NORTH AND MIDDLE LITTLETON PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of meeting held August 21, 2013 at 7pm in the village hall.

Apologies: Councillor R Heming; Councillor R Lasota

Present: Councillors C Emms, A Lloyd, J Bashford, S Wilkins, Mrs J Bayliss, J Haywood Mrs M Brighton (clerk) 8 Parishioners

Minutes of meeting held July 17, 2013 were agreed and signed following Councillor Bayliss being added to apologies and removed from present.

Matters Arising 1 Parish Paths: Footpath signs at the Fish and Anchor to be replaced. Steps are to be installed at the entrance to the field opposite Amery Lodge. A communication had been received from Police regarding cyclists using the footpath along the river from North Littleton to . The owner of the land has a sign stating cyclists dismount. Councillors RESOLVED no further signs required.

2 Footbridge: Environment Agency have informed the parish council that this will be removed.

3 Highways: North Littleton Crossroads – a letter had been received from John Smith CC stating that this was being looked into, Information sign at North Littleton crossroads – Councillor Adams had informed the parish council of his correspondence with Worcestershire County Council and it was RESOLVED to support him in his suggestion for an arrow to point left to the A46.

4 Play Area: The snail has been repaired. Self closing gate repaired. The donkey has been removed. Following discussion it was RESOLVED to look at play equipment to replace the donkey. The information regarding the plaque to be returned to Fields in Trust together with a request for an example of a plinth.

5 Parish Plan: There had been a good report received from . . The planning committee have approved the plan which will be going to the executive committee.

6 106 Agreement: A reply had been received from Worcestershire County Council stating that a feasibility study was to be taken. RESOLVED to keep asking for an update.

7 Conservation Area: A draft has been submitted to Wychavon District Council which has received positive comments. Various features are being looked at for mapping.

8 Protecting Green Belt: Councillors have no comments to make regarding this.

Wychavon Parish Games: It was RESOLVED to pay the entry fees of £60.00.

Ivy Inn: A communication had been received from a parishioner regarding an advertisement on the Ivy Inn lawn. It is understood that this is a temporary sign and it was RESO9LVED to monitor this and review at the September meeting.

Village Sign: A letter had been received from Homer Auctions stating that the North Littleton village sign is in the wrong place. Following discussion it was RESOLVED to forward this to Worcestershire County Council for their comments.

Sewerage: This problem had previously been discussed with no satisfactory outcome from Severn Trent. It was RESOLVED to contact them again with a supporting map.

Badsey Community News: This to be circulated.

Proposed Incinerator: Councillor Haywood declared an interest in this item. A communication had been received from Parish Council regarding a proposed incinerator in their parish. This to be circulated.

Neighbourhood Planning: Notification of a seminar to be held had been received. There was no interest from councillors to attend.

Planning Decisions: W/13/01359/PN, The Croft Barn, School Lane, Middle Littleton Installation of photo voltaic panels on the south roof slope of the Croft Barn.- Approved.

W/13/01330/CU -Land adjoining The Old Barn, Cleeve Road, Middle Littleton Change of use of land to mixed equestrian and agricultural use to include erection of stable block provision of access and parking/turning area. – Approved

W/1301093/PP - A Vaughan Lower Farm House, East Side, North Littleton. Proposed extensions and alterations to garage - Approved

Withdrawn : W/13/01053 - Homer/Rooftop, Land, Cleeve Road, Middle Littleton Revision of original application - One unit to become affordable housing

Application W/13/01583/OU & /// - Medwell Cleeve Road, Middle Littleton, , WR11 8JR Outline application for 5 low cost dwellings and associated works (following refusal W/12/02580/OU) The following comments to be submitted to Wychavon District Council Councillors of North and Middle Littleton parish council were unanimous in their objections to this proposal. The present building of low cost housing in the parish fulfils the need established in the parish plan and therefore this application for five low cost dwellings is not required. This land has never been allocated for housing and the adjacent bungalow was allowed because of the building of greenhouses. Is there therefore an agriculture tie on the land/property? The tightly packed nature of the proposed development is out of keeping with the properties along this stretch of Cleeve Road, which are detached and in their own large grounds.

Footpaths: Following discussion it was RESOLVED to instruct the lengthsman to side out the footpaths at Arrow Lane and Cleeve Road (Middle to South).

Hedges: Hedges adjacent to footpaths at Arrow Lane and the top of School Lane require cutting back. Chairman to speak to landowners.

Verges: The untidy condition of the grass verge at the bottom of Blakes Hill was discussed. It was RESOLVED to contact Worcestershire County Council regarding this.

Cheques M Parkinson (mowing & lengthsman) £565.00 Eon (street lighting) £165.60 Eon (street lighting) £102.00 Wychavon Sport (parish games) £60.00

Open Forum Items discussed East/West side footpath - surface/sideout Storm drains – drain blocked - Kanes hedge Skate Park – Information to be obtained Road Surface – Arrow Lane – Report to Police