‘that purpose. While not as large “real to if and friends S >f the thing." A bucking broncho threw 1 pected be present, possible, Royal Worcester Corsets new boat ■ the Verona she is a comparatively to At their popular public sup-j his rider, at the afternoon performance, and strangers are invited attend. the BOSTON BRUSSELS CARPET June 29, at 9 p- and a good one. She has a carrying and the of the service a business of 'try Friday, man’s right shoulder was dislocated. close meeting Z Beautiful New Neckwear of 175 excursionists.Steam- admission, 25 cents. capacity I>r. Elmer Small was called from the audi- the church will be called. Sunday services: STINSON’S 10-WIRE TAPESTRYS er City of Bangor was in collision with a ence to at 10.45, conducted the rd drew the .sF Victor Talk attend him. After the evening per morning worship by Latest Fri- I 5 in Belts 2c. MATTING SAMPLES 2c j schooner near Rockland Breakwater formance the tonts Rev. E. S. Philbrook, whose topic Things o for which tickets have been ! and other “properties" ! pastm, day Neither craft was much damaged. w eie transferred to the train and of discourse will be, “The All-Knowing : athboue Sisters. The draw- the aggre- I • New Lace Waists PLAIN EXTRA SUPER CARPETS gation departed for where Christ," communion service at 11.45; Sun- -> on Tuesday evening. The Comino Fair. That the fair of the Waterville, they ! g.oe men exnimtion on i j daj school at noon; Christian Endeavor indies leaves b\ buckboard Waldo C ounty Agricultural Association to uesday. PLAIN LINOLEUMS j consecration service and quarterly • New Rain Coats IMPORTED >r monthly f,«r Stockton where )>p lin'd on rliH rounds of rhp association ill spiings, at union exceed THE CHURCHES. business meeting 0.30; temperance luce the drama ‘\>uubonnet>" j this city Sept. 4th, 7>th and Gtli will Home Made church at 7:30. STRAW riATTINGS, of meeting at the Methodist New Underwear : id the Umversalist church all previous records is the determination { liev. E. E Morse of Morrill will The people of Belfast and visitors and its enterprising officials. With one of the preach at New Poor's Mills at j o-r> mo im-itod to attend these ser- Q Hosiery or best tracks in the State, a grand stand that Sunday, July 1st, o'clock. RUGS ART SQUARES in large betters remaining in the Hei- vices. Covert Jackets at Cost a full view of the whole course and a services next Sunday in the Universalis1, % June 2.">, gives sizes, in Brus- ne f• t week ending church at annual convention of the Carpet Wilton, shelter from sun and storm, and with the 10.45 a. in. suuday school at : The sixteenth 9 Domestic Wrappers and Suits other and conveniences o'clock. Young People’- >ocieties of Waldo county sels. Axminster and Florence man} improvements Q Cotton Dress Goods Tapestry rim.-. Hui.-f'.l. Mi." will be held in the church at Satur- itdded during the past few year s our local Ihe North church Baptist i’attersuu. Friday afternoon and B Table Linens and Napkins Extra Supers. fa:i i> growing rapidly in interest and in societies are having then annual vacation day Cove, Northport, Hth. The address 1 ■ — ■■■■■. Ksip, iii renewing his sub- importune*-. A notable addition to the through the in .>nths of July and August. evening, July principal • I--- K. S. Marsh of Water- wi les from No on built will bo given by Pev. CHASE'S file journal bu ldings the grounds is the .'table Hosea \Y. lthoades of Belfast, who is w corner, May Manton Patterns 10c. By mail 12c. f “The Fine Art of Fine Xl “I take season for Horace It is a viile upon the topic. ■, New Y"r’:-: great rh> C’henei}. studying for ‘i.e t -t is l.aj ministry, sup- F. s. Pbilbrook of Belfast ® rhe most prominent .Mav Manton Bv mail 14:. as x a Living.” Kev. Catalogues 10c. \ f fr<»m Home* •:i'tui "tincture with central tower, 1 Messenger plying the chi roll at I..-e the sum- and mail 'hiring ... o-Jers at W will The of 9™ ami ! would iike !-• reaii his and a covered veranda the front. The speak upon (Quarter Century business establishment a along j nier. pv l_i a zr c* /~\ ’V T A Christian Endeavi r and its Lessons. “Join- tended * -; .c n cdern and it :s neatly painted in j A. L). Cli A5>b CC SUlN. to immediatelv Morning service at the Unitarian chinch j ing the ( liurch," “Loyalty to the Church ® in Belfast. m- ior." There are t*-n room} box stalls, j-.*,-.-pie are finding •' next Sunday at 1( o’ ck. with preach- ! Services" and “H ving” will be discussed v at Larne.'S looms, room, ac- ***** ... --j, be --pent reception sleeping j Chase’s Corner. pleasmtly | ing the R* v Lutz, sun- of and Mr. !§' ,(o4o°x Jjl, 0 i by pastor, Fairy by Kev. Harry Hill Searsport ■!; till- w st '.lie of > wail .oinmodations for hostler.", etc. Mr. Chen- day school at 12 o’clock. Clarence Hall and Miss Lillian Spinney of i*’;e (>f the er\ lias 11 horses in this stable, including prettiest j ■; j vices a th Si Belfast. Picnic supper will be served. All ■' : ehurel i I >\\ .m Lake at best Miletto, J. | meeting Thur sday at 7 1 p m. ; morn- win-arc interested in young people's work ind John Ward, a three-year-obl with »HMM« «»« a| w rsl ij at 1 4" ; bi are cordially invited to attend. :wo-}ear-old record of -'7. M. ik >mith ing p lay uday school at 12 a m. tin- building the eveniu- worship at 7.30 The organized Keformed Dutch « 1 S •eclipses foimerly society's newly »; 11 — so!lir ‘f U! Ubsc! 1-el j j p. m. Belfast House. igi ics;':i.ial hal'i, where ho ha> In liorses, church in East Bel last holds regular Opera b<* i.seived a- a he’Ida} and j : ■* Ibv. E. s. nr- * g tl is Marston ('., as Ph.ibiook wilispeal: at Sat >eivi.e> in the sehoolhouse in \V J.C 1,IFF*>KI>..MAN AH KB be<.*•«*s•-*i ''ii da} -autter ]ireach i.g Ma>coi omo, 14.-, a:,d the day (b-ve next Sunday afternoon at 3 funnei school district No. 13. Kev. William a should be sent in a- earl\ as | three-}oar-uai: :f :hei "iighbred runner Marvin. Mr. Mnlth “'clock, pleasant. Rickey’> ..'inch will the in the Con- a i. r: ; 14 ■!'!•- Vaughan, pastor, preaches June 28, tube a d«*wn to tl.- To=Night, i- working 14 horses and colts < n tin- truck. party vie*-, starting gregational church at the Head of the Tide from the steam boat whan at l.L* o’clock. 1 1 Centner is working li > Pkc;i$ ii., eve:y Sunday forenoon at 10.30 o'clock, and THE LAUGH MAKERS, j, s -f >easide Chautauqua \ \ ck Freeman, Bobby Wilke> and Penn The >ac:am-nt ol the Lord's supper will i:i the sehoolhouse for liis own church, with Mrs < A. Hubbard | j TENBROOKE J iter, and all are showing up weil 1. F. be observed at the Methodist church Sun- fort nightly, Sunday .- at ‘J.30 p. m. A Sun- mot':.. jul\ i. The topic for i >spec* i s day morning with appropriate sermon. day school i> hu d in the sehoolhouse im- ,\ c i’i giess" from the j LAMBERT -I: tig for training on th.e track, which > in .Sunday schoo at noon. Union temperance mediately after the preaching service, and a :e\ >-w ip (-5reek Art, j lint- condition. rally at 7..w with good music. Seats free at the same hour on the days when there is AND to ] twelve. npter Quota- no The are 1 and public invited. pleaching. prayer meetings a ei s.'* F.xpkriencfs of a Campin': Party. TENBROOKE held at the homes of the members Thursday He- Fond returned There wili be religious -ervices in the < ib>d will make an ex- The rges camping part} huden evenings. The foundation walls for the In the Merry Musical Hit to town Saturday afternoon, after a par- auditorium, Nmthport Camp Ground, at l lei fast ?•> k astine and Stock- new chapel were laid last fall and work ticularly pleasant week in Libelty. They 10.30 a. m. Sunday Is rhe serv ces Mimlay, leaving 15 el fast at began on Hie main building last week. The report th** tishing as excellent, having a n the chape], East Nurth4>‘*rt, ate discon- ue lea.!' will be given ill Cas- walls will be of Held rock, laid in cement, PECK-^ number and a salmon to their tinued for tlie Services at tlie k at large of bass present. each at the landings and the is a very attractive one. The sclioelhouse at o m. design credit. An artistic bit of mending was one Brainard p AND HIS c : ft> cunts. Refreshments building will be ready for use this fall. of the features of the expedition. On Fri- At the Mission, bs U:_h street, prayer d •’.! b ird. The excursion The 43d annual session of the Maine Uni- afternoon the had rather an ex- the of Orrih J. da} part} meeting Sunday morning at P o’clock; management tarian conference was held with the First citing time, as they were very near the cen- pl eaching at 2.30 and 7 o'clock p. m. Meet- Mother=in=Law Congregational Society in Castine June ter of a miniature tornado. A fierce wind, ings during tlie week Wednesday. Thurs- >es at t!te foot of Condon J'Jtli and 30th. At the business session accompanied by rain and then hail, swept day, Friday and Saturday at 7.30 p. m. Presented by an Unexcelled Company ..pen to the public, and the Thursday afternoon the following othcers over that section, and about fifty trees with- Everybody is invited to attend. of Fun Makers. can be obtained of the were elected for the ensuing year: Presi- in a radius of two hundred feet of the camp Rev. 1. B. Mower of Waterville went to •!. on the Fletcher, premises, dent, Kev. Joseph W. Symonds, Portland ; A HIT were uprooted and came crashing down. Stockholm last week to assist in the dedica- j SCREAMING are the same as formerly, 10 vice Seldon thunder was so continuous, presidents, Connor, Augusta, The however, tion of a Swedish church and to at- a; :> ami cents for children for Baptist and Mrs. Sarah Fairlieid Saco; PRICES 25, 35 AND 50 CENTS n se the trees was not Hamilton, that the of falling tend the New conference of Swed- \ desiring to use: England secretary and treasurer, Kev. John ('. Per- heard The roof was taken oil' a barn near ish churches in the town of New and uvea must first notify Sweden, kins, Portland ; executive committee, Kev. ; and >>f were carried by some the timber< the lirst to be held within our borders. A mder that dates may not j W. K. Lewis of Keiniebunk, John Wilson ever tin- farmhouse and in the deposited large delegation was present from Massa- of Bangor, Mrs. A. P. (Jreeley of Fllswurth, E CARRY the wind. The owner of the Mrs. A P. Murray <>f Calais, Frank 13-d- front yard by chusetts am: other New England States. dington of Wateiville, Mr<. Alvah Roy a Mr. and some of his place, TkompM>n, >c«»tt <>i Pangor. Tin* session closed with THE LARGEST .».•! L. F. French, the popular I IF. auge. A; W, \\ Laitc ot Malden, Mass., stock, were penned beneath the debris, and an illustrated lecture on the history and de- he ha> had mure who La" been with the ^LINE 0F^- applications j had to be sawed out. Luckily everything wanking Gospel velupment of Unitarianism, delivered by n former season at thi> Miss.-'U, lias closed iris three months labors ;he Kev. t buries Elliut >t. .John oi Poston. any j escaped severe except a colt, which injur} It win decided to hold the next session of >t(-a?i'i**! now make reg- ! here and returned home. The meetings ed The te nts of t he pat t the ceiifeieiiee with the church in Houlton, at \ each way, and started him at the Beech Ilili school- w retained only by strenuous effort' <, No. .is High j drenched. The incident added a spice At the reguiai .lin.o meeting of the board j Nort).;»ort .-eeiik' assured street, • veilings and at Beech Hi;! o; adventure to the expedition, which was suuday trustee.- »>f Northport campground the | season ’.- work was .aid out and this yeai FOR SALE BY Mm.k’ijno. Waldo Count} thoroughly enjoyed b\ 11 M Prentiss, Rev. Tuesday evenings. the association will do an exceptional |\ THE CITS. \j-sociation will meet at the of P. L. Wilson, Thomas Rowker, IBni'ton The Baptist Young IV..pies’ society amount of new work. Sewer.- wiil be built, ! 1 North 5th. l. v,,v .iniwnii.i ... n ..mi. rl.t in ,de. Belfast, July Mnail, Bert Podge, Donald Thompson, Ivan street- and park.- placed first class condi- line this than ever. CARLE <$: JONES, Main St., Belfast. be held the next tion. Rev. V\'. d .Yates, w ho was the efficient Ldrqer year will K.mball, Howard Heath, William Punt"!i excursion for Wednesday evening, Juh 4th, HVaE 3,000 RECORDS OS HAS!). tuanagei las* yeai, tendered hi.- resjgna- j rr'VE crude-, thi- r> a sj»ec.-::al inv:- and Lin wood Jones. on the steamer Golden Io».i to lsle>l*"i i.», tion on account of the ii,ness of Mrs. \ate-, j Quality Better. Prices lower. good people of the vicinity i Castme and Camden. The boat will start and <». Hickey was.elected to til! the va- 1 Ni.w Advertisements Fred A. John- wi!: be held the week emember vbat a tine time we at 5 o'clock and take tile party on its regu- cancy. The institute j COME IN ANT) SEE US FIRST. * son a cannon—a lug bi#"in in pri< to campmeeting. Rev. A. K. Luce of ,-t meeting at thi? place. Bring reports—with lar across the ba\ and then down the trip » astine will have iun charge of the cainp- a? summer fabrics, and you will note al"o the fts usual. Beans, bread, eastern ba\ an i acioss to Camden, reaching meeting. Rev. .! \\. Hatch of Belfa-t will man behind Thu: is the John- F. A. Follett&Son be furnished. We hope to i the gun. \\a} the latter place in time for the tire works. liave charge of the institute. BELFAST SAVINGS son in are now under to BANK, his d familiar faces.—Sec’y. stands behind the prices quoted The round will be titty cents. Arrangements way pro- trip vide for connections with Bangor Aroos- advt — A. P. Chase Sc Son have all kinds POSTOFFICE SQUARE be a union temperance rally in j At the recent meeting of the Hancock took trains at Sear-port, also a Saturday of seasonable merchandise in their line and boat from Seal Mon- BELFAST, MAINE, ■a of the Methodist Episcopal County Congregational Conference, held in night sport, returning enumerate a few in their ad. tiiis week. day morning. By this ariangemetit a per- Minday evening at 7.30. The j West Brooksvil e, the following resolutions a line of son can leave Bangor, Northern Maine die>s will be the Carle <& Jones are carrying larger given by pas- | were passed am mg others. Junction, at about 0 .30 p. m. and arrive at ROBERT F. DUNTON WILMER J. DORMAN. HERBERT T. FIELD. 4th of July goods than ever before and will •V Hatch, in which the Chris- j Resolved, That we express ourselves in Northport about 8 30 p. m. Returning, leave Undertaking make it a point to close them out by Tues- enforcement of the Prohibition about 5 13 Monday, arriving hs involved in prohibition, favor of tin- Northport -AM)- Asst. Treasurer. li-1 about 7 a. in. Treasurer. :>d.Mitchell Sc Trussed ! and as resubmission. Northern Maine Junction 30 President. submission, and the attitude of day night, July law | m of the increasing It aiso to make connections with sen me arco caasia aruuu ami, useiui Resolved, Tha: view planned 0 itical parties towaid these number of divorces we uige such revision the Maine Central railroad trains Saturday for many purposes. For summer shoes go at t. CENSED be fearlessly discussed and re- of the laws as will remedy the p.esent de. night Buckspo EMBALMING*- to The Dinsmore Store ....Carle a Jones made to the argument of Rev. have musical instruments for sale “to beat ;fh of Rockland, who favors This bank commenced its the band." See their«illustrated advt. thirty^eighth The Pub ie are invited. Look at the line of Laiuson A Hubbard R. H. COOMBS & SON. : town is reassuring as to the straw hats offered at Dwight 1*. Palmer’s, 1905. »eal industries. The addi- fiscal year December 1, where you will also hud a line line of sum- •e is Robes and Burial Goods factory nearly completed, mer neckwear.100 pant makers wanted. Caskets, the old ■pposite one-story to E. 0. street ...II. H. es. Apply Hall, High Calls answered pr either or The last statement of the State Bank Examiner the 111. has been transformed omptly day night. gi\e$ -hop Andrews, Northport, offers u delinite salary Telephone at house and office. .rial two-story and a half build- Ambulance for moving the sick. for faithful workers .. Pure olive oil of timated market vaiue of its assets as \tcnsion to Federal street, and 51,532,932.31, various kinds at A. A. Howes a: Do—Ilen- ■I a- a machine by John shop Mr. ami Mrs. W. r> W. Webber, Doe, also carry a FULL LINE of a fund as regards the depositors of 11.** frame is going up for the j showing safety S203,- Mr. and Mrs. John Doe and Mrs. F. <». new models •" the Mathews Bros.’ sash Let us show the you AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPH SUPPLIES over above all its liabilities. C ritchett publish a card of thanks.s»-e 709.42 and 01 \, ami Ihe Gas A: Electric of Summer Ox- advt. of Mrs. E. L. Brackett, secretary Im- “Dorothy Dodd” and do developing, printing, etc., at lowest prices. i vo.foot two-stoi y extension them in Films for any pusals|for build- fords. We have great room to The Duplex Roller Bush- free all. ing driveway on Pity Park..Wallet con- in all the fashionable will on interest t .* t to add a boat building de- variety, 72 31 AIN STREET, BELFAST. All moneys received on deposit iro taining sum of moue\ io>t onJMonday morn- a b eady large plant, and is leathers and newest models, to fit ; ing. See advt. for particulars — The Sears- EVERY manufacture of a new hoop taste. FIRST DAYS OF EACH AND MONTH port National Bank publishes tiie report of every foot and please every | .ne on whie&A. A. Dailey of < w,;. its condition — A place for sale, also horse, and on the first days of .June and December id eac alend r.' year tliere oa cfntly received a patent. In etc. Pall or address lH Adulterated in the : as not been less than harness, JWaldo a dividend of interest made which past per Bros.’ yard a four-masted up. livenue—Mrs. C. 11. Bra\ and Win. II. * Ail interest cent per annum, payable the first Mondays after the same. dividend Bay publish a card of thanks — The Bel- aul if unc M* meal boat builders are all will be immediately credited to the accounts of the depositors, vied fast horse shoers and jobbers have||agreed for at the time,will bear interest, the same as the principal sum. to close their shops at noon on .'Saturdays * '• Pianos Mir,v Reunion. The third through July and August....II. W. Healey The affairs of this Bank have the careful and conscientious oversight of its of the Kimball Family As- offers his ice cream business for sale_ who ask a continuation of the patronage of its present de- t- held with Mr. and Mrs. Cheap materia) and cheap work trustees, respectfully Burgess A Berrj want a good pastry cook with i-1 cleverly covered up with adul- and will be pleased to open new accounts any prospective deposi- \ sbee, No. 51 Congress street, it once—F. R. of positors, Daggett Brooksjoffers make the ■ terants Piano look tors within or without the State. ty-iive relatives of the Kim- and machines for pianos, organs, sewing I and or descent were HEJ.LTHT, tempting riage present, sale at a bargain. See his advt....Child’s for a little then tb ■ M ovable was The good while, day spent. long green coat lost Monday. Finder please inside goes wrong, and the purs in this Bank are exempt from taxation. was thrown open to the guests Deposits chaser finds himself with a prettily decorated throughout fashion Col. According to the papers, very unsatisfactory instrument to ferns and A The Cibci'3. Cummins’ WildlJWest This bank will be open tor business daily from a. in. p. m., ex>.ep„ foliage. picnic one of the ■ arrived about 4 in., having left is : partaken of at noon. The busi- Sunday p. the “Dorothy Dodd” Saturday. from 9 a. m. to 12 m, It pays to buy a good Piano of a Saturday Eastport at 1 a in. that morning. One of For most Mur resulted in the election of most stylish of shoes. reliable dealer. the employees said they had not had a H. ROBERT F. DUNTON, ARTHUR I. sa\ery, president; Mrs. Eugene is but $3.00; JAMES HOWES, meal since their Saturday, of them the price -I'lircr; Miss Winnie Kimball, square supper BROWN, FRED G. WHITE, BEN D, FIELD. Trustees. and all looked tired after their ride. for one hundred dollars you Mrs. E. P. Alexander, Miss Win- long yet twelve or fifteen hundred had shoe. Belfast, December 1,1905. Mrs. Sarah Spencer,committee Some people could not buy a more stylish to witness the arrival of the two • -■ assembled Z ZZ 3 Z _ I ■ nr' | tits; Mrs. Eugene Achorn, trains and the unloading of the cars. The i mi >. piper and Mrs. Geo. W. Just try one pair. PITCHER’S o L LA/O I horses were taken out first and then the FOK AL •mi ttee on time and place. It hold the next reunion with cook tent was started for the circus grounds PLACE. A small skin wallet was lost on the ■ A FINE alligator I m in East Belfast, .Sept. 2, 1907. and brisk made for Music Store, preparations feeding The Dinsmore Store street or in Moody’s Drugstore Monday morn- Alexander gave a cordial ad- the men. A cavaleadejof Indians Also work horse, weight 1270 lbs., truck wagon, It contained a small envelope with a sutn me and gave a reading; Mrs. hungry, a ing. 75 Main St., Belfast, Me. dump cart, new heavy harness, light harness, read a selection and B. L. and went up Main street a j Df A reward will be given. Apply to equestrians Iotot spruce boards and plank Call or address money. duth littie daughter of Daniel little after five followed the ele- this office * o'clock, by 3t26* No 114 Waldo Avenue, Belfast. | lp,26 "‘bull sang solos. phants; but the teams all went |to the 1

— —* ~nniiir—~r ha m. nr k V/ " At a Probate Court held at Belfast,within and for [ \\TALIM) SS.—In Court of Probate, hebi the County of Waldo, on the 12th day of June, V? fast, on the 12th day of .June, l1 ,lv A. D. 1906. RacklifT, executrix of the last w ill of y ,( HON. WILLIAM P. FRYE, 1 The Science of Agriculture RACKI.IFF, executrix of the last will of inau, late of Lincolnville, in and < Emma Freeman, late of Lincolnville,*in said ed, having presented her first ami tin;, EDNA | administration of said estate for ail. w,,; i The Work o ! States Senate—He County of Waldo, deceased, having presented a How it Should be Taught. For Years the ot Maine in the United value of that Twenty-Five Representative petition praying that the actual market Ordered, notice thereof he pi... of now in her weeks in Ihe ,n University of Maine. Presided Over the State Convention at Portland Yesterday. the property said tie-eased, hands, successively, Repuhlh Republican subject to the payment of the collateral inherit- newspaper published in \\ At the last meeting of aklo Conn ance tax, the persons interested m the succession that all persons interested may attei, of the tax hate to held for clis thereto, and the amount thereon, may- Court, he at Belfast, Pomona the topic 1 of of ty Grange r-r» -rr.mmmmmrnhwvmi'■■gwwsrTOCTCTagwg'TO.vec—~■ ^ V I be determined by the Judge Probate. July next, and show cause, n -should la That the said notice have, why the said account slmn,.: mission was, Agriculture CASTORIA Ordered, petitioner give 1 lowed. and to all interested by causing a copy of this School?" Tin for Infants Children. persons GEO. E. JOHNSON Taught in Our Public order to be three weeks in j published successively A true Attest: L the Republican Journal, a newspaper published copy. discussion was ably opened by Mrs. (’mas. P. Hazei.i ini | at Bel last, that they may appear at a Probate F. Sukcfortb, who said: Court, to be held at Belfast, vvitiiin and for said on the 10th day of July. A. D. 1906, without is one ol The Kind You Have county, V17 A L DO SS.— In ('our t of Probate j, doubt, of the clock before noon, and show cause, if Agriculture, at ten IT fast, on the 12tli of Pursuer: the of said day June, oldest ot Human occupations. any they have, why prayer petitioner ert F. Dunton, administrator de I i not be first in a crude the barba- should grained. the will annexed, on tlie estate .• t at way by GEO. E. JOHNSON, j Judge. Wentworth, late of Waldo, in s in < * rians of distant antiquity, who dug Attest: Always Bought A true copy. ceased, having piesented liis tiisi with a As- Chas. P. Hazeltine, holes 111 the ground sharpened AVegetable Preparationfor Register. count of administration of sain estate stiek into which they diopped the seed, tticFood andReguta- ance. similating Court held at within and it has as man has progress- of ■vt a Probate Belfast, Ordered. That notice thereof be progressed, the Stomachs and Bowels on the 12th of until i! ting for the County of Waldo, day weeks successively, in The Rej ni ed in the scale of evolution, A. D. 1906. June, newspaper published in Belfast, j has at last reached that where il plain pLARA W. MANCHESTER and J W. Manehes- that all persons interested n ol ■ is styled a science. Put the science ter, executors of the last will of Eunice A. bate Court, robe held at Belfast. is young, very young. II Cam. late of Palermo in said County of Waldo, of July next, and show cause, ii .> f agriculture deceased, having presented a petition praying whv the said account should me i, is beginning to ,lawn upon human just Promotes Digeslion.Cheerful- that this Court may determine who are entitled GEO. E. JOH \>i it indeed, a science, now in their hands A true knowledge that K ness and Rest .Contains neither to the balance of said estate copy—Attest: and that it includes a knowledge ol for distribution, their respective shares therein CHAS. P. Hazf.i I I i Opium,Morphine nor>lineral. ami order the same distributed accordingly. man} other sciences, so-called. c otic Ordered. That the said pct.i tiers give notice t< ITT A EDO SS.—In Court of Pronate. I have no doubt but the man ot it Mot N.vh 1 all persons interested by causing a copy of this V? last, on the 12th day of dm in toi in future who engages agriculture ■ rdei to be published three weeks successively F. Dunton, trustee under the :a-; liis life’s business wiil follow his occu- rtn* Republican Journal, a newspaper published Dow late uld granted. that all persons interested may ing solved many ot nature problem* Jhptrnnint / .E< 1. E. JOHNSON, Judge. lit Carbonate ■*» I bate Court, to be held at Bell.: bent to hi* Coca A true copy. •*.treat and mysteries:*as having day of July next, ami show .. ■ Ito/in Seed 1 ( has. 1*. Hazkltink, nature now unused and Register. have, whv the said account use to ices of flanded ■ Sugar ; a> treeo Flavor. / .— .,nnst If from much of dirt, drugery WALDOfast', day Cl!as. P. Ha/.m in-Mr ami 1 W. Male uid scle t» ow pe Henieity ( ..m W. Mam hosier, Aperfecl forronslipa wi ol Eunice A. < am. late made such Sour Diarrhoea -M cut.US ol the last to the work: as having lion, Stomach ■ -uu ,’,t pi-.iermo, in said Con .tv. deceased, having pre- \\'ALIM> sS In ( i.urt .tl and m tht m d account ol admin progress ; commercialism Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- sented their set and final >> last "ii 11 12tli > d as to have com 1 is: .t'ioii of -aid « state for a!!n\van -e. I.. I I« a .!•: C gratt- 1 an It ba\ ii.c j• r« sen ted iiis final ■ 1 him; m weeks successivciy. in Tin- Republi* umal.a ers n jvv n b and oF a < trati -II "I said estate I"! ‘..\v.«u mat plunder Facsimile Signature newspaper published iu "nnty. ■ that leivst.d attend .<• Li" iv a> having reached pinnacit ? j: a t all persons in may < >r i-afc C'Mirt weeks snccessiM 1), in I ce Re) il .mv and ,,f July next, and show caii-c. !.*•>' have, new-paper publisl ed in ReUast. ;i havt an siiare in the profits NEW VORK. >1 oubi not b( allowed. equa1 wltv tlie sabl acc.iunt that all peisons interested mn\ of iife. K. *( pleasures and beauties GEO. HINSON. .Bulge. bate Cmir. to be held at 1 ’• tM-1. be hasten- I_I I a true t Jn'v next. and snow ai lint win ihi.s i.'ivancemeni copy-Attest: < • as p. oui Hazkltink, Register. why the said account cm d m- b. hi ai v introducing into ed way by GEO. h. JOHN. ai.tiiu .-clioo.s text books on agricul- held at IVl- A true copy. Attest- to >S.- in Coiut «d Probate, the child ot today (. has. I*. H \/.im in n.rt ami requiring UtaLDofast, o:i the 12rh dn\ of Julie. 1906. Mat* lesson to his over- m Rev uolds, ext trix of 1 e last vv ill of add mother already EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. tii crowded list? .Manlv Ellis, late «d Monroe, in ' tanci j ; a nee. barker, late Troy welfare: having i>resented her final ac< unt "auks high in the world’s (lnlered. That otice Thereof be guen. three Tlie Thesincerest tribute that can be tu Ti u.»t said estate fot allowan.-e oi a kitch- Following Flag. paid in 'I fit- R« in an .La; in a a w in. would think muling is imitation. The imita- weeks successivelv. pub the the superioiity many I published in said County, Ordered, That notice thereof be en to our sciioolrooms and teaching When our soldiers went to Cuba and nevvspaper tions of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve that that all interested may attenu at a I‘io- weeks successively, it The llepub.i health was the most important persons ch.:l«tren to cook: Philippines, are now before the public prove it the best. bate Court, to be held at Belfast, on the l'Uh day a newspaper published in Helfast. i. Willis T. Morgan, retiree ow have. that all interested mav aite A study oi some of the problems pre- consideration. Ask for DeWitt's. Good tor burns, .-ealds, t .1 ulv next, and st cause, if any They persons U. S. A., of Kura .. »,»• rhi* aiil i. -1 .11 nr should not be allowed. bate to be held at Red on is oi Commissary Sergeant chafed skin, eczema, tetter, cuts, bruises, Court, fast, sented jv ini' schools always was twi w’8 of and route 1, Concord, N. 11., says: “i boils ami piles. Highly recommended and (iEO. E. JOHNSON. Judge. duly next, show cause, it >e: not to the schools them- in tlie Phil- why the said account should not \« f, only years in Cuba and two years reliable. Sold K. 11. A true cony—Attest: the by Moody. PENNYROYAL PILLS si as. P. HgZKLTiNE, GEO. E. JOHNS' scivcs. i-lit to Inc making I took sSi C Register. people and to colds, or and banish ippines, being subject ‘'pains A true Attest: a was to see copy. sum l or we never give subject J>r. New Discovery for Consumption Grown—1 surprised you play- are “LIFE SAVEKS” to at within and ('has. King’s of menstruation.” They girls At a Probate Court held at Belfast, V. Hazkli im or without making mein health. And now- with Muggins last night, lie in- of sii.'.y thought which kept perfect ing pokei womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No fur the County "f Waldo, ou the 12th day New we find it tlie besl cheats. Gieen—Yes, 1 know lie progress. Now it is generally conceded in Hampshire, variably known for women them. Cannot do harm—life juue. a. i>. rj'uo. nXECL'TOK’S NOTICE. 'i he sub- colds but 1 derive more satisfaction from remedy equals common medicine in tlie world for coughs, does; 4 r Stella I.. JU gi\e notice that he has that it is the duty' ot the becomes a #1.00 5*1114 ItOX liY MAIL. Sold \ME (i. TAINTER. guardian by and all diseases that than from pleasure. in of will to the bronchial troubles lung losing money way lending Ohio. ,\ Tainter of Winterport. sai County pointed executor of the last actually necessary 1>K.. MOTT’S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, a wealth—-yes, Guaranteed at K. 11. Moody’s, druggist. it to him.”—Chicago Daily News. by druggists. Waldo, having presented a petition praying for of existence of this givt sale and ceitain 1 very republic—to Price 50c and SI.00. Trial bottle free. KOK SALK BY It. II. J1UOUY. license to-ell'a; private convey GEORG IE A. R LACK STONE. at t of an edu- m said xi e children the foundation Don't be fooled and made to believe that real estate of said ward, described peti- was tion, for named then in. m the Count) of Wahl", decease- cation. It is t-- think tha1 “You say that your friend utterly can be with 1 purpose \ pleasant rheumatism cured local appli- bonds as the law directs. Ail a mere case of mi-taken .den That the said give notice to pei- 5< 10 v u to th-i pio.strated by ances. Hollister’s Mountain Tea is i Ordered, petitioner said system Kooky a c of this again- 'he estate ! a toadstool foi on the "t d :*•>- all interested by causing iy «• lit\ “Yes. He mistook cure for Tile County of Wald*, se< j persons sail"- esmei ot w hon this i the only positive for rheumatism. 35 Waldo Democratic | weeks m desired b p•>■-«■:.t the bo Star. County Convention. of A. 1). 1 'J(H5. i ..:der lobe published three successively w h- a limshroom.”—Washington cents, Tea or Tablets. K. 11. day .lime, all indebted thereto are requested : a:.: always be proud, patriots, Moody. ! Tne nepublican Journal, a newspaper published ertain instrument, to he tlie last 1 ment in mediatelv. was m purporting at Belfast, that tin y nun appear at a Eo-bare w hei. iheir country's life peril, For Over Sixty Year-. "Mrs. called from the Tile Democratie vet.-u of Waldo county ate will aid testament •* l bring me anny. 1 ain’t tins by causing cop pub- -ii'.uld not be granted !• nr useful in tin j lijother- ‘oi tlieii children while teething very hungry 1 Tj by give notice ’hat he 1 | ncupie exceptionally at io.3o o'elot k m tne to: tii">n. to nominate ran lished three weeks successively in UieRepub!n an l. E<). E. JOHNS!*N Jtl Igc. Mice---, it soothes the chiid, morniif."— l’hiiadelphia Ledgei pointed executor "! the iHs’ wi!'. a; a. walks of life. with perfect 111 Clerk of tonus. Journal, at heliast. that may ap- \ tri e Attest importaut cures j violates foi Jsenator, published the} Copy. of st.fleus tic gum-, allays all pain, at a Prolate: Court, to be held ar Hut our school certainly ha: An Alarming Situation County Attorney. County Treasurer, Ie -i-Vr of pear Belfast, CIIAS P. HiAZELTLNE. Register system for Diur- on tie-- LACRAETT V. IvNuW 1 K>. ia’i V. :nd colic, and i- the best remedy 1 ,is'am! < 'ounty ( ommi"ionrr. \No to < within and tor said County, tlie second 'I its detects. It would he foolish to den} Sold results from of !:o a. ! < nt to the taste. by frequently neglect cloggtd a ci committee and aiisaet any otleu busi- day «>t July next, at t.-ti ol the clock bet<-e » of Probate. Me, at B. in the ( of \\ a i■de« •-a- <: our t< pleasa only iitaI.D SS.—In Court ot.nty *: is. and criminal to close eyes of tlie world bow eh- ami to: hver. until con.-:: nation ness eoine before said eon- n< on. and have, the ."id. W: druggi.-ts n every part p.d wliicii may proyeily any they why >> !;-t. on the 12th day •[ June. 1 bonds as the law directs. Ad ; errors, i chronic. "1 lii.- un- same should not be o\ d. a I anti allowed. t tj.e f n. ;> One of its gravest Twenty-live cents a bottle. Its value is in- beciine.- condition vention. pi pi'rover lard 1’. E Twoinldy. ewciltoi of the la-: nemauds against tin estate dele on l. Johnson, « -■ in to teacn the chili known to those who use Dr. King New Ibieh in’y and town wii! he entitled to two judge. 1 >ax id IKilloil late*ot Monroe, in said desired to present t !.• same fot ..k. i? trying calculable. 1 A Attest best g.itand’< lie add:tjotiai delegate for every fifty true copy. a-ed.hav resented his first and til n .o -tit all im.ebti., thereto ub* n-pu-b.: d ieaius < Lile Kills; the and gentlest regulators ir.g ] Tin vepsrast for he I Viuorrutir candidate foi (b-v ('has p. Register al warn--. I- f > t nigs — Ha/.eltinf, Kedd I low did the l'.orse take the hardly of Stomach and Gowels. Guaranteed by K. of administration of said estate b-r ment immcdiatelv HI ittie »■:’ and \: ernoi m I'cii. and one additional delegate for dll-.e 1 everything thorough!} Ait lie took notice tin ir. t be given, li ne Troy, 12, t-'d;-y: Greene— light, 11. Moody diuggist. Krice ‘Joe. \. e» oi the la-t Ordered. That More than luuf o: twenty-live or more votes in masters hut little. -0 with him.—Y-inkers States At a Pioi-ate C 'l.r: held at Belfast, witlnnand weeks eeessively, in he B« about yard- votes, ami om- additional delegate for each X EC I T*' i;NOTICE the--: ■ titty m Be n -a id ( L' the coniinoi — I..r the* of W.ddo.ou the set ond a 1,. i'lie fast. : von: g people leave man. ID Did yoi tell your father lhat 1 was a town mat east fwt voles ami less than County Tuesday vrs.uiper pubi notice that tl have b. my-live at a Pu- r. «•> v ot June, A. I >. 1 JOB, ail interested may attend have reachei IV iortlie r.n diea’e for C uin persons .... >ud in the tune they joet'.’ Hi.- Fiancee-1 did and he refused fl Democratic "t !i ed Ex- d us the Ifc-t wi. '<■ pate Court, to be held at on ! ce 1 nay \\ ill t are Consumption. to v it. in l'.Mi-i. I this basis the following aboiim-m certain instruct r, j»urporring be the last ace Id. and a nia} be it said lie bad read your book pon Pave, < SHl.K.MA.V lab- ■ t I t:.e though part wiii of Lucinda kite oi July next, and show imii-c. it any be; SARAH 1 ! has been made: \ ami testament Mar-ten. fret writes: “l o- t > t not be at’- wed. itiiiue toi a few terms in the i \ A. llerreu, Finch, Ark., liicagu Se;tisu)« sai "! W.d lo. wliv the said account should of a Ido teceascii p.o of nt, in Coiti-ry deceased, Count) fast.•) Northpoit. E. JOHNSON, 1 ■ ii st heal v and Tar is ihe best pieparatmi been CEO. Judge. 11:ai.d.- the estab mof j I1,.ih-\ Thousand- beai witness to the Belmont. 3 Palermo. having presented iorpiobate. having against : 1 know annually A true copy. A: lest: are to the -..t ■ colds ami lung tiotible. ceased oe-ired present ; ..... rk toward earning the: roughs* * Fai Ki.-eis. These Hr. oks. ITospeet. Ordered. That notice be given to all persons ( ;n the lir.-i tlicieiicy pieasaut, has. P. Hazeltink. Register. ment, and all indebted tlo-reto are it ii na- cured ooiisumpimn Burnham 4 Seai sin nt. » interested by causing a copy ot this order to be re '.able little pi/.- have io| g bol'Iie a l'epll- make •>mn.i’. '. Y Ml l:*• vei heal .1 ol Frank foi t.. 4 3 three weeks successively m rheRepuk -es.” tat mu to none as a searsport. published ! \ i.i studies should la .-ecoml laxative and (*• p -.,*■• e’d at B.-,- I OKA M. am. Tar and m>t be id >ati.- j Freedom .< Stockton Springs.. * iican Journal, publisheu at Belfast, that they \ \ ; AEl'O >S. -In tut Ko cy',- Honey cathartic. 1 are a.- as bn-ad in i. i. r-iv c'ive n> a foundation upoi j i'ey staple I si* shorn sw mville. may appeal at a Probate Court, to be held at V\ last, on the 1 2t c day f June. 1'.H'o San. K. 11. Moody. in’, of Mel!ast. .Ji.m* 12. : 'all- ol il( Hies. Ki'-a.'.ilit blit effective. 3 I ti w ill in and !..r -aid on the see*-ml A. adtuinist r it on lie estati J ■a... t< .am 1 the we ac j Jackson. 3 Thorndike. Hast, County, Rendell, knowledge he. of Stockton in -:u 1 uo 1mv«- reiu- W piompt ly relieve anal ipation without Kno\..1 roy. 4 Tuesday of July n xt. at ten of the clock C. I.ampin r, late Splings. is- d.rouah die. 7 list should conn y] i—s Prim —In Siberia they I nr-t and I \ M »>!;> MUIIK ! 'id K. H. I.ibertv .b I' lore icon, and show cause, it any they have, why County. deceased, l aving presented hi- bul ; griping. by Moody. •• Mi*. N ei vey -Yes, ol u said t->.ate c>r Ji liv noth ! ;:.e us. W:iat are they:' Head l.i a oiin illc...4 Waldo.3 til* same should me be pioved, approved and al- fianl account administiati< ot give > Lead' i. executors ..i the last v Pi a; have .-now, uarling.—Cleveland Tlie pay ing teller in Day and Night bank, M *i. or. 3 Winterpoi t. lowed. allowance. pointed writing icinj ..j to eat 4 a. ill.—Gut ibis doe-11*t re.-ellibie "111 Mont % ilie*. 4 CEO. E. JOHNSON. Judge. notice thereof be time ti e rasm-d to Ci« wil "at I..;. ; I You .'4 A ttue Attest: I.I/.ZIK HAM veb. A sick don iegu ai Mr. man. Mi. Klulmoan .Morrill.3 copy. weeks in The Journal : some it when not leeiing signature, .successively, Republican a.-ide, until in schools j heartily Ch.-.s. p. Ha/.eltinf. Register. e in tli.' I'dUiui W aid", ,1*-. weld lit mg lit ol’ Darn \bn aneies in ai.y deb-gat ion ran only be tilled a newspaper published in Belfast, ill said mti'y, starves himself, ami aets —Keg’iar signature, boy. the e-ta'«- is evil that the are si a or town tin* v,*- interested attend at a Pi having demands against crying puphs 1 1 hie by resident of the ii\ where thatal! per-ons may once must nave ie.-t lucky didn't have to make my to lit- >tumacli, overwoiked, At a Probate Coitr liebi at Belfast, within and bate to he held, at Belfast, tin* loth nay ceased are desired pn-M-nt ie cmi.t in these studies. The; — caneies exist. Court, simple or Loll doll l mai k.-b ! Grot kly n Lilt- tlement. aim al1 indebted there!- the -ame as your feet eyes ■| he Cl miniltee w ill to in s-fs-i.m at the tor the County t Waldo, on the second Tuesday of July 1.ext, and slew cause, if any : hey have, ; e .'U.i of or i? 1'ounty tmu ly grammar language starve to lest stomach. k(1- o'clock a. c on the .n of A. I). r.HKL the said account should not e allowed. to make paviuent eiateiv. have in your When tlm talks, it is time to give Court lloiiM1. at nine day June, way i. arithmetic is ven the work baby NS< )N A MAX DEI: i: important; iii 11. Ft d; 1 >YSPKl'sIA take.- up the com«lit ion to receive ciedentials of dele- instrument, to be the last (iEO. E. JOH Judge. Hollister’s Kocky Mountain Tea. It’s the certain purporting .T< »HN W It A I with what eat ami gates. t. tal number of celcgates eligible to Ci» me’ A true copy Attest a* y. end these, geography Du \• Mil stomach, digests you j\ w ill and testament of Sarah F. :. late I greatest baby medicine known to loving seats m tic- convention nt. (has, P.H A/.ti.i'lM Register. I'nity, June 12. JOB. iit.'.: and some simple liatim -;ve'.- it a rest. Puts it back m condition ,.l s:-id County of Waldo, deceased, history mother-. It makes them eat, and Per ord'-r 1 h-nicer a tic Count Committee. w a disordei Deep y been tted lor t: at than else .i_i.:n. Y ou can’t feel good ith having prese probate. \ :< s Mil it h. :. e sti dies heller any thing 1 35 Tea or Tablets. K. H. 1-’. A <■ KI-. KK. ( hairman. < nit of I" L »i: 11. grow. cents, TIT Al HO SS.— Ill bate, he! Bel- 1 e«i stomach, Kodol. Sold by K. Ordered, That n nice be given to all persons in- Ij ire that I ,i et-i teac.i •: c.i’d the habit of obseiva liy s. W. Sll 1 Ll.KS. M-cu-tary. ly fist. -nth. CJih or liH)b. Leiora give- Moody. to day June, < terested by rausii. _ a <"py of bis ordei be pub- \.-<■• 5 la !a>r a ti' t--t. Moody. Belfast. May js. A. D. l»o*. E. 1- ish. admlnistratri x on ; he « state *i Caleb \\ t:o t.:at possibly might be called ele lished three week.- successively in Tin* Republican Lewis, late d Liberty, oi said County, JlT.lA T. HATCH, ait .-t Ja- : nt u: acnculture; these. I re- “All de best cure lo’ rlieumati.-m am at Belfast. 11 at they may ap- deceased, say, link Journal, publishe having hei bust and final am unt T«» ( me a Cold in One at a Probatt Court, to be la-id at presented in the C-'umy of Waldo, mceased terms of ioi Day pear Belfast, tor juiieman}. study, CONFERENCE aduiiuistratiou ot sanl e- taie allowance. denial ids against the estate CONGREGATIONAL RRO.M0 Tab- w ithin and for said County, on the second Tuesday having I .v 1 * II: a mail 11 el' tlllll map wife.”— Tuck. Take I.A X.ATM YE Quinine «.d t- "i;.'pi'-te of next, at ten of the (‘lock before noon, Ordered, that notice tin be given, three ceased are desired t-■ present the s. i lets. refund money if it fails to July .-aid. make them Death From l-o»*hjaw Druggists and show cause, ii any they have, why the same weeks successively in The In publican J i.mal.a tlement, ami aP ind.h-.-u i.eiei proiitahle. on HELD IK 12 ■tire. F. \V. (iKoYK’s signature is each not be and all .wed. in in said to make imtm -iiat* -': At-.'.- :iom.!ii--l -i 1 FREEDOM, TUESDAY, JUNE should proved,'approved newspaper published Beliast, County, pauuent a:; coiiqiium-ii with Buck x never follows ail injury dressed box. Joe. (JEO. E. JOHNS! )\. Judge. tliat all persons iuteiested may attend at a Pro- M.X'il.' ; a ese if tin give suljjee ts, leu's Arnica salve. Its antiseptic anti heal- The '.Sth semi-annual meeting of the A true copy. Attest: bate Court, to be hebi at Beliast, on Hie loth day .Jackson. J une 12, ltMiB. ii -: an a *, 111 lie at school it is, from him (’has. P. IIA/ELTINK, Register. of June next, and show cause, if any they have mg prevent blood poisoning, Waldo of What's the good of keeping properties county conference Congre- whv the said account should not be allowed. S N( •i w e tu the ln.-hei has. merchant, of Kensselaels- Any good things you may sec, study Oswald, (iEO. E. n-'l ice t .-hi 1 .i- Buich. chuiches was held with the At a Probate Court licl-i at Belfast, within and JOHNsON, Judge. hCT'TOK4 by give hat nmm i-s. y the ol writes: "ft cured Seth gational Thut'will lift his load of labor j-eri.iips N. v., <■ study vi,,e, "1 Wahio, on the 12th of A true copy. Attest pointed executor ot .! la.*: wil ol the sole on Ills heck Like Rocky Mountain Tea. for the County day ii.i. aeiAe be as usefu ui in's place, ugliest church at June 12th. n. Chas. P. Hazki riMt, Register. ment of agile may Hums Freedom, Tuesday, June, A. 1>. lO< 1 ,.ver saw." uies flits, Wounds, L. 11. Moody. a:. ne i- t:i:11 ot algebra, geome There were from Bel- M WEAVER, an heir of E. Wcav- THidlASdK.-UA, store. AMES Mary -in uriti 1 iff at It. 11. drug delegates present | 1. in Miri.r, astro no- and suits, Moody’s of in said of W al- a;. :. me, literature, fl er, late Wiuterpert. County U.Y fast, on tin* 12th day of June, John in the County of Wadi. i. fast, North Belfast, Frankfort, Winter- having a ’<• iin noble stones do. deceased, presented petition praying K. Clarke, executor of the last will of Kastman having denial ds agaii.*’ government—all Little ought not to throw tie administrator of hoy, you 1st and that he may appointed the Chnke, late ot in said County, d.-.-eas- ceased are oesired to pr* *c)d ;h«- \ i. ... of ii: lint am tmt I Thorndike, Searsport 2nd. Prospect, high importance at me birds!" "i know it, port, of sa;d deceased. all in-u-t 1 n■ estate ed, having presented his second and final a. ount !lenient, am e a ", wit:i 1 march of I nbuue. and The conference was progress,'t got no air gun.”—Chicago Sandypoint. Ordered, That the said petitioner give notice to of administration of said estate for allowance. t" make javnunt lininci iitcis 1 -ei-ms to me better Kev. 1>. L. Wilson, modera- interested a ot this FRANK the wily lor Piles. opened by all persons by causing copy That notice thereol lie three ! A Ijluaranteect Cure Ordered, driven, June 1 2. 1!" *>. ■ who a shoit order to be three weeks m Belfast, encourage the young per- tor. conducted devotional published successively weeks successively, in thejRepubliean Journal.! liieeding, Piotiuding ! The Journal, a newspapei published farm Itching, liliud, service. Republican a in Belfast, in said >•«»11nty cmiciuded to make to el mill at a Probate newspaper published FVXE( I'TOK’S NO'l .... are authorized of held at Mel at Belfast, that they may appear ]>: Druggists YIT ALIR) SS.—In Court Probate, | that interested may attend at a notie- :...t be is in ess ii- life, to attend some to cure The Freedom pastor welcomed the Court, to be held at Belfast, within and tor said all-persons L > gives it HA/.O 01MMK.M tails ») last, on the 12th day of June. liH'6. Re- I bate to be held at Belfast, on the Huh uiouey A. Ik Court, day executor the i'ii. teach that visitors. The scribe, W. s. read N. administratrix < n the estate ! County, on the l»>th day of July, l'JOB, pointed si'eviuhy designed to in a to 14 s. 30c. Hatch, becca Edgecomb, of July next, and show cause, if any they have, j ot day ! at ten d the clock before noon, and show eause, line ot the short courses at the of last and called ol Herbert \Y. Edgecomb, late of Belfast in said win the said account should not beallowed I reports meeting the of said W Visitor—Willie, tell your mamma that County, deceased, having present ml her first ac- | if any they have, why prayer p-ntitm- <*ho. E. JOHNSON Judge. MARY E. COM-! late i- the roll. Kev. T. P. Williams was er not be Agricultural <'ollcg>- W Mamma s of said lor allowance. should granted. » .«** popped have come to ca.l on lier. iiiie— count estate A true copy. Attest: in the County id W am*-. -;t elected moderator. Mr. Ilarbutt ■ t ere a to do with W ;i- spoke ( p as 5 he .- w dire- *. A everything not at home. Visitoi 'shocked Why, Ordered, That notice thereof be given, three has. Hazeltink. Register. Ponds to teacl on “Missions m Maine." The ; A true Attest: maud*, against the estate -d *.iiu instructors competent I'm sure 1 saw her looking from tilt1 pal. very earnestly weeks successively, iu Republican Journal, copy. ,ie, Chas. I*. '<1111 *1 for noon recess. a m in in said Ha/.kltine, Register. desired t.> pi.-ent the aA-r the reached the years lor window as 1 came up the street. Willie Adjourned wspaper published Belfast, County, "ITTALDO SS.—It Court of Probate, held at pupil at a Pro- al! indebted thereto aie te.posieu iliat that all persons interested may attend ■ U :c to the value diun't, neither. The afternoon session at l.JO '> fast, on the 12th day .f June. l'JOR. iUam been;s appreciate fstoutly)—No, you opened bate to be held at on the 10th At a Prol ate Court held at Rellast, within and ment immodiatelv. the blinds, Court, Belfast, day S. Jones, administrator Xiili ! true copy. HELENner. late of Palermo, in said County of Wal- | announced a woman Lite.” “The of Ordered. That notice thereof be g.ven, three i\ n- -I ice that *1 lau many terms oi weary work during ! “] am 35 years old,” Spiritual saying Spirit Oil as. P. Hazeltixe, Register. do, deceased, having presented a petition praying g V helebv l am week* suoee$si\e y tu The Republican lournai. a the h-'Ol with a text book, of 5G at a tea last week. “And -0, God makes a man forget himself and for an allowance out of the personal estateol said pointed admii.istratiix yoiit days j newspaper published in Belfast, n. said County, the woman of 45. Then turning to a Probate Court held at and deceased. j I I.M KK Tl KNEB. late -d ! 1 v. ith iiitle or no and said live for others. This is God’s world At a Belfast, within that all inteiested attend at a Pio apparatus probab- she askeu: person.* may ! oi who stood for the County of Waldo, on the second said t- «.«-•- 1 -« teachers. gin 17, nearby, and He is in it. If we would live the Tuesday Ordered, That the petitioner give notice j bate ('.•ott, to be held at Belfast', on the 10th day in the County --f Waldo, .y incompetent of A. 1>. -• “How old are Ethel“Oh,” replied June, 10(6. >11 interested by causing a coj'y of this of next, ami show cause, if as the law direct-*. Ail Kook business you, life of the spirit we must do good to persons July any they have, bonds j-•• knowledge upon any Lthei, “according to present reckoning, certain instrument, purporting to be an au- order to he published three weeks successively in wh\ t lie ' account should not lie ailowed. mauds against the estate ot *.u so it but others. We must in close touch a ished same -• .eject, is usetu; iar as goes, “I'm not born yet.”—Life. keep \ thenticated copy of the last will and testament The Republican Journal, newspaper pub t hfr>. K. JOHNSON. Jmigc. desired t<> jr.-sent the I• of W alter B. late of at Belfast, that at a Probate thereto are it i. combined with actual prac- with the spirit of God. We must study Ferguson, .Middletown, Con- they may appear A true Copy. Attest: all indebted ipiestcc necticut. deceased, and of tlie thereof, Court, to be held at Rellast, within and ior said has. p. Hazeltink, ment tice it become valuable. < onstipation makes the cold drag along. 11 is word.” probate j Register. immediately. really been presmted with a petition County, on the 10th day ol July, a. D. I JOB. MAUN I ( jet it out of you. Take Kei.neoyV Laxative of having praying Now e have in this State at tht Kev. W. J. McNeill Frankfort that the copy of said will be allowed, filed at ten of the clock before noon, and show cat se, it Libert June 12. I JOB. Contains no may !j j lIrALIMisS. -in Court .-I Probate, held at Rel- Honey and Tar cough sy rup. on “The of the un- ami recorded in the Probate Court for said Coun- anv have, why the prayer of said petitioner I of Maine a school well lit spoke problem they H fast, mi ihe 2t 1 »f June, I'JOtl 'mversity .'Sold K. 11. should not he day !>M 1X1.STRATUM S X<»IHK. opiates. by Moody. How shall we solve ty of Waldo. granted. executor of the last will ot \hl ie K. tei. a. orve iu- churched masses, 1 J F. Duntou, ba* young people practical 1 GEO. .JOHNSON. udge. A lierebv gives notice that lie tell us to Ordered, That- notice be given to all persons in. j Hurd, late ot I'uity, in said County, deceased ; sti .e'n a in the science ot Agriculture, “Notwithstanding the doctors ity" He said: “If there is anything A true copy. Attest adiimiistratoi the estate t(nested a of this order to be having presented his *ecomi and final account d pointed avoid drafts,” remarked the Observer in the world there must be a by causing copy Chas. 1*. Ha/kltine, Register. school, with its corps of able pro- night wrong three weeks in The Re- administration of said estate for allowmce MA I.THA 1 BROW N. la'.- Cvents and have establish- published successively t.f 'J’liings, “thy -• less"is. nuiks in the esteem til cause for it. The unchurched peop'e Journal, published at Belfast, that notice thereof be i\ n. tin. e in the --I Waldo, m-. high publican t within t Ordered, That County ed an bank in New Yoik.”— Yon- at a to Bel- At a Prohate Com held at Belfast and all-night will come in when see we are they appear Probate Court, lie held at u eeks success m 'I lit .lout l..ti. a bonds as the law directs. All ; m those v. ho arequalitied to judge. they the Countv of on the 12th of June, ely Kcl'Ubiiran Malesman. within and for said on the Waldo, day -<» ■ kers fast, County, second newspaper in Belfast, in said County, mamls a-j a i list the est .11 »• -1 For the or so we have hat; something, make them feel we of A. I). 1 DUG. published | past year doing Tuesday July next, at ten of the clock be- that all in t. r* sted a’.ei.' at a !:■ sired t-- the same ior sworn statement of ti e n anufactur on persons may present The arc in earnest. Hold to a and show if ■ m our home an agricultural paper that dead fore noon, cause, any they have, why D. WOODS, executor of the last wii bate Court, to be In Id at Belf'as't, r. ri 10th lay1 indeiuec 1 hereto a: c r. quested P- 1 pHARLE^ * ers you Horn opiates in Kennedy,s can win to our the same should not be and al- L of William vi. late of in said if m is published in the west, and 1 have protects J man's hand till we him proved, approved Woods, Belfast, of JuU next, and show cause, any y ave, imiuediatelv. Laxative, and Tar—the cough syrup lowed. ol Walt o, deceased, having presented a wlo the said account should not e allow. < 1 I.ARENCF !■ been to see how often it Honey then somehow we will win him County surprised quotes hearts, GEO. E. tliat tins Court determine t. 11111c 1 1 th"h that diives the cold out of your system, j JOHNSON, Judge. petition praying may K( >. K. JOHNSON Judge. ( Belfast, 2. and from tht to God. A true Attest: now from the Orouo bulletins bold by JU. 11. Moody. | copy. who a relent irled to the balance of said estate ! A true copy. Attest: of Freedom ( has. P. Hazeltixe, in his hands for their P. ’.ectuies ol the Orouo anc M r. Gregg, pastor church, Register. distribution, respective; ('has. Hazeltink, Register. » 11V I MSTIIA !'! >K’S V > 1 11 ; professors, j order the same _><) ii^tru u> li'.u Miuuni ciiuii'itn ui inmnu shares therein, and distributed :) t n tit: I 1 nave this in our own on “The winning oi to j A ! < -by _iv.-- read spring i spoke youth A L>.M IMSTRATOR’S NOTICE. The subscriber j infantum, diarrluea, or suinmei accordingly. :!>•;*.. admiinstlat n ■!<- !•*..,•- state that there has been such a dysentery, Christ. Study the boy and girl, their notice that he has been SS.—In Court of Probate, held at Bel pi papers Dr. Fowler’s Extract A hereby gives duly- Ordered, That the said petitioner give notice to of complaint, ii' you have the estate of { \\ fast, "tithe 12th of June, 1 ‘Jot;. Charles cal1 from all over the forcer- habits. If we become more like Christ appointed'administrator of all interested causing a ol this day | C‘M tOKI* <•! country of \\ iid in tlie medicine chest. persons by copy F. admini'trator on the estate of Daniel I. HERBERT Strawberry M. late of to lie three weeks in Ressey, j tain of those bulletins, that the the and girls will imitate us. EDITH FARRAR, Searsmont, order published successively late of Agri- hoys Wentwoiib. Knox, in said Couniy, de- in tlu* of Waldo. *.<•■*.'-• i .Sick Headache, and The Republican Journal, a newspaper published I County cultural at has Kev. T. P. Williams spoke very earn- in the County of Waldo, deceased, given ceased, having presented his first and final ac- I the law ilirents. All -t department Washington at Belfast, that may appear at a Probate bonds as per- bonds as the law directs. All persons having they count of administration of said estate tor allow- sum j lent a hand in their —largely a woman’s complaint—is cliielly of “The forward movement.” We to be held at Belfast, within and for said | mauds against the estate helping printing estly the estate of said deceased are Court, caused and tor- demands against desired to the s;mn- ... and distribution. by indigestion, constipation need to ttie and ends of the for and County, on the 10th day of July, A. 1*. l'JOB present keep spirit desired to present the same settlement, that notice thereof lie are liver. You can it by taking a at ten of the clock before noon, and show Ordered, given, three ill indebted thereto ri/.p.i that 1 pid prevent movement before our minds and in our all indebted thereto are to make pay- cause, | Now I will close by saying Favorite Rem- requested if the of said weeks successively, in The Republican Journal, meiit imniediat.d\ \ dose of Dr. David Kennedy’s ment any they have, why prayer petition- N wish that ill the hearts. A half hour discussion of pre- immediately. a published in Belfast, in said Coun- AMOS | every young granger edy, once every few days immediately after ROBERT F. DUN TON'. er should not he granted. newspaper iwwlimr tnnino fnllAiroH GEORGE E. ty, that all persons interested may attend at a Searsport, .June 12, 1 '.HR'-. vtate who intends some time to have a meal. Pleasant to the taste. No nausea Belfast, June 12, 1906. JOHNSON, Judge. A true copy. Attest: Probate Court, to lie held at Belfast, on the loth a farm of his own could be aroused ft or Write Dr. David The conference sermon was 1 griping. Kennedy’s preached r. of next, and show cause, if CXKCITK1X S NOTH Tin- j 1 NOTICE.—The subscriber uhas. iiazeltlne, Register. day July any that of interest where lie would Rondout, N. Y\, for a free sample Rev. I). L. Wilson of Belfast; sub- hereby the said account should not be al- li gives notice that she ha> " point Sons, by 'j notice that elie has been they have, why liy bottles all IjiXECUTKIXgives duly appointed lowed. executrix of the last will ;n make an effort to take a course, or at ; bottle. Large $1.00, druggists. ject. “Tbe Service of the Kingdom,” of the last will and testament of At a Probate Court held at Belfast, within and [minted executrix GEO. E. JOHNSON, ,»f and was communion. for the County of Waldo, on the 12th day of Judge. least a term of instruction, in the the editor V” “lam.” “1 have followed by ISAAC late of A Attest: ALONZO late of in- “Are you REYNOLDS, Brooks, June, A. D. 1006. true copy. SHl'TE, The service with a P. some here I w ish published, and 1 evening opened in the of and Ciias. Hazeltine, Register. m of decease*! poetry County Waldo, deceased, given U "KENDALL, executrix of the last will the County Waldo, : I’d the first chance.” “We followed an address bonds as the law directs. All havii de- demands the estate..! of Maine. j thought give you praise service, by persons g of Dolly Kendall, late of Winterport, in said Having against take mands the estate of said deceased are de- INEZ a at ed are desired to the same b never take any.” “Never any poetry?” by Rev. C. A. Moore, pastor of tbe against of Waldo, deceased, having presented a At Probate Court held Belfast, within and for present sired to present the same for settlement, and all County of md all indebted thereto are reque" “Never take any chances.”—Cleveland chureb in on “The Re- that the Court may determine the County Waldo, on the second Tuesday of I Central Bangor, indebted thereto are to make petition praying A Thousand Dollar's Worth of Good. Plain Dealer, requested payment who are entitled to the balance of said estate June, A. L). 1U(H». iiayment immediately. lation of the Christian to the church.” immediately. PHEBE E. REYNOLDS. MARGARET J now in his hands for distribution, their respec- t certain instrument, purporting to he the last “I have been afflicted with kidney and the church was not Brooks, June 12, 1906. Belfast, .Jut e 12, 190b. Deadly Serpent Bites He said: “Joining tive shares therein, and order the same distribut- A will and testament ol Lydia A. spring, late bladder trouble for years, passing gravel or a Christ never said, ed accordingly. if Belfast, in said of Waldo, are as common in India as are stomach and professional piety.” NOTICE. The subscriber County deceased, ! for TRICES NOTH E. The sub- stones with A. II. “Be then come unto me,” that be lias been Ordered, That the said petitioner notice having been presented probate. excruciating pain,” says i liver disorders with us. For the latter,how- ye perfect, ADMINISTRATOR’Shereby gives notice duly give notice that they have to call the administrator with the will annexed to all persons interested by causing a copy of this Ordered, That notice be given to all persons in- I,1XKCIby give Thames, a well known coal operator oj : ever, there is a sure remedy; Electric but “I came not righteous appointed .minted executrices of the hist vi’i o j of the estate of order to be published three weeks successively in terested by causing a copy of this order to be 0. “I no relief from medicine ! the restorative oi sinners to To unite >f Buffalo, got Bitters; great medicine, but repentance.” The Republican Journal, a newspaper three weeks in The I THEODORE OSGOOD, late of Palermo, published [iiiblished successively Repub- WILLIAM O.FOLSOM, late id I > until I began taking Foley’s Kidney Cure, ! which S. A. Brown of Bennettsville, S- C., with the church we have only to prom- at Belfast, that they may appear at a Probate lican Journal, published at Belfast, that they then the result was surprising. A few dose* says: “They restored my wife to perfect ise belief in the cause of Christ and a in the Comity of Waldo, deceased, and given Court, to be held at Belfast, within and for said may appear at a Probate Court, to be held at Bel- | nthe County of Maid*’, decease*i. \ bonds as the law directs. All de- on the 10th of A. D. within and for said on the ! demands tiie estab started the brick-duat-like substance ant: health, after years of suffering with dyspep- and when we persons having County, day July, 1006, last, County, second laving against j desire to help that cause, mands the estate of said deceased are de- at ten of the clock before and show of at ten of the are desired to the now I have no pain across my kidneys anc siaand a chronically torpid liver.” Elec- against noon, cause, ruesday July next, clock before -eased present ] | to the failures in the life of the sired to present the same for settlement, and all if any they have, why the prayer of said noon, and show if have, the dement, and all indebted thereto ai* f 1 feel like a new man. It has done me Si,OCX! tric Bitters cure chills and fever, malaria, point petition- cause, any they why indebted thereto are to make payment er should hot be tame should not be and allowed. o make immediately. worth of Cure will lame troubles and Christian church member remember requested granted. proved, approved pawneut j good.” Foley’s Kidney | biliousness, back, kidney immediately. GEO. E. JOHNSON, Judge. GEO. E. JOHNSON, Judge. MARY M f on “What is that to thee, cure every form ot kidney or bladder dis- bladder disorders. Sold guarantee by R. Christ’s words, WM.P. THOMPSON. A true copy. Attest: A true copy. Attest: M. E. FOLSOM l ase. R. II. Moody. 11. Moody, druggist. Price 50c. follow thou me.” Belfast, June 12,1906. \ Cuas. P. Hazeltine, Register. Chas. P. Hazeltine, Register. Belfast, June 12,1905. | of Mr. and THE NEWS OF BROOKS. Whose Is Little Bernice Doe, daughter | lints Manton for Home Dress- Appointments by Com. Walls. Say-so Best? who by May Mrs. Weston Doe of Knxbury, Mass., With medicines put up for Correspondence. nearly^all has been ill with , The on (ounty Walter O’Brien of Portland is visiting liis one has to diplitlmri** atjthe^hospital, making. following appointments the sale through druggists, take was of danger Saturday, Mrs. Roberts. considered out iflicial staff of Frederick S. the sister, Charles the maker's say-so alone as to their cura- on and : Walls, ( Thousands of from last week. June leth, lint grew worse Sunday, f. : re«i tive value. Of course, such testimony is lew commander of the G. We had radishes June 10th grown L. A. the fatal. Much sympathy department by a malady proved | kntek. not that of disinterested party and is parents, for V. were made last week: M Bachelder in his garden this season. extended to the bereaved 1?., is not to be given the same mature and •liean caucus held in this accordingly little Bernice was an unusually Assistant adjutant general, Thomas Emmons will have 1 credit as if written from .!i. the town com- Deputy Sheriff Fred disinterested maiden, with tlie most ! 1. of Vinalhaven. following Pierce’s thoughtful little Libby S !'». Fred K. his new "home ready to plaster in July. motives. l)r. medicines, how- sister and Samples motherlv her Free Jones, pare of younger Assistant general. .1. ever. form a single and therefore She was quartermaster K. llaiiMU], F. E. Norton, Clark of New York is her striking very unseliish with her playmates. Armbrust ot Vinalhaven. Write to the Dr. David K- Sons, Miss visiting to this rule. Their claims to about her studies, j 'nuedy’s Delegate to state t'on- of this exception a sober little child, going' Rondutit, N. Y., for a «!».'-■ friend Miss Mamie Davis place. the confidence of invalids does not rest Inspector, Gilman 1'. Smith of ( her- \ /. riptive \V. Dexter Turner. or or duties with great piinetu- Abbott, their makers' play small | lie Id. much i;.- dical \\ Dexter Mrs. A. E. have returned solely upon say-so or Pm' is still cmlined ry pamphlet,containing helpful ,t;oi;. IE Abbott, Dr. and Kilgore ality and care. Mrs. | and a Their ingredients are matters of at T. of advice, free samp'e battle of that < < nvent ion, W > from Portland, where they spent several praise. to tlie hospital with diphtheria, although Judge advocate, Leroy Carleton on each ill. Her Liver and Blood \ J. S. public knowledge, being printed no time has she been seriously tV i n tli rop. great Kidney, medicine, iton, Ayer. days. bottle Thus separate wrapper. invalid sister, Mrs. Brainard Hriflin of St. 1 aui, ; Chief mustering officer, Joshua W. Miss Bessie Croxford of Newport is at sufferers are taken into Dr. Pierce’s full : who arrived at her home the day following [Slack of Searsport. work in Mr. Davi millinery room as as- confidence. Scores of leading medical tile of the daughter, i «'reamer\ A>sneiation will going to the hospital Asst. DR. KENNEDY’S men written to till volumes Adj. Gen. Thomas G. Libby j sistant milliner. have enough has been the house for Mr. Doe and -•eting June JTth to dedicate of the curative value of keeping las been commissioned to make ar- 1 in praise the Stockton with the body .■:1 \ A din- C. E. Lane is having a severe attack of accompanied him to building. picnic several ingredients entering into these •angements for the department to at- hall. State rheumatism and is confined Thursday. \>«i at the Grange inflammatory well- known medicines. end the National A. to the house Encampment, G. ". C. Thompson has accept- again. Amongst these writers we find such med- j north strings. L, at Htli to istii. o;i be F. II. a> M. stockton Minneapolis. Aug. to present Mrs. Eliza S. Pattee, who has been keep- ical lights Prof. Finley Ellingwood. D.. Bennet Medical College. Chicago; Prof. is building an addition on :l own from his wagon .lune | for her Wilmot Robert- of •Iefferson Clark ing house brother, of the same Prof. John M. Scud- his a- fitting on a com ! Hale, city; house. planter, son, is now at home. >1. L>. late of Cincinnati. Ohio: Prof. God Speed to Sheriff Carleton Mi and two of his der. Wright John King. M. 1).. late of Cincinnati. Ohio; John Ladd called on friends at Cape Jel- ..ctured. Dr. A. E. Kilgore has a new automobile Dr. Grover Coe. of New York; Dr. Bartho- j lisou We are b> note that now out of town calls in recently pleased the news col- Remedy and can make his low. of Jefferson Medical College., of Pa.. unns of The Belfast Journal are I K. and scores of others equally eminent. IT W. is visiting his again being Favoriteover 31 of ,,V\ll double quick time. Jellison of Bangor Gored Tucked A backed b\ years Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures (. lark. 5322 Five Skirt, ulorned with reports of search and seizures remedy i\ !i e\ uamm nas a now piano. ; daughter, Mrs. Helen remarkable success. I’sed in thousands of Her main friends in Brooks are glad to the worst cases of female weakness, prolap- i 22 to 30 waist. ly the .sheriff and his deputies. In behalf and visited Miss Bernice homes. Pleasant to akc to Mrs. Henry Cunningham ami learn that Miss Agnes Vaughan of Belfast sus.anteversiun and retroversion corrects i Miss Jessie Marden if the fathers and mothers in our country -powerful cures painful periods, dries up IVE GORKI) TUCKED HAVING clears the oks visited his Mr. is rapidly approaching eonvalesenee. irregularities, | Alley in Prospect recently. SKIRT, :owns the Advocate bids those officers “God heal. Stops that backiche, up parents, | disagreeable and weakening drains, some- TWO OF TUCKS ON EACH We that relieves urination, stops the ! station at times known as pelvic catarrh and a multi- Ferdinand and family visited GROUPS speed.” believe, too, every report urine, frequent Cunningham, recently— Anson M. Shibles, agent Knox, j Harriman if is and a tudc of other diseases peculiar to women, last week. enforcement making honest support cures constipation dys- c. T. Nickerson have little was in town the other day and took all our j relatives at Cape Jellison GORE 5322. PERFORATED FOR WALK- scalding pain; Bear in mind, it is not a nor even a ! for Sheriff Carleton which will be in evi- Frank Harriman recently hauler in humor. He assumes paternal patent pepsia. good secret medicine, but the "Favorite Prescrip- son of Freeman ING LENGTH. dence at the this fall. full pound salmon from Nwan ! Little George, the baby polls Faith, faith, Remember : The nani'is Dr. David Ken* dignities easily. tion of a regularly educated physician, of j ill but is now bet- will him the votes.—Waldo I 1 has been quite bring County ICigene Nickerson and Miss ! largo experience in the cure of woman's Lathrop, The tucked skirt in all its variations nedy's Favorite Remedy, price $1.00 (0 for ! wh has been em- ter. Advocate. :t and are guests of Mr. and Miss Josephine Lane, I peculiar ailments, who frankly and confid- emains a favorite for thin materials $5.00 and prepared at Rondout. X. Y. in an Augusta house the Into his full con- Nickerson.. The Swanville ployed publishing ingly takes his patients Mrs. Maud Robbins* little child, who has md is shown in some exeeeding- is her parents, Mr. and fidence telling thorn Just what his "Pre- being M and Mrs. A. SI. Nickerson' past year, visiting by been so is now well enough to is of. Of no other medi- seriously ill, y graceful and attractive designs. This ,i be interested t< know of Mrs. Otis W Lane. scription composed cine for woman's special maladies be taken out to ride. me the and is of put up is among prettiest made their youngest daughter, | and sold druggists, can It be said John Johnson and True P. Cilley repre- through B. < >f silk with folds of \l Vernon Simpson o* ! is not afraid to deal thus Herman Partridge and S. Littlefield, Queen’s gray Rajah Bangor. sented the local G A. R. Post in Portland. that the maker Waldo was the of are at work at the on the cellar he material the at of guest voted for Fred frankly, openly and honorably, by letting Jr., village nmkmg trimming Kineo 1 It is needless to say that they same know .. \ b( rt ’un- ev«ry patient using the exactly of T. M. new house. die lower It Ranges p, Lathrop's is, however, appro- Sunday S. for State Commander. edge. >»*a: for the Wails what she is taking _orie to Harbor are priate for all the wools of .Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Isaac and Albion Smith of Brewer I light weight Ofleii the remark is made that v and Mrs. Charles K. Nick- L. A. Batehelder, the local blacksmith, is die season as well as fur the silks Pierce, by letter, tree. All correspond- visiting this week at Wilbur Ridley's. They many McKinley l>amm and Mrs. .ft.-n called upon to do particular jobs upon the kitchen is the best room in ence is as sacredly secret and expect to spend the summer at Wilfred md also will be found a most attractive vii and son Albert, attend- He is without, doubt the most guarded machinery. confidences are protected by Staples’. md desirable skirt for the fabrics of the house. Why not have a g exercis-s at Hampden machinist in this vicinity. womanly expert professional Address Dr. R. Y. 'otton and of linen, which are excep- .;atio Marr fell and cut his privacy. There are four ge? orations at Lyman range that not only hakes well Marie D. Lessee of the Stowe, ^ t., Pierce. Buffalo. X. Y. J this season. The : > la.-t week, hu: is improv- now : Mrs. Richards, her daugh- tionally attractive vacation in How to health and beautv 19 Partridge'* but adds to the looks of the -• who is his preserve care of 1 •;. K .igore of l»e<- High >cl:ool, passing ter, Mrs. ParUidge an Mrs. Clarice Colson trimming can lie the folds illustrated, will his spare time as a told in Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Med- N ickeison ha> moved back Brooks, employ I of Guilford aim her ii tie daughter, Inez. little frills of the material, handing of kitchen. salesman for the Bessey Granite to., of ical Adviser »It is free. For a paper- •••:t Cunningham house. suit or, almost Garre, Yt. covered copy send Dr. R. Y. Pierce. Buf- Mrs. Flora Marden, the teacher at the my indeed, anything to that be KINEO falo. N. Y. 21 one-cent stamps cover ; ('enter school, Saturday and Sunday, may preferred. RANGES • *i:t local of spent D ;> -aid that the receipts po- mailing In cloth binding 31 stamps. ! June liitl. her The skirt is cut in live gores and is sta- only; and 17th, with grandparents, with o- ;. Biooks have exceeded any inr* tlveir attractive nickel A. M ;.ke11 d'• **i at the tatoes Ttr P.v, mir.nnsri nation. I Mr. and Mrs. James Kidman in laid in tucks groups of three, i market has Prospect. forming !]-•;. Mi .Jo-1, in rockott, tao; jho '.ine an that the work are to tie to,. of fhe fullness at the back is arranged in pleasing ■•.ne after ai illness of ! h-Dl out longer. Produce is drawn in here Miss Bertha Partridge is having a sale uth, | inverted and the skirt can be cut This leave? Mr ( roc nett I from a long distance outside. i views at Mis* Kdward’s Gore in Searsport. plaits slo- of the coal off in length if v. : of a large fami.y. lie lias ! has the latest view* pocket walking preferred. Commissioner C. E. Bowen is planking SlOCKTOiN SPRINGS. for JOHN B. f n.any fm-nds. Mrs Mi.;- I at Mack'.* Point and other views of interest The quantity of material required STICKNEY, j the bridges. Ami by the way do you notice genial, kind-hearted woman, | to Searsport people. the medium si/.e. including folds, is s 3-4 that lumber s lumber now-a-days ^and 'Deferred from last week.' | AGENT. BELFAST. r, hr ght, witty, and enter- : 27. f, 3 l 44 or ii yards 52 in- .1 n- and a lot of it. Joseph EG is Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ward started June yards yards the r.t; > ot money uri■ her resi- o ... .1- w ivitiJiiii niiin ;es lis Miss Kill* Stowed s at home from Water- wide il lias or -_MAM'FACTl'l; KI> l*»\ f: i*i*i : iSMh for a carriage drive through Thorndike inches ’material figure n n ade friends. The many | ville, for a visit. and towns to Sangerville, where nap: 5 12 41 or 52 inches wide if •- this yards w-i held at the home sat- >ear. ; adjoining Mr Ward's son live,-. Mr. Ward took his it lias not. lb \ W A. Face officiating. ! Mrs. Maggo* A. Marsha 1 lias returned to : phonograph and will held meetings on tlie The 5322 is cut in sizes for a i> ri ■• -a \ itli *\ ! her home in New Yo: k. pattern A mputhizing NORTHPOKl NEWS. way. AOYES NUTTER MANUTACTURING COMPANY, :n_ 22, 24. 2(1. 2\ and 30 inch waist meas- !:e a a. de. were very ('apt. Horace Staple- went !<> Kostou last | V:. and Mrs. • Homer camel CG TK* T ure. SAT.TR!> AY COVE. week by boat on a business trip. It A IN G O r to attend the funeral of \. I). CHASE A s()X. I< 31 A 1 N 1-1 j I'-- Agents. cinie The Young Ladle.-’ Ci:Hd met W Bearn the >'■’ j Y5a Ha'9 Al'va)'s 1 oim*r fi;r-i;d» fiom | ( Heal is ve: > busy getting the ednesday BOUgfll Releast, Maine. ■ apt Joseph wood. in idi• wei rite ; ntennent ; u.-e when afternoon with Mr-. Kaiph Kock Fol w eii tleet of boats ready for All patterns toe. each. •Cl. .. Hurried: Lodge, 1. < >. 0. j the family arrive later. Mrs. Kock wood of W’.it*~>:vi!le is vi.-iting T1 i:,' a: V ice lli- Mill-lay j 11. Koek arid at tin C..\> is being her &on, Lugineer Kaiph wood, Name ..•• ; i-.i n was d-diven d at The Wing cottage Ee^tmber the Full | wife. Kocfo! Byspepsia Cure Always Ib-\ W. A. Luce, after which I pu.-hed rapid’} inward comploton under SEARSPORT LOCALS. me- what eat. Coinele; 4, •«• »m »U fl *'o?i->n. A. II. elegant Mi>s Louise I). Leib has arrived from HUMPHREYS’ j ;i.• ii, Little R.ver, sawed by "ii the iit wi\ eonstrucL»*d hotel. i,; the w intci. Slie was a- position Sac»> to the sumn:- :. on .. on lot. spend cure i; .... ingtuii at his mill the dwell Specifics by a-ting directly Mi -. Li la who I The Mocki'in. the^ Campbell, irts without the rest o£ Sell. Helen 1'. Crosby, I sick /■ disturbing eek ; two with her parents, Ileun >. Pendleton, wife and Mr.-. Fred and little daughter Captain Wallace, Cap; Laupher s eil .1 nne loth for Now-. the h.iI N i>. 0i Lev. .1 F came from Boston, where Newpoi; system. Jang! Mai ha left June lGrh for Now Hruu.-wick to spend No. 1 for Fevers. v. hanged \S itll Ih-v. -j'. r. VVi;- i the ’<* their Cove home :hc> -pent winter, a few weeks in her old home Miss Hattie Closson picked a cup full of .hi ii 11. was i Pendleton is No. 2 Worms. I’oy,ngton tw«i w*cu ago. Capt. quite npe strawberries near her home Wedties- -: ! t station at Jelli- j !,-•>." t: ip la.-t week M. feeble. Mr. raw ford, agent Cape June lbtn No. 3 St. N. I day, Teething. •. .-eriuu.' 1 t .:n last week, but I -ou, left for his Imine non Jtdin, H., I 1 Manuas.-ah had a valuable cow No. 1 Diarrhea. ut again. Whitney last Friday, to be absent four weeks. Edwin 1’. Grutin has bought a farm in I md ordei ed k .1 ed last w eek. She Medua>, Mass., and will leave this week No. 7 Coughs. ill Mas- Mrs. Ginu has aiiived from South FRED ATWOOD, Insurance and Real Estate wais a Jersey, bought George hi.- new WIS0RT' thoroughbed Mr. for home. No. 8 Neuralgia. sachusetts about two year.- ago and must Herv ck and is visiting liei father, .’end'iK"’, ami Gluts. 11. Little- j have been affected when brought Imre. ( ha- s. Keudell, and other relatives. Mr ami Mrs. Frank 1-. Field arrived No. 9 Headaches. REPRESENTING OVEk FORTY-FIVE MILLION ASSETS •.••.'iik ii-t. 1 he\ are at tended Hills had his herd tested and one June lbth from llrookline to attend the No. 10 : Henry Capt. M. F. Coleord, W*. ,1. Creamer and Dyspepsia. v> and Dr. Webber of Winter- out of the herd was ordered killed. Mark luneral of Mrs. J). It. Smart. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate (ilass, Tornado Insurance, Steam toiler J. <> Lambert were in Hangor June in j No. 11 Suppressed Periods. Alice Dockham and F.essie Mendall's and Bartlett Wadliirs cow.- were j attendance the Democratic State con- I Mrs. who had been her 'fast are a vacation upon Wallace, visiting No. 12 Whites. Insurance and Inspection. spending found to be all right. Wallace of the sell. Helen •■■‘iit* Jo-! A !I the schools vention. j husband, Capt. j 1’. left b\ train June loth for her No. 13 Croup. Security Bonds for Cashiers. Contractor'. A.imini'tratoi■« and T>. next r'i for the summer TEMPLE IIEIdHTS. Crosby, .da) One v-i \ convincing proof of the increase home in Hath. No. 14 The Skin. Correspondence solicited. Keai estate bought and sold. v'.l: >hute and wife attended i- of our j W. L. and wife arrived at their in our business the raising post- -ervices of the<'dd Feliows Lathrop with No. 15 Rheumatism. ortice to the Presidential class, July 1st, The gr. half barrels of beer seized June »— j June lbtli. ■n n mnn rt m n n ir n ttt rt o ! —; v Miss cottage j it 17th.. a salary of si 100. Kith by Sheriff Carletonon the Eastern S. S. j No. 16 Malaria, wl graduat'd from the! K of Rockiand is staying a Co.’s was libeled June It was Thurlough are for pier 18th. j No. 19 Catarrh. "■ -.. Arrangements* progressing finely m;nan lias etui ned home few at his cottage. to a in Stockton days the Fourth of celebration. The Mon- consigned party Springs. 20 !_"* and fami!y liave returned July No. Whooping Cough. Mrs. Hester Morse has the “Sol- roe band, is has been secured for On account of the increase in business 1 I two here with opened pieces, 'Vending days i. ....i No. 27 The Kidneys. Mr. M. :. I >r. dier’s Rest” until after campmeeting. F. Parker, our tonsorial artist, has I SUMMER SERVICE. On and after.lime Mis i izzie Gould.... j No. 30 The Bladder. 4, 11MI6. trams connecting added another chair and secured the set- I Miss Nellie Hichborn has a nurse, as she at Burnham and Waterville with through train* The McCarty, Bishop, HeaM, H-uriman, vices of Mr. a first No. 77 La with his father, Mr. I. F. i Leighton, class artist. Grippe. for ami Mai bird cottages are occupied by their requires constant care, for although the and from Bangor, Waterville, P.'tland and in j> is scarce. Man\ farm-! j In small bottles of pellets that fit the vest r, TKIl'S A WEEK TO ItOSTOX. owners. physical strength has increased the mental The Epworth League held a social in the ! Boston, will run as follows ced wf one or two men I At or mailed, 25c. each, good condition is no better. Methodist vestry, Thursday evening, Junei pocket. Druggists v. n: three months at a crew of men at work on j free. FROM HKLFASI good A. H. Paul has ; 1st. Misses Annie Inez jrtfp* Medical Guide mailed 1 ( Gilkey, linker, Mi Corson delivered an able Id.- some needed repai:.- anu I>. F. Magee has sold his business at ape j Med. Co.,Cor. William & Johu Streets, cottage making and Sallie How entertained. Ice cream Humphreys’ AM I'M PM .. It of .leilison to Harry \Y. Clark of Belfast, who j New York.' giving it a new coat paint. was on sale. Belfast, depart 7 1 l Bo 530 v\; i a store in j attendance at the Sunday upon branch clothing charge Bitv Point. 7 1' 1 15 im.-mu has her I 5f> 25 -- Mis. Kneeland ot opened I- vena Grant, the assistant' of Mr. l’rescott, at once. John K. Lancaster of Stockton is running | Wald* 7 2' ‘5 Mi-.- Brace Baincii- j | 1145 55 has been Winter- cottage lor tlm season. an accommodation from Stockton and Seals- Broous 1 (• called to j level" .lime 7 5 47 is with Mrs. Knee- 1 he name of base ball on “the ■' -ss rs. Flora ard of Medford, Mass., to Helfast, at i Knox ...... 7 '2 Bl f tf of her siste:. M nines port leaving Searsport daily season, 1m1i between the Stockton and Belfast 1 Thorndike 7 5. i' much missed... Lila H. land for a a. m. 10 connect wmi me i.,-11 train 215 4 06 was v-*r\ interesting, re.- ulting in a score of Cnity 2 2'. 4 15 :ii' to have the larges* and M Tucker of Millwater is at ; from Belfast, returning after the arrival of Mr.-. Lydia > : ;• in fiiw.r of the Stocktons. arrive .... s 25 2 45 4 55 ■ 1 Burnham, f full blooded chickens in •• the Li.05 p. m. train at Belfast. a 1 weeks, 1 Commencing Monday. ApnKiO. 1906. : tl -in are read;, for market. uh?ehi«d Lands and W' L elements, w ith Sch. Kdward T. stotesbury linished dis- Benton. /•- if 26 1 The 1'. S. Mail stage has been discon- it:;..Mi !. (.•.ant, our > « 1 Vir- Steamei leave for B (’a tli- ,r w 'ves, will occupy it Mr the remaind- ohargint: her earg sot; coal from i Belfast *>t Bangor ..4 5o d 00 1 tinued, making its last night, ,i-r, :s put in a stock ol all ginia at the apt. .J“lli>on dock June li)th trip Monday ml Rockland. daily, .-veep; er el the season. i June 1sth. All mail now out over the as and chicken feeds. His and .-ailed for Bangor the 20th to load ice. goes I-'oi Sear-port and Hampden 1 Wa.erviUe. :• 5 ! 7 d 52 cottage is B. A A. at 0.05 day- am! Sunday at 7.C a. m. "i! the toad delivei ing and j Mr. and Mi> Beorge Benson** j railroad, leaving Searsport in- a. m., m. and 5.25 m., and 1 For Bueksport. \\ intei p-»i t and B; Mi Munis Kii"v\ Iton hears • M,.-. A telephone has been i'he stage between •Stockton and Belfast j }>. p. arriving public 1 except at 7.4' a. m.. or -1. a \ i- its last here at 0.45 a. 2.45 111. and s.10 m. Monday, up. i K'i>."."0 3/ <. a dt .-d iii their cottage, which great Been discntii ued, making trip 111., p. p. whu went to f-ii nia last | steam.a from i'.oston. I...*!..!1.I WD. 4 ■ '.•! 7 20 situated and convenience to people who wi-ls to coin- Monday night. Hencetorward the mail for enjoying good N OK Til SHAKM'OKT ITF.Ms. :;i. if u\int».** muuicate with the outside world. Belfast gue> b\ train b\ way of Bangor. FO «KI.K\'I From Boston at A huge attended the daily, except Sunday, M A >1 A M Samuel at Blanchard and Mrs. Klmer delegation spirit- I'anii Hoeklaud. via Camden, d.idv. M r. and Mis Mrs Maria ! ualist in Granite hall last l. l>. 7 *-l* 00 Boston Mindai aim in meeting grange Monday, at a. m. Temple lbdglits from spent Jline itfth Buckspoit. I " D.. ..•% 50 1uesday are caused If you eat a I "in and ’i t W li.muas ami Grown of Las i Paul for tlm -uimiier guests of Mrs. Herbert Mixer. The\ I by Indigestion. Hampden Searsp Monday-, i in opened the cottage the and < or if are to tiesday- Friday-. .. aimed id Fellows 1 build- Mr. 'arr returned t" Boston on the commencement exercises it I>r. T. E. Dorr was at little too much, you subject | Portland 1« 50 7 (0 1 06 months. | attended Temple Heights From Bangor, via Wmterport and Bueksj »rt i>u canal wi th white trim- < an wi.i i-nmin of have no doubt V M > Mondav night, but Mrs. the F. >1. C. Seminary. the tirst of this week, where lie has several attacks Indigestion, you at in dady. except Sunoay-. p. Water\ ill** 7 '- p 1 4 16 a li-ton Lodge, I. o. »>. F., eon* will his vacation Imre later. of breath, heart beats, 111 live via and he spend patients. had shortness rapid cargo, except -took. the steam- "n 1 -••'•• has returned to Bangor. 7 55 »ned and thud on Mrs. J. \Y. Clow Boston, of tin- is insured tire and ma degree* heartburn or of the heart. company, against P M 1 1». M arrived 'inn- n w;in b\ her little sister, Winifred Mrs. Ellen Carletoo ot arrived palpitation vine risk. vote* at the meeting held Friday Bradbury accompanied Winter'port «• •' new causes the stomach to Benton.. 17 -t4 21 •• to furnish hi.- ctiag*-. York. Mr. Clow is :n will sum- Indigestion cream we* served the la-, household goods Marshall of New ; in town last week and spend the FRED W. Belfast *7 by — ; BOTH. Agent. Clinton. 15 11* Bo 4 51 on a coat of S. swell, and up the a lie is second paint, on a business and Mr. Harry mer with her Mrs. Dorr. expand puff against s ibid 1-iebckah lodge the lirst j putting Ihiyti trip, sister, Nancy CALVIN Al’STIN. Burnham, depart 57 10 20 4 50 makes it look nice. \\ .1. idad- him. heart. This crewcs the heart and inter- 4 ng ;%nd a baked bean supper j which ver> ! Park is with j President and (Jen'l Manager. Boston. Cnity. ;• 1 4 5 5chooL ... Elden Ogier has Liucolnville, returning home Monday, of the late Lindsey strength MAGAZINES BOUND. their cottage on Maple street f -: a few days E. re- Cures Sou? from Gurkettville and is at while Mr. Bragg went to Portland. husband’s brother, James Marden, body. Indigestion, Dyspepsia, | Books loose ip the covers replaced, front l« trade of blacksmith in the during the past week. sides here. The deceased is well remember- Stomach, Inflammation of the mucous Mrs. G. M. went to Bangor cents up. ip, which is now owned In 8. .1. and f iinii\ of Ban- Houghton ed by many friends here. membranes lining the Stomach and Diges- I Mrs. C harles Catell ac- JOHN S. FERNALD, v Fridav returning afternoon, rus I'erry has installed a soda their ti South Saturday tive Nervous and Catarrh gor have opened cottage her Miss Hazel Tract, Dyspepsia — by daughter, NORTH PALKKMO. Ins stoje Six members of Shore for the summer. companied of the Stomach. Side Belfast. who is a of Pratt Institute, 26 Miller Street. Door, ige, 1. ii, O. F.. attended the Houghton, pupil I The meeting of the C. E. Trinity Union I Hinck- of old Town N. Y. Miss Houghton ng of tlie order held with Ger- Mi. and Mrs. J. Y. Brooklyn, expresses After eating, my food would distress me by m&ldnf with Stockton in at the Baptist church June 16th and 17th I ot aldoboro Thursday night. ai e at, the Hi neks cottage near Hie pier, herself as much pleased heart palpitate and I would become very weak, is forward 1 me Hanley and wife have moved where they will spend the uiimier months. its summer garb and looking was an entire success in every way. Seven nally l got a bottte of Kodol and it gave Imrar STOCKTON SPRINGS WATER CO to her vacation tie reUef. After using a few bottles I am cured. mneumnt over the Davidson with pleasure spending and than Ey E. \Y. of Orlando, , has societies were represented more NICHOLS, Penn Yan. N. Y. NOTICE OF LOCATION. In tf'fect June 4, 1906. Juts been confined to Sperry here. j MRS. LORING I Mondd}. | iiipb-;. the Bates cottage ne;u the hotel and 500 people were in attendance. Dinner was bought To all whom it concern: •■pa>i week with sickness and for served in the church Sunday to the dele- I I had stomach trouble and was in a bad state as I may will have it generally impi'oVH.i renting Mr. Charles A. Sprague of Los Angeles, The Stockton Water Company of Sto SKKNlCi: hfm he will have to under-j and visitors friends and members had heart trouble with it. I took Kodol Dyspepsia Springs PULLMAN this summer. Cal who had been a week with gates by ton Maine, hereby gives n tiee to lie on i n spending Mr. Ames for about four months and it cured me. Springs, appendicitis. ! of the society. Rev. Pearl Miller, Cure and to ail who ate mterc'te. Parloi .ir <>n tram i- .\ tug s *ni m -t *o the Hichborn sisters mi Church street, left D. O. public especially E. II. has opened -tore near and several others were the guests of C. E. KAUBLE. Nevada, with 11 < ';irM *. mu Haney via Kockland, June lath, for Augusta, >\here tlierein, that in aeeordanei- provisi.u ill. :w.d ID- canning deice line of with th* i! 7 17. In I the hotel and‘i.- the I Carr and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. of tile statute* of Maine. U ha* tiled ill S> "I"*, ! at 1*. he will remain sometime longer, guest Bow-( W ;<: > Pierce and A zuba for the summer tiud *. Later in tile ! Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Over- 1 County Commissioners of the e.iunty of Myriek goods Mrs. ( S Hichborn. This is ler entertained* What You Eat !)i:i* \ i; 11 ka and will of his sister, Digests Maine, a map or plan of it>- location, tog*i!.• •••1 from Normal season Mr. llaney family occupy to lock of Washington and Mr. Bartlett and Farmington j the first visit Mr. Sprague has made | j with location a ol it* wa;. 1 the cottage. i sister and Mr. French of Somerville visited ! tile by desrription, 1.1 \ S-a I'sjn i|‘t O'. II! S| •'-\mouth Maine in IS years many changes 2^ pipe Boyd's I’ond, j lor and ri mug it N,»rt li it •> at F. A. Chadwick’s... John Black and tlmea aa much as the oratory of E.C.DeWiti town ..f -rt :<> *.u* » of j Halt Moon I’ond.‘.n the Searsp 15. K. < 7.7.*, m > !.ig onlral 1 list into. Pittsfield ; Mrs. J. \Y. Emery Belfast has opened and improvements. at size. £ P.8.A- -or via |{y. Charles Black, who had been home for j trial, or 60 cent Co., Chicago, | Stockton on the fifth day "j dune. »! one of '1 her at t for I Springs, S.or. in I > »\rr and .\-t. U.i t. hi.. Prm.tiss. roy's bright, cottage N'othp. ampu'iound to in v. as < e.u d< d 01 1 Ilf ljUUifa /mu i*l i* wm nititfi Kituii some time, have returned their work and a copy of said local ion duly 1 15 in 'lil.i s.j, a the ave a num- v11 In to »<> i. III., Kill'*" p. eai took Monsoii prize j the summer months 1 are a i said fifth of in Waldo County IJegisti; week now until the sale, instead of once in Kittery navy yard, where they laying BY 11. 11. MOODY. (lay dune, Mi 1 m vkrl 10 1' m \ dd 5 F reason w ith hei season. SOLD 1 1. Troy has always had i ber of friends later iu the is an of Deeds, Book jst, Page 14. Fort I two weeks, it met Thursday afternoon sea wall. John Black experienced i.. j of her It has j ! 1 « *1 young people. dune'-’1st, with Mrs. Frank Jackson. It is i diver and Charles Black an excellent at- STOCKTON Si’Ll MiS WATKII CO. 7 17) p. 111.. ITrs.jue i 'If 1 p. I! ;i115•• P U. >■ 11j 1 i ■"}")■'d fact that no town MON TV 11.1 I tlie “Sunbonnets" will be ! tendant. Frank \V. Collins, it*- President, Li:\vi -S-arspoit m.. sio'-M-a 1" p. T'r<»\- expected play Ity etler >eholars than ]|. B. W hitman of flu- Palermo arm ni \ 15.m ... Creamery given here sometime the latter part of tiiis Wanted dime 15, 190f». -;>\v_’5 m. foi and town attended the Bainror 1 via 15 Kv lUn.-trin Co ., >■• in..'' dulled on his patrons D i. Jtine 14th—Mr. month the Belfast ladies, under the aus- intlis-1 at Pittsfield The by There is no need worrying along Lagrange 5.51 t». in M>> 4 1'* i» in M 'Imorkrf Thursday. of "the Ladies’ Aid. Particulars will j at her drew a crowd and the and Mrs. B. C. Sleepei «*f south Thomas* pices comfort because of a disordered digestimi- r, .7 p. m.. Ashland a 1" p. :o If" !;.> 7.J j- i;s be given later by bills. a bottle of KODOL FOR DYSPEPSIA Fort Fail li*• Id tU'. p in.. Bres,| i-- Is! s .. p. m and galleries were filled — ton were at C. M. Plummer's and W. B. Get for Kodol not 1 ( aribou :».-5 in. a June tilth there were two vessels and one and see what it will do you. LOTS. p. ! M\ iek, teacher in Freedom last week.... Mrs. Hannah Sar- COTTAGE Jaquitlrs at Jellisun what eat and that ; i|'1 J7. p. III.. Sl"i'klo:i 7 p. li.. ; and A zuba, who recently re- steamer the Cape pier, making only digests you given size from a few hundred feet to 175 acres I.I'AVI"—SiMI'sp and Mrs. Cora nton were in Bel- Any at No Mango: 4-7.'. in M.mgo, gent Bo} a East River scene. Reside tired stomach a needed rest, but is a cor- b for and arriving p Farmington, are at home for quite miniature All have shore fronts. Anywhere from Belfn*t So fast, June 10th— Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Kodol re-1 Via 15. Itv. & K. Co. _*7. p. II I. mi ingr hut will the summer at the fstotesbury and Kreger, reported last rectiveof the greatest efficiency. of Can jou Saturday Cove. Fine view of nay and island*, spend Downer were at C. A. Whitten’s last Sun- By thousands Brooklyn people. p. m Milo i;.o.i p. in., I)o\ -r ••.jo p. in.. Creenvliie ■ there were the 1 eves palpitation of also have a list of city property and farm: after which the former will week, Lavania, discharg- indigestion, dyspepsia, take a few? If so, list your house in the large 7.40 in. day_The fine drying weather of last and sour stomach. all sizes and Send for book p. ■ r duties in Freedom ing cargo of piling for the X. M. S. R. R. the heart, flatulence, | DAILY F.AGLE FREE IN- prices. Academy week was improved by tlie farmers. But BROOKLYN F. S. HOLMES Altltn ALS •ter to where Co., to be used in the construction of then- Kodol will make your stomach young and j for which will go Pittsfield, the is not as remains to be FORMATION BUREAU, pur- Beal Estate .Belfast, Me. end yet, much in the Agent s. u a as in new the Fannie Hall, loading lumber; again. You will worry just is Akrivk—Srockton 0.47. a. in., >port -epted position teacher done.... Freeman Johnson and wife arriv- pier; healthy pose a printed Blank provided. school.Miss Bessie the Jessie L. Boyce, \V. I), llilton, Sarah proportion that your stomach worries you. ! of the INFORMATION BU- in. Leaving Milo 7.0s a. in., tirrenville a. m., Wey- last from Boston to th3 the service 7.:tr» a. ed Saturday spend Willis & R. P. Chase and means the loss of ability to do your Dover & Foxeroft 0.7.0 a m.. So. I.agiange lionie from Springfield, Mass., L. Davis, Guy, Worry REAU No. summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. The is tube avoided at all times Dr. E. E. BROWN in.. Bangor (via B. Ky. & K. Co.) 7.a m., weeks’ vacation — Mrs. Estelle G. W. Collins, all loading lumber. best. Worry A. who met them in Belfast— out of Bangor 8.05 a. m. Lewiston and Miss Della Sprowl, first steamer arrived June 18th, the Kodol will take the worry your Will Cost You Nothing Mrs. Allen Goodwin attended the foreign OF BANOOIt, J. is 111.. J.47> Mi. and craft to load sto inach. Sold R. II. Moody Akuivk—Stockton p. Searsport p. Portland are visiting their Norwegian “Thorodal,” by a. isle 7.41 Trinity Union held at the First Baptist Perkins in Diseases of the Eai in Leaving Caribou 7.15 in., Uresipir (Lace who spoolwood for Scotland, from the is the best advertis- Specialist Eye. 7.15 a. Moulton ’.'.15 a. in.. Knowles, recently church in Palermo last Saturday and Sun- The Brooklyn Eagle ;i. m.. Fort i-airfield m.. news of her & Dauforth Spoolwood Co. more a. Millinoeket 11.15 a.m.. Mtio sad of the death Mrs. Goodwin is the week Energy all gone? Headache? Stomach ing medium in the world. It carries Nose and Throat, Ashland 8.10 in., day. spending in So. Lagrange 12 7.0 p. in., Bangor via Knowles, in California, where her and Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell Blanchard, former out of order ? a case of torpid liver. I resort advertisements than any New York p. there with old neighbors friends. Simply lias taken Boom No. J. Odd Fellows’ block, am Co. 1- 40 in.. No. Bangor t JO p. ill. ed some Hester of this but for at the B. Ky. K. p years—Mrs. _Dan of Searsmont was in town residents place many years burdock blood bitters will make a new paper. It stands PRE-EMINENTLY will be in Belfast every .Monthly. Office hours l( Higgins Aitim k—Stoekton 8 0j p. in.. Searsport s.pj p. I 'pent the winter in Auburn, living on the western coast and for the past man or woman of head. a. in. to 6 and 7 to 9 ill. last week selling cook stoves. He is agent you. p. in., p. l_V-*5 Dir t J 5.j — m. Caribou p. m.. ITes«pie tie;- home in Troy last week six years in San Francisco and w ho were An ADVERTISEMENT in the Eagle Refers to Drs. C. B. Hoit, Liberty ; Adelheri Braving for the Waterville firm of Noyes tfc God- Fort Fairfield 11.5:5 a. m.. Moulton .7. p.m.. ! to see our Nat victims of the recent awful disaster The boss—Say, what you stoppin’ for?" costs but results, be- Millett, Searsmont; I). P. Flanders, Elmer Smal. p. in.. young friend, dard-Charles Oxton a cow of there, little, brings large 11.80 a. in., Ashland l.’J5 p. in.. Milli- 1 bought utilized all the ma- S. W. Belfast. :«tf Fort Kent again after several weeks’ eon- have arrived in town and are guests of Mr. The Foreman—We have cause the EAGLE INFORMATION BU- ml Johnson 47 (ileeiiville .5.05 Charles E. Thompson last week — Clifton noeket 4.-41 p in.. M'l" p. in., a sir. There’s nothing left us but No. La- i the house with dislocated B.’s sister and husband, Capt. and Mrs. terial, pa- REAU is constantly helping it. a.05 m., I>ov r iv Foxerott 5./J p. in.. Richards of Washington, D. C., is spending 1 p. came to live with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Blanch- tience. The boss—Well, utilize that, too. and *; _*.'>! 15. & K. Co.) »aby girl the summer with his Mr. and Mrs. Horace M. Griffin. Write for listing blank Advertising grange p m.,| Bangor; (via Ky. parents, t. in Mules Temple last week... On ard w ere among those who were stripped of —Cleveland Leader. Rate Card. Address ti.-jo p. in. No. Bang >i 7.ti p. health Mr. Francis their entire the W. M. ItllOWN C. t BLOWN, very poor are expected home the last of this week for possessions, having only Hundreds of lives saved every year by- FOE SALE live nice cows and clothes stood ill and the contents of Gil in (ien’l Superintendent. Men’l Bass’r Agent \ litly‘sold their summer vacation. they having Dr. Thomas’ Eclectrie the INFORMATION BUREAU, 1 Mr. and Mrs. William Gilkey their travelling bags. Through the efforts house just when it is needed. Cures croup, Second hand hack.tbp surry, open surry, Washington, send the sad of friends passes and money were obtained heals wounds of every sort. burns, cuts, BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE, ■ a Men or local ■id in that o A STORI A. here. Their tales for at a 41 aiTCn women, home friends Troy to bring them to relatives open buggies and harnesses sale for don’t so much meat Mrs. jgy§ |^§ I Hi/ representatives rge recently died from injuries Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought of the terrible fright, the iudiscribable ex- “Y’ou buy now, Commissions. Cash since all these Brooklyn, N. Y. the hi di class magazine. Largo falling from the roof of a build- periences and suffering, are indeed thrilling. Malaprop.” “No, indeed; bargain by Write N. TKAINKK. 80 Last Wash- lias turned valetu- In which see this ilrizes. ! -ered several days, suffering in- No one can understand it like an eye-wit- awful tales, our family Mention tlie paper you S mare. New York, N. Y. 211)18 BELFAST LIVERY COMPANY. ington ness. dinarian.”—baltimore American. advertisement.

1 t c tSV' Vtti'. iHKi i 4 « ft 1 Ml fo with its lectures ami demonstrations by 8, 18tH», making the Portland, Oregon, April a corps of competent instructors, has on 107 The ship fastest passage record, days. been evolved the “Summer Training LOCALS. I). S. sail- 1 SEARSPORT Brown Bros., Capt. Goodell, Jr., School for Teachers,’’ with its daily les- from San Francisco .Jan. 14, 1882, and ar- ed j sons which must be thoroughly learned making the pas- rived at Havre April 30th, and its recitations which are calculated .1. < l'utch a:lived Sunday from in P'4 "he sailed from Havre, Master sage days, to show how intelligent a grasp each at sau Francisco, ; Rockland. Mav 26th, and arrived student has of the principles studied. the round in 8 last week from >ept. 26th, making voyage | these recitations the instructor A Big ],; f. K. sawyer arrived on In Jiuiing , a the best record. ; Pleasure There months and 12 Wliat days, is to make the Is drill which ]T..iadelpd...,. E. 1>. P. gives the l.S89 tile ship Mate of Maine, Capt. ; teacher-student proficient in the most made the lrom Hong I y .. Katherine Nickels arrived Sunday Nickels, passage important branches. to in 92 The Fabrics New York days. ship a Summer Kong j were established within in in m Rostun. sailed if a school Henrietta, ( apt. James C. Gilmore, reasonable distance of your home in M.s. Ethel M. 1 lodge arrived Thursday from Port Feb. 3, 181K), and arriv- In selling something a little better than other stores give for the mu, Angeles, which an opportunity is offered to re- from Gorham. ed at Buenos Ayres April 17th after a fast view thoroughly the work in geography, There's a mite of satisfaction in business that \v.t from passage of 72 days. The ship S. P. Hich- States ami money. doing .. Inez Ho’,liver arrived Sunday arithmetic, United history M J. B. Nichols, arrived at Sau Mass. c-oek, Capt. English grammar, would you attend There's no worry except in tbe buying. The goods sell themselves. I'ln Krockton, March 101 passage Francisco, 1, 1887, days such a school, provided the term com- friends in The run from New York Mrs G. I‘. t urtis visiting fiom New York. | menced July 9, 1906, and continued four are no squabbles with customers, for every purchaser gets such g. was made in 76 i.eifast for a few days. t«> the equator in the Pacific and farther that the in of weeks, provided ufter- days. This ship while command of board did not exceed S3.00 values that she doesn't want her money back. We're selling these li '] e Lad:-.' Guild met Tuesday to Sau expense ( apt. Nichols made three passages week ? The work in these schools with Mi-. T. I’. \' iiliarns The per for much less than we ever sold them before/ but we haven't t r.,, Francisco in 108, 101 and 1(H) days. will include both study and recitation money B. John (4. Pen- Iiiain l.ard of i’ortlaud is the guest ship Henry Hyde, Capt. and also talks on methods. Come in and see : M-«s tons of periods to tell you all the particulars. what remarkabV ■>. G. I'endleton. dleton, loaded with 3,500 sugar, Yon be interested to know that 'oi'i.-r aunt. Mrs. 1888, may -ailed from San Francisco, April 26, took this work : ■> of graduates of colleges you will find, not only in the departments represented in ... in the W. Horn was gains Henson McClure -mpluy for New York. .The run to Cape last and in strong terms market. to the year expressed A W i,Chester l. his meat made in 50 days, thence 19 days their of the help the school nouncement, but in every corner ot our store. in the Atlantic, arriving at the appreciation has ci ltageou the shore equator was to them. Hook July 13th; passage an excel- h moled a,. "indy lightship These schools also furnish fj-..:i: c an{m-d and the from the equator 1M day-, making pas. lent for preparing for the m This opportunity hG-c i’. ro.oy, apt Wallace, -age from port to port days. ship, to be the last Pendle- State examination, given N rt N‘ is. which wa> bu;!t for Capt. Phineas j Credit is on state cer- from of August. given ton, Jr., at Bath, Me., a 1884, sailed at one of these White Linen Suit $4.50 to j tificates for attendance LITTLE THINGS AT LITTLE PRICES' 25c. 12 l=2c. ,1 Mr- h. I Tuttle returned "an Franci.-co on her first homeward pas- j Muslins \;. Schools. Figured New Wl'ite I,in* n S : n. ie ... Test New ton Saturday. -age. net. and arrived at 29, 1885, this matter care- ■ in.. l "i i «i ii •. Liver-| Will you please give For our work TIU Mob, a "i u,; ; only. 1 l-so. alter ’s **»••"> — from poo Feb. 2, passage ^ I!;.- .. w !-*i <>f iMO J .1 kl> 'V f- •nr piece skirt. c .Y. an- arrived Mol,day ful consideration. i;,H.I.o< i P The run from the equator to Liver-i ^ =’ visit, day.-. MiIIward's Needles. 3:c ^ .■ Mass : lew lay Jiesnectfully, 1.Bw nee, va- made in 2<> ... unis p..oi days. \V. \Y. STETSON', Best Hooks and Eyes, perdu/ 3o ’• e the Hump liav last v .. i uitvil Mate of Public .schools. Mi-- 11 umer’’* "t < « K.--. Since locating Supt. I Silkateeu 3c 12.1C. White Skirts E. A. i.s. Separate ... c. i '1 E. .... M.SS llopA her studio: -••ar-po:: and estab’i-hii'g Ball and Sockets .. 4c of Disease. Of linen fini-lt .1 -ks. m-nmi He an > Guida Cured Bright's \...i t'an-e, the p.ano a .-'.ruction Mi**- Homer; 4c v~ aro 10c. Dip Fins .. n results 1 c Mi.-S K. A. iloj j as ace p isheil remarkably good ... Lisbon lied Law- (L A. sherman, Mills, lle.nt Cut ton. per ball '4c 12 l=2c. _.i sized class of pupils that ; dis- Darning 25c. Eoiinne At $ i. 15.:: h the rence Co N. V., write': “I hud kidney Waistings j: ;v•- of the Crochet Hooks..'»«• *i many years ami had been tieated *! ! rvriet Treat. •• le $j. .... Mrl -;e«l n\ her it,I modern and approveu for twelve had taken b* Colored Spool Twist-. by physicians years; 1 -1: .let* a. accoidlm: to tl:e Virgil method. ; lied Tambo Cotton. •••• 'it v A a we.' known kidney medicine and otiier :: 'tilts * Miss Homer enter- ■ At S2.25. .’Ui'H ti n. Saturday, June 23rd, j remedies tliat were recommended but got 39 cent Silver I himbles.19c n j- era.- Marne; of New A oi k, Mr red no r- *■ ? until 1 began using F" eyv Kidney AA'asli Cloths. 4< I2;c. per yard his directoi- w iiwin -he >u: ih-i during (,'ure. The first halt bottie relieved me and "■ 1 oint Tuesday. School. Luring | lo cent Tooth How der. 7« r.~ c'. c,'c at Mac,:'. .. ,i \ ];e Bangor P.ano four buttles have cured me of this terrible * and friend.- the I 50 cent Tooth Fowdei.14c y,v -ho gave L* ; pupbs disease. Before 1 began taking Foley’> Kid- i nio.-tiug Mr. Ai a riser sociai- Featherbone Collar Sets. He Radical Clearance of Covert Coats. Others at SI.25, 1.50 anJ \ : nm utility ney ( ur< I had to make watei about every t«> a recital in wh en .. and alter listening fifteen and night, and passed ta minutes, day N. V Mr. Mainer ... .4c pupils part puted a brick-dust substance, and sometimes a Hair Curlers. Our stuck ure (Tire.” K. II. Friday with I Moody. 1 ami :n;ere>t it; theii work and in Mi.'S the EaS et 1 fol- , c i. •nier’- —\*• *c* -s a- an instructor, lhe New Parasols $10 50 COAT 25 Lingerie .»wing program was given: $7 3S COAT TOR $3.60 TOR $5 I Mmle of w \\\:» tin -n. .!»i«»■ 'i t: u u- NtWS. 1 ■ rr-xt ill Virgil SHIP Q 1.5 1.56 5.75 yi, ntii colli: hirioii -'..idiij a. I.v.iiubv. Lace 00 \r v.Mi'k. pr -I from ior :. IesteiB Special! .c c! urch pal:-,, ltf-s el _ -pel oaai'e.cationa: b, pi g] 8.50 1.25 12 10 6 00 \\ ; 11 lam Griimell AMERICAN PORTS. $ 1.37 to 5.00 ea- expenses. •• 38 1 2 50 6.25 k -.-e tie in. Etude Xo .5, l, Virgil l‘> sell. Wm. L. 10.75 5 A to u invoice New Y ork, June Cld, \\ f'ur.k I..'.' r*-ceivf«.l ..sip.'1' Nettie Bunker, 1000 yards Yal Laces and Inser- tud Douglas.-, Port Arthur, Texas; 20, ar, sells. for use the 1th f July, to irreVorks sleep. Lithe .-. Meep, F. C Pendleton, Munington : Nat \\ Ayer. tions, 5c. value for New Silk Skirt. Jennie agner. Bangor; sld, sell. Edward II. (ole, New regular y<>- is 2c. Nemo N. the Morning, row- New Corsei .-raid !!.■:-,•> : i noi.l.i Y., a, Sunshiny (Tuli‘y! York; 21, ar, sch. George 1). Edmunds, I'nmvss model, -ix of shiirun Selt'=Reducing Ml dtt* I M >. L. / the ing, Whil- _: i.. «lp;ire!:ts. b, By spi Halls Quarry ; 22, ar, sch. Rebecca J. forming deep girdle ami yoke, skirt it Emily Boss. bark Rose lnnis, Gal- M >argen:. \ den, Stockton; sld, -l,,.,:" .,'.I .... Song, iryil Nat Stockton I stout women have at last found what lias Hunting veston 23, sailed, sell. A>er, $|2.j( they K. French of Sandypoint Prone.! Gilkey. 1000 yards Torchion Laces and tor. Lottie Springs; 24, sld, >ch. Annie P. Chase, Ban- !i;ive been looking beer! "engaged b.. Mr. > A. Clement as Brave Little Warrior, Krogman Webbet. gor. Insertions 8 to cent values for A CORSET THAT ACTl'AELY RE- -ou-entoT-i. Antoinette sell, s. G. 12} Panama Skirt $4.08. Boston, June 22. Ar, Haskell, DUCES THE FIftl'R E WITIIOU I THE Hunting Song, Eldora, Harry triinine. W-eki\ conn a: the 'ongrega- Pensacola; sld,sehs. Bangor; Kigiit gore box plaited front, SLIGHTEST DISCOMFORT. Eva Havener. ( do; Charles- .. tak luring July Chester, do; Mary Louisa, ^ Waltz ' irgil 5c. with two rows folds around button Lute, ton, do; William Pickering, do: Robert W\, The enormous sale of the NEW XI MO and Augu-t. Antoinette Webber. John A \ Frankfort: 23, ar, sch. Paul, Belfast, .$4.9i 1 SKlF-KEIHTlXb CORSET with RELIEF i* :ur:c *1 :«» Chelsea June Little Mi I'. R. Miuirt Caprice, Ga.; 24, ar, sells. Frank Barnet, Brunswick ; STH A P, introduced last this. Hi» sun, Prank H. Pronell Gilkey. Peter Pan Shirt Waist 98c. _ September, proves jit!:, accompanied by Geo. W. Wells, Baltimore. Its devices Gurli:; mercerized batiste, shirt front, with two ingenious produce results not here- >111 art, and wife. March, Philadelphia, June Id. Ar, sch. Wm. E. Emily Boss. breast pockets, plain back, cutaway neck White lisle Stockings tofore possible in otlier corsets. !t gives hi.- Downes, Fernandina; Allen Greene, Ston- per- F F Whitcomb ] laced gasolene with roll collar, short sleeves... fect and reduces the : 23, cld, sell. Alice E. Clark, Bangor. in at:,r assortment of stvies. stitch symmetrical proportions which was lit:- •; ')> F. IF Monroe, ington •98c, drop auneb. THE NEWS OF BROOKS. June 21. Ar, sch. J. W Balauo, abdomen so effectively that when worn the lirst water Portland, einbr<>.acred and mercerized, all s /••■ in -.he Friday. Jacksonville; 22, sell. L. Crosby, time the skirt has to lie taken in from four to sld, Mary now before become as «-*' uc I hurs- York. Huy they -- Henrietta L. 1105- arrived Stockton and New live inches. The new Corset retains the \i Mrs. T. A. Elliott, who has been ill, rode While Embroidered Beits 9c. o s;ik and Use Se original Mass., where -lie hu- Island, June 17. In port, sell. as tl long long glov*- ;,F. rj-,,,1' G (-ucester, uii! High Me., "self-Jirdueing Idea,'’ to which 1 as been added Monday. lor our led for this week at been teaching school. Penobscot, IVndleton, Philadelphia, White wash duck heirs, embroidered in d:f- '-p.-inal J the Xew Reliet strap, the Xew Craduated E. Lane is coriined to the house again loading. terent designs. gold nr silver buckles, m > veott daughte:. Mr.-. _ Front steel and the Xew Double Carter A* Mr-. R. and_ a- 1 E sintering much pain. Rockport, Me., June Hi. C ld, sch. John regular 15c.«ju;1111\ m .. \ii-G vervof Richmond, Ya.. are tii- g’'.e.-t.- tael men t. N. Caldweli new Blake, Nassau; 20, Sid, 1 * hniit s netted some Sir* fr< m their ice > :,f Mr-. J- Nickels. The sch. Abbie Bowker, New York. * Handkerchiefs 3c. Weai this corset. It is so telling in its re- V ami last >mMil. ci ^am supper Friday evening. Bangor, June 20. Ar, sell, susan Stetson, At 25 and cents suits and so in that it Ai. i. -w r. F apt. 50 %2rilB .:5,|"/'Ui plain white hemstitched hand inexpensive price ap Ct ; 1 N. T ■ mad .tunes of Stockton, to load for Greenwich, 22, ar, ui end) ducks. tai u-*-d at once to tie common sense aa 5rLr-s-r '.’.I \i: ;a; f<>: Yarmouth, Mr. and Mrs L. E. Augusta Belfast, plain s-yies, ke.chiefs used for decorations. to do* peals phia ;-ch. .3 ead M l..aNick-'.- and lb.m*die i'rr friend .luhn Nado ui Munroe has gene, Belfast; 24, ai, >ch. Man E. Palmer, ttage at returned home in g«*od spirits alter surgi- Philadelphia. s in Bo.-tom W ;.i. Lake fo: a i—w da\ cal treatment Bueksport, June 21. Sld, sch. illie L. Boston for orders, with ice. an i the M:<>es to -ee l.ert Abor' at Swift, v' F.d::h F-ndu-b.!; We were giad 17. sell. and an* thej Halls Quarry, June sal, George ... ,j <,ncoid arrived >at uniay viEage the id her It \u> the !;i>tt m- da> D. Edmunds, New York. several weeks, as he has b n id. j,-i very Stockton, June 21. Ar. sclis. Harold L. A 'onaid bun iron to B. A A. K. R. FRED \ -p > ,s ni"\ .i._ tii- Mvl NVxt >unda> evening Rev. ,5. W. Vaughan Berry, Bath, with ; *.- ♦ *«. -Lie-:, when- he W. ]». Ellsworth, to load lumper; : i: ll.,wa:d >i. : sound pwit, : \.• Ni aifvnui n will be N ... f: I J x: .da; observed A.-bland •* : sailed, sells. Fannie E. Hal’, i*y the mend*- : Tie- E. A. R. 1 y*-t, as J Boston f oide!>, A.-hand < «> ; W'iTi- and XichuL E- is Mr-- Ftiiei M. o'ljia: >u mia The church ill heap-, Gn;., N.-,vlii\vii ( leek, B-anchard Lumber, V or tite t‘-d and D v. .!. W o. \ st. ;■ | > rah L. Dav;>, N»-w ork, John HORN. ■ j cr vq rmc 11 iiiii.n't. : Non,, -h....*. V igln* n si] i vela pit! '-tie ■■■! mom It i Co.; L Bo v.-V Lumber Harold it; Bangor, , v. a .-** be :!ie .v*mla\ before tli** 4th of ! railroad iron: 23. sailed sch'. li. P. Chase, j I i.rrecTeW for The .Journal. dll Salem, for orders; J «*--.• 1. ee. \ ; Weekly AiniMi.-HVi, III b .ia-t, June 1>. to Mr. am /\ml Haven lor ordejs. W. D Hilton, X-*u /*,'/<•'■ Market. Prier* Producer I.' O 1*. \ ; 111 s11'11! g. ,1 son M, J. Dow, T. !. li ixford and \V. II. i yard Booth- M* K f.n N :• v. In ivlfast. .1 me Into Mi. Yolk ; 24, .'Id, sell. Henr> F. Kroger, — !■ ‘i d 1.00 II a v liMMl a 1‘J.OO IS !■- started f«*r I’urtiami Tues*lay t«» act \ p :.. i' loll. Mrs. Lewis M. Melvumey of Dorchester. Ma-- bay, to ioad ice. c n 7 i I i * I P « a> delegate- to the Republican Sate Eo!.- j vi June is. -eh. Melissa I in- a. j.iHif/ j.:r, l.amh p tb. jo \v. \y Kn-eiand an ived Thnr-d iy "II at Waterville Jacksonville, Ar, i;>. ^., >)»::!.a MuMm'Mi hy. In June 1J. to Mr ve11ri«in. They stopped Lamb skins. 5< Koekport. and i- the A. W N -w \ ork. Y'e! Vyes,2.-’5a-.50 linl Mrs. Christie Montgomery. n la u\ train from Maiden, t.i rake in the congressional convention.' ihey, tb. IP. Ciar- ltntiei P tb..* is a-JO Mi.’toll p Sw .Lin-'IT io Mr. ami and Mi.-. F. A. -• News, June id,-eh. N i< k i:km ‘N. 11; anville, ].Vr Capt. R. also went as far as Newpoit > :j lb. 5. parents. apt F. Daggett j He. i. sides, p tb. lias Oat p bu.. son. -noe 11. 23. sell. Elm Mrs. George Nickerson, a Fv.' Yenner, Bangor ar, 5 Potatoes bu Waterville. r-ef fore quarters. p Hi ip, fi: rs« >n In >wanvilie, ;.li.!e‘ 1*. :•» Mr. City, Norfolk tor Bangor: .-Id, sell. R. Bow- 00 Bound 7 Bariev p bu.. Nog, uni mi s L. A. daughter who :- tin news of the sudden death of Robertson,ji bane:-, employed b;, taJ.< L;:i,V Norfolk, Ar, :iirken p ib. Turkey p Mrs. Melvm Walla e. twin -oils. visit ni- •i 14 Tallow- lb. ■ v, ,: lui a lew da;,-’ v.:th vded by a train at Burnham Mii.da;. night. *t, Stoiiington ; 20, ar, sch. Henry Sutton, ('..'u Skins, per lb. p In Penobscot. J ■ 1*.'' Mr. Veal lb. OaT He was about 40 years *»f age and bad been ; Rockport, Me. ; 21, cleared, sell. Gov. Ames, 1 >;,< k p It. Ualf* p and Mrs. Percy A. Ward well, a s.m fain;.;. Klu/n <1oz. 18 Wool, unwashed. 30 a railroad boss for some years. 11.> wife Boston; sch. Susan N. Pickering, p j 23, cld, 14 bald. 4.00»4.5U Mr. Morgan of Halt'..* ', lias been New York Fowl p tt Wood. Harry was buried last week and live small chil-I Rockland; Charlotte T. Sibley, Wood, soft. 3.00 — <*1 the .■ .nu hou-e at (B septb, i»|! 31A lilt! Ml». app •...•■ f"iemail dren are left for Jacksonville. P.. orphans. vi. i.-iF- Point in p:aee Mi il. 1‘arlin, 18. sell. John port Tampa, Fla., June Ar, Retail Market. deceased. The news that J. R. Bailey of thi- Pet ait Price. ! town) E. Develin, IHchboin, Galveston. Hh'Ki:i'KI*-IIkath. In d im* was dead came as a shock t** us last Satur- Beef. Corned, P lb. Sctio 1-ltne P bbl., 1.05a 1.17. Augusta, L. I». \Y uodard arrived Savannah, June 19. Sld, sch. Lizzie P. j Melville Marshall Bickford <*f Watei .dV, former- Mr. and Mrs. as we did not realize that lie was dan- Butter Salt. 14 18a20 >at Meal p tt>. 4 day W New York. lb, Miss Annie Maud Heath of Au- Tuu:-<:.r. iium ’A ashington, and illey, Corn TO Oiiions 4 ly of Belfast, and gerously sick. He had been in rather poor Pendleton p bu.. p lb, ts and Mrs. G. D. 1*. Fall River, June 20. Sld, sch. Cracked Kerosene, gal..14a 15 gusta. ipt. health for several months hut did a good Corn, p bu, 67jOi! In Camden. June go, Satisfaction, Jacksonville. Corn Meai. bu., 67'Bollock >' t. 5 Ba* hfi.dkk-Smith. NUV.-l-. winter's work and was out of doors three p Adelbert Robbins Baehehler of ilo -kland and June 19. Ar, sell. Carrie Cheese, I5ais 1’ork P it.. 11 Gulfport, Miss., p lb, Edith Smith of Camden. Mr Mis. -cil Paine and days before lie died. He was an indus- s. | Cotton 1.65 Blaster p bill.. 1.13 Miss Evelyn and daughter Strong, Havana; sld, sch. Mollie Look, | Seed, p cut., In North Hawn, dune 17. wlin have visiting Mr. and trious man, had a good property, and was Codfish drv, p lb. gad Bye Meal p lb, 3 Babkiik.f-Dyfk. a, been Philadelphia. Charles Edward Babbidge and Dma beverage mie of our most citizens. Cranbemes. 18 Shorts p cwt., 125 Mr-. L. M. *-a:gent, returned to their home highly respected Portsmouth, N. II., June 21. Ar, schooner p f such distinct A. Baltimore; sch. Inde- BOLAN-CRoWFIU.. Ill WinterpoiT. .Lille jg, Horace Stone, sld, Flour, 5,‘35a5.75 Salt. T. I.. p bu., 40 loss to the community. p bbl., John Bolan and Miss Crowe!!. pendent, Sargentville and Baltimore. II. c. Seed bu.. 1.80 Sweet Botatoes, 5 Georgia I'm- i. n- room of the -earsport House p 1 * a VIs-Stf. vKNs. In Belfast, dune J t -1. by Port Royal, S. c June 21. Sailed, sells. land. p lb.VJ Wheat Meal.3a4 Pa e. ai t.-: ’.civ decorated by Mr. Fred Our Br**oks correspondent sends us the Rev. A. A. Smith. William H. D;tvi-. of Miiforu. Carrie E. Look, Darien; Glad Tidings, New Katherine A e];ty.. tiie well known and itself: Maiig C«»va For Fourth July iiiH ing some time riding through the country in Bridgeport, Ct., June 24. Ar, sch. Ella H«* w f -1111' h a r * In Camden. Jam wr ige iti.'i are working ir».»m that point to of a suitable I an advt. in lard c. Howe and Miss Carrie Richard-, hoih ! search place placed M. W i 1 ley, Port Arthur, Texas. Loans ami I :!o- Mock tun line. with the result that the next Camden. discounts.$135,112 The Journal Overdrafts, secured ami un>eeured. 3‘.*4 .* s ma FOREIGN PORTS. STANDARD wool blntino Jo.nks-i'omh'N. In Bangor. -lune gO, I-mnu s I found the place without further trouble 1. S. Bonds to secure- lrculaiiun... The arrived Monday day Mis- Nellie <*r b.u gmu 42,000 tug Cheektowga June 12. sch. Scotia, Jones and Condon,both ■" t\ *''!»• ■! '! I: and have had .several replies besides. 1 have Havana, Ar, Mobile; Bonds, securities, et' ... M.i 1 4 a H^veri*. in tow from Perth i.fs-Ha< ki t ; In ) g'1 tl. the barge Know Hampden. ■■ broken *<• h.trnfx «: r- uiv f •• come to the conclusion that “it to ad- sld, sch. Carrie Strong, Gulfport. and fixtures 4>» o coal to pays 3 ft. Price Arthur Knowles and Miss Vesta Hacker B A in: with anthracite consigned June 5. bark Auburn- by 5 fi., $2.03 Due Irom National reserve (Hi- I p :ggv vert ise." Turks Island, Ar, of Banks.not 1 11. & Sou. Hampden. 1 t s Oil- (>! Road " il >prague for to dale, Porto Rico to sail 15th for Philadel- Pn.i.sBt'KY-EFNFi si. In Thomaston, dune agents). 1.725 Thanking you jour reply my advt., 3 ft. by 6 ft., Price 2.43 bankers. 0 . Fred K. Jerome of Porto Plata, Yours truly, MARIN F. MISCELL A N Y. ft. by 8 ft., 2,98 Checks cash items- 1 »; lies*** (M itv <. -lift SN"\v-Carvkr. In Rockland, Jum is. Rohe: I and oilie: 2,237 are Small. 1 ; make*, -id » 'ni: Domingo, arrived Sunday and at Elmer oi Notes of other National Banks. 1,305 \) London, June 21. Dry dock Dewey, from A. Snow and Miss Harriet 31. Carver, both ike Ford cottage on Main street. Fractional nanci urrenev,nickels and " Baltimore for has arrived at OTHER SIZES IN PROPORTION Rockland. n » I W. Manila, Singa- J cents...... IS 1 Word has been received from Hon. Ston f-Woos tkk. In North Haven. 1-f n ■• Holm -'"Vi asMstau?. foreman of the \ ; all well. /.•III I'll /;< .-I in /{'Ink. riz Mr. Pun-van, \\ Stetson, Slate superintendent of schools, pore Parker R. Stone and Jennie May Woo d M'litCI/ 'a June 19. Sch. S. M. Bird, .... 8,676 74 T*-l* I e ■■-1 where .). .). Moore and conii»any are in to 9th Barbour, bay ltfth, Smi ii-Cro\ford. In Dixmont. dun :• !h for teachers Brooks, begin July ion fund with l*. 8 Treas- Fire Co- itting in a of water works. re;urned 17th on account of the illness of Frank Ernest Smith and Miss Killa Croxtoi-I Redenipt The Capital Insurance y. -ystem and continue four weeks. Here then is a d circulation. 2.100C the captain. w atson-Gii.i.FY. In Camden, June _n A arcr, 5 per cent, chance for our Waldo county teachers to .i i Concord, N H Mii't-rs and Nathaniel Doaue, .Jr., of Brunswick, Ga.. June 21. Sch. Robert H. & ham Edwin Watson of Koekport and 3E-- I. Hay take advantage of what is a rare opportun- F. A. FOLLFTT SON, Total .$288,288 t 3 ; Ella Gilley of Camden. «• ester, N H., and Leon Harding of Hall, from Pascagoula June 3, WM 1 1: Ml I. ‘.I, *0 ity. in fact, if our meniorj servo us right McCurdy, \ ,ns Mass., arrived Sunday and are the with cargo of lumber for San Juan, P. R., Ll A BIU'11K-S. such a school has never been held in the Real estate. of Mr. and Mrs. \Y. K. Grinneli. was struck a hurricane on June Hi oil POSTOFFICE SQUARE. tf:« 0 VI. tints county. We have patiently paid our taxes by Capitiil st< ck paid in. .. 5u.i)"o> and losf and headgear, 25.<'iin .'■ent our to edu- Key West, jib-boom Surplus fund.. .. nert lk Pendleton, II. Ji. Dyer, .James and young people away foretopmast and lost nearly all low- l'n litided profits, less expenses and we sprung ■ \ Colson, and M. K. cate them. Now have the opportunity June James R. I»-11!• \ ( ash hi fie- and bank .... er sails. 15.vii.kv. In Brook". 25, taxes paid. 15.‘.'50 0 went to' amden on the at nur very doors. Haif fare lor term 6;: u ba lance a.. Kni'Wi’ou Friday aged about years. National Bank Vues .''.ltj-randing. ... 42,'»Un. In Revere, .Mass., June Dmdemls unpaid. ’80' people of Deer Isle, agm Admiti-d a- KnuwUon, proprietors of the for all who wish to attend. The Edward Fmgii'mi, formerly ludi\idual deposits sub/ect to check. 1 1'.*>.*• 1 1 i Tnii.dy rooms Mt. Adams D m were before J. \Y. years. Interment at cemetery. Cashier’s checks 2,434 A 1.1 AIM I H ; fs [.{ I \| I’.Kli "oai'p'-rt House, .Judge company of fifty of the best educated, most outstanding. search 1 ia.-k Thuisday of last week on a and nicest of PAY Edwin 1. n-i young BY CHECK ambitious, very people l \r»\Ki;s. In Rockland, June 19. it tmpt».l and cost ^Fi seizure case. Fine yiOO Waldo for a month is worth some yjiis: aged no years, 11 months and 9 day-. I IIIIS county Know Them the Better | Flanders, The y.'. which the\ paid. little trouble and will Longer you Gi.uvia:. In lb eklaml. June 14. Tlioina- R expense. Everybody Pay your bills in a business-like manner, by of Wa 5 inonlhs and 26 State of Maine, CorxTY be benetitted it. Two of the best You Like Them. Glover, aged 76 years. days. (l F. Carleton and by very check. It facilitates tlie conduct of !. A H. cashier *d the above mum i.m a ! >liniAmos deputy greatly lInDiiimN. In Vnity. June 14, John Hodgdon. Nichols, ;4'ur!*i .lab: instructors in the State will be furnished bank, do swear that the above stat -!:o; ; K. W. Ellis seized two barrels of your business, whether private or commer- Mii.ukkn. lu Winter-port, June 14, Mrs. Reii < solemnly ■: i free of cost to us and there is no reason in Doan's Pills never fail you. is true to the best ol m\ at '* one barrel of bottled Kidney Milliken. unlit knowledge Total liabilities and sni jMi'. bot'k-d whiskey, gin cial, while at the same rime your-funds are 11. Cashier. the world should not be en- Mrs. hunme bidiet. A. N1C1D >B8. 1 and one barrel of beer at the Eastern S. S. why everybody Belfast people know this. Ma ikk. In llalldale, June 17. Prod \twood. Agent, \V ii terport thusiastic. All teachers and all who in- absolutely sale. Even if you use your money Subseribed and sworn to lie fore me this 2- I ( here Thursday. Bead this Belfast case. Majer. of 1006. pier are to the school. from week to week and month to In Montana. June 24. at M dav June, tend to teach eligible month, Nash.’ Hillings, ADAMS. Read how they stood the test E. lu years CHARLES E. Mr. Fred N. Pendleton, who is in busi- N'o entrance examination is required. The Vincent Hospital. Ilovey Nash, aged Public six 'is.1 Notary in arrived last is seut to all : For years. 1 month and 8 days. 1 ness Portland, Oregon, following circular inquirers 1. — Correct. Attest: Bel- Pkikck. In Frankfort, June 25. Louisa to visit his father, Phineas Mrs. William 11. Ketne of 81 Cedar Street, it Out this Bank. F. 1. BEN DI. ETON. ) Thursday Capt. State of Maine, Pay Through wife of George A. Peirce, aged 82 years. [Boston This is Mr. Pendleton’s first started CEO. F. SMITH, ! Directors, and Bel Pendleton. fast, says: “My kidney complaint Stockton Educational Department, Me., and New York papers copy.] checks are li. F. COLCOKD t visit ti* Searsport for 14 years. Augusta, March 5, 1906. ) with just a slight backache, then I noticed that The returned receipts for bills Ripley. In West Roekport, June 19, Bertha Interest allowed on of .M. wife of William a. Ripley, aged 25 A of there was some irregularity of the kidney secre- paid. deposits $500.00 (Hall), STAGE. The three-masted sell. Andrew G. Pierce, To the Teacher: careful study 5 months and 22 days. on this and over, to check. years, 4 DM IN ISTRATOR’S NOTICE. The snhseribi Jr., is the first bald-headed schooner to ar- the Summer Schools held iu the State tions and I was caused much annoyance subject Thorndike, in Union, June lo, Abigail ( | notice that he has been du rive in the harbor of and the the ten years and of their The trouble worse and my father, 85 years hereby gives Searsport, during past account. grew Thorndike, aged administrator of the estate of JOHN E. LANCASTER ; Hill the first to arrive here. influence the teachers and the Thompson. In Bearsmont. June 15, Ambrose appointed barge Oak barge upon who had used Doan's Kidney Pills with the best from Stockton to Belfast m a native of Union, aged 76 years. late of Springs Doth were loaded with anthracite coal. schools has made it manifest that the Thompson, NANCY P. COLCOKD, Searsport, l.-'O and moo m of results, advised me to use this remedy ana 1 National Bank, Wallace. In June 17, infant son ! connecting with tin* p. is a in the Searsport Friendship, time for change plans n will also run a team from stoekion m ripe Store. I am of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wallace. in the of Waldo, deceased, and give Miss Irene M. Sullivan graduated June for them. Hitherto the work got a box at the City Drug pleased County with the Boston boat conducting Williams. In Rockland. June 14. Josie. daugli- bonds as the law directs. All persons having d< connecting 21st from the of the to state that Doan's Pills was the MAINE. Academy Assumption of the instructor has been confined Kidney just SEARSPORT, Mrs. Williams, aged 2, estate of said deceased a; e Thursdays and Sunday*. Mass. She had the er of Mr. and George I mauds [against the at Wellesley llills, to lectures and blackboard dem- I needed. I noticed a marked improve- 7 to the same for settlement, ai mainly remedj months and days...... desiTcd present Latin and won the medal June William H. to make salutatory gold onstrations, the student taking notes to ment in a very short time and I was so encourag- Witherlk. In Castme, 24, all indebted thereto are requested pa: for Latin and another for 85 l month and 16 days. offered English -uch Witherle, years, I ment _ greater or less extent and asking ed that I on with the medicine and I was aged immediately. Dm i beside the kept In Belfast, June 23. Daisy M., eldest|«'aughter ol BENJAMIN F. COLCOKD. for Literature, regular graduating questions as seemed necessary^for the Proposals Building soon cured. It is several years ago since I first M. L. Brabrant, aged 26 years and 4 months. Searsport, Juue 12, 1906.—3w26 medal. proper understanding of the subject ”F0TSALr~ used it, and since then they have never’failed ON CITY PARK. Next Sunday will be Children’s Day at under consideration. As the work pro- to satisfactory results when used. My ice cream business. For particulars A IN ISTKATKIX’S NOTICE. The subscr the church. The pastor, gressed it became evident that our bring My DM Congregational and he her hereby notice that she has bee a vote of tile Belfast Improvi-m. will to the chil- teaching force needs, more than any- husband has also used them for backache H. W. gives By Rev. T. P. Williams, speak apply to HEALEY, administratrix of the etsate of am authorized ami hereby advcitis- a drill in the We both duly appointed dren in the morning, and the parents are thing else, thorough prin- thinks there is nothing to equal them. NOTICE. for building a driveway > and facts of the common school tf26 45 Church Street, Belfast. M. late of proposals to see that all the children in the ciples endorse Doan’s Kidney Pills as a remedy which ESTHER GRIFFIN, Searsport. side of the city park extending from requested the horse sltoers and jobbers will be a chil- studies. The summer school of the past We. undersigned, n avenue to the shore. Plan foi same parish are present. There every one should know about.” have to close our shops at in the County of Waldo, deceased, and give of Belfast, agreed >- had of l)r. A. O. Stodd concert in the has been of great benefit to the teach- am! the law directs. All having d ticulars can be dren’s evening For sale all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fos- noon Saturdays- through the months of July bonds as persons ers and to the schools of the State and by of said deceased are di man of park eommi"ion. LOST A mauds against the estate wit In1 ter-Milburn Buffalo, N.Y., sole agents for ugust. and a 11 All must be received are some of the made one of the most important items that Co., • A FURBISH, sired to the same for settlement, proposals Following passages (Signed'ARRY present from date. the old-time commanded should be placed to its credit is that it the United States. £ear the Postoffice, Monday, June 25, a JOSEPH TYLER, indebted thereto are requested to make paymei t by clipper ships MABEL GRIFFIN. Belfast, June -J8. 1906. Tillie lias made the summer school the name- Doan’s—and take no coat. Finder will DAMON & FIELD, immediately. by Searsport captains: The ship E. possible Remember child’s long green —3w26 ELIZABETH 1.. BRACIvKTT.Sc of the future. lw2C* D. C. DAVIS. Searsport, Jue 12, 1906- Starbuck, Capt. Eben Curtis, sailed from other. please return it to this office. It2€* New York, Dec. 22, 1895, and arrived a Out oC the summer school of the past,