God’s Plan of Salvation By Richard Rupe

Chapter 20 part a: The Choice Seer and the One Mighty

The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

• A discussion of 2 Nephi 2 (LDS 3) • Pages 265-287 • Trying to sort out meaning of the choice seer and the • Rupe takes us with him through his study on topic • Initial conclusion • Connecting the dots • Subsequent conclusion • Possibilities • The bottom line The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

For Joseph truly testified, saying: A seer shall the Lord my God raise up, who shall be a choice seer unto the fruit of my loins (2 Nephi 2:10/3:6; emphasis added). The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

And there shall raise up one mighty among them, who shall do much good, both in word and in deed, being an instrument in the hands of God, with exceeding faith, To work mighty wonders, and do that thing which is great in the sight of God, unto the bringing to pass much restoration unto the house of Israel, and unto the seed of thy brethren (2 Nephi 2:46-47/ 3:24; emphasis added). The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

• 2 Nephi 2/3 is Lehi’s blessing on Joseph, his youngest son • Interpretation is difficult because all seem to have contradictions • Is it Jr. or some other? • Lots of opinions … • Where to start? • Rupe says with purpose of the Book of Mormon

The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

Wherefore, thus saith the Lord, I have led this people forth out of the land of Jerusalem, by the power of Mine arm, that I might raise up unto Me a righteous branch from the fruit of the loins of Joseph (Jacob 2:34/2:25).

Which is to shew unto the remnant of the house of Israel what great things the Lord hath done for their fathers; and that they may know the covenants of the Lord, that they are not cast off for ever (Title Page). The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

• Joseph of Egypt promised the Lord would raise up a righteous branch unto the house of Israel • The branch would first be broken off, yet remembered in the Lord’s covenants • A branch of Israel • Gentiles to have a role in this process • With restoration of Israel • Come to know the words of • The love of the Father • To know the covenants of the Lord The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

• Shirley Heater identified a chiasm in 2 Nephi 2/3. • Center point is in verses 22-23/12. • See the quote The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

The center point of chapter two/three is found in verses 22- 23/12. In the verses just preceding these, the Lord is telling Joseph of Egypt that his seed will write and Judah’s seed will write and the two shall be joined together “unto the confounding of false doctrines, and laying down of contentions, and establishing peace among the seed of the tribe of Joseph.” The center or main point is then found in the next two verses:

And bring them [remnant] to the knowledge of their fathers in the latter days, And also to the knowledge of my covenants, saith the Lord.

The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

It is exciting to realize that Lehi designed the center point of his last message to his son Joseph to be a restatement of the covenant made by the Lord to Joseph of Egypt: his seed would be restored to a knowledge of the covenants of the Lord as well as their heritage as part of the house of Israel.

Lehi’s chiastic arrangement of Joseph’s blessing emphasizing the same theme is a third witness to the purpose and promise of this record written by the seed of Joseph of Egypt (Heater, GPS, pg 266). The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

• Rupe says some want to make Ephraim the righteous branch • The Book of Mormon identifies Ephraim with the Gentiles • A Gileadi reports J Smith Jr at Kirtland Temple dedication saying church is identified with the Gentiles (RLDS CH 2:43/D&C 109:60 LDS). • Ephraim’s offspring to become the “fullness of the Gentiles” … “a multitude of nations” (Genesis 48:19). The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

• 2 Nephi 2:46-47/3:24 seems to promise one of Joseph’s (of Egypt) seed (at least) • See Genesis 50:27 • Three titles used in the chapter • A choice seer • One like • Spokesman of the fruit of thy loins • Much discussion is about whether Joseph Smith fulfilled any or all of these roles The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

• Rupe notes the LDS have a footnote to 46/3:24 to say this was Joseph Smith • In the past said it was an Indian prophet • Quotes Spencer W. Kimball (October 1947) looking for one to rise … mighty among them … an instrument … of god … to work mighty wonders” (GPS 267). • Notes evidence that Oliver Cowdery may have looked for a Native American prophet (GPS 267). The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

• The term “choice seer” seems to make it hard for us to understand the (GPS, pg 267) • From Mosiah 5:72-81 we know about a seer • It is a “high gift from God” • Commanded to look into the “interpreters” • Translate records of ancient date • Revelator, prophet • Knows things past and things to come • Secrets manifested, hidden things revealed and unknown things are made known • So man by faith can do miracles, great benefit to others The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

Rupe, thinking out loud writes, “If 2 Ne. 2/3 is referring to Joseph Smith, then there is precious little to be said about the seer to come who will appear at perhaps the most critical time in history. Undeniably, there will be many hidden and sealed records to come forth that will require the work of a seer for translation. The terminology used in 2 Ne. 2/3 is “a” choice seer; not “the” choice seer. So, as we can see, even while perhaps disagreeing in terminology, there will be many similarities between Joseph Smith and the future prophet” (GPS, pg 267).

The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

• Bob Moore has written that because Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon, he has fulfilled the prophecy of “bringing forth my word” (2 Nephi 2:17/3:11). • Also Joseph fits the same name as father prophecy. • Doesn’t clearly fulfill all the aspects such as convincing them of the word already among them. The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

Concerning the Lamanite remnant and the ‘one mighty among them,’ Moore comments: The conversion of the Lamanites will not be a lengthy process. Not only will righteousness descend, as we will see, in a glorious display of divine power, but God will bring a spokesman from among those descendants to convince them of the truthfulness of the Restoration and the Book of Mormon in particular. Lehi prophesied to his youngest son, Joseph, “Wherefore, because of this covenant thou art blessed: for thy seed shall not be destroyed, for they shall hearken unto the words of the book” (2 Ne. 2:45/ 3:23). The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

The reason that these Hebrew descendants will believe so readily is because God will empower one of them to such an extent that he converts them all to the gospel of Jesus Christ… This mighty servant, who is a descendent of Lehi through Joseph, is of a different lineage than Joseph Smith, and has a separate, but key role to play in the gathering of latter-day Israel. His work appears to be outside the land of and not a part of its redemption. The gathering of the rest of the house of Israel, with whom this important servant has much influence, occurs after Zion is redeemed (Bob Moore, GPS, pg 268; emphasis added). The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

• The role of the “spokesman” could serve the “choice seer” either past or present • Spokesman by Holy Spirit could be the agent of convincing others, completing what the choice seer did not accomplish. • Elder Gordon McCann () agrees with this possibility (GPS, pg 268) The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

• Next big question Rupe asks is who is speaking in 2 Nephi 2:36-43/3:18-21? • 2 Nephi 2:35 is the last of Joseph’s prophecy contained in the IV except for “and his name shall be called ” which is in IV and not quoted by Nephi (GRW). • Is this more from Joseph of Egypt or is it Lehi? • If it is Lehi, spokesman will be Native American • If it is Joseph, then spokesman is still of his descent and could be Native American. The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

One Mighty Among Them The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

• Beginning on page 269, Rupe looks at the idea the choice seer is not Joseph Smith Jr. • These sources suggest the prophecy speaks of a Native American descendant of Lehi (Joseph). • He quotes from: • Timothy Dom Bucci, American Indian Moses • Francis T. Schrunk, The Restoration of the House of Israel in the Latter Days • Robert A. Rolfe, The Last Mighty Prophet The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

• Timothy Dom Bucci • Will be an American Indian Moses (AIM) • Model is from Moses and Egypt • Here is a part of the prophecy I want you to take special notice of: “And he shall be great like unto MOSES, whom I have said I would raise up unto you to deliver my people …” This prediction states that the Choice Seer or American Indian Moses will be great like the Jewish Moses (GPS, pg 269). The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

• Timothy Dom Bucci • AIM will be great like Moses was • Believes Paul wrote about the AIM in Romans 11:26, “And then all Israel shall be saved; as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob;” • J Smith not the Choice Seer of 2 Nephi 2/3 • Not of Joseph (Egypt) lineage • Not esteemed among the Native Americans The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

• Francis T. Schrunk • Lehi taught the seer to come of his lineage, specifically through his son Joseph. • 2 Nephi 2:7, 11/3:5, 7 • “Thus the prophecy of Joseph of Egypt was brought over and placed upon the head of Joseph, the youngest son of Lehi” (GPS, pg 270). • “Appear when God shall again turn his face toward Israel” (GPS, pg 270). The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

To say that Joseph Smith performed the work of the choice seer is to put him in a generation other than his own. Joseph Smith as a prophet and seer accomplished the work God destined him to do. He occupied in his own place and fulfilled his divinely appointed mission, and it is not necessary to credit him with any work belonging to another (Francis T. Schrunk, GPS, pg 270). The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

Joseph Smith’s work was directed to the Gentiles. This prophet will be seeking the seed of Joseph of Egypt. Joseph Smith did not go to the seed of Joseph. Joseph Smith was destroyed by his enemies. The prophecy requires that the prophet will survive those that “seek to destroy him.” The Lord will give this prophet a commandment to do a work for Manasseh’s descendants. Joseph Smith did not record any such commandment. If he was given that specific commandment, I believe he would have recorded it. Finally, Joseph Smith simply does not “fit” the description given in the prophecy, if all of the requirements are to be met (Robert A. Rolfe, GPS, pg 270). The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

• Those who believe J Smith is the Seer, admit he did not fulfill all of the tasks assigned in 2 Nephi 2/3. • Some teach Joseph Smith must return to complete the assignment. • Parley P. Pratt had an experience after the martyrdom saying the Spirit testified JS still holds keys of the kingdom in this dispensation … will stand in due time on the earth, in the flesh, and fulfill that to which he is appointed” (GPS, pg 270). The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

• Alexander Smith, son of Joseph Smith, Jr. had a dream in relation to his call to the office of elder. • Spring 1863 • Wanted to have the witness of God’s will • Prayer before retiring to bed The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

After retiring to rest, while thinking the matter over, I was conscious of a joy no one can express, no one can comprehend, only as they have felt this joy. I seemed finally to be shown standing on the hillside—the hill was conical, that is, highest in the middle like a mound—a multitude of people just as far as I could see. My attention was called to the top of the hill and I saw there a raised platform … There appeared to be two preachers on it … I was impressed with a desire to get close to the stand, and began to make my way through the multitude until I met them. They shook hands with me, called me by name and one of them said, "Alexander, you go up and take your place: we are going away and will be gone for a season, but will come again." The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

I recognized them—my father and Uncle Hyrum. It was my father's voice that told me to take my place. I realized my surroundings. I was bathed in tears. No man could express the thrilling joy of God's Spirit, save he has felt it under similar circumstances (Alexander Smith, GPS, pgs 270-271). The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

• Bob Moore is quoted on pg 271 regarding Alexander’s testimony • Restoration believes righteous can return as after their death • What AS described is consistent with this belief. • Moore also taught the about Joseph Smith are given to JS and his seed • His descendants can complete what he did not The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

• Marlin Guin stated the blessing of Joseph includes some references about the “one mighty among them” that seem to parallel the ministry of the “three Nephites.” • He believes the “mighty Josephite” and the “three Nephites” will be present in the latter days. The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

And it shall come to pass, when the Lord seeth fit in his wisdom, that they [the three Nephites] shall minister unto all the scattered tribes of Israel, and unto all nations, kindreds, tongues and people, and shall bring out of them unto Jesus many souls, that their desire may be fulfilled, and also because of the convincing power of God which is in them (3 Nephi 13:41/ 28:29). The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

• Guin goes on to say that Lehi’s blessing to his son Joseph included the promise they would hearken to the words of the book. • Multiple indications that this book is the Book of Mormon in the chapter. • Josephites may have survived among the Nephite dissenters to the Lamanites. The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

Nevertheless, my work shall go forth, for, inasmuch as the knowledge of a Savior has come unto the world, through the testimony of the Jews, even so shall the knowledge of a Savior come unto my people, and to the Nephites, and the Jacobites, and the Josephites, and the Zoramites, through the testimony of their fathers (D&C 2:6a/D&C 3:16-17). The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

Guin then asks, “Who, then, is this mighty servant? [And] What should we look for in his ministry? The fruits of his ministry, with the testimony of the Holy Spirit, will confirm his identity to those who know and believe in the word of God. Today, the Spirit of God stirs within the hearts of the faithful as His word is being fulfilled. As it does, the words of Jesus continue to admonish His children. He said to watch, pray always and be ready. He said to prepare for the great day of the Lord to come. Yes, get ready, there are great things coming upon the earth!” (Guin, GPS, pg 272). The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

One Mighty and Strong The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

• Rupe introduces a third title to deal with from Lehi’s prophecy to Joseph. • One mighty and strong • Begins with something Joseph Smith wrote to W. W. Phelps on November 27, 1832 • J Smith III was born in Kirtland, OH November 26, 1832

The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

Yea, thus saith the still small voice, which whispereth through and pierceth all things, and often times it maketh my bones to quake, while it maketh manifest, saying: “And it shall come to pass that I the Lord God will send one mighty and strong, holding the scepter of power in his hand, clothed with light for a covering, whose mouth shall utter words, eternal words, while his bowels shall be a fountain of truth, to set in order the house of God, and to arrange by lot the inheritances of the saints whose names are found, and the names of their fathers, and of their children, enrolled in the book of the law of God … These things I say not of myself, therefore as the Lord speaketh he will also fulfill” (Smith, J, GPS, pg 272-3; emphasis added). The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

• LDS (Mormon) interpretation of this prophecy is given on pg 273 of GPS. • Written 1905 by the First Presidency • Joseph F. Smith, John R. Winder, and Anthon H. Lund • Summary: • Letter and revelation relates to “affairs of the Church in Missouri, the gathering of the Saints to that land and obtaining their inheritances under the law of consecration and stewardship” The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

• Warning to , then out of order • Predicts a replacement for Partridge – a new Bishop • Partridge repented, mitigated the threat of replacement • No occasion remained for the sending of one mighty and strong • Case closed The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

• Bob Moore, noted the proximity to the birth of Joseph Smith III • “After the Missourians demanded that the saints leave Jackson County the Lord promised to send a servant who would ‘go, and gather together the residue of my servants’ (D&C 98:7d/101:55). Almost 20 years later, Jason Briggs prophesied, ‘In mine own due time will I call upon the seed of Joseph Smith, and will bring one forth, and he shall be mighty and strong … and then shall the quorums assemble, and the pure in heart shall gather, and Zion shall be re-inhabited, as I said unto my servant Joseph Smith; after many days shall all these things be accomplished, saith the Spirit’” (B. Moore, GPS pg 273). The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

Although Joseph III set the church in order, led the saints back to Independence and helped them begin building up Zion’s waste places, he did not redeem Zion, cast out the Lord’s enemies or arrange by lot the saints’ inheritances. Worse yet, after his death church members began to ‘pollute LDS view their inheritances,’ for which reason ‘they shall be thrown down; for I will not spare them if they pollute their inheritances’ (D&C 100:3c/ 103:14). Zion’s redemption which began with such hope under Joseph III, stumbled and ended up waiting for the polluters to be overthrown. “Immediately after predicting the overthrow of those who would corrupt their inheritance in Independence after their return, the Lord vowed, The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

‘The redemption of Zion must needs come by power; therefore I will raise up unto my people a man, who shall lead them like as Moses led the children of Israel, for ye are the children of Israel, and of the seed of Abraham; and ye must needs be led out of bondage by power, and with a stretched out arm’ (D&C 100:3d- e/103:15-17). The description of this man like Moses fits the depiction of the redeemer of Zion promised by Isaiah (Isaiah 59:19), the same person that Paul calls the deliverer: ‘There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob’ (Rom. 11:26) (B. Moore, GPS, pf 273- 274). The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

• John Moody believes “one mighty and strong” refers to Jesus Christ • A person may function in that power secondarily • Quotes W. W. Blair, Saints’ Advocate, January 1880: • Joseph III “should be sent in the spirit of the “one mighty and strong” to restore the “house of God to order” after it shall have been ruled out of order and the fathers plucked up out of the land of Zion because of their iniquities” (GPS, pg 274). The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

• Moody also mentions that Isaiah 28:2 mentions “one mighty and strong” • Most modern translations say this someone sent from the Lord • A few say is the Lord • Septuagint and Qumran scrolls are divided • Definitely associated with judgment, cleansing and setting in order of the Church • Notes a resolution of the RLDS in 1900 The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

Whereas, we have received no divine communication authorizing any particular interpretation of the revelation before us; and as the Reorganized Church has never taken action upon the matter; Resolved, that we leave it an open question, to be decided as God may develop his purposes among us, while we acknowledge the leading features in it to be prominently characteristic of Jesus Christ. (Signed on behalf of said committee by chairman and secretary.) (GPS, pg 274). The Choice Seer & the One Mighty

• Continued in part b