GazetteAHMADIYYA. Volume 49 - No. 12 - December 2020 CANADA Our Beloved Imām Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīh V (may Allāh be his Helper!) said:

Allāh and His angels send blessings on the Prophet. O ye who believe! you also invoke blessings on him and salute him with the salutation of peace.” (33:57) This verse elucidates that God and His angels send blessings and salutations on the Holy Prophetsa. Thus, those who employ various tactics to impede or lessen the advancement of this Prophet will never succeed. Those who make wrong allegations against him and ridicule him presume they can succeed. Their conspiracies cannot harm this beloved of God in any way at all. With the grace of God attainment of the objective for which the Holy Prophetsa was sent will continue to come to pass. Indeed, in this age God sent the true and ardent devotee of the Holy Prophetsa for this attainment and opened new avenues to spread the beautiful teachings of Islām.

(Friday Sermon, January 16, 2015) AḤMADIYYA GAZETTE CANADA An Educational and Spiritual Publication CONTENTS | December 2020 | Volume 49 | No. 12



The Editors of the Aḥmadīyya Gazette Canada shall be solely responsible for all errors or omissions contained in the publication herein of the writings of the Promised Messiahas or any of his Successors, as well as the Friday Sermon summaries or other Addresses of Hazrat Mirzā Masroor Aḥmad, Khalīfatul-Masīḥ Vaa. Articles ABBREVIATIONS OF SALUTATIONS published in the Aḥmadīyya Gazette Canada reflect the views of their respective authors sa (Ṣallallāhu ‘alaihī wa Sallam - May peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him!) and may not necessarily reflect the views, Usage: Salutation written after the name of the Holy Prophet Muḥammadsa beliefs and tenets of the Aḥmadīyya Muslim Jamā‘at Canada.

as (Alaīhis-Salām/ ‘Alaihas-Salām - May peace be upon him/her!) Aḥmadīyya Muslim Jamā‘at Canada Inc. sa Usage: Salutation written after names of Prophets other than the Holy Prophet Muḥammad , 10610 Jane Street, Maple, ON L6A 3A2, sa and pious women prior to the era of the Holy Prophet Muḥammad Canada Tel: 905-303-4000 Fax: 905-832-3220 ra (RaḍīAllāhū ‘anhu / ‘anhā/ ‘anhum - May Allāh be pleased with him/her/them!) [email protected] Usage: Salutation written after names of Companions of the Holy Prophetsa and Companions of the Promised Messiahas The official publication of the Aḥmadīyya Muslim Jamā‘at Canada rh (Raḥimahullāh - May Allāh have mercy upon him!) ISSN 0229 5644 Usage: Salutation written after the names of deceased, pious Muslims who are not Companions 1. Aḥmadīyya - Periodicals. I. Aḥmadīyya Movement in Islām Canada. BP195.A34 1972 297.8605-20dc aa (Ayyadahullāhu Ta‘ālā binaṣrihil-‘Azīz - May Allāh be his Helper!) CANADA POST Usage: Salutation written after the name of Hazrat Mirzā Masroor Aḥmad, Khalīfatul-Masīḥ Vaa SECOND CLASS MAIL Mail Registration No: 40026877 PEARLS OF WISDOM


ُ َ ُ َّ ّٰ ٰٓ َ َ ٗ ّ َ َ ّ ط َ ُ َ َّ ٰ ُ ّ َ ِان الل َہ َو َملئکتہ یُ َصلوۡن َعلی النب ّی ٰٓیا ّیھاال ِذیۡ َن ا َمنوۡ َاصلوۡ َاعل ۡی ِہ Allāh and His angels send blessings on the Prophet. O ye ِ ِ ِ who believe! You also should invoke blessings on him and َ َ ّ ُ ۡ َ ۡ ۡ ً وس ِلموا تس ِلیما ۝ (salute him with the salutation of peace. (33:57

ٰ َ َ ّ ُ َّ َ ّ َ ٰ ُ َ َّ َ َ ٰ ٰ ُ َ َّ َّ َ ْ َ َ ّ ْ َّ َ َ ْ ٌ َّ ْ ٌ اللھم ص ِل علی محم ٍد و علی ا ِل محم ٍد و بارِک وسلم ِانک ح ِمید م ِجید ḤADĪTH

ٰ َ ٰ َ َ َ َ ُ َ َ َّ ّ ّ ّ َ ّ َ ّ ra sa َع ۡن ا ۡبی ِہ َع ۡن ابی ھرَیۡرَۃ ان َر ُسوۡ َل الل ِہ َصلی الل ُہ َعل ۡی ِہ َو َسل َم ق َال َم ۡن َصلی Hazrat Abū Huraira narrates that the Holy Prophet َ ٰ َ َ َّ َ َ ً َ ّ ّ ُ َ َ ۡ َ ۡ ً said, whoever invokes blessings upon me one time will be علی و ِاحدۃ صلی اللہ علی ِہ عشرا۔ .showered by ten times as many blessings by Allāh )صحیح مسلم۔ کتاب ٰالصلوۃ، باب ٰالصلوۃ علی النبیؐ،جلد2 ( (Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim, Vol 2, Kitābus-Salāt)

ٰ َ َ ٰ ra sa َ ۡ َ ۡ ۡ ُ ۡ َ َ َ َ ّ ُ َ ۡ ُ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ ۡ َ ّ ُّ َ ّ ّ ُ َ َ ۡ Hazrat Ka‘ab relates that the Holy Prophet joined us. We عن کع ِب ب ِن عجرۃ ر ِضی اللہ عنہ قال: خرج علینا الن ِبی صلی اللہ علی ِہ :asked him َّ َ ُ ۡ َ َ َ َ ُ ّ َ َ َ َ ُ ّ َو َسل َم فقلنا یَا َر ُسوۡ َل ِاللہ ق ۡد َع ِل ۡمنا ک ۡی َف ن َس ِل ُم َعل ۡیک فک ۡی َف ن َص ِل ۡی َ َ ۡ َ َ َ ُ ُ O Prophet of Allāh! We know how to say salām to you, but‘ علیک ؟قال: قوۡلوۡا: we do not know how to invoke blessings upon you.’ He َ ّٰ َ َ َ ٰ َ َ َّ ٰ الل ُھ ّم َص ّل َع ٰلی ُم َح ّمد ّو َع ٰلی ال ُم َح ّمدک َما َصل ْی َت َع ٰلی ِا ْبرَاھ ْی َم َو َع ٰل ال ی :replied, ‘say ِ َ ٍ ِ ٍ ِ ِ ْ َ ْ َ ّ َ َ ْ ٌ َّ ْ ٌ ِابر ِاھیم ِأنک ح ِمید م ِجید ۔ O Allāh, bless Muḥammad and his people, as You did bless َ ّٰ َ ْ َ َ ٰ َ َ ْ ٰ .Ibrahīm; You are indeed the Praiseworthy, the Exalted الل ُھ ّم بَارک َع ٰلی ُم َح ّمد ّو َع ٰلی ال ُم َح ّمدک َما بَ َارک َت َع ٰلی ِا ْبرَاھ ْی َم َو َع ٰل ال ی ِ َ ٍ ِ ٍ ِ ِ O Allāh, prosper Muḥammad and his people, as You did ْ َ ْ َ ّ َ َ ْ ٌ َّ ْ ٌ ِابر ِاھیم ِأنک ح ِمید م ِجید ۔ prosper Ibrahīm; you are indeed the Praiseworthy, the Exalted.’ ) صحیح مسلم، کتاب ٰالصلوۃبحوالہ حدیقۃ الصالحین، صفحہ 241( (Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim, Vol 2, Kitābus-Salāt)


Blessings of Durūd Sharīf

I say that even at this time, Allāh Almighty has not abandoned the world. He has established a community. Indeed with His own Hands, He has raised a person and he is the same who sits among you, speaking to you. Now is the time for the descent of Allāh’s Mercy. Supplicate. Implore for steadfastness. Recite in abundance Durūd Sharīf (invoking blessings upon the Holy Prophetsa); it is a great means of attaining steadfastness; reciting not merely as a ritual, but keeping in full view the beauty and grace of the Holy Prophetsa for the elevation of his status, rank, and victories. As a result of this, you will be granted the sweet and succulent fruit of the acceptance of prayer. (Malfūzāt Vol 3, p. 38, translated from Urdu)

One night this humble one recited Durūd Sharīf in such abundance that my heart and soul were full of its fragrance. That same night, I saw in a dream that angels were carrying water skins full of light into my house and one of them said to me ‘These are the same blessings you invoked upon Muḥammadsa’. (Barāhīn Aḥmadīyya, Ruḥānī Khazā’in Vol. 1, p. 598, sub-footnote 3, translated from Urdu)

Mināratul-Masīḥ Qadian, India


The following summaries of Friday Sermons have been provided by Wakālat ‘Ulyā’, Taḥrīk Jadīd Anjuman Aḥmadiyya



uzooraa began the Friday were among the Companions mentioned When Hazrat ‘Uthmānra fell seriously ill sermon with the recitation in this verse. In the Battle of Uhud, they due to haemorrhage during his Khilāfat, of verse 173 of Sūrah Āl-e- had pursued the enemy at the command of people asked him to nominate a Khalīfa ‘Imrān, which is as follows: the Holy Prophetsa after he was wounded after him. When Hazrat Zubaīr’sra and the enemy was leaving, even though name came up on this occasion, Hazrat ra ,they were themselves injured. ‘Uthmān swore that, as far as he knew َ ٰ ۤ ra َ ّ َ ُ ّ َ َ ۡ َ ُ ۡ َ ُ Zubaīr was the best of them all and ال ِذیۡ َن ۡاست َجابوۡا لِل ِہ َو ّالر ُسوۡل ِم َۢۡن بع ِد َما ا َصابَہ ُم الق ۡرحH َ ِ ra ّ َ ُ ۡ ُ ّ َ َ Hazrat ‘Ali narrates that the Holy that he was also most beloved of the لِل ِذیۡ َن ا ۡح َسنوۡا ِمنہ ۡم َو اتقوۡا ا ۡج ٌر َع ِظ ۡی ٌم Prophetsa said that Talhara and Zubaīrra Messenger of Allāh. As to those who answered the call of would be among his companions in Allāh and the Messenger after they paradise. Hazrat Zubaīrra once had a dispute with had received an injury — such of them an Ansāri Badri Companion regarding as do good and act righteously shall Hazrat Zubaīrra was among the ten irrigation of the fields. The Holy have a great reward (3:173). Companions who had been promised Prophetsa said, “O Zubaīr! Irrigate your Paradise by the Holy Prophetsa during land and then let the water pass to your Continuing with the accounts regarding their lifetime. He was among the eminent neighbour.” Upon this, the Ansāri got Hazrat Zubaīrra, Huzooraa said that with Companions who stood in front of the angry and said to the Prophet, “Is it reference to verse 173 of Sūrah Āl- Holy Prophetsa in battle and behind because he (i.e. Zubaīr) is your aunt’s e-‘Imrān, Hazrat ‘Ā’īshara said to her him in prayers. Hazrat Musleh Mau‘ūdra son?” Hearing this, the colour of the face nephew ‘Urwah that your ancestors, i.e., counted him among the fifteen scribes of of the Holy Prophetsa changed and he Hazrat Zubaīrra and Hazrat Abu Bakrra, the Holy Qur’ān. said, “O Zubaīr! Irrigate your land and

4 Aḥmadiyya Gazette then withhold the water till it reaches the edges of the fields.” Hazrat Zubaīrra said, by Allāh, I think that the following verse was revealed for this occasion: “But no, by thy Lord, they are not believers until they make thee judge in all that is in dispute between them and then find not in their hearts any demur concerning that which thou decidest and submit with full submission” (4:66).

Hazrat ‘Umarra said that Zubaīr is one of the pillars of religion.

Mubarak Mosque, Islamabad, Tilford UK. On the day of the battle of Jamal, Hazrat Zubaīrra told his son Hazrat ‘Abdullāh immediately. But when this did not on 10th August 2020, at the age of 76. bin Zubaīrra that he would be killed in happen, they both broke their allegiance He accepted Aḥmadiyyat in 1961 or a state of oppression that day and gave and left Madinah. The same miscreants 1962. He served as the Deputy Amīr instructions regarding payment of who took part in the assassination of of The Gambia for many years. He his debts. Hazrat Zubaīrra had become Hazrat ‘Uthmānra later incited Hazrat was also the Officer of Jalsa Sālāna, indebted because whenever a person ‘Ā’īshara to stand up against Hazrat ‘Alira. National Secretary for Foreign entrusted him with something, he would Both Hazrat Talhara and Hazrat Zubaīrra Affairs, and President of the Majlis keep it as a loan, lest it got lost. After his initially joined Hazrat ‘Ā’īshara, but Ansārullāh Gambia. He was regular death, when Hazrat ‘Abdullāh bin Zubaīrra Hazrat Zubaīrra, after hearing the Holy in worship, loved reciting the Holy calculated his debts which amounted Prophet’s prediction from Hazrat ‘Alira Qur’ān, excelled in making financial to 220,000 dirhams. Hazrat Zubaīrra had (that you will fight ‘Ali and you will be sacrifices, and was a loyal servant of instructed Hazrat ‘Abdullāh bin Zubaīrra the aggressors), distanced himself from Khilāfat. that “If you are unable to repay the loan, the battle before it started. Hazrat Talhara then seek help from my Master (God)” also pledged allegiance to Hazrat ‘Alira 2. Naeem Ahmad Khan Sahib, son of Hazrat ‘Abdullāh bin Zubaīrra relates before he died. ‘Abdul Jaleel Khan Sahib, Nā’ib Amīr that whenever he faced any difficulty of Karachi. He passed away at the in paying the debt, he would pray, “O Hazrat Zubaīrra was martyred by Ibn- end of April. In addition to various Master of Zubaīr, pay his loan on his e-Jurmūz on his return from the battle other services, he also served as behalf,” and somehow provisions would of Jamal. When Ibn-e-Jurmūz brought Qā’id Majlis Khuddām-ul-Aḥmadiyya be made and the loan would be paid. Hazrat Zubaīr’sra head and sword to Karachi, and as Nāẓim Ansārullāh Even after all the debt had been repaid, Hazrat ‘Alira, Hazrat ‘Alira said that it was Karachi. He was also a Director Hazrat ‘Abdullāh bin Zubaīrra kept the sword that had removed uneasiness of Faḍl-e-‘Umar Foundation. As announcing on the occasion of the Hajj from the Holy Prophet’ssa face. Then he an engineer, he helped with the for four years that whoever owed a debt gave the promise of Hell to Ibn-e-Jurmūz instalment of Roti Plant for Jalsa to Hazrat Zubaīrra should come forward and said that the Holy Prophetsa said Sālāna. He was regular in his prayers and he would be paid. After that, Hazrat on one occasion; “Every Prophet has and in Tahajjud and was devoted to ‘Abdullāh bin Zubaīrra distributed his a disciple, and my disciple is Zubaīr.” Khilāfat. father’s inheritance. According to various Hazrat Zubaīrra was buried in the Sibā‘ traditions, it amounted to between 35 valley. At the time of his martyrdom he 3. Bushra Begum Sahiba, wife of the late and 52 million. was 64, 66 or 67 years old. He had several Thekedar Wali Muhammad Sahib of wives at different times and many Germany. She passed away on 19th Explaining the selection of Hazrat ‘Alira offspring. Huzooraa named the seven July at the age of 74. Her grandfather, as Khalīfa, Hazrat Musleh Mau‘ūdra says wives and eighteen children of Hazrat Hazrat Mian Nizāmuddīn Sahib of that after the martyrdom of Hazrat Zubaīrra. Nābha, was a Companion of the ‘Uthmānra the mischief-makers quickly Promised Messiahas. She was regular went to Hazrat ‘Alira and forced him to In the second part of the sermon, in Tahajjud and very hospitable. She take Bai‘at by expressing strong fears for Huzooraa spoke about three deceased cared for the needy and loved the the collapse of the Islāmic state. Later, a members of the Jamā‘at. Huzooraa led Holy Qur’ān. She left behind four group of the same mischiefmakers forced their funeral prayers in absentia after the sons and two daughters. Hazrat Talhara and Hazrat Zubaīrra to Friday prayer. swear allegiance to Hazrat ‘Alira, which Huzooraa prayed that may Allāh have they did on the condition that the blood 1. Alhaj Ibrahim Mbowe Sahib, Nā’ib mercy on the deceased and accept all of Hazrat ‘Uthmānra would be avenged Amīr of The Gambia. He passed away prayers in favour of their progeny. Āmīn!


SEPTEMBER 11, 2020

uzooraa continued with the series of sermons regarding the Companions of the Holy Prophetsa who participated in the Battle ofH Badr. Hazrat Bilāl bin Rabāhra:

He was a slave of Umaīyyah bin Khalaf. Hazrat Bilāl’sra mother was from Abyssinia while his father was from Arabia. He was born at Makkah or, according to one account, at Sarāt. Hazrat Bilāl’sra complexion was wheatish and dark, his body was thin, his hair was thick, and there was very little flesh on his cheeks. Hazrat Bilālra contracted several marriages but had no children. The Holy Prophetsa said that Bilālra was aa the first believer among the people of Syednā Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ V Abyssinia. mischievous people who would drag him missing Makkah. Hazrat Bilālra used to Hazrat Bilālra was given the harshest over the rocks in the streets of Makkah. say: “O Allāh! Curse be on Shu’bah bin punishment for converting to Islām, but His body would be covered with blood, Rabī‘ah, ‘Utbah bin Rabī‘ah and Umaīyyah he endured all kinds of hardship and kept but he would still go on saying, “Ahad, bin Khalaf who drove us out of our land proclaiming God’s Oneness. According to Ahad.” towards the land of pestilence.” Upon one account, Hazrat Bilālra was thrown on hearing this, the Holy Prophetsa prayed the ground by his masters and they put Afterwards, when Allāh gave the Muslims for the illness spreading in Madinah to stones and cow skins on him and said, refuge in Madīnah, the Holy Prophetsa be removed, and for Madinah to become “Your Lord is Lāt and Uzza.” But Hazrat appointed Hazrat Bilāl to give the call to as dear to them as Makkah was. well and ’ش‘ Bilālra kept saying “Ahad, Ahad.” When prayer. He could not recite َ ُ َ ْ َّ َّ ّ ra and the ignorant Advising the troubled Aḥmadīs on the ا ْس َھد ان لاِ لٰ َہ ِالا الل ُہ Hazrat Abu Bakr saw this, he bought used to say Hazrat Bilāl for seven Auqiya, or two people of Madīnah would laugh at this. occasion of migration from Qādiān, hundred and eighty dirhams, and set him On one occasion, the Holy Prophetsa said, Hazrat Musleh Mau‘ūdra had said: Stop free. The people said, “We would have “You laugh at Bilāl’s Adhān, but God in thinking that you have migrated and left sold him to you even for one Auqiya.” Heaven smiles at it.” everything behind. The Holy Prophetsa Hazrat Abu Bakrra replied, “If you had was displeased with the emigrants sold him for one hundred Auqiya, I would Hazrat Bilālra is counted among the first who lamented the loss of their homes still have bought him.” According to one people to have accepted Islām. When he and property. One day, Hazrat Bilālra account, Hazrat ‘Umarra used to say, “Abu declared his belief in Islām, only seven developed a fever and started making Bakr is our chief, and he freed our chief people had preceded him. up verses and reciting them aloud. When (Bilāl).” the Messenger of Allāhsa saw this, he was On the occasion of the migration to displeased and said, “Is this why you have Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ IIra, while Madinah, Hazrat Bilālra stayed at the come here?” I, too, say to you, be happy. referring to the hardships inflicted on house of Hazrat Sa‘ad bin Khaythamara. Don’t look at what you have lost, look at Hazrat Bilāl, says that Hazrat Bilāl’s The Holy Prophetsa established bond of the fact that we have lost it for the sake masters would make him lie down on hot brotherhood between him and Hazrat of Allāh and for the progress of Islām. So, sand and place large hot stones on top of ‘Ubaīdah bin Harithra or Hazrat Abu be happy. him, or appoint some youth to jump on Ruwaiha Khas‘amira. his chest. Whenever Umaīyyah was angry Huzooraa said that we Aḥmadīs were told at Bilāl’s repeated denial of the divinity Due to the different climate in Madinah, by our then Khalīfa that our migration of Lāt and Uzza, he would put a rope many of the Companions became ill in the was for the sake of Allāh and for Islām. But around his neck and hand him over to early days of the migration and started today those who were themselves against

6 Aḥmadiyya Gazette the creation of Pakistan are claiming to Hazrat ‘Abdullāh bin Zaīdra would recite 2. Zafar Iqbal Qureshi Sahib, former be its creators and are depriving Aḥmadīs the words of Adhān to Hazrat Bilālra and Nā’ib Amīr of Islāmabad District, of their basic civil rights through lies and Hazrat Bilālra would repeat those words Pakistan. He passed away on 3rd deception. The Parliament has banned us aloud. When Hazrat ‘Umarra heard these September at the age of 87. His from using the name of the religion for words, he said to the Holy Prophetsa, “By grandfather Hazrat ‘Ubaidullāh whose sake and in whose service we had God! I also saw in a dream what he saw.” Qureshi Sahibra was a Companion of migrated to Pakistan. We don’t need their the Promised Messiahas. The deceased endorsement, but it is a pity that these After Hazrat Bilālra would finish the was an engineer by profession and so-called ‘custodians’ of the country Adhān, he would stand at the door of retired from government service in have committed this atrocity not only on the Holy Prophetsa in order to inform 1994 as Chief Engineer. From 1998 Aḥmadīs but on Pakistan itself. They are him that it was time for prayer and say, to 2019, he served as the Nā’ib Amīr discrediting the country and hindering “Come for prayer, come for prayer, O of Islāmabad. Huzooraa said that its progress. They are eating away its Prophet of Allāh.” In Sunan ibn-e-Mājah, he served the Jamā‘at humbly and foundations like termites. May Allāh rid it is narrated that one day when Hazrat selflessly. this country of such transgressors. Bilālra came to the Holy Prophet’ssa door to announce Fajr prayer, he was told 3. Honourable Kabine Kabaja Kate Sahib Huzooraa said that Hazrat Bilālra took that the Messenger of Allāhsa was asleep. of Senegal who died on 24th August part in all the battles alongside the Holy Hazrat Bilālra said aloud, “Prayer is at the age of 85. He was a Member Prophetsa. In the Battle of Badr, he, along better than sleep.” According to another of Parliament for 18 years and also with a group of Ansār, killed Umaīyyah account, the Messenger of God said: “O served as the Secretary of State for bin Khalaf. Hazrat Bilālra was also the Bilāl! These are wonderful words. Include Foreign Affairs in the Central Bureau secretary or treasurer of the Holy them in your Fajr Adhān.” of Investigation. Prophetsa. On one occasion, when the Holy Prophetsa made an appeal to women Huzooraa said that there are some more 4. Mubashar Latif Sahib, Advocate of to give alms, the women took off their accounts regarding Hazrat Bilālra which the Supreme Court, Pakistan, who rings and put them in a cloth that Hazrat he would mention later, Inshā’Allāh! passed away on 5th May at the age Bilālra was holding. of 85. He served as President of the In the second part of the sermon, Huzooraa Jamā‘at of Faisal Town, Lahore, for Hazrat Bilālra also had the honour of spoke about four members of the Jamā‘at 17 years. He was one of the three being the first Caller to prayer (mu’dhin). who passed away recently. Huzooraa also lawyers who had the honour of Throughout the life of the Holy led their funeral prayer in absentia after representing the Jamā‘at in 1974. Prophetsa, whether he was at home or the Friday prayer. He taught at Punjab University Law on a journey, Hazrat Bilālra served as his College for 46 years. He is survived Caller to prayer (mu’dhin). Initially, on 1. Ra‘ūf bin Maqsood Jr. of Belgium who by his wife, six daughters and several the advice of the Companions, the Holy was a student at Jāmi‘a Aḥmadiyya grandchildren. Prophetsa had instructed that a horn be UK. He passed away on 4th September blown as the call for prayer. But later due to a brain tumour. He joined Huzooraa prayed that may Allāh have when Hazrat ‘Abdullāh bin Zaīdra was Jāmi‘a Aḥmadiyya in 2018. He was a mercy on the deceased and accept all taught the words of Adhān in a dream, good mannered, well-spoken young prayers in favour of their progeny. Āmīn! the Holy Prophetsa said that this dream man who understood the spirit of was from God and he too had received a Waqf and loved Khilāfat. He was very revelation to this effect. Then, according bright and possessed extraordinary to the instructions of the Holy Prophetsa, abilities.


SEPTEMBER 18, 2020

uzooraa continued with the account regarding Hazrat Bilālra. When camp was set up on the way back from the Khyber expedition, the Holy Prophetsa said to Hazrat Bilālra, H“Tonight, you will guard our prayer time.” That meant that Bilālra would wake people up for Fajr prayer. Hazrat Bilālra continued to perform Nawāfil as long as he could, but a little before Fajr he fell asleep and so could not wake up the others. No one else woke up either until the sun came out. The Holy Prophetsa was the first to wake up and he summoned Bilālra, who apologized for his lapse as sleep had overwhelmed him. The Holy Prophetsa then gave instructions to move Mubarak Mosque, Islamabad, Tilford UK. on from that place. After traveling a short distance, he ordered the Companions to Hazrat Musleh Mau‘ūdra says that the his father, whereas the Holy Prophetsa stop and prepare for the prayer. After greatest thing about this whole incident forgave his own uncles and brothers the prayer, the Holy Prophetsa said, is the Banner of Bilāl. The Holy Prophetsa because of a slave. “Whoever forgets his prayer should offer was himself a chief but he did not hoist it when he remembers it.” a banner for himself or any of the other After citing the above details from Sair-e- Companions. This was because Bilāl was Ruhāni, Huzooraa also gave a brief account On the day of the conquest of Makkah, the only person who had no relatives in of these events from Introduction to the the Holy Prophetsa ordered Hazrat Bilālra Makkah, and the torment that he had Study of the Holy Qur’ān (Dibācha Tafsīr- to give Adhān from the roof of Ka‘bah. suffered at the hands of the Makkahns ul-Qur’ān). Huzooraa said that some Hazrat Bilālra also accompanied the Holy had not been inflicted upon anyone else. people try to find discrepancies between Prophetsa when he entered Ka‘bah and On this day, when a ten-thousand strong the two accounts, but the only difference offered prayers between its two pillars. Muslim army was entering Makkah, Bilāl is that one is detailed and the other is might have thought that now was the concise. Hazrat Musleh Mau‘ūdra says with time for the atrocities inflicted upon regard to the conquest of Makkah: him to be avenged. But when the Holy Huzooraa said that Najāshi, the King of Hazrat ‘Abbāsra brought Abu Sufyān to Prophetsa announced a general amnesty, Abyssinia, sent the Holy Prophetsa three the Holy Prophetsa. Abu Sufyān then Bilāl might have felt disappointed. The spears as a gift, one of which he kept for pledged allegiance to the Holy Prophetsa Holy Prophetsa, realizing that Bilāl was himself. On the occasion of ‘Idul-Fitr, and sought amnesty for the people of the only person who would be hurt Hazrat Bilālra would carry the spear in Makkah in the name of their ancestral by his general amnesty, so he found front of the Holy Prophetsa and then relationship with the Holy Prophetsa. such a wonderful way to avenge Hazrat fix it at a certain place, and the Holy The Holy Prophetsa then announced Bilālra that nothing like it had ever been Prophetsa would pray facing it. After the an amnesty for anyone who entered witnessed before. The Holy Prophetsa Holy Prophetsa, Hazrat Bilālra used to walk Ka‘bah or the house of Abu Sufyān, or commanded all the oppressors that, if before Hazrat Abu Bakrra in the same surrendered his arms, or closed the they wanted to save their lives and the manner. doors of his own house. Abu Sufyān said lives of their wives and children, they that in this situation the homeless people must come under Bilāl’sra banner. The After the death of the Holy Prophetsa, on the streets might be killed. The Holy heads of all those who used to stomp Hazrat Bilālra asked Hazrat Abu Bakrra for Prophetsa then had a flag prepared and on his chest with their shoes, were now permission to go on Jihād, but Hazrat Abu said that this was the Banner of Bilāl, made to seek protection by standing Bakrra said, “I beseech you in the name whoever stood under it would also be under his banner. This was the revenge of Allāh and remind you of my sanctity. safe. Abu Sufyān was satisfied with this that was more glorious than the revenge I have grown old and weak and my and he entered Makkah announcing of Hazrat Yūsufas, because Hazrat Yūsufas death is near, so stay with me.” Hazrat these terms. only forgave his brothers for the sake of Bilālra agreed to stay in Makkah on the

8 Aḥmadiyya Gazette condition that he would not call Adhān latter part of his life, Bilāl had gone not a good man in terms of morals and for anyone after the Holy Prophetsa. After to live in Syria. There he asked for a religion. If you like, you can marry him, the death of Hazrat Abu Bakrra, Hazrat woman’s hand in marriage. He said, “I or you can refuse.” The family, however, ‘Umarra also tried to persuade Bilāl to am an Abyssinian, and you can refuse me. agreed to the marriage because he was stay in Makkah, but Bilāl insisted on On the other hand, if you accept my offer Hazrat Bilāl’sra brother. going to Jihād. Hazrat ‘Umarra, therefore, considering that I am a Companion of the permitted him to go. Holy Prophetsa, it would be very kind of One day some people came to the Holy you.” She accepted his offer and he got Prophetsa and asked him to perform the While Hazrat Bilālra was staying in Syria, married and he stayed in Syria. Nikah of their sister with a certain man. he once saw the Holy Prophetsa in a The Holy Prophetsa asked, “What do you dream. The Holy Prophetsa said to him: When Hazrat ‘Umarra set up office to think about Bilāl?” They came to the “O Bilāl! What callousness! Isn’t it time distribute stipends, he asked Bilāl who he Holy Prophetsa a second time and the for you to come and visit me?” Hazrat would appoint on his behalf. Hazrat Bilālra Holy Prophetsa asked the same question. Bilālra woke up in great sorrow. When replied that he would be represented by When they came the third time, he said, he reached Madinah, he came to the Hazrat Abu Ruwaihara, whom he would “What do you think of a man who is one tomb of the Holy Prophetsa and started never forget because of the brotherhood of the dwellers of Paradise?” At this they to weep bitterly. Hazrat Ḥassanra and which the Holy Prophetsa had established agreed to marry their sister to Hazrat Hazrat Ḥusainra also came and Hazrat between the two of them. Bilālra. Bilālra kissed and hugged them. Hazrat Ḥassanra and Hazrat Ḥusainra said to Huzooraa cited the following example of Huzooraa said that it is only through Hazrat Bilālra that we want you to call the Hazrat Bilāl’sra truthfulness. Hazrat Bilālra sacrifices that one is exalted. It is the morning Adhān. The narrator says that had a brother who portrayed himself as beautiful teaching of Islām that those upon hearing Hazrat Bilāl’sra Adhān that an Arab. He sent an offer of marriage who make sacrifices and show loyalty day, Madinah trembled with emotion to an Arab lady. The family of the lady right from the beginning, even if they are as people recalled the time of the Holy replied that they would only agree if Abyssinian slaves, receive high status. Prophetsa. Hazrat Bilālra came to them in person. When Hazrat Bilālra came, he recited Huzooraa said he would continue next Referring to Hazrat Bilāl’sra last days, tashahhud and said that, “I am Bilāl bin time with the accounts regarding Hazrat Hazrat Musleh Mau‘ūdra says: In the Rabāh, and he is my brother. But he is Bilālra, Inshā’Allāh!


SEPTEMBER 25, 2020

uzooraa continued with the Paradise as he had in this world where Hazrat Khalīfatul Masīḥ IIra once said: A account regarding Hazrat he walked in front of the Holy Prophetsa few days ago, an Arab came to meet me Bilālra. holding a spear on the day of ‘Īd. and said that he was a descendant of Hazrat Bilālra. Regardless of whether he One day the Holy Prophetsa According to another account, the was telling the truth or not, I wanted asked Hazrat Bilālra, “What Holy Prophetsa said: I heard someone’s to embrace him eagerly because he was isH the reason of you always being ahead of footsteps in Paradise, so I asked Gabriel one of the descendants of the man who me in Paradise? Last night, when I entered whose footsteps they were and he replied called the Adhān at the mosque of the Paradise, I heard your footsteps in front that they were Bilāl’s. Hazrat Abu Bakrra Holy Prophetsa. Hazrat Bilāl’sra children of me.” Hazrat Bilālra said, “Whenever I said: “I wish I was born from the womb of and property are nowhere today, but the give the Adhān, I offer two rak’āt of nafal Bilāl’s mother and Bilāl’s father was my Adhān that he gave in the mosque of the prayer. Whenever my ablution is broken, father! What a high status is enjoyed by Holy Prophetsa lives for all times to come. I perform ablution. I do not see anything Bilāl who was once despised and dragged These are the virtues that last forever. in me that would give me hope other on stones.” than that whenever I have performed Huzooraa said that forty-four Aḥādīth ablution, whether during the day or the Hazrat Mirza Bashīr Ahmad Sahibra says have been narrated by Hazrat Bilālra, four night, I have offered nafal prayer along that after Syria had been conquered of which are found in Sahīh Bukhāri and with it.” during the Khilāfat of Hazrat ‘Umar, Sahīh Muslim. The Holy Prophetsa said, Hazrat Bilālra delivered the Adhān upon “Paradise is eager to meet three people; Huzooraa said that this means that, the insistence of Hazrat ‘Umarra. Hearing ‘Ali, ‘Ammar and Bilāl.” because of purity and his secret worship, this Adhān, all the Companions, including Allāh gave him the same position in Hazrat ‘Umarra, cried profusely. Hazrat Salmānra, Hazrat Sohaibra and

9 Hazrat Bilālra were in a gathering when Abu Sufyān came. They said that the swords of Allāh did not fall on the necks sa of the enemies of Allāh. When Hazrat Abu . . . the Holy Prophet said, “Bilāl! Die in Bakrra heard this, he rebuked them. Later poverty and not in wealth, otherwise, the when Hazrat Abu Bakrra told the Holy Prophetsa about this, the Holy Prophetsa Fire will be your abode.” said, “Perhaps you have angered them. If you have angered them, you have love. Hazrat Bilālra was an Abyssinian and Khurshīd Ahmed Sahib, former Sadr angered your Lord.” Hazrat Abu Bakrra had served the Arabs and had no blood ‘Umoomi, Rabwah, who passed at immediately returned and apologized to relations with the Arabs, but when he the age of 81. She is survived by a the poor Companions. finished the call to prayer in Syria, he daughter. fainted and passed away a few minutes According to a narration by Hazrat ‘Alira, later. This was a testimony to the claim 4. Muhammad Tāhir Ahmad Sahib, the Holy Prophetsa counted Hazrat Bilālra of the Holy Prophetsa that there is no Nā’ib Nāzir Baitul Māl, Qādiān, who among his 14 naqībs. Similarly, he said, difference between Arab and non-Arab. passed away on 28th May at Noor “What a good man Bilāl is, the chief of The love and affection shown for the Hospital Qādiān due to liver cancer. martyrs and callers to prayer (mu’azzin). Holy Prophetsa by people of other nations From 1989 to the last day of his life, On the Day of Judgment, Bilāl will is the greatest practical testimony that for 31 years, he served in various have the longest neck (he will be most the Holy Prophetsa loved them more than departments. He is survived by old honoured).” He also said, “Bilāl will be their own people. parents, wife and two sons. given a camel in Paradise and he will ride on it.” Huzooraa said that this was Sayyidnā Bilāl 5. Aqeel Ahmed, son of Mirza Khalil who set for us the highest standards of Ahmed Baig Sahib who is a lecturer On another occasion, the Holy Prophetsa love for the Holy Prophetsa and God’s at Jāmi‘a Aḥmadiyya Ghana said, “Bilāl! Die in poverty and not in Oneness. Today our salvation depends International. The deceased was wealth, otherwise, the Fire will be your on following these examples. May Allah visiting Pakistan where he passed abode.” That is to say, never turn away a grant us the strength to do so. away at the age of 13 after a short person in need, and keep spending rather illness. Huzooraa prayed that Allāh than hoarding. When Hazrat Bilālra used In the second part of the sermon, may elevate the spiritual status of to pray before going to sleep: “O Allāh, Huzooraa informed the Jamā‘at about the the deceased and give strength to forgive me my sins and consider me sad demise of some devoted members of the parents and sisters to bear this excused for my shortcomings.” the Jamā‘at and led their funeral prayers loss. Amīn! in absentia after the Friday prayer. Hazrat Bilālra passed away in Damascus At the end of the sermon, Huzooraa said or Aleppo in 20 A.H. He was over sixty 1. Maulana Talib Yaqoub Sahib, son of that nowadays, a lot of people request years old at the time of his death. Tayyab Yaqoub Sahib, missionary, him to offer funeral prayers for their of Trinidad Tobago. He passed away deceased relatives. However, due to the Describing the status of Hazrat Bilālra, on 8th September at the age of 63. He lack of time, it is not possible to make Hazrat Khalīfatul Masīḥ IIra says: The dedicated his life in 1979 and joined a mention of all of them. Therefore, he Holy Prophetsa was born at Makkah, Jāmi‘a Aḥmadiyya Rabwah from wanted to make it clear that all those among Quraīsh who considered where he obtained Shahid degree in who have made this request are included themselves superior to other Arabs, and 1989. He had the honour of serving in the funeral prayer, even if their names yet he never looked down upon people of in different countries with great are not specifically mentioned. May Allāh other tribes and nations. He loved non- devotion. He left behind a son, two forgive them all, and grant patience to all Arabs as much as he loved the Arabs. His daughters, two brothers and three their families and help them to continue wars with people of other nations led to sisters. their good deeds! Amīn! the overthrow of their rulers, and yet the people loved him. There is no example 2. Engineer Iftikhar Ali Qureshi Sahib, of such love among the disciples of Jesus former Wakīl-ul-Māl III, and Vice Christ as we see among the followers of President of Majlis Tahrīk-i-Jadīd. He the Holy Prophetsa. Having once believed passed away on 3rd June at the age of in him, they gave themselves to him 99. After retiring from government with all their heart and soul. When service in 1983, he dedicated his life we look at Hazrat Bilālra, who was an for the Jamā‘at and was able to serve Abyssinian slave, we find that his love in various capacities. for the Holy Prophetsa was not an act of deference or gratitude but it was true 3. Razia Sultana Sahiba, wife of Hakīm

10 Aḥmadiyya Gazette IRFĀN ILĀHĪ (Part 2) (DEEPER KNOWLEDGE OF GOD)

The following is a translation of an address of Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ IIra delivered on 16th March 1919 at the Jalsa Sālāna. It is the second part in a 2-part series.

nly when a person clears their past accounts can they make spiritual progress. A person might ask, “How do you possibly remove such a heavy burden to proceed in virtue?” ORemember that spiritual matters can seem onerous and burdensome, but this burden is linked with success. For example, a poor, needy man approached the Holy Prophetsa and was told the solution to his poverty is marriage. The man married, but his financial situation did not improve and complained again to the Messenger of Allāhsa. The Holy Prophetsa advised him to contract another marriage. Following this, he Al-Masjid an-Nabawi, Madīnah, Saudi Arabia approached the Holy Prophetsa and said, “I had no means to feed one wife. How do greatest of obstacles. This is the best time Instead, they must immediately dissolve I feed two?” to take on this challenge—when one has this corrupt thought from their mind. remarkable courage. The best to repent Doing so is tremendously beneficial. A The Prophetsa said, “Marry again.” A few is at the start of one’s spiritual journey. person who continually tries to remove days after his third marriage, he visited an impure thought, even if they end the Messenger of Allāhsa and said, “Oh NECESSARY CONDITIONS TO up committing an evil, has a thousand Messenger of Allāh! My condition has CLEAR PAST ACCOUNTS AND times great chance of succeeding in now approached death!” The Prophetsa PERFORM FUTURE VIRTUE self-reformation than a person who repeated, “Marry again.” After some relentlessly ponders upon an evil and time had elapsed, the Prophetsa inquired People can advance in virtue and then perpetrates it. The constant flow of about his condition. The man said, “I spirituality once they clear their past thoughts has a penetrating effect upon now have immense wealth.” These are sins. Thus, I will discuss the necessary one’s heart. mysteries concerning the Divine Law, means and conditions to attain this and not everyone can understand them. object and grow in virtue. The first and Conversely, a person who persistently But let me explain this a bit further. foremost requirement for attaining rids their mind of immoral ideas is able First, as I have already said, only when righteousness, and after that, Irfān Ilāhī to stem their evils. Hence, whenever such a person settles their past immoralities is to purify one’s thoughts and mind. I thoughts arise, one must block them and can they advance spiritually. Just as shall expound upon this and show that stand on guard. Do not underestimate rotten food will always rotten, even this is an excellent strategy to attain the power of thoughts. The longer an if mixed with wholesome food, so too righteousness. That is not to say a person impure thought remains in mind, the must a person, first, purge themselves can always keep a pure mind. For that deeper it affects a person. People can of sins and vices, and break the effects is impossible for most people. A person thus save themselves from perils by of their past evils. Second, a person has must, therefore, prevent an evil thought shunning sinful thoughts. It is not hard, the most ardour when they first embark from fermenting when it does arise. For but rather easy. Whenever you have such on a goal; often, this passion abates with example, if a person entertains the idea a thought, focus your attention away time. When a person first resolves not to of taking a bribe, they must not mull over from it by doing something that occupies sin, they are prepared to overcome the it and start formulating a plan of action. your mind and diverts your attention.

11 For example, have a conversation with evil thought. God Almighty has told us and swinging my arms. The next thing someone; resolve an old dispute. In doing that a person will not have to answer I knew, I was sitting beside a basket full so, you will save yourself from sinning. for things beyond their capacity. For of grapes. Tell me, was it my fault?” The But if you are still gripped by sin in a fit example, if someone across some goods owner replied, “Alright, I accept your of passion, you must ensure it is never and for a moment imagines taking them, explanation. Now tell me, did the basket premeditated; evil thoughts must always they will not be punished for this initial also happen to land upon your hand and be shunned. Eventually, you will gain thought; but beyond that if they begin tell you to steal it?” The man said, “I was self-control. formulating a plan, they will be held just wondering the same thing.” The accountable. When the verse mentioned same is the case of a person who allows THE NATURE OF IMAGINATION above was revealed, the companions immoral thoughts to ferment in their approached the Prophetsa and said, heart; blameless for the initial thoughts, Imagination and thoughts are no “Sometimes we also have evil thoughts; they are certainly guilty of acting upon ordinary things. Everything in the world will we be punished for them?” The them; they are not accountable for the happens through imagination. For Prophetsa replied, “An evil thought upon original thought, but indeed for letting example, a person who accepts Islām which a person does not act is a good them harbour and grow. They will be does so because they imagined and deed in itself.”2 Hence, the verse refers to punished for permitting such thoughts thought about accepting it. Similarly, those thoughts a person has in planning to permeate; removing them was well a person commits vice because they and acting upon. If one has the thought within his control. had imagined and conceived it. Hence, of stealing something but immediately imagination plays a significant role in shuns it, it would be deemed a virtue. If THE FIRST MEANS TO PURIFY THE SOUL And whether you disclose what is in Thus the first requirement for purifying the soul is to purge oneself of evil and your minds or keep it hidden, Allāh will impure thoughts.

call you to account for it.” THE SECOND MEANS the world. It holds tremendous influence a person has thoughts of killing someone The second means identified by the Holy and weight. One might have doubts about but then shuns these thoughts, they will Qur’ān for purifying the soul and rather its importance, given it is an immaterial have earned a good deed. Conversely, succeeding in all matters is: “And it is not concept. Can a person glance at a seed if a person starts dwelling on them and righteousness that you come into houses and know it will become a giant tree seriously considers implementing them, by the backs thereof, but truly righteous without using imagination? Consider our they will be accountable to God. is he who fears God. And you should come birth. Human beings procreate because into houses by the doors thereof, and fear of a desire borne out of thoughts. If our A MAJOR STEP FOR SELF- Allāh so that you may prosper.”3 Meaning birth is the result of imagination, can REFORMATION that one should fear God and adopt the we disregard this powerful concept? right path allocated for any object. The Everything humans do is owing to Thus, you must remember this point. right means and ways Allāh has set forth power if thought. One may contend that For it is a major step towards rectifying for success must be used. And since other factors work in conjunction with deeds. Indeed it is true that evil thoughts self-purification is the way to attaining imagination to steer a person to act; and do naturally arise, but getting rid of them Irfān Ilāhī, one must forsake all previous thus the concept is insignificant. But the is also within one’s control. One must vices and adopt virtue that leads to this same argument will have to be applied cleanse the mind when such thoughts purification. One must gain complete to a seed; one might argue that various arise. knowledge of what God likes and dislikes. nourishments in the earth cause tree The Promised Messiah made an index growth and thus a seed is unimportant. AN INTERESTING NARRATIVE of all the commandments mentioned in If a person is willing to admit a seed is the Holy Qur’ān and would recite them. insignificant because it is aided by other The Promised Messiahas would narrate It is evident he laid great emphasis on factors to grow into a tree, then sure they the following anecdote: A man stole a them. It is of utmost importance to know can claim the same about imagination; basket of grapes from an orchard. As he these matters for self-purification. Once not otherwise. No doubt thoughts are was leaving, he was caught by the owner. a person has good understanding of what the basis of all things, at the core of all The thief said, “Punish me if you like, is ordained and forbidden, the matter our actions. Thus God Almighty declares, but please listen to my explanation.” The becomes easy. A person can escape the “And whether you disclose what is in After the owner agreed, the man said, “At darkness of ignorance and enter the your minds or keep it hidden, Allāh will it happened, a whirlwind carried me into light of knowledge. Having learned the call you to account for it.”1 This does not your garden, dropping me upon a bushel injunctions and prohibitions, they must mean a person will be punished for every of grapes. I was holding on for dear life try to act upon them; for applying effort

12 Aḥmadiyya Gazette in the right way is the only formula Repetition is another strategy to purify is indeed Irfān Ilāhī. Thus, we understand for success. Even if one partially errs the soul. The Holy Qur’ān refers to this the importance of consistency in virtue in doing so, they must continue trying as follows: “On those who believe and and the tremendous affect of each because it will pave the way for future do good works, there shall be no sin for repetition. God says a person who does success. Remember, you must act upon what they eat, provided they fear God a good deed with righteousness in their all the divine commandments; without it, and believe and do good work, and again heart is conferred belief and the ability to your faith will remain incomplete. fear God and believe, yet again fear God render virtue. The next time they carry and do good. And Allāh loves those who out this good deed with righteousness, THE THIRD MEANS TO ATTAIN do good.”4 their belief is further enhanced so that DIVINE ATTRIBUTES virtues form a natural part of their The injunction to fear God has been belief. Still, when they act with taqwa The third means to adopt Divine repeated three times in this verse. again, their faith is even more elevated, Attributes is to immerse oneself in deeds With each instance there is a different raising them to a higher station; namely, that purify the heart. Acting upon the outcome. The first mention of the fear Muhsin. Allāh Almighty explains that He commandments will, in turn, impress of God results in belief and good deeds loves such a person. Who would distance the attributes of God in your heart. Let necessary for sincere faith. The second themselves from their beloved? The Holy me explain this with an example of a mention is followed by belief only. Why Prophetsa plainly described that such short-tempered person. They must mull would the first case have both belief people behold God. Meaning that, they over the matter at the opportune time: I and good works, and the second, only have Irfān Ilāhī. get angry very quickly. This is an evil deed. belief? Bear in mind that the first case It is an obstruction to my THE FOURTH MEANS spiritual progress. Hence, I shall never ever commit You must be consistent this deed. Repeating such in doing virtue. words will etch this Hence, Allāh Almighty thinking in his heart commands: “And and protect them from continue worshiping thy this malady. Without Lord, till death comes self-reminders, a person to thee.”6 People who cannot hope to succeed. maintain that they no Still, the goal might longer require means appear overwhelming to find Him because at first. One way is to they have already seen change behaviour, one God are absolute liars. day at a time, and commit Prayer, Fasting, Hajj, to abstaining from a and Charity are all specific evil on one day; vehicles to reach God, then the next day; and so but they must be used on. Ultimately the person continually. False and will overcome the vice dishonest people claim altogether. This is how to that these good deeds fight oneself to forsake a bad habit. That indicates a level of belief that does not are only an instrument to find God; and is, change cannot be expected overnight. [naturally] translate into good deeds; the once a person has found Him, these It must be made in small steps. second does. In the first instance, belief means do not serve any purpose. This is is not so strong as to bring about action. utterly wrong; God is infinite; our quest Similarly, you can resolve to perform Thus, Allāh specifically emphasizes good to God is endless. Once we have found a good deed once, then another time; deeds alongside belief. In the second God, we have touched an endless ocean and another; and so on. In this manner, instance, belief is deep enough to result and embarked upon a journey that never virtue will become a habit. In reality, a into good deeds [naturally]; hence there ends. Just as God is infinite, so must our person’s ego is like a child and should be was no need to mention ‘good deeds.’ good deeds be unceasing. Sure if God dealt with as a child; the same strategies The third case is, “Fear God and become had been a confined being, our worship used to teach children in schools should beneficent.” It means consist good works to reach him would also be finite. So be used for teaching spirituality. Just as enhance our belief. The word Ihsān with each passing day we must keep children are initially taught short lessons mentioned here was also described by the improving our spirituality. We must be and gradually given more workload, so Holy Prophetsa as follows: “Worship God constant in worshiping God; it cannot be should be done in teaching oneself to as though you were seeing Him; and if temporary. Or it would be rendered vain. overcome evil and adopt good. you are unable to do so, at the very least, Allāh the Exalted has declared, “And be worship Him as if He watches you.”5 This not like unto her who, after having made

13 it strong, breaks her yarn into pieces.”7


There are a great many matters one cannot understand without a teacher. God Almighty says, “O yea who believe! Fear Allāh, and be with the truthful.”8 Keep righteous company to gain strength. Hence, it is paramount one benefits from an excellent teacher. The system of reformers, divine saints, and believers continues in every era. But then God raises a Prophet and people must benefit from him. Just as a student who has a textbook still needs a teacher, so does a person need a teacher for spiritual guidance. Thus God Almighty affirm in the Holy Qur’ān, “Allāh has promised to those among you who believe and do good works that He will surely make them Successors in is promised teachers by God, Himself. TWO FORMS OF SELF- the earth, as He made Successors from You do not face issues that others do. ACCOUNTABILITY among those who were before them.”9 Thus, you must benefit from them. Meaning that, God will continue to send It must be remembered there are two Successors in the ummah of the Holy THE SIXTH MEANS ways to do self-accountability. Not Prophetsa. He does not however specify understanding this difference has kept how exactly it will happen, except that it Another important means for spiritual people from this undertaking. One way is will be in the same way as earlier time; purity is self-appraisal. A person can to do it partially, the other in its entirety; some were political successors, others purify themselves very quickly if they the former relates to individual deeds, were only spiritual; same will be the case use this point. But the self-appraisal I the latter to actions as a whole; the first among Muslims. Explaining the objective refer to is not what you might suppose. corrects and reforms actions, the second of these successors, God says, “He will I will detail the meanings of self- refines them. And the proper way isto surely establish for them their religion appraisal, its challenges, its solutions, use both. which He has chosen for them; and that and what accountability really entails. He will surely give them in exchange It is mentioned in the Holy Qur’ān that INDIVIDUAL DEEDS security and peace after their fear.”10 humans will have to give an account: “On Through them, Islām will be established. that day when Allāh will raise them all The first form of self-accountability They will reform people and act as their together. He will inform them of what involves examining individual deeds. teachers. Thus, God Almighty affirms the they did. Allāh has kept account of it, They can be further parsed into three necessity of a teacher and their critical while they forgot. And Allāh is Witness phases: (1) Initial (2) Intermediate (3) need for the progress of Islām. A person over all things.”11 Thus, people are Ultimate. is able rapidly learn from a teacher supposed to remember their account for which would otherwise take years. For the reckoning, but they will forget. So INITIAL example, a person only uses a dictionary Allāh will remind them. Hence, the verse for education; they could not learn in demonstrates the importance of keeping When a person is about to render a deed, years what a teacher could teach them in an account of one’s actions. They will they should monitor their conscience days. This speech I am delivering before be presented on the Day of Judgment. and ask: What is my motive behind it? you is another example. The knowledge Essentially this means a person should For whom am I doing it? This will help I am imparting would take you years constantly be mindful of their actions them identify if an action is evil, for to investigate and write on your own. and deeds. Hazrat ‘Umarra is reported to deeds are good or evil based on motives. Yet you have gained knowledge of this have said: “Take account of your souls, One’s conscience will give the answer. subject in a matter of hours, instead lest an account is taken from you.”12 If the motive is wrong, pangs of shame of years. Still it is difficult to digest. and guilt will stop the urge. Shame and Hence, teachers are paramount. God has remorse extinguish evil urges. Take theft promised to keep granting you teachers. as an example. A person who is thinking You do not even need to seek them out; of stealing will ask himself: “What is my you are part of a divine community that motive in stealing?” Knowing that it is to

14 Aḥmadiyya Gazette gain wealth, he will then ask, “Are there mistakes. thee thy veil, and sharp is thy sight this no others means to acquire wealth then day.”13 Meaning that, in the next world to steal from an innocent person? How FINAL the veil will be lifted from people’s eyes would I feel if someone stole from me?” and their vision and mental perception In this manner, his conscience will steer The third and ultimate self- will become clearer and sharper. [They them in the right direction and prevent accountability is taken after a deed. In will see the consequences of their actions them. This is the self-accountability a this case, a person should ask what effect in an embodied form which were hidden person does in the initial stage. But it is this act having on one's heart. This from their eyes in this world.] Hence, a should be borne in mind that asking question helps protect a person from the person needs a structure to keep account oneself these questions superficially perils of pride and arrogance after they of all actions. The first natural structure could delude a person into thinking an have successfully done a good deed. It should be to classify one’s actions. For action is good, while it is not. Thus, one enables a person to detect any traces of example, virtues can be categorized by must have an objective dialogue with arrogance that might arises out of a good those that relate to God, those that relate one’s conscience; doing so will permit act. If a person discovers arrogance, they to yourself, and those that relate to one to catch evil acts. can uproot it through self-reproach; and others. Evils can categorized in the same thus safeguard their good deeds from manner as virtues. Now, when a person Consequently, many potential sins will being wasted. Conversely, if a person keeps in mind this classification of virtue vanish the first time a person questions observes that a good deed has effected and evil, they can remember all actions. oneself; others will disappear after humility and meekness upon their heart, two or three questions. Still others will it will steer them towards further virtue. FOUR TYPES OF VIRTUOUS DEEDS emerge as possible virtues that can benefit others. At this stage, a person Hence, the first type of self-appraisal Deeds can be categorized in multiple should ask themselves the second constitutes three phases: The initial ways. For example, virtues can be question: “For whom am I carrying out phase in which a person examines their classified into four types: 1. Virtues this action?” The answer will often reveal real intent for an action before it is that benefit others as well as the doer; that many of the deeds a person thought carried out and asking, “why and for a person who is stubborn and refuses to were virtues turn out to be evils. For whom am I performing this deed?” The do these must examine why they avoid example, before offering prayer, giving intermediate phase in which you ask them; 2. Virtues that benefits others but charity, or doing good to others, a person yourself “what means am I using to carry not the doer; 3. Virtues that harms others asks themselves the first question and out this action?” And the final phase in if not carried out; and the doer does not knows they are good acts. Still, upon which you ask yourself succeeding an gain or lose anything; 4. Virtues that asking the second question, perhaps action, “How has this affected my heart?” benefit others but harm the doer. If one their conscience tells them their motives If we begin to implement this three- were to keep these categories in mind are merely ostentatious. Having thus phase method, will quickly develop the when carrying out a virtue, they would realized, they will set their motives to be habit of self-assessment. This was self- find it much easier to do a self-appraisal the sole pleasure of Allāh and the benefit accountability as it relates to individual of all good deeds. Similarly, they can of humanity. Thus, a person would be deeds. apply this method of classification and able to transform evil into virtue. self-accounting upon prohibited things. COLLECTIVE DEEDS INTERMEDIATE AN EASY WAY TO HOLD The second form of self-appraisal ONESELF TO ACCOUNT The second form of self-appraisal is done concerns all actions. It is a very difficult as one begins to carry out the deed. This task to maintain an account of all To organize all of one’s actions in this has great benefits. As a person does any action. Human beings are forgetful. manner has fabulous benefits. It helps deed, they should ask: “How am I doing This form of accountability is so vast it a person realize and understand the this deed?” In other words, what means encompasses every type of conceivable roots and branches of all deeds. And are they employing for the task. This action. Consequently, many actions are whenever they detect deficiency or flaw type of accountability also reveals good rendered undetected. God Almighty in any action, they can rectify it. Still deeds being done using unbecoming has verified the inadequacy of human not everyone holds the strength to keep means. Reflection on the above question perception. God says, “Thou wast account in this manner. Hence, I shall eliminates the possibility of such heedless of this; now We removed from explain easy way to do this. A person should not wait a year or six months or four months or even one month to do self-accountability. Rather, they The answer will often reveal that many should highlight and note all of the enjoinments and prohibitions described of the deeds a person thought were in the Holy Qur’ān; then they should virtues turn out to be evils. commit to reading these commandments

15 constantly. But this does not imply acceptable. Rather, a person who reveals reading it mindlessly; rather a person someone’s weakness behind their back should mull over each commandment. and then says it to their face is guilty of As they come across them in their daily not one but two sins; backbiting against reading, they should ask, “Am I acting someone and injuring their feelings. upon this commandment?” While Exposing someone’s flaws—which God reading a prohibition, they should has Himself concealed—is a sin. The Holy evaluate if they are abstaining from it. Prophetsa said, “God conceals the sins of This will make self-accountability an easy a person who conceals those of others.”14 task. Just as a person gets professional Yet, most people commit this horrible advise when constructing a house, so vice without realizing its gravity. too should they take Qur’ānic advise when building their spiritual edifice. One HOW TO IDENTIFY SIN must constantly defer to the Holy Book and ask, “What do I need to complete Another relevant question is, how can my faith?” That is, always reflect upon one identify sin? As I have said one must whether they are doing everything seek out a teacher and learn from them. ordained and abstaining from everything A teacher cannot impart knowledge prohibited. Anyone can succeed in this of everything. It is in human nature undertaking, provided they try. But a to sin when alone and refrain before word of caution— a person must neglect others. Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ Ira would any element of egotism. narrate, “I once asked a thief if they view stealing as a vice. He said, ‘How is it evil? if allowed to ferment. A person should THE ESSENCE OF BACKBITING I earn it after many pains and struggles. ruminate over the divine commandments Despite all my efforts I gain very little.’ and let them permeate one’s heart. Let’s take backbiting as an example. I proceeded to discuss other matters For example, one should reflect upon One must never let vanity delude with him. After a while I asked, ‘how do the blessings and benefits of observing oneself into thinking they have never you divide the stolen wealth.’ He said, ‘A Prayer, Fasting, and other righteous done backbiting. Instead, one must goldsmith assists me. I give him all of the deeds. In the same manner, one should examine and objectively analyze all of jewelery, which he then melts into gold reflect upon the reality and consequence one's deeds. If they still believe they or silver. We divide it.’ I asked, ‘what if of deceit, dishonesty, wickedness, and have never committed this vice, they the goldsmith usurped everything?’ He other vices. For after realizing the must then evaluate if they understand replied, ‘I would chop off the thief’s head! essence of anything a person will develop what it means to backbite. Sometimes How dare he take away my wealth!’” love or hatred for it. It is said in the Holy reflection will enable one to realize Qur’ān, “They have hearts but they they had misunderstood the concept in A person has a higher set of expectations understand not therewith, and they have the first place, and therefore, wrongly from others. But to measure one’s own eyes but they see not therewith, and they believed they were free of this vice. state of sin, one ought to use others have ears but they hear not therewith.”15 Others deny this habit, even though they as a yard stick. This will enable one to This means, some people have hearts, backbite. They maintain, “we only utter perceive the minutest of sins in oneself. eyes and ears, yet they do not use them. the truth.” Clearly they misunderstand Meaning that, to identify and consider Thus, one cannot attain success without the idea of backbiting. It is their view something a sin, one should observe how using their eyes, ears, and heart. that backbiting is to say something others conduct themselves. If one finds a against a person if it is false; not if it is person is sinning, one can self-evaluate THE EIGHTH MEANS true. In reality, that is defined as a lie. to determine if they too are committing Backbiting can be defined as something this vice; perhaps they are and thus in The eighth way is to show a readiness that is true about a person, behind their no position to judge. This is a simple to accept things. A person cannot fail to back. A person who thinks only a lie told but effective method to identify sin. A act upon matters after having learned behind someone's back is backbiting will person can use it to shed one’s sins and them. Instead, if they are shown the never realize they have wronged—even shortcomings. right way, they must direct their all their if they come across the prohibition in energies toward fulfilling it. The verse the Holy Qur’ān. Only knowing the true THE SEVENTH MEANS above (7:180) hints at this point. Thus definition of backbiting and contrasting one cannot succeed if they continue to it with lying will help one realize their The seventh way to purify one’s soul is be ignorant after perceiving right from guilty. Still others who commit this vice to develop the habit of reflecting over wrong. contend that they would not be afraid the commandments and understanding of saying the same thing in front of the them. Earlier I had said one should shun person; as if doing so somehow makes it evil thoughts as they come with perils

16 Aḥmadiyya Gazette THE NINTH MEANS

The ninth way is to accept an You have heard this voice not one, not admonishment for committing a two, but three consecutive nights; why mistake. Many people are unable to reform themselves as they are offended do you keep supplicating?” when rebuked for a sin. If a person has committed a fault they should accept a himself and blurted, “You have heard they had already heard the tidings of reprimand. God Almighty declares, “And this voice not one, not two, but three victory against the enemy’s aggressive when it is said to him, ‘Fear Allāh,’ pride consecutive nights; why do you keep attacks. The faithful said we do not care incites him to further sin. So Hell shall supplicating?” The wise sage said, “It is who turns against us; Allāh is sufficient be his sufficient reward; and surely, it silly that you are frustrated. I have been for us; He is an excellent Guardian. What is an evil place of rest.”16 Some people hearing this message for the past twenty does it matter given we have placed our become indignant when advised to fear years, but never once did I complain or trust in God. The verse shows that a Allāh. It wounds their pride and makes become indolent. It is a servant’s task believer must stand firm in the face of a them angry. Instead of hearkening to to supplicate and worship, and God’s strong enemy. A physically ill person does the advice and being grateful to the well- prerogative, as the Master, to accept or not stop receiving treatment if one type wisher, they start disputing. The abode reject them. He is carrying out His duty, of remedy proves ineffective. Instead, of such people is Hell. With that said, a and I mine. Who are you to interfere and they continue being treatment right to person should not misconstrue this as be frustrated?” The disciple said no more. their recovery or death. The same must a license for rebuking people in public. The following night, the sage received be done by the spiritually ill. The graver Such admonition should be given in the following divine revelation, “All the illness, the more they must strive for private; but well-wisher must consider the supplications you offered over the remedy. If they succeed trying, they will if is their place to admonish this person; past twenty years have been accepted. have attained everything; but if they die will the advice have an opposite effect? So You have succeeded in your trial.” The trying, God would somewhat overlook on the one hand, it is necessary a person sage said to his disciple, “Had I listened their flaws making efforts. Conversely, who has faulted show patience and heed to your advice, I would have suffered if one abandons the effort and dies in any admonition in a calm manner; on massive loss. I trusted God Almighty and this state, what else can they expect the other, it is equally critical for the was finally granted His nearness.” but punishment? Hence, one must keep admonisher to show sensitivity and not striving and never fall into despair and humiliate a person. STEADFASTNESS IS forsake the struggle. This phenomenon NECESSARY IN PRAYER can be observed in schools and colleges. THE TENTH MEANS Some students succeed only because Imagine if the sage had accepted the of their tenacity. I heard the story of a The tenth way is to never despair. Rather, disciple’s advice when all his prayers Hindu who failed his exams for seven one must have trust in Allāh. Some were nearly accepted, all his efforts consecutive years. His own son also people work tirelessly but despair just would have been wasted. A believer must sat the same exam as him in this last before seeing the fruit of their labour. never despair. They must keep striving, attempt. But the man was not ashamed in even if they fail. At the same time, they the least. He not only took it but passed. A TALE OF A WISE SAGE can reflect upon the reasons for failure Hence, one should not fret or degrade and try to overcome them. But never or devalue oneself. I am not suggesting A wise sage always awoke at night and should they despair of the mercy of God. pride and vanity, but rather resoluteness offered supplication. One day a disciple Some people complain that they never and persistence. One should not say “I visited him to stay in his company for receive the fruits of their labor and hence cannot do such and such.” Instead, one three days. When the sage awoke for quit. I say, no matter what they must keep should say, “God Almighty has given me prayer, the disciple happened to be up striving; success will follow, sooner or every capability.” Allāh describes this and began worshiping. After the sage later. God Almighty tells us that believers excellence of a believer: “Among the completed his prayer, a voice was heard, indeed attain success if they trust Him: believers are men who have been true to “No matter how much you weep, your “Those to whom men said, ‘People have the covenant they made with Allāh. Some prayer will not be accepted.” Though it mustered against you, therefore fear of them have fulfilled their vow, and was a divine revelation, the disciple also them,’ but this only increased their faith, some who still wait.”18 It is narrated in the heard it. He was startled but remained and they said, ‘Sufficient for us is Allāh, Ahadith that a companionra once stated, silent out of respect. The following night, and an excellent Guardian is He.”17 That “I wish I had taken part in the Battle of after the sage completed his prayer the is, people tried to frighten Muslims; Badr. I would have fought bravely.”19 disciple overheard the same message they said all your prophecies regarding Such words come straight from the heart by the voice. The man kept quiet. On success were in vain and now everyone is and cannot be deemed arrogant. They the third night when the same thing united against you; you should be afraid. are akin to the smoke that rises from a happened the disciple could not help This enhanced the Muslims in faith. For suppressed fire.

17 The same was the case of this companion. For doing so leads people into neglect. vices, so also one virtue leads to others. He partook in the Battle of Uhud. When it Hazrat Anasra narrates that once he was rumored that the Holy Prophetsa has It is said that a self-proclaimed brave addressed new converts to Islām after been martyred, the news reached Hazrat man went to have a lion tattooed on his the Holy Prophetsa had passed. He said, ‘Umarra who recoiled in shock. The same arm. The moment he felt pain, he asked “Today, you commit certain evils and companion came to Hazrat ‘Umarra the tattooist, “What are you starting consider them minor; during the lifetime and asked what happened. Another with?” “The right ear,” replied the artist. of the Holy Prophetsa, perpetrating companion who had been sitting beside He said, “Can you make a lion without them was inconceivable.” Similarly, Hazrat ‘Umarra with his head downcast that ear?” The tattooist said yes. So the substantiate that once the Holy responded, “The Holy Prophetsa has been man said, “Alright, then let’s leave that Prophetsa was going somewhere and martyred.” The companion said, “If this and continue. As the tattooist proceeded, came across a cemetery. He said, “The is true, indeed, it is the best people of these two graves are opportunity for us to become being punished for minor sins, martyrs.” He attacked the which were in fact major. They enemy and went down fighting. were minor given they were His body was found later with easy to overcome and major 70 wounds.20 because they became a source leading them into hellfire. One THE DIFFERENCE IN of the deceased was careless CONCEIT AND DESPAIR while urinating and would deliberately let droplets fall Thus it is critical for one to all over. The other was a never have self-doubt. Just backbiter.”21 as it is bad to be skeptical of others, so it bad to be skeptical Hence, no sin should be of oneself. It is a sin. Instead, considered trivial. Whether a a person must trust God deed is considered major or Almighty and have confidence minor is relative to a person’s that they will overpower situation. A deed is minor for a satan. The difference between person who does it with ease. despairing and conceit is Similarly, a deed is major for that the former concerns the someone who finds it hard to future; the latter is about the act upon. For example, a person past. A selfish and arrogant who offers Prayers, observes person is easily distraught Fasts, gives alms, performs during their work, but once Hajj, but does not refrain a task is complete, they show from cursing. For this person, conceit. Conversely, a person abstaining from abusive who trusts God and abstains language will be deemed a from self-doubt maintains major good deed. So any evil a high hopes until their work is person struggles to overcome accomplished; and they hardly will be considered major for mention it after [much less them; and any virtue a person show arrogance]. the man asked the same set of questions cannot adopt will be considered major and asked him to skip making the left for them. THE ELEVENTH MEANS ear of this lion. In this way he prevented the tattooist until there was nothing of The Promised Messiahas writes that a People take certain sins to be minor, and, the lion left to tattoo. Thus, the man was person only receives spiritual reward for therefore, take no precautions to avoid turned out of the shop. acts they carry out with great difficulty. them. Sins are not classified as such in In discarding evil, a person will only the Holy Qur’ān. According to the Holy The same is the case of some people’s be the recipient of spiritual reward for Qur’ān a minor sin is any sin a person evil deeds. When they start trivializing discarding an evil—if they had the power contemplates but doesn’t act upon; any any commandment, they progressively to perpetrate it and still fought against sin a person acts upon is major. People ignore more and more of them. This their urges and overcome this evil. For have fabricated terminologies of Saghīra is no good. First, as I had said earlier, example, an impotent person’s who does and Kabīra. But the Qur’ān has not no sin is minor. Second, it must also be not commit adultery cannot be deemed classified them in this sense anywhere. remembered that one thing leads to worthy of the reward of abstaining Thus, no sin should be deemed trivial. another; just as one vice results in more from this evil. Yet, if the same person

18 Aḥmadiyya Gazette forsake backbiting, for example, it would observed the same prayer, the same fast these matters and become enriched with be counted as a good deed for them. as others, yet no other person was given the blessings of His Irfān! Amīn! Similarly, success in being able to discard the same rank as he; the good deeds the a vice a person was in the habit of doing Holy Prophetsa perceived and carried out would be a good deed; for this vice was a were deeper virtues than those done major sin for them. by ordinary people. Similarly, the Holy ENDNOTES sa Prophet perceived and abstained from 1. 2:185 THE STATIONS OF DIVINE LOVE evil deeds on a deeper level than ordinary 2. Sahih Bukhari, Kitab ur-Riqaq people. It was for this reason he had a 3. 2:190 In this speech, I have briefly explained rank like no other. Thus, some virtues 4.5:94 the ways to develop Irfān Ilāhī. If you and evils are beyond the apparent, but 5. Sahih Bukhari, Kitab Ul act upon these strategies, God Willing, they cannot be described. Only a person 6. 15:100 you will gain immense benefit. I shall given capacity by God can understand it. 7. 16:93 now mention two or three signs of Irfān And once a person is given this deeper 8. 9:119 Ilāhī. There are two kinds: external and understanding and starts acting upon it, 9. 24:56 internal. An external sign of Irfān Ilāhī their perception continues to enhance 10. 24:56 is as stated in a hadith. The narration with each passing day. This is the first 11. 58:7 records that through Nawafil [volunteer stage of Irfān Ilāhī. The second stage is 12. Tirmidhi, Abwaab Sifatul Qiyamah prayers], a person can become so close reached when hidden vices are revealed 13. 50:23 to God Almighty that He becomes their to such a person. One kind of vice is 22 14. Tirmidhi, Abwwab ul-Birri was Sillah hands, feet, and tongue. This shows that simply hidden and remains hidden 15. 7:180 fulfilling the obligatory acts of worship until exposed, but there is yet another 16. 2:207 are not enough to gain Irfān Ilāhī; a that is in plain sight and still unknown. 17. 3:174 person must also offer Nafawil. In doing For example, a person sells swine meat, 18. 33:24 so, one attains such great Irfān Ilāhī that passing it off as goat meat; or sells goat 19. Hazrat Anas bin Nadr (Bukhari Kitab God becomes one’s hands, feet, tongue. meat that is inedible; the truth will be ul-Maghazi Bab Ghazwa Uhud) Meaning that, one’s actions become [as hidden. A person in this second stage 20. Sirat Ibn Hisham Arabic Volume 2, pg. it were] the actions of God; it means that might be given this knowledge. When 85 just as divine works are definite and such matters appear before people with 21. Tirmidhi, Abwaab ut-Taharah Bab there is no stopping them, so is the case Irfān Ilāhī, they are inspired with a kind ut-tashdid fil bowl of such people’s undertakings; if they of hunch or abhorrence, through which 22. Bukhari Kitab ur-Riqaq Bab ut-Tawad- seize someone there is no escape; if they they perceive the truth. It is narrated hu’ hear a person’s dilemmas, they ensure to that a saintly person had just sat to eat 23. 53:4-5 resolve them; if they turn to a person with with a group of people. Suddenly, he left, full attention, that person is sure to be and others soon followed him out. When reformed; and everything they say is the asked the reason for leaving, he said, “I truth because they are the fulfillment of was especially anxious for the meal, and the verse, “And he speaks not of his own understood from this [unusual] feeling accord. It is nothing but pure revelation that something is wrong with the food. that has been revealed by God.”23 In short, Thus, I left.” In this way, the man became having Irfān Ilāhī means a person has a source of protection for others who been immersed in the attributes of God, had some self-control but were not yet becoming an instrument of His works. So true Muslims. But those at a higher rank much so that people witness it as a divine have purified soul and can immediately manifestation. But some of them are silly perceive evil, even if it is disguised. enough to think this person is God. This is the final stage of Irfan wherein a person can truly recognize good and evil To reach this state, a person undergoes no matter how disguised it is. The world some internal changes. First, they will naturally recognize such people. become mindful of virtue and evil. They May God Almighty enable you to act on can discern and forsake an evil that otherwise seems good at first. Or when they are about to forsake an action . . . through Nawafil [voluntary prayers], thinking it is evil, they are told [by God] that it is a good act. Hence, the first a person can become so close to God stage of Irfān Ilāhī is to be granted deeper Almighty that God becomes their hands, understanding of good and evil, unlike ordinary people. Look, the Holy Prophetsa feet, and tongue.



azrat Mirzā Masroor Aḥmadaa, the Worldwide Head of the Aḥmadīyya Muslim Community said:

“Bismillāhir-Rahmānir- HRahīm. In the Name of Allāh, the Gracious, Ever-Merciful.

Assalāmo Alaikum wa Raḥmatūllahī wa Barakātuhu – peace and blessings of Allāh be upon you all.

First of all I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all of our distinguished guests who have accepted our invitation Syednā Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ Vaa speaking at the Annual Peace Symposium in 2016 and joined us here this evening. Your attendance is particularly noteworthy this, your attendance and willingness and throughout its history. His point was given that this event is taking place at as non-Muslims, to attend an event valid and very well made and proved that a time when widespread fear of Islām is organised by a Muslim community, such attacks were a modern-day evil, on the increase due to the horrific and proves that you are courageous, tolerant far removed from the true and peaceful disgraceful acts of terrorist groups. and open-hearted people. teachings of Islām. Certainly, Islām has very clearly prohibited all forms of For example, last November, the world Nonetheless, the simple truth is that suicide and so there is no justification watched in horror when the terrorist there is no need for anyone to fear true whatsoever for suicide attacks or any attacks took place in Paris, and apart Islām. Whilst some people claim Islām to other forms of terrorism. from this, there have been suicide be a religion of extremism and one that bombings and attacks in various promotes suicide attacks or other forms Such heinous acts lead to the murder countries at regular intervals. In terms of terrorism, nothing could be further and barbaric slaughter of innocent of the United Kingdom, very recently the from the truth. Recently, a well-known women, children and other members Assistant Commissioner of Police warned English columnist wrote about the rise of of the public. A recent research article that Daesh was planning “enormous and ‘Islāmophobia’ in a national newspaper. by Dr. Considine of Rice University, in spectacular” terrorist attacks here in the He wrote that he had done extensive Houston, Texas, clearly says that the UK, targeting high-profile and public research on suicide bombings and found persecution of Christians in the so-called places. that the first such attack took place in Islāmic state is not justified by Prophet the 1980s, despite the fact that Islām had Muhammad’ssa writings. It further states Furthermore, there has been a sudden existed for well over 1300 years. that the Prophet’ssa vision of a Muslim influx of refugees into Europe during the nation was one of and past year and this is causing a degree of He concluded that if Islām permitted or civil rights. fear, uncertainty and even panic in the encouraged such attacks then they ought minds of many people. In light of all of to have occurred from the outset of Islām Thus let it be clear that such acts are

20 Aḥmadiyya Gazette absolutely contrary to Islāmic teachings. If Islām has ever permitted warfare, it is only to the extent of a defensive war, where war has been forced upon you. For example, in chapter 22, verse 40, of the Holy Qur’ān, Allāh the Almighty has said that permission for warfare is given to those people upon whom war has been forcibly imposed.

In that same verse, Allāh the Almighty said that in the case of religious warfare He would help and support those who had been wronged. In early Islām, the wars that took place were genuine religious wars fought for the sake of upholding aa the fundamental principle of universal Syednā Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ V speaking at the Annual Peace Symposium in 2016 religious freedom. History proves that of brutality in the name of Islām. Outside of the religious context, in the wars fought with this intention made Nevertheless, the verse of the Qur’ān I every society and nation, there are Muslims victorious, regardless of the fact quoted earlier makes it clear that such rules and laws that exist and if they are that a handful of unequipped Muslims acts are not permitted or justified in violated then punitive action is normally fought against huge, well-equipped any shape or form by Islām. Another taken. If it is possible to reform without armies. significant matter, which instead punishment or with just a mild sanction of leading me as a Muslim towards or reprimand, that is better; however, However, as a Muslim, when I analyse warfare and violence, leads me towards if that is not possible then severe the wars involving Muslims today, I exhibiting love for all of humanity, is punishment is duly discharged for the am certain that they cannot be classed the fact that in the second verse of the benefit of the wider society and asa as religious wars. For one, most of the very first chapter of the Holy Qur’ān, means of deterrent to others. wars taking place in the Muslim world it is stated that Allāh the Almighty is are either internal civil strife or with the “Provider and Sustainer of all the Moving to a religious context, according the neighbouring Muslim countries. worlds.” And the third verse states that to Islām, punishment or sanction is Secondly if ever non-Muslim countries He is the “Gracious, Ever-Merciful.” permitted not as a means of revenge are involved, they have never declared or retribution, but only as a means of the war as religious and rather helped Thus, when Allāh the Almighty is the ending cruelty or persecution and as a both sides of Muslims. Thus present-day Provider and Sustainer of all people and means of positive reformation. The Holy wars are not being fought for the sake of Gracious, Ever-Merciful, how could it be Qur’ān has said that if a person or group Islām or for the sake of religion, but are that He desired for those who believed can be rehabilitated through forgiveness for economic or geopolitical gains and in Him to mercilessly murder, violently and mercy then this method should be are proving only a means of defaming oppose or harm His Creation in any way? adopted. Islām’s name. Of course the answer is that it is not possible. Nonetheless, Allāh the Almighty However, if clemency or forbearance And so based upon what I have just said, I has certainly permitted for action to be does not prove effective then hope it is now clear that there is no need taken to stop cruelty, inhumanity and punishment should be administered as a to fear Islām and that it is not a religion injustice. means of reformation and improvement. of extremism or one that permits suicide Therefore the philosophy underpinning attacks or indiscriminate violence. There Islām states that a Muslim should seek to punishment in Islām is extremely far- is no need for ‘Islāmophobia’ because stop the hand of an oppressor and to end sighted and quite unique. Its purpose Islām’s true teachings are of peace, all forms of injustice and transgression. is to reform, rehabilitate and improve. tolerance and mutual respect. Islām’s According to Islām there are two ways It is to develop the highest standards teachings are of upholding human values in which this can be achieved. Firstly, of human values amongst mankind so and protecting the honour, dignity and it is far better if peace can be attained that, by adopting the Attributes of their freedoms of all people. through mutual dialogue, negotiations Creator, all people come to respect and and diplomacy. However, where this care for one another. However, of course, we are all well is not possible, only then force may be aware that there are some extremists used in order to stop wrongdoing with Therefore, where the rights of an and so-called Islāmic groups that are the intention of establishing sustainable individual or group are unjustly usurped, perpetrating the very worst forms peace. Islām permits punishments that are

21 proportionate to the crime, however it remains the case that if reformation can be achieved without sanction it . . . a true Muslim should love others, is preferable. This is why Allāh the Almighty has said in chapter 24, verse irrespective of their background or belief, 23, of the Holy Qur’ān that it is better to in the same way that a mother loves her forgive and to manifest forbearance. child. Similarly, in chapter 3, verse 135, Allāh the Almighty has said that those who has the right to forcefully convert others warfare had come to an end and that suppress their anger and who forgive to it. Anyone, whether religious or not, God Almighty desired for mankind to and forget are those whom Allāh loves is free to accept Islām, but the key point live in peace and to fulfil the rights and prefers. Furthermore, at many other is that it should be accepted freely and of their Creator and of one another. places in the Holy Qur’ān, it is stated entirely of one’s own volition and choice. Addressing his followers about this, the that a person should forgive wherever Similarly, if a Muslim decides that he Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam possible, because the ultimate purpose wishes to leave Islām, then, according to Ahmad(as) of Qadian once said: is always moral reformation, rather than the teachings of the Qur’ān, he or she has vengeance. In terms of conflict between the right to do so. “According to the true spirit of the nations or groups, Allāh the Almighty teachings of Islām there are only two has given a golden principle for the Whilst we believe Islām to be a universal parts of the religion, or it can be said that establishment of long-lasting peace in religion and a timeless teaching, if anyone the religion is based upon two paramount chapter 49, verse 10, of the Holy Qur’ān. chooses to leave it then that is their objectives. First of all is to recognise the choice and prerogative. In chapter 5, One God with absolute certainty and In the verse, it states that if there is a verse 55, Allāh says that if anyone wants to sincerely love Him and to submerge dispute between nations or groups, third to leave, let them go. He will replace yourself entirely in His obedience, as per parties should seek to mediate and to them with better and sincere ones. No the demands of love and submission. The bring about a peaceful resolution to the government, group or individual has a second purpose is to serve His people conflict. In the event of an agreement, right to punish them or sanction them in and to utilise all of your capabilities and all parties should act equitably, but if any way. faculties in the loving service of others either party contravenes the settlement and to always show sincere gratitude and takes aggressive measures, then the Thus, the allegation that Islām mandates to whoever is kind to you and to favour other nations or groups should unite punishment for apostasy is entirely them in return, whether they be your together and even use force if necessary unjust and without foundation. Therefore monarch or ruler or whether they be the to stop the aggressor. However, once the teachings of Islām all revolve around most simple and humble of people. And the aggressive party withdraws and Allāh and His Being and the fact that He is you should keep always keep a loving adopts peace they should not be unduly the Sustainer and Provider for the entire bond with them.” restricted but should be permitted to universe. Consequently, if a Muslim seeks move forward as an independent nation to inflict merciless cruelties or to indulge Furthermore, the Founder of the and a free society. in any forms of extremism then they will Aḥmadīyya Muslim Community, has also have to reject God’s Attribute of being explained the true meaning of chapter Therefore, as the Provider and Sustainer the Sustainer of all of mankind. 16, verse 91, of the Holy Qur’ān, in which of all of mankind, Allāh the Almighty Allāh the Almighty states: desires for all people to live together in Alternatively, it may be that certain peace and to be free from all forms of Muslims accept Allāh to be the Master “Verily, Allāh enjoins justice, and the persecution and injustice. In terms of of the Universe and the Sustainer doing of good to others; and giving like belief, Islām enshrines the principles of of all the Worlds, but have not truly kindred.” universal religious freedom and freedom comprehended the meaning of this and of conscience. According to Islām, have consequently moved far away from The Founder of the Aḥmadīyya Muslim every person not only has the right of Islām’s original teachings. Hence, it was Community states that in this verse freedom of belief, but also has the right to enlighten and educate mankind of Muslims are commanded by Allāh to to peacefully propagate their beliefs. the true Islām that we, Ahmadi Muslims, be just and fair towards all others. believe that Allāh the Almighty sent Therefore, Muslims are commanded to Faith is, and always will be, a matter the Founder of our Community, as the be kind and to extend favour to all other of the heart and so there should never Promised Messiah and Reformer of the people, including those who have not be any form of compulsion in religion. Age. been sympathetic to them or favoured Whilst Allāh the Almighty has deemed them in any way. Finally, he explained Islām to be a complete teaching, no one He informed us that the era of religious that the verse required a Muslim to love

22 Aḥmadiyya Gazette God’s Creation to such an extent that they considered every person in the world to be like their own close family member.

In fact, he said that a true Muslim should love others, irrespective of their background or belief, in the same way that a mother loves her child. Certainly, this is the highest and purest form of love because in terms of the second stage, where a person exhibits kindness or favour, it is possible that an element of self-projection remains, whether covert or overt, and at some point, the individual may remind the person of their gesture and seek favour in return.

However, a mother’s love is truly selfless and altruistic and her unique bond with her child is such that she is willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of her Syednā Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ Vaa speaking at the Annual Peace Symposium in 2016 offspring. She desires nothing in return and nor does she require any form of praise or tribute. Therefore, this is the . . . all those so-called Muslims who ultimate standard that Islām advocates, are engaged in violence, injustice and whereby Muslims are taught to love all of humanity as a mother loves her child. brutality are inviting God’s wrath and These are the true teachings of Islām. anger to their doorstep. Allāh the Almighty has said that those Publicity is the oxygen sustaining most in certain extreme circumstances the who believe in Him should adopt His terrorist or extremist groups and so I have Qur’ān permitted defensive warfare, Attributes and so it is impossible for a no doubt that if the media takes on board it was only in order to establish peace. true Muslim to be cruel and it is similarly what I have said we will soon find that Today, we observe that the majority impossible for Islām to permit any form the terrorism and violence afflicting the of governments or groups, whether of injustice, violence or extremism. Over world will begin to die away. Personally, Muslims or non-Muslims, involved in the years, I have made these points time I cannot comprehend how the extremists warfare also claim that they are fighting and time again and have highlighted who have plagued Islām and violated its for the sake of establishing peace. these core Islāmic teachings. noble teachings can seek to justify their hateful acts in its name. In terms of perception, it seems that most I have repeatedly quoted the Holy Qur’ān people are willing to overlook the wars to prove that what I am saying is based Islām’s teachings of peace prohibit conducted by certain world powers or on Islām’s authentic teachings. However, all forms of extremism, to the extent, at least not affiliate their actions to any it remains that our peaceful and inclusive that even in a state of legitimate religion or belief. However, as we live in message is not covered extensively in war, Allāh has commanded that any a climate in which Islām’s teachings are the media, whilst on the other hand action or punishment should remain being targeted, we see that all cruelties those relatively few people involved in proportionate to the crimes committed or wars carried out by Muslims are brutality and carnage are given non-stop and that it is better if patience and immediately linked to the teachings of worldwide media coverage and attention. forgiveness is manifest. Thus, all those Islām. Yet the voices of those people and so-called Muslims who are engaged in those groups who are earnestly striving There is no doubt that the media plays a violence, injustice and brutality are to spread Islām’s true and peaceful huge role in influencing public opinion inviting God’s wrath and anger to their teachings are not being heard and not and so the media should use this power doorstep. being widely publicised. responsibly – as a force for good and as a force for peace. It should show the At a time when fear of Islām is ever In my opinion this is unjust and world what true Islām represents, rather increasing, let me stress again that the extremely counter-productive. At a than focusing on the merciless acts of a Holy Qur’ān has repeatedly enjoined time of worldwide conflict, we should minority. love, compassion and benevolence. If remember this basic principle that it is

23 better for all forms of evil and cruelty to be suppressed and for all forms of goodness and humanity to be endorsed. In this way, evil will not spread far, whilst virtue and peace will spread far and wide and adorn our society.

If we promote the good that is happening in the world, we can overcome those who seek to undermine our cherished values of mercy and humanity. Yet the world does not seem to have accepted or understood this principle and that is why the media continues to prioritise its circulation or viewing figures over and beyond the peace of the world. The media, which gladly focuses on the aa tiny minority involved in brutality, are Syednā Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ V speaking at the Annual Peace Symposium in 2016 feeding the propaganda machines of evil groups such as Daesh, yet they fail in is less important than the capacity to major powers should be willing to open their duty to highlight all that is good in deliver peace.” the channels of communication with the world. Syria’s Government and to seek the help In my opinion, this was an extremely of other neighboring countries that have This is an injustice that is sowing the insightful comment, yet the world’s influence in the region. seeds of further division and conflict. major powers have continued to In terms of world politics and defeating prioritise regime change in countries Remember, positive change is only terrorism, it is necessary to accept that that were previously relatively stable. possible if one is willing to set aside their establishing peace is our paramount personal interests for the greater good objective and so compromise from all For example, the West was determined to and is willing to act fairly at all times. As sides is required. In case you do not trust remove Saddam Hussein from Iraq and I have already said, Islām says that justice the words of a Muslim, let me present to the painful consequences of that war 13 is the foundation upon which peace is you the views of eminent non-Muslims years ago continue to be felt to this day. built. And so we must pay heed to the who are well-versed in political affairs Another prominent example is Libya, urgent issues of our time. For many years and who desire peace in the world. For whereby President Gaddafi was forcibly I have warned that the world is moving example, when speaking about how to removed from office in 2011 and ever rapidly towards another world war defeat extremism and in particular the since Libya has spiraled into a state of and now others are reaching the same terrorist group Daesh, Austria’s Foreign lawlessness and unbridled chaos. conclusion. Minister recently said: A direct consequence of the political In fact, some prominent people are now “We need a pragmatic approach, vacuum in Libya has been the fact that saying that they believe that a world war including the involvement of President Daesh has now built a significant base and has already begun. Nonetheless, I believe Al-Assad in the fight against Islāmic terror network in the country, which it is that we still have the time to stop such a State terror. In my opinion the priority continuing to strengthen. The situation war in its tracks but the solution remains, is the fight against terrorism. This is not is now extremely dangerous, not only as I have already said, to act with justice possible without powers such as Russia for the region, but also for Europe and and to leave aside all vested interests. On and Iran.” this is something that I warned of some a number of previous occasions, I have years ago. Therefore, the priority in such spoken about the critical importance of Further, Professor John Gray, a retired countries should not be regime change cutting the funding and supply lines of political philosopher who taught for for the sake of it. extremist groups. many years at The London School of Economics, recently wrote about the Rather, it should be to ensure that the Yet it cannot be said that full efforts are importance of prioritising peace over members of the public are given their being made in this regard. For example, the type of political system in place. He due rights and for long-term peace to be a recent special investigative report wrote: established. Going back to Syria, I agree published by The Wall Street Journal with the Austrian Foreign Minister when stated that Daesh was acquiring huge “The form of government – democratic, he says that the overriding objective quantities of U.S. dollars from auctions despotic, monarchical or republican – should be to establish peace. Hence, the being held by Iraq’s central bank.

24 Aḥmadiyya Gazette Those same dollars were being provided Jordan via Anbar province, to Iran via we will not see true peace in the world. to Iraq directly from the Federal Reserve Kurdistan, to Turkey via Mosul, to Syria’s Without justice it could take decades to in the United States. The article stated local market and to the Kurdistan region defeat the evil that is Daesh and other that the U.S. Government had known of Iraq, where most of it gets refined extremist groups. about this since at least June 2015, but locally. It defies logic to say that state personally I believe that world powers officials are not complicit in this trade.” However, if the world heeds this message knew about such trading for much and comes to manifest justice and longer. Therefore, whilst it is claimed that genuine efforts are made to restrict the all possible efforts are being made to funding and supply lines of terrorism Furthermore, in terms of the sale of oil, eradicate terrorism and extremism, then I believe – unlike a retired American it is well-known that different groups the evidence does not substantiate this military general who recently said the and even governments are purchasing claim. Given all of this, how can it be said war against Daesh will last between oil from Daesh. Why has this trade not that there is true justice in the world? 10 and 20 years – that the networks of been stopped? Why have comprehensive How can it be claimed that honesty and terrorism tormenting the world can be sanctions not been imposed to prevent integrity are considered paramount? destroyed imminently. such deals? It seems that when it comes Similarly, recently there has been to acquiring oil, morality goes out of the widespread media coverage documenting In conclusion, it is my belief that unless window. This is a point that was also the global arms trade. the world comes to recognise its Creator made by Professor Leif Wenar of King’s and accepts Him as the Sustainer of College London in a recent article where According to official reports last year mankind, true justice cannot prevail. he said: the United States exported weapons Not only will true justice not prevail, but worth $46.6 billion dollars, which was an we will also experience a lethal nuclear “The world tolerates all forms of increase of more than $12 billion dollars war whose catastrophic consequences atrocities for the sake of gaining oil. Thus from the previous year. It was further will be faced by our future generations. I countries have bought oil from Daesh reported that the majority of those pray that the world comes to understand and from Sudan where a lot of human weapons were sold to countries in the this reality. I pray that we all play our rights abuses have taken place. This is a Middle East and in turn they were fueling respective roles in furthering the cause violation of proper fundamental market the wars in Syria, Iraq and Yemen. I of humanity. And I pray that true peace, economics – whereby violence should reiterate that if such trading is taking based upon justice, is established in all not create property rights.” place, how is it possible for justice and parts of the world. With these words peace to be established? I would like to once again take the Furthermore, in a recent article, the opportunity to thank all of our guests for Director of the Iraq Energy Institute These few examples I have cited are all joining us this evening. explained how Daesh was selling its oil. in the public domain and are the views The author wrote: of respected analysts and commentators. May Allāh bless you all. Thank you very Until principles of justice are exhibited at much.” “Crude oil is transported by tankers to all levels of society and between nations


Poppies are blooming in the field Reminding of those who did not yield Giving us a message of peace no war And memory of soldiers we can’t ignore We observe silence to remember your passion Delivering to the world an important lesson Wars never result in global peace Avoid them at all if you can, please! We pledge with you to protect all So no more lives in vain would fall

(Qaiser Nadeem, Milton West)



AUGUST 31 ,2020

bdus Salam Science Fair is held every year at National level in memories of Dr. Abdus Salam and to encourage our youth to excel in different fields of science. Due to pandemic,A this year Abdus Salam Science Fair was held virtually at Jamā‘at levels as well.

On August 31, 2020 Brampton West Jamā‘at held its 1st Virtual Abdus Salam Science Fair.

The opportunity was provided to boys from grade 5 to grade 12. Participants were divided in two groups: grades 5 Drive-through prize distribution to 8; and grade 9 to 12. By the Grace of Allah Almighty, we received 20 projects from 19 participants. These participants submitted video recordings of their projects. The event was broadcast on YouTube where participants, parents and other members of Jamā‘at watched.

Respected National Amir, Lal Khan Malik Sahib, graciously honored the event by joining live in the opening session. National Secretary Sahib Ta‘līm, Dr. Hameed Mirza Sahib also sent a video message for the program. Video recording of all projects were sent to Markaz for review and ranking. Names of the winners from each group were read out at the end of the program. Drive-through prize distribution Due to the pandemic, Jamā‘at came Mosque. 16 out of 20 participants well received by the members of Jamā‘at. up with a very innovative idea for the attended and received their prizes and prize distribution and to encourage the certificates from Local Amir Sahib and We pray to Allah Almighty for His mercy participants. On September 26, 2020, Local Missionary Sahib. and blessings, and that, the world will a drive through prize distribution was soon return to a normal routine! Amin! arranged in the parking lot of Mubarak Overall, it was a very unique event that

26 Aḥmadiyya Gazette Aḥmadīyya Muslim Jamā‘at Press Releases


n October 25, 2020, the National Majlis ‘Amila (Executive) of the Aḥmadīyya Muslim Community Mauritius was granted a virtual official meeting and Oaudience with the World Head of the Aḥmadīyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa.

Also present were the National Majlis ‘Amilas of the auxiliary organisations of Majlis Ansarullāh (Elders Association), Majlis Khuddamul Aḥmadīyya (Youth Association) and Lajna Ima’illah (Women’s Association).

His Holinessaa presided the meeting from his office in Islamabad, Tilford, whilst the ‘Amila members joined from the Darus Salaam Mosque in Rose Hill, which Syednā Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ Vaa presiding the National Majlis ‘Amila meeting with Muslim serves as the National Headquarters of Community Mauritus the Aḥmadīyya Muslim Community in Mauritius. “Every Aḥmadi Muslim in Mauritius should prove to be an asset for our community, for their families and also for the society at large” During the 75-minute meeting, the – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Aḥmadaa National ‘Amila members had the

27 Syednā Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ Vaa presiding the virtual meeting opportunity to present a report about and upon whom ever greater the message of Islam to others. their respective departments and to responsibilities lie ahead. receive the guidance and instructions of As the meeting drew to a close, His His Holiness on a range of issues. His Holinessaa also spoke of the need for Holiness prayed for the success of the National Umūr-e-‘Āmma department the Aḥmadīyya Muslim Community As he addressed various ‘Amila members, to assist and guide Ahmadi Muslims who in Mauritius and said he would hold His Holinessaa spoke of the importance of were struggling to gain employment. separate meetings with the auxiliary keeping up-to-date data and having set organizations in future. targets and objectives. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa said Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa said: Whilst addressing a member of the A special plan should be made to National ‘Amila, Hazrat Mirza Masroor help unemployed Ahmadi Muslims. Most of the time in today’s meeting Ahmadaa said: “Without any targets how You should try to guide those who has been spent in discussion with the can you succeed? How can you progress? are struggling so that they may National ‘Amila of Mauritius. Thus, It is necessary to have clear targets and find gainful employment and be the auxiliary organizations of Lajna to hold yourself accountable. Otherwise, able to provide for their families. It Ima’illah, Khuddamul Aḥmadīyya and if you do not have any objectives it leads should be your aim to ensure that Ansarullah can have separate to nothing but laziness.” every Ahmadi Muslim in Mauritius meetings with me in the future if should prove to be an asset for they require and the first right in His Holinessaa spoke of the importance the Aḥmadīyya Muslim Community, this regard is of the members of for young Ahmadī Muslims to serve for their families and for the society Lajna Ima’illah. Nonetheless, many of the mission of the Aḥmadīyya Muslim at large the points discussed today will be of Community with a sincere spirit of benefit to the auxiliaries and so they service for the sake of Allah the Almighty. His Holinessaa stated it was the should also seek to improve their responsibility of the National Umūr-e- work accordingly. It is essential that Addressing the National Sadr (President) Khārija (External Affairs) department all members of Majlis ‘Amila, at every of Majlis Khuddamul Aḥmadīyya, Hazrat to develop relationships with external level, know the objectives of their Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa said: bodies and politicians for the sake of respective departments and seek to ensuring the spread of Islam’s true fulfil each objective in the very best Majlis Khuddamul Aḥmadīyya should teachings amongst society and to help fashion. May Allah the Almighty be at the forefront of spreading the break down barriers between the peoples help you and enable you to serve teachings of Islam and conveying the of different beliefs and backgrounds. the Aḥmadīyya Muslim Community in message of the Promised Messiahas the best possible way. Amin! far and wide. In every sphere, Furthermore, His Holinessaa said that the A hmadi Muslim youth should every member of the Majlis ‘Amila, at come to the forefront, as you are each level, should volunteer to dedicate the people who are the future of two or three weeks each year for the sake the Aḥmadīyya Muslim Community of teaching the Holy Qur’an or conveying


n 18 October 2020, who are consumed the National Majlis-e- by their jobs ‘Amila (Executive) of and professional the Aḥmadīyya Muslim careers and so Community Germany they are neglecting was granted a virtual official meeting the education of Oand audience with the World Head of their children. the Aḥmadīyya Muslim Community, the Thus, the Ta‘līm Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness Hazrat Department must aa aa Syednā Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ V presiding the virtual National . work extremely Majlis ‘Amila Meeting Germany diligently to help His Holinessaa presided the meeting from all Ahmadi Muslim Always consider all success and progress of his office in Islamabad, Tilford, whilst the children as they the Aḥmadīyya Muslim Community to be a National ‘Amila members joined from the progress through result of God’s Grace and Mercy. Baitus Sabuh Mosque in Frankfurt, which their education. aa serves as the National Headquarters of You should guide – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Aḥmad the Aḥmadīyya Muslim Community in and counsel them Germany. and always keep in mind that we do Regarding how ‘Amila members should not want the potential and talent of a strive to fulfil their duties, Hazrat Mirza During the 75- minute meeting, the single Ahmadi Muslim youth to ever Masroor Ahmadaa said: ‘Amila members had the opportunity to be wasted. present a report about their respective Progress and success in any work departments and to receive the guidance His Holinessaa spoke about the need for requires a person to constantly and instructions of His Holinessaa on a range the Tarbiyat Department in Germany, self-analyze. A person who truly of issues. Whilst addressing the National charged with the moral training of the wants to fulfil his duties within Secretary Ta‘līm (Educational Affairs), members of the Aḥmadīyya Muslim the Aḥmadīyya Muslim Community His Holinessaa instructed the Taleem Community, to increase the scope of its administration is he or she who Department to guide Ahmadi Muslim activities. continues to explore new avenues students throughout their secular and find new and better ways to education. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa said: work. Successful people are those who reflect honestly upon their Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa said: How many Ahmadi Muslims in weaknesses and earnestly seek to Germany are there that through your correct them. The Ta‘līm department should pay efforts are now regular in Tahajjud attention to the educational needs prayer? How many people are now Speaking of the importance of humility at of all Ahmadi Muslim students in offering the five daily prayers in all times, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa Germany. Keep a personal contact congregation as a result of your said: with them and guide them so that efforts? How many more people are they know that you are always there now reciting the Holy Qur’an daily and Never consider any success or progress to support them and have a sincere reflecting upon its deeper meanings? of the Aḥmadīyya Muslim Community interest in their welfare. There are Remember, as the Aḥmadīyya Muslim to be due to your individual efforts or some Ahmadi Muslim children in Community continues to grow, and as your own personal success. Rather, Germany whose parents are not we move further away from the era always consider it to be due solely particularly well educated and so if of the of the Promised to the Grace and Mercy of Allah the you show genuine interest in their Messiahas, and, especially at this Almighty and consider that you must schooling and education it will particular time where direct contact thereafter act with even greater levels motivate and encourage them to work of Ahmadi Muslims with the Khalifa of humility. hard in their studies and it will also of the Time is less (due to COVID-19 serve to guide their parents. restrictions), it is imperative that those serving in the administration Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa of the Aḥmadīyya Muslim Community continued: work even harder and develop better events and programs to ensure the In addition, there are other parents moral training of our members.


ُ ْ َ َ َ ّ ْ َ ْ Holy is my Lord the most Great) in the bowing position. It is a matter) سبحان ر ِب َیالع ِظی م :After this, a person says . . . of principle that when someone accepts the greatness of another, they bow in their presence. A person must ُ ْ َ َ َ ّ ْ َ ْ Holy is my Lord the most) سبحان ر ِب َیالع ِظیم :bow in the face of greatness. Hence, with the tongue a person states Great) and through their outwardly state, they demonstrate this by bowing. This statement is expressed visually through the bowing position. ُ ْ َ َ َ ّ ْ َ ْ ٰ Holy is my Lord the most High). The word a’la (the most high) is in the) سبحان ر ِب َیالاعلی :The third statement is grammatical form that expresses the superlative degree. This naturally calls for prostration. Therefore, along with these words, the image that one shows in practice is that of prostration. Hence, a person immediately assumes this form along with this verbal declaration. These three verbal expressions correspond with three physical states or positions. This is an illustration or image that one displays before God Almighty. An individual performs all of these physical postures; the tongue which is a part of the body also makes expressions and participates in these movements. There is a third thing as well, which if absent from the Prayer, leaves it incomplete. What is it? It is the heart. For the Prayer, it is necessary that the heart ‘stands’ as it were. Allah the Exalted must see that one’s heart not only praises Him in the true sense and remains in a standing position, but that the soul also stands and praises God; not only the body alone, but that the soul also stands before God. ُ ْ َ َ َ ّ ْ َ ْ Holy is my Lord the most Great) God must see that it not only proclaims) سبحان ر ِب َی الع ِظی م :When the heart proclaims His greatness, but also bows before Him, and He must also see that the soul has bowed with the heart as well. Then, in the third place, God must see that the heart has fallen in prostration and that the soul has also fallen at the divine threshold in view of the lofty grandeur of God. In short, until one is able to develop such ُ َ َ .(They establish the Prayer) ي ِق ْي ُموْ َن ّالص ٰلوة :a condition, one must not rest, for this is the true meaning of (Malfūzāt [Trans.], Volume 2, pp. 148-149)

30 Aḥmadiyya Gazette COVID-19 Fact Sheet stay home stay safe help others #HFCares

As COVID-19 continues to spread, there are things we can all do to keep each other and ourselves safe. Stay informed and take all necessary precautions to ensure we are doing our part to help the government and frontline workers combat the virus.

SOME ARE AT • Change your routine to avoid HIGH RISK crowded places, such as going COMMUNICATE to the grocery store at off peak hours. Anyone with pre-existing medical • Communicate with your health- conditions and/ or a weakened im- • Keep at least a 2 arms length (or care provider. They will help mune system is at a higher risk. 2m) distance from others ensure you have enough pre- scribed medication and medical • Avoid all nonessential travel This includes seniors and those with supplies. the following conditions: • put a system in place to regular- • Heart disease HYGIENE MEASURES ly check on family and friends • Hypertension via phone or email. • Lung disease • Wash your hands frequently ac- • Diabetes cording to the World Health Or- STAY INFORMED • Cancer ganization’s guidelines and use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer when not available. • Learn about the symptoms of Covid-19, how it spreads and HOW TO REDUCE YOUR RISK • Avoid touching your face and preventative measures you can food with your hands take STAY HOME • Ensure your information is com- BE PREPARED ing from reputable sources, such Stay home if possible and limit the as Public Health Agency of Can- number of visitors at your home ada and the World Heath Orga- PLAN AHEAD nization. • Clean and disinfect high touch surfaces in your home regularly • Monitor yourself for symptoms • Stock up on necessary supplies • Give yourself a break from the If you must step outside, please in case you need to stay at home news and find time to relax take the following measures: for a few weeks. • Avoid touching high touch sur- • Identify services that can deliv- Visit for faces er food and medications more info

Contact Humanity First: +1 416 440-0346 [email protected] Twitter: @humanityfirst PRAYERS FOR THE CURRENT PANDEMIC In these days, we should pay special attention to the study of Kashti-e-Nooh (Noah’s Arc) and arrange regular Dars of this book in our homes. In the current situation, whereas Syedna Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masiḥ V (May Allah be his Helper!) has advised us to take other precautionary measures, Huzoor aa has also urged us to turn to Allah in repentance and pray. Therefore, some prayers from the Holy Qur’an, Ahadith and prayers of the Promised Messiah as are given below:

Prayer of Hazrat Ayubas Prayer for Protection from Pandemics Hazrat Ayubas supplicated to seek cure from his illness During a pandemic, God Almighty conveyed it and presented his weak state for attracting Allah’s the Promised Messiah as that, as a remedy against it, mercy. This prayer was accepted and, miraculously, Allah should be remembered through His following the affliction was removed. attributes: ْ ْ ْ ْ یَا َح ِف ْي ُظ۔ یَا َعزِیْ ُز۔ یَا َرفِْي ُق َان ِّی َم َّسنِ َی ُّالض ُّر َو َان َت َار َح ُم ّٰالر ِح ِمی َن Affliction has touched me, and Thou art the O Protector, O Almighty, O Companion Most Merciful of all who show mercy. (21:84) (Tadhkirah, p,660) َ Prayer of Hazrat Mosesas یَا َح ُّی یَا َقي ْو ُم ِب َر ْحم ِت َک أ ْس َت ِغ ْي ُث ُّ َ When an earthquake overtook Hazrat Mosesas and O Ever-Living and Self-Subsisting One, I the chiefs of his people , Hazrat Mosesas considered it supplicate for Your mercy. (Tadhkirah, p,439) indication of Allah’s displeasure and he supplicated as: The Promised Messiah as has stated that it was con- ْ ْ ْ ْ ْ ْ ْ of (اسم اعظم) veyed to him that this is the Great Name َان َت َو ِلیَُّنا َفاغ ِف ْر َل َنا َو ار َح ْم َنا َو َان َت َخی ُر ال ٰغ ِف ِری َن Thou art our Protector; forgive us then God and that whoever supplicates with these words and have mercy on us, for Thou art the would be delivered from every affliction. ْ ْ ِّرب کُ ُّل َش ٍئ َخ ِاد ُم َک َر ِّب َف ْاحَفظنِی َوان ُص ْرن ِی ْوار َح ْمنِی (Best of those who forgive. (7:156 Prayer for Protection against All Harms O my Lord everything serves You. So O Uthman ibn Affan ra says: I heard the Holy Prophet sa my Lord, protect me and help me and say: “He who recites this prayer thrice in the morning have mercy on me. (Tadhkirah, p,601) and again in the evening every day, God will protect Prayer for Deliverance from him from anything which is harmful.” Sufferings and Illness

سْبحان اهللِ و ِبح ْم ِد ٖہ سْبحان اهللِ ْالع ِظ ْیم ِب ْس ِ ماهللِ الَّ ِذي َلا َي ُضر َم َع ْاس ِمهِ َش ْی ٌء ُ َ َ َ َ ُ َ َ َ ْ ُّ ٍ ٍ في ال َأ ْر ِض وَلا في السما ِو ُهو الس ِم ُيع ْالع ِل ْیم َاللّٰ ُھ َّم َص ِّل َعلٰی ُم َح َّمد َّو ِٰال ُم َح َّمد ِ َ ِ َّ َ ء َ َ َّ َ ُ In the name of Allah, with Whose name Holy is Allah and worthy of all Praise; Holy nothing can harm in the earth and in is Allah, the Great. Allah, bestow Your Heaven, and He is All-Hearing, All- blessings on Muhammad and the people of Knowing. (Sunan Abi Dawood: 5088) Muhammad. (Tiryaqul-Qulub, pp. 36–37, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 15, pp. 208–209)

Department of Tarbiyat, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama‘at Canada Updated March 18, 2020