AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD & DIST - H Langthwaite Arkengarthdale TREVOR J. HIRD R.-[DII(OIYTf,rlT ETECTRICAI CONTRACTOR Free House Real Ales Bar Snacks - - No iob too smoll - - FREE estimotes MARCH 2014 Books & Maps Reduced rotes for Senior citizens tssuE No.214 Tet. 01748 884218 Tefephone 07875 263178

STUBBS ELECTRICAL NOR,I,\AN F. BROWN CHARTERED SURVEYOR5 & E5TATE Your Locol Electricol Servlce A@ENTS o Rewires/alteratrons SALES - LETTINGS - MANAGEMBNT o heaters Showers/storage FREE 'NO OBLIGATION' o Fire alarms/emergency lights MARI(ET APPRAISAL o Underfloor heaung AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST o Fault finding 14 Queens Road, Richmond, North , O Landlords' cenificates DLIO 4AG T el: (017 481 82247 3 /8229 67 a PAT Testing o Solar electric Contact Stephen on: T:01748 822907 SPRi M: 07980 | 300 l4 El stephen@stubbselectricalltd W: stubbselectrical,co uk .l=-* .!=-= AC I AND BO

M. GUY - PLUMBINC E, For all your T plumbing requirements ACA'S & MYBURN'S SERVICED o - o Tel: 0l 748 825640 Richard D Srnith PAINTING & DECORATING o Keld Public Hall l Quality Local lnsurance Work Tradesmen Undertaken fu,qL, neutt mnqnzfu@ DOMINO AND = Vnufl FREE NO OBTIGATION I WHIST DRIVE FIXED QUOTATIONS ! { (.*ffip fiutaDa,kt. COMPLETE DECORATING SERVICE { t ALLASPECTS BOTH INIERT{AI & EXTERNAI COVERED Friday 14th March 2014 5o 7.30pm. oL748 824483 I Mobile: 07932 032501 . Em6il: dspainting@btinternot,com Sturdy Hous€ Farm, Whashton DLl1 7JF Admission E4 r FREE YET PRICELESS 2 REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD 3 March Services 2014 2nd Mar. 9.00 am St. Mary's Muker Eucharist GAZETTE MANAGEMENT TEAM REETH & DISTRJCT GAZETTE LTD 10.15 am Holy Trinity Low Row Eucharist No material may be reproduced in whole or 10.30 am Low Row URC Choirnon: Mofcolm Gordner in part without permission. Whilst every Reeth Methodist Forge House, Heolough, Richnond DL1l 6LD care is taken, the publishers cannot be held Arkengarthdafe Methodist Holy Communion fel/Fox : Ot748 884113 legally responsible for any errors or 1'1 .00 am St Edmund's, Marske Family Service in Listings or Emoil : [email protected] opinions Articles, Reeth Evangelical Congregational Advefiisements. Evening Prayer BCP at Fremington Secretory & Upper Dole Distribution: Andrew's Grinton Published by the 6.00 om St Sue Alderson Sunday School Reeth & District Gazette Ltd. 6.30 pm Reeth Evangelical Congregational Holme View, Low Row, Richrnond, DL 11 6PE c/o THE TREASURER Tel. 0t748886292 DAVID TRUSSON i"n'fiid. 10.00 am Quaker Close Flats Holy Communion BCP with Ashing " Emoil : [email protected] The Lodge, Marrick gth Mar. 9.30 am St. Andrew's Grinton Eucharist Richmond, . DLll 7LQ Treosurer : Dovid Trusson St Michael's Downholme Holv Communion Tel./Fax : 01748884474 10.30 am Low Row URC IheLodge, Morrick, Richmond, DLll 7LQ Email: reethgozetfe@9moi Reeth Methodist Family Service Tel. :01748 884474 "Gazette" - ADVERTISING 1'1 .00 Reeth Evangelical Congregational am Production Manooer: @lg|ryl To ensure prompt attention for new adverts, St Edmund's, Marske Morning Service Greenwoys, 6rinton, Richmond, DLl1 6HJ setting up, changes to current advert runs as 1 '1 .1 5 St. Mary's Holy Communion BCP am Arkengarthdale Tel. :01748 884312 well as articles for inclusion, please contact: 2.00 om Keld URC Emoil :[email protected] The EDITOR - G. M. Lundberg 2.30 om Methodist Holy Communion Distri bution: Wendy @ordner Gallows Top, Low Row, Richmond, 6.00 pm St. Mary's Muker Evening Prayer North Yorks. DLll6PP ForgeHouse, Heolough, Richmond, DLll 6LD 6 30 pm Reeth Evangelical Congregational : 01748 886rrl or 886505 :01748 884113 16tn Mar. 9.15 am St. Mary's Muker Holy Communion BCP Tel. Email : reelhgozette@gmoi 10 30 am Low Row URC Subscription Secretory : Alex Hewlett, Reeth Methodist Holy Communion fheVicoroge, Reeth, Richmond, DLl1 6TR Arkengarthdale Methodist Tel. : Ot?l2760040 GAZ,ETIE DEADLTNES '1 1 00 am Reeth Evangelical Congregational In order that we can distribute the Gazette Emoil : [email protected] Holy Trinity Low Row Eucharist at the beginning of each month, it is St Edmund's, Marske Eucharist Editor & Advertisino Editor: Georoe Lundbero necessary to have a Deadline Date. The 6.30 pm Reeth Evangelical Congregational 6ollows Top, Low Row, Richmond, DLl1 6PP Deadline Dates for the next few months St Mary's Arkengarthdale Evening Prayer BCP Tel. : O1748 886111/886505 are as follows: MARCH FEBRUARY 1OTH 23'o Mar. 8.00 am Holy Trinity Low Row Holy Communion BCP feVFax :01748 886111 APRIL MARCH 1OTH 9.30 pm St Michael's Holy Communion Downholme Emoil [email protected] PLEASE NOTE We cannot guarantee any St Andrew's Eucharist Grinton Assistont Editor: Emmo Lundbero entry but submission by the deadline is of 10.30 am Low Row URC help. 6ollows Top, Low Row, Richmond, DL11 6PP . considerable 11.00 am Reeth Evangelical Congregational Tel : OL74E 886505 St Edmund's, Marske Eucharist Romon Cotholic Services - 11.15 am St. Mary's Arkengarthdale Holy Communion BCP Ernoil : [email protected] for informqfion contoct Fother O'Neil 2 00 pm Keld URC Production/distribution : Trevor Brown -fhe OL748 822175 or 6 30 pm Reeth Evangelical Congregational Coltoge, Heolough, Richmond, DL11 6UA 30th Mar. 10.30 am Low Row URC Tel. :01748 884LLL St. Michael's Downholme Holy Communion Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) Reeth Methodist Family Service COVER PICTURE Meetings are at Quaker House, 7 Grove Square Leyburn St. Mary's Arkengarthdale United Paish Service every Sunday at 10.30am. Additionally on the 2nd and "How do you open this gate" 4th Sunday of each month at the Scout Hut, Quakers St. Edmund's, Marske Eucharist By Lane, Richmond at 10.30am. For further information 11.00 am Reeth Evangelical Congregational tel. ludith Calow on 01748 884320 or 6.30 pm Gunnerside Methodist Elizabeth Bedford uk Reeth Evangelical Congregational 4 REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD 5

sWALE 5IN6ER5' SILVER JUBILEE PO5T OFFICE NEWS October 2014. . 2Ol4 is 25 yeors after the Swole Singers If's thot time of year when people are Are you o Yorkshire Bonk customer? Tf so, The Christion Aid Week service will toke were founded by Gunnerside resident, thinking obout their holidoys ond heoding did you know thot both personol ond ploce on Thursdoy Moy 8th ot 7.30 pm ot Shelogh Thomlinson. Whot begon with holf obrood. fn recent yeors, Turkey hos business customers con now moke cosh Keld United Ref ormed Church prior to a dozen singing on o Sundoy ofternoon become o populor destinotion ond during deposits ot the Post Office using their Christion Aid Week which runs from Moy oround her piono just grew. Light songs the holidoy seoson the Post Office does debit cord? llth - Moy !71h. The theme is peoce ond ond modrigols were the stort, but os the keep Turkish Liro in stock. (Although, ony Finolly, new regulotions often moke reconciliotion ond the focus of the service numbers of singers increosed, so did the currency con be ordered to orrive Jhe next things more complicofed, however one will be on Southern Sudon ond frog. We length ond complexity of the music, working doy.) One thing to beor in mind chonge when renewing your Moior con be instruments of God's peoce, seeking especiolly when in 1995 rhe Swola Singers however is thot Turkey hos recently Vehicle Licence will shorten the time to tockle the couses of conflict, coring for were invited to perform in the Swoledole chonged its regulotions on visos. From it tokes: we ore no longer reguired to those in the midsf of it ond helping people Festivol. Works by composers such os April, the stomp / sticker viso on orrivol check your insuronce ond MOT. rebuild their lives in its oftermoth. Hondel, Hoydn, Brohms, Puccini, Beethoven will be obolished ond reploced by on e-viso Obviously your cor must be insured We need volunteers for the House-to- hove been performed. The choir continues opplicotion process. From 1lth April, oll ond hove o current MOT on the date House Collection during Christion Aid week to sing shorter ond lighter songs, choruses visitons to Turkey will be required to the tox disc is due to stort otherwise in Moy. If you ore interested in helping in ond corols in concerts often for the purchose their entry viso vio the Turkish the system will not ollow us io process ony woy pleose contoct Pouline Oldershow benefit of o locol chority. Duncon Bythell Governmenl websit e prior the new disc, but you do not need to (886790) or Suson Allison (884366) wos for mony yeors the Musicol Director, to frovel. bring your documents in to show us. Pouline Oldershow. Secretory Upper ond wos succeeded by Richord Brickstock. On the guestion of foreign currency, Post Swoledole Christion Aid 6rouo. The current MD is Hugh Bowmon from Office Ltd hos storted o Foreign Currency Askrigg, who is olso the co-Director of the Giving Scheme. Quite simply, you con UPPER CHRISTIAN Orchestro. fn celebrotion donote any leftover currency - notes or AID 6ROUP A6M Fullv Licensed Tea-room and Bistro. of the choir's Silver Jubilee on 29th Morch coins of ony denominotion - ond they will Our AGM is on Mondoy lO'h Morch 2013 ot Open 10:30 5pm joining Edinburgh's Pentlond 6e converted into pounds sterling ond 2.00 pm ot Low Row URC. Everyone is - it is with (Closed Tuesdays) Singers in o concert in the city's 5t Mory's donoied to Children in Need. There's o welcome to ottend. Cothedrol, when the choirs perform yellow box in the Post Office where you Lost yeor the North Eost wos blessed with Bistro, open Wednesday & Saturday seporotely before coming Iogether to sing con donote ony unwonted currency. very gene?ous Christion Aid supporters evenings, Mozort's 'Requiem'. The intention is thot Hove you got ony €50 notes lying oround? who continued to roise thousonds of Traditional Sunday lunches, next year the Penllond Singers will visit ff so, you hod better check them os the pounds for our portner orgonisotions (Booking for both the above Swoledole for o similor event. The 40- old-style €50 bonknote, which shows the obrood. So, thnoughout Lent we ask you to advisable), stnong Swole Singers, despite hoving porf roit of 5ir John Houblon on the 'Count Your Blessings'. Leni is the perfect increqsed in number ond scope, continue reverse, is being withdrown f rom time to reflect on how fortunote Curry takeaway l't and 3'd Monday their originol objective: to enoble locol circulotion on 30'n Aoril. The newer note Christions ore in the UK ond to stond in each month 6pm-7pm, people who enjoy singing good quolity f eolures Mofthew Bolton ond Jomes Wott. solidority with the poor. socred ond seculor music to do so in o Most bonks ond building societies will A leaf let,'Count Your Blessings' is designed Functions for up to 45 catered for. friendly otmosphere. Reheorsols are on continue to occept the old notes for to help people count their blessings during Enjoy home cooked food in pleasant ore deposit into occounts o months Lent ond give to help people out of poverty. Sundoy ofternoons. New recruits for few surroundings. olwoys very welcome. For further ofter thot dote but they ore not obliged ft is ovoiloble in printed form, through the informotion. contoct Andrew Horn, to. The Post Office hos agreed to Christion Aid website ond olso os o new Call us on (01748) 886239 [email protected] or tel. exchonge old notes up to the volue of free app from the Apple App store or E-mai l: enquiries@o k 01748 886457. ElOO ot bronch counters until 30ih Google Ploy. For more informotion visit Visit: 6 REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD 7

Yorkshire Doles Millennium Trust - delivering todoy's troining hove 99 yeors' 6reot ortists ore like buses: you woit STUDENTS LEARN OUTDOOR experience in mountoin rescue. ft's yeors for one to turn up ond then two poss once. SURVIVAL SKILLS brilliont to be oble to on some of thot come oT $uul+ Md trsnryril@. Saality md w. ( ( I kclilu'd \odh \ or LlJrt l)l I I 6lrl{ ore ond I llolt( o(rsct | !l llolr lbusc h$iirr I experience to these young people who Ii hoppened with Reynolds I rlltr7l3 $6J66 llinril :,udilh rLnlhoh.orltreN frnl A group of young 'rurol troinees' hove working outdoors." 6oinsborough in the 18rh century, with Discover our treasury ofgorgeous cottages, all troining ond teom- Som Allsopp is on opprentice with Conserve Turner ond Constoble in the 19th century token port in o speciol in Swaledale and Arkengarthdale. rWell- building event, specificolly designed to help for, the rurol controctors ond consultonts ond now, thrillingly with Freud ond equipped, srylish and individual, our cottages prepore them for some of the extreme bosed in Rothmell neor Settle. Commenting Hockney. The sell-out success of their offer guests a wonderful holiday in the midst of outdoor situotions thot they may foce on the doy, Sam soid: "Jf wos o very useful two recent London exhibitions testifies superb scenery! To find your pefect cottage Yorkshire Doles ond exciting troining evenf, Ieaching us to the excitement thot both oriists when working in the call Judith on OL748 886366 londscope. lots of different skills such os first creote. www,catholecottaoes,com Through their hond-on opprenticeships oid. ft wos olso fun to meet the other Hockney soid thot when Freud pointed i ud ith with employers ocross the Doles, the troinees thot are toking Port in the him it took 130 hours ond thot when he troinees often spend much of their time project ond to heor about their roles." pointed Freud it took him 3 hours! On working in remote locotions, leorning Jo Boulter, Doles Rurol Troinee Scheme the other hond Hockney's range of trodes such os environmentol conservotion, project officer ot YDMT, oddedr "This subjeci motter, experiment ond gome-keeping ond wood lond manogement. exciting troining event wos very effective, chollenge is far greater, olmost okin to is by providing the troinees with the necessory thot of this hero Picosso. @de The 'Doles Rurol Troinee Scheme' run locol chority Yorkshire Doles Millennium skills ond conf idence to cope with working This Wensleydole Decorotive ond Fine Trust (YDMT), providing ten t8-?4 yeor in the demonding terroin ond unpredictoble Arts lecture on Tuesdoy 11 th Morch ot 2 olds with o potentiolly lif e-chonging weather of the Vorkshire Doles. We're pm in Middlehcm Key Cenrre will look ot opportunity to goin the quolif icotions, very groteful to Yorkshire Doles Guides rhe coreers of both men. From Freud's experience ond rurol skills needed to for so kindly supporting ihis project by legocy of on upbringing in Weimor manoge the Yorkshire Doles londscope donoting their time ond providing such high Republic, Berlin, os the grondson of sensitively ond sustoinobly. guolity troining." Sigmund; ond of Hockney's journey from For oll its beouty, the Yorkshire Doles The Doles Rurol Troinee Scheme hos been Brodford to 5win9in9 6O's London ond londscope con be horsh ond unforgiving, so mode possible thonks to generous finonciol then to hedonistic Colifornio ond finolly ffilr,rrr*'A support the Yorkshire Doles Notionol bock to Bridlington, ond his ffiran" skills such os mop reoding ond novigotion, fnom tDt"l1 competent use of speciolist outdoor Pork Authority (yDNPA), the Gorfield extroordinory pointings of Ihe Yorkshire 6r{r{ eguipment, ond bosic f irst oid troining ore Weston Foundotion, The Charles ond Elsie Wolds. Tel.0l748 8U224 os teom working, Sykes Trust, J Poul Getty Jnr Choritoble The neorly impossible guestion- who is very importont, os well Traditional old coaching inn leodership, delegotion ond communicotion Trust, Lond Swinton's Choritoble Trust, lhe greoler ortist - will be posed by skills. Yonkshire Agriculturol Society ond ployers John Iddon who is o lecturer ond guide serving qualtty food all day, To help the troinees goin these voluoble of People's Postcode Lottery. ot Tote Britoin ond Tote Modern. every day. Non-members ore welcorne of per skills, o bespoke 'Mountoin Rescue E6 Restaurant with extensive a'la Scenorio' troining evenf wos commissioned WENSLEYDALE DECORATIVE AND leclure, pre-booking is essentiol, ales by YDMT ond delivered free of chorge 6y FINE ARTS SOCIEry membership ond further informotion is cafie mcnu, award winning Stoinforth-bosed Yorkshire Doles Guides, From Berlin fo Bridlington- Lucion Freud ovoiloble f rom the Membership &. fine wines. who ore o porfner in 'Do it in the Doles'. ond Dovid Hockney: who is the greofer Secretary, tel. Ol7 48 886545 Recommended in'The Good 6ollivon of Yorkshire Doles Guides ortist? Dove 'Good guides. soid: "Collectively the instructors Pub' & Beer' 8 REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD

4 ARKENGARTHDALE ROAD, LEAHOLME COTTAGE, REETH, RICHMOND' 'l'lri NORTH YORKSHIRE,DLll 6SF. REETH, RICHMOND, TELEPHONE O'I748 884533 NORTH YORKSHIRE. DL{ { 60T harkerscoaches@aol'com YOUR LOCAL TRADITIONAL 1--HY Ballet for boys and girls CHIMNEY 5WEEP VISIT OUR AMAZING from the age of 3 years. TAKE THE WORPY AND T4E5S OUT FORECOURT SHOP OF HAVIM YOUR CHI/I4NEY Modern DancelJazz TAKE ADVANTA6E OF THE FOLLOWING'WEPT MIH ERS - for children and teenagers. . Cleon, sofe ond friendly BUCKLER BOOTS . Minimum disruplion to your dorly roultne New stock featu ring style-workplace . guords, rorn coPs etc Tap for children and adults. Eird cowls, frlted Fu l}, insured and safety tt:: ' . Certificoles issued (ulgga. GARDENERS - .-, For more information please . Stoveservicing/reporrs/sporelorls . Advtce freely givet' TRANSPORT FOR ATRPORTS AND TRAII'I STATIONS contact: We stock compost, multi-purpose FREE QUOTATIONS GIVEN Janet Seymour LRAD Avoid the outumn rush- book eorly plant food, Tomorite and weed Tel: aA4 677 To noke on oppointnenl oll you hove to do is phone the PROPRIE]ORS I\,4 ful & F IV TERRY & SON 01748 killers helow ond osk Sinon or Eloine NloBtLE NUiTIBERS 07966s26603 I 07703559959 Mobile: O797L 282566 nunber for HOME DECORATORS - 0r765 688078 we have paints, emulsions, brushes, THE OLD TBMPERANCE fillers, silicones and wallpaper Bnen CorrAGE BOOKSHOP --.--'.- adhesives Reeth, Richmond, 6TE DLll uk IxTEnIORS Tel.0l748 884185 HOUSEHOLD CLEANERS - New Showroom Now Christian Books, Cards & Crafts Detergents, cleani ng liq uids, bleaches, cloths and sponges Open in Hawes Beside the village green VICTORIA DESIGN LOGS, COAL AND STICKS- in Reeth .l have and Curtains & Blinds Opening times : GROUP We torches, batteries + Furniture .i. l.30pm - 4.00pm Consulting Civil And Structural Fa bric Mon.. Thurs.. Sat. Engineers Gifts * l0.30am - 4.00pm Fri. .1. lnterior Design Low Row, Swaledale (Market Day) * Bespoke Joinery Tel: O1748 8867L7 I O752e 351800 Stockist of an extchsive range of fabrics All design work undertaken, This is your local news magazine, please Mulberry, GP & J Baker, Linwood, Bring your whether your project is large or send to us any afticles, adverts, Williarn Morris, Villa Nova and informative pieces for inclusion. Vanessa Arbuthrtott. WORLD BOOK DAY small. Also structural surveys and planning statements. Pictures always wanted for the front. Contact the Editor or any of the Tel:01969 666077 vouchers here. management team. Web: www.bca rcotta k Addresses on page 4. 10 REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD t1

P Bellwood Joinery ond Building S REETH VILLAGE STORE The Diocese of Ripon and Leeds Quality, Local, Reliable Time Seryed Craftsntan from property department is exploring the We supply everything MICHAELGUY possibility of replacing the current locally baked Bread, Pastries, Vicarage house in Reeth, and would wr,rnn .paulbellwo od. Cakes, Fresh Fruit and ELECTRICAL be interested in hearing from anyone 01964051 0r]4 Vegetables, Dairy Produce, Soft who has property in Reeth that may paulbellv,'ood@aol crm suit our purposes. Drinks, Ice Cream, Household FULLY QUALIFIED ELECTRICIAN Goods, Confectiotr€ry, The reouirements are. Tobacco & Greeting Cards. An existing house that already has or Over 14 years experience working Electronic Phone Card Top up could be extended or adapted to in dales areas provide bedrooms, 2 reception rooms F'espoke Joinery the in all of 4 and Debit/Credit Card Facilities garage UPI,/C and Timber vaindo'ws md electrical work. and study, together with or a A fine selection of Wines and building plot From an extra socket to a Kitcherr Fitting Spirits or D eckrng Papers complete rewire, underfl oor land that may be suitable to build a new Pl astrnng Daily and Weekend heating to portable appliance house on either within or just outside Al1 aspects ofbuildrng rv+rk Ooenino Hours the village limits to suit the room Mon-Fri 7am-7.30pm testing, I offer a reliable and req u rre ments. Fully insured, rda'emr es available on request Saturday 7am-7pm competitive service. Sunday 8am-4pm Please contact the Vicar, Revd Caroline CHARMING OLD COTTACE IN THE Hewlett (884706) for an informal CENTRE OF REETH (sleeps 6+) Telz OL748884552 Contact Michael on: discussion or the Diocesan Surveyor for well placed for all the village amenities. T: 01748 886097 more detailed information: Open fire & background heating, fully fitted Michael Lindley, Diocesan Surveyor, kitchen, dishwasher, fridge / freezer etc. M: 07980130017 Ripon and Leeds Diocesan Office, St. Two bathrooms 2 dble bedrooms, one twin E-Mail: [email protected] Mary's Street, Leeds LS9 7DP Direct bedroom and attic play area fourth bedroom line: 0113 2OO 0549 or with three single beds. ELECSA APPROVED CONTRACTOR michael.lind lev@ripon leed s- (Cot available). Private, secure, rear courtyard area with patio table & chairs. DALE FARM Dogs welcome. f rom the Dales APOLOGIES Contact Denyse on 01740 631470. or TOYS AND BOOKS e-ma il [email protected] A Fontostic Little Gift & Croft Unit 2 Reeth Dales Craft Centre We are very sorry to say that due to a www. hol idavcottaqeswa leda le. com Shop On The Green At Reeth major technical fault we have been unable to access any emails sent to our Everything we sell is Now olso open n Richmond at the new email address. We apologise for TAKE TIME TO RELAX! mode in the former TTC Centre this. We ask that for March all emails I can cook delicious dishes ready Now stocking AFFORDABLE to be sent to our original email address Yorkshire Doles. G M L@ ga I u k for your table or freezer, from COUNTRY CLOTHING /kids HT FTZ canap6s through to dessefts. You fncluding Reeth's Own Swoledole Should there be any fufther difficulties olong sida our extensive toy, book, please can have quality homemade food telephone the editor on 01748 Chocolote Compony stotionery 886505. ready and on the table with gift, cord & ?ange We are olso home to the TEL/FAX: Ot748 884909 manimaleffoft. Email for March Issue : Contact Sandie Bond fomous Glendsle Ginger Emoi l.inf o@eguestrionbookfoi G M L1@ga u k on 01748 884794 01748 880189 website iwww.equestrionboo kfoi 12 REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD 13

6ET 'BTTTERN' BY THE BU6 Kim and Richard E MCGARRY & CO Atkinson HH SOLICITORS You con cotch the world fomous LNER 44 Hudsen Hous€ f*ntre Pocific No. 4464 'Bittern'(1937) Friendly local legal advice on : when the Swoledqle Festivol brings this THE BTACK BUtt Reeth . Wills iconic loco to the Wensleydole Roilwcy for o Probate and Administration of one doy onfy. The 4464 Biffern is a {-l',orne.,l 1"1 :he i--rlttrnrr..rItf! ,:f Estates London ond North Eostern Roilwoy Closs 44 :F:+ l-i';: lt;ie: a Powers of Aftorney steom locomotive built in 1937 ot a Nursing and Residential Home Doncoster Works. On Soturdoy 24 Moy she Community Costs will moke three runs from Leeming Bor ot , Gdlery a Agricultural Matters 9.30, 13.00 ond 16.30. As well as the ' LeaminB a Land Transactions excitenrent of steanr travel behind this * Library fabulous locornotive the Swaledale Festival * Omfiard Home or farm visits has olganised rnusic to entertain passengers. . Transp+rt 21 Galgate, Barnard Castle, The teyburn Band will play them off from County Durham DL12 8EQ Leerning Bar, whilst harmonica playing, MHil l{.arionalPa* Cenre Tel: 01833 600160 Horft Yortshhg CC Email : [email protected] travelling troubadour and singer-songwriter Rory Mcleod and jazz, folk and world Polkle Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority rnusic players Trio Gitan will perfornr on Richmondslrire DC board. Refreshments will also be served STELCOME YOU Sff*dalerFertiral throughout the trip. Don't miss this unigue experience. Tickets the TO Eusiness Forum For aIL coaputer Leeclt are sold by Eusiness Sewices Swoledole Festivol. To book ond for more The oldest Inn in Reeth Carol Haynes informotion contoct Event Tfu*ets Lairdswood Cottage Adult €20 . Under 19 €15 . Under 5 free, lntemet Carperby accommodation but no seot will be ollocoted. Repeofedly Quality Lrcd noti:rs E inhrma{isr Leyburn described in The 0uardran ond other lile+ti4 Rooms DL8 4DB notionol popers os omong the best music Excellent food O'ffices Repairs - Upgrades & Maintenance f esiivols in the country, the Swoledqle Refreshments Sollrvare & | lardu,are problerns Festivol runs from 24 May to 7 June ond sh+ Home & Small Office Networks (very popular Sunday Carvery) pocks on exciting progromme of over 50 Tourist lnfrm*im Wirclcss and Wired Netrvorks with shared inte'rnet events into o summer fortnight, including Website Design, Hosting & Email wiFi clossicol, jozz, poetry, A fine selection of Oneoing suppon or scl l-rnaintcncncc. folk, bross bonds, Ilosting includes CPanel, PflP. MySQL support. drqmo, ort exhibitions ond guided wolks. Real Ales and Wines llpen ,rlf ye;r Affordable Onsite & Remote Support This yeor's Festivol highlights include top fbr PCs and Mac compLtters 7 dal/s arreet - l0rnto 3pn (remote requires working irteilret corrnectiOn) guitorists Mortin Toylor ond Mortin And a wafm welcome Monthly articles in local publications Simpson; superb cellist Notolie Clein: prize-winning poat Train 0t?48 8844S5 Established Dales Business ond editor of Tef. 01748 8842t3 ww-hudsor*rcuseirb Songs Don Paterson; illike Hording: ond fi\ichoel Fish giving the 6th Reeth Lecture. Tel: 01969 663798 or 07891 371280 t4 REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD 15

MELBECKS PARISH COUNCIL - Plon document, ond the identificotion of osking if the Council would fund the session hove quickly become prof icient ond JANUARY 2014 protected green spoces within the collection of o couple of green bins which f ormed o group 9ivin9 locol concerts. Slreet lighting. The light in Gunnerside Melbecks oreo, thot ore of porticulor ore used to keep the common ground ond The populor Fridoy ofternoon drop-in hos not been repaired, ond the Clerk wos importonce io the community ond Gunnerside islond iidy in summer. Cllr D. comDuter softwore odvice sessions instructed to contoct the Street lighting therefore unsuitoble for developmenl. Alderson odvised thot he would contoct continue each week from 2.OO till 4.00pm. deportmeni ot North Yorkshire County Notif icotion of motor rolly, 4th- 6th the resident directly regarding this issue. All events toke ploce in the Meeting Room Council to roise this issue. Another light April. The Council noted receipt of North Yorkshire NHS Comploints in Hudson House, ond cost €3 per person. behind Toledo in Low Row is not working notificotion of 'The Flying Scotsmon' Advococy Service. Council noted receipt Pleose sign up for the courses in the folder ond ot Porodise rood end in Low Row the motor rolly to ioke ploce on Soturdoy April of informotion from Cloverleof Advococy. in Hudson House, or emoil to light hos been removed and not replaced. 5th trovelling from Low Whito Bridge Posters hove been put up odvertising this ski I [email protected]. The Clerk would olso roise these issues towords Low Row, ond fhen turning up Peot service. Police Updote. The Council noted with Sfreet lighting. Menoriol bench in Gale lowards Surrender Bridge.Plonning receipt of the lotest police updote from 6unnerside. The Clerk wos osked to Appficotion. Council noted receipt of o North Yorkshire police. Housing need SAT 15TH A,\ARCH 7:3OPM AT contoct Mr Wicks, to see if he sfill wonts plonning opplicotion for High Benis, surveys. The Council noled receipt of o RICHMOND SCHOOL to go oheod wiih his donotion towords the Gunnerside. No comments or objections survey from Hombleton & Richmondshire WITH THE CATTERICK MILITARY cost of a new bench in 6unnerside. Finonce received. Article 4 Direction: Change of Rurol Housing Enobler. The Clerk was wA6S CHOrR Porish precept informotion. The Council use of ogriculturol buildings to commerciol instructed to comolete ond return the AND AAUKER AND REETH BANDS. noted receipt of Porish precept uses. Council noted receiot of notificotion survey. Dote & Time of the next orrongements for the finonciol yeor thot following the Government introducing meeting. The next meeling will be held ot Tickets ore now ovoiloble f or the 2OL3/4. Highwoys The Council noted o new permitted development right thot 6unnerside Villoge Holl on Thursdoy Morch HAR,I ONIES for HEROES Concert on Richmond receipl of the following reply f rom ollows certoin ogriculturol buildings to be zorh2Ol4 ot 7.3Opm. Soturdoy 15th Morch ot Highwoys regording the issues thal were converted ro a range of commerciol uses School. Join us for o grear evening of cousing concern: Highwoys confirmed thot without plonning permission, ihe YDNPA SkillShore @ Hudson House music, ihe premiere of 'Doncing with you', the following locotions hove now been would remove this right, ond full plonning os recorded on the CD, ond further refilled with grit: i) Outside the Low Row permission is still required f or proposols to You don't hove to negotiate the devious entertoinment by dance ond dromo fnstitute, ii) ot the bottom of Peot Gote converf ogriculturol buildings to diversions oround the roodworks to ottend Students of Richmond School. The ond iii) Brocco Bonk. Concerning the woll commerciol uses. This would opply lhese interesting tolks given in Reeth, ond compere for 'the evening is Peler Borron below Brown Hill Top, Highwoys odvised throughout the Notionol Pork. Swoledale & ocguire useful skills os well. MBE, Editor of the Northern Echo. Come thot our emoil wos possed to the Highwoy Arkengorthdole Borns & Wolls - public Pouline Oldershow, with Eloine Hopwood, in fine voice yourself, os the evening will Officer for the Area in order thot the consuftotion. Council noted receiDt of will give o presentotion on Embroidery on conclude with o chonce to join in rousing condition of the woll could be ossessed ond drof t consultotion on Swaledale & Mondoy 24'h Morch 2OL4 from 2.00 till potriotic songs. The concert storts ot arronge for ony necessory works to be Arkengor'thdole Borns & Wolls.AOB lOther 4.OO pm. Needleworkers will f ind 7:30pm, doors open ot 7pm. The CD morks carried out. Finolly opologies were received correspondence. Tour de Fronce inspirotion for their entries for the locol the culmination of o greot community regording the short notice thot wos roodshow. The Council noted receipt of Shows in fhe outumn. project, in oid of fhe Help For Heroes received prior io the recenl roodworks invitotion to TDF roodshow to be held on On Soturdoy April 5th 20t4, from 10.00 till Chority ond hos united the musicol lolents between Gunnerside ond Reeth. The Clerk Thursdoy Februory 2Ofh ot Welcome lo 12.00, Tonyo Robinson will leod o Ukulele of the Militory WAGS Choir ond wos osked to contoct Highwoys regording Vorkshire. Wor Memoriol Cleoning. The toster session. Some instruments ore Swoledole's Bonds, kindly supported by woter running down Brocco Bonk.YDNPA Council ogreed thof ihe Wor Memoriol ovoiloble to borrow for the session. ond no mony locol businesses, orgonisotions ond Yorkshire Doles Locol Plan 2015-2030 - does not need cleoning ot this lime. Green speciol musicol knowledge is needed, so individuols. Tickets are ovoiloble f rom priced Protected 6reen Spoces. The Council bin coffections, Gunnerside. A request this is on ideol chonce to leorn o musicol Reeth Post Office, €10 for odults noted receipt of letler regording the Locol from o Gunnerside resident wos received skill. People who ottended lost year's ond €4 for children. t6 REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD l7

/iAAN AND DO6 THE SWALEDALE 816 DI6. ond throughout 2015. Do come olong fo celebrotion of the TDF. If you would like The Swoledole ond Arkengorthdcle f ind out whot it is oll obout ond join in. to join in ond help to decorote your Villoge Wolking wrth my ageing collie Archaeology 6roup (SWAAG) will lounch Further informotion is ovoiloble ot for the big event then pleose come olong By the gently f lowing 5wale, the Big Dig with two free events in Reeth, and get involved. Sewing skills ore not His pleosure f lows through every muscle the first being a presentotion by TV To the softly woving toil. orchoeologist ond 'Time Teom' expert Dr UPPER DALES FAMILY HI5TORY necessory but if onyone does hove o sewing Corenza Lewis, of Combridge University in 6ROUP mochine ond or sewing skills then thot's o Eors olert ond,keenly wotchful Reeth Memoriol Holl on Thursdoy 13 bonus. The plon is to moke bunting thot Through those gentle, trusting eyes, Morch, 7pm with presentotions running The next meeting of the Upper Doles fhe Porish will be oble to use for future Woiting for his moster's signol. until obout 8.3Opm.. 'Tudor Fomily History Group will be events ond not just for the TDF. All Tnlelligence is no surprise. Locol residents who wont to get involved in Housewife c1560-1580', o costumed food Muker Porish residents ore very welcome the project will be oble to register their history demonstrotion ond tosting by Jone so come olong hove fun with o few nibbles Tokes o poddle in the river. interest ot the lounch presentotion or of o Sommells ond Rebecco Atkinson, ot 2pm on ond ond Cooling woter, cold ond cleor. f ollow-up Heritoge Doy exhibition on Wednesdoy, Morch 26, in Fremington drinks get sewingl ff onyone hos Brief respile then bock for oction, Soturdoy 15 Morch from 10.3Oom to 3pm. Sundoy School. Non-members ore ve?y red, whiJe or blue moteriol thot could be Shrugging of f odvoncin g years. They will olso be oble to enrol on o ronge welcome ot EZ each: contoct 01748 used for bunting pleose 6ring thot olong. of free short educotionol courses 6eing 850423 for further informotion. Pleose contoct Alison Stringer ot Muker Eoch tokes comfort from the other. orgonised os port of the project's Villoge Store if you ore interesled in Trust ond coring bind the two. commitment to stimulote wider interesl MAKE DO AND MEND - helping: 01748 886409 Eager dog onticipoting ond engogement in orchoeology. The SATURDAy lsrH,l ARCH enguiries@mukervi I Whot his humon friend will do. Heriloge Doy will include disploys ond There will be o Moke Do ond Mend session informotion by 5WAAG, the Swoledole ot Fremington Villoge Holl on Soturdoy 15th Sticks to f etch, oll limbs o-quiver, Museum ond other locol heritace Morch f rom 10 until 4pm. Light The Farmers Arms, Muker 5inews tout like welloiled springs, orgonisotions. refreshments will be served. Please do Keeps his elderly componion The Big Dig is primorily obout come ond drop off your mending or ironing SEASONAL KITCHEN On his toes, ond pleosure brings. orchoeologists working with nesidenfs to - or perhops stoy to enjoy o cuppo whilst VACANCIES dig tesi pits on their own ond public lond. woiting for your jobs to be donel The work Well-motched poir, two oncient bodies The pits will be o meter sguore ond up to o will be done on o donotion bosis ond Kitchen Hand and/or Cook required But with heorts ond minds still young. meter deep, ond will help to see snopshots proceeds will go towords the now imminent to join a busy and friendly team. Humon, f illed with joy ond comfort of whot lies beneoth our feet over o wide new lighting scheme plonned f or 5t Not necessarily split shifts. Shored 6y dog with lolling tongue. area of the londscope.We hope to hove Andrew's. Pleose contoct Suson Allison: Competitive lates of pay. lots of pits so thot collectively they wrll suson [email protected] or Experierrce prefelred - Simple, pleosonf wolks, but priceless, help us to formulote views obout the ages Tel: 884366 informotion. for further but not essential. Mon ond creoture so in tune. ond development settlement ond of oreos Full training will be provided. o ploce peace fn of ond beouty, to goin abetter ond brooder understonding MUKER PARI5H TDF BUNTINo Year round entployrrent potential. There with noture to commune. of our locol history. EVENIN6 The Swoledole Big Dig hos received Mondoy t7 Mqrch 7.OOpm ot Muker Please call Ernily funding of E76,OOO from the Heritoge Pubf ic Hqf f We are holding on evening to tbr an infbrmal chat on By Moisie Turner Lottery Fund ond is supported the by moke bunting ond other items to decorote Tel: 01748886297 or email Yorkshire Doles Notionol Pork Authority. the Villoges within Muker Porish in enq uiries@fa rmersa rmsm u k The project will run for the rest of 2Ol4 18 REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD 19

REETH COMMUNIW FIRST notionol insuronce number. For more LE TOUR REETH poss detoils onto RDC so thot they con RE5PONDER5 informotion pleose confoct the yAS include the evenrs in their publicity. Asdo The Community First Responder (CFR) Community First Responder Troiner, Soturdoy 5th July 2Ol4 is the doy the ore recruiting,troining ond deploying oround Scheme is o portnership between Potrick Murphy, tel: 07824 407955, emoil: world's biggest onnuol sponting event will 10,000 Tour Mokers (similor to the Gomes Vorkshire Ambulonce Service (YAS) ond [email protected]; or Reeth CFR, roll through Reeth. The covolcode of Mokers from the Olympics) ond you moy but locol groups of volunteers living within the Fiono Wilkinson, emoil: publicity vehicles will stort to poss through olreody hove opplied to be one yourself; the community. As outhorised volunteers for [email protected]; or visit Reeth oround 1.OOpm followed by the we will need plenty of volunteers from help out in Reeth itself . On the ombulonc e service we work os port of o the YAS CFR website ot peloton of cyclists oround 3.00pm. Timings community to o?e considering setting up on dedicoted teom whose oim it is to reduce YOU ore oppnoximote os it depends on how fost the doy we informotion point The Green ond the number of pre-hospitol deoths in con mqke a differencel the riders ore covering the route on the on volunteers will be needed to mon this on o Yorkshire. fn mony medicol emergencies, day. Le Tour Reeth Committee ore working ond roto bosis. It hos been suggested thot if the first few minutes ore criticol ond if to co-ordinote octivities before, during ony effective treotment con 6e provided after the event ond your help is needed to onyone not f luent in English hod medicol present os good o picture of problem for example, it would be useful if within thot time, lives con be soved. We moke sure we we could provide them with an interprefer: ore troined by YAS in bosic life support Reeth os we con to the expected thousonds of visitors, not just on the doy itself but in so if onyone is f luent in o porticulor skills, Cordio Pulmonory Resuscitoiion theleod up to ihe event. One ideo is for the longuoge, it would be useful to hove them on (CPR), the use of on Automotic Externol owners to decoraJe the properties oround call in effect - vio Iheir telephone - for Def ibrillotor (AED) ond the odministrotion The Green ond olong the route with bunting. emergencies on the doy. Let us know if this of oxygen. This could be in the colours of the ierseys is something you might be able to help with. YOU could help your locol community. "sE. worn by the three roce leoders: yellow for Obviously the omount of people expected Io We currently hove only 7 members in the overoll leader: white with red polko come to Reeth will involve o greot deal of the Reefh teom ond we need new Here are some of fhe team af a training dots for the king of the mountoins; ond rubbish ond RDC ore drowing up o woste volunteers to help us provide cover in session green for the leoder on Points. monogement plon - but they ore expecting evenings, during fhe doy ond ot CIRCUIT fhe METHODIST Alternotively it could 6e the red, white ond communities toke on o responsibility fon previous f irst oid Sundoy 23rd Morch Circuit service doy weekends. No - blue of the French flag: or even the Union tidying up ofter the evenl.It is highly likely os troining will one of knowledge is needed full Members are encouraged fo oftend Jock. fn oddition, we ore plonning to therefore thot litter pickers will be needed be provided by YAS. three soeciol Circuit Servrces decorale the oreos cordoned-off for on Soturdoy evening / Sundoy monning ond Con you spore 15 minutes to come ond 10.30 om - All Age Worship ot Richmond spectotors with bunting, so donotions of moybe during the doy itself. Tf you would hove us obout becoming o Rev Pork ond others o chqt with led by Jonet moteniols for bunting, or bunting itself , will like to volunteer for onything, either coll Community First Responder? 10.30 om - Preoching service ot Leyburn - be opprecioted. One event thot we have into the Post Office and leove your detoils; We will be holding informol drop-in Deocon Joy Sykes to leod worship; Rev Les considered is to hove a large TV screen in or send on e-moil to sessions of Hudson House on Thursdoy Nevin to preoch Reeth. Whilsl there ore odvontoges to this, [email protected]; or, you Morch 27rh from 6.00 - 8.O0pm ond 6.30 pm - Communion service at Gayle - it wos felt by the committee thot it wos too con come olong to one of our meetings which Soturdoy April 5th from lOom - 12.30pm. Rev Alon Coustick to oreside: Mr Allen ombitious o project for the resources ore held ot 7.O0pm ot The Buck fnn. Our Please feel free to come olong to heor o Dinsdole hos been invited to preoch os he ovoiloble. We ore looking into producing o nexl meetings orei bit more obout us ond to osk ony guestions, completes 50 yeors os o Methodist Locol booklet for visitors which will include Thursdoy 6rh Morch; Wednesdoy 2nd April: without obligotion. If you think you might Preocher. informotion reloting to events toking ploce Tuesdoy 6th Moy; ond Thursdoy 12th June. like to join, pleose bring fhe following in ond oround Reeth; so if you ore port of on Finolly, the committee would like io thonk REETH SHOW documentotion: driving licence & WHISTAND DOMINO DRIVE orgonisotion thot is plonning on event Jim ond Jockie ot The Buck for ollowing us counterport, possport if current, proof of 7TH |\TARCH 2014 oround Le Tour, pleose poss the detoils onto to use one of their rooms for our meetings. HALL oddress such os o utility bill, ond your REETH MEVIORIAL us so we con help publicise it. We will olso REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD 20 REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD 2l the SWALEDALE would be interested in helping ne with NEW5 FROM REETH during the week ond os our work is MESSAGE from MUSEUM regords to fhe history of Droycott Hall AND GUNNER5IDE disployed oround the areo before and The se| of ponels our People of and the people living in Low Fremingfon FEDERATION OF durinq the Tour deFrance. f irst for orrived in the ot thot fine. f will reimburse ony cosfs scHooLs ROLE PLAY for our FOUNDATION the Dale exhibition hos ond look very splendid. We ore involved. We will be re-opening the I would like to tell you CHILDREN Museum grotef to the Northern Mines Museum on 14th May. We will be oPen obout three woys in We ore looking f or some more dolls for our most ul Reseorch 5ociety funding o second set everydoy from 10.00 om to 5.00 pm, until which you con support foundotion oreos in the FSlK51 clossroom for ponels which will connect with 4ih October. We look f orword to our schools qnd two events thot we very for role-ploy. If you hove ony unwonted of personolities connecled with locol welcoming you bock ofter the winter break. much hope the community will visif qnd boby dolls (plostic rother thon fobric We are olso delighted to onnounce For further informotion pleose contoct support: bodies pleose ond not the smoll Borbie mining. - o mop of the mines of Helen Boinbridge: 01748 884118 or ART5 WEEK - WITH THE THEME OF type) we would be delighted if you could o new ocquisition .LE Swoledole, which comes f rom America. 07969823232 TOUR IN THE LANDSCAPE' send them to school for us to use, mony Mike 6ill hos kindly doted it to post 1864, e-moi | :[email protected] ft is olwoys our oim to provide our children thonks. shows Sir Froncis Level, ond or visit our website: with o rich, exciting ond creative EASTER FARMERS' MARKET becouse it be on 'oide memoire' for curriculum which opens up o weolth of Following on from the great success of our thinks it might reflec'ring on the Dole ond its SWALEDALE WITH ARKENGARTHDALE opportunities for leorning fo pupils with Christmos Formers' Morket ot Reeth someone undertoking more PARISH - ANNUAL PAROCHIAL every kind of tolent. In Morch we are School, we ore plonning to hold onother mines. We will be reseorch to see if we con find out more CHURCH MEETINo IAPCM] - holding on Arts Week with fhe generous evenl - ihis time on Eoster themed obout this enigmotic mop! We hove olso WEDNESDAY 9TH APRIL AT 7.3OPM support of the Swoledole ond Wensleydole morkei, on Fridoy 4th April from lOqm ocguired popers reloting to Reeth WI, The APCM will toke ploce this yeor ot Quoker Trust who hove given the school until middoy. The formot will be similor to thonks to fhe generosity of o locol fomily. Fremington SundoY School on f unding to help to develop this very speciol the lost one - crofts ond foods from locol gthApril These enhonce our existing collection of Wednesdoy ot 7.3Opm ond light event. We ore looking for donofions of producers, our fomous Soup Kits feoturing related moteriol, including o ref reshments will be served ot this the following items. which the children locolly sourced vegeta\les, Eoster Bunny locol WI hondsome Upper Swoledale Group' shield, meeting. This meeting is primorily for wiff use during our Arts Week: !7th -?lsr 'Soup' kits ond other gifts ond crofts mode plogues doted t956-1984. It is Porochiol Church Council members, Morch: by the children os well os refreshments with silver 'Miss Shield'. Who wos Miss everyone on the Church Porish Electorol Bike ports, especiolly cogs ond wheels, provided by The Friends Of School. If you the Willioms Willioms? fs there onyone who would like Roll ond oll regulor worshippers - olthough pram/buggy wheels, fobric scrops/strips, would like to run o stoll, or know someone to ill us in on the history of Reeth WI? oll residents ore welcome to ottend ond to old buftons, beods ond neckloces, who would be interesled please contoct me f olso hqd o reguest for help, ond heor our speoker which follows the short especiolly with jewelled beods, we would ot school os soon os possible to book o We hove some of you out there con ossist business meeling [which will include the appreciote your help with ony donotions pitch. The children ore olreody busy hope onnuol porish report]. Once lhe business you con give us os soon os possible. The moking craft items ond plonning tosty Nigel Meikeljohn (niqel.meikel see his hos concluded, our speoker for the evening children from Nursery to Yeor 6 will be cooking treots for the school stolls.Pleose [email protected]), below: is Jill Burdis from Reeth will give on toking port in mony different put the dote in your diory ond come olong message to us as teenoger wifh ny fanily in illustroted tolk obout Honour Village, the interpreiotions of the theme including bringing your friends ond neighbours to f lived, o Hall, Low school ond orphonoge thot she works with sculpture, colloge, IT bosed ort, whot wos such o populor ond exceptionolly the wesf wing of DraYcott 1955 until the beginning in Combodio.' photogrophy ond donce, during the week. well-ottended event lost time. Fremingfon fron of 196O. f am writing about living fhere Pleose do come olong to heor the obout If you would like to come in ond help us as parf of o creative wrifing course for octivities in the Porish in 2013 ond to during thot week you would be most Thonks for your continuing supPort a BA degree. f dn hoPing someone who, listen to our speoker os we look oheod welcome. Please contoct the school office hisfory socielY with d together in the coming Yeor. by phone to offer your helP. We look Lindo ond stoff or a local parficular interesf in Low Fremington, Revd. Coroline Hewlett - Vicor forword to shoring whot we do with you 22 REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD

NEWS FROIT THE BELLERBY STUDY LICENSINo ACf 2OO3 6ROUP Applicotion for o Premises Licence Digital Theatre Meetings in Morch 2014

How did people monoge to mork time NOTICE I5 HEREBY 6IVEN thot on Les Miserables (12A) 2 hr 38 m - Hugh Jackrndn, dz Artnc Hdthawdy before they kept diories? They morked opplicotion for o Premises Licence under the In 19th-century France, lean Valjean, ttho fbr decades has been hunted by the ruthless policeman obovementioned legislotion hos been mode by |trvert after breaking parole, agrees to care fbr a factory worker's daughter. The decision changes their time by feost doys. lives for ever. Williom Roger Tucketi to Tn 'Keeping the Feqst' on Wednesdoy 5 Quentin I ,)ittrt'lt -'lltttrsdtq, 13, FridoS, l-l - 2 00pnt,tttd ;-.-l?ltttt Richmondshire District Council in resoect of The (l2A) 2 - (t Morch, Morion Moverley will explore the I Butler hr 12 m Forest Whitoker Oprah Winfrey lohn Cusack premises known os As Cecil Gaines serves eight presidents during his tenure as a butler at the White House, the civil rights seosons occording ond looks to feost doys rnovelnent, Vietnam, and other major events affect this man'.s lite, family, and American society ot customs ottoched to them. Morion hos Rowleth End NLtrclt - Tltursdtry 2Q, Friday 2.J - 2 ()0 pttt rtttd 7.j0 pttr run locol history closses in the Doles over White House Down (l2A\ 2 hr I I m - ChanningTatum, Jamic Foxx y't Maggic Cyllenlnal mony yeors ond is currently choir of the which ore situoted ot: While on a tour of the White House with l-ris young daughter, a Capitol policeman springs into action to save his child and protect the president frorn a heavily armed group of paramilitary invaders. Upper Doles Fomily History 6roup. tr4ttrclt - ThttrsdaS, 27, Fridat, 2tl - 2.00ptrt tttrd 7.-)0pttr Low Row. R,ichmond DLll 6PY Fiono Wilkinson tokes us on o photogrophic (PG) 2 hr 05 rn - Emma Thompson, Tom Hanks & Annie Rose Buckley Author P L Travers reflects on her childhood after reluctantly tour in 'A Wolk Around Reeth' ond The proposed licensed octivity to be corried meeting with Walt Disney, who seeks to adapt her Mary Poppins book for the big screen and how he pulls out all the stops to secure the rights. exploins the history of mony buildings ond on ot fhe premises is as follows: April -'Ihttrsln), 3, Fritlq'1 2.00 pnt ortd 7.30 ltpt the chonges thot hove token ploce in the The Old School House, Richmond Road, Leyburn DL8 5DL qlcohol village, on Wednesdoy 12th Morch. The sale or supply by retoil of T: Bookings 01969 624510 E: [email protected] Tickets Adults 'The Heritqge of Dry-stone Wolls in the from 11.00om to 2.00om ond the provision F: f,6 W: - Registered Charify No: 1122092 Concessions f,5 Doles'will intnoduce us to the rich of regulol ed eniertoinment. heritoge fhot dry-stone wolls provide, The record of the opplicotion rnoy be Low Row & Village THE CHARLES ALDERSON TRUST including woll chronology ond f eotures inspected ot the offices of The Licensing lnstitute found in wolls. Kevin Cole will speok on Section, Richmondshire District Council, The above Trust was Wednesdoy 19 Morch. He hos provided 25 Mercury House, Stotion Rood, Richrnond, N Annual General established. in memory of Charles Alderson. years of orchoeologicol services ocross Yorks, DL10 4JX during normol office hours Meeting fbr the purpose ofrelieving. in cases of need. Yorkshire ond hos been responsible since (by oppoinfment only). Tuesday 11th March persons resident in the fbrmer t994 for the development of community Rural District Of Reeth Any representotions porfies at the Institute orchoeology in North Yorkshire. by inlerested or (the parishes of Arkengarthdale. responsible outhorities regording the 7:30 pm Wednesdoy 26 Morch is o Members' Ellerton Abbey. Fremington. Grinton, Marrick. applicotion must be rnode in writing to the All local residents welcome Melbecks. Muker and Reeth) Evening when the AGM will be f ollowed by Licensing Section, Richmondshire Districf who are sick. convalescent. disabled. handicapped or o Members' this time o photo guiz by Quiz, Council ot the above oddress bv 26'h Morch I have felt for many years that infirm, by providing or paying for items, services or John Heselgrove. 2014 the Dales are the only place to facilities rvhich are calculated to alleviate the This is ihe lost meeting of the seoson, the live but this has suffering or assist recovery ofsuch persons. in such cases where help is Study 6roup storts ogoin in the outumn. ft is an offence, liable on summory conviction been confirmed beyond all not readily available to them fiom other sources. Bellerby Study 6roup meetings ore ot to a fine up io Level 5 (€5000) on the measure with all the kindness, stondord scole, knowingly or recklessly fo Applications for assistance should be made in 7.30pm in the Memoriol Holl, Church help and generosity shown to writing to the moke o folse stotement in connection with ihe Street, Bellerby. Members, visitors ond applicotion. me since my mishap on 3rd Clerk to the Trust. Mrs J Kendall. guesfs ore welcome, contoct Bridget Swonn January. Thank you one and all Kendal I Place, Arkengarthdale Road, f el. O19 69 624418 f or f urther inf ormotion. - I am so luckyand so Reeth, Richmond, North Yorkshire, DLI I 6QX Doted this 26th Doy of Februory 2Ol4 grateful. Barbara Laxton 24 REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD 25

CRITCHLBYHALL JAMES PEACOCK with updotes ond new versions forever, even if APPRENTICESHIPS AVAILABLE IN THE you swop to o new computer. However they REETH AND DISTRICT AREA SOLICITORS Kitchen Apprenticeship version 2 is obout to YouI Local [\:pe|ts FOR YOT]R COAL & recently onnounced thot Arkengarthdale, DL11 6EN 'lorlxntr€ Location: An(i NDilr iata! Buldnp Sad25 SN,IOKELESS FI.IELS be released ond once that hoppens all new Job description: An 18th Century Inn featured in the ITV licenses will be on onnuol subscription. Life series'The Dales' require a kitchen apprentice. oY.qr"Kphitp The job role will include food prep and cooking in all areas Approved Coal & Fuel Merchants time license will be honoured ond so f strongly of the kitchen -breakfast, lunch and dinner. Additionally a Fuels & Oils At Speedy & reliable deliveries of Solid recommend thot if you wont Molworebytes high level of cleaning duties in the kitchen will be required. Hudson House, Reetlt throughout the Antimolwore to proiect your computer you buy Working Hours: 45 hours a week, 4 112 days out of 7 Swaledale & Arkengarthdale area weekly Wage: f120.60 o license as soon os possible before version 2 rliltrhley HiLl SolLcrinr ee Fl€a5ed io Lnnq thr Tel.01969 650465 Qualification: Level 2 Food Services, work based ,rf pr.vrgrrn oI legal s4 ca: l. Lhe ] peoF,le 650888 is releosed ond get o lifetime license. Pleose learning for 12 Months. Swrledalp il I Arkengtoihdale L offerrng hom-" ,,rsrls o. uslng the [3]tllilEs Fax:01969 l Skills: Basic cooking abilities and culinary skills are frovrdrd at Hudson Il(Ds€ note you do need o license for eoch computer Plerse hlephone 01969 625526 you wont to instoll on ond it only works on aovantageous. lor an appointment. Qualities: The candidate will be friendly, flexible, smart Windows computers. With the end of support Our -seroices include: and presentable, willing to learn and at ease working o ResidmlialConveymcing c o mput pfi g gtlLe#u for Windows XP in site f strongly recommend within a team. The successful candidate will be committed --F , cr Sc^ i ccs and have Dassion for food and an interest in the (saies, purchases & remodgages) oll XP users to moke surethey hove good virus a hospitality and catering industry. o Comercial & Agicultural Propel' protection and probobly Malworebytes Numeracy and literacy Level 1 PROTECTING YOURSELF ONTINE Qualifications: e Leases & Tenmcies progrom instolled on their compulers 5efore Customer Service Apprentice o Fmily Mattus, Divorce & Sepa'ation No scare stories this month, well not nony, but o 6SE Aoril 8'n. Remernber NO PROTECTION is Location: Reeth, DLl1 r Wills, LastingPowers of Attome.v & help keep Job Description: The Post Office situated in the centre of plug for o really greaf applicotion thot will pleose Administration of Estates 100% ond so be coreful when browsing Reeth requires an apprentice. you safe online. . The Elderly Climt the internet ond reading emoils and don't click The successful candidate will work behind the Dost office post yeors used, ond Over lhe few f hove on onything you are not 100% sure. On the counter but also within the shoD. Duties behind the Ciltfhlev H3ll So|.rtoE, The 0flE, G.lden Lron ysd, Leybtln,],T.,,Jlh customers "Molworebytes counter include helping customers with their postal needs; encouroged fo use subject of useful products the responses to YorkshLr e, DL8 JI,s Antimolwore" alongside your normol Antivirus welcoming customers, handling letters, sending and taking Imall [email protected] co uk Windows 8 are becoming more nixed with payment. Additionally, adminiskative tasks such as filing wv, progroh. Note f on not in ony woy offilioted wifh and data entry. Within the shop the apprentlce \Nill assist Crrb:hley Hal I SolLcrtc,n re auihrrsed md reg-rlated t'v the some people getting on wiih it OK and others producl. customers with their shopping, answer any enquires, Solrcrtors RegulahLln Alihor rly the compony but do highly rote their ond very frustroted. ff you hove Windows 8 replenish and rotate stock including fresh fruit and baked Mafwarebyes hove been, ond continue to be, very hole lhe new woy ii does fhings go to goods. The successful candidate will also serve PATRICIA generous ond offer the progromme to use for free ond buy their program customers and take payment at the till. DAIRYCOTTAGE, LOWROW ond does an excellent job of cleoning uP mony working 30 Hours a Week, Shifts 9-4 it colled Start8. Once instolled Sfort8 mokes Hours: Experienced in both nosties thot onfivirus progroms often miss. However Weekly Wage: f 80.40 Nlcn's and Ladies windows 8 work in on olnost ideniicol woy to Level 2 Customer Service, work based the free version only works if you actively uPdoie it Qualification: sewing alterations. Windows 7 (ond very similor to Windows XP learning for 12 Months. your computer regulorly monuolly. The poid good l\'lost sewing tasks undertaken ond scon ond Visto). You never hove to see the liles Skills: An understanding of customer service and a 'Will come to you' for "pro" version goes one step further ond keeps good manner. screen ogain (if you don't wont to) ond also you A Confident, friendly and presentable 0l 748 886905 itself up to date ond monitors your comPuter ond Qualities: 9et your troditional Stort menu back. The apprentice able to take direction and learn quickly whilst web surfing constantly so fhot you cccidenfolly if choice is yours but if you ore put off Windows worKrn9. IAil REYil(IIIISO]I visit o website with known nosties (or ore direcled Qualifications: Maths and English C or above. 8 then f recommend Stort 8 os ihe eosy woy EI"ECTRICAI- there via o molicious email) it will octively block thot of enjoying o Windows 7 like experiehce on o KATHERINE HASSELBY For all your electrical needs website \efore your computer con get infected. new computer. Note it costs $5 (aboui Recruitment and Learner Coordinator No to small The company is Americon but you con buy o license fob €3.50). Thot's is for Morch - f must odmii f Focus Training & Development pounds websiie tel:01748 886725 in UK vio their need sone help with ideos for new articles. Oakwood House, 82 Eastmount Road (costing oboui You Darlington, DL1 1LA mob:07814547339 €20). Please get in touch and let rne know your ideos receive on instont code fo unlock the progrom ond - my emoil address is on emoil confirmqiion - mqke sure to print out ond Phoner 01325 355633 corol.hoynes@dolescomputerserviceLeqln. Or Mobile: O794726O56L Don't forget keep a copy of the emoil in cose you wont to reinstol you con phone or drop me a line in the posf Website: htto: / /www,focustd,co,uk the Gazette is online. softwore on o new computer. the loter (detoils on my temporory website Email:@ Go to Malworebytes hove, so for, sold their product with www, Be sofe. Twitter: Focus TD licenses ie. you buy ii once ond con use it lifetime - Corol Hoynes. Facebook: Focus TD Ltd REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD 27

go Bedole ANOTHER BUSY TERM AT further workshops ond reheorsols. The Iiitr -4 up with 6 seconds to when ARKEN6ARTHDALE project culminotes in o speciol concert of ll0€l equolized for o 5-5 drow. Scorers we?e 2. then We've had onother busy ond extremely the Influence Church in Richmond, when lrg/el /'/ \ Tommy 2, Thomos ond Nofhon We ployed hod beot by 5 productive term ond with four weeks to go the children will ploy their own instruments \97 Leyburn who we to olmost lhere ore still plenty of octivities to come. togelher with the 'Hut People' ond 'Forro gools on gool difference - on 4-O ot On the sporfing front there's been o host Porro'groups. They ore looking forword to impossible challenge. Doles were up of oositive evenJs in Richmond for the this os the music is very upbeot ond holf time ond then got the 5rh only for children. The hockey ond netboll teoms rhythmicol, in the style of Brozilion sombo. Under 14's Futsol (indoor 5-o-side Leyburn to pull one bock ond ihen got ogoin getling one ottended festivols ond the yeor 2 ond 4 The concert is ot 6pm on Thursdoy 6th footboll) continued during Jonuory. The onother with Leyburn been pupils enjoyed o multi-skills ofternoon. An Morch. Under l4's ployed Bedole with Tommy bock. How unlucky - we couldn't have ofter-school sports club now tokes ploce Mork Allison Morsh opening the scoring before putting closer. 6ools from Tommy 2. Ben Metcolfe, 2 eoch Thursdoy evening ot the Reeth Mugo, Heod Teocher one up for Scott Alderson. Tommy then Scott ond Nofhon. lO's ployed Borton in the which is very well ottended. We ore looking Arkengarthdole C of E School got his hot trick. Motthew Short in gool The Under first hod bigger older forword to o cross-counfry on 13rh Morch ployed strongly keeping the pressure on knock out stoge. Borton TRAILER HIRE IN SWALEDALE Tulip scored ond Bedole lods ond in Futsol o smoll odvontoge is ot Cotterick Rocecourse for which the 14 foot Triaxle Graham Edwards Flat Bed Bedale. Nothon strength. children will be getting in to troining soon. Trailer complete with ramps and winch deflected a shot from Tommy for on own mognified ond we were nol ot full We ore delighted with the progress of the for hire. Rates f45.00 per day, also L/R goal. 2 from Scott followed ond in the Doles scored 2 with o gool from Ryon Discovery and driver available if required. second holf the subs come on ond Som Atkinson ond on own gool while Borton school choir, which, under the direction of Tef. J.L.TRADING on O7Aa9 725349 somewhot Atkinson wos Emmo Wordell ond Rod Holl, continues to Winter scored ? more for o 10-0 win. The scored more. Ellen ploying goal very nearly go from strength to strength. Following second motch ogoinst Spennithorne proved noticeoble out of fhe school's successes ot the 2Ol3 tougher. Scoti ond Kory Spink hod to work scoring twice. The second motch wos ogoinst the older Leyburn teom for o Wensleydole Tournoment of 5on9, the EADOOLEY hord to scorethen Som mqde it 3.3-O win. choir ore entering 5 closses, including o 2- We then entered the knock out stoge in similor result with o gool f rom Joe port hormony ond o folk song ond the the Cup ogoinst Northollerton. Doles Alderson. This squod is coming togelher Arkengorthdole School bond is toking port storted poorly with Norlhallerton and deserve better results when we return ofter in the junior ensemble closs. A new musicol dominoting but Doles soon osserted to gross. Under 8's footboll storts the break on 28th Februory ond group for the K51 children meets on o themselves toking the game into the mid-winter Wednesdoy ofter school. Kindly led by opponents holf. Tommy worked with Scott we welcome new ployers, 01748 884650 Sorch Kettlewell ond Borboro Birks, we to open the scoring ond then o second buf Dovid Willioms now hove o very populor eukalee group, Northollerton pulled one bock ogoinst the dovidwi | | [email protected] k Installation of Energy with 10 children toking port ond thoroughly I run of ploy. Ben Metcolf e played very well RICHAAOND & LEYBURN enjoying moking music together. Efflcient Heating Systems in gool with Thomos Wolker likewise in EMBROIDERERS' 6UILD Our K52 children hove been invited to toke r Bathrooms Fitted midfield/defence. In the second holf, The next meeting is on Thursdoy, ZOIh pori in a very exciting percussion project, I General Plumbing Nothon Tulip come on ond scored then got which is orgonised by the Swoledole onother in a perfect finish from Motthew Morch ot 1.30 pm ot Hormby Villoge Gas Fires/Stoves Installed Festivol. Working olongside professionol I Howes while Nothon got o lote second. Holl. Deb 6illonders will be giving one of musicions, the children hove olreody Tel 01969 667950 Doles hit the metolwork numerous times her foscinoting illustroted tolks on enjoyed o 1 doy workshop ot 6oyle /|ilill Mobile 07890 021S29 and deserved more but a 4-2 win put us fishermen's gonseys entitled percussion through. In the semi-finols we ployed 'Propogonsey'. Deb collects ond disploys where they mode wooden OFTEC OORGI CALOR "surprisingly" ganseys. Visitors ore most welcome. Ring instruments, which they have since Regl+tered LPG GAS OIL Instcflsrt Bedale who hod o slronger decoraled. They hove token port in tnetallere teom ond it wos neck ond neck wiih Doles 5 01609 74881! f or more detoils. 28 REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD 29

THE Two DALES CoMMUNITY running of Hudson House. Your views and REETH & DISTRICT CAZETTE LTD CoMPANY ideas will be welcome at the AGM Support the Hudson House Ltd AGM Appointme,tt oJ new Directors: Monday lOth March 2014 Reeth & District Gazette NOTICE OF THE 1lth ANNUAL GENERAL Please contact Rita Lawson 01748 884485 before 25"' Crinton Parish Hall Nlarch 201.1 if you wish to nominate a new Director Order your printing from us and MEETING 7.45Pm ANd PARTNERS,MEETING Signed: Andrew Bedford, Companl' Secretary we will credit 10o/o of the value of red Hudson House, Anvil Square, TO BE HELD Registe Officc: Reeth, North Yorkshire DLll 6T8 your order to the Gazette account ON TUESDAY 8th April 2014, at 1,00pm Hudson House Ltd is a not for profit Companl' HUNTER'S FOOT HEALTH GLII{IG at no extra cost to at HUDSON HOUSE' REETH You! Limited bl Cuarantee, Registered Number: AGENDA A slep in the right direction 1247561 Gazette when ordering 1x Minutes ofthe 10th Annual Are you unable to cut your nails or dn you Quote General Meeting suffer hon. 2* Annual Report, .corns .collus .verrucos .othletes '-r- i 3 Chairman's report. foot . fungal infections . ingrowing toe -i:.1:,r-.i:l 4* Financial report and acceptance & General Building noils jrl jrr of the audited accounts. Eall Sheila : 01748 835732 :-t t -t jJ Appointment of auditor. 5 Mobile:07833 lEE22n ReportsnEPVr L> ,/ 6 Directorsi Building work and property Ma.ntrals (; Maintenance undeftaken. --- \\ In accordance with paragraphs 26 to 34 of the Private Glinic held Elrochures-t- \ Company's Articles of Association, one third of the Plumbing, Tiling, Plastering. - A-L- a- at Reeth Medical Catalogues----- Directors must resign by rotation. Kevin Lancaster Kitchen and Bathroom fitting Neursletters and Tonv Oldershaw are due to retire as Directors. Joinery works, Gentre Saddle Stitched - Pefiect Bound - Wire Bound They may stand again if they wish. Registered Nurse specialising in 7 Election of Directors: Small jobs welcome. The Board currently consists of John Blackie, Kevin Fort Health Iare and Reflexnlogy Free No Obligation estimates Lancaster, Tony Oldershaw, Andrew Bedford, Sheila Hunter r) Margaret Sparke, Rita Lawson and Keith Allen. Up .\/ 6) .) r\ ( to seven more Directors may be appointed and Also detail plans prepared for J J )-JJ )J orooosals for new Directors are welcomed. Planning applications 8 Round-table comments from iltll, Pa]tners. Contact Gary -P-r'l-r-l 9 Questions from the meeting not Tel. 01748 886691 Invoices covered in the items above, Mob.07896 147207 Any other business approPriate Estirnates 10 [email protected] for an Annual General Meeting E-mail * These documents will be available at Hudson Order Forms House from 4h lpril, and at the meeting. COMMUNITY LED Garden HUDSON HOUSE IS A Chapel Home & I Cifi l} Guildr quelrlird COMPANY WHOLLY OWNED BY THE I Fully COMMUNITIES OF SWALEDALE AND Seruices irrurtd ARKENGARTHDALE, IT DOES NOT RECEIVE -\ friendlv, teliable nnd effrcient sen'ice for a Crrlilicslrr irrurd it'ril',c iians I ANY DIRECT FUNDING FROM PUBLIC vour home zrnd garden maintenallce. Se1\ ices Promgt prolt3rronrl rlruier BODIES. include general DIY, pressure rvashing, tree I Bird guerdr rnd corlr litltd The Annual General Meeting is open to ;Groftrc hedge trimming, rot^\-ating and all I IIO HESS . HO FUS$I l,r everyone who lives, works, owns residential pruning, property in, or is on the electoral roll of the year round garden care. Fullv insuted, with Irrlh Trrdnrll rates. tzrsks for home and >al | .a'r. two electoral wards of Reeth with competitive -\I outtIttoclltEr $wlIP I Arkengarthdale and Swaledale within the garden considered. 01 969 6{0099 rTel: 01833 690n3 Richmondshire Rural District of the County Coutact Richatd Eagle: .F.:i 'r:",-1. .*:-'- rl l-l of North Yorkshire. No fees or subscriptions The OId Chapel. \Ianick. are payable, The Board of Directors meets 07807 811795 email: sales@refprint, eight times a year and oversees the running 30 REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD 31

3OO CLUB THE BOLTON ARMS Andrew Howard loinerv DOWNHOLA4E local joiner. BELLEGREEN January 300 Club Draw Winners Experienced, 1 56 Keith Webster f50 www. boltonormsdownholme. com Friendly, honest and reliable for COTTAGE Home cooked food locolly sourced 2 295 Shirley Gale f20 all aspects of joinery work. 3 94 Shirley Raw f10 Cosy friendly otmosphere 4 198 Mike Platt f10 Winter log fires Pfease phone OI748 884045 Beautiful holiday cottage STEAK NI6HT5 overlooking Reeth Green, February 300 Club Draw Winners Superbly equipped, Fridoy 14th t & Fridoy 2Sth.Morch Don't forget the Gazette is 1 163 Judith Calveft f50 7, EtZ.5Opp, sleeps 2 216 Graham Whitehead f20 online. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, TAKE AWAY FI5H A CHI;PS 3 15 Louise Metcalfe f10 Go to www. all fuel included, open fire, Mondoy to 4 89 Phil Harrison f10 Fridoy free wifi, EARLY BIRD BAR MENU THEA,S COTTAGE private parking, Served Mondoy-Thursdoy 6-7pm Satron near Gunnerside dogs welcome. THE THOMLINSON TRUST Two courses €12.50 pp Newly renovated 4* holiday cottage for 6 For further detoils or to reserve o toble Lo stoves, beams and superb views. (in memory of Hugh Thomlinson) Contact Lyn on : The Trust provides flnancial support to Telephone 01748 823716 u k individuals and groups based in the Gunnerside Open seven doys o week except Tuesdoy lunch Or tel. 01228 40670l (Yorks Cottages) 0115 9222257 aICa, for educational, training and leisure activities. 6ood pub guide 2Ol4 Please write for an application form to: The Secretary, Thomlinson Trust, Greenacres Gunnersrde North Yorkshire, DLl1 5LE or, preferably, send an e-mail to: [email protected]. uk Established 196{ Applications are now invited for grants to be awarded in March 2014. PLUMBING & HEATING ENGINEERS Please write for an aDolication form to: . The Secretary, Thomlinson Trust, Greenacres, Gas, oil and solid fuel central healing installations Gunnerside, North Yorkshire, DL11 6LE . All aspects of plumbing and gas installations or, preferably, send an e-mail to: . Boiler servicing and repair . Landlord Gas Salety inspections . Bathroom installations and Plumbing . Heat Pumps and Sola. Heating Set tn tlu Yorlshne dales proudtng sn.fe H locolly bosed Unit 38 Forge Way, Cleveland Industrial Estate, Darlington DL1 2PB and, confortable mre .fur your mt, Completed application forms should be returned to Tel. 01325 468372 . E-Mail [email protected] web design compony, ww.aiclacher, peace o.f mtnd,.[or pu the Secretary by the 11th March 2014. providing professionol, )pen all year. .ft *,+*oFr^ r,=3r.o.** 0 HO lA Reasonable stylish ond qffordoble rates. Creerutrys Gnnton vvebsites. TeI 01748 8u3n'RiclnnndNthyorks We offer a wide range of creative solutions a Full website design service 'tt tt a Manage & update existing websites YORKSHIRE FOOT CLINICS a Advice on every aspect ofthe internet Podiatry/Chiropody a Multimediaproduction Tony Wilkinson SRCh, lvlChS, BSc Pod(HonsJ phone Tel. Richmond 850020 To find out more, John on 01748 886545

always insist on state registered or visit our website www. redweb. red -f i I m. co. u k 32 REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD 33 HUDSON HOUSE ,,sE ' -f- R Pr,rnl 0n{r{tJ ROOMS FOR HIRE A. The C. B. Inn SUITABLE FOR MEETING' LECTURE' Frrll range of hearrly ancl holi,sric(/ Arkengarthdale TALK' TRAINING OR SOCIAL EVENTS Ireatmcrts at Torr'rr llnd IIalt, Reetlr- THE MEETING ROOM Septic Tanks Emptied & fleaned Outstanding fresh food served in a wartr & Suitable for a maximum or 30 people Cor-rtartt tne, Rose Alkinsorr, Dn: dependent on layout Blocked Drains Cleared Fast friendly atmosphere. 815 for a 3 hour session for Community use T:01748 880207 IU: l-17813 841778 l9en-suite bedroorns with amazing views Grease Traps & Interceptors Emptied or 22O per hour for other users Il: rose@rosepetalbeanty, Available for dinners weddings or meetings Mornings, afternoons or evenings Soakaways Rebuilt & Repaired Lunch l2prn .- 2.30prn Dinner 6.00prr '' 9pm THE MEETING PLACE tr\,' : u'wrr'.rosepetalbe a utl'. l2-6pm Cleaning Lunch & Beyond-Saturday & Sunday Suitable for a maximum of 7O people rosepetalbeautl' Gully Emptying & Street f 15 for a 3 hour session for use fl: Community Refuse Collection Menu Classics only f,9.95 served every evening or E2O per hour for other users ,rL - w*ing - - - rnacsage along with our normal mirror menu. Evenings only ^oirp Septic Tanks Installed Access to PCs, Internet, printer, photocopier - msnhute - polhuu" gJ *tr! u,olrling, Drain Jetting and laminator High Pressure Early Bird Menu - Spm till 6.l5pm Fridal 2l'' Nlarch For Booking or more information please Mobile Steam Cleaning contact Jill May on 07748 884485 or ()rjll:III "'"' ' "'' Sewage Plant Maintainace a dm i n @ h u dson h o use. i nfo ,-# ''Q'' Fish & Chip Nieht-Fridav 28'" March lndustrial & Domestic Work Carried 0ut "Please use this valuable community asset" SPARITUAL For furfher details or to reserve a table ,-ow H,rn"e.Ban, DeporfQl: 0 | 3 2 5 37 | 860I 37 7 850 Telephone (01 7,18) 884567 Website: rrrru cbrrttt co rrl. REETH MEMORIAL HALL EVENTS English bagpipes, drums and nykelharpa. ;lfi'iill 2417 Cal'out plays North YorIihrre Saturday 8th March - Zeke Deighton - Hannah sings, accordion and is a 0Lr0sNo Http//www,mwwaste,co,uk Country Life - A Country Childhood in clog dance champion! Tickets f10 (door Words and Song. Zeke presents a selection f12) Thursday 29th May- 7.30pm at St of songs and stories depicting life in rural Andrew's, Grinton (in association with lhe THE PUNCH BOWL INN Britain before tractors, motorways and the Swaledale Festival) - Five-piece acoustic, Low Row hustle. bustle and haste of the 2I" Canadian super-group - The Bills with a Open daily for Lunch 12pm till 2.30pm century. Tickets t5 (door f6). Friday l1th combination strings, bellows, keys, of and Dinner 6pm till 9pm April Maddy Prior with Giles Lewin & voices, skin and bows, Tickets f-12.50 - D. J. OLlrlTy Traditional Carvery Hannah James. Maddy Prior (Steeleye (under 19's f3). every Sunday Span) is one of the most enduring, Tickets from Reeth Post Office. For ?ainter an"d influential and respected artists in British details or reservations ring John Little STEAK NIGHTS music. She joins multi-talented - OL74a 884759 or go to: Steak and choice of garnish f11.45 Decsratw First drink is half price instrumentalist and singer, Giles Lewin and www,reeth memorialha I Lco. u k Tuesday 4th & 18tt' March singer, accordionist and clog dancer, / Interi.or & Hannah James! Book early to avoid reethmemorialhall QUIZ & CURRY NIGHTS disappointment as Maddy's 4 previous Exteriw Happy Hour @ 7.30, Food @ 8.30 visits were all sell-outs. Tickets f 15 (door Reeth Needs You! Quiz @ 9pm f4 per person you 13tn LI7) Friday 2nd May Sam Sweeney & Can help when Le Tour comes to Reeth? caff Thursday March - Volunteers of all shaoes and sizes will be needed Hannah James. In 2Ol2 they were before during and after the event. If you would 01748 88ao65 or nominated for the Best Duo award. Sam like to helo either call into the Post Office or e-mail Telephone: (01748) 886233 (Bellowhead) sings and plays fiddle, viola, your details to: 07 8or 026 006 octave viola, Hardanger fiddle, cajon, LeTourReeth 20 [email protected] 34 REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD 35

Swaledale was treated by Paramedics & evacuated by Air Rescue Search Local Cafrzert & Jenki.neorr l-td Ambulance. lBrrll-ding' Contractors Mountain & Cave Dec 1 (02) were Rescue Team 0610212014 U.3Ohrs: The team to assist North of Tyne Mountain Rescue Team registered charity, Nov 1 J a with an ongoing search for a missing person. which provides As the team where planning for the Oct 3 mountain and cave SWALEDALE deployment, a males body was located in a river rescue the sep 2 MOUNTAIN RESCUE within & the team stood down. Swaledale and & 26/01/2014 Team training was stretcher Aug L l\.tlt arslp,e,crrs,o,f lb'u-lrilldl irnrg' Wensleydale. The CAVE RESCUE TEAM handling in a blizzard this time. rnro'rrlk caLrr;rie'd[ o'u-.rrrtjfrr,orrr]r team is made uo of July 2 Want to help but don't fancy going on the hills? rr,etrnc,rzatt.[(oror ]nre\ z lbrurilldls" highly trained volunteers who are available, any t€, Then why not join our supporters group? June 4 time day or night, in any weather. SMRT lpllarste':rirnrg. Eo rr(oo,lPirnrg. Details on our web site and Facebook page. provide a 24 hr, all year round rescue service. May 3 1 If you would like a collecting box for your place Tel: CALL 999 and ASK FOR NORTH of work, drop us an email April 1 3 OL748825962 YORKSHIRE POLICE Calendar fund raising news: Mar 2 3 Email: cjbuildersltd@gmail-corn and ask for MOUNTAIN or CAVE Many thanks to the Farmers Arms, Muker for setting up & running the fund raising calendar, Feb 1 4 L 1 RESCUE we raised just under f3,000. Thanks too to all you Each month in the Gazette we1l bring an the local shops & businesses that sold or bought Jan 2 2 1 L Company No:6769253 update of Rescues & training. If you would like them. A special thanks to Swaledale Outdoors fufther information, or would like to help the for running the internet sales at their own please 2:-1e4s team with fundraising, visit our web site expense, this boosted sales massively. *11 Cosy holiday cottage or drop a few coins into one of our collection There are a few left at The Farmers Arms, so attached to owners farmhouse boxes in the local pubs & shops. grab a bargain! Hill Farm in Arkengarthdale. Incidents & training Jan up Feb 2014: on to th Its role in the team will be to support our 2 Total incidents for 2014 4 Sleeps 2. No pets, E M. on request. = frontline vehicles by carrying our specialist Total Incidents for 2012: 49, approximately Mrs Gladys Atkinson water & flood rescue equipment, as well as our 4000 rescue person hours 01748 - 884550 underground equipment. Tel. Total Incidents for 2012: 41, approximately All money raised is used to pay for insurance, 3500 rescue person hours B RooM I NGDALES maintenance and running of our three Total Incidents for 2011:31, approximately emergency vehicles, operating and up keep of HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES 2000 rescue person hours PRESTIGE our base, and the replacement of rescue and 2013 has been our busiest year ever for IN THE DALES medical equipment. Company Reg: 07955606 Arkengarthdale Road, Reeth DL11 rescues! Thanks members, : to all team Its still dark early, so best check your torch & All cleaning and housekeeping tasks i 6QT families employers making this & for batteries if out on the hills & gear up for the undertaken We offer a wide range of advanced possible. This places an extra demand on i colder weather too. hairdressing services the team for fund raising as well as actual Thanks for the continued suppoft to all ' Carpet cleaning rescues. our readers. ' Hoovering, Dusting Everyone welcome- including children 3 incident(s) for the team this month Enjoy the hills! ' Full Laundry and Ironing seruice We stock Wella's System Professional (SP) hair 09lO2l2014 (04) 04.30hrs: The team were For a complete reliable service, care products in the Salon. They are a more called by the Ambulance service to rescue a Competitive a choice of personalised and soecialist range that can only be camper with breathing difficulties in the Colburn www.swaledalem ft .org. u k rates and conventional or ecologically friendly stocked by hairdressing professionals. If you have area. The Ambulance service 4 x 4 was bogged products available any concerns about your hair or scalp, feel free to in the mud, the team recovered the casualty & call in the salon for our help and advice, we are Following is a summary of the incident types Ambulance with the help of the Hazardous Area very happy to help! attended last year Response Team. (HART) ContactToni on 01748 885789 Open Tuesday - Saturday 07lo2l2ll4 (03) 10.30hrs: The team were or O7774561658 Late night Wednesday called by the Ambulance seryice to rescue a fallen horse rider in Wensleydale. The casualty [email protected] Salon Tel: 01748 884627 Cont. on page 35: 36 REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD 37

TWO DALES DIARY DATES. \IARCH 7th Reeth Show Domino & Whist Drive Reeth GIBRO\ryN&SOI{ Memorial Hall 8th 8th Hyde Park on Hudson 7.3opm FOR S.1LE 14th Domino & Whist Drive Keld village Hall vl]lt('t.l,t s't otr \(;t,t .\\'\il..,\Bt.E 88{6tI 7.30pm llarduoorl I ogs tlelirer cd 017I8 8860{{ 15th Make Do & Mend Fremington 10 till 4. BUILDING MAINTENANCE BUILDI\(; CO\TRACTORS I.'airtradr rrLrts and dried liuit Swaledale Big Dig Open Day R.eeth Memorial ruririllble Iionr I he Oltl lerrrpcrance Bookshop Hall t) tTlti lilt-l ilJ5 Harmonies for Heroes Concert Richmond All Building Work Undertaken School 7,30pm TDF By Local Tradesmen I+"4NTED 17th Bunting evening Muker Village Hall 7pm 31st St. Andrew's Open meeting Bridge Inn 8pm Plastering, Patios, (iruzing lirr 2 small hardy uell nrannered APRIL Painting, Pointing, Roofing, porrics prclcrably in or near Reeth Anlthing 12th Philomena Film Gunnerside Village Hall Fencing, Landscaping, corrsidcrcd 07580176915 7.3Opm New Builds, Renovations, Extensions, Old Shotgun Cartridges & Loading Tools ctc MAY For All Your Building Needs Call u,anted bl collector 01986 892071. 2nd Sam Sweeney & Hannah James 8pm Reeth Richard Keyes Memorial Hall 01748 884302 or Mob O797LAO273L {ll l}uilding \\ork (anied 0ut TO HIRE 24th Swaledale Festival Terry Alderson l\'larrick Institute Recently Refirrbishcd 01748 880325 or Mob O779L1I3453 Drmp Prurrl'['ourse &'f irlher Treatnrent Available to hire Contact 017{8 881474 ADVERTISE YOUR EVENT IN THIS Specrillrst Jtrincn \\'ork COLUMN FREE! Advertise here 20 PLEASE NOTE THAT FOR EVENTS TAKING PLACE AT \\'ork canied out b\ ttrnc-senctlqualilicd cruflsrrrerr THE BEGINNING OF THE MONTH IT IS BETTER TO DEADLINE IS words or less free! PLACE THE NOTICE A MONTH EARLIER MARCH 1OTH YvOnne'S InteriOr DegOratOr Estisyrs The Contl.rlete Seroice: c()TnpetiliLte rates, lrce e.srrir.lfes, UF Yvonng ft'ientlly advice. Dl-scoznb^ for O.A.Ps Mobile: 07438 SMALL LOITAIGES Id/..ALLPAPF'RING FROM ONLY €rO0 378436 (Richmond) FI MONTAN E Outdoors '.a, Clothing and Equipment

sx iil,i,fiF Map Room & Refuge with log burning stove.

4i.l i;.iiiF Light weight clothing & equipment. $i iiiriF Boot and rucksack fitting and advice.

*;; i,.,.!i,F Top brands, great prices. +; iffi Baby carrier hire, try before you buy. fii,l i;.,il& Family owned & run, friendly service. ftp nUN WITH US every Saturday 9.3o@ shop. bridge#"gi'e\ Mountain bikes, hybrid, leisure & road bikes from: \N \N \N.s\N a leda k Bagshaws Yard, Anvil Square, REETH DL-l 1 6TD Tel:O174a aAO29a o(mF COT-'C TG'E'< ."| ' :' tt !D['A]!. OMarrnot llEIl-|EL L^-*.,*aft\ www. dalesbikecentre. co. u k relrO 1748 884908 38 REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD 39

Dales NYCC HOME LIBRARY Swaledale General Building & Maintenance plolqld DELIVERY SERVICE Woollens is 40 years old this year Property Renovations This service is provided stIALEDALE mu{ooLIENS and to celebrate /E\\\ Building. Roofing Thursdays v j(ER_t\-SvtALEDALE R foftnightly on C!VC\D we are having an Reyno-Vations NOR N YOR(SHLI: Kitchen fitting. Joinery for Reeth and Upper exhibition in Architects Proctice D Reynoldson Bathroom suites Swaledale villages. For Muker Public New to the Doles I I,Place Hill Painting. Decorating elderly or disabled Hall over the Reeth Over 30 yeors experience. the Richrnond Ti I ing.Patios.Landscaping residents contact tel. no. weekend of We offer Norlh Yorkshire OL748 82433L. Please Tour De France + Weather damage Repairs. Plonning Advice Applicotions I DLI I 6SD Sat 5th and Sun Ground maintenance leave a message or phone Drowings 6th July. If Surveys lTechnicol I Phone: 0 | 748884109 Free Estimates. Insurance Colburn library on any Building Regulotions Advice I Mob: 0779245880 | 0845 4349502 anyone has Ernail dave reyno@btinternet conr photo's, Quotes old Building Control Submissions I knitting patterns Controct Monogement I or even a garment AleX PeOling chortered Architect Carvoeiro, Alqarve, Poftuoal ELECTRICAL GOODS? knit from conioct I Spacious 2 bedroomed, 2 bathroom, Swaledale wool I Jocqueline Peoling a.ens. many years ago, (Hons) S'tructurol ground floor apaftment with private Englneer terrace overlooking two pools, to use in our T: 01748886767 exhibition that one for children. M: 07711064287 would be great. E: [email protected] Shoft walk to beaches, Please leave them restaurants and shops. in at the shop orchitectsldesisners Flights to Faro from Newcastle via Muker or ring p l 0 l 0 l d JEt2, EAsyjet and Ryanair. 01748 886251 and Owners happy to advise about \N e con usuolly fix olmost onything we will collect. fl ig hts/tra nsfers/ taxis. electronic, including viruses R. & W. GIBSON & Please contact Ol7 4a 884473 I aa4l60. FQPET oi74a el4i 67 UNIT I -THE DALES CENTRE, REETH REETH POST OFFICE SON Ltd. For all your CERAM IC WALL & FLOOR TILERS Postal Services, J E,REMY IVIO(fN-- SHOWROOM NOW OPEN DECORATOR & PAPERHANGER NATIONAL LOTTERY, Monday - Friday Greeting Cards and 9.00 am - 4.30pm 33 years experience Saturday 10 am - I pm Quick turnaround for holiday homes and lettings Statioh€ry, Gifts, (or by appointment) Fully insured At Borough Road, Reliable and trustworthy tradesman and Village Shop. High class decorating at affordable prices Gallowfields Trading Estate References available upon request f,h SERVING OUR DL1O 4SX Call Jeremy for a free quotation E*t"k;:#.., T: OI'748 88O 155 COMMUNITY Tel. 01748 - 822682 (Home) M: 07876 764 812 Tel. 01748 - 821909 (Showroom) Email : j eremylmoon @ oL748 884201 40 REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD 4l

REETH oAZETTE LTD. picture pleose contoct the Editor. For BRAESIDE COTTAGE The Gozelle welcomes arficles ond off odverts pleose refer lo the Editor, Overlooking the green, Reeth photogrophs ond drowings for inclusion in full oddress on poge 3. Sleeps 8 the publicotion. To submit on orticle or Three bedrooms, 2 bathrooms Private coufiard, beautiful cottage garden u k Quality Cottages in the heart or Tel 0114 2467599 of the Yorkshire Dales DEADLINE IS KrruLoncs Hablhhed Local Cleaniry 1OTH Call into Unit 3, Reeth Daleg Centre to: & laundry Servir: MARCH

Recently Relocated to: . view our range of self-cateringcottages U nit 3, freeth Daler Centre around th e Yorksh ire Dales Geoff Braithwaite laundry Services Eating out or looking for . e.l]qllite about availability and to book Every Day Laundry Pronprtv Maintenance your next short break or holiday. acconunodation ln Towe\ Kitchen & Bed Linen Painting and Decorating 0r if you are a property owner we offer: Cleaning Services Upp*r Snaledale? . Kitchen & Bathroom Fitting FREE marketing Deep Chans Floor Tiling r propertymanagement End ofTenancy Chans Wall & Tty *t srcdleur Srndry orweeldryhrnrh fld dimEr r housekeeping Ad Hoc Chaning Pointing & Patios grcet food Holiday Home Changeovers trr€rus and eojoy md r and a full laundry service. General Repairs sme of the b€st virmrs in trE hlts. Call in or contact us on 01748 ffi 420 for price lists You can also contact uc on 01748 900 420 or and fufther information. Fast, Friendly, Reliable e,BilJ. conta ct u r@ h ol i d ayh o meyo rkrh i re. co. u k Se rvice We rlso offu a foll *E* of teesb Stay in touch @yeIkhirgbgjl cofteq sursts, rEf,l f,lB md wims. Qual ity work Guaranteed Tel : 01748 886783 Csme rnd rurtus Nt ffdd hdge to er+Etriffi sme er@icmrl S. lEl Builders (Reeth) LfD @thlity. Jason Cdl umil to mrke yuutrhle All works carried out by qualified craftsmen resvrtim ortoboc& ooe sfflIr Over 30 years experience For all your painting and cmfrrtrblercocts. .General Building Maintenance. Weather damage repairs. Extensions. Roofing. decorating needs call Plastering. Landscaping. kitchen fitting. Joinery. Tiling c Decorating. Insurance work Jason on 07916 297 977 Td: 0l?48 886259 Eneil infoEeeHlodge-con Free Quotes Given 42 REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD 43

WENSLEYDALE TREE & HORTICULTURAL SERVICES (Est. 1995) DAVID ALLEN ( HND Arboriculture) Fully insured (f5 million) Professional tree work: felling, crown thinning etc undertaken to BS 3998 Logs for sale. Petrol log splitter for hire. Woodchipper for hire. Woodchips for sale Tree stump removal (stumps ground out) Hedge establishment and maintenance. Supply /planting offorest and ornamental trees (D Fruit tree maintenance. Pesticide applications (weed control services) Also, fencing, trelliswork, pergolas, arches' Tel. 01969 661364, Mobile 07811 576108 or e: mail - [email protected] Bring this advert with you to our popular 5unday Carvery for a special discount off2.00 per peron for your family and friends. [Usually f7.50, but f5.50 per person with this advertl Enjoy traditional skel tonstud'io Yorkhire Pud, real gravy and a choice ofLamb, DE.SlqN )OLA^P FABRICS Beef, Tuftey and Pork. From 12 Noon until 3.00pm. 0rffervalid for any 5unday in March. sqeoLaLLsLwg Lw s oft f ur wLshLvt gs CuvtaLtns $ wLwd, ow Lreatvt*ewts late Night Take-Aways The Farmers Arms, Muker bst0rdes 1l.30pm Upper Swaledale on Fridayt and T oL74g e2aLo7/ Satudaysfor real The heart of spectacular walking country Piza, Fish & Chips M o77Lo b92 8o3 and Kebabs! Phone Sunday 6th Apil - 19.00 Serving good pub food everyday your oder ahead h e ath er @ sk eLto wlrr aLL.f swet. c o . L'd? 12pm-2:30pm and 6pm 8:30pm and it will be rcady - forcollection. Sandwiches and Homemade Soup Billy &Tom Served AII Day Mitchell Well-kept Lo*cal Real Ales Billy is still known in this area as one halfofthe hilarious duo, ANDY MALTON LTD Maxie & Mitch. Nationally he Dog & Muddy Boot Friendly is known as the lead singer Open Fire & Stone Flagged Floor for Lindisfarne or as a duet Contractor Holiday Apartment (sleeps 2) with Bob Fox. His son Tom General Building is an extremely talented Plastering / Roof ing / Dry ltning/ Tel:01748 886297 multi-instrumentalist and Ceiling Work / Pointing / C superb singer. Expect ,,.i www.farmersarms an evening ofthe Guttering very best ofgolden rsewation today. Details abo on the websitt. oldies from the MOST BUILDING REPAIR WORK Beatles to Lindisfarne and their own, excellent CARRIED OUT self-penned number. (Estimates Free) DEADLINE IS Joln us on lrtcbooland leep up to date rlth rhrt's happenlng NO JOB TOO SMALL MARCH 1OTH atthe Nutk, Searrh forBu