See inside for information about our Christmas Services

Weybourne Way, 98 Woodham Lane New Haw, KT15 3DH

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CHOIR LEADER Vicar—Andy K Reid 07799 883412 [email protected] Maggie Guilfoyle 01932 347834

Curate—Phil Barlow 07715 496305 CHILDREN AND FAMILIES [email protected]

Rev. Jenny Phillips (OLM) Bethany Wood Email: 01932 429689 [email protected]

Rev Mark Oliver (SSM) LAY PASTORAL ASSISTANTS 01932 910355 Anne Sharp 01932 340976 Pam Bridger 01932 888915 CHURCHWARDENS

Derek Malcolm 01932 344851 SACRISTANS

33 Cobbs Way Tina Hookham 01932 344953

Linda Salt 01932 345339 Anne Sharp 01932 340976 ‘Melrose’, Mayfield Avenue Christina Ashdown 01932 349996

SAFEGUARDING OFFICER TREASURER Anne Sharp 01932 340976 Kirsten Sharples 07989 431391 [email protected]


Michelle Fenn 01932 349297 Pam Bridger 01932 888915

Mon/Wed/Thur 9.00am to 1.00pm In Bosco’s office GIFT AID OFFICER

Email: John Sales 01932 343593 [email protected]


PCC SECRETARY Lyn Taylor 01932 347410

Alison Mayger 01932 352950 MU BRANCH LEADER

FACILITIES MANAGER Pat Pond 01932 340018


MAGAZINE EDITOR Karen Benson 07478 139527 Email: Margaret Broad 01932 342325 [email protected] [email protected]


Andy writes….

As I write this we are in lockdown (again!) and there is SO much uncertainty about what Christmas is going to look like this year. Most of our normal celebrations for Christmas are under threat! I’m sure that there will still be presents under the tree, and a Christmas Dinner to look forward to for most of us… but what about the Christmas parties? What about visiting friends and family? At All Saints’ we remain uncertain about whether we will be able to gather together in our buildings for our Christmas services or whether we will be forced to do some or all of them online.

2020 has been a tough year for us all and the blows just keep coming. Even with the news of new vaccines on their way, it seems hard to feel hopeful and joyful right now.

And yet the Christmas story is full of hope, if only we will stop and re- call once again just how much hope there is for us because of Jesus. Christmas marks the coming of the Jesus into the world. It is because of Jesus that we can have SO much hope for the future. God’s own son, came and lived among us, showing us what God is like. He also came to die in our place so that we might be forgiven for those times when we have gone against God and lived our lives for ourselves. By rising from the dead Jesus shows us that that we can look forward to eternal life, in God’s presence, where we are told in Revelation 21 v 4, ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.’

Our theme this Christmas is ‘Comfort & Joy’. After the battering we have had in 2020, I think we could all do with a bit of comfort and joy in our lives right now. Comfort from knowing that even in these dark times God is with us, and Joy that we have the promise of being with him, the God of love, for all eternity if we turn back to him.

Check out our NEW Website (new address ( for details about how you can find some Comfort and Joy with us as we celebrate Christmas together – virtually or in person!

Rev Andy K Reid 3 Andy

Dear Readers,

Well we managed two months of Services in the Large Hall and enjoying Claire’s but at the time of writing, we are back in lock- down. I hope that everyone is keeping well and that we will soon be able to meet up again. In the meantime, I hope that you find something of interest in the magazine and if you would like to spend a spare hour writing a short piece for the magazine, it would be greatly appreciated!

Please keep an eye on the new website for details of our Christmas services and activities.

Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01932 342325 (Please leave your name and phone number and I will call you back)

Magazine Subscriptions

Magazine subscriptions become due for renewal from 1st January and the cost will remain at £5 for the year. If you have your magazine delivered, then please could you give your subscription to the volun- teer who delivers.

The price of each magazine is 50p or if paid annually, £5.00 for 12 copies. We can deliver to your door or, in normal times, there is stock at the back of Church for you to help yourself.

If you would like to start having the magazine, please let Margaret know. Large print copies are available by request.

If you live outside our Parish and would like a copy posted to you, or to a friend, then the annual cost is £12.00 (to include postage) and I will be pleased to arrange the delivery.

During this time of the Covid-19 virus, we are sending out as many magazines as possible via email. If you would like to receive copies in this way, please email: [email protected]

Many thanks, Margaret Broad (01932 342325)



Church Services are available on line. We hope that during December, we will be able to return to live services.

Every Wednesday Holy Communion at 11.00am

Every Sunday United Service at 10.00am

On Sundays we hope that we will soon be able to resume activities in Bosco’s for Children during the 10.00am Service

When services resume, if you would like to attend, please email Michelle to book a place:

[email protected] or Tel: 01932 342325 (please leave a message)

For updates on our services, please see our weekly newsletter or visit:


YouTube: Link posted on church website

or find us on facebook:

Here are Services planned for the Christmas Season:

Christingle Service 3pm Saturday 12 December— Zoom service with songs, a talk and activities

Carol Service 6.30pm on Sunday 20th December—Worship with many well known Carols

Nativity Crib Service 3pm on the 24th December—A drama- tised version of the Nativity with songs, for families of all ages.

Midnight Holy Communion 11.15pm on the 24th December

Christmas Day 10am on the 25th December—Celebrate Jesus bringing hope into our world!



With the lockdown, Woodham and New Haw Horticultural Club has been unable to meet in the Church Hall as usual. We are looking forward to the return of our social gatherings on the first Friday of each month. In the meantime, we held our first Zoom meeting in November and will continue using Zoom until social mingling is allowed again.

For our meeting on Friday 4th December, we are delighted to welcome Matt Biggs, known as ‘The Peoples Gardener’, author and a regular panellist on Radio 4’s Gardener’s Question Time. He will be talking about the ‘Wonder of Plants’. This talk will be specifically for our members. If you would like to be part this meeting online, you can join the Club for £6 and this will include membership for 2021. Please get in touch using the contact page on our website: to be able to be part of what will be an excellent informative evening.

For our members, we are also hosting an online competition of the best Christmas table decoration and the best home-made wreath - both with cash prizes! Photographic entries will close on the 18th December. You can decorate your festive table and show some Christmas spirit at your door, even if just for the delivery people, as well as impressing your friends and perhaps even winning a prize for it! Details are on our website David Clubley A HUGE THANKS to Margaret our Editor, her husband Peter, Phil Bailey and the other volunteers who have managed to give us our Parish Magazine for the best part of this year after the arrival of Covid and the disruption it has caused - and continues to cause.

Margaret has managed to get the magazines to those who elected to receive via e mail and hard copies have been arranged for those who do not have email.

Lockdown brought its challenges but getting the magazine with local information, articles and updates regarding our church and services has continued to be her priority.

We are very fortunate to have such a brilliant and caring Editor! Jenny Froude 6

Pastoral Letter written by Jenny Phillips

Dear Friends,

As we approach Christmas, we have to acknowledge that this is going to be unlike most Christmasses we have known before. The shadow of Covid 19 seems to loom over us like a dark cloud. Will we be able to see our family? Will we be able to visit each other or celebrate with friends? Will we be able to give the children a good time?

These questions trouble everyone whether or not Christmas is a time of religious observance or just an enjoyable holiday. But as members of God’s family, we know that we are not just looking for tinsel, pud- ding, crackers and funny jumpers. We celebrate the awesome, almost unbelievable truth that God stepped into our human lives to bring sal- vation. Jesus was born to live a fully human life and bring us back to God through his totally committed love and willing sacrifice.

How much our suffering world needs to know this!

Longing for peace, our world is troubled Longing for hope, many despair. Your word alone has pow'r to save us. Make us your living voice. Christ, be our light! Shine in our hearts. Shine through the darkness. Christ, be our light! Shine in Your church gathered today.

In the prologue to John’s gospel we hear that “What has come into being in him was life and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not over come it.”

Whatever darkness we may have to suffer during our uncertain future, let us rejoice that Jesus is the light that can never be put out. Please join with us however you are able - whether in church or at home - and know the joy, peace and hope of this Christmas.

In His Name, Jenny Phillips

Many thanks to Bethany, Michelle and Andy for updating the All Saints’ Website—have a look! You can now leave .uk off the old address to access the new one!


2019—43,731 emergency meals were given to people in crisis.

2012—the year that the Trussell Trust first food- bank opened

22% - more than 1 in 5, of the UK population live below the poverty line.

Our Runnymede Foodbank at 95 Street, Chertsey, is open to clients from 10am-12 noon on Wednesdays. They offer pre-packed emergency parcels to clients who attend the session. These emer- gency parcels will have been previously packed into crates at the Runnymede Foodbank warehouse and then shipped to the store room in Chertsey.

If you need support and plan to attend the session, please ensure you obtain an e-voucher from one of our referring agencies (see below) and bring that with you. We’d also suggest you bring a face mask and your own bags, if possible.

Referral Agencies: Citizens Advice Bureau, please call 01932 838383 and select Option 5 to speak to Runnymede Borough Council Welfare Line, or 01932 827187 to speak to Runnymede & Spelthorne Citizens Advice Bureau.

We are in need of new volunteers—even just one day a month can make a difference!

For information on how to become a volunteer, please email: [email protected].

Most supermarkets have a bin for collection of donations to the Foodbank.

Suggested items: Christmas biscuits and sweets. Tins of meat, fish, fruit, vegetables. Long life milk, breakfast cereals, tea, coffee, rice and pasta. Washing products, shampoo/shower gel—and pet food.


Sadly the walks have to be suspended again due to the Covid-19 guidelines.

We hope to be able to start up again soon.

Roy Park, mobile 07592 586966



1. An Armadillo bug is a nickname for which common creature? 2. In Wales what is known as the Devil’s Appendix? 3. Where was the trilogy “The Lord of the Rings” filmed? 4. Where was cyclist Chris Froome born? 5. 20/20 vision refers to what unit of length? 6. Name of the legendary Biblical hunter? 7. Who opened the Sydney Opera House? 8. How many internal angles of a Pentagon? 9. New York’s Theatre District is called what? 10. What is a young dragonfly called? 11. The Novel Captains Corelli’s Mandolin is set on which Greek Island? 12. When was Tower Bridge built?

C L A I R E ’ S Coffee Lounge in B O S C O ‘ S by All Saints’ Church New Haw

Tea, Coffee and Snacks

By donation in aid of All Saints’ Church Funds

When Covid guidelines permit, we are open every Tuesday and Thursday in Bosco’s 10.00—12.15pm

No need to book—distancing in place—all welcome

Donations can now be accepted by card or cash!


I am happy to do small sewing jobs i.e, Alterations, Repairs etc. I would just like a small donation which will go into church funds.

Please call me on 01932 340976. Anne Sharp

No God, No Peace. Know God, Know Peace


Advent is an important part of the Christian cal- endar. It means 'coming' and it's the time before Christmas, which celebrates the birth of Jesus. It is all about preparing for Christmas Day.

Advent starts on the Sunday nearest to 30 November, which this year is the 29th.

Jesus, you are light even in the darkest places. Help us to trust in you when we are lost or lonely. Shine hope into our hearts we pray. Amen.

Q: Why is it getting harder to buy Advent calendars? A: Their days are numbered! Q: How much did Santa pay for his sleigh? A: Nothing, it was on the house! Q: What would you call an elf who has just won the lottery? A: Welfy Q: What do the elves call it when Father Christmas claps his hands at the end of a play? A: Santapplause! Q: What do you call a snowman with a six pack? A: An abodominal snowman Q: What did the beaver say to the Christmas tree? A: It’s nice gnawing you! Q: What do you call a group of chess players bragging about their games in a hotel lobby? A: Chess nuts boasting in an open foyer! Q: What do you call a person who doesn’t believe in Santa? A: A rebel without a Claus. Q: Who is Santa’s favourite singer? A: Elf-is Presley


Bethany's Treehouse

Excitingly, the first few episodes of 'Bethany's Treehouse' were re- leased on 28th November!

This Christian TV series for pre- school children features Bethany Wood, our very own Youth, Children & Families Minister.

To find the episodes, go to the AllStars Kids website and search for Bethany's Treehouse, or download the App available for IOS and Android.

You can also access Bethany’s All Saints’ children’s pages on our new website: treehouse

We send our love and congratulations to Fiona Simon who was licensed as Rector of Bisley and West End via Zoom on Wednesday 18th November at 7.30pm.

Sadly due to the Covid lockdown, we were not able to attend in person but everyone at All Saints’ sends love to Fiona and Paul as they prepare for this new ad- venture in their ministry.

Caption Competition

 I’ve hear of saddlebacks but where are the wheels  Don’t ask where the recharging port/pork is!!  Are you sure this is the easiest way to find a truffle?  Now come on this way, I said I would bring home the bacon.


SILVER CLUB of Woodham & New Haw (est. 1948)


Unfortunately, the Day Centre will not be opening again until 2021. Therefore, the Silver Club will remain closed until the New Year. Sad news, I know but we must keep everyone safe in the Covit time.

We hope that you are still well and keeping safe. Don’t forget, if you need help contact Julie or myself or the Runnymede Council number 01932 838383 (Option 5). Please take care of yourselves in the meantime.

As the Day Centre remains closed in 2020, the Christmas Meeting/ Party/Lunch will not take place. We hope to have some sort of wel- come back party in 2021 and will let you know about that soon. In the meantime, keep safe, keep in touch with Members and follow the Regulations, as Boris tells us!

If you need to contact any of us, please call Val on 01932 840028 Howard or Julie on 01932 351216 or any other Committee member


We should like to thank the library’s Community Partnership volunteers for ensuring the opening of the library though under- standably and rightly in a limited way.

We hope that all readers, volunteers and Friends will have a healthy and happy Christmas.

With very best wishes, Moira James, Chairman, and Sheila Fraser, Hon Secretary, Friends of New Haw Library

All Saints Church Halls, Bosco’s and Claire’s—Hopefully private hirings will resume soon.

Contact: Karen Benson on 07478139527

or email: [email protected]

I have kleptomania but when it gets bad, I take something for it!



There are 20 members on the PCC which includes the Ministry Team:

Revd Andy Reid, Revd Jenny Phillips, Revd Mark Oliver, Revd Phil Barlow, Bethany Wood

The Churchwardens are Derek Malcolm and Linda Salt

Deanery Synod members are Claire Simpson, Howard Barlow and Derek Malcolm

Elected PCC Members are: Due to retire in 2021—Pam Bridger, Alison Mayger (Secretary), Jennifer Pratt, Christina Ashdown Due to retire in 2022—June Knight Due to retire in 2023—Kirsten Sharples (Treasurer), Sarah Webb, Ilana Hill, Howard Barlow, Pavel Bartak, Tina Hookham, Maggie Guilfoyle

In addition to the above—Buildings Co-options for the year are Jean Walker, John Oldfield and Jean Samuel

Deputy Churchwardens for the year are Ilana Hill and Julie Barlow.

Group Convenors are Sarah Webb (Buildings) and Linda Salt (Finance)

Andy and the Churchwardens are Ex-officio members of all sub- committees.

Men’s Grub Club!!

Currently suspended due to the Coronavirus.

We had hoped to restart by now but sadly this will not be possible due to current restrictions, so please watch for further news! Details from John Sales Tel: 343593

Bible Verse to Ponder

While Joseph and Mary were in Bethlehem, the time came for her to have the baby. She gave birth to her first son. She wrapped him up well and laid him in a box where cattle are fed. She put him there because the guest room was full. Luke chapter 2 v 6-7 Easy to Read Bible



Our Home Groups are keeping in contact throughout the Covid-19 period and look forward to meeting up again in the future. In the meantime, if you are interested in getting in touch with one of our groups, please don’t hesitate to make contact:

Emmaus—Meet fortnightly on Monday mornings 10.30 to 12 noon at 7 Greenwood Close. Please contact Rod Jones on 341220.

Routes—Meet on Tuesday mornings at 10.30-12 noon in Bosco’s. Please contact Pam Bridger on 888915 or Pam Sales on 343593.

Travelling Together—Meet on Tuesday evenings at 7.30 for 8.00pm at 18 Aprilwood Close. Please Contact Sarah Webb on 350747.

Faith Journeys—Meet on Wednesday evenings 7.30-9.00pm in Members’ Houses. Please contact Jenny Phillips on 429689.

Believing and Belonging—Meet on Wednesday evenings 7.45- 9.15pm, either in the small hall or at 52 Selbourne Avenue. Please contact Arthur Birkby on 07859 425243.


Sadly we were unable to meet up in November as hoped. However we look forward to resuming work parties as soon as the regulations allow.

In the meantime, if you have an hour to spare and are happy to bring your own tools, then a spot of gardening in the Church grounds would be greatly appreciated.

Best wishes for a happy Christmas and peaceful 2021 and we Look forward to seeing you again soon! Sarah Webb 01932 350747

Volunteer and make a difference If you have time to support your local community please call

Chertsey 01932 571122. Visit our office at 6 Sainsbury Centre, Chertsey or email [email protected]

Or visit our websites:

Voluntary Support North

Improving lives locally Surrey


Just a Helping Hand—Thank you to all our readers who have made beanie hats for this charity. Some of you have delivered them direct to the Revive Café in Chertsey and last week I had the pleasure of passing on another three bags full! Megan from Just a Helping Hand was really grateful and said that if a matching scarf could go with the hats, that would be even more special!

Please deliver any donations to the JAHH basket in Revive Coffee Shop, 99 Guildford Street, Chertsey KT16 9AS Monday to Saturday 10am-3pm For more details contact: [email protected] 07787 993366


Meetings are usually held in the Community Centre, New Haw on the 3rd Wednesday in the month 2pm-4pm

After the good news that a vaccine may be available soon, we are hoping to start holding our meetings and events again as soon as it’s safe for our members to do so. More than ever we have relied upon the friendship and support provided by each other during these past months and are all looking forward to meeting up again in person.

On behalf of our committee, I would like to send our love and best wishes to everybody for a Merry Christmas and a very Happy and Healthy New Year.

Cherill Thompson, President of the New Haw and Woodham WI

Blue Christmas

Although many people can’t wait for the jollities of Christmas, there are some for whom Christmas is a difficult and even painful time. They may be grieving, unwell, separated from family or going through bad times in many different ways.

We are holding a service at 4pm on Wednesday 23rd December, which will include Holy Communion, for those who feel that the traditional Christmas is not for them. We hope that it will be a time of comfort and hope and that it will give those who attend the reassur- ance of God’s love for them, his understanding and his peace. Jenny Phillips


NEW HAW AND WOODHAM GOOD NEIGHBOURS (NH&WGN) would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. As I write this we are in the first week of the ‘new’ lockdown.

To all the volunteers who are willing to drive I say a very big thank you. I ask you to stay safe and follow the safety advice we have been given.

To all the people who use the scheme I also say a very big thank you. Just a reminder we are taking people to Doctors, Hospitals, Chiropo- dist, Opticians, Therapy clinic and Dentists.

We ask you to wear a mask and sit in the back behind the passenger seat. We can only take one person and we cannot take anybody in to their appointment.

As you will be aware the restrictions are to protect us all from COVID- 19. As soon as the Government gives the OK we will start being the good neighbours that we used to be.

At this point I would like to wish you every Blessing as we approach the time of Christmas and hope that what we are going through now will be worth being able to be with family and friends over Christmas and the New Year.

We hope you are all keeping safe and well.

IF YOU NEED HELP Please telephone MONDAY to FRIDAY 07855 680950 10.00am to 12.00noon


If you would like to know more please telephone the above number or CELIA JAFFREY on 07969788404. I would love to hear from you. Registered Charity number 1174995

Q: Why are Christmas trees so fond of the past? A Because the presents beneath them! Q: Why is Christmas just like a day in the office? A: Because you do all the work and the chap in the suit gets the credit. 16

Julie, Howard, and Adam Barlow wish all our lovely friends at All Saints, a very happy and blessed Christmas and a healthy 2021 XX

We wish everyone who is part of our beloved All Saints’ Church a very happy and holy Christmas and we pray 2021 will bring answers to our prayers - especially the ‘devil’ Covid. Keep safe, Jenny and Peter

A Blessed and Happy Christmas to All Saints Family from Jenny Phillips

Christmas greetings and best wishes for 2021 to everyone, Margaret and Pete Broad

Marion and John Oldfield wish all at All Saints a very happy Christmas and a happy and healthy new year


Christmas Greetings to you all and wishing you a Peaceful New Year. Lilian Seabrook

Wishing everyone at All Saints' a very happy and blessed Christmas. With love from us all, Brenda, Phil Bailey and family

We would like to wish everyone a happy healthy and blessed Christmas and all good wishes for 2021 love Val and Dave Hessey

Wishing our church family health, happiness and peace this Christmas and many blessings in 2020. With love, John & Pam Sales & family xx

Anne and John Sharp would like to wish all our All Saints friends a very Happy Christmas. Thanks to all the Clergy and Michelle for all the extra work they have had to do to bring us services during lockdown.


A very happy, healthy and peaceful Christmas and New Year to you all. Love and best wishes, Sue and Eddie Farley.

Christmas Greetings and Best Wishes for 2021 to everyone at All Saints from Brenda Garrad

Christmas greetings from Peter and Linda Newman.

Wishing the church family, a Peaceful Christmas and Good Health for 2021. From Pam & David Bridger

A Happy and peaceful Christmas to our Church family With love from Lyn and David Taylor xx


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone at All Saints’ Sarah, Michael and Thomas Webb

Wishing you a safe and peaceful Christmas, with love from the Rochelle Family

Merry Christmas and the best of health and happiness in the New Year! Love Linda Salt

Best Wishes to everyone for Christmas and a better 2021 Love Nicky Boxer

Wishing everyone a very happy Christmas and a healthy New Year Love from Sue Lambert


New Haw Library—Community Partnered Library

In line with government guidance, New Haw Library are still able to offer key services throughout the lockdown period which means you can still get your fix of reading.

Click & Collect – New Haw Library will continue to be open three times each week: Monday and Wednesday 2pm to 5pm Friday 10am to 1 pm

1) Use the library catalogue to request a book and pick it up a branch of your choice. Reservations will remain free for this period. This service is ideal if you want a specific author or title. https:// 2) Use our ‘Ready Reads’ service where by you tell us the type of books you like and our knowledgeable staff will select titles to meet your needs. You can select up to 5 books using this service and can request books for multiple adults and children on one form. A good service if you just want a selection of books.

We will be accepting returns during the lockdown period so you can return your items when you collect your Ready Reads or Reservations or pop them through the ‘out of hours’ return box.

If you do not have books to pick up, we would ask you to minimise your travel and hold onto your books as nothing will be due back before the end of the lockdown. We will update and review this based on the latest government guidelines about reopening.

Best wishes for a very Happy and Safe Christmas to all our Readers and Volunteers.

Shân Hughes, New Haw Community Partnered Library

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year with love from Sandy, Chloe and Family


LOCAL NEWS— All 89,000 street lights in Surrey are to be converted to energy-efficient LEDs over the next three years. The £20 million programme demonstrates Surrey County Council's commitment to reducing energy consumption, supports the aim of being net carbon zero by 2050, and saves money.

The LEDs use around 65 per cent less energy, which will save up to £2 million a year. If energy prices continue to rise, the saving will be even greater. The benefits are long term as the new LED street lights will last for 20 years – six times longer than traditional bulbs.

The three-year programme has already started in Guildford borough, with lights in and Waverley due to be converted in the coming months. The lights will be a warm white colour, so residents shouldn't notice a difference with the old bulbs, and are designed to direct the light more onto the highway so will be less intrusive into homes and gardens.

The council's contractor Skanska is managing the conversion to LEDs. The light changes will be combined with other maintenance (such as electrical tests) to save time and money.

Surrey Wildlife Trust has rediscovered one of the largest and most endangered British spiders on a Ministry of Defence (MOD) training area in Surrey, after more than 20 years without a UK sighting.

The Great Fox-Spider is Red-listed as ‘Critically Endangered’ and was feared to no longer exist in the UK as it had only ever been found at three sites, two in Dorset and the other in Surrey, but hadn’t been seen since 1999.

Great Fox-Spiders are ground dwelling and largely nocturnal but Mike Waite, spider enthusiast at Surrey Wildlife Trust, had never given up hope that he might find the monster spider. He spent many hours of late night searching with a torch over the last two years, until he dis- covered some unidentifiable immature spiderlings and then several mature males and one female Great Fox-Spider, which was 55mm or just over two inches in diameter including its hairy, spiny legs.

CLIP ON ADJUSTABLE BATH SEAT—If you are interested, please phone 01932 848203


Hearing Champions

A Guildford initiative, in partnership with the NHS and All Saints' Church, New Haw 98 Woodham Lane KT15 3DH

Unfortunately Hearing Champion sessions is still closed. How- ever, if batteries are needed please contact your Hearing Aid supplier and they should be able to help you.

Anne Sharp advises hearing patients who attend St Peter’s to send them a stamped addressed envelope and a note stating what is re- quired. Regarding Royal Surrey, there is this information:

Email: [email protected] or phone: 04183 464108. If you need hearing aid batteries or replacement tubes please contact the department and they will send them by first class post. Make sure you include the following information in your message: Name, address, date of birth, type of batteries/tubes. Hearing aid batteries cannot be collected from the hospital so please do not come to the hospital unless you have an appointment.

Hearing aid repairs Royal Surrey: Postal repairs - you can post your aids to be repaired and they will be returned by post. It may take up to 2 weeks and if it has been over 2 weeks you will need to contact the department. Booked repair appointment - You can book a repair appointment and current waiting time is between 2-3 weeks

Walk in Repair Clinic and Drop Off service are NOT running.

Lost hearing aids: If you have lost one or both of your hearing aids and are a Royal Surrey patient, please email the Royal Surrey and they can let you know if replacements can be posted or if you need to be booked in for an appointment.

For up to date information on Royal Surrey Hearing Department, keep a check on their website:

. We never really grow up; we only learn how to act in public.


Fortunately before the second lockdown started, the Mothers’ Union holiday took place. This is the song that Pat Pond wrote about the trip—to the tune of John Brown’s Body:

We queued to board our coach with We hoped we’d see the sun come out face masks, standing well apart. before the end of day.

Steve had to take our temperature When we disembarked there was a then we could make a start. choice of things to do. We started on our journey, was a Some went to the castle, some were bright but chilly day. desperate for the loo. We picked up two more ladies, then Up to the Cathedral or just shops and were really on our way. coffee breaks, Our driver’s name was Steve and we We all went on our merry way to see could tell we’d get on well how long it takes. and as we stepped on board, he’s The city was so large and many said now masks and space and gel. churches it had got, We had a stop for lunch and then we Jean and Audrey Ann were tired, soon were on our way, they’d done the flipping lot. we thought that so far it had been a Next stop was at Wroxham for the very happy day. boat ride, but no joy The coastal village really was a very so we walked along the village street pretty place, and shops all owned by Roy.

We settled in our chalets after strug- Time to board our coach for Steve to gling with our case. drive us back to base. The dinner was so tasty and we all Dinner, then the show which folks all enjoyed the show. said they thought was ace, Then off to find our chalets and our Then back towards our chalets, it had beds we all did go. been a tiring day, Chorus So longing for our beds and pillows We’re the All Saints Mothers’ Union for our heads to lay.

(x3) Chorus And we’re proud to say that we be- long On the coach for Southwold, Wed morning off we went, After breakfast, on our coach to Nor- Along the country lanes and through wich we did go, the floods (that was not meant). Along the winding roads and joining A lorry then came round the bend, it in the traffic flow. nearly ran us down, We passed by all the seaside towns, but Steve was on the ball and said the sky was looking grey, the driver was a clown.


Afternoon at leisure when we got Next morning off to Cromer, but we back to resort, didn’t see the crabs, some went in the swimming pool, But we did see lots of dogs and some some in the showers were caught. of them were labs. Cinema was open, Downton Abbey then we went to Sheringham, it was a was on show, pretty town, the Quiz was on and some of us were We wandered down the High Street going with the flow. to the sea which looked quite brown.

We ate our dinner, then we watched In the evening we had dinner. Then “White Magic” do their bit, the band and show. then we saw the One Man Band, The singers were amazing and we all Bruce Thompson was a hit. enjoyed them so. We struggled through the wind and Then all off to our chalets, tidy up and as we headed off to bed, case to pack. We hoped that we would sleep ok, we We’re sad to leave the village, but had been so well fed. some day we may come back. Chorus

Mothers’ Union New Haw

Mothers’ Union is an international Christian charity that seeks to support families worldwide. Its members are not all mothers or even all women, as there are many parents, men, widows, singles and grandparents involved in its work. If you would like further details about our Branch in New Haw and could be interested in joining, then please contact Pat Pond on 01932 340018.

Christmas Trivia Quiz—Answers on Page 27

1. When was the first Christmas card printed? 2. Which monarch made the first Royal Christmas broadcast? 3. Who invented the Christmas Cracker? 4. Shakespeare wrote a play for Elizabeth I as a Christmas present. Which play? 5. What did Scottish nationalist students take from Westminster Ab- bey on 25 December 1950? 6. When does the Russian Orthodox Church celebrate Christmas? 7. In what country was eggnog invented? 8. Who wrote the first ever King’s message? 9. Approximately how many people listened to the first Christmas message broadcast on the wireless? 10. When was Christmas first celebrated in the UK? 25


The Friends of All Saints New Haw was established as an additional fundraising arm for All Saints’ and was particularly aimed at attracting those in the parish who appreciate having a Church in New Haw but are not necessarily regular Church goers.

On the 15th November, the Friends held their Annual General Meeting and due to a lack of people prepared to be Trustees, it was agreed that the Charity should be listed with the Charities Commission as dormant, until such a time that there is more support available.

For information, the following is a list of contributions both raised and donated by the Friends to All Saints’ Church:

2003 Large Hall Storage Heaters £4,250.00 2005 Refurbishment of Small Hall £685.00 2009 Contribution to Bosco's Building £15,000.00 2011 Halls Compex Kitchen Refurbishment £9,830.00 2012 Astro Turf for Church Back Garden £600.00 2014 New Staging £3,320.00 2014 GoPak Tables and Storage Trolleys £1,490.00 2015 Contribution to Audio System £2,000.00 2016 Contribution to Large Hall External Doors £2,000.00 2020 Contribution to All Saints Church £5,000.00 2020 Contribution to All Saints Church £1,988.94

TOTAL £46,163.94

Thank you to those who have served as Trustees over the years and to everyone who supported the events. This is from Nicky Boxer: Someone asked the other day, 'What was your favourite 'fast food' when you were growing up?' 'We didn't have fast food when I was growing up,' I informed him. 'All the food was slow.' 'C'mon, seri- ously.. Where did you eat?' 'It was a place called 'home,'' I explained. 'Mum cooked every day and when Dad got home from work, we sat down together at the dining room table, and if I didn't like what she put on my plate, I was allowed to sit there until I did like it.

By this time, the lad was laughing so hard I was afraid he was going to suffer serious internal damage, so I didn't tell him the part about how I had to have permission to leave the table. 26

Runnymede Borough Council has announced it’s Mayor is Thorpe Ward Councillor Elaine Gill.

She said: "I feel extremely privileged and honoured to be given this opportunity to repre- sent the Borough of Runny- mede as Mayor. I'm looking forward to the next eighteen months, although I realise that at the moment with the restrictions of Covid-19, life is quite surreal for us all."

Councillor Gill is Runnymede's 24th Mayor, following in the footsteps of Cllr Parshotam Sohi who passed on the ceremonial chains after 18 months in the role.

Answers to Christmas Trivia Quiz on Page 25

1. 1843—a man called John Calcott Horsley printed the fierst Christ- mas card for the friend that gave him the idea, Sir Henry Cole. 2. It was started by the Queen’s grandfather, King Georve V, in 1932. 3. Tom Smith, a 19th Century sweet shop owner. 4. The Merry Wives of Windsor 5. The Stone of Scone—four students took the stone back to Scot- land. The 2008 film called Stone of Destiny illustrates the incident. 6. January 7th—the Russian Orthodox Church uses the old ‘Julian’ calendar for religious celebration days. Only a few Catholics might celebrate it on the 25th December. 7. 8. Rudyard Kipling—he wrote the 251 word message. 9. Over 20 million—due to its success, George V continued to make an annual Christmas broadcast for the rest of his reign. 10. 6th century

 A car’s weakest point is the nut holding the wheel.  I always plant my herbs in alphabetical order. People ask me where I find the thyme. It’s there next to the sage.  Our new puppy ate all the Scrabble tiles. He kept leaving little messages around the house. 27

Praying Blessing Upon New Haw

In the name of Jesus Christ, we speak to every person in New Haw and say: We bless you in the name of the Lord.

We bless your relationships that they may be strong and whole.

We bless your health that you may be strong and well, in body, mind, and spirit.

In Jesus’ name we speak healing and restoration over any sickness or disease that exists within our community.

We bless your finances, that you may to have enough to live and enough to give generously as a blessing to others.

We bless the work of your hands: We pray that whatever you turn your hand to which is wholesome and beneficial to others may thrive and be successful, and where appropriate profitable also.

We bless our local businesses, that they may prosper and grow. May your products and services bring rich blessing to all your customers and clients.

We bless our local schools that they may be creative, happy, safe places for staff and pupils, where relationships and learning flourish.

We bless all of our local organisations which seek to build community spirit, wellbeing, love and friendship across our community. May your activities flourish and grow as you invest in the lives of others.

We speak to the churches and we say, we bless you in the name of the Lord. May the love of our Heavenly Father well up richly among you. May the compassion of Jesus Christ fill you with concern for others, and may the love of Holy Spirit bring unity and reconciliation through you. And may the truth of God’s word flow out from each and every one of you in power to bless our community and all whom you come into contact with.

We bless the hearts of all who live in New Haw that you may be quickened to hear and respond to the voice of the living God. Amen  What do we learn from cows, buffalos and elephants? It’s not possi- ble to reduce weight by eating green grass and salads and walking!

 I hate it when I see an old person and then realise we went to school together!



Surrey Police 101 St Peter’s Hospital, Chertsey (Switchboard) 01932 872000 Community Hospital 01483 715911 Relate 01483 715285 The Samaritans 116 123 (free) New Haw and Woodham Good Neighbours 07855 680950 Community Transport 01932 425050 British Rail—South West Trains 0345 6000 650 Traveline (Bus, coach and train info) 0871 2002233 Runnymede Borough Council 01932 838383 Runnymede Borough Council Community Services 01932 425865 New Haw Library 0300 200 1001 Citizens Advice Bureau 01932 842666 Domestic Abuse (Your Sanctuary) 01483 776822 Woking Shopmobility 01483 776612 Voluntary Support North Surrey 01932 571122 NHS Direct 111 New Haw Day Centre 01932 355707 New Haw Beavers/Cubs/Scouts [email protected] New Haw Rainbows/Brownies/Guides [email protected] Schools: The Grange Community Infant 01932 346113 New Haw Community Junior 01932 336571 Fullbrook Secondary School 01932 349301

God is in my friends, The kindness of strangers The moment you feel the hand of comfort The forgiveness, The love The faintest glimmer of hope in the darkest days. God is still there Nicky Boxer


1. Woodlouse 8. 540 degrees/5 angles 2. A Waterfall 9. Broadway 3. New Zealand 10. A Nymph 4. Kenya 11. Cephalonia 5. Feet 12. Built between 1886 and 6. Nimrod 1894 7. The Queen


Runnymede Deanery

Meet Your New Area – Revd Ben Beecroft “I have been ordained for over 20 years and served as Vicar of St Paul’s in for the past 13. Married to Chris who is Associate Vicar at St Paul’s, it’s a joy to minister together and to have raised our three daughters; Emily and Ruth now at university and Becky in her GCSE year.

I came to faith at a young age and have known the goodness and grace of God throughout that time, through the many seasons and challenges that life brings. I remain convinced that it is through local expressions of loving Christian communities that all can properly see and hear what it means to love Jesus Christ as Saviour and serve Him as Lord and that in our Deanery we are blessed with churches that are seeking to do just that.

As Area Dean I look forward to praying for, encouraging and support- ing you all as we do our best to live out our God-given vocations in this area. As always, may our prayer be ‘Your Kingdom come, Your will be done’. This is a challenging time to become your Area Dean with the struggles covid-19 brings into our lives, yet also an exciting time as we welcome new members to Deanery Synod from all of our churches. I hope to continue to get to know many of you better over the coming months and as I visit your churches.”

Please visit the Deanery website for details of the churches and their events in our area—

Non-alcoholic Irish Cream Liqueur for Christmas 150ml double cream pinch of ground cinnamon 50ml evaporated milk 1 tsp vanilla extract 2 tbsp maple syrup pinch of finely grated orange zest 25ml freshly brewed espresso crushed and cubed ice 1. Put all the ingredients into a large cocktail shaker or jug with a generous handful of ice. 2. If using a shaker, shake well until the outside feels cold, then double strain into tumblers. If using a jug, stir well until combined. Serve poured over ice cubes.



9am to 4pm Monday to Friday Watch for re-opening date in 2021

Ring 01932 355707 for information on the events and services.


 MORNING PRAYER —LIVE MONDAY- FRIDAY EVERY WEEK ONLINE @9.30am—details on the weekly newsletter, a copy of which can be found on the All Saints’ website:

It has been great to see our morning prayer congregation grow over the last few weeks! Now, more than ever before we are valuing the joy, support and encouragement that starting the day together in prayer brings. (*There is no requirement for you to pray out loud unless you would like to.)

 Prayer Central - An opportunity for the church family to come to- gether to pray for the life, witness and work of All Saints. This will be resumed following the Covid-19 pandemic.

 Monthly Prayer sheet - Prayers for each day of the month avail- able on the All Saints’ website, to enable us to pray in our own homes united with others who are praying for the same things in theirs!

 Prayer chain - Call Arthur Birkby on 07859 425243 and those in the chain will pray specifically for you for a two-week period

 Intercessory prayer needs - To have a prayer request included in the intercessions at services, contact Brenda Bailey (Tel: 351298) for inclusion in the intercessions list.

 I tend to sleep in the nude, which isn’t a bad thing except for maybe on those long flights. Bob Monkhouse.  The first time I met my wife, I knew she was a keeper. She was wearing massive gloves. Alun Cochrane  The local team’s football pitch was flooded so they brought on their sub. 31


Guildford Cathedral is a warm-hearted community that is open to God, open to all.

We are sad to be in the position of another lockdown, however the Cathedral continues to be open for individ- ual prayer between 10.30am – 3.30pm Tuesday to Saturday, and 1.30pm – 3.30pm on Sundays. We will also continue to broadcast our services on our Facebook page. At the time of writing, Services are not currently open to members of the congregation. Please do keep an eye on the Cathedral diary for up to date information on our open- ing hours and the services that will be broadcast.

We continue to be thankful to all the team of staff and volunteers that are enabling us to continue to worship and welcome pilgrims to the Cathedral. We are following UK government and guidelines to ensure the safety of all. We urge everyone visiting to continue to follow the regulations in place that have been issued by the UK government and carry out the social distancing regula- tions, following the guidance in place in the Cathedral; we are all in this situation together and we all have such a vital role to play to con- tinue to protect ourselves and others.

Please continue to show kindness and understanding to others and we continue living with the current conditions together.

With every blessing The Very Reverend ,

For further details visit The Diocese of Guildford Prayer Calendar can be found on:

 The name December comes from the Latin decem for “ten”, as it was the 10th month in the Roman Calendar.  The term Yuletide comes from a Norse tradition of cutting and burn- ing a tree to bring in the Winter Solstice. This was to last through 12 days – later known as the 12 days of Christmas.  Saint Nickolas, who would eventually be called Santa Claus, was originally the patron saint of children, thieves and pawnbrokers!  The first artificial Christmas tree was made in Germany, fashioned out of goose feathers that are dyed green! 32


When Services are again allowed, you are asked to please book in to attend on [email protected] or tel: 01932 342325 (Please leave a message) Sunday Services will continue to also be available on screen

Wed 2 11.00 Holy Communion in Church (if Covid regs allow) Sun 6 10.00 United Service with Holy Communion Copy date for January Magazine Tues 8 10.00 Claire’s Coffee in Bosco’s (if regulations permit) Wed 9 11.00 Holy Communion in Church Thur 10 10.00 Claire’s coffee in Bosco’s (if regulations permit) Sat 12 15.00 Christingle Service live via Zoom Sun 13 10.00 United Service in large hall with Holy Communion Tues 15 10.00 Claire’s Coffee in Bosco’s (if regulations permit) Wed 16 11.00 Holy Communion in Church Thur 17 10.00 Claire’s Coffee in Bosco’s (if regulations permit) Sun 20 10.00 United Service in large hall with Holy Communion 18.30 Carol Service in large hall Tues 22 10.00 Claire’s Coffee in Bosco’s (if regulations permit) Wed 23 11.00 Holy Communion in Church 16.30 Blue Christmas (se Page 15) Thur 24 15.00 Crib Service in large hall Fri 25 23.15 Midnight Holy Communion in large hall Sun 27 10.00 United Service in large hall with Holy Communion

Please check website and Facebook for updates

Children’s activities will recommence on Sunday mornings as soon as possible —watch for details

Verses of the Year 2020:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.” Proverbs 3 v 5-6



Below are some of the classes and organisations who use our premises Some are now back but do ring the contact numbers to check:

IRISH DANCING CLASSES Tuesday's 5-8pm, Ages 3 - 18 including beginners. Contact: Bethany Boyer Tel: 07902 032342 Email: [email protected]

RUNNYMEDE DEMENTIA CARERS SUPPORT CLUB Last Friday on every other month 1.30—3.30 Art/Craft in Bosco’s Also a Drop in Club at the Woodham & New Haw Day Centre on Mondays and Thursdays. Contact: Frances Dyble-Goode Tel: 01932 342910 Email: [email protected] Website:

THE WOODHAM AND NEW HAW HORTICULTURAL CLUB Meet on the first Friday of most months at 7.45pm for a social evening with a talk on a horticultural theme. Visitors welcome—entrance £4 inc refreshments Details or ring Melissa Gill on 01932 351360

WW WEIGHT WATCHERS REIMAGINED Start your customised weight loss journey Saturday 8.45am Coach: Cathy O'Mara email: [email protected] website:

NEW HAW KARATE CLUB Saturday morning classes for all ages 10.30—11.30 Helping encourage confidence, respect, discipline and focus Just come along or contact: Sensei Frank Tel: 07814 163854

U3A (UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE) Thirty plus interest groups that meet on different days and times Contact: Diana Bannister Tel: 07709 212575 Email: [email protected]

THE GROVE NURSERY See advert on opposite page.

To hire our Halls or Bosco’s For your Group—please contact: Karen Benson on 07478139527 or email:

[email protected]



To advertise in this Directory, please email magazine@allsaints-

Inclusion of Advertisements in this Directory does not necessarily mean that All Saints’ Church, New Haw endorses the goods or services listed. No liability can be accepted for the wording of the advertisements, nor for the quality of goods or services thus advertised.

BUILDING AND DECORATING BFB BUILDERS—Free quotation, reliable service, competitive rates. Small or large jobs. [email protected] 07766466875

ESTATE AGENTS RICHARD STATE INDEPENDENT ESTATE AGENTS. 01932 354111 28 The Broadway, New Haw. A friendly family business, competitive terms.

NURSERY caring for children aged 2- 5 years THE GROVE NURSERY. All Saints' Church Halls, New Haw 07951 128086 Morning/afternoon/all-day. Contact Allison Brown [email protected]

PAINTING AND DECORATING GORDAN TAUS—clean, reliable service to high decorating standard 07729 381272 Also house cleaning and gardening available [email protected] free quotation

PLUMBING AND HEATING SIMON FARMER PLUMBING & HEATING—For all your Gas, 07966 210 469 Plumbing and Heating services – Checkatrade member

SEAT BELTS AND WEBBING PRODUCTS FDTS LTD (Davisafe), Highfield Works, Rear of 1-3 Parvis Road, 01932 342043 W Byfleet KT14 6LP. New Seat Belts, Replacement Webbing & Webbing-based Assemblies [email protected]

SEWING AND KNITTING IN STITCHES, 303 Woodham Lane, New Haw KT15 3NY 01932 349400 For all your garment, embroidery and printing needs

WOKING SEWING & KNITTING MACHINE CENTRE, New Haw 01932 352958 303 Woodham Lane, KT15 3NY. Sales, Service and Repairs Cash paid for unwanted machines


Our experienced Team are here to support you and your family.

James & Thomas James & Thomas James & Thomas Funeral Directors Funeral Directors Funeral Directors Woking New Haw Merrow

36 St Johns Road 303-307 Woodham Lane 259 EpsomRoad St John, Woking New Haw, Addlestone Merrow Heights Surrey GU21 7SU KT15 3NY Merrow GU1 2RE 01483 679575 01932 354 600 01483 562 153

James & Thomas James & Thomas James & Thomas Funeral Directors Funeral Directors Funeral Directors Cobham Guildford

24 Station Parade, Mill Road 38 Woodbridge Hill Ockham Road South Cobham Guildford, Surrey East Horsley KT24 6QN Surrey KT11 3AL GU2 9AB 01483 284 948 01932 862 009 01483 679570

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