sample-complexity of Estimating Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks

How Many Samples are Needed to Estimate a Convolutional or ? ∗

Simon Du† [email protected] Yining Wang† [email protected] Department, School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA Xiyu Zhai [email protected] Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA Sivaraman Balakrishnan [email protected] Department of Statistics and Data Science Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA Ruslan Salakhutdinov [email protected] Aarti Singh [email protected] Machine Learning Department, School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA


Abstract It is widely believed that the practical success of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) owes to the fact that CNNs and RNNs use a more compact parametric representation than their Fully-Connected Neural Network (FNN) counterparts, and consequently require fewer training examples to accurately estimate their parameters. We initiate the study of rigorously characterizing the sample-complexity of estimating CNNs and RNNs. We show that the sample-complexity to learn CNNs and RNNs scales linearly with their intrinsic dimension and this sample-complexity is much smaller than for their FNN counterparts. For both CNNs and RNNs, we also present lower bounds showing our sample complexities are tight up to logarithmic factors. Our main technical tools for deriving these results are a localized empirical process analysis and a new technical lemma characterizing the convolutional and recurrent structure. We believe that these tools may inspire further developments in understanding CNNs and RNNs.

arXiv:1805.07883v3 [stat.ML] 30 Jun 2019 Keywords: convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, sample-complexity, minimax analysis

1. Introduction Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) have achieved remarkable impact in many machine learning applications. The key building block

∗. A preliminary version of this paper titled “How Many Samples are Needed to Estimate a Convolutional Neural Network” appeared in Proceedings of the 32nd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2018), with results for convolutional neural networks only. †. Simon Du and Yining Wang contributed equally to this work.

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of these improvements is the use of weight sharing layers to replace traditional fully con- nected layers, dating back to LeCun et al. (1995); Rumelhart et al. (1988). A common folklore for explaining the success of CNNs and RNNs is that they use a more compact rep- resentation than Fully-connected Neural Networks (FNNs) and thus require fewer samples to reliably estimate. However, to our knowledge, there is no rigorous characterization of the precise sample-complexity of learning a CNN or an RNN and thus it is unclear, from a statistical point of view, why using CNNs or RNNs often results in a better performance than just using FNNs. Our Contributions: In this paper, we take a step towards understanding the statis- tical behavior of CNNs and RNNs. We adapt tools from localized empirical process the- ory (van de Geer, 2000) and combine them with a structural property of convolutional filters in CNNs (see Lemma 9, 10) or the recurrent transition matrix in RNNs (see Lemma 11) to give a sharp characterization of the sample-complexity of estimating simple CNNs and RNNs.

1. We first consider the problem of estimating a convolutional filter with average pooling (described in Section 2.1) using the least squares estimator. We show in the standard statistical learning setting, under some conditions on the input distribution, the least squares estimate wb satisfies: q CA CA 2 p  Ex∼µ|F (x, wb) − F (x, w0)| = Oe m/n ,

where µ is the input distribution, w0 is the underlying true convolutional filter, m is the filter size, and F CA(·) denotes the convolutional network with average pooling. Notably, to achieve an  error, the CNN only needs Oe(m/2) samples whereas the FNN needs Ω(d/2) with d being the input size. Since the filter size m  d, this result clearly justifies the folklore that the convolutional layer is a more compact representation. Furthermore, we complement this upper bound with a minimax lower p bound which shows the error bound Oe( m/n) is tight up to logarithmic factors.

m 2. Next, we consider a one-hidden-layer CNN in which the filter w ∈ R and output r weights a ∈ R are unknown. This architecture was previously considered in Du et al. (2018a). However, the focus of that work was on understanding the dynamics of gradient descent. Using similar tools as in analyzing a single convolutional filter, we p show that the least squares estimator achieves the error bound Oe( (m + r)/n) if the ratio between the stride size and the filter size is a constant. Further, we present a minimax lower bound showing that the obtained rate is tight up to logarithmic-factors.

3. Lastly, we consider an RNN as described in (7). Based on a new structural lemma for the RNN model, we show that the least squares estimator has prediction error upper p bounded as Oe( dr/n), where d is the input dimension and r is the dimension of the hidden state. On the other hand, the corresponding FNN has Ld features where L is the length of the input sequence. In typical applications, we have that r  L  d (see for instance the paper of Mikolov et al. (2010)). Our result demonstrates the sample- complexity benefits from using the RNN to exploit the hidden structure rather than using the FNN.

2 sample-complexity of Estimating Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks

To our knowledge, these theoretical results are the first sharp analyses of the statistical sample-complexity of the CNN and RNN.

1.1 Comparison with existing work Our work is closely related to the analysis of the generalization ability of neural net- works (Arora et al., 2018; Anthony and Bartlett, 2009; Bartlett et al., 2017b,a; Neyshabur et al., 2017; Konstantinos et al., 2017; Li et al., 2018). These generalization bounds are often of the form: √ L(θ) − Ltr(θ) ≤ D/ n (1) where θ represents the parameters of a neural network, L(·) and Ltr(·) represent population and empirical error under some additive loss, and D is the model capacity and is finite only if the (spectral) norm of the weight matrix for each layer is bounded. Comparing with generalization bounds based on model capacity, our result has two advantages:

• If L(·) is taken to be the mean-squared1 Eq. (1) implies an Oe(1/4) sample-complexity p to achieve a standardized mean-square error of E| · |2 ≤ , which is considerably larger than the Oe(1/2) sample-complexity we establish in this paper. • Since the complexity D of a model class in regression problems typically depends on the magnitude of model parameters, generalization error bounds like (1) are not scale- independent and deteriorate if the magnitude of the parameters is large. In contrast, our analysis has no dependence on the magnitude. On the other hand, we consider the special case where the neural network model is well- specified and the labels are generated according to a neural network with unbiased additive noise (see (2)) whereas the generalization bounds discussed in this section are typically model agnostic.

1.2 Other related work Recently, researchers have made progress in theoretically understanding various aspects of neural networks, including understanding the hardness of estimation (Goel et al., 2016; Song et al., 2017; Brutzkus and Globerson, 2017), the landscape of the loss function (Kawaguchi, 2016; Choromanska et al., 2015; Hardt and Ma, 2016; Haeffele and Vidal, 2015; Freeman and Bruna, 2016; Safran and Shamir, 2016; Zhou and Feng, 2017; Nguyen and Hein, 2017a,b; Ge et al., 2018; Zhou and Feng, 2017; Safran and Shamir, 2017; Du and Lee, 2018), the dynamics of gradient descent (Tian, 2017; Zhong et al., 2017b; Li and Yuan, 2017), and developing provable learning algorithms (Goel and Klivans, 2017a,b; Zhang et al., 2015). Focusing on the convolutional neural network, most existing work has analyzed the convergence rate of gradient descent or its variants (Du et al., 2018c,a; Goel et al., 2018; Brutzkus and Globerson, 2017; Zhong et al., 2017a). Our paper differs from these past works in that we do not consider the computational-complexity but only the sample-complexity and the fundamental information theoretic limits of estimating a CNN.

2 1. Because the mean-squared error E| · | is a sum of independent random variables, it is common to apply generalization error bounds directly on this quantity.

3 Du, Wang et al.

w w 1 a1

w 1 F1(x; w) a` + w F2(x; w, a) s 1 s + a`+1 w w

Input x Input x (a) Prediction function formalized (4). It (b) Prediction function formalized in (5) It consists of a convolutional filter followed by consists of a convolutional filter followed by averaged pooling. The convolutional filter is a linear prediction layer. Both layers are un- unknown. known.

Figure 1: CNN architectures that we consider in this paper.

The convolutional structure has also been studied in the dictionary learning (Singh et al., 2018) and blind de-convolution (Zhang et al., 2017) literature. These papers studied the unsupervised setting where their goal is to recover structured signals from observations generated according to convolution operations whereas our paper focuses on the setting where the target (ground-truth) predictor has a convolutional structure. Our formulation of an RNN can be viewed as a special case of the classical (Kalman, 1960) problem of learning a linear dynamical system (Hazan et al., 2017; Hardt et al., 2018; Simchowitz et al., 2018; Oymak and Ozay, 2018). These recent works consider both computational and statistical issues and to our knowledge, their sample-complexity results are not tight. Lastly, a line of recent works has studied over-parameterized neural networks, requir- ing the width of the neural network at every layer to be larger than the number of data points (Du et al., 2019, 2018b; Allen-Zhu et al., 2018b,b; Allen-Zhu and Li, 2019; Zou et al., 2018; Li and Liang, 2018; Arora et al., 2019). In particular, Arora et al. (2019); Allen-Zhu et al. (2018a); Allen-Zhu and Li (2019) showed that these over-parameterized neural net- works can also generalize in some cases. These works are different from ours in their focus. We do not consider the over-parameterized setup. Instead we present tight information- theoretic characterizations of the fundamental statistical limits of estimating CNNs and RNNs.

2. Preliminaries

In this section, we introduce the convolutional filter, convolutional neural network and recurrent neural network models that we study. We then introduce briefly the least squares estimator that we study for our upper bounds, and introduce the minimax risk which we subsequently lower bound.

2.1 Problem Setup The i-th labeled data point is denoted as (Xi,Y i), where Xi is the input vector for the i-th data point and Yi ∈ R represents its corresponding label. The basic models we study in

4 sample-complexity of Estimating Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks

this paper are best abstracted in the form,

Yi = F (Xi; θ) + ξi, (2) where F represents the network, θ ∈ Θ are the underlying true parameters of the network, and {ξi} are zero-mean random variables capturing the measurement noise.

2.1.1 Convolutional neural networks with average pooling We consider convolutional neural networks (CNN) with vector inputs, represented by xi ∈ d m R . The convolutional filter is assumed to be of size m, with weight vector w ∈ R . The filter is applied to different segments of the input vector xi, with a stride of s. More specifically, the CNN computes the inner products of

> 0 i > 1 i > b(d−m)/sc i w Qs(x ), w Qs(x ), . . . , w Qs (x ), (3) ` i i i i where Qs(x ) = (x`s+1, . . . , x`s+m) is an m-dimensional segment of x . Afterwards, average pooling is used to aggregate the convolved inner products to obtain the final output:

b(d−m)/sc i CA i X > ` i Y = F (X ; w) + ξi = w Qs(x ) + ξi. (4) `=0 A graphical illustration of the CNN model with average pooling is given in Fig. 1a. Through- out the remainder of the paper, in order simplify our analysis and notation we assume that both d and m are divisible by s, and consequently that b(d − m)/sc = (d − m)/s.

2.1.2 Convolutional neural networks with weighted pooling In addition to CNNs with average pooling, we also consider CNNs with an additional unknown weighted pooling layer, making the model essentially a two-layer neural network. To be more specific, building upon the convolutional inner products computed in Eq. (3), the outputs of CNNs with weighted pooling can be modeled as

b(d−m)/sc i CW i X > ` i Y = F (X ; w, a) + ξi = a`w Qs(x ) + ξi, (5) `=0

b(d−m)/sc+1 where a = (a0, a1, . . . , ab(d−m)/sc) ∈ R is an unknown vector of the additional n weighted pooling layer, and {ξi}i=1 are noise variables. A graphical illustration of the CNN model with weighted pooling is given in Fig. 1b. Again, we assume that both d and m are divisible by s, and therefore b(d − m)/sc = (d − m)/s.

2.1.3 Recurrent neural networks The recurrent neural network (RNN) is assumed to have r hidden units. More specifically, i i r each input element xt is associated with a latent representation ht ∈ R . The network also has a pre-specified “starting state” hi = 0. The dynamics of the latent representation is modeled as: i i i ht = Aht−1 + Bxt, t = 1, 2, . . . , L, (6)

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r×r r×d where A ∈ R and B ∈ R are unknown weight matrices to be learnt. We assume a linear (identity) activation in (6). Finally, the regression response Y i corresponding to Xi is modeled by an average pooling over the final state, i.e.:

i R i > i Y = F (X , A, B) + ξi = 1 hL + ξi, (7)

n where {ξi}i=1 are noise variables.

2.2 Least-squares estimation The estimators we consider throughout this paper are least-squares estimators. More specif- i i n ically, on a training data set {X ,Y }i=1 generated from an underlying network F , we solve the following problem to estimate the network parameters:

n X i i 2 θb ∈ arg min Y − F (X ; θ) . (8) θ∈Θ i=1

Note that this optimization problem might not have a unique solution for networks F CW or F R. For instance, we may choose different scalings between w and a in F CW, or exchange two hidden units in F R when r ≥ 2, and obtain the same function F and objective value. In such cases, any solution θb leading to the optimal least-squares objective value can be chosen, and our statistical guarantees apply to this estimate θb. We remark that we only focus on the statistical rate of convergence for this estimator and we leave the analysis of computational complexity of solving the least squares problem as future work. In our experiments, we simply use gradient descent to obtain an estimate.

2.3 Assumptions and minimax analysis We use minimax analysis (Lehmann and Casella, 2006; Tsybakov, 2009; Wasserman, 2013) to understand the fundamental limit of estimating convolutional and recurrent neural net- works. We being by introducing two regularity assumptions imposed on the distributions of {Xi} and {Y i}:

n (A1) (Sub-gaussian noise): {ξi}i=1 are independent, centered sub-Gaussian random vari- ables with sub-Gaussian parameters upper bounded by σ2;

(A2) (Non-degenerate random design): there exists a centered underlying sub-Gaussian d i n CA distribution µ with sub-Gaussian parameter C over R such that {x }i=1 (for F and CW i n,L R > F ) or {xt}i,t=1 (for F ) is i.i.d. sampled from PX ; furthermore cI  Eµ[xx ]  CI for some constants 0 < c ≤ C < ∞. To resolve the issues of non-identifiability of the parameter θ, we use the population pre- diction error instead of the more classical parameter estimation error to characterize the information-theoretic sample-complexity of estimating convolutional or recurrent neural networks. Given a parameter estimate θb and the true underlying parameter θ of a neural network F , the mean-square prediction error is defined as: q 2 err(θ,b θ) := Eµ|F (x; θ) − F (x; θb)| , (9)

6 sample-complexity of Estimating Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks

where µ is the (unknown) underlying distribution defined in Assumption (A2). To evaluate and benchmark the quality of the least-squares estimator, we adopt the minimax framework to characterize the fundamental hardness of the estimation problems we study in this paper. The minimax risk of prediction is defined as h i M(n; F ) := inf sup Eµ,θ err(θ,b θ) , (10) θb θ

i n i.i.d i where the Eµ,θ notation summarizes the data generating process {X }i=1 ∼ µ, Y = i F (X ; θ)+ξi, and we use the notation M(n; F ) to emphasize that the minimax risk depends crucially on the specific type of networks to be estimated and the size of the training sample. Although the minimax risk typically also depends on other problem parameters such as the input dimension, we suppress this dependency in the notation M(n; F ) to concisely present our results.

3. Main results

In this section, we present our main upper and lower bounds on the minimax risk.

3.1 Upper bounds Throughout this section we assume the assumptions (A1) and (A2) hold. We also suppress constants potentially depending on c and C (defined in Assumption A2) in the asymptotic . notation. We will establish the following upper bounds on the minimax prediction error of convolutional or recurrent neural networks.

Theorem 1 For δ ∈ (0, 1/2) and sufficiently large2 n, with probability 1−δ over the random i n CA CW i n,L R draws of {x }i=1 (for F and F ) or {xt}i,t=1 (for F ), it holds that r σ2m log d M(n; F CA) ; (11) . n r σ2 min{d, m + (d/s) × (m/s)}· log d M(n; F CW) ; (12) . n r σ2(d + L) min{r, d} log(Ld) M(n; F R) . (13) . n


i n i n,L 1. All upper bounds are conditioned on the random draws of {x }i=1 or {xt}i,t=1 (i.e, n with expectation taken over the randomness of the noise variables {ξi}i=1), and are attained by the least-squares estimator defined in (8).

2. A detailed scalings of n and other problem dependent parameters are given in the remarks immediately following Theorem 1.

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2. The number of training data points n is “sufficiently large” under the context of Theorem 1 if it satisfies: CA −1 2 −1 2 For F : n & c C m · log(c Cd log(n/δ)) log (n/δ), CW −1 2 −1 2 For F : n & c C min{d, m + (m/s) × (d/s)}· log(c Cd log(n/δ)) log (n/δ), R −1 2 −1 2 For F : n & c C (d + L) min{d, r}· log(c CLd log(n/δ)) log (n/δ). √ All upper bounds in Theorem 1 have convergence rates O(1/ n) for the standardized mean- square error (see Eq. (9)), which are in contrast to previous works based on concentration inequalities yielding mostly 1/n1/4 convergence rates (Bartlett et al., 2017a; Neyshabur et al., 2015). Furthermore, all upper bounds in Theorem 1 are scale-invariant, because they do not depend in any way on the magnitude of the network weights w, a, A or B. Omitting logarithmic terms, the results in Theorem 1 also match the intuition of “pa- rameter counts”, which simply counts the number of unknown weight parameters in a neural network. More specifically, for the F CA network, there are m unknown weight pa- m p CW rameters (w ∈ R ), which matches the Oe( m/n) rate in Eq. (11); for the F network, m d/s there are (m+d/s) unknown weight parameters (w ∈ R and a ∈ R ), which matches the p Oe( (min{d, m + (m/s) × (d/s)})/n) rate in Eq. (12) when the stride s is on the same order of the filter size m (i.e., m/s = O(1)); for the F R network, there are (dr+r2) unknown weight r×r r×d p parameters (A ∈ R and B ∈ R ), which matches the Oe( ((d + L) min{d, r})/n) rate in Eq. (13) when r  L  d, a common setting in natural language processing applications (Mikolov et al., 2010). The three upper bound results in Theorem 1 share the same proof framework, yet with different covering number analysis tailored to each neural network structure separately. The proof framework is built upon the probability tool of self-normalized empirical pro- cesses, which (with high-probability) upper bounds the supremum of an empirical process with suitable normalization. Such upper bounds would eventually depend on the covering numbers of self-normalized parameter spaces, which we upper bound for different network structures (F CA, F CW and F R) separately.

3.2 Lower bounds To complement our results in Theorem 1, we prove the following theorem which establishes lower bounds on the minimax rates M(n; ·), showing the information-theoretic limits of sample-complexity that no estimator could violate.

i n i.i.d CA CW i n,L i.i.d. R Theorem 2 Suppose {x }i=1 ∼ N (0,I) for F ,F and {xt}i,t=1 ∼ N (0, 1) for F . n i.i.d. 2 Suppose also {ξi}i=1 ∼ N (0, σ ). Then there exists a universal constant C > 0 such that r σ2m M(n; F CA) ≥ C ; (14) n r σ2(m + d/s) M(n; F CW) ≥ C ; (15) n r σ2 min{rd, Ld} M(n; F R) ≥ C . (16) n

8 sample-complexity of Estimating Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks


1. Theorem 2 establishes lower bounds for the worst-case prediction error of F CA,F CW and F R for any learning algorithm that takes as input n labeled data points and outputs a prediction network Fb. This is clear from the definition of the minimax rates M(n; ·).

i i 2. While Theorem 2 considers isotropic Gaussian {x }, {xt} and Gaussian noises {ξi}, this should not be interpreted as a limitation because the isotropic Gaussian data points and noises are a special case of the general learning problem covered by the upper bounds in Theorem 1. Hence, a lower bound for the isotropic Gaussian case implies a lower bound for the more general case.

The lower bound results in Theorem 2 also corroborate the “parameter counting” in- tuition, and match the upper bound results in Theorem 1 up to logarithmic factors, under common scenarios and settings. More specifically, for the F CA network, Eq. (14) matches √ CW Eq.√ (11) up to O( log d) terms; for the F network, Eq. (15) matches Eq. (12) up to O( log d) terms, when s = Ω(m) (and therefore m/s = O(1)); for the F R network, Eq. (16) p matches Eq. (13) up to O( log(Ld)) terms, provided that r = O(L) and L = O(d). To prove Theorem 2, we reduce it via standard results for lower bounding the minimax risk to the problem of finding “free segments” in certain structured linear models (Lemma 14). Such “free segments” are then analyzed in a case-by-case manner for the three networks structures F CA,F CW,F R considered.

4. Proofs of upper bounds

While Theorem 1 technically consists of three different upper bounds, their proofs are similar to each other and therefore we decide to state the proofs in a unified framework, presented in this section. Some technical proofs are also deferred to the appendix for a cleaner presentation. The proof can be roughly divided into three parts. In the first part, we use the standard statistical analysis of least-squares estimators, which uses the “basic inequality” to translate the task of upper bounding prediction error into upper bounding the covering number of a suitably self-normalized empirical process (van de Geer, 2000). In the second part, we use restricted eigenvalue arguments similar to (Bickel et al., 2009) to further simplify the self-normalized parameter class constructed in the first step. Finally, in the last part which is the most important step, we use a novel “linear subspace” argument to derive a relatively tight upper bound on the covering number of the desired self-normalized parameter class.

4.1 Structured linear models and the basic inequality Our first observation is that all three models (F CA, F CW and F R) are structured linear mod- els, meaning that they can be written as a model with additional structures imposed on the linear regressors. More specifically, we have the following proposition:

Proposition 3 Define vectors zi and θ as following:

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CA i i Pr−1 ` 1. For F , z := X and θ := `=0 Ss(w), where

` d Ss(w) = [0,..., 0, w1, . . . , wm, 0,..., 0] ∈ R ; | {z } `s zeros

CW i i Pr−1 ` 2. For F , z := X and θ := `=0 a`Ss(w);

R i i i i Ld > L−1 > L−2 > 3. For F , z := (x1 x2 . . . xL) ∈ R and θ := (1 A B 1 A B... 1 B). Then it holds for any F ∈ {F CA,F CW,F R} that F (Xi; θ) ≡ hzi, θi.

Proposition 3 is easily verified using definitions and elementary algebra. For notational simplicity, we will also use D to denote the dimension of the structured linear model induced by certain types of neural networks. In particular, for F CA,F CW we have D = d, and for F R we have D = Ld. D i i n Let θb ∈ R be the least-squares estimator on training data {X ,Y }i=1. Define the empirical norm of and D-dimensional vector ϑ as

n 2 1 X i 2 kϑk := hz , ϑi . (17) X n i=1

Because θb minimizes the least-squares objective as defined in Eq. (8), we have

n n 1 X i 2 1 X i 2 (Yi − hz , θbi) ≤ (Yi − hz , θi) . n n i=1 i=1

i Because Yi = hz , θi + ξi, the above inequality is reduced to

n n 1 X i 2 1 X 2 (hz , θ − θbi + ξi) ≤ ξ . n n i i=1 i=1

P 2 Re-arranging terms and canceling the i=1 ξi /n on both sides of the above inequality, we obtain n 2 2 X i kθb− θk ≤ ξihz , θb− θi. (18) X n i=1

4.2 Self-normalized emprical process and the Dudley’s integral D Let Θ ⊆ R be the parameter set. That is, a D-dimensional vector θ belongs to Θ if and only if there exist a parameter configuration yielding θ in the structured linear model defined in Proposition 3. Define the self-normalized parameter set ΘX as

 0 0 ΘX := φ = θ − θ : θ, θ ∈ Θ, kφkX ≤ 1 . (19)

1 Pn i Define GX (φ) := n i=1 ξihz , φi as the empirical process associated with φ. We have the following lemma:

10 sample-complexity of Estimating Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks

Lemma 4 For the parameter sets Θ defined in Proposition 3 we have that:

n n X i X i sup ξjhz , θb− θi ≤ kθb− θkX sup ξjhz , φi. θb∈Θ i=1 φ∈ΘX i=1

This lemma essentially follows by arguing that for each possible θb− θ for θ,b θ ∈ Θ, there is a corresponding vector φ ∈ ΘX such that,

n n X i X i ξjhz , θb− θi = kθb− θkX ξjhz , φi. i=1 i=1 We defer the proof to the appendix. As a consequence of this lemma, by canceling out a kθb− θkX term on both sides of Eq. (18), we have

kθb− θkX ≤ 2 · sup GX (φ). (20) φ∈ΘX

0 0 Finally, note that for any φ, φ ∈ ΘX , GX (φ) − GX (φ ) is a centered sub-Gaussian random 2 0 2 variable with sub-Gaussian parameter upper bounded by σ kφ − φ kX . Subsequently, using Dudley’s entropy integral (Dudley, 1967), we have σ Z ∞ q E sup GX (φ) √ log N(; ΘX , k · kX )d, (21) . n φ∈ΘX 0 where N(; ΘX , k · kX ) is the covering number of ΘX in k · kX (i.e., the size of the smallest 0 set H such that sup inf 0 kφ − φ k ≤ ). φ∈ΘX φ ∈H X Combining Eqs. (20) and (21) we arrive at the following main inequality of this part of the proof: h i σ Z ∞ q E kθb− θkX . √ log N(; ΘX , k · kX )d. (22) n 0

4.3 Restricted eigenvalues

The kφkX ≤ 1 constraint in the definition of ΘX is quite difficult to exploit, and we hope to replace it with simpler constraints such as kφk2 ≤ 1. Traditionally, this is done by bounding i n the eigenvalues of the sample covariance of {X }i=1 and their corresponding expanded form i n i n {z }i=1. Unfortunately, in the regime of n  D the sample covariance of {z }i=1 is certainly rank-deficient, making such an argument void. To overcome this difficulty, we introduce restricted eigenvalues which are used exten- sively in high-dimensional statistics (Bickel et al., 2009; Wainwright, 2009).

i n D Definition 5 (Restricted Eigenvalues) For a data set {z }i=1 ⊆ R , its smallest and D largest restricted eigenvalues with respect to a parameter class Φ ⊆ R is defined as

i n 2 2 λmin({z }i=1; Φ) := inf kφkX /kφk2; (23) φ∈Φ i n 2 2 λmax({z }i=1; Φ) := sup kφkX /kφk2. (24) φ∈Φ

11 Du, Wang et al.

D For any ρ > 0, define Θ2(ρ) ⊆ R as

 0 0 Θ2(ρ) := φ = θ − θ : θ, θ ∈ Θ, kφk2 ≤ ρ . (25)

Comparing the definitions of Θ2(ρ) with ΘX , the major difference is in the normalizing norm: in the definition of Θ2(ρ) the k · k2 norm is used to constrain the parameter set while in ΘX the empirical norm k · kX is used. Also, the definition of Θ2(ρ) involves an additional “radius” parameter ρ > 0, allowing for more flexibility in later proofs. i n The following lemma establishes restricted eigenvalues of {z }i=1 with respect to Θ2(ρ), provided that the training set size n is sufficiently large.

i n 2 Lemma 6 Suppose {z }i=1 are sub-Gaussian random vectors with variance parameter Z . For any ρ > 0, δ ∈ (0, 1/2] and  ∈ (0, 1/2], with probability 1 − δ it holds that  s  i n c p log N(; Θ2(1), k · k2) log(1/δ) λmin({z }i=1; Θ2(ρ)) ≥ − O(Z log(n/δ)) ·  +  ; 4 n  s  i n p log N(; Θ2(1), k · k2) log(1/δ) λmax({z }i=1; Θ2(ρ)) ≤ 4C + O(Z log(n/δ)) ·  +  . n

i n 2 Remark 7 For {z }i=1 defined in Proposition 3, their sub-Gaussian parameters Z can be bounded as Z2 ≤ C2 for all F CA,F CW and F R, where C is the constant in Assumption (A2).

The proof of Lemma 6 is quite involved and we defer it to the appendix. Note that the right sides of both inequalities in Lemma 6 do not depend on ρ. This is natural and is expected, because the restricted eigenvalues defined in Eqs. (23,24) are scale-invariant.

4.4 Covering number upper bounds The objective of this section is to give upper bounds on covering numbers of self-normalized parameter classes. Since the parameter classes depend heavily on the underlying network structures, we derive their corresponding covering numbers separately. However, the deriva- tion of all covering numbers will rely on a crucial lemma bounding the covering number of low-dimensoinal linear subspaces, which we state below:

Lemma 8 Fix q, k ≤ q, ρ > 0, and 0 ∈ (0, 1/2]. There exists a set W consisting of a q finite number of k-dimensional linear subspaces in R that satisfies the following: for any q 0 K-dimensional linear subspace S in R , there exists S ∈ W such that

0 sup inf ku − vk2 ≤  . (26) 0 u∈S,kuk2≤ρ v∈S ,kvk2≤ρ

0 Furthermore, the size of W can be upper bounded as log |W| . kq log(ρq/ ). The proof of Lemma 8 is deferred to the appendix.

12 sample-complexity of Estimating Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks

4.4.1 Covering number for F CA Lemma 9 For Θ induced by F CA and any ρ > 0,  ∈ (0, 1], it holds thaat

log(; Θ2(ρ), k · k2) . m log(ρd/).

Proof Let θ, θ0 ∈ Θ be d-dimensional parameterizations of w and w0, respectively, as derived in Proposition 3. Denote also θ(Ij) for j ∈ {1, . . . , d/s} as the jth s-dimensional d segment of θ ∈ R , corresponding to the segment starting with the ((j−1)s+1)-th entry and ending with the js-th entry. Denote also w(Ij) for j ∈ {1,...,J} as the jth s-dimensional m 0 segment of w ∈ R , where J = m/s. For φ = θ − θ , it is easy to verify that

min{j,J} X 0 φ(Ij) = w(I`) − w (I`), j = 1, 2, . . . , d/s. (27) `=1

Because kφk2 ≤ ρ, we have that kφ(Ij)k2 ≤ ρ for all j = 1, . . . , d/s, and subsequently

j 0 X kw(Ij) − w (Ij)k2 ≤ kφ(Ij)k2 ≤ Jρ, j = 1, 2, . . . , J. (28) `=1 Therefore, J 0 X 0 2 kw − w k2 ≤ kw(Ij) − w (Ij)k2 ≤ J ρ. (29) j=1 m 2 Next construct a covering set H such that for any x ∈ R , kxk2 ≤ J ρ, minz∈H kx − 0 0 zk2 ≤  for some parameter  > 0 to be specified later. Such construction is standard (see, 0 e.g., van de Geer (2000)), and the size of H can be upper bounded by log |H| . m log(Jρ/ ). 0 m 0 2 Because w − w ∈ R satisfies kw − w k2 ≤ J ρ, it holds that 0 0 min k(w − w ) − vk2 ≤  . (30) v∈H

d Pmin{j,J} Define ve ∈ R as ve(Ij) = `=1 v(I`) for j = 1, . . . , d/s. Eq. (30) and (27) imply that d/s X 0 0 0 kφ − vk2 ≤ max k(w(I`) − w (I`)) − v(I`)k2 ≤ d /s ≤ d . e `≤J j=1 0 0 Setting  = /d we have log |H| . m log(dρ/ ), which completes the proof of Lemma 9.

4.4.2 Covering number for F CW Lemma 10 For Θ induced by F CW and any ρ > 0,  ∈ (0, 1], it holds thaat

log(; Θ2(ρ), k · k2) . min{d, m + (d/s) × (m/s)}· log(ρd/).

13 Du, Wang et al.

Proof Let θ, θ0 ∈ Θ be d-dimensional parameterizations of w, a and w0, a0, respectively, as derived in Proposition 3. Denote also θ(Ij) for j ∈ {1, . . . , d/s} as the jth s-dimensional d segment of θ ∈ R , corresponding to the segment starting with the ((j−1)s+1)-th entry and ending with the js-th entry. Denote also w(Ij) for j ∈ {1,...,J} as the jth s-dimensional m 0 segment of w ∈ R , where J = m/s. For φ = θ − θ , it is easy to verify that

min{j,J} X 0 0 φ(Ij) = a`w(I`) − a`w (I`), j = 1, 2, . . . , d/s. (31) `=1

Clearly, Eq. (31) implies that

0 0 φ(Ij) ∈ span{w(I1), w (I1), . . . , w(IJ ), w (IJ )}, j = 1, 2, . . . , d/s, (32) where J = m/s. This observation motivates a two-step construction of covering sets of s Θ2(ρ): by first constructing a covering set of all 2J-dimensional linear subspaces in R , and then covering all vectors within each linear subspace whose `2 norms are upper bounded by ρ. Choosing q = s and k = min{2J, s} in Lemma 8, we have a covering set W of 2J- s 0 dimensional linear subspaces in R with size upper bounded by log |W| . Js log(ρs/ ) = m log(ρs/0). Next, for each linear subspace W ∈ W, construct a finite covering set H(W ) ⊆ 0 s W such that supx∈W,kxk2≤ρ minv∈H(W ) kx − vk2 ≤  . Because W ⊆ R and dim(W ) ≤ k ≤ 0 0 2J, such a finite covering set H(W ) exists with log |H(W )| . J log(ρ/ ) = (m/s)×log(ρ/ ). d Next, construct covering set M ⊆ R as [ M = H(W ) × ... × H(W ) . W ∈W | {z } d/s times

By Eq. (32) and the covering properties of W and H(W ), it holds that

0 0 0 sup min k(θ − θ ) − vk2 ≤ 2d /s ≤ 2d . θ,θ0∈Θ v∈M

Furthermore, the size of M can be upper bounded by log |M| ≤ log |W|+maxW ∈W L log |H(W )| . 0 0 0 m log(ρs/ )+(d/s)×(m/s)×log(ρ/ ). Setting  = /(2d), we obtain a covering M of Θ2(ρ) with respect to k · k2 up to precision , with size log |M| . (m + (d/s) × (m/s)) log(ρd/). Finally, note that log N(; Θ2(ρ), k · k2) . d log(ρ/) always holds because Θ2(ρ) ⊆ {x ∈ d R : kxk2 ≤ ρ}. This completes the proof of Lemma 10.

4.4.3 Covering number for F R Lemma 11 For Θ induced by F R and any ρ > 0,  ∈ (0, 1], it holds that

log(; Θ2(ρ), k · k2) . (d + L) · min{d, r} log(ρLd/).

14 sample-complexity of Estimating Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks

Proof Let θ, θ0 ∈ Θ be Ld-dimensional parameterizations of A, B and A0,B0, respectively, as derived in Proposition 3. Denote also θ(Ij) for j ∈ {1, . . . , m} as the jth d-dimensional segment of θ, corresponding to the segment starting with the ((j − 1)d + 1)-th entry and ending with the jd-th entry. By definition, φ = θ − θ0 satisfies

0 > L−j > 0 L−j 0 φ(Ij) = θ(Ij) − θ (Ij) = 1 A B − 1 (A ) B . (33)

0 0 d 0 Let b1, . . . , br, b1, . . . , br ∈ R denote the rows of B and B , respectively. Eq. (33) then implies 0 0 φ(Ij) ∈ span{b1, . . . , br, b1, . . . , br}, j = 1, 2, . . . , m. (34)

Eq. (34) motivates a two-step construction of covering sets of Θ2(ρ): by first constructing d a covering set of all 2r-dimensional linear subspaces in R , and then covering all vectors within each linear subspace whose `2 norms are upper bounded by ρ. Choosing q = d and k = min{2r, d} in Lemma 8, we have a covering set W of 2r- d dimensional linear subspaces in R with size upper bounded by log |W| . min{d, r}· d log(ρd/0). Next, for each linear subspace W ∈ W, construct a finite covering set 0 d H(W ) ⊆ W such that supx∈W,kxk2≤ρ minv∈H(W ) kx − vk2 ≤  . Because W ⊆ R and dim(W ) ≤ k = min{2r, d}, such a finite covering set H(W ) exists with log |H(W )| . min{2r, d} log(ρ/0). Ld Next, construct covering set M ⊆ R as [ M = H(W ) × ... × H(W ) . W ∈W | {z } L times

By Eq. (34) and the covering properties of W and H(W ), it holds that

0 0 sup min k(θ − θ ) − vk2 ≤ 2L . θ,θ0∈Θ v∈M

Furthermore, the size of M can be upper bounded by log |M| ≤ log |W|+maxW ∈W L log |H(W )| . 0 0 0 min{d, r}(d log(ρd/ ) + L log(ρ/ )). Setting  = /(2L), we obtain a covering M of Θ2(ρ) with respect to k · k2 up to precision , with size log |M| . (d + L) · min{d, r} log(ρLd/).

4.5 Putting everything together In this section we complete the proofs of the three minimax upper bounds in Theorem 1. n n First we derive conditions under which λmin({zi} ; Θ2(ρ)) ≥ c/8 and λmax({zi} ; Θ2(ρ)) ≤ p i=1 i=1 8C with high probability. Select  = κc/C log(n/δ) for some sufficiently small constant p κ > 0, so that the  · O(C2 log n/δ) term in Lemma 6 is upper bounded by c/16. Using the upper bounds on log N(; Θ2(ρ), k · k2) in Lemmas 9, 10 and 11, it is easy to verify that, if n satisfies

CA −1 2 −1 2 For F : n & c C m · log(c Cd log(n/δ)) log (n/δ), CW −1 2 −1 2 For F : n & c C min{d, m + (m/s) × (d/s)}· log(c Cd log(n/δ)) log (n/δ), R −1 2 −1 2 For F : n & c C (d + L) min{d, r}· log(c CLd log(n/δ)) log (n/δ),

15 Du, Wang et al.

n n then with probability 1−δ, both λmin({zi}i=1; Θ2(ρ)) ≥ c/8 and λmax({zi}i=1; Θ2(ρ)) ≤ 8C hold. The rest of the proof will be conditioned on the success event that these two RE-type inequalities hold. 2 2 2 When the RE conditions hold, we have (c/16)kφk2 ≤ kφkX ≤ 16Ckφk2 for all φ ∈ Θ. The covering number log N(; ΘX , k · kX ) can then be upper bounded as √ √ log N(; ΘX , k · kX ) ≤ log N(/4 C; Θ2(4/ c), k · k2).

Invoking Lemmas 9, 10 and 11, we have

CA −1 For F : log N(; ΘX , k · kX ) . m log(c Cd/), CW −1 For F : log N(; ΘX , k · kX ) . min{d, m + (m/s) × (d/s)}· log(c Cd/), R −1 For F : log N(; ΘX , k · kX ) . (d + L) · min{d, r} log(c CLd/). R ∞ p Incorporating the above inequalities into Eq. (22), and noting that 0 max{log(1/), 0}d = O(1), we complete the proof of Theorem 1.

5. Proofs of lower bounds To prove the minimax lower bounds in Theorem 2 we use the following result from Tsybakov (2009):

Lemma 12 (Tsybakov (2009)) Let ΘM = (θ0, θ1, . . . , θM ) be a finite collection of pa- rameters and let Pj be the distribution induced by parameter θj, for j ∈ {0,...,M}. Let + also d :ΘM × ΘM → R be a semi-distance. Suppose the following conditions hold:

1. d(θj, θk) ≥ 2ρ > 0 for all j, k ∈ {0,...,M};

3 2. Pj  P0 for every j ∈ {1,...,M};

1 PM 3. M j=1 KL(PjkP0) ≤ γ log M; then the following bound holds: √ h i M  r γ  inf sup Pr d(θ,b θj) ≥ ρ ≥ √ 1 − 2γ − 2 . (35) j θb θj ∈ΘM 1 + M log M

With Lemma 12, the problem of lower bounding the minimax risk M(n; ·) can be reduced to the question of constructing appropriate “adversarial” parameter sets Θ0 ∈ Θ, with upper bounded KL divergence and lower bounded distance measure d(·, ·) between considered i CA CW i parameters. Because in our lower bounds the data points {x } (for F ,F ) or {xt} (for F R) follow isotropic Gaussian distributions, and the noise variables are distributed as N (0, σ2), we have the following corollary as a consequence of Lemma 12:

3. P  Q means that the support of P is contained in the support of Q.

16 sample-complexity of Estimating Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks

D Corollary 13 Let Θ ⊆ R be the parameter set induced by network F , as derived in 0 Proposition 3. For any finite subset Θ = {θ0, θ1, . . . , θM } ⊆ Θ, denote ρmin := minj>0 kθ0 − 2 1 PM 2 θjk2/2 and ρavg := M i=1 kθi − θ0k2. Then for any n, √   2 s 2 M nρavg nρavg inf sup [kθ − θk ] ≥ ρ × √ 1 − − 2 . Eµ bn 2 min  2 2 2  θbn θ∈Θ 1 + M σ log M 2σ log M

The proof of Corollary 13 involves some routine verifications of the conditions in Lemma 12, and is placed in the appendix. The following lemma considers the special case when a certain number of components D in Θ ⊆ R are allowed to vary freely.

D Lemma 14 Let Θ ⊆ R be the parameter set induced by network F , and I ⊆ [D] be a |I| subset of components. Suppose for any u ∈ R , there exists θ ∈ Θ such that θ restricted to I equals u. Then there exists a finite subset Θ0 ⊆ Θ as in Corollary 13, with log M  |I| p and ρmin  ρavg  |I| for any  > 0.

Lemma 14 will be proved in the appendix, based on the standard construction of sepa- rable constant-weight codes (e.g., (Wang and Singh, 2016, Lemma 9), (Graham and Sloane, 1980, Theorem 7)). It will play a central role in the proofs of lower bounds for the networks F CA, F CW and F R, as we state separately below.

5.1 Proof of minimax lower bound for network F CA d We shall prove the following lemma, showing that the first m components of θ ∈ R can vary freely under F CA.

m d Lemma 15 Let I = {1, . . . , m} and Θ = {θ(w): w ∈ R } ⊆ R , where θ(w) = P(d−m)/s ` m `=0 Ss(w) as defined in Proposition 3. Then for any u ∈ R , there exists θ ∈ Θ such that θ restricted on I equals u.

Proof Recall that J = m/s is a positive integer. Let u(J1), . . . , u(JJ ) denote the J m segments of u, each of length s. To construct the weight vector w ∈ R , we decompose w into w(J1), . . . , w(JJ ) as well, and construct

j−1 X w(Jj) = u(Jj) − u(Jk), j = 0, 1,...,J − 1. k=0

P(d−m)/s ` m Because θ(w) = `=0 Ss(w), it is easy to verify that w ∈ R constructed above and its corresponding θ(w) has the same first m components as u. The lemma is thus proved.

With Lemma 15, Eq. (14) in Theorem 2 immediately follows from Corollary 13 and p Lemma 14, with  in Lemma 14 set as   σ m/n.

17 Du, Wang et al.

5.2 Proof of minimax lower bound for network F CA p Because d/s + m ≤ 2 max(d/s, m), it suffices to prove minimax lower bounds of σ2m/n p and σ2d/(sn) separately.

Lemma 16 Let I1 = {1, . . . , m} and I2 = {1, 1 + s, . . . , 1 + (d/s − 1)s}. Let also Θ = m d/s d {θ(w, a): w ∈ R , a ∈ R } ⊆ R be the induced parameter space, where θ(w, a) = P(d−m)/s ` |I| `=0 a`Ss(w). Then for any I ∈ {I1, I2} and u ∈ R , there exists θ ∈ Θ such that θ restricted on I equals u.

|I | Proof We first prove the lemma for I = I1 and u ∈ R 1 . Consider a = (1, 0,..., 0) and w = u. Then θ(w, a) = (w, 0,..., 0) and therefore the first m components of w equal u. |I | We next prove the lemma for I = I2 and u ∈ R 2 . Consider w = (1, 0,..., 0) and a = u.. Then θ(w, a) = (a0, 0,..., 0, a1, 0,...) and therefore θ(w, a) restricted to I2 equal u.

With Lemma 15, Eq. (15) in Theorem 2 immediately follows from Corollary 13 and p Lemma 14, with  in Lemma 14 set as   σ max{m, d/s}/n.

5.3 Proof of minimax lower bound for network F R We establish the following lemma showing that for the network F R and its equivalent linear parameter θ defined in Proposition 3, the last min{rd, Ld} components of θ are free to vary.

Ld Lemma 17 Let I = {1, 2,..., min(rd, Ld)} and Θ ⊆ R be the parameter space induced R |I| by F , as shown in Proposition 3. Then for any u ∈ R , there exists θ ∈ Θ such that θ restricted on I equals u.

0 |I| d 0 Proof Denote r = min{r, L} and for any u ∈ R , let u(J1), . . . , u(Jr0 ) ∈ R be its r segments, each of length d. Let also θ(J1), . . . , θ(Jr0 ) be the corresponding d-dimensional segments of the last r0d components of θ, corresponding to an RNN network F R with weight r×r r×d > r0−` matrices A ∈ R and B ∈ R . By definition, θ(J`) = 1 A B. r 0 Consider diagonal matrix A = diag({ai}i=1). Because θ(J`) = u(J`) for all ` ∈ [r ], we have that

r X ` 0 ai bij = [u(Jr0−`+1)]j, ` ∈ {0, . . . , r − 1}, j ∈ {1, . . . , d}. (36) i=1

r×r0 ` r,r0 Define matrix G ∈ R as Gi` = {ai }i,`=1. Subsequently, Eq. (36) can be compactly rewritten as Gcj = vj, j ∈ {1, . . . , d}, (37)

r r0−1 where cj = {bij}i=1 and vj = {[u(Jr0−`+1)]`=0 } are both r-dimensional vectors. Because 0 r×d r ≤ r and the vectors {cj} “partition” the parameter matrix B ∈ R , to prove the existence of such {cj} for any {vj} we only need to show that the rows of G are linearly independent. By taking ai := i/r, it is clear that G has linearly independent rows because r it is a Vandermonde matrix with distinct roots {ai}i=1.

18 sample-complexity of Estimating Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks

10 0 10 0 10 0

10 -1 10 -1 10 -2 10 -2 10 -2 Testing Error Testing Error Testing Error CNN CNN CNN FNN FNN FNN 10 -4 10 -3 10 -3 500 1000 1500 2000 500 1000 1500 2000 500 1000 1500 2000 Number of Training Data Number of Training Data Number of Training Data (a) Filter size m = 2. (b) Filter size m = 8. (c) Filter size m = 16.

Figure 2: Experiments on the problem of estimating a convolutional filter with average pooling described in Eq. (4) with stride size s = 1.

10 0 10 0 10 0

10 -1 10 -1 10 -2 10 -2 10 -2 Testing Error Testing Error Testing Error CNN CNN CNN FNN FNN FNN 10 -4 10 -3 10 -3 500 1000 1500 2000 500 1000 1500 2000 500 1000 1500 2000 Number of Training Data Number of Training Data Number of Training Data (a) Filter size m = 2. (b) Filter size m = 8. (c) Filter size m = 16.

Figure 3: Experiments on the problem of estimating a convolutional filter with average pooling described in Eq. (4) with stride size s = m, i.e., non-overlapping.

With Lemma 17, Eq. (16) in Theorem 2 follows from Corollary 13 and Lemma 14, with p  in Lemma 14 set as   σ min{rd, Ld}/n.

6. Experiments

In this section we use simulations to verify our theoretical findings.. We first consider CNNs. We let the ambient dimension d be 64 and the input distribution be Gaussian with mean 0 and identity covariance. In all plots, CNN represents using convolutional param- eterization corresponding to Eq. (4) or Eq. (5) and FNN represents using fully connected parametrization. In Figure 2 and Figure 3, we consider the problem of estimating a convolutional filter with average pooling. We vary the number of samples, the dimension of filters and the stride size. Here we compare parameterizing the prediction function as a d-dimensional linear predictor and as a convolutional filter followed by average pooling. Experiments show CNN parameterization is consistently better than the FNN parameterization. Further, as number of training samples increases, the prediction error goes down and as the dimension of filter increases, the error goes up. These facts qualitatively justify our derived error m  bound Oe n . Lastly, in Figure 2 we choose stride s = 1 and in Figure 3 we choose stride size equals to the filter size s = m, i.e., non-overlapping. Our experiment shows the stride

19 Du, Wang et al.

10 0 10 0 10 0

10 -1 10 -1 10 -1 10 -2 10 -2 Testing Error Testing Error Testing Error CNN CNN CNN FNN FNN FNN 10 -2 10 -3 10 -3 500 1000 1500 2000 500 1000 1500 2000 500 1000 1500 2000 Number of Training Data Number of Training Data Number of Training Data (a) Stride size s = 1. (b) Stride size s = m/2. (c) Stride size s = m, i.e., non-overlapping.

Figure 4: Experiment on the problem of one-hidden-layer convolutional neural network with a shared filter and a prediction layer described in Eq. (5). The filter size m is chosen to be 8.

0 10 10 0 10 0

-2 10 10 -2 10 -2 Testing Error Testing Error Testing Error RNN RNN RNN FNN FNN FNN 10 -4 10 -4 10 -4 500 1000 1500 2000 500 1000 1500 2000 500 1000 1500 2000 Number of Training Data Number of Training Data Number of Training Data (a) Hidden units r = 2. (b) Hidden units r = 8. (c) Hidden units r = 16.

Figure 5: Experiment on RNN described in Eq. (7), we choose d = L = 50 and varies the number of hidden units r and number of training data.

does not affect the prediction error in this setting which coincides our theoretical bound in which there is no stride size factor.

In Figure 4, we consider the one-hidden-layer CNN model F CW. Here we fix the filter size m = 8 and vary the number of training samples and the stride size. When stride s = 1, convolutional parameterization has the same order parameters as the linear predictor parameterization (r = 57 so r + m = 65 ≈ d = 64) and Figure 4a shows they have similar performances. In Figure 4b and Figure 4c we choose the stride to be m/2 = 4 and m = 8 (non-overlapping), respectively. Note these settings have less parameters (r + m = 23 for s = 4 and r + m = 16 for s = 8) than the case when s = 1 and so CNN gives better performance than FNN.

We conduct similar experiments to compare RNN and FNN in Figure 5. We set input dimension d = 50 and length of the sequence L = 50. Again we use Gaussian input and vary the number of hidden units and number of training data. From Figure 5, it is clear that RNN parameterization requires much fewer samples than the naive FNN parameterization.

20 sample-complexity of Estimating Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks

7. Concluding remarks and discussion In this paper we give rigorous characterizations of the statistical efficiency of CNN with simple architectures. Now we discuss how to extend our work to more complex models and main difficulties. Non-linear Activation: Our paper only considered CNN and RNN with linear activa- tion. A natural question is what is the sample-complexity of estimating a CNN and RNN with non-linear activation like Recitifed Linear Units (ReLU). We find that even without convolution structure, this is a difficult problem. For linear activation function, we can show the empirical loss is a good approximation to the population loss and we used this property to derive our upper bound. However, for ReLU activation, we can find a counter example for any finite n. We believe if there is a better understanding of non-smooth activation, we can extend our analysis framework to derive sharp sample-complexity bounds for CNN and RNN with non-linear activation function. Multiple Filters: For both CNN models we considered in this paper, there is only one shared filter. In commonly used CNN architectures, there are multiple filters in each layer and multiple layers. Note that if one considers a model of k filters with linear activation with k > 1, one can always replace this model by a single convolutional filter that equals to the summation of these k filters. Thus, we can formally study the statistical behavior of wide and deep architectures only after we have understood the non-linear activation function. Nevertheless, we believe our empirical process based analysis is still applicable.

Appendix A. Proofs of technical lemmas A.1 Proof of Lemma 4 For each of the parameter sets Θ we consider we need to verify that, n n X i X i sup ξjhz , θb− θi ≤ kθb− θkX sup ξjhz , φi. θb∈Θ i=1 φ∈ΘX i=1

It suffices to show for θb ∈ Θ that the vector v := (θb− θ)/kθb− θkX ∈ ΘX . It is clear that the vector kvkX ≤ 1, and to complete the proof using the definition of the set ΘX it is sufficient to show that θ/kθb− θkX , θ/b kθb− θkX ∈ Θ. Recall, the definitions: CA Pr−1 ` 1. For F , Θ is the set of all θ := `=0 Ss(w), where ` d Ss(w) = [0,..., 0, w1, . . . , wm, 0,..., 0] ∈ R ; | {z } `s zeros

CW Pr−1 ` 2. For F , Θ is the set of all θ := `=0 a`Ss(w); 3. For F R, Θ is the set of all θ := (1>AL−1B 1>AL−2B... 1>B). In each case, given θ ∈ Θ we can see that cθ ∈ Θ for any c ≥ 0. In more detail, in cases (1) and (2) we simply replace w by cw and in case (3) we replace B by cB to obtain a valid vector cθ ∈ Θ. As a consequence we see that, θ/kθb− θkX , θ/b kθb− θkX ∈ Θ, completing the proof.

21 Du, Wang et al.

A.2 Proof of Lemma 6 0 0 Without loss of generality we only need to consider φ = θ − θ , θ, θ ∈ Θ, and kφk2 = 1 (regardless of the value of ρ), because the restricted eigenvalues are scale-invariant. Also, we shall only prove the lower bound on λmin, with the upper bound on λmax being a simple symmetric argument. 0 Let H ⊆ Θ2(1) be the smallest set such that for any φ = θ − θ , kφk2 = 1, there exists 0 0 φ ∈ H such that kφ − φ k2 ≤ . We then have for  ∈ (0, 1/2] that

i n 0 0 2 0 i 0 2 λmin({z }i=1; Θ2(ρ)) ≥ inf (kφ kX − kφ − φ kX ) ≥ inf (kφ kX − max kz k2kφ − φ k2) φ0∈H φ0∈H i 0 p 2 ≥ inf (kφ kX − O(Z log(n/δ)) · ) (38) φ0∈H 0 2 p ≥ inf kφ kX − O(Z log(n/δ)), (39) φ0∈H

i p where Eq. (38) holds with probability 1 − δ/2 because maxi kz k2 = O(Z log(n/δ)) with probability 1 − δ/2, by standard sub-Gaussian concentration inequalities. 0 2 0 In the rest of this proof we lower bound infφ0∈H kφ kX . For every φ ∈ H, there must 0 0 exist φ ∈ Θ2(1), kφk2 = 1 such that kφ −φk2 ≤ , because otherwise we can remove φ from 0 0 H, which would violate the minimality of H. We then have kφ k2 ≥ kφk2−kφ−φ k2 ≥ 1− ≥ 0 0 p 0 2 1/2, because  ≤ 1/2√ as assumed. This implies that φ ∈ H, kφ kµ := Eµ[|hz, φ i| ] ≥ √ 0 0 1/2 c and kφ kµ ≤ 2 C for all φ ∈ H, thanks to Assumption (A2). Next fix arbitrary φ0 ∈ H. By sub-Gaussianity of {zi}, with probability 1 − δ/2 we i 0 p 0 have that maxi |hz , φ i| . Z log(n/δ) because kφ k2 ≤ 2. Using Hoeffding’s inequality i 0 (Hoeffding, 1963) we have with probability 1−δ/2, conditioned on the event maxi |hz , φ i| . p Z log(n/δ), that

n r 0 2 0 2 1 X i 0 2 0 2 p log(1/δ) kφ kX − kφ kµ = |hz , φ i| − Eµ[|hz, φ i| ] Z log(n/δ) · . (40) n . n i=1

Lemma 6 is then√ proved, by combining Eqs. (39,40) and the established fact that √ 0 0 1/2 c ≤ kφ kµ ≤ 2 C, and using an union bound over all φ ∈ H, whose size is upper bounded by |H| ≤ N(; Θ2(1), k · k2).

A.3 Proof of Lemma 8 Without loss of generality we only prove Lemma 8 for the case of ρ = 1, while the general case of ρ =6 1 is implied by multiplying u, v and 0 by ρ in Eq. (26). q q×k Let U, V be two linear subspace of R of dimension at most K. Let U, V ∈ R be the corresponding orthonormal basis of U and V, with orthogonal columns. Any u ∈ U, kuk2 ≤ 1 can then be written as u = Uα with kαk2 = 1. Consider v := V α. It is easy to verify that v ∈ V and kvk2 ≤ 1. In addition, ku − vk2 = k(U√− V )αk2 ≤√ kU − V kop ≤ q×k kU − V kF . Subsequently, a covering of {U ∈ R : kUkF ≤ kkUkop = k} in k · kF up to precision 0 implies a covering in the sense of Eq. (26). By viewing U as a (k × q)- dimensional vector in the Euclidean space, it is easy to see that such a cover exists with 0 0 size log N . (kq) log(kq/ ) . kq log(q/ ).

22 sample-complexity of Estimating Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks

A.4 Proof of Corollary 13

Select d(θj, θk) := kθj − θkk2. Condition 1 in Lemma 12 is clearly satisfied with ρ = ρmin = minj>0 kθ0 − θjk2/2. Condition 2 in Lemma 12 is also satisfied, because the noise variables n {ξi}i=1 follow Gaussian distributions whose support span the entire R. For Condition 3, note that the KL divergence between Pj,P0 parameterized by θj and θ0 can be computed as

n n  > 2  X h > 2 > 2 i X |xi (θj − θ0)| KL(PjkP0) = Exi KL(N (xi θj, σ )kN (xi θ0, σ )) = Exi 2σ2 i=1 i=1 2 nkθj − θ0k = 2 , 2σ2

n i.i.d. where the last equality holds because {xi}i=1 ∼ Nd(0,I). Hence,

M M 1 X n 1 X 2 n 2 KL(PjkP0) = × kθj − θ0k = × ρ , M 2σ2 M 2 2σ2 avg j=1 j=1

2 2 and therefore γ in Condition 3 of Lemma 12 can be chosen as γ = (nρavg)/(2σ log M).

A.5 Proof of Lemma 14 D Without loss of generality assume I corresponds to the first |I| components of θ ∈ R . The first step is to construct a finite set of binary vectors H ⊆ {0, 1}|I| such that

|I| 0 0 X 0 ∀h, h ∈ H, ∆H (h, h ) = 1{hi =6 hi} & |I|. (41) i=1

Using the construction of constant-weight codes (e.g., (Wang and Singh, 2016, Lemma 9), (Graham and Sloane, 1980, Theorem 7)), a finite set H satisfying Eq. (41) exists, with size lower bounded by log |H| & |I|. Next define Θ0 := {θ ∈ Θ: θ(I) = h, h ∈ H}.

The existence of such a Θ0 is guaranteed by the condition of this lemma, where  > 0 is a small positive number to be specified later. It is easy to see that Θ0 and H has one-to-one 0 0 0 correspondence, and therefore log |Θ | = log |H| & |I|. Furthermore, for any θ, θ ∈ Θ and their corresponding h, h0 ∈ H, it holds that

0 0 p 0 p kθ − θ k2 ≥ kθ(I) − θ (I)k2 =  × ∆H (h, h ) &  |I|; 0 2 0 2 2 0 2 kθ − θ k2 ≥ kθ(I) − θ (I)k2 =  × ∆H (h, h ) &  |I|.

2 2 √ Consequently, ρmin & |I| and ρavg &  |I|. Setting   σ/ n and invoking Corollary 13 we complete the proof of Lemma 14.

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